Live with Rob Cosman Episode 20: Bed Desk

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no you didn't change your April no where is it I just that's not my apron where's my apron on the table tell me when you're ready Frick it's it's are you ready I'm ready hey hey no no are we lying we they can hear us second video is on Joseph is the first hello yeah and Daniel our regulars you don't have your headset on we can't hear you now now can I say it welcome to our 20th live YouTube workshop welcome to spring we're gonna do one of these every weekend that we possibly can until things calm down as you know our purpose in doing these besides entertaining you is to raise money for our Purple Heart project so that's why I had to have my right apron on we're gonna introduce the Purple Heart project a little bit later we've got a special guest he's typically only on radio so he's in hair and makeup for at least another hour getting himself ready for TV yeah you'll you'll enjoy hearing from him I thought about this the other night I said you know why am I the one that's always explaining what this purple heart is let's have one of the guys that have actually been here benefit from it tell you what it's about so you guys that are donating so graciously generously sorry kind of an opportunity to connect with him so tonight's episode we're gonna build this desk we're calling it a bed desk that doesn't go together well and this bed desk is for Angie so I'll tell you I'll give you a quick introduction Ken Anthony works here with us he has for the last year in a bit he's great he can do just about everything in the shop and can introduce me to his cousin Angie Angie is confined to her bed she's been sick with an illness for most of her life but she's gonna get better and when she does she's coming to work in the shop and just by chance he told her about one of these live workshops and her sister who takes care of her who's her full-time caregiver said well we'll turn it on for a few minutes and watch so they turned it on and five minutes later Lynn went to shut it off and Angie said no no no she watched the whole thing all two hours and then she watched it again the next day and now she's our most we can tell how many people how many times people log on and is she not number one she's number one so when I went over to meet her file I noticed that she was she was what she watches in her what they call a thing iPad and it's laying there she's confined to the bed and so she's having to look down all the time I said she needs a desk something that we can put the iPad on so we did a little prototype and this is what we have come up with and this is what we're gonna make tonight now it's gonna be made out of pine we needed to be light so she can maneuver it manage it of course it needs to be dovetailed and I thought we did nice have a little drawer in there so we're gonna have to do a little drawer and we're gonna have that drawer side hung that's not something we've done before side hung means they'll be there'll be strips that are attached to the inside there and they'll be grooves cut on the sides of the drawer that it'll slide on and I don't think I've ever done drawers that way so it'll be new that's what we're gonna do now at the end of the night oh by the way so what we asked you to do or what we give you the opportunity to do is to participate in our purple art project so it's expensive we bring 36 combat wounded vets in each year from all over the United States Canada Australia England the majority 95% come from the US we don't care where they come from we just want to help them and we cover their airfare their hotel their meals and we send each guy each vet we've actually had three females home with now it's gonna be about 3,200 dollars worth of tools some are donated but it's a big undertaking so you get to participate by making a donation to the Purple Heart Project through this through our website Rob Cosman comm there's a special section in there under PHP it's on the toolbar on the far left drop-down and you'll see how can I help and there's various choices there however to show our thanks at the end of the night we're we have a draw and we're going to give something away so tonight we're gonna give away a medium tenon saw with a resin impregnated maple handle it's fresh I finished it about three minutes ago and you don't have to donate in order to be in the draw you have to let us know that you want to be how are they doing that Frick so I'm gonna pay I'm gonna post a link and it's just a simple form three quick questions they just fill it out and what's it and that'll put them on yeah at the end of the night we'll do a draw and somebody would be lucky enough to get that medium Tennant saw so I'll keep it somewhere front and center so that you can be constantly aware of it I have no front and center I'm jammed up I'm out of space well in that case it'll go over here and the other and you know there oh yes so the other thing we're gonna do tonight by the way these are all family here so don't think we're having this huge eating this is Luke this is my daughter Kenzie child number four six sorry six Kenzie is a dental hygienist this is her boyfriend Luke what do you do anyway Luke no no he can't hear you that was bo sitting there he's child number eight this is my beautiful wife Kim don't give me a kiss for good luck tonight honey what guess we're gonna going anywhere there and there who are you who are you oh she sleeps in my bed ever done all the time this is Chloe she's our youngest number 10 and then Megan is over here Manning the computer and Frick's behind over there and Jake's behind the camera I'm here now you know everybody oh yeah here take you over here we have freedom now because we're no longer tethered so we did a little spring cleaning and we got found a whole bunch of saws that have cosmetic flaws I'll show you what I mean this one the engraving was put on the wrong side so it should be over here and because of that is partially hidden by the handle so we can't sell it as a first and they all have various little flaws like that I don't think there is any flaw in that one clean them all up made them like new might be I think this one has you know the other one oh this one has some staining in the metal but we're discounting them at 21% this March 21st so if you're interested tell them Jake how to buy on our soppy can they hear you yeah Hanley yep on our saw page not just our Safi the regular one if you scroll down beyond all of the regular size you will see a second listing for Rob cozzens professional and then it will be either a dovetail joinery crosscut bench crosscut or large tenant and it says seconds and you'll notice that the price is significantly lower than the rest okay limited quantity yeah and you don't get to pick you buy one of those and we'll send you one of them just so that you know we have one two three four dovetail one word of two four dovetail no joinery chronica one one joinery bench crosscut one medium tenon and one full-sized tenon but I didn't there's a couple else I didn't get done so they're actually there's one two three joinery cross cuts one two more dovetail one more full size tenant so spend away all right we ready to go yep when when what's our pop we're waiting until the numbers are up to bring on our special guests and do the introduction to 82 so what's our magic number we're gonna go 400 or so when we fit 400 we'll bring Jeff on so we're gonna make this out of pine and Jake let's go here this is awesome we can walk around don't trip on this site so this is our supply last time we went up to Mel's in Ontario and brought back a bunch of wood this is what we brought back in case you're interested this is this is tripled what did he call it triple a bird's-eye come close come close now if you lose Oh have you hone in on that real close even that surface is rough that is bird's-eye that is absolutely polluted this beast actually a little bit easier to see get some English walnut to your left osage orange here we got a log that we're gonna cut up we'll do that as an as a video someday that log is half English walnut half Claro walnut where they've grafted it in and this came off this was probably yeah this was a rotary cut veneer but they can only go down so far so we'll salvage something out of that that's some more Osage orange that's torrefied fiddleback maple you can see the figure on the side really shows out here on the edge some figured white oak got some cattle locs quite a bit of cattle ox got some mahogany in there that's what we make our what do we make out of that jig kerf extend handles yeah yes it is I said yeah yeah and that's more birds I'm Mara torrefied maple so I'm just looking for a piece of this let's just take a chunk you gonna let me know on the numbers okay close this door so it doesn't echo so bad did Mitch not get introduced catch Mitch in the back corner that's Mitch child number nine boy number four yeah hard to keeping all that stuff in my head okay so we are I already took this proto side up prototype up to out to Angie and checked it out to make sure it was gonna fit I was just thinking should we do half blind dovetails on here or should we do through dovetails the reason I say that if you were gonna be writing on that surface yeah wouldn't matter I think we'll do through dovetails easier to cut so the widest piece we're gonna need which is gonna be this one it's gonna be 10 and a 10 and 1/8 I'm gonna go yeah 10 and 8 and then we're gonna need so if we go 10 and 1/8 this piece is so 16 by this one then we need two that are eight actually that's gonna come all the way up the top eight and a half eight half by 10 and 1/8 and we'll deal with these stuff going on in there after so I'm gonna go with a ten an eighth inch wide piece will cut that down you know we got to get something clear I want to stay away from this stuff just because it looks a little messy this is a clear section right here so if we can come down we need 16 that would bring us over to here we're gonna interfere if that nots gonna be in the way let's come over here so we're down ten and eight ten and eight I might use my hand saw to come in and cut this up rather than waste a lot of would be nice if we could go although it's not going to matter and say have the grain follow we'll try to do that so eight and a half eight and a half would put us right here a little bit to cut then we go sixteen right to here and then eight and a half right to here so we need to come here finish this cut make sure we got enough tenon 810 minutes okay all of those saws are available huh they're all often available we do dovetails over you just put them up and just made sure that they're okay just so I can save this big piece of wood I'm gonna go over the table saw and I'm gonna rip right to here and then I'll I'll commence our band crosscut you couldn't do it no well we could well friction the way yeah you could do it on the other on the pointer how do you pronounce that watch that's got that crosscut in there we didn't change the blade I know see how straight that edges that may need to be jointed it's actually pretty straight how are we for numbers Megan now I'll bring the blade up high just so that the cut doesn't extend a whole lot farther I'm gonna go 10 the quarter the airs on great keeps closing in on the blade I know go again I got this for splitters all right you had to go harder try it now tap it in where's that coming from I don't know sitting there hi it was sitting there that's good that's good not a good sign when the board closes in like that a lot of internal stress in there that really wants to bind all right now we'll cut that chute jQuery my sauce that's binding see a piece of wax give me that please need a wedge yeah I Drive a chisel in there hold on watch your fingers nasty piece of wood I may live to regret using this let's see what happens I mean join us alright now I need to get access to my wider jointer which is covered in junk no I didn't hide it oh and we don't need that do we no questions hi not paying attention put Jeff on standby he knows he's in he's watching anyway get him nervous his super davon yep his Luther yes he's moderating the chat actually it's Ken yes how come no power gig I don't remember hi cutting the power the hit that hit that on/off button I just did come here is it shut off and the head the breaker off I didn't give me just a second I'll take a look it's I think it's in the bottom left panel dawn I flipped it back and forth to make sure tired wired so it can't be there's no reset well let's cut it up into smaller pieces and we have to process it by hand at least the bottom side can you skip plane it no I wanted to be flat alright leave the air on cuz they're gonna got a question yeah is the pine where is it air dried or a kiln driver kiln dried this came from fire you over for all right let me just joint this edge and then all you all you now I would prefer to always have a flat surface up against the fence but I didn't have that luxury this time we're just at 10 and and 8 so we don't have a whole lot to play with we didn't even get ten and eight down there did you remember the dimensions No better get them sixteen and eight and a half I'm just gonna get this close go 16 and 1/16 okay now cut that down even further we can cut a lot easier than we can plane so tendon those are going to be eight and seven eight and ten and an eight easy to choose on this one managed to get 10 9 8 on there all right good mmm-hmm all right Jeff ready I got it right here sorry house how is our attendance Megan 440 okay second never done this before you won't be able to hear Jenna I won't be able to hear C well you know you'll be able to hear him from the speaker in my laptop it's Jeff ready to go give me a second do you have him up no yep I can't hear you saying yes or no he's gone just second no so you're gonna go over and stand behind him no I used to be able to hear speakers on this are pretty low hey beau yeah I'm gonna turned off ready Jeff can you hear me I'd like Jeff if you can hear me if you can turn your speaker's down can you hear me all right shoot what's the matter it's because the mic is being used for this can-can the audience here yeah they count so can I introduce some of them I just turned over to him yeah yeah all right how about now can you hear me now yes all right perfect we're on right let me let me get your picture up here you don't have video of them or yeah we do you do now for some reason Rob's none of them but go ahead okay so yeah you'll notice half my family's here tonight they're not here to watch me they're here because they wanted here Jeff we only had him here for five days but left quite an impact everybody's around him liked them he was the heart and soul to class I'll let him just introduce himself as far as his participation with purple our project but he made that class probably the best class we've ever had and it was just his natural leadership and him being willing to pour out his soul and and share with everyone his situation but it was awesome I only call him this morning and I said Jeff I just had this idea would you and he said absolutely I would so Jeff take it away tell them whatever you think they need to hear what you're talking to with a lot of the people that support our purple heart project through their donations and a lot of them have a pretty good understanding but just in case they don't you just say whatever you want to say and I saw myself having a lot of sorry I I didn't have the audio on there I think I just turned it on can you start over I apologize sure no problem great I just want to thank Robin his family for give me the opportunity to speak to you guys tonight hello to everybody out there I've wanted to give an opportunity just to express what this course did for me as an individual as a veteran and for those guys out there who may be interested in it what it can bring you as well so just a quick background myself you know I was a I'm a a current active duty Navy EOD tech I've been in the Navy now about 19 years and about five years ago I started having some issues physical and mental issues based on some blast overpressure concussions that I had over the years and those manifests themselves in multiple ways you know physically have a lot of injuries but but the worst part for me was probably the mental portion and I think a lot of guys out there can relate to those PTSD related issues as well as the TBI related issues that kind of joined together with us the cognitive problems whether it is anger issues depression anxiety hyper vigilance you know whatever that might be you know I'm sure guys out there can relate to that so I went to the Nyko and Walter Reed to get some traumatic brain injury treatment while I was up there during some of the therapy sessions they had asked me a question about what what is it that makes me happy in life and I found it very hard for me to find an answer to that and they said well what makes you happy and I said really nothing right now and and she said well what used to make you happy and I used to love woodworking you know I had been doing it since about 1997 when I met my wife and just kind of died off over the years and partially because just like all you guys out there you know multiple deployments just no time to get involved in that and so she suggested that we can I go home and clean off a machine and just you know think about woodworking so I did that and I came back and I felt kind of this energy for woodworking again and then when I came back I was the Robb's Purple Heart project was brought to my attention while I was at Nyko and that night I researched it and I thought it was such an incredible opportunity and I had known of Rob Cosman and all he's done but I wasn't really tracking on the Purple Heart project so I applied for it and I was accepted but during the process of the application part I actually contacted them and asked them to withdraw my name the application because I felt like you know what I was going through wasn't really valid for for going to this course and you know they they convinced me that I was the type of person that they wanted to have at that course and if you guys are out there and you can relate to what I'm saying you know when you have issues inside your mind that affect you you know and your friends are walking around and they're there are quadruple amputees and double amputee isn't that you know you don't feel like the guy that needs help you you want to help your buddies who are in that situation so I felt a little strange after I applied for it but through talking to them and talking to other guys that have gone through the course it felt like something I really wanted to do and I can tell you that going to this course and and spending five days of Rob and his family has changed my life and it made me realize how much joy how much peace can be brought through woodworking for a guy like me and you know guys out there who are you know running and gunning for 15-20 years or even even just a couple deployments under your belt you know you need something that's gonna bring you peace and this course did it for me it was it was non-stop woodworking except for Jacob Rob's breaks to go play hockey and just an incredible opportunity and being with the civilians in the course as well as other military members was incredible because the military guys we all related we all had the same things you know when you you guys know out there when combat vets get together and we talk about experiences and what would blow through in our minds there's a lot of similarity there so we initially bonded by up with that but I thought was great was the civilians and military guys bonded just as much and and we learned as much from them as they did from us and absolutely incredible experience I highly recommend anybody that that is even intrigued by this concept to look into it further but I can't thank Rob his family enough they are selfless people they are a wonderful family and you know in its genuine you know and you when we stand up during part of the class and we talk about our stories you can see in Rob's face how much it really affects him and it this is it is truly his life's calling I think and and the support against was wonderful family and and Frick the the guy here who's doing the sound his cooking every night and the barbecues just it's phenomenal it's a family environment very supportive incredible learning and when I came back I started a company and I plan on doing this when I retired now in a year and a half and it's just been it's been a wonderful journey and I could not have done it without Rob Cosman so thank you Bob my pleasure Jeff you're the reason we do it we what's the matter we it's all reciprocated now are we gonna get him tell what he's donating get him to show his boy Jeff can you show them so Jeff if you don't follow Jeff X in this you need to fight you need to add Jeff on Facebook because he puts out videos all the time of him working in the shop stuff that he makes so Mitch over there is my my shaver I only shave once a week and I have to pay Mitch to do it but I lay there on the massage table and I get the whole hot towel treatment the whole bit and I started seeing Jeff was making these shave brushes it only took about six months but I finally got one and now it's all part of the routine so super Dave go super Dave got Jeff to make him one out of era wood and he even made him a little Bowl very would very would - dave is a precious commodity and apparently there was enough left over that Jeff made an extra bowl and a brush and he wants to donate that to to the Purple Heart project so how are we doing the if anybody what we auction again oh no he's selling it separately on so if you go to how do they contact you I'll paste the link but I think it's under O'Connor woodworking on Facebook if they do a search it is yep if you can go to O'Connor woodworking on Facebook or you can go to O'Connor woodworking on Instagram and you can take a look at the brush I did I did a video on it but I've got two here with me as well to show you guys you can't it doesn't really do it justice in this light where I'm in now but the the very wood is is incredibly beautiful wood it finishes wonderfully and it's starting to get that gun kind of greenish tint to it that the UV rays give it Jake had yelled at me earlier today and told me to get this thing outside so that it could get greener but unfortunately was raining so I'm sorry Jake I let you down on that one but if you go if you go to that site you can place your bids and tomorrow night at 5:00 we're gonna have the winning bid I believe it's up to $150 right now Wow and you're also going to get a nice shave soap as well so just really excited to be able to take this opportunity to donate something towards Rob's cause and thanks to super Dave for actually donating the rest of the woods and make this happen as well Luther Luther had a question he won't know if it works on legs don't pan the camera down cuz you'll see it move so there's very wood and that one all right Jeff that was awesome by the way thank you thank you rob I appreciate it it's mutual and you'll be back so this I can't wait tell me when were up some reason you're frozen in time yeah do you want to just turn off the transmitter and turn it back on technical difficulties well this is new for us and you asked me to do it less than an hour ago so is that true no fine two hours are we on one second they can hear you though you can hear me well I'm standing here holding a very wood saw handle so that you can see up close what very wood looks like this one is in the process of turning green it's not there yet I had it out on the window ledge usually only takes about a day in the Sun but it gets a deep emerald green it's beautiful color and it's extremely heavy this is related to lignum vitae which is the wood that they used to use for making stern tube bearings that was the bearing that the shaft that drove the propeller went out through the hull they actually made it out of wood because it's naturally oily and it would wear shitty well this is called lignum Viking it's Argentine okay also known as Vera wood so there's there's the bare wood and it's a cup if the lights right you can see the green coming comment and emerald green emerald green beautiful stuff did we show them all these uh no no we didn't now we got to get to work so Jake got to what was wrong one of the contacts who would did that Jake actually all right well we're gonna save some time ago were in the joiners working now where to get the very wood from the very free super Dave oh yeah yeah yeah only Super Dave is allowed to have very wood so if you want any you have to get it from him good luck I'm just looking for something to scrape I've got some Finnish imagine using my expensive jointer as a place to finish would that that come on automatically where's my other all over with the other jointer where's that's what I want now I'm taking off enough that I'm going to take two passes now these are a little short for this so I'm going to go corner to corner now I'm not going to do that it wasn't wide enough that's actually alright that's probably the limit though I wouldn't go any shorter than that should you explain to them the danger in doing it that a piece that short well yeah the danger is it the you nose dive down into that opening I'm lucky in that my that gap is fairly small shooting off again now these are they're probably plenty long enough to go through here but I'm gonna feed one right behind the other just to make sure then I'll feed the big one laughs now I want to think about thickness we'll take it I'm gonna take that top down to half inch but I'm gonna leave the sides for a couple reasons I like to elongate the pin but I also want a little extra material for when we attach that that slide so let's go 5/8 on the side so 1/2 inch and 5/8 that should do it that huge chunk it took out of that okay this one hi kill me err go ahead and process this one first it's the easy one I'm gonna square up those edges are straightening square of the edge and then straightening Square the ends I'm using a five and a half and my shooting board you hear that yeah yeah I thought about maybe we need to go and polish them that's ten and just Cheyenne 8:10 and just shine eight to both sides are parallel so I'll just go in and remove any of the saw marks need to take a few more passes here I still have some so when you're doing a long piece like this you can't this isn't going to square up this set up is not going to square this long edge - they're all I'm using that for is just a stop what I'm doing or the reason I'm using the bent the shooting board is that keep the square in this direction so when doing this you have to push with my left hand directly across from the blade pushing the board against the sole of the plane and I'm using that to straighten the edge now I'll go in and make these square I've got more reference surface here than I do here now it's possible I'm gonna flip this over we'll go in and cut a little chamfer on there we lost our audience see they were only here for Jeff what how's our power in numbers cut my chamfer flip that over how are we doing on Purple Heart donations dave says boy that thickness planers real nice yeah yeah I'll bet he wishes he had one okay so this piece is done squared up and ready now these edges first thing we need to do is square the stock up you can't do anything until that's square flip it around now when you're doing this in order to keep those two edges parallel you've got to make sure that you take your taking full length shavings off both sides okay now we can square up an end I'm not gonna bother doing the top one because we're gonna cut that on an angle but let's just so Frick you got the whole thing figured out so next time we do it we know exactly what's gonna happen sure all right so the angle on here you're gonna keep that big pieces okay what Jake you're gonna keep that big stripe of pitch yeah we can get rid of it if you want are you suggesting we turn it around and cut back yeah actually well there's some here too but it you know what that's that's what's Mouse that's what keeps it alive can you explain the chamfer you do before the full strokes on the shooting board do we have a newbie no that's from Nick actually I think he just wants you to explain it for everybody else Nick who Nick Brown our Nick yeah Nick we're supposed to be here no okay so in case you're interested that is ten twenty thirty degrees and so Nick asked will tell Nick so if I were to we can get rid of it going this way Jake well I was I wasn't saying get rid of it I was wondering if you wanted to keep it could line up if we were to just plain this end and not do anything special when we get here those fibers are going to break out so what we do is we flip the board around pull it out from the fence right here and we cut a little chamfer right there first now we turn it back around well you can see them now you can't because I already planed that now you'll see a little gap right there and we would simply start planing until that gap disappears almost if you go too far then you you defeat the purpose you can see it we haven't gone all the way but you can plane right to there and you're safe okay now Nick was invited to future events after so this was actually a different Nick sorry it just said Nick B so I thought it was Oh wasn't Nick wasn't our name differently so what I'm thinking is we should I I need to go in and plane these surfaces now because if we plane them after we cut them on an angle they're impossible to hold on to so these two pieces need to be surfaced are you making oh yeah I need to give a shout out to Laurie and Joseph in Honolulu I spoke to him yesterday I think they'd purchase some stuff hope you guys are well if you have to be quarantined Hawaii would be a good place to have it happen actually Kim and I have been there twice I was teaching on the yeah in the Honolulu woodcraft and they put us up in the Hawaii Prince which is right on walkie Key Beach we were running about the 10th floor and the window in the engine room which must be 8 feet wide by 4 or 5 feet tall just opens up like that and we would sleep in it that breeze a cool breeze coming in off the water would blow in all night long that was not just a dovetail yeah you should mention that the that bench crosscut is actually the bench casket that used to be sitting over there Jake show the show the price are again just real money so that price saw this handle this is the that is the maple that Shawn my friend down in the US of A who does all our resin impregnating for us so when you resin impregnate the wood it increases the weight by about 40 percent and it puts a beautiful finish on it when you buff it up it just feels like glass all right I'm gonna go in here and retract my blade because that was way too heavy and when I do this I need to overlap each pass or what I should say let me tell you how about what I'm doing the first pass part of the blade is going to be over the edge and the next pass is going to overlap that pass by about a quarter and then right on down the line and if you've treated your blade braid blade properly then you shouldn't have any plane tracks which are demarcation lines where one pass overlaps another you got to love that pine this is northern white pine it's beautiful wood to work it's light it's strong and it age who am i describing Super Dave light strong I need to resurface my bench no comments from Jeff or anybody on that who am i describing I'm gonna put them at arounds because I just started to feel the grain tear super just get back he spent the last how long he's up there mmm two or three weeks two or three weeks in Alaska helping his mom get ready she's moving from Alaska from Ketchikan down to Seattle she wanted someone to keep her company while she worked as a low blow what's the reason you take the shaving out of this plane and that Dave asking nope well if you don't and you pull it back like that sometimes the shaving gets sucked underneath the plane then it gets stuck on the bottom and then you've got to go in there and scrape it off particularly on wood that's really pitchy like this or when there's a lot of static so to save that now I can feel some plane tracks on there so I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna shift the blade just ever so slightly I pulled the blade in as well see if I can get rid of these so when I run my hand across like that I shouldn't feel anything and I can there's one right there that's better I'm gonna double-check this one this one has it - I was talking instead of concentrating is Loretto on tonight yep brew the rent is my daughter number three three child number four five five sorry nothing personal room I remember you she lives in Calgary and she's studying to be a equine masseuse for those of you like me who wouldn't know what that meant she's gonna give horses a massage and treat them with acupuncture and all kinds of stuff like they need it right that board isn't fine wait in my way or your bench isn't fun though the benches hit need us at work when you like we knew it's cops yeah well that's already the dovetail we'll pull that in and I can force it out I need a little more bleed I also have my daughter Annika and my daughter Karissa and her son my grandsons Beckham living in Calgary so those three girls live together out there should you explain that snipe you're trying to get rid of yes so if you can see that line that came from the thickness planer the imperfections of power tools and I'm trying to get down through it without running out of wood first now it's still there it's quite heavy although it is starting to disappear in case you're wondering what I'm using for a plane this is a Wood River five-and-a-half that's considered a jack plane I got hired by wood craft back in 2008 to help them develop their hand plane line and this is the result that's beautiful oh that stuff feels great I consider Wood River as it is right now to be the best value in hand planes I think Glee Nilson makes the best planes Wood River makes the planes have offered the best value for what you pay you'll notice in my tool cabin I have a combination of both any vets speaking up and saying hello hi you guys Jake hockey Jake who Oh Paul from from down in Australia howdy Paul howdy Jake we're suffering from hockey withdrawal they've shut down all of our ranks are you feeling terrible we're gonna set up we're gonna move some machines and we're gonna set up a we're gonna sell we're gonna sell some machines right then we're gonna set up a shooting lien on that side of the shop we got a net we're gonna bring in so at least we can keep that part of us in shape all right I can't express enough how gorgeous this wood is people always complain Alpine's - scoffs ease up know it is a beautiful wooded age is better than anything else and when you get into this clear northern white pine this stuff is an absolute pleasure what do you think Frick frack your favorite smells nice it does it feels nice it aged is better than anything else now let me let me be a little more instructive so when I'm planning a wide panel like this if you hold your plane like that and go step step step you could create this you could create that but by turning my plane on an angle I'm now we're not reading a much wider swath so as I take that pass it helps to guide the cut for the next pass and on down across the width so right here all the weight is right here this hand is merely pushing forward as I engage the blade both hands are pushing down on a 45 and as I exit I bear down harder here then on the front so as not to drop off the end and I can feel where that overlap mark is I try to hit it so that it motek if anywhere from 1/3 to 1/4 of the blade is that sticky there's a little strip right there I missed no keep the wax on it that's that pitch you can feel it and no matter what you do you put a finish on it and it'll continue to bleed through but that's just part of the wood you have 12 Lee Neilson flames in your cabinet I do know well here this is a Lee Nelson because nobody else makes a number 8 Wood River Wood River this is ally Nelson I rarely use but it's a little block plane does not have an adjustable throat this is Lee Nelson rabbiting block blade goes both to all the way over both sides but I never use it I rarely use it this in here is my 5 and a half which is probably out of here 85% of the time this is the Lee Nelson 10 in the corridor also known as a carriage makers plane or a bench rabbit see the blade all the way both sides also has tilting handles so that you can work up to a vertical surface without box busting your knuckles great plane I use this a lot I use this when I make our Ben RM dovetail markers draw it up to markers this is the Wood River four and a half this is the Wood River scrub plane this is the Lee Nelson number 112 this was a large scraping plane you know is I said was don't use it very often this is the number 85 this too has rabbiting capability goes all the way and handles tilt so that you can work into a vertical surface saving those knuckles this is a but more displaying so you can use it for mortising hinges and big open space so you can see the the plane is supported by the surrounding area you set your blade to the thickness of your buttons you go in there after knifing the long edge and the two the two cross edges and then you go in there and just clean out that material in between and you end up with a perfectly flat and parallel bottom now if you come over here this is Wood River this is ally Nelson skew block plane such a good plane that starting this year we're gonna have we're gonna give one to every vet that comes to our workshop that's far the reason why we now given them more this is the Lee Nelson squirrel tail and I use this quite a bit and I love this that your finger goes up underneath the model maybe some might but it's called a squirrel tail that that goes up into your palms it gives you a little more control this is the Lee Nelson a small router plane very precise tool simple but I love it use it a lot this is a Wood River half inch shoulder plane this is ally Nilsson five eighths inch shoulder plane Wood River 3/4 inch Wood River one inch and if you step over here I have this is the large the Willie Nelson large router plane and I put a base on there just so that you would have more support but else seven this is a Lee Nelson flat ba flat or curved flat bottom spokeshave patterned after a Preston this is the round bottom version this is a Stanley scraping well it holds a scraper in a position like a big spokeshave these are both pinnacle made by wood craft spoke shaves this is a Lee Nelson this is a round one for doing if you think about doing a chair leg and you're wanting to clean that up it would be I could do the same thing with a fly or a flat-bottomed but you're gonna have multiple facets that's gonna give you a little curve so it's a little bit smoother this is an old Stanley this is the I have a pair of these these are the 98 99 a side rabbit planes these are late made by Lee Nelson interesting tool don't use it very often but it's one of those tools that only that can do the job this is a Lee Nelson edge plane so it allows you to go in and square up an edge just because of the shape of the tool and this is a Wood River small chisel plane so that's the rundown and you could I use number one would be the 85 the five and a half number two would be the block plane number three would be the medium shoulder plane number four in terms of use would probably be the skew block plane now you know I would think the router plane might get used more than the shoulder plane when is it gonna be ready Jake should be ready before it should be ready before our next live broadcast next week and it'll be in that little dispenser be very convenient okay and it's not and no no it's not B's what beeswax is just too sticky I don't like beeswax at all maybe the bees do but I don't we had that actually was a formula that he worked around with to try to give us what we wanted was hard enough that it wouldn't cake but soft enough that it would leave a bit of a film okay so I didn't do that side all has to be done this isn't like a normal episode where we can pause the camera now what I'm doing right here is when I when I dug that down I want that to sit tight to the bench so just hitting both of them will pull that down and the bench dogs are counted both three degrees this direction and these are three degrees that direction other words if you had them straight up and down as you wind in your your tail vise they're going to pop like that and the board's going to be released so you have to have a little bit of can't so that that can't happen eastern and northern it's probably the same thing I don't think there's I think it's funny every every every well if Luther says it oh say no more but every area has its own unique name you know every areas got an Ironwood although they're not all the same but northern white pine is called white pine pine Eastern pine I don't know if sugar pine is actually a different species but they're related close enough that the I couldn't tell them apart lodgepole is definitely different Western pine is different southern yellow is completely different this one is the one that has that beautiful quality for use in trim or in furniture shakers used to use it for drawer sides it's light and strong pizza on Mississippi piete piete you're gonna have to call me after fill me in on what happened I'll tell you the Luther story hope you're alright got a little bit of a dip right there all right how's our how our numbers you hear that static yeah yeah yeah there is lots okay now the layout and this is gonna be a little bit difficult because of the geometry what are you doing and what I mean by that is that's a pretty severe angle so I I don't know whether we should put the tails on this piece or on the side it's no more steep than your than your cabinet where yeah it is it is I think so check and see yeah no it's not s it's not as well what we'll do is we'll lay it out with a pencil and then just kind of see what we think but I'm every intention of putting the pins in here but I'm afraid this there wouldn't be any strength if we put the tails in this piece and the pins came down here on an angle that's just too short of grain that wouldn't that wouldn't have the strength we want so I'm having to do these the opposite of what I wanted let's draw this out yeah I do all the time well actually I shouldn't say I do that all the time there's a there's a limit here's these drawer sides are made out of Aspen but that's actually a deciduous but it's a softwood the Front's although it looks like mahogany it's actually not but it's very hard and there's no problem there as far as exceeding expansion goes but you're not going to have an issue on seasonal expansion on something that's poor inches wide anyway you think about how much that's gonna move if this I don't think the moisture content and the wood in this shop because we control the temperature and humidity I don't think the moisture content in that wood from season to season would change more than a percent how much is this wood going to move I have its moisture going from 7% to 8% not enough to bother that I don't think so I often I often use pine just trying to think yeah over here we did all of these drawers are pine drawer sides on birch fronts no problem don't beat yourself up by using pod using a hardwood that's difficult to work on the side you don't need it don't need it while we're here look at this is that not gorgeous this is Pacific yew and I just I think it's one of the prettiest woods that color is just absolutely remarkable it feels great in the hand a little bit of SAP wood right there I did a couple of these it just it's the most incredible wood now you know I know I say that about a lot of different woods but there's another pretty one here oh this English walnut I just think that's one of the now the all the walnuts I think that might be the prettiest here's another one here just to colors and dark almost black brown that's a little bit of SAP wood down to bottom beautiful wood gorgeous there's a piece of red oak this sat on a river bottom for how long remember I don't know we estimated that it was 300 yeah so we counted the Rings so how many rings did we get in an inch thirty there were thirty rings in an inch and the stuff you buy today zhuzi nine or ten mm-hmm so that's when they talk about old growth so much wood so little time all right let's figure out this layout I'm not hurrying cuz I don't expect to get this done tonight I'm gonna go seven have we got seven and seven eight left oh yeah we got lots so I'm actually gonna go eight so at the 8 inch mark mark will mark one and then we'll do we'll just trace the other and often say what on your cabinets you put the depth the tails on the end like that piece right there just a second pay attention what you just said now it doesn't leave us a whole lot of space for a drawer does it I wonder we better still a little bit of more huh a little bit more height and we're gonna make this a little bit taller what were you saying Jake what did you just say this is the piece that you put the tails in on your upright pulling on these yeah yeah right so you'd see the pins on the top okay wish I didn't have that pencil mark on there you'll have to do this one cuz I come on draw these out come up eight and a half now I'm using P EC layout stuff this is one of the best finds we've made in a long time just because it's extremely well made and it's a fraction of the price of stearic which is the industry standard okay so here's our there's our angle now we've got to go in there and I'm going to pencil in the dovetail what we wanted to if we want to avoid really short grain I'll use my dividers now I'm actually gonna have to start is there a reason you can't cut this right now well I'm just know there isn't but I'm going to I'm just doing it by pencil first just to some idea so there's the bottom because I'm gonna have to freehand the dovetail in order to salvage those angles now I use my smaller square so you want to have slope so if we start right about here you know I'm gonna take that dimension and move it up here but the problem yeah okay we can do that so I'm paying I'm making the angle in relation to this line mmm I know doesn't leave us a whole lot of material there now let me go in here I'm gonna set this for 10 degrees because that's typically the angle that we work with on our dovetails and see how far off we are that was pretty close swing that one over 210 degrees you see the problem is here if we went 10 degrees we'd have nothing out here for a pin that's why I brought it down around a little bit more I'm going to step off on that top line Pete says can the bed desk work on a waterbed um you have two floats on it they still have water beds down Mississippi Pete was in our witch workshop first under so Pete was in both Vietnam and the first Gulf War Army and Pete was the life of the party what was this comment about getting a discount I'm trying to go over that past that line that's why I'm opening up a little more comment he'll tell us okay that's too small got to do it again I'm trying to be careful because I don't want to leave a bunch of marks on here the amount that I go past that other line will determine how big the inside pins are and actually I'm being too conservative I should have had them a little bit bigger I'm gonna go just to a little bit more problems this would be the last one so how many tails we're gonna have one two three four five six okay so we'll go with that now I gotta go back and leave a mark we have a mark we normally do this on the end of the board and then here we come in and we start on that half pin mark and we go back the other way however donations I haven't had to go any shoutouts okay if we go ten degrees on these any t-shirt sales we need you guys to wear your buy and wear your t-shirt so people ask you and you'll be able to talk about the Purple Heart we'll finish this I'll only lay out one side and then I'll just use it to trace the other or I might actually just getting saw them now if we go ten degrees over here how was dinner Frick delicious thank you least I could do you have been working me extra hard this week yeah Costco is paying for it no okay so here's our tails so where do we get into trouble you see this you see how short the grain is running this way so look how short the grain is going to be on that corner that's where you start to worry this is all right you should mark up the wings hi well this is your waist my biggest concern is when we're putting putting this together I don't want to break that short grain once it's together and glued I'm not concerned but putting it together however if we put it together with a block covering the entire surface tap it all in we should be fine so let's go ahead and cut this but I don't see much smoke we have to look at it you have to look at it this way and you have lots of slope it's not gonna come apart bandsaw or table or the bandsaw we did we do we reset we uh we've been doing one YouTube video a day to try to help with the boredom and this week we've been doing on bandsaw so we have one that were released tonight no more Oh tomorrow and it'll be on setting up your bandsaw we just put we did it on this saw today and it'll show you how to how to put your blade in how to adjust your guides your back up bearing the whole bit so I'm going to stay just outside of that line now we'll go shoot that um hi sorry I was off why don't you cut off the angle first and mark the dovetail the normal way well because I was saving it I was gonna want to lay it out and see what it looked like and if I needed to I need to be able to plane off all those pencil marks and like I said it's too hard to plane when it's angled like that so I kept it square now that I'm happy with that I don't have to worry about it though like it'll all come off when we're in but had I had I need to start over it would have been easier to eliminate the marks when you hear one continuous I'm still marked there were there they missed there I went lower with the bandsaw here that's close okay now we need a marking gauge set the marking gauge the thickness of the top now we're gonna cut a rabbet in this and we wouldn't we be cutting the rabbet in that set that for the thickness lock it now I already planed that I already planed that so if I if I set my marking gauge for the exact thickness when I put it together it's essentially gonna come out flush and then in order to clean it up I'm enough to plane all of this off if I set my marking gauge to be just a little bit thicker I just have to plane off the ends of the tails and bring them down to it so I won't sacrifice any of this thickness weight so I'm just gonna hang the cutter over the end just a little bit when I say a little bit if you want to look there's how much not quite not quite on the bevel so now we'll scribe a line on both sides you might have needed that bigger cut ahead it's gonna be awkward to do there have to do with a knife the other end yeah I do it with a knife okay now we can put this in the vise and I'm gonna put it this way because that's the way we're cutting them we're referencing off of the end not the side I need to come square across the end of the board dick you Norma dovetail marker is in the drawer you just put away mm-hmm Frick would you do me a favor yep glass of water please die in the thirst thank you now some are you're saying hey he's using a pencil I switch back and forth especially since people keep sending me pencils I could use them up because they can relate to me running around looking for a pencil only time I don't do that is when Luther's here mark your waist get out your weapon so how many dovetail size did we move see any of the other ones oh I think we sold the large ten we only do spring cleaning once a year okay we've been through this before but I'll I'll do it again cuts across the end of the board must be perpendicular thank you know we saw both of our large Tenon's cuts across the end of the board must be perpendicular in order for joined to work that's imperative the angles so the slopes doesn't really matter that's this is the tenon you're good this is the template you're creating pieces you're going to cut have to fit in there but when you make your cut across here and then you're cut across here remove that you have an opening on both sides pardon there's a little Nick's all across the end grain of what oh here yeah you can see that I can't back to what I was saying when I remove this waist there will be an opening here and here obviously goes all the way through but this size has to be the same as this size because you're going to mark your PIN referencing off of this end but what you mark from this end will end up over here so if your cuts were not perpendicular they're either gonna make this side either smaller or larger either way it's not gonna fit properly over here so you have to do that right get your lamp so that you highlight your your line both this one in this one lay your saw in there I have a very light grip I'm using utilizing the little teeth at the front of my saw to get this started I use my index finger and thumb as an anchor point to press against them with line it up so that all I see on this side of the saw is the pencil line oh wait a minute now shoot so I'm so used to cutting 10° this was purposely made more than ten degrees I got to go back in there now and make that even fortunately what you were cutting into the way yeah when it comes to wet transfer now recalibrate go back to ten degrees remember we made that one more than ten degrees to prevent this from being nothing at the base I do all of one side before I reposition my lamp and this cuts extremely fast particularly in this pine how are we for time 20 minutes how many 20 minutes left we're at an hour in 40 we are I think we're back what's the matter I think we're back we are volumes back did that question get to heard that answer Megan what was it doing oh so the question was which way to the nth which way did the dog holes go angle so this one the ones on the bench angle this way and the ones in the in the tail vise angle the opposite way so they face each other like this okay now should we just go ahead and lay that out you really didn't put in yet one yeah rabbit yeah if he is here from the October 2019 oh yeah he's a little shook yeah Abby you survived that earthquake in the threes all right let's go over and joinery and crosscut only must they must be meaning joinery and benjcox there's two there's a joinery crosscut I'll show you can't go below my line on this one so the joinery crosscut is the same size as the dovetail saw it has 15 teeth per inch and it has just mm I'd but the distance from the tooth line to the brass back is only an inch and a half so you have lots of control the bench crosscut I don't actually have one here because you know it's over there is the same size as the medium tenon has a heavier blade for thicker for a deeper cut has two inches depth of cut and has 13 teeth per inch it's a band it's an inch longer so it's a bigger saw more for what you would use just lop in pieces off and then you're gonna come in and get close the joiner crosscut is purposely made so that you can go in and actually join join right from the sauce so think about cutting the shoulder off of a tenant alright I put my line on the wrong side I'm gonna put down again because I need to I can only shoot it in one direction and I think what I'll do is I'll go in I'll knife that in sweat it with light so I can see need mark more light more magnification and when you get close to that knife line a little fiber start to break off it helps you tell where you are okay gonna stay away from that in because I'm really close okay now I think what I can do is I can saw right through that into the second piece and I'll show you what I mean lay this out first line these two pieces up I'm gonna purposely hold them up a little bit higher I need to be even higher still now they use a couple of oh they took all my clamps fortunate they didn't know about the two back there I'm competing with Kensi and Kim who are building an apartment upstairs in the shop my tools mysteriously disappear constantly now what I'm thinking of doing is going in here it might need to be higher keep me on line down there Jake great I can't see any more because although push that song this is the advantage to having such narrow set the saw guides the kerf guides the saw no play you know what I'm gonna try something I'm only doing this because just to start it do it from the sets more one no no the rip tooth and maybe because of the extreme angle was starting to tear at the beginning of the cut so by going in there and using the crosscut oh shoot Jake I followed that old kerf keep going I'm gonna come back and do them when I could see that last one nope this one up here that I screwed up on the first time I managed to do it in the second one as well now since this is gonna be the outside I'm gonna turn that around come on you you twist it a little bit you know what else I think I think I'm Way off I'm gonna have to make another piece you mean it didn't guide you around no no unacceptable can't do it can't do it now yes yeah so here's what I'm gonna explain to you I that didn't that little trick didn't work and as a result when I put a six inch long square on there I'm out beyond my tolerance my tolerance on that is an eighth of an inch and that's double call super ding yeah that is not gonna work so I'm gonna have to go in and I'm gonna make another piece I'll do that between now and when we film next weekend I'll make another piece and get caught up I'll mark this right now is no good this one will keep and we'll pick it up from there game said and let them take it to the miter saw he'll take care of ya heywood all right we got to do our draw hopefully everybody's had an opportunity to get their name in if you want to be considered for it how many do we have the any idea 254 that's good number get will give you will give you two minutes in case you haven't done it oh yeah it's fine it next Friday hard fast no no I'm not that good yet Pete all right so if you've been waiting what was it gonna tell first oh the screws so brick you probably can't do it can you even give me a couple bags of the screws the new screws just a couple of exercises so if you've been waiting for the video oh don't bear so many times I said we're gonna release it this is the new video on building the bench it's four and a half hours long it includes cut list includes plans you can buy separately 3d plans that will work through Sketchup if you like that type of thing it's two discs three discs plus and additive three discs plus a data disks no to video discs and one data disc two discs plus a data disk and it's all the information you need on building now as something else I want to talk about so I I came up with this Epiphany recently thank you we we bring these guys you heard Jeff and it did it it changes we have more than 50% of the guys that come to our workshop go away better and it's awesome and we have no idea how it happens we just keep doing it and we're gonna we're committed to doing as long as we're alive but I just thought about the other day I said you know we get them all excited they come here we work from 8:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night we send them home with all these tools they've learned to cut dovetails they're learning to cut mortise and tenon and they've figured out a hand plane out of sharpen then they go home and they have to try to do this in the end of a kitchen table and I said oh my goodness how how many people were frustrating so we I said we have got to figure out a way to provide these guys all with a bench and so we're putting together what we call a bench brigade I need 36 people who will commit once a year to building a bench shipping it to the vet that we tell them I will sub we Purple Heart Project will supply you with the vice and the bench dogs you get the materials you build it you ship it and it's exact bench that we use out there in our classroom just in case you are unfamiliar actually here let me just wheel this down over while we're talking this is the one that Luther and I built in the video that we're just about to release it can be done it can be done in two days a weekend if you work Sundays whoa okay how about if we just look at it from there it's just about to fall off and butt hurt the floor nice big heavy bench three-inch thick MDF top the base that apply was fantastic fantastic bench so if you're interested if you think you want to participate in something like this and we'll have you have you ship yours to someone close by you may even be able to be close enough that you can drive it to them I've had numerous I'll bet you we are at twelve twelve to fifteen volunteers already we're also looking for people to spearhead it I think what we'll do is we'll break it into three six groups so we'll have a what but who's in charge of a brigade well when I was we don't know this stuff somebody taught me real quick but we'll have some person he'll be in charge of six the six volunteers to organize it we I can't take any more on my plate or also I'm gonna get in trouble Luther's probably already freaking out right now because we're doing this but we have to we have to get these guys a bench anyway if you're interested in that please email me Robert Rob cause I'm calm and we'll we'll eventually get this started Martin PJ is awesome PJ dude telling make sure you give us an update PJ came to our last class four or five months before that he got shot he was fighting some Isis guys over in Iraq got hit one in the leg broke both bones another one in the hip another one went through the calf and another one in his fingers and then he shows up here in the class incredible the other thing we have is our screws are now went on sale last night and these are those 100 yeah they're 100 per bag I've answered that question a thousand times and if you don't and blame Chloe cuz she's the one she and Bo Mitch have been packaging them for the last four days anyway they're they're the best and we also have the drivers so that you have an actual true Robertson driver anything else to tell you so we're gonna continue to release a youtube a day to keep you entertained we're gonna do one of these we're gonna try to do one every Saturday night this is your date night next week we'll finish this off and then I don't know what we're doing the next one but we'll come up with an idea between now and then and we're always open to suggestions everyone I hope is put your name in for the draw let's do it and what was our what was our total for our donations for a Purple Heart Project tonight I didn't see them Megan do you know all right we're ready and the winner of the gorgeous tenon saw is medium tenon medium tenon Chris Abbott that name sounds from oh I was thinking Bob Chris where's Chris from is Barbara down tonight did anybody noticing no he is from Ontario Canada oh really Wow Canadian awesome Chris we're getting the meal T on Monday enjoy it okay folks thank you for attending we thank you Megan thank you Jake thank you what's your name Frick Thank You Luther thank you Ken Jeff Immelt thank you Jeff really appreciate it oh we're calling somebody else next week and this will be this would be fantastic all right you guys have a good week relax relax take care of the people that you love be kind everybody be nice do things nice and please do me a favor tell everyone you know about the Purple Heart project so that sooner or later we'll find that one guy through a friend or a family member who's been hiding out in his house that's suffering from all these things Jeff told you about and we can bring him here and possibly turn his life around hey we're not miracle workers but whatever we do seems to work miracles of people's lives so as I said we're just gonna keep on doing it have a good week we'll see you next Saturday
Views: 13,265
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Id: vqL7JdKQmpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 32sec (7292 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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