The Untold Stories of The WOLF OF WALL STREET, Jordan Belfort - IMPAULSIVE EP. 81

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brings us to the baffi wolf to a series of [ __ ] naked bodies of hookers and insider you get to the back and there at the back of the room I see the single most disgusting thing ever [Music] we got a new dog she's right there Alfie can you just pan down to the lion she's so fluffy we named her we named her ginger it's final ginger the giant on Instagram I don't know how we secure that handle anyways welcome back to a positive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button for me oshi back here whoa yo Mike you're famous now what happened last know it dicks a little bigger today huh I appeared on an episode of TMZ last night you know like the cameras flashing in your face I walk out of catch had a nice meal with two lovely ladies and I walk out and there's a one camera guy walks up first then the lights go on and I hear welcome back to the number one podcast in that I'm like amazing no they knew that's awesome and they started asking me really weird questions do they do that to you um TMZ tries to get like clips on like what celebrities think of certain subjects yeah I asked him about road rage yeah yeah I know Trump um or some other things Jake Paul's house party would designer did you do the classic like I I don't want you to be asking me question what happened was the girls hadn't come out with me and so I was talking and the whole time I was like yeah I hope the girls walk out and like kind of come up to my side while I'm [ __ ] talking to him in like three-quarters of the way through they did it they come out and it was all going so swimmingly and then I realized I ordered a Kia as my uber so I got in the backseat of a [ __ ] Kia [ __ ] loser did you get nervous I was alone good night when I hear the camera clicks in the flash sometimes I'm like oh that guy what the clicking guy was in there's just two videos okay I made it a little better but I luckily I hadn't drank a lot of dinner so I was pretty that's pretty I was pretty sure I am I didn't drink a lot of dinner yeah I went out last night - I had dinner with my mother my sweet mother my brother Jake and then we were going to a party which is where I met up with you and my mom like it's kind of casually a little shy she's like Logan do you mind if I come to the like party with you no I'm like I'm like no I don't mind at all you're my you're my sweet sweet mother I love you she goes well I just I don't want to ruin the vibe and in my head I'm like I'm my [ __ ] you are the vibe bro nothing welcome to LA where no dudes are bringing their moms to parties but women's we do it's awesome bro everyone in LA loves a mother because her mothers are back in Kansas or high or Michigan everybody comes out to here to [ __ ] out yeah you gotta have the mother around to remind you that you're not trying you got me laid you got you actually did I'm gonna say bye whoo - can you believe that oh damn are you proud of that are you kind of concerned Wow she's concerned you're my wingman yo I'm like I'm like hi nice to meet you by the way here's my sweet dear mother and they're like oh my god where your phone isn't it funny when you were younger bring your mom around would actually stop you from getting laid yes now in LA if you bring your mom out with you girls are like oh my god you're so yeah like there's other fuckboys when in reality it's you know it's the ticket yeah take notice um took the dog to the vet took danger to the vet today she they try to do the classic um let me stick my fingers up your dog's butt yo I don't let this happen ever classic ever you wouldn't let that you will undo a rectal exam no no he didn't he had he had he had PTSD I was fighting with the vet post-traumatic he's like I could just take my fingers well he had his his a noose penetrated the dark stuck his fingers on my but I think you guys have heard this story before I I hit my head on a trampoline seven millimeter skull fracture and I went to the doctor got life flighted and you gotta check the ass well I got parently it's it makes sense also like let's not tell the twelve-year-old who's by the way in a [ __ ] neck brace laying facedown I'm gonna go totally helpless well it's not even in I swear that's wait is that is that the standard operating procedure when someone has a head injury to have a finger up the ass is that normal oh they have to check all orifices they have an orifice checklist the funny funny cuz he's never mentioned them sticking their fingers in his ears no man in his mouth it was this doctors what's good I really hate to see it I really would wish he would have give me a wet willy but no just now but just what a weird transition to bring in the greatest guest of all time maybe not yeah it's I I can't believe what's happening right now ladies and gentlemen we we [ __ ] god Colin was this you did you secure the bag on this one shake shut up Colin thank you we love you college guys we got a legendary guest on the show today he was at one time Wall Street's most successful executive he made hundreds of millions of dollars his actions though led him to jail then the life of redemption hey Leo DiCaprio played him in the movie it's the real wolf of Wall Street it's Jordan Belfort [Music] you can't tell me you had fingers up your butt oh you know many fingers I didn't know about the whole or assisting I'm a check to the boys room later they have a trouble you know horny today like it's like your doc I'm I think I'm hurt yeah exactly sir you're fine my mom's cool yo yeah my goodness you too pal how you doing you got ten people with you I know I got I hope he's got my son he was my a part of my business oh yeah which ones that oh yeah we out here we gonna turn a computer on you know you guys are like I grew up after the computer age ricin runs all my social media got some film crew here I go yeah but you have to you have to videographers and one of them had three and one of us on a steady can I want just showed up out of the blue so this is incredible I have a feeling some of me here is because of you buddy so yeah want to check out the whole Logan vaults burger I'm a [ __ ] yeah yeah hey so you're a legend dude oh thank the real wolf of Wall Street that I am man I am wow you did a lot of drugs huh oh you know massive quantities I mean like a daily basis I was a great I was already responsible addict I mean like yeah I was like a human every dish I can mix him like perfectly and the thing was they didn't drink a lot of alcohol so you can sort of like balance everything out you know you know it started off with like one drug right yeah like doing it once on Thursday night seconds off three a stroke I'll take Friday off right then I started on cyanide and you know a Sunday morning maybe and sleep it off for Monday night but then I start getting tired from the lose and make you it's a downer yes I do I felt responsible some coke to wake up right wait what'd you say the ludes for whose make you sir for the kids why don't you want you tell these kids what does it's quaaludes are basically the barbiturates sleeping pill right and what happened was when they were first invented sight I'm psyched I just gave him two like housewives because it made you sleep and didn't give you a big hangover all right well didn't take long for people to figure out if you fought off the first 20 minutes of sleep you got the most kick-ass yo eye in the world here's like quoting them really but you know it became the most abused drug ever so I think that every legitimate prescription rittany was probably a hundred thousand that was just bogus right now this is amaze and yeah we had these these guys to Lou doctor so you go to the docs they would supposedly weight-loss stalkers so they give you um speed black beauties to lose weight in the sale I can't sleep in that they give you the loose to fall asleep that was the scam right so you know all these kids lining up around the block then get a prescription you'll crack it at the pharmacy in there you go you know you're not the only person on this set who has experimented with substances but I want you to take a guess as to who the other person is that had a little bit of a run themselves like look around you who looks suspicious do you already assume all of you have I mean yes it's glowing he's radiating I would say the segment's taken too long what would you druggie the choice everything do to opiates oxycontin so like oxycontin for our generator ludes yeah you know overpowered the streets but what was just said you in the movie Leo said I will not die sober are you gonna die sober good question I don't think much about dying just yet yeah hopefully I won't die you know I mean I'm gonna die very nice if I sleep maybe many years from now but hopefully I won't be stone-cold sober yeah would you would you become a robot if that meant you could live for like 200 hundred years away no you wouldn't oh god no I mean like honestly you ready to get out yet but I mean like a that I would want to live forever what if I told you right now mmm that if you switched your diet up a little bit stopped eating me I never drank again for the rest of your life and really started drinking perfectly pH balanced water you and roughly two to four years on to the end of your life would you do it no [ __ ] Hagen's [ __ ] I think we're I think there's so many things involved in in you know what living laws genetics who lives the laws my family with my parents both while they're in their late 80s my grandparents in their 90's I thought mostly genetics but listen there's things you can do you can live a certain way and have a [ __ ] life I I live and I enjoy every day I'm saying I don't worry about everything I'm coolin or I turn around when I put math I don't abuse myself anymore right yeah I'm saying well I'm not like oh so you sober now pretty mom I'll drink a little bit here okay but I'm not drugs drugs with my thing I didn't really drank that much alcohol so I'm pretty safe for the you know glass of scotch once in a while right but you know no ludes no Coke you know and uh well it's doing like mountains of coke no I just at the least you know I'm saying everyone's okay yeah it was pretty crazy but you know listen um when you're young those are the things that make sense when you're 25 26 don't make as much sense when you're 55 56 you know right so um like I wouldn't take all that stuff back for you drugs had a prison had a great time I overdid it and like I look at drugs seriously cuz I got it's like a privilege some people can do it and they can live a normal life once you cross over a certain point it will [ __ ] you up and you're done you just can't do many more right but but I don't I have friends that still do when they only live normal life I don't sneer gallop II but what's that what's that point what's the point that when you cross it's unhealthy still be saying it's Stratton do you to go out with the boys gonna wake up with the men oh [ __ ] so when you clean you can but you can don't want to do that that's when you've crossed over or like when you're out you know your daughter's birthday party and you know your upstairs is with a crack pipe instead of downstairs you know then you know you kind of crossed over as well that's a couple leading indicators you know supposed to be that when you're a strip club like marrying the stripper ideal call my mother mama marrying blaze the strip you cross yeah maybe but there's a lot of points right yeah Nicholas Knight did all this is this the scene with the quaaludes right crashed all those cars right did it remember true story that wasn't restore a hundred percent show hundred percent right did you think the car was I to this day give me a [ __ ] lie like this I could pass a lie-detector test right now I don't remember hitting one car I'm sure and the magic is does all the magic the quaaludes though is that like it's not like alkyls let me arrest me right I'm like a [ __ ] I'm sleeping at the thought I'm like half asleep mini GL selling Mayberry RFD I got a local jail site back too young for them maybe your mom knows what I'm talking about right here it's like this old TV show with like a little county jail is me like to cop with a big key that goes in the location so I'm on the floor sleeping drooling on the concrete basically right and it's an 11 o'clock at night right all of a sudden I'm sober like when ludes wear off it's not like you have a angle right yeah they're like oh I see we took war off so I ended up in this jet and then I actually got a devil I didn't get in trouble for that later you know you know what's like that nowadays xanax you wake up the next day with absolutely no recollection how did you get out of that that's how I got so I so what happened was is I you know the movies act your hunch is exactly what happened he's real real ludes right then a delayed fuse because they were really old so I took one thing you know didn't hit me so took another one yeah so they finally all hit me when I was out on a cork like phones were tapped right at the time right and also boom like I'm a fall over I can barely walk sock crawling back hoping happened just like that right I Drive home I don't think I have an axe and I get in my house right in the table with my wife then wife right my little door is like to back Dan you know so I'm drooling she's remote through enslaves all right no it wasn't my ID card there full time next sailor they did one on to each my lift me up they take me upstairs to my bedroom like what's the [ __ ] going on yeah like you know it's like a allude hi gone bad basically right so they put me down comes it put me under the covers good things like I've done so now I'm look under the covers like I'm stoned out of my mind so I guess [ __ ] it I'll just go drift off to sleep couple minutes later the lights come wire sense what two policemen in my room I'm like what the [ __ ] you know you're like mr. Bell fool you try can you car ohh my goshh it like something say clam up my god next under arrest right then I see the car I'm what I was literally I was so blown away fainted because I didn't remember having an accent right so when I was in the jail cell this little tiny jail right the guys are you know [ __ ] around me saying are you gonna go to central lockup tonight it's like too late cuz you gonna go to the place called the tombs in the Lao really bad place to be right because I thought I'd get bailed out right there's like 11 o'clock no courts are open right yeah then you gotta take a urine test I said I'm not [ __ ] taking a urine test I'm gonna call my like 25 drugs in my system right everything but basically LSD right so I call my wasn't they want me to take a urine test yours take it I'm like really this just take it don't worry about it all right so I take the urine test they said well look what everything but [ __ ] asses right yeah so you're going all right about 40 minutes later some old man comes in the jail right leading pajamas he goes I was Jordan Belfort out I'm like yeah goes your bails I'm Judge Stephens he doesn't corrupt judge and get me the bail me out yeah right so my boys be outside waiting for me outside right I said Johnny I'm in deep [ __ ] I said you know i yeah I that's the positive for everything it's like now that you're fine listen it's not illegal to have drugs in your system how can they prove you didn't take them after you got home they didn't catch you in the car because they didn't catch me in the car didn't matter what was in my system it's record if we're home took them all then Wow they know everything so thrown out damn pace like hit seven cars had to pay some money I mean like yeah but you know how did you find like bomb lawyers like how did you they find you bad things yes bad things to find bed to find bed like overreach global warming is now climate change climate change he's responsible for what was you an AOC what was your favorite part of the movie fair oh wow I think the probably did for me the scenes in the boardroom like whether the speeches that was like brought back the insanity of it all I didn't mean the whole thing was sober I mean it was wild so that those were the best scenes she's also at home you know fighting but my wife was pretty classic too but I actually the boardroom up seems the best we quoted every day we quote it it is probably the most quotable move you have done like imagine that was there anything like that and then stepbrothers I'm sure they were I'm sure there were moments that I like your laugh okay that's what's his name um yeah what are some moments that happened that didn't make it to the movie that's sure I mean boy there's probably a lot it's a great question well you know I can't tell the story to tell the story you got a story well ever yeah it's pretty it's pretty bad me I mean I'ma be honest you're on the number 3034 we got one so I'll tell you the other sort of a bridge we tell me how wrong you want this I want it we want a full [ __ ] violation breakfast Jordan yeah that Mike was once down Riley reads throat we had a porn star talking about blowing her uber driver right but we have talked about prepping for we had porn stars at this event by the way and they frozen Hara just so you know the boys thought they said I buckle a blue chip hook up for eight years maybe used to classify hookers like stocks the best ones were blue chips right that me into knives next to the pink the blue Cheetos I'm doing this for ten years I've never seen anything as disgusting as that I'm ready for this [ __ ] so slores story goes right so I own getting married big deal right rent the private jet fly a hundred strat nights out there right and actually some came some came tail he took a bunch of hookers with us right like five forty fifty from them from New York but then we got others from around California from Vegas right we had a new police officers right so like a hundred Stratton eyes hundred hookers right no fifty one hundred thought recruited in Vegas and we had all shapes and sizes from the bluest blue chips to the most disgusting pink sheet streetwalkers like a sheepdog shows an ample linebacker alright you know this was most rancid [ __ ] you've seen right you know equal opportunity employers right we don't want to be prejudiced right anyway so now the bachelors at the Mirage Hotel back then which was all the rage that was it the Mirage was ever right so we had the whole back part of this one floor of the Mirage right so my friend I'm I'm gonna leave his name out because I just said that would give Matt much respect here right so so so we're it was a huge gambler and a really major league CEO of a huge company in the garment center this guy for a while man right and but he was like out of his mind I mean this guy was like ladies this guy we did so much coke booze like almost like David Copperfield doing coke like he'd carry around like a blue billet of coke right and with a collar state right and he could do it leave me five DEA she's right he'd be like this yeah did he [ __ ] magician [ __ ] slide ahead that's some good this guy yeah I am he totally like corrupted me I'm very easily corruptible by the way I'm like the parent no people my parents warned me about right anyway so he was just a complete [ __ ] wild man right so we downstairs he was a massive gambler we're playing blackjack she's playing five hands at once I'm playing two hands $10,000 a hand so he's up like two million dollars up like $700,000 we're [ __ ] high as kites I might buy I'm fifteen ludes at this point for the day at least seven eight grams of blow and just going on it's acknowledge complete inside a xanax klonopin because it sounds good morphine everything in my sister once it was all perfectly balanced so I was like yes always like wow yeah this balance those balance right so finally you just say that it was a perfect state of toxic boys right quickly wouldn't quickly what it means is it wasn't in the other direction [Music] my rubber band-like out it perfectly balanced anyway so anyway so yes we got so anyways so we're downstairs right with dama like man I'm up like seven hundred brains of two million right and after a couple hours let's go upstairs to the bachelor party right so I grab my cash out and to act a million two in a bag right had mine close to 71 right he leaves his chips there on the table and he just leaves that's what slappy gamla so we go upstairs and as we get to the floor you know twenty I think is 20 or third floor maybe and we turned the corner it's like the [ __ ] matrix it's like the he was like the dark energy MA it was like the room was pulsating oh really weird energy right two cops going the batch of doors we walk towards the door as the cops hey mr. B you do not want to go in there it's so it's you really did I said we must go in there three months it's beyond our control so he open up the door and there is the bachelor party and it's like the most this is like Sodom and Gomorrah on the 23rd floor of Mirage it's completely out of [ __ ] control now just you know I wrote about this in my book the first book right and I destroyed that exact scene which came on the heels of all the other insanity I was doing right and an interesting thing was I already Beth had 150 pages in the book and I was full of crazy [ __ ] I mean it candles up my ass right it was crazy [ __ ] major tossing that open and this was a female editor Danielle Perez Rams and she was awesome sick oh my god this is for like really and like okay she this is awesome people gonna love it she's like oh my god I mean oh great fit great I'm like wow I'm like something's gonna go for it so I got to this part with the Batchelor pine like I'll just [ __ ] go for it right so I and right at like 12 pages describing every CD disgusting detail - was most my new elegance right where it's I mean like literally you can see the come dripping off people is that how much I write anyway and I send the pages to Random House and I get back a comment I don't think other human beings will understand and so I know a pupil understand oh my god these guys you're talking to to the tube if they find this disgusting you got no youth oh you got a real problem you know this is this is so anyway this was like this is like a spacetime in your air and like paired space then I do his music you just stop there's like people froze it was like you know like rocket x-men [ __ ] it was like frozen in place right so anyways so I met this guy and I we walk in together right and there it is the first thing we see is the bathroom they're always a little hooker blue-chip walks like 19 20 years old she's limping out crying in the sky falls around this guy his nickname was the biggest dick on wall shear 12-inch cop the size of Campbell's soup can right she's crying several because he has $500 [ __ ] she's afraid she limps away right okay he's like I had to do it must happen right then it's like a dog poised on all fours we [ __ ] and getting [ __ ] nitrous oxide sorry can you say what you just said this is just this is nothing that's rookies Ville yeah okay anyway this cocaine out on plates you know dishes of quaaludes everyone's [ __ ] out in the open like it just complete [ __ ] min like the orgy out in the open right like you know nitrous oxide once [ __ ] doing whip it's on the [ __ ] tag it's just complete [ __ ] insanity and behind this is the glass you know view of Vegas just the just to see like you couldn't imagine right like out of the movies right so anyway and by the way here's the sick but I didn't think it was weird but I'm like you just walked in this guy wigwam was his nickname right pull them within the movie he was rug wrapping as we pulled them wigwam cuz he had the worst to pay this side of the iron curtain right like a [ __ ] dead squirrel on its head so wigwam was [ __ ] coked out of his mind right he's like it comes up goes dude I'm like what yeah Ellie and my friend spoken understood lose her she's him understood allude speak right he goes always said check the size like brings us to the bad wolf to a series of [ __ ] naked bodies of hookers and insanity get to the back and they're at the back of the room I see the single most disgusting thing ever there's a poll like this it's like by the way thank God doesn't meet before meat to generation right I don't condone this all you meet you by your swear to God thank the review team will love that that'll take care of everything just said anyway okay so okay make a long story short hurry going short story long right is a girl on a stool a pink sheet hooker truly with the face of a sheepdog missing teeth all [ __ ] thank you and it's like 20 it's just really bad like 20 guys lined up you know to bang her and they're all banging it without condoms alright so they're lined up one guy's banging her and of course you have to look to see why not right so you're like oh what the hell's a and we look and like who's that pulls as it came and it's like the grossest most disgusting [ __ ] in the wall it's like this is like the ultimate vile Pusser right 15 p go there and they're still going on right anyway well my wife's new may have you telling the straight on the deep [ __ ] right now she's not here now she's a careful Maina anyway hey girl my corporate sponsors right so alright yeah we don't have these stories right it's for my young generation the-- right don't do this at home kids it's not good don't do it anywhere okay anyway never okay so three men so insane it's gonna get worse oh yeah anyway survive my friend is sitting next to me and it's like this just disgusting scene the music is playing blasting what is it by the way just like a family stone everyday people's [ __ ] blast girls at dance this way and that way boobs that [ __ ] out swing my friends sees takes a look and it's just like this just disgusting rancid you know [ __ ] out and it's like dripping with stuff and the girls like with a cowboy hat on she's saying yeah she was getting money for right and he reaches over this place he's a Dom pairing yo model he goes alright wait sit he goes and drinks it point in time okay literally everything in the room stopped style is like music yeah like I'm so impress the pause button alright and it's seriously a poor fabric of space and then they absolutely did a gobble and a formal bow and everyone clapped and cheered right and you just see you know you know and this is a message to everyone real serious like obviously this video 30 by 30 something years ago right um oh you know you you don't get it all you get there like one minute less like we didn't figure it was that you know yeah I was nutty but it was like here's what happen we were in this situation where everyone was young everyone's making massive money it was about how low can you go what was the next low because I if something happened right then you know okay well fair enough what can you do worse I hope you do it's more extreme after a while you're basically running out of things to do so you're inventing insanity so just like these insane acts because you had to outdo the one before it so it's almost like you start edging on this like pagan ritualistic like what's a grown it's awesome yes more it's okay so it's morally and it's more like is you know when you're running an organization that large it becomes its own self-contained Society does there's your births deaths marriages affairs is love hate this Chi it's every emotion every relationship going on within this organization right thousand young kids all making millions of bucks right so hello mom I'll make it a ton of money right so you know what happens is it's like almost like it was like Rome and this was like the Colosseum the mob needed to be entertained the mob the stadium the mob needed respectable right and you know my partner Danny was a Donny in the movie was it he was like he was likely the Mike's head of the Knights Templar they go around like search for acts of depravity to just bring into them it was really just really nutso that was really how it how it started and it sort of didn't by the way that was not the end that was very early on things got much worse after that that was just the point I so I saw that and I was like the I was I was like I was a soul revolt I really was right and I left I said I got to go and I left the party right it's too much for it here's to my I was disgusting but the whole thing was he was disgusting right all right and I went downstairs and I said to 5zx with every 10 satisfy me back then and passed out wake up at 6:00 in the morning and my friend who had done that right he's shaking my shoulders he's like we gotta get attitude the pressure like you're telling me it's been [ __ ] the brain we gotta go its place evil right so I take a Shia the safe to get my million to two [ __ ] safes empty oh my god where's my gos oh I took a bit of it that lost three million that night and then lost like 30 million more over there it got really bad so insert listen you know you could look at this stuff and laugh right you know but I say this you look at my like this things you want a model right a lot of good stuff I did right but this is not this falls into a very different category drug-induced in settings I'm not the first guy to have a wild bachelor party right it's just that was sort of like everything had to be over extreme like you don't to feel it have you come desensitizing it's normal emotion as soon as you start down that route so the only I me all right when I give speeches and I teach sales I teach you how you do corporate stuff right I would say the only way to avoid not to take the first step is if you take the first is that you cannot be half pregnant when it comes to ethics and you just can't be unless like you said earlier you're one of the privileged we're not we're not I wasn't privileged either I wasn't one of the people that could say hey I'm gonna do some depraved [ __ ] tonight but tomorrow I'm gonna turn that [ __ ] off once I started sliding down that slope it was over these different obviously people in the crowd they also the summer leaders some of followers and another level it's like what happens they you see like a Brazilian soccer match 100,000 people everything's flying the nice people one too many drops alcohol the wrong team loses in [ __ ] next year they're tearing down the lampposts yeah and every one individually is okay but they're getting in a mob mentality it's insane so that was probably one of the grossest things I've ever seen and in the book so we know in the book it just says I go up to the door I look in the basketball and I was so grossed out I left that's what I never said what actually happened that's where it was really by the way I'm not too bad with the Dom P if you were the first guy what grossed me out was he was twenty dudes later no dude he's twenty drank after twenty guys is horrified by the way did he like he had to have gotten that checked out huh and he was he cleared kidding me no [ __ ] oh you know I would say honestly I never that wasn't our thing we reversed I think I was so I did so many things back then I can't think the Germans were scared to land on me I was not a hospitable environment you know and a willing host the bacteria so I never used like the movie I what's that World War Z with a [ __ ] war to bite certain people yeah that's power oh I see those try that at home though no I've done that charge anyway I'm [ __ ] scared about cuz you know you guys try a lot of [ __ ] yeah I actually get what you're saying about trying to get more and more extreme and what what's the newest low you could because we sort of fell into that trap - it's like how Queen go [ __ ] water how can we go hard and that led to my downfall crazy [ __ ] ever so you got you got your son here and he's like telling you to tell a story do you does he get into this kind of stuff like what like how do you raise the kids my son knows I live the most ethical life right now I'm married to his mom you know he's my stepson he's not real slimy I raised and I love him to death as much as my own kids right and and he knows what my life is like the exact opposite these days like you know I live a life with one woman who I love at a door I'm very lucky that yeah I got lucky of agar amazing part when you meet the right woman of the right right partner in your life just changes everything so I got very well thanks so I got very lucky with that right a great partner and also just well you everything I do right now is based on giving massive value people helping people so I can look back now at perspective and laugh so we'll ask me a question I'm not embarrassed about one thing I did you know why cuz that was mine I made mistakes and it's what made you all make mistakes and you know what everyone saw the movies no secret oh my god yeah you can see the [ __ ] movie I mean it's like it's a secret right well I okay I would do today I mean god yeah I'm I'm like the most ethical person today and and I I love my life so much more but like I said what makes sense 25 doesn't make a lot of sense when you're but did you do you ever feel any like sort of expectation to try to like live up and be crazier crazier than your dad really no pink no pink sheet hookers no right Michael my one the one thing I want to say to it really quick - is he luckily also understands what the flip side looks like please and so that's the important part of the story when you tell all this [ __ ] and by the way the way you tell it you've got it you've got a lot of downside in there you were horrified by the deprave at all the gravity of all of it and all the downside but it ultimately led to a jail cell it ultimately led to a horrific place in life it's interesting how a lot of people that watch the movie like I know friends back home that watched it and they're like I want to live like yes okay so that's which isn't the movie zone that's like they were already known okay but you're seeing the stand now okay when someone says that that's not what they really mean okay what no one wants to do that and go to jail and hurt people and have people money that's not what people people so people want it's a suspension of disbelief you go you see the movie and it's like you know it's one thing about gambling which is a lot better than drugs is that you get the sort of same crazy eye without being on drugs right so it's sort of like the downsides not unless you become a gamble you know gambling yeah but the point is is that you can watch a movie get a certain feeling right but to actually live it and with all the downside I don't think people really mean they they'd love to have the glamour because the other thing it was glamorous and that's and the mistake that some people makes they once they don't your glamorizing know it was [ __ ] go I wasn't glamourizing it was it was glamorous it was [ __ ] up and glamorous okay so you know and the the brilliance of Scorsese is he didn't make a moral judgments a good one thing I hate when I go to a movie or a team if they tell me how I should feel like Telegraph and it's a morality tale I want to [ __ ] watch let me see it and I make my own decisions based my my own matter of the world right so some people will walk look in and say I want to be like that but if you really pressed them and asked them a few questions they say well no I don't mean like I want to you know people to lose money I want to go have overdoses in my life walk so that I want the fast cause I want to make money I want to build the business I want to be revered by my friends I want to go to what they want that they want good stuff about the band here's the beauty you can have that in other words I could vial if I could have whispered in my young ear I could have everything without the extreme downside so there's no reason you can't like this right now I have this unbelievable life I do really well I have a great business and I've always stuff with no downside but I had to learn the lessons of the idea for someone that's Young's watch us is yet you can you could have it you can't have it all you can build an amazing business you can go watch TV do drugs Bible irresponsibly if that's who you want thanks but talk about that for most especially with a drug as addictive as cocaine or you know I've seen I've seen your old I've seen both ways all right I say most people don't end up falling into the trap probably maybe 20 or 30% dude that's a lot though because when they do it's a [ __ ] disaster you'll have someone in our family that had that problem right but the point is is that you can take the things I think that were really awesome and don't model the insane parts and really live an amazing life that's the message do you think Scorsese did a good he he he didn't glamorize he he showed that side but do you think he did a good enough job showing the actual downside the wake-ups the the what that's like to wake up covered I'm sure you've woken up covered in [ __ ] and piss and with you know hookers that you couldn't get on your lucky that let you had bodyguards follow me around but talk a little bit about that disgusting life that it leads to like like the feeling of waking up so despair and so [ __ ] let's think that's this drug thing right it wasn't so much that listen I was had so much money that was I was insulated if a lot of the grit and grind those people would fall into I never I didn't ever had that because I was following around by antlers who'd picked me up and at every rose bush I fell asleep in yeah you know they pick me up in at the stupid I fell it drown in a bowl soup they'd pick my head up and [ __ ] clean my face side eleven enablers I my god swipe was the best enabler all she used to make a bread pillow for me so like as my head was bobbing during dinner she took up some breakfast she make a nice little bit cracked my head open that's all it's a great enabler to so but you know but the point is is that the downsize the emotional despair hell yeah that's I mean I tried to commit suicide why I literally took an overdose I was done you know just get to a point you're so done and the beauty is and it's always a light at the end of the tunnel here which is not an oncoming train is that you know when you're done with drugs it's actually really easy to get sober the problem is all the pain and suffering you have to go through before you talk about there yeah you know when change happens it happens in a heartbeat instant you can change like that but the problem for most people is gotta throw out a pain and suffering before you really feel the impetus to change so and and other people that are around you know throw a lot of people down before us yeah exactly yeah but anyway you don't listen you look again I think the key is you have to look at it for what it is is it's awesome [ __ ] movie that's the business side the sales stop that stuff lives on all over the world oh yeah I get calls every day yeah hundreds of people and their lives are just gonna you know parabolic cuz they learned how to close and sell and that's the great stuff the Entrepreneurship with the sales right yeah the other stuff you know the unethical so yeah that was a mistake for sure but you know and we you know I use it as my listen you all were you are in life right so there's two things you can do you can either wallow and oh my god I made all these mistakes Oh or you can learn and grow from your not the mistakes your best you just not your the resources of your past so is that what you're doing now when you describe the ethical side you're teaching people the benefits of sales and and those tips or what is that ethical lifestyle that you're not living what are you doing nowadays well I'm just living like a basically normal human being in the sense that you know I'm not out there playing like the rock stone we still got used to got cash though you still got money I'm not suffering right look I looked up your net your net worth it I'm not sure I always do this with our guests with money but I'm not sure I understand because it said you know you don't but I oh my is that what it is that what this negative sign is and I want to go into your things that reach some self value such nonsense online so I mean I've never seen them the minus sign now we're negative 100 million oh it's always wrong like then I have a bridge to sell you by the way so anyway no I'm yeah I'm gonna go mine right now actually all caps yeah but not the love yeah yeah we can you look up way can you look up Jake's tape on net worth hey you guys actually believe there's no of course not of course it's nonsense 19 million - wait no Pam reached out to Google she's like can you make both my sons how did the movie get made you wrote a book while you were in jail yeah and then after um no I taught myself to write while I was in jail and then I wrote the book when I got out of jail okay where were you in jail I was in I was in to jail that federal right kind of went the Taft yeah which was actually in Southern California and then I went to Oregon for uh about ten months I went through some drug probably got time off right I wasn't bad news it was you know what's his club fed but it was it wasn't a terrible place to club fat that's a good fellas line right was it Goodfellas where they got ever they're all in the Selma state that was state but they would just say we had everyone's on the tape was it as glamorous as it wasn't a movie like were you playing tennis and like white outfits and stuff yeah I was tennis there and it was here's a thing as you know you know yeah no violence tennis courts I people working for me a cook and all the sort of stuff right in real life but jails [ __ ] jail you know you're in jail you know you can't see your children you can't leave you have no privacy of life span sucks jail sucks right so you know I decided to turn you know lemons into lemonade and I figured I'd teach myself a skill which was to write I want they're here my house like when I went to jail my bunkmate turn that was Tommy Chong from Cheech and Chong that was just my way Wow Wow ha ha ha weights are easier what he was your wallet your bunkmate you shared a bunk was Tommy Chong's oh so they put us together boys you're both like well known pom we shared a cell together and you know we is nothing much to do in jail but tell stories right so you know I'm telling Tommy stories he's rolling on the alright sounds a few days you see this dude I thought you were making this [ __ ] up but my wife Gould you it's all true it goes great you got to write a book I'm like really because like you and that's the inside I didn't think my life was even exciting Wow because it was so normal to my wife great huh did Tommy have any good stories uh yeah he did but he was like Tommy's a really intelligent Oh reserved he's actually not a very impressive guy but I thought you brilliant guy funny stories you know about you know babies toy doings rock bands back and a buddy but he was just so he was so I couldn't believe that my life actually how did it how did he get in there Robert so is redic he was selling bongs on not even weed bongs on the internet and it was his sons company and he took the fall for his kid but it wasn't even for my pot it was for box Zane how long did he get here in a day and he did 10 months and so yeah see my bunkmate and he said you got to write this book so I was like around he did he did 10 so what do you do 80% on that time yeah but yeah did you do like a year in a day if thirty year in a day to get your 85 percent yet good good took 50 percent off a good time that's violent and nonviolent for federal yeah how many years were you in like 22 months 22 months so so what happened was um I started writing this book tried to write now I didn't had a rights and my writing sucked I have to better my Showtime my page you see beg boy that really sucks I said thanks Tommy so I was having a lot of trauma problems writing and then what happened was after been a month of failing I went to the prison library and just picked up a book by chance called bonfire of the vanities written by Tom Wolfe as soon as I started reading this book like Bachman that's how I want to write and I read this book cover to cover today senator page they next day take a yellow highlighter and I start underlying and you know highlighting [ __ ] and I started cracking Tom Wolfe's strategy from writing mmm like I just figured out how he writes I was saying how he brings in character we describe how he creates competent eyes and I modeled Tom Wolfe and then after that I read to hunt the rest Thompson Ronald him that fair and low and then when I wrote my book New York Times in there in there actually said it he sounds like his mentor's Tom wolf I was like big no so that's incredibly yeah so I so I like learn to write in jail then I ripped up the pages couldn t they were good enough when I got out of jail it's gonna say what should I build on the business and I let me try to write a few pages so I started writing we were like 10 pages I casually knew a book agent so I sent them I say well I wrote this stuff and I set in the pages he goes up did you pay Tom Wolfe tea for Tom Wolfe wrote Wow that's how close they were so dead on the town wolves voice right so on he goes oh that's really weird he's got an incredible voice right ten more so I wrote ten more to think about a week back in there very slow writer still Anthony all right and I sent in two pages he goes stop everything you're doing because you have no idea what's gonna happen to your life I was like what he goes just trust me you have no idea this is gonna be a movie the cat girl is gonna play this is in 2006 Wow secret Wow Scorsese is gonna be send us Joey's name's Joel Gauntlet right and then he brought in a woman this incredible woman brilliant woman named Alexandra Mills Sean legend in the industry she lives here her dad owns new regions in his Arnon notion or total legend he's a [ __ ] on lines the [ __ ] real deal okay Israeli formal Israeli arms deal who sold South Africa the bomb the atomic bomb no he's a real heavy heart and then he's he's amazing guys like the best all right he owns one of the largest studios he's made will be up to hit movie right famous guy his daughter is just a chip off the old block my agent newer he sent it like the first 30 pages she's like holy [ __ ] just and we met turns out her husband was my in the same dorm was being college anyway and we started just as I was writing the book you don't we were meeting and as soon as the book was done she passed it to Leo and she passed it to Brad Pitt took Clooney and to Wahlberg and a bidding war star and they all want there's a bidding war right and at the time at a time Wahlberg was not as much of a stalling now he's amazing I always loved him right but you know it really keep my agent he's not as big as Leo and Brad Pitt back then right now he's huge right so both sides said whatever they pay I'll pay 10% more so the biddings was going up nothing nothing I couldn't believe it yeah and I was gonna [ __ ] broke at the time yeah you know I was just kidding I was just getting back at my feet right yeah so um I was at shock this was happening and then Leo calls up goes up my school says he wants to direct the movie holy [ __ ] well how do I turn that down yeah alright so I wear los always loved Leo too you know and and that was that so sold to Marni leo and here's a great the most interesting model for your few viewers right for young people you got to hear this is the greatest story why like that so tell that guy right there when you say that's the camera it's on your face tell the you tell the young viewers but talking to the mic on so this is a lesson in patent so throughout your wife throughout your lives cuz you know you get a lot of shits it's not gonna go the way you want right and you get really close to success and then we snatched away from you and a lot of people at that time that's when they start telling himself a [ __ ] story well they can't get what they want and like they give up right so what happened was is they what Warner Brothers bought the rights folio a guy named Terry winter famous writer he pens the script usually takes five six draft the first drafts I'm [ __ ] believable let me dead on walls very close to the movie that was released right Warner Brothers Green likes the movies 2007 now all right they just need to do a couple of polishes writers strike hits go down alright the window passes alright just like that leo Marty go off to do shutter island' whether that movie shadow incredible that was it right so now I was I went from having this thing the movie to come out like I'd be right back up there right nothing and now I'm just like [ __ ] right now so you did get the money by that point did they pull out of the option money the point was that you know you know it's not what you make on the movie presage the fame and you know and the things they come from there if you're not a you know I capitalize that so anyway so always Dennis that was blown away right and then the GFC the global financial crisis hit so I said I'll be a writer you couldn't make money as a writer no was writing checks after Lehman Brothers went bust right so understand just admit mom Bowens mom he was born was ten alright and we're struggling badly I was just so you know and now just you understand the movie that you saw was very different in the draft in 2008 in other words so what what am I gonna do I'm like I had no money the GFCI I said [ __ ] it I'm gonna become a speaker I'm gonna train Sela I was always the best sales training in the world I always my gift for a superpower just to take people and make them into a world-class closers right so I started going out there get a couple free speeches and boom boom boom next saying I'll have this huge speaking business that's going I'm training people all over the world that blows up making a fortune again right so now it goes to like 2012 all right I'm doing really really well I'm not with an Imagine on the beach the whole thing right and Leo calls her guess what we're ready to roll it's coming back around right great comes me he goes what the [ __ ] happened to your wife four years ago broke when I met you rich how that loud happen all right I said why heli what happened here's what I do I teach the system called the straight line show them the videos I train salesmen companies all over the world Miami big ones fortune 500 smaller were you pitching him to hire you to first-rate no no no I was telling him what was going on my life right cuz you'd understand how I got rich again so fast what was not so fast it was a few years but it appears to be faster than the outside right so anyway so him and Scorsese was so freaked out by my comeback that they changed the entire third act of the movie in the original draft the movie ended with me in jail and that was it no comeback story not me on stage not the Jordan all that comes back and train salespeople still a good movie but for me that's not really the story I'd love to be known for okay the story that I was able to come back and you know create this incredible program you'll use all over the world so what happened is this basically so things went terribly against me I lost this window of opportunity of 2007 and could have curled up their ball and dies and [ __ ] it why go any further with us right instead I've built the massive business inspire and when it came back around and made the movie a hundred times I changed my own life story while I was being written and that's how the movies they ends with me on stage introducing Leo in a seminal to a thousand people and obviously that ditch of my business was incredible so that's it's a perfect example but everybody listening about just how you don't move through life you know you can either be so in that allows the environment to like dictate how you feel or what you do or you make your own [ __ ] way you know Hannibal either find a way or make the way you Anna make your own way the world doesn't happen to you you create your own world shit's gonna go wrong all the time but you could have two paths the paths of all the reasons why I can't get what I want or path the results I'll get exactly I [ __ ] won't stop - I don't that's the bottom line hey I love that hey did y'all hear that that was great and I feel like I can relate to your story a lot because I had that bad [ __ ] up in Japan I don't know if you know about it yeah so like it wasn't honestly it was what the [ __ ] was so terrible that oh yeah it was a joke no wasn't Nelson I'm gonna say flat-out it wasn't so bad what you didn't okay but when you're your age and making that they gotta [ __ ] do anything to knock you down and because of that maybe you should have known better anyone else could have done that and they were say uh whatever that was no one cared okay don't want some [ __ ] tell us what was dead you may all right now uh I feel bad for the dead guy but what are you doing anyone but when you are who you are your target people always try to knock you down in this law right that's okay when I saw some and I know Cal you would that would be listen you could take a hit you'll come back twice as strong yeah cuz that's I I know I see someone like you you guys right you didn't get here by accent it's not luck yeah you can't look hit the [ __ ] lottery yeah you're born to the lucky sperm Club of you and Everett money yeah but when you're fine young kids making a lot of money there's always a reason why they did something they saw an arbitrator jump through it and they built the round that they had a savvy sense of brand and branding and growing that brand and monitor you doesn't happen by accident so blah feel jealous haters out there they love this is what it is it's very few people but they're very vocal and very [ __ ] loud and oh oh you guys hate me I love you keep hating me because my engagement you don't like us please comment some hey this house burnt down right now and I saved your mom the dogs or if I carried you all out on my back because I wouldn't pass out from carbon oxide cuz I have a special [ __ ] service systems I'm immune to everything right I carry I save everybody they write in aussie jordan belfort save 29 people cling to babies three towards an infant the same jordan belfort 38 years ago that's okay if you can't learn to embrace that and laugh at it you're gonna have a miserable [ __ ] go I heard you I heard you going into some [ __ ] I want to ask you the the new sensitivity of America what I wanna hear [ __ ] snowflakes [ __ ] you all okay seriously I hope you really melt go to your safe spaces and [ __ ] disappear forever you know let me tell you the world is not a safe place it's just [ __ ] not okay I don't think personally against you as a human being but the way you [ __ ] act shame on you all right it's ridiculous it's so self in Thailand so victim when you're it's such a victim mentality all right that's all it is it's just cause I love being a victim I'm a [ __ ] victim of [ __ ] and stop just I don't listen I won't let thankfully I'm at a point I don't have to let those people near me I don't want sponsors I don't care what any [ __ ] things okay I don't want those because those people are like toxic cancer you have to know you do a chancer your [ __ ] cut it out or else before the killer cow I don't surround myself with negative people I have an office 30 kids they're all y'all working for me and it's the most awesome crew that my son's like the spiritual leader with his crew a kids are unbelievable talented hard-working and it's not one negative [ __ ] don't it's so it's awful it's so funny the way you put that ahead I had all these issues and every time a therapist or a doctor or a counselor at a clinic or something said maybe it's because your anxiety maybe it's because you're paying how your parents treated you maybe it's because you're feeling this way you want to know when I got clean and I started getting my life together he was you and I said yo I'm [ __ ] up and it's time to take control of my life listen you know like yo you said you got a yard right I such Tannis before guys all right I said this I said you know this is there's two ways to go through life one way it's really about your belief systems and one belief is that the world happens to me yep I'm a creature of circumstance things just happen to me and I'm it's like fate I'm out of control right that's a really distant our way to live and it's honestly I does not yield wealth happiness meaningful relationships it's just [ __ ] misery on misery poverty and trying to drag people into your [ __ ] okay three things happen when you have that belief when you think the world happens to number one you blame you play the [ __ ] blame game you blame your parents you blame your schoolteachers when the government you're playing the [ __ ] economy you've been everybody but one person your [ __ ] self yeah that's number one the second thing you do is you justify you justify why it's okay that you like this [ __ ] oh I don't need to make a lot of money all I can live on level oh no really really do me a favor next time it's the first to the month go to the [ __ ] bag it's a like the positive love to pay the [ __ ] rent see what they [ __ ] do so take you in a straitjacket okay money is the most important thing in the world for a few basic things stop there's a few things you need food shelter take care of those you love right so you need to make [ __ ] money I've seen more marriages more religious that's destroyed by financial pressure now I'm not saying money buys happiness that's not true it doesn't I didn't rich and miserable okay but a lack of money is a passport the [ __ ] misery I played it both his Raiders I've been rich I've been poor I'll choose rich every [ __ ] time and never look back I still have problems being rich okay but being poor it's [ __ ] you know it's just it's compounded by all the [ __ ] that comes from not be out before the basic necessities so I say make money get rich solve the money problem and then move on to all the great of things right number two and the third thing besides justification okay so they blame they just saying here's the worst they complain they [ __ ] blame you so when you're complaining you know what you're doing you're focusing on everything that's wrong in your life you complain about this is you don't happens and here's the universal law what you focus on you move towards and also what you focus on you attract so imagine you focus or you complain you're doing you're focusing all the [ __ ] in your life so you don't you're becoming to come a giant [ __ ] magnet your track [ __ ] into your life all right no no no stop [ __ ] complaining you track [ __ ] into your life you focus on [ __ ] you're attracting both towards you right so I don't wanna be near those people I [ __ ] it the [ __ ] yes [ __ ] might hit me you know yeah and by the way and there is real [ __ ] like you walk through life and [ __ ] happens when this bumper stickers right through life doing everything right and bam you get hit with a lump of [ __ ] and that's when you can tell yourself the [ __ ] story you know why can't get what I want all the reasons why or you could take [ __ ] control your life and be person it's not a creature so if there's a creator of your own life creative some sins and that's the wind power way to live yeah what some people get what about question about like more science or like brain basic animation so of course not but do you think I'm about nature everything about science do you really know I know everything about science my question for you do you think that there are saying it you got photographic memory well you know close to it but you know it's a little cloud but yes yes I do but anyway let's say the mighty trend do you think there are things that certain people have to deal with that are out of their control such as anxiety depression or are those or do you believe that those are it's absolutely positively a combination of both okay nature and nurture okay we're all brought into this world with certain advantages listen we all it's pop chemistry people are brought some people listen matter what you do they're gonna go nuts with schizophrenia or bipolar at 22 years old and then hopefully the control is some [ __ ] that you get dealt a bad hand and that's that okay so we but here's the thing we all have that all of us have our own disadvantages we were brought into this world with enough and some advantages my greatest advantage was was an ability to close the deal to sell and train others to do the same that's my strongest advantage I'm a smart guy ever did what great in school of a great memory but the point might I know what my strengths are I know my weaknesses are so what I want to do I want to build my Spence and also surround myself with people that actually are great at my shirt so I surround myself people who do oh really great what I don't do well and I take my stuff that I'm an expert best in the world that that's how you want to move through life that's everybody so yeah some people are gonna have anxiety because they're why for anxiety right and you know what I thought wasn't them who founded um I'm the CNN okay yeah okay perfect example okay so here's a guy right who founded the MIT so many people by the I think he's like the worst thing ready the worst thing all is this whole [ __ ] thing with everyone's take it it was always got ADHD in school yeah the [ __ ] ritalin what a joke I think ADHD is a [ __ ] asset yeah yeah in the world okay let me tell you something I call I call it multitasking multi you're really really good at multitasking ADHD that back in the day like hunter-gather times that was those were the people that would not settle for this small little safe community they'd go out and keep creating and then they would find other things reward because my teachers suck and the creature was stupid and isn't learning from it you're talking his language you know Oz my son graduated from college right you know and you know marketing business right comes for me after seven days okay you have learned more in ten days I didn't oh my yeah it's like this [ __ ] they teach you in colleges nuts I was all my kids have gone to college or graduate I wouldn't if it was up to me I never [ __ ] said I think it's a bit less about my daughter different she's going a professional route with a license and degree she needs that but for the average person I think this whole this whole thing and you must go to college is utter [ __ ] its inflated price because it's a scam it taking the student loan light from the banks of the each of the colleges raised there nothing has gone up more in Christ faster than intuition nothing anyone nothing if you want to ask her a 40 grand loan to the bank like you're not gonna get it but if you go for a student loan and only is it okay right so washer so here's the thing what caused the mortgage crisis partly besides corrupt bankers on Wall Street and idiot [ __ ] bags and I salut bought this [ __ ] right it's people who unsophisticated and had no business bombing those long they said well you know what a kid okay if my daughter who's graduate from my you grad school if they lent their 100 grand you know what she pay me back every dollar why cuz she took she's a studious person who's gonna make something from that degree right but most kids what they end up in a mountain of [ __ ] day so they allow people to borrow Monet had no business borrowing money they inflate the value of a bogus diploma because you can't it's worth nothing in the real world okay except to visit us from a very special place right in certain cases it's an exemption but here's the other part of the equation it's the only you can't discharge a student with bankruptcy so unlike other day the government and Spain have changed the [ __ ] rules you can't discharge it okay so you're [ __ ] stuck with that long yeah you stuck with those people stuck with these loans okay back up my kids don't have student loans and I'm proud that cuz I I think it's it's gross its disgusting now it can't be free education that won't work for sure but we've got a change sister I mean it's broken this is all no it's broke until it's broken its broken like the pharmaceuticals use broke it in other words they you go to your England you know I take a drug called provigil no bridges and the difficult right so wake up pill I think man from the doctor it's good for jet lag right I take it all done yeah I love this bill right all right cost me I think 30 or 40 bucks a pill in the u.s. damn you know cost me 50 cents in England for the same exact pill that month that market that markup game in America is crazy remember that whole thing was sure Skrillex the the dude and the tip of the [ __ ] ice crazy okay so the point is is that you know it's like the pharmacy was so inflated the price they create this artificial economist propped up by the soul in the case of student loans propped up by the federal government in the in the case of the drug in the streets propped up by insurance companies it's a whole [ __ ] daisy chain okay and it's a job dasyam quick quick quick thing while you're going hard right now you mentioned really quickly and I caught it earlier aoc and I want to hear your thoughts on the green new deal and climate change it's a [ __ ] joke here's the thing about climate change I don't believe in it you know why not that I don't disbelieve in it who [ __ ] know it's you think that's such a self-important thing that we actually as human beings you know the [ __ ] volcano erupts oh just dude this is [ __ ] client the only thing true about clown cheese is always changing always for the last you know how many millennia right and yeah you know maybe human beings are doing something but you know something will happen with enough okay two or up there I saw that but recently on the internet that's the problem he no but but here's a it doesn't [ __ ] matter cuz I believe in [ __ ] what you should never [ __ ] where you should protect the planet for sure I just don't think it's because of climate change I think I agree that they should do everything to bring down gases all the stuff to protect the planet but not cause it's changed its responsible to do I'm totally all for it I I would donate money towards that post but not because it's chatting it's [ __ ] man that's been tossed on people and nothing maybe it's true but there's no way that people really know that this coin well they have there's 95% of scientists why no it's not it's not sure ninety-five cents I'd say it's just a full statement so okay go check it's not true okay so there's a majority of scientists that have such evidence that human cetera are amplifying not true climate change not true yes from don't go dig into the facts that 95 percent is a syllable people that all agree in Columbia that's who they pulled it's not promise you $20,000 how it's just not true I read up on this stuff I know my fats is there I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true here's the story though I thought man I believe that we should do everything to protect I'm agreeing that's that's all I'm saying is that climate change it's not a moral right here in 50 shot you're right when you look back and in our history like we over exaggerate the moment that we're a part of right now yes we're amplifying it yes it's at a very rapid rate of increase of climate change absolutely not yes it is was not yes it is look at polar ice caps melt look at what our oceans are doing how acidic they are go read the new book so from no no - that's not those that go to my the actual right sorry buddy NASA redwood you'll see a master or at least a study just last week saying that it's been more buildup of ice sheets than losing its increasing you're wrong can we can we hold on a sec hold on let me let me Google it right now let me interject it's just not true you have to you have to stick I have friends down [Music] everything and it's twice as much as increased but that's because of games don't [ __ ] tell me pal okay I don't know what you're talking about your article but but this is from but 2015 [ __ ] no spencer's detail so don't don't [ __ ] talk me even done you're fast this is one article is this tons of them okay last week also I mean that's there are there are equal sources on both sides of the on both sides of the spectrum so I'm not saying you're wrong I can't say you're wrong but I'm not saying you're deaf how could you be so certain what who [ __ ] knows what's going or you're assuming you want to protect the planet because maybe yours right but [ __ ] quiet it's a joke wait you're saying climate change is a joke but it's not climate is always changeable let's say that we're we're doing someone's gonna destroy the planet and climb I think the total joke building on people consuming resources do the [ __ ] somebody fish there on to see how many animals in the [ __ ] junk and we're overfishing happens oh ok anyway we're over amount of overfishing is destroying ocean life okay you know what I live in a world where where the reality is that I remember when Al Gore said something what was that thing fine now New York will be flooded if you go back and really first came out with this whole theory we would be on the water why now nothing happened it's just nonsense I agree with you with me for doing it for energy nobody knows I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm not saying I'm sure all right I think the 50 who knows well I wash you I like tonight you know watch snowpiercer know Christmas right they tried to stop global warming by reduce and turn it to the [ __ ] froze the earth or the place no one doing no Zoey unintended consequence of everything we do yeah unintended consequence I think they're I think the mindset to like worry about it is is definitely it can be damaging but we should take preventive measures and we should look at how use things like overfishing things like ocean ocean acidification overfishing is not climate change over farming so here's the point many I agree you'd be insane not to have legislation to protect the planet to make sure that responsible but as mumins with climate change who the only constant is that climate is changing it's probably getting colder George ordered as you probably find that Jordan who do you think is going to lead us to legislation that helps the planet I love what Leo giving I don't agree with the science part of it I agree with the with the outcome let's make the earth why not right right when I was four you guys are too young mom I remember this was there was a commercial with the Indian I remember crying with the tears of course so so like you know yeah of course you wanna not be polluting the air and dumping [ __ ] in rivers it's [ __ ] disgusting yeah but do you think saying that is enough because the green new deal is nonsense it's a fallacy mm-hmm it's going nowhere it's a joke it's a [ __ ] it's much faster what's the song bankrupt the whole efficient but is it a trilling heart it's not gonna matter when wait that's the dream that heals just the United States what about China India you ever go there the [ __ ] airplanes don't badrai so what's how is the u.s. gonna it's the earth is gonna be gone and what you say twelve years it was so how this doctors the green new deal matter because [ __ ] and India are [ __ ] doing worse there's no impact that we can have is one country the u.s. is it the whole world the scary the scary no is where is it when you get cause because if we if we can make a change then we can bring that so you believe that sighs of years the earth is gonna be gone and destroyed if we don't you really know I don't you think that no okay right she's out of her [ __ ] mind to say that okay who she really is I think there's nothing against land I have a lot of respect for him on there she's a hell of a [ __ ] branding expert yeah I respect her hell yeah okay for what she's I don't I can speak and she could arrest me because she's saying she says a lot of stupid [ __ ] but she bought you could but you could see how it's used on say how important rallying a crowd and saying stupid [ __ ] is and what it can make us not everything she says is stupid okay right that's the point she had a very good thing she came out yesterday with credit card debt they want to they want to decrease Howard Bernie Sanders okay now I'm a libertarian all right now they want to cap credit card interest at fifteen percent including payday loans that's a great thing to do and shame on the Republicans for not supporting they should thought I was a so I don't just with everything she says I'm not with anyone party but when I am is with reality the the green new deal is not reach it's like a joke if you watch the show it'll cost maybe nine trillion dollars or something it's a joke eighty nine trillion it's something something like that I know it's like you know I thought you know airplanes know if they stop cows as they fart how farting like no that's a nonsense okay and no one's gonna support it's never gonna go anywhere never said alone anywhere but that being said you know listen I think that step by step okay it's you and me we need to protect the plant but I don't think it's coming from a system what's the first step the first step that we've certain things have gotten a lot better than they were when I was growing up okay oh my god we did everything was done even did the freshman bathrooms like the ozone layer was a whole number that since replenished itself okay that was to be the big thing we're all gonna die of cancer I don't even on a cancer from the ozone okay everyone's too lying about the [ __ ] beach okay the point these are always on with some hysterical scare to try to move public money and policy in some directions you said there's always an agenda that's what ballsy about the the climate change stuff cuz I fully agree that we want to do everything possible but tech planning not because it's changing its changing but who knows whatever the problem is with that with that outlook is that sometimes without urgency nothing happens so like you'll say like yeah if by all means we should take care of the planet but if people don't feel like there's something at risk to change their way you know what you see yeah you know what I'm saying first rule of influence and persuasion okay if you say something it's utterly ridiculous it's not logically just heart problem these two types of certainty you have logical certainty and emotional certainty okay in order to close a sale a close people on your viewpoint you need to have both her emotional case is awesome they say logical is the [ __ ] it's in it makes the [ __ ] second our whole framework is is ridiculous but not to say I'm on one side or the other but there's there's reason to believe that our current leader was voted in based on emotional credibility like he wasn't gonna play golf he spent his entire presidency why you got in my rallying crowds with Bligh's know as soon that was bad it was a [ __ ] protest vote come on it's okay fair fair voted there because they [ __ ] hate Washington and he represented everything that ha yeah okay and the missus and the reason he won I'll tell you why you won because Hillary [ __ ] Clinton stole the electron from Bernie Sanders who have been a much more formidable candidate see he Bernie actually should have been elected as the Democratic Party Hillary stole that and because it was it was incentives an inception of fraud there she was not the duly elected person Bernie was you know what happened there right of course okay everyone knows it's publicly for me right there Bernie should have been there so trunk one because you had a perfect cake wasn't even this shouldn't have been there okay terrible candidate okay Trump is with a protest again for sure he was like innocent they weren't voting cuz I can't like something's got to change I don't agree with every I don't like a lot of the things he says okay but I know that guys unless something happens with all fiscal deficit not trade pals for Bruce I got me I'm gonna be dead you'll be [ __ ] you young people be [ __ ] because right now the country is it's not a sustainable direction if we're going if you were president if you were the next president I will not be a problem okay but if if you were what would you recommend what would you put into place to get us back on track or to do III think that economically Trump is [ __ ] nailed it he's nailed it so I witness and there's not much I would do different he's nailed it and III agree with all the stuff even even with the tariffs cuz it's just a game of chicken with him it's not gonna be long term trade it's gonna short term to reset trade deals that wish had never been in the place our trade deals are so [ __ ] bad it's just like it's ridiculous right that being said so I agree with but the thing that I would do differently that was is the the way it's being communicated okay is that Trump he creates a visceral reaction people and that's just not productive notice it makes it because we need imagine imagine if we had a leader like Trump who could you could get the economy going but everyone loved him incredible battle days not as it's not as physical education exactly so if you can find the UM you know that that would be amazing so I wouldn't change much fiscally but I would certainly like I'm very humble as liberal as you get when it comes to things like you know gay men who what about what about a [ __ ] what about a horse what about abortion oh listen here's the deal um obviously I believe women should have the right to get abortions okay I'm just I'm not pro-life okay but I also believe that up to a certain point though like past six months from and here's the thing though you know I don't think the government has the right to invade anyone's life I'm a libertarian at heart knows I don't believe that the government should tell anyone what to do but if you're gonna have some art from rule there to me it's six mana that's a [ __ ] person that gets get sold I see unless it's gonna hurt on the mother but before that I mean I think women should have the choice to do what they do so and then dispelling and I totally understand respect the pro-lifers I get it it's a very emotional thing they have a different belief than I do about you know and I respect that and I would even say that I'm right in my opinion it's just my opinion I don't know if there's a right or wrong just you saw the abortion ban in Alabama yeah yeah hoppy lawyer and you have thoughts on it I mean listen so you go to the next state and get it a [ __ ] abortion you know not the end of the world here's here's the problem so the problem with abortion I believe that that the government should not have a word to say about abortions they really shouldn't but they shouldn't give [ __ ] money fun the clinics that's the right that's the difference so I think the government should step away entirely not fun clinics and give women the right do what they want to do and then stay to be regular in a state-by-state basis I think the federal government's over bloated bloated it's a massive biryanis never intend to be the way most rights in the Constitution the founders the framers want to be reserved for the states to be regulated state-by-state that's what I think where did this all set in I love hearing different perspectives of how did we get to the point where at started with FDR mostly the New Deal and the Great Depression you can go back in before that to Morgan in 1917 with the panic that form the Federal Reserve starts with basing the money supply so they control the money supply government starts to go of the New Deal they create social security net becomes a welfare state and reasons why but remember wasn't FDR wasn't the New Deal that pulled us out of there of the depression it was World War two it was the production war is great for ending a depression right so is the the war that ended the pressure not the New Deal okay when you go to Wars massive production and gets everything going right so so but you know again this is before I wasn't alive when he was there right but that was when the government took on its modern shape and form with FDR these before there's a much smaller leaner entity and he is the [ __ ] problem with the government they can't follow me they can't administer anything you put in so it's people you put bureaucrats in charge anything half the money goes wasted on bureaucrats like the salaries and the bureaucracy so it becomes an imperfect they'll be great if you could like perfectly deliver all these systems you know listen calm is and fails never work social you know it does work two reasons number one take away the profit mode you have a bunch of [ __ ] drunk people okay like in Russia they say I'll keep pretending to work if they keep the other better you ever been to Russia of course many times what do you think Moscow unbelievable great beautiful women beautiful a minute let me let me tell you son we're going next week best ever I'm excited it's the best mother listen and you know what the Russian people are [ __ ] awesome I know I thought this whole Russia thing drives me crazy Russia's not Russia's not a threat to us Chinese a lot more of a threat that's what we're hearing economically China Britain China given China one thing China attacks no one there very peaceful yeah hey don't they do economic takeovers like your I've been around the world to every country pretty much every country in the world you name it I've been there right China is [ __ ] everywhere China China China China Jordan I think the China Jordan I think we're switching gears I think we're leaving government and Logan's [ __ ] side you have a bus outside you see it I see sell me this bus can you well I don't know how can I sell the bus I need to get rid of the [ __ ] bus we're trying to get you sell the bus on the best way what's the book value what does it say it's worth Bob about a quarter mil or not I wouldn't [ __ ] pay a quarter that's no you asked me what it's worth no we need you to sell it not not sell it okay Asha what's the real intrinsic value what if someone want to go buy a similar bust and did their homework and did they what would that buckle [ __ ] 75 bucks 75 okay right some alloys all right so number one okay sell me this pen some of these head sound the [ __ ] headphones hold on hold on hon I'm gonna sell you the headphones ready throw the headphones on but it's gonna cost you five bucks great by coming price and I'm holy that would work anyway there's only one thing to do when someone says sell me a tennis and that's to stop asking questions right first of all are you in the market for headphones are you in the number one you have to first the first step is you have to identify who is in the market for a bus like this okay because you can't sell a bus people don't want a bus mmm that's your first tactic the guy down here by a [ __ ] boss Bajada see know that how does he know cuz cuz that's cuz that's cuz that's a specialty sometimes people see things new just wanna know that's like okay maybe who is Leo's bus okay know you're famous you to know these most famous guy in the world right of course the point is is that so when you have that bus the first step okay do if you really want to I saw the bus right is step once who's the market who are your buyers just identified buyers and we have to reach out to those buyers so we bring them into our sales funnel once we have the boys then it gets really [ __ ] easy then we can actually ask them questions find out what they want to for and [ __ ] close them on the bus but yeah the first find their IP what if what if the sales funnel is already fully developed by way of 15.8 Instagram followers okay well so then then send out a blast hey I'm looking to sell my bus right that's step one a bunch of my 12 year olds no no probably 50,000 unqualified lawyers and maybe ten buyers I want so don't know them you wanna do is you want to have a weeding out process automated you have to answer certain questions you only looking for accredited investors qualified buyers right Dan personally I think a much better place to do please don't through almost that I I think it's different I would actually something like that such a specialty item I don't think you get very far into I think you'll do a lot better reaching out to people who would would want so we've kind of used that it's an impulse sale so your phone call certain positive by the way no quick no Jordan that's not a bus by the way it's a cool that is it's a cool Logan Paul's like the short bus that is look close that is Logan the king of YouTube's personal boss that has been tricked out bathroom microwaves later hey that's not what you do wanna be smart about what you do I bet you this certain celebrity certain companies tour buses that houses you'll find someone okay here's a perfect example what you do okay obviously what you your target demographic how old are they for the bus or no your dress it depends tell me I made you not dude like this product it's 18 to 23 okay fine so what I would do okay is I would find you're not gonna find ATS one of them by the bus not that person but who caters to that market and by buying your bus could attract that market in other words what's it exactly so there you go sometimes you want to go to the Spring Break chemo all the bars all the restaurants down there and we set up a whole promotion thing down there and boom you position it you'll [ __ ] sell the thing in two [ __ ] seconds and you bother you can we got we up I think a better friend think that I would even so I rented further we got this guy we got this guy Armani Azadi I don't know money right we I love a maybe we talk to here's a good end you're right yeah he's very nice hey listen I want to talk about somos when you see Billy McFarland the guy who started the fire festival Darrin advice from him is there is there any coming back for Billy McFarland well I would always say yes except and the answer is yes it's always yes but you know um the thing that disturbs me about is nothing with the fire fest well I guess that yeah like it could have gone the other way yeah right I totally get that it was and and and but I don't know is he don't always know it's true what you see but it looked like from what I saw in the documentary now who but on Netflix I didn't was good it looks like he came when he was out on waiting sentencing he was out running another scam that's right that's correct and that's disturbing so that's like they like you know listen I [ __ ] made a huge error right and I'm very lucky I got a second chance but if it came out that I was scamming the gong Don died on I have to be 10 Khan's more ethical and I'm fine and I love it's great okay and I appreciate the chance I got here I respect it and I want to make sure that I have a lot of young fans I was want to always balance out their message because I really believe the things I say about empowerment and also about you know I can pull up my crazy life I don't live it now I don't recommend it but I still say it was fun you know it's the truth right um it looks like he [ __ ] like this one right back yeah to the same thing and that ballsy so if that's true it makes it harder again he comes out of jail he's got a clean slate in the sense that okay he could tell a new story I was [ __ ] up even I didn't learn my lesson even after five wrestle I was still a [ __ ] up dude I had to go to jail I had to find [ __ ] God and I picked up the Bible in jail I found [ __ ] Jesus Jesus in my in all the city's new [ __ ] snow so he does that neo and by the way and if it's legitimate if he's honest he'll come back a guy like that will always be able to make money as a salesman he's a promoter sorry but if he comes out and [ __ ] up again these guys [ __ ] star that she's going they're going I'll go ahead for life so so what what were the crimes that you actually committed I'm a curious fraud money laundering was there a point when you knew what was happening or [ __ ] it yeah and you just worry that I'm in too deep pretty much yeah that's pretty well you know here's the thing the first time I got a subpoena from the SEC civil spinrite I literally vomited and couldn't sleep for three days I was like [ __ ] threes like 1990 alright within it six months I got some papers okay so [ __ ] you become desensitized all right you'll learn when you're under investigation and that was under FBI investigation and the FBI is a very good friend of mine I speak to him all the time agent Coleman's a good friend great guy he's coming on my own pot because I'm alone he does no one watching a podcast I want you to go Congrats also you guys on that what is that the agent from the his real name is agent Coleman okay great guy right you're just in a tough spot he means you two years behind them to the wide to the wide yeah I respect the passionate awesome but you're not if you come on these guys are I respect I respect hours are like slowly just walking in what we saying about I was uh fun coupons what what no about um about what the sec so here's what happened the first time I really broke the law on Wall Street right I was tied to a trade and and if I would have done the trade the way it was supposed to happened it would been a red flag to the regulator's like I had to buy a stock someone owed me stop that was $2.00 and the stock was six so they would have sold me two dolls made a $2.00 print while the stop was at six and what the [ __ ] wait yeah something's wrong right yeah so the guy sold me the stock at six and handed me a bag of a million dollars in cash you understand what a million shares like I mean it's only six four dollars [ __ ] Portman million dollars guess I got a bag of cash and I was [ __ ] so tortured over this million dollar bet as if I shouldn't do this and I hadn't broken any laws yet you know like alright I'm doing it once and never again and I mean the first time there you go that's one way it starts okay got it for me right with it's [ __ ] one step and then your line of morality and ethics moves a little bit and then it is small imperceptible steps like it was like it's like you didn't you toe into a hot bath they got talk and then 30 min so you're like oh it's perfect it right so so that's put in another path also the other path this is just as common not more is people who make a mistake and they lose money but get scared to tell people so they tried to cover it up as he'll let me just do a bigger trade I'll make it back I get back and that's how a lot of pine won't say so there's a rule in trading your first loss is your best loss and but a lot of people they you know if I do that my business will die or people and so they try to cover that up and not disclose it and that starts this whole chain that gets bigger and bigger and then it feel like Bernie Madoff or like from the very heart it's like it's a [ __ ] scam from the long shot right but you know I knew I knew after about two years like anyway it was way out of control morality wise and also legally there's a 98% what we did was legit it was a couple things we were doing that that were very wrong we but everyone was doing them said they were like as you found out on Wall Street later on I wasn't the everyone was [ __ ] got this true okay that doesn't make what I did right I'm not trying to rationalize but that was my rationalization back then it's not a big deal but then you know what had my mistake was what happened to you in a sense is that when you get that big and that young your target and if you do one thing and I deserved it by the way I deserve to go down I did I am I made mistakes I did things I would never do now like the real thing I did wrong was that I when I created a system called the straight line for training salesmen once I invented that I was able to take any person and make them into a [ __ ] millionaire clothes all right well that's closer can you still do that by the way of course I do it all around the world oh it's trading or sales training just make people millionaires yeah if they want to work their asses of apps I could take any person to make them rich if they're want to work - [ __ ] hell chance I'm just a million without the work that's off work you gotta work [ __ ] I'm the wrong if you want an idea so it's almost to really work and take time to learn the rules of success and grow themselves yes you'll be in the Arthur service where there's shortcuts to success of course there and that's the shortcut it's to learn to the only way to get rich in this world is quick world's too expensive to get rich slowly right but the distinction there is I'm not old and I get rich quick scheme what happens is you work really hard and then you don't get the result and you work really hard don't get a girl you keep working really like you don't get the result but you're lining up the elements of success below the waterline service but you then have one last piece of the puzzle and bam you yeah it's like oh my god you got rich I'm like well we don't it was two years of really hard work or whatever might be 10,000 hours ever it might be ran thousand so so the point is is that when you get rich it happens quickly there's a lot of work just agglutinate now here's the deal there are certain skill sets that you really need to possess if you want to essentially ensure that outcome those are the ability to close the deal to market effectively which you guys are awesome a great marketers right okay to close effectively the rules of business and entrepreneurship the Innis of inner games of mindset to manage your emotional states your beliefs just so it's all this sort of stuff networking relationship building all based on belief since dragon so I teach people those strategies and then they'll get rich without learning listen I wrote this book that became a phenomenon you know I learned it by modeling Tom Wolfe I couldn't have done it without modeling so there's always a strategy behind wealth doesn't happen by acids didn't become the richest man in the world now bait visas it was very deliberate actions they took and they're all great salespeople grain promoters brilliant business people jeff zucker they're all it was always for a reason so the rules of success are really really easy they're there they're knowable to learn about and they're out there I teach them but if you're not willing to work hard I'm the wrong mentor for you don't don't come to me because you can't do without all but most people is a deal most people working really [ __ ] on and not getting results yeah true work work smarter not harder yeah yeah was it all worth it of course it was Jim hey Chan because when we meet with qualified it was worth it because it brought me to this point in my life if you ask if crime pays right the crime well I'll tell you this if I would have not committed now those that three or four percent to pursue ever it was that was I'd be worth five 10 billion dollars now that was what brought me down knows I didn't make more money because that that was I made money quicker so usually would have not really cut corners it's not that you would still make get rich you make a little bit you collapse time right my point is is that I would never I would never change anything this is my life it brought me to where I am now I have an amazing platform around the world to help people to make money to spread a great message and I and I take great responsibility I do it really well but of course I would change certain things actions I took that hurt other people yes I wish I could change those but I can't okay the bright side is is that at least it brought me to this spot now maybe the person I am today and as I said in the beginning you know you're not the mistakes of your past the only people I don't respect are those that don't learn from their mistakes that's why I said believe the guy from the font fire that's the question and that remains to be seen so hopefully I hope I hope the guy comes back and and uses his basic it's a great story and he becomes really famous and makes it Gillian the hope he does hope he does mmm hey shots Billy McFarland you know let's go to the audio only right now it's the same [ __ ] just a little bit more a little bit deeper than I'm not I'm not I'm not leaving oh you good you don't have not [ __ ] damn [ __ ] podcast Jordan Belfort thank you bro yeah I really appreciate it dude where can I find you on social wolf of wallstreet wolf of Wall Street well foremost a hit him up guys that's your socials hit that subscribe button as well subscribed impulse are the number one podcast in the world there's five stars in the iTunes Store there's been Spotify and iTunes extended audio right now with Jordan Belfort oh so what I wanna know what was how you guys thought this whole [ __ ] thing like what separates okay so you're the most famous youtuber god I want to know what was the real what was the moment what was this was that something that you did Altamont like the way I invented the straight line and look at one moment say I did that BAM nah is that one moment or no is a series of moments
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 2,599,258
Rating: 4.8868709 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, jordan belfort, the wolf of wallstreet, jonah hill, leo, leo dicaprio, leonardo dicaprio, margot robbie, slimate change, bitcoin, economy, money, sales, straight line persuasion, slp, closing, jail, prison, drugs, family, speech, scorsese, story, gambling, crime, trump, politics, movie
Id: fPjv0AQxd14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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