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I mean I don't did you see the same fight I did I did but I mean like you know you got a couple blows in there but I was expecting his head to fly off a little bit earlier I mean bro if this pesky neck wasn't attached to his body it wouldn't I mean bro like yeah yeah yeah I lost the fight okay yeah I woke up sick this morning I sneeze three times I didn't think I was gonna make it on impulsive today how did I to belittle the fight into that well comment I got through the whole fight I sort of God know everything was super classy everything is perfect and in the last second before we leave the place is like I don't know well this morning I sneeze three times and I was like this [ __ ] do you know what I think we need to stop doing post fight interviews I mean you just got whacked in the skull it can't be good for your cognitive thing you didn't give back though I don't whack a couple times really yeah okay so when did you get hit first off we should we should do a proper intro look my practice has been it's been a while welcome welcome welcome back back back welcome welcome back well back to impulse welcome to you got it you're working Lane so are we season total season two it's it's post fight uh I didn't win fax yeah unfortunately really would be nice if you could have done it for America I know I know and and for you guys my friends from my fans honestly haven't won I just let the whole [ __ ] world that I was belittled to a meme about sneezing my fault then yes men for what how many years and that's the type of result you deliver us say yes to other people now open with the terminology from the UK I want to talk about this so bad yeah the amount of [ __ ] we've been what's going on I'm gonna be honest I haven't been getting that much [ __ ] cuz I'm just like it kind of just like bounces off me but you've been called many names but yes man which I guess is just a person that says yes a lot alright and also an arse licker or an arse a licker I don't know exactly what they say yeah what are some of the other oh and a non-si and no one on say nonsense a means pedophile Oh now here's how I know this I know this brutal there's a kid there's a kid he's like team ksi and he's got he's got like a million-plus YouTube subscribers and last year he would keep coming up to me and Jake actually had the video here look at this [ __ ] kid bro he's a he's a troll like they're keemstar I don't know bro I don't trust that dodgy almanach a he just taught he's just told desease a pedophile like this kid got us and this year these [ __ ] snuck into the ring row post fight this kid oh wow it's not very sneak why do his shoes look like submarines massive the point is yeah man we would called Nantes our slickers they've been telling me to so my mom my mom suck your mom wait and it's funny because like I mean I'm sure we'll talk a lot about the fight but my sentiment towards it is just like extreme gratitude I was thankful to be a part of the event was happy I got to experience that and put on a great show and I got to give props where props would do ksi is is is a dog as a G and I post a video called I lost and I explained how I was actually filing an official appeal because me as well as quite literally the rest of the boxing universe does not agree that the two points that were taken away from me was fair and appropriate for a six-round fight professional debut so that's in the review process if that game I mean I've had miracles happen in my life before if the California State Athletic Commission reviews this and has a hearing and decides to take away one point and the fight is a draw again can you imagine can you imagine the riots that would take place o on both sides of the streets would be flooded flooded yeah and so KS I actually he he's not very happy about this appeal and I asked myself if if I had won and he had don't appeal what my what my reaction would be but um he's kind of he's kind of snapping a little bit he's making me uh the title of his videos and the thumbnail and whatnot but he posted this on his Instagram certain man can't take the feet shaking my head will happen to first on decapitation either way Logan's knock down should have never been a knock down in the first place man had to fight dirty to drop me and then even when I was on the ground he hit me in the back of the head dirty [ __ ] another common British dirty cut and I'm not I'm not gonna argue this like actually I will say this ah I'm definitely a [ __ ] I'm not a dirty [ __ ] just easy it's it's like Here I am saying incredibly nice things about JJ and like the fans in the event here comes the yes man i'ma jump in as a yes man for a second you've said some nice things but you've also argued the officiality of his victory you've also had some not so nice things to say when a fight no a lot before the fight I'm selling a show okay I hope I hope people watching that understand that by the way like I would hope that people in the UK or wherever watching that watching this understand that all that [ __ ] talking that goes on prior to the fight is what has to be done to make people buy the fight like do they do they get that do you think ksi and I are I'm gonna pat ourselves in the back our marketing gurus and we know how to sell and market ourselves to a large audience and that's what we were doing except like even after the fight I'm I'm well within my right to appeal the decision and by the way if it doesn't get turned over I don't know you're not necessarily insulting his fighting another not at all I think you're just challenging the decision a decision and in my my logic is if you if you JJ and JJ fans truly think he won that fight fair and square you have nothing to worry about and there's no reason to snap back with malice like again this is let me do my thing cuz I just and like I said a lot of people just don't think the outcome of the fight was right the last time two points were taken away was over a decade ago and one of the times when Mike Tyson bit off Evander hole Fieldy I don't know I don't know what how that's in any way synonymous with me doing a heat-of-the-moment love tap okay so yeah I don't know six round bout I didn't know that's what it was about the tap and then the holding of the back of the head that's what that's what so are you also people are are you particularly challenging the back of the head grab or the back tap the back of a head grab was within legal boxing conditions if you do it like intentionally and that is you're you're trying to like wrap your hand around the back of his neck and repeatedly punch it's fine Lennox Lewis did it all the time it was kind of like a style landed but it was a like I went to throw a hook it was here and uppercut was the next best thing it wasn't like an intentional I'm gonna go so the argument is that he can slip out of that if he if he wanted to or the argument is that that was a legal punch the the problem that the ref had Jack Reese was that when he was down he was kind of like still on my leg and I like tapped him in the back of the head to get him off me and that's when he took away the two points no with no warning not even not even one point it just seemed a little excessive and everyone everyone agrees with that every single boxing fanatic that I've talked to that I've seen online that I don't even know is on the same page with me and so yeah dude I feel a little slighted I feel like I got robbed also but if it doesn't get turned over like yo so be it I've taken I was before something tells me I'm gonna be alright we got the number one podcast in the world we're back on season 2 we got sponsors speaking of that oh [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen we got a new sponsor run what breakfast here was your secret weapon for starting the day off right then you grew up and realize it was full of sugar excess carbs and stuff you shouldn't eat ladies and gentlemen this episode is sponsored by magic spoon a new cereal company 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you make this happen dude let's go how many hours did you guys spend as a kid looking at the back of a cereal box I would do that longer than I'd eat my cereal yeah that was my entertainment man mm-hmm before school anyways did you want to say something about the the appeal yeah I mean I guess I guess like the biggest thing for me is just like and I mentioned this you to you this morning when the when the Patriots couldn't get a bad call going downfield and it's the Super Bowl and they lose the game as a result of a poor officiating call the big thing to do is take take the loss right and and everyone says the same thing that's all right we'll get them next time the problem here is it looks like there's not going to be our next time and and by the way why on God's green earth would ksi get in the ring with me again let's let's be honest we all saw the fight and we all know what happened and we all know the next time would be disastrous I don't know that he knows that he has yes bro no you're saying I have to keep playing devil's advocate because he's got one win and one draw and so just the statistics of it I think if you were able to ask him to come back into the ring I don't think it would be fear that would drive him to not do it I think he would I think you did you did you see the shear sense of relief on his face when his hands raised yeah and in the interview when radio Raheem goes you're gonna do there's a third time I said no just with with the most excitement in the world he goes it's done fam like cuz I truthfully believe he somehow scraped away with a win and I also blame myself for not making sure the first decapitation happened like there's a lot I'm I'm definitely disappointed in myself in my performance and like the circumstances of as much as we joke I was sick as [ __ ] that day I shouldn't have worded it in a sense of waking up at sneezing three times but like I woke up that day and I really had to check myself in my manhood and I knew that was gonna be a very very difficult day for me to get foot or the sneezes like back to back like yeah cuz that's you ever sneeze right when you wake up it's the first thing you do three in a row okay great brother that's like you gotta go to the hospital ASAP oh yeah I was in the cusp of death to your point I think everyone that watched that fight everyone that was in the arena everyone in the UK the sidemen ksi himself and everyone who watched that knows who the better boxer is out of the two the the thing that really hurt was I think you gave his right hand so much respect and rightfully so it's a it's a [ __ ] it's a dog ass punch that you didn't capitalize when the fight said capitalize he was all the conversation pre-fight was was will Logan Paul get gassed like he did the first time and in fact the exact opposite happened ksi was gassed in round two I thoroughly think that if you applied pressure at the end of round two round three round four and let those [ __ ] Fisk oh he would not have made it to round five you're absolutely right I you're absolutely right I unfortunately before the fight and we probably have this on video I told Shannon and Jake I go hey guys uh I really don't feel good I mean I have to start slow and I was relying on my adrenaline kicking in in round two and a half and which by the way did that's when I was like okay Shannon goes and of Round three Shannon comes out to me he goes yeah what the [ __ ] you doing I was like I don't know and then end of round four I was like I got this I'm good now like it took me a bit to warm up because I was just like felt like my insides were upside down yeah so what stops you guys from going twelve rounds that's like a super professional fight we could we could go eight we could go ten but anyway it would have been perfect I feel like I feel like you guys were both just getting into like some [ __ ] about to happen a six-round fight is social I think we when I was watching the fights before I was like damn I think this right this is gonna go all six rounds like I don't think either of you guys are gonna get a knockout in especially cuz like bro his willpower so strong so is mine yeah whatever we both buy I know I box a little hesitant because I said this before your no head guards and ten odds gloves I think the only way we're at which I'm still optimistic I could see JJ doing another fight love to see it like who else is gonna who else is going to sell out the Staples Center right who else is going to bring that kind of traffic with him is he gonna fight again like if he fights again I think it's a great fight I think it's a it's a great way to market it I agree I mean he's gotta be he's got to be somewhat displeased with how things went I can be happy with that way either of them like with it wasn't called raw that you won on an officiating call it mistake or not mistake whatever you want to say as you watch this but at the end of the day like there was no bass beating there was no you know what I'm saying it was a very this is this is this is this was probably the most vicious uppercut that was thrown that night how can you be satisfied with this as a win like bro you got [ __ ] up yeah no no first round decapitation but damn near fourth round decapitation should you not have taken the two and a half minute break that the ref gave you what are we talking about you know so - if he didn't get that break if you that's what I'm saying boys I don't if I were him I would never step foot in a boxing ring with me again you got the dub for your [ __ ] life yeah brah look at this [ __ ] I have I have hundreds of these photos beautiful this is jab central beautiful I have look at this I mean how many times can I turn your face into pizza you got what you needed you get you from that from the car bruh I aged do you you you're 54 here at least looking in the background of that photo he's like look at the set it's hits on that one what are you doing mr. Reese he's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude yo so you mentioned you took some hits I but do we have any photo evidence of I was gonna say cuz I want to be responsible journalist here are the we live in a strange world not I boys you're absolutely right this is a great question I scanned because everyone is so afraid of being made a meme course I looked through all the photos I'm like does this one look bad does this one look bad last year there's a one punch of me like remember that yep there's there's only one photo there's literally only one photo of me just getting [ __ ] up to the highest degree you got it I only have it because the only person who took it was Mac who works for Tina oh [ __ ] I actually didn't transfer to my computer cuz I wasn't gonna pull it up but if y'all are asking the last thing I want to do is be called a yes man so if I have a photo of my boy getting [ __ ] up I want the world to see it no this is looking oh man oh man oh man you just look like you're in deep thought wow we're gonna reveal this the I think it was a jab across my face and then I came back and my neck grew four inches right yeah you look like a tree trunk huh how did that feel that's a great question Danny so Danny's asking how it felt and I kind of mentioned it 10 ounce gloves and no headgear something about the no headgear is actually super relieving and freeing I don't I actually don't like fighting with headgear makes me step up to the plate a little more and I can and I can see cuz the hugger blocks our peripheral is just a little bit but these [ __ ] 10 ounce gloves yeah there wasn't um the it was it was more of I think it made me hesitant to throw which is the probably they've been making fun of me at the house is like I didn't lose my right hand was it to write punches landed I threw the whole fight it was both the uppercuts like I threw two bright hands and it was a most deadly punch yeah me and his have been giving them so much [ __ ] I mean we'll be like will be like hey Logan can you hand me that and it'll be no no no I don't use that hand man we know you don't like use no hand it to us at the left like legitimately hate myself for not active anymore but I realized that when I would throw my right hand case I would do his [ __ ] windmill [ __ ] and who knows bro like I do not want to get hit by run at one of that random plunges I talked about it in the locker room after the fight and and Jake who really [ __ ] cried you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] more uh-oh there's have you ever cried and then wash your face with water or ice or something to make your face not red and inflamed you stupid [ __ ] like what's wrong with you people get mad at what happened people just are saying that jerk ball didn't really crush effect that effect that night but you got call with ice in his hand since he was Isis he was in high school he but I under his eyes when he cries cuz he wants to reduce the swelling and make it look less like red okay and he did that ever but by the way like how does ice under eyes make you fake cry i melts and the kind of trips I can't I'm guessing the the the the the sentiment backstage was that there were a couple miss training steps on the way into this fight and I back that statement I did not see Logan spar a wild thrower he sparred six boxers ten boxers oh no I gotta stop right about the disrespect go ahead you do not see me spar cuz you came out two for two sessions the whole training camp Mike was the most hands-off he's ever been an anything in my life let me you walked out twice how are you supposed to get hands-on on a cat at a camp run by Shannon the cannon bridge you're not you're not but also then don't talk about it like your sample part of the bone now tell me that you did smart I did I did I did we spar one do well then how come you are not prepared to counter the wild right in the fight it's like what happened Anthony Joshua hired a sparring partner that mimics and of Ruiz's style yep you know how many people can do Andy Ruiz's style one and it's Andy Ruiz okay as much as we can que si style there's only one person who does it as well as immanence him I mean but but just think about it for a second what part of left jab even makes a remote sense as a counter to a right hook it's the same arm finally are you training no I'm asking I'm asking tactical boxing does a left jab cuz wouldn't it make sense as opposed to as opposed it uppercut as poser right Jenna face facing the ground right hand frog can't talk to someone about boxing who doesn't know Bob okay I guess I'm asking like what sense did it make to not unload more rights here's why fight here's why every time I would throw right and I do my unleash he would go bonkers cuz like bro he's a dog that's the one thing we know about him and by the way he didn't he didn't improve from last fight he didn't improve from his first fight but his mental toughness did he what he was not scared at all he's he is one of he I said this after the ring he's one of the toughest people I know that kids a [ __ ] dog like it when it'll swing off swing off where you get in the corner and it's [ __ ] go time and you're everybody's just around in the corner it's Rhett if one person in the corner and you're in front of them what people in the sixth round fear there's thirty there's thirty if you're a sailor in a cylinder there's thirty seconds left in the fight they are swinging off on each other it's the end of the fight one's gonna put one down at the end of the fight who wins I honestly honestly probably him I'm being 100% honest he like I'm just not that wild puncher I'm like strategic I pick my punches I wait to the fourth round to set up it a beautiful uppercut cuz I know he punches he's jabbing lazily like this so yeah I'm a little more strategic with it and he's just because that was the only option in round six you know like when you when it came down to it and they were like yo LP needs to [ __ ] knock this dude out you had to put him in the corner and wall bag yo so I gotta ask are you guys ever gonna do a collab on some piece of content are you guys gonna like hang out like I thought about it the world wants to see it I really wished this fight would have had a bit of a cleaner ending I don't feel great about the loss and if I were JJ I wouldn't feel great about the win cuz like it's just a super up in the air very polarizing outcome and so yes I feel I've settled the beef I have no ill will against JJ but there is still unfortunately I feel like unfinished business and and yeah tricky the the locker room after so yeah you mentioned Jake Jake cried a little bit that was that was interesting at first I thought was cuz he was drinking what he said he was he was sober by then but it was so interesting to see like it for some reason maybe it's cuz I've taken Big Al's before the loss didn't and hasn't hit me like the ton of bricks that everyone was expecting it to it you were the least affected by it in the locker room because I think you I think like you knew that you you knew that you went in there you showed up you knew that you guys put on a great show you knew that you know you you left would you say you left it all out there no absolutely not yeah I was like I got 10 more likes it Shannon said to you I guess at one point I really said to me what is it go home tired no matter what even if you get knocked out even if you lose go home tired I didn't do that yeah that's why I'm like I I mean it when I say I'm like really disappointed in myself I think it was the perfect storm of just [ __ ] that day involving my health that I don't know and it worries me because was that sickness caused by stress and and will it happen in the next fight or was it just a super coincidental like this happened I like I get sick a lot I have sick my like six months out of the year you hear the weird conspiracy that we thought of what I think I told you in in an effort to build a batch and not reduce testosterone he didn't have sex leading into the fight sex is a great reliever of stress stress which is a contributor getting sick in a way his non sexual activity may have contributed to higher stress rate which contributed to him getting sick before the fight here's hey [ __ ] himself as opposed to [ __ ] I'm gonna rebuttal real quick I said this somewhere I forget where I said it but I had I had two wet dreams the week of the fight oh wow yeah - bro - - Olli please no nice one a week before the fight and one two days two days blue yellows so here I am building the batch [ __ ] runnin 8 miles put an iron in it lifting weights sparring everything yeah and a week out below my love I'm like no problem I got four days to rebuild hello my load again was sleeping bro dreams vivid I noticed my dreams are more vivid during the training camp and they were all sexual yeah wow man Ravan in a wet dream in ten years one of my seven years old that's either that or just maybe like a sex addict like again and bring back the sex you said running eight miles with his absolutely ashamed as I am of your performance and to even call myself your friend now your your stamina was an endurance was quite impressive and I think a lot of people that were concerned or about your ability to make it through and have that endurance I think you did a better job from a stamina standpoint than ksi I think watching him in round three looked like you've stuck in the mud you moved right through round six very well you know and so kudos on that man maybe you should be a [ __ ] track and field runner yes sir do you want to keep fighting or is like fighting done now now I really do bro like boxing or are you moving on to UFC I'll probably start rolling around and doing jiu-jitsu and the wrestling I probably got down pat maybe just need a little refresher but like III really believe I've gotten I've gained too much skill in the sport to not do something with it right if any celebrity wanted to call me out I truthfully believe I would [ __ ] destroy them because you can't just hop into boxing I've had a year and a half two years now to just hone this skill and like anyone can get good at anything in a year and a half literally so you can size your kryptonite as far as as far as like even the ability to like beat you like from a celebrity influencer standpoint like see the one person that because you say like you would hop in the ring and [ __ ] destroy someone but we've seen you have two fights now and you failed to do it both times do you know what I'm saying so it's like what I'm just asking like it's chaos I the one guy that [ __ ] I mean I don't did you see the same fight I did I did but I mean like you know you got a couple blows in there but I was expecting his head to fly off a little bit earlier I mean bro if this pesky neck wasn't attached to his body it wouldn't I mean bro like yeah yeah yeah I lost the fight okay yeah huh when I caught him with that first one I go I go there's no way he survives this and then I gotta say I got it with the second one and I was right and then he was like kind of on my ankle and I think it was like just like a like a [ __ ] you get off me like love-tap and it wasn't bro can you imagine if I really loaded up it really wanted to and him like I would have yeah that's why I think is just successive but um yeah man the other call-out to has been lack of warnings I think that's another like Ryan Garcia keeps hitting on that too like even if that was even if that was deserving of a one-point deduction it would have been after being warned multiple times if I like I've seen so many boxing matches and everyone there's always the time when the ref said you do that one more time I'm taking a point did he ever say that to like at any point no no because you hear you could hear from the refs Mike in the ring he always says you do that again I'm taking a point you hear all the time locks you know you know what a lot of people also had a problem with in like again I don't want to I don't mean to blow up Jack Reese the ref well I've been paying attention the fights looking at [ __ ] summaries ass dude he was so condescending to me specifically but I don't know if he took this fight as serious as he would like a like a proper title fight and like maybe there's some merit in that but also focus on doing your job to the best of your ability like case I hit me in the back of that three times and on the second or third one I was like yo yo and he he turns him he goes my god I saw it relax did it kill us all that I said kill you Rolla Here I am in the boxing fight like and you see me like laugh at him cuz it just takes me out of it I'm like this guy's like trying to like joke around with me and like mess me out I was I was literate I left I was acknowledged but like what the [ __ ] and just keeps smacking me in the back of the head and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie to you boys after he last fight he hit me in the back of the head after the second round the bell rang and he he's like punch me a condo you almost I kind of had a vendetta like I got like I never really forgave him for that that was such a dirty like just scumbag move I remember that I maybe tried to like get my own and that's where that like tap came from that sucks that should be it good that should be good evidence to anybody watching this that that vendetta or that feeling of anger in your life could technically [ __ ] you like like if he hadn't done that he he potentially could have won that fight take take that lesson like y'all if you're if you're if you get in a street fight we've talked about that final kick at the end of the street fight that kills the guy and you didn't need to do it there on the ground the fights over and you throw that final kick and now you're in jail for the rest of your [ __ ] life like you've got to try to level out that feeling of anger and vendetta yeah for all those potential felons out there if you're gonna street fight don't [ __ ] kick the person when they're down - uh - everything all the cool things that happened at the fight like this was one of them Bieber walking I mean what's good bro I'm a kid from Ohio how did this happen what are we doing that's what I was gonna ask you how did how did the relationship with Bieber come to be oh I've known him for a minute we hung out a little bit way back in the day like four or five years ago and then it kind of just rekindled through Instagram and he likes fighting and he got super involved in the fight so we just started talking and we just are to talk about like random stuff like really random stuff I'm gonna say cuz it's so random but then yeah I hooked only tickets ticket to the fight we go to walk out and he was uh posted up ready to walk me to the ring cool cuz the whole time he's just repeating is going calm calm peace think about what you need to do calm dude he's a good guy and I really must really go guys I said he's like you see he's just like meditating with me to the ring but Mike made a good point I said on the night shift the other day I'm like that first episode back I was like you know maybe he should have said son else like go out there and kill your opponent or something like like walking into the ring like calm calm I was I was I was way too I was literally to calm but it wasn't it wasn't Bieber's fault it was cause like I just wasn't in ia I wasn't in the mood that day which is weird cuz every day of training camp I was in the mood and this day I was just like this is I don't know about all this I'm sick I'm gonna do the best I can told me after the fight you're like I don't feel like any of today was real no you just fit you felt like the whole day was like nothing went like as it was supposed to go is just all sorry for the for the for the second time in my life I felt like my life was a movie and I was just watching it go down and there was nothing I could really what was the other time next question yes question do you think do you think there's like a deeper spiritual meaning to this loss by chance watch why don't you suck a dick alright the wind facts what I agree I think him winning was essential for him I think he needed to win I think he needed to win and maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I was like you know what like I'll do this but like how about it again I'll probably be alright like I well I mean at this point people are so used to l's on this crazy yeah not and that was that was like my post like coming out of it - I write we do some [ __ ] like oh if I guess back to the [ __ ] you know yeah and [ __ ] like this hell is really painful right now dude like another thing too like that I thought about it it's like this was a big win for like the like disenfranchised gamers you know they were like beat the [ __ ] jock that dude's got all the girls all the money and they were like nerds unite and like [ __ ] dude like they were like we could [ __ ] do it man but I also like did I they did it like I like that story I like that story I can get like that's a [ __ ] dope like your leader who used to be a FIFA gamer and by the way no disrespect no disrespect to gaming obviously like that's what he games every night he has a face Clint he wants to be a face book because by the way like if I like at my heart like maybe I'm like I'm like one of those yeah yeah I also think we thought about this a lot say I had one what what what really happens I'm your blonde douchey American who just took a who won again like we've seen this story it's all right I like to be real man like I this this losses it gives me another opportunity to just rise again even though it just doesn't work loss what are some more to start with l learning Logan lessons lick lick liquid oh yeah licorice licorice what's it like at Lake get laid mmm getting lots of loop lunar looking at the lunar landing Landers another cool thing about this flight um I was sponsored by fashion OVA which is which is awesome because fashion it was a brand that's very close to close to me and we were pictured but look I didn't pull up this picture shorts fashion over at wise this picture with four pixels but this is a little clearer by the way also once again Jack Reese dude look at that last picture he is he is focusing on how he can help ksi up and how I can push you out of the ring like he's like you'll [ __ ] this kid dude yeah yeah yeah was it it wasn't great well yeah bro I was super proud to walk out there with fashion is one of the most innovative brands in the world and they're killing it so if you haven't checked out fashion overstuff do your favor do yourself a favor get fashionable fit shout out rich shout out rich I love you yeah I'm not gonna lie this was this was awesome like definitely a highlight of my life highlights your life how was how was after the fight yeah dude I'm gonna be honest boys it's all just pity sex no one wants to [ __ ] a loser Dylan Dylan wound up a good question here he sent us a couple guiding questions he said did you have a girl lined up for after or was it more see what happens iiiii didn't because something told me that I was gonna go out and just have the most fun possible and just go with the flow I and plus like the idea of like having a girl lined up we fight lineup for real though for real though I mean if I'm being blatantly honest with you office having sex I'm like this girl's like this is pity sex dude she feels bad for me and she like grabbed my face she's like are you okay I'm like yeah I'm [ __ ] fine by the way by the way she dominated the [ __ ] out of him like she tied him up and gag them and she like yo but we we went to the after-party and I think something else to talk about we as a show of camaraderie we both went what like 80 some odd days leading into fight night without drinking completely sober and by the way well by the way everyone said that it wasn't gonna happen they're like Mike cannot do that and and we made it through and alright shot up to sobriety and let me let me say this the amount of [ __ ] I got done in that those 85 days mind-blowing like the the the the night shift launched a [ __ ] new dating app like all of those things that happened I in some way contribute to the fact that I was focused not out there getting [ __ ] up in on now are you about to like go back to living on a couch from ping pong nah we went out that one night we went excessively hard we came home at 6:00 in the morning you know we went to after parties after after parties we hung out with [ __ ] Chris Brown and who else a whole bunch of people at all these parties and came home and well we can't we came home and I remember waking up the next day and I was like ah I just I just I just don't know if it's worth it like I woke up the next day just felt like [ __ ] by the way I've drank a couple times since then yeah you've been pretty sick - I got sick immediately like not sleeping I want to express one thing because I can relate to you I so yeah I'm back I'm free to drink should I choose and I didn't I went hand the first night then I kind of chilled out and then this past weekend we went to my ranch then I just that had just bought I want to dive into that a little bit but we drank a little bit there and I noticed that I was doing it because I was bored especially with daylight savings time now it gets dark at 5:30 and so it's not broke um 8:30 it's it feels like midnight I look around and like I'm bored and it's 8:30 my throne back [ __ ] and that that is a very very good point or the one one thing I did notice very early on and through the entire thing was sober life [ __ ] for me the way I is eyes it I it felt I felt very mundane III would be here most nights and it's because here's the solution you have to give yourself something to do because I didn't feel like that during training camp I did not feel like that training can post transcripts now there's nothing to do something I might as well drink and I do want to say and I do want to say because I want to make sure that people watching us that are in sobriety or or thinking about getting sober that did end I think probably three or so weeks into it I started going out not drinking hanging out with you know with people that were and and partying and I felt no need to drink I was just as much fun I had or energy I was at after parties still really late and I didn't I didn't want to drink but I do hear your complaint that sometimes you're just like damn it I kind of wish like I could just like just party a little bit yeah the whole daylight saving things that that makes sense can we we're not really tending our crops nowadays I'm saying I think there's something we can do about this I think there's and I would love to make a social push I think there's a there was a vote right I was I'm actually gonna be like voted to keep that trouble yeah farmers only folk that's why I hate I hate that I hate daylight savings time I always have it makes me like depress the Sun Goes Down oh you're at 448 tonight it is what it is ridiculous Arizona Arizona we are moving to Arizona that's right there's an old Indian saying I'm looking at Mike's Google search so far he's typed in Indian Indian yeah you find this thing I gotta find the same I know it is I just wanted to get it exactly right but they said either only is either only the government or only white man believes that cutting off the end of a blanket and moving it to the top makes the day longer so basically we cut off the end of the day and we make it you know and we move those hours to the front of the day it's still the same [ __ ] I am waking up at 6:00 a.m. sucka suck your mom yeah suck your mom's your mom I mean what's going to haircut Spencer where's Spencer [Music] he got this haircut and I text him I said what have you done with spender yeah we're hit where's he gonna feel so good man it's just nobody was like taking taking me seriously with the man button and rightfully so like I just you shouldn't been rocking that thing around for so long no Gordon yeah my name's Pete Gordon I don't know I feel it he's he's mark I'm Jimmy yeah Gordon by the way full name mark mallcop [Music] yeah dude I don't know man I man buns just I I are retired for me I'm professional now forever I'm not unless I'm like really winning and I just feel like throwing one back again maybe but no I think it's I think it's done though I can't believe this I can't believe my friend Gordon's gonna go run iron mans with that haircut yeah Jesus Christ nothing lends itself to an iron man it's true that's true Instagram took away likes do you think your haircut will affect that no it's been it's been adding up more likes so I think I'm in a good position right now that's a mess by the way why the whole situation is a [ __ ] mess mine and mine haven't been taken I know mine are still there too but let me let me say this at the very very least it's a pain in the [ __ ] ass bro okay and I'll tell you why my core metric one as a as a [ __ ] boy which I'm which I'm trying to grow out of but currently in determining if a girl is real or not when she has 3.6 million followers is when I look at her page and she has 26 likes okay my only girl with 3.6 million followers is all of a sudden a suitable [ __ ] bride for me okay whether or not they're engaged or not part two as a man who runs multiple brand campaigns and does not have access to said brands Instagram accounts I use my personal account to justify spends based on engagement rates so once again said girl that has 3.2 million followers when I look at her page and I say well she's got 3.2 million fires but she has 26 likes per picture I'm not [ __ ] hiring her campaign I can't do that well sit yes I got done I got to get metrics from everybody you wanna know stop me dude I'm [ __ ] lazy I don't wanna true I've seen in me Darren last night he ate dinner had a fork in one hand and a knife in the other didn't even use a fork he's just stabbing food with a knife and eating a nice chunk of food stick the [ __ ] knife an anomaly because guess what left hands just resting taking a [ __ ] breather and taking the snoozer because why am I gonna use two hands what I could do with one is good makes sense yeah I think I mean the mental health argument is there but like does it really help people's mental health now that it says and thousands of others like by your three best friends and thousands of others and we're back to myspace when you get to millions it says millions of others so like yeah so like celebrities influencers or whatever will be constantly aiming for that others and if it's not you're kind of a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] yeah this to me it just doesn't feel like this is gonna solve that problem and and it seems like that was the original push if I'm not mistaken right to hell I'm gonna be honest helps me really helps me okay absolutely how I I I don't have anxiety but sometimes when I post something that doesn't get good engagement not so much recently but like six months ago I'll get like anxious I'm like am I am i okay yeah yeah but still but still I think that I think that like why did I get anxious it's cuz I was worried that Lee I didn't like get enough likes I'll see it but I don't care number if I know that I'm the only one that's like ah I'm the only one who knows like what my penis looks like when I'm peeing right like and that makes me feel safe and comfortable so I'm the only one who knows somebody likes I'm getting when I post a picture on Instagram what a weird and now it's ah manses number of comments is there still right because to be quite honest with you like the true [ __ ] factor of engagement is cause it's false I believe he's got clowns and elves all over your Instagram what do you pop in now clowns in it yeah I mean I mean by the way yeah by the way thank you for those clowns and else at all UK people I'm not even kidding hi I got a higher deal rate based on my [ __ ] [ __ ] they are literally putting money in my pocket I put a story out asking them to put more clowns and Al's on mypos my last post is like 1500 comments on it yeah i and now i go to brains I'm like yo by the way did you see my last post 1500 [ __ ] comments like 15,000 oh yeah my YouTube video getting pissed at me why are you something [ __ ] up a weird statistic to make your wiener tingle yes that's exactly what I made 3 times more money off youtube ads last month then david dobrik did there's no no no there's no celebration this is not a brag at all this is stupidity or not stupidity but it's just we're not telling how much you made so to give context right so I've made close to 10,000 you did yeah on YouTube at 20 percent and and david dobrik you he say the screen shot he goes David because we talked about it on the show by the way he's come out publicly with this which is why I'm cool was saying yeah he said he he saw us talking about his ad revenue on this show and it would appear that david dobrik has endless amounts of money and i say and i said i was like i don't think i don't think from google adsense anyway so it's impossible for videos that short and is raunchy I bet I bet YouTube has [ __ ] politely blacklisted him not from recommended but for making money via ads and he texted me he goes do I meant to show you this and I think it was like 3,200 bucks was less than I think was like $2,000 what and so and so this is awesome so this is not a dig or like he's saying that like anything about views or anything that I deserve it 3,200 bucks yeah Wow somehow surprisingly right on but but like it's just weird you know yeah the first off super the less is here like it there's more than meets the eye yes David David's not doing it for YouTube Adsense he's gotten very creative with how he can make money which by the way I think is better anyways the reason I am able to afford anything of mine is not because of Google Adsense because we've found it a way to like innovate business yeah Loran deep brand deals yeah yeah yeah yeah that's where the real that's where the real money is but we're we're saying yes and I think we should be we should just start saying no more often oh yeah I should take that word out of my vocab do this do yes but no yes yes but no no like that girl that tried kombucha I'm a camera and she's like wow what she's done yo she's got Chileans I think she's a tick-tock or dude you're tick-tock tick-tock what's no no no no [ __ ] you I hope honestly we [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude I pissed I told you the other day nothing makes me feel more violent than when one of our friends makes a tick tock style video Mark Toner I'm [ __ ] looking at you right now pull this [ __ ] up dude mark I'm gonna show you this video that I want to give context because I actually commented on this video is something not so nice um we're gonna get flagged for copyright music but just don't play the sound okay he's eating a bowl of regular Reese's puffs and he then he compares it to what he calls Travis Scott Reese's puffs and when He pours him it plays a single-mode sicko mo to Travis Scott song bench bench and then he starts to turn up his friends come in milk in the bowl milk on his head dancing Olga safaris for some reason in the background going hard and then he lasted the end and the laugh is the worst part yeah yeah and so I commented and but my drive I love mark doughnut at least one of my best friends he's my roommate for like a year and a half but I commented I hate you mark and I meant it did he say anything that I really meant it like I love Mark Toner with that video made me a mark so I said it it's just it's just y'all hey Mark we talked about this last night we talked about the difference between tick tock and vine vine created some of the biggest [ __ ] stars that exist today and we're like why why is that why is there a difference I don't know why vine said you have seven seconds create a concept do it yourself shoot it yourself figure it all out tick-tock you go on they're like this is what's trending this song's hot so if you're a pretty face that could make your moves lit your lips move to the sound of a song you just got four million views dude there was a [ __ ] viral video of people overflowing the soda cups everybody was overflowing the [ __ ] soda cups it makes me want to hurt it makes me hurt it makes me have major it makes me sad for life yeah like when I see you guys do that bro like just [ __ ] create here zomp here's why here's why it just in so many ways especially for our friends it just feels like a step back yeah we did the short form comedy on vine even like Instagram and then that's a great way by the way I'm well aware of the massive success in the reach of ticked off her shirt I and there's vet there's immense value in that that goes unstated but for me as a brand personally in mind you I have I think 3.7 million followers on there because I did musically for a bit and all of them are the most cringe thing I've ever seen in my life please don't go watch them you're gonna watch I'm so sorry and you know there's talks about us going on tick-tock but it's just I might do it as like a [ __ ] around like you know it we just making a show just because it like I think they should change their tagline to tick-tock we give non creators the ability to create do you know what that's cool it's cool but if you're a [ __ ] creative every Power reset to a degree bro they give you the stuff they give you the song they give you the hash that's why you know get it for for the [ __ ] Nazis please if you're a creator and you're watching this don't flow your soda coffee translated to like actual like money being made which I do it yeah no I don't move for no no I'm saying like if it was worth it though like cuz I don't I haven't seen is it valuable can you secure brand deals through it's getting there I think so this might be one of those things where I don't know maybe 10 years from now I will look back and they're like well there's geriatrics not impulsive didn't want to adapt to the change because you don't say no see I said this before actually I said I knew no I said I how you know when you're washed up is when you start hating on the up-and-coming right that's why how are we geriatric I'm not hating on people and I'm not even hating on tick-tock I was just like some dinosaurs right now bro it's quite possible that no bro look at the metrics we just moved to a ranch now we're off great we're all gonna have beards and be fossilized in the side of the mounds they're like people are gonna discover us 300 thousand years from now look that looks like Logan Paul Rock caveman Mike with this caveman Easy's let me let me let me [ __ ] say this bro it's not we are not doing that I happily embrace little Aussie vert I happily invent embrace young Doug just because someone is new and does things differently doesn't mean you have to [ __ ] embrace them this [ __ ] is a sham people overflowing their [ __ ] soda cups and calling that content is a [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] what you say dude I try to make it tick-tock once and they uh they they took it off the platform here check it out even this was real creation we find out how they make the noise and scary movies they may have seen Evan as dangerous hanging from the Bell no it's probably Mike taking a [ __ ] it was removed in 15 minutes what is I try to do tick-tock and slap me in the ass just like every other platform in this world have you really tried you could conquer it no [ __ ] Jeff what obviously I don't know about you guys but it begs the question now you're responding to Jeff saying something Jeff how the [ __ ] did you get here and why are you and I'm sorry what's [ __ ] good jad yeah and we got a man bar now we got a man bun on set I think the man was gonna go I usually like change every so often like one time I came in to a meeting and I shaved my head that's it was like what since we've turned into Gordon and you're gonna turn into Jordan okay nice Jordan yep yeah welcome to the show Jeff thank you for having me I love that free love hey you guys want talk about the ranch real quick yeah hi so we're gonna we're gonna show this on YouTube just has to be done the right way cuz if I'm being honest it's the it's the greatest thing I've ever purchased I paid 1 million in $1 for this ranch that was my offer and they accepted it cuz I thought it was funny I fed her in the $1 1 million in $1 they bought it are they they sold it to us and we spent the weekend up there for the first time have you tried nein nein nein reverse because that would've been cheaper that would made them think it's cheaper she's oh he did 1 million and 1 1 now they're like damn I'm getting a hell of a deal there's Jordan and Gorn you guys done yeah we're done oh yeah there's a lot of great stuff to do with the ranch it is my favorite spot on planet earth and like I said I want to do a proper reveal video there's just one there's just one one problem we discovered um oh yeah you didn't look under the rug yeah it might be maybe severely haunted and and by the way I went there with an open mind I said I said hunt haunted it was owned by the hippie mafia he goes in throw the dogs eternal love they're gonna be hippie ghosts Mike don't worry about I'm like yeah okay I start hearing the metal doors clanging in the [ __ ] middle of the night I ain't trying to look for cars started honking yeah the second night we were there was really windy and I made David and Mike move their mattress to my room he didn't have to [ __ ] the [ __ ] I was seeing the [ __ ] I was hearing the wind would blown and you're like dang mang mang meaning meaning then the [ __ ] car horn Mike wakes miracles Logan a car just honk three times I'm like so he's like it's 2:00 a.m. I'm like are you sure David's like I heard that too - Logan that's his German accent I'm like [ __ ] soul mode on my own no it turns out there's a ghost that likes to honk the car horn three times because he did it again in the morning does this make the value of the property though go up because everybody loves a haunted I mean people flock to that kind of stuff yeah and also and also is it really haunted Greg Paul staying there right now by on his lonesome oh yeah when's last time you heard the dudes [ __ ] toast and roasted bro I'll be the first to say I love the place but the same crime like days give me the same look you hate the place you're not a rich man you like them happy the mountain and we start going up we look back once we get to the top Mike's just gone the wi-fi's point 6mb up a sound like the old logan paul used to look for uploads and be like Jeff I mean like Vancouver there's no speed I've gone to this next hotel I'm going to the next Robin hours try I said it to him I said I'm 2017 you I need the [ __ ] Wi-Fi I need to figure it out and then I uploaded the video and had no [ __ ] sound here joke you way you want to know what I was doing because when he's uploading or attempting to upload or having problems I think you were I was eating cheez-its watching Mike just enjoying because I go I did this for 60 days I know it and it's it does suck at times you know I'm saying but it's like it's like [ __ ] when you have this content that you're [ __ ] proud of and you know people want it and [ __ ] and it's like [ __ ] I'm stuck at phobes ranch with [ __ ] a bunch of ghosts and [ __ ] hippie morons the dedication and sacrifice is real and I hope in the hippo you do well [ __ ] they're gonna have to travel here's a good question if the alarm was going off here at this house like the car alarm would you be scared not because I got this one and I'm wilderness like you know yes basically by yourself why but you got to just be okay with it because you got to just be like yo mysterious horns deep in a property nowhere near Sephora fiying like I'm sitting up looking at the ceiling which by the way doesn't exist consol glass it's all the ghosts are literally so smoking me now I swear the guys to cool it it's the cool it doesn't make sense there's no sense you're going on those hikes it's like you get up to the top of one of the mountains that's at the top like the biggest mountain you're just like overlooks Coachella Valley yes the entire Coachella by the way all jokes aside the place [ __ ] dope my qualms with it on this last trip is we have not gotten anything in there yet it was very bare-bones the only thing there was there was alright so we'd wake up in the morning and people would be like alright guys we got two options today go out and walk around in the dirt or God walk around the dirt and I was just like imma just chill here brah I'm just just like there it's just [ __ ] we loved her we greatest hike ever but I just hiked four miles today I got a [ __ ] F ok so you can read you can read I know you can read what is reading after with hiking it's just beautiful you're outside you sit and read a book but but he also is just got mountain bikes which I love from look at the view are you kidding me zooming out Danny's face right now Wow Wow that's a pineapple spear that I'm doing that's all your property you own every inch sort of time I mean just go with them I own a 84 acres that is right here in the middle bottom but bro there's no houses picture on the bottom is your did you show him can you point out where I got to this was actually the mountain you didn't even come now this was the second day this whole thing is National Forest so I own it I own 84 but like bro it's a playground of thousands of hundreds of thousands of acres but um yeah it's a panorama panorama if he moves my house is right it's the girl right here you see down here this is the barn amazing this is the house I can't wait to show this a mega tube this videos gonna be sick but yeah here's the I don't want to ask you again how do you how do you protect people from coming no we there's a gate with our lock on it a padlock and to be honest bro this is and I hate to say this this is the property that like trespassing is not [ __ ] taken lightly oh yeah this is this is this is farmers I'm not gonna tell you you're gonna get shot but like yo depending on who's at the ranch where's GP whether it's our groundskeeper or if you like walk onto the neighbor's property on accident neighbor Ruthie who owns like 4000 cattle bro and you're disturbing her cattle like this is not the land to just try to infiltrate cuz now you'll get barbecued you'll get hooked up I'm gonna use like tranquilizer darts I mean that's let's just put it this way that's what we use here like so imagine what gets used that yeah yeah I'm saying my so on like like know what but listen we just bought ten thousand dollars worth of mom bikes the number for a reason just let you know we've taken a lot a lot of them how many for mom bikes for helmets four sets of Oakley helmets with Oakland A's I'll be honest so swiping on on dating apps they're no good but there's some honey's in the town idle I know I saw there's an amazing Italian restaurant you guys want it's incredible she might say I'm whatever looked amazing Mac found a girlfriend there so I could see that for sure this our friend Mac who the bearded pilgrim you guys I'm sure I'm sure I've seen him before he's always he's one of these guys who's like I was born with a chance serendipitous exploring like he's always just like he's out in the Netherland somewhere mind wise his whole thing is called mind he's always writing in this little notepad he's like today I set out to enjoy the world and so we were in this small town near the ranch and he's writing in his notepad and I look over and there's a girl today I'm going to explore the way and he looked in their eyes like linked up and I'm like they're [ __ ] both writing some crazy [ __ ] right now they're definitely gonna talk so he goes up to her any talks or he said hey you're writing on writing we should like be in love and stuff let's go on the Maine Florida so they talk they hang out they exchange like numbers they talk about like how like how many far big a font and all that [ __ ] whatever right and they [ __ ] leave we they go their separate ways we leave and we're driving and we're 20 30 minutes away from the town and there's this girl sitting on the [ __ ] bluff writing more [ __ ] stop just [ __ ] riding on the road man stops and he goes up to and he's like seven different is six benches have led me to you and now we must sail the ocean blue I love it bro like and then to make matters even more extreme we're back here in LA they walk in the [ __ ] door the house last night she knows here I love it and they're hanging out in LA love that that's butyl of that is what she was doing in the random city of Idlewild she's like I flipped a coin and decided to come here she yeah maybe they can go on the Titanic I saw there's a tennis team built they're doing a second Titanic that's following the same horrible ending with that story yeah they sailed away on the Titanic too and died in an iceberg again the only thing that we find is they're journalists together like dude same route it's sailing the same route my question is like do you turn for the iceberg this time you know what I was gonna say those men is that property is like you could just retire you could be done Yeah right there's nothing else you need you can live off-grid you do you start your garden whatever it's a goal of mine so what's next bro here's what's next if you're on the ranch and you can't get a boner what would you do oh did he just throw me a blue 2x I think so I guess technically we got another sponsor ladies gentlemen if you like sex you love blue to calm blue choppers metal performance enhancement for the bedroom because we all like that that's a little longer go a few extra rounds you can get the first two of us with the active ingredients so then that fall are kind of lawful you know the drill I can't say it same ingredients as Viagra and Cialis it only takes a few minutes to connect to the blue chalk affiliated physician and if you qualify you get prescribed online quickly no in-person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting in line at a pharmacy the trubel's from blue to calm are prescribed by a doctor made in the USA confidence in bed every single time you and your partner will love it she wouldn't do it here's a great deal for you guys go to blue to comm get your first order free when you use the promo code Logan just pay five dollars shipping that's blue2 comm promo code Logan by the way we got a big ol bag of those suckers right for fight night stalking those [ __ ] down to them and walking around an intercontinental ballistic missile as a dick for the past two weeks we've seen game-changer which I'm sure Spencer so no one wants to hear about your [ __ ] physician Jeff okay vegetable well guess what the vegetable companies aren't paying the [ __ ] bills you know who is blue chew so take your [ __ ] pills Jeff and get your boners the [ __ ] away all this Mighty Ducks Jamie I just gotta ask come from like yeah let's get back to them after it's after the boner what's next that's a great question I love to put blue impulsive to match the bad facts it's tricky I think we're gonna address this in the ranch vlog and Andre asked me this in the mountain we had like a little like heart-to-heart conversation what was more just like a question and answer but it still felt like a heart-to-heart for the first time in my life I'm I'm scared and somewhat uncomfortable at how free I am which is weird it's like I have everything I've ever wanted I'm financially free I'm free like Liberty wise because I live in the United States of America I am socially free like I can do I can do anything I want but I don't know what to do and that's terrifying and I know I can't be the only one who feels like this in in the sense of I'm not sure what route to go with my life right now I have some ideas now and I will pursue a B or C but or a B and C possibly or C both a and B anything is really in any order but yes like that yeah it's uh it's it's odd man and I know I know just because of my work I think in my desire to succeed I'll find something but it's uh it's cool I'm out another I might add another pivot point in my life like we're here we're here right now and time to uh time to go the right way should we talking all about the I think whatever he puts his mind to he's accomplished at the highest level right YouTube's fastest growing channel in the world boxing top of the boxing you know publicity I think whatever he decides to do he's gonna conquer I think that his creativity is second to none so it's gonna be excited for him to take some time and put that creative juices to to work again I'm excited about it I really wanted to the creative muscle because I feel like it's been a minute since since I've really like got creative or something even when we did daily vlogs it was like a force creativity that involved like a lot of Fringe and manufacturing and I wanna I want to get creative and how we innovate this space yet again sure we should talk shall we talk about the combo from last night or just say now we're gonna air that no I don't know I don't know we I think we're gonna I think what you probably will see over the next few months is him being a little bit more liberal with what's filmed and showing a little bit more of what really happens as opposed to as opposed to the title of the vlog being we bought ten thousand dollars worth of bicycles and then shutting the cameras off once his friends come over and once we go out and go out in LA and do the stuff that we do it'll probably flop the $10,000 worth of bicycles becomes a sub story that might might or might not get shown and the main the main story is what happened in his life yeah you also said you're gonna place on Andre with artificial intelligence right yes that's pretty Agra ferentari about that dude we're powering it with electricity and vegan juice here's here's the big answer your question that I'm gonna go down this path we need a team mmm any team that that's the that we're gonna find hard-working talented young folks who want to succeed and join team average that's number one I love it they're probably already my guesses are probably already established actors minor but yes maybe unless they're unless they're disgruntled yeah yeah I'm saying and there's someone like I brought up and I brought up at Jeff I thought it would be dope is [ __ ] up at Jeff he wants to poach Jeff from the vlogs I would love to I think he's dope is [ __ ] huge and he would make like I told him last night we were talking about was like by the way we'd never try that but what I'm saying is you know a secondary Oh Jeff but but but like if me and him sat down we created this talent pool and I said are you grant you pick one and I'll pick one and so mine I would pick one that was like kind of like me and he picked one that was kind of like him and then we and by the way we need girl winger a girl by the way by the way I want her to live in this house she got be with us she got become our our home girl we're turning this into like the real world I know no no but yeah yeah yeah yes yes like like yo this is there is your real world also the real world bro like as entertaining as it was I think just we have a thing that the real world folks just don't have I think it's I think the fact that we are blue - wait I think we have blue tooth they don't I can say this without a shadow of a doubt yeah no story that any team currently out there is able to manufacture is as fun to watch as the story that we live every single [ __ ] day without making anything up not because we because we we need to infuse a cousin eat more creators like we need more people to bounce off of like when I come downstairs and I see Mike making a show on his lonesome called the night shift it gives me a most joy I am ecstatic next act that my friend and partner is making content we need we need creators who when I'm done with my vlog and Mike's been shooting the night shift and we're done with this show they'll go and make you know three times a week content whatever it is a makeup tutorial whatever it is like I need I need that and that creative gene that makes kids people want to post on YouTube is very very hard to manufacture like I've been making videos since I was 10 there's a reason I've always loved it for whatever [ __ ] reason and by the way ask any YouTube creator who has found success on a on a scale that big they've probably been making video since they were like 10 it's hard to find like if we went to like an improv school like UCB and we found someone who is funny sure they're funny sure they'll provide like entertainment value in our content but afterwards they're not going out and building their own platform because they just don't know how that Creator gene is the thing there's gonna be the staple of this organization that every one of us has and was which is why we're gonna just become like like I got Seidman on steroids also like I was like a like a chupacabra mixed with like like a bomb like Santa can go in different climates yeah one thing that like I always wanted to bring like as much as possible whether it's through like whatever means was like trying to level us up on a cult from a culture perspective like whether it be like bringing in like like I want people that are [ __ ] about the culture like I want to be I want people that are gonna like set trends whether it's music whether it's this whether it's that like I told them I something like that I want to call someone be like yo you we want we want you to be on our team well I'm with like Ozzy right now but I'll come over after you know what I'm saying like the people that are on the forefront of like what people are talking about because that's what we talk about on this show like we talk about [ __ ] that people want are talking about anyways outside of the show and I want the I want the content direction to reflect that outside of this show how do we bring impulsive to the vlog Channel I think it's diversification to like you guys are saying bring it the beauty person bringing the intellect bringing the business person bringing don't touch me James Charles is moving next door to us what if we cut him a very handsome and I mean by handsome like he just takes 100% of everything to join our team what a weird way to end welcome back to father the number one podcast the world season 2 is started it's initiated but back hit that subscribe button and join us every monday wednesday and friday for the most awesome epic podcasts in the world you can find this on Spotify too if you'd like to listen to things audio only we do have guests what we got we got um I don't even know any of them Chuck Liddell um the Joe Markowski from the zone big Big Mike the real Big Mike the real Big Mike Queens good so just be Joe just I mean [ __ ] we love y'all mm-hmm and uh hopefully the California State Athletic Commission takes a good hard look at my appeal and takes me seriously and doesn't think you're a Nancy doesn't think I would not say I would love you guys we'll see you next time take it easy
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 1,160,984
Rating: 3.3969219 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, logan oaul vs ksi ii, logan lost, sparring, staples center, sobriety, tiktok, man bun, the ranch, wet dreams, logan paul lost, logan paul losing, fighting, boxing, logsn paul podcast, fight, ksi fight, haunted, ghost
Id: k9SMhUF-FvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 9sec (4569 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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