Rob Cosman Live Episode 9: The Purple Heart Mallet

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meagan gonna be in the way cuz I could use the table might might want to reposition her yeah you might want to be audio so the audio is live now you might want to be where Frick normally was don't make fun of me the audio is loud no video yet though see we are live the audio is live right now anybody can hear me just say something in the chat am I gonna be able to get up the chop saw what is that clock good or not yeah we're like we should be live now well alright is it technically nine o'clock second I'm just posting to Facebook are you gonna leave the a/c on Jake yeah thank everybody give me a quick Mic Check let's test test in Jake wearing you know what I asked him in the first part of our conversation so you probably forgot it but I think the camera just turned off Jake we hung up you're not wearing your gear too much I'm ready thank you ready yeah we're good and we're live video is on yep hi folks welcome to YouTube live workshop number nine correct yep this one's gonna be on making a mallet got some other housekeeping things to take care of first but let me introduce this case some of you don't want to stay so this is her mallet I've been making these probably for the last ten years maybe longer these are new ones Sean Mahaffey a friend of mine well yes they would call it that I really like it and I like it for several reasons I'm gonna explain friend of mine Genma Sean Mahaffey now does the resin impregnation for so this piece of maple is cooler dry cook dry sorry I turned my phone off and then he puts it in a vacuum chamber pulls all the air out replaces it with some form of our resin so it increases the weight by probably 50% or more and makes it really hard and very stable so it's a great it's great to start with we were using at one point bubinga but that's apparently some of the biggest species have now been put on the Sadie's list which is gonna make it difficult to move it across borders this is a better material anyway heavier in the first for this heavier without being larger the handle is shape turned on the lathe here we'll do that tonight and then tape like a hockey stick why well because the older you get harder it is to get a good grip and this extremely comfortable what's funny is somebody did a review of mallets recently one of the woodworking magazines and they took ours and they liked it but didn't like to tape so they took the tape off and then they liked it better that's our trademark so we're gonna go through the process and make but we're gonna make it out of this Shawn also sent me this this is a piece of purple art and it fits in with our mission which is to bring peace and joy to those that have suffered as a result of their military service so we're going to do one and I'll possibly be able to do a second one but won't do that tonight and then after we build it we're gonna auction it off and I should say that Charlie ray Charlie is a good friend of ours he was actually here at our last workshop Charlie is a Vietnam vet he has three purple hearts still works in the military capacity and right about now he's flying over at 35,000 feet but he knew he was gonna be doing that so he put in his first bid so the bid is already at two hundred fifty dollars Thank You charlie okay a little bit of housekeeping first I want a special shout out can you bring you know what yeah to Angie and if you don't know who Angie is you new to this Ken Anthony works here now with us Ken's great he's dedicated and loves to be here and this is his cousin who has been bedridden for a very long time but Angie as has one to help one to participate somehow so she recently started doing when we get our Purple Heart t-shirts they come in bulk and they have to be individually folded and packaged and a size thing put on so now that's what Angie does so when you get your purple tshirt it'll be in a package they'll be a little sticker on there with an A in it that's an G and the sides will be on there so why don't we want you to know what do we want or why are we telling you about this because you see our purple heart logo it's a conversation starter let me tell you this the only way that we have consistently found to combat wounded vets that need what we do the most is through word-of-mouth I talked to people everywhere I go I have a 5-foot rule get within 5 feet you're gonna hear this story and sooner or later somebody will say you know what I got a nephew a brother a cousin brother-in-law haven't seen him in a year because they isolate themselves at home they suffer severely from PTSD as a result of multiple tours somewhere overseas so that's the best way to find the guys who need it the most guys and gals either one so when you wear this t-shirt somebody's gonna ask you that's kind of a cool logo what's that all about and this is your opportunity the more people that we tell the more people we find the more people we help and if you don't think this helps get a chance to somehow correspond with some of the people that you'll meet on on this form tonight and let them tell you firsthand we see miracles occur in as simple as five days on the back it is the reason wood is good so anybody that buys a t-shirt tonight we will give you a shout out as a little token of our thanks Megan we'll get it in the mail to you tomorrow it'll all be neatly folded by Angie done to perfection Thank You Angie okay that put my picture back up now what what take donate donations I don't know if everyone realizes this or not but the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces do it at a sense of patriotism sense of duty whatever it is they have sacrificed in some cases their lives and in other cases their peace of mind for the rest of their life so we started this program three years ago three and a half years ago I met Jesse Paredes over online Jesse is a combat wounded veteran a Marine but he happened to tell me in course of our conversation or email conversation that ever since you've got involved in hand to a woodworking it was the first time he'd found any piece from the physical and the mental pain he suffers from now I have no military background I do have a third cousin his name is just left me duplicity Derek duplicity who served both in the Canadian military and in the US and while serving in Iraq had a suicide bomber detonated self shortly or just in front of him and he's he was severely wounded and he has recovered tremendously but again scars that we carry to the grave anyway hearing this from Jesse struck a chord because I had been teaching my typical customer or student was a 50 year old business executive who show up Monday morning stressed out tight as a drum would be answering calls on the blackberry consistent constantly all day long come Wednesday they'd leave the thing at the hotel and by Friday their stop shaving their let their hair down and they just were in peace in fact I'd be kicking them out Friday night at midnight telling you got to go home and we used to do classes from quarter to 7:00 in the morning until 11 o'clock at night we kept those hours up but now we we do this for combat wounded veterans so starting in 2011 army starting in 2020 we're going to start doing and losers gonna shoot me because he hasn't okayed this but I'm gonna override him we're gonna start doing six classes a year we're gonna do one a month starting in the good travel months can't you can't travel reliably in mid-may October we're gonna do it and we're going to increase it to six days we're gonna go Monday to Saturday that way we can in a reintroduce a project I've shown you this real quick I liked it when we tried to do this before but we never had quite enough time for the majority of the class to get finished so starting yeah well we can there's some of the eager beaver's will so this is a candle box all the parts are dimensioned by hand they start from rough and they can do whatever they want on the lid half blinds or through dovetails if they're going to do the sliding lid has to be lines so you can approve in there but it's Miku little box to be able to take home so that's next year I need and we're gonna reduce the class size from 14 to 12 there's a little tight there but I need six civilians to take the class every time we host and bring in six combat wounded veterans now when we do combat wounded Western veterans we cover their airfare their hotel their meals and we send each guy home with it used to be 2,000 we're gonna up that in u.s. dollars that'd be close to twenty-five twenty-six hundred dollars and tools I want to give them a few more that we hadn't been able to so it's a big financial commitment who cares it's only money what's money promissory note for service rendered don't have enough money go do more service but of course we need it in order to take care of these guys properly we've never come up short and I don't ever expect to because the generosity of people that were surrounded by I'd love to say their name but it wouldn't be fair without having their permission but a lot of our former students when they spend a week with these guys they get really generous and they want to help so if you want to donate if you want to participate rather than put through this channel YouTube because they take a huge portion we have dedicated a section on our website rob cosmic comm top left hand corner Purple Heart Project and you drop down there and say how can I help and there's various levels of donation from what's the smallest one Jake ten dollar ten right up to three thousand which is taking care of thirty five hundred this takes care of all the expenses for one of the soldiers because so will will show note and and please don't please allow us to show to them because when others see people doing it that's what motivates some people to step up to the plate as well ask your questions I'll try to answer as many as we can Frank is there anything I need to talk to if you're one of the combat wounded vets that have bend in one of our classes any one of our eleven classes would you please make sure you type that in so we can give a shout out to you in particular I go out I go back and read them then the next day and I see sometimes that's what we've had rob white comes to mind but these guys didn't recognize the name or I would have so make sure you say I was in class and give the date and then I can say hello to you okay anything else yes Megan so Jim from Houston Jim or Jim Jim Jim from Houston and then fill up from Cordova Philip from cardova they both bought t-shirts thank you gentlemen appreciate it work privately okay we have a couple people from the class Matthew Renault is here just ten or eleven climb up 19 - we said Matt Matt is it Lieutenant Commander take it that right in the Canadian and the Canadian Forces who is just being transferring from local to up in Ontario so I had a couple guys come down from gate sound Matt we had some really good actually if you email me I'll tell you some great great great success we have some regulars in here a Metis here sue B is here that's always here super day super Davis here our very own super Dave bench at Super Dave Benson managed to cut himself on a saw stop nobody else has been able to do this because it would trip it while assembling his saw he sliced his finger open on the manual he says it's very sharp so a forewarning to all of those of you thinking of buying a saw stop take it from Dave what was he doing reading an owner's name what was he doing reading anyway I said he knew everything why would he need to he was looking for pictures he was he's got his saw stopped and soon he'll have his band saw and his jointer promised Dave okay can I go to work yup sue is increase the bid though it's at 275 already is that suit from Florida sue B yeah yeah thank you sue David just donated $100 David David thank you appreciate it okay so I'm gonna turn the dust collector on a middle it on for a bit so hopefully it so first thing I want to so here's my hunk of now I prefer we didn't talk much with the design the head diameter is approximately 3 inches X is 2 and 3/4 so we're if we're starting off with 3 inch stock 3x3 which is what that is we're gonna get somewhere around 2 and 3/4 but what I like about this should notice a little bit of tape run there because there is an arc when you're swinging so if that's tapered and a bit the right taper you're gonna be hitting square on now people asked well what about the hammer type malleus don't like them at all what I like about this now that one's brand new that I've want to hit that and Mark it up so use mine what I like about this is you can strike it anywhere and it doesn't seem to it doesn't need to be directional so you don't even have to be looking at it if you use a hammer type and you strike it in your little off-center that's gonna blow that's cut it off to the side this doesn't so I like it feels great in hand I don't have to squeeze that tight if you're doing dovetails all day long your hands get fatigued I just the nice thing about the wrap is you just kind of have to choke it up here because the shape of the handle is narrow there's got a bump in the middle then just air will do more of that over the lathe but it's just really easy to grip so I like this and throw around let's talk a little more about the construction as we get into it and they hit your IVC chisels very nicely alright so we got to take this over and get a four inch piece verify that I make this well we can go a little bit less than we could possibly get three out of this first maybe David you show me Oh David thank you David David donates all the time David was in our class one of our last classes up in Ontario yeah also of that yes that's right - and he's you can see his interview on YouTube now I just wanna [Music] well yeah I wanted to make sure that there was no there's no checks and there isn't so now if we go well I'll go for two and then possibly get that third one actually I'm just going to do one right now because we're going to get onto this you know what can't see make a mark down here now I'm gonna use a lot of equipment that you might not have access to and that's I feel for you but what can I do so what we need to do is square up Jake where is my six inch square I'm gonna use my my disc sander which is a general I love this thanks to Roger for getting the electrics figured out on it you kept throwing the breaker on us this is a 120 grit so the first thing I need to do is I need to get to two services that are flat and square and I'll find two that are closest to each other down on the Mar because this is dry kind of oblong access you'd probably scrape some of that wax off if you're wondering why there's wax on there when you're dealing with dense exotic woods you don't want them drawing too fast because they will crack the dents of the art more likely they're cracked so they coat them in the face and yes I'm using my square showed out the questions if you have a mic I'm doing this destroy don't clog up so I need to get this by the way if you're using a disk sander its spinning that way so I have to be prepared for that force when I put this on here so you don't want to go in this way and have it spin around like that so I purposely kind of come in this way and then and then just come fighting that resistance I'm not forcing real hard either now I just want to get I want to get a 90 degree reference so that when I square up this in so you've got to going to finish that end before you turn assemble it because you can't go in there very conveniently after the fact you're also going to see what happens to Purple Heart so don't judge this by the color it's going to become friendly and eventually get back to that lovely purple and it has this real tendency to burn so I'll be lucky if I can get through the endgrain without burning it bad and thanks to Jake from Minnesota for this nozzle the most powerful one I've ever had I meant to tell them about that okay now this is so I mean I've got flat facedown square edge in and I'm going to just use that how could that be that far it is check this side not pushing very hard because they don't want to burn it and to up I would here so I got another go worry about the other end that will be taken care of after we turned the mallet louder can't hear you you can't he can't yell Colonel biking [Music] didn't Shawn send it to us Shawn Mahaffey been along probably one of the longest members in our online workshop sent it to me for this very purpose by the way just be a quick side note if you're not part of our online workshop we're in the middle of building this standing desk I'm getting really excited about this this is you get into it it's so fun so this is our base and if those of you who are members wondering where last night's episode is it'll be up tonight we got 10 minutes left to film but we we the prototype is over there that's what Frick uses when he's when we're doing these live broadcasts this is the finished one it's a cherry with that white is Holly for accents on the threw wedge Tenon's and now we're just doing a very unique way of building the interior drawer boxes so you haven't it looks interesting join us you do that at Rob Rob's workshop com all right let's go over here we've got two that can actually shut that air off for a bit philip lawrence has increased the bid to 300 pardon philip lawrence has increased the bid to 300 Thank You Philip can you get over here Jake I got to go a little slower tonight because normally we stay in one place but to now we're moving all around so from Woodbridge $100 thank you Robert and a t-shirt Rick from Florida from Ontario yeah thank you Rick happy Canada Day to all Canadians and happy Independence Day yes well I gotta find my Center stay there Jake I'll come back over now this should be centered anyway because we use this jig if you if you're wondering Jake mentioned it so this is what we get well this isn't quite what we get sort of kind of what we get from Sean he sends us these blocks then we square up to two sides and then Dan who works first now Dan drills them and that's what all of this these thermal packs are so we go through a lot of them so if you don't you probably wouldn't have a jig already set up just go in corner to corner can't see it at all well that's what you would do is go corner to corner and that's going to give you your center mark put my good side down here because I want this to remain square up here quick question what if if you live in the u.s. can you buy a wood river plane from wood craft and get it Cosman eyes you can now mind you it's a little on the expensive side because you have shipping in both directions what's it do hi oh well okay so let me give you two options you can ship it up to us we'll do it and Bill you the fee plus the shipping back or we can send you a blade and chipbreaker set that has already been prepared that leaves you to do the rest of it on your own your call all right I'm just going to [Music] okay so we want to move that I want to get as much of it I want this to be as large as possible so I need to move yeah I need to move back am I on the right line that way so I need to move was just being forced back [Music] too far back would have been smarter to need a black need a felt-tip actually that stuff is so hard to mark on anybody got a felt tip no I took it it's alright I'm gonna get a piece of tape now put a piece of tape on there while you're looking Matthew bought a t-shirt Thank You Matthew where's Matthew from Pawtucket where Rhode Island Packet I'm probably pronouncing it wrong and then Toby from Mount Juliet is also bought a t-shirt Thank You Toby we go through a ton of masking tape it's the best alternative for putting lines on something you can't otherwise see I know it seems to be but I don't think you're reading it right just check this one more time make sure okay so my two sides of reference again this is just a big block of wood by way we kind of and this way so why I'm turning the drill is because if you look the two lips come to a point but you got to see them square on in order to spot that now I'm gonna put a clamp on here so that that drill bit will start because we've already got a couple of holes in there and I don't want that to wander [Music] don't have my vacuum here sometimes a single Creole and if it does you know [Music] you got to empty out the flutes can't just keep going and it's a short drill and the the flute stop shorten going all the way to the top so there's no way for that stuff to go no place for it to go now I actually forgot to do something I have a we usually end up drilling deeper than what we had the capacity with the drill so I have this little block and I put underneath here okay so that maxy pretty good as far as being right on all right let's now before we go we'll set that aside now what we've got to do is we've got to go make a handle so here's here's the handle that I like so you've got this bump in the middle that fits nicely into your palm by the way the blank I think is ten inches long and we use five quarters that we use inch and a quarter stock so that is ten inches the widest part of this is just under inch and a quarter if I can get the inch and a quarter square I'll be good now I picked up two different woods you can use I always when it comes to something like this which is gonna take a lot of abuse you think what's the best wood well if you think about what a baseball bat baseball bats are made out of ash some of the newer ones are made out of maple so I don't have any ash thick enough I've got some red oak which actually would work but I'm gonna use maple I prefer that so we need to go in and cut a chunk of this off at ten inches give me a second Jake if I'm moving around too quick tell me and I'll slow down I just have to I've gotta move this she's got a check on one end but I can get I can get by it so now this piece is not quite an inch and a quarter its inch and 3/16 but I can still use it that one didn't three 3/16 square so I'll just set that so there's the check on that side I don't think it'd go my goodness maybe it does son of a gun that runs over in I should have turned it over I apologize I didn't another piece [Music] fairly straight grain which is something I would look for now if you're an experienced Turner you can take it just like that not a problem if you're not you might want to knock the corners off to make it a little bit easier to to turn I'm going to do it on the bandsaw now that we have thanks to can we can adjust our saw so much easier than we couldn't before bring that over to 45 degrees this place can idea what that is the bid has been increased to 310 thank you back on top all that learning now it's a bonus it's two-thirds actually figures it's at one time but have since forgotten so that's an inch and a quarter I'll try to disseminate something so that plot that flat spot is 7/16 and that one up there is 5/8 that one is half I can drop that blade down a little bit I found the cinders before I knocked off these corners just because it's easier in play although I have a sender finding jig that I could use on something like that as well now I'm going to I'm going to use something pointed tip we don't use this closest thing I had to get to Center spots okay I got a question yeah how do you prepare the endgrain on a large case piece you always use the shooting board but what do you do if it's a much larger than your shooting board read that again please how do you prepare the endgrain on a large case piece you always use the shooting board but what do you do if it's much larger than your shooting board okay I'm gonna suggest just so that we can kind of keep on this thought we're on right now if you asked me that question at the end and I'll review it that way I'm not I'm not going down a different Lane all right okay so I need to get my I thought about show you sharp and everything now now I'll show them how to do it so I'm gonna use my skew chisel and I'm gonna use my my spindle gouge and I'm going to use my parting tool so I'll think you over at least at least actually I'm gonna use probably this one exclusively one over here bid up to 325 thanks to Phillip again thank you Phillip so this is Ally Cherie I've got this nice big 16 inch actually I got two of them I couldn't live with just one 16 is this sander and this is the one that we use for metals and for composites the other one that you saw me using over there we only use for wood but it just so happens that the groove for the miter gauge just works perfectly so I'm up here and near the top and then flip it over and do it on this side and that maintains the same angle on both sides that's good and sharp now I'd go out there but we can't get the camera there I've got a buffing wheel out there and I sometimes will go out and buff but that doesn't I don't feel any burner on there so it should be good so my leg is a is a general what is it 260 nicely made by General Canada no longer in business robust they were made for public schools and believe it or not I'm just gonna use a center pointed Center in here instead of a spur Center now if you're not familiar with leads typically this is the live this is the drive and that would have a spur Center which looks like this there's a small and there's a large one okay and that keeps it from slipping however I like to be able to flip it around if I need to so if I have this is my live Center this is a ball bearing a ball bearing center the old-fashioned ones was just done done friction and you have to lubricate them and they would burn and there's a bit of a pain to use the new ones and they're real this is a wood River when it's very inexpensive it's just coming apart on me anyway so that's what I prefer to use now I also have another tool rest which is longer I need to use that one most people change just the tool rest I change this whole thing because it happened to two of these legs in there no doesn't matter what end look very similar and I can put enough friction I can put enough pressure on this that I don't have to worry about slipping now if I had to turn that around I don't worry the problem with this is these get beat up and that spur Center is doesn't always give me a perfectly centered spur so that's why I like this different no we want to be fairly close my first task is to get this round and this is all about rim speed rim speed simply means how fast is the outside diameter moving if you're turning a small diameter tool you need to have a high RPM you're turning a large bowl you want to lower our PIM cause it's all about rim speed how fast is the wood moving fast the tool that's probably most apparent just a little bit off-topic but you always hear about these birds getting killed by wind generators and yet you'll watch the things turning and they turn it but like maximum 2030 rpm 15 rpm and you think how can a bird be so dumb as to get hit by that when you find out with the rim speed meaning what speed is the tip of that blade moving through the air how much was it I think it's like 250 Cal over 300 kilometres an hour's how fast that thing's moving now I understand why the birds get hit all right so I'm going to use a one-inch skew chisel I love this tool because it's so clean but what I need to do is I need to rest the flat part on there that's what guides it and then you slowly rotate and tip until pick up the shaving but that flatten bevel is what controls the penetration so it doesn't dig in on you now I purposely go you I'm cutting with the bottom half there are times then I'll use the top now Richard rap and taught me relax if you've got a death grip on here just like cutting dovetails you can't feel what the current so and a nice sharp fuse will give you almost a finished cut in this case we don't do any standing now I just run the tool over like that and I can tell if there's still a flat spot without me having to turn the Machine off to verify that that feels good I must add I I had the opportunity to be an assistant teaching assistant to be honest for three of the four years over that BYU the other year I was his his lab assistant so I've had the opportunity to learn for some of the best earners in the world Richard rappin Reiki I'll start ed Mull trip through do sonic I'm looking for a pencil or a pen so there's my there's my my wife this is my template for my handle so this is the part that's gonna go inside the mallet head so I'm gonna flats all the way here to be the highest point the height of her me a little point I point so the first thing I'll do is come in here and end this so this is my parting tool this is a made by Sorby so it's a diamond shape it's wide here and then tapers off to both ends so that when you're cutting into the wood you don't have all that drag if this is the same diameter you're your maximum point is right there with a cutting big plate so you have lots of relief now I need a pair of calipers so I'm going to use we're set up there did I leave that mallet handle over there yeah thank you okay so I need to have this dimension I need to have and this dude these your dimensions are the same I don't worry about these two because they're going to be essentially what that major diameter is anyway we need a couple more parodies that's my smallest diameter so what I'll do is come in here that's high that's high this is low go right in here and then this is a low point right now this one has to be right because this one is the one that pitched inside the mallet in that's the wrong side and god I didn't do it this is supposed to be 3/4 and actually hit for her that's 7/8 right way that's the hole so I used an open end wrench for that I'll get it started [Music] nice thing about this this needs to be precise these are approximate these calipers will expand a little bit there's some flex this isn't going to flex [Music] I'll work this in the other nice thing about that if you jam something it'll just stop spinning alright I'll worry about this later now we're gonna get in and get this shape so I'm gonna come in here so this is gonna be it's all the flow right you want a nice these aren't these are just look at nature how things curl and move they're not perfect radiuses it's just a nice flower hard to explain temperature you don't use a skew chisel on an inside radius but I do that mark right here designates how do we do this this one's just just square it off isn't a point and you finish it off [Music] this Senate this is around again scoop in so my high point [Music] this one comes from the side point down into the valley [Music] comes from the hill in the valley we want a nice come back to this over here this is another height of the valley you want to maintain a nice sharp shoulder right here it'll look nice and tight against the inside that vibration is going to leave lesson perfect a lesson perfect surface now when you're turning don't look at where the tool is meeting the wood you look up here and watch as that that shape progresses so you have to turn you have to practice enough so that you know where your where your tool edge is in relation to the wood you're cutting and that made sound a little precarious at first but do it you learn the field of words through the tool I just want to make somewhat of a seamless transition right there it's gonna be underneath tape so not hundred percent critical this one and it's off from this bump just a little bit you got in the way cake leave it or not when I'm making these after I get into it I can pretty quickly but takes a little bit I like my skew chisel because as I said it's very efficient it needs a nice finish and I actually find it easier to you a lot of people are saying why aren't using the GAO's right now to get that insight radio [Music] and then I wanna okay I'm up here and just finish this [Music] what I'm looking at is yes what lines to flow nicely okay now we gotta come up here [Music] what happens if you're left if excuses will engage is above the halfway point it'll test on you so I try to make sure it's always hitting below the halfway point so this being the halfway point I want to be cutting down here big [Music] [Music] [Music] now some may for hurt is straight you could go in and use use your juice is alike that which is a little bit easier control it doesn't give you the same surface quality but this is going to be inside the mallet hit anyway so it doesn't matter now I'm being particular because I can take more off a lot harder to put it back on now I'm gonna go in here I need a really tight shoulder in order to come up tight so I'm gonna come in here I could go in like this but I'm going to use the point and I'm gonna just undercut slightly now when I put that on it would be sure to come up tight against that inside face a regular they ask the performance of a machine candles are not we I handle this saw individually might be close but it would never be no guarantees it'll fit exactly my dull alright and this is where I prefer to have a rubber glove on I'll show you why so improves your grip then it comes time to trying to fit this in yeah okay know why what wasn't working too well oh no I purposely didn't turned on because it's noisy especially right here where the vent is yeah okay so that's only gonna get me that's only gonna get me close which is what it's done now I've got to go in there and fit this you know jump in it take more often come on now you'd never be able to grab all that with your bare hand with the glove you can now I'm gonna spin it around a little bit because what it'll do it'll show me where it spike weird furnished now that's that's getting really close so I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna use the straight edge [Music] of the few again thanks for back in here weird sometimes you'll ruin the other way a whole lot easier I could almost put that I could put that together from that side but this is my finish side what's weird is it was drilled with the same drill bit well I wanted to be fit on the other end as I don't want a gap I can't tell I can't tell them so I put it together because it's that end that's got to go all the way through yeah but are not uptight I'd like to be a little tighter than that go back in I'll undercut that a little bit more [Music] [Music] now I need to leave [Music] in Hey now I'm gonna use thin sign acrylate we used to use yellow glue on this but the fit note the the difference between having it fit no because this wicks so I'm going to use the thin that'll take a fair bit now somewhere get my other one you know what I could have done Jake and I should have done just this oh sorry for the sake of what we're doing right here is I should have sprayed that handle with the accelerator before I put it together because normally we don't have to do it I do a bunch of these I leave them let them dry and then come back and do it but we've got to finish this one tonight now this is the medium sign acrylate there's a little bit of a gap up top it's not bad okay now let that sit for yes we will I'm just gonna hit it with the accelerator and let it hopefully it'll it'll cure all the way down nice thing about the thin is if your two pieces touch and it nice and tight it'll wick right down through there besides the way we put these together it's not gonna come off anyway all right give that a couple minutes so what are the questions well someone asked if you're ever concerned like when you're putting the wrench while it's turning there that the wrench would get caught and what happened well see that's a nice thing about heaven turning between just two pointed centers is that if it does get caught it just stops so there's no danger but you show the tool who the boss is hold your term firm but gentle they're also good husband but they're also quite impressed that you kept taking it on and off while it was still spinning well if you do a lot of this you get to the point where you don't have time to wait for that to slow down but having those two point turning between two point centers is so much easier for that that reason so let's go back to that guy's question that he asked that I couldn't can you find it yes we're doing that Justin from Southside Alabama donated money and Chad Thank You Justin from Greeley bought a shirt Thank You Chad Chad Chad Thank You Chad I wrote in the mail on Monday Tuesday so everybody wears thick what's that question for how do you prepare the endgrain on a large case piece you always use the shooting board but what do you do if it's much larger than your shooting board how do you prepare the endgrain on a large case piece so when I teach my class and we are learning to prepare stock all six surfaces meaning face one phase two edge one edge two n 2 N 1 n 2 other words 1 2 3 4 5 6 would be the six surfaces I always let them do one end on the shooting board but I make them or I teach them to do the other end free hand because as I tell them you can't always bring the workpiece to the tool you sometimes have to take the two over the workpiece so I would I would put that in my vise hold it securely and then I would plane the end you always say that cut you a little chamfer on the backside so you don't have that split out on the end and then you start the process of both squaring it to the face meaning squaring it in this direction and squaring it that way I prefer to square it to the face first so if I was doing piece of pine right here but I was doing the end of this board and it was too big for my shooting board the first thing I would do is come in with my Wood River low angle block shameless promotion billy the kid' just arrived william h bonnie come on in we got him Oh boring it we got it you should have seen him on the ice last night we had we had Billy the Kid on the ice with us second time first time bucks you saying he's ice skated yeah Frick scored last night so back to what we're doing first thing I want to do is I want to get the planes of that sitting square so I'll go in and I will use my steel square to check that if I have to take a little off of one side of the other I use the plane the fact that the blade doesn't go all the way to either side meaning if I plane like this with this flush that side is not going to be that strips not going to be touch I'm going to take all this side off so if this were low and this were high I would do it like that if this were low and this were high I would do it flush on this side and that would simply take material off the high side until that came down to being square once that square as long as my blade is projecting parallel to the sole then every pass I take is going to maintain that square edge and now I can work on squaring this I need a much larger square and that would come in and I would measure that and if it's perfectly square then they don't any more work to do if it wasn't if it was high here low there I would take a pass and I would just keep extending it a little bit farther each time I almost get to the end I would check it again and at some point when I'm ready I can go all the way and finish it checking both this and that one and that's how you would work yet any other questions we'll go back to turn someone made the suggestion for a future episode that you should do your drawer bottom plane we already did that on the we did that one on the online workshop yeah it's hard to do but we'll come up with some new ideas and you keep firing them at us we'll try come one all right can we go back over and turn do you still recommend the wood five and a half is the first plane I would never change that would river five and a half if you're an adult man if you're a person that's over if if you weigh over 150 pounds five and a half absolutely if you're under 150 pounds you might consider a number five five and a half what do we we need to weights the other day for YouTube video we just did I couldn't believe it the traditional five and a half was under five pounds just over I think oh okay so the low-angle Jack I was comparing low-angle Jack as the first plane to the five and a half I like the heavier plane heavier planes easier carries through the wood momentum the low angle Jack was under five pounds the original Stanley five-and-a-half was just over five pounds but the Wood River five-and-a-half was just over seven sounds that's substantial yes brick we're going yeah or just Philip is still the highest bidder I believe it's at 325 well where do we get closer to being done than the other they want to make sure that it turns out okay I think anyway okay so now what do we got to do here I'm gonna actually cut that end off because I've got a little thing that I made for doing this rather than the only reason is that that stub is kind of small and you're turning a big head that they could have cut off the corners yes I'm gonna do that right now so on the bandsaw I'm gonna cut this little no as in stumpy hi zombie peer No hey stumpy James don't know what 20 watts thank you appreciate the help he's the video we did he did just get a lot of eyeballs and I'm sure it's contributed to her success of our Purple Heart project so now rather than turn these off I'm gonna cut them off so table cells already actually set up so let's go over and use that we've got it at 45 paul has suggested that I add my maple bacon into the oxygen it will increase the bid Paul yeah Oh Paul Morrison Paul from Montreal from Ottawa well he wants us to measure Lieutenant Commander Paul wants us to make more fun at a date yeah well let's do easy give it a gallon [Applause] hey close enough question what have you ever considered or why not make and turn the mallet out of one solid piece of wood well because can you imagine the cost of a piece of Purple Heart 10 inches long by 4 inches by 4 inches way too expensive 3 minutes 3 by 3 well in order to get 3 by 3 you'd be buying you'd be buying 12 quarter wouldn't do it 16 quarter okay so now I don't have I don't have an end there so I don't remember how we ever get into this but what we did is we took a face plate and mounted a block of wood on it and then turn to cone spray that on there and now the end goes in there now I like to do this a little bit different I'm actually gonna put my tool rest at the shape that I want the head you'll see why momentarily and I'm gonna use my spindle gouge on this so let's come over to the grinder and I'll show you how are we sharpen that takes a bit of a knack to do it you can do this on the on a disc sander you can do it on a belt sander you can do it on a grinder are you stuck where's Billy left okay you're coming this is the I'm using the new cbn wheels which is kind of like an industrial diamond just because they're great they don't lose their shape and I've got to use I'm gonna remain up I've got the flat on the bevel and I'm gonna roll the tool like this so it's a bit of a knack to to get that essentially all freehand we want to try to keep the bottoms the bottoms at the same spot and you can tell when you've done it you've got you should have one bevel not multiples and I can feel a little bit of a burr in there so I know I was successful all right Jake you gotta go around a long way yeah I'll meet you over there yes I'm gonna turn the air on for this one and I got it in my pocket this is my my fancy dust collector kind of something we put together out of necessity when we first came in here we haven't changed it and I use a bunch of magnets to move that above now out of around out of balance is what I meant to say so I'm going to slow the speed down initially again it's all back to rim speed for turning a larger diameter now I'm going to use in a little bit of a non-traditional way but I'm using the tool rest as a way of turning this getting a jape I want and to get a perfectly flat surface with a Gauss let's see a small fender guys but by using the tool rest with my index finger on my left hand and my thumb holding that cool in the same spot as I slide along the face of the tool rep now I can move that in a little closer and looking down here and plan view just to make sure that I got the angle that I want now my lathe is variable speed and it's the with it I can't remember whether it's DC or what but it's you don't they change pulleys so I can turn that up a little bit just by turning that dial that's the prize this up is hell dispersal king of colors [Music] after cutting into it usually the purple is just on the surface you can into it and so there's a real lucky ground [Music] over here everyone by the way it's not a bad idea to wear a face shield but why am I not using it well it would interfere with my microphone maybe now by resting that I can tell I'm all round here but I got a little bit of a flat spot up there so I don't have to take off as much now I'm moving my body like this to try to keep that tool following the tour rest are there having to move my arms I'm gonna turn I'm gonna turned up maximum speed okay that's good and round and it actually looks nice and flat I don't think I can improve on that maybe oh wait a minute now a little bit of a class but there Dave's still on there yep okay now and use by parting tool this stuff throws dirt so bad I am gonna put this in them I want to square up this end actually they're gonna set this off for a second and look it is that it is out of flat so my parting tool allows me to go in there and quite effectively shutting it off so I can been there and see take care of the rest of that on the sander now I got to cut my chamfers on the end this is where I'll use the point of the Stooges oh we're in got a nice sharp camper and then went up here at the top remember you gotta let the flat bevel [Music] you mean scraping it like that like that well it's easier to control with point at least for me okay all right that looks good now we're gonna stand it final finish off that's actually quite smooth in fact I can start with 220 I like these sanding discs they're not made for this but they're durable the sandpaper lasts a long time and depending on how good of a job you did turning he may have to serve with a much coarser grit but this one came out quite nice there's no bad tears and Purple Heart is specifically not the nicest good too plain chiseled saw or turn okay that makes it smooth it's a mallet remember but it is a Purple Heart now so I have to I'm gonna go in there and see if I can't just clean up that inside space a little bit and I remember I'm doing this from the perspective of production because we got to get these things out the door so whatever works the fastest now I'm gonna go over to the bandsaw and cut that knob off I can't say nub without thinking the stump the stumpy now that's dangerous because there's a tendency to want to roll and some people would chalk a wedge under both sides but I do this a lot so and that blade is agent sharp so I can I can get away with it if you're uncomfortable with that you have it to support it on both sides all right now I'm gonna clean up the end if we've been going an hour and 20 minutes yeah time flies in you're with friends and having fun okay I've got two grits here I've got a 320 and I've got my 120 and this stuff is notorious for burning so I'm gonna I'm going to stand it in the same direction that the lines are running it's tough to do I can't lay it on here because that's not at the same angle so I just have to hold in close and you just you know which way that directions is it's wanting to do this so I'm kind of pushing it up like that I move it side to side so that I don't you're going to get dull spots on your belly no matter what so to avoid having grooves I just move it a little bit side to side now what's nice is those grain runs marks are almost the same radius as the outside of this disc three months yeah I'm gonna clean them up okay now go over here I need to clean that off you stay right there let me walk around you is is Jake on have you seen you haven't mention any bets they mentioned it at 320 belts are really nice to have very easy to abuse that's what happens most people use them too aggressively and they'll burn real fast and clog up so you got to keep it clean coming a little bit of a spot right there what's the price up there this is gonna be one of the nicest Mel also paid still 325 Hey turn the air off now to hold that head on yeah I'll describe it to hold that head on I'm going to I put two screws down into the I'm gonna put them I'm gonna drill a hole right on the joint line on both sides now I don't want I don't want to put it on here to possibly split the wood so I'm gonna do on this side and on this side I'm gonna put it right down there oh you know I'm gonna turn the heater on probably not gonna get hot enough before we have to go my branding iron behind me I turned that on would you please always afraid I'm gonna leave the shop to make of that on you can do this freehand but again we do it a lot so try to eliminate error so I just had a little Jake a hole in the middle I didn't want to sit there and turn that by hand I'm gonna use it an inch and 3/4 by number eight screw want to make sure that the screw head goes below the surface so that when you fit this on your bench you don't think of that sign accurately you don't leave a mark I just got to get this purple heart out of the flutes got a little spot in here keep that clean now I need my drill driver you want the bidding update yeah so sue bid 335 then Phillip bills Phillip and Keith bid 350 and then Jim Hoge bill bid 450 whoa get in there Phillip is brought it back up to 475 so that's the current boy up okay and then there's some shirts so Bruce from st. Louis don't bought a shirt thank you Bruce Justin from Thank You Justin James from Templeton thank you James okay so by putting this screw these two screws half the thread is going to be in the Purple Heart half a thread is going to be in the maple handle so there's no way that head can come off without pulling those screws on through and it's just especially with two of them it's not going to happen so you may have just answered that question but we had two questions about that and one of them was why do you hold the head on with the screws instead of a wedge that's why and I'm ed said would a wood spline work better nope well I mean there's a there's probably I'm sure there's other ways of doing this but I'm ed production and we want it to be secure so now we're gonna do we're going to take care of the end so this is a little jig I built for holding for finishing off a handle so one of the problems with turning is you've always you've always got the ends where the the Centers were and you got to do something with them you don't want to see the points so I came up with this little jig it allows me to put a little cone shape on the end you'll see it as it happens it stops it the shoulder here stops it okay so there's our end now I would normally at this point burn my my logo in there but I can't right now because it's not hot enough and it's gonna have to get really hot in order to burn this but that's alright I can burn after I put the finish on it and the finish we use dries really quickly so I should be able to do this and finish it up here in the next five minutes I'll bring it down there Jake hold on I use death I'm gonna promote this stuff I don't sell it but I think it's the best finish for small projects love this product so I've talked about it before its death clear finish this is semi-gloss it just lays on there like velvet gorgeous stuff drying time between coats will be measured almost in seconds so Keith bid $500 burden Keith's bid $500 thank you came then Phillip raised it to 525 and then Jim Hoge oh it's gonna light up here in a second okay Jim Hoge is the current highest bidder at 5:15 and Bryan from Chatsworth Ontario bought a t-shirt and he said it was nice meeting you in Toronto Bryan Bryan Silva Bryan with debug t-shirt yeah thanks Bryan so it was nice meeting you in turn nice meeting you we'll be back we have a wig so windy this three would chosen Ontario this year first ones the end of September and Woodstock there's a brand new one that's going to be I think middle of November and that one is in Ancaster and then the big Toronto one the end of February so if you make it not great to see you all right so this is all gonna be taped so all I need to do is finish off the end down here absolutely love this stuff that top is almost dry that won't take very long I know I wonder if I can blow air on it dry it faster what is the brand of that nozzle someone asked that here Jake OSHA compliant you kidding me it is typhoon its coil hose pneumatics typhoon is the brand and it says OSHA compliant which I have a hard time believing that things get too much power and you know I just noticed the other day but there's no center hole can you focus on that it's got all those little holes around the inside dry don't need to just do to enough remember it's a mallet identical every strike one last thing we have to do is its tape it what are we up to on the bidding Jim is still winning with 550 super Dave's wife Michelle is wondering where his bid is ah David crack open that wallet super super is coming up sometime this summer women told him yet August yeah I wanted to show me how to cut myself on the saw stop probably hoping to clean follows morning people to be cured suing he's suing he said there was no warning on the no just while we're waiting there I'd like to remind everyone that if you have not subscribed to Rob Kosmas YouTube channel to please do so we're really desperately trying to get to a hundred thousand subscribers oh right we want that plaque that first play Frick wants that play well I do yeah yeah I've never seen one in person so so and I only have and when you do subscribe make sure you push the notification thing yeah the little Bell so yeah yeah we did we just posted one just just yesterday on the comparison between the you know we should sell that right now so I'm not a fan of the low angle Jack I wasn't a fan when I sold Lee Nelson I'm not a fan now that I sell wood River this just this is brand new out of the box how much what's the retail on it to so if you want that I'll even sell that one into the US you can have it for two hundred yeah for two hundred Brando we still have the box we got everything we took it out of the box for pictures no just to do the video I just don't like I just don't like a low angle Jack I'm not a here so I'll tape watch the video okay now we can tape this so here's how I do it start right here that's our top stretch that down and how much you need probably 14 15 inches spin that and it'll turn it into a cord and then wrap the cord at about integrals that your fingers would appreciate and then the first wrap comes right at the top of the cone and then cover the cord holding it in place you can always change it if it gets ratty on you and then down here you want to come right up and cover all of the handle and then rip that off and then I give it a little twist like that there you go gorgeous Purple Heart malice what are you gonna bid Frick 575 no I said what are you gonna bid yeah that's my bid oh sorry Phillip just beat me 580 sorry all I had was 575 so the current so it'll have Rob actually will sign this one maybe with the hot pan saying it's a special one now I'm going to offer two more for sale if anybody wants actually I got a few more now just bear with me one second Meghan and I will sing if you want George barber is the manager of the wood craft store down in Knoxville Tennessee and Georgia's that store is a huge supporter of our purple hair project and George had made these two purple heart melts for me to give to vets but I can't give to when I have a whole bunch of them so we I didn't ask him but I'm sure he's okay with it you guys would like to bid on these these two will will go into our purple I'll buy all the proceeds are going to a Purple Heart project and remember we're now going to increase the number of vets that we bring in each year from 28 to 36 so yes we need more money so there's there's two more George once and I've got enough purple heart to make two more of these so if you didn't get one and you want one that's can't do that can we trying to figure out the polite way of doing that Super Dave says he can't paid because you did well they could just eat how would they need to spend other people's money they can just email you if they if you want if you want either of these email me if you want one if you want me to make you one of the others email me we'll negotiate a price but the standard has been set whoo I won the third yeah how do you do that well if you lose the primary bid you don't necessarily you're not necessarily obligated to take one I'd say that's well well I know what we'll do when we finally sell it we'll take the tops we'll take the top number two and the number three and I'll contact them by email and say look would you want one and if you will all make you one for that sure George's all this is all going if you only knew what this was going to do this money and some of the guys that have been the class will tell you that there can no price can be put on on the feeling you get when you help these guys George is here with us and yeah hi George did he give the okay yeah he said I made them to support the projects oh thank you George that's not hot enough it's got to be really hot for this but that will have that will do the logo and then we'll also sign it okay we wrap it up we just had a $600 bid from Ronnie Chauncey thanks Ronnie this is a bit of a delay here so we have to we have to kind of forewarn you any final questions 610 from Philip 610 we're going to stay on if the bidding keeps going does everybody got t-shirts do they want this is if Angie still on Lynn will tell us if she is I haven't seen them yeah Robert from Newark but just bought a t-shirt thank you Robert we have to sell more t-shirts eventually so we'll have to come up with a new color and we'll take suggestions do whatever looks good on that against that black it's George's birthday tomorrow by the way George barber yep I think 40:47 would be my guess you know I'm wrong happy birthday George to you any questions any questions any questions what was the name of the clear coat sprayed on the mallet deft forget Jake to put a put it up there fantastic product I wish I could get it in Canada I can't deft clear finish this is the semi-gloss I don't like the gloss the best part of it it dries unbelievably fast it the spray nozzle is fantastic it just lays this beautiful mist on there and what's really nice if you're doing small projects is it comes out with such low force it doesn't knock the product over I try to do that with my HVLP and it will push this knock a small box over the downside is doesn't very much when it comes to moisture resistance but quickly I know you described I know you said this at the beginning of the episode but Thane Curtis is asking why around mallethead instead of a square you know well if you use a hammer type mouse if you use a yeah and I got a med right there in the background let's do pretty to use you you it has to be directional if you happen to hit on the edge and you glance off you're not going to get the accuracy you're looking for I find that this it's just I don't know I find it so much easier to use oh shoot oh hey that stuff's really hard doesn't even leave a dent I meant to use mine a couple recommendations for t-shirt colors Maple Leaf red and pink no no naka de on the pink but I like to me I like the the maple leaf red but but the purpose it would that get lost sewed it sort of ladies come on really Oh bit of 620 from Ronnie thanks Ronnie okay I'm starving and Jake and I self to film the last 10 minutes of tonight's episode so we've got to wind this down final thoughts next do we have a date on our next we don't Oh July 6 that's coming right up that's next Saturday we're going to have our first ever one day dovetail workshop right here in there right here in our new teaching shop it's going to run from 9:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening here's the best part and I've taught this class all over Canada United States in the UK never have I shown up and everybody had all of my tools now why do I say that if you've said if you've taken across from me you know how important the tools are to getting perfect results I can brag about some of these behind me I'm providing all the tools you don't want to show up with anything so come the tools we'll all be provided lunch will be provided Frisch's going to have a barbecue that'll be awesome not the highlight of the day but close and there's 12 spots we've sold half of them or more we have a combat wounded vet from Maine he just applied for our scholarship program for October really good guy great and I thought when I saw he's from Maine zone with 3 hours away I said shoot icing I'm gonna bite him up to the to the one day workshop so he's gonna come in as our guest CEO if you're there you'll have a chance to meet him and he'll get a taste of what we do here in the week so don't forget that's July 6th which is next Saturday and probably the following weekend we'll do our next episode and we'll come up with a topic for them all right we're wrapping it up yep so we're gonna end it then Philip Lawrence is the winner with 630 dollars Thank You Philip six hundred and thirty dollars it's yours brother I will sign it we'll put our logo on it and the other to the other top two we will contact you if you want I'll make the make one just like that for you and if anybody's interested in the Purple Heart ones that George made to support our program please let us know on that so just a note from Jake here Philip if you can go ahead on the website and just donate that amount through the donation on there and then we'll get everything sorted out I was just telling the website do the Dune how's he gonna do a $630 donation suppose he can do a five hundred and a hundred and the 20 and the ten there you go or use my the invoice on three tens no you can leave your address so I can send it to you and email us your address - so we can send it to you thank you everybody okay how many did we have on tonight at the peak around 440 good thanks guys appreciated please find us a combat wounded vet whether it's a mental wound or physical wound it does not matter but it must be combat related we had to have parameters for our program and that's what they are encourage them to contact us through our email the registration process is on the website just fill it out I'll just give them this a little bit of warning you have to write your story and you have to give it to us in detail we're not looking for we're not trying to be nosy but this is triage we're trying to determine who needs us the most I would suggest you write at least a half a page do it as if you're talking to your therapist you're not going to exaggerate but you're not going to hold back and if you don't get selected apply again we don't save the old ones but we open this up to anybody's walk anybody that fits those criteria can apply as many times as they want okay have a happy fourth of July happy a happy counter today if you're Canadian and we will see you guys in a couple of weeks thank you for thank you for your participation and thank you to Jake and frik and Megan and and Angie and super Dave barely ya see Dave and Paul and Paul yes thank you for asking Dave pardon for harassing Dave yes for her husband Dave thank you Paul for harassing Dave keeping them in check see you guys have a good weekend
Views: 12,176
Rating: 4.9396229 out of 5
Id: SeARGxIh30o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 2sec (6602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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