Live Service | I'm Reclaiming My Time | NBFC Sunday Service

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[Music] hey come on you are with me [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go out here everybody my god oh oh god [Applause] say [Music] see i'm not afraid [Music] it feels good in here [Music] wherever you are going to give god [Music] [Music] whatever you need [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning church family and to those who are streaming online what a glorious day in the lord this is a day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it for he is good his mercy everlasting and his truth and do it to all generations let us pray father we come again we want to thank you for another day thank you oh god for the opportunity oh god that you have given us father we thank you for being letting us be able to breathe in and breathe out you are a merciful god and forgot that god we want to say thank you thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy o god god as we come right now with so much going on in the world today oh god we need you oh god we know that you are a healer we know that you are able to do anything but fail so we come right now god knowing that you did it before and that you can do it again so we come right now knowing that we need a word from you so we pray right now oh god praying for the man of god as he proclaimed the word on today oh god give him strength give him a fresh anointing anew that will be able oh god and that someone will be healed today [Music] next up will be healed today oh god deliverance will take place on today we pray and bless your name in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord [Music] as we [Music] as we lift your nails yeah everybody clap your hands go [Music] come to give god some my best praise i come give god my best place like it's my last stop open up your mouth and worship god open up your mouth and give god your best friend [Music] give you all the glory jesus come on and give god some praise in this place new beginning come on can we sit down to our feet and listen it's time to give god some praise i will bless the lord come on can we be like david and command our soul to give god praise i will bless the lord at all times that his praise shall continually be in my mouth come on up clap your hands come on we're gonna teach you a new song some people know they know it come on the song says this it says i will bless the lord at all times and this praises shall continue [Music] as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing how that's the law as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing i'm bless the lord come on clap your hands come on god looks corporal worship come on can y'all sing with me to praise the deep come on let's go see i will bless it [Music] as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing come on sick as long as i'm breathing long yeah oh man [Music] let's lay down our crowns let's do it i will [Music] as long as i'm breathing [Music] that's the reason why we do it let's lay down our crowns let's lay down the titles come on [Music] let's do it again let's do [Music] you've been better hey i should have been dead let's go let's go [Music] i'm only talking to those who have tasted this seat that the lord is good that the lord is good yeah let's go let's go yeah i should have said come on dr kansas can you do one more time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like it's your last [Music] my what everybody everybody everybody clap your head [Music] come on i just saw the alarm be this way i'm talking to those who don't have indonesia that know what you went through in 2020 but the shoes still here are today it's the grace of god [Music] your hands down [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will bless the lord at all time and his praises to continually and no matter what i see or how i feel [Music] as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing how blessed [Music] everything i need is right here in the room [Music] god you are here god's your gyro cop god you are my provider god you are enough for me come on i want you to say that in the comments people online say god is enough for me motel to your neighbor say god is enough for me even in a dark place god is enough for me you may have more bill said money but god is enough for me you may have sickness in your body but god is enough for me the song says is this [Music] you up soon there's nothing i can do to let you [Music] come on [Music] you [Music] know i will be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] already forever i know who i am i know what you [Music] i could spoke [Music] i know who i am [Music] [Applause] i'm already chosen i know who i am i know who i am [Music] say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the is where you are jesus my provider you are jesus when i have you i have everything jesus [Music] see i am [Music] i will be [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] ever respect [Music] much more [Music] [Music] [Music] come lift it up lift it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] how much fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you won't know [Music] [Music] in every circumstance come on help me sing this come on say gyro [Music] even then [Music] see i will be even [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah psalmist david made the declaration in psalm 23 which said the lord is my shepherd i shall not want now we don't use that language much i shall not want one version says i got everything i need see you get everything you need when you have the right provider that's gyro that's that's jehovah gyro he is the one who provides and when god provides is there anybody here know that you get everything you you need could you do me a favor right where you are just lift your hands right in the presence of god come on right where you are [Music] i don't care if you're in your living room your car wherever your room just lift your hand right where you are and we're going to make the declaration to our god jehovah gyra and just say god you're more than enough [Music] jaira you are [Music] i will be content in every circumstance god we love you jesus yeesh god we honor you we give you praise yes [Music] thank you god for being more than enough [Music] and we love you we honor you and praise you now father in the midst of our praise in the midst of our worship father let us hear your voice so clear in this place because at the end of the day we just want to leave better than the way we came father let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts allow them now to be holy and acceptable unto thee oh god for lord you are rock you are strength you're our redeemer have your way holy ghost [Music] we're ready to hear from you and it is in jesus name we pray you ought to clap your hands if you know he's more than [Music] come on clap your hands hallelujah for we bless and we honor the presence of god in this place for god is good isn't he and he is worthy of all of our praise i bless and i honor god for each and every one of you to our online family who are logged in and all i bless god for you and i pray that the word that goes forth on today will minister to somebody in this place joel chapter 2 joel chapter 2 in joel chapter 2. uh we're going to pick up kind of pick up where we left off last week we were dealing with the return and we're gonna just kind of pick up on the second portion of this in joel chapter two we're going to start at verse 25 i want somebody to be encouraged on today i want somebody to be encouraged on today joel chapter two that's so good to see you in the house god bless you man and woman of god joel chapter 2 starting at verse 25 if you got it say man y'all listen listen to what the word of the lord says listen to what he says he says and i will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten the great locusts and the young locusts the other locus and the locust swarm great army that i sent among you you will have plenty to eat until you are full and you will praise the name of the lord your god for he has worked wonders for you never again will my people be shamed then you will know that i am in israel that i am the lord your god and that there is no other never again will my people be shamed somebody right now ought to just receive this as the lord speaks it from his word lift a hand there when god says i will repay you all the years that the locusts swarm locusts have eaten and just for a moment people of god is what i want to talk about i want to talk and use as a subject i'm reclaiming my time i'm reclaiming my time somebody shout i'm reclaiming my time very popular had become popular declaration that was used a few years ago that beautiful california congressman elaine waters who is affectionately no i'm sorry maxine maxine waters who was affectionately known as auntie so it's a maxine uh congresswoman made a statement and it was interesting because it was during the time um it was during the time when she was part of a hearing and in that hearing they were questioning the prior administration about some particular financial ties that they may have had with with russia and so she asked the question um and she was asking this question to uh to the to the treasury secretary uh new chick when is interesting when she asked newton about a letter she sent and said hey did you get my letter that i sent to you questioning and asking for a response about y'all's financial ties to russia and it was interesting because steven newton understands the rules so the rules where she's only allotted a certain amount of time to ask her question so when she asked her question and she only has a certain amount of time before she gets her answer he begins to start evading the the question by complimenting her if you listen to it he really was speaking really highly of her he's like you know and all the great work that you've done in california and while he's complimenting her it was obvious that maxine knew congresswoman understood that no it sounds like you're complimenting me it sounds like you're speaking on my behalf but what you're doing filibustering is you're working against me and i think i might need to pause it this has nothing to do with discernment but i think it it it it lends itself for me to help somebody understand that just because people compliment you don't always mean they are for you you better hear me everybody that pat you on your back is not on your team i'm trying to help somebody and it was interesting because he goes on starts to compliment and she recognized what he was doing and so she chastises him and cuts him like man that's not what i asked you and he kept on kept on telling her how great she was and she just started to to declare she said i'm reclaiming my time because i'm not going to use the time that's been allotted to me to give it to somebody who ain't working with me it's a time that was given prior to the question has even taken place and she knew how much time she had and she was not going to waste her time on somebody who was not for her i think the believers may need to catch that because how many of us are still dealing with the anger of giving folk our time who's not on the team it's interesting because here in joel 2 joel chapter two i in fact i think this is probably one of the most encouraging texts in the bible that if no other portion in the bible helps us understand the importance of time and how god sees time for his children joel chapter 2. it gives the believers the right to reclaim it because god is the only one that can repay time it's interesting because god understands the value of time you know there's a a famous author that that that puts a statement up and and in the statement when he he talks about time makes a very interesting statement he says ordinary people think merely of just spending time but but great people think of using it you yeah yeah if you just talk about spending time ui great people start thinking how can i use it why because they understand the value that you have when you have time and because god recognizes the value of time it's interesting with all the stuff he was talking about paying back he he he goes specifically in on the fact that i understand man you lost a lot of time some of us right now about to get thrown in jail in grocery stores because you want to throw a loaf of bread at some people you saw walking by because you thought about them looking at them and they still crazy yeah i never looked at certain people and asked yourself the question i don't believe how did i waste that much of my time with you you did a certain habit come on y'all be honest you're like i don't believe it cost me that much of my my time in fact i think it may be a good time for me to even encourage some some some children our teenagers in here today that that some of the stuff that you think is cool now mature people will tell you baby that's just a waste of your time that's why they fusses you now you're sitting there thinking oh my you used to do it oh dad you used to go there oh and they're trying to tell you baby that's why i'm hard on you because i'm trying to help you understand before you know it you bragging about it now at 15 you're going to be crying about it at 31. because the unders we understand the value of our time god does and so he encourages the believers of course the believers now in joel 2 they're they're going through the moments where they've had to deal with it they have to deal with the what just the locust it was the swarm of locusts see it's one thing when you got one bug it's one thing when it's just one it's a whole nother beast when you are swarmed by it and they are destroying everything that you worked so hard to build overwhelmed over and over you're overwhelmed by the swarm of the army of of of locusts that that that that destroyed seed from different seasons it was seed that you had in your past and a seed that produced harvest in your present and see that you can plant to get ready for an amazing future and they destroyed all of that man that's some frustrating stuff to see all your hard work and what's even worse you can get seed back but you can't get your time that's that's that's that's that's that's the part you you that's why i encourage some people now don't don't you keep losing sleep over dumb stuff no no don't you don't you don't you allow don't you allow the fears and even anxiety to keep you from making the moves that god's been telling you to make make the decisions and start the stuff god's been telling you to start don't no no no don't you allow that stuff to to get you because the longer you continue to dwell in the dumb stuff dwell in the fear dwell in the anxiety dwell in the frustrations while you're still dwelling in all of that you keep losing time and i want to encourage you today that god yeah i see that's why i want to help you god is not just in the business of paying a bill we're not going to limit i got god yeah god you got to pay pay a bill for your god god will give you some money in your pocket god yeah god got to do that but i'm talking about a god that can give you back your time and see this is where we'll talk about this in a minute because while they're dealing with this i i believe the children just as if the children of judah had to deal with it i believe that the children of god have to go through a moment like this as well as god values time god wants to give back time but i think there's some things we need to do to put ourselves in position for god to refund the time ready now we talked about this last week we talked about the return returning it's it's a return to me it's a it's a making a decision to come back to me it's a it's a decision that you've got to make to turn you know your back was to me and facing some stuff that's not healthy for you so god says i need you to turn your back now back on the stuff that made you turn your back on me and return to me again it's it's it's the it's the picture of repentance i know people don't talk about it no more but the reality is if you're trying to get back to receive the stuff from god you're gonna have to get back in order with god you can't expect godly blessings when you out of order that should be everyone's prayer god i mean in my in my journal every time i'm constantly writing god are you pleased are you are you pleased with the decisions i'm making are you pleased with where i am what more and trust me he will let me know what i need to start doing doing more of doing less than stop doing all together it's the return he says return but but today i'm uh we talked about that last week but but i want to start off by talking about how we must recall we gotta we gotta recall some stuff we we we need to remember some stuff and and yeah some stuff you don't want to remember some stuff you can't help but remember but there's some stuff you need to make yourself remember judy you need to understand that one thing you need to remember is how you got here in the first place and the reason why i need you to remember and recall how you got here come on i need you to listen to me online hear me family come on you need to remember what got you here because what sense does it make for you to walk into your new place still doing old stuff you better hear me so i need you to recall what did i do that got me you know exactly what you did and this is what's so interesting god isn't that petty so he's not talking about mistakes you've made and dumb decisions that you've made because we all made dumb decisions thank god for his grace come on i think more than five people should have told god thank you for his grace god says i'm not being petty with you by just nitpicking on certain things you've done god says i need you to recall the stuff that you did that caused you to turn your back on me what is it that caused you to get what calls were you uh making and what what what cause were you answering that caused you to put me on the side burner he said i need you to recall that because as soon as i get ready to walk you into your new season and things start turning up for you trust me it's coming back again and god is saying you need to realize what it was that caused you to go left in the first place because as soon as it come the next time you should say no no no i messed up last time because of your crazy behind come on i need somebody help me yeah i did no no i answered the phone last time that's i no i just wanna know how you doing no no you don't wanna know how i'm doing because that last how you doing cost me 10 years some of y'all 18 catch it later but but i'm trying to help somebody understand recall what it is that got you there in the first place hold up not only do you need to recall what got you here uh-oh but you also need to recall how you're still here from all of that now let's just be honest it got you here the children of god turned their backs on god idolatry took place they they began to turn their back solely on the very god that delivered them god allowed this stuff to come and to to bring all types of havoc and devastation and soon as it came god says now remember what you did but this is what's so interesting the fact that god allowed it to come to you god didn't allow it to destroy you so some of us should still be taking a moment to tell god thank you the fact that yes i know how i got here but god i thank you that i'm still here because some of this stuff destroyed some come on y'all better help me now some people didn't make it through this season some people were falling have fallen along the wayside on this season but the fact that you are still here and god still has you here shows that in spite of god chastising you god still had mercy on you because it should have been you but god kept you my god this is not for everybody these are for the people that can put down all of the huntiness put down all of the arrogance and understand that you know you were off the chain and you were a trip but at the end of the day god looked out for you and he didn't let what happened to others happen to you because there's still some work he wants to do in you i wonder do i have 50 people that can say god i promise you i thought i wasn't going to make it it looked like i wasn't going to make it and now i am here clapping my hands giving you glory i know why i'm here why are you still here james if it was not for the grace of god [Applause] i know why i'm here i know why i'm here i'm here because god is still good i'm here cause god kept me i'm here because god had mercy on me i'm here because god looked beyond all my faults in your grandmother and still saw my knees do i have a witness in here i am still here but by the grace of god now recall somebody shall recall you know why you're here you know why you're still here you're still here because there's still purpose in your life you know why you're still here you're still here because god said the work isn't done i know why you're here you know why you're still here because the assignment that i started with you is still getting ready to come to pass that yeah yeah that that's why you're still here you know why you're still here because what should have happened to you did not happen to you because i got work i'm ready to do in you oh wait a minute he says not only do i need you to recall this but i need to recall why you're still here because once you realize that god still has you here then you understand that god still sees something in you even when you didn't see it in yourself oh james anthony there is somebody here today that allowed come on be honest somebody here today allow their rough season to cause them to start thinking differently about themselves and god said this is not the season for you to allow what happened to you to change how you see you because i kept you because i still see some good in you come on y'all all right all right let me all right all right let's just be honest how many of us have gone through that season you've gone through that season so tough to the point that you start becoming hard on yourself man i must be cursed what's wrong with me god why why why why why you don't love me anymore why are you allowing this stuff to happen to me so now you're declaring that god don't love you now i know you crazy because god looked out for some crazy crazy people you know he's still crying if he dresses the lilies if he watches over the sparrows you know god still has his eyes on you but we have allowed what we've gone through to shape how we see ourselves you know it's interesting my uh uh it was just this week guys just this week and uh jonathan my baby boy came up to me and asked me he said uh daddy uh can i have a dollar and and i said to him i said uh for what i don't even remember what he said uh but he kept saying it and kept asking kept asking and i guess he must have heard the the the illustration jesus used about the unrighteous judge that they just kept asking to the point that he wasn't even saying and said all right go on and do it so i said okay if he doesn't then i guess i'll do it for my kids so i gave him a dollar right gave him a dollar he took it put in his pocket for the day and before the day was over he was coming we were coming back to the house and he dropped the dollar in the kitchen and the dog simba got a hold of it i heard him crying i said what happened simba took my dollar and not only did he take it but but he he ripped it in three pieces now i looked down we were both looking at it but we saw it differently johnny was looking like it was over i was looking like it just needed a little work to it went on about my business next day i you know chess house the dog all that stuff next day i'll get ready to go work out and just so happen what did i see i saw these three pieces of the dollar in the trash can i assumed that johnny just saw the money at least a little bit better than to throw it in the trash and i thought to myself dollar how are you going to allow the fact that you got dogged to start treating yourself like trash i hope you understand the dogen tore you you trashed you the dog ripped you but you started treating you like trash and i want to help somebody understand today that god told me to drop in your spirit just because you got dog don't make you trash five people somebody right now even online right where you are you should wave your hand at the at the tv you ought to just say to yourself to the screen pastor you talking to me now because i refuse to allow how somebody treat me to dictate how i treat myself because the daddy got hold i said that's all right let me get a hold of it because daddy understands that just because you've been torn does not take away your value uh-huh i want to know who are you in here today that no you steal a dime i'm trying to help somebody i yeah i got torn yes yes i got treated bad yes i was dog before i don't talk to the people ain't never gone through nothing i want to talk to those that you've been dogged before you've been mistreated before you've been torn before you've been ripped before and god told me to tell you that the rip is just a part of your past you still have value to him recall we're almost done i need you to recall who you were in god before you got dogged because who you were in god is still who you are in god and getting dogged is just what happened to you that's not who you really are i want to help somebody you got dogged treated yourself like trash because you forgot that god saw value in you even before you went through this recall i ain't coming i didn't come to depress you today god said i just want you to remember i want you to remember where you were before you allowed this stuff to get in between you and me you know our god is a jealous god god says i just want you to know before i get ready to do what i'm getting ready to do i need you to remember now now let's think about it now since the swarm came are they really that fine no okay all right okay all right they are fine okay so let me ask you this i don't know why y'all pulled this out of me i didn't do this at nine but but my question to you is this yeah they might be fine but as you look at what happened from the swarm was it worth it see this is where i want to help you understand god says i don't care what it is how good it looks if it comes in between you and me it ain't worth it i want to know am i talking to anybody here that you could shake your head even as we speak saying it wasn't even worth it it wasn't even worth it all all would it cost me and god told me to tell you this is why i love you so much because not only do i love you so much i forgive you not only do i love you how much i i cover you but now i'm getting ready to repay you whoo wait he said i'm getting ready to repay the years this is what i i love god is a god who will he'll repay and this is what's interesting because god you use the word as if you owe that to me i'll repay you wait see this is why i know i serve an awesome god god says yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna give it back to you like i owe it to you and god says the only reason why i owe it to you is not because of anything you've done because my name is a tie to it and because my name is attached to you and i refuse to allow what you've gone through to dictate who you really are if you still full of value i'm getting ready to repay you somebody ought to shout i'm reclaiming my time then he says i'm about to give it back i'm about to give back the years i'm about to give back the time that was taken because at the end of the day god could have said i'm giving you i'm giving you back seed seed is coming back god said i could have given you back some resources no resources is coming back god says i'm giving you back the years you know why god has given back the years because god recognizes that there's still a grind in you see see giving back the years don't mean nothing to lazy people if you expect it for somebody to just drop it in your lap if you just expect it for god to just put it in the mail on the first if you just expect it for god to just give it and drop it till you know god says i'm not getting ready to give you back the stuff i'm to give you back the time so you'll be able to get your grind on again somebody ought to shout he's giving me time to grind he's giving me my time to cry yes he is and i need somebody to understand that god says some stuff getting ready to get cut off because i'm not looking for you to keep getting handouts because you're not a hand out child of god you're a grinder you're a worker and god is about to bless the work of your hands god says i'm giving you back the years i'm giving you back the time and when i give you back the time you get back on you on your face again get get your hands dirty again start back plowing your field again cause god says when you get through working i'm gonna bless the work of your hand and so much that you're gonna run over in blessings that i have for you i wonder do i have anybody that can say i receive that right now god says as i give you your time back it's not in other words god said i repent the years so you don't ever have to use the word it's too late in fact if you say too late again somebody ought to go up beside you and pop the back of your hand cause at the end of the day it's never too late god says i got work for you to do there's blessings of i want to allow to get through you and to you and god says i'm not gonna allow time to get in the way i'm repaying your time i said i'm giving your time back i'm i'm giving you your time back in and when god gives you your time back can i ask you a question before we go how do you respond when god gives you back your time how do you respond when god gives you your time back and when he gives you your time back and you go back to work and you get back on your grind and god start giving you your promotions again god starts opening doors again and god starts blowing your accounts up again and god starts allowing options to bless you again god says when i start doing all that stuff again how you gonna act i'll tell you how i'm gonna act i'm gonna act just the way god told me to act he said and you will bless and you will praise the name of the lord your god yep that's exactly thank you god because i know exactly how to behave when god allows me to reclaim my time when he opens the doors again the devil in hell is not going to stop me from opening up my mouth and say god i give you glory in fact i want to know who am i talking to in here can you do me a favor can somebody just take a moment and just show the world how you going to act when god repays your time i will bless the lord i said i'll bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually being mama open up your mouth and give your god his praise because he all that the enemy took from you god he's going to give it all back you ought to praise him like he's coming back i'm getting my joy back i'm getting my peace back i'm getting my happiness back i'm getting my family back i'm getting it all back somebody shout i'm getting it back [Music] wait a minute oh oh oh oh oh oh i i forgot i forgot to finish my little story about the dollar yeah so so so of course here it is johnny i took the dollar out of the trash because uh money don't belong in the trash and so i took it out of the trash and after i got i got back from my workout i started looking around for some stuff like okay i need a certain kind of tape i can use to try to put this stuff up back together i didn't i didn't see any i did see it around the house i checked the drawers i checked cabinets and then it dawned on me i said well that's right i have some on my desk at the church so though i may not have been able to fix it at home i can get it fixed at the church i just and i took it to church and that same dollar that's been ripped the same dollar that was torn same dollar that was in the trash i put that thing and started working that thing and look how and i'm going to the store with that because i serve a god who can take everything that's been torn that's been ripped that's been done god is able to put it back together and you don't have to look [Music] like what you've been through [Music] [Music] i don't look like i've been through if you hadn't seen the trash i was in if you hadn't seen the dogs that ripped me but god knows how to take me put me back together and make me look better and when god put you back together how you gonna act that's my question you wanna open up your mouth give your god his praise [Music] cause we serve a god that can take the fragments of your life and put you back together that when somebody who and this is my question stop getting mad at folk who treated you like trash stop no no stop it you don't have to in fact you ought to feel sorry for him because uh if if anybody puts something this valuable in the trash that don't mean there's something wrong with me that means something wrong with you i understand my son young six seven immature grown folk do it some wrong with you but if you put it back in the father's hands gotta take it put it back together and make you look just as valuable as you were before you got is there anybody here that can take a moment and say god i thank you for putting the pieces back together again come on and give him glory [Music] come on give him glory [Music] thank you thank you guys thank you thank you [Music] oh jesus [Music] lift your hands oh god we give you glory oh jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you that when others threw me away [Music] you went in the trash [Music] pulled me out and put me back together again that's why i give you glory that's why i praise you that's why i lift you high because you [Music] specialize in pulling us out the trash father with hands lifted in this place [Music] father somebody right now in their homes [Music] with hands lifted right now we surrender our ripped torn fragmented lives we submit it now to you because god only you are able to give us back the time the time we wasted thinking that we were nothing the time we wasted and telling ourselves that we can't do it at the time we wasted in allowing other people to dictate our value thank you god for giving us back our time and if if the time is there then we reclaim our time give it back god we'll take it the time so when people see us they won't even believe what we've gone through that's why we have to share our testimonies because god we want people to know if it had not been for you on our side so father there's somebody right now that have not connected with you somebody who have not connected with your church speak to their hearts that they can make the best decision they've ever made and we'll give you all honor glory and praise in jesus name we pray clap your hands if you love while you're standing my brother my sister if you're here under the sound of my voice if you hear physically if you hear online i don't care what part of the country you're in you heard a word from god today that god made it clear that look i'll pay back all the time nobody else can do that but you got to return to me it's my repentant people it's my people who recognize i messed up and and can acknowledge that they messed up and come back to me god says oh man i'll make it worth your time if you hear on the sound of my voice if you hear and you and you haven't given your life to the lord jesus christ and you haven't connected with him forgiveness of sin if you have not connected with the church i want you to do me a favor pull your phone out pull your phone out so if you're online the number is right there at the bottom of your screen text that number if you're here pull your phone out zoom in your camera and just right here on this qr code and i promise you it's gonna send you right to a link we're gonna get you right connected we're gonna get in touch with you i promise you this is the best thing on the menu right now is your relationship with the lord jesus christ i want to get you connected go ahead and go ahead and just use your code go ahead that's it just use your camera just well somebody may be saying well past i don't know i do all that i don't want to do all that i'm i just want to if you want to just come and unite with the church right now and give your life to christ right now all you have to do is right get out of your seat come right through the aisle and walk right back in the back we have people ready to receive you if you're here there you go i see you i see you come on there you go receive them receive them there you go come on y'all let's give god praise for them come on we got information for you we're gonna we're gonna bless god for you come on [Music] come on come on i see you come on y'all let's give god praise for them let's give god praise for them come on come on we got you [Music] now look this is what i need you to do while we're clapping our hands can we give god praise for the seven people that united with christ and the church last week through bar through the qr codes come on let's give god praise those who are online our new family around the country come on let's give god praise for our newbie family hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on did anybody need that word today who needed the word today god gives us just what we need come on somebody say it like kevin somebody said like auntie somebody just shouted i'm reclaiming my time i'm reclaiming my my time hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our god good morning church family uh good afternoon church family i want to have this opportunity or take this opportunity just to welcome all of our visitors on today whether you are a part of our online community or you're actually in the sanctuary worshiping with us on today we just bless and honor god for your presence and for joining us on today for those of you who are in the sanctuary can you wave a hand at us so i can see who you are god bless you and welcome if you can i want you to take out your phone we have another qr code especially for our visitors on today so if you can take out your phone and turn on that camera and point it to the screen please do that because we want to get in touch with you we want to know about your experience with newbie on today and we just want you to feel so welcome and those of you who are part of our online community we have some directions for you as well but for some reason if the qr code isn't working or you forgot your phone or you you just not into technology like that just know that we have a visitors booth that's available for all of our visitors when you're leaving the service on today and you can get connected and we can get in contact with you on that way but please family know that you are always welcome online in person always anytime because this is the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed can we bless god for our visitors on today such an honor such an honor and a blessing to be with you guys and for you to come to be with us it's an honor to have you and to welcome you here it is also iota phi theta founders day the men of iota phi theta are celebrating their founders day here at newbie getting the word of god can somebody give god praise for older fi theta come on let's give god praise for them where you at where you at brothers where are you at where are you where you at oh yeah i said okay come on let's bless god for them i see you god bless you thank you so much for coming and worshiping with us today all right was anybody blessed today were you blessed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you ought to walk around all day tomorrow just i'm reclaiming my time i'm reclaiming it somebody call you that you know trying to filibuster [Music] i'm reclaiming my time i'm reclaiming my time they might even be in church today if they walk by you you ought to i'm reclaiming my time [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] reclaim your time because i believe what god is getting ready to do in this season that god has given it he is blessing he's opening the doors new doors barns are about to be filled again emotionally spiritually not just resourcefully because the world needs to know that regardless of what happens in seasons the children of god shall always be be the children of god amen amen amen come on let's get ready to give it to the lord the lord do his name church family it's time for the offering praise the lord look i just want to encourage you and thank you so much for all of the gifts all of the gifts that you have shared with us as well and how much we as a church family have been so blessed and all of what we have been able to do because of what you have been able to sow into the things of ministry that god is still allowing new beginnings to not just i mean not just being able to feed the families and we bless god for that that families are still being fed and foes need clothing or we're still providing and money is going over we we even also have the opportunity to bless abroad as well for those who are victims of the hurricane not hurricane but the um the earthquake in haiti earthquake and haiti we called our family and friends for those who are dealing with the hurricane we're still working on some things down in louisiana to be a blessing to them as well but we're sending uh resources to haiti to be able to partner with them with thousands of people are being blessed thousands of children or are being fed those who with our homes are being having shelter and it's been because guys of you and your giving and your sharing in the things of god and so i just want to thank you so much for that amen and then god's allowed us to to still even be able to pioneer some stuff even in ministry as well so we bless and honor god for that so i want to thank you and bless you so much so if you're ready to give unto the lord glory to his name amen this is a wonderful opportunity you can text to give if you're online the information is right there on the screen you can give online stay online for those that are giving online texting online and somebody may be saying pastor i'm sorry i'm just old school i'm visiting here i got i just want to give something i have my seed in my hand well look we have people in the back as well that you'll be able to give on your way out as well physically any way you do it we've made it easier for you to be able to sow back into the things of god amen amen all right come on let us rise to our feet let's rise to our feet i'm not forgetting today okay all right well we rocking we rocking and rolling all right come on lift your hand let me let me bless you let me bless you let me bless you father all that you may bless your people indeed father give them things they never even imagined that they could have father as you please enlarge your territory take them places beyond their wildest dreams and father when times get hard we know in this world this life it will father please put your hands on us to let us know that you'll never leave us nor forsake us and father there's anything that looks remotely close to being evil anything that has the tendency of of getting in between you and your people that wicked twisted stuff keep it as far away from your people and we'll give you all the honor all the glory and all the praise it is in jesus name that we declare it is so clap your hands if you love him in his place clap for your hands all you people amen you're now dismissed you're now dismissed god bless you people of god god keep each and every one of you that is my prayer [Music] for he is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music]
Channel: NewB Indy
Views: 375
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qqqFQ14mHG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 28sec (5008 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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