This Was ALL IN A Storage Unit That Belonged To A DISNEY ACTOR! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back at treasure hunting with Jesus I think we just picked up another storage unit we were at auctions all day and managed to pick up two units only almost three but we did get to this one looks to have a bunch of good stuff in it we paid $60 to pull the unit so let's hope we can make that back plus some extra without further ado let's get tick [Music] alright guys so let's get digging first things first we got 30 pound dumbbells let's get buff but can I keep those actually it's kind of cool we got fancy cheetah umbrella you know I'll look stylish at a fancy cheetah umbrella we also got a regular black umbrella I don't know if hombre let's come an expensive brand I'm not really sure but it's a Susi Knossos tie now hack a fine now that ran full of cash hunted all the bills seems full of junk it looks like what does that branch can't really tell can you cry yeah that's right let's have we got anything inside though dude a zippers nope anything inside the regular bag another bag full of sometimes a subtype of clipper or clips all right anything else in the bag oh wow an old razor talking up flashbacks look at that who owned this phone as a kid I know I had a silver raised it I think everyone owned the razor me do you want a razor tell me you owned a razor in the comments before you had a red one what guys that is unfortunately yeah the charger to the razors in their shooter so maybe we'll charge it up see what's on phone we get home - I'm guessing these are just nice chairs it look like pulling away shares with your cool we could take these but not really now this kind of weather but fishing flea market you wanna sell that kind of thing and they're in there so - Cheers these aren't to expenses he's like what we just bought one I couldn't dollar that long right or something do that stay nope this another stereo system we see need a lot of stereo put them in a new storage units but I don't know if this was gonna be really all over check out that speaker and look at that it's a five disc system right there enough CD players aren't really the thing them are they're kind of out deed but it'd still be worth something we don't know cuz I don't know why it's like 45 degrees outside but in here I swear it like 95 I don't all I keep the heat up so high a nice looking clock of some sort got a tag on it he's gonna press on it does not it's in another language it's not English I don't know what that is but it's got that on it nice looking clock yeah this I want to sue this is on top of the CD players is probably full of CDs no cassette cassette usually sealed one here for true kings more than likely these are all gonna be garbage there's a couple rare ones it could be worth some money but most likely that's probably gonna be trash unfortunately what's up what's in this electric city planning are printing bunch of stuff let's see every unit also has to always have Holy Bible it's in every single one I've gone so far I don't think I've found a single eating without a Bible but we easily didn't return those so I know there's personalism people but two Bibles nothing no whoo what is that oh never mind just donation for the church but two Bibles let's do if you got anything else into a community bunch of just paper paperwork it looks like nothing that doesn't look like too too much but we'll always go through it when you get back up blockbuster card man how long is it stuff in sitting here a blockbuster membership card that's antique now rather than that there are a bunch of like envelopes and things like of this nature like look let's open a couple mixture we don't have anything crazy does we have found money to use before everyone's like you're not gonna find money in them you're not gonna find one you know we found one in the horse oh I will always look senior class of 2008 so this person is four years older than me anything in here no I'm out that I see but you never know we'll go through them all in more detail when we get home and they have nothing in them just take them back to the front well yeah that stay all right trying to think of what to go into next move the Bible's out the way we got here that tape looks like it's been ripped up in a few times it's not usually a good sign cuz it wasn't me a baseball glove a Wilson yeah that's like a brand-new Wilson glove those are expensive aren't they I don't really know either or not a baseball person yeah it definitely is we got some glasses anything name-brand no these look like real glasses made in China yeah made in China it usually means you junk for Christ there's a trophy for Best Supporting Actor play I don't want to show it it's got his name on it but you see the top of it at least Best Supporting Actor play stuff like that will get returned of course some weird statues missing the monkey in the middle what are all these TVs monkey in the middle Bible experience yeah red man CD muddy waters don't really know yet like always guys we're gonna go through it in detail when I get home this card sealed holy crap no no it's not one of those we have people that open the mail like that instead of ripping the envelope but open nothing in it but sometimes I miss it we'll check when we get home with that box definitely looked interests at least this time we got a storage unit it's not 45 minutes to an hour away from home this one's only like 15 minutes makes it a lot easier come back let's see we got paperwork yeah index card it looks like a bunch of index cards some ABC magnets letters open letters the guy that's all we found all the money and not one time in the one unit we bought just an open letter like that so a bunch of paperwork in here too all we do with the paperwork is we usually take it home go through everything they say there's nothing of value in there and then just bring it back because they do take the person files joy looks like just a bunch of random files and paperwork again stuff are have to go through later on cuz you never know it is looking a random envelope yeah thinking one the first time you found a filing Baughman actually use all right let's into light locks more paperwork interesting bag and a wallet in a phone and an iPhone that looks like an iPhone as some type doesn't it let's pop it out this is an 8 gig iPhone I don't know which one it is it just says iPhone wonder their iPhones usually have the number on the back I'm not sure but that nothing in the wallet unfortunately another phone this looks like I thought too doesn't it cool let's pop these open I can get it out oops I just broke the case yeah well yeah come out yeah ding yeah same thing it just said iPhone on it so I don't know when while I've never owned anything Apple in my life is isin original iPod back in a day so I'm not the first time having stuff what's in here sports cards it looks like old baseball cards I don't think those are real signatures or anything but let's get a date only you see just how old they are these are from 1982 so maybe if someone knows anything about baseball cards or any rares I should look for in a 1982 pakka's pretty old family stuff which will just get returned a checkbook box isn't really in there these are actually envelopes random little things so you could have some money on that iPhone I don't really know how valuable this I don't know what model it is I'm guessing it's older and guessing about 2013 it might be a really old one might be a newer one is now pocket watch this is dad on it is it a pocket watch I picture note it's a pocket watch now I don't know if it's real silver and I want to figure that out what's in this Oh some glasses Carolina Lemke Berlin this looks like they could be designers anyone heard of that brand let me know in the comments to look at it wants to get home but there's no nice-looking guys a lot of promise in this bag are in this box right here it's definitely gonna be one where you have to dig through in detail just I want to do it on camera there's also a lot of personal pictures in there definitely we're gonna have to dig through what is this the thing you put on like a computer chair for your back it looks like well you graduate high school definitely return the hat and all that this certificate of appreciation a bunch of paperwork let's see what this is and here we got it's taped up so [Applause] watch the random paperwork but there's a lot of envelopes in here guys a lot so who knows what kind of hidden treasures are hiding in here this this is M this is brand new it has a United plane tag on it it's probably only been used a couple times I don't you know what brand this is but it's like basically very new looking put the decent brand it could be worth something this one looks like a laptop case there's definitely not heavy enough to have a laptop in now pink but could be something else in the LC looks like mostly files again nope check the front pocket too yeah nothing but school supplies files things like that well it could be hidden treasures like I said a lot of stuff I don't like to go through on camera dick there because it has personal info on it and I don't like showing nobodies stuff just the wallet already checked yeah there's nothing in there unfortunately but what is this it was 13-inch nothing stolen that can be convenient I said I would definitely crush it but we're normal sized person that would be cool a couple bucks oh this system take some tapes Wow cuz SATs I mean that's definitely probably not gonna be worth anything unfortunately look at these statues those definitely look handcrafted look at the bottom here you can even see where it's like actual wood this might have been done like actually by hand not even by a machine yeah definitely look at the bottom of that that definitely looks like it has some age to it this one looks a lot better done but then again it could be notice that'd be weird but could be handmade definitely feels really smooth though so I don't know if that one's handmade this is part of the real mystery why I wanted to buy this unit oh man you know what I have a bad feeling right now I hope it's not true but I hope this isn't full of cassettes it's not a lock on it please let me full of cassettes got another Bible a checkerboard whatever this is let's see might just be paperwork again we'll see looks like a booking paperwork but oh yeah tell Shiva to please head like Windows 7 we didn't have a somewhat updated one this is Windows XP but this is a definitely the best condition laptop we've came across yet it's not cutting along right now which is kind of expected but they'll probably be a charger in there too and that could be a sweet score that looks like a nice laptop see if it has any specs on the bottom of it or anything not that I see has a model number if anyone wants to look up that model number and let me know value in the comments right there I was trying to see if it had hard drive size or anything like that but I don't see anything but I'll have to talk to get the laptop cannot complain with that oops I'm knocking stuff all over the place another Holy Bible hey I saw something in there what is that a mailing notes nothing important stuff like that again returned I'm definitely having with a laptop for 60 bucks even if it's a cheaper laptop it might be enough to get my money back gilja switch I'm fine with my break even even if I lose a little bit guys I'm happy just having fun digging and making cool videos that's the honest truth get this thing out the way another box all kinds of random stuff again there's a booklet for the computer I don't know the color television book let's follow that to a bunch of the poetess a bunch more random paperwork always said before I'm never stressing enough never just assume it's crap hey biggie CD Glenn Jones might have some good CDs in here that someone don't look that great but hey biggie a lot of dust though flight attendant it's got a flight attendant ok alright interesting looking box it might just be off books but who knows this one oops that looks like an OB all closed mostly pair glasses Oh hold up are these Gucci these are Gucci look at that Gucci made in Italy wow these are Gucci glasses holy I'm not gonna say it I don't know about Gucci glasses I don't know what that's worth but that's gotta be worth the $60 in pay for the units the Rabia is sold for fifty I sold her I even know they're worth more than that Gucci glass has gotta be worth more than that that that could just save the day right there that is sick all right oh I don't know I'm still happy sorry I was like on cloud nine just now some DC golf balls we're not quite in DC right now we're pretty close see I see a bunch more paperwork nothing too crazy that I see right now I see the same thing in here just checkbook nothing too crazy but like I always say guys everything go everything in great detail I'll let you know what's that some type of fancy soap has never been touched never heard of that brand god I'm dripping sweat in here any idea what that is cuz I don't have one hey how old is that o.o Muhammad Ali statue or not statue more like an old action figure but that has gotta be old Keyser Chicago on it I don't see a date on a lot of time figures have a date on their foot but he doesn't know that old value here I might keep that up Mikey hey Microsoft Office helmets helmets do 2010 I mean I know it's not the most up-to-date version but honestly Microsoft doesn't change that much from year to year so I think it's still pretty cool keep this out this way that looks like probably a graduation gown if I had to take a guess of all Wizards Jersey asking a purse let's take a guess Michael Jordan or Gilbert Arenas which ones are gonna be it is MJ Michael Jordan oops not in that great a condition no but still is it authentic it is a Nike but like I said it's pretty beat-up so probably not gonna be worth to too much what is this pressure here Nine West we found this brand before it's like not cheap but not expensive I somewhere in the middle make sure nothing inside the paper towels napkins chapstick nothing else to do interesting there's a couple persons in here let's see if we got any good names here I'm starting to learn the brand name in person as we go this one the sack I don't know who in the heck and the right might admit Yeah right mind would name their company the sack but I've never heard of it and I'm relying on you guys let me know in the comments this one's got a wallet in it and it has nothing in it really but some change is not foreign currency guys last time we found foreign currency we found US currency later on so you know what I just got a little bit excited you're not gonna lie to make sure nothing nothing else in the loop so I'm dropping weird foreign coins all over the floor doesn't look like it Nine West Shoes as well watch some other random stuff you know what first that was the kind of disappointment in it I was like doesn't have too much I just hope it's interesting enough for a video you know what it's turning up pretty frickin sweet I'm not gonna lie I'm really not good the way it's going and your bed kit I wonder if I was the pump and everything in it queen-sized every bed quit on value what is this it's been sitting here the whole time squeeze you type thing yeah that's what it looks like this is just a floor mat I guess all right see if we got in here this might be all clothes but I'll close don't be mad especially when you find Gucci glasses you know all I see and this one is closed and we'll go through everything and let you know about name brands and things like that once we get it out of here let's just check this is out as rr0 basic never heard of it but maybe it's worth something and look that for some more clothes but always gonna be sure it looks like what your clothes little belt visor nothing exciting in there scoot over the last one some more knocking box this time just a bunch of shirt and some any hose and things like that but it is new so maybe it has some money to it you guys w yeah I don't think that's really gonna be expensive anything a hat looks like all clothes so that's just about everything we've gone through we're gonna have to take all this stuff home go through it and then we'll be back let you know if there's any other hidden treasures but even if there's not guy we did good on this one but we'll get it home and then I'll see you then all right guys let's do a great recap boys before I get into it every time I do a storage unit video I have people in the comments asking me how much will you sell this for we sell this for so if anyone is interested in buying any of this stuff that we find in any of the units just send me an email the email is on the YouTube page I'll put it in the description I'll even pop it up on the screen here if anyone's interested just message me with an offer on whatever and we'll work something out cuz I'm getting tired of listening stuff on eBay and then charging me because people are asking 24/7 about buying things so I'm gonna do it this way that's what all you do is email me with an offer if you want something we'll go from there but let's go through the other stuff we found that was not in the video we found this whole little collection of Fat Albert figures from the 80 now this call said it was going for like 40 something dollars on heated which blew my mind I mean I knew they were kind of old but I don't remember the names that is no Albert but we have six figures here six figure set and they're all from the same year so made the assumption it's a set the Muhammad Ali figure I could not find a stamp or like a date anywhere on him but he definitely looks old and it's definitely a pretty sweet figure if anyone has an idea of value or year or anything like that let me know in the comments because I literally searched this guy all over and I usually on the foot on figures and it's not there so I don't know what year he's from but definitely looks cool now iPhone they were for iPhones initiated no joke four of them one of them there's a little beat up as you can see this one's cracked on the back tail and this one's in pretty much perfect condition this one's in pretty much perfect condition this is where I'm going to need somebody's help guys so now Google the model number on this is the iPhone model number a one two zero three and apparently some of these are super super valuable cuz it's one of the first models of the iPhone so if someone can let me know how I know if this is one of the cheaper ones are the good ones please let me know because I have no idea I've seen the same model number four selling as low as thirty dollars in as high as thousands so I really don't want to let this go unless somebody can let me know in the comments below but again the model number is a one two zero three it's an eight gig I guess gen one iPhone so hopefully somebody lets me know about that the laptop does work we have it did not come with a charger in the unit my brother had a charger that fitted it's pretty slow and beat up and old but it does run but honestly we'll probably end up selling it to somebody just for parts for like twenty thirty dollars something like that because it literally took us 15 minutes to connect to the internet now we also found a huge huge bunch of CDs DVDs and books we got 26 dollars worth in the clutter worth of books and things like that but two of the books were actually signed and I didn't have time to look up the price we've been so busy with storage units guys so busy but we do not have time to look it up but this one's by Terry II where in the book I don't want to suppose his name is signed by the author right there so I don't know how much this is worth or this is a very popular art that author so if anyone's heard of them let me know what this book is signed and this one is also signed same thing two signed books so I don't really know if the all theories are big or anything like that with somebody in the comments let me know pause it in the goo tea glasses I knew they were expensive but I was not expecting what I found so at first I found a pair that was about $200 that was like sweet $200 glasses that is sick and then I realized those had the leopard type of looking print on the frame when I found the ones that have the gold frame like this plus electron on the side they're selling for over $500 so I don't really know what we'll end up getting for these exactly but that more than paid for this unit in the other unit I bought plus like doubling both in we haven't even touched the other unit we're gonna go to that tomorrow and also auctions in the morning tomorrow we're gonna just keep hanging out of the storage unit guys and these three boxes right here are all full of different jewelry we haven't had a chance to get any of this stuff tested yet that looks like obvious costume jewelry but there is one of them that did not this one like some of these these are not I don't know if these are costume jewelry or not that could be gold chains I'm not sure but we're going to get though I just ordered a little test off eBay they should be here in a week and so we could test their own Julie start relying on pawn shops but also somebody let me know what's supposed to come in this there's a Gucci box but it's just full of again jewelry and things like that and I haven't tested any of it like I said so if some of this is real cool we could be sitting on a lot of money if not still costume jewelry as you guys have told me before in the comments can still sell for a decent amount the Wilson glove is actually custom softball glove based they're going for about 40 or 50 dollars nearly I mean I would consider this new but just to be safe I said 20 to 30 dollars for that but still pretty much a brand new glove now these bags literally I did not think nothing up but I looked up these brands Kenneth Cole New York a laptop case and the fried purse the for my purses are selling for over a hundred so closer to $200 now this is in pretty beat-up shape as you can see it's not in the best shape so I guess like $40 maybe 40 or 50 cuz in good shape they're going for 150 to 200 but that one is pretty beat-up so if we get 40 $50 for that I'd be happy I forgot what these were going for exactly about it remember it was a decent brand - and let me tell you all something also is very very interesting so you remember when we going through the unit we found a trophy that said like acting something something about acting right and then we found this guy's a resume here and on here he's acted for a lot of places including PBS Disney and yeah a bunch of other big-name networks those are the ones that I think everyone has heard I don't know anyone hasn't heard of PBS and Disney but this is his pictures on the other side and everything but he's acted for Disney I never heard of his name I'm not giving his name away but that's cool Disney actor storage unit that's pretty sweet I didn't think we had anyone like that in our area but anyway guys we definitely made out big on this unit a lot of cool click there was a lot of money this was definitely the craziest thing I found in the unit Gucci glass is worth just hundreds this could also end up being insane I don't know like I said begin if you know anything about this iPhone and its value please let me know cuz I do not know but it ends up being worth a lot that is going to be absolutely and say any other iPhones are probably is gonna go to an eco atm but anyway guys it's gonna be it so thank you so much for watching a video if you did enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome Stewart jr. videos don't surviving videos all types of treasure hunting videos every single day of the week and if you want to follow us on our social media links will be on screen or you click the links down in the description below make sure you've also whatever you have until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 115,267
Rating: 4.8382478 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit look what i found, i bought an abandoned storage unit part 2, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit, storage unit, storage unit buying, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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