SBC Sunday Morning Worship Service - September 26, 2021

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fans that are joining right here on the springfield baptist church virtual platforms this is pastor de andre map and i just wanted to take a moment just to say welcome to our online service on this morning today is a big day for springfield baptist church that's right we're celebrating 140 years as a church town a church that was started by former slaves can you just put some clapping emojis as you're there uh right there on facebook on youtube can you just put some clapping emojis in the comments to give god praise for 142 years of the springfield baptist church be into existence y'all let me let me go to the facebook post right quick the facebook page we have right now 77 people that are already checked in so make sure every single service every single time we go live make sure that you guys share this page make sure that you let somebody know that the springfield baptist church has a pre-show service that gets on right before worship begins here at springfield but again it's a big day at springfield we're celebrating 142 years if i had a birthday cake i have 142 candles right here on the cake to blow out for the springfield baptist church but here's what i want you to do springfield right there on facebook right there on youtube let us know relates to you being a member of springfield where you joined springfield baptist church y'all know we've had multiple locations throughout this 142 years let us know if you've joined at the harold dobbs road location let us know if you've joined if you join at crow road that's why i joined that and crow row in 2003 let us know if you joined at the boys and girls club right here in conyers or maybe you joined on old salem maybe you joined at newton high school at the old newton high school or maybe you're a newbie and you just joined right here at the irish drive location in fact when you let us know we're going to have some giveaways for the first 10 people that let us know where you joined that as it relates to your membership of springfield we this is our anniversary shirt for the first 10 people that let us know that you where you joined that you're gonna get this shirt and also we have another giveaway this is actually my personal cup you can't get this one but we have a springfield mug springfield mug if you look inside the mug it's still some coffee residue in there i had my coffee early this morning but let us know where you joined that did you join on crawl road did you join at old salem did you join right here at the uh irish drive location y'all springfield is a phenomenal church god has been so good to us and god has done so many things for springfield and god one thing that god did for springfield is blessed us with the best pastor in the whole wide world in the personality of pastor eric wendell lee so y'all let's give god praise again for 142 years of the springfield baptist church being into existence i'm just going to put this over here real quick and check this out right there as you're on facebook we're up to 104 as you're on facebook as you're on youtube uh keep in mind springfield keep in mind our pastor has called us together for 50 days straight there there's something that he has that's called 50 days straight we're coming together to do some awesome things for 50 days whether you're giving up something for 50 days or maybe you're going to start doing something for 50 days it started on last wednesday september the 22nd is going all the way to november the 10th 50 days straight we're going to be consistent and we're going to be committed and if you don't know there's a facebook group that you can join right here on springfield's facebook page make sure you go join our facebook page and there on facebook you'll be able to hear testimonies you'll be able to share your own personal testimonies and you'll be able to see the bible readings that we're actually participating in as it relates to that 50-day straight challenge that pastor has issued to the church so make sure that you join our facebook page make sure you join that group for the 50 days straight also y'all know we do a lot in springfield yesterday we served over 500 families we served over 500 families with food we put food on the table of people in this community and we thank god for everybody that was a part of our servilution army thank you for your time thank you for your commitment and thank you for your service but not only that while we were serving food we were also blessing the community with vaccinations so make sure that you get to the springfield baptist church website and go to our bookstore and you'll be able to get vaccination church and you can put those orders in so again god bless you god we we thank you for everything that you're doing in the life of the springfield baptist church peace we give god praise see you next time [Music] how many of you know that we serve almighty god come on y'all put your hands together lift your voices to the lord he's been great and been mighty we're gonna worship him this morning [Music] lord your mind [Music] lord your mind lord your mind [Music] lord [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] the lord your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] i think [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's worthy to be praised god we bless your name this morning god we come to adore you and thank you for 142 years of proclaiming and explaining the gospel of jesus christ and god become this morning god just to pour our praise on you hallelujah blessing and glory [Music] wisdom and power [Music] every acknowledgement every [Music] glory blessings [Music] belongs to [Music] [Applause] belongs to our [Music] is [Music] [Music] here it is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all the glory all the honor we give it all to you to god be the glory for the great things he's done we give it all we give it all we give it all to you we give it all [Music] we give it all we give you our glory we give you our praise we give it all to you and every once in a while in our spirit our hallelujah rises up hallelujah hallelujah you've been so good that's why we say [Music] lord i love you [Music] lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you let's make it corporate say lord we love you lord we love you we love you lord we love we you you lord we love you with all our hearts lord we love you lord we love you the lord we love you this morning lord we love you this morning [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] bless his name hallelujah come on that's a good place to put a praise right there open your mouth come on praise him out of the fruit of your lips hallelujah bless your name jesus hallelujah bless you man hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to your name jesus hallelujah [Music] come on here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise [Music] just one more time out of your spirit here is [Music] our praise [Music] amen come on and praise him wherever you are this morning come on and praise him wherever you are this morning if you're in the kitchen making breakfast just lift your hands and say thank you jesus for the food that you have provided on the table if you're driving in your car keep your hands on the wheel but just say thank you lord for keeping us conceived in unseen danger for those who may be sick among us still say thank you lord in advance for your healing that's on the way was for those that had to go to the cemetery this week say thank you lord for being that comforter and i keep them their first song said how how almighty is our god and on my mind in the storm then he says that who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord almighty so wherever you are just give god a great praise this morning just lift your hands and say hallelujah thank you jesus god because you are almighty god you are our awesome god and god here is our praise god let it be acceptable in your sight this morning god we lift our hands to you father wherever we are god we realize why we're separating different places but you're the same god they can be in the same household all at one time you're the same god they can hear many prayers and answer them at the same time so that we're gonna give you praise this morning we're gonna get your blood this morning we're gonna give him honor this morning because he's being too good to us amen worship him for 142 years god has been strong and mighty god has sustained and kept the springfield for 142 years that's just enough to give god praise this morning and better yet if he's kept you for as long as you have lived you ought to just say thank you god thank you lord for all that you have done for me my soul god hallelujah thank god for saving me just worship him wherever you are this morning god here is our praise and let it be yourself to be in our sight in your sight god god you have done so much for us we just can't say thank you enough god you brought family members out of the hospital of god you healed those of coleman 19 lord god you have provided jobs for those that lost employment lord god you have sustained our mental health god when we about to lose our mind so we just can't say thank you enough god because even when we don't see you working we know you're working on all things for the good for them to love the lord who are called by his purpose amen amen amen bless the lord this morning bless the lord this morning and i'm going to read them to your hearings james chapter 5 verses 13-20 and it says is anyone sick of is anyone among you suffering let him pray is anyone cheerful let him sing songs is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anoint him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayers of the faith will save the sick and the lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayers of a righteous man of vainless much elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heavens gave rain and the earth produces fruit brethren if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him back let him know that he who turns the center from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins let us pray this morning springfield god we just thank you god because lord you are strong and mighty god you are mighty in battle god and god right now lift up heads all over all over this area father god who made me low because god you are the glorious one and the lifter of our heads this morning god we just pray you find our worship acceptable unto your sight god we pray god we just worship you in spirit and truth god not just for what you've done but god simply because of who you are we thank you lord for growing on the cross and dying for our sins god we thank you lord for the forgiveness of sins god we thank you for that shed blood lord god we thank you lord for that's power in the name of jesus god so right now god as we worship you this morning god you'll be glorified god you'll be honored and you'll be praised god the lord we thank you for 142 years this morning god that you have sustained and kept the springfield baptist church god god you have carried us through through from glory to glory and we know there's great things still yet ahead father thank you for our pastor this morning god thank you for the first family god thank you lord for strengthening him as he leads us through a troubling time father and god equipped him to bring forth to preach work lord with mighty with strength and with powerful knowing that it's your word that you that you will be proclaiming through him so god we pray for all those god who will stream this morning god that you will meet every last one of our needs lord that we would that lord people see our good words but give glory to our father that's in heaven and god we can know you can do you can do anything but fail and lord we just thank you we honor you it's in the mighty name of jesus we do pray and believe let everyone say amen amen and amen [Music] hello my name is minister jocelyn roseberry i was born and reared in the springfield baptist church my parents were lifelong members here well they moved to this area back in the 40s and the 50s and they joined springfield church i remember being a little girl in sunday school with less than 10 people in the sunday school class i remember being a teenage usher i remember beginning to lead the choir when i was 18 years old and i led the choir for 25 years i remember praying as a child that our church would grow that our choir would grow we would have a great church in our community because i love music and god blessed us with that when pastor lee came great was the change the numbers went up and the word was going forth and the word has continuously gone forth and i just thank god for the springfield baptist church i joined springfield at the irish drive location in conyers georgia and honestly when i first walked in i was overwhelmed because when i walked into the sanctuary i saw mounds of bricks on the sink and on the pulpit and i was wondering why the bricks were on the pulpit but then after sitting through the sermon and hearing pastor lee talk about the transition of how we were at the old location to now it made sense and once i heard the church's initiative into moving the bricks from one side of the pulpit to the other i wanted to be a part of that and i'm so glad that i joined i'm excited about springfield and yeah uh oddly enough every time we've moved and we've moved twice in the last uh decade god always multiplied our seating capacity by three so we went from 400 at 11 20 coral road to 1200 here at old salem road and then more than more than 3 100 or 3200 at um at irish drive god continued to help us to multiply well this is uh the historic springfield baptist church this is the first uh facility our first edifice of the springfield baptist church that we are aware of um and by the time i got to springfield in 1999 we had been out of this building for 12 years we moved into 1120 crore road right up the hill here it was actually a blessing to us in so many ways because we were growing and we needed the space and so it was right around that time that we converted springfield north or historic springfield into a christian education space and also a uh an outreach center a church can exist for 14 decades without there being generations that cooperated with each other and without one generation leaving an inheritance for the other for the for the coming generation and so we bought this campus and we laid this monument as a testimony to the generations that are coming after us this church now sits at 142 years this institution has been a part of this community and been such a tremendous contribution to its community and i thank god for the ability i thank god for the grace and the mercy to be its ninth pastor in 142 years i praise god from where we've come from and i thank god for where we are now you've seen a vision of each of our former facilities and now you have a vision of where we sit in 2021. i thank god for 1877 irish drive and i praise god for all of the experiences that we've had to get here and the experiences we've had since we've been here but as i stand before you it's important to recognize that for the last 18 months since march of 2020 that this facility has been largely empty and the pews behind me today are testifying to the reality that we are in the throes of a global pandemic but somehow this church is stronger than it's ever been [Music] somehow this church has more resources than it's ever had somehow this church is touching more people now than ever before and i thank god because it's not the buildings that declare that we're blessed it's the people it's the long suffering it's the forgiveness it's the stewardship it's the people who make ministry possible it's the people who give god the glory the honor and the praise in their daily walk i praise god for the people of springfield baptist church those who have passed on those who are currently with us and those who are now coming i praise god for you and i thank god for the opportunity to share the load of ministry and to share this great history with you called the springfield baptist church i have not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the thoughts of anyone what god has prepared for us our god will do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever ask or think according to the power that is at work within us right now happy anniversary springfield baptist church [Music] amen amen can we just give god praise for 142 years of springfield baptist church god is worthy to be praised god has done some phenomenal things by way of the springfield baptist church y'all and and one part that i that just really blessed me uh as we're looking at that video was the fact that pastor lee is the ninth pastor in the history of this church y'all that says a lot about a church you've only had nine pastors in 142 years not knocking any other churches in there and what they do but only nine pastors in 142 years that's a testament to the goodness of god and the faithfulness of god's people so can we give god praise one more time right there wherever you are we we'd love for you to put the clapping emojis but i want you to clap your hands right there in your kitchen right there in the living room because that's enough to give god praise for amen amen springfield continues to do awesome things and at this time i just want to have we just have a few ministry highlights that we want to observe uh as stated before in our pre-service uh show sbc servilution army continues continues to be a blessing to this community we our servilution army has always been on point led by pastor brian russell they've always been on point but in the last 18 months they have just taken it up to another level by blessing the community during this global pandemic so we give god praise for our serve evolution army and our outreach ministry on yesterday we served over 500 families by putting food on the table and it wasn't just canned goods they had all kinds of meats and chickens and things chicken and things of that nature so we bless god for our servilution armin continuing to be a light in this community and continue to display the heart of jesus christ right here in the conyers covington area also while that was going on our social justice ministry registered and verified over 300 citizens to vote so can we give god praise for that amen amen we thank god for our social justice ministry our newly formed ministry at springfield but they hit the ground running they hit the ground rolling and we thank god for all of their efforts and all of their sacrifices and lastly on yesterday as well sbc in partnership with sam's club the pharmacy at sam's club and delta sigma theta we provided vaccinations and booster shots to the community right here on the springfield baptist church so it was a lot going on on yesterday we gave out food we helped people get registered to vote and verify their voting status and we also provided vaccinations so springfield continues to do what it's been doing for the past 142 years but here's the reality here's the reality none of that would be possible without the sacrificial giving of the members of the springfield baptist church so springfield you know how we do at springfield it we look at it as a blessing to give because we know that you can't beat god's giving so at this time we're going to ask you to prepare your tithes and offerings y'all know we have a number of ways to give here at the springfield baptist church we have text to give you can use push page we have paypal we have realm we have cash app you can give by way of giving five you can go to our mobile app you can go to our website there are a number of ways for you to give here at springfield electronically and if you just want to be on the campus if you just want to come by and see the monument that pastor talked about earlier as you give you can bring your gift here to the springfield baptist church right here in the rear of our worship center there is a drop box on the door it's a secure drop box we have envelopes there for you there is a camera shining right there so it's it's safe to give don't come alone don't come at night but uh you can come to the church to give right there in our dropbox or you can put that gift in the mail and mail it to our p.o box so there are a number of ways for you to give here at the springfield baptist church so at this time we're going to ask that you give give like you know how good god is give like you know how good god has been to you and give like you're expecting god to continue to be good in your life let us pray god we thank you for who you are in our lives we thank you for this great church and we thank you for the people that make up this great church god we thank you for our pastor now god as we prepare to give unto this ministry we pray that you will give back to the giver 30 60 100 fold as you see fit and made these gifts continue to bless this community and we will give your name all of the glory all of the honor and all of the praise it's in the matches name of jesus the christ we do pray and believe and the people of god together said amen [Music] let us all go back to the old-time way everybody [Music] let us all go back [Music] like we used to do mother used to tell me [Music] spirit [Music] everybody praise the lord like we used to do [Music] mother used to tell me about the old town together [Music] i'm going back [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] i'm going back up [Music] we're singing [Applause] [Music] when i reach a bridge [Music] i'll never forget [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] the glory we cannot be honored this morning we thank god for this faith tradition we thank god for these 142 years we thank god for god's continued blessings upon this ministry we thank god for each and every one of you who on this final sunday of september 2021 thought it not robbery to join us virtually here in this sanctuary we give god praise at 10 39 on sunday morning on the fourth sunday of september as we celebrate the 146 church anniversary of the springfield baptist church it's the first sunday of fall 2021 and we're in the throes of a 50-day journey as we try to honor god for 50 days straight and i praise god for a journey that began on this past wednesday september the 22nd which was the first day of of fall and it will extend through november the 10th and i'm looking forward to sharing with you in the coming days how we're going to celebrate coming through 50 straight days of praise and worship of of meditation and bible reading and bible understanding we look forward to celebrating with you uh between now and then every wednesday and every sunday i thank god today for uh every good and perfect gift i thank god for all who've given into this ministry i want to continue to urge you to give and to support this ministry as we believe in tithing and loving obedience to our god thank you for your support thank you for all the things that took place and transpired this weekend we continue to be open tuesday through saturday for covet testing here at the springfield baptist church so please go to to make your appointment uh to be tested for covet 19. we want to be in prayer with members of our church who've made us aware of illnesses surgeries or hospitalizations and who have made us aware of [Music] deaths that have occurred in their families and in their in our church families and throughout our community we want to be in prayer with baby ryan and marie clay sister sanaya grimes sister danielle harvey sister janie stephen sister matilda thomas sister alicia ellison is battling cancer brother ezekiel pirro is battling cancer those who are battling covet 19 that we are aware of is sister sheila broughton and brother grey malden for our bereavements for this anniversary sunday we want to be in prayer with brother will and sister laverne rush who mourn the passing of his sister linda bug she passed on september the 12th in manchester georgia due to covet pneumonia her homegoing was held in manchester on saturday september the 18th sister latonya mitchell and her family mourn the passing of her father earl smith he passed september the 17th in covington at the age of 82. following a brief illness his graveside service was held saturday at the lawnwood memorial park in covington georgia sister angela smith and family mourned the passing of her father clarence smith jr of chicago illinois he passed on september the 15th and his viewing was held on september the 16th we invite now reverend benjamin that he would come now and lead us in prayer on this fourth sunday [Music] [Music] let us look to the lord father you said in your word that we are to be anxious [Music] for nothing but with prayer supplication and thanksgiving that we are to make our petition known and you said that your peace will guard our hearts and our minds [Music] but father before we make our petition known we just want to give you thanks thank you lord for 142 years of of of this entity that you have created through your son jesus the christ that we are able lord god to to to serve this community that you have placed us in we give you thanks we give you praise we give you honor for all that you have done but if it wasn't for your son who have come to who have came to to to die for our sins oh father god we we give you all glory and all praise [Music] but father we come because father we are anxious about certain things in our life we we're living now in a pandemic lord and many of our members and many of those in our community are suffering they're suffering lord god be because of those who don't care but father we know that you can that's why we we come before your throne of grace asking lord god be merciful o son of david be merciful unto us lord god [Music] meet our needs father god because we stand in a need today lord [Music] there's those who are suffering lord god because they have lost a loved one and they're wondering why why did my mother had to die my my my son had to die my husband had to die but father we know this all in your will and father you said in all things that we are to give you praise so father we praise you we praise you for for what you're doing in our lives we pray lord god that you will you that you would bless those that are suffering this morning father we we thank you lord god for all that you have given unto us for when we woke up this morning we were closed in our right mind father we may have felt some aches and pains but father god we even thank you for the aches and pains [Music] in in feeling those aches and pains father we know that we are still alive father is our desire that that we hear a word from you today we pray that you bless your man's servant touch him with your power let the words that emanates from him lord god be be be refreshing to our souls lord god that we can continue this journey father we know you haven't left us we know that you're still here and you still are mine for what we are going through so father god we're looking towards you for our help and once again we thank you for bringing us to this appointed time of 142 years at springfield we give your name praise we give your name to glory for you rightly deserve it all lord god for you truly are a mighty god [Music] and we counted the privilege to serve you we ask these and many other blessings in your precious son jesus name amen amen and amen [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Music] when i look around and see just how good god's been to me [Music] i can't murmur or complain he's kept me through the storm i can't thank him he's been good thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] just how good god's been to me [Music] i can't thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i came thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let us pray on this fourth sunday of september god we're here because we can't thank you enough we're attentive because we can't thank you enough we're dressed because we can't thank you enough we're got you on our minds because we can't thank you enough for the many things that you've done for the many blessings that you provided for every time you healed our bodies for every time you've opened doors for every bill that got paid thank you god thank you god for every time you delivered us from sickness and trouble and tribulation for every time you mended a broken heart we thank you thank you god for the ability to rise on september the 26th and have a clear mind to be able to have the movement of our limbs we say thank you for food on our table we say thank you for gas in our tanks we say thank you may you now god get the glory the honor and the praise now and forevermore may the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight oh lord you are strength you're our redeemer you're our rock and our fortress let your power fall let your voice be heard change our hearts as we stand on your word in jesus name we pray and believe in the people of god together said amen amen and amen i turn your attention to the gospel according to matthew and i pray that your bibles are already near or on matthew if you've been reading with us since september the 22nd uh through yesterday you should have already read i believe through the 21st chapter of matthew we're reading through the entire new testament in uh in 50 days and last week's reading included matthew's gospel the 11th chapter i'm going to begin reading at verse number 16 where jesus is talking in the niv to what can i compare this generation they are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others we played the pipe for you and you did not dance we did we sang a dirge and you did not mourn for john came neither eating nor drinking and they say he has a demon the son of man came eating and drinking and they say here is a glutton and a drunkard a friend of tax collectors and sinners but wisdom is proved right by her deeds then jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed because they did not repent woe to you corazon woe to you bethsaida for if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed entire and said on they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes but i tell you it will be more bearable for tyron said on the day of judgment than for you and you capernaum will you be lifted to the heavens no you will go down to hades for if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in sodom it would have remained to this day but i tell you that it will be more bearable for sodom on the day of judgment than for you this is the word of god for the people of god praise be unto our god i tell you it will be more bearable for sodom on the day of judgment than for you i'd like to take as a subject with with your prayers and with god's authority on this sunday anniversary sunday morning i want to preach about the judgment of jesus the judgment of jesus the bible teaches us now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever ask or think according to the power that is at work in us and i thank god for the power of the holy spirit i thank god for the third member of the triune god i thank god for the holy spirit but i think we sometimes get caught up in looking for what the holy spirit is doing around us rather than looking for what the holy spirit is doing in us when you're only looking outward for the holy spirit you get lazy when you only look outward for the holy spirit you look for god to move instead of the fact that god is looking for you to move y'all i like to i like to see god moving outside of me but but i i also know that god has some expectations for the holy spirit that is at work in me as a matter of fact that's why uh the day of pentecost was so important because the holy spirit descended like a dove and it rested upon them and from that day we became the ecclesia the called out ones and god is anticipating what can happen when the holy spirit is at work in us and that's why these 50 days are important because we got to perfect the holy spirit that is working in us we've got to call upon we've got to ma we've got to seize the opportunity that is available to us when the holy spirit is in us and i thank god that we're committing ourselves to personal spiritual growth i've asked you to read the bible daily i've asked you to get on facebook to become a part of the 50 straight 50 straight days uh facebook group so we can encourage one another in daily corporate prayer at 6 00 a.m and so and i'm encouraging you to engage in worship and to participate in our weekly worship in bible study i'm i'm also encouraging you in addition to personal spiritual support to do something to serve somebody other than yourself the bible says we ought to consider others more highly than we consider ourselves you ought to do something for somebody else but i don't want you to neglect yourself because the third thing that we're doing is engaging in self-care i want to help us to to be healthier to be uh to be uh to have greater exercise to have greater endurance we've got to change our diets we we've gotta we've gotta we've gotta feed our mind we gotta feed our bodies and we've gotta feed our spirits and to that end the fourth thing that we're doing is that we recognize that there's some habits that need to be broken there's some things that are a part of our lives that need to be broken there's some some liquor we need to pour out there's some weed we need to flush there's some things on our internet that we need to erase and eradicate there's some sweets and some saturated fats that we need to throw away there's some habits that we have developed and especially over the last 18 months that we've got to vanquish and get rid of in our experience and i i pray that this 50 days of 50 days straight will help us with financial empowerment i i pray that somebody uh is learning how to coupon that somebody uh recognizes that you need a retirement account you need a savings account your children need a college fund and you need some life insurance because that's the number one way to impact intergenerational wealth i pray that this is a time where you learn how to tithe and give back to the lord that portion that is holy in his sight i pray that you become a better steward of what god has given to you and then the sixth and final component of us walking together and allowing the holy spirit to operate in and through us is to create community to find somebody to walk this journey with you don't just do it by yourself but recruit two or three friends to come alongside and to walk with you because y'all the god gives the holy spirit to a group not just to an individual i was uh in in in a doctoral program and one of my colleagues one of the members of my cohort is dr nicole massey martin and that was about a decade with dr martin taught me this phrase she coined this phrase in my spirit she called it the grown-up gospel and essentially the grown-up gospel is the fact that the gospel is about love but it's also about tough love that that the gospel uh is not just here to give but the gospel requires something back from you that ev everybody loves the jesus who loves the jesus who saves the jesus who heals who wouldn't be in love with the jesus who sacrifices his life for a friend but to whom much is given much is also required but but what about the jesus who tells the rich man to give all he has to the poor what what about the jesus who tells a grieving man that let the dead bury the dead what about the jesus who curses the fig tree what about the jesus who turns tables upside down in the in the temple what about the jesus who judges the jesus who condemns the bible reading has helped me to appreciate how christ was embraced early on in his ministry while he performed miracles and shortly after that after being celebrated he's then condemned his popularity was problematic he would tell people don't tell people don't don't tell anybody that i healed you because the more popular i become the more problematic i become the more popular i become the more i have to engage in the culture of wickedness the more popular i become the more people who know my name and the more people who want me dead and in chapter number 11 jesus is being judgmental what is jesus judging he says i'm judging the generation this generation is childish to what to what can i compare this generation they are like children sitting in marketplaces and calling out to others by comparison jesus is saying this generation is left wanting this generation is whining like children children who don't get the reaction that they were hoping for children when the world around them doesn't cooperate with them they whine like children jesus is judging this generation for because they're acting like children but not only are they acting like children jesus is judging this generation in chapter number 17 because he says they're whining they say we we played the pipe for you and you did not dance and we sang a dirge and you did not mourn because this generation is performance driven and if you don't praise them every time they perform they have a problem with you didn't praise my performance you don't like me you don't you're you're bullying you're making me feel bad you don't praise me enough jesus says y'all are childish and your performance centered but he didn't stop there jesus is still critiquing this particular generation and in verse number 18 he says for john came neither to eat nor to drink and and you called him a demon and the son of man came eating and drinking and you call me a glutton and a drunkard who who hangs around with tax collectors and sin and sinners but wisdom is proved right by her deeds this generation is childish this generation is performance centered and this generation lacks wisdom you cancel john and you canceled jesus john fasted and you called him a demon jesus ate and drank and you called him a glutton and a drunk because he didn't fast you got a problem with everybody you you lack wisdom you don't you're performance centered and you're childish but not only that in verses 20 through 24 even the miracles i've done don't matter to you he goes and he begins to condemn the generation by talking about the in the cities where he's performed his miracles corizon and beseda you you uh if if i had done what i had done in your city entire inside done then tyron said on would have been would have survived judgment and the most nefarious instance of sexual immorality in the bible if i had done what i had done in capernaum in sodom then sodom would have repented and still been alive this generation is worse than sodom's general this generation is worse than sidon uh at the entire and sidon's generation this generation lacks repentance jesus jesus the savior jesus the lover jesus the healer jesus the deliverer jesus that you love and celebrate so much is judging a generation is it fair to judge a generation shouldn't we only be judged as individuals y'all none of us want to be judged as a group but that's exactly what's happening in the text and it doesn't just happen in chapter 11 it continues in chapter number 12. chapter number 12 the pharisees and the scribes asked jesus for a sign and you know what he called them he called them not not a wicked and adulterous people he called them a wicked and adulterous generation then he starts comparing them to the old testament he begins to assess their wickedness and their adulterousness by comparing them to old testament communities when god sent jonah to nineveh to prophesy against the wicked city the bible says in chapter 12 the men of nineveh will stand up at the judgment with the generation and condemn this generation because they repented at the preaching of jonah and now something greater than jonah is here and this generation is not repenting like nineveh did he goes on in chapter number 12 and says the queen of the south was so locked into the wisdom of solomon that she came from from a great distance and now something greater than solomon is here and this generation is rejecting it you've been introduced to the jesus who heals the jesus who saves the jesus who loves and the jesus who delivers but you need to get familiar with the jesus who judges oh jesus this jesus matthew chapter 11 jesus matthew 12 jesus would be labeled a hater in 2021. jesus would be canceled on the internet jesus would be subject to online abuse and demonization uh there would be people who would make sure that he could never send another tweet there would be people who would make sure that he could never put another post he would be a cultural villain i wonder how jesus if he judged that generation so harshly how would jesus judge us how would jesus judge this generation the generation that's unwilling to take a shot that makes everyone safer during a week when we surpassed the number of deaths from the spanish flu in 1918 now there are more people in america who've died of covet 19 than those who died of the spanish flu and they had no vaccine i wonder how jesus would judge this generation when you've got a tool that you will not use how will jesus judge this generation when people of color can go missing and nobody hear a word and a white woman can go missing and people leave their jobs to go check and find her jaylen day took three weeks to identify a body that they had already found and people of color have often have to organize their own search parties to find our children people of color at the border haitian refugees at the border the poorest people in the western hemisphere and they're being labeled as invaders and villains and all they have are the clothes that they wore on the boat how would jesus judge us when we've got more guns in america than we do people in america how would jesus judge us when the wealth gap is growing how would jesus judge us when racism in the form of white supremacy has made a comeback and it is now politically involved to be a white supremacist running for office on the republican ticket how would jesus judge us when the loudest liar becomes a national leader how would jesus judge this generation and compare this generation to previous generations well on the anniversary of springfield baptist church i'm sitting here and i'm wondering how would jesus compare this generation of springfield to the previous generations of springfield how how would jesus judge uh this moment in time against the other 14 decades that we've existed the truth is y'all we have more tools than we've ever had more instruments than we've ever had we've had more theological education than we've ever had we've had more bible resources more volunteers more square footage than we've ever had more budget than we've ever had more uh our resources and equipment more more property and acreage than we've ever had but i'm not sure that god would declare that we're more faithful because the bible says if you're faithful over a few things i'll make you ruler over many you can have more cameras and not be more faithful you can have more pews and not be more faithful you can have more buildings and not be more faithful jesus is judging an entire generation and i don't know about you but the grades that i hated the worst were group project grades because i can shine on my own but when i get into a group my shine dulls and it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair to be judged for the stupid things that happened during your your your generation it's not fair to be judged by the stupidity of people in your time it's not fair and you're right it's not fair and it would be terrible if the gospel ended in matthew 11. if it ended in matthew 11 we wouldn't understand that jesus is judging the generation because he has an expectation of the generation jesus is asking the question because he's got expectations of those who follow him and those who are his disciples are you going to be typical of your generation or are you going to be exceptional within your generation jesus is looking for disciples who want to be more than what the culture says they are jesus is looking for people he's looking for disciples who are willing to defy their generational curses to walk with christ and to be transcendent you can either be typical of your generation or you can be exceptional which one do you want to be you want to be a typical church springfield or do you want to be an exceptional church do you want to be a typical uh bible study or do you want an exceptional but do you want to be a typical believer or do you want to be an exceptional do you want a typical ministry or do you want an exceptional ministry the same jesus i'm so glad that it didn't end in chapter 11 because the same jesus that judged them is the same jesus who marched to jerusalem to save them the same jesus that judged them is the same jesus that got spat upon and mocked and flogged and whipped all night long to save them that same jesus that judged them is the same jesus who carried a cross down the via delarosa it's not fair but it's also not fair that he who knew no sin died for the sins of everybody else that after all after all he's done for us you ought to be willing to accept the judgment of jesus after all he's done for you you oughta you you can't still have excuses to not read his bible 50 days after all he's done for you you can't see you can't sit for 90 minutes in a virtual what after all he's done for you you can't break habits after all he's done for you he's not worthy of a tent of everything after all he's done for you he's not worthy of you reaching out and sharing your faith with some after all he's done for you he's not worthy of you reaching out and serving other people i'm grateful that the gospel does not end with judgment the gospel ends with resurrection power what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me hold again nothing but the blood of jesus don't don't think that everybody who's judging you is trying to hurt you jesus's judgment is because he loves you and i thank god that when i think about the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries hallelujah you ought to honor god with your obedience you ought to honor god with your obedience i'm leaving it like this i'm done i'm done preaching about the j i'm done uh in this sermon but y'all we got to get familiar with jesus's judgment we we we think that jesus is dismissive of sin jesus is not dismissive of sin he forgives sin but he's not dismissive of sin and i thank god for for for his blood that cleanses us from every guilt and stain i was i was reading the the cnn and i came across this little boy whose name is mason peoples mason peoples is in the first grade and uh and his mama sends him to school and his mama said boy you wear that mask and the only reason you take your mask off is to eat mason peeples went to take a school picture and the photographer said it's okay mason for you to take your mask off uh-uh my mama said that the only reason i can take my mask off is to eat i'm smiling underneath this mass but i'm going to keep my mass on because my mama said i thank god for mason people's this morning because he reminds me that even though the world thinks we look crazy even though the world has another expectation of us if we just abide in his word and let his word about enough i don't mind looking crazy to you if i'm doing god's will i don't mind looking crazy to anybody else because i i answer to a higher power father in the name of jesus we thank you and we bless you that the only reason we existed for 142 years is because of your goodness and your mercy towards us we're not here because we were as perfect as mason we're here because of the mercies of christ and i pray now god that the holy spirit not just work around us because god there's some places we need your holy spirit to move but god will work we're we're believing you to work in us we're believing you to perfect us we're believing you to improve us we're believing you to enhance us from the crowd of our heads to the souls of our feet because we don't want to be typical of our generation we want to be exceptional god i praise you now for exceptional christians and exceptional husbands exceptional wives and exceptional parents exceptional children i praise you right now god for exceptional college students i praise you right now god for exceptional ministry leaders and exceptional workers and worshipers and soldiers of the cross i praise you now god for exceptional worship and exceptional preaching and exceptional i praise you right now god because you've been too good to us for us to be typical of our generation and we will now give your name all the glory all of the honor and all the praise god i pray for exceptional children i pray for exceptional believers i pray god for the perfecting of an exceptional church in jesus name we pray and the people of god together said amen amen and amen we give god the praise we give god the glory we give god the honor because he didn't criticize me and judge me to condemn me but jesus judged me because he loved me jesus criticized me because he cares for me the bible says in hebrews that if a father didn't love his child he wouldn't chastise that child but if a child if a father loves the child he punishes the child when the child is wrong and so i thank god that he loves me so much that even when i mess up he's he's there to criticize and care for me he's real he's there to judge me and to build me right back up the bible says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart on the lord jesus christ that he was raised from the dead with all power in his hands you shall be saved everyone who calls upon the name of the lord shall be saved that includes you all have sinned [Music] there is no perfect generation all have sinned there is no greatest greater and every generation if judged by the standard of jesus christ has a whole lot of failure and a whole lot of problems and setbacks but i thank god that the exceptions refuse to be typical and today you are an exception if you're confessing with your mouth and if you're believing in your heart today you become the exception would you pray with me this prayer of confession father i confess that i have failed that i have faltered i confess my imperfection i confess that i've been more of an individual than i have been a member of a faith community i pray now god that you get the glory that you get the honor that you get the praise from my life i thank you now that as i confess my sins you're faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness i thank you now for my confession and my belief in a christ who was crucified but rose with all power in his hands i'm thankful that the gospel does not end in matthew 11 because you got up with all power in your hands and your blood now cleanses me from all unrighteousness in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen today we give god the praise because we have so many reasons to rejoice if you just gave your life to jesus christ would you text the word join right now text the word join to 855-465-1937 text the word join to 855 465-1937 there are people who are reaching who are ready to reach back to you now when you reach out if you're having trouble texting then go right into the chat room at at spring at go to facebook and go to youtube right in the chat room there are people who are positioned to serve you and to reach back when you reach out so remember you can have the holy ghost working around you but you also need to have the holy ghost working through you we invite you now you reach out and we'll reach back we thank god for 142 years i praise god for my wife who is [Music] getting on the road now in mobile alabama making her way back after hanging out with our our third child down at the gulf coast classic yesterday and i thank god for her she's there with denise sister denise woods and my mother-in-law and my aunt we thank god they're hanging out and having a good time and i gave her permission to play hooky from school from church today and one of the things that she said was in the time lapse video go back and watch that video it was a beautiful video about our history she was she was she was kind of jabbing me virtually by saying how i went from you know young handsome and virile to 50 and ball in the time lapse and i told her i had to remind her i'm bald by choice map is the one that's balled by by biology [Laughter] amen we've had a blessed fellowship today god bless you to the minute music worship and arts ministry we give god praise for each and every one of you we got to do something for y'all amen i thank y'all for hanging on for 18 months and we celebrate the goodness of the lord in the land of the living and i thank god for our dance ministry that that blessed us today i thank god for my children who still live in georgia who are with us today god bless you to the media the the multimedia team we praise god for each and every one of you happy anniversary springfield baptist church break out some springfield uh apparel today and wear it throughout the week and let somebody uh know uh that you are a member of springfield baptist church notice that football has not started uh here in the state of georgia we are not talking about football we're going to go straight to basketball and i'm excited that the atlanta hawks are open in training camp uh on next week and that's all we're gonna say about sports amen god bless you and god keep it y'all be safe out here wear your mask think about all the judgment that jesus would render on this generation when i saw people in the united states of america chasing down the poorest people in the world on horseback it broke my heart it looked like they were rounding up escaped slaves in the name of the united states of america there's something to say about jesus judging a generation but i thank god that there are exceptions now go out and be an exception that's what these 50 straight days is all about springfield it's about being an exception because there are people who think that you cannot change that if you overweight you gonna always be overweight that if you smoking and can't stop smoking that you're gonna always smoke that if you get drunk every other night then you gonna always get drunk but i thank god that we don't have to be typical we can be exceptional [Music] god is worthy to be praised and not unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or faith according to the power that is at work around us but also the power that is at work in us to that god be all power glory majesty and honor god give us benediction from this place but never from your presence and the people of god together said amen amen and amen wear your mask like mason god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] wants to be free [Music] need to be [Music] you
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Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hFCeXpxdkPI
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Length: 105min 41sec (6341 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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