Live with Rob Cosman Episode 19: The Bench Hook

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okay give me in the markets that go the video is now on well if it is that they're gonna be sick cuz Jake's walking around Kenz doesn't have it can they hear us it's coming through over for me now we have 42 people have we got audio on tell me what this video I'm just waiting for yeah we're good alright welcome folks sorry for the delay we have we have some new hardware we're using yep we're all wireless now so Jake is no longer tethered so we can walk around the shop so the first thing we need to start off with is introduction I'm Rob Cosman this is our 19th yes live YouTube workshop so we're what we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna build a bench hook I'm gonna explain to you why that's important it's something that you should really seriously consider however a little bit before that we use these as a means of raising funds for our Purple Heart project just in case you don't know what that is every year we bring in 36 combat wounded veterans they come from Canada United States Australia England the majority of them come from the US in fact of the 88 that we've had to date 83 of them have been US soldiers and we bring them in for a now it's a 6 day workshop Monday to Saturday they're in the workshop in here from 8 in the morning to 11 at night very intense we fly them in we cut take care of their meals their hotel and we send each vet home with this year starting this year it's gonna be about 3,300 dollars worth of premium tools I'm gonna talk a little bit about what we're trying to do with our bench brigade as well anyway it's expensive but who cares right it's too important to not do if you'd like to participate if you'd like to be part of it if you're sitting there thinking you know what I owe these guys because I came to that realization anything we can do to help alleviate their suffering it's our moral responsibility to do it you want to participate we're open to donations so far are the last six of these that we've done we've raised $30,000 we figure it's about 3500 it's actually a little more than that but we're working with the faint figure of $3,500 per vet do the math on that times 36 and here's some of them behind me there's several of them so you can just make a donation do it on our website though because if you do it through youtube they take 30% actually more than that do it through our website you just go frickle put the link on there several times tonight now what we used to do was we would have a draw at the end of the night for whatever it was we built and anybody that donated a certain $25.00 would put their name in the Hat well we found out that we can't do that legally that's called gambling so we love your donations we appreciate them happy to have you partner with us and helping these guys but anybody can put their name in for the draw this is open anyone no purchase necessary what do they have to do in order to do it okay so oh yeah Frick's gonna tell you this you want to focus focus on you okay so what's happening turn my mic up a little bit so as Rob said everybody can enter the draw tonight no purchase necessary what I've done is I've created a Google document and so you can just use your youtube username to add yourself to that I'm gonna post the link but all you have to do is is go to draw dot Rob cosmic comm and then simply add your name to the list and if you're familiar with the way Google Docs works you'll be able to see if someone else is in the document with you try not to click on the same cell as they're on just start a new line put your name in and Megan is going to moderate all night and make sure it's organized and make sure there's no duplicate entries or anything like that so draw dot Rob cosmic comm just add your name to the list and I'll post I'll post the link in the chat egg okay now I need to I need to welcome some people so one of our all-stars you'll see in the background is Angie and she's part of our team she take scare the t-shirts you need to buy a t-shirt and we use these teachers t-shirts to raise awareness so as you wear it and somebody sees this logo that says Purple Heart Project it's an easy way to bring up the conversation and there's a theme on the back so far we have two we got a third one coming this latest one is wood doing good the other the first one was wood is good but you'll notice on the packaging when you get it and she's done it there's there's our new our new label that she came up with which is pretty cool that's the first time I met her and Angie is Ken's cousin and because of such a medical situation she's confined to her room until she gets better and then she's gonna stop him here and she's gonna be working here and and don't forget your safety glasses so buy a t-shirt we'll give you a shout-out if you do that I want to point out another one so we were just got back from Florida I did two workshops in Florida and I met a guy named Dave Dave as a combat wounded vet sorry Dave I got dirt all over this but black how do you keep it clean so Dave gave me this t-shirt Dave special-forces and he says I can't wear this because if you see that flag there's it's covered in names and those are all deceased servicemen many of which they've worked with anew so this was he had a hard time explaining this but I took and I said well I'll certainly display it in our shop and we'll show our appreciation so these guys really deserve everything possible that we can do and I wish I could take the time but I can't because if I do we won't get through this but if you were to witness what happens in those six days that we have them here you'd understand how important this is and I know I have no idea what I'm doing all I know is whatever it is we do we create this environment where this works so we're gonna continue to do it we have six oh I guess I should bring up the date on that - so there's been a lot of talk about toilet paper lately I have no idea what having the flu and toilet paper have in common but everybody seems to be buying up all the toilet paper make sure you check out the video that we posted today to lighten the situation a little bit and how you can make your own toilet paper perforated at all you just have to go to youtube and search what does it what is it tight what's the title Frick never run out of paper toilet paper again never run a toilet paper again we've already had some comments on here it'll give you a smile anyway so as of right now we're still full steam ahead our first class is slated for the first week of May May first we do it oh yeah sorry we had somebody changed to August so we actually have one opening left for civilian opening in May we have one opening in August we have three openings in October rest are obviously full now as far as the combat when it vets May June and July are already taken care of those have been assigned and if there's one reason I don't want this to cancel it's that I don't care about the money side of it that's it's a small part of what we do I don't want to tell these guys that we have to postpone or cancel so I'm banking on this thing is gonna go through if you're interested if you were a combat wounded vet now there's a lot of people that need help but you know what we're a small outfit so our little slice of the pie our individuals who are living with the negative effects of a wound as a result of combat whether it's a physical wound or mental wound traumatic brain injury post-traumatic stress disorder you can still apply for the Argus september/october classes that deadline is June 15th you go on our website Rob Cosman comm top-left PHP go down in there the application form is there and dave happened to mention to me when he was he I had talked him into applying next morning community said no way Rob there's no way I would be I would be filling out that information so I asked him I said you know what I said if you think there's an easier way or a better way by all means we're all ears but you have to understand we don't know who these people are all we have is what we read and we're trying to triage this so that we bring the people who are the most in need and I apologize if it seems intrusive but I don't know I don't know any other way to do it cover the bases on that let's take a quick walk around I want to show you a couple of things so if you're not on our online workshop our project right now is a standing desk I sit come over here real fast take no cords to drag around Megan's here Ken's here and Frick is here we're a little short-staffed tonight so this is the top now I got the first coat of spray on it and I went in I just scraped the finish so that's it's nice and smooth but it needs several more coats what I'm going to do is finish the top then I'll mask off the top and finish the base that way you're not dealing with overspray now this that unit I'm about to show you is gonna sit right here so the green masking tape is to leave bare wood so that when we put the doubt when we put it in place there's dowel holes in there I didn't want finished going into the dowel holes and I want the bare wood so that that'll actually glue right to the top so this will be on the inside so if you come over here we're putting a wood hinge on this and I want to show you this because we got it we got it done this past week so get a good place where you can see it so this is a slant table so this is this is going to be where you're doing your writing whatever and remember it's a standing desk but if you'll see we have our wood hinged worked out nicely it's a 1/2 inch 1/2 inch well it'll go all the way back but we're gonna we have to put a stop in there somehow I gotta fix that no we got to make sure it meets there's a unit that sits on top of here as well that's gonna hold your paper and whatever and then we got our drawers on the inside so the way I the way I'm doing this this top is not attached it's sitting on dowels that way I can spray all of this inside and out very difficult to spray that and spray this at the same time so this bottom piece this piece will be sprayed separately no no yeah yeah I did just keep dirty this is ready to spray and then what we'll end up doing is putting together already finished units the last piece is something like this this is just the prototype this will be made out of cherry dovetailed whatever and that'll sit on the top so that your envelopes and checks and whatever will stand up on there and final thing just to show you we've been working on this week been working on working on specialty saw handles I want to show you some of these so this is the first bit of English walnut that I've managed to get my hands on beautiful what I love this wood you can see the figure in it it's got all those streaks it's a little bit of SAP wood on the bottom I got quite I don't have quite a bit but I probably have enough for ten of these this is just a standard white oak and Ken this is bleeding again the oil finish just keeps bleeding out of those forests you have to keep rubbing it this is a piece of cocoa Bowl though it's gonna be beautiful actually I think that one is already sold and here's some other ones that haven't got a finish on it yet we've got a couple of Vera woods this is a Vera wood yeah yeah Dave lays claims that he's the only one in North America that's allowed to own Vera wood and this is a piece of Pacific you love that stuff it feels so nice in the hand we got some there Cote some torrefied bird's-eye some book Cote some beautiful walnut some walnut burl anyway we'll show you them as we go all right let's go over here and get started so why a bench hook well a lot of people get all worked up I'm forever being hammered by people about safety this safety that whatever if I got a small piece of wood and I need to process I need to cut it I have the option of running over there and using table saw with the crosscut so that I can go over there and I can use the chop saw but the smaller the piece the more dangerous that is the cut there's no mass there so if you have a bench hook throw it on your bench now you're gonna want a good crosscut saw and if you need to find out where to buy one of those I can help you and you can go in there and you can cut that very accurately I have a 45 on this one as well so I can go in there I'll do this in again now the other reason for a bench hook is it acts as a sacrificial piece so that you're not cutting into your bench so this gets chewed up and you're gonna have to replace them occasionally we're gonna wait make one tonight that has a 45 as well as a square and if you were just lopping a piece off I would come out here in the end support to work but it's so much safer than taking small pieces over to the table saw we have a cleat in the front to resist force in that direction we're gonna pattern it after that and then what I would do from there depending on what you're building but most everything I do now it we try to do it perfectly so once you've made your cut closed you would come in using your 45-degree shooting board and you would finish that off so that you had a perfect 45 okay so this is what we want to make now sighs Mel doesn't really need to be any bigger than this typically not going to be cutting six foot boards so you want to have it comfortable I suppose this is probably 16 inches wide it is and it's about 12 inches deep really doesn't need to be any more than that I like to have this back cleat wide enough because ever since I added in the 45 and the 90 it's nice to have that much more holding your saw so that doesn't it minimizes the amount of play and just allows you get a little bit closer okay so we're gonna use 3/4 inch MDF for the base we're gonna use walnut for the band on either end or just we're gonna dress it up a little bit and then we're gonna use walnut for the cleat and walnut for the fence on the top I'm gonna show you how did we get that 45 perfect any questions did you tell them that's the price tonight oh and and that'll be the prize that that's whoever we draw we're gonna send them that bench up we'll all of us will sign it on the bottom side so you can keep it as a memento not there not the old rotten one no the brand-new one all right so the first thing I'm gonna do oh yeah ask your questions interrupt me you guys if you see if your combat wounded but have you been if you have been one of our combat wounded vet students from the past we've had 13 classes and you're on there tonight I always love to give you a shout-out so would you please make sure you put that in your comment and these guys will see it and they'll tell me and I will stop and say howdy is davon super Davis here Danny is here Super Dave Danny Danny Bell Danny is against tinker with him and the girls you didn't say he will all right I got to square this up he's three Becker chroma laquer I will if we get a chance later tonight I'll go down then I'll actually show it to you I'm live at the dinner table and what's for dinner don't tease me I'm starving it's three-quarters sufficient yeah 3/4 3/4 is plenty I wouldn't go much thinner and it's just one inch is too awkward too heavy and I'm gonna use this to square everything up that side is pretty clean so I'm just gonna take a partial cut just because I hate this dust I'll use the dust collector now I got a corner missing there but we'll just cut that off in the length it's gonna go 11 + 7 8 one of the secrets to using your router apart me using your table saw as a a jointer is to not stop halfway through then you don't end up with where the blade just has a chance to run out and you get a big mark on there now see if this is I have no idea of this piece of square let's check our diagonals that's 19 and the 16 19 is 16 so it's right on so I want to get by this broken end so I'm going to cut that 14 and a half then we'll trim this in just need to take a gym pass all right now what we got to get done right away so we'll have it dry by the time we can ready to finish this we need to put a band on either end so we need to love a get a 12 inch piece I'm using this walnut I'm just going to rip this so that the two edges are parallel and we only need that to be about a quarter of an inch actually I can get this out of the way now I find this great for sheet goods terribly inconvenient when you're doing small stuff [Music] [Music] now we don't need them that wide they look to be straight so I'm going to set that for 32nd over 3/4 drop my blade down and I don't the plane off so much now that's not perfectly flat so I'll take that out a little bit more stage running over to the jointer flip it around and then trim it down the sides we'll cut these on the bench or sell any t-shirts at Megan Debbie is Debbie from Utah who did he recently who'd he recently run into him oh no no he was somewhere and somebody sent me a note that he met him but it wasn't in Utah it wasn't Bryan or Daryl finish brothers all right I'm just gonna square off this end now I'm gonna trim that back with the plane so I'll leave it a little bit long Sibbi is on from really iceland see the yeah he's a pilot it's coming he and his dad I thought his father were coming oh no his father came oh yeah father came to do the show Toronto was that this passion where I was sick as a dog there wasn't much of a host are you gonna tape those on why is a man that's probably watching talking about it yes no I'm not using tape a man on a bench crust oh oh the sauce well I should be using I should be using my joinery cry by bench crosscut for this you're gonna have to repeat the questions sorry okay Ken don't you have a yeah you got to go over there with your mic so there's the two different crosscut saws that we offer this is new and I haven't gotten used to using it had this one for a long time I love this saw liking this more all the time this is for what I'm doing right now this is for joints and like I said I haven't gotten accustomed to be using it because we haven't had it for that long now I need to I'm just going to hit that with the plain real quick and get rid of saw marks check my projection we had probably the best seminar wasn't a workshop it was a seminar down in Orlando last weekend yep no a weekend before no last weekend's great turnout great questions met some awesome people it was wonderful imagine me should be shaming you for not taping me I got a little what they did with my glue I got a little split right there I got to deal with right now I just noticed a little split in the MDF see that little crack right there so we'll clamp that down good thing is a piece of wood is gonna be glued on there so it'll be oh did I okay focus here Jake so the joinery crosscut the blade the usable blade is ten inches long the depth is an inch and a half there's fifteen teeth per inch that's what the fifteen stands for and the TPI stands for teeth per inch and they were a cross cut tooth so they're filed have this sides filed on this angle this files this sides file from this angle so those teeth go in and they sever with a three point a three sided point either side of the kerf and that gives you a nice clean cut that's the cross cut tooth this is a bench crosscut designed for general purpose work has a little more depth of cut you've got two inches the blade is 11 inches long this saw plate is 20 thousands of an inch this one is 25 so it's a heavier cut brass back is heavier so it's gonna cut a little bit faster it has 13 teeth Brants instead of 15 tell me if that's covered what they want now you think we're short on glue I better hit that with the accelerator just to make sure yeah no that didn't hold should you put it should you put the glue in and then clamp it no cuz that stuff only works but what I'll do is well I'll clamp it like that so when the piece goes actually the piece on here is gonna sit on top of the two so I'm not even why I'm worried about it but I need some more glue I just want to get this in the clamp so we can it can be drying while we're working on the other piece there's where I can use a piece of masking tape who did thank you Jim which one no wood is good or we're doing good so Chuck went up for Mikayla here get it right here pardon so I want to talk to you about something a problem or something we need to do it dawned on me just the other day I don't know why it's taken this long to or realize this that we'd bring these combat wounded vets in and we really excite them with wood work and to a wood work it's so therapeutic there's just everything about it is fantastic we send them home with all the tools they need stones planes saws chisels mallets just about everything and then they get home and there's no bench and they're trying to do this using table saw or heaven forbid a a shop what were those things called ken Shawn Smith no no the little rinky-dink foldable work mate you can't plain would do stuff like that using something like that and I thought well we have got to provide a bench for these guys oh yeah I got to make men admit happy don't them coming up here chasing me so what we're doing is we're looking for volunteers and what the volunteer is gonna be asked to do is once a year he's gonna make one of our hundred-dollar benches and ship it to a vet so when he comes home from the class there'll be a bench waiting for him I'll provide you with the expensive stuff the vise the bench dogs you just got to buy the MDF and the plywood and build the bench shipping's not that bad I ever I've had numerous people say count me in I want to be part of that so that sounds like something you'd like to do I need 36 people and I can just imagine how thrilled these guys will be to come home and to have a bench sitting there waiting for them it just makes this that much better now I'm making sure that I've got a little bit of excess material on both ends I should have rubbed that last piece to spread the glue a little bit I'm gonna put some clamps on this now this yellow tape I'm using is automotive to Ken so it's heavier duty than the painters tape that I'm usually using no no faith in the Med is what you're saying well I trust his judgment in restaurants shooting had been trucks he's just not trusted well he's a power to a guy in the process of being converted now I'm just checking to make sure that we've got excess material on both sides all right do I dare leave that yes and then squeeze it all right if it fails well a med you can answer that okay now we'll make a we'll make a cleat to catch on the front and we'll do just we'll do something like that we're not going to bother with that little bit we will cut a rabbet in it so that it covers this end and it covers the end grain of that and it reaches down there so that piece may as well go with the same piece we have here so we need an inch and five-eighths an inch and five-eighths by 15 and a half do you know the you know the costs of what shipping the bench pardon the cost would be like the average cost to ship a bed to ship the bench well we can we can I just got I just got a quote for one of the vets that wants to buy one of the benches and we can ship the bench right from here which is new where I'm sitting on the west sitting on the east coast of Canada right in the ocean and he's in Seattle and the cost to ship that completed bench was remember Jake I think it was 350 so if you were in the states and shipping it to another point in the United States it would be less than that I would be willing to bet that it would be half of that the minute you cross the border it bumps up the price alright so inch and five-eighths [Music] now it should cut this piece while I'm at it what's the two inch I don't think this is thick enough that is what's nice at the end I can get rid of it I saw it too now you know what I do need to do I need to put a I need to ban that the backside [Music] I'm gonna cut that off okay so what we're gonna do here we may as well leave that that full length and we'll just cut it down wait a minute now wrong piece no it's close enough so I'm just gonna draw on the end what we're gonna do are you probably new to red pen pardon I just gotta think of Laura we're doing here cute everyone that works so will leave a quarter-inch piece out here and then we're going to come down three quarters of an inch we'll go a little bit more than that so that we can flush it off at the top all right so we're going to remove that material so we want a quarter of an inch Oh get the height right [Music] [Music] now I don't want to do it like this because then you got that beast trapped in there and it ends up being a bullet so I'll turn it this way so that our our offcut is laying on the outside however I put my mark now easier just did [Music] trial and error what I'm looking at is I don't know if you can see but it's not quite deep enough got to come a little bit more [Music] [Music] now I want to make sure that we don't have anything in the corner that's gonna prevent that from seeding properly so what I'll do easiest way to do it is just take my chisel run it flat along the bottom like so and when you get out here it's difficult to just turn and come back the other way then we'll turn around and lay it like that and do the same thing registering it flat this is why you back to your chisels need to be flat in order for this to work and then what you see is a little piece of material coming off that would have otherwise prevented that from sitting properly there's Luther on did you know know how many people we have on tonight we were late we apologize we were late and getting notice notice out for this everybody's been away just got back from Florida though they were guys those guys were gone for three weeks okay so there's our front piece now we'll process this one you know what I forgot about this is I like to I need to have I need to have a reference on here and you'll see why when we do it so I'm gonna have to make that we could glue that piece on now how best to do it the reason is we're gonna cut this piece in order to get this perfect we're gonna cut a 45 on here we're gonna go and we're gonna shoot that on both sides so that it's exact 45 when we put it back together we're actually going to squeeze the blade in between it so that everything lines up and then we're gonna have a piece over here we're gonna cut that off we're going to shoot both ends of that we're gonna squeeze that together if we have a little shallow rabbet here what that will do is when we put this piece back on it'll line everything up now what I could do is glue a piece on the back that would hang over and do the same thing but is it going to interfere with how we're gonna make our cut and I'm afraid it is so I think I think think think I might add that after the fact so let's go ahead and process this first I'm gonna use my shooting board to straighten it out you guys just being quietly answering all the questions or is everybody asleep what's going on no no we have about 430 how are our donations for PHP do I need to stop and do a a plea what's that mean yes I do need to okay guys I need to highlight somebody did we talk about Dave last time Q coop all right I'm gonna tell you a story stopping and taking a break so what class was this Jake do you remember last one we did no it was so this was in the fall of 2000 and 1918 here's the class that's bobert this is Brad our good friend down in Nashville bill a lot of these guys so this guy right here this guy right here Mike yeah Mike's a huge supporter of our Purple Heart project I'm not true this criminal is out in the end oh my gosh that was someone at Heartland for us it just slipped in yeah photobomb this is this man's name is Dave his nickname was ku World War I pardon me in World War 2 he would love her here in that Vietnam vet while over the air gets shot three times as a result of field surgery ended up with gangrene and he figures they never ever did put all the pieces back together right because ever since then his stomach hasn't been right he can't lay down to sleep so he has to sleep in a chair now a little bit more before I get into the rest of it dave has nine children he lives in middle of Utah suffers from PTSD something they didn't diagnose till just recently but dave has of his nine children his three boys one was serving in Iraq can was killed one lost both legs and in Aiea explosion in Iraq and he has one boy that as of when we were shooting a room we were in the workshop was still serving in Afghanistan this is somebody that has done his part so camp come Friday we were there Monday to Friday come Friday I find out that Dave had spent the entire week trying to sleep I'm want to have a visual effect here a hard wooden chair never won never one to complain trying to sleep on a hard wooden chair like this and I saw and I said why didn't somebody tell me so we dug around and we found this IKEA wooden chair that rocks back really comfortable I didn't bother asking to borrow it formalities could take place later we got it to him Saturday morning we went in to get him he said rah that was the best sleep I've ever had I said Dave you hadn't slept all week you could have slept on a rock anyway coop was a good man and he deserved everything we could do for him and I got a really touching letter from his wife week later who thanked us said that he never felt like he or any of the guys he served with were ever were ever shown any appreciation for what they did until he came to our class and the way these other vets took care of him he said it was like bringing seven to six extra wives with him but they just the the level of appreciation and respect that those guys showed for him was just over the top made me so proud great bunch absolutely fantastic Bunch so if you want to know who you're helping to support that's just one of them and I'll try to focus on at least one every time we do this I've got a lot more pictures out in the other room Oh Jeff Jeff's on there Jeff just that's Tuesday yes hi that's two students yes I just one of those saws that you showed earlier is for Jeff now did you say Jack Lane thank you jack Jack's a big supporter let me know how you're making of Jack with all your contacts no I don't know why that's not biting but now it is now I want to check that make sure it's square and it's terribly out why was that not that's better in smooth okay now we need to cut that fairly close to length we'll go about fifteen and a half I want to get rid of that broken end anything which one is it this is the back cleat the one that we work against and then why are you going full-length pardon it's going this way yeah why are you going the full link what are you talking doesn't go full-length yeah you showing off now what'll make you happy 13 3/4 13 1/2 let's eat better now we can get rid of that crack I was worried about expect me to keep all this stuff in my head I gotta go up to this one cuz it's a little bit bigger have we had any donations oh yeah have we taken care of a vet yet close maybe if one comes from next door ok now how we gonna do this Jake we could clamp a piece on the backside but let's go ahead and cut a 45 on this I'll use my combination square what for hi what for to lay it out and we're just gonna use the lighter sucker fire mmm are you just gonna use that curve no I'm gonna do this over in the chop saw good somebody cuts a lot of brass on this [Music] one of the reasons why I don't like a chop saw especially on small pieces you see how much area where there's no support and this piece from just pieces getting banged is isn't even touching you can see how much of a gap there is not my favorite tool it's alright for rough cutting but not for precision work [Music] why do you have three straight lines and just one 45 on yours on that other one yeah cuz one of them gets well if you look at that real close you see how just from being used it got so beat up chewed up it wasn't giving you very much support so I just kept making newer ones that's why we're it's time to make another one even though we're gonna give this one away now I need my 45 and pull that blade in a little bit no this is sliding just wait you talking device pardon just put that right there check that am i doing how am I gonna get that on there no go back the other way no on the long thing right here it took a while but I got it okay that does not well just stuff right there that's in the way now I don't know how whether I can trust that exactly so I'm gonna grab another one and just see if both them are reading the same way because I think my shooting board might be out no this boasts a that the point is just a little bit sticking out a little bit too far so maybe do you think why is that not biting I need to sharpen yeah you got it pardon George hey George do I have I got a sharp one sitting there okay well let's go have a quick sharpening lesson not everybody here has watched a thousand times so you may not have seen this before I'm gonna use Jake's favorite method which is the the shopton lapping plate I'm gonna go in here this is a 16 thousand grit stone why is that not sitting flat I don't know but it's fine go in there and spend a few seconds flattening it then I'll come over here this is a 500 grit you can use up 1,000 set the blade down on the primary bevel that's the primary bevel get four fingers rated on the cutting edge I squeezed my right thumb between my left thumb and my left index finger to tie them together locate the primary bevel that's the advantage of a wide blade you have a big wide bevel now you don't need to polish all the bevels so what we're gonna do is raise it up three or four degrees lock it there and then pivoting from my shoulder that's why my station is down low locking wrist and elbow I'll spend about ten seconds working on what we call a secondary bevel and we'll do this as I mentioned for 10 seconds or until we can detect a slight burr on the backside of the blade at which time we're finished with that one and we're gonna come over here I need a rag how's your handle Ken it's so much easier to take it off now than it is to wipe it off later on this stone which is a sixteen thousand we're gonna do the same thing we did over here with the only difference being we're gonna raise up a little bit higher so if I came up three degrees off of the primary bevel for a total of about 28 or 29 I'm gonna come up a few more degrees over here Park it pivoting from my shoulder spend one two three four five six seven eight nine ten at the end of ten seconds put a little bit of extra pressure on one corner for three seconds and then the opposite corner for three seconds so what I did was just push like that push like that last step using a steel rule this is a nice one we now have there are no graduations on there so it's a little bit smoother operation put that on there lay it down stay on the quarter inch within a quarter of an inch of the opposite edge blade elevated less than a degree by the little steel rule prevents us from having to flatten and policy and tire back instead we just spend three seconds in this case deburring because we've already from previous or from the initial preparation phase put a little back bevel on there so our finished edge is sixteen thousand grit stones expensive but it's well worth it those stones make all these edge tools work so evaluate how well your tools are going to work based on how good your sharpening stones are if you need any extra encouragement to buy the best snug that up now I've got that sitting back about 1/32 of an inch make sure there's no debris on the face of the Frog frog is this piece right here that supports the blade at 45 degrees supports the blade and holds it at 45 degrees to the wood set that in there making sure that the ladder the yoke makes it into that little rectangular hole the bearing on the end of lateral adjustment lever makes it into that long slot in the blade puts a lever cap on that into position now you want it tight enough that it won't move accidentally when you're using the plane but not so tight that you can't make adjustments now wipe one way site down the sole so that the blade by looking at it appears to be parallel to the sole now we can go in there alright let's check that [Music] it always happens no I haven't so let me stop a second and explain there's my trend diamond plate right here this is such a hard thing to do to sometimes tell if you want to use the shaft and the shopton is the best this is the shaft and lapping plate I try to tell this story quickly I used to use all Shapton in 2006 I was converted from shaft from Norton to shopton and the difference was day and night I used the shaft and lapping plate the shaft in 1000 grit stone Shapton 16 thousand grit stone beautiful results converted everybody I talked to and then in 2009 or 10 can't remember is Christmas this month of December shopped and raised the price 30 percent overnight and it clobbered us now you're telling people that you got to go out and spend eleven twelve hundred dollars on a sharpening system well I'd gone from selling Leigh Nilsson planes which in Canada were costing $500 people didn't mind spending twice that on a sharpening system to working with wood craft selling wood rivers which at the time were in the hundred and fifty hundred seventy five dollar range and hitting them with a twelve hundred dollar sharpening system was a game-changer well if you'll notice this lapping plate which is glass with diamond in it it's extremely flat and the only thing you use it for is keeping the ceramic stones flat and it's it's grit size is somewhere between 270 and 325 I was doing a witch all over in England and the guy that developed this came by and said Rob want to show you something and he showed me this diamond plate well this diamond plate is double sided it has a 1000 grit side and it has a three hundred grit side and because it's diamond it will cut ceramic and I got thinking about cut ceramic because it's 300 that's awful close to the grit size was on this well I tried it so this one stone which we sell four hundred and forty dollars would replace the lapping plate at three hundred and eighty dollars it would replace the 1,000 grit stone and the holder which is 110 and 60 170 dollars because you have your 1,000 grit over here and it's heavy enough it doesn't need a holder nor does it flex well that made this far more palatable however the difference is that this is not as flat as that the only time you really notice it is when you do the back of a chisel and then it's really noticeable but like I said how are you gonna convince people to spend that kind of money so you can use either system Jakes forever wanting to use this because we prepare chisels and planes for people all the time and it was there and I use it and I love it but I I travel with and use my trend so no I haven't abandoned it I still think for the money it's a it's it's probably your best bet for the money if you want the absolute best performance then you have to go with the shop that's what you've got to be willing to part with what's that system cost and a say that's 200 200 for 20 and that is for 20 150 oh and 60 is 2/10 3/10 4/10 and there's an another 10 on each of those is for thirty-plus that you're looking at $800 now I'm gonna go in here this was just the advantage the advantage to the trend the trend system is that the trend is a good stone to have well it's a great piece of kit because it's almost indestructible all right now I've got to do the same thing with this piece this one is gonna have to not gonna be exact is it I'm gonna have to actually fit this once it's in place now I need that to be square and I didn't check it that's pretty good so that's good thank you Richard Norman did too Thank You Norman you going the wrong way hmm no well yes we'll go in and we'll fit these when we put him in place thank you gentlemen all right how long's that been sitting in the how long is that been long enough well check the glue saw hey Gary Gary's gonna bar no gear what yeah it's been no yeah not in that class gary was in our class in this it was the first class we had he was in Danny's and Danny's class Danny with Danny Bell which would be the last class who David Davey thanks David what can I do before I get that I suppose I can go ahead and cut this piece you got a you just got a plant the other band yeah I'm gonna go ahead and cut this piece I'm gonna do it on here though again small piece I don't want to have to go over there and now I need a bigger bench can I need a bigger bench there goes another 200 episodes I'll be like you how many benches you have no you don't just three four so what all right pull that out from the fence can't tell you why that squeals like that sometimes that blade doesn't look to be cutting square Oh what was that chisel landed on the cushion I don't want anything to do with the government no I just did no I they haven't done anything yet I'm not expecting anything I don't want anything I've come to realize it the best way to find the people that we need is to tell everybody that's why I say get one of these t-shirts and start talking about it the guys that we're looking for to help the most don't leave their home they're not going to places that your government's going to have access to them they're holed up at home they're dealing with all kinds of stuff and it's when you tell enough people sooner or later somebody says you know what I got a nephew I haven't seen in three years and that's how we find them so thanks but no thanks to the government hey I'd love to tell you a story but I probably best not is the short piece gonna be dangled I need that goes right there so I need to cut the chamfer on here first it's Tony on I haven't seen it's Paul on Paul's with Tony down in Ozzy land all right so there's our three pieces I'm tempted to go in and cut a rabbet on those why don't you do it I'm a but I'm gonna clean this place up a little bit and go to work on getting that ready I want to get this finished tonight okay we're now we're in five so I can slow down take a breather no questions someone asked what's a good budget dovetail saw Ken do we have a good budget dovetail saw yeah yeah yeah yeah have we got a screw up I did what do you want to go do you want to run out and grab those you know which ones I'm talking about there's a medium tenon out there that's screwed up is there a dovetail yes there is yes there is cracking the handle you want to bring those up there sitting up on top yeah I got a dovetail saw for you every once in a while somebody sneaks in here at night and screw something up and we instead of throwing it out we sell it at a discount fully functional cosmetically it might be a little bit flawed so as Ken was saying I was building tenants Oz and I went and turned it around so that the engraving was on the wrong side and then when you put it into the handle it gets you know this is one okay so here's for sale these are normally 250 we sell them for half every something not for half we sell them for 200 so this is a joiner cross cut it's already put in the box and I happen to notice that there's a little crack right there now the nice thing about this stuff is it's really tough doesn't go over to here it's just right there it'll stay together it'll never come apart if it does I'll replace it so anybody wants that 200 here is a these two just absent to the box they just haven't been cleaned up here's a medium tenon perfectly good saw brand-new but I the engraving is supposed to be over here see that gets hidden in there medium ended left hand that's right for that's for Super Dave so this one is a this one is instead of two so instead of what to 280 its 230 $50 off take that place and there's a dairy or inexpensive dovetail saw when I was doing something I bumped right there and there's a little bit of a you can hardly even feeling well doesn't affect it at all other than that brand-new saw a little wee dent right in there oh yeah that's a crosscut can it says dovetails oh that was the other problem too so we'll take another $25 off this is a double screw-up that blade is in a dovetail brass it's supposed to be a crosscut so instead of being 200 that'll be 175 or almost giving it away anymore I don't have a budget depth is no but every once in a while we screw up something actually I know I got some more there once in a while put your name down below we'll save you the next one but other than that would I recommend any of the dovetail saw no if I thought there was I wouldn't have bothered make him one I made I started making dovetail saws because there was nothing out there that was ready out of the box that anybody could use and make a perfectly straight cut I'll give you a quick little demo so you'll know but yeah that's gonna be quick here's how you test to make sure that your dovetail saw is working the way it's supposed to be and if it doesn't do this then you're in trouble cuz you're wasting your time I normally would normally would like to use a piece I want something a little bit thicker here's a piece of pine when I'm at a demo I get somebody to come up who's never used a dovetail saw ever in their life to do this little test just to prove now cut that piece off so the whole idea is you want to saw that will provide you with two surfaces that are ready to join together that means they have to be flat they have to be smooth tell you something really quick the straighter your saw cuts the flatter will be the two sides of the kerf flat and straight interact that way so here's what happens when you put the two pieces back together you end up with an invisible glue joint if you spin it around so that you're not matching grooves you end up with an invisible glue joint so now when the side of the pin and the side of the tail meet you end up with a perfect glue joint you don't touch it with the chisel you don't want in touch with a chisel if your saw doesn't do that you have the wrong saw your practice you're wasting your time so get the right saw bite the bullet spend the money you never regret it you only cry once right all right a med he's gone he left yeah he he took off before we tested his method the masking clamp may as well leave those have gone too we're ready so what we'll do now is put the put that against it it could have stayed in the clamp a little bit longer but unfortunately you guys aren't just willing to stay here all night now I already adjusted this so it would be square in that shooting board so now I'm having to go in and readjust it pull the blade in a little heavier down on this end this is just for looks we didn't have to ban this but since we're giving it away I thought we'd make it a little fancier your thumb and your finger can determine a thousandth of an inch so I keep checking with both or I shouldn't say with both with my thumb to determine where I need to remove material spot right there where it's not quite flush flush what brand is your n vice what what brand is your n device this is our own Ken would you coat be so kind grab grab those but you know our vices to we show them now sometimes rather than risk had it getting glue in my throat throat on my plane I'll just come in there and scrape that off first winds are a plane wax coming jig [Music] can we make any announcements Rick in terms of the bench video well everything is done on our end except the trailer which we filmed today and we have sent all the data off we're just waiting for the DVDs to come back and then we'll be good to go so sometime in the next week I would I would say two weeks to be safe but oh come on you keep it in that well it's out of our hands no that's the problem so we shot a new video it's four and a half hours long there's London on building our bench oh yeah here they are so we have these custom-made by a friend of mine in Ontario they're beefy it uses a double start thread that means whereas a normal bench vise you got to turn it sometimes as many as six rotations to move an inch this moves an inch and two rotations this is the tail of ice and that's why it's squared off so it'll make for a narrow slot and this is the shoulder vise has a big nut so that it doesn't droop when it's all the way out great pieces of hardware expensive they're $500 each but if you're looking to make a really good bench and you want great hardware don't probably trying to find it anywhere because there's just nothing out there that's why we end up having to get it made I might have to write amid and tell him his system worked I'm a little nervous cuz that glue is it's wet yeah but it's only wet under the tape if it's wet under the tape where else do you think it's wet the wood like I said it's only decoration I don't want it coming off now when I'm doing this and this is a this is a cutting there when you're banding plywood you got to be really careful I'm always looking down in the throat of the plane to see what's happening I'll try to keep the corner of the blade as close to the wood as possible lots of pressure out here so that you're not dipping so as you start the plane you're gonna take off this inside edge first and you're gonna eventually work your way out and by the time you get out here you should be flush with this substrate keep checking it with your thumb now I actually have to come back a little bit more because I've got some glue to get rid of and this is a little nerve-wracking when you're doing this with hardwood plywood you don't want to cut into your veneer you can use a block plane sometimes it'll give you a little more control just because it's smaller and a little easier to balance when I'm starting right here I don't have any surface to reference off of so I'm having to literally balance it in midair okay that feels good I will flip that one over now you'll notice too that I had the board off the bench so that it's not sitting on that high spot now that I'm it's flush on the bottoms but well this is high right yeah hey I don't want the glue on here and be especially if you're dealing with thinner stock it's gonna throw the whole thing off because it's not gonna lay flat you didn't finish the video the video so Luther and I did a finished for our four and a half hour video on building that bench that I designed ten years ago nine years ago and the video covers all aspects of the construction so that you can literally watch it and build it it includes cut list and what version of PDF are a pdf version of the sketch Jones plan sorry but there will be a for purchase a sketchup plan thanks to was a joke tom right night guys sleep tight same goes to felix yeah yeah dave says to say good night to felix he'll see him in the morning yeah stay dry where's soup he hasn't spoken up I'm gonna use a block plane [Music] sous-sous down in Florida is trying to quit smoking so everybody send out some encouragement to her so let me know let me know how you're doing anything hi she said she was on she just donated did she thanks - we're gonna get her off those cigarettes absolutely we went to lunch she went to lunch with us what was the name of that place know if you're ever in in around Orlando North Orlando and you're looking for a good place for lunch Athena catering that's a Greek yeah great food reasonably priced we did lunch there two days in a row now I don't know about you but I appreciate when I find out stuff like that because there's nothing worse than experimenting somewhere for lunch when I'm hungry okay that's flush now if you're wondering why I was using a block plane that's not flush take another pass drag in my fingernail like that I can tell see that and I'm catching mice all right flip that over now you don't have a lot of reference surface on this so I'm pushing down hard with my left palm so that the plane reference is on this knot back here and I'm not tipping down I want I want to reclaim this way until it eventually sits down and results in a flush okay yeah we'll go ahead and flush that up real quick I'm not flush it up just clean it up hopefully we finish it further than this with the hour and 20 mark and so far we have a piece of walnut banded MDS yeah what just put your complaint now this piece is ready to put on no no I'm gonna do I'll just chop saw [Music] we have a preference one look any better than the other this looks better no mark there where we bumped it so we'll put it like that now I'm not a hundred percent happy with the way that looks so what I'm gonna do is come in here and I'm gonna use my Maile Nelson skew our bench rabbiting plane now unlike most planes the blade stops back here somewhere but this one the blade goes right to the edge so that's gonna allow me to go in actually the grains running this way so I've got to go in this direction make sure that sits down that means they need to have it flush on this side so the blade is always you know anytime in a rabbiting planner shoulder plane the blade is always gonna be wider than the body of the tool so in order to flush it up on this side I'm gonna lay it like that push that down and now that's flush sight down there I need to get that blade parallel to the sole and you really have to develop the ability to look at that by eye and tell double check to make sure that that state needed to be this plane actually is tilting handles I don't need to use it in this application move this place now since I did that one I'm gonna do this one as well and that should keep everything square but I gotta go in and use this side so we'll come in here now you could do this with the shoulder plane just as well I just happen to like this it has a little more mass a little more reference surface so I want to keep that tight I want to keep this surface tight to this surface so that this square Bank up of the plane produces a square section in here and if you didn't may not have noticed but I only took a shaving on the inside so that wasn't square probably the result of run out on the table I'll keep doing that until I get a full width pass J think I got I don't see any saw marks now let's check that again alright beautiful fit that's what we want so before we build that or put that in let's go ahead and finish some of these surfaces off that are easier to do now before we assemble do you know that do you know if wood rivers planning on coming up with any more joinery planes in the future I I quit trying to second guess what they were doing I can't I can't follow them so sorry no I don't know should we go ahead and make cut that pass now or do it after but laughter so what we'll do here we can take off a little bit of material now rather than hog it all off later when it'll be a little more awkward five and a half like that I might be able to actually keep that okay we clamp here here and here and then a couple clamps down there and that'll do it not much conversation going on we have anybody left watching yep what are our numbers a current number is 534 that's 534 dedicated woodworkers who spend their Saturday night they're stuck inside anyway oh yeah there's nothing to do anymore so our contribution to this current episode of whatever you want to call it is we're gonna try to produce and publish one YouTube video a day that we're doing Jake yeah really oh yeah that involves YouTube Frick I saw it too it'll work you why it's not to go to work remember no you don't hockey's are done kids are mad at you for bringing them home from Florida that's true that's dedication who is it Jenova can write which is that sorry that's that probably butchered his name there but wooden boxes saw boxes oh well why don't you answer that Ken no have you got any ready the damn nails yeah email Rob at Rob Cosmin calm and Jake we'll figure out a way to build them Rex is on Rex my son yeah XE boy that rule unfortunately doesn't apply to New Brunswick if you visit the United States if you visit the affected areas it does but that's enough not the US ok so once that's dry we'll give it you're gonna be pressed for time on that one now so the next thing we got to do is put our back piece on and what I have to determine is how we're going to do that I know I know what I said but if we do that really need to put that band on first we put that band on then we can apply this or we can kind of rabbit right the reason I want to cut a rabbit is so when we put these pieces on they they they line up so if there's a rabbit cut on the bottom which would leave just a little edge I'll show you what I mean if we cut a shallow rabbit so I'm talking about removing removing this material leaving a little rabbit right there then when we set that piece on it references off that back edge so that all of these pieces line up what we want to do is this one is done we'll go in and glue this one in place we put the saw we set the saw like this and we sandwich the next one next to it like that line it up perfectly Oh didn't get all that off and then we do the same thing out here and then when we go to use it it's there's zero clearance are very close to zero clearance so ideas okay just what if you put on the MDF sleeve over the blade huh put the MDF sleeve on over the table saw yeah and just expose enough of the blade to create that rabbit and then run all the pieces through what I'm thinking of what we're gonna do right here if we go ahead and put that band on right there if we put this band on and then we put that on and there's just a little rabbit on there that'll still look relatively neat because it'll be walnut on walnut because this is only going to hang down just a little bit now the problem is now I'm gonna having to cut a a rabbit in something like this which is extremely dangerous I don't mind doing it but these pieces we can run that through actually for that matter you know what we don't have to cut it all the way up to here we can cut it right to there doesn't matter it doesn't matter if this is hanging out over it doesn't matter at all we wouldn't have to be we wouldn't have to be working how are we doing this I do this backwards am I just not thinking the throws like this works like this I don't think it should be a very I think it should be a small rabbit that doesn't look like it either doesn't look like it's square well we don't have to worry about it would this piece needs to be square with this one well the square up to it after the fact I can cut that now I can cut this piece how I'm gonna do that piece safely can't really do we have a plan B why not just use a router table with a rabbeting bit or straight bit either way you just you're holding on to it this is how people get hurt trying to process a piece of wood that size it has no mass so you go over and you're trying to process it and you've got the force of whatever tool it is you're using and just wanting to throw that and the first thing that happens is a bit of vibration they freak out and they go they let go of it and then it's out of control dangerous to work it's it would be smarter to actually go and start with another full piece and then go in cut do that dangerous part and then come in and make your cuts and with hand tools you're not dealing with any there's sensing no danger no stinks and I I've never I've never found a reason why hide glue would be superior to either the white glue or yellow glue I know they used to use it on veneer a lot but yeah I've never like I said I've never found a reason to you to let's yeah let's hear them clamp it to a bigger piece superglue with blue top all three into one piece cut a new piece from the middle one super glue to a larger piece that's the smart one start with the fresh piece but in order to move forward so we can get this done I'm gonna go in and I'm going to screw that piece on from the bottom side so we can take the clamps off Super Dave says don't you have a long piece of snake wood you can use no Vera that's our construction grade wood I'm gonna use our new screws that we're about to release on the public and if you don't know about them you're gonna want to find out I can use inch and a quarter I'll use number sixes so as the story goes every time we go into a wood show with super Dave and Kevin it's Kevin on yep keV our best Bela we buy our we stock up on screws you see all the bags down in here and this guy sells the best wood screw I've ever used if you haven't already seen the difference I'll show you here real quick there's what I've been stuck using most of my life you see how small the threads are and then I found these big coarse red lots of distance between them superior holding power and almost all materials has a self drilling self tapping at least a self drilling point on it and has little knives underneath the head so and soft wood anyway it'll counterbore it'll countersink itself well people were asking Joseph was it Joseph yeah was asking you know Rob where'd he get those so I gave him the contact information well this guy does not refuse to sell outside the province of Ontario so we got ahold of the display a display the distributor and sometime next week we will have those up and ready and you'll be able to buy them and they are the best wood screw they use at Robertson head but also a Phillips so you can use both and we they're the only number eights and number sixes but in sizes from half inch up to two inch on the sixes and three inch on the threes just we're gonna change the battery camera so the video is gonna go out for a second all right the audio still on the audio will still be alright I'll just walk them through so what I'm gonna do is adjust my my countersink bit so that I can go in there and I'll just put four screws in the bottom it's gonna allow me to get rid of the clamp so we can go to work on this I'm using inch and a quarter so we'll set that for the depth snug that up now I want to stay away from I want to stay away from where we're going to be sawing so I don't ever end up hitting it come in about an inch I'm gonna stay on the inside just because we're in that MDF I don't want to be too close to the edge we can do the same thing right out here now these these drill bits you can see it's smoking are tapered which is actually better because it follows the shape of the screw only problem is it doesn't cut very well and it's really hot I'm sitting those below the surface so we can go in there and flush that off now which which way is it's going to go we're gonna be cutting over here right so I'll go right about here here now let's clean this up first thing I want to do is just plain that can't really tell which way should be going so we'll just try one see how it works what bits are you using for counterbore countersink yeah hi yeah I guess I wanted the one in the one on the drill weird where did we get those McMaster had these ones yeah they got there they cut really nice I was quite impressed actually I thought we had carbide ones Jake we did and they got arrested they broke they got nasty they get rusty they were taken elsewhere where what do you mean somebody turn and they just wound up in different places I don't know what you're trying to tell me they're just not in working condition somebody ruined them yeah one of them has a broken tent and do who do we think Dave that way he left and went to New York Alaska should you have advanced to the bling well I shouldn't have left quite so much material that wasn't your plan you wound up with the extras cuz you cleaned up no right yeah which is a sad day in Canada because of this korone what is it huh coronavirus coronavirus they closed all our ranks left us with absolutely nothing to do but work in the shop Megan is most upset because Jake will be home all the time I'll be handing out toilet paper to the masses this week we'll be making it here yes all right now clean off this end that high enough in the air that I'm gonna let that dry a little bit more before I clean off those ends now we've managed to get this far now we got to do the back end so what I'm thinking is we glue this piece on and then anything we do with this at least it looks nice and finished because it's got walnut all the way around I'm not gonna like the way that walnut looks MIT's cut the other option is and remember but this has to be kept short too so that you're you're sawing down into here the other option is that we we start with another piece of walnut and we cut the rabbit we've got ten minutes let's wait a second what wait a second come here what are you thinking can you put that where's that band what if you had a tall enough band that you bumped up actually that's taller well yeah but then how you gonna flush it up well I would I would actually make it taller and then all you would need to do is cut down there and down along now that looks dumb sorry and I don't like that I don't like that look either I don't like that look this really needs to be banded so it's just let's just like that cut a rabbet on the bottom side of this set it in I'm gonna go do these two and I'll end up off-camera redoing it and I'm going to make I do it a separate piece so that it's done safely but let's just put this on real quick in fact you know what we'll do is we'll we'll put this on with Brad the little in Ken would you do me a favor and grab me the the grex gun especially on walnut which it's so porous you won't even see them I got to cut that down the street corridor what do we get in there for nails this is what you might call cabinet work as opposed to furniture but we are building a a bench hook so what I'm going to do like I need 3/4 no I haven't got my bench hook set up [Music] could you can't could you clamp the side of the block that you're not rabbiting with a heavier clamp for mass and use it on the router table I just you know what I've I've never cut myself well can't say that anymore can I alright so I only cut myself in the table saw once but I've had accidents as a result of small pieces of wood and I just don't think that there's many if any safe ways of processing it for the sake of another piece of wood it's just the best way to go now I'm gonna put this on and I'm going to clamp I'm going to use this little grex gun and if you're looking for a great nail gun a little pin nailer it uses a 23 gauge nail it's so small you can't even see it I'm gonna actually go right into the wood push down let the glue EDD and then hit it you can go right out here in the edge like that and not fear having it split it'll sink those down low enough don't hit the nail don't pull the trigger too soon wait do you see a little bit of glue start to squeeze out and then when you drive the nail in it'll hold the gain that you get from the pressure you're applying be careful because it's not uncommon for a little tiny nail to hit something hard and go flying off sideways in case you're wondering what a 23 gauge looks like it's a headless nail that call that yellow is glue that's that heat set so the friction when that goes in is sets up the glue so not only do you have the the physical nail but you also have the glue that's on the nail and you can buy them in numerous sighs is it just it's just a great little nail gun now while I've got that on there I'll go ahead and yep no not like we've never had to resharpen now they're hardly noticeable you can see him if you know what if you know what you're looking for okay I've got too many planes how are we for time I got five minutes I don't want to take them past two hour mark we still have to do our draw now I don't want that glue on my plane they're more or less in my plane I'm using the Wood River version of the Stanley sixty and a half which is a low angle block and if you're gonna buy a block plane my recommendation is that you get the low angle not the standard you'll find it much more comfortable in your hand because your top of your lever cap is here instead of up here so you're behind the blade instead of up on top of it much more comfortable this one's gonna get hidden just pop that cap up a little bit I want to retract that blade but by holding it like that you're still keeping everything in place you just take out some of the pressure so it's easier to adjust / yeah we'll just actually we'll save ya we'll say both those ends so let's just let's work with these two pieces I'm comfortable and cutting those so we're going to set this like so right so our rabbit is going to be cut right here bottom side right here see if we can do that safely probably best to do it a couple of passes I think need to sleep on it I don't right we're up high enough I mean this is this is high enough I'm just gonna cut not quite the width of the blade now use block to keep it tight raise that up [Music] we'll hire [Music] go slow so that you don't you force the blade too much than your wrists causing it to run out [Music] all right so here's what we would do that registers that piece and if we know that this one is square is 45 which we do we would glue that in place then we're gonna get our saw that we typically would use actually are you gonna use this one or are you going to use your bench crosscut whichever one you're gonna use once that is glued in place then we'll come in here and we'll squeeze that over but you can tell that that's not touching so we need to take more off at the end so I made that you didn't finish planing that one I didn't finish playing that one this one is done no I mean yeah that one we could actually screw that down from the top of a12 but we're not going to actually use these pieces but if we put that in place make sure it's tight on this side facing me look over here so we got a taxi yeah right I just gonna see when I plane that I didn't that part didn't get cut so we've got to come in here redo this check it for square in from we need to have that little piece of paper the it's not square so it's I've taken off more at the top and the bottom so what I'm gonna do is gonna raise my lateral adjustment lever that's gonna kick the blade down like that and take some material too much material off at the bottom now we'll check it again shame we do all this work and then we're gonna chew this thing all up first time we use it okay perfect so what I would do is after this is glued in place I would come in and I would put that in there and I would glue it right where it is take my side afterwards and when we remove the saw and we go to use this we have a slot that is the exact width of that - a little bit of the set but it's only two thighs and it's gonna give us a really good cut now this one has to be squared up ahead of time as well because then what we would do is come in here we would have that set right like that piece with a rabbet on it come in and we would we would plane this one until it fits perfectly and then we'd end up with a 45 here and 90 here and we can always use this out here for just I wouldn't say rough work but all right so we're gonna go ahead we'll finish this off we'll sign the bottom okto I'll throw a coat of finish on there as well just I might protect it keep from getting dirty I did the same thing with mine and some lucky son of a gun will get it and we'll find out in a minute do you want to do the draw give me some totals would you please how many people did we have on tonight what was our what was our busiest okay we're gonna try to do this more frequently are we able to do another one next Saturday we got to do our part to occupy everybody during this disruption in our lives we'll let you know all right how are we for donations you want to do the job wait a minute before you do that how are we for donations did we get a soldier taken care of we got one taken care of did we get two taken care of all right any final questions for us and we're open to suggestions on what you want to see no come with me Jake let's go real quick see ya well you guys are doing that so the nice thing about this product I'm going to tell you is that you can on a nice day you can sand you can spray sand between coats actually scrape it's so much better spray again scrape one more time third coat hour and a half and you're done full cure is probably 24 hours but it's dry to the touch actually if anything is to disadvantage to it if I was spraying this bench this table if I started down here by the time I get over there this is dry and it's subject to overspray so you can buy retarder which slows down the drying process you can by flattening agent which is right here which will dull it down so it's not as shiny so it's Becker at chroma I'm sure you can buy it in smaller containers it's called this is a call to chroma Pro so they've changed it a little bit actually the Nate I think the company's changed hands it says Becker chrome on the other side does it so whatever that is Bernal intro clear pre catalyzed top kote 40 gloss so I assume 100% it's full glass so this is just on the lower side of semi and that's it when you open it up actually I'll show you what I don't think it does I think somebody told me that it the company has changed hands let me just pop this off real quick and I've never inquired as to whether or not you can buy smaller containers i buy it from a professional supply it's supposed to be low odor but it stinks it's a lacquer based so if you look at the bottom when you start to stir it you'll see the flattening agent come up so you've got to go through you see it on the end of the stick you've got to go through and stir that in until it's a nice solid color if you don't you'd end up with just gloss that's the flat agent how long does it last well before we started getting so busy with stuff that we make that we have to put a coat of spray on we could I might go through have two years before a pail gets used up and it would certainly last that long you definitely want to use a respirator with it and that's a charcoal filter dress Parader I said the smell is terrible and that's considered low odor the other downside is if you're spraying on the inside of a cabinet you open up the cabinet doors and it's got that acid smell I'm not doing a very good job selling this to you but you asked it's the only lacquer that is certified for use in kitchens in Canada so it actually gives you some waterproof resistance which is not a characteristic of lacquer typically all right we got what we need yeah we're ready have we had our I have we had our last call for donations t-shirt sales you'll be selling to those saws the seconds yeah okay so I have copied and pasted all the names from the how many people how many people put their name in the Hat Google sheet we have can you tell we did 142 having 40 42 people yep all right we ready yep call it I can't see it can't get over there okay we show there's only the one project yeah and the winner of the bench hook is Ray Jonas and where's he from that name sounds familiar McKenzie BC well good Canadian congratulations right and our donation total was three thousand five hundred and sixty dollars so that will pay for event so we covered a vet and $60 to boot all right that's awesome thank you very much folks to certainly appreciate your help and we will do several of these during the course of the summer as we run our classes we actually didn't we do them one a live one with the guys were here you think we did we'll do that again okay I'll get that well I'll get that finished up you're not gonna you're not missing anything we did post the tail end of our or last lives our last live which was the sled hopefully you got to see it it's it's on our YouTube channel so you can find it any final words anything we need to tell them any reminders nope just look for a new video coming soon yeah a new video that bench building video will be out within two weeks guaranteed you can blame me if it isn't alright thanks again have a good have a good weekend relax enjoy life and don't sweat the small stuff see you later [Music]
Views: 16,671
Rating: 4.9621453 out of 5
Id: 2vkw3U3b5gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 20sec (7580 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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