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it's weird when you say when cameras are pointed at you and not just a tweet told oh yeah but like III do believe I am and will be regarded as one of the best youtubers to grace the platform what what do you say I'm here for a podcast that's quite literally what a podcast is I like the fact that David's now behind the camera he's gonna keep us on our toes and he's German and a videographer and David hey welcome back to a Paul said the number one podcast in the world yeah what is Earth Day Oh today yeah we could celebrate in one podcast in the world on earth on earth Earth Day on earth on earth that earth that's cool have you done anything to contribute to the betterment of the earth besides stay inside your house because humans suck on we're ruining the environment yeah absolutely I'm trying to convert all my products that I used to eco-friendly materials this one's a banana paper wait what really yeah I make make these notepads you can find them on my website but I make them out of banana paper now did he just did he just plug well I'd be a lot more impressed if you turn those little note pads into bananas if we had like the same editing we had in the vlog Euler day probably why don't you say the name of your website that's all right people know how to find me no I don't think they I don't think they do I don't think they know anything about they know your name's Mac burger at McDonalds so we kind of miss like a perfect opportunity to really invest some time into me but that's all right no I cuz your birthday did just [ __ ] you know what the problem with your birthday is it's on for 20 which unfortunate like let's be Adam is that yours why sir because the priority is not unfortunately your birthday the priority is getting high [ __ ] and having no priorities yeah well we managed to do that one pretty well huh we did oh yeah maybe you heathens did [ __ ] scumbags you can kick the drugs the [ __ ] away from me down don't touch that [ __ ] yeah but you facilitated you facilitate of your boys I work gang you're in it now you're an enabler you're a [ __ ] wha mo what I have nothing to say I'll tell you this I took a lot of heat from my hair on the last episode I'm not oh you don't say I was trying to read the comments for some feedback positive criticism anything and all I saw were comments about mics like they but by the way great job cuz they were hilarious my favorite one was Mike's hair looks like my grandmother's rug and by the way as you could tell I was I'm gonna shave my [ __ ] head no Mike the impulsive audience is clever they're creative they're audience with value not that not that any other audience doesn't have value but these guys use their brains they think it may can get pretty creative in the comments is that true cuz I've gone to some of the other I was gonna say I'm going to some of the other podcast like Rogen's and [ __ ] the people are all talking like scientific turns I like to believe our audience is just like us they like to talk about dicks some people don't I saw blow your mind and your dick but some people don't like to talk about dicks man we get we get caught in the in the tapes and a lot and we try to avoid it oh look oh look make a podcast with Danny please she's so interesting especially I want to know more about her so Danny's over there I actually feel bad that she's here today cuz like spoiler alert so this comes out on Thursday what I can say I can say I could say it don't do it I'm gonna say it no no i'ma say achieve never Danny at 20:20 grande Jeep Jeep Grand Cherokee and we gave heard the day off until we realized we had to shoot a podcast and now she's back in the running this is why she's the best in the world and deserves that Jeep she's over there Danny how was it at the at the dealership today registering it everything goes smooth no problems it was good okay good I cannot believe we did it in in one day we had we got the Jeep in like a collective of two three hours yesterday which was crazy that we did that but that vlogs gonna be though yeah how long did Danny sit there today she said she was in there for like four out that's what I say bro buying a vehicle is a lengthy process why is it so hard I don't know why are a lot of things hard look why this I'll go back I'll fall back in like humans are simple we have not figured it out yet why is there's um there's so many examples I could come up with like when you go to a example like a snowboarding resort why does this take so long to get actually on the hill volume volume it's just as well times right in the in a way yes but there's a may not know this because the elitist celebrity bubble that you live in but there's others like us that are trying to do the same thing and that volume that saturation of the human kind will continue to drive wait times I mean until it until it doesn't bro and that's where in solutions come in and people get [ __ ] rich called market-making Oh Boober why is it taking me so long to find a taxi why can I not why I have to call after wait at this address for 50 minutes uber was invented it's a solution to a problem one of the biggest companies in the world today so like Danny what'd you do fill out paperwork all day that even - that even - you'd like yeah but the back thank you so gonna take awhile just because let's be that up there's a number there's an uber solution for car buying this is not a brand plug carvanha I'm just gonna say there's a couple different sites like this I'm just gonna pop it up I don't know that they're as big as uber is but you can go online pick a car hit a button buy it they'll send it to you yeah but what happens when you have the idea on a Monday night that you're gonna buy a car on Tuesday morning you have to buy it for the vlog it's gonna come out on Wednesday that's where it gets crazy I think I need this car now that's the most fun I love being spontaneous Danny you told me you took it was for her two-year anniversary working here at maverick we should probably have proceeded with that but she told me at 11 p.m. the night before and not even like told me she's like she's like yeah you know tomorrow's not special or anything and I go why did you say that she goes I you know I've been working here for tomorrow it'll be two years now we activated but spontaneity bro especially in quarantine that [ __ ] is fun this is just like coming up with what you can come up with him coming up with it yeah this was one of those things that you were excited about though like actually excited not like just vlogging excited because she specifically she really deserves it Danny really really did like let's be honest bro if I get you a car it's literally only for the vlog my wall just noticing it's such a [ __ ] line I was gonna I was gonna say it's funny because when you gifted me what you gifted me for my birthday that was 100% for the [ __ ] follow me for the vol I didn't think there was nothing no no way no way my cameo I could bag and then yo he did the impossible remember you were like the unattainable remember the unattainable you cross that because she is bro and you did it that's how I know you're a champion because you do things that you shouldn't be able to let me say this earlier in the show which was roughly three minutes ago you said there's a lot of things in life that are hard now what would you do if you had a thing in life that you want it to be hard money just waltzing ladies and gentlemen if you like sex you go to blue at blue shoe calm you can get the first tubal's with the active ingredients of any lawful and tadalafil same ingredient second Viagra and Cialis tubal's can work faster than pills the tubes will for blue shoe can be taken on a full or empty stomach and if you take a few minutes to connect with the blue ChiCom affiliated physician you qualify you get prescribed online quickly there's no one person doctor visit no awkward conversation no waiting in line at pharmacy chips directly to your door and a discreet package and the troubles from blue ChiCom are made in the USA they give you confidence in bed every single time you and your partner gonna love it true wouldn't do it baby here's a great deal for you guys go to blue ChiCom get your first order free when you use a promo code Logan just pay five dollars shipping that's promo code Logan blue2 come you thanks for that yeah you know the last dance is on ESPN right now everybody's talking about it the Michael Jordan documentary it's a big thing I've not watched it I don't know if anybody here has but what just happened there and what you guys have gotten used to seeing is what I liken to the digital or internet version of of Michael and Scottie or or we assist if you camp and Gary pay in you want to call it Malone and Stockton that's that's a what about Tom and Jerry doesn't have Tom and Jack Gronk drunken drunken and Brady I mean whatever whatever you want to call it but I mean we've got it we we've got a good thing and I think this is why people were so upset once you kicked me out and it made me homeless during the global pandemic that's killing people left and right you were you're homeless I mean I cook like you cared like you cared just boot he said leave and you even said leave scumbag it was just like a it was like a cuz I by the way I didn't stay here that first night either it was like yo you should probably go somewhere else and I should probably go somewhere else - we'll just we both left we both left you're like one person you leave we've just both left you because I just ain't into the business of like fighting how I feel I'm just I'm i I don't I don't I'm not fueled and I don't make decisions based on my emotion but I don't ignore how I'm feeling and the the the balance is clocking how I feel and then translating that it's a language that is appropriate for the person I'm dealing with and you do a pretty bad job he's working on it I know that cuz I've been monitoring that work for the past two years now it's something I've always talked about how to deliver stuff like that but he still unfortunately is is inference by his anger and his and then and it could be rightful anger he could be a why do you want to know why or honestly I think it's a little bit of the fighter in me like like the combat sports the wrestler the MMA fighter the jujitsu like gralloch football like I I do and I've said this before I am of a little bit of a masochist when it comes to conflict you know I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes this it's it's it's called self-sabotage it is a form of like dislike testing people and pushing them just to see how far you can like take your relationships and cause problems out of nothing and I'm not doing that but I definitely won't shy away from and especially recently like I've said before I've just I'm running out of [ __ ] to give like I really am and so when I sense delusion or a false belief or something I don't agree with I'm gonna express myself and I just yeah I I wish I didn't like conflict as much as I do I'm a storyteller and it makes my life a little bit more fascinating than the average day when you guys go at it it does not help that Mike grew up on the East Coast the whole like the person that yells allowed us that the person that's gonna win the argument like it doesn't work you know we're not like well typically but that's I mean that's not that one night that one night you saw it yeah absolutely right and I and I'm I'm I never I never know and I and I see you I anger I never yet in anger okay but he got me there that night I anger less I would say less than you I'm usually pretty level-headed and I think and III think me being on cleanup duty which you know maybe not a lot of people watching this know but as people in the room know me being on cleanup duty free the janitor internal always for internal struggles I mean I can't tell you how many internal beefs that may have been caused by Logan's desire to one-up one-up one-up I've had it going with the [ __ ] mop and you know his his argument might be a five-minute argument but it could it could be five hours for me I've done it call after call after call listen we're gonna fix this because you're so relaxed Logan you relent you're a d escalator I just I'm an escalator that is the perfect way to build escalators though they both go up or down that's for sure but you but the escalator takes you up but somehow the one that takes you down is still called the escalator is that the government who is it Webster that's the escalator and the one next to a go in the opposite way down is the D escalator the escalator the ability to de-escalate conflict is is probably one of my favorite things and by keep in mind I ran a strictly escalator business my entire life up until probably six seven years ago when I found the power the [ __ ] strategic power of de-escalating an argument because cuz by the way as you as you've said you know better than anyone I'm a [ __ ] chess player yeah I'm not de-escalating to take an L I'm de-escalating to move switch go here move here and then come batters all all of it and by the way that's life and it's marketing and it's an its business right but like mastering de-escalating a conflict and the ability to get that person back on your good side so that you can maneuver and work things out the way you want in a less rushed way cuz but cuz also paced escalation doesn't have you operating properly either no no you're not you're neither person is operating under their best possible outcome no but I'm just I'm just a gladiator like if I can put on my shield and my sword that excites me it's exciting should it sometime and it shouldn't bro like I I really think it also stems from being signed numb to two most things like cuz I've experienced so much [ __ ] I've felt emotions that like I hope most humans don't ever have to yeah I felt most most emotions that I hope humans most humans do get to so like on both ends of the spectrum and so I'm numb and bored by most things so maybe that's part of the reason when I get in conflict I'm like wow it's just something like my at least I'm stimulated here you're pushing until you feel something more kind of like it's Matt is that masochism not necessarily if it's not a pain I can endure pain but I'm not like you're not seeking joy but you said you've experienced these things so you've already seen it how can you find something new and yelling at your best friend you gotta get them there that's a thing that's a thing that's the thing I respect about you and I think that needs to be said is that you're not you don't exist there and you give people multiple chances I think I think the way I handled myself and the way some of those other battles have gone have been a chipping away at it unfortunately one of the main factors of a quality leader is the ability to just remain cool under pressure at all times and be able to continue to deescalate and modify and hang don't be you'll get that bro you're twenty five [ __ ] I'm not a leader I'm just a running back Logan we know that running back yeah give me the ball I'll go somewhere Koby forward Cobb is gonna be backward I like the high energy of the house like it sometimes when it's that high energy things have to bubble over and you know you got a simmer back down just a bit but it's that high intensity to high energy that keeps everything going it's such an incredible level and keeps us going know what that's called momentum I've talked about this before momentum is the strongest force on the unit in the universe known to mankind momentum force equals m/v is that at P equals MV momentum sorry momentum equals MV mass times velocity role with it if you feel your life going in a certain direction and picking up speed or roll with it Spencer said when he came on here when the first things he said when we had him on the last podcast was yo you're different when you're vlogging and it's because I'm happier I'm more fulfilled everything around my life is is moving the machine is on as we call it and it's because now that the frequency the vibrations in this house not to sound like that guy but it are so high and everyone's operating at a level that's so well I see you up early in the morning I saw you what were you doing this morning is a giant container filled with coffee another thing for it I'm stirring a natural organic raw cotton fabrics for clothes dyed with coffee grounds oh you weren't really we're doing coffee stuff yeah but you stuck closing it yeah why for natural clothing dyes so I can learn how to make a sustainable business future for myself natural clothing dye yeah Wow there's what I think people care I think millions of people care about this kind of thing oh yeah for sure there's definite there's definitely a huge demo out there I've noticed uh you seem to buck the trend Mac of everyone else in the house which is you know obsessed with technology and pushing forward you know the Digital Agenda mm-hmm what when did you start getting so into like dye colored t-shirts and banana paper that all start you know what I'm saying like if you always been um are you are you a mountain man yes absolutely because you look like one for a little while and technically if you think about it islands are the tops of mountains yeah they are the mileage is lower than the other ones consumed by they're surrounded by water so anyway I was there for a while I had to innovate necessities that mother of invention I loved my notepads I love to write so for the notepad it was just simply something I could carry when I was walking around writing my phone why are you not right on your phone do you know so if my phone gets lost yeah the thing I'm worried about most my notes yes my it's my IP it's everything there were literally millions of dollars in my notes and I do it on my phone cause it's easier yeah me typing so how reference there is that a physical preference I love my handwriting I spent a long time developing my handwriting style years it's just that kind of thing and then with clothes I don't know I just like to innovate in every single category that could possibly find whether that's music photography writing but uh what else videography all the different things I have some big goals definitely want to continue to create on that kind of level and one one of my main tenants is waste conscious and then the other is sustainability how can I just keep keep it going and make it better for the planet but I've know I've known you almost your whole life the majority of your life like since we were five or six yeah and I didn't see any of any of what you're just describing coming out until after we graduated high school and when you're on the island I remember you tell me you're gonna make soap yeah soap bars like fight like Fight Club like Fight Club but not not human fat these were again all organic products you made bars of soap what bars oh I liked it was called Lynn so it was called Lake bath soap like dumped in the lake you wash off in the lake it's kind of part of the history of the island but yeah I don't know I'm just entrepreneurial I have a lot of interests and I want to make products that work for me so soap was one that I thought was an interesting niche item that would work for people on the island I sold it I did pretty well with it big margins material was cheap production cost me almost nothing because it was me doing it myself and then yeah I just wanted to keep going and keep doing more and stay innovative that's the biggest thing for me it was just interesting though because you know like most of the kids that we knew in high school went to college yeah and they wanted to get their degree and you did I did you did and then most kids would go off and do their their job in college you switch your degree to botany yes I found interesting mm-hmm and your mom did too bro do you know I got a call from Kate she was concerned very I did not know about this area yeah my stuff is majoring in botany I mean there's my sister that there's a reason I'd love to hear it cuz you know weren't doing anything would play yeah not yet yes eyes banana paper for not now I mean the thing was I was not interested in all in what I was doing I started in the business world or Business School it didn't it wasn't great I didn't love the economics classes they're kind of boring and yeah I just couldn't get interested in them then I went to computer science didn't love it and then I found that I had a knack for biology and being able to remember scientific terms and understanding the processes of the biological world so I really don't the test became so easy I would take a I would take a fifty question multiple choice test in 12 minutes and walk out the door with a hundred percent ambani yeah then I started working in the greenhouse at school my ultimate goal was to open up a vineyard and winery for myself and for my family to kind of run and operate and yeah that I mean that was a big thing I took a whole bunch of wine viticulture enology courses and you know like it would be cool if you could grow a plant on the podcast I just don't think we get enough light I could try but yeah I mean I went from that and then I after I graduated I went out to I came out here actually and tried to find a job in the wine industry knocked on doors and like yeah you have to start in the cellars it's like [ __ ] so I went bought a camera thanks to my friend Josiah and shadow shadow just a great dude I became a photographer overnight got a job with Colorado Rockies working for MLB and then never looked back been creating ever since damn bro suddenly turned into the Mack interview people people in the comments want to know more about you a little bit I'm scrolling on your Instagram here I was trying to find this soap but all I found was some odd pictures okay why is it why did you post oh these are classics I don't know what the caption was but it was hey Logan oh yeah you think you got you got Junior look there's some bananas there's me with some bananas are you always been obsessed I love bananas you have a deep throat of banana I've seen it done for me I see dude dude there's a girl who went semi viral a while back no do you know what about the same roans she who deep throat a banana these girls were like swallow fruits yellow hair yeah and we'd run into her all the time I remember anyways she's on she's on only fans now oh she grows she graduated from fruits and she's doing real dicks and balls now I mean it's it's only it's only right it's only fans what she has but I don't I don't pay for it I saw it on pornhub obviously but because I don't have it only the only person the only person I'm subscribed to and only fans is Alana but and it's not like don't take it like person I don't I mean I'd say it's just weird because you see all my excrements on that I'm just I'm just kidding yeah I was gonna say you know I can't even I can't even watch her on porn up anymore like it's just it's just weird I've been hearing that from a lot of people a lot of people I think I think it's [ __ ] up because you know it's obviously when she's done for my views and and now for my book she's promoting my book and and my youtube channel but I can't help but think that there's a lot of dudes out there like I can't watch this girl get plugged anymore because I'm away from review that's what I'm saying it's like I'm working in [ __ ] an opposite but I belissa and I you know what I do I try to make up for with brand deals I've got her some pretty some pretty sod brand deals are you a manager to I mean I've been managing a lot of her yeah I've been I've been a boyfriend manager no well I'm gonna be honest with you every part of the relationship is so tricky that when you layer in things that most people be like ooh don't do the ads you just we just keep rocking them we just layer them in just for fun what's the worst that could happen full-on implosion we had an earthquake last night an actual 13.7 why do I never feel these oh you did feel it Wow you or you were quaking somebody else earth last night so maybe that's why I didn't feel um like what do you can you like what do you mean I just mean you were you were causing a shooting off your Richter scale into somebody's thermometer ha how how would you know that your roommate yeah but also I didn't [ __ ] last night so get your facts straight told me that you were you told me yesterday you said I played a video for you a cartoon of sex in the car you said you got to turn that off man I'm real [ __ ] horny right now I'm on edge yeah I thought what bro bro that was weird so I dude I'm let's go one by one all right so no I did not have sex last night and although I was worried I couldn't cuz I have to [ __ ] I bro I sometimes I do too much too much smoke game smoking and I can't have sex because I'm just tired yeah listen I felt like I was crawling up a mountain like I didn't want to let this girl down but I was like and then eventually I just passed out on my back you had a low-grade version of dope dick you should have you know you should have is that it is theirs that's the equivalent of whiskey dick correct it's gotta be a thing it's a little more it's a little worse and we we we dick isn't as much I'm talking about harder narcotics but I'd rather not talk about but yeah do I you know when you're kissing a girl when you're kissing your girl or any like your guy whatever it's like kind of fun to just like an experiment you're not talking about but stuff I'm like saying like I so this morning what happened was I was kissing this girl's eye and then I started kissing her nose and then this is this is your [ __ ] problem what so then I I kiss her nose and I don't know how this happened but my mouth ended up around her nose like this like and and then I I sucked air through her nostrils I was like this could be an interesting like the air device I was like oh and her threw her throw away her throw it I was like whoa what just happened that was you right no that was your throw that was your esophagus so I did it again I was like it's obviously had to show my [ __ ] voice so we came downstairs with a new trick performed it and everyone seemed to like it I don't know if that's true I thought it was pretty strange but I appreciate that you tried do it if you if you don't if you don't know your partner's body you should know your partner's body you should not you should not [ __ ] that one's like leveled up how do you go from like also solution them like my partner maybe that's the problem you know what I'm saying like this isn't but you were sucking on her like her like I do like her but um and with it we're there and I don't obviously know like everything about her or her body but I'm you know just ripping away I'm carving this Statue of David out of marble how do you do it Michelangelo great guy do you do ever want badly to be in a relationship because everyone around she's like does that push you at all to be in one no I think it's just age I think it's just age slow it down right aside that I can I can I can appreciate people's soul more do you know what I'm saying oh yeah like that before it was like I where can I put my penis yeah you know like tonight now it's like yeah this is a good this is a good human and I'd like to consider myself a good human if we stick together I bet some good things will happen question for you yeah you find this lovely soul of a woman she's incredible just got [ __ ] hair yeah everything everything else necessary and it gets you guys go to a few dinners you take her out to a ball you take her out to a ball game you know she she wears nice pants and it gets to the point where you guys are hanging out one night and you go to intercourse her in her vagina is like a pothole that's been filled with putty there's nothing there there's no vagina she simply has just uh it's just it's like a plot piece of plywood okay but black Barbie that's right she has Barbies exact vaginal bill but but she's like she's like Logan hi I love spending time with you I've always wanted to be with you please can we talk about this yeah what are you doing and by the way no no no ball either well it's just it's just it just is like that Tyra Banks movie right I don't know I've never seen and God thank god I've never seen it sounds horrible even from what you've described there's been very little okay given she's got a mouth that's good that's a star so I mean it's a start it's you know I could do it I could do it me personally because like if she's way special I could do it I'm I I get mad at myself for how little I [ __ ] sometimes honestly I know I see it you don't have say I try you said you were [ __ ] five times a day that's what you told me yesterday it's her it's all a problem it's all her it Sam I guarantee you that my sex drive is about equal with his no maybe maybe maybe a little bit higher but there is can you imagine if every time your girl want to have sex and you were just like oh I'm working on something you just all of a sudden had a head attach your penis and it would get emotional but like bro it's hard to say no in that circuit like she doesn't take no for an answer the same on the same way as you I really ain't like if I would if I had a girl who's feeling I'm ready to reciprocate the past I have a problem doing that first step of am-9 I can't force myself like when women push me to get it on and get freaky like I love that and I saw this I saw this tweet you put out like this is what I'm saying I envy you you said it's just simple math it's a screenshot of a text between you and Lana Lana said like 80% of the day I thinking about [ __ ] you I have a problem that Mike comes with the genius genius responses that baby wouldn't do that if you just [ __ ] me in percent of the day that's just simple math how many hours is that that is that's your that's it your retirement that's the entire waking waking times the time you're sleeping it's it's weird she she she made that pros and cons list and she knows she she told me that it was amended and the own and the only pro was with sex she's like she's like she's and and and y'all listen if I'm gonna get a compliment on my sex sexual capabilities it's gonna be from the biggest porn so like like bra hotels like she she's not just she tells her friends it she's like it's the perfect size it's the perfect tempo everything that's MJ passing you the ball take the game but that's my only bro to other than that stupid hair dum-dum room I got roommates I'm a 35 year old manchild not dumb roommates but great room I got no pros dude I can't go in the pros I got none ya know pros mmm you got something you work on so that's funny oh nice nice young thug is blasting French Montana on Twitter right now for claiming that he has more hits than Kendrick Lamar French Montana and stuff I don't what if it is true though like what like like statistically you know you have them you have to measure the weight of the songs okay okay let's do this right yeah like it's like sometimes quality does not beat or sorry quantities is not be quality number of hits and also here's a quick test singer Kendrick Lamar lyric that comes through oh my god so why should we do crazy a swimming pools filled with vodka liquor okay jump jump in America that's fine but now my question is name one French Montana sign that you really what you say unforgettable yeah it's tough I love that noise though dude dude if I was a rapper I'd going around I go around my house do my ad-libs all day why she's good haha bang bang but here's the illicit bling pow this is that's not an insult to French Montana it's just like right away you know that there's more hits on the Kendrick Lamar the French Montana song I like French Montana song pop that yeah yeah he's though y'all listen he's y'all listen brothers people here's the deal people will say that French has hits but the majority of them he's carried by another artist that so French has a lot of fun listen I [ __ ] the French the New York guy like French okay but let's but let's be clear Kendrick is is putting his imprint on the rap world his for a historic standpoint Kendrick will be looked at as one of the greats bro he's got some new stuff he already is looked at as one of the great you know you know what I'm intrigued by with like a person like Kendrick or any of the the goats or people super high stature in an industry is like when's the last what's the last thing he's put out an album a song do we know yeah his next thing is gonna be some sort of like cinematic experience to go along with his it's just amazing to me how he can essentially like disappear and because his art has so much weight and is so important and so good I can and and just like almost perfect in a way it's he he maintains relevance and we can still sit here and talk about him like he's he's one of the best compared to I can compare it to youtubers or influencers like but let's be honest our shelf life is [ __ ] short it's little to none I stopped making videos tomorrow in one year I was that guy who did you too you know like I mean maybe maybe I'm I hope I thought hopefully I've reached a spot where I'm not just that guy who did you - but like staying power is what I'm talking about you know staying power put on the federal and it's great it's hot it's hard sometimes I get like semi anxious thinking about it cuz me as a as a creator I gotta figure I got to figure out how to do that I gotta figure out how to route myself and culture so deep that my name is not is not forgotten or the word irrelevant can never be tied in the same sentence with it I think you'll continue to let let sorry like like Kendrick Lamar is not irrelevant no he never will no ever so how how so so here's here's how and I I think this is the reason consistence is great as you've mentioned on the I believe it was the last episode and people want to see you continue to create and create but there's also something to be said about masterpieces and so and so like there are a lot of people who love Black Panther know I my memories so sure I have to go back on Spotify to actually do this but I know all these songs damn was a classic album to pimp a butterfly was a classic album to me good kid is is one of the hip hop hip hop's greatest moves and the history of the [ __ ] world good kid maad city was you know his his what do you call it back no okay right so so but then it's funny because then there's a lot of people who will go back before that and go to section 80 yeah which came out before and that those are like the real Kendrick heads but good kid is this is an album that has that that endless staying power is it's a masterpiece bro it's got look it's got [ __ ] don't kill my vibe are to peer pressure money trees poetic justice with Drake but what's the number what's the last master let's call them masterpieces what's the number before your rooted legacy secured it could be one but Jesse's not dude it's not one it's not one way there's got to be a number like this would be so interesting to actually statistically break this down take take industry leaders and figure out when when they became that uh unmovable force gonna be a subjective conversation I bet it's not I bet it's no listen you can you can source public opinion and the opinion of people who truly matter in the space and find out the reasoning but at the end of the it's always like they're gonna they're gonna be watching the show that don't think good kid was as good as to pimp a butterfly that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] take that's a [ __ ] take but they're gonna be people that say that and so when so you look at that and then you go over to French's side and it's like you know first of all I type in French and it doesn't even show up at first so there other people show up okay but he got smashes bruh you guys I was like I also miss seeing him out I miss seeing most people out yeah he's always I yeah and I am I mean listen [ __ ] Co his coke boy albums with chinks and those were those are under not but those are rap culture classics coke boys want coke boys too but they're just I don't think they have the main the mainstay power of the Ken of Kendrick bro like like this is a few huh it's a few and ironically it's it's being perpetrated and built up by young thug and I have a shirt on today's young so I was gonna say that's pretty ridiculous and amazing this company sends me all these shirts with like rappers turn into other things like I have the toast Malone I look I like to Travis squat Travis Squamish Travis Scott doing [ __ ] that's interest is you know what though I am that did he tweet tweet that he's saying Twitter's popping on okay okay so French Montana tweeted that about his comparison to Kendrick and like is it is it a feeling that he had in a moment he and he put it on Twitter cuz remember when Tory Lanez sweet he's like the life and then and then it bro I don't know if you've been watching homies come out with a lot of hits after yes especially is quarantine radio radio like you know I don't know if it legitimate is his his original tweet but there's definitely like maybe some but he was he backed it up and I actually took a took up I'm gonna take a page out of his book where if I make a bold ass claim and I will someday I'm gonna work so hard to back it up and prove people wrong so they do think they do think about me the way I'd like to think about myself right like like bro yeah do you want to do that now nah I will say it's weird when you say it when cameras are pointed at you and not just a tweet told oh yeah but like I I do believe I'm I am and will be regarded as one of the best youtubers to grace the platform I think come on you you can you already are then you know you're there set it left my head even but i but i but I do think that just just because of the way I've been able to navigate this platform and the other platforms I came up on and my storytelling I think is the spine of the operation that keeps me and my crew in team a so what I was trying to say before we talked about young slug I say can I say that trying to say I think you are very capable at any challenge you apply yourself to I think you will if you were a youtuber you're gonna do you everything that you can don't learn how to be the best youtuber if you want to go into the space exploration industry you're gonna somehow find a way to put yourself at the head of the industry and guess you might not be the leader but you're still gonna find a way to get great people around you that can facilitate getting the job done and then getting the job done correctly that's the one thing that I see every day day in day out Logan Paul wants to be the best doesn't matter what it is what the challenge is so that's why you should not fear falling off and uh it's not that I fear I fear saying what I just said like you and I said I felt my like chest tighten up a little bit but it's because because it is it's almost I love humility I love I love when people are humble but that thought kind of going off of what you said even even maybe why Tory Lanez snapped after that twee is like now I have to prove that now I have to continue to back that up and and it's almost like it puts a pressure on me that I like because I know I can do it I know what the right people around me and if I stay driven and the audience stays uh stays fulfilled with the content and happy and consumed to buy it like but it's because you think like that you think yeah I can be the best so I'm at least gonna try but usually I hide those thoughts I just think cuz we're talking about the I'm this for these extreme statements about oneself I try to suppress but like hopefully one day in five years I can still say that same sentence and mean and believe it the problem with all these conversations on is unfortunately the majority of them come back to being subjective like it's my question is always what's the metric our point is it's objectifies one of the greatest youtubers well well grace now that form based on numbers yeah yeah you're right you're right there some things are undeniable but what you get to a level of goading someone and saying greatest to ever do it based on what based on what metric yeah I said whatever this time someone has a different favor this dude this dude jelly cuz this is this is the thing about YouTube we only talk about and really scratch the surface if such a small group of creature no and they look great like this dude jelly I don't know how I came across this tweet I think one of the sidemen liked it I'm sorry to flex but I just passed 500 million views in 30 days what in the last 30 days 500 million views okay so it's and by the way like no one's I'm not talk we're not talking about this kid yeah he does a lot of Minecraft eleven seventeen point three million subscribers oh my god but look how often he post four hours ago one day crushing crushing if you look at the views though well I mean yeah I may fall back on quality of the quanto really but but quality over comedy quantity quality being once again subjective the thing that we can argue about is 500 million facts facts but on the past 30 days oh so I'm saying this at what point is quality not subjective oh oh yeah that's a whole phone there's a whole book called Zen art of motorcycle maintenance if you could read you guys there are some movies there are some songs that if you tried to tell someone they're not good you'll get punched in the dick okay ready for this there's a 26 year old minecraft player at now he's sitting in his basement he's playing Minecraft okay and he puts on a jelly video and he says this is a quality piece and it's just one of jellies videos and then they say well launch watches Logan Paul vlog which is the best Logan Paul vlog ever and he says this logan paul vlog is try yeah yeah is garbage so at the end then you get and then you get somebody else who doesn't even know what minecraft is and loves logan paul and it's equality goading people all of that [ __ ] at the end of this Jack didn't when you find yourself right when you find yourself tied up in an argument about it which by the way happens all day on Twitter someone's arguing he's there's another one with Uzis versus 6-9 right now that's been popping up Tommy there's no [ __ ] argument there I'm not a massive Uzi fan but like yo 6-9 got hot all [ __ ] clout Instagram gang fight like to me dude there's not wins last time someone's like yo yeah you best be careful boy six 9s out and buying cars you're buying he's not having showed up just right back to flexing TMZ ladies do you think you think you think all that time in this cell would what make him think a little bit about how soon they'd come back well you know if it's working keep your rainbow and buy those cars dawg let's see here I got it for you guys make it rain he has so far since he's been out of jail bought an Aventador a McLaren the Rolls Royce a new G Wagon and a Range Rover he also bought $300,000 change shaped like a shark hmm why is he doing this he's making the the lavish purchases over the phone with help of his trusted associates because on house arrest try the cars pose that's a great question bro talk about buying depreciating assets I mean you gotta be a [ __ ] idiot to do that Joe after prison during coronavirus guys yo if it's a what boy it took us two hours yesterday and four hours today for Danny to buy one car and you think he goes to the dealership boys a house bro so he makes a phone call and people buy it for but like they didn't tell us they didn't take his money like as part of that whole may because you would think right see maybe they get paid until afterwards and now he just got his check he's also bro like just going back on the thing like six nine guy hits he got smashed like radio that's true like radio hits broad like if you listen to a six nine song and aren't bouncing off the wall no no no so I'm not I hear and I know my ears have AIDS get it away from me no no to me horrifying I'm not saying they didn't go crazy on the radio but I don't want to hear that [ __ ] I like some hoozy [ __ ] but it's just you guys know I'm old man that's out of my spectrum I like [ __ ] jay-z I like NAS I like big like the greats right um who's on your Bill Clinton for for record thing you see that No his Instagram friend Bill Clinton sitting on the ground holding up for he's holding a record there's two on the floor and one against the wall you got to pick four records that you choose whatever to listen to forever I don't know just I saw that thing I wanted to do this with movies it's funny how we know what music is great my mind gets saturated often and that's why I'm not if people go yo what's your favorite I don't know oftentimes top five movies I like it what's your favorite movie right now I have to go with interstellar I said Oh what do you want recent movie Oh greatest showmen I guess you watch that more recently than the gentleman so good I also watched turbo last night I'm obsessed with Pixar films animated films turbo bro [ __ ] Pixar is so brilliant they are so good and I'll tell you why because I know why I did some research on that when I was in high school um their concepts are so simple and so brilliant and I feel like it's the simplicity that appeals to such a wide audience turbo voiced by Ryan Reynolds there's this snail okay here's the concept snail who wants to be fast the conflict the story is builted are they toy story yes boys that wanted to be not toys like it's always somebody that wants to do something they're not like toys that want to be human so it's it's everything is built in the logline it's perfect process with storytelling I'm washing this stuff I'm like this is brilliant every scene there's a recurring joke it's the snail town meeting in the morning good morning sue good morning Tim I [ __ ] Hawk comes down swoops one of them every morning Hawk gets 100 I kept coming every morning the hawk comes just like we're in real life your Hawk comes to a garden grabs a snail and all they do is that's a shame more there goes Bob that's it and then back to work but anyways the snail wants to be fast animated films incredible I say you a list just now oh yeah and also do you want this albums list or do you want it or not if you just head it like new stuff it took me a long time it sent get rich or die trying' great jay-z's Black Album led zeppelin three mmm I'm just gonna do three that's alright that affordable and and maybe Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon do I love that album I love that album we listen any Queen stuff oh you know I'm not a huge Queen I'm not saying he's not the queen you know Freddie Mercury one of the greatest of all time it's just not my cup of tea I'm music you don't listen to it all the time I'm the psychedelic guy when it comes to classic rock I'm Pink Floyd The Doors Zeppelin yep put me in a room this is a long list of movies Mike what is it movies I just want to put it on the screen not we don't even talk about I put it on Twitter people got a huge kick out of it cuz you could watch him if you're stuck in quarantine watch some of these movies mmm history of violence training day I've watched some of these yet because you have good taste and you know I and unfortunately can't put him on the screen cuz accident to me and oh she's feel a lot of things and Lana said they're all boy movies you oh that's some of them some of are they all or no do you watch rom-coms Mike that's like not much I mean I watched does Lana make you like watch she made me watch a movie called I feel pretty do you know that weird the girl falls and she hits her head and she imagines she's not she doesn't think she's fat anymore wait wait was that is that um the comedian yes this had a baby how do I not know but yo this is this is actually a prime example of what we were talking about before she stopped doing comedy cuz she's a baby she's a mom she had a baby she's a mom now and like I can't remember her name and I know she's [ __ ] awesome Amy Schumer Amy's [ __ ] show money sure she's great I like that movie did you did you see it I like it was great so okay so she told me she told me was gonna be the girl version of good boys what's good the kids in school boys it was all that wasn't it's good boys right is that the name of it yeah no it's yes it is okay that that movie is one of the best movies I've ever seen a man so that is one of the best movies I've ever seen in my [ __ ] life I mean we David shaking his head yes we watch that movie twice into the first two nights I just watched it in because that movie is so good and so she said it's the girl version of that it ain't yeah slow the [ __ ] down Lana roads okay slow your pace on the road on the road yeah but women have difference I mean this we're back yeah a different taste I I was with a girl one time she insisted insisted on watching the Taylor Swift documentary with me I said you got to stop it's a doc you got a stuff with Taylor Swift documentary and here's why this is [ __ ] up I love to hit her Swift well I love Taylor Swift I'm so intrigued by her as a celebrity as a person as an artist I'm impressed I'm a fan and yet still the dude in me was like nah okay listen I'm the same way these are all men movies like Saving Private all have men's names children of men the assassination of Jesse James murder it's like fun training day a history of violence fire Jason Bourne series shut up shut your [ __ ] mouth what not all of them what not all of them our boy movies no the Jason Bourne series that can't be on this list maybe the first one there's three the original three Jason Bourne movies are absolute [ __ ] bangers and there they are well-loved bet now okay so here's the problem Jeremy Renner took over for four or five I saw one with Matt Damon that wanted wanted made me want to rip my horrible because no no I'm not saying the movies hormones saying you're horrible here's why you do not like CIA you do not like government or military we have been down this road you are not a huge fan of cuffs of government secrecy and CIA movies oh I'm a fan of good movies the Bourne series is a this is one of those inarguable movie class made me wanna rip my eyelids off which one which one both both that's ridiculous Oh both I don't know which movie both eyelids identity 8 out of 10 83% Ryan 92% recent one dude that's all tomato al here's here's what I'm here for I'm a place in the screen ready ultimatum 92% run oh [ __ ] I mean huh nice that's what I'm here for that's when they find out he resurfaced after I mean dude this is one of the CIA's most prolific assassins right there and he's a badass [ __ ] dude how do you know you took a piece of my soul on this one look I do you like the departed love that's I'm saying you can't just give it blank no not even close to a Matt Damon government thing he's a cop it's a [ __ ] undercover cop story I'm talking about government secrecy in the CIA I see well we all know you're fascinated with that maybe but I listen look up the rankings on the Bourne series all these things are subjective for 2016 got 54% of Rotten Tomatoes and a 2 out of the 5 from Common Sense Media oh that was a no that's that's Jeremy Renner that's the wrong one okay after the Jeremy Renner reboot the Bourne Legacy starred Damon and director Paul Greengrass returned for his fifth entry but you have to wonder why do they even bother when everyone looks boy Oh [ __ ] legacy is that the one you watched is that the one you watch that one's not like watching the gut are you sorry is that the one you watch yes it was a very last one they put out oh but the first three and and sorry that's what I met the identity supremacy and ultimatum are all classics yeah oh right runner those are based on books right yes I'm Clancy I know Robert Ludlum oh I got I got I got splinters kits coming tomorrow to test our fertility you do I have another side yeah that's cool right that's amazing we got it we got to somehow get our ejaculate into a cup leave and then it's gonna tell us our sperm count oh that's it that's a test I want to know the answer to forget an IQ test who could have the most babies yeah how does it hot and it happens in the house they just met they have like a little stick you put in their kids their kids so so we'll figure that I also had Danny order me a breathalyzer because I was um swishing mouthwash around in my mouth this morning I was like and I swallowed a little bit and I was like I wonder how much I'd have to swallow to legally fail the breathalyzer test a blood alcohol concentration concentration limit of point zero eight so so I'm gonna drink mouthwash until I'm I'm more drunk than I'm allowed to be illegally on the on the road I just want to see how much I think that's gonna take a while no because I heard my [ __ ] you up your stomach just let me look it up I'm just gonna say that's good there's drinking mouthwash we could call that clear acne one mouthwash just drinking mouthwash make you make you feel not good let's see it's drinking mouthwash mouthwash it dangerous mouthwash is designed to spit out rather than swallow and adjusting even a small amount can be seriously dangerous ingesting these degrees by drinking mouthwash can cause mouthwash over adult guys I'm not gonna drink mouthwash like I said what is a mouthwash overdose smell like like imagine imagine dying from a mouthwash overdose but you have the best breath I'd hate to say you'd smell you do see fresh grass why don't we just get power you can't get drunk also you couldn't do that anyway here you don't drink oh we've changed so much we've changed so much I have to do the test at the ranch at cancer Canada or on day or you on vacation can't do that anymore either what define a vacations because you build you a vacation in the backyard why did you why did you Google logo Paul Illuminati I'm looking at your computer that's from analyst to see it it's from an old tennis guy tabs left open yeah why'd you why'd you do that as we were talking about last month I but I told you I was a part of it I don't believe you really I don't I believe this guy's good if it was if it was me I'd tell you I think you're working with Tom Hanks I'm one of you I'm no longer for a long time and the only thing I have to say or you can't say that the people in comments are coming dude yo speaking of the people I was just thinking about it the other day and I we never touched on it before but we've built it this is a nice thing this show is a nice thing and the audience is it's great like think about it do you remember that first episode with the shit's not up there but the sex lady where I sweat and ran off move crying we've come a long way I know not me all of us everybody I mean this is great and I think in the show and the people watch it they watch on their TVs one thing I've been enjoying doing is watching um the Instagram stories of people posting about how they watch the show yeah and so I watched one there's this guy he watches it with his daughter she's like six months old and she's watching me and you talk about dicks and I'm like you know I don't know how to feel about this but I have to make I have to be happy it's probably easier that you guys have the conversation with his daughter so he doesn't have to she's he's like he's like honey these are the kids I want you to stay away from yeah exactly like this you don't talk to them and she's just like yeah but it doesn't it doesn't work bro cause like when parents tell you what not to do you do it that's what all the daughters like bad boys I mean like let's be honest like what what woman is inherently attracted to douche bags probably probably all of them now is gonna say I'm I'm thankful for this show because I didn't have this show growing up like did I but I did not know what um a [ __ ] was till I was 13 that that is that is that is insane my parents for this my parents brah my parents never sat me down they never talked do it if you don't think if you don't think little kids are learning about sex from tick-tock YouTube any social media platform you're wrong hey their kids are getting so slick so quick now take that they've they've grown up with these Infinity boxes and you know how to mention they know how to navigate so quickly so efficiently effectively they're gonna be smart these guys are gonna be smart and it's because all of the information they've ever needed is gonna be in this thing and the label to access yo but yo but smart in a different way knots I swear to god I'm not smart like you and I think in our degeneration above above us thinks they're gonna be smart and like a super adept navigational technology technological oh yeah like problem-solving how can we become the people in wall-e who run it and float around in chairs because that's what its leading to by the way it's not good it's not it's not good we'll solve some problems we'll create a lot more conversationally they're gonna suck who member saeschie they're gonna suck it's gonna be like they because it's gonna be dope you're gonna go in for a meeting for your boss in like 2030 to ask for a raise which kind of learn about all that she I to learn how to go into an office and how to present yourself the right way for a race yo these are the things I've done this what I'm looking for this huh the kids are gonna go in the office and they're gonna be like this I'd like to believe there's some better ones out attack texting [ __ ] like cuz all they know how to do is text they don't on uh but what happens we have like knurling plugged into our brain that's just indicate like that that's dope that's powerful yeah tik-tok scares me why see you guys see the racist uh text I saw you tweet about it so ed so so so what happened it was just like bleh it was just blatant racism you wanna show it uh I can look for it sure but what happened did it go viral on the app or something these two white kids make this tick-tock you know the challenge where you uh put the water and reveal something not the sink they usually put it into a glass I don't know why they did the sink that was ridiculous but they usually do it into one glass and they're like oh to make the right man you put some trustworthiness some good looks like gods they did one for black people and and it's too it's too high school like horrible [ __ ] Horeb Georgia couple so honestly bro I've I've said it on this show before these middle America states that I don't think have caught up yet to the acceptable societal norms because they're not raised that way well let's not calling the states as a whole it peeps there are pockets of people I coulda I could have told you before I read this that it was from a flyover state yeah Georgia couple no I know that but let's not that let's not you know denounced the state it's it's there's there's pockets of people there but the I'm sorry but also I'm not I'm not denouncing the state I'm just saying like you know there's a the even eat this applies to me still there's a world bigger than the one you live in and explore before you start doing dumb [ __ ] like like being racist online don't be racist offline but doing it online you got to be awful [ __ ] morons those people probably thought they were gonna have a funny day no the [ __ ] they go through my school expelled and so that's brought up a massive conversation because this was filmed outside of school it technically breaks no laws it is at first it's a perfect you know example of First Amendment protected speech and they were expelled for schools a result of it because the the school board decided that it didn't uphold the values of this all is it acceptable listen I love I love the Constitution I really do you know but one thing I love more than the Constitution is calling out hate and condemning the [ __ ] out of you if you're being a racist in 2020 I'm calling your [ __ ] ass out if I'm condemning the [ __ ] out of it and I want you to be held accountable for your actions they people have started saying recently and I'm not saying I agree with this but people have said it the First Amendment continues to protect your speech but it does not protect you from getting your [ __ ] ass beat as a result of that smash so listen I'm not saying I'm not saying it's okay I'm just saying there are consequences for your action if you're a racist in 2020 it probably ain't gonna fly over and the last thing i'm sanna is that is the problem the main problem is I believe that tick-tock for some reason as an app is continuous is more than other apps elevating this kind of saw this tweet of yours you're right you're right I have noticed since day one being on this app I have seen Spanish kids for example standing in showers mocking Jews getting gas chambered I have seen some of this horrible [ __ ] homophobic [ __ ] and it's very strange to me why one app breeds this kind of content you said strangely I've seen an oversaturation of racist and homophobic content on that platform since day one very out of certain platforms seem to breed say slash elevate that activity while others don't but are you really right I've seen I've seen so many like um sexuality related content that is just oh I mean if that [ __ ] was on YouTube flagged or moved banned right suspended from the app right you also YouTube is good about it tik-tok azo is still very much so the Wild West because it's China but you put wouldn't that mean it would be even tighter though because they're so deny you don't give a [ __ ] about the US activity bro I'd bet I bet my bottom dollar do you know how much do you know how much information it's hard they take I tick tock is going to get banned in the u.s. we're not supposed to have it on our phones we weren't I was had seen every [ __ ] government data scientist do not download this app do not download this app they are they are quite literally stick like they're gone as far as to say you know these dudes are these people are listening to every conversation Army Navy TSA band tick-tock from government phones US raises security concerns over Chinese own tick-tock US senator and moves ban on tick-tock for federal workers like Ito it this is then this is an app an entertainment app and it's it's gotten this far they're saying their pot like basically they're positive like this is a this is a fine spying device from the from the Chinese go the Instagram story said that the racist video was her boyfriends fault in that this is what I'm saying right here he slowly normalized his racism on me you accepted it included a plea for people not to contact her college because one mistake should not ruin life it it sometimes it should sometimes it should but this over in your life you just have a lot to learn that's all it's gonna take a while they both they both if if racism has been normalized on you bro you got a lot of real wiring to do [ __ ] it's so gay so I'm saying that that that um that mentality breeds the same mentality now you just gotta [ __ ] oh just a lot all like a fact like it's in my question is do you think it's do you think it's the majority the platform's responsibility or in my sub tweet that I that I added to it could it just be the average age of the user and their youthful inability to understand the consequences of our actions or even that their actions are wrong at all that's it young kids young kids don't know know is their phone all that we talked we just talked about this all they grow up with the phone it's in their their hands at all times this is how they express themselves to the world if if you have racist thoughts before it was just a racist thought and you told a joke to your friend now it's how do I tell the racist joke that I think is funny because I'm young and haven't learned anything you grab your phone and you make the joke and then you share it to all your friends it was over probably the problem is it perpetuates the belief even if it is rooted in humor absolute I'm not saying I'm just I'm just saying that's the method of sharing the joke that you now have and you you haven't learned that it's not proper why um why stuff like this is like the more the more the more people that can see this type of thing unfold and the more people who's come to learn maybe because they saw this that racism is not acceptable I think I think I think maybe in the in the long run this was good not not for that not for the two kids one has to be made an example of a and unfortunately I've been through it accountability like like I load up do the best you can to be the better be the best version of yourself and then move on it's gonna be hard for them though cuz there's some things that there's some things that strike a little harder than others that's why I actually don't believe with the idea that one mistake should not ruin a person's life I'm glad Harvey Weinstein's life is ruined because of his mistakes and well yeah his were multiple but even people are even one rape [ __ ] you like foot like I hope your life is over forever yeah yeah that that's just a punishment fit well I mean less yeah yeah exactly it's it's it's a [ __ ] up situation and and like I said I mean once I posted that tweet people started sending me links to other videos on the app that word just abhorrent was mine I just don't understand it it's weird how we've talked about this so many times before about how successful people and people that have are on the right direction in life to have everything that the majority of people in this world want run their lives based on on positivity in outward positivity and I just wish I just wish at an earlier age I wish I had known I wish I had known at 18 years old there 16 euros putting out good energy and being nice to other people and and going about things in a positive manner would secure you a better place in life long term I didn't learn that until I was 28 years old and it [ __ ] me for a long time and I've had to dig out of that hole but I mean these people are gonna they're gonna suffer for this yeah they'll still get out but definitely do good things and good things will come I think that's a simple mentality I live by it's it's not always easy to see it right away but you have to do some bad things in order to learn something what is good unfortunately I think that's true yeah like it's it sucks otherwise like how how can you grow and develop you you got to make mistakes it's part of what makes us human in part part it's part of what forces us to evolve and grow you have to learn that it's hot exactly so it hopefully you learn quicker and you know don't make the same mistakes again making the same mistake twice as a horrible sin not a sin but you know you just can't keep doing it well that's that's what that's when you know twice is one thing three times is another eventually it's like you know you got a major yeah I mean yeah it's like doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results so yeah do do good and good will come back I think that's a simple mentality that we've seen here at this house Mike you changed your life for the better a long time ago and it's only rewards you with the beautiful lifestyle that I would hang on if I stay down on what I was on you know I I know in this in this journey that I've been on over the past you know obviously the book writing journey has been eight years but the one I've been on over the past month or so to finalize the book and get sign-off from people and the rights to use their their likeness whatever I've talked to a lot of the same people that uh a lot of the people that I spent that time with doing bad things you know and it's and that's been cathartic for me as well but it there are a lot of people out there are looking high and low for a way to change their life and ignoring the one thing that they need to do to do so you know what I'm saying and it's like like I talked to this one kid who still struggles every day with with drugs and he's like oh if I could just do this you know for a newspaper and he wants to be a sports writer if I could just do this and get this meeting with this guy I'm like you clean it's like I know I'm still you know banging banging dope and on my meth and I got listen man I'm gonna tell you something until you get clean nothing's gonna happen it's the fit on four you know unfortunately cuz it's the hardest step it's the first step in a lot of times that's how life is the hardest step is the one you have to take to get somewhere yeah and so you know it's people just need to realize the power of things they may be overlooking in their lives that need to be done you know you have any suggestions on how to take stock of those things my guess would be look where you're not looking currently look look elsewhere you know what I'm saying I think people I think people are a lot of times are looking for happiness and things that aren't the real contributors to happiness and that that goes for me as well yeah just recognizing the things that are leading you down the wrong road and yeah okay and maybe ask other people their thoughts you know because I would have said like some self-awareness but that's that's a hard trait to develop person don't have yeah so and and like watch how quick you are to deny I fall in this trap off this this is something you do I got it that's not me yeah it is me like you and my trusted confidants have told me like multiple times that this that day is what I do so instead of throwing up that that shield that barrier when people give you a character note that maybe doesn't maybe stings a little bit when you hear it try to listen I think is I think is a good a good episode I mean we've made something yeah we were a little worried yes get out because I'm starting to talk I realize we had nothing to talk about so let us know what you thought because it was moved around a lot of stuff here well I have a heavy now you episode I do wanna give a quick shout out before we sign officer who's been here the whole time sir the gray if you guys notice oh he's going to sleep okay he tucks his head back here oh no I might be cleaning himself yeah he's clean himself well yes sir the gray he's been quiet this whole pot this whole podcast it's a great job he did and you know last time we had to remove him he was being a little fussy but he did good so you know go ahead up sir the granite sir I'm also followed the Instagram for this account the impulsive app compulsive show on IG it could quickly tidbits of some of the highlights of the show what are we listening subscribing and giving us thumbs up we'll see you next time take it easy bees
Views: 956,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, momentum, earthquake, tiktok, movie list, boyfriend manager, earth day, escalation, arguments, discussions, coversations, conflict, resolution, conflict resolution, tik tok, favorite movies, best youtuber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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