Live with Rob Cosman Episode 23: Bed Desk Part 4

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probably the most common question I get asked is what kind of wax to use in the bottom of your playing and the reason we do this is to lubricate the sole so that your effort is spent pushing the blade through the wood instead of pushing the plane over the wood well we contact is someone who actually produces it we had our own formula made in fact they even put it in a nice of a container has our Purpleheart logo on it and like a glue stick as you wear it down you just simply create roll the bottom and get some more wax a little squiggle along there is all it takes and makes your planing so much easier you try it you'll see what I mean get one for your tool tray and one for your shop apron you ready to go skillet yep good get we're life hi folks welcome our Saturday night date night also known as our live YouTube workshop this is number something 23 maybe 22 we're working on Angie's desk so I'll start by introducing that's Angie she's Ken's cousin and she is because of an illness she's confined to her bed until she gets better and then she's coming to work here Angie and her sister Lin do all of our t-shirts so when you buy a t-shirt it's a good thing to do I'll show you this so when you buy a t-shirt to promote to help promote the Purple Heart Project you see a little gold seal actually there's new one now we have a good ending with a new one oh yeah here's the new one that's a picture the day that I met Angie and that's her a but you'll know exactly who did it Lord also I need to tell you I've been getting started what are you pointing at yes we need to turn off the air temperature so that's what we're working on tonight but before we get started there's a few housekeeping is I'm gonna need to take care of number one is we're doing a draw so at the end of the night if you want to have your name entered into the draw Frick what do they do they simply go to draw draw Osmond calm it would be a link up right yeah it's shown in the bottom red links there just over there there's no no nothing required it's gonna put your name in there we're gonna do four draws tonight the first one will be we'll do three for our new DVD on building a Cosman workbench two wills and these are $50 so we'll give away three of these tonight and then our main draw is going to be for a number six now this plane is going to be souped up by yours truly and between Jake and I will have that thing singing after will send to you but we're also gonna send you a video on hand planning and sharpening which teaches double method and introducing tonight we finally got it this is our magic wax this is our SuperDuper lip balm for planes so there's your ear wax it's they I we actually had our own formula mage that it works just right meaning hard enough that doesn't smear on the bottom of your plane but soft enough that it'll actually put a light coating on the air and you'll see if you've never applied wax to the soul of your playing when you're planing you're really missing out because it probably cuts the friction by about 70% that's a guess let's try not to destroy this until we get a Dan G these are an hour for sale they're on our site they just went live about a couple hours ago they're 995 happy to send you one or two for 15 or 2 for 15 what a deal together something else that we have new tonight just did we just released if you're a fan of our would hinge boxes now I'm just gonna show you that real quick so that you know exactly what I'm talking about in case you're really new so this is the wood hinge nice little box but you see the hinge so that's made that cool well we have the wooden jig that's available on our site and has been for a long time but now we've had several people ask so we went out and we got but we think of the best bits for it and what I mean by that is this do we have a example drink no wait we just filmed I have one of the groove with the mm-hmm the boxes in that cabinet so when you're making that would hinge I know that's not tonight's topic but I'm gonna tell you but there's any way because people been asking left-left is that when you're making the hinge it is imperative that the groove that you cut with the rotor has to be a true half round circle so that when your dowel sits in there it sits in there and makes contact all the way around that way you get a good glue joint a lot of times those core bar bets have pointed at the top well Whiteside makes the best and we now carry them in four sizes we carried them in quarter inch shanks that'll fit everybody's router quarter inch 3/8 1/2 and 3/4 you can buy them individually you can buy them as a kit right ok would also need to tell you so you took care of the draw I took care what's new well in stand again but I'm really excited tonight about is to is who's gonna introduce our Purple Heart project now I gotta give you the quick overview I apologize have you heard this before a hundred times but you're gonna hear one more so we started this program four years ago as a result of a chance meeting with a man named a combat wounded marine Jesse pres and Jesse who is disabled as a result of explosion took place over in Iraq just happen to contact me looking for a dovetail saw this was done through email I had no idea who he was but he mentioned in the in the email that ever since he got involved a hand - a woodworking was the first time he found any piece in the physical and mental pain and he suffers from and I don't know about this I mean I've got a third cousin that was severely injured in Iraq and I knew I knew his a little bit of his plight but I mean as far as the ins and outs of military service I had no connection really but when Jesse said that it really struck a nerve because I had been accustomed of teaching fifty-year-old business executives who had come to my week-long boot camp totally stressed out on Monday and over the course of five days of working very long hours from 7:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night you just watched the balloon deflate they quit shaving they quit combing their hair and they just totally chill I tell people they come tight as a drum and Monday and they leave like jellyfish on Friday night I thought maybe this is something we should be doing for these guys so in November of 2016 and in large measure due to look now if you look on here this is a plaque we had done this bench was supposed to be for Bob Bob was a really good friend of mine a great supporter came to all the wood shows came to all the workshops I did used to treat everybody he would take everybody out to dinner every night wouldn't hear of anybody paying for it didn't make a big deal but it just wanted to be do that Bob died a few years ago and is when his wife barb found out about what we were doing she wrote us a check for a lot of money so that we were able to pull it off we were able to bring in seven combat wounded vets and we were able to treat them to a week we covered their airfare their hotel their meals and each one of those guys went home with about three thirty-five hundred dollars worth of tools we really stacked it up and it was a defining moment for me I just knew this is why I was put here this is my calling is to help these guys meet do something to help them live with the negative effects of combat Colonel Luther Sealy out in Seattle who should be on here with us tonight and he'll be answering a lot of the questions we met up shortly there after that and he was looking for something to do and I said I've got something for you and ever since then he he and I and Jake and super Dave another great story have worked what we call the Purple Heart project and to date we've had 88 combat wounded vets that we've been able to bring in and take care of for that week and so what yeah all right so our Saturday Night Live workshops we use this as an opportunity to give you a chance to participate you can do it by supporting us financially and more importantly by promoting and telling other people about this we don't do this as a business we do this as a service to these men and women that have given so much to us do not care what country they come from of note out of the 88 we've had we've had one Aussie ash down in Australia we've had four Canadians and eighty three Americans doesn't matter to me where they come from they all cert they all sacrificed and they owe our they are owed whatever we can do for them so if you want to participate you just go onto a rub you actually there's a spot on there but we have a separate page where you can go in and all of the funds that you that you that you donate go directly to this program for either buying them tools taking care of their hotel airfare whatever it is whatever Purpleheart related expenses we do not draw any kind of a salary out of it or anything like that the only thing that comes out of your donation is whatever the credit card fee is which is 2 or 3 percent and so we're having a different vet previous student vet is going to introduce and tell it from their perspective what it did for them and tonight it's going to be Pete Pete Ambrose from Mississippi and he is a character he left an indelible mark on all of us in that class what I can't talk about it because then I won't be able to get through this but he's a super guy so you'll hear from me I'm a little bit later on anything else stake Oh quick note to anybody participating in the bench Brigade you need to be in touch with Jack Blaine Jack is heading this up he's spearheading it and just make sure that you stay in close contact with Jack so he can keep you posted on what you need to do and just so everything runs nice and smooth did I forget anything gentlemen no any questions so we have tonight I just want to mention who do we have answering questions we have Luther there's their Super Dave and we have Ken right and we have Megan is Megan uh I don't see Megan yet well if you have questions ask them listen if you're one of the combat wounded veterans that has been to our class would you please state that when you when you check in so that I can give you a proper shout out and say howdy and I want to be able to do that but I don't hear about it I don't read what's going on I depend on them to say it or to read it so they've got to alert me if you have a question don't hesitate to ask you try to keep it on topic just because there's a lot of them and we try to keep me from talking more than I need to all right so we're building this bed desk out of northern white pine and the reason is that it needs to be light so that Angie can move it around easily it's going to have a top like this and you can see how far we got if you haven't been following us or you're just coming on for the first time if you go to our channel you can you can find all of this stuff we they're all stored on there and my might add do me a favor if you're not already subscribed to our YouTube channel subscribe you also want to share it if you think of anybody else that might enjoy this listen we re doing one of these a week every Saturday night plus we are doing a we're posting on YouTube everyday 20 to 30 minute YouTube right now we're working on drawers I'm gonna show you that in a moment if you think nobody else does somebody think and think of other people who are sitting at home and nothing to do or bored out of their gourd tell them about it that's called sharing and then there's a notification bell on there somewhere don't know which side but that will alert you to any time we release a new video something else and you need to do on our webpage you can register for our newsletter if you're not all over there Colonel Luther puts a ton of work into that so there's a different topic every month and there's always at least one or two videos specific to that topic and then usually there's a written article we only advertise one product usually on each one so it's not a year commercial thing as much as it is an information in fact Luther insists that it be what's he call it content content rich look what is the current month lap joints no no lay up tell lay out all about how to lay out perfect dovetails to get them nice and symmetrical so super Dave check you check your Davis asked me about that nice check your but it provides no help on actually cutting it all right so I just want to show you real quick something else we do we have an online workshop where we broadcast three 45-minute episodes each week we've been doing this for nine years our current project is this standing desk so here's we're here we're here is where we are right now we are working on this top section so the top section Jake where the parts underneath where the we're the little side parts right where I see you pointing at them but right here so this is this is a fun you're gonna enjoy this if haven't already seen it where's the mock-up a Nydia back we're way back there okay so sitting on top is this thing it's gonna sit right here and this is where you'll put letters and had some great ideas coming from people to letters paper whatever it's positioned that way so you can open the lid I'm going to show you that in a second so right now we're working on that and of course that a cherry so here it is it's complicated little son of a gun so deaf tales from the back dovetails in the front through wedge Tenon's for the middle one and these are complicated but we've been doing them all week so join us in fact we got a deal right now can we put that on there we put a link on there where you can go on and get a free month and try this out and see if you like it there's over there's over two thousand there could be as many as 25 hundred episodes already on there now what we're doing on a daily basis for the benefit of those people who are bored stiff because of the coronavirus we are we've already done this drawer and instead of boring the members by me doing it not boring them just to avoid repetition the next drawer we're doing we're gonna do it on YouTube and we're showing them how to do it so there's where we are right now we cut our first set of pins yesterday tonight when we film for the one wheel post tomorrow we'll cut the other set of pins and layout the back now if you look in here so here's where we have our wood hinge on the back check that out I can hear I can hear you saying ooh that's a half-inch yep so you'd need a half-inch bit oh boy look at this commercials all over the place you would use this half inch bit to cut what amounts to about a little more than a quarter of each circle on this piece and on that piece we have videos to do it teacher but then if you come in here I want you to just check this out so we we did this in such a that when you see this there's a drawer there but if you look it straight on you can't even tell there's a drawer here drawer there and then one there and that's the same piece of wood so if you look at it and that cool we did the same thing over here in the front and on the ends love doing stuff like that absolutely love it alright now we can go we're good any questions anybody on that I need to shout out to your daughter's from Alberta are you oh my daughter so I have Lauren Anika and Karissa and my grandson Beckham live in Calgary nice to see you girls hope you're being good at home staying healthy anybody else any vets lots well I want to say hi to them so if there's one you have to tell me there's too many no I don't care how many there is tell them to tell them anyway you say it out and I'll repeat it Jake is here super JP sugar Jake's Rowland from last week super David super David Benson David Johnson retired Navy it's gonna take me forever to go through this so well these are the I'm looking for the ones that have been at part of our class okay so they they need to sit just say what class they came to not that I wouldn't say hello to everybody but we get too many people in there I wouldn't be doing but saying names what our numbers up to and when are we bringing in P we're at 380 right now and I told Pete around five hundred quarter to seven okay alright so this part is done this part is done what we're gonna do next what I want to do is I want to put a small drawer in here but I don't want to build a case I want a side hang these so we are going to put a strip of maple right along here on both sides we've got to set it into a groove because we got to allow for movement and that strip of maple I don't have a piece to show you but imagine it being about a half an inch wide by maybe an eighth of an inch thick that'll sit on there and then the drawer will slide there'll be his cutout on the drawer side that'll fit on that groove alright that groove will fit on that strip and that's how we will mount the drawer now in order to keep this nice and stiff so that it doesn't splay at all we've got to put a back piece on there as well so we got to go through and do the math on that the drawer is not going to be very deep and what else do I need to tell you about that I guess we can just go ahead and actually start laying it out so I'm gonna need my square just really quickly you know I'm on your plane it was a slash oh yeah so so uh local we have a base base gage town pardon I'm gonna tell him story first base gage town which is about 45 minutes from here is the largest military training base in the Commonwealth and thanks to Tony we finally got on there and had a did a one-day demonstration did hand planes and dovetails and I think Tony had 21 or 22 combat wounded vets there which was fantastic Tony and we got a loss several of them have applied to our to our summer workshops keep your fingers crossed on that and one of them is ax came down to visit and he has nine children how many how often do I meet some of them with nine children and he made this little he left me this so I put this little I don't know is it a call to known I don't know but it has found its spot right there at the base of my number seven actually so that's the steel that's the story on that alright don't hesitate to interrupt me gentlemen so we will have that drawer sitting from right there so the first thing we're gonna do is I'm just going to lightly pencil in the top of where the drawer can sit and I would imagine Joey Jake how deep do we make this drawer we don't want to interfere with the way it's gonna sit inch high Oh an inch and a quarter inch and a half I think we can go an inch and a half but yeah settle for an inch and three-eighths got to be so careful with pine you just heard that me bump of it this stuff just does not handle abuse at all so if that's that is where are the top and the bottom of our drawer is going to be then we're gonna come in right at the half point will yeah what's the matter I can hear Jake breathing he's using a inferior mic because of the broken one so it's picking up everything okay so we're gonna put this right in the middle should have that inch and a half so I'm just gonna move that down or we said instance we aged didn't we we go inch and three-eighths this is just an approximate these lines so what I'm thinking that we have that strip about a half an inch so half of inch and a half that's so what the drawer is going to be one inch deep down into 3/8 deep into three HD you know I mean but I'm talking about inside the drawer oh if it's an inch and three-eighths total you'll have about an inch inside blanket okay so this is where the groove is going to go I'm just penciling in lightly it's not gonna go all the way to the front now we'll stop that it's a matter of fact we will stop this should we let it go all the way out I don't think so I'm gonna hold it I'm gonna hold it about a quarter of an inch in from the end anybody else stopping in to say hello any other vets Angie's here hi Ange everybody say hi to Ange say hi to Lynne for me we just got a big shipment of t-shirts I don't know how we're gonna get them out to you but get a big shipment in yesterday I'm gonna bring this to within a quarter of an inch no actually I'm not gonna be a quarter I'm gonna bring this to within three quarter yeah I think we can go half no I don't want to run into the drawer front so I want to stay away from the drawer front so I'm going to come back five-eighths of an inch that'll keep it out of the dovetail as well so right here all right so this is all of our waste this is what we're going to remove I don't think we need to go any more than an eighth of an inch deep so we'll cut that out we're not going all the way to the back so that means we will go in and we'll use a table saw I'm not going to bother putting a dado in for that we'll use a table saw to run from approximately here to here then we'll finish it with the router plane and then we can set that set that piece of maple in there and you'll see how we're going to deal with that but we can take both of these over now what we have to do is we have to transfer that quarter inch mark over here to the front so from the from the front we are back five eighths of an inch you'll see why we're doing this I'm gonna mark it clearly on here five eighths of an inch on the front quarter of an inch from the back did we find Megan yet no is she forget now you know what Jake I had to plane off one of these you remember which one it was because these aren't the same width anymore shoot the dovetail should line up the back well they've got to be the same we're gonna reference what we do on one we're gonna do on the other so they better make sure they're the same that's the same height so I'll leave that alone so it's the back we have to take off now what I'll do is use my haven't seen this before I keep I keep one plane blade with no back bevel on it what's that from it was a replacement blade Lee Nelson made for another Stan Lee plane I think it was a Stanley plane so are you sure it's not the oh no absolutely I remember exactly but I never we rarely ever sold them so when I stopped Somaly Nelson this is one of the things that was in inventory that never sold at the bottom now what I can do with this because it's nice and wide I can lay it up against this piece and then just drag it back corner and then when I get here if you try to drag it off like that and your corners worth doing the cutting by the time you get out here you don't have a lot of reference left so then I would here what I do is we're gonna get near the end I go the other way so I have lots of reference and then just move that along Chrissa knows how to do this all those years of wood shows now I also have to fix a couple of these too which I hate to admit Jake would just blade what shape is this played in we're gonna get screwdrivers are back in stock too if you haven't got one of these you want you wanna you want a good screwdriver particularly if you have brass screws on your plane and I'll just tell you why these don't have any taper at the tip so when they fit in there they fit in all the way down instead of normal screwdriver tapers to the point so when you're putting it in there all the pressures on that top lip and that ends up just buttering them all up these don't yeah we make them even better we meaning Jake but I taught him 500 over here 16 thousand over here and I've had several people asked no I have not abandoned my trend diamond stone Jake just happens to be the one that likes these so when I come to work or when I'm end up using them he's already getting out here so that's what I end up using but that's a better system there's no doubt but it's costly if you want the very best then you have to go with the shopton lapping plate which has a higher level flatness and you'll get on anything else but that piece of kit alone is three hundred and eighty dollars and the only thing it does is keep these stones flat find your primary hold your blade like this four fingers on the cutting edge to distribute the pressure as evenly as possible I always squeeze my right thumb between my left thumb my left index finger to hold the two together reference on that big wide primary bevel and then elevate three or four degrees and then count out ten seconds four six nine ten at the end of ten seconds you should feel a slight burr on the backside of the blade if you do then you can transfer over here to the 16,000 now the advantage of the Signet am the reason we're able to do this which is going from five hundred I usually have one thousand Jake likes a 500 now we jump all the way up here to a 16,000 but the reason we're able to get away with it is because when we set this blade on this stone instead of raising up a couple of degrees or three over here beyond the primary for a total of somewhere between 28 or 29 on this dome we raise up beyond 30 maybe 31 to 32 so you're only delete working on the very leading edge and you're creating what we would call a third or a tertiary bevel and it only takes ten seconds of work I wasn't counting at the end of that ten seconds put downward pressure in one corner for three seconds and then the opposite corner for three seconds and when I say downward pressure I mean I pushed a little harder this way and then I pushed a little harder that way and what that does is create a light feathering effect so that when you're planing wide pieces where you have to take multiple passes overlapping you won't feel the overlap one will blend in with the next now this is the Charlesworth ruler track guys actually spoke with David this week David Charles worth English craftsman well known for his precision and as I've said before I'll say it again the most precise woodworker I know of and David came up with this technique way back in the mid 70s and it's just the smartest thing I've ever learned about sharpening it will cut your time by oh my goodness not minutes could be measured in hours if you're to include the total prep time on a new blade and it's just fast and it allows for freehand sharpening so that it's quick and if it's quick and easy you'll do it more frequently which means you'll end up with far better results set that in there make sure it lays flat on the face of the Frog make sure the lateral adjustment lever engages that bearing at the bottom engages in that long slot end of your yoke that's the thing right here connected to the adjuster knob goes into the rectangular slot in the chip breaker enough pressure on your lever cap that it'll prevent the blade from moving accidentally but not so much to prevent it from or to make it difficult to adjust now I'm siting down the solo I want to get that blade so it's parallel to the sole and you can eventually get the point where you can do that by eye now might get my wax out just run a little squiggle down there and I'm gonna run it on the side too because I'm I'm using the side so convenient to be able to throw that in your pocket now I'm just going to watch that line disappear Jake I need light if this screws up the camera just tell me what turn it off after I'm done but I need it are we selling any wax I'm actually not keeping track of the you ever usually Megan keeps track of the store sales but I can't don't forget needed t-shirt the easiest way to bring up the conversation about the Purple Heart so we can get the information and help us find these guys that need what this will do for them okay let's make sure that these are okay alright well I think we can go over to the table saw at this point now what I told you actually this is what I was about to do but we need to we need to transfer these marks onto this piece when we go to the table saw we've got to drop down onto the blade and start and stop the dado without exiting in either on either end so we call it a stopped dado and we've got to know where to set that blade down I have a I'm gonna ask the question and I unit respond do you want me to tell you the brands and what I use and why I use and while you're getting ready to tell me that I'm gonna tell you anyway so this is a Freud Jake we got brand new one great in here let me show you what it is I have look at the look at all the blades I have that blades coming up the ying-yang and I've got forest blades in there I've got Simon's Simmons si mm oh and yes I have no don't can't remember all the names and these are the ones I like they were the least expensive by the way how often is that the case but they do a fantastic job I think and know Freud does not sponsor me but it's good idea I should call them so this is the latest one the jig bought it it cuts nice and fast but it also cuts well now part of the reason why the blade works so well and I should do a commercial for a saw stop I promote them so much is that you have a good saw you don't want run out so this is a Freud thin kerf rip 24 teeth and it has if you'll notice every tooth is flat on the top so that means you're got your kerf is going to be flat right here yeah oh you mean you can't see the actual tip of the blade and because it's since oh it's three thirty-seconds of an inch it create it requires less horsepower because you're not you're not cutting as much wood and you save on wood so I like it like it a lot did anybody say if they want me to do that you guys are supposed to be filling me in yep they're they're all for it okay now I need to determine I just need a scrap I need to determine the height of my blade and I didn't bring it with me so I want to go an eighth of an inch that's plenty that's it right there is a good guess okay now what we need to do is shut this down and get something with a good sharp square edge what I'm going to do I'm gonna come in here and I'm just moving the tooth I'm moving the blade okay it just starts to make contact there so I'm gonna draw a line that's where the blade first meets the wood and I've got to do the same thing on the backside I'm moving this forward as I'm moving the blade forward and back okay so it just starts to make contact there so there are the two extremes it's a burn mark that chunk on there Jake no I'm just gonna get rid of these previous marks I don't abusing the wrong one now what I can do and this is pine so it's easy to cut so I don't have to worry about this but if I was doing hardwood and if I was doing a dado where you had a wide cut and you're dropping down on like this there's a lot of force wanting to kick that back so it's a good idea to come in and actually clamp something like that at the point where you're going to make the end you're gonna engage the wood or engage the blade this is pine as I mentioned and it's not a it's not a deep cut nor is that a wide cut so it's easy to control now I'm going to go in here and reference that line I drew that's right on I'll lock that actually you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna modify this slightly just so that no I'm not I'm gonna leave it right there I was going to put it on on the easier to identify mark it's kind of in between couple I'm gonna set it right there so I'm talking about this one the forward one and I got line it up with this so when I set that down and then I'll move forward until that back line this one lines up with that bring it ahead a little bit lift it straight off so you see where my cut ended right here on the line and started right there on the line okay make sure there's no debris in the bottom side because I want that to sit flat the only time I ever got hurt on the table saw a long time ago I dropped a piece a relatively small piece of I think it was oak down onto a dado head without having that back up and when it went down it drove that piece into my hand you see the scar and it took this piece of flesh all around here and just open it up had several stitches in there to heal it up and it's good reminder don't do that anymore move that over and repeat this process make sure the overlap was enough this is my one I need to follow now I could have done this with a dado step and made just one pass instead of having to do multiples the problem is it takes time to set up a dado does not leave you with a chute I went a little too far it's all right it'll be hidden the data doesn't leave a flat bottom it's got little rabbit ears on both sides and a little harder to control the downside to doing this as I just demonstrated is you're doing it multiple times more opportunities to screw up I keep my pieces in the same position so I know how to lay them down each time and if I was doing this on multiple pieces I would definitely put the dado blade in lofts on a saw stop changing to a dado head also means you've got to change your cartridge you've got to change your throat plate which you would have to do that on any saw alright so the last cut should be right about there I'll check it first that's right on my line Rick how are our numbers 505 by 505 right now so time for calf Heat sure okay soon as I come over good you got him ready just second you get them and then knock and then I'll come over now we'll go in here set this aside all right now pause this for a moment and I want I want you to give your undivided attention to Pete Ambrose Pete Pete is a Pete is a combat wounded vet who fought in Vietnam he fought in the end he fought in the first Iraq the Gulf War as well and I believe he actually has a son I think it seems to me he was actually serving in the Army the same time that his son was Pete is from Mississippi and he was a different man when he left and when he came so one over here he would where do we need to have the camera in order to see him Pete can you turn off your live episode or just mute it for a sec do you have the episode playing in the background can you turn that down can hear me now do you have the episode playing on that iPad behind you yeah he's getting the message a little late sorry Pete you're always late to the party oh I know why why you can hear me now right sorry with that what do you have it on mute yes dad a boyfriend yeah I think I've got if they got him on the on the camera yeah they can see go ahead Pete telling me story twice I got out of the Marines Mary and then there's no work so the army said we have a job so at 32 I went back to basic and had to keep up with the 18 year olds and became a tanker m1 and finished up in the Iraq first war after I came back you know I didn't get a hello and thank you from Vietnam I did get one from Iraq but there were programs out there for veterans ride a horse be with a dog something but I never felt that I was in bad shape to do that I thought I was okay I was fine there was no problem with anybody and then finally I went off the deep end and they put me away for a couple days as the local hospital jail and I got out and then started talking with the people about what I was doing and so this has helped me immensely when I went up there I couldn't believe what you guys were doing and then all of a sudden Rob and everybody came out of the woodwork every time you turned around there was some there's some family member some friend helping you and I was probably the worst student there because my minors you know needed a whole lot of pudding you know and so it was a it was good I really enjoyed it it's helped me out immensely since I've been back here I built this workbench back here now there's about 15 things wrong with it half inch too long quarter inch too wide you know but I got two vices on there I got a shoulder vise and an invite and and I got this what a stay for a thing on the side and it's fantastic I'm surprised I even got it together it took me a couple months and a thumb see this is my good though so yeah so I lost hardest building a bench and Rob didn't come up with this bench thing until after I had the thing halfway bill but I've enjoyed him what he has done for Betts is fantastic if I was a person that saw people I tell him but I really don't get to see people I feel safer at home with my wife and so but this is Fanta I couldn't believe it when he called me I'm 70 years old why would he want this old guy to come up there and teach him a class when he can get like twenty and thirty year old guys and gals to come I just shot the daylights out of me that he would take me up there and spend his time with me and I really really appreciate you guys everybody you know your son your daughter your daughter Megan she got me that Canadian syrup and all those things so now I got the workbench now I got a next month I'm going to buy those wheels from you so I think it's a little bit on the heavy side but what Rob does for veterans is above and beyond and he does this stuff out of his heart I mean he just does it and if there's the veteran out there that hasn't been up to rob shop you need to get up there I get know diddly-squat about planes or chissus never use the plane before I came up there and I can start for them not as good as Rob but I can sharpen them and and I do know what to look for that little tiny bit of just perfect shiny piece of metal and I get that and so I really appreciate what Rob has done for me and the other veterans who came up there because he worked with Marines jarheads Air Force Army Navy you know he's got somebody like Luther's Army artillery that's the redneck and and then he's got Dave you know what Dave what hunts bears bears fight service monument you see this I need a Canadian flag but I got a I got the red flower hate me so that's my little monument to you guys and and I'm shaking now so I need to put this up on a holder but what he does is just fantastic it's just above and beyond anything that I've ever met anybody in my 70 years who would do something for me you know I mean a combat but he does it for you and that's that's it Rob's the civilian and he does that I would take Rob to combat any day you know wingman say I really appreciate Thank You Pete we appreciate you your your your mark far more deserving than you think we appreciate what you did for us and and you keep you keep giving me all the credits but all of these all of these people who are contributed I wait other reason why were able to do this so thank you Pete back to work so I kept I kept trying to teach Pete how to cut dovetails but he insisted on miters so anyway great guy that's who you're helping if you just see if you had a met him on the Monday and then met him and then met him and on Friday anybody's in the class will tell you he's just he had us crying in the edits laughing at the same time he was absolutely fantastic and I just I can't I can't thank him enough and I only wish we could find more of these particularly the Vietnam vets that that we could help so you got to help me you got help me find them and the only way to do it is to talk about it I've gone to I've gone to soldier on I've gone the vet to Veterans Affairs nothing nothing the only way we get any help in spreading the word and finding people is talking and telling other people about it and sooner or later somebody says you know what I got a nephew I haven't seen in three years has unless left his house and then we can somehow get the information to them and it usually takes another vet talking to them to get them there but at least we can find them all right any questions fire away other words I'm gonna go to work on on getting this done now I'm gonna use my I'm using my half-inch Wood River are not Wood River this is an IBC and these are the ones Gregg Jake grinds to 17 degrees if you're gonna work pine you've got to you need you to make them or get Jake to get you a pair because that really acute bevel will perform in pine Aspen bass wood sometimes even poplar so much better than a normal 25 degree 25 degree has a tendency to crush the fiber but by dropping that angle down you slide right in there sever those fibers and aw what a fantastic job it does all right so what I'm gonna do here is extend that side wall first so by laying that chisel right in there and just tap it down do that on both sides now I don't want to come out here because you you risk well I'll do a little bit but not much you risk splitting something off now I'll do the same thing on this end mom here you can't even let stuff like that happy and will end up with dents in your wood people always poo who pine I think it's one of them best woods to work with it ages beautifully now age is beautifully but you have to treat it with such incredible care and caution that reminds me my sister-in-law when she was a child growing up they family always had family prayer and some of them would always say something about something about doing something with care and caution and she was little and one day she goes who is this Carin caution you're always praying for Karen caution did you know that - no you do know that was show why didn't you use a router to cut the groove a power router sure you just guessing at that Frick I'm getting the questions from well I know I could have but the the problem with using a router is that the rotary action is cutting is cutting in all directions and it's often difficult to control particularly when you're dropping down into the middle of piece then going not not impossible particularly spine but on hardwood it is and I the table saw is just as easy and you still end up with a round corner you've got to come in and then square up so it's an option I prefer the the least I wouldn't say no I I guess I would say noisy it's what I like about hand tools no das no danger no noise and I get to use these that I don't know I just if I had a choice between a hand router and a power router there wouldn't be very many operatives when I would choose the power router now what I'm doing is I'm just setting that so that I have equal depths it's not nearly as critical actually with what we're doing right now but if you were building something and this was going to be a divide or divider you'd want the depth to be the same I just need to take that a little bit deeper I actually come back to here now see I'm not making any contact so I need to find my deepest spot and then I'll clean it out so that it's the same depth all the way how our numbers tonight brick just under five twenty right now so not bad not record-breaking no no not like last week what did we end our last week we had six hundred and almost seven but they can watch it after two okay now we'll come this way okay I gotta go in here and just tap this down a little bit more that was Peter Ambrose if you just do a google search on dovetail slash miter he'll come up now I got a low spot right here so I'm gonna come to that point and then do this one more time what class was peed in the last class no the last cent using the first one okay that's done how's their timer at an hour so good couple questions about the router plane there how do you sharpen the blade number one and number two someone wants to see it close up a bit cutting the cutting let's let's actually I don't want to change the I don't want to change the depth because it's I want the same on both but I will all sharpen it soon as we're done and then I'll give you that close up now that's the Lea Neilson version which I prefer over anybody elses and I'll show you why and it has to do with how the blade is held and there's a superior okay what you can do is come in here I'll make a cut it's not quite an inch and not quite half an inch I'll come in and I'll just make a little relief and then as I get closer to the line now when I push my chisel down in there the bevel doesn't have a whole lot of pressure building up on it from the waist I'm just getting rid of the the bulk zoom in on that shake if you can Jake can you come in tight on this how are you for light looks good did did Randy my brother come on he might be there I haven't seen him in the chat my brother Randy is a younger but larger version of me in girth he's got a little bit of height too yeah he's just he's just extra tall extra late Lee he has four children they live open Alberta Gracie and Jill and the girls and Ryan and Cartier the boys he's a woodworker wannabe when he goes near Wood Wood screams alright I'm being particularly careful not to leave as many marks on there now let's go over and which by the way the nice thing about that rabbit on there is I can plane that off and it doesn't change anything I'm not playing it off but I can plane this surface without worrying about changing the fit of the joint all right so here's how you sharpen that blade by the way so this is the Lee Nelson number 271 and what's really good about it the original Stanley and even some of the other reproductions today that's a round hole with a round shaft cutter on the bottom problem is never you can't get it tight enough and if you hit something hard it'll twist Lee Nelson chose to cut a square hole in there so when you put the cutter in the brass knob tightens up against that corner driving it the cutter back into these tube into this opposite corner so it holds it firmly it's just it's a great design great so easy to sharpen and the nice thing about this is you don't use a amount of surface area that you ever cut with it you might have to sharpen this once every couple of years first thing you want to do is come in and you want to prepare the back like you would a chisel so I don't use a ruler trick on this and you would set that on there now I've already done mine so I'm not gonna Reese crach on the 500 but let's say this is your coarse stone you set that on there and it's a little bit awkward because you don't have a lot of surface area so just go carefully moving it forward and back probably easier to drag than this to push until you get that nice and shiny and then to sharpen you got to get right here on the edge set your primary bevel on there like so raise it up and then just do some little short forward and back strokes now you should see a full width shadow so then you know your pressure is being applied evenly do that until you can detect a slight burr in the backside then come over here and you're gonna do the same thing except you're gonna raise it up just a little bit higher again that tertiary bevel reduces your surface are your prep time dramatically and then you want to get rid of the burr just a couple of strokes keeping that flat down like that that's all there is to it that might take well if you spent more than a minute you probably were doing well more than you should the initial preparation getting that back nice and polished may take it a little bit of time now you can also and remember I I don't hesitate to promote Lee Nelson tools because they are great and Tom Lee Nielsen is very generous to us we get to mortise is for every vet each time we teach you can what you can get when you order that you get you see if I got them I know they're in one of these drawers they were there they're yours what you get with it over here Jake you get that's your quarter-inch cutter this is your 8 inch cutter and then you get your 8 inch pointed cutter and you get your quarter inch well somewhere in here they're just pointed once you can get right into a corner I could find a better way to store these sometimes a good time all right I don't think that's any more than that's that I consider that one of our essential tools and it's less than $100 so good investment ok next move is to get a couple pieces of maple now I need them to be my new notepad sorry Ange I still haven't found my book you know what I was going to I was going to put a rabbit on that but I'm not gonna do that back that's gonna be hidden it's just gonna sit right in there so I'm gonna make this eight inches so we need two pieces eight inches by I know that's supposed to be a half it's a little less so we'll set it to bring it down to that by half inch and I don't want to stick to far because we have to cut a groove in order to house this in the drawer side I really don't even want to go a full eight I think I'll go just go a quarter but now I'll trim it back and just thinking if there was something better than maple in terms of we'd use Vera would but super Dave wouldn't approve of that there's a ban on super Vera would let's take a live in st. embargo it could be let's see what we can find you'll notice the shop is in the process of being cleaned Colonel Luther has got me on a on the leash what are you doing we couldn't use it what do we got well we get that we've got that that is that I don't know if that's oh that's the skinny Vera would ya is he crying yet he's already texting me yes telling me we can't sagging this just out of spite so I'm using this because this is a this is tall so it has lignum vitae no yes it is it's Argentinian lignin by Argentinian don't forget that what's he saying we don't have permission was that that was that the medium or small brother playing that's the small router plane so then the regular is this one this is the 270 and I'm sorry it's not to say this is a 271 what did I tell you that one was I don't know the numbers that's the 271 so there's the regular one - the would I put that base on there it's a piece of torrefied maple but there's the now that has a nice same similar system where it's sitting in a wrecked in a square hole cut the adjustment knob or the tightening knob points on one corner it's got an adjustment up and down and then you can buy a little device an adapter an adapter an adapter kit who said that so this allows you to use the small cutters made for the smaller router plane that fits it's gonna spread these they fit in there like that and that and then you can go ahead and use these small cutters in that larger rotor there's also a little depth collar on that that you can put on there as well to set it to a specific depth and then come back to it good good tools critical tools and a router is great but if you want to really dial it in and get it extremely precise then you need the hand tools all right so I got to cut this I hate cutting the stuff just because it's so pretty inexpensive but don't have a lot of use for something this wide let's go fans huh yeah you know what just because of the expense of it I'm gonna I'm gonna cut it on the band saw and then process it so we need an eight inch piece I got to go half inch this way don't I Jake I lost the video you lost video you back yep thank you what happened the camera just turned off it's too bad you weren't here to smell what I did my wife my lamp gone we have left the lamp this stuff has a movie now now if you know correct me if I'm wrong but this wood was one time used for stern tube earrings not that one close relative and a stern tube bearing is the hole on the stern of the ship where the propeller shaft goes through and because of its naturally lubricating properties and excellent wear characteristics that's what they would use so we're gonna use it to lubricate this drawer so it'll slide like it has a healthy coat of rubs magic wax shameless commercial what would do you think has the best smell trying to be funny would know what would do you think smells the best you smelled I think there's three oh we should do it you know what that would be a two video to do Brazilians yeah Brazilian tulipwood it has oh just a beautiful small doesn't last very long Vera would has a lovely smell yep the point I would give to the Vera would is how long it lasts tulipwood seems to favor it I got to get a flat spot on here first before I do the edge didn't answer the question yeah I'm thinking so yellow Cedars probably my favorite I think that one is just Brazilian rosewood yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yellow cedar yellow cedar would get my vote I don't want to squeeze that too hard cuz I don't want to distort it what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to get a flat surface that I can then reference everything else off of because this stuff this stuff is a little bit work and you can hear that hit miss hit miss hit miss hit miss hit sorry hit missed it and I don't want to create a problem so that's why I'm being careful not to put too much pressure on that very hard wood but oh so smooth feel that Jake and tell them I still don't know why Dave is so enamored by this stuff charlie ray wanted you to know that Derrick is here hey Derrick Derrick Charlie welcome gentlemen great to have you Luther says camp for wood is the best babe you terms of sassafras sassafras yeah you know what camphor wood is now camphor wood is extremely unique so if you can burn wood smells like Vicks VapoRub by the way did you try that shower thing yeah I did it was amazing really should advertise that tell them that turn around tell Frick Frick since I got the so Jake bought yesterday the Vicks VapoRub tablets you put them in the bottom of your shower and they vaporized as you're getting a shower and I tried one this morning that was excellent I had a headache this morning and it really helped actually highly recommended where do you get some amazon pumpkin we should start okay so I've got a nice flat surface this becomes reference surface okay now I went in and I square I squared and straightened an edge sitting this on my shooting board then I went in and I squared that end now what do we need to do next let's cut that to eight inches and is eight our Adar be our length I'm gonna go just a little bit long so I can actually fit it now this is a little harder than I wanted to use on my with my my cross cuts off so I'll use the chop saw oh wow that ever smell nice in there I was gonna send that piece to Dave it's gone you stick your head in that hood and get that old aroma is radiant I can smell it right yes cool really is amazing stuff all right let's it oxidizes very quickly too if you're using it on the bandsaw you'll have a little pile of yellow dust but it's also oily and so that that dust will trail all the way down your bandsaw and then you come back in a couple of hours and that little yellow dot that little probably owed us will have gotten gone green okay now the smart thing to do would be to take this and I know I'm dragging this out a little bit but I want to use this for a reason it's just it's too narrow this way so we've got to go the other way so I think we'll go over I'm just trying to decide when I want to cut this down because what I've need to do is I need to cut it down like this to get my quarter inch and then I'll go over and I'll cut half inch strips that way but I want it to be I want it to be relatively safe or as safe as possible in terms of it being a small piece and we use the table saw I may end up using I think I'll end up using the band set for the whole thing so let's go over and cut our eighth inch strips not eight-inch sorry Connor inch strips 1/2 inch 1/4 1/2 higher than I would normally but I got to be able to get my fence in there so we'll set that to 1/2 wait should you go a little bit bigger so that you can fit it [Music] you see that blade wobbling now that's really before I I'm not going to do the other one until I straighten an edge first then I have one surface that is finished okay you can wait here if you want I'm just going to run over there and do the same thing time to mention the prize again yeah yes you're gonna do it you know you got a list about moisture but that's it [Music] are we gonna know the knob on it are we gonna knurl the knob to will soup that puppy up to make it just like it was here so what we're gonna do to it will neural will make the knob so it you can get lots of good torque on it will win and dress the blade chipbreaker all of that will go in and make the sides perfectly square better than they come stock chamfer all the corners will have it ready to take out of there and put it right to work alright so here's my two pieces now we got to do these one at a time I think we should cut that down first now that I've got that cut to here let's go over to the bandsaw and we'll cut these down to a thin 1/4 inch actually we're gonna go a little under quarter so we don't well shouldn't you go at quarter and then plane it under close so I'm looking when you do this by the way what I'm doing in order to measure this teeth are set so look behind me jig you can see on there and you can see the teeth sticking out on opposite sides can you see it on that can you pick that up need something behind it to make it so when I'm setting this I reference off of the tooth that is set to my left that way I'm I'm getting the exact measurement I want now that is right at 1/4 I want it to just a little bit less than that I don't have to plain a ton yeah so I'll take my hand plane side push that against the fence [Music] [Music] they'll be probably probably come part of a henhouse tell them we're holding them hostage what we're holding those pieces hostage okay how much do we need to take after that so I need to keep these I need to keep this edge parallel to that edge so I'm got and it's thin so it would flex easily so one finger here thumb here couple fingers there pushing it against the sole the plane I want to make sure that I engage over the entire length so you here blade make you contact the entire time that way I don't end up introducing a taper and I will check both ends where's my headgear no questions Luther handling them all sure is doing a good job yep we have 600 viewers exactly right now so here let's stop take quick second so here so if you want remember this is we host east in order to support our Purple Heart program where we bring in 36 combat wounded veterans every year we treat them to a week-long oxid six days we go from 8:00 in the morning to 11:00 at night what we cover is their airfare their meals their hotel and each vet is going to go home with this year approximately thirty four hundred dollars worth of tools somewhere between 32 and 3400 and they're gonna get a bench they're gonna have a bench just like ours to work on when they get home that's the bench brigade is taking care of that we're taking care of the Vice part of it so help be a part of it you'll feel great and you can go on our website and underneath the section on PHP it'll say how do I help and then you can choose whatever you want you can actually if you want to do this monthly you can do it as well thanks to Pat not Patrick Phillip Phillip Phillip Gustafson that was his idea so he was one of the first ones to join that and Phillip was in our very first class thank you Phillip so do that now if you'd like to part be participating in the draw tonight all you got to do is click on that thing I'm in the drop so here's what we're giving away tonight we're giving away three copies of our bench work bench DVD there's three discs in there one is a data disc the other two of the build and we're giving away our top prize is gonna be this number six all souped up with our new plain wax and the video on how to sharpen and use a hand plane so you'd be all set to go so tonight we're selling t-shirts to help raise awareness of the Purple Heart program had this one says what is good on the back and turn around Frick you're in that jacket on where'd it happen to Jake Rex care to go pick up your cookies oh here right here so our second t-shirt cuz you're gonna want to collect them we got a new one coming soon this one says we're doing good thanks to my niece Michaela she came up with that slogan and we have our plain wax this is now available you can get it online $10 995 to 4:15 and we also have just released our router bits for doing the would hinge box so get your name in on the drop we're happy to give it away and send it to you all right anything else how are our donations you don't know first I can tell you we have paid for one bed already no awesome awesome I want to bring up a name and that is Charlie ray Charlie was Charlie was I would say the unspoken heart and soul of the class that he was in what an incredible individual there's if we had one Charlie in every state this would be a better country he's always looking out for vets he's a vet himself from Vietnam and I just think the world of him he's always the first to contribute what an awesome guy do you remember that that time that he came to the class and Luther had his height written down wrong oh so sure yeah who said Charlie the one that we and what did the now Luther had so when when the guys registered for the class so that we can match benches up and make sure we have enough left hand right hand benches so Luther had Charlie as being seven six foot eight six foot eight so we're all waiting for them to arrive on Sunday and and let's just say when Charlie came in he didn't have to duck and you Charlie right so it wasn't quite six foot eight might have been before he gets shot in Vietnam but all right that's getting close do you want it too many times no well I want it to be I wanted to be snug I don't have to force it in now I'm checking both ends but you're not worried about expansion no don't let on this ice I'm checking both ends and this one seems to fit easier than this one yeah this pine is so soft it's easy to registro so what I'm gonna do I think I've got this a little bit out of out of parallel so I'm gonna come in here to book the halfway point and take a full pass and I'm gonna back that off to well that's that's really close to what we want still a little bit tight on in this end so I'm going to do this again a little bit here come back go forward come back go forward now check this still much take one full length okay so that fits in there just snugly okay good perfect that fits exactly the way I want how are we for time all right I'm gonna go ahead and get this one done and if I have to I might do that other one off camera but let's get this one done so we can say we actually completed something how do you get your wood River plain sides into square if they are out of square well I'll show you what I did because I did it to mine don't blame me if we don't get very far but I like answering your questions so here's what I got I have this big old beautiful disc sander now you look at this you think oh I can't afford that I paid a thousand Canadian for that that's about 200 American stay there I'm coming back so I bought it on Kijiji Jake no yes I did I'm sure yes I got it from a guy in Hamilton Ontario okay all right can it can Canada kijiji is what you guys call Craigslist but better better nobody's been killed on Kijiji well not recently so this is a and on this I have two of these by the way I've got this one so this is a dual 16-inch disc and over there and I have a combination 60-inch disc with a 6 by 48 Golf Center that's a general this is a Watkyn from England so this is where there's a generals just for wood the general is just for wood so what I did is I squared this up perfectly now typically they will tell you I don't do that I got my blade oh that you always work on the downside of your disc but I can I'm experienced so I can do this and I run it back and forth back and forth you'll see the marks on there I can square these up so that they're perfect right on so when you put a square on them there is no light now if you want me to do yours sorry I can't do it for free we are sorry you can't do it thank you you can can't I'll teach you no I can't I'm under restraints by the kernel same guy I'm gonna try to do this right on here now I'm pushing and trying to push in the middle you know what I'm not gonna do it on there I'm gonna do it on my surface Lee made a special board I need to make a new one by the way this is for planing small pieces it's just a piece of MDF but it's been screwed you be using your block planes oh no I can balance I wonder have they noticed how the color has changed significantly yellow from green so we have a question from Michael he's new to the show hey Michael where is he from he didn't say we'll find out but he wants to know why a precision tool such as a plane is not ready to go right out of the box good question Michael and I asked that question if you buy let's step back 20 years you bought a dovetail saw you buy chisels you buy a hand plane just about any hand tool you can think of they weren't even close to being ready dovetail saw is had such terrible teeth chisels are so they're just not ready that's and the reason is twofold number one that's something you want to do yourself you want to personalize it you want to make it perfect number two is actually three reasons number two the guys who make the tools rarely actually know enough vote that I mean here's the classic example I still actually manufacturer Luther keep telling me you shouldn't be making tools well I'm fussy and I want them done right so I make a good I have my hand in just about every tool that's made in here and I'm the guy that knows how to use them so I'm gonna make sure that tool is to my standard and it works when it leaves but in bigger companies there isn't anybody like me walking around the floor making tools and the and the experience and the manufacturing the tool have had such a gap now they don't think they even have anybody and associated with the business how to use it to a big statement I know but I can stand behind it so if they don't know how a plane should work they can't send it to you ready to work and you get two parts and prior to Lee Nelson coming along if you bought a record or Stanley you got pieces that you then had to go remanufacture and hopefully you could make them actually perform they're terrible that's just the way it is it's funny too because you wouldn't buy a car and expect to have to go get the front end the line after driving it new often a lot but when it comes to hand tools that's what it's like now how has that changed there's been a whole Renaissance in hand tools and started probably I would say it really got wound started getting wound up in the mid 90s that's kind of when the wood show circuit really come started to take off so now if you buy an IBC chisel yeah maybe she teaches out of the box we'll cut probably won't you guess take 90% of as well as what we would make it yeah most people most people would buy them and think they don't need to be sharpened they do need some work but they don't cut well right out of the box the Wood River Plains versus Ally Nelson plane you by Lee Nelson playing you might have to do a total of I'm gonna put it in minutes five minutes of prep work just to kind of really tune it up and a would river you might have to do 10 to 15 minutes saws I can only comment on my own these are ready out of the box they are as if you took them off of my bench I guarantee it how do I know that I make them and I test them before I put them in a box to send to you squares these should off any kind of square should come ready to use people always ask them at the plane I said well how do I flatten the soul we shouldn't have to flatten the soul and to be honest the sides should be square but there has to be a tolerance and the tolerance is a foul and a half over the length you can't expect it to be point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one because if that was the case you couldn't afford it they'd have to spend so much time fine-tuning it so they state their tolerance our planes come within this tolerance of being flat and being square if it's outside of that you have every right to return it however do you want the hassle of going through that sometimes the little bit of work you have to do to it is not worth the hassle of returning it trying to find a better one so that's why I went through and did mine I didn't have to take my chop it it was just a little bit it spit worked fine out of the box I tuned it up a little bit more well being offered you've been offered a considerable donation for the toilet paper in the background Emily by Steve Roshan he wants this he'll pay in American dollars - yeah name your price brother well we're actually selling it by the sheet maybe we should tell them after a good feat of Mexican food yeah buy the sheet did we introduce Rex so our crew is limited to family in these Corona times and we all live in the same house so we've got Rex my my oldest son from Halifax don't eat those prick they're not good for you my oldest son from Halifax whose job shut down so he moved home with us a month or so ago Jake's behind the camera and Frick is there eating cookies that are healthy that are probably made for me that he's not supposed to be eating way to go for it I never get cookies all right so this is ready to put in so let's go in here and cut this short I don't mind answering those questions I love being able to talk about that stuff I love being able to give people a little bit of guidance because if you like me when you first get started you buy this stuff you have no idea what to expect you think it should work out of the box it doesn't and then you think well what am I doing wrong so we make it our job to to get it right okay so here's what we have to do this this is going to expand so we can't put that in there tight I wasn't thinking about that so I'm gonna hold that back about that much mark that come in here and cut this now you know we could do you know we could do we could just to make it a little neater and we've got the material we could cut a little bit of a knots like this a little bit of a notch like that so that two things it'll overhang this so we don't see an ugly gap and it'll also give us a little more reference surface on the drawer so let's do that I'm glad I I'm glad I made that a little bit longer so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come in from each end these have already been squared up I'm gonna come in from each end about an eighth of an inch your wife says hello my wife does yeah she's she missed me that's like hi honey I'll be home soon she said hello she said hi honey really yeah talking to you or me probably not me no okay now what we need to do is we need to measure that depth so what I'm gonna do is i'm going to take my marking gauge i'm gonna drop that in the chute is that a half inch jake shouldn't be oh no that one is no that's 7/16 i'm gonna drop that down in there lock it then come over here and scribe oh this stuff is hard as a rock I think it's 3,700 djenka is it what spying for for no betting it's 400 400 and this is 3,700 and explain them what the Janka scale is it's like the Rockwell it's like the Rockwell hardness for would actually I think it's the exact same isn't Rockwell when they use it you know they push around yep ball bearing sort of thing they measure how far in it goes okay and they're a certain amount of pressure they measured they measured the depth and that determines how hard it is so this stuff is hard we would say I'm hard as a bowl turd Oh maples 1400 and jank and this is 30 37 37 okay have you ever considered buying a format circular saw format the format circular saw this one no now I'm trying to cut down to that line I'm watching the watching the scribe line on this side and on that side I'll flip it over and do this one you know I really like this format of doing this build without the time pressure trying to get it done in the episode well we do need to get it done before Angie gets better and ends up coming over here and finishing it herself we probably shouldn't use the same format for the other twelve projects that lie around unfinished yes yeah exactly okay now do we rip that or do we I'm gonna try one end just using a chisel on it and what I'll do is I'll start out on the end to make sure it's gonna split properly sometimes you never know if the grain is running a different direction it'll go under and that causes a problem [Music] do a quick little commercial so we make two different sized mallets people say white need to Mouse well you know what I just want very very light pressure on this so we use the small mallet just to finesse that I'm sneaking up on the line now I'm gonna sit right in the gauge line hold that chisel plumb it's gorge on I haven't heard George mention tonight George barber I haven't seen him okay so here's what I mean I'll show you what happened on this one the grain is obviously running the wrong way now fortunately I didn't go all the back can you see that mark Jake I didn't go all the way to my line so by starting out here I discovered before it was too late that I can't do that on this one so this one's either gonna have to be sawn or I could possibly go in and chisel it sideways now turn this around is is Jeff under me I haven't seen Jeff action I'm gonna put the chisel right in the scribe line a bit too soon now I did that just so that when I cut across I don't end up blowing out the back end can't take too big of a chunk and because I've made that cut down there in the bottom I don't have to worry about it breaking pieces out on the far side now if I can find marking gauge line okay choke up Jake do you know if you need a credit card info to sign up for the free months yep the online workshop you do yeah but you can cancel it right yeah directly on your account yeah but they need to know that as soon as they cancel that access is revoked right so what is saying is sign up become a member first month on us if you like it stay enjoy the first month for free if you don't like it didn't cost anything CCM makes skates and they've got a great deal on which I think is best things ever happened to it buy the skates use them for a three months you don't like them refund full refund you spend six hundred to a thousand dollars on a pair of skates but that would even be able to try them pretty risky but that's what we've always had to do so we'll just say we took our cue from I'm just putting the chisel on there like that to see if I'm if I'm bumping into anything actually what I need to do is use my marking gauge from this side and use it as a pairing tool see that there was a little bit of material there and I can just pair right down referencing off of this inside face pair right down then I'll do check this one just to make sure okay they're both nice and clean so is that being glued in place mm-hmm nope not being glued this is gonna go in with [Music] so I have if you want to look I have about an eighth of an inch todo I actually have more than that I probably have 3/16 of an inch play push it pull it all the way to one end I go all the way to one side I have that much room but I want to cover the ends so I'm gonna put it in there like that that is still a tiny bit snug let's take one more pass that's that's I'm having to push too hard on that I gotta get it out without damaging my so what I'll do is use my chisel they're gonna say something on there to protect it Jake can you put your hand on the board up here just put one finger here one finger there trust me come on now this hand is just a little bit okay that's it that's that's perfect so we'll set that in there like that so there show you that see that's nice and neat now you don't see the gap on either end but we have room for that wood to expand and contract that and that's sticking out just enough that we slide our drawer on there it'll slide nicely beautiful now what we need to do is we need to go in and probably have two screws and we need to put the screws if I thought I could get away with it I would just put one screw might well why why couldn't you get away with it well what do you were that's pretty stiff I just want that I think we can get I think we can do that I think what we'll do is we'll get one screw right in the middle don't worry but an oblong hole one screw in the middle countersunk to hold the whole thing in place that's stiff enough and short enough is not going anywhere all the force is going to be vertical so it's not like it's gonna come out and that that means all of the expansion will go equal from center so it never post all to one side of the other and you don't have to worry about things having to slide underneath the screw head that's gonna work perfect how much time do we have okay yeah sure that's what we'll do next time I'm gonna go ahead with your permission tell me if you don't tell me if you'd rather see the whole thing through what I'm what I'm suggesting is on my own I'll go in and I will get this one caught up to that one if you want me to just do everything on camera say so before we actually wind this up and I will wait and we'll do it all on camera by the way I got to take this off clean this all up so it's finished and then put that in place so just thinking about next Friday next Saturday by the way listen remember if you think somebody else would like to see this share with them I need you to subscribe to our Channel I need you to hit the bell thing that tells you when we're doing it min on whatever site it's on but I ought to do another favor for me we people who produce YouTube videos the only way we get paid is when you add they go on there and watch one of those commercials you know the annoying commercials we don't get paid by a number of subscribers we have we don't get paid by the number of views only get paid when people go and actually watch a commercial so do us a favor every once in a while sit through one can't be that bad anything else and don't forget if you haven't registered for our newsletter Luther puts a ton of effort Jake I we all put a lot of effort into that it's free there's no catch go to rob Cosmin com register for the newsletter let me see a big surge right now and that'll make him happy you know it's nice when you do a lot of work and people come on and actually do it we also send out the x and y advertisements for the life yeah yeah that's advertised next week's live YouTube hit me just right now well I know but just so it's clear we're our new time 6:00 p.m. Eastern what we're gonna do next week based on what you tell me we're either gonna finish this one off it'll be a little bit quicker now that we already figured out what we're gonna do and then we all we got to do is we got to figure out a neat way a neat way to put some kind of a support in here I don't think I want to come all the way down now if we don't come all the way down if we keep it short this is something to think about if we keep it short so what I'm talking about is we're going to have a little support something to go side-to-side a vertical piece you might call it a cup prior not a privacy panel a modesty panel they call it on the back of a desk but what it does it prevents this Prince racking and you don't want any racking or the ability for that to spread when you've got a drawer in there that need that this dimension needs to remain stable if we go all the way to the bottom the problem is it's not going to work the way I want and being able to sit on in G's bed with you know some space underneath it if we leave it short then we've got to make sure that the back of the drawer looks as nice as the front of the drawer cuz you're going to see it and I don't mind that I like doing that so that Maxie I'm toying with that if we kept this maybe we put a little arc in there so but then don't then don't you have to worry about the Conte it's falling out of the drawer yeah good question Jake good actually you know I think it should go to the top got some things to think about got something to thinking about last chance to to get your donation in your support oh I hate calling the donation but we gotta think of a better way to say it your thank you patient last chance to get you thank you into a vet a combat wounded vet in particular but we appreciate all of our veterans and last chance to get your name in for the draw I already cut it off hope nobody did okay Wow how many people do we have viewing we have 650 454 so just a little bit shy of last week don't forget your plane wax you guys have had us crazy busy making saws there's been a huge increase in the number of saws that we make but Ken and I are committed to doing them and Jake we need to know which okay so far being drawn take them over there Rex so the first thing is the three copies of our new video by the way you can build that bench in a weekend we are let me just give you a quick update we are out of vices we had a huge response to that but we have a shipment a large shipment in fact we have a huge shipment coming in leaving Sweden on the 15th of the month hopefully we'll get our hands on it the first part of May bench dogs and vices so yeah people are getting their name on the queue now so if you're planning to build a bench and you haven't thought about buying your vise you probably ought to be doing it sooner rather than later all right gladden umber one no copy number one of the DVD goes to Larry javelina copy number two goes to Alex Dalton congratulations and copy number three goes to Steve Roshan okay and then what's up next the plane the plane the video and the plane wax okay grand prize winner is Daniel gang Oh Daniel really yeah a regular yeah finally one yeah dan just acts just place an order the other day probably already owns that plane thank you congratulations for those of you who won thank you to Frick he puts in a lot of time believe it or not and we have to smooth that went pretty good today it did actually yeah thank you to Pete appreciate you being on their feet you're awesome thank you to Jake behind the camera thank you to Rex thank you to Ken at home who's who's answering questions thank you to big thank you to Luther Colonel Luther he's what makes this work thank you to Jack lain down in Texas for taking on our bench brigade he's got all of that is off of my shoulders he's doing it and he he thanked me for allowing him to do it what a great guy thank you jack who else do I need you Dave super dick it goes with anything very it needs to become super very Dave super very Dave just very Dave very date Varadero super Vera Dave awesome brother we think the world of you and did we haven't Megan ever come on no and my beautiful wife at home can't wait me to come home honey I'll be there soon goodnight to my daughters in Calgary Beckham okay this is okay guys we'll see you next Saturday our 11th well post a video for you tomorrow everyone every week and fire questions in see you stay healthy do what to do what they tell you stay inside stay in your shop Byron I'm happy Easter oh my goodness almost forgot yes Happy Easter spend it with your family see you you
Views: 10,590
Rating: 4.9725084 out of 5
Id: IN5Kw1JJ76E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 15sec (7455 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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