Rob Cosman Live Episode 15: Bread Boards

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anyway yeah we are audio we're on now so I can say hello you can say hello hi folks we are scrambling for a minute big crew tonight just finish the episode just finished filming tonight's episode this is I think this is this our last one for the year but we're gonna try to squeeze in one more at the end of the okay over there don't read in there yeah stand those up on edge please okay I'm ready let's see Jake seems waiting on you Frank we ready just a second are we on can you see anything or can you I don't know okay let's make sure your volumes are so what's Nick Nick Nick's gonna do and he's gonna be on the chat does Nick have a mic no that a delay there's a delay on this okay he's gonna chat and make sure the stream stays live can you see anything every good anybody on there yet how many millions and millions I can't see anything hello Rochester hello opening George evening George slow to the wife okay you're good we live yep Jake I'm over here officially 1 2 3 go yep hi folks welcome this is number 15 this is December 7 December 7th 1941 terrible thing happened that brought the United States into World War 2 and we salute all veterans both those still alive and those who have passed on you know what our Purple Heart project is all about so I'm going to start by telling you that real quickly so that you understand why we do this and we are gonna build something tonight we got a lot of work to do on it so starting in 2020 which is less than a month away we are going to increase our Purple Heart project to include six six day classes first one is in May and then one a month right through to the end of tober which of the good reliable travel months in Canada we each class has 12 students six of which are combat wounded veterans that we select from a qualification process they can come anywhere Canada United States Australia New Zealand Astra didn't mean to say that but yes England to date we've had eighty eight eighty three of which four American one ozzie and for Canadians and we bring them in we covered their airfare we cover their hotel we covered their meals and do we feed them well and we send them each home with in US dollars it's gonna be about three thousand dollars worth of hand tools so they can go home and set up a shop this has proven to be extremely therapeutic for guys suffering from PTSD guys gals or the effects of traumatic brain injury like super Dave and that's it that's what we do we it's expensive if it figure it's a little better than three thousand dollars US per vet so do the nav math on that 36 each year times three so we raise money through the sale of our dovetail saw are all our saws Frick does barbecues in the summer and generous people donate you don't have any corporate sponsor although I say that wood crafts actually gives us money and some of the and several the wood craft store is actually stepping up to the plate and covering the cost of a vet each and anyway so we also use these workshops to raise money so here's how it works if you if you donate $25 to the Purple Heart project you do that by going onto our web page Frick's gonna put a link on there and donate you can donate any amount you want but every $25.00 or $25.00 increment get your name in the Hat once for tonight it is going to be a fiddleback actually I call that figured maple and you can have it made into a dovetail saw a crosscut saw a bench crosscut or a medium tenon this is some beautiful wood that Shawn Mojave has been doing up for it's resin impregnated today I'll tell you real quick they dry it to get down to zero moisture content put it in a chamber with a polymer resin they as they extract the air and create a vacuum the air comes out of the wood has to be replaced with something so the resin gets in there when it solidifies it makes it very dense it increases the weight 30 40 % makes it makes it to when you polish it up it's just just like satin beautiful and it makes it nice and strong so it's beautiful saw will make a beautiful saw so that's how you do and all of that money all of that money we don't take any kind of a fee out of this all that money goes to pur pirate project to supporting a soldier we lose about three percent now we lose the three percent that the credit card company takes oh yes so I've got a few more little things to tidy up before first are gonna say hello to Angie so Angie if you don't know is this is Angie Angie's Ken's cousin that's Ken Ken's over there Kevin Burke was me if you if you buy saw it half at least half of its built by Ken 95% oh can you get a lot more credit so this is Angie and Angie and Lynn her sister who was her caregiver is she packages all of our t-shirts so when you get a t-shirt and it's nicely packaged and there's a little gold seal in there with an a that's Angie and this is our first shirt which is wood as good has our logo on the front and our latest one make that dinger ding is my my niece make Mikaela came up with the slogan would doing good and that's in teal and that was Angie's color and Angie's under the weather tonight I understand so Angie got to get better cuz you can't be taking any time off and already told me now quick introduction start over here this is Nick Nick came to our was in our workshop in April May and this is his girlfriend soon to be more than his girlfriend Erica if you want to say anything anytime now Nick on bended knee I'll give you the opportunity 17 14 years has been almost 13 years so you're probably waiting for another day or two I understand so Nick's gonna be helping answering the questions tonight because Megan who we need and miss is the way in Utah is in your family so we got Ken here we got my son Rex in the back Rex lives in Halifax he's visiting this weekend and you all know Frick from the frickin good barbecue Jake's behind the camera he just came home and that's okay now a couple things over here so this is a guitar that was made by the East Tennessee luthiers guild so I met Paul down in in Knoxville and Paul's a Vietnam vet he's also a luthier makes guitars so we got chatting and he likes what we do he said if you wear my t-shirt and give me a shout-out next cuz how are we make I'll give it to you and you can sell it to raise funds for the Purple Heart project so this and there's a there's a lot of information on this you can go on my site if you go and rub cosmonaut comp no sorry go to youtube and look it up and you'll see where we've had Manoli my friend come in and play it a few times so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna auction it we're gonna do the same thing we're doing with the dovetail saw and our next broadcast we're gonna do it with this so you might be able to take something like that home and this is Maya this is our I have to I mentioned my med a med made this jacket for me which is awesome that's our Purple Heart logo and I'm wear this to airports and people have actually asked me hey what's that all about so great conversation and that's the reason why we want you to get a t-shirt because we find these vets through personal contact no I love that noise that's music to my ears that means a donation for this yeah that ding that you hear is people donating we find vets only through personal contact that means you bring up the topic and sooner or later you will run into somebody who has a nephew a brother or cousin somebody who is at home suffering and and we you'll never know what it's like but I can tell you from little experience I have with guys that have it it is debilitating in fact 22 that's a day in the United States take their own life because of this it's tragedy and we can fix it at least we can fix part of it because the guys that come to our workshop in fact I want to tell you tell you right now go to our website Rob Cosman com go under the section on workshops and go don't ask me why but go to the October 2020 workshop and you'll see on there where you can track it down and you can go do a read the customer reviews and just go find the one from Kevin and read it and you'll understand what I mean what this does and I'm the first one to admit I know nothing about what we're doing I know would I know how to teach it but what I've discovered is working wood is extremely therapeutic all right now you keep guys interrupt me with questions if you have them wait repeat that question I'm not sure oh oh yeah so next way over there if you can't hear them so Cody says what stood in between a crosscut and a bench crosscut well this is a crosscut hang on what the term we use is joinery cross joinery crosscut well let's get it right so this saw has about an inch and 5/8 depth of cut it has 16 teeth per inch width mm so it allows you to make a very precise cross cut meaning you're cutting across the grain the idea is to be able to join your cert your wood right from the saw so if you're cutting a mortise and tenon joint instead of having to go in and use a shoulder plane to create that shoulder if you got a good saw and a little bit of practice you can do it right from the saw it makes you a very efficient however it cuts so nicely that yeah I end up wanting to use it all the time so I said ah I got to get away from using that just a lot piece off a piece of wood instead of having to run over to the table saw so we started making about ours called our bench crosscut this has a blade that is 20 thousands of an inch thick mm per side kerf is 24 thousands of an inch in relative terms a piece of writing paper is for thousands of an this one has a 25 curve apart me steel plate with two thousand per side so now you're talking about 29th our kerf it also has 13 teeth branch so it's a little more aggressive and because it's got more depth of cut I think you have inch and 3/4 no two inch two inch depth of cut I should've known that it's also a little bit longer and the best brass back is a little bit wider a little heavier so this is something that would use to do cuts that aren't joinery related but cuts nice and smooth so that's the difference heavier longer deeper depth of cut hey we're 11 minutes in alright Nick did you decide anything yet he thinks I'm gonna leave him alone no pressure lots of pressure Nick tons of pressure and we want to hear it first well second Erika alright so here's what we decided we're trying what we're going to talk about we said well it's Christmas it's near Christmas and what are you gonna get that person that doesn't need one another tie or whatever box of chocolates cutting boards are really popular everybody loves cutting boards and most people like wooden cutting boards now the downside to a wood cutting board is what can I haven't even talked to you about this what's the downside to a wood cutting board would movement so you put you gets wet it cracks it warps sure and may be part of the allure but not necessarily makes it any easier to use so I was thinking this is that one that I design I'm gonna come back to this topic in a second this is one I designed a while back when I was starving and trying to think or figure out what kind of item can I make that I could inexpensive to manufacture but would be able to sell and I never got any farther than this in fact this is the first prototype which was done with pine which wouldn't be your best choice for a cutting board anyway so my idea was here is that this would be for cheese and this is made out of bird's eye you want use maple because maple is very very tight wood so you're not going you wouldn't certainly want to use oak or ash big open pores you get lots of food down in there and bacteria so that one would be sized for your cheese this one would be sized for your sweet bread like banana bread lemon bread tends to be a smaller loaf and this one would be for your loaf of bread three different sizes no finish on it you don't want to I don't want to finish another one impart any taste and then my holder was made out of mahogany there's a couple of dovetails if it's got me in it has to have dovetails and a couple of slots cut in there and it just looks kind of cool unfortunately like I said I never did anything with it so we are tonight so we're gonna go through and make one of these possibly make a few modifications walk you through the process but Jake came up with a great idea now back to the problem with maple it gets wet it warps so I found out about torrefied maple from my friend Mel and if you want any of this stuff you just need to go to Mel's website exotic woods com can i rex would you find that out for me please if exotic woods calm sea if that's yeah that must be it I don't think it's a - or anything in it anyway so Mel is the king of wood and this is called torrefied maple so what they do is they take the wood and they put it in an oven or something but they heat it to it I can't remember the temperature I think it's less than 200 degrees but anyway it's hot and in the presence of oxygen that would actually burn but because there is no oxygen it doesn't so it Tora Faiz the wood and apparently the Vikings were the ones that discovered this as a way of preserving wood if you can't get moisture into wood then it's not going to rot so Mel tells me that in order to verify that it's been properly torrefied they'll take a piece after the process soak it in water for 48 hours if it takes up any moisture then it wasn't done properly so I thought what they wait that's something yeah I would imagine so if you had a piece of wood that didn't wasn't affected by moisture would make a fantastic cutting board and because it's maple it's nice and tight grain so you don't have to worry about the pores getting food in them what was the other nice thing about this it's got a really interesting smell to it I don't think it's gonna impart any taste any taste to your food there's one other thing I want to tell you don't need to put a finish on it but question Terry's question is oh all right I'll read it Dixit you don't have a mic well the tight grain prevent the edible oil from penetrating the wood or do you even put oil on these no no I don't put any oil on them just because well said though so that's always been the problem if it's wrong if it's normal wood you need to have some kind of protection on it but with the torrefied not absorbing any moisture I don't think you're gonna need anything like that so we're going to try it and I think it's gonna be success I'm gonna leave that to the last we're gonna go in and we're gonna make the holder for it first anything else we need to talk about the cutting boards just so you know it is exotic Dashwood's calm okay so it's EXO tea I see - woods wo OD s calm I'll pay I'll pay still exotic woods in Burlington Ontario and I'm sure if you call and ask nice Mel will cut you a piece that he can mail to you he ships to us all the time in fact I spend way too much money there but it's wood alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make this piece the holder out of bird's-eye and I think the colour will will will laugh nice against each other and we what hi is that the triple e no no this is some stuff that I've had for a while it's a little bit twisted up so what I want to do is try to streamline this and by that I mean we'll take one long piece that we can cut the grooves in and get it all milled up properly and then we can cut it down and end up till it together so when we do this remember how I did it these grooves have to run in between the pins and we don't want to see them up through here either so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a stepped dovetail so we'll when it's actually dumped up together you're only gonna see pins that go down to a boat there we'll cut to the bottom of this and these ones don't matter because they simply like I said that groove runs right in between the pins what I meant to say I think I said tails so it won't be an issue so for length we're going to need a piece that is let's say 12 and 618 leave a little bit for cut let's go we're cut a piece 18 and a half now just mark this real quick no I'm gonna use a pencil no I don't want to be cheap so we'll use the good Birds Eye okay you got to think of it we're gonna see both sides and this has got a big ol knot here and some heartwood down there I'm gonna try to avoid that so I'm gonna come back to this end sue says that you should also auction off the this cutting board set when you're done yeah good idea sue I was kind of thinking about that is that sue from Florida it is hi Sue this is the bad pencil thank you Jake so we'll cut here it should be alright now better better check it and then we're gonna go 18 and a half mm-hmm half I've got some good Birds eye on the other side now I'm gonna make that cut first make sure that I get in far enough before we cut the rest of it so I'm gonna be moving around a lot hopefully Jake will be able to keep up with me I'm gonna just go ahead and turn the air on now wait you closed what Mel also has a great sex oh yeah just look at this real quick so I got some bird's-eye from Mel where's my stash Mel has some triple you know if you if you're a fan of bird's-eye you're gonna freak out over this look at that so this is triple a birds eye that Mel just has came from here yes from New Brunswick yeah really so if you call him and ask him he might be able to give you some okay where's my piece of wood that I just had him a hand over here no I just I want to make sure that that that didn't continue through and it didn't yeah that almost looks like heart well actually no mineral deposits are usually black all right now we got to flatten this what did we take that down to is that 5/8 if you want dimensions or lengths or anything ask me so we're gonna finish this off at five-eighths I've got lots of material here this is a little over seven eighths so this is my my new and not my new new to me joiner and jake installed this Sigma Jake Jake installed a segmented head these are carbide cutters and this is the best invention since the saw stop in terms of improving woodworking equipment that has been around for a long time I'm just trying to read the grain direction on this it's not that bad in terms of not being flat [Music] the other nice thing about that too is it does a really good job on figured would like that and not pulling any of those eyes I you don't always get that kind of performance with straight nights I'm gonna I'm gonna do one more pass table needs to be waxed and then will joined an edge always easier to joint an edge that is somewhat cup like this as opposed to LUN vex like that convex it's rocking like this it's very difficult you don't have resting points you have one if it's cupped like this then when you set it down on the jointer at least it's resting on two points so it's a lot more stable you always have your flat face against the fence so that that comes out square now so Jake Jake was the first one to ask why you're wearing pants who was Jake Jake because it was stinking cold in here tonight and it was cold outside today but I'm becoming a wimp I've got that same cutter head [Music] in the thickness planer but I also don't tempt fate and I don't try to take too heavy of a when you're dealing with say figured wood little 3/4 [Music] I'd like to leave that face alone because it's perfectly flat coming off the coming off the jointer whereas the thickness planer always leaves a bit of Snite so if you're wondering why I haven't flipped it that's the reason [Music] all right that's a little heavier in 5h but I'm gonna work with that now what's our width I'm gonna copy this because it worked out just right so that's 4 and 7/16 no waste now come over here I'll show you this Jake ordered this why don't you take a week or two ago so this is a if well that's not that's not who's making it well that's who sells it in affinity and this is a zero clearance so this is a throat insert for well that's a heavy-duty tooth that's metal oh it's aluminum really so this is oh that's too so well it's not gonna flex on me if you if you've been following the little tiny insect Lex's event well you have I know but it's closely supported anyway this is made out of aluminum it fits the saw stop and that this is replaceable so this just slides out it's a piece of MDF is there well they're in there so it allows you to have zero clearance which means if you have support for the right up to the blade when you cut things like plywood you won't get tear out on the bottom side in fact that is a big enough deal I'm gonna actually show you so let me just grab a piece of plywood real fast now that that blade is a that blade is the rip blade so most people say oh no no you don't use a rip blade cross cutting wood but here's a piece of plywood and I'll cut a quarter of an inch off the end all right I look at the bottom side almost as clean as the top site so that's what zero clearance will do for you how about how wide is this supposed to be do you remember four and seven Nick with it torn 7/16 to run back over there four in 7/16 so that's how wide this is I'll run I thought you remember you're probably thinking up some creative way to throw it the big proposal so I'll leave you alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now let's go back over here and figure out what we're doing so now I got to put that de towhead ken can you hi Ken what I'll do it I'm gonna put the data head in I'm going to I'm gonna cut this out with the dado and then we got to clean up the bottom we'll do that with a router plane and if we need to clean up the sides if we need to clean up the sides shoot I was gonna do with that with the little side rabbit set who nail still want to know who makes the zero insert its sold sold by in affinity or infinity infinity tools any more than that infinity tools calm I assume here let me just grab it real quick and say there's a there's a brand on there it's made in the US of A here zero in on that name it's the only place I can see any markings that say cauliflower I don't know but we'll do a video on it it is infinity tools calm affinity tool double infinity high what are they good who's doing it yet thank you okay let's get back to what we're doing so now we're only open we're gonna see we're gonna see this only in the edge so now it's a matter of looking at this and saying well what part do we want to see and we're also going to cut off a fair bit so we can get rid of that side you obviously want to put that on the bottom well not so obvious because that that shows more birdseye on that side yeah what I mean is that this will go on the will will form the pinboard in the middle I'd flip it around though no I know I want this to be the inside I want this to be the inside isn't that the better bird sight that's the better bird oh you said this was the better Birds Eye Yeah right okay so this is gonna be the insider get you okay now let's lay this out so my spacing and that assumes that we have a 7/8 inch wide okay so that's gonna have to be modified because that's seven eight and I don't know that that is perfectly flat Ken can you kind of keep me on track timewise like every 20 minutes or so just give me a little nod I can do that he doesn't want to go over for hours tonight Ken yes this is that this emphasis workshop is dedicated to Luther so we're gonna go extra long because he just loves that for 32 minutes in okay I'm going to I actually like that thickness it's a good hat I like that that feels really good it's got some it's substantial I hate using common dimensions like 3/4 because it's so common can you get thirteen sixteenths out of it I'm gonna I'm gonna risk going down to thirteen sixteenths which means that now I have to do some math and that's always a bad thing wait you know the worst thing about doing this is this is live I can't pause so I can figure things out I have to actually be thought of as a fool so what I should just do is find the center of each of these and then go from each why do they always put it on the wrong side so the center of this one this is not helping me so we'll go 3/8 of an intact C 7/16 oh my goodness we go 7/16 from either side and then 1316 13:16 then 7/16 which gives you enough room to get your hands in there to grab a hold of it and that leaves us with a full inch in the middle that doesn't work because they didn't allow for it so we're taking a sixteenth off of each one so if we go half okay start a new spot somebody comes up with something ingenious let me know 13:16 and half things how are we doing on donations any but nobody's told me should I reach should I reach them there's quite a few yeah what's up there's whole but you want me to read all the names well I'd like to hear some I just keep me excited Ken keeps key part we're gonna take care of at least one soldier tonight it's Christmas don't forget we have about 40 you want me to stay forty forty twenty five dollar donations well some of them are substantially more yeah I'm just gonna screw this up Nick can you grab that yellow remote right there and chip you're the dust collector off I got it right here I got it right here all right read him Frick all of them or did the big ones all right so we got a random sampling David you charm Steven Bergman Mike even David is his constant and his regular as somebody eating newslinks Steven Bergman Michael Bailey Paul Morrison Paul Ottawa yeah Paul there Paul of course there man I'm ed am ed yeah absolutely 250 donation Joseph Wechsler Paul Crewe Kowski Brian proffer Jake - Rolla Dean Ram peanut boy Jake subi sue sue Brownlow Rodney Peltier Peter Kendrick Abraham Pinsky Phillip Robertson David van der eat better eat Matt Robertson Peter Pouncy Brian McQueen David Lynn Matt mural print to sell Jason Brown Greg Harris Kevin Burris Howard Bingham Brian McQueen Bauer yep Bob Cunningham Norman Olson Jennifer read David Talbott Robert mish the maquette Mukesh Norman Covington Christopher D'Amico Richard hedges Chris all right Rex bostrum Chris Morgan Jake Kelly Kevin Buress John Galvin Susan Patton hoot Kevin did I hear Kevin burst yes you did thank you Kevin call me let me know how you're doing John Gavin Susan Patton and Matthew Kevin Kevin was one of our combat wounded vets seven tours three in Afghanistan three in Iraq one in Kosovo Kevin was an AED explosive ordnance disposal survived multiple multiple ie D blasts and it's an awesome dude Kevin coming Kevin I assume is your invitation so we got a would show to do in my in Toronto in late February so I expect you'll be there early and Charlie ray also with the 250 Charlie Charlie's awesome Charlie's Vietnam vet do you want to grab you okay let me get my head around here so oh yeah I got to put the cartridge in no if you haven't got a saw stop then and you need to get one oh yeah and I'll I'll just give you a little bit of a commercial while we're doing this and they don't pay me to say this I say this because you find something great the first thing you want to do is tell your friends about it so ours I'm thoroughly impressed with this this is awesome we look into that was one of the two downsides Jewess Austin right what's the other one lousy miter gauge oh yeah yeah pathetic miter miter gauge Ana and I've never liked the throat plate it would flex it would flex if you were if you're owning something up on the end the this is the data one but the other one would flex on you so I just took out the cartridge this is the part that prevents you from cutting yourself and when you're running a dado which is an 8 inch diameter you have to put in this different cartridge and these are about 80 to 100 dollars each I know that because we've tripped I think five or six of them in here more than that one actually saved guy's finger and my sauce top is the original weight so yours are gonna your cartridges are gonna be blue mine are clear the blue ones came out several years ago that was the very beginning early stuff okay so I'm putting in if you don't know what this is this is a stacked dado there's a wobbling type that I hate this is the best each one of these represents an eighth of an inch so we'll put that one in now you in case you don't know cuz I've never told you and if I just assumed you know then somebody's gonna not know so there's a open slot opposite of each other on each blade okay and that's where your chippers need to go what did you and you have two cutters so you'll notice that your cutters all the teeth are pointed to one side and on this one they're pointed the opposite way so this is the left side my left and this is my right good to get that straight so you put the first one in and then the cutters are eighth of an inch except this one is 1/16 so what I'll do is take this one and I need to make sure because the car by 2 sticks out beyond the plate you've got to make sure that it's sitting in there and it's not it's not sitting up like that which wouldn't allow it to Snug down tight so you got to move it over until the tooth gets into that open area and it automatically happens on the other side you don't have to space these any particular way meaning after you've got the first one in place it doesn't matter where the second one goes except for the fact that you don't want it sitting on top of it so you wouldn't you wouldn't put the subsequent ones like that because the two teeth would hit each other so you have to have them offset some amount I'll put the small one in there that represents the sixteenth of an inch and then the last one is your eight now you can also because each tooth sticks out from the plate you can add spacers I've got some brass ones and I've got written on there that's the twenty-five to thirty one thousand now lost the other ones and you can put that spacer in between and what it'll do it'll just give you a little more width so when you're dealing with plywood you're trying to cut a data with plywood you never find plywood to be exactly 3/4 so you've got to mess around with that I've actually made others out of out of paper a cardboard cardboard but card stock so when the final one goes on again it has to line up it has to line up with that carbide tooth sitting in the middle now I'll just gonna tell you real quick if you put one of these spacers on the problem is that the spacer wants to fall down into the that's in between the threads on your on your shaft so what I do after I put it on is I spin it I spin the whole thing in the direction that you would turn the nut and what that does is it'll pull everything in tight if you don't you end up having those things they just don't sit properly and it's you don't want that to happen no I don't have a whole lot of thread right there so I'm gonna take that off and I'm just going to use the nut that's my outside washer but and dill this taught me that stick to stick the nut on your finger like that so when you reach down in you don't drop it cuz they drop it down in there takes me half an hour to take the thing apart to try to find it especially if the nothing is going and then snug that up now you want to have your cartridge about the thickness of a nickel away from the cutter that needs to be a little bit closer so there's a there's an allen wrench and a set screw or a screw right there turn it clockwise and it moves it closer can you see Jake I can't see down there very well that's that's good I think that's good right there put that out of the way close your door you want to close that door because it makes the dust collecting far more efficient because it closes the area immediately around the blade kind of question yep Thomas wants to know are there any saws which come with a decent miter gauge it seems like most of the time it's accepted that you'll have to buy a decent one as an aftermarket part no that's actually that used to be true but you know saw the older Delta has always had a great miter gates in fact I'm actually I've got a general in there off the general table so they almost always fit they're always 3/4 of an inch but no I that may be what the case is now but it wasn't always like that ok what's our depth on this now when you cut with a dado head yeah can i interject pardon I don't think the grooves on that one we're deep enough you don't know why they didn't really hold the board very high I'd beg to disagree I beg to differ I should say so these aren't quite a quarter I'll make them I'll make them a quarter but when these when this cutter cuts the little ears and I've heard of that as the points on the outside cutters are gonna go deeper so they're actually designed to go in and score on either side and then the chippers in the middle remove the material would leave you the flat bottom but you don't have a true flat bottom you're going to end up with these little rabbit ears these little cuts and you have to allow for that if you're gonna see it so we're gonna see the end so we've got to be able to get rid of that that just means that I don't want to have it I can't go down a full quarter on the inside of the dado I just need a scrap no to test this you're gonna put the ears in the ears are gonna go 1/4 right if Pete is Pete Ambrose on tonight I haven't seen him no speak up Pete if you're around okay that's right here you see what I mean with the outside rabbit ears I could see well enough so that's cutting a little better than 316 so by the time we get rid of those that'll be a battle that's what we want now why I didn't take those right out to the end is beyond me Pete is here Jeremy I'm just gonna carry these lines should you carry them out and then down the face of it yeah up here Pete is here by the way hey Pete Merry Christmas brother Pete Ambrose is a combat wounded Vietnam vet that was in class number 12 and Pete was awesome I wish I wish we could have kept him around even longer and so does his wife you know we should mention what is a Joon's class will contain the 100 June class by the way if you're thinking about coming to the class III really need to do a plea to the I gotta get my headgear to the civilian side of it the civilian side of those classes is what makes it a success and we always need the right people and we always get the right people and especially if you have a soft spot for the veterans that have done so much for us we need you June classes am a class is full for the bit for this for the on the civilian side we've two spots left in June and I don't know about the other class all the other classes have at least one spot so our selection process for the vets will take place I can think on the 26th of December oh that's what else you should mention the cutoff for the first three classes May June and July is the 15th of December okay so this is a side I'm working on right I got to keep my I got to keep my head and this remind us to talk about that okay so I know what wait a sec no that's right yeah that's right that's right [Music] the downside to that and the reason why it's so hard to get a good flat bottom is because you're cutting at the top of the circle so it's always pushing up run it a couple of times now I don't have to change anything I just switch that over and there's a lot of force here if you think about how much force you encounter when you're ripping a board with a blade multiply that by the number of cutters you have in there and this is one of those tools that causes a lot of accidents I'm just trying to Center that on those lines [Music] [Music] alright now we can turn the noise off and do some hand work I read some donations real quick what's that read some donations real quick yeah all right so we got Glen Carson Aaron fen Harold Morse ed black Thomas Dixon Richard coves skinsky Terry Koch wire Troy Rader some guy named Nick Brown Nick Brown made a generous donation Timothy Fred Nick did yep sue made another donation Brad Smith George Barbour Randy would let me just refresh here make sure I'm not missing anyway thank you folks Dave wants to know super day finally showed up and he had to save some orphans he said he had no thing back save some orphans from grizzly bears no I'm not Dave but I'm gonna keep them on for the duration of the show Super Dave is coming here Tuesday yeah when are we leaving Monday no he doesn't get hurt in the afternoon on Tuesday you know we can leave Tuesday morning soups coming up we're gonna spend he and I and Jake and Ken they're gonna spend some time making some would hinge boxes we should do a video we're gonna do a video on that aren't we alright so I'm using my I'm using my Lee Nelson router plane because I want to get those nice and but but you know what this is bird's-eye and this is gonna be tough to get a nice smooth cut on the bottom I'm gonna try this I might and I may end up having to go in with my shoulder plane and and do that in fact are you saying that because there's no I'm saying that because there's no there's nothing to control the cut there's nothing to control the carrot let me explain when you're again I assume you don't all know everything there is about woodworking and I don't either but I know a little bit when you're making a cut with a cutter like that there is nothing to support the wood fiber directly ahead of the blade so if you're planing in that if you're cutting in the direction of the wood fiber not a problem meaning the wood fibers lay like this you come along as you cut and each one supported by the next not an issue but as in the case of bird's-eye if you all of a sudden you get in a situation where the grain is now reversed and you're coming against it the cutter is gonna grab this fiber and lift it up leverage it against these fibers back here and some point it'll tear and leave a mess can't do anything about it with us with a router plane but with this plane I can because I have an adjustable throat so I can get in there and that throat please no no I like the mass of this that throat plate moves forward and back and I can bring it right up tight to the to the cutter so that the wood fiber is well supported and they don't even allow me to plane against the grain without any tear-out now I want to set this up on a piece of pine or something else do you do much setup for the shoulder plane or does it come ready out of the box the shoulder plane comes pretty much ready out of the box there's not a lot to do with that other than sharpening a blade so the nice thing about this one is it's got a hollow spot underneath therefore your fingers and you squeeze it like that lots of control what I'm doing right now is I just want to make you know that that's way too heavy of a cut so I'm gonna back that off now that I've plugged up that throat I'll have to are you thinking about Nick the bathroom he's sick no he's in his nerves have got to him Paul Rigney joined us he was a little late he didn't hear you mentioned the guitar so Paul glad you're here we in an upcoming episode or whatever we call these things workshop we're going to auction off to art we're gonna do the same thing we've been doing we're gonna do it with the guitar I think that's our best bet cam backing this off a little bit you nervous Nick you're not I would think after 13 years you would be all right that's that's that's not for did you man back in huh did you pull my brother back in a little yeah so the reason I recommended using the half-inch was because when you take a pass with this it's not going to go corner to corner and it would be difficult to clean out that at that remaining sixteenth of an inch well you know what I need is I need a block to hold you yeah so what I'm doing is to avoid ending up with a ridge by putting that block in there it just gives me a reference point and you can tell because I'm getting just that last little bit that I want still need another pass I should have been counting that's still a pretty heavy cut I'm gonna close that throat down a little bit more to I'll show you the gap can you get somewhere where you can see that I think since since Nick is here we should give a quick shadow to his Instagram page Nick yeah he makes some some gorgeous pieces I think everybody should see them NB wood finery and B would Fi and ER why it's on Instagram so give him a follow you've been holding out on us Nick he's got some great stuff on her really nice stuff I'll post the link in there any little ring boxes no no ring boxes you have to come take her class of course you have to buy the ring first could make sure the box fits her that would you man you want yes we did Thank You Pete Pete sent us our Christmas present a box of American and Canadian flags for our benches so when the vets come in we have depending on our country they represent we have a flag on their bench for them all right I'm gonna get one side yeah yeah I can do that have you lined up the blade with that corner over that edge no should you should so what I'm gonna do the blade is wider than the body of the plane so when you're working to one side you want to have it flush and that's what you do just push it down against something solid and that'll slide the blade over I can still see a little bit of a gap down there hey do this one wax just reduces the friction couple more donations from Andrea in : yo where : go she's from Rhode Island and Thane Curtis as well thank you so do me a favor if you haven't already subscribed to our YouTube channel if you look we're at 99,000 and change and when you hit a hundred thousand YouTube starts to promote your channel which makes us helps us with our mission and we get a silver play button that we can put on the wall we do yep which is what I'm most excited about tricks into that stuff we're gonna say oh yeah and hit the hit the bell slam that Bell don't know he's hit it slam it that notifies you whenever we release another awesome video or would we go live so what about the like thing I always hear people talking about give it a thumbs up that also helps you to promote it as well like subscribe and hit the bell see that unify that up you know that one's still this isn't very comfortable to use I'm trying to push this down I'm trying to do three things at once here I'm trying to say tight to this inside keep it standing square where you can getting his jacket it's freezing in here I must be the only one under the pressure of the hey it's 16 degrees fahrenheit in here in well I mean Grand Bay right now just 16 degrees Fahrenheit minus minus 9/4 Celsius Canadians I'm thinking I'm thinking it would have been easier to do it with the having one on each side it's certainly not easy to do them with this block might be okay now we'll clean this face up you know I gotta get this set properly I'm just siting down there I'm amazing how many people can't do this or maybe they just don't know what they're looking at citing a sighting down the sole to see the blade to get it set up so that it's parallel to the sole it's imperative in order to keep this plane cutting so that you're taking the same amount off both sides I'm gonna retract that blade a little bit more you a little heavy on the right side maybe when I go out and I teach setting up and sharpening and using a hand plane I'm it's just amazing how many people will be planing and they've got these massive plane tracks and I come over and they don't know what it's causing them and I look and you see one half of the blade sticking out and the other half buried retracted fully anyway my point is you've got it you've got to get to a point where you can see that and correct it we're over an hour now just say we yeah okay that's the inside so now what we need to do is cut this thing so right here well you know what I can't rush we'll just get down what we can get done okay hi yeah I'm gonna go over here needs a chop saw cuz that's got to be put back together nobody's asked any questions [Applause] none just second I was totaling up our donations you went I was just totaling up our donations so far how's our number four viewers about three hundred and just so you know we have received enough donations to pay for a vet already that's awesome Thank You people now here's gonna be a problem it's gonna tear it on the backside but is that gonna be an issue I don't think so this is gonna be the tailboard and we're gonna remove all that material anyway so that won't be an issue and then on the pinboard side that won't be an issue II maybe not that maybe that's what I expected but that's all gonna be removed do you see what happens when you don't come in there and cut that little chamfer on the backside first okay so that's done but that'll all be removed some of those gets one you should get a chamfer with a chisel yeah so pull the board away from the fence back here got a little chamfer on this side I'm gonna get rid of that bad burn now what Jake was referring to I'll go in and I'll cut I need some light now I can do it with this I'm just gonna cut a little chamfer like that do you see what I did there there and there so that when we planed long as I don't go beyond them still get some room got a big burn to get rid of you break something no it's just that little nick over the air from right my repeat the question where do you have a headset magnifier rob has on this for David Vander eat woodcraft we they dont sell it anymore no they dont sell it anymore now I don't know I think it's called Optus something op division and you buy different magnifier there is right there can you hone in on that name optimizing optivisor and you can get different magnifiers kind of a Mickey Mouse way they how they hold them in but I find it comfortable it's available on Amazon just for anybody's can't you promote somebody else I know this okay now we got it we got to cut these I think what I need to do next is go in there and cut this off so even though this piece is gonna be thin the tailboard it's gonna go the full depth of these so what we want to do is measure measure the thickness of the pinboard which is this piece chips where's Rex my bad right so now go in and scribe a line all the way around I'm gonna do it here because we're gonna cut these off shouldn't you go into the grooves no it's gonna be easy to do after I cut that now we've got to go remove this material so that we end up with just this thickness and then we can cut our tails and that actually what I was gonna do I was gonna I was going to cut the tails while it was still in full width just to take advantage of the extra long length to line your saw but I can get by that alright let's go over and do that yeah okay so I got to say something but poplar because poplars are weird wood in that normally the heartwood which is the center part of the tree is harder than the sapwood which is the outside of the tree and I've asked a botanist and I haven't got an answer back yet poplar the heartwood is green the sapwood is white heartwood is soft the SAP wood is hard you can easily cut the green wood with a 17 degree not a problem cutting the white SAP wood on poplar might wreck your seventeen degree chisel unless you're really careful that's poplar how's their time Ken we're seventy two minutes in did they really so we're now down to one spot left in June awesome Frick yes well I'm doing this mundane stuff tell them tell them kind of meals that you prepare who the workshops talk about the brisket well we didn't do brisket last time but we plan on doing it this kid at one time before yeah we did bacon wrap wrap steak and chicken I do time it up a little bit more than that succulent and juicy fresh tenderloin steaks never frozen never frozen cut tortured that cow right well it was roaming around out back and Dave Super Dave wrestled him to the ground we start the didn't save its life no did I just take the right hip no it in we start with my signature burger it's called the big smoky which is a half pound huge burger it is fresh as well never frozen slow smoked it's juicy with smoked cheese and my world-famous maple bacon on top of that so that's how we snow no you don't just say world-famous maple bacon come on tell them the story I didn't know there was a story do you want me I'm not giving away the recipe if that's what you want me to do what do you use I use Canadian maple syrup bird's-eye maple I don't know but we have good meals Megan does a great job she cooks most of them and then some time three times hopefully four times this next time I use of wood pellets my neck so how much weight did you gain during that week took home a few more pounds than you came with I know that the food is worth the price of admission alone and now you're exaggerating she come for the food and Rob's a bonus I guess and that's it vets of course all right let's come back over here take if I got a square on me no now I want to because that blade it's a new rip blade it's nice and sharp I'm gonna use that and I'm gonna stand this on end I want to make sure that that's fence is Square to the table I'm gonna make this cut like so and I'm banking on it being clean enough that I won't have to do anything else to it and that is so hard to see I don't mind cleaning a little bit off at the at the top okay there now we'll set that I'm just going to use that inside [Music] how's that for clothes they write on or did you go a little too high right on now I should have made that cut first that's a mistake I should have made this cut first then that one and the little pieces would have fallen to the outside because if I try to cut it now you end up having those little bullets in there and they go shooting out the back so now I got to do is come over here and use my bench crosscut there's an example of where I would use the bench crosscut instead of the joinery crosscut because this is not a this is not an essential cut I'll just come in here and all I want to do is just get rid of those pieces so I can go back over the table saw and finish that but I won't have these pieces trapped between the blade trap between the blade and the fence did you tell them I had laser eye surgery since the last time we had an episode yes Frick can now see and that marking gauge works as a well it's course shoot should have gone in there and done another copy dang it set that up again I didn't look at that I don't have a nice smooth surface along there and I can take it from this saw without having to go in there with a router plane and clean it up router plane works great except on something like bird's eye because I mentioned where it's just gonna rip and tear should have checked that and I didn't [Music] okay so that's a nice single surface raise that up a little bit bring the wrap of the sizzle all right got some more donations more donations not sure if I just mentioned thinkers and Kenneth Stuart before we a Brian Tyler Mike Turk toker check - car check Don O'Connell David Clark Graham Sutton Israel Castellanos Prentiss Hill Brian Tyler and Eric s Eric I know Eric thank you gentlemen now I'm just going in here and cleaning out those corners I'll get a little closer with that when we actually get there okay now let's lay this out and get this thing so we got to make sure that our actually I'm gonna do this a little bit different than I normally would I'm gonna go down here and I'm going to mark I'm gonna transfer BA let me get a pencil and I'll show you Jake you're gonna want to come on this side get this out of the way put this back this is called a bench hook by the way so here my tails my pins are gonna be in here so I got to make sure that my the base of my pins stay inside of these marks okay as I said that's not how it normally would lay it out but it's the way I gotta lay this one out red pen easier to see just wait a second our batteries gonna die in the camera so we're just gonna switch it anybody want to sing a song okay wait we back on the stream is still on like the the audio is still there yeah okay a good bottle of Perrier there would you grab it for me please okay good yeah we're good all right so here come over here jig around behind me so I'm going to just I'm going to make sure that the pin is going to be complete so I have to stay on the right side of this mark and I'm just looking up here to about the size that I want so I'm gonna go right about there so I'll mark across the end where is that line and come up the face okay now to make sure that's the same on the other side I'll use my dividers here this will look more familiar come over here use my one and six okay now you're almost better with it with it with that black pen on people yeah I don't it's it's a wide I don't like it it's too fat now I now these I'm going to I'm just gonna guess at this and then see if it works we want three tails one two one two that's too wide for the top the amount that I cross the amount that I go beyond this half pin will determine how big these inside ones are that's right on that's ice yeah that's ice okay so you leave a mark leave a mark and then when we come back even mark leave a mark long as ice I'm good at the bottom or bill I gotta get not like like you will I think so [Music] six yeah and if we do it on one side we know what's going to work on the other you're gonna hold that board on top of it just a further so this piece is gonna be cut out of here I just had to make sure that the outside edges of that were within that one's close don't know why but well but they're okay okay so now we cut them cuts across the end have to be perpendicular stay to the outside by me I should make sure I always do this mark your waist so that you're sure to stay in the waist side other words stay keep the line wait but what happens if you go below on this side in my lamps did Pete send his dovetails up that what he meant no your slanted a little too far forward okay now we'll clean off / on the inside and now I got to make sure that these are these are taking it down okay should you are you finishing that now this has to be perfectly clean and a little bit of variance in this is because when I was using the shoulder plane to cut these I was a little deeper on some sides than the other but that's not going to matter but this has to be nice and clean so that when we go this next step it does it accurately so pinboard in the vise oh wait a minute now I'm gonna set our marking gauge so what we're gonna do this time is we're going to just measure this thickness a little bit of a variations from the way we normally do it so I'll set my marking gauge out here on the edge drop that down lock it so now that is this thickness and we'll go in there and scribe just the two faces and in this case we're just gonna have to just gonna scribe wait a minute cut down through there it's gonna be a little bit awkward getting the chisel down in there Bill Bailey says hi class of April 2017 I built Doc Bailey bill was built was a medic rate Vietnam using an equi corpsman attached to Marines so he took care of guys coming right off of the field literally moments after injury okay so now we use why is that not sitting it's sitting to go mmm no that board sitting for this move did hungry Ken you're just cold because I'm starving every time I go to cook breakfast out there you're always hungry come on get up there Pete did Barrett Fisher Christopher Stilwell Brian Tyler awesome brutal s'en I'm gonna check something I just want to make sure that this is square it better be you know it is who was it Barrett Barrett to say yeah Barrett is a combat wounded vet that came to one of our recent classes and Barrett is from Maine so he's just down the street Christopher Stillwell Brian Tyler Austin Bertelsen Johnny I'm Bryant I'm not staying up no there's something going on here this is not flat across the end what is that all about look at that eating you rid of the burn either huh well when I shot that I didn't go all the way oh you know why why because you stopped at the end of the chamfers on those oh yeah look at that yeah shoot hey stop we're at the end act like you stopped because you ran out of chamfer on those another donation from Paul Pearson and Charlie ray another one for Charlie well that's it finally came through he asked Megan earlier to all send the list but it came through very generous Charlie thank you and also Paul thank you everybody Charlie once that saw really bad but that's not the case because I know if Charlie not they wouldn't want to saw but I know where his heart is wait you're breaking oh it's alright that's alright sorry sorry I'm alright I gotta go back in and Reese cried this hey Shawn now Shawn and Angela are a wonderful love story that you two would benefit from greatly how about if Nick's Instagram page reaches 400 followers he will propose here live on this episode what if Nick's Instagram page gets four hundred followers deal Nick it's gone up okay change now where it's get Nick married everybody go on Nick's Instagram and and hit the whatever you do on the Instagram follow and then we'll get the announcement poor girl how patient do you think she should be don't push it brother if I didn't know Eric have you told me that I had him here for a week he would have to put it into context I dated Rob's daughter for six months before we got married so it's like kind of the opposite yeah started dating in December married in August so I guess it's a little more than six area January to August my mom on that one yeah tried to stop it now I realized this is the best decision he ever made here I sit took the words right out of my mouth Frick okay so we finally got this thing where we want it now we got to go in and we got to measure our saw kerf remember when you make sure when you do this that number one is laying flat you don't want it raised up on anything don't let the gauge rest on the this case the plane it's all on the saw I'm I want to hear that hit lock it and then that represents the thickness of the blade how far into this are we ninety three minutes so a little over an hour and a half all right we're still good how's our now our numbers nobody fading its three hundred forty okay hold that firmly now we're gonna reach down and then drag that through repeat the process it's clear why is anybody asking questions know if you're unsure what I'm doing please ask just explain what you do well I'm gonna if somebody if they all know then I know but just explained the offset well I offset I offset the board to my left so I'm going to the right side of each tail and I'm dragging this saw blade that we sell don't forget that is the exact same as the saw blade on my dovetail saw so by not cutting out the waste first when I put that saw blade down in there there's no way they can wander to the right or to the left so the mark that it's going to leave in the end grain of the pinboard this piece is going to be exactly where I want it because I moved this over one saw kerf so that when we cut this piece if I didn't move it over what's this if I didn't move it over and I did that that saw kerf would actually be in the piece that needs to fill this space because if you look at it this piece has to fill from here right to this side of the tail this is the tail T ok other words it's got to fill in this space plus the kerf so if I didn't move it over and I marked down through the kerf it would end up being too small by one saw curve so what we do is we move it over one saw kerf so now this is all we need from here to here the saw kerf is now in the waist which would be represented by the tail on this piece ok so there's all my marks I'm gonna go through make this one a little bit deeper am I gonna saw these and doesn't matter you can do this multiple time so you can get yourself a really good saw kerf now that's a pretty shallow one yeah what the heck so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just reach around and I'm gonna use that saw kerf to guide my saw so I can start to cut down the face what this does is prevent me from having to make a plumb cut because it does it for me now if you don't understand that part let me explain this this is why it's critical that the cut across the end of the tail board this piece be perfectly perpendicular because a perpendicular cut across the end of the tail board when I'm doing this translates into a plumb cut down the face how am i in that line Jake I normally put a piece of masking tape so I can see that bottom line a little bit better when I do this which scribe line is which fire this one down you got to let you literally just have to let gravity take over and do that no force at all on the saw very very light okay now we're gonna do the other side so to do the other side we've got to move this board to my right so sometimes it's easier to just balance I've got a big large diameter cutter I'm going to set that on there like that and just so I'm balancing on the bottom and then I'll just move this over until it touches wait a minute now there's something going on here oh that was balance that know there's something in the way repeat that question prick so that the question is regarding waxing your plane why doesn't it affect the finish when staining AI don't stain wood but it would if it was going to be a problem it would also affect the topcoat whether it's oil or lacquer and the reason why it doesn't is because I don't wax my plane prior to the last pass so any wax residue would have already come off with each pass of the plane and maybe I've been lucky but I've never had an issue and I don't put a ton on there either if you notice it's just a little squiggly mark just enough to reduce the friction so I'm pushing the plane blade through the wood instead of pushing the plane over the wood so here I'm doing this again very very light touch you got to let gravity pull that into the kerf if you try to force it you'll mess up your nice neat kerf and then just you're watching two lines at the same time you don't want to go below this one down here nor do you want to go below this one up here okay now we give them in here and I'm gonna raise this one up for the simple reason that I want to I want to be able to put the saw let me explain it's easier to show than this to talk about it this is standing plumb I want to be able to drop the saw down into that kerf so that the kerf guides the cut as much as possible so holding it on an angle like that and this is where you want a saw with a really narrow curve that's what makes this so effective my saw only has two thousand and I don't think there's any sight there that's that narrow set most our three plus the advantage of that is with a very very narrow set the kerf really holds the blade and forces it to track and track simply means make it stay perfectly straight straight to shortest distance between two points nothing to do with angle you have to learn to aim it yourself but with a saw that will track perfectly that's how you end up with two flat surfaces that create such a great joint last cut you really have to have a light touch on this you can't overpower that kerfs ability to hold on to that song alright let's whip out that waste now so I can see that line a little bit better I'm just gonna use a piece of painters tape are you guys trying to do just need a charger for Nick's iPad there how many followers is Nick up to he is up to 377 really how many how many is he started with I went up by about 20 how many went up by about 20 come on you guys marry him off you don't have too many Instagram why should he get away easy too many Instagram hi there's not too many instagramers tonight I love a December wedding if they need a DJ I'm using this little French sauce got a 12 and a half teeth per inch skip tooth blade that means where there would normally be three teeth on this blade there's two that increases the size of the gullet the gullet is a space between the teeth that means it'll cut faster because there's more room for the sawdust as the gullet fills up when the saw is in the wood when it fills up in no longer cuts should have changed my ringtone to wedding bells now we'll cut this one out I didn't get LASIK surgery so I have to use tape so Frick would you recommend it yeah I would yeah for sure I'm still I'm still in the recovery phase it's only been two weeks but Luther had it done and he said it was the best medical decision he's ever made so I thought the change was no I could see 2015 right now according to my last test couple years behind them okay now I'm gonna do that a little bit deeper it's soup still honor is he oh yeah I was chirping he's been Paul how much of it is not directed at me mm-hmm well someone actually suggested that you be a part of the next episode and Dave just laughed and said have you seen his dovetails and that shot that suggestion now pretty quick Sam could be asked about Dave they're still unseen now let me tell you what I just did in case you missed it I got involved in the all the conversations going on Super Dave Harding's behind the December weddings Paul wins Paul lief January so in order to get a really nice shoulder nice and tight I went in there first and just deepened that but then in the waist this is the waist x waist take a chisel and cut a little trough up against that scribe line now when I set my saw in there it fits right up against that shoulder giving you a perfect reference spot now the only thing I have to worry about is making a plumb cut plumb meaning up and down Paul Pearson asked if you can quickly explain the offset with the gauge again the offset with the gauge again yeah yeah hit rewind wait a second what I think you get a clean okay they're clean oh yeah Hawkeye here just spotted the material of it who needs shooting how to do yeah yeah I let me get a little bit further into this Paul and I will and I have these two pieces as a means of being able to use them as a visual aid just need to get a little further down the road all right now I need a backup block Oh where's my piece of plywood that I normally have sitting here huh I got something over there that'll work okay that's right there now I feel a little bit of a burr on the backside of that chisel so let's do a quick sharpening I've got a thousand grit and a 16,000 oh my goodness whatever didn't happen to that actually I think right off the grinder yeah find your primary come up a little bit higher these little narrow chisels DS here just take a little short forward and back strokes to get a burr in the back side come over to the 16,000 come up just a little bit higher than I did on that previous stone and then flip it over and keep it nice and flat a couple of seconds to remove the burr so let me just take a quick break on this so anybody who's donated $25 or increments of 25 to our Purple Heart project at the end of the night we're gonna do a draw for this beautiful piece of resin impregnated figured maple and you get the rest of it as well you get to choose whether you want to dovetail saw a joinery cross cut a medium tenon a bench cross cut your choice and we'll do it up and send it to you and that chisel that I just fixed is too wide for their house that I needed to grab a quarter now normally I'd say if you've got a lot of extra material take a little bit off first before you set it on the line but because I have all of this to hold it I don't need to worry about that the chisels not going to get shoved back because it's got lots of support by that's the whole idea behind removing some of the ways first that will be applicable on this side so now in order instead of risking having all of that waste right here all of this waste pushing on the bevel of the chisel trying to slide it back this way I go in and I make a little chop like that first then when I set the chisel I'm right in the scribe line very little material behind me that sounds Hollow which means there's a piece of something Danny not on tonight I haven't seen Danny did anybody there's anywhere around the Nashville Nashville area Luther and I the colonel are going to be in Clarksville January 20 something we're going in to help Danny Bell kick off his new business Danny's a combat wounded vet he was in our class and he's opened up a business supplying wood catering a lot to the military community in Clarksville we're gonna go down do some demonstrations there is a fee and the fee is you have to if you're not a combat wounded vet you have to bring one with you that's how you get into it we're gonna have a blast thank you Jim just joined us a little late Jim's a good friend of ours Jim was in our class Jim's happily married just throwing that out there we only need nine more not anymore and you really know he's nervous he's gonna go and start canceling them no he's not he's in love you are in love good prove it how many you have to share your last name that's if she still wants it all right now I gotta get rid of all this this is just a little bit awkward because I wasn't able to get my gauge line down there so I think what I'll do is come in here you gotta get this like just right excuse me Jacob how's our time Ken well I wouldn't mind doing another one of these finishing it what what are you you're busy next weekend for yeah i DJ next weekend but we can do it the weekend after that first cutting it close it's all right it's the thought that counts that's actually from Rex's boss oh really Oh William Phyllis thank you well is it go by William or will or bill or what Billy Phyllis Billy thanks Bill let's see has to put up with the rack so I think we should be double thanks you donate the minivan mental come on where's my line fortunately it's on the inside so amazing when you can actually see okay now look come in on this one and then we'll just connect the dots right that one slit off yeah I know it's a little bit awkward to do should you be sloping that at all no hard enough to keep it on track the way it is now use this to go over there and go between the two mmm part of the problem is that it's already sloping on me because when you're chopping down through this the chisel naturally wants an undercut like this so I'm it's not as clean a line as I would like now with this face done and this needs to happen in several stages you know what what you need to go back to the other side do that well what Jake's meaning is there's a risk that that's gonna break up it is there's no support on anything so now that I've got a parsley cut there so if we kept chopping in the process of coming down here there's a good chance that we might break something out there so I'm gonna come here and I'm gonna cut down deeper from this side I think I'm actually gonna put this in the vise I'm going to use a narrower chisel because it doesn't apply as much pressure over a big area and I'll just come in here and I read some donations yeah all right we got Donald trust Earl Hughes Luke Donald who trust you thought I said Trump yeah Earl Hughes Luke Walker Roderick Smith Peter Hughes Brian Yablonski Scott McKee bill Mellon Matthew effect Oh sue made another donation David Baker Morgan Pinto Bill melon Jared Mize Jim O'Shaughnessy Jordan real bill Phyllis Brandon Lawrence Devin Wright and David Savage thank you did you say Devin right Devin right yeah hey Devin so Devin is a combat vet from our first class no second second and Devin supplies he met and he does a very good job too it makes the dovetail markers for each of the vet in their classes so big thank you to Devin was devon in the John's class I don't think so no Shawn was later no Shawn was Shawn this is this is tedious make sure you're going to the bottom scribe did I really undercut that bad out there tell me when we need to stop Oh what are you thinking I didn't right we're at the two-hour mark now are we yeah okay why is that scribe line lower than don't know why is that scribe line lower all right sorry we're gonna pick this up all right we'll we'll finish this before Christmas not much before but before Christmas so in wrapping this up we've got to do our draw any questions let me go let me go back and address this one real quick so this aunt this one done here who is it Oh Pierson Paul so Paul look closely at this this has to fill that space right and that has to fill that space and that that space if I had laid these beside each other if I had set it just like that and then sawed down through there do you see how that would be taking off part of the pin so what I have to do is I have to move this over one saw kerf so now can you see the gap now the saw kerf is on in the waste and it preserves all of this half pin to fill that area so if you left it flush and then mark down through the kerf you'd be taking out part of this and on these you'd be taking out metier on both sides which would really throw it off and that would end up being too thin by two saw curves that's the reason we do it when we do it when we pick this up in a couple of weeks we will finish from there we'll get our boards done I didn't think I'd get it done in two hours of it any other questions we had a one question at the beginning they were wondering what you keep in your first aid station or if there's anything you recommend that should be in there I'm pretty sure I got you that one from yeah you did from Costco yeah so it's a standards well it doesn't have enough band-aids so Ken Ken you brought in that big narrow Luther Sam Oh Luther did yeah oh really tweezers what would we what do we what do we need in here we need band-aids for minor cuts we need joint meant you know 3a you know whatever that anybody act and whatever we meant we need tweezers good tweezers we get lots of splinters we need an eyewash we've got an eyewash station it's being put in out in the other room go to it we now we need to draw well Nick was there anything that you wanted to say be in closing no you're good Erika you made it to 394 394 give them come on six more please subscribe twice get a different name go create an account yeah yeah oh my all my kids are going there we'll have 10 do you know how to do the draw are you gonna give them a lot I'm gonna give them a last minute or two well there's a delay so short I can give the grant oh yeah let's get some so you this is your last chance to register for the saw show that show the saw one more time get it Jake make sure you get that lot flashy figure does it work better in the light oh that is hot Sean this is a beautiful piece you see that figure and it never goes away that's the nice thing about the light colored ones that'll always be they're better with age and you can have it made in a dovetail format cross joinery crosscut bench cross cuts or medium tenon ding my Belle don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel like the video they're gonna keep liking the videos subscribe and hit the bell oh yeah and Megan takes care of our Instagram Channel two hundred two hundred ten thousand ten thousands a big milestone because then you can start making money off of it you know you can swipe on Oh swipe Bob Whittemore do the ads all of that works to keep our business alive and well and our as our business grows so does our ability to help the vets and I don't want to tie the two together but they are tied together my main focus is supposed to run the business I find myself focusing more on the Purple Heart project yeah you know what you're doing don't press it yet wait to the cameras on it all right so let me do one more refresh you were gonna give this totals yeah well how many people do we have on we have how many 453 was our peak right now I'll tune an infinite lot for the big did anybody comment anything about marriage or the bliss oh yeah yeah a lot of people were sharing a lot of people were sharing how many years they were married or engaged really yeah last week so you felt pressure Nick I certainly hope so I'll just read the last few donations Brandon Laurence Devin Wright David savage Sean Alan Paul Pearson Gabriel Cochran Glenn Holman looks like we I heard the bell or the chain so we'll check one more what's our total remember it's it's approximately three thousand dollars to take care of one vet we have 36 to do each year and great if we could if we could take care of 12 from doing this I'd feel really good about that all right so our grand total one more refresh just to make sure all right you ready not yet should I sit down our grand total this evening is six thousand twenty eight dollars and 42 cents awesome boys that's two two vets two vets awesome awesome with $200 to boot I'll bet gasps Nick the van down to Bangor and backs to come up 28 down I don't think take the van anything John yeah I thought was everything at 280 no 6000 awesome gentlemen I thank you from the bottom of my heart and women and ladies sorry I cannot forget sue down in Florida she's such a regular and all right let's do it at this rate we'll never get ahead of here yeah I should just go back to work we should but all night or sometime that's okay when we get the heater fixed remember we're gonna come back and finish this on the 23rd 21st 21st tell your friends as long as Frick doesn't have another kidney stone you lovely couple you're gonna come back thanks for mentioning I want to see this is a big remember you have to scroll down after you click it oh I should mention before you push the button that the last time we did this we gave away the chisels and the plane did we send him his box we did send good and both of the guys that drew the name emailed us later and said they would rather just donate it to a vet which I thought was incredible yeah but you know what guys let us send you this we appreciate your Jenny OTT generosity but let us do this for you for doing what you're doing for them so enjoy keep your saw this is the teaser the winner is let's go there I think it said I bad didn't it you know it's just a teaser and Koosh Kara yeah hey where's he from are you pronouncing it properly anchors anchors yeah I can look it up here you know what Ken that was from that was from last time some somehow the names what are we doing so we're gonna we're gonna have to draw it again he was from the last episode somehow the names stayed on there so do we have the five so click it again I can tell you if it's from tonight how do you know I'll do it I do a search but Ankush was was two weeks ago a med did so so should we should we enter the names again can we take five minutes and redo it yeah so explain what happened I don't put so we're using this same website as last time and somehow Ken was typing in all the names but then the names from last episode also got entered into there so how are we separating do we know where we started we can just delete this is why I like wood hey Frick can we and I'd have written everybody's name down on a piece of paper put him in a big machine spun it around and read some book but let's close it yeah and we can release it we just do a quick 10-second video announcing the winner well that's suspenseful okay we should do it I mean we should do it live but no well I mean we should draw a life we can we can do that as a separate video it's no problem all right I'll do it now and we'll we'll take care of it we'll be back look for the video in about 15 minutes thank you folks we appreciate it have a Merry Christmas actually I'll miss you wish you Merry Christmas when we see you in two weeks but thanks for being here thanks for your generosity it's a sitz incredible I tell this to everybody I talked to how incredible you people are if you didn't get a t-shirt make sure you do promote it promote what we do that is the purple art project find us these combat wounded vets that need our help and we're increasing it to take as many as we possibly can we're a selection process for that for May June and July classes is going to be on the 26th of December so you have until then to get those guys to submit their application and get it in just one quick word the most important part of that application is when they tell us their story we're not being nosy but we are operating like triage people in a hospital we're trying to deal with the people who are most injured so I tell them I said write that like you're talking to your therapist you're not gonna hold back and you're not going to exaggerate that's really where most of our decision-making comes from to all my friends out there did you tell everybody that your products are on sale right now and your website yeah yeah if you're not on our newsletter get signed up on our newsletter it's just go to the website and click on thing for the newsletter it's a 10% off on anything you purchase with exception of custom saws and classes and that's good until tomorrow night at midnight okay sorry feel a little technological screw-up but we'll get it fixed see you
Views: 19,859
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: HXVVoGpYlrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 2sec (7922 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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