Rob Cosman Live: Q & A (23 May 2020)

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[Music] [Music] I'm happy to announce we have our third t-shirt in our series this one says wood for good it's in military green we've enlarged the logo to make it easier to see help us spread our cause get yourself a t-shirt hey we're life hello everyone hi folks you ready Megan stand right there stay right there Terry good so first announcement we got our new t-shirts hi I wasn't prepared for the backward for good and the nice new logo Jake had them increase the size of the logo military green freakin awesome yeah oh you did five left and the writing is farther over so you can see it better anyway so the tonight's topic is our question and answer we got a lot I read through four five twenty pages five pages and we kind of cross off any that aren't that great but they were all fantastic man fact and we could spend the whole night but we won't voice is strained I didn't talk for the last two days preserving it for this so hopefully it'll hold out the whole time we're gonna we have three guests on tonight you're going to meet my daughters Anika and Lauren who now work for us I wanted you to put a name to the face cuz if you buy something from us the first time you purchase you hear from me and subsequent purchases you hear from either Anika Iran will call you and thank you for your order so I thought you might like to meet them they're in Calgary and then we're gonna have Jack Lane and Jack Lane is going to be our military guest tonight he's gonna talk about a little bit was a Purple Heart but also about our bench brigades yeah he's quite excited about it in he's in charge of it and a couple of other things real quick I'll mention them again later on tonight so we're gonna do our giveaways a little bit different on a motivator so at every 1,000 increment in donations for the Purple Heart project I have to tell you what that is just in case you're unfamiliar you're tuning in for the first time Purple Heart Project is where we six times a year we bring in six combat wounded veterans from all over the world and we cover their airfare their hotel their meals and we treat them to a six-day very intense hand to a workshop we should go from 8:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night for six days at the end of that we send them each home with approximately thirty four thirty five hundred dollars worth of premium tools stuff like you see on my my tool cabinet and now we also get them a bench so every guy every vet will go home and they'll be a bench waiting for him comp ends of some awesome volunteers you'll hear about a little bit later so we do that class once month from May through October of course with this coronavirus and I don't have it we had to move our make class to the end of August we just had to move our June class to the first 1st of October and we gotta fingers crossed on July so if you're in the July class the borders have been closed until the twenty friend till the 21st of June and on that day we have to make a decision if they open the borders we're good to go what about a couple days before you know soon as we can we have to have time to get everyone get plane tickets for all the vets we'll try to squeeze in June class somewhere I don't know we're probably in September do you like this yeah if we don't well we're doing it we're doing everything we can to make sure it works don't forget that in your prayers and the other thing I wanted to tell you was t-shirts oh yeah over here so customers from Colorado numbers first name dings my Marty had a great idea call today and he said Robbie said I'd like to I'd like to actually donate one of the tools that you give to the vets and he won I'd like to write a personal note and mail it to you and have it put in there so that when the vet gets it he can read I can he can read my message I thought you know that's a really good idea money kind of gets used in things and well it's appreciated if the vet got to take the tool home that somebody actually donated yeah every time he picks it up he's going to think about it so what idea is I picked up a few tonight so these are some of the things that we give them so this is a devta saw this is a crack so you know what we give them the dovetail saw so we'll call this a crosscut saw this sharpening kit and number six and number four and a half there's a lot more than this but that's just some of them so if you want to be though if you want to do do the if you want to supply one of the tools or all of them to one of the vets we have 36 coming so all of this times 36 is what we have to get for them if you want to be the one to do that just go ahead and order tonight online and email me that's the best way do you know how they make a note on the on an order there's a place to nobody can find it so email me Rob at Rob Cosman com now Luther's gonna freak out cuz I did that email me and just tell me Rob I want to donate that too and then next thing you need to do is hand write a letter to me address it to us to the vet and we'll make sure it goes in the bar in the box and that when he gets see or she gets the tool you'll know it's coming from you nice connection okay without any further ado and I think of other things if we're all just tired quittin by way of introduction so Jake's behind the camera tonight Jake do a quick pan when I say they spin the camera around so they can see yeah Michelle Vincent is pleading for the boarders to be on yeah yeah yeah she's fasting even put the camera on yourself so you can say hi they always want to see yes there's Jake there's me there's Rick there's prick Megan over here Megan what are you taking care of your you're taking care of donations tonight Frick is what are you doing Frank you're screwing up the time oh he produces this and behind and notice everybody's adorned in khaki green and behind Frick is my oldest son Rex radix what are you doing tonight here's a gopher gopher now we also have Ken Anthony on tonight ken is Ken I'll be answering questions luther's on tonight Luther will be answering questions Super Dave is on tonight he better be he'll be answering questions and I can't think of anybody else your daughters and my daughters yeah yeah I can all right so we open once we get the audience up a little bit we'll pick them up misterx yeah I mention it yeah yeah every thousand so every time we hit a thousand every time we hit an increment of a thousand dollars in donations we will up the number prize so we give away a hundred our gift certificate with each $1,000 total that gets donated okay let's go questions all right tell me who it's coming from all right I need it slowly nice quick one for the sister this comes from Roger from Islesboro Maine how do you keep your sharpening station clean where it is located and keep all manner of dust shakers and bench crap off of it okay first of all Roger if you're in Maine as soon as the borders open feel free to come visit us you're not that far we're an hour from Calais so yeah that's a that's an issue especially if I'm doing something and I always get crap over on here and I thought we were kind of nice to have some kind of a little I remember I asked you different I'm Jake about those blinds yes you could pull it down and just lay it over like that but either than that I don't it just gets messy he just brush them off no big deal I'm not a clean freak in case you didn't notice okay next what this comes from Kent Shaw Brantford Ontario can can or Kent yeah ken's oh sure I can what are the requirements to sharpen the duct Osos well you need a vise I'll actually show you that come with me Jake where is the the homemade vice come back isn't it I thought it was in my thoughts in one of these it's not in that one where's that other rep yeah you're coming into the bowels so here's here is a yeah oh that's a real vice so what you would do I'll take a saw that's should tell them it's very nice yeah it's beautiful sun is shining so you have to secure your your blade close actually I prefer to sharpen this way you have to secure your blade right and you can have a handle on I just this has happen to be happens to be one that doesn't have a handle on it you have to secure your braid excuse me close to the teeth if you up to Heights and a vibrate terribly and you can make a vice that a couple pieces of plywood in fact if I can find it I'll show it to you if not TAFE Ridge wrote three books on woodworking excellent books ones I'm finishing I think mom is unbending Amazon joinery and in the joinery one he shows you how to make a very simple saw ice this is not rocket science particularly a dovetail saw so if you can and you can find these vices that grudge sales now what you want is a 4 or a 5 inch double extra slim taper file stay here I'll just run down and get it cuz I thought I had in that drawer you want a good file and I say that I mean the cheap ones instead of being nice having nice sharp corners instead they are almost rounded and they give you waves and set a nice sharp teeth globe a gr OB ET and I think there's an M lot over the e how to Switzerland makes as far as I'm concerned the best ones that are currently available handled so what you're going to do then on my dentists are these teeth have a zero degree cutting face so if you want you could set that in the gullet the gullet is the V between the peaks you could set your square or anything square actually there's a piece of brass set that on there like that and then hold your file so that you know where square is now what you can do at that point is if you took a piece of a popsicle stick with a hole in the middle and stuck down on the end and then you could tell whether or not you're tipping and at this point you simply one stroke depending how bad it is you may need two strokes they everyone chose to lift it up I don't why because if you lift it up that means you got to try to set it back down where it was very difficult to see then I just ride over that one to the next one one two right over now when I do this I'm kind of pushing in that direction because with each stroke you're sharpening the face of two teeth this one and the face of the one that's producing the zero Degree cutting face and you want to be square to the run of the blade so the blade is this and you want to be square in this direction and there's no fleam there's no angle on the face of these teeth so that's where your square and as far as level you want to be level use your entire blade or use your entire file that is and it's just one or two strokes if it's not if it's not very dull I'm on the eggs one stroke you don't want to miss any Tommy Nelson told me this tip you could go in and take a Sharpie or a felt tip marker and paint that whole surface that way if you happen to get lost or if you happen to come out of it out of a gauntlet and jump two teeth you can see that you missed that one you can go back doesn't take very long section was seven minutes to sharpen the whole saw and that's something on a dovetail saw you might need to do once every if you're cutting dovetails every weekend you might want to touch it up every year and a half two years most people don't mind the mess we just unpacked a bunch of stuff and I didn't get time to clean up yet actually this place is in pretty good shape considering how busy we are here working until crazy hours of the night okay right next how do you okay this is from Bob Heller from Pennsylvania how do you hold the chisel how do you hold the chisel for cutting don't know if there is a properly I'll show you how I like to do it and there's actually two different ways that I do it and I don't know why I switched from one to the other it's just sometimes I don't use a hold fast than people have another question yes I just I never did don't feel any need to and that's the only reason I can tell you now I would have a backup block so if I was chopping dovetails here what I typical the way up like this on the handle wow that's a beautiful and where'd that come from amid so I hold it like this I've got this hand my right hand is laying on the board so it's kind of an anchor point my thumb comes in here like this so I can guide it into the gauge line and then I'm standing like this now you'll also notice that I'm chopping in this direction pardon me I'm not chopping like this I'm not chopping like this I'm chopping like this that allows me to see plumb I do not want to slope forward I want either be plumb or slightly undercut slightly and I just feel my way into that marking gauge which I'm gonna go ahead and put one on there because this is a good object lesson I wish we had that teller telephone I'd love to hear that little ding every time you hear that that's uh somebody making a donation so you want a marking gauge that'll give you a nice crisp line and then what you do is you just move that until you feel the chisel drop into it and it locks it so at this point just go ahead and give it a whack sometimes I'll hold the chisel like this and I'll go in there and I've got my finger my index and my middle finger is resting on the wood and that allows me to accurately place it now if your chisel doesn't have as these chisels is our IBC you're gonna bite sizzles go buy a baby see I think the best you can guess but they have a little landing right there to protect your finger so you've got a bevel here meeting the back that little landing but still it's a pretty sharp edge because I've polished the back and that leaves that edge right there quite sharp so maybe that's the reason why I have my greatest up here to the top as I get older my hands get softer ooh let's see this is a this is cedar and that it just crushes so when you're using cedar a little off topic that's where you want to come in and use 17 degree and I would say that the Caesar is the extreme version of crushing I mean I have this could probably stand a little bit of sharpening but that'll just show you a quick reference what'll happen okay next all right this comes from voter voter van Eaton from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan motor and this question is I noticed you don't use the six thousand redstone on your live sharing video anymore like in the past did you remove that from your sharpening technique technique and do you notice the difference no no I didn't remove it so here's the here's the reason why when you're doing your chisels you need to keep the entire back flat when you're doing your plain blades you use the ruler trick okay so well that's that's the that's the high angle when you're doing all that surface area you're gonna start off with the one thousand grit that way you get rid of all the grinding scratches and you get it flat now if you want to finish at 16,000 you can't go from one thousand to sixteen on a big surface area like that that would be like sanding starting at one hundred and twenty and then jumping up to 320 well you're never gonna get rid of 120 grit scratches so when I do the chisel back and this is a one time procedure when they're new you go from the 1,000 then you go to the 6,000 to remove the 1000 grit scratches then you go on to the 16,000 to remove the six thousand grit scratches and that is the only time that I use the six thousand grit stone it's kind of a waste but it's a necessary evil you gotta have it my sharpening of the edge once the backs are prepared is merely 1016 I never do in the middle when you're doing a blade plane blade you don't even need to use the 6000 because even on a brand-new blade you take your ruler and apply the Charlesworth ruler track on the 1000 grit stone and there's where you create your back bevel then because it's such a small surface area you can jump right over to your 16,000 and go in and polish your 16,000 I'll polish your little back bevel and you're done so here me again the only time you use the only time I use the 6,000 grit stone is when we're preparing and I get Jake to do it whenever preparing a brand new chisel so once you're done your chances here I'm gonna use that 6,000 pretty slim hate I hate to tell you that but that's just the way it is okay good question next up is Joey Walsh from North Carolina I joy when buying materials for projects do you buy s2s or rough sawn lover and how much extra thickness do you look for so s2s means surface on two sides so that means you would go in case you don't understand what he's asking I don't even have an example of it maybe I could say this is so here's a here's a piece of English walnut it's been surfaced on this side and that side but the edge has not been done from oxs that's a bad example sorry it has yeah this I'll just gonna have to tell it to you then I bye-bye and there's a pros and cons to this too i buy most of my lumber rough so it's as its as it came right from the kiln so the lumberjack cuts down the tree the tree sits in a pond somewhere until it gets milled to cut it's caught up into boards it goes from there to being air dried for a period of time from there it goes to a kiln and from the kiln it goes to a lumber yard where you go buy it so it started out as one inch maybe a little thicker and by the time you get it's gonna less than that but one inch rough for quarter for over for one inch means you're going to yield at least 3/4 sometimes you're lucky at 7/8 usually you can get thirteen sixteenths but you're guaranteed to get three-quarter if you buy surfaced on two sides the advantage of that is you get to see what you're getting when you buy rough word let's go back to Jake see if we can find some time we're liking this freedom for being able to walk around all we do is sit around and read newspaper so if you buy if you buy rough lumber in four quarters there's a fine that we buy well that's a good point yeah you know I got to get this mess cleaned up all right so here's an example that's not so bad but you can't really see the surface very well you actually you can see that better than normal that's a piece of pretty crappy way walnut so when you buy it you can't really tell or you can't you can't don't have a really good idea what you're what you're actually getting can't see it so when you buy and surface on two sides they've already kind of skipped planed it sometimes they do it with a belt sander no thickness sander and at least you can see the exterior here's a piece of oak okay so you really can't tell what that surface looks like when it's in its rough state like that but if you bought something like this here's an example this is actually the surface on two on two sides so that sides been servers that size of a surfaced the edges rough the edge is rough and that is probably 7/8 that's actually almost fifteen sixteenths so if you can buy surface on two sides and have it come out that thick well it said the advantage is you get to actually see what you're getting but I don't think you're always gonna get it that sick so if you're buying surface two sides and it's thinner than that well by the time you go home and service it to get it nice and flat you may be down below 3/4 I didn't like the answer I gave you but you can see through all that rambling and get some kind of an answer out of it sorry next alright so this question comes from Jim Dawson who's in the chat with us tonight hi Jim what would be a good first project for just starting out with an tools well if there was a good question probably has a hundred answers well I'll show you what our first project is when we started the hand tool work started back in nineteen and pardon me in 2011 I wanted to do something that would be now and when we did this we started with rough lumber and everything was processed entirely by hand so I'm assuming what Jim is meaning is no power to us so if we had something too big I thought it might scare them away so all the wood in this started off rough and had to be processed starting off with a scrub plane working through to a smoother and then of course everything was sized with a handsaw and then and then brought down to final dimension with a plane shooting board panel gauged all kinds of hand tools so it involved dovetails cutting a groove a lid the only disadvantage to that actually you know what I got something even better this is probably the Mohawk again Jake we're gonna get our steps in today when we first get our wired when we first did our very first week-long hand to a workshop we used to we used to make that kennel if you can see it but that's a shaker lap desk let me just grab it real quick I showed this not too long ago but obviously not everybody got to see it now the nice thing about this was the size was manageable the people making it would were able to transport it home if they flew in so this was a shaker lap desk through dovetails on the inside the bottom is floating bottom a little bit of work in learning how to glue up two pieces so creating a glue join with hand tool so the first time it's a little bit challenging there's a little bit of slope on there we learned to mortise hinges the lid had tiny groove excuse me to keep the lids from cupping we had hardwood strips along both sides tongue-in-groove lowered the float we had a hard wood strip glued on the back that's the part that the hinges went into and it was a good project it was fun and it was a yeah I mean it's always tough to try to come up with a project in a class with 12 people of varying skills and not have half the class bored on Wednesday when they're finished or the other way around nobody finishes and I think we had about sixty percent of the people would get that finished in a week so that was pretty good numbers so something manageable don't bite off more don't don't don't tackle anything too big you want to and I might have this pine was a wonderful wood to learn hand tools here's the reason why two things number one it cuts easily that means you can work on your technique without getting exhausted by the extra effort you have to buddy number two if your chisels and your planes aren't perfectly sharp it will not respond fibres will just crush so you got actually there's three reasons so number one easy there easy to cut it easy to plane allows you to perfect your technique number two your tools must be extremely sharp and number three might actually be the most important you have to be extremely careful if you lay your chisel down on a piece of pine and you drop it too hard you're gonna evidently would if you're cleaning out between two tails and you pry against the edge of the board anywhere you're gonna leave a mark so you learn an element of finesse or a level of finesse working hand working pine or something soft like that then you wouldn't necessarily pick up working on a piece of maple so hope that gives us some answers okay next Frick all right next comes from Aaron dragon Las Vegas and hyeyeon and once you talk about the issue of sharpening you believe such that the angle exceeds the betting angle of the plane and stops cutting stops being able to pick up the shader well Jake would you like to cover that one so Jake and I were listening upstairs today and everyone saw he likes to throw me a curve and I'm weird Kenzi my daughter number I say this every time oh yes Donna number six Kenzi very independent no child number six daughter number four she extremely independent so she took the upstairs of this place she and my wife cuz we're just too busy and they've renovated I will take you up and show it to you no more these next episodes so the countertop that she chose is from Ikea I know and it's particle board one inch particle board covered in oak for a countertop Oh wood oak wood so it has been it's about 1/16 inch thick veneer on the top it's got a band on the front and back and the ends they actually slip in a little veneer of end grain to make you think you actually getting solid wood but the walls up there were so bad anyways we had to add a bunch on I had a bunch of white oak onto the back of this thing so we had to flush it up so I haven't been a hundred percent the last couple of days so I asked Jake to come down and bring me up the plane four and a half and I'm plating and I could not for the life of me pick up a shaving I get a little and it would leave and I just what is going on with this thing so I don't always think of this as the first problem because no I'm taking it long it's easier to check with it so if when you first learn free hand sharpening sometimes you're not careful you will exceed 45 degrees so here's my plane we take the lever cap off take the blade and chip break wrote this thing called the Frog holds the blade now this is a beveled down plane bevels on his side that's it's underneath okay so as long as none of these bevels whether it's your primary your secondary or tertiary as long as they don't exceed 45 degrees everything's hunky-dory but if anything exceeds 45 degrees here's what happens instead of the toe catching in and biting the heel touches or one of the three heels right there's gonna be a heel on the 25 there's gonna be a heel on your secondary is gonna be healing your tertiary so somebody had put a here and had put the last bevel the tertiary at four higher than 45 so if you had your blade out enough you would cut to shaving but then it almost like it's scoops and then it comes out so I checked it and the easiest way to check it is just to put it in the plane or put it in something like a combination combination plan square and runs over and if it doesn't if it bites you're good if it slides well you've had your you've exceeded to 45 degrees and sometimes you have to go back to the grinder and start over just want to talk a little more about it so when you're doing it and this is maybe you might want to get an angle trainer there's my angle trainer little device it's got a 29 degree side that's got a 31 degree side so the idea is you're gonna come over to your first stone which would be your thousand grit or your 500 of your Jake hold the blade like that set it on the primary bevel but the primary bevel is gonna hold it at 25 you don't want to sharpen all of the 25 so you're gonna come up a few degrees Park it there to your secondary bevel when you step over there 16000 find your primary come up a little bit above that don't go above 45 then what this does is helps you helps you kind of get a feel for what those angles are it's not designed to be your sharpening device it is not a jig it is a training tool that will last a certain period of time you're eventually gonna wear it out but to get that feel of wear 29 is it holds it there doesn't interfere with how you hold the blade so you get a feel for that and then you take it off and you put it over here on this one that's two degrees higher that's 31 same thing hold the blade engaged slide forward now it's supported at 31 and you get a feel for where 31 is believe it or not you do enough of this and you kind of get a feel for where those angles are you don't have to do 29 and 31 the secondary bevel need only be higher than 25 so you're not doing the whole bevel but cannot exceed 45 the third bevel the tertiary doesn't need to be 31 it just has to be higher than the previous one but not higher than 45 that's all there is to it okay that's brick yeah I noticed I'm keeping my throat lubricated all right so this question comes from Quebec Canada from Geelong Pichet Imam which sauce should I purchase first you only gonna buy one well first dev tell I assume you're doing hand tools and dovetails what everybody wants to do so you don't this is gonna get the most work no you'll use that more than anything else second one now these are my fancy ones but this it's whether it doesn't matter what you buy Oh she'd show them that triple Birdseye that we just cut it there Rex don't drop it you know I put that birds are you saw that we just working on today remember not touch the brass but bring that to me would you please this is a crosscut they should be bought relatively close to each other well as soon as you get into it you're gonna realize yes you need this it's like saying which stone we should I buy first well you need them all this isn't a buy one buy another one later you need them all you wouldn't get started it's like buying a table saw and saying well I can't afford the blade right now so I'll just have the saw well you may as well have left it at the dealer store because it wasn't gonna do you any good so who's this one for just a first name yeah Tom so did I just finished this on the weekend this is triple a bird's eye in that incredible this is a this is a joinery crosscut is actually showing everything yeah that is a gorgeous piece of wood and I got a little more of it in case you can't anchor in now I'm gonna get in trouble for Luther again and Tom that will be in the I just waiting for the box to be finished for it and that'll be in the mail for you on Monday thank you yeah and I may as well just tell you the third saw you're gonna get is your medium tenon so this has a different tooth same size same frame but has a different different tooth configuration these teeth are designed to cut across the grain I'll do my little demonstration because it always works so here's how it is we've got we've got crosscut and we've got rip those are two different types of cuts one is when you're cutting parallel to the grain the other is when you're cutting across the grain so I'm going to take a 8 inch chisel and this is going to mimic a rip tooth so if you were to look down the blade of a rip tooth what you would see would be a bunch of little chisels now they would just slightly veer off to each side that's the set you can't have zero set because this blitz saw will bind in the cut so the teeth look like this they just stick out a little bit and that just gives enough clearance so the blade doesn't bind but if you use a rip saw when ripping you end up with a nice clean cut cutting parallel to the grain and those rip teeth are designed to pull out chunks of wood like that nice and clean but when you're cutting across the grain it doesn't work that way you the mess that it makes it's not actually that bad spread of an extreme example so across cotton has a the teeth are three-sided so those teeth shaped just like shaped like a the point on this so the outside of the teeth make slice of fibers on that side I'm turning it around so I and the teeth on the other side go there I should have made that the same size shape yeah so there's one two three sides not exactly the same but similar and then you have you have the ability to then go in yeah I didn't get it right enough I'll just work to one side so then as you cut the fibers are constantly being severed ahead of the teeth that are removing the fibers and what that does is ensure that you have a nice clean wall right here as opposed to a mess like that so they look the same they weigh the same but there's a different tooth configuration and this is one of those situations where the better you get the more skill you develop the fussy you're going to be the more demanding you're gonna be of your tools my advice to anybody buying hand tools and buy tools that are better than you then you're never gonna reach a point where you say I got to get something better because I'm now better than my tools by the very best tools you never have to replace them and it allows you to eliminate the equipment excuse okay next all right how's our audience and that's here are that I've seen I forgot to mention that our Kevin Burris Pete all done bed down in land yeah representing Canada well Pete Ambrose mm-hmm ray Pete cool ray thank the same ones Patrick Patrick dr. Tackett Patti tag and Bob Bob who go about it Robert if you are one of the 88 combat wounded veterans that we have hosted in our classes any one of the last 13 classes started in November of 2016 and you're on here we would love to acknowledge you and give you a shout out so please that's what Megan is watching for but you got to write in there baba dabit class number whatever worst guy in the class that's how you remember me class clown just kidding Bob also we've reached her every thousand increment we're gonna we're gonna draw for another hundred our gift certificate wait are we drawing for two hundred dollar gift cards now or we do we just reach the three just reach the first one so now we're only giving away a hundred right so hey Gary can I see mail from Gary and Gary you're part of our family so I love to you I loved reading your email is shared with the other people and yes it's just this is awesome deck out you people as friends Gary's a Vietnam vet all right okay yep that was Jack what are we gonna do jack yeah Iranian Air Lauren and Annika we're gonna do Jack first voice with one more question then we'll get Jack Loran and Anna cave you're on say something so that Megan knows and she can tell me okay go ahead next question this comes from Nick farmer in the chat why is crosscut not used for ripping if it creates a cleaner cut hmm this is where'd this come from from Nick no no was this tonight this was okay so the question is why is it crossed use for ripping if it creates a cleaner cut well why is a crosscut not used for ripping so let me show you it will cut but it's slow and the way the wood fiber is the rib tooth works better cutting parallel to the grain so let me try to make this as as honest as possible so I'll go one two three four strokes seven eleven strokes to get the same distance I'll do it again and I'm actually push hey try it you're nervous it's just it's the way the wood fiber goal grows a rep tooth you're gonna have to go back five hundred years and ask the question of the guys that first came up with the idea but a rip saw will work more efficiently probably the best word cutting parallel to the grain and a crosscut we work more efficiently and cleaner cutting perpendicular to the grain you can still cut perpendicular with this it just this cuts even cleaner and it's not it's not it doesn't divider clean okay alright here's the truth I need to sell more than one saw go ahead next well we have we have Jack ready Jack I think actually he looks frozen give me another question while you're figuring notice you can't be frozen yeah okay this comes from Pat peers from Inwood West Virginia did you please go Pat the prep and sharpening of American gauge yes that's easy so if you're buying a marking gauge from us there is no prep there is no prep we make the marking gauges I've always felt if you're providing hand tools it's terribly unfair to sell somebody something that's not ready to be used they barely know how to use it maybe no maybe don't even know how to use it and you're expecting them to figure out how to fix it that is not right so we sell our hand tools so that they are actually ready to be used if I needed to sharpen this here's how you do it take the cutter off and I used to go way up to the high grits but you know what you don't need to you can use it's a good place a good place to use your your trend take your cutter lay it face down get your finger on there or your thumb about to grab it like this and just face home like that so all you're doing face the fat side down you're just doing little circles don't put too much pressure and just keep doing that until you can feel when it's sharp you'll feel the sharp edge they're supposed to a dull edge and then if you want to test it before you take the time to put it back in the cutter just see if you can slice across a piece of softwood like that that gives you a nice clean cut then it's ready to go now the only other thing I would say about setting up a marking gauge you want to make sure that the the screw or whatever holds the cutter on sits down below the head particularly if you're doing dovetails our way where you're going to go in and you're going to measure the thickness of your saw blade actually your kerf you you want that you want that blade to lay perfectly flat on the side of that Plains you get an accurate measurement so you can't have you can't have that screws head sticking up too high and if yours doesn't have a flat spot but a flat spot on then you're not chasing it off the edge of your bench that's always to it they're really simple no time for a little weak commercial the tiny one what we like to do all right I find there's just so many uses you got a marking gauge you start to discover well this thing is really versatile so there's a 5/8 diameter cutter there's our 7/16 diameter cutter I don't know where my other one is my other two but I also have merit Idzik there there's my half inch diameter cutter and if I looked hard enough I find a 3/8 diameter cutter and the nice thing about it is depending on what you're doing you can just switch it out and instead of having to take the cutter off just switch and put it in the different rod it's just really convenient so we sell them right on the rod then you're not trying to find that little allen wrench that you can never find that is required in order to take that one out all right we got we got Jack cued up here all right so let me give you a brief introduction one more commercial before we come to Jack so these are our t-shirts these are not fundraisers for Purple Heart these are awareness raisers we have to run our business we have to be profitable to be able to do this if you want to know any of our all of our sauce that we make right here when you buy a saw from us 10% of that goes to the Purple Heart project that's how we raise the money aside from what we donate the this was a reason we did these shirts as we want people to advertise for us not advertise for us I shouldn't have used the word advertise give I'm trying to say as we want you to make everyone aware that there's such a thing as a Purple Heart Project where combat wounded veterans veterans can come at no expense to themselves and be given an opportunity to learn a skill something like people called distractive therapy to help them cope I'll talk a little more about this when I introduce mark just started working with us last week but here's the t-shirts we have wood is we're doing good wood is good and the new one is wood for good you should get all three and then the low of the our logos on the other side and I have I'm so appreciative people email me all the time so Rob I wear my shirt every day and the other day someone asked me about it I told him about it and I actually have a cousin who's two combat wounded vet and they're gonna tell my buddies hopefully that will result in somebody hearing finding out applying and we get to bring him up here and who knows might change his life or her life so I'll try to make this quick about two months ago woke up in the middle tonight and I said how have I let this go this long without doing something about it we've brought in 88 combat wounded veterans one from Australia ash four from Canada 83 from the US three of whom were females we bring them in we get them all excited about these new skills we send them home oh all the tools and then they don't have a bench and they're going home and trying to do this I've taught in some pretty crappy shops and people trying to work on a bench that was sliding all over the place or just would not support the wood and it's frustrating so we got to fix this so I thought you know what does a ton of people out there that would love an opportunity to do something good for a combat wounded vet but they don't know what do I do so we got this idea I'm gonna let Jack introduce it but Jack more or less came to me and said Rob I would love to be the one to head this up Jack's on the screen just to you but yes you can like put your arm around him that imp we've never met in person talked a lot shared a lot anyway I'm gonna let Jack tell you the story because Dan you know if you want something done find a Jack and he's just he's got a hold of this thing like a bulldog and he's he thanks me almost twice a week if not more for allowing him to do it well Jack thank you for doing it so I'm gonna let you take over you got a little speech prepared have at it - see ya thanks Rob thanks so much this opportunity to talk tonight and greetings to everybody from bears brigade headquarters we're in an underground bunker and somewhere in the southwest so um that's not true I totally made that up we're in my garage and civil upload Texas and one thing I wanted to clear up Rob several times over the course of this thing is I refer to me as the commander - Ben yeah I'm a retired enlisted yacht we don't do commanders we were you know we are I'm retired Air Force chief master sergeant so we're the ones that work with the commander behind us things to make stuff work so I think of Rob is the commander chief and I'm the Comanches tonight I'm gonna tell you a little bit about the [ __ ] forget but before I do that I want to speak just a little bit to your Purple Heart project we were the cabinet shot business about ten years ago we sold that cabinet shop came out here and I look for a job that was gonna pay and not starve us to death and I didn't think I was gonna ever work with wood again but about three years ago I got interested in woodworking again and started putting my shop back together and I started out on YouTube and looking to see what was out there soon pretty soon I came across this guy named Rob Cosmo and was rediscovering hand toast he didn't tell you very long when you're looking at Rob Kosmas videos that you'd hear something about the Purple Heart project well and - a woodworking in vet you know at first it doesn't sound like something that would it would make much sense until you until you if you've been a woodworker and you understand how the you how you can get engrossed in the woodwork and out that can just take you to a totally different place and it's a lot of fun to do and it takes a you know a lot of focus to do it I can totally understand why this is caught on with the Purple Heart project and why it's a valuable resource for our wounded best because it doesn't I know it gives me an escape to get out of the day to day grind and go and just have some fun it's best the time of the shop that song you know as we've gone through this last few years and been watching the videos and watch Rob talk to the best I've gotten to meet some of them virtually myself and talk with them and you know I have absolutely no idea how this how this works but I kind of do understand why it works it's just because what I said a minute ago it's a distraction it's it takes you to a totally different place and you know you're just able to escape from what's going on around you for a time now I went through 22 years in the military and never got a scratch and I'm very blessed to be able to tell you that but and also saying that I am in absolutely no way qualified to speak on behalf of these wounded best that we that we rob and Colonel Luther bring it to the Purple Heart project you know my war was Desert Storm and the Cold War yeah that was in one case we had an enemy that wasn't willing to fight and the other the other war that was the the nuclear war that never came thank goodness and so you know I never got to be involved in the kind of operations that so many of our wounded warriors or have experienced and but I have been associated with military most of my adult life I work for the Air Force now and you know I can't I have met these guys that have come back from Iraq and Afghanistan I've seen the things that have gone along with him in fact I have two family members two sons and laws that have they were fine well-adjusted young men before they went to Afghanistan and they went over there and they came back just devastated men and so you know this is close to home yeah I've seen the the negative effects of what goes on there and I've really tried to help these guys deal with this while at the same time I've watched my daughters cry with the things that have gone on you know it you know in their lives after this is this is all happen so um the Purple Heart project is a great thing it's a wonderful thing tell everybody you know go out and from an enlisted guys standpoint that was not you know I never have wasn't wounded I don't have PTSD but I do understand how this can help those guys so wear your t-shirts proudly if you don't have them go by and you know there's got our talents to Daniel ging he's got 14 t-shirts and he wears is proudly every day I would encourage it and that's before the new t-shirt came out so I Daniel go out and get your t-shirts tell everybody you know about the Purple Heart budget the Ministry gauges the thing I've been working on for the last two months and I just again I think Rob for letting me do this the best it's probably the coolest thing I've ever done in my life it's certainly the most rewarding if you haven't heard about it what we're doing is we went out with a call to try to find 36 people that were willing to donate their time talent and treasure to build a workbench for wounded bet and uh we asked for 36 and so far we'll probably hit 80 after tonight's presentation because Rob always gets a string of folks that volunteer and he sends us on to me we added to the list what we're asking people to do is force their materials you know and provide the two sheets of plywood one sheet of MDF and and we would also encourage you to ask the businesses to work with donate that stuff and then also a part of that is where we want the bench forgave volunteers to ship the benches now what I'm gonna try to do if at all possible is to pair you with somebody that that you can actually take the bench and present it to them yourself that most Merle come from that but um if we can do that inste much much better that way you actually get to meet that vet and it'll be uh you know that hopefully that bond that's born out of that and it lasts so um we'll give you the bench video if you volunteer and you know that's that's pretty much the underpinnings of the bench brigade and one point a bit we need people in Georgia Alabama and Mississippi so if if you're in those states now and you haven't volunteered reach out to rob or reach out to me and we'd love to get you a volunteer and we have met also we got a [ __ ] Brigade Facebook page now and I want to give a shout out to Eric Eberhard and Chris husky they're the ones that are moderating that toe web page chris is also the person that works out our shipping for things he's done a fantastic job of getting that set up and going for us so um that's one of the great things so far we've only had to ship one bench but more will come we're sure now through this all as we've gotten in contact with these benches for getting volunteers I've met some amazing people and I'm gonna take just very briefly a couple of there's got a Danny belt Danny Bell is uh he's a wonderful so he's just a fantastic guy he is he's been through the training his workshop as a wounded vet himself and you know he's building benches so that's fruit disappearing fruit out there and Danny's just a great guy the first time I ever talked to him asked him how he's new he said I'm just a big mess and you know and he wanted to tell you why he was a big old mess but he's a good guy and he can get these probably the best testimony of all about how this is how that worked out there's another guy I would be totally remiss if I didn't mention rich Smith tonight Rick built our first bench and he did a fabulous job on it but I got to tell you the whole thing where it was painted the [Music] problems with this we finally we finally got that bench built and then it looks like Superman broke out of the phone booth he says man let me have the next fish jack let me get down come on let's get let's get this nation boom you've got your started less racist and that's that's not sure I totally made all of that up except for the part about races but he's been very enthusiastic about doing doing this this bench building so uh thanks Rick for all that you've done Rick and dr. Shawn Harper are our first two bench builders to complete benches and hand them off and they both thankfully reenlist it for the bench brigade so we're we're real happy for that Chris kösem got the first one from Rick Crisco some got it and got kind of carried away up with the the crate for that bench so Chris if you're watching out there you know you can probably make another bench out of that that lumber that the Craig a minute or maybe maybe a deck or something so think about that and I just want to just want to bring that up to you and dr. Shawn Harper's bench went to Neil Weatherhead so we still O'Neil advise that were working that part of it to Daniel Miller benched forgetting Arkansas Daniel is 17 years old he's getting ready to go off in the fall he built an amazing or he's about to start on a bench and just an amazing young of the men and uh Daniel you know what we talked about buddy I'm proud of you and just thanks for being you there's one last guy wanted mentioned that said this actress up in New Hartford New York it's put together a bench Brigade team up there and it's it's his three daughters and these three young men that he's mentored in woodworking and then a couple of more folks there but Antonia Rabia is gonna head off to Norwich University with a full ROTC scholarship in the fall Robbie French is a senior in high school so he is a senior you ready to go off the study physical therapy juice massara college sophomore and studying sports medicine and then the his daughters Ruth Gaby and Emma they're in there with him working and these guys have all committed to build a bench of course I would not and told me that his bride he didn't mention her name but he said she was looking at the credit card bill and Sasa Oh magic wax on there and she's from what in world is that not we thought you'd already bought a plane so I could take those kinds of questions my wife is those dreaded terrifying words what did I say I could deal with the the ones that come in about the credit card bill but he's got a couple folks Jerry mozzie is helping him build these benches and mr. Matt grant who's an Albany New York firefighter so um these are some of the amazing people I could go on and on it for hours about this and Rob told me to keep this at seven minutes no matter bout ten now I think so let me go ahead and just close this thing out I do want to give a shout out to the San Antonio wood craft store folks mr. Paul mr. Rick Trevor bill thank you guys for all you do for us and uh looking forward to some partnerships with you in the future and Rob again brother I thank you for letting me talk about the finish great create night Brigade tonight but most of all I just thank you for trusting me enough to let me do this it's been the most rewarding thing I think I've for done so there your brother thank you jack you guys are in good hands keep it coming so I'll call out again if you are interested in being part of this we actually supply the Vice the Vice and the bench dogs so your cost is the materials it's not bad yeah it'll be you'll feel so fantastic about you won't care what it costs but remember those three states that he mentioned georgia mississippi and alabama for the three states that must be we have vets in that of those areas that we need two benches for we had someone named Adrian in North Alabama and he said sign me up for the bench for grades good good Jack and contact just email me and I'll forward it to Jack Robert Rob Kozma calm okay let's go questions all right this question comes from Patty tack hit rob go over setting up the mortise marking gauge where's my mom where's my where's my mortgage you soulless I probably solve it no daddy well let's go to another one come back to that rescued you'll give me a more time our mortis engaged place well he's getting that will go into another question yeah I forgot to mention that Angie's here Angie oh yes Angie she's a year older and she had a birthday last Saturday last Sunday sorry was it last Saturday birthday answer hi Ange and thank you fantastic Angie this is Angie Angie takes care of our t-shirts so when you get a t-shirt there'll be a little picture of her with a nail on there so that's a Angie seal of approval and she did a great job we took out a lease a lot of t-shirts and they just all came back and they just looked perfect in those bags you do a fantastic things actually oh really so Angie's sister Lynn just had a birthday oh my goodness everybody's born this month oh okay oh he's done give us another question all right so this question comes from Phillip Robertson and North Bend Washington table I've got my plane a sharp sharp as I'm able how how do I deal with tear out on figured maple okay so if you are dealing with any figured wood the sharpness of your blade is first and foremost and as many times as I have had to try to diagnose this for folks when I took a look at it if they were in a class or close enough to me and I looked at it it was almost always that the blade wasn't as sharp as it should have been so just make sure that that is I said you see not the one that said he's actually had shavings down less than a foul that might have been somebody else if you if you can shave you can pull off one power half-hour shavings then your blade is in good shape so number one is how sharp is your blade this is the these are factors in eliminating taro in order of importance yes number 2 is going to be the thickness of the cut so if you're trying to take if you're taking too heavy of a cut it puts a lot of pressure on your wood fibers I want that big piece of birch that you had oh I have another piece right here this is a beast yeah so here's a piece of maple actually no it's it's got some swirl going on here it's got some knots if you have too much blade projection you will tear the wood so you have to have minimal projection the next thing I would do that's so one is sharp 2 is depth of cut 3 and 4 I'm gonna put side-by-side you can close the throat down and to close the throat down on your plane if you have a bedrock style plane that would be a wood river alle Nilsson an original stanley bedrock Clifton closing the throat means the gap between the edge of the blade and this part let me put a mark on here so you can actually see take your rinsing over here this arrow that part of this soul plane and the blade that creates the throat and the closer close the narrower that throat the better it is at supporting the wood fiber so let me show you this little demonstration here's your plane blade coming along merrily cutting wood here this is going to represent where that arrow is Jake over here right as you move the two closer and closer now what happens is as you're planing and the wood fiber or change this direction and now starts to lift up if the throat is really tight that bears down on those wood fibres not allowing them to lift and tear and in order for that to work your throat has to be literally the thickness of the shaving you're bringing and remember you're going to have a really thin shaving Thank You Megan so on my plane there are three screws on the backside you loosen the two outside they're called frog retaining screws I'm going to actually do it here the center screw as you turn it I can't see you can't why not I can't either as you turn it it moves the entire frog assembly forward so I'm spinning this clockwise rotation are you sure great I should point out that it's also on a slightly I I'm gonna get dirty okay keep moving it yeah I'm watching the gap closed now as Jake mentioned this frog sits on a lamp so as you move it forward the blade is gonna project so I'm gonna have to stop pull the blade in get it so that it's just barely projecting that's gonna allow me to fine-tune that setting I can go in here close it down some more now when I get that excuse me so that I just barely see light then I'm going to tighten up each of those frog retaining screws that holds everything nice and secure I have no idea what this blades like but we're gonna find out now the real secret to lose limiting tear out is Rob Kosmas magic plane wax if you believe that I've got something to tell you that's just to lubricate this hole now blaze eliminate heron and yes blade is fully retracted as I started the plane I'm gonna start spinning the adjuster knob so I can sneak up on this remember I want a very very light cut now that was cutting a little heavy on the right so I'm pushing the blade over by moving the lateral adjustment lever in the direction of the high side oh wait do have you ever touch I went too far pull it back in this is the blade then you Jake that was the blade that somebody put too high of a bevel on that's why it didn't work I sharpen it at forty five point one Super Dave I understand what you go through his outer Sun oh so big shout out to mr. Benson artist Benson up in Alaska she's Dave's mom it's not her father bless her soul don't blame her but I must was talking to her yesterday or today yes yesterday we're gonna see her on the fifth and I just to remind Dave's that you remember your mother always knows best okay so we're going back I had to I had to readjust this because that's the original blade it's 125,000 and this one happens to be an IBC blade was 140 so because of the thicker blade it closed the throat down too much so I had to go in there and I had to pull that frog back now I'll snug that up now I'm slowly advancing that blade you know I might have that too tight okay have a look I'll put something white behind here can you see no you can't well knowing that I don't see again does that show up my corners okay that might be too tight I can see light through there see if I can get the blade to projector they're bumping into the little heavy on the left and you're gonna be limited when you got that throat turn down like that it's too tight you're gonna be limited in them and how thick your shaving can be so that's the nice thing about having a bedrock style plane it just takes 10 seconds to make this adjustment you try to do this on a normal plane or what I would call a consumer line playing and you've got to take everything apart and you just sense they can't do it accurately Hey still picking up a shaving on the left I don't want a little bit too far so there's no extra room I'm having to pull that shaving out so that throat is tight I'm taking a very light shaving the blade is sharp and as a result I'll let you come in there Jake come in there and look really tight to get as tight as you can on that yeah go all around there go down there it's nice and smooth you can't tell anything about that by rubbing your hand on there perfectly smooth so that would be number three and I said number four why we put them neck and neck is it already over here so you'll notice on that blade it says H a high angle so not a normal plane I'm the blade is pitched at 45 degrees on this blade instead of taking it apart I'll just show you on this blade if you look really close I have prepared a 20 degree back bevel and it's about a millimeter and a half wide no okay so now when the blade is sitting in the front plane at 45 degrees typically the way you would calculate your angle of attack or the angle of the plays meeting the wood is just on a bevel down plane it's the angle that the Frog is but in this case you've got this other angle up here so now you take two 45 and you add to that that 20 degrees because instead of hitting it like this it's actually hitting it like that up and see great up is here at the cutting edge so that means your effective angle is now 65 degrees well 65 degrees is a lot harder to push but if you're dealing with figured wood that just does not want to respond otherwise if you go put on that 20 degree back bevel you may very well find that that is a solution that you're looking for now I only use it if I have to this is easier when you put that extra bevel on there it's noticeably harder to push the plane but you'll end up with no tear out you should point out that it's it's closer to a scraping than awesome well you're just yeah I mean I hate saying that because sometimes it makes it sound you're not scraping you're cutting yeah but if you've ever used a scraper if you ever used a scraper plane that's a hard push as well so those are your those are your four best bets shad blade like cut closed throat you increase the pitch and if none of those are work throw it away get yourself scraper I can't think of a domestic hardwood regardless of the figure that you can't plane you get into the exotics sometimes the only thing you can do with those the scrape guys except for the the top on your standing desk the top that was nasty that's next question for Oh Patrick's well we actually have some special guests who do we have we have your daughter's here so I'm going to briefly introduce you to Annika Annika is child number eight this is all same mother yes I can he's on the left side okay I can name them Erika Carissa Lex Jake Lauren Kenzi Chanukah Bo Mitch and Chloe and I know how and I happen to remember this morning that this happens to be Anika's birthday she is 19 so happy birthday Annika she's probably grinning ear-to-ear so Annika and Glen both live with Karissa my second oldest daughter out in Calgary and Beckham and Lorraine now both of them more so Lauren and Annika coos Anika's a bigwig now with winners that's a boost clothing store yeah so if you buy something from RC woodworking the second time you make a purchase which you were waiting for you're gonna get a phone call and that phone call is gonna say thank you very much this is Lauren this is Lauren so say hello to Lauren sailor Danica Danica hi girls how are you nice great nice weather three greens Calgary it's usually snowing out there I love to tease them about it so they'll come home okay I've heard some good comments about you already yeah I said last week Anika's very sharp she misunderstood me I meant I'm in brilliant she factor yes so she's not sharp is what she means thank you girls hey Danny don't forget don't forget your donation tonight Purple Heart project switchers of a t-shirt Jeff O'Connor wants us to mention that Jake's the least favorite child Jeff is one of our combat wounded vets that was in our class you heard from Jeff he actually was one of the ones that we had introduced it he and Jake your buddies the reason we considered going to just voice instead of voice and video you put two throw them in a room you don't wanna leave Abby's here Colby Kordell is a VESA is coming to a class Toby yeah which one Dave's super Dave's good luck with that good luck period hopefully everything will work let me show you how to do let me show you how to use the mortise engage also we've reached our second good so now we're giving away two $100 gift certificates Super Dave kicks in there we'll get up to 3,000 so a very good friend of mine in ontario's name is Paul who might you who might be on he's been on lately we call Paul brass man cuz he used to take care of all of our brass parts is a I would call Paul a fabricator Paul's also a genius so so even though he's not necessarily a woodworker he deals more with metal and he has a website called oceans motions Tommy makes he's big into saltwater aquariums so he makes all kinds of very unique pumps and parts and and all kinds of stuff like that but if I if I've got an idea I just call Paul and I tell him my idea and the next thing you know we have a product so we've collaborated on several things if you if you're trying to learn dovetails I have what's called a dovetail trainer and I had the idea Paul execute it and I ended up coming up with this this fits on the end of your saw you put your saw in the vise so it's standing plumb and you get the bubble level so it's on right now in the middle of bubble and there's three notches on this side one has it so that it tips your saw at ten degrees to the left to cut that side of the tail the other one when you do it that way tip shoots ten degrees to the right so you cut that side of the tail the idea is because that's on the end of your saw instead of a guide you're you're getting muscle memory from holding that saw in that position while you're sawing and you're checking the bubble level to get it right and it doesn't take very long before you'll know zero ten ten it's amazing it's like you get little bursts of notches right in your wrist so Paul's been Paul has been invaluable to us and we're always we've got some more cool stuff coming but yeah this Paul's a great guy so why that mint so Paul came up with this idea I said I gave him kind of the idea and this is where we came up with huh all right so here's how you do it and I hadn't the problem I wasn't just looking for something to sell I was trying to solve a problem I didn't have what I found well I was a good marking and mortising gauge so you just swap them out so the little thumb blasts unscrew you unscrew that and back it off and then this cutter moves you take your so when you if you don't know this and if you've never chopped horse by hand you may not but when you're chopping mortises and cutting a mortise and tenon joints everything is gauged off of your chisel so if you want a 5/16 wide mortise you take your chisel you set it in between the two cutters then you tighten it between the two cutters and then you tighten this down and that locks it in place now you get your piece of wood in the vise you're going to Center it assuming so you just get that until it's approximately your eye by is by its centered lock it push it down like that leave a couple little marks flip it around come to the other side and it's not quite centered so I come in and adjust it slightly push down move over and the other lined up now when you drag this you hold under the little handle over here and you're always pulling this way because these two cutters cancel each other out what I mean by that is this a normal marking gauge you always have the bevel on the waste side and when you're dragging that through the wood the bevel is pulling the tool this way keeping the head tight against the side so you never have to worry about it wandering on you well on this each one cancels out the other so it will wander that's why you hold this and I'm always pulling like this and I find it better that you take a light pass and then come back and to make it a little bit heavier and a little bit heavier now I only use this for laying out a tenon you and you're laying out the actual mortise I don't like to have two lines I find it very difficult to hold my chisel between two lines you're sitting there and you're think you're beside one and you look like you're on top of the other for me it's confusing my small brain I like just one line so I do it like that I come in and I hold my chisel flushed right up beside that line and go ahead and chop it so I use this for my tenon really I should call it a tenon engage right you could use it to lay out your mortise but the problem is now you have the bevel on the outside and it's not that big of a deal but that's how I use it so Patti tack there you go good question you get 10% of any we sell go ahead next all right what was that race tej Muller from Hamilton Texas wants to know if we sell maple syrup in case lakhs oh yes right we'll sell you the whole tree top it yourself just quickly the story would you get read let's grab grab me then all the sizes we now carry so I want to tell you this though story first of all you got to remember and maple syrup gives that a whole new meaning Jake and I maybe we should have him that says what is delicious Jake and I went somewhere one time and we found we found some really dark maple syrup it was amber what I call it and it just has a very rich taste so we found a local supplier these guys have been in business for 150 years yes they started back in the early 1800s it's actually coming up on 200 years and this has been this has been an exceptional year for SAP so in case you've never seen this done you go in and find a sugar maple tree and you bore a hole in the tree on the sunny side and it's you drive a spigot in there and the spigot has a little hook where you hook your barrel hook your bare hook your bucket and you always do this in the early spring you want cold nights warm days and the SAP will run and SAP is water in fact it's got sugar in it but it's a forty to one ratio and you collect your SAP and you boil it all down and when you get down to the right ratio you get syrup it's delicious anyway this particular one is really good these guys are going to see them they have lots of SAP but all of their store accounts are closed because of this kind of covert thing so anyway we've been all we've been sending a little bottle of maple syrup with every order we get that goes in a box if you order something goes in an envelope I'm gonna get one cuz it'll get damaged and people started asking for it so we said well shoot what always provided to them so we now carry did he is he gone to tap a tree you might not be able to know you might not know what it is done it's on the rack it's on the rack right there in boxes no no we don't carry that so here are the sizes we have now 500 mil this is what Michael chugs this in fact I thought we ought to have people calling come up with ideas and what these before and this is the hundred mil and we also have a 250 mil and I hereby I don't drink coffee but I hear it's fantastic and coffee my daughter makes all kinds of stuff for me then she uses at us instead of sugar great stuff order yourself some naval Europe you will absolutely love it we've had people tell us that hate maples here they drink this by the bottle because it's so good we got it we have a few people in chat saying it's the best they've ever tried yeah I agree okay next four okay so this comes from John dhanoa from colonial New Jersey by the way the maple syrup is on our website under miscellaneous go ahead hi John I see all that you do with hand planes do you ever sand a project unfortunately look at that there's a sanding block right there I try not to I have no joy in sanding the only time I do is if there's if you look at this if you the color that you get from actually we had to stand that did me the color you get from say from a hand plane surface can't be surpassed no I think we did that we sent we had to sand the lid anyway occasionally I occasionally I do have to sand something but never would I start with anything course within 220 use these just 320 so just learn to use a hand plane and you'll just swear off a sandpaper will use sandpaper on the lathe kinda hard use an plane there next alright so the next one comes from George Leonardo's from Grand Rapids Michigan so George has this beautiful cabin that I stayed at whenever I used to go up there and teach it always put me in George's cabin and there's a coziest Kris I don't know how many hundred years old it is but it's fantastic George is a good friend what's your George want to know so George wants to know why you did not use holdfast oh yeah I told that I've seen a number of situations where they might be more efficient than the rigs you have set up to hold your work George I never I I never did sorry for drinking in front of you but I have to keep my throat lubricated I never I never used a holdfast I've seen them used and just never get into the habit of using one so I'm not saying bad or good I just I don't use them I don't use them I oh you see me I always put a clamp on there when I need to hold it but yeah I see lots of folks use old fast I have no no objections next John Crane from West Point New York wants to know that he doesn't see you working with oak very often such as personal preference or some other reason don't take offense to my answer but when you fought when you go into a fast-food restaurant and of all of the decor is oak that's long past when you should stop using it for furniture that's my opinion I find red oak to be an extremely coarse wood I don't think it has any any cat qualities that I want with one exception I had a fella give me a piece that they we were doing a show in Ontario this past year and he gave me a piece of oak that came off of a writ of River bottom that had been down there for several hundred years they dated it based on how the log was cut and it's grumbly growth rings they're normal oak you're buying today he's gonna have nine to eleven growth rings per inch and this one had 31 31 is really tight so we just had enough to make some saw handles that we've been doing that's the only exception but no I typically don't let go I do like white oak it wouldn't it wouldn't be very high on my list but I do like bright oh but I wouldn't build anything out of red just to course-to-course and not a very pretty would almost gaudy okay next for all right Bob from Texas wants to know what is the best what is the best way to protect quality planes chisels in a non climate-controlled raksha's rather grab me a plane socked place okay I'm gonna pass on this one until Rex comes back go ahead for it got Hardy and Petrolia Ontario wants don't how many bad words you have not enough well there's my used all the time shooting board which is almost time to be redone and then here's my 45-degree shooting board and this is just a special shooting board and over here find it beautiful piece of English walnut here's my yeah I have two extra long shooting boards for doing long edges I don't square ends with this and there's another long one and then I have another big long one that I put away somewhere and now I use effort when I'm shooting when I'm making the marking gauges dovetail marker sorry oh and I have a little one that we're gonna start selling soon we're gonna make haven't completely designed it the way I want but it's really convenient to have a small shooting board that you can use in conjunction with a block plane for doing small parts so we're gonna make that and we recently started making one that is ambidextrous so one shooting board that has a track on both sides so you can use it left-handed or right-handed so yeah shooting boards shooting board is the one implement after a hand plane they will do more to improve the quality of your work than anything else here's the absolute best way to take care of your planes if you're in a shop where you have to deal with moisture you have the option of oiling them or wax that's a pain because you got to take it off every time and then here you don't get off gathers dust and then you just snuck yuck so these are resident ease are silicon impregnated tube socks it's got a drawstring on there like that what you're playing in there and it won't rust when you want it just take it out don't worry about any silicone getting on the plane never had an issue they're not very expensive we have them on our site under the miscellaneous yeah there's four different sizes there's a small one for block planes there's a medium sized one for scrub plane number four four and a half any of the smoother size planes there's a jack plane size that will fit your five and a half your five and there's a joint it's a big number seven number eight that's that is I found out the hard way from doing wood shows and showing up the first time and having rust over everything when we started using these that went away never dealt with the issue again good question next so x h2 I think is his name in the chat says why don't you know yes why don't use frame sauce frame sauce when I figure out frame so I think of teh ffred Scandinavian thing I I made one actually made a couple just you know it's kinda like people ask me why don't use Japanese sauce well cuz I'm not Japanese and I prefer the western-style so yeah I just haven't found a need everything I do I get it why I get by with perfectly fine with using the panel sauce or any of my other western-style back sauce I use so nothing against I'm just not my thing having tapered I think also a Frank Claus frying cuts dovetails he calls the paint gray dovetails with a big bow top which is kind of a same thing not involved in that family just not my thing that's it cuz Tesco hi John says hi Rob what's your advice on restoring older Stanley planes is it worth it if so what's your advice on sharpening and the plane iron the answer is no it's not worth it and I'll tell you why hi I used to teach a class did it for several years on restoring old planes we actually developed a blade a very special blade and chip breaker that would allow you to put this big monstrously thick blade in an old stanley plane so the stanley planes rex would you go grab me and playing off the wall please and make sure it's mama has an original blade in it they're skinny so Stanley's blades were anywhere from 70 to 85 thousandths of an inch thick now this blade is 140 sau so for comparison it's almost double and the best Stanley plane with an original blade on a piece of hardwood you plane it and you hear this hype we call high pitch but you hear this noise and what it is it's vibration high vibration thank you here's a bedrock number five and a half but look at the thickness of the blade oh my goodness I can't get that right am I getting weak loosen the cap screw oh my god could have done that take - leave her cap off now this was this represented excuse me the best planes that Stanley made so it would be a six the bedrocks always had a six Oh in front of it so it was a six oh four six zero three six oh five and a half six oh seven six feet use the ED bedrock on the cap on the lever cap on the so on the sole somewhere and these could be adjusted from the back they have the three screws but look at that little thin blade so this plane would represent the best this would have been the best that you could buy this was their bedrock series however you can't compare that if I had time oh yeah I would have I would have sharpened this up and shown you but you can't no no it takes too much time it takes too much time this is why I've never done this and this is in bad shape so first of all if you're trying to freehand sharp you've got a little wee tiny primary bevel which is very difficult to find no I'm gonna get a I'm gonna get a yeah two and 3/8 so here's the difference in the two blades okay it's substantial and that pays a huge dividend in that it doesn't vibrate however this plane Jake and I Wade we took the two to two or five and a half and bedrock was how much we need to be more accurate yeah it's just a number around four pounds and the five and a half Wood River was just under seven that's huge so when you plane with this you if you don't know anybody know this feels great but when you compare it to this this feels solid as a rock there's no vibration it's just wow what a different feeling and you got to try them side by side in order to appreciate it so the answer your question when I restore the old ones no here's why you're gonna have to replace that if you want any kind of performance and if you want to buy for instance an IBC blade and shipbreaker cept that's gonna cost you in excess of $100 you're gonna put in a fair bit of time I would guess and say if you've never done it before you're gonna spend half a day on it and there's some work to be done and it's got to be done accurately if you want the plane to work so you're going to put in has to spend less agent spend a hundred and twenty dollars and you're gonna spend half a day you can go out and buy this for another hundred and sixty dollars and it's essentially ready out of the box and the performance difference is night and day and this is the Wood River if it was an effort Shalini else and you're gonna spend even more and again you've got so much better of a plane if that belong to your grandfather and you want to revive it for sentimental reasons by all means I have a video called handling revival which takes you all the way through the process of what you do to get this thing all set up and running and we sell the blades if you want to buy the extra blade force but what I spend any time in the original blade not a minute not a minute not interested no matter what you do you're never gonna get to performance out of that that you're gonna get out of that so I say yeah and I can't solve Wood River Plains in the United States so I'm not doing this to get your business but I would say go buy a Wood River plane if you don't if you are willing to spend the money go by Lee Nielson plane either one kneel you'll think that you'll thank me okay next Bob Canova from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania wants to know rudder planes large versus small and open throat burst oh yes so we just looked at that the other day because I had no idea what the open folk verses are closer or was so this apparently is the opens room so this is what they had originally they've added they being Nielsen added to close throat The Closer instead of this being up like this it's just flat it goes right across there I can't see any difference in terms of using it maybe in this big one what I loved about the small one is the support of the sole is very close to the blade whereas on this one the support is quite a ways away so if you're using it to adjust the thickness of a tenant let's say you just cut your tenon and it's not exactly the size of your tenant are not exactly parallel to the sides of the board well what you can do this is a not a very good example but you're gonna use your imagination here so here's your cheek here's your tenon you go in there and you would set that and you would run it like this to bring make that surface payload of that surface well I want as much support over here as I can because in pushing this like so as the blade engages the woods kind of want to pull down like that it's nice to have the support of the soil really close to the blade so if I was gonna buy them gonna buy one and I would buy the small one first I think the large one does have its value and I would definitely want it in my arsenal at some point closed or open I would go with the open maybe a little bit easier to see but it's a 51/49 split so you'll be happy with either one and I do definitely somebody else that's the question I'll just go ahead and answer it you by the way Nelson version there's another version out there the Lee Nelson has a square cutter so when you tighten this down and this is huge when you tighten this down what you're doing is that's on an angle you're driving this cutter that way so it's referencing this face and this face against the sides and it holds it firmly in place there is no movement there's another one out there that is actually round so you're tighten against a round cutter and if you hit something hard that will shift and turn this is the better of the two in my opinion okay next so just so you know we pass and we pass 1000 we already said yes no no yours yours oh okay that's great so maybe just remind them that if even if everybody donated just ten dollars we could give away and gift certificates tonight well that's good and beyond that it wouldn't it be interesting I'm not gonna say it's not gonna happen if everybody donated ten dollars that would be ten ten dollars that would be ten thousand dollars what would we do at ten thousand dollars well each of that we bring in we used to say it'd cost thirty five hundred but Axios now it's probably closer to four thousand because now each bet gets a bench we supply the the bench hardware the vise and the bench dogs the volunteer supplies the materials and builds it and ships the bench so fifteen know how many did you say ten thousand that would take care of two-and-a-half vets cover the cost entirely I don't mind doing it I enjoy it the benefit you get out of this goes far beyond anything money can measure if you'd like to participate in that then by all means do it you'll love yourself as a result ten dollars from everybody that would be that would be that make my phone go crazy good idea for me one cent how many how many hundred dollar prizes are we giving away so far - how close are we to three thousand we're at twenty-five hundred okay so every thousand we give away another hundred dollar gift certificate at the end of the night and we're getting close to the end of the night we got another ten minutes I just wanted another quick commercial their new wood is good t-shirt wood wood for good you got to have all three did you hear what Dan he has he wears one every day in that whoo daniel game yeah did he buy four of this one he says he went he said he bought four of this one did he yeah that's a good guy okay question Jim be in Ontario once they know for a lot of Canadians tonight yeah for a Lieber cap do you recommend or what's better hinged cam or thumb screw is one prefer oh well so what he's asking is I don't think I even have an example of yeah we do we have it all we have it on here it's not a - no but yeah I don't have it here so this is the lever cap and the purpose of the lever cap I gotta remember sometimes not everyone understands what this question what we're talking about so there's your blade and chip breaker as it sits in your plane the lever cap or a lever cap if you're in the u.s. goes on there like that and as it crabs that as that screw engages it and you push down on this lever lever that applies pressure you'll notice that there's a gap between the chip breaker and the blade purposely so that when you put pressure on the back of this all that pressure transfers out to the cutting edge to help stabilize it and prevent it from vibrating so the traditional style was a lever which the nice thing about that is every time you take your blade out or take it apart sharpen it put it back you don't have to come in and readjust it because this is just gonna bring it back to the exact same spot in terms of how much pressure is being applied if you're using a loop not that's a big deal this is a screw style lever cap so when you put the blade in you just tighten that up loosen to take it out and snug it up to put it back I know I wouldn't be upset over either one this the lever was traditional and that's why I'm used to it okay next Bob Morrison from Tennessee wise Bob wants to know how you in filled the gutters between the lanes yeah I read these question I wouldn't read all these questions there's some good questions actually I'm pretty sure Bob's the one who bought those oh yeah these this was an old bowling lane well nice solid maple floor why take it out right but you had gutters where the balls where Jake would always throw his ball no they had the bumpers the bumpers maybe was Dave there was so what we did here yeah this is two layers of 5/8 inch plywood good friend of mine Ontario Tim got me a whole bunch but there's a Ford plant up there as I was changing the racking system and they were throwing out this 5/8 inch plywood and he got it and gave it to me and that one must has 150 sheets so there's two pieces of 5/8 inch plywood glued and screwed together but what we did and we had to go the entire length there's us there's a support when they put these lanes in everything has to be perfectly level so there's a whole bunch of cross members and then wedges so every time place so there was a cross member I used my combination square to measure the serve the depth from here to the crossmember and then Jake would measure them and I measure them but they would cut a piece specific to that size less the thickness of these two pieces and we would glue it and screw it and play it good and nail it in place so then when we drop this in its sat on all those supports and then we just screwed this down all the way - yeah that's how we did it the first time it was done it wasn't done properly I won't mention who did it nobody here so Jake and I had to take it all up and redo it and we got a couple of squeaks drives me crazy every time I step on it yeah probably won't ever get around to fixing it though next Jim Clark from Westmoreland I jump says he's building a crosscut sled and he wants to know how can I take out some slop in the runners gym if you got slop and your runners you got to make new runners so when I make my runners I usually make them out of a piece of maple I saw them on the take one here's a little tip for you I had plain one side of the runner and then I rip it close and when it's close but not quite then I use my shooting board and I take a pass and check it and take another pass and check it until it just fits in there no slop at all build your build your your sliding table and then it'll be a little bit sticky but with your blade down and out of the way you move it forward and back and it'll even black burnish marks and you go in and you can take the edge of a chisel I'll show you we used Osage orange on this one you can take the edge of your chisel or a scraper and just go in there and just scrape those those burnished marks and go back and try it again and just keep doing that until it finally slides in there just right but if they're already too sloppy start over what do your little what did you see do you know how to go home trick well yeah what are you stealing Meghan Thunder yeah well Chad wants to know what makes one brand of playing so different than the other um what makes one brand of plain well the knowledge of the people making them there are an awful lot of hand tools being made today by people who have no idea how to use them so I'd simply say to that if the person making it doesn't know how to use them they can't evaluate whether or not it's good bad or indifferent so that factors in materials even today there are planes being made Stanley makes their planes out of grey iron or cast iron that means if you drop it on a concrete floor there's a good chance it's going to break Wood River and Lee Nilson make theirs out of ductile iron stabilized so it doesn't move after its ground but it's the strongest tenth house tensile steel so if you drop it it doesn't break then of course then there's the accuracy if you buy a plane that is that a flat on the sole by four or five really do you want to go through that effort to have to get that into an acceptable tolerance I don't so I would suggest you look at the materials that is made out of you look at the tolerance to which it is built you look at how well machined surfaces are if you buy a new plane today there's brands out there you take them apart and you look at the face of the frog and the face of the frog is painted and if you take the Frog out you'll see the bottom of it it's painted these need to be milled surfaces that have positive contact so there's no vibration the purpose of this is to hold that at a fixed angle and not allow it to vibrate in order to do that the materials have to be nice and dense and all of the mating pieces have to fit well so that they do not allow for any of that vibration and you can't get a good fit if you've got thick paint between two pieces it needs to be milled surfaces if you take this apart and I'll close with this cuz it'll take me a second to show you but I'm gonna take this out and show you what I mean so I'm loosening the Frog retaining screw screws pull the white with the pins and you see two nicely milled surfaces and they touch and that does not vibrate when you're using it and they use all the available surface and compare that to a Stanley that you're buying off the shelf today and you'll be lucky if you've got the surface area of a dime that's making contact so and then of course you want a blade that's made out of good material at the bed of the plane the closer it is to being in ready to go condition and the less expensive it is the farther away it is in some case is too far to even deal with all right so we just received a donation from a mr. Robert Steele I'm not sure if he wanted us to let everybody know that but he paid for a full vet himself $3500 Wow Robert Robert thank you and I thank you on behalf of the vet that ends up coming that is awesome and you just need to know that you quite possibly pulled somebody back from the brink and I hate to say that but these guys come to us and in very severely broken condition and they go away on a better path so your money will be well spent I want to introduce you to mark so mark Canadian Army one tour in Haiti and I think two tours in Afghanistan and Mark was a combat engineer which means he went out looking for roadside bombs and Mark suffers from PTSD bad he applied for a program unfortunately we had over 80 applicants and not everybody gets in and I hope he'll apply again but he's local so he came here a couple of days on a couple of a week or so ago just to visit say hello and in the process he was telling me a story and it's you know heart bleeds for these guys and I said mark once just come work here I love that I said and we'd love to have you so mark comes now he's I hope we can get him five days a week or six and just great and he said the other day goes Rob I just absolutely love being here and I said well I can't tell you how much I love heaven here because we're getting stuff done that we would never have gotten done I'll give you a tour soon oh yeah well super Dave on that comes to fish so we're taking our shipping room our business has done this in the last several months so we've outgrown everything so our shipping room is being expanded into the laundromat we used to have we took the mark took the laundromat out we're building into the shipping room we're going upstairs or have offices and more say storage space so I'll give you a tour of that but but just can't say enough about how incredible it makes you feel to help these people and I say these people because out of society how many people put their life on the line for strangers these people do we owe them we owe them big time we'll never be able to fulfill that depth but anything we can do to help alleviate what they're going through we do it and I tell people all the time people how do you pay for yourself I don't care I don't care we just plan it and the money finds us I will never stop doing this and I will certainly never stop doing it because of finances the money will find us yeah nothing's nothing on that thank you for your support so how many how many we give it away the night Angie well thank you ladies or you appreciate that how many how many how many gifts gift certificates there we give her sorry I've been fighting laryngitis for the last three or four days is that what they're calling good night game yes and some people in the chat do believe you should get checked just in case yeah and then now oh we again 68 somebody make it seven somebody and we need $200 more so we can give away seven 100 our gift certificates that could be a record which by the way which by the way one from us yes so the comes from us not coming from the donated money this is what we do to help you do what you do one big happy family so are we there it's a delay such that it hasn't caught up okay awesome thank you folks listen we're gonna keep doing these next week we're back working on Angie's bed desk we're building the drawer the side down drawer you don't want to miss that now I gotta tell you a few things that Jake is supposed to remind me but he didn't but I remembered you need to make sure that you registered that you subscribe to our YouTube channel and somewhere what somebody wants to know how how ash is doing in Australia I've been talking to ash all week he just sent me after the first quote for materials and Jake's gonna wire them the money for that that's building materials on Monday and then we're gonna get him some tools as well so thanks for asking so you need to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven't there's a bell where's that Bell Frick usually after you subscribe it's right connected to this little bell and if you head the bell and every time we come up with a video it will notify you so that you can stay abreast if you like it thumbs up thumbs up give us a like and if you know somebody that would enjoy this tell them share it anyhow oh and we have a newsletter don't forget the newsletter show the colonel some love sign up for the newsletter exclusive videos exclusive videos you might even get a visit from the colonel his Luther on you see us he's been answering questions with attaboy boy Ruthie and if you love a little bit of feedback please so Luther he's kind of like what's Luther like he's like a pit bull he clamps onto something and doesn't let go so he clamped onto the website and made incredible transformations in our business and that started with him telling me that my website sucked and he could fix it and he did he taught Jake yeah yeah you taught him he looked at the youtubes and he realized how powerful that is in growing our not only our business but growing the provider project so he's taking that on he and Frick do that and you look at the thumbnails and you look at all the rest of it tell us what you think tell us what you think about new look of the Rob Cosman calm YouTube channel he's been unveiling some new banners tonight too oh yeah look I'm a banner boy anything else we need to say no I think we should do the drop did we make it a final yeah we're about seven seventy seven hundred okay so Megan's an American give her plus was and ninety-six percent of the guys or people that come to our workshop are US soldiers as opposed to happen two weeks in a row so the highlight first summer have you're married to Jake you'd understand this the highlight of our summer is getting to just the summer getting to take care of these guys feed them and she comes back every night and she makes strawberry shortcake and brownies and cookies you know fatten them up but I understand why she does it I get it okay Megan also had cousin it was a marine that just returned from Afghanistan and we really appreciate all the donations to support this cause so I think we're coming in the eighth I think Danny Bell and I think of the sacrifice that Danny has made and his family has made over his years of service and they're all like that I mean Danny Zach Danny was a part of an organization where they had to go they didn't get much warning so a lot of his life has been up and gone leaving his wife to take care of everything and stinker not knowing where his dad is but that's all changed now Danny's retiring and he's gonna be around and things are gonna be just dandy dandy Dan so let's do the draw how many were given away eight well let's give away nine just for fun so do not do it draw nine names to give away hundred are gift certificates all right yep all right number one I'm trying to do this as quick as possible Joe Jones from Rhode Island number one graduations Joe number two Mike Theobald from Ontario Canada hey Mike who wants we get some Canadians hey quick so we've had four Canadians so far and the purple head project we have how many more Canadians come in this summer how many in Luther's group I three three and then four three and then four that's a record and we don't care we don't care that's nice where you say but it doesn't matter that's where they come from we do this like triage who do we think based on the information we're given we think needed toast and it just so happened that we ended up with a bunch of Canadians now that possibly do I know it's probably due to a junior also known as Tony and Tony has put together a meeting where I got to go up to a local base and we did a one-day presentation and we had a lot of people a lot of people apply as a result of that and the same thing Danny did down in in Clarksville Tennessee that's and we had five five combat wounded vets got selected for this the summer that came from the presentation I did at Danny's place Danny had 32 combat wounded vets there we had we had we've got we'd get some in Luther's class oh yeah so you know if I had if I had one more Danny in the US and one more Tony in Canada we'd we find all the guys well we'd do a lot better find in them anyway I salute you bright boys that's fantastic I don't think we mention it but it is Memorial Day weekend so there's a good weekend yes it is we don't have that in Canada but yes I'm thank you for bringing that up Rick this is Memorial Day weekend now mega Memorial Day is when we honor the war dead Veterans Day is when the month of their life so a big salute to all those who have paid the ultimate price all right so our next winner was Robert Smith from Michigan Robert graduations number four is Dean ramping from Anchorage Alaska Dean I know Dean number five Joe Wechsler Wechsler from Virginia grads Isis Joe next up is Simon Nita Kowski from Birmingham ding from Birmingham England hey Simon nice to have one over there no cover shipping Danielle else from Virginia Daniel congratulations Ken Stewart from Kansas Ken congratulations this is last one and our final winner of the evening is Robert Coogan's from the UK also hey Roberts to UK so that was nine that was nice Harry thank you thank you thank you thank you push eight Tests thank you - thank you - our vets big salute loose were actually taught me to sleep I've already forgotten how but I did it on I did it when we did the picture for the the new t-shirt don't forget to get your t-shirt we got lots of them in stock I'm gonna get Jake to put together a package of three so you have one of each and we will see you next Saturday Night Watch for YouTube's all this week don't forget to tell us what you think of our new look oh it's like suggestions as well thank you - Megan thank you - Jake thank you - Rex are gopher thank you - Frick the man behind the mistakes I mean we've got two good weeks here thanks to Luther thanks to super Dave thanks to Ken Angie and limb and and Lauren and happy birthday and nineteen and we just had another five and all donations are ending the night at 8500 okay well then let's draw one more name can we do that we make some room alright our real final winner is Marty Bartholomew from Colorado hey so remember I told you somebody had suggested that we do the tool thing so Marty had wanted to go on my demo tell this but anyway sorry Marty was mother's idea that we possibly haven't so that people could buy a tool that they donate and that was Marty suggestion and that's Marty who just won so congratulations Marty good things come to you all right you guys have a good weekend stay safe we'll see you here next Saturday night take care [Music] [Music]
Views: 31,600
Rating: 4.9528179 out of 5
Keywords: live with rob cosman, live episode with Rob cosman, rob cosman, rob cosman live, woodworking, q&A, Questions and answers, Live Q&A, woodworking questions and answers, woodworking questions, hand tools woodworking, hand tool woodworking
Id: S1Qyz7TDnMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 35sec (8255 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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