Rob Cosman Live Episode 16: Finishing the Bread Boards

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yeah we're live in a second we have we have audio and we have video someone confirm that we're live all right let's go hi folks welcome we're a little slow tonight because of somebody forgot the wrong forgot the gear so tonight is episode is the final episode of the year and we're finishing off our breadboard breadboards Christmas gift and we're gonna so try to get this real quick cuz we're gonna get to work get a lot to do so tonight the end of the night we're gonna do a draw of course we use this as a fundraiser for a Purple Heart Project remember it's somewhere between 3,000 and 3,500 u.s. per soldier we do 36 soldiers each year know that said last last time we did this we raised just over six thousand dollars that was fantastic so tonight being Christmas close to Christmas we're going to we're gonna raffle and not raffle off we're gonna draw names for a bunch of prizes so if you donate $25 or any increment of $25 for each $25 increment we're gonna put your name in that once and first prize is going to be the completed breadboard thank you thank you second prize will be a would hinge business card box including the business card this one is Birds Eye and I think that's I think it's cocobolo third prize will be a Purple Heart marking gauge fourth prize will be a purple resin impregnated dovetail saw maple resin impregnated maple and thanks to neck who just brought this I'm gonna have Nick tell you what it is he said he came in he said do you mind if I donate something to be the raffled off tonight tell them what that is yet roasted bird's-eye maple some walnut no what is it Oh she cooed reboard what do you do with it okay where's that word come from okay all right what the woods are in it 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 different types really nice-looking and and in case anybody's wondering that's not just a butt joint in there there's two there's two mortise and Tenon's in there yeah beautiful beautiful so I want to put this somewhere I don't know where ken could you find a table or something so we can put all this stuff so it's visible so everyone will stick around at the end and I got a Christmas present favorite Christmas present if you watch me on our online workshop I can never find a notepad so Angie gave me a Christmas present and there's my notepad so uh tonight I'll be taking yes yes paper a pen so I got an Angie pen and a mug for when I get thirsty what's the matter Jake's mics no no no so thank you Angie that was wonderful I'll use this I'll be taking copious notes now we have a quick presentation to make you should this is the right size medium medium this is Michaela this is my don't get overexcited this is my nice one of them near the favorite and it was her idea to come up with the wood doing good so and Angie picked the color so there's your t-shirt to add to your collection thank you and Merry Christmas you and like the Hat like the Hat what kind of contest where we're gonna have tonight no it wasn't that anyway buy a t-shirt help us promote our cause that's why we sell the t-shirts the more people that know about the Purple Heart Project better chance we have of somebody saying you know what I got a nephew a brother a neighbor a cousin hasn't been out of his house in three years he needs this and that's how we find him thanks again all right I'm gonna put the stuff over here oh yeah so we got to take one more minute or maybe a couple so we had a Vietnam vet in our class class number 12 I think he was in class number 12 and he's from Alabama and he had a bit of a rough time at first but he became the Alabama Mississippi Mississippi sorry but he became the life of the party and I think of all the all the right yeah of all the success stories that we've had and we've had enough of them that that's what we keep doing this his was one of the best it just we had some really really interesting moments and I know he went home a changed man because he's told me that anyway but his dovetails how would we describe them they were unforgettable and they needed a little more work so he said to us he said direct quote before Christmas I will send you a perfect miter now we were cutting dovetails I'm not quite sure where the miter came in but that was the direct quote so this box came in the mail not that long ago and came registers on top says this must be open in this order turn the battery box on until the flashing light comes on so you get in here to the box and you turn on the flashing lights and then it says open aluminum no press button on the card there's a card here you press the button and then you open the tinfoil and unwrap the unwrap the lights and this is what you find Canada United States well-positioned and that's Pete's dovetail that he is proud of and Pete I decided that you're only gonna get a C on the dovetail but you're getting a a plus in the presentation that was over the top so you no longer have to work on your presentation keep working on the dovetails they're coming oh so I salute you Pete don't don't please don't donate through YouTube YouTube takes 30 percent or more it's ridiculous so if you want to donate donate on our page our homepage Rob Kozma comm go under the Purple Heart Project PHP it says how to help and down through there's the listings of all the different link will be posted as well I did the only thing then then the only thing we lose is the two or three percent that the credit card company or the process processing charge other words we lose a bunch and all of it just so that you know all of our donations go directly to our Purple Heart project whether it's flying the guys in paying for meals paying for hotels tools we bring in Luther we bring in Super Dave as our helpers so Jake and Luther and I do not take a salary out of this we do cover Luthor's expenses I don't expect him to buy his plane tickets out of his pocket man puts in a tremendous amount of work unbelievable work so super Davis here Zoop Jeff O'Connor's here Jeff getting a call soon it is it's Patrick I'm sorry not Patrick Phillip I don't see love Gustafson okay so I gotta go to work but when that when when you hear and when somebody says I'm a combat vet that lives in one of the classes please say something so I can acknowledge them hi hey what what's the matter Oh Rob's homeless brother dave has visit yeah that's that that's my brother Dave how much did you come to drop off your donation did you want to come do you need help bringing it in yeah wheelbarrow maybe it's pennies his middle name starts with a c' cheap all right poor Makayla all right now here where are we from last week or two weeks ago three weeks ago so we got to get that dovetail together we've got to get that together right away so we can get the glue dried so we can go and finish this this has already been planed on the inside so and before we assemble it we all hand we will plane which one we're gonna plane either gonna plane these two edges of these two edges I can't remember which whichever one's gonna make sense I'll explain when I get there so I gotta chop these out need a good heavy mallet but yeah that would be nice this is a Christmas theme so Rex is getting the hot cider I wish you were here to join us it'd be great if we could bring you're ever in this part neck of the woods arrange to come and be here for one of these more the merrier right Michaela this how you love to spend your Saturday nights all right now here's the danger we're doing this unfortunate I've already cut down through here is if if I was chopping all the way through with the wood unsupported you know how it would be up from the up from the my piece of MDF you'd risk breaking this off but the fact that I've already cut down in through there as long as I'm careful I'll be all right so I always chop I got to remember to teach you what I'm doing I always chop with my chisels in front of me like this so I can see plum if you're doing it like this you have no way of referencing plum so chop like this and people ask me all the time how come you used to hold down I don't need a hold down I'm chopping straight down the idea is you want to chop starting if not perpendicular slightly undercut but never like this you do it like that you just gave yourself a ton more work and you don't want to be way down like this because you're risk having the chisel blow back behind your line ideally you start plum and as you start to chop the chisel naturally will start to undercut like that as the pressure of the waste builds up on the bevel and causes the chisel to slope down that's all right let it happen now yeah what did he want nobody knows but the dark one why oh my knees killing me how long's jeer at home for okay put this in the vise I don't like the way that get chewed up and I can't even tell you why because that chisel was good and sharp Jake where's my half-inch no I shouldn't be using this seventeen degree on this hard maple either I'm just gonna go in there and pare that I'm all right missus this works this works yeah no questions hi well hello and Merry Christmas week back to you you had to be careful fact that betters come out here so if you missed the the YouTube we did this week I cut myself on my saw stop I actually touched the blade if you want to see it there's the there's what it did which that's a lot worse than but did look like the day I actually did it repetitive cuts turning quarter by quarter stalk into an octagon to make would hinge dowels I was doing the last one at least the last one for the time and instead of using my little stick I ran it with my finger thinking that the blade was sitting low enough and the thing that scared me was the noise that it makes when it when it fires and then I realized I actually cut myself and it was almost a surreal experience everything is in u.s. I think Richard so I get asked this frequently so let me clarify it's called the Purple Heart project the individual who inspired me was Jesse paratus who was a combat wounded marine from Southern California and woodcraft we didn't have it we didn't call it the purple art project when we first started we didn't really call it anything we were just trying to do something to help these guys and liz Matheny at woodcraft was it called me up one day and said look we're gonna help you we're gonna put down the cover of our monthly catalog which goes out to a quarter million or more people she said we need to have a name and it was working with her Luther that the name Purple Heart project came up and as it turns out the majority of the soldiers well out of the 88 that we've had to date 83 of them have been American soldiers one was an Australian and for Canadians we don't care where they're from that's not important to us it's it's just a function of who applies and the severity of their wound be it mental or physical and we try to determine that when they when we review their application so we have had very few Canadians apply in contrast but you'll notice that when you do apply if you're a combat wounded vet it says are you a Purple Heart or sacrifice metal recipient sacrificed medal would be similar award for Canadian soldiers all right now I'm gonna take my little 2-inch square take that things all beat up you any idea why we'll stop doing that it's got a burr on it so I set that on there and I want to be able to move that side to side and have it sit flat if there's a burr I'm pardon me if there's a bump in the middle then it's the joints not going to close properly so that's why yeah check this now I also put my headgear on I can't so oftentimes what you do is you have a little bit material stuck right down there in the corner so if I have to fix it I'm going to come in here about Oh 30 second to 1/16 of an inch and just cut straight down or not straight down on an angle just to get rid of any bump this does not contribute to a valuable glue surface so it's not an issue you're not sacrificing joint strength because you've taken some of this material out is what I'm trying to Columbia South America who is it yeah well welcome his time zone wouldn't be quite so bad as some of the ones that we get from Germany and Netherlands Poland yeah he's quit was that he's up late question we have that you can tackle later they want to know the material of your sharpening station and the material of your sharpening station how you prevent it from getting wet and warped no I use exterior grade plywood okay now it's time to put this together so this is ready I'm just gonna check this first thing I have to do is come in here and I've got to cut my chamfers so make sure my corners are nice and clean down in here make sure these inside corners are nice and clean and I've got to cut my chamfers in here which will allow the joint to go together more readily have you ordered a brush from Jeff yet Jeff would you kindly invoice me for so Jeff makes these two makes hand makes these shaving brushes really cool check out his site which is doesn't have a site Jeff O'Connor you can find him hi does he under Jeff O'Connor just invoice me please so we can get one from you and don't forget if you're anywhere near Clarksville Tennessee it's Jake and I and super Dave are gonna be there at the planers edge what the hardwood Grove what's the planers edge that's his username oh come see Danny Danny is a danny is a Chinook pilot and came as one of our combat wounded vets and we're gonna go down there and help him kick off his business so we'll be down there doing demonstrations he's here when Danny's on there no Danny sure and he's gonna teach super Dave to breakdance is that that wasn't a deal that's worth it right there yeah that's that would be worth it if only he could teach him to rap at the same time now for those of you have no idea what we're talking about Danny was a I think you come a professional rapper and break dancer turned helicopter pilot go figure about to be woodworker and yes I'm using a chisel I keep one chisel for doing stuff like that and if it's I need to I can sharpen it up again all right so I want my steel hammer ken I think it's actually right there I think I saw one right there maybe even on the bandsaw I need my type on three I want a clamp is this little one I thought I saw it right around there I will rubber mallet just in case I got a block of wood that I can pound it together with and I've got a square all right now when we do this thanks again we only glue the long grain surfaces in case you're not sure what that means this is n grain this is long grain this is long grain and grain in Grain when we do this piece this is end grain long grain long grain end grain in there and obviously in there and in there now even though this is long grain and it's touching the end grain anything that touches end grain doesn't amount to anything in terms of glue strength so we don't bother with that milah and le yep my line le your dad is an awesome dad and I hear your mum's an awesome cook and we're gonna find out so we will see you guys inside of a month okay the reason I use a palette knife instead of a brush is simply because you can get you can apply the glue very neatly with a palette knife whereas a brush tends to get it everywhere and then the problem is getting rid of the glue they got on the wrong surface before you try to put a finish on there and if you don't find it your finish will so this is my preference yes exactly in little skinny dovetails no this is n grain I just got finished giving you a long lecture on it and yet I've hadn't put it on there anyway just because I want to know now when you want to do this you want to get this started by hand before you start to pound it that way if you're not in if you're not started correctly you may end up bruising some of those fibers so get it started by hand now before that glue starts splashing all over the place get that off now Jake mentioned the mallet nice thing about the rubber mallet is because it's soft enough when you're pounding the end grain of the pins will go up into the mallet and that will apply pressure on the tails all right now let's check this for square that actually looks pretty good and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some pressure on these outside half pins I'm gonna take my little block of pine actually do this different way put it down here like this it doesn't interfere and now with a clamp on there if I need to gain something meaning if it's not quite tight one of these that needed a little bit of convincing the pressure of the clamp will make it so that when you pound it doesn't bounce come back up it'll actually stay put so you gain you keep your gains and you want to have your block right up tight to the side of the pin as that glue starts to adhere if you sit it like this and pound you may end up driving the tail down but the material that has already started to glue to the side of the pin will end up popping up and you end up with a broken fiber so capture it by having your block right up tight don't mean to read some donations we got a lot yeah let's hear them all right we have Charles Terre fella is it Darren Coons Paul Odum Steven Bergman William whitson Jonathan Neil David Ducharme David yep awesome guy Brian your Blonsky jason Cosman rex jason Cosmin yeah Oh easy are we related well how do you know you good looking good looking Jason call me find out always good to find another relative okay I'm gonna set this aside keep going sorry for interrupted you Kenneth Coleman with a very large donation Thank You Kenneth Shannon set fir'd Andy Carson charlie ray Charlie Charlie Charlie William whitson Michael Bailey George barber Michelle Benson Peter George did I hear George George Berea Michelle yeah Oh Michelle life of super day Peter volcanus your mic still not on Jake Michelle Michelle Peter Vulcanus Dana my turn Abraham Penske from Israel Daniel gang Timothy Fred neck Mike Tucker Chuck Donald Erickson Larry Christensen Austin Burleson Tyler vest James Golub Tyson Hester Barry Frankel Todd Robertson Robert Phillips Greg worth him Ronald Phillips Edward Wilcox Allen Colts David Anderson Bob Cunningham Richard a Holden there's a lot thank you everybody okay to take a break all right take a breath pick it up and there so Charlie Charlie is a man among men charlie is a Vietnam vet and I could sit here and talk all night about how good of a guy he is he's just Charlie a salt of the earth Charlie and I'm not gonna tell you any more just you need to know if you ever ever everybody around here knows him is shaking their head behind the camera up and down no we got to cut that we got to cut the board's so we're making the board's out of did I tell them I don't have I don't know my tape my table-saw is restricted did I mention that yeah so we don't have a breaker so we tripped that we tripped that cartridge and then my brother-in-law has the same saw so I went down and stole his actually with his permission put that in ken and I were ripping brass there is an override that you can turn on so that you can cut non-ferrous metals and we were halfway through the second piece of brass and the it fired off again so SawStop is replacing both of those at no cost to us which by the way if you cut yourself on your saw saw stop we'll give you a new cartridge for free and there were 75 or 85 dollars anyway so all we have until Monday when the new cartridges get here our demo cartridge I had and that only allow the saw you said 60 seconds so I will sign run for 60 seconds and it'll shut off so we got to figure this out that'll hurry us up okay did we do everything the same as that one so what can I take the measurements right off of off of that maple one do you know I'm asking you Jake that's 12 12 by five and a quarter Rick Feldman said hey Rob I love the saws he said ah that's 11 so we could actually make these little bigger that's good Rick yeah that walnut was beautiful absolutely beautiful we had a great testimonial this week that came in on dovetail saw I wish I had her in front of me I'd read it to you okay so I've got the I I've got the opportunity to make this a little bit bigger than normal Michaela do you do you uh do you make bread ever so if I don't know if is that too small for a cutting board for slicing bread cutting bread you don't think so Megan though so would you run but if you want it would be one wider or longer or both wider well we can we can do that but no it doesn't need to be any longer see Megan Michaela grew up working in my father's Bake Shop that he had for years and gee I'm gonna use my notepad now so that's why I asked her so let's make the the large one should we go 13 I'm gonna go 13 and if that's six there we go six and a half or seven well I got lots of that well all we have to have is more than half of it so it doesn't tip out right and we're gonna be working that that's gonna allow four and a half so I think we can go let's go seven we can always cut it down if we go by seven and then the medium one I wish there was a formula on this that's that's a good size for banana bread that's the I that was the idea behind it that would be a banana bread one but if we make that one much bigger let me see how it stepped so I'm going to add that's ten and this one is 12 8 so we're two inch so that means we would go nine no right 11 11 and 9 now on this one we are six six five four so assuming that's going to work six and five okay now you got to make sure that we're dealing with an and that doesn't have any end checks now this one is already cut so it should be clean but I see some see them on this side but I see them on the end so I'm gonna go move your phone Rex please I'm gonna come over and cut this shoot you see those ready on the other end smell it so when you get an offcut like that what we're trying to do is eliminate in checks but I can see it right there so you take a little piece like that and if it easily breaks you know you're still dealing with in checks I don't want to waste this well what I'm thinking is if that's in the middle if those end checks are in the middle I can I can grab my smaller ones out of there yeah which are five and six I can get a five I gotta draw this out can we grab a pen so I'm gonna we can only get the five out of here so if we come in nine inches I don't want to process a 9 inch longboard if I have to run this through the jointer so 2 9 but go 11 they're gonna be 20 I'll go 20 and 1/4 and hopefully we can get the small one and the medium one out of there and then we need 13 go 13 and 1/2 so let me just double-check this so we got 9 and 1/8 of an inch and then 11 and 1/8 of an inch and then 13 okay so I'm gonna cut right there should be all right I don't see anything there did we even check to see how would this was gonna fit in there a little heavy good okay hi I'm ed what right in the middle of my finger [Music] now let's figure this out the met is my good friend from Southern California does beautiful work in fact a med made one of these gorgeous mallets for everyone in their lot in the class he was in so Tony's here as well Tony from Australia yeah he wants you to give a shout out to all the Aussies in attendance this evening so that they will donate he also wanted to let you know that Ash had to evacuate from his house due to the bush fire oh you know I read the other day that the fire was close but his family didn't everybody is safe Wow ashes thick is the combat wounded Aussie that came to our class I have to be in touch and Tony Tony is instrumental in helping us get a Purple Heart project off the ground he was there in that first class and he's the one that rally the troops oh we were able to send Jesse a work bench I don't I I love to give credit to where credit is due and Tony's been a big supporter and help so hello to all the Aussies and like Tony said dig deep dig deep it'll be rewarding all right let me get back on track here take which end is which where was it where was the check we were trying to avoid huh this is my 13 here okay so this one is gonna be seven I can I can I can process this so I'm gonna go ahead and cut that 13 off right now and then take this down so this is going to be 13 by 7 yeah I don't want to do the whole thing at once because I'm afraid I'm gonna run out of I'm gonna run out of thickness by the time I get it flat so I'm going 13 and 8 I'm gonna leave that there and just see how this winds up working what do we say 13 by yes 7 so I'm under a 1 minute time crunch by the way love that blade that is a fried egg how many teeth 24 tooth and it's the thin kerf so if you wanna this is a free testimonial pick one of those up they're fantastic I can't believe how nice and clean they cut where's the one that I ruined here we're by Michaela I want to show you this is the one that the saw tripped on where the rod Oh down there so I thought I got away scot-free that didn't do any damage but look what happened I put this on and and it was cut and weird so there's there's the tooth right there that gets slammed so if you look at the angle behind the tooth here behind the booth there and then you look at this one and that tooth is sticking up but if you look real close it started to break the seal that holds the carbide onto the metal plate now I don't know whether I can get that fixed or not but I'll take it out to Danny that does my stuff and see but that's that's and I haven't used this blade before we bought two of them but it cuts beautifully cross cut or rip and with that fewer teeth it cuts very fast love it great now let's see how flat this is my mother's here say hello your mother bonnie bonnie is Frick's mother she's also where I get my cooking skills yeah that's actually pretty flat Jake amazing she she also works at the local UPS store so she always takes helps us get her stuff out on time why is your mother watching us tonight should let her see her son hi mom frick frick play gold tonight he was our goalie first time he's ever done it first time ever and actually I got my I said I got Kim my wife to go down and take some video of them because which was an amazing job which will never be seen just in case Costco doesn't work out so I don't need to send this through the thickness but I don't need to run this over the jointer why there's no movement there oh yeah I suppose there's a tiny little bit there let me just see how much how much have we got no I got enough all right I'll run that through well I'm gonna run two thickness planer to keep the sides parallel faces parallel so if I get a board spinning like that that means it's it's sitting like this on the bottom side so I would much rather keep that side down because you've got two points and it's gonna be more stable if you're sitting like this when it's rocking and you try to run it over your jointer you're your weight is being distributed on the back and then on the front and it is not gonna come out as nearly as accurate as it will set it like setting it like this fairly late cut now I'll get close with the power tools and then we're gonna put a hand plane finish on that and I should be doing all three of them right now because we've got to get them all done tonight anyway how's my time is that clock right we're on 45 minutes exactly because we got a lot of draws to do all right so now eleven and and I can do the 11 actually I better do these two I better do these two at the same time that would leave me a bored too short to run through the thickness planer and this is gonna be six inches I'm trying to find that check Jake I know it was on this and I just don't know where I think that's it right there isn't this can you see right around here [Music] make sure your tables nice and clean yeah but it's it's pivoting in the middle of hitting on ends not pivoting in the middle [Music] is the you're gonna stay on all right now we'll run these through [Music] thanks again I just want to check and see how close we are I should be able we should be able to run these through the thickness planer until they just fit in there and then we're and with them we'll hand playing them they don't we don't want them to be tight in there anyway and I think that'll be that'll provide just enough slop to make them easy to get in and out [Music] how come your mother didn't come watching tonight brick I expected your mother to come tonight well I invited them but they didn't show she didn't see Bentley score okay no more than that [Music] let's cut this one down so 11 gonna be in trouble if that check is still in there should have marked it better I'm going 11 and 7 right 11 and 9 11 and 9 is 20 I've got a little bit extra so I can't remember where that check was so I'm gonna take a little bit off of here okay so that feels like a solid end so we'll make this the medium-sized board and this one gets cut down to five Paul Paul's a short-timer Paul is lieutenant commander in the Canadian Navy and he's on his way to Australia for a year or six months a year Paul called me up out of the blue and said Rob I really like what you're doing with the vets and I'd like to help if I can so next thing you know I said yeah absolutely he came down he was fantastic help in fact he's been here twice yeah she was we didn't we already talked about her who did you say was on before I might have mentioned she made a dog oh me oh oh I was thinking it was Michelle yeah hi Michelle she was the rose among thorns I'm gonna give a quick shadow to Nick's Instagram page oh yeah since he made a donation right that's right that's the marriage deal well we already passed that actually the deal was he would propose if we got got him four hundred followers and he said so no I feel you owe us one Nick but everyone should follow him @ NB would find rates on Instagram for those of you who have Instagram and all pasted the link that's Nick and Erica I would think that would be quite fine Nick sometimes men have to be hit over the head with a what do you call that thing alright so what I'm doing is just citing this in citing it in it's my gun sighting in my plane to make sure the blade is parallel to the sole every once in a while if you got a shooting board you want to take a the edge of your square and just run it along like that because the wax and dirt buildup in there and that'll keep it from running true so let's start with the big one what yeah well this is we're gonna book to find out so what I'm gonna do first I'm gonna do all four edges then we'll Glen and we'll play in the face and then we'll cut our chamfers around now when you're using a shooting board like this this really isn't it's what its function or this is not what it's designed to do your shooting board is designed to have more surface area along your fence than you do over here in that circumstance you can expect to square up your wood when you have more surface area being planed then you have referencing on your fence well it's just not enough there to guarantee that so all I'm doing in this circumstance is I'm using the shooting board as a means of stopping this board from going forward while I plane it but I am keeping it square in this direction so I'm pushing the board against the bottom of the plane and that will keep it straight this will keep it square that one's clean typically if you plane this way for this side spin it like this in order to get it in order to be planing the right direction on the opposite side and if and nothing better than the hand test it should feel wonderful to the touch where'd they go so super Dave and Michelle are both on yep he didn't buy it he didn't buy it cuz Jake said they were back orders they're still recovering from the big chicken loss if that Shack had been built properly those that weasel would never have gotten in obviously you didn't dump til the corners Dave I am surprised yeah did he hear that you don't have your mic on no it's ours but did they would they've heard what he said Jake said say it again well it's not funny now I said obviously didn't dovetail the corners on the chicken shocky build and then Jake said well maybe he did yeah so there has to be a response coming we just had Super Dave up here so super dave is combat wounded vet that came to our what class a long time ago long long time ago and thanks to his wife we ended up getting them back and now he's part of our team in fact he's come he's going to Nashville with us that's our present to his wife for Christmas what I'm doing here is trying to make sure I don't blow that out anyway so Dave Davis here making boxes for a week and he did he did an incredibly good job I like it because I gotta put an edge on this plane had one little sharp I used to teach in Calgary at southern Alberta Institute of Technology I would rent their facility in the summer and teach my classes there they had work benches and I just happened to show up one day as they were no actually that's a different story sorry Bosh and Makita and Ryobi and all those companies donate they each outfit a complete shop and they come in at the end of it at the end of the year they auction off all the tools the students and then they replace it all with new tools and there were stuff that didn't get bought so we were able to and I got that oh my got a sweetheart of a deal on that bought a bunch of boss equipment so that's the reason I bought it and having bought it yes I like it it's sure beats the I've had a Dewalt and I had a one made called benchmark which is a Home Hardware brand and the DeWalt of the Bosch is ten times better really like the routers I bought four of those little Colts at the same time and I bought their skill saw and their skill saws fantasticks got some real innovative features all right so I'm using Jake prefers to use the shaft and over the trend he has expensive taste and I'm using a 500 grit stone I hate throwing this out to people because I prefer to use what I tell them to use but Jake uses a 500 grit until he gets his own bench anyway so I'm starting on the 500 grit and I'll finish over here on the 16000 find my primary bevel come up three or four degrees above that light to moderate pressure four fingers on the cutting edge to distribute the downward pressure as uniformly and evenly as possible move forward and back so that you're not working one area excessively work that until you can get a burr on the backside of the blade at which time you come over to the 16000 locate your primary bevel raise up a little bit higher and I did on the previous stone so only the very leading edge is touching I've got my blade on an angle so that I'm staying on the stone most of the time about 10 seconds of work on this one and at the end of 10 seconds I'm going to put downward pressure in one corner for three seconds and then I'm going to switch to the opposite corner now when I say that what I'm doing is I'm simply pushing a little harder here and then a little harder here it's important that we do this because we're gonna play in the face of those wide pieces and we want it to turn out so it's perfect what matter why are you talking about oh why am i doing that huh I know you get a little hook on it but what good is the hook of it's only in one direction you know what Neal I've heard that too but I've tried it and they've rested now if you're talking about preventing rust on the trend diamond plate somebody said use Windex well there must be water in there because it did rust so when I'm using the trend I use hone right which is a water additive that inhibits it doesn't prevent it inhibits water from rusting metal now I'm you want to see how close I am frequently asked question Snug this up and you want it tight because the chip breaker gets acted upon by the yoke which moves the blade forward and back for a heavy cut or a light cut and it has to bring the blade along with it so you have to make sure that those two are clamped tight enough together that that will work and you won't just slide one and leave the other one behind wipe one direction and get that blade so that it's parallel to the sole and I sharpened that because I wasn't pulling off a shaving off the end of this like I wanted now when I see that that tells me that the blade is not parallel to the sole that it's cutting it's cutting like this so I'm going to lift up on the lateral adjustment lever which should skew the blade like this now do we have I have a piece of wax here Jake oh yeah we have our little Brian hey Brian did anybody see Kevin Kevin Buress hey Kevin brother how are you doing Merry Christmas you know donation to I believe I also made a donation I believe giddy yeah thank you Kevin and wife and and got a question for Della's kevin's service dog got a question from tony first of all Tony should be answering the questions your shout out worked because there's been quite a few Australian donations coming in Australian dollars thank you to the Aussies but his question is have you ever designed and made a hot dog handle to go on dr5 and have to work no it hasn't left me has not left me I'm going I'm gonna solve that problem yeah I'll share with you what I'm what we're talking about so Allen Peters is my mentor and I was over we filmed the you should buy this you should buy it because it's just a nice piece of woodworking history we shot a video Megan can somebody grab that video ken would you mind grabbing that video we shot a video called the Allen Peters approach I went over to England hired a company called she shoot just shoot me put a good name for a video company ring and we went and we shot it in his shop this is right at the point where he was suffering from dementia and one day he was Allen and the next day didn't knew who he was so it was tough but he had a he did everything with the number seven this is the number seven and he had this handle this little wooden handle that clipped right on there it was made out of wood it didn't mechanically fastened on it just the way it I can't remember I took pictures of it and I lost them since there's the video the Allen Peters approach such a great guy and such an incredible craftsman oh my goodness he could take his furniture and you could take it apart you wouldn't find an errant tool mark anywhere it was incredible and unfortunately in those late stages of advanced stages of dementia still needed to work because craftsmen's reward is in his work it's not in his bank account anyway he had that little handle and it would clip right on there so when you were shooting with it it was so comfortable to use and I should contact his wife and see if if that's still around Allen died several years ago okay I'm doing this again just because I put that new edge notice that I my left hand follows right across from the blade that's beautiful where's Michaela she gone she had enough past her bedtime Erica well you should know anyway because I taught him feel how smooth that is nice move almost as smooth as her hand the first time you hold it that was cheesy cheesy that was cheesy all right should we finish that one off or should we do these better get these ones done first a little faster there's too many too far behind read him let's give me a second hi just give me a second I'm just making sure I'm at the right place Dewey it's a good night is that has it been growing yep the downside oh look at that hopefully I got lots to spare the downside I was just about to say it of torrefied lumber is it weakens it so as long as you're not using it in an application where you can't afford to sacrifice are you're going to be in small pieces now I'm gonna shoot this way because this is a side he ba love the concept we're tweaking the formula they haven't arrived yet but it'll it'll be an item we'll have on our website shortly Kevin is the one that introduced us to this which i think is just a great way to have your your your wax well the problem is that that formula a little too soft on one something a little harder so we're working on that now I'm gonna go over and buzz that off on the table saw because there's more there than I want to have to plane I'm gonna try for and 15/16 okay we're all right stuff does come off beautiful beautifully alright I'm gonna go ahead and do the ends this time first keep me on the time morph brick let me just find where I left off here in case you don't know well we reach over here I'm advancing the blade what's that alright I found where I left off so Peter Pouncy Steven Patterson Steven thank you explosive ops gear must be a company Erik rice guy Steadman Michael de slip Jason Brown Kabuto Dennis hi Stan thank you to everyone I just when I hear a name that I know I had dinner with Steven in in Knoxville just a month or so ago Howard Bigham sue Brownlow Daniel Baker with that Oh Howard and Stuart Sioux - Sioux Brown those oh shoot sue your ass off you go so he saw his done boxed up to one the draw last time for the yeah nice figured maple handle I just been a little bit slow and getting it finished but I did it today it's all boxed up I'm gonna Ken's boxes Daniel Baker Simon cold Rick Jeffrey hood Luke Walker claude claude como at set Todd Claude como yeah from New Brunswick Oh is he yeah great Neil H I can't say his last name so I'll just say Neil H thank you Scott Phillips Kenneth dove and Christian Macomb and I will stop there for now I got another page but well that so the problem is this your wood fibers are a bunch of drinking straws in this case standing like this they have tremendous strength across their width but the natural glue that holds all these wood fibers together is called lignin and it really isn't that strong it's the reason why I can most I can quite readily I could hit that hard enough to split that there's no way I'd ever break it this way so as the plane is coming across those end the end fibers to the ends of those straws when it gets over here the pressure of the blade cutting the fiber is greater than the ability of that lignin to hold those fibers attached to the ones next to it and what happens is they separate they Bend out and they break so by cutting a chamfer and make sure you do this right because I've had students unknowingly do it wrong but your chamfer wants to go not like this but like this and what you do the idea is to plane plane plane and hopefully stop just as you get to the end if you blow past well then the fibers are gonna break out well I don't know I don't know what it is about the torah' fication that weakens the wood all I know is that it does now to what point well it's not going to substantially weak in the wood this way or this way but when you get into small pieces then you're gonna notice a slight decrease in strength and it's not tremendous but it is I wouldn't make I wouldn't make ladder rungs out of torrefied maple but that way yeah I hear it but we've made I don't have one here I've got tore I've got torrefied do I have a torrefied saw handle okay any other cat me other cabinet my other cabinet so it's certainly strong enough I mean when you're when you're using a saw and you're pushing on that handle there's a fair bit of pressure on that section that's why we always have the grain running this way through there and it's so at the torrefied holds up fine so maybe a 5% decrease couple donations Michael Curry Nick Brown familiar name Tommy already did that he did that last time to tile Parral bill Hoskins Lew Cogan David van der eat could be part of the dowry Tony Martin Sean McLeod Tim Kenyon Blanca Shaun McLeod really very Jeff Shawn on yeah very generous donation from Shawn hey Shawn thank you you coming net Sean's coming here a couple days and Tim Kenyon very generous donation as well matka black now I just got to say something move Shawn Shawn's dad his name is Bruce moose to the people who play against them and not only is he just a really good friend but he's an amazing example of what you can do when you're 71 he plays hockey no less than ten times a week I play every noon hour with him and the other times he's playing with far younger individuals he plays Jake and I and you can't spot him up there and I see people that are crippled up because of inactivity at 70 and then I see moose and I just think wow everybody needs to take a lesson from this the moose anyway sure I'm looking forward to your visit and I'll promise that Jake will keep his hands out of your wallet well actually I can't promise that all right time to do the face Oh ray so ray was in that same class at Pete the combat wounded Vietnam vet we had ray and rays from Louisiana and every time I think of ray I think of him driving the what was the call that he drove cam what was the name of that funky little cart that they used in Vietnam tell me what it is guys is obviously Luther's not on Super Dave will know the name of it all right we're gonna do the face I'm gonna get this out of my way happened to Rex I don't know but none of us got cider no I'm pretty sure it's still boiling out there somebody might want to take a look at it Kennan are we yeah Super Dave and I turned it into Apple syrup one night okay so I've retracted the blade and I'm getting a shaving just on one side so I'm going to adjust the blade slightly a little bit more the mule right who did it who says Sacramento tailwheel Aviation LLC that's us that's actually someone in the in the chat so they're under a business account but that's who told us what it was called yeah so ray told the story of I guess he was in a minefield and didn't know it he came down the hill the minefield and and hear all the mine sweep mine detectors heading up the hill trying to find the mines and here he is driving down through it I think I got that story right right this stuff planes beautifully by the way yeah and the finish that you get off of it is just to live for Oh Luther is here low thing he's using the same account as me again so for everyone in the chat it could be coming from Frick or Luther just so you know what are you using to lubricate the soul its wax right yeah it's a formula that we're working on and it'll be released soon just haven't got it the right hardness yet don't want it too soft now I'm feeling that to make sure there's no it's something in the wood I thought it was a mark too but it isn't so what I'm doing is getting rid of mill marks and the thickness planer and the jointer both cut with a rotary head so you get these small scalloped marks that you don't want to leave on the surface of your cutting board yeah what what's the matter Rex left the stove on and and left so the apple cider is extra hot word Rex go Rex is my son who was home for Christmas he lives in Halifax now I need a little you know what else I need Jake I need to come up with a little set of you know I'm trying to think of spacers is Shawn in town no I thought he was coming after Christmas this is soft as this is it doesn't stay on as long that might be my imagination but and this one I would worry about leaving a residue it's because it is so soft I don't know if you can see it but I'm continuing to plane because I've got a little snipe right out there at the end maybe one more pass will take care of it they can see it still there pass why do you clear the shaving after each pass well if you don't that's actually a good question it's from Keith error no it's from Ken Coleman Ken yeah I prefer to bring the plane back instead of lifting it up and if you don't clear the shaving when you pull it back oftentimes the shave and get stuck underneath the bottom of the plane and then you got to stop and scrape it off and the reason I prefer not having to lift the plane up each time and then set it back down is twofold number one it's heavy and number two every time you clump that you risk changing the setting of the blade so I find it much easier to just get rid of the shaving at the end and stay in contact with the board for some reason this this stuff is really subject to static it's almost like the the Torah fiying tempers that would or does something but it makes it plain beautifully and that maybe even easier than regular maple one spot left last one make sure there's nothing underneath I want that to sit flat what's up Megan hi Jai do some donations yeah great where I left off Susan Patton's Ken Oh Michael no I got cuz I got Nick and I got Sean and I got Tim Makela blaka Richard Gilson Susan Patton Ken O'Donnell brain and Lawrence Wayne lob enstein Raymond or Michelle abyss I'm ed again a Jim Kilbourne Adam Rock Sam - ah Joseph Godfrey Jerry Bailey Phil Lawton Brennan Phil yes Thank You Phil Brandon Phillips George Adams Paul Morrison Rick Feldman Paul Pierson Michelle pagan Nellie former you already read her oh she must have donated again then oh oh thank you mister getting all your Michelle's mixed up no new Weatherhead Oh Neil combat wounded vet I always tell the story so I was told again so Neil took a piece of shrapnel and blinded one eye anyway so we did the class and I had the guys the vets were really fast at cutting dovetails I said look if you guys want you can do something else with a dovetail because I needed to have these I want to put shooting I wanted to put tool trays on the end of the benches have we got mine in here can yeah we do so here's what it is if you can kind of see had this tool tray and we attached it to the bench so all the vets made one and then I said write a little message on the back before I spray it for future vets that are here this was Tom Tom Grimstad wrote gratitude joy forgiveness and signed his name and whatever so Neil did one up and that was a through dovetail so came Friday I was spraying and I was just about to spray his and I look at it and it says best half-blind dovetail in the West I'm thinking oh shoot I don't want to go tell him I said Neil look that's not a half-blind I figured I better soin over I said Neil this isn't a half-blind he says rob half-blind okay Earl Hughes Michael Hollenbeck John wait bill stop salminen Jane Curtis Greg Southard Rick Merrill Jeff O'Connor and Michael Frisell and Michael Michael fresh here and Neil even with two good eyes it was a good half blind Julie kressler Brian McQueen Peter Hughes Michael cedar Pedro Cruz Chris Takaki Satara and Jenn Fernando Keith wares and Mark gray thank you folks your generosity is much appreciated okay now we got to get to work okay this we can go ahead and plane this up I want to plant it first to do I want to cut it yeah hopefully this is the right direction you've got the throat closed down but it could be tighter so if we dealing with bird's-eye you can usually get a perfect finish on it but it does pay to have take a light pass now I may be going the wrong way super still on there so high I think so yeah Hansen any questions no Luther's doing that no sure that's sitting flat I've got saw marks around up saw marks but no marks right in here that I'm trying to get rid of so obviously I've got a little bit of a hollow you know what Jake time for new edge what have we got over there this one almost needs to be reground now this is this super hard blade that I've are made for me how many what do we got for numbers Nick do we need to review the tool the prizes for tonight I'd show them real quick Jake while he's doing that because we've seen sharpening a billion times Jake if you got your microphone on so you can they can hear you know how do you nick can say that one because he's got a mic and i can't pronounce it jakku to me cooter II she cooter means the city sorry so we have five five gifts we have a would hinge box perfect for business cars made out of comes with a free business guy show the hinge Meghan on the back it's a five pin ER whoo that's a bonus I usually do three pins in the business card boxes we have a Purple Heart marking gauge and the grand prize of a resin impregnated purple purple resin purple resin impregnated pregnant Elsa but they can change the saw right or nose - nope that's the dovetail saw alright I thought it shows better as it's in its finished state guaranteed to cut dovetails like a maestro well I usually do it before every sharpening but when I'm at home I often will use one half of it one time the other half the other time and then I only have to do it every couple of it not a bad habit to be in plus it helps with repeat customers wear it out quicker don't forget to Like and subscribe we're 200 subscribers away oh yeah from our first plaque which is what I'm most excited about I've never seen one in real real life now this is not I got a I got to adjust this slightly because it's a little bit of skew and I my blade is hitting there my blade was hitting on the right corner before I was able to get it parallel to the sole do that again so this is a bedrock style frog so by loosening those two outside frog retaining screws actually I got to pull it back a little bit that blade is a little bit thicker than the last one so the center screw pulls the whole apparatus back then when I get it where I want it I retighten the two outside frog retaining screws but I would having to remove the blade I'm back in business okay retract that blade never want to start planning with the blade out an undetermined amount did Phil ever come on Philip Philip Guston Gustafson I'm adjusting slightly a little too far why am I not able to get down in there Jake it shows actually as a bump I'm just going until I get rid of pen marks one more one more series of passes actually I'm gonna do it here I hope to reach over quite so far yeah but it's getting in there okay now I think I'll do the edges after we're done this so let's try this yeah he's also in a seattle class you're doing oh yeah all good things are worth waiting for okay so that looks alright in terms of the size of those pieces now we've got to cut our champers all the way around that and we got a we got a slope this so have we got a have we got an angle that we can follow and by that I mean Jake what I want is as you see the different size in the shooting board or the shooting parts in the cutting boards I kind of want to follow that so that is referencing off that's referencing off the inside corners of each of those boards double check that okay so what I'll do now just come in and we'll follow that I'll do it in pencil case we change it pede Ambrose said he likes the Hat but you're too clean-shaven to be the big guy that's our that's our famous Pete speaking Merry Christmas Pete now did we do the bottom one yeah we did only not nearly as much so this one same idea we're going to follow we're gonna follow the ends of these or in this case I'll follow the Danny said he sold his first cosmic saw the other day yeah yeah I was talking to him and that came back two days later cuz he dropped this he dropped it the customer dropped it yeah been two blade seriously yeah yeah I got talking about who he's selling the sauce to I see oh Ken look what I found Santa Claus it says to Ken open it up what kind of wood is that did I hear somebody say that was my favorite Merry Christmas by the way I only got I only had well that's what this box is it's a second cuz they know i need to needs a couple more coats of oil i was gonna give it to layer but jake said aren't you gonna give it to him tonight so I hurried that feel great look at the other a little bit of SAP wood on the horn I can't wait to get mine Pacific you that's the first time I've ever worked with you Alan Peters was a big fan of it really liked English you he's right you'll need a new lid I'm gonna keep the lid unless you sell it to someone named Ken if I get my notes going on eBay everybody know Rick's getting a goalie stick okay now best way to cut those you know did yeah I know I'm just trying to think it was the best way to cut them it's going to be I think would be the bandsaw and then just shoot it with plain I got to do it I gotta flip this over to well here we'll just carry them carry them over that needs to get used Ken Megan I didn't get yours finished you have a kitchen table didn't you get didn't you get friction and erica's why would they get mine old kitchen table that they didn't use anymore we use it everyday the Christmas trees on it now I'm not gonna be able to cut that on the bandsaw because I don't have the height no I don't I don't think so well maybe so who did I make a kitchen table for that they no longer use oh they took the one that I made them with the painted legs love this bandsaw by the way this is an old General Canadian we had an extra one so we gave it to Super Dave [Music] you know what I can cut that I think I can get far enough away got a run back over there any more to read out for donations viewers shoot cake I can take this off oh no I can't well yeah cuz that that holds it that just locks it no I'm clearing it I don't take the time to put that back on right now it'll end up getting swept and thrown away now with this are we gonna do this left hand shooting board huh I can't use a left hand shooting board and I'm not left-handed here I can do it well Dave's that's why we call them super Dave I'm just I'm just I'm just straight Rob here I got it there's a will now what I would like to have is something just to act as a bit of a like so oh you know what no should be okay a little bit right up there at the top that when I go to the shooting board what's what's that doing here this is where I want to have my shooting board held in place okay clean how are we for time now we can get at least one of these done so we can show it okay I'm gonna I'm going have we got a router table set up I never thought about doing that no I don't tear that apart I'll do it I'll do it by hand yeah it's all we're setting up right here it's one of these little Colts that I I bought which if you're looking for a trim router that's of the three different brands I've had that is by far the best another one of those Bosch okay how much do we want that's too much cut those corners off - what do you do with all the wood shavings after a cleanup Mike Janicki wants to know what clean up what do we do with them Paul says I heard they used them to make a bed for Super Dave when he visits a bed the wood shavings use the wood shavings you make him sleep standing up that last one might have had too much I'm gonna go with a little less [Music] and I put an auxilary base on this just because in situations like this where you only have a half actually less than half of your router base sitting on your piece comes a bit of a balancing issue [Music] [Music] the other nice thing about these is they're so nice and light you can easily one-hand them well the static on this stuff is crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm afraid we're not gonna get all three done but we'll at least do this one up yeah there's two different ones that I like I really like Freud and I I like Whiteside Whiteside are made and I think North Carolina and their packaging sucks you can't see to tell what it is but they make a great bit I just wish they wouldn't they're packaging you go into a store that has them and it's so it's it's clear plastic container with black fine black lettering on it and you're looking through the container at the same time you're trying to read the letters it's hard minor complaint but all right so we got a got a got a chamfer on that as well yeah I am I'm just trying to think of how best to do it and how much do we want now I didn't I didn't take the corners off this one but so here's the reason why if you look at this one bring them over here that was the more refined this was the first idea so those were left pointed well with any time they'll get all dinged up and dented and it shows much more on a sharp corner than it would on something like this so I blunted those I actually like the way that looks so we're definitely going to do it if I had a way of doing it on the table saw where I could zip it off and then just shoot it with the plain real fast could hold it on its edge yeah where's my I know what to do we we can do them all crank that around to 45 degrees I have a I have a shooting board I'm not a shooting board what am I talking about what do we call this Jake misled table saw sled did you say that Frick yes I did oh my goodness I'm paying attention can I can I tell them quickly that we just finished the first draft of the work build so we're making progress slowly but ready to bring up if you're if you're looking for the new video that Luther and I did on building the $100 bench as Frick just mentioned we recently or he just finished the first edit which is which is a big deal the splitter has to come out now come over five hours and I I've gone through the first hour and there's not going to be any editing no no well I assume that if you're wanting to build this you want more not less so that will be our next video available on demand for sale hopefully January Tim Ferrell Rob what do you recommend as a what give me a second why am I having to cut through that [Music] Wood River chisels are a good chisel ibc are the best if you're buying for the short term go with the wood River if you're buying for the long haul go for the IBC spend the money cry once get it over with and you'll never have to replace them what they do with that piece of wood that I carried over here now I should be able to just put a mark on there and then do each of these like this where's my pencil Jake see how much that is problem is that once I cut it off I can lose my reference [Music] more huh I think so yeah a little more and I wish now I had done this before I cut the chamfer because I'm already tearing that in but I've got to take some off with the plane anyway so I had time to think about there would be a better way to make this mark actually you know what I can I can clamp that on yeah Kenwood grab me a small small yeah yeah thank you I was thinking how can I do this without cutting off the board now little chunk of woods gonna get stuck in there hopefully it won't get fired out at me come on come on come on oh did I go fast my minute [Music] okay now I need to I need to put a 45 in there to support that or else it's gonna move on me there's no way I'm gonna be able to shoot that and not have it want to move so I need a 45 degree sport to put in there but we're at a time so what I want to do is just have you I'll finish this off and we'll send it to the lucky person so that's going to sit in there like that and we'll put it up on a couple little feet I was gonna lean it back but I don't we don't need to campers will be cut on all of that why is that and that'll be somebody's Christmas present in 2021 all right draw you ready yeah this is your well well we're answering some questions you've got a couple of minutes to get in your final Purple Heart donation to get your name in for the draw remember we're drawing for the cluster of cutting boards the high way don't know yet the shkoder ii mr. cooter e board made by neck from but what's the Facebook via Instagram and B wood finer NB wood finery go follow his page would hinge 5 pin er look great on your desk Purple Heart purple infused resin impregnated maple dovetail saw Purple Heart marking gauge and and Ken's box can suck all right any questions I'm not seeing any will give how much what's our how many people do we have let me uh 472 let me read the final donations Jocelyn Meier Darryl stone Prentiss Hill Danny Bell Danny Boy Scott gutsman Francis Nichols Matthew Wiesner Andrea in Colleen on in Colleen go sorry if I butchered these Sean Sullivan David Beth Douglas Rimmer Michael crack crack II I'm Michael Michaels in New York Jonathan P Karen Stewart JD Pynchon and let me just do a refresh Tim bullets Lynn Hinman and David you do charm David ducharme David's always donating his oxen excellent so let me let me just say Merry Christmas and offer a vote of offer a my thanks to the people behind the camera so right here is Frick Frick's my son-in-law married my oldest daughter Erica father to my four grandsons four of my five grandsons Lincoln Bentley Cooper also known as Harry and the little guy there McLaren McLaren throw cars so and Frick play goal tonight for the first time he says I want to try playing goal and he actually did an incredible job I was impressed I said I said I said you gotta get some film of this could never happen again anyways Frick does all of our YouTube stuff so tell your friends to register or to subscribe so we can get him that plaque and hit the bell so you know when we go live the bell so when we never live and new videos and Frick donates this time Frick actually Frick does a couple things Frick donates his time to do this for our Purple Heart project and then all summer long we do barbecues it has what's called the freakin good barbecue asks any of the vets or any the students have taken our class they'll know and we raise money that way also for Purple Heart so thank you for Merry Christmas thank you over here is Ken Anthony ken has been a friend for a while ken is also the cousin to Angie this is Angie and if you don't know who Angie is Angie does all of our t-shirts oh when you get when you buy a t-shirt from us it'll be neatly packaged she and Lynn do that and there'll be a little a on the seal and that a stands for Angie Angie thank you merry Christmas to you and Lynn and we certainly appreciate what you do to help with the Purple Heart Project and most importantly I am now a highly organized person because of my notepad so Ken came to work with us a little over a year ago and if I had two more Ken I could retire ken makes a mistake during the day and what's he he's back here at night on his own time working on it where do you find people like that he's always got his nose in what I'm doing and the next thing I turn around he's doing it himself so just fantastic and an in craftsman in fact his first box as I was thoroughly impressed I looked at it I think I said to Jake I said I couldn't I wouldn't do it make them any better than this so merry Christmas to you Ken over here we have Nick and his lovely wife Erica spelt also a Rik a soon and I want to congratulate them on on their soon upcoming wedding Nick came and took our class this past year did excellent work and you saw his work and very generous too he just brought that and said I'd like to be able to donate that to the cause so thank you very much Nick we certainly appreciate it and Erica thank you for tolerating Nick as long as you have and I would put a time limit on that merry Christmas to you and of course over here underneath the Santa Claus hat who could how could we not how could we get by without Megan so if you came to our workshop and you had good food and went home 10 pounds heavier it's because of Megan tires he cooked cam what did she do every night after all the meals were done so she cooked for 20 people two meals a day and then what would she do at night what would she make say something again biscuits biscuits homemade biscuits and strawberry shortcake whoopie pies cookies the guys loved it so she's uh she's my favorite daughter-in-law oh the only one true wow what an honor Megan comes all the way from a little place called connacher which is if you threw a dart at the state of Utah and you hit it in the middle you might hit cannot maybe it's pretty small and her brother Wyatt who spent the summer with us is now preparing to go and serve a mission in in Cambodia Cambodia so he's Laura how do you pronounce it Kent come I come I is the language so he's not watching but we think about him and pray for him so happy a merry Christmas to you and your family and then oh just give me give me the camera I know how to do this so there's my boy Jake's been working with me since 2011 he was born in 1994 and he used to curl up on the end of my bench and go to sleep when he was 16 so and Jake where's your box is it here oh yeah Jake's been practicing his dovetails and did did as well he's been filming me 2,000 plus episodes so he knows his way around the shop and he's coming with so Jake goes everywhere with me Jake's my right-hand man he yeah I know you do someday I will and I we get too old to do this anyway we'll be and we'll be down with Danny in Clarksville Tennessee on the 17th and 18th 17th and 18th of January so make sure you get ahold of Danny at planers edge hardwood grove happy about what's his email or what's his Facebook page hardwood growth alright if I forgot anybody Luther how can how can I wish you were here because I'd hug ya Luther is the reason why our business is where it is and he's the reason why the Purple Heart project is where it is he is the backbone to it he does amazing things with it he's so good with the soldiers they appreciate him and we appreciate him beyond anything we could possibly say merry Christmas to you and Erica it's not a lot of Erica's around here and super Dave brother yeah we'd never forget super Dave he's part of our luggage he's everywhere we go see you in a couple of weeks no he has a wife and would just as soon he be on the road and then there's Paul and there's the vets that we're bringing back that are going to work with us in this coming 2020 every class we're going to have a vet from a previous class the one that we all have booked in so far is in July re Odie mark where tau ski is coming and I'm excited about that and I spoke with I spoke with Phillip Gustafson and that Philip that's his that's his dovetail and I've told you this story before guy impressed me 15 minutes into it first time he ever held a saw and he pulled that off well I actually did the tailboard side of it and I was thoroughly impressed anyway so I'm just waiting on Phillip to find out what what week a month he wants to come are we ready to do the draw yes we are one final donation from Brian Tyler Brian shall I reveal the we get everybody's name added in that had donated earlier during the day we did it she checked her list twice yes Wow how what a cliche for the season would you like to yeah should we give the grand total donation yeah or do you wanna do the draw first give grand total in case we need to bomb up our Grand toll this evening our new record is nine thousand six zero six hundred and sixteen dollars awesome awesome three three vets that is incredible thank you people thank you there will be something in your stocking maybe something in your heart yeah could be not a pretty gonna do first now now so does ever does everybody's name stay in we don't we don't take the name out when they win a prize right no no good stays in so you can make one more than one do we have do we have the names in there no we don't have not no repeat ready okay can don't you come over and read it out so we'll start right on here so we'll do the shoe to me who she cooter eboard first get up get up close there Jake Abraham Abraham Pinsky Abraham in Israel is he really yeah oh cool he's actually wondering when you're going there to teach a class yeah he this is it the take mate congratulations going to Israel wow there's gonna be some NB wood finery in Israel that's really cool okay next is for the would hinge box with the card we should put one of everybody's the curtain Charlie raise Charlie hey right here Charlie I can't think of anybody whose desk I would rather be sitting on in this format than you thank you the next is this saw is mark engage necessary some whoever wins is gonna be marking gauge Purpleheart marking gauge Earl Hughes Earl I made that once I get to say thank you Earl appreciate it it'll it'll mark true and oh we know we got to do the we got to do the cutting board of the breadbox so your breadboard cutting board Kalaa the cluster of cutting boards that's what we'll call it is is it really Oh awesome awesome awesome David I am so happy that you're getting that dad ooh perfect gluten-free bread and now for the dovetail saw do it slow Donald Hollinger can you find it where he from this was first this was second that was third the the cluster of cutting boards was fourth and the saw was fifth where's-where's done from Don Hollinger hol ing er was it do n do n al D Don Hollinger is Bloomington Indiana Bloomington Indiana great awesome enjoy it Don and show us the dovetails that you cut with them well we're not all gonna stand around and hug and sing we wish you a Merry Christmas but we wish you a Merry Christmas you've made ours and I hope we've done something to help make yours we look for us sometime in early in the new year probably the middle of January say good night everyone you watch too much Wayne and Shuster see you folks thank you appreciate it you made it a great night
Views: 18,746
Rating: 4.9369087 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 50sec (8090 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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