God Will Bring Us Through | Sunday Service | NBFC 2021

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graham rising we are so glad that you joined us today just wanted to let you know that we have social media ambassadors live during our streaming services that are there to answer any questions you may have if they don't know the answer they know someone who does so we've got you covered if this is your first time worshiping with newbie drop a thumbs up down below the oldest guard the new has come family welcome to a new beginning [Music] hey everybody my name is mark vasyaki and welcome to newbie online before services begin we want to take the time to tell you welcome and show you what kind of church we are new beginnings fails to church is a ministry that's been built on principles driven by the word of god our belief is laid out in scripture that therefore if anyone is in christ they are a new creation the old is gone the new has come second corinthians 5 17. we are place where those who are lost troubled and broken can find strength and healing for their soul our environment is one where everyone can feel the love and warmth of god through the pastor membership and his holy spirit we are people who honor god and meet the needs of his people with the highest level of excellence integrity and respect we also believe that god is going to say something unique to you today that may be through worship fellowship or the sermon so we want to take this moment to welcome you to new beginnings fellowship church the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed it's sunday many will ask get ready to go to church what online church do i attend live stream the service at home watch it later or skip it all together many options emerged in 2020 thanks to a global pandemic it's been over 18 months what did you miss most for some of us we missed being able to walk into church when we were feeling anxious or scared sitting in silence during worship or before service even began we always feel god's presence in sacred spaces while others they miss their kids being in children's church we miss corporate worship voices singing next to us the powerful sounds of psalms of judah choir hugs from the newbie family members who may not know our struggle but has the compassion to hug us tight until all the tears are dry yeah we missed a lot but now it's time for the return sunday september 12 2021 return to our new normal with dr james anthony jackson lady tara jackson and the newbie fellowship church our service times are now 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m children's church will be open if you're feeling unwell have a fever cough or shortness of breath we encourage you to join us virtually masks are also encouraged are you ready for the return wherever you are you ought to put those hands together right now me and the company come to tell you one thing that you are more than a conqueror through jesus christ if you believe that wherever you are you ought to stand on your feet and give god some glory right there it's a real simple song listen i am overcomer i [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] every time you turn around you're going to experience victory and i'm excited said to win and every time i turn around say it and i'm excited what the lord [Music] come on and i'm excited [Music] come on let's take it out right here if you know that you're more than a conqueror and you know that you win wherever you are you ought to give god a praise right there because he's worthy of it god has designed you to win lord of god you are created to be a conqueror brother this is bible right here we go come on company and all these things [Music] right it's a real simple song you can sing it wherever you are [Music] wherever we're gonna say it two more times we're gonna give you a chance to praise with one more time we win synergy classes are back in person register now to attend newbies august synergy classes by visiting us online at newbieindy.org classes will be held in person on august 12th 19th and 26th at 7 pm at our east campus classes offered are fitness witness man cave taste and sea and boss up register today being a college student can be fun and exciting but also at times a little stressful here at newbie we totally get it and completely understand just how much a little motivation and guidance can go a long way as a young adult so newbies college connection ministry is looking for volunteers to help serve our college students if you're interested join us for our volunteer call out on thursday august 12th at 7 pm in the kingdom center at our east campus if you want more information email pastor chelsea at seagoodlow newbieindy.org join newbies wing and a prayer ministry on saturday august 14th from 12 to 2 p.m as we love on our community through prayer we'll meet right at the corner of 21st and midhoffer to preserve and pray for those in need invite someone you know and partner with us as we spread the love and warmth of god we're gonna raise this praise real quick [Music] come on you are singing you're the truth and you're the life [Music] me [Music] we [Music] you're the truth and you're the life figure come on right there you ought to put your hands together we say hallelujah and glory to your name hallelujah hallelujah you're the only living god the only risen savior we bless you you are worthy [Music] glory to your name father company right here [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] are you interested in working with our youth and kids if so then join our youth department on thursday august 5th at 7 pm for a volunteer call out in the kingdom center we're looking for volunteers to serve our little beginnings newbie kids and newbie nation ministries we'd love for you to be a part so meet us there are touching our middle and high school scholars you do not want to miss newbies youth kickback on sunday august 15th listen this is gonna be lit we gonna meet here at newbies east campus parking lot from 2 to 5 p.m get ready for food games prizes and more and hey be sure to bring your friends and meet us on campus don't miss this teens we need your help on saturday august 21st new b nation will be coming together to clean the community where we worship so contact pastor chelsea for details at see goodloe newbyindy.org we are preparing to return to in-person worship in september and we want you to join us as we come together in prayer and praise for our return newbie will host a prayer and praise walk through service on saturday august 28th from 12 to 2 p.m at our east campus we will have a brief worship experience in our sanctuary and then walk through our campus and pray together we're looking for an amazing move of god and hope that you will join us well new beginnings i just want to take a moment and just tell god thank you for this wonderful privilege and opportunity to stand behind this sacred desk to minister god's word to god's people i'm grateful to my friend your pastor pastor james anthony jackson for thinking enough of me to invite me to share with you during this moment i want to begin with a word of prayer most gracious heavenly father we love you and honor you we adore you we thank you so much god for your kindness toward us lord we ask now father that you would allow our hearts to be wide open to receive what thus saith the lord fill us afresh with your spirit give us eyes to see ears to hear in our heart to receive what the word of god is saying to us today father we love you and honor you and it's in jesus name we pray amen well i want to call your attention to a brief passage in second corinthians 2 corinthians chapter 1 verses 8 through verse 11. second corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 through verse 11. now i'm reading this from the new international version and it reads as follows we do not want you to be uninformed brothers and sisters about the troubles we experienced in the province of asia we were under great pressure far beyond our ability to endure so that we despaired of life itself indeed we felt we had received a sentence of death but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on god who raises the dead he has delivered us from such a deadly peril and he will deliver us again on him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us as you help us by your prayers then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many amen for the moments we have to share i want to preach from a simple subject god will bring us through god will bring us through i remember a conversation i had when i was in high school with some of my friends and we were talking about what we would do when we graduated high school where would we go many of us talked about going to college there were a few of us that talked about joining the workforce right out of high school and then there were those who talked about enlisting in the military now i'll be honest with you i had no intentions of enlisting in the military because back then i was afraid of going to war but those of my friends who had planned to enlist in the military they their argument or what persuaded them to enlist in the military was the fact that they wanted the benefits of military service they believed that since the country was in peace times they would never have to see war they would never have to engage in a conflict and they can do their time in the military and get out and receive the benefits that come with military service without any expectation of conflict of struggle of war or any type of trouble and looking back on that high school conversation looking back on the conversation that i had with my friends i realized how naive we were to think that you can enlist in the army without any expectation of conflict or struggle and i wonder how many people engage in activities like that all the time how many people engage in different activities wanting to receive the benefits but never being prepared or planning or even having an expectation that they would have to engage in certain types of struggles or conflicts or issues there are people who want to be married and they want the benefits of companionship and that comes with marriage but they're not prepared to deal with marital marital troubles and problems that will come down the line they're people who want to live in a nice big house in a nice middle class neighborhood but but they're not prepared for home repairs they're not prepared for hoa fees they're not prepared for nasty neighbors they're people who we all like driving around town and comfortably in our cars but we're not prepared for what would happen in the event of an accident how many people engage in activities wanting the benefits but not being prepared for the issues or the challenges that might come along with those activities well here in second corinthians chapter one second corinthians chapter one and chapter two talks about a situation a struggle a conflict that occurred in the church in fact many believe that what is going on in second corinthians chapter one is that the apostle paul is actually writing to the church in corinth after this conflict in this struggle this conflict and struggle involved the apostle paul with the church paul and the church at corinth they were at odds with each other they were not getting along with each other but now paul is writing to them in second corinthians chapter one and chapter two to reconcile with them and to let them know that everything is okay but even as the apostle paul writes to this church in second corinthians chapter one he wants to make sure that that now that we've come through this struggle now that we've come through this conflict now that we've come through this season of turmoil paul wants to make sure that the church understands that trials and struggles and turmoil and conflict is a normal part of the christian experience paul wants them to understand that they should expect to have trials and conflict in fact in verse 5 the apostle paul talked about sharing abundantly in the sufferings of christ and then in verse 6 and 7 the apostle paul talked about the fact that both preachers and people go through the same kinds of struggle that both preachers and and and people go through the same kinds of trials just because i'm a preacher doesn't mean that i don't experience what the people go through that i have the same kinds of struggles with paying bills and marriage relationships and and all kinds of things that that people i preached you go through we go through the same struggles and then beginning in verse 8 the apostle paul starts to point to a particular storm a particular trial that he and timothy experience paul begins to talk about this particular storm this particular trial that both he and timothy experience and the point of all of paul's discussions is this to tell you and i as christians that christian being a christian being saved is no guarantee that you will sail through life problem free even christians have problems even christians have even christians have struggles and trials and and we go through situations just like everybody else and you know we gotta combat this false teaching that has been uh perpetrated throughout the church this false teaching that once you become a christian jesus saves you from trials he saves you from suffering he saves you from all the hardships and heartaches that you can possibly go through that is a lie from the pit of hell when you become a christian you're not saved from suffering in fact christians experience the same level and amount of struggle and trial that non-christians experience church people have the just as many problems as non-church people do when you enlist in god's army when you enlist in god's family that does not exempt you from trial and struggle and and here you see the apostle paul the apostle paul he wrote most of the new testament the apostle paul started many of the churches that we read about the apostle paul did some some miraculous things throughout his ministry and yet paul is not afraid to talk to us in verse 8 about a personal trial that he and timothy went through now paul doesn't give us specific details about the trial he doesn't tell us specifically what that trial was and what he experienced but he gives us details about how he felt during the trial he tells us in verse 8 that the trial that he and timothy went through was far beyond their ability he says that in verse 8 that the trial that he and timothy experience that what they went through in the province of asia it was far beyond their ability to endure they could not handle it it was over their head and i wonder is there somebody i'm preaching to today is there somebody watching me today have you ever experienced a trial like that have you ever gone through something in your life that was beyond your ability to handle have you ever been through a situation that you felt you didn't have what it take what it took to deal with that situation what have you ever had a situation that was over your head was it a sickness that had no that you had no control over did medicine wouldn't help nutrition wouldn't take care of it physical exercise couldn't fix it was it financial were you over your head in debt were you facing foreclosure was it parental did you have a child that would not respond to your discipline whatever it is somebody who's watching me today somebody who's listening to me today can identify with the apostle paul and with timothy you've been through something in your life you've been through something in yours in your situation that was over your head and over your ability to handle and if you're watching me and you've never had a trial like this if you're watching me and you've never been in a situation where you felt it was beyond your ability to handle then i'm gonna tell you like grandma would say just keep on living jesus told us in john 16 and verse 33 he says in this in this life you will have tribulation the apostle peter says to us in first peter 4 12 dear friends do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you the point is that everybody goes through a trial everybody goes through a storm everybody goes through a season in their life that they cannot handle that's over their head this past year the whole world went through a trial with covet 19 and and the church was not exempt the world businesses restaurants community organizations had to close their doors and churches did the same thing and and there were some good christians that that contracted the virus and good christians who died and lost their life and and many churches are are starting to come back after the pandemic and starting to meet in person but but there are so many church growers that have become apathetic to going to church that many pastors are wondering what is church going to look like after the pandemic why am i telling you all this because i'm just trying to help us understand that that trials that christians are not exempt from trials we all go through trials we all go through problems pastors go through problems people go through problems we all have issues and sometimes there's going to be situations that come our way that we feel are beyond our ability to handle we can ask all we want to why did this happen to me why did this happen to my church why did this happen to my family as if somehow we were supposed to be exempt from that trial we were supposed to be exempt from that hardship but trials problems are just like the mail as long as you have an address there's one coming with your name on it that as long as as long as you are alive as long as you have breath in your body there's going to be a problem that has your name on it when paul and his buddies went through this ordeal he said that it felt like a death sentence in verse 8 and 9 this is what paul says we were under great pressure far beyond our ability to endure so that we despised of life itself indeed we felt we had received the sentence of death the situation for paul and timothy was so bad that they started to feel as if they had been been to a court case been tried found guilty and sentenced to death you know your situation has gotten bad when you start feeling like you're not going to make it out of this you know the situation has gotten bad when you start feeling like this is it for you that you have come to the to the end of the line that's how paul and timothy were feeling they started to feel as if this was the end of the line like they were not going to come back from this and somebody who's watching me today somebody who's listening to me today you've been right where paul in timothy was you've been there in your life you've had a situation where you felt that this was it for you you felt like you were not going to come back from this in fact that's exactly how job felt job felt as if he had been going through something and he felt like he was being punished like god was punishing him he felt like with all that he had been going through that god was punishing him that's how paul and timothy felt they felt as if they had received the sentence of death as if they were being punished for what they were going through and i know many of you can relate to job you can relate to paul you can relate to timothy because life has you feeling like you are under a death sentence and you want to know what did i do to deserve this but i'm here to tell you you don't have to beat up beat yourself up you don't have to start doubting your faith you don't have to start doubting whether or not you are a christian or saved because everybody experienced trials everybody experienced tribulations and problems in life and it's okay that when you're in a trial when you're in a a season of your life where you are going through and you are suffering it is okay to ask questions but are you asking the right questions job he asked over 100 questions in his time of suffering when you read the book of job and all that job went through job lost everything in one day i mean he lost his children he lost his health then his wife turned on him his friends came and instead of encouraging job they started condemning job and job asked over 100 questions during his time of suffering now many of his questions that job asked were directly towards his friends they were directed towards his friends because because he was questioning their theology about suffering they kept condemning job and saying that job had done so much wrong in his life and that's why he was going through what he was going through and y'all all sin does lead to suffering but all suffering isn't the result of sin and job started questioning his friend's theology but there was some of job's questions that he had that wasn't for his friends some of the questions that job had was directed towards god in job chapter 3 verse 11 job asked god why didn't i die at birth in other words god why didn't you kill me when i was born because it was that bad for job and then from the message bible in job chapter 7 verse 20 job looked up to god and said god don't you have something better to do than to pick on me because that's how bad it had gotten for job did paul and timothy ask any questions when they went through their trial in verse 8 well verse 8 9 10 and 11 doesn't explicitly explain a question or tell us what question paul and timothy asked but we know from what paul and timothy said in verse 9 that they asked one all-important question and verse 9 when we read verse 9 we can conclude that paul and timothy asked a very important question in verse 9 the whole verse reads like this indeed we felt we had received a sentence of death but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on god who raises the dead what is the question that this statement answers well the question may have been god what am i to learn from what i'm going through that may have been the question that paul is answering in verse 9 because paul says this has happened so that we would learn not to rely on ourselves but on god paul and timothy may have been asking during their time of suffering god what are you what am i supposed to get out of this season in my life what am i supposed to get out of this trial that i'm going through and the simple answer paul was for you to learn to stop trusting in yourself and start depending on god sometimes the purpose for our trials is to teach us to rely on god and to stop acting independently of god even the apostle paul says in verse 8 that he was he admitted that he was depending on himself in verse 8. paul says that what he and timothy were going through were far beyond their ability well paul how do you know it's far beyond your ability he only knows that because he kept trying to work it out himself that's how he came to the conclusion that what he was dealing with he could not handle he didn't have the resources to handle and god allowed this trial this storm to come to paul and timothy so that they would stop depending on themselves and they would start depending on god now god didn't make this trial come to them god doesn't cause evil to happen in our lives but let me tell you what god did god saw that at this point in paul and timothy's life this terrible thing was going to happen to them and rather than stopping it from happening god says i'm going to take it and i'm going to use it to teach you paul a vital lesson about me you see this is the same paul that wrote to us in romans 8 28 and said that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose you see sometimes god will take that bad thing god will take that trial god will take that struggle and god will use it for your good god will use it to make to bring a lesson and to bring you closer to him sometimes we can deceive ourselves into thinking that we have enough skill enough strength enough knowledge enough money enough expertise enough resources enough friends or whatnot to handle what comes our way sometimes we can slip into a season of complacency when we've had a season of success sometimes we can get to the place when we have had one season of success after another in thinking that we can handle whatever comes our way and whenever we start to think like that god will let something come in our lives that's over our head just to get us to recognize that it was him all along that was bringing us through that situation this experience brought paul in timothy to the place of comparing their ability to god's ability now if you haven't said amen online yet i hope you say amen to what i'm about to share with you because this experience brought paul and timothy to the point of comparing their ability to god's ability in verse 8 and 9 paul says essentially we were going through something that we didn't have the ability to handle and it made us remember that god can raise the dead did you catch it let me say it again in verse 8 and 9 paul starts comparing his ability to god's ability and verse 8 paul says that what we were going through was far beyond our ability to handle then paul gets to verse 9 and says i remember that god can raise the dead let me say it again paul said in verse 8 that their situation made them feel as if they had received a death sentence but in verse 9 paul says i remember that god can raise the dead in verse 9 they remember god raises the dead their life-threatening situation had them overwhelmed they couldn't handle it then they suddenly remembered god can raise the dead let me put it another way paul is looking over in verse 9 and he remembers that god raises the dead but in verse 8 he recognizes that he's going through a situation that is life-threatening and paul comes to the conclusion that if god can raise the dead and what i'm going through hadn't killed me yet then certainly god can handle my situation my brothers and sisters death is the worst possible outcome for anything we go through the bible teaches us that death is the last enemy to be destroyed it is the last enemy we're going to face but not even death can stand up to god do you remember the the new testament story of lazarus jesus was with his disciples and lazarus had gotten sick lazarus two sisters martha and mary sent word to jesus to say lord lazarus is sick jesus says thanks for letting me know and then he stays where he was two more days they sent word to jesus jesus lazarus is sick jesus says thank you and then he stays where he is two more days after two days he says to his disciples let's go back because lazarus is sleeping the disciples say to jesus well if he's sleeping that's a good thing jesus says well let me just put it plainly lazarus is dead so they go back and when they get back it's been four days and martha runs up to jesus and said lord if you had been here my brother would not have died in other words jesus i believe you could have stopped his death i believe you could heal his sickness and jesus said to martha that if you believe then you will see the power of god jesus says to them roll away the stone martha said again well lord he's already been there four days by now his body there's an odor he's sting and she says roll away the stone and then jesus called for lazarus to come forth now i like how the old school preachers tell the story because they would say jesus had to call lazarus by name because if he would have just said come forth then everybody who was dead in that tomb would have gotten up and walked out of that tomb but jesus said lazarus come forth and lazarus came walking out the tomb jesus says remove his grave clothes and that day all the people learned that day that jesus can not only heal the sick but jesus can raise the dead because not even death can stand up to god and somebody i'm preaching to today you need to understand that if god can resurrect the dead then certainly god can resurrect your health if god can resurrect the dead then certainly god can resurrect your finances if god can resurrect the dead then certainly god can resurrect your marriage if god can resurrect the dead then certainly god can resurrect the church after a year of no in-person services if god can resurrect the dead then certainly god can even resurrect our life after we die is there anybody watching me right now that know that we serve a god that can resurrect the dead what do we learn or what should we do with the lessons that we learn about god from our suffering well let me try to explain it this way i haven't taken a math class in over 20 years it's been over 20 years since i've taken a math class last time i remember taking a math class was was my sophomore year in college now i've taken math all through high school all the way in to college i've taken algebra geometry i've taken uh calculus i've taken trigonometry i've taken finite math but when i look back and reflect on the times in which i took math i remember i didn't do as well as i could have done in those math classes because i remember that whenever i would have to solve these math problems i i remember sitting in my desk thinking to myself when am i ever going to use this i'm never going to use this information you see i didn't have nobody there to help me understand that what i was learning at that level was not meant for me to be used at that level it was meant for me to be used down the line and how could i know when and how i would need that information in the future if i have not lived in the future so i sat in that class and i dismissed what i was learning because i didn't think i would have to use it in the future i'm trying to get somebody watching me today not to make the mistake i made with my math class because all of us are sitting in god's classroom and god allows these problems to come to us to teach us some vital lessons but you need these lessons to handle what's going to happen in the future if you learn it at this level you'll be able to handle what's coming at the next level and that's what paul is trying to get across even in verse 10. can i read it for you in verse 10 paul says that god has delivered us from such a deadly peril watch this and he will deliver us again on him we set our hope that he will continue to deliver us paul here is mixing his past experience with a future prediction based on his present hope in other words since god has done it and god will do it i believe that god will keep on doing it we have to use our history with god to strengthen our present hope for the future the lessons we learned about god through our suffering in the past is meant to give us strength to face the future that we're headed to in verse 8 paul's reflection paul was talking about an experience he had been through don't miss that and verse 8 when paul starts talking about this trial when paul starts talking about this suffering paul speaks about an experience that he had been through which meant that god had already brought him through it it wasn't a situation he was presently experiencing he had been through it in verse 8. learned from it in verse 9 and now he was using that experience in verse 10 to give him hope for what was coming up ahead some people think we are being superficial and we are mouthing cliches when we say if he did it for me before he'll do it for me again and for some people that might be a cliche but for the rest of us that's our statement of faith for the rest of us that's our state that's our testimony that if god did it for me in the past i wish i had help that god will do it for me in the future is there anybody here who can say what paul said that god has delivered me as i look back over my life and think things over i can truly say that i've been blessed i've got a testimony your history with god is what helps you face your future i want you to think about your past deliverance and i want you to think about your future deliverance as two sides and in the middle of those two sides is a canyon and the bridge that connects the two sides is your hope your hope needs both sides in order to be sturdy and stable you can't throw your past away you can't forget about your past because you need the past to in order to create a stable uh a stable environment for your for to get you to your future you need the hope hope needs to rest on your past and your future some of us my brothers and sisters need to take our private devotion and we need to sit sometimes and think about where god has brought us from we need to take some of that quiet time and reflect on how god has delivered us and paul says that god delivered us in the past and he's going to deliver us in the future wait a minute he's going to deliver you in the future yeah because that last problem was not your last problem that last problem you've been through it wasn't the last time you're going to go through and you need to strength of what god has brought you through to get you through what god is about to bring you to you need the strength you need faith from where you've been to get you through where you're going well let me give you let me ask one more question of you before i let you go and that is why is it so important to involve others in our trials and in our afflictions in acts chapter 12 the apostle peter is is it talks about the apostle peter escaping from prison and while peter was escaping from prison peter had gotten arrested by a king herod he got arrested by king herod right before the passover king herod had already executed another apostle and was planning to do the same thing to peter but the church was gathered at the house of mary and the church was praying and this is and and while they were praying an angel appeared to peter the angel woke peter up because he was asleep told peter to get dressed and to follow him the angel let peter pass the guards led him out of the gate to the main road and it dawned on peter that it was an angel that had just delivered him and peter showed up at the house where the church was gathered praying because the church was still praying when peter showed up they had prayed peter out of their situation and prayed peter to the front door of where the church was meeting as a pastor one of the things i used to do every sunday before covet 19 was have altered prayer and that was one of my favorite times of worship people would gather at the altar and we would pray and that was the time i would even call out the names of members who had requested prayer during the week some were hospitalized some were sick but well enough to come to church some had marital problems some had financial problems and they would gather at the altar and we would pray together and then weeks later those same members would come back to me and share testimonies of how they had been delivered members that had been in the hospital who couldn't move who couldn't do anything were now up walking and back in church and that always brought joy to my heart a few weeks ago our church opened and reopened and there was a young lady who had come to the altar after church and and she had told myself and some deacons about how she had a void in her heart and she needed just something to fill that void and we prayed with her and ministered to her and afterwards she testified of how she experienced joy a joy she hadn't felt from any other place she sought to receive help and you know what that showed me it showed me that church when it's at its best is a place where we can find help for our problems that if we are to include anybody in our suffering we ought to come to church and be a part of a church because when we are going through and when we are too weak to pray for ourselves we have people who can pray for us when you look at verse 10 and 11 paul turns his attention to the church at corinth and paul invites them to join with him in prayer the apostle paul turns to the church in corinth and tells them that they have a part to play in his future deliverance in verse 10 and 11 he says on him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us as you help us watch this by your prayers then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many you see paul knew the importance of the church he knew that with the kind of trouble he experienced in the province of asia it will probably face that trouble again in the future and he was going to need the christian community to lift him in prayer my brothers and sisters there are some trials that make us feel too discouraged to pray there are some trials that make us too angry to pray there are some trials that make us too exhausted to pray there are some trials that make us too sick to pray which is why we need to be connected to a community that can pray for us when we can't pray for ourselves and i'm not arrogant enough to sit here and to tell you that every breakthrough i've had in my life is because of my own prayers no somebody prayed for me had me on their mind took the time to pray for me there were times and i'm not ashamed to admit even as a pastor well i didn't feel like praying i didn't want to pray but i knew and i felt the prayers of a community of people that were praying for me and the truth of the matter is you didn't get here by yourself but somebody was praying for you somebody was lifting you in prayer two of the most important things the local church can do is to pray and to encourage one another jesus even said that his house shall be a house of prayer and the bible teaches us that we should not give up meeting together but we should meet together to encourage one another you need to get in church you need a church home but pastor you don't understand what the church has done to me you don't understand i've been hurt in the church you know what the enemy sometimes gets us to focus more on the few occasions of church hurt than the many occasions where the church helped paul watch this paul knew the church had the potential to cause hurt because if you remember the context paul and the church had a conflict they had some tension but when paul writes back to this church he says to them in second corinthians chapter 11 he says to them the many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us an answer to the prayers of the many paul in verse 11 it shows us that paul didn't focus on the few bad apples in church he chose to focus on the many people in church that would pray for him and celebrate god with him over his deliverance and i want you to notice that paul says many and not all because there always are going to be some people that's not happy for you when god brings you out there will always be some people in church not praying for you or rooting for you but what are they compared to the many who are praying for you what are they compared to the many who are thanking god for your deliverance don't let the enemy get you bent out of shape over a few haters when you get so many people rooting for your success my brothers and sisters that's what the church is all about the church is all about people coming together to pray for one another to encourage one another and this is where we find our help all i've tried to tell you in this sermon is that we cannot enlist in god's army and not expect conflict and hardship christians go through just as many problems as non-believers we experience sickness we experience financial and marital troubles we get incarcerated and we go through other problems just like everyone else sometimes those troubles can make us feel that god is punishing us but the truth is god has divinely allowed such hardships to refocus us on him maybe we have slipped into a place of being too confident in our own ability and not recognizing that god can raise the dead we cannot sit in god's classroom and dismiss the lesson god is trying to teach us do the problems he let come our way we are going to need those lessons from the past to build a bridge of hope to our future and in case we get too weak in our trials to pray we must remember that we have a community of believers that's praying for us we have a community that's rooting for us we have a community that's ready to celebrate us when we cannot sit when we can when we come out of our situation yes christians we suffer yes we go through but we are not doing anything that christ hasn't done you do know christ suffered once for sin he died and got up again and that's because god brought him through it and the apostle paul says that god that god has delivered us and god will deliver us again when i look back over my life and i begin to think things over i can truly say that i've been blessed i got a testimony and my testimony is your grace and mercy brought me through i'm living this moment because of you i want to thank you and praise you too because it's your grace and mercy that's brought me through my brothers and sisters you are going to come out of it you are going to come through it learn whatever you have to learn but when you come out of it recognize that it wasn't your ability that brought you out of it it wasn't your skill that brought you out of it it wasn't your knowledge that brought you out of it it wasn't your money that brought you out of it it wasn't who you knew that brought you out of it but there's somebody who's watching me today that need to understand that when you come out of your storm when you come out of your trial that the only way you can make it out is because god was the one who brought you out and so when you come out your testimony ought to be that if it had not been for the lord that was on my side i don't know where i would be right now that's my testimony because when i look back over my life and i look at all the things i've been through i look at all the times i've been sick i look at all the times i didn't have money to pay my bills i look at all the times people walked out of my life the only reason i'm standing here today the only reason i can lift my hands today is because when i look back over my life i can say what paul said that god has delivered me and because i know god delivered me in the past when i look at my future when i look at what i'm going through when i look at what may come in the future i can say because he did it for me in the past i know he'll do it for me again and i just want to know is there anybody who's watching me today who can say god thank you for bringing me out in the past because if it had not been for you i wouldn't be here right now if it had not been for you i couldn't stand like i'm standing now it wasn't my money that broke me out it wasn't my intellect that brought me out it wasn't my degrees that brought me out even though i loved my friends it wasn't my friends that brought me out but it was nobody but jesus it was nobody but the lord so that's why i give god praise that's why i worship the lord because i know if it had not been for the lord on my side i wouldn't be here today somebody give god some praise father we love you god we honor you and god we adore you we thank you god for your goodness and your kindness thank you father for bringing us out thank you for bringing us through for god it was your grace and mercy that brought us through god we're living this moment because of you so we want to say thank you and praise you too because it was your grace and mercy that brought us through father we love you in jesus name amen god bless you newbie family i pray that you were blessed by that word now i have two questions to ask you as you heard the word today what part spoke to you the most better yet what's god saying to you second what are you going to do about it this is a call to action this is you doing something in response to the word given if you've never given your life to christ maybe that's the one response god so desires from you today that said we invite you today to do something about that right where you are if you would pray with me dear lord i need you oh god i humbly call out to you i am tired of doing things my way help me to start doing things your way god i invite you into my life to be my lord and my savior feel the emptiness in me with your holy spirit and make me whole lord help me to trust you help me to love you to live life for you to forgive my sins as i forgive those who sinned against me today god i say yes yes to your will yes to your way and yes to your grace god yes to your mercy and yes to your peace now and forevermore it's in the name of jesus we do pray amen if you prayed that prayer and you'd like to be connected to a family of believers just text your name and email to 317-661-1531 we would love for you to be a part of our church family and if you would like to support our ministry you can do so online at [Music] newbendy.org or through giblify or text to give otherwise that's it for today's service thank you for joining us today and sharing part of your weekend with us here at the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed have a blessed week [Music] you
Channel: NewB Indy
Views: 452
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, New Beginnings, Lord, Jesus, God, Indianapolis, Indiana, James Anthony Jackson, NewB Indy
Id: u9l9-2nsVwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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