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that was the [ __ ] that made chains also it took a million [ __ ] walking through Washington DC together with their fists in the [ __ ] air saying we want change right now yeah and we're not gonna stop until that change occurs to make a change happening I'm I sitting like AC Slater from Saved by the Bell right now the generational thing I don't know who you're talking about Zack you don't know what Saved by the Bell we do specific you I found a C Slater you're easily [ __ ] began bro I wish I could relate hey by the way welcome back to a policy of the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching subscribing hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed I'm a little low energy today I'm working oh was convenient oh I have influenza and you know that I can't get rid of my gosh oh [ __ ] you could spit it out no he's it's to lay out my lives already hit the thing Mike is so sick but like I'm okay with getting sick from my friends it happens a lot in this house like we tend to just pass the viruses around to each other so it's real bad actually speaking of that guys we got a sponsor I'm surprised I'm not either that's controversial we got sponsors now guys here's a brand new game it's called raid shadow legends I have a video here it's pretty epic I'm a player for you guys get ready to raid it's just arrows flying and monsters people's fighting more arrows more monsters this is the most ambitious RPG project of 2019 has just been released raid shadow legends can only really be compared with the biggest PC and console titles Wow it's totally free ten million players worldwide not that's a that's a mobile game yeah it looks incredible I have it I'm not literally downloading right now I have it on my phone here I've been playing a little bit is this gonna come in this is gonna cut into our workload they call me they call me Yaga the insatiable which is also what I call myself when I'm intoxicated yeah it's super cool there's a bunch of your characters here I want to play this video for you check us out Mike this is I feel like you you're the red guy in the middle but there's a ton of a really cool character like that's you on the right with the line let me go back real quick now that's looking on the left the white hair the white ponytail oh I don't know I feel like he's a little [Laughter] much the orc that's that's ever on the far right I like that there's more than 200,000 reviews it only says it has an almost perfect score on the App Store and there's a new awesome rewards program for new players get a new daily log and reward for the first 90 days in the game go to the video description click on the rail ink and you will get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey this is incredible I'm literally I'm downloading it right now neither saying I love I love a good mobile RPG game no one does it like raid Shadow legends alright anyway I don't know if you guys have been browsing social media lately but there's a lot of just sub subpar things that are happening number one being the Amazon rainforest yeah yeah see Amazon rainforest I tweeted about this because there's so many it's it's weird there is some thoughts and prayers some hash tag thoughts at pray for Amazonia but it's more a celebrity social media stars talking about spreading the word yeah and I think the words spread by now like we all get it everyone's and how much for the world how much of the fire did the word put out absolutely zero oh it didn't work didn't work actually hold on I'm saying this it's day so when I first found out about it and like most of the media I think it was already like 16 days in right like we found out way late was pretty wild yeah and and I I hopped on pretty quickly and I tweeted like how can I help how can I actually do something how can i leverage my audience to make a difference here because I'm not about the and this is why I don't speak up often on things I don't feel I can make a change in cuz thoughts and prayers don't work for me I just don't like sending that energy out there because I don't believe it does anything I like action and I got some tweets about it this is a tricky situation I'd like you to elaborate a little bit about the Amazon rainforest and for those who don't know it's it's burnt it's burning to a crisp and it's it what is it it's like it uh it processes twenty percent of Earth's oxygen but they're calling it the lungs online at earth yeah and it's just burning to the ground yeah I mean from what I've gathered the this is something that we can't avoid right the forest fires like this especially with the climate that it in this is they're saying that it's a man-made it's a man caused fire because of slashing and burning and the majority of what that slash in burning is coming from his cattle farm cattle ranching in log yeah so balsan ro the president of Brazil he is a very they compared him to like the Trump of Brazil yeah he's he wants to incentivize these natives in the Amazonian forest to give up their lands for a better life that's what he's saying and he wants you know I think it's like 90% of the lands that are taken over by these Amazonian tribes have to be cattle farming it's a requirement so the government's requiring these people who are taking over the native lands to produce cattle and then they're slashing and burning and the reason why they think that's what's happening is because now is the time of year that slashing and burning starts to occur to make room for the new cattle lands they call him captain chainsaw he is so environmentally unfriendly and it sucks cuz you know being an American I like I don't even know where to start with this I put our magical friends yet on it and hopefully Jed please give me insight and how I can do something we we talked about going down there we're looking into it it seems like it could be a bit dangerous I'm down for danger I mean listen I tweeted about it yesterday I said what what is doing more thoughts and prayers from the right or or you know Instagram stories from the left and it was it was kind of just poking at what's the next step like once you share this story out there's nothing you can really donate to there's no infrastructure that supports there's there's it like there's a few I'm just you know how hesitant you gotta be when you're just throwing money at it Oh charity that I making bags off yeah like like ninety like what's what's the percentage of nonprofit that are actually nonprofit it's like it's it's it's high right yeah I don't know the specifics of that forest burn and regenerate every whether it's California whether it's Amazon I'm not saying it's okay I'm not saying we shouldn't build awareness for it but I guess like the question is like what's what's the true next step like now that all the Instagram stories are out you know I went on the news yesterday to see what the what what that did to the media what acted as a catalyst or what they were talking about Trump saying that he was the chosen one and so it's like what is the what's the true impact of all those IG stories yeah well I think you know obviously there's the layer of awareness we got past that so I think a lot of it comes down to where to me it's a little unfortunate because I don't like living in the political conversation space and all that kind of stuff but I do think to a level this is kind of our generation is having to confront in my opinion I want to hear what you guys say our generation is having to confront these people who are in power that are doing things to compromise our planet in our environment and I think it's forcing us to have to talk about it we can't not you can't ignore it you know 20 years 30 years from now we're not gonna be in a position where we can say oh I just let the people and the government do whatever they want I think we're coming to this critical time where young people have to do something I don't think I have us really know what that is yet I hate to say it but I was talking to so many about it now I'm so cautious with how I put this but back in the day when you wanted to get things done you didn't post about it you didn't tweet about it you blocked legislators driveways you unfortunately burn [ __ ] to the [ __ ] ground yeah and you made the lives of legislators and those in power as uncomfortable as possible until things change that included boycotts that included straight-up guerrilla [ __ ] warfare in the she reads hot country I hear you I'm lying I'm not advocating any of that [ __ ] he's just saying I'm just saying like that was the [ __ ] that made change also it took a million [ __ ] walking through Washington DC yeah gather with their fists in the [ __ ] air saying we want change right now yeah and we're not gonna stop until that change occurs to make a change happen so like yeah you got 82,000 impressions on your Instagram story but somebody went off that and went straight to itch Julia Rose's page right after that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying what's the next [ __ ] step what's the next step yeah you know it's you man you've been talking a lot about it's Julia Rose that's a fiancee why did you bring why did you use her name out of all the influences you're gonna use so at the end Mike has been Mike's been having a little trouble with this girl in the DMS over it's over well I didn't know and the bigger point you cannot dodge this conversation by the way this is an important covered amazonia yes let's go right back let's rise no I was here let's here Instagram models have gotten so good at not putting their goddang relationships on their page and and rightful and nicely though because the last thing I want to see is Ciara Skye's boyfriend I'm sure he's a great guy but when I'm scrolling her page I don't really want to see him to be honest and so and so like great job to the girls who have done that but it made it really difficult for me and so when I saw you know what I thought was the girl of my digital Dream Land yeah yeah I didn't know that she had a tatted up really good-looking fiance not even a boyfriend he I supposedly is a fun mark donor told me that rarely do we trust more I'm gonna go when they listen I don't like stepping on toes I apologize random tattooed man I didn't mean the step when I toes it's Shirley Rose I apologize but also bro I their playful is fine I saw the d-ends man what there don't know if I'd want my fiance being playful with the co-host of the number one podcast in the world yeah I don't know if I'd want that's why my taxes is is landing anyways back well what do you guys think I mean you know what do you thinks gonna happen within the next five years or needs to happen in order to actually start rating so so us young people us Millennials the users of digital media we are so good at making noise well let's make active noise let's make let's let's not just talk and tweet like ninety ninety to ninety nine percent of people do I even like um talk about the cancer culture a lot it's it's it's literally it's all just noise who is actually out there making change in doing DOI ng with the cancer culture when it comes to one digital person canceling another digital person actually it is action it is action because you can actually cancel the example I'm using is this and I've said this before on the show like after after Japan I think we said we just found the last episode after Japan millions millions of tweets like one of the most hated people on the planet Orrin that when I walked outside in public not a not a single person said anything and so I'm I'm what there's a there's a disconnect between digital and real life and how can we connect those especially with something like the Amazon rainforest we're like who's who who has the power to make the change besides us as a collective as the users of this new New Age of media I think we need to be a little more creative in the type of noise we're making well I think to Mike's point I I do kind of foresee some you know like a somewhat aggressive peaceful action you know like we actually have to assemble the dull peaceful action you have to aggressively do it I agree I agree with you except I will say I might catch some heat for this you you know you you you drive you like driving in downtown LA and you see like 10 people holding like signs on a stick and you're just like [ __ ] well that's because there's only 10 is like just like yelling about Jesus that's because there's only 10 of them when it's when it's a million no one's asking questions then CNN has to cover the other thing is I was talking to my mom about this Spencer you're gonna you're not gonna like this at all let's see what you got at what point do you just just wash your hands of it man and just are we in a dystopian world is that what is it over like like the question is this guys are we [ __ ] like should we really start looking at Mars should we really start saying and I this is not my view I'm just I'm just I'm just posing the question the amazons burning the Arctic is melting Greenland is melting Donald Trump is the president which could be good could be bad depending on your [ __ ] belief system I didn't say anything but like but like cancelled but like what at what point do you kind of just like and like time to clock on the clock out like I think I mean dude it's a it's a good question but it's a it's a sad day a sad reality if we do get to that point where people just start diving down that that belief system think a lot of people are already there 100% I think a lot of people are I said I said I think I said this in the last episode to it by the way last episode which was sick I think was one great like watching episode it's like under viewed right now but it's dope we said a lot of good stuff I think humans are the majority of humans are reactive and not proactive and like until is that point of no return everyone now we got to do something my child has cancer in his lungs because he's breathing in fumes from the air from the Amazon rainforest and then it's like now all the sudden we need to do something instead of being proactive I think it's a little bit difficult to get people to activate on something that they can that is unfathomable to them until they're it's it's happening in their lives yeah and I was I was saying that on Twitter I was talking about how you know right now we actually have the chance to change it you know in in 10 years and 20 years and if we give up where there's no there's no hope like there's nothing that we can do so why like think about all the people out there that are watching this right if you have kids or if you know people who do have kids or you know if you're planning on having kids what's the point if we don't pass down a world to them yeah what's the point why are you having kids why are you giving your life to another human being and raising them and bringing them into the planet if you don't even care to make sure that that planet is going to be around for the time that they get to live well sets but there's there's this quote that believe it or not good old Brennan North posted on his Instagram story he's quite active about this stuff which is great this is a quote by Martin niemoller and this is actually on in one of the galleys in in DC says when the Nazis came for the Communists I remained silent I was not a communist when they locked up the Social Democrats I remain silent I was not a social democrat when they came for the trade unionist I did not speak out I was not a trade unionist when they came for the Jews I remained silent I wasn't a Jew when they came for me there's no one left to speak out yeah and so I think what's happening is there's a lot of people that are sitting around saying oh damn in the Amazon that's what I'm saying yeah well that sucks oh damn that the fires are burning in California that sucks oh the Arctic Arctic's [ __ ] melting or Antarctic caps like no one cares until it's at their [ __ ] door so they don't until like even even with [ __ ] mass shootings no one gives a [ __ ] until they're at a [ __ ] country concert in Las Vegas with their family and then and bullets start [ __ ] yeah so what do you guys think it is I have my own idea but what do you think is the thing that will mobilize people in this country in the world what do you think that thing is I think if there was a person that are a group of heads maybe like a collective of people to be orders on call to actions just to make it like and by the way someone actually tweeted back at me and they're like here here you go like this is what you can do and I and I respond I said thank you we're looking into it and seeing what what actions we can take but I think if there was someone who made it very clear what you can actually do cuz a lot of people are just uneducated on steps to take here besides post re posting a video that you saw on Instagram and I think even more than just like what the steps are I think at the end of day it's gonna come down to a person that makes everyone the public the legislators feel uncomfortable that's that Martin Luther King in your [ __ ] face we will not stand for this anymore this is over yeah or or Abraham Lincoln I'm done with this [ __ ] yeah I am ending slavery and and all that and everybody in the South said like hell you are and he said no I'm [ __ ] doing yeah you want to get my way literally exactly shotguns they ed muskie you know I think the Bram rods classic I think the bigger problem is you know obviously I think those voices are out there but unfortunately we live in a society where there is so much noise and people are so interested in what the Kardashians are using for toilet paper that no one yeah it's hard to be that voice that raises out because now I think when people start to rise out of the crowd people look and say look at this corny look at this corny dude trying to make a difference back in the day when MLK one MLK went to make a difference people looked at him his people especially looked at him as an icon now the icons are Kim K Kanye you know like people that like dude did you see how much buoyancy I think this [ __ ] just bought like that gets one person that I do have to shout out who actually I just met we were texting the other day is Jaden Smith oh yeah somebody that shirt he posted a picture on his Instagram with buoyance lat come on I I see him I see Jayden as somebody who is like using his platform and using his voice now probably one of the best I think I think he's really doing it and I think his age group right now are the ones that can mobilize if there's people more people like Jayden using their platform the way this and I think that's what we have right here like I don't know if you guys saw that the article that came out this week podcasting space is now a billion dollar industry what where where's where's that money can we work on that but this is what I mean by that is like this is a space right what we're creating here with impulsive is a space to talk about this stuff to actually make a difference we're doing it and we're doing it by the way like this this isn't the first time this week me and looking at a Twitter battle the other day about journalistic responsibility I think works it was a good battle it's a good segue yeah if we want to talk about it all about yeah because I was gonna just a little bit let's do you guys see I chimed in at the end no I want to know what you said I want to flesh this out because you kind of hinted at it you said there's so much noise it is hard for someone to come out of the ranks and and and preach goodness upon people and that was the point I was trying to make with Drake okay okay so here's how the argument started I said I told Mike the Drake has a tattoo where I think the beader the Beatles are lined up and then Drake's in front of them and he has that lyric really I got more slaps in the Beatles yeah I'll just like well I'm like Drake is like better than the Beatles bold statement roasts me if you agree with me or you disagree with me like I mean there was maybe it's a maybe it's maybe it's a youth thing but Mike had a very I get affected him yeah it affected but so by the way there's so many ways to go with this conversation it's like a plant like I don't even know where to start with it number one is it affects a lot of people this is not this is not a me and Logan conversation this is an ongoing culturally relevant conversation conversation that exists whether not me and Logan bring it back to the surface okay which is who's who's the best artist or who's what's the kind of people the people who there there are two people there are people who would say Drake is the more important artist and then there were people that would say I will not even entertain this [ __ ] conversation chlorine thing I had a lot of in my life I want to make it clear all I said was Drake is better okay and then decipher that word how you want better than the Beatles your words anyway this is what is fuzzy because then cuz then Mike tweeted or then after that I said Drake could go down is one of the best artists of all time that's what I said and I'll and I'll get to why I think that could also be true but didn't like tweeted yeah Logan said I'd ready to do the voice well good so Drake is more impactful than the Beatles Umbro that's a big word I would never say that and I didn't sweet we and then we and then what I said was he came back at me and it blew up it made like three different pages on Instagram a bunch of Twitter there was a ton of commentary on Twitter and he came back on Twitter and said I didn't say impactful be careful with the words use which which is it's which is true in aspect but I also said don't micros surgically dissect your commentary because everyone who heard that conversation knew what you were saying whether the word was better impactful influential successful and that was the other thing I said take any word you want to use and put it in there and you're still wrong whether it's better influential impactful powerful it doesn't matter the Beatles changed the world literally the British Invasion changed music forever there are people out there who can't decide of Drake's even a good hip-hop rapper not so not there's confusion across the board and Drake people are like I don't even know if I like trick is jay-z like is he in the same level as jay-z biggie or or even people like Kendrick and and Jay Cole and so it's and so it's like when you have when you can't even decide if the persons at the highest level of the industry now and you're comparing them to an up like people that brought out royalty to their concerts close down entire cities okay have museums built about them okay and most importantly did it in a time where social media didn't exist they sold 1.6 billion albums in stores not like go stream of song 30 times all of those numbers nowadays are [ __ ] who cares what you do you want to do not know who takes that Drake's are probably decently accurate I would probably let me okay let me let me ask you this who's the top the longest-running number-one hate of all time it did just come on I saw this old town road yeah old town road by little nas X so if we realize particularly on statistics we better bring lil NAS X into the conversation on his pony better than the Beatles no because the cows to know it's about consistency and by the way technically speaking Drake does have more slaps than the Beatles wait I think I think it's number one number one hits but listen you said a lot there want to break it down it one first rhetoric in the words you use and your your I told you this your listening comprehension skills will work because to me saying better and impactful are two very different things I'm very specific in the way I talk and that's why I said like why do you think journalists catch heat when they misquote somebody you can't just do you can't misquote somebody wanted to change the sentiment of what you're saying but better I'm not really sure maybe you're sneaking comprehension should improve because you shouldn't use words that are so ugly get to know know that that words leaving or look better negatory well later twice so so really quick noble way I want to say this oh my god also cuz mike is right the Beatles did a lot to change a lot of [ __ ] and my argument was and not to undermine that not to uh not to undervalue that they brought royalty out and shut down cities and whatever I'm saying and by the way change laws to I'm saying the world was extremely susceptible to change and someone had to do it the change was inevitable the catalyst happened to be the Beatles I'm saying now and you said it in a full circle it's so hard to make noise and stand out and be that that that the voice was the generation the the the engine per se something I think I think was is very interesting to look at too is we're still observing Drake in his prime I was actually having a conversation about this right now which this is wild the beatles split when they 27 and 29 Drake is how old is Drake up I think he's like 30 he's in his 31 so I was talking to Charlie about this and we were saying how impressive even if he has somebody writing some records right how impressive is it that Drake has just not missed a shot name the last shot that's what I'm saying he's not even done everybody's not even done how far along is he in his career that's what I'm saying he could go down as one of the greatest artists of all times already for years past when the Beatles stopped no but I'm but okay but yeah also that side effect of being a group so so so in a way like a boyband a single artists like I said my whole thing on it was it might be like a lot of people called you up on cultured after we had this conversation it's hard it's very hard for me to have this conversation be open-minded to it I'll do my best like when I look at when I look at the lyrics some of the big ones that come for Drake can't really see it another squad trying to cross us yeah but nobody really likes us except for dog squad on that real [ __ ] hey these new songs if you can cherry pick all day long you know what the song yesterday you know what the song yesterday is about what a hangover so easy Tiger easy with bring up will bring up the one that you think Drake is changing society which which one out of the 50 number-one hits he's had you want me to bring anyone I'm saying what's the what's your go-to for like what's changing the way the world loves is Yolo you only live once that's the motto can't say it Yolo that's your go-to [ __ ] song to chow [ __ ] seems like the chant of a generation I say it all the time really makes you think odds playing really Oh nuts plans witty and that God's plan but it really makes you think like you really only do have one silly little life on this stupid floating rock in the middle of shame with God's plan there's a good mess in and he said it's just a different voice I don't mean a difference think about it by the way maybe I am uncultured but I believe comment below we want to know what you think I believe I've provided good argument offer for a very for a conversation that is at the end of the day of the an opinion and I think it's safe to disagree oh that's become solidified it's almost like when we look at hard obviously right now I'm just saying some time like when could we sit down and compare the two careers how do you how do you compare it cuz here's and these are the last couple notes I'll touch on it yeah how did how do you compare it when you're talking about people that sat down and wrote every piece of the music they wrote every [ __ ] lyric they worked with I'm sure they worked with some collaborators but these are ah these are obviously these are musical geniuses Gino's Dre so is great dude he gets he gets beats from murder beats he grabs some sheet a sheet Olear just do it at that level this conversations too hot and I had to put it out listen and then my enema that's one thing and then my my final night literally it's like I'm peeing on myself and then my my final note on it is I think the worst argument point you had was they were it was during a time when change was needed most what was it inevitable was inevitable and and and and you also said and by the way what's not inevitable about change being needed now we've been having this conversation oh it's true I don't I just don't think it's as clear as the change that was needed at the time The Beatles were I completely disagree I think we have just as many social problems as we do right now I agree in the country in the world I think they're I think they're harder I think it's harder to make those changes and I think it's let the solutions are slightly slightly less obvious like inequality which by the way still exists today inequality was was much bigger there are people in all other protected communities right now who would agree that the inequality towards them is as crucially needed to be solved as it was against people of course of course you know and I'll acknowledge that that's why I said ik still exists today I'm just saying I would bet this might be and I I would bet most people were to agree that it was probably much worse back when the Beatles were around like like you're the protected groups you're talking about like let's say the LGBTQ no no no they were afraid to even be like they still they still are but less yeah yeah sure duh and then the the the the last thing was it the word the worst thing the worst thing you said that really sent me to the moon was you said well it was during a time when people weren't as [ __ ] I want to say I think you either said people are more talented now or they were less talented than I can't remember what it was and I started thinking of the group of people that the Beatles were up against on the come-up Hendrix Morrison and The Doors like the Rolling Stones ah these are quite literally will go cuz here's the biggest question 20 years from now hmm my mom I ride in the car with my mom a song came out in 65 she knows every single [ __ ] word well your mom was born in like nice and let me file I mean what were your boyish the point every single word to every single Beatle song that ever came out in 20 years are people gonna be talking about I got more slaps in the be absolutely you can say it for once again we don't know - laughs that's true that's there bro I could play you a song from 1995 and you get both of you inherently would know the words yeah I'll look up a top four top hits of 1995 oh maybe not 1995 maybe 2000 2000 yeah I was a little I was too old at that point hits of 2019 years ago I'm just saying like it happens when a song comes on yeah you know every single word I agree my name say my name where no one is around you say baby i love you ain't playing games like what the [ __ ] how do I know that I was five years old I and I also made it very clear on Twitter that the whole time me and Logan are having the conversation I was literally listening to more life Drake's my fate quite honestly quite honestly probably my favorite rap and extremely impactful that's what I think that would your perspective with the conversation is is cool I think God dang it's tricky dude like when I look back at all those people where you couldn't even get in the Liverpool you couldn't even get into cities that they were in the cities would have to close down because you couldn't get in but also isn't in vain but also do we know that do we know that or did you see a picture where like a street looked really crowded I mean if we're not relying on visual proof nowadays what more do we have are you saying they were face shifted no no no no I'm saying like do we know that like you couldn't get into Liverpool I'm pretty sure you could probably get I don't even think anyone said that I've made that up at all I'm saying I'm just kidding there are photos of the streets shut down yeah people scream your lat your last tweet let's close this up your last tweet was was the best and I was he I think he'd say it was like which YouTube duo is having conversations about a classic response okay I just came in and said both of you are ridiculous and everybody else said that too well because we live in the same house doggin like why do we talk about in real life the answer is mike is on the elliptical what's new and I was in here dice in my leg and I said I said it's not my fault you're the most influential impactful and just better youtuber and you bought a [ __ ] compound and so now I'm 40 miles away in the backyard I can't talk to ya yeah I respect that oh here we are well I have to wait and see we'll have to wait and see if Drake can pull it off I think the fact that we're having that conversation is kind of cool I personally I just hope I can still go to like his shows now cuz Jake's friends and what if he's like what if he's like he does one of these to me you know he's like I saw you on impulsive I got more slaps than the Beatles and I'm just like my bad dude I grew up on Abbey Road like what do I say at that point I'm gonna look up this tattoo just real quick last last thing yeah yeah check it out is this real do we know if this is real it's kind of kind of pixelated but you see and it also looks like the five year old like it's art I think Drake's looking looking back and waving at the Beatles Wow some but something to think about by the way it's nice you know cool flecks I like it I'm not mad I like I like those tattoos with the cavemen evolving there's some creative ones Wow my favorite was the one with Michael Jesus Mike Mike with the easies at the end of the caveman liner right in the middle a here we are talking about Instagram models now here we go I know now let's get into the real impact so we have the real the real impact is real just world change and stuff I've been scrolling on Instagram and a lot of the times I'm selecting profiles people that I follow I'm putting him on mute I'm muting their post of stories like I just I don't really just I don't care what a lot of people are posting about but I I didn't need this one girl cuz she's our friend her name is old Oh Oh God yes I hate to just put you on the spot like this but Oh Olga is a good friend of our like really good friend of ours and she's she's been posting pictures like this oh like covering the class cover in the face like legs for days posting this like you got like oh but we get it you got a great body here's one it's kind of scandalous a mirror um what do you think's driving this at did she have problems with her man's right now or some [ __ ] this girl by the way I gotta say this from a from a true beauty standpoint this girl is honestly one of the most beautiful beautiful girls yeah in crunchy like Olga's is starting I I like it just it she she used to always I don't know I I bring this up because like this this is not all good real life okay come on this ain't you engagements hi 10% engagement you compared to the last one where she had like a button down on that's a great call just what about because Instagram models they know if they show a little skin to get more likes it's Nastia yo nasty funnel one Anna this is really getting heated because one of my friends who's 20 years old he started showing me friends of his that are now posting naked photos naked like covering just like the NIP they're naked they're fully naked on Instagram and I remember when I first when we first got on social media this was pretty conservative place yeah you know like you didn't see tops off and all that kind of stuff I'm not saying it's bad checking in the face but I was checking in the subway with my mom on when social media first came out yeah yeah exactly hey do you think I've said this before I'm not I'm not much of a boob I'm more of a butt guy do you think maybe there's a chance that I've become numb to boobs because of how often I see them on Instagram I absolutely actually you know what I'm answering my own question absolutely I think on that but butts far outnumber boobs on it I know but how could you say that spots are however it's but season drew it's but season nope pull up this girl really quick that I let me guess bro it's truly a road yeah I see that's the thing we're so close now you're able to read my [ __ ] mind really oh by the way I think she's shadow ban do you know about this what's shadow bans oh my god you cannot look up insta models right now and their name pop up like go to try to look up Sofia jhamora right now like type in Sofia Jamar oh wait this is a real thing yes watch watch why is she not whoa why's she not number one Wow verified and has millions of hours and you cannot [ __ ] find her shadow babe look up Katie Bell look up all those girls you cannot find yr shadow eye is this Wow Wow Katie belly baby Bell popped up is that okay should I try me just as a as a as a test No so that's crazy what are they so like they try to drown these insta models maybe they just pissed off the wrong dude that has some power on on [ __ ] yeah you can't even okay to find out if there's a space after Julia I think how you me underscore yeah yeah not good for Brandon good god dude you can't even find it I can't even find it oh my god oh but that's not her though honey it's her but it's not her peach see that's just this is wild like why do you have your butt out while you're getting cereal hold on she's got a cool TV know you love cereal and here's my for the comments please ensure your Jordi commented right below this Oh jeordy I love you little [ __ ] dog you you're freaky man whoa per axle yeah here I go to Google Apple Jacks now look at my ass crap that's a passel judge it's understood Julie alright you had a vibe lots of lots of boobs oh I see what's happening here she is social what she does is she challenges Instagram and also just if you go down there's one of her in front of the White House with her shirt I did see that Instagram I don't know if they like being challenged it's a bit ballsy to me cuz in a way you're sort of in my eyes biting the hand that feeds you well she actually is it not a little bit of an entrepreneur preneur she started like a magazine my thing is that tree on magnet when when we when we were younger if we were caught looking at this stuff or at first off probably finding this stuff was on an adult website right to a kid who's like 12 or yeah like young even like 15 like younger this is like porn apps abscess is boring absolutely the first I don't know I ever looked up I was with Jake I remember big old box computer I typed in the Goldbach girl's boobs it was a YouTube video right no no no it didn't exist pictures of girls boobs I was like believe it and now bro it's on Instagram mmm don't even need a typing girl's boobs just go to the nearest since tomorrow's page yeah that's where the shadow banning is coming from it's definitely insert ribbon it's definitely Instagram driven for sure they're probably saying listen like this girl's technically not breaking our Community Guidelines but we're gonna shadow [ __ ] I this is the interesting part though like you always Logan you talk about you know it comes down to bad parenting right if a kid is looking at things boys wanna see boobies dude like nah I'm just saying that that's an argument out there and it's tough because even if you're a parent if a kid has a phone way they're finding some boobies I talk about bad parenting and not in this context right I don't think it's bad parenting if you're horny little thirteen-year-old boy looks up Julia Rose to whack it's a 99 for some of the pictures on this page by the way one other to clean up things really quick one we look at this or like this is porn don't even get us started on Twitter start on Twitter it is a girl on the night shift shout out the night shift find me on YouTube or some [ __ ] okay I had a girl on by the name of I'm not even gonna say her [ __ ] name because that's how worried I am I had her on she's gonna be on the next episode episode 13 and I went on her Twitter the other day and I looked up her Twitter can I say this no not even no not even in a pod from a blonde you could see it's I got this I got this she was producing a man-made River into the mouth of another female River this isn't a pun River she was peeing in another girl's mouth and then they were swapping the Pete and like why is it why is that okay it was on Twitter you can do any yeah it's crazy oh and then also one really shocked that's still going on that's one other final note that's the last time I mentioned that girl or we put anything on the screen except for the hide shift coming up Julia Rose because how many how much [ __ ] press we're having conversations she happens to be the subject of this one well yeah it's crazy bro people I mean first off different type of different type of human man i hi i rue the day where I'm drinking someone's urine ain't for me man yeah it's sterile but what I hear and she's 19 - yeah and she's the sweetest funny girl it doesn't make any sense it's interested lamar odom posted this uh did you guys what wisdom do we got 14 or so Lamar Odom we had on this podcast one of the greatest basketball players of all time is that true it's not true I and in anyway but he put he posted he posted something I said he's he's one of the top like oh no I hope you don't end up word [ __ ] yourself he was a good see the image he said this is an image here's the image met up with Garrett Johnson today with fight the new drug this guy blew me away ran 30 marathons in 30 days to bring awareness to the harmful nature of porn I learned a lot from Garrett did you know sex trafficking and porn are inseparably connected at [ __ ] porn hashtag porn kills love why did I not know that is that a said first that is that what do you mean you didn't know why why I mean like he know what everyone's shaking their head what I can I can see that I can I can believe that I just like help me I highly doubt in the in the places that were watching it who were watching and where we live because by the way when Riley comes over to hang out or unsaid girl that I talked about before they're driving over in a goddang Mercedes or some [ __ ] they just left their house in Calabasas these girls are cleaning up out of this ninety billion dollar industry they haven't been sex traffic didn't because of course by anyone and so I'm sure they are linked but like what level of porn like the porn the porn stars I frequent with hang out with their live in life no it's it's it's a it's an interesting conversation I would love to read about this if anyone has any articles or anything cuz it was a little interesting aside I pictured like Riley to and like I'd be interesting I'd be interested to see what she would have to say about this but yes she drives a Subaru doesn't spend her money on stuff well cuz you gotta invest in your future man that private snapchat can only last I give it to like thirty before you turn into dilapidated no because then you just do milfs porn you got like another 20-year run now because mill for instead oh no Riley will ever look like a MILF she sort you know saying just just a young face yeah Oh Dylan just wrote on his trusty whiteboard he said porn impact sex life so I thought was born and impact your guys we've talked about this before I'll say it again I love this story yeah when I was young with dad don't Paul don't do and I was like hi yeah dad I love you and I would use my Australian I love you Father and so I did it and then you know I got I got I got a little older like maybe 16 17 and I started just like not not like avidly watching when I come across porn every now and then and my dad said it would it would it would make it make me have unrealistic expectations for what girls would do in bed it's and normally it's so true but then because I got this clout I moved to LA and all Sun double o'clock clocks are on every side Road did Warren create that maybe but is that a bad thing because I love the double glove luck shoutout call her daddy girls and by the way happy birthday Alexandra I love you she called I said I said happy birthday this is funny well here's the thing here's here's what I was looking up some links between sex trafficking and porn so the universe late okay go ahead wish the holy [ __ ] happy [ __ ] birthday you got you got us among [ __ ] she said thank you you delicious sex pot no great assume that is pretty sick banter is it all whole heart to tonic loot Pluto nice the University of New England had a pretty comprehensive report on this and and one of the journalists said as long as America's men are being trained to think that violent disturbing pornography is sexually acceptable an enormous clientele for sex traffickers is being created every day in homes college dorms and apartments so that's what he said like use the word violent bro like I am i watching vine ever do it you know but it's it's the it's the like domination over women yeah that is creating this paradigm it's it's not even it's perpetuating it right it's perpetuating the paradigm that men control women and 19 over 99% of the sex trafficking victims right now in the world are women do you think do you think there are definitely direct rates to that way of thinking or connections I mean do you think the funny part of that whole story is that in the it's exactly the opposite because in the porn industry men don't get paid [ __ ] and women make all the [ __ ] money do you know what I'm saying it's so it's such a weird juxtaposition of the story you're telling and the truth but it's because bro wind women do not get paid a lot you see musically but he's the one [ __ ] outlier like robot came out she said she made 12,000 and by the way she did [ __ ] four videos she didn't fly if you mad you did for vlogs how much would you expect to make like right now or when I wasn't gonna first start no when you first start he just made four videos then bounced Spencer do you watch porn no no I don't but you got that girlfriend who's dope I do and yo I've definitely had there's there's been time beards where I've watched porn and then I've realized like no I don't this is bad and then I'll go do it again like after a while and then no and I've cut it out I've cut it out for a while and I just noticed through my life it's like it's very it's not sustainable to me and it's not like does not add Riyad man one g4k all by the way why the Wi-Fi and the terrible and I'm in the top corner the revolutions because I do generally intake 1 2 3 videos a week by the way and he Mike watches porn in 240p and I feel like I don't have to because the Wi-Fi doesn't reach that corner of the house and so every time I am watching Riley a Bella Luna any of the girls that I'm a fan of I have to see them as pixels here and they're just little [ __ ] pixel daily it looks like pac-man my getting [ __ ] by one of the ghosts that's been eating the little drops around the screen it's horrible I feel bad for DP sometimes it sinks down to 160 and I'm just watching you pull up interact on the screen what's good where the [ __ ] is the Wi-Fi you need to call spectrum as no spectrum immediately and that's a very powerful case working on a day when we gave the fiber Danny come on you said a month a month a month four months ago you say that James one more [ __ ] break my computer yeah here's my last note on that question I got I got one okay so I there's what I've come to the realization no longer tell ya know yes pun intended all right um is that there's a difference between making love and just [ __ ] I'm just gonna say absolutely well there's this well strong difference you're in a relationship I bet you can vouch but you say sometimes it varies a hundred percent but you still want to do that right you still want to get your freak on shout-out to Geordi there's a difference though okay do you ever think of that like even while we're recording it like this I'll tell you what I think about I'll tell you what I think about no offense Adam Carolla but I think about how when I went on Adam Carolla Show and I was like this is this one of the most boring things I've done in my life what watch watch this watch my episode on his show and by the way Adam seems like a good dude your app is cuz come on dude Adam curl is from the man show so how like okay so how long does that hold up before people are like wait a second yo this shit's [ __ ] boring because because you may say the same about an NPR special what I listen one of the best NPR specials I ever listened to was a 45-minute monologue one person talking about how it was possible to cook microwavable pizzas in the dishwasher forty five [ __ ] minutes and it was very interesting to me you may think otherwise so let's not all put all the people in the same pot there's a crowd up there that loves Adam Carolla shout out Adam curlier [ __ ] legend he's easy he was before you never get invited on another show we can't cross wrong God dang hot yo you know how much I've dude like I'll just you know how much I've benefited from like being on other shows you know you no no I'm saying I'm saying we as individuals and this is something I've learned over time as my five plus years in entertainment in digital media we as individuals and ourselves as the creators of rose fiower as far as like who we're gonna become not like reliant on like and it depends who you ask but like collaborations yes great but every time something great happens in my life you because of a piece of media it's like we made it yeah we did it you know thanks for sure anyways the last point I was gonna put is uh I think I think it's a I think porn as a stages thing in life unless you're like some like say like crazy dude that's just his whole life I remember from like 16 until like my mid-20s and I was watching a lot and then and now I now I use porn solely as a not a recruitment to it slightly sometimes I've been to some night shift the removal for the night shift and also just for my own selfish pleasures yes both but number two and the biggest one is as a it's almost like say you had a marathon coming up you would you train for it like every day you hop on the elliptical yeah it's just me clearing out the tubes but I like I don't want to be in those situations where I'm like 20 20 like I gotta get yeah yeah fine I don't want to be a desensitizes you that's where it can be dangerous so shout-out you know hey if you're out there and you're thinking about not jerking off you don't have to but also shout out Greg Lansky I love your work you thinkin about jerking off I want you to know you don't have you don't have to you don't have to you really don't have to okay let's round out yo yo yo I read a comment I read a comment on last episode by the way if you haven't seen last episode and it said it's funny how on the hundredth episode we were talking about you you were talking about me being a sex addict and on the last episode I'm saying I'm a hundred percent asexual like yo life is about wage yes and we traits about weight traded places because during the rise up so that I was chilling and now I'm out of my [ __ ] mind I can't like I'm losing it some too sometimes the way out of the wave is just realizing you are addicted though can you use the word addicted like what's going on with the pond sir no but like if you if you're watching if you're like watching porn and you you literally can't go without it like you're in bed and you're like I have to watch porn then it's like and you realize holy [ __ ] I'm like addicted to play that's and then sometimes you said that's that was the moment for me where I stopped I was like I like finding things that I like think I need and then finding out I don't need it like food and water yeah I haven't been eating or drinking for the last seven get to a point where you were like yo guys well can we can we have this very quick conversation uh boys only episodes what the [ __ ] is good what is literally every day go to sleep and the last thing on my mind and the first thing I wake up in the morning is when's the next guys only episode it's the only thing I want to do have we gotten to a point where we need to go to one [ __ ] guest a week that's YouTube we should ask you guys Dylan shaking his head he's shaking his head no but you look at the views on the guys on the episodes makes it special it's true makes us Bible makes the medicine I'll be honest with you us three we could do this [ __ ] seven days a [ __ ] week and pop 500 to 750 kayo a day not if we don't it's like it's like what if you watched porn once a week versus twice and then that one is more special for seven days a week okay so whose side look I'm we need some sort of click bait is I'm gonna have something that we could talk about I don't know about any of the things we talked about Amazonia burning porn addiction Lamar Odom being the best basketball player of all time is on fire porn needles savers be like what do you need what else you need and we got another 50,000 topics for tomorrow we do the same [ __ ] but instead we're gonna interview somebody who plays with [ __ ] caterpillars who I don't know I just made that up what the [ __ ] can we just run this [ __ ] our say you know Louie I've coming on next week you know that girl who just popped off on YouTube and lives in the bus yeah she's coming on bro Wow yeah she's though I told her she got a pet snake called Alfredo he's white yeah I made that snake I said uh they didn't I told you that you want to come on the show cuz studio71 told me pull the text up I think I could vouch for that he was wrong listen the point is she got a pet snake named Alfredo I was like bring the snake on she said he she can't because the snake is shedding you've got he's got Wanda he's got an agenda you gotta shed hey I don't do phone calls you guys you guys didn't uh you guys on that wave all's oh yeah for sure well I I don't like phone calls if someone's really just being too persistent mmm you know I'm saying like my like I'm gonna just say my dad calls me five times a day dad I love you dad you gave birth to me I used to be a sperm of yours but I don't do phone calls I'd much rather just text and get out of the way really just quick on my schedule my gender I got text right here just lined up four days mike has 278 unread messages want to know one of the most tricky things - I don't know if you guys have this situation but we got whatsapp we got telegram and we got sex and there's some people were like hoppin telegram I'm like how many of these apps are really yes it's because it's like that international talk right people don't want stuff getting stolen yeah Oh true oh yeah man that is the right time to call someone so it's important this is actually this value in this conversation it's like the heaven is like Charlie Jordan I'll use this example Charlie Jordan has texted me the past five days every single day to say the following I need four more peach pieces for my couch from I love sex action holes to make it a four and five to an eight eight and ten and every day I read the text I said myself this just this is not even top 20 on priorities right now I put my phone back Jordan I love you but I'm you're really fast yeah by the way quit in by the way partially because she already has a couch already got her one like so I'm not super emotional she's double just wanted a [ __ ] and so like and so like at what point does Charlie say you know what this [ __ ] like not even the main host of the the best pot like non calling them and get on the phone like last night Candice the at Candice had the similar issue at hide she didn't even call me she came attack me at the club she saw me at the club she punched me in the face loves a child how which is six weeks late because it was backordered because you got the charcoal charcoal velvet I don't [ __ ] yeah that's a big not sure milli with the velvet okay it's great almost a million shut out all right but it's interesting the persistence in some people that's what I do admire is the person who's like still texting you after you haven't replied for like six months has that ever happened law services sure there's like one or two people that just like they'll do any yeah but some dudes sometimes that that's been me I don't I won't go six months but yeah I've I've quadruple texted before yeah on like a girl or like whatever it is maybe it was like even trying to lock down a guest for impulsive you know it's not it's I do it in a funny way like classic Logan like I deflect with comedy because it it lightens the mood a little bit versus me just like being the guys just like smoking yeah I like physical you it definitely opens the mood when someone gets pissed you know I'm saying let me oh like when people get really actually pissed hey I'm texting you multiple times I need you to understand now it's just districts but at the same time like maybe that's them gathering a million people for the March I don't you don't taking action because otherwise I'm just gonna keep my phone here's a light back here's the life hack you send that you send the first tax it gets left unread on scene whatever whatever it is they don't respond they ignore you text to say mom question mark I do that's the same mom mom lunch hmm can say lunch text three bad if you if that has it worked your fault techno no you got one more you go one more shot text for should be like a little bit like hey I don't mean to bother you I do know you're not either of my parents there's just like a joke but and then back to your original intent and then and then after that give it up give it up I've done that before and it's worked everything was with a girl like just like two three years ago and in a work bro I closed like yeah don't give up on your dreams kids the nice thing about living living back in like the 50s like when Mike was just his prime people people could kind of like approach you on the street that was the only way they could really get to you right but now it's like you have 75 messages a day you got whatsapp you got 14 notifications coming in per second and your instagrams it's overwhelming I think some i-i've had this happen in the last week so I'm glad we're talking about people have gotten a little pissed at me for not responding on time and I'm like yo if you just knew what was going on in my life right now I can't say this cuz I dig read read the unread emails mike has a hundred and forty thousand nine hundred and two unread email 140 thousand I have 281 on read tanks that does not include my other Gmail or my business on the town side there are literally days would by the way scooter Braun's like money guy text me and it just gets lost in the abyss it's never like I I it's never like I intentionally am ignoring you it's just my say I think you're probably feeling the same thing I cannot keep all can I can I ever I want to put a request out to Apple right now is there a way no I just like is there a way to mark a text that like maybe you read it and you're like I need to respond to this later but it takes a little more brain power than me just shooting up something off the cuff right now like like to be slow like it or like you know this went on later when I swipe right it just says hide alerts or delete yeah right it stuff like I'm saying rise I haven't come up with that yet yeah that's weird that would save a lot that would save a lot member that girl Danny oh she was great she's gone now I'll have to get Mike more water no problem this is been great this was good now we're still going yeah I mean it hasn't been an hour spent two hours I think our five I I just talked about just this one thing real quick and then we can go to the audio only which is gonna be great true Dwayne Johnson tops Forbes highest-paid actors list again do y'all have any idea how much money he made uh I'm gonna say somewhere in the 80 million Mike 680 million it's somewhere in the 80 million okay good guess you're both right 89 million I did not point four million dollars good god that's like seventy three point six billion euros astute observation okay Chris Hemsworth is number two seventy six point four million Robert Downey jr. 66 million is that Jackie Chan number the dude hasn't made a movie since six not in America now America oh its global it's the global list he's ballin out do you know some beast I will say this though I'm actually surprised at how low this is eighty nine point four and I'll tell you why eighty nine point four million dollars is a lot of money but Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest stars in the planet and mind you I would bet he makes more money he may he probably makes another fifty million from sponsorships yeah endorse a lot more heart partnerships I don't know because a lot of his partnerships bro like Under Armour he just partner with Voss he gets seven hundred thousand dollars per episode on ballers that's no big but that's that's part of this I don't think so yeah he's not there yeah for sure I thought I was reading his movies no no for sure so I'm saying I'm saying he probably makes it up a decent model money of partnerships but I sounded like crazy cocky coming from someone who's like tasted like millions tens of millions of dollars worth of income and by the way out me being like twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four like still a child and I see this I'm like I just feel like he should be making so much more money because alright think about when you're an actor you're an employee how can he how can he create something that is a standalone business that will make him a billionaire how will doing Johnson become a billionaire he's you see he's on his way I think he's on what he's working on like Keela yeah yeah yeah exactly but like I'm wondering how many like Under Armour partnerships and Voss partnerships how much how much steak you think he has involved you that's where that's where I think he's gonna be make his his I think yeah I think seven bucks Kentucky's production studios gonna be be the big bread weren't getting into international business to like working in China yes don't always assume that the person wants that do you know what I'm saying there's a lot of people there's a lot of people on the list right there or completely happy with their income and they don't want to dabbling and building new businesses one thing I'd be interested to see to know like I'll use DJ as an example like it's very clear this man just wants to like take over the world but I'm just saying like for example someone who's not that far below I'm Robert Downey jr. yeah true our DJ dude he's chilling he's Iron Man you think he gives a [ __ ] about a new sock company that could put them in the billionaires ring maybe he doesn't care all I'm saying is this that and the other thing is it saddens me that this list isn't flipped well let's let you have had to [ __ ] I hate saying this but you have had to belt loop my arms and my legs and drag me to the [ __ ] cinema to watch a Duane Rob Johnson they are terrible they are terrible and I and and and with I am so sorry please don't beat me up and I'm sorry too Universal the last fast and furious was watchable but they are horrible the movie rampage maybe like she's my own [ __ ] I don't know how else to see what all the movie made you want to go eat [ __ ] curious Logan knows the one line they hopped in a helicopter from like a hundred and twenty storey building and the helicopter didn't work in the building was collapsing and they fell 120 stories and when they landed they got out of the helicopter and they go wow I can't believe we survived that by the way one of one of GG lines and we all took notes and one of my notes was like how many cities can't Wayne Johnson say before he's like this is the same movie there was there was why are the monsters covered in this like I don't know this is a horrible example but the point is this the the story arc and then the narrative needs a bit of work like like like think about this Will Smith The Pursuit of Happyness seven pounds six seven pounds um well this is two days hold on hold on and I guess I'm talking about career here I am legend these movies are the dude you watch him and you're like this man is a walking acting legend bro Paul Rudd comedic genius Adam Sandler me Bradley Bradley Cooper okay silver linings playbook [ __ ] what I'm getting at here what I'm getting at here the final point is this this list and why dwayne johnson is above Will Smith is the same reason that Drake is better than the Beatles full circle right back bring it home to the taste of social of the today social climate okay people want to watch Dwayne rock Johnson control a Black Hawk helicopter with his arms okay and and there and then get off the tractor-trailer and say I can't believe that worked well Smith is changing the god dang game with these [ __ ] movies and people are just like yeah man but the rock Johnson did beat a man to death with a large stone in that last movie and that was pretty cool let's give him all the [ __ ] money yeah it does it does show what kind of content people want to consume what do we got here III had the notes that I wrote down for rampage I'll just read three of them did dave and buster's pay ad money to have their arcade destroyed I know there was a prominent dave and buster's Danny just got [ __ ] obliterate or they did pay of course I dabble yeah how many cities did when Johnson have to say before he realizes he's doing the same movie over and over again after falling 85 stories and crash landing in a helicopter DJ was quick to proclaim I need a drink how will he be able to process alcohol if he still has a bullet lodged his liver this is more hair but people go watch it skyscraper hurt is worse yo wait hey bye yo that dude could probably do a lot of push-ups alright guys thanks for watching impulse if the number one podcast in the world we're going to audio right now in Spotify and iTunes thank you for listening watching viewing subscribe if you're not subscribed hit that play and audio only Spotify iTunes we freakin love you impulsive out because we do we talked to Dan but Dan Bilzerian what what just because i suppo so let's just dive into this really quick because people are asking on the night shift a lot supposedly from what I've heard Dan's mad because of how Katie and Amanda were portrayed on the night shift oh I didn't do anything wrong and by the way I've never hooked up with any of the Ignite girls at least not the top-tier and so like I'm curious as to why Dan has is because the last thing I need is to not be able to get into that [ __ ] Halloween party
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 514,064
Rating: 4.7552481 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, drake the beatles, the amazon, amazon fire, forest fire, forest fires, amazon fires, amazon rainforest, true geordie, drake, the beatles, sex addict, dwayne johnson
Id: az_n1ngZTnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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