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seven to nine pm the cost is just fifteen dollars register at [Music] the doors of the church are officially open you can join us right here on campus every sunday at 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m and don't forget your mask hey family have you been in your prayer and devotion time in we know how important prayer is join pastor jackson on monday and friday at 7 00 a.m via facebook so you can get your monday and friday motivation and start your day off right we cannot wait to see you are you a new member at newbie are you interested in exploring your gifts and talents and getting involved in the ministry then join us for our new members class every second and fourth saturday of the month from 9 30 a.m to 12 via zoom register online at we cannot wait to meet you join us for our fall fast beginning october 4th the fast will conclude on november 12th for fasting menus and options visit us online at [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us come into the house of the lord who came to praise our god on this morning who came with a shot of praise for our god oh we thank you jesus oh we love you today guys oh how good it is to worship with one another in the house of god good morning newbies good morning to our e family who is worship within us online we want to come and just start with a word of prayer and usher our father into this place if you would just bow your head we're going to pray eternal god our father we love you god oh we love you guys and we are thankful we are thankful we have a heart full of gratitude for you just being an awesome god for being a provider a healer to be a god who fails to show up right on time god we love you today and we thank you for the honor and privilege of coming into your house and worshiping your mighty and righteous name father we need you today we need to hear a word from you oh god so we ask today that you would send a mighty word through your servant oh god our pastor whom we love him thank you we pray you touch his heart his mind that he would preach an uncompromising word and we would leave better than we came oh god today somebody needs healing god somebody needs restoration god somebody needs provision god somebody needs to be reminded that you are a god that is a god that is a god that is a god that never fails oh we love you today god be glorified today somebody is watching you online today they need to fill your presence in their living room in their car on their job god we pray you meet them at the point of their need oh god and when it's all said and done we'll be careful to give you all the honor all the glory and all the praise because you deserve it all god we love you and we thank you this is our prayer in the mighty and present name of jesus we pray and god's people said amen amen and amen clap your hands all ye people shout unto the lord with the voice of triumph one more time put your hands together give god your best praise somebody said i was glad when they said that to me let us go into the house of the lord if you're happy to be in the sanctuary just clap your hands everybody we gonna sing this simple song right here hey as we love on you receive our love receive our love as we shine your name receive our praises receive our praises you say come on i sweet you gotta clap your hands hey y'all got it come on [Music] sing it as we shall [Music] your name your name is your name is everybody put your hands on the picture everybody clap your hands come on come on let's sing it one more time you know about now lick your voice sing y'all [Music] as shout so your name is [Music] we going to teach you the next one it's simple hey put your hands on it right here everybody oh y'all look good this morning hey just repeat this after me come on say your love greater than ours sing your strength is greater say your love it's greater than ours sing your strength let's is greater than ours your strength is greater to your love it's greater than now your strength is greater [Music] say no one put your hands on it come on somebody clap your hands like a sunday morning come on [Music] let's declare one more time everybody say it so you're in love it's greater than ours see your strength is great see your love it's greater than ours your strength is greater know i can search the world high and low and search the it and finally great put your hands on it everybody come on let's go right here now if you know no one's greater than he is just raise the praise in this sanctuary not just lifting your hands somebody lifts your voice at the same time somebody just shall no one greater no one greater no one greater than the name oh lord this morning words can't describe how much we are in love with you [Music] so we just want to offer up this sacrificial phrase it's like a special moment right now let's all sing together everybody say millions yes [Music] describe [Music] tell them say the feeling i have [Music] say it's hard come on it's hard [Music] yes [Music] if you're in love with him this morning come on just declare your love before the heavens come on everybody raise your praise raise your voice let's say it one more time god we are so and love you save millions everybody yes yeah ah the feeling [Music] she's [Music] because you first love me say it [Music] returning my love [Music] come on tell him [Music] you know this part right here everybody raise your voice say jesus stay right there come on say jesus declared this morning everybody oh god we stand in your presence and we declare our love for you we love you for the ways that you've made for the door's opening that you've made come on let's just declare it this morning everybody raise your voice [Music] if that's your declaration this morning say i love you [Music] let's see right here everybody raise your hands and say jesus declare declare it god in spite of your circumstance come on sing it from your belly this morning she love abraham race jesus i love [Music] jesus i love sing church come on just declare it before she's uh [Music] one more time raise your voice and say jesus we are so in love with you lord for every way that you've made [Music] the fact of the matter is that some of us don't even deserve to be standing in his presence right now i remember it was a friday night and i was sitting on the edge of my bed trying to take a deep breath and i couldn't catch my breath due to clothing right [Music] and at three o'clock in the morning i simply told the lord listen if you just allow me to take one more breath [Music] i promise you that yeah i promise you from this moment on i'll use every breath that i have giving you the praise [Music] and y'all ain't got to look at me funny because you was in the same position [Music] sometimes i said this in the last service but sometimes we gotta look past our situation and don't allow it to change our declaration if you're watching online oh god i hear you there's somebody even right now that's watching from your hospital bed and um give me a camera shalonda give me a camera and i'm here to declare this morning that if you would just praise him in spite of your [Music] somebody just declare i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i i every breath that i have i i i gotta get you just learn my worship that's why i sing it you deserve my praise i got no choice but to give him praise i got no choice but to lift my ocean church raise your voice see jesus declare it declare it declare in spite of it all no matter what it looks like i'm still gonna declare it jesus [Applause] [Music] somebody raise your faith come on come on [Music] jesus i love you jesus i love you jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's why i praise you i lift you up [Music] [Music] raise your faith this morning that's why i praise you i lift you up come on say and [Music] that's why i [Music] i praise you up saint church [Music] that's why i praise you and i lift you up that's why i praise you i gotta lift you up one more time that's why i praise you jesus i gotta lift you up [Music] that's why i praise you hey i lift you up that's why my heart is filled with praise oh god somebody raise your praise until i say that's why my heart is filled with that's why [Music] oh that's why my heart is [Music] oh [Music] come on and give god praise come on how many know he's worthy of it he's worthy of this hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus father in the name of jesus we thank you [Music] we honor you we give you glory for father you and you alone you are worthy of all of our worship all of our praise father thank you for the breath in our lungs thank you [Music] thank you for the grace of breath oh god some of us thought it was the mercy of breath we didn't deserve it we deserve the other way [Music] but you saw that oh god and we give you glory now father in the midst of our praise our worship to you let us hear your voice so clear oh god [Music] that we will not leave the same way we came [Music] father let the words of my mouth and meditations of our hearts [Music] let it be holy and acceptable unto the okay [Music] we declare this soul in jesus name we do pray come on and clap your hands if you love them all over the sanctuary come on right where you are come on right where you are okay if you're in your living room your car come on and give god praise hallelujah this is the day the lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it man god is truly a good god and we bless and honor his holy name there's a word from the lord today found in the old testament texts in isaiah 61. in isaiah 61. i want to lift something up for the people of god we're we're starting a new series um starting a new series this this month for the next few weeks we'll be dealing with a series called the divine replacements because i just truly believe that a lot of what the world has thrown at us god is getting ready to take us through a season where that stuff is coming off and god is about to replace it with something that only god can give do i have a witness in this place that knows that god is able he is able to replace some of us how many of us got some stuff we need replacing amen amen and i want to share something with the people of god on today isaiah 61 starting at verse 1 listen to what the word of the lord says the spirit of the lord the sovereign lord is upon me because the lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners to proclaim the year of the lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in zion and bestow on them crown of beauty instead of ashes the oil of joy instead of mourning the garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair they will be called oaks of righteousness and planting of the lord for the display of his splendor or display of god's glory the word god says again in verse two that to proclaim the the year of the lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all who mourn to comfort all [Music] who mourn and i want to talk about for just a few minutes i want to spend a few minutes today and talk about a message for the morning a message for the morning if you've lived long enough you know exactly what i speak to you of when i tell you about times life throws you into a season of mourning that is nothing that you look forward to that's nothing that you ask for it's as if life comes up from behind grabs you by the back of your britches as my daddy would say and just throw you in and then to be in that only to have to try to figure out how to manage while i'm in it i'm talking to some people here today that knows exactly what i speak to you of it's a moment that you dread some it comes out of nowhere some you see it slowly approaching you don't want to deal with it don't want to see it and yet you're here and while being in this moment it is like where the children of of god were and this was so interesting because they were pretty much coming out of exile in this moment they're pretty much coming out of exile coming back to the place zion coming black back to their place of comfort where where where god where god is where they believe that the spirit of the lord rest and all of that but when they came back to it they came back to it disastrous they came back to it at a place where they they thought that like i remember when i left here it didn't look like this it didn't look anything like i assumed it was disaster and now you have the image stuck in your head of the place that you're like wait a minute i i saw this this this tree looked a little more it was a little lot greener the last time i saw it the ground was plushed and now all i see is durden wait what happened and it takes you now through this emotional season where you're now trying to figure out how to replace the place in your heart that's empty and i need to say this because i'm talking to real people here that morning grief comes in all types of flavors rather it is a loved one whatever it is can we be honest it's hard to say goodbye it's tough having to deal with departure you know it's interesting uh tara and i you know we were talking lady t and i and and the joke that i share with her a lot is uh when when i travel and have the opportunity to travel around the country and sharing the gospel or wherever i go um i share with her the joke is it's not fair when she leaves in comparison to when i leave because of times when i leave i'm usually leaving uh either early early so the boys are usually still asleep and i'll just go in and lay hands on them and kiss them before i go and then leave or say something to them and they'll say okay daddy and they go back to sleep or when i'm dropping them off at school all right i'll see you guys when i get back next week you know whatever that's fine but when we drop when she goes we don't just take her to the airport but we go and park get out the car we walk her through the baggage drop her bags off that we walk her all the way sit down maybe have a little cup of coffee or breakfast with her then we go to the terminal or to the check place and then she turns around at us and waves and i can already see that the boys are starting to get quiet i'm like here we go and i got to walk them holding their hand and putting my arms around them like son they'll be she'll be back tomorrow it's just hard to say goodbye come on you've traveled those who have the people response is different when people are arriving than the people that are leaving people arriving they all happy holding signs and when they're leaving it triggers a part of their brain that takes them through a separated moment that they don't want to face and i'm talking to people this that's that this has happened to loved ones you didn't you didn't want to say goodbye to mom you didn't want to say goodbye to your sister you didn't want to say goodbye to your friend you didn't want to say goodbye and you were forced to have to and it's left you at this place of of emptiness and longing and and it leaves you almost confused because you're trying to figure out how do i keep going after this how do i pick up the pieces how do i recover from this and and it's not a book that you read isn't it no and people may have come with the good words and gave you a nice piece of chicken but but but but it's only so far that takes you and i'm talking to somebody it's not just death of a family come on let's be honest some of us are have to say goodbye to certain lifestyles you had and it left you grieving you were fine with the bills bills come you just pay the bills and keep going now you got to figure out wait a minute hold up i i can't pay all this right now i got to pay some on this now it used to be a time whatever the kids won't they just give them yeah give them whatever shoes they want give whatever clothes they want now you gotta wait hold up no i can't just buy you this now and they don't understand they're trying to figure out can i have and so now you're going through this season of grieving because you miss what you once had talking to some people now you're you've lost lost jobs and this is what's so crazy whatever happened on that job brought you to such a place of despairing and to the point that you you've had two other jobs since then and you can't get old you still can't get over it they bring that job up and you still dogging the boss you still cussing our co-workers those co-workers are gone about their business you've had four jobs now it's been 12 years really come on don't log off you know exactly what i'm talking about you know exactly what i'm talking about i had i remember i had to go through that season myself i remember when god had to i still remember when god had to correct me i remember it plain as day i remember when they were telling me i remember i was on a job before and it was rough it was hard hard and and and and it left me angry i was bitter i was mad at the balls mad at co-workers i was mad so whenever people brought it up oh man oh man if you had time i'll wear them out and i'm talking there were moments where with all of what god has done years has gone by and and the ministry and all and i'm still somebody asked me about it i go off and i remember while i was going off i remember god saying you still angry you're wait you're still angry over that last job when you know it was what you went through on that job that got you where you are i have the table set for you in the presence of your enemies and you enjoying it and you still mad at the valley so so do i need to take you back through this valley again come on let's be honest yeah i had to i had to go through that moment because but then i had to realize the reason why i was still angry was because i did not fully grieve. and this is the moment where i need to help people understand that grieving is a process and somebody please repeat this after me it takes time [Applause] and so when when in in in the biblical world and even also uh often even now in in eastern cultures that when people are grieving they go through moments where they get in what they call sackcloth and ashes and they cover themselves in ashes and cover themselves in this in this cloth this this that that that they use as sacs they put it on and and they and they cover themselves with ashes because they're letting people know i'm hurting and you be honest guys some of us may need to go back through that season and i know we don't do that here in our culture here but i'll tell you what makes things so hard for this culture is because we feel a pressure to want to go back to normal when you're not normal you expect to go back i got to go back to work monday i got i got to get this together i got i got my children are still expecting you and you you're expecting to get back into your grind and get back into your world when the reality is you going back but you're going back ashy and this is a problem by being ashy because you're jumping new relationships ashy [Applause] when the reality and you're telling them that you're fine anybody i mean come on y'all let's be honest guys like come on divorce that man divorce and now you know they got a new day out now you know i've never seen this stuff before they have divorce parties come on you have divorce parties you get divorced divorce photo shoots i'm divorced and you dogging the girl out and all of that stuff dogging the dude out and all of that and y'all having a party all together now you up here putting it up putting it out telling everybody i'm available now no you're not and anybody you know that's celebrating the divorce run because they're lying the reality is if you have promised god that you were gonna give the rest of your life to somebody and that relationship ended you don't just come out of stuff like that normal and the problem is you are covering up all of this when the reality is you're ashy [Music] many of us are walking around ashy now and it wasn't because of a breakup for you you are still carrying the ash from other people who didn't heal yep yep sure did and you walk around with your superman and superwoman suit on cause you just knew don't worry they get with me i'm gonna heal them and they're gonna be just fine and wondering why you choking because the ashes keep jumping in your throat they abuse them they choking me you know i mean that's what you get for hugging ashy people because just oh boy here's your tweet because just because you've got out of it it hadn't gotten out of you so i'm trying to help some people understand and this is the thing this is why they put the ashes on they put the ashes on to let people know i'm not okay and we're living in a culture full of folk lying when the reality is it's okay to not be okay it's okay to say i'm hurting right now it's okay to say i'm angry right now it's okay to say i'm confused right now it's okay to say that this is a mess right now there's some garbage right now i don't know how i'm gonna get through this right now god says because how in the world can i heal a womb you keep closing [Music] if you want it healed you've got to expose it and this is the moment where god recognizes that his people are in such a place of despair that they're in such a place where they are full in sackcloth and ashes because they recognize that they have not gotten over what they lost and it's okay to admit to people i have not gotten over this i i have not gotten through this this hurts and this is what's so crazy you got crazy people y'all and this i'm saying you got some crazy people that will look at you and start telling you how long it's been and start saying you still hadn't gotten over that you still hadn't gotten past that can i help you understand something at the end of the day there is no timetable to win somebody healed you don't know how deep it was you don't know what it was that they were going through so i need you to become a little bit more sensitive to people who are hurting while you shouldn't hurt as crazy as you be you cannot dictate my pain [Applause] who are you to tell me how long to hurt and then you got crazy church vote well if you just had faith what you keep going to them counselors fought why are you going to see that therapist um if your car need to be serviced i don't care how much you paid for it i don't care how i mean how would you look at me if i told you if you had faith i don't care what that engine like saying you better believe god i don't care all the ticketing that you hear i don't care what kind of wobbling you hear on the side you you that god gave you that car if you had faith the size of a mustache you will be able to ride that car and eventually that car gonna get back are you insane [Music] i don't care if you have a pinto or a bentley you ride it long enough it's gonna hit some parts of the road that's gonna require you to get serviced [Applause] this is where they are and the word of the lord comes to people who are open who are honest to say i'm hurting and god gives a word to them and i thank you because this is what god does god god no god says i don't heal fake people [Music] because you have lied to yourself long enough to think that you are something that you're not you keep proclaiming yourself to be healed when you have not gone through the process for you to get healed open yourself up admit that you're hurting admit that this is where i am in my life and yes so when people start talking to you and people say well i can help you through it yeah you can help me for so much but at the end of the day i can help you but i can't heal you amen this is this is okay so so that so they get here and this is where they are word of the lord comes isaiah declares this word spirit of the lord is upon me god know what it mean preach the good news bind i love that word bind to to to stitch bind up meaning like a needle and thread i'm stitching back up that which has been ripped apart and he says i'm not doing that with your clothes because they tear their clothes and they put action no no no he says i'm putting back together not your broken torn clothing but i'm putting together your broken heart see that's the thing i love about god because god is the only one qualified to be able to offer the healing that's necessary to bring and put your heart back together i know you cute but you can't heal me i know i understand can i help you relationships are cool and relationships are good for the process but they cannot heal you i don't care how fine they are they can't heal you i don't care how good they look on the ground and how good y'all look in pictures together at the end of the day they cannot heal you nobody can heal you but god and the last thing you want is to jump into another relationship to open more up a womb that god has been intending to clothe [Applause] amen somebody he says no god is qualified to do it i and i need to help somebody understand that it's only god i know i get it i understand i know there's some people out there that you thinking i get with him i get better no it's not going to help i know you're thinking about certain substances that if i could just drink enough of this yeah you'll drink it and yeah you'll think a certain way at that moment but but as soon as you wake up from the spin i promise you your heart is still going to be open i know somebody told you this right here is if it's fire i don't care how fire it is i don't care how much thc is in it at the end of the day it's to have you laughing for a few seconds you go eat your buffalo wings and after you eat your wings and go to sleep you go wake right back up with a broken heart again the only one that's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask think or imagine is jehovah [Applause] jesus he's the only one and he says i've come to stitch up the ripped up hearts and he declares with all of your despair this is what i love about god with all of your despair with all of what you have to deal with with being covered in your ashes and being covered in your psychology i mean it's noticeably i am i am not okay it's okay and y'all be okay with telling people that uh it's just not a good season for me right now and i'm just not in that right now but i promise you god is still working on me and god is not done because god told me to tell you that it's a new day it's a new day god says with all of what you're going through with all of the pain that you have endured with all of the agony and anxiety of wondering how am i going to get on and move on with this god told me to tell you didn't catch him off guard when it happened he saw it when it happened he's aware of it while it's happening and god says i'm aware of what your turnaround is getting ready to look like and i can tell you this if god has already declared that he's qualified to fix your issue then i'm just going to trust and believe that even when my flesh doesn't understand my faith has got to tell me i don't know when i don't know where i don't know how but god i'm going to lead and depend on you because you're the only one that's able to get me out of this jail somebody shout it's a new day i need you to do it allow your faith to declare it's a new day i know it's sad now i know my heart's been broken now but i truly believe that if god said he'll turn it around he will turn it around it's a new day it's a new day this is a new day because in a new day it's it's the new day guys that's what i love about the new day because in the new day i'm going to take your day of disaster and replace it with a year of favor he says this i'm proclaiming the year of god's favor yeah it's it's a day of your disaster that's that's that that i know i know no no no now let me say this i'm not here to minimize your pain but but god says in comparison to the level of favor that i'm getting ready to drop on your life it's just a day he said it's just a moment it's a day of of disaster but but when my favor starts to fall upon your life that's something that's going to last longer than the day did the day is a day you'll never forget but the year of favor is a year you'll continue to say oh god did it again he says it's a favor because let's just be honest you weren't innocent through this whole process he said that's why it's got to be a favor because there's nothing that you earn it's nothing that you you you work for is nothing that you no you deserve no at the end of the day i'm doing you a favor i'm getting ready to put something on you that you didn't work for and people are gonna look at you and say now as crazy as she was as much a mess that he kept at the end of the day how did he get all of that how did she get all of that and you better not stand your tail up there and start saying well it's because i did this that that and other you better look just as confused as they are because they're confused that you got it you should be more confused you got it because they only know a part of what you know the whole book of and tell them the only reason i have what i have that i am where i am that i'm able to walk the way i walk i'm able to stand when i know that i should be bald up in a corner crazy it's because the favor of god is on my life i want to know do i have at least 50 people in here that can at least go crazy over god's favor do me a favor point to 50 people just say faithful paper faithful favor favor paper it was favor it was favor favor got this me where i have favor got this smile on my face favor got me still giving god praise favor got me out of bed favor got me with my hands lifted it was god's favor [Applause] god sent my hearts out to my people my heart's out to those that are mourning my heart's out to those that are grieving oh i'm getting ready to give you a favor he didn't even say a moment of it he said a year of it he said i'm not just gonna give you one moment i'm gonna give you a year supply of favor because you did not allow your devastation to keep you in separation i still have decided to trust and lead and depend on god now that everybody's not going to say amen to this part but but you are leaning and trusting god even in your own imperfections even though you keep making mistakes even though you still keep saying stuff i'm like god saying it again that oh god lee i did it again and but at least when while you're doing it you're telling god god i'm sorry i know you declare more out of me god i know you expect more out of me and god said that in spite of all of your imperfections you're sticking it out with me i'm getting ready to do you a favor somebody need to lift one hand and say i receive my faith [Applause] his favor he says it's a new day and it's not only a new day but god is also getting ready to make new donations look what he's getting ready to do he says i'm getting ready to give beauty for your ashes wait a minute watch this now when you see beauty we're not talking about a cute face even though we're not looking at it in its in its uh adjective form watch this when they say beauty in this text it is literally talking about head jewelry they call it beauty it's a crown one version says a crown of beauty meaning i'm about to decorate your head take your head from the place of ashes and put it in some jewelry that is gonna look so good on your head i'm trying to help somebody that people are going to see wait a minute last time i saw you you were soaked in ashes [Music] now it looks mighty beautiful now i think i need to say this too because do you notice the order god works in he goes on to say i'm giving beauty for ashes garments of praise planted by god beauty for ashes right garments of praise because at first once i get when i start doing my work i don't start doing my work on the garment areas i start my work in the head because let's just be honest it is what it is don't log off just admit you know a lot of people who have a pretty face but something ain't quite right [Applause] i mean they look good in all the the ig pictures they look good and all of that social media and as soon as you have one conversation with them you like [Applause] did i just hear her say did he just say something crying something right in the head because too many people look good on the outside but their heads are still ashy [Music] god said i have to heal you in the head first [Music] i have to beautify what's in the head first yeah yeah this yeah yeah the gym don't help this yeah surgery don't help this yeah i'm just trying to tell you all of that other stuff you you can go and and get snatched but no you can't snatch this no don't don't have waist trainers for this no no no no no no no no no no no no they don't have jelly for this you you you got to let god work on this and when he works on it it's okay when god says it's time for therapy it's okay when god says you need a counselor it's okay for god says no get with other groups of people who are hurting so y'all can draw strength from each other it's the process where he says i'm getting ready to turn your ashes into beauty i'm going to give you garments of praise he says but i'll close with this and he says now as we declare a new day new donations are being made now you can receive your new designation you can receive your new name he says and you will be called god i pray somebody catch this in the spirit you shall be called the oak tree of righteousness he didn't say a cute flower of righteousness he didn't say a palm tree of righteousness he said an oak tree because i don't care how strong the storm i don't care how much force is coming i promise you oak trees don't move you will be able to declare with all of what i've gone through that god will allow me to still be able to offer shade to those who come to me birds will still be able to perch on my branches and whatever storm comes my way i'm still going to be able to stand i don't know who i'm talking to it here but god told me to tell you endure your process cry your tears go through what you need to go through because at the end of the day when god gets through with you you are going to be the oak tree that's going to make his name great and this is what he said at the end he says and all of this is to give me my splendor or my glory god says when i get through doing what i do with you you better not let the devil in hell keep you from giving what's coming out of you i know what's coming out of me when i know that god has allowed me to stand and withstand the storms that's why i worship that's why i give god glory that's why i can't help but shout hallelujah because god has made me stronger than i know i've ever been able to beat am i talking to anybody in here y'all we got just got a few more seconds is there anybody else in here come on people my family online can you be honest enough to just admit that i'm stronger than i've ever been since i know i still have my weak moments and i may not be what i ought to be but god i thank you that i'm not who i used to be i'm stronger i'm wiser i'm better look at you strong as ever look at you never thought he'd keep you at the house look at you thought he'd keep you in bed you still logged on you're still giving god glory somebody tell god thank you that you're not who you used to be come on 30 seconds give it to him come on give it to me he deserves this he deserves this i don't look like what i've been through thank you god [Music] cry your tears shed your tears it's okay to cry you gotta beat up your pillow beat it up [Music] it's okay if you got to yell it out yell it out it's okay you're human you're mourning you still trying to figure it out but i promise you trust in the lord with all your heart [Music] don't try to figure it out on your own lean out to your own understanding [Applause] in all your ways acknowledge them [Music] and watch and see who god is about to allow you to become i never thought that the day would come that god would put me in a position to be able to help other people who are going through what i went through you'll be able to say god i see why you allowed me to go through that because there's another group coming that needs to know that if god did it for you that's why don't you start acting all fake and phony let people know when you're hurt let them know yeah i've gone through that before let them know i've cried like this before but the same god that brought me through mine is the same god that will get you through yours so when you see me and i'm giving god glory you see me and i'm lifting my hands you see me and i'm crying you see me [Music] and i'm sitting there to say just thank you over and over again it's because i remember when i almost didn't make it i remember when i had to say goodbye to stuff i never thought i'd have to say goodbye to but i'm thankful because they watch this the goodbyes don't even compare to what i'm about to say hello to if you believe it come on and stand and give god a praise [Music] [Applause] come on right where you are right where you are you give your god a praise it's okay to mourn weeping being doing for at night but joy comes god said do you trust me do you trust me do you trust you trust me if i can dress up flowers you don't think i can provide for you if i can watch over birds you don't think i watch over you come on lift your hands and say god i receive my new day go ahead and tell him clyde tell him lift your hands lift your ass [Music] if he dresses the lilies with beauty and splendor how much more will he clothe you how much more will he clothe you if he watches over every sparrow how much more will he love you how much more will he love you if he contrasts with beauty and splendor how much more how much [Music] if he watches [Music] over the sparrow [Music] lift your hands come on right where you are father in the name of jesus i thank you i honor you [Music] thank you and give you glory because father you have been strength to get me through this morning season all the way there no not yet but a lot further than where i used to be so father if there's some that are sitting right where i was father i have no problem letting them know that the same god that did it for me father i know that you're going to do it for them so father with our hands lifted we receive our new day a day where we're getting ready to receive the year of your favor i thank you and i give you glory father even in moments where we still acknowledge that yeah we're still ashy in certain areas but god we know that when you say it's over when you say it's time to wash it when you say it's time to put beauty instead of ashes father help us through the healing process we trust you [Music] and father i ask you to please slow the role of your children that's in a hurry to try to act like they're healed when they're still broken when they're trying to act like it's okay to jump on into something new when they have not healed from the stuff of old father touch their hearts touch our minds slow our roles and we trust you through this process somebody that's not connected to you not in a personal way they don't know you like that and father you want them to know you like that speak to their hearts now that they can make the best decision today and make you the head of their life make them they can make you the father of their life i declare it is so in jesus name i pray clap your hands if you love him in this place my brother my sister if you hear under the sound of my voice and you have not connected with the lord jesus christ or you have not connected to a body of believers look i want to give you this opportunity if you're here and you say look i want to i want to know jesus in a personal way pull your phone out all i need you to do is zoom in on this qr code just zoom in i promise you we're going to get with you we got you we're going to get you connected i see you pulling it out there you go there you go pull it out go ahead just just zoom in zoom in and it's going to take you right to a link we got you somebody said well pastor look i'll look i'm here i can i can just do it right now i can do it i will that's you you're saying you don't even need to do it electronically we got people right now in the aisles waiting for you all you have to do is just step right out the aisle right now step right into the aisle and walk right back there in the back they're going to lead you right to our place we got you we're going to take good care of you if you're here today i want to give you the opportunity to make the best decision of your life if you have not accepted the lord jesus christ as your savior i promise you i promise you i see you god bless you god bless you there you go we got you i see you i see you that's it that's it that's it you know you have no idea what you're getting ready to do for your family god is blessing come on is there another today hallelujah jesus come on go ahead scan it we got you we got you there you go got you come on somebody put their hands together and thank god [Music] amen amen all right how many of us needed that word today did anybody need hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our god today you may be seated in the presence of our god amen come on all of my family that's all around the country that are online right now rather you cross the street online or rather you're around the country online that that number is there it's not it's there it's there make sure that you text it get connected because i promise you i believe god has something amazing in store for you hallelujah somebody hallelujah look this is what i need you to do this i need you to do because at this time i want to take a moment and we're going to recognize we're going gonna we're gonna we're gonna recognize our lord and our savior in this time of holy communion as we remember the sacrifice that our lord made on your way in you you received a cup you received a cup come on participate with us if you have not received a cup you don't have a cup just lift your hand we'll put one in your hand we got your elders we have people in place right here we have people there you go there you go we have people we want to we want to serve you we got you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah listen to what the word of the lord the lord the word of the lord says for i received from the lord but i also passed on to you the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me and in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes father i thank you and honor you for this moment of remembering [Music] as we remember the sacrifice that you made for us [Music] of your body because of your affection towards us father i ask you now in jesus name take it out of any secular thought of use the bread and the cup that it'd be a holy reminder of a love that only you have put together for us and we'll be careful to give you all the honor the glory and the praise it's in jesus name that we pray somebody shout amen go ahead if you could just lift the bread the bread that symbolized the body that was broken and beaten and mutilated for you for me he did this because he loved us just that much let us eat together [Music] and the cup that symbolized blood that was shed that the bible makes very clear that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission or cleansing of our sin he did it because he loved us just that much let us drink together [Music] somebody ought to shout hallelujah right there [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah all right people of god as we prepare our hearts and our minds as we get ready to go we're going to prepare for our offerings today as well come on church family it's time for the offering praise the lord of course this is the time that we we give if you if you have it physically in your hand you we have people in the back that are going to receive your gifts and receive your seed if you're giving electronically as well texting and online giving up i'm an online giver as well you just we just just continue stay faithful to that and i thank you because i mean god has been allowing us to be able to do so many amazing things not just here but around the country you'll get a chance to see outside the country you'll get a chance to see some things that we have we have for you we'll have a presentation for you as well just to show you just all of what god has been allowing us to do and so i want to thank you for that all of our visitors who are here today won't you wave your hand at me if you're visiting here with us look at god come on y'all let's thank god for our visitors what an honor it is look for all of our business could you do me a favor just do me this favor if you can pull your phone out real quick i need you to scan this qr code if you could just pull your phone out this is our this is something we're going to ask we just want to see how your experience was without with us go ahead you could just scan it and all this singing to a link and you just go ahead and just let us know let us know it would be an honor to know how our experience your experience was with us and how the experience the worship experience was it would be an honor and it is such an opportunity for us to get a chance to to meet those who talk to those amen who've got an opportunity to be blessed by our ministry so thank you so much for coming thank you and please get the opportunity to come back again because we continue to strive to be the place where the lord is worshipped and his people are changed amen come on you all one more time let's bless god for all of our visitors amen all right hearts and minds and peace let us stand let's stand together let me let me cover you let me cover you let me cover you today let me cover you [Music] hey do me a favor just point at somebody to your left and you're right just tell them it's a new day it's a new it's a new day it's a new day come on you're online go ahead point to somebody at the crib tell them it's a new day text somebody tell them let them call you back and say what are you talking about just tell them it's a new day it's a new day come on come on there you go come on let me cover you let me cover you father in the name of jesus i thank you and honor you for your your word today i thank you for the opportunity to worship you now father i ask you now bless your people indeed father give them things they never even imagined they could have father enlarge their territory take them places beyond their wildest dreams father i ask you when times get hard in this life and we know in this world it gets hard put your hands on us oh god just let us feel your presence to know that you'll never leave us nor forsake us and father there's anything that looks remotely close to being evil father i ask you please keep us as far away from that wicked twisted stuff and we'll give you all the honor glory and the praise in the name of jesus we pray clap your hands if you love him in his place real quick i just want to share with you guys starting on tomorrow we're going to start our fall fast this is our time that we'll be fasting from 6 a.m to 6 p.m so please let's get ourselves govern ourselves accordingly let's make sure from six to six that we're going to be praying together we're going to be fasting together and all go online you'll see the guidelines and all that's taking place also on this coming up thursday it's our baby dedication so for those of us and your babies have been prayed for some of y'all we've had quarantine babies amen your baby's about a year and a half now and we i i can't wait to meet them and pray for them to bring them on this coming of thursday this is coming up thursday at six o'clock make sure you register online so we can have your certificate and all for the babies as well all right god bless you family you're now dismissed god keep you for my family and my friends online god bless you god keep you all that's my prayer [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] um you
Channel: NewB Indy
Views: 286
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: 0n7ifWb8shc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 14sec (5834 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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