The book of Hebrews explained

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all right this week I am gonna take a break from the gospel series and I've been going through the Gospels for but over a year year and a half been for quite a while anyway I'm just going chronologically through the Gospels looking at all the different things you should have said and did and I feel like that's a very important thank for us to do but I'm taking a break from it tonight because I want to talk about something else that I think is very important and I think tonight's message is timely because of some things that have happened recently but I feel like we need to have a solid grasp on what we believe about this book what we believe about the Scriptures the Word of God second Timothy 3:16 and 17 it says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work so all Scripture is inspired by God and what that means is that if it's not inspired by God it's not in here and if it's in here it's inspired by God okay it means that God was involved in the writing of Scripture it wasn't just men writing stuff down it wasn't just man's thoughts you know I I've written a lot of stuff but I would never call my stuff an inspired Scripture that makes sense you know maybe it contains inspired scripture because I quoted the Bible but my words are not Scripture my words are just my commentary on scripture but what's written in here with the prophets and the apostles wrote that was divinely inspired by God every word of it was spoken to God by God to the apostles and the prophets and they wrote down what the what God said said to them to write down okay this is what makes the Bible authoritative because it came from the Word of God himself second Peter 1 says knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit okay he's telling us that these things were not written by man is the Holy Spirit who inspired these words to be written we don't recognize any other religious books as being inspired by God for example the Quran we do not recognize the Quran as being the inspired Word of God we do not recognize the Book of Mormon as being the inspired Word of God we don't recognize other religious texts extra biblical texts and we don't recognize the Talmud as being inspired Word of God we don't recognize the Apocrypha as being the inspired Word of God those things are not they don't have the same seal as as the 66 books that are in here contain you know so for example the the Apocrypha the books of the Apocrypha almost all of them were written in the three or 400 years between Malachi and Matthew between the last profit in the end the Gospels this 400 year time period is often referred to as the silent years there's a reason for that because God did not speak to his people during that time there was no prophet in Israel and this is actually confirmed by the Apocrypha there's several places where they tell us there were no prophets in Israel during those days and so if there's no prophets in Israel given the Word of God then how can we say that those are inspired writings there's no profit there to write them there's no profit hearing the Word of God to inspire those writings so how could we say that those writings were inspired by God we can't even those writings himself testify that they're not inspired the Jewish people didn't never included the Apocrypha as part of their canon they were never considered inspired books yet people today are saying we should include those books in our Bible there's even a translation that's been put out in recent years by someone in the Hebrew roots movement it called the Etsy for and the guy included all the apocryphal books The Book of Enoch the book of Jasher which the book of Jasher is not even the same book of Jasher that's talked about in the scriptures it's a commentary binnacle commentary written much later we've included all these extra books says though these should be in the Bible well he has no authority to do that the Bible in several places says do not add to or take away from the Word of God it is God who puts those books in there you don't have the right to put anything in or take anything out there are also people who want to say we need to remove things from our Bible you can't do that the entire Bible old and new Testament is the written word of God given by divine inspiration and is the only inspired and authoritative Word of God this is a doctrinal belief statement this is what I believe this is what this congregation believes and you know if you don't agree with that then maybe this isn't the place for you honestly we believe that this is the Word of God we don't need anything else added to it or taken out of it Matthew 4:4 says it is written man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God the Bible is the story of salvation and it points to Yeshua through the tour of the prophets the Psalms the Gospels and the epistles and we learned something about him in every book in the Bible Luke 24 you sure said in beginning Atmos Luke 24 says I'm beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself Moses and the prophets all speak and testify about Yeshua the Psalms all over the Psalms is prophetically speaking about Messiah and there are types and shadows and pictures of Messiah all throughout the scriptures we see him from Genesis all the way through the Scriptures reveal that your shoe is the Messiah and the Son of God and this is a consistent message throughout the Bible and one thing I want to point out is the first trick of Satan the first thing Satan did was he spoke to Eve and he said has God really said the first thing he did was question and challenge the Word of God question had challenged the authority of God's Word and is that not what people are doing when they say we need to take this book out or add this book in our they're not questioning and challenging the authority of God's Word is that not exactly what they're doing and when you start doing that when you start questioning and challenging the authority of God's Word you're letting seeds of doubt seep in your mind if you have any doubts about any books that are in here or books that are not in here saying you know maybe you think that the Book of Enoch should be in the Bible you start questioning well if the Bible doesn't include this book because I think this book ought to be in there what if there's other stuff that's left out what if I'm missing information or what if there's a book in here that you think shouldn't be in there new you know for example Martin Luther he didn't like the book of James he said we ought to throw the book of James out what does that do you have this book in here that you think shouldn't be in there well then how can you trust the rest of the books that are in here it starts giving you a rocky rocky foundation with sinking sand basically I've heard people say well you know I don't think Paul was a true pasal I don't think his writings should be in the Bible I've heard numerous people argue this online they say Paul was a false apostle his writing should not be in the scriptures well if you take out Paul all the Paul's writings first off you're gonna take out about half of the New Testament then you got to get rid of Luke and acts because Luke was an associate of Paul and he wrote about him I mean the book of X is all about Paul's conversion and his ministry so you gotta get rid of Luke and acts well if you get rid of Luke well Luke has a synoptic gospel with Matthew and Mark and they're so similar maybe you need to throw them out too just in case and you know I mean Paul even said that he you know mark was associate of his and he went a mark to be with him at one point well so can we trust mark well Peter affirms Paul and his epistle he says that Paul is is a fellow brother in that some of his writers hard to understand what Peter's affirming Paul said we gotta throw Peters epistle out to then don't we at some point we're gonna say where's the New Testament you start throwing one book out and pretty soon the whole thing just falls apart we can't do that it's all it's all one book built upon itself line upon line [Music] worship on verse book upon book the Genesis 3 says now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God made he said to the woman as God indeed said this is this is where Eve was led astray once you started questioning God's Word do you understand that Satan could tell her anything he wanted at that point because she's now she doesn't trust God's Word as God indeed said doubting the Word of God is what led Adam and Eve astray this is exactly what questioning the authority of the Scriptures does it will lead you astray now some things were said last week about the book of Hebrews and consequently I've actually removed that section from the video online so you can't go back and re-watch it I'm sorry I don't feel it was appropriate it angered me that those things were said last week to come in and without knowing anybody in the room to start challenging a book of the Bible and saying maybe shouldn't be here that was now that was not appropriate and I apologize to you that I allowed him to speak I didn't know he was gonna say those things and I was very frustrated about that but because of some of the things we said last week I realized that I need to address questions about the book of Hebrews there are very few people throughout history who have challenged the book of Hebrews which is surprising because we don't know for sure who the author was of all the books in the New Testament is the one that we have we're not sure who the author is yet unanimously throughout christian history they've said this is this is an inspired book of god this is definitely Scripture now there have been you know many people who said well this is Paul's writings and you know scholars Greek scholars look at Paul's other epistles and they look at the book of Hebrews and they say this is different Greek what's written in his other epistles is very it's less polished I guess I should say it's rough Greek what's written in the book of Hebrews is eloquent polished Greek it is high I mean is this whoever wrote the book of Hebrews was very well-versed in Greek he had a very high education in Greek and it most Greek scholars say it is a work of art it is a masterpiece in Greek it is the most well-written Greek we have in the New Testament and so scholars say this is very different Greek than what Paul's other epistles are so they say well maybe I don't think it's Paul I don't think Paul's Greek was that well that well polished but there is an interesting well let me let me get to that here in a minute now throughout history though it has been attributed to Paul but most scholars today say it was not Paul interesting fact about the book of Hebrews is that it quotes and makes reference to the Old Testament more than any other book in the New Testament with the exception to the book of Revelation and the book of Hebrews also shows us more symbolism more foreshadowing of the Messiah it points to so many things in the Old Testament that force out of the Messiah probably more than any other book in the New Testament it shows us things that many other books don't there's so much that we can learn about Messiah in the Old Testament by reading the book of Hebrews now the authorship almost all scholars agree there's a with a few exceptions that it was written between 60 and 68 AD this dates it to the first century this dates it to the time when Paul was in prison Paul died in 64 so it's very likely the Paul was somehow involved in the writing of it and it's right before the destruction of the temple the temple is destroyed in 70 AD this is written between 60 and 68 and so as you're reading through the book of Hebrews and you see things about these things are about to pass away and that if you were on earth he would not be a priest because we have priests who do serve in the temple right now it makes sense because it's speaking of the present tense there is a temple and there are priests who serve in it but these things are about to pass away prophetically speaking of the destruction of the temple it is written no doubt it was written in the first century which means it was written by either an apostle or in a close associate of apostle because they were still alive it could it had the corroborating witnesses other other apostles and and people who are first century believers disciples they would have had access to this book and they would have been able to say yes this is certainly a book inspired by God or they say no let's get rid of this book and unanimously the church accepted this book very early on and it was grouped we have in what is it P 49 one of the codices you might find it - here be 49 or p40 sick beat No these P 46 codex P 46 is the oldest texts we have it dates to the early second century I believe and it includes the book of Hebrews right next to Romans in a collection of Paul's writings it has all the Paul's writings grouped together and the way they sort these which is interesting is they sort them by largest book to smallest book and by book that's most important to book this least important that's how they would sort them and interesting has Romans first than Hebrews and the Corinthians well Corinthians is actually longer than Hebrews so it's interesting that they put it before Corinthians which seems to indicate the thing you'd think it's more important than Corinthians because of the way had they had it sorted and I thought that was really interesting but one of the earliest oldest manuscripts we have as it right there among the rest of Paul's writings which indicates that they believed it was somehow associated with Paul whether he himself wrote it or someone a close associate of him wrote it and so the leading one of the leading theories on its authorship is that Luke wrote it that is Paul's thoughts Paul's words Paul's teachings but that Luke is the one that actually pinned it and this would make a lot of sense if Paul is in prison Luke was writing for him corresponding with him and they say that you know I'm not a I'm not a good enough Greek scholar to be able to tell you one way or the other but they say that the writing and Luke and acts is very similar to the writing in Hebrews which means that it's very likely that Luke was the one who penned it and this theory was put forth by Clement of Alexandria he's an a church historian from second or third century I think the second century and but he Clement of Alexandria believed that Hebrews was originally written by Paul in Hebrew and unsigned because of modesty and translated carefully and degree by Luke and so that's the theory that clement of alexandria said and Eusebius apparently agreed with this and so here's this is what Eusebius said on the topic of the authorship of the book of Hebrews he said if I gave my opinion I should say that the thoughts are those of the Apostle referring to Paul but the diction and phraseology are those of someone who remembered the Apostle the apostolic teachings and wrote them down at his leisure what had been said by his teacher therefore if any Church holds that this epistle is by Paul let it be commended for this we're not without reason have the ancients handed it down as Paul's but who wrote the Epistle and truth only God knows and so he says these words are no doubt inspired by the by the Holy Spirit and these are the thoughts of Paul these match the way that Paul thinks the way that Paul teaches these are no doubt the words of Paul but it's not the writing of Paul it's not the penmanship of poets not the type of Greek that Paul uses was basically what he's saying and something there's no doubt this is Paul's thoughts but someone else wrote it that's what your CBS is saying and he said if you if you say this is an epistle Paul then you're commended you're to be commended for that and he also acknowledged that it's been handed down for centuries for by the the generations before the forefathers before have handed it down that this is Paul's writing okay so for us to say that Paul wrote the book of Hebrews I think is is a fair thing to say and that's what you see Biss and Clemente also seemed to think and so my stance on it is I believe that Paul and spire is is the one who gave the words and that Luke is the one that pinned it that's my personal opinion on it that's what makes the most sense to me and if you disagree that's fine you can disagree but now with that introduction let's look at what the book of Hebrews actually says okay so we can we can talk about the book all we want but let's look at what the book is telling us hebrews 1:1 God who at various times in a various ways spoke in time past to the father's by the prophets now if you go through all of the epistles you'll see that they all have an introduction you know especially Paul you know he introduces himself he says greetings to you greetings to the church greetings to Timothy Greaves to whoever he's talking to right he gives a traditional greeting and that's one of the reasons that many people doubt that you know they say well this isn't Paul's writing because he left out that greeting interestingly he just jumps in he says God spoke through the prophets and this is like setting the tone setting the stage for everything else that's about to follow and he just he dispenses with all the plinth preliminaries all the niceties all the greetings and he just jumps right into the point and he says God spoke through the prophets now this introduction affirms the inspiration of the Old Testament it was argued last week that the book of Hebrews rejects the Old Testament that is absolutely false the book of Hebrews affirms the Old Testament and quotes the Old Testament more than almost any other book and it shows how you sure is a fulfillment of the Old Testament more than almost any other book it points to Yeshua everywhere it shows us that your shoe is all over the Old Testament and the book of Hebrews shows us more about the New Covenant than any other book in the New Testament does and actually the the reference that's quoted from Jeremiah 31 the about the new covenant that is the longest single quote from the Old Testament anywhere found in the New Testament did you know that the longest chunk of Scriptures that is quoted in one place is right there in the book of Hebrews quoting Jeremiah so he starts out he says God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past by the fathers to the fathers and to the prophets and then verse two he moves right into the message of the gospel and the exultation of yeshua he says has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom his appointed heir of all things through whom also his made the world's at this statement is extremely powerful this and this is a strong claim of deity he says that the Son of God is the one who created the worlds and we see this confirmed in the Gospel of John John one in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made we see it again in Colossians chapter 1 he is the image of the invisible God firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on the earth visible invisible visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist it was one to has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom he also made the world's this is this is what the consistent message of the Bible is notice the Colossians it says that here's the image of the invisible God now listen in Hebrews 1:3 who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power as Anna what Colossians just said that he is the image of God and all things were created by him and for him and through him and all things and consist because of him it is his power that holds the universal in place this is a powerful opening for the book of Hebrews I mean it is the writer of Hebrews just comes in guns blazing proclaiming the deity of Ashura and the superiority of Yeshua the importance of Yeshua the glory of Yeshua he exalts Yeshua and shows his power and superiority in every way and we go over to Hebrews 1:3 I'm sorry continuing Hebrews 1:3 when he had by himself purged our sins he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high I'm sorry I skipped a part didn't I all right so who being the brightness and the glare expression image of his person and upholding all things for the power of his word this is yoshua is the image of God he is God made manifest in the flesh is what this is what the Hebrews is telling us right he's the image of God is a manifestation of God in the flesh and this is what first Timothy 3:16 says and without controversy great is the mystery of God nests of godliness that God was manifested in the flesh okay and so now we go on to Hebrews 1:3 let's continue on to Hebrews 1:3 it says when he had by himself purged our sins he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high by himself he purchased us of our sins you see how how powerful this is how many people by yourself can purge any one of their sin this is again pointing to his deity pointing to who he is how powerful he is how magnificent he is how exalted he is he is God manifest in the flesh he by himself purged us of our sins this is the gospel the very first words in Hebrews is pointing us to the gospel pointing us to salvation through Yeshua this isn't he sat down at the right hand of God this is this is something that you sure himself told us about Matthew 2664 jesus said to them it is as you have said nevertheless I say to you hereafter you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming in the clouds of heaven you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the Majesty on high it's what Hebrew says mark 1619 it says then so then after the Lord had spoken to them he was received up into heaven any sat down at the right hand of God this was prophesied in the psalm psalm 110:1 it says the lord said to my lord sit at my right hand till i make your enemies your footstool yeshua quoted this verse a couple times and the writer of hebrews quotes it a few times as well and he gives us some more explanation about it later on in the book of Hebrews but this is a very significant verse in the book of Hebrews this is something the book of Hebrews really lays on to is Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews quotes the Psalms numerous times but listen to what else the Psalms say about the right arm or the right hand this is really interesting prophetically speaking of Messiah Psalm 20 verse 6 now I know that the Lord saves his anointed he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand speaking about the Messiah the right hand of God some 89 13 you have a mighty arm strong as your hand your hand your and high is your right hand you have a mighty arm strong as your hand and high is your right hand these are prophetic statements about Messiah Psalm 89 1 Oh sing to the Lord a new song for he has done marvelous things his right hand and his holy arm have gained him the victory someone 18:16 the right hand of the Lord is exalted the right hand of the Lord does valiantly yeshuaa is the right hand of God and listen to what Isaiah says about the creation of the world this is really interesting isaiah 40:8 13 indeed my hand has laid the foundation of the earth and my right hand has stretched out the heavens when I called to them they stand up together what does the book of Hebrews say it says that Yeshua is the one that laid the foundation there Yeshua is the one who created all things Isaiah says it was the right hand of God who created all things you see this is a prophetically speaking about Yeshua it continues I'm sorry I want to jump over to Hebrews chapter 8 because Hebrews chapter 8 tells us the main point of what he is saying this is the main point of what he is writing in the the book of Hebrews all of his argument leading up to this point and everything he says argues after this point this is what he says the writer of Hebrews says this is my main point so let's see what he says his main point is Hebrews eight one and two now this is the main point of the things we're saying we have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens a minister of the sanctuary and the true Tabernacle which the Lord erected and not man is as this is the point I'm trying to make we have a high priest seated at the right hand of God in the heavenly tabernacle this is what the book of Hebrews is writing about the entire context of the book of Hebrews is our high priest we see numerous things leading up to that we see numerous things after that but the focal point is went from chapter 7 to chapter 12 roughly and the main thrust is 7 through 10 we're talking about the MCUs dick how Yahshua's is a high priest like Melchizedek and that he has a priesthood superior to that of the earthly priests that he has a sacrifice that superior to the sacrifices of the earthly priest and he's serving in a temple that is superior to those on earth that is the point that he is trying to make we have a superior priest in a superior temple with a superior sacrifice that is the point of the book of Hebrews and I would argue that as the point of the gospel you sure it died to take away our sins he took our sins on the cross and died for us making way for us to have atonement making way for us to come to the Father no one comes to the Father except through him without his sacrifice there is no salvation I had a I mentioned this a few weeks ago I had a pastor a professor in college who said that Jesus death isn't what's important that his teachings are what's important and as we adhere to his teachings that that's what saves us he said that Jesus could have been run over by a donkey in the street and it would have made any difference for our salvation that is a lie it is through his sacrifice that we have atonement and that's what the book of Hebrews tells us without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins it's the argument of the book of Hebrews he says this is laid forth in the Old Testament we see this in the Torah that these sacrifices were given to show us our sin to show us our need for salvation to show us that death is required for our sin and the book of Hebrews comes in and tells us that we have salvation through Yeshua we have atonement made for us and the argument he makes is that the sacrifice of the priest is made over and over daily and weekly monthly and yearly they don't they don't profit us because they don't they don't take away our sins and the argument he makes is because if they took away our sins they wouldn't have to keep doing it all the time let's see argument he's making in the book of Hebrews read it I encourage you to read the book of Hebrews and and realize that he's talking specifically about the day of atonement I want to I want to read something to you here hebrews chapter 9 and this is something that was brought up last week as well as is the the sensor that was in the wrong place says then indeed even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary but the tabernacle was prepared the first part in which was the lamps and the table of and the showbread which is called the sanctuary and behind the second veil the part of the tamil tabernacle which is called the holy the holiest of all which held the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid on all sides with gold in which were the golden pot that had the manna Aaron's rod that budded and the table tablets of the Covenant and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat of these things we cannot now speak in detail so he says inside the second veil in the holy of holy of holies the most holy place there was a golden censer the argument that was brought up last week is that's not where the golden censer belongs well most of the time you're right it is typically outside the veil in the the holy place not in the most holy place it's out there by the lampstand typically right in front of the veil but one day a year that sensor is brought into the holiest of Holies it fills the room with incense so that the high priests can enter and not look upon the mercy seat fills the room with incense and smoke so that the high priest doesn't see anything in there because that's where God the glory of God set enthroned on the holy of holies on the mercy seat on the tabernacle on the on the the Ark of the Covenant I mean and so the priest would slide that sensor under the curtain under the veil fill the room with smoke before he went in so that he didn't see God that's why and preparing himself to go into the Holy of Holies they would tie bells and pomegranates to his garment so they can hear him walking around because if he felt dead they wouldn't know it so they could drag him out they tied a rope around his waist because if he felt dead in there they had to pull him out because they couldn't go in after him so tied a rope around his waist and bells and pomegranates on his clothes so I could hear him jingling around while he was in there and if the whole if the high priest went in there and he was unprepared to be there if he was unclean unholy in some way then what would happen they feared that he would be killed I don't know of any account of it actually ever happening where the high priest died in there but they prepared for it and the holy the high priest would bring the blood and sprinkle it on the mercy seat to make atonement for the people on the day of atonement and that's the day that the book of Hebrews is talking about you know how I know that because you keep reading verse six now when these things had been thus prepared the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle performing the services but into the second part the high priest went alone once a year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance so it tells us right there this is the context the reason the sensor is inside the Holy of Holies is because he's talking about the Day of Atonement why is he talking about the Day of Atonement because that's the day when sins are atoned for what is the argument he's making because Yahshua atoned for our sins and the his death once and for all has atoned for all sin the he no no longer needs to make a sacrifice for sin year after year as the Levites did this is the argument of the book of Hebrews this is the argument that Paul is making / Luke he's arguing that Yeshua sacrifice the issuer's priesthood is greater that is more effective and so you remember months ago when I talked to you about the the Samaritan woman at the well Yeshua said the time is coming and now has come when the true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth right you remember the the argument that was made she said our people the Samaritans worship on Mount Gerizim and your people the Jews worship in Jerusalem what do you say he said a time is coming when the true worshipers will no longer worshiping gears anymore in Jerusalem their worship in spirit and truth why because there's a time coming when there's no longer gonna be a temple there's a time coming when there's no longer gonna be earthly priests there's a time coming when we go to the Father through the high priest Yeshua and then that time is now that time has been since his death and resurrection if this is the argument that the book of Hebrews is making that he went into the heavenly tabernacle and he sat down at the right hand of the Father the his our great high priest seated in the heavenly realm that is the argument that the entire book of Hebrews is about and is referencing the Old Testament over and over and over and so you're sure so the book of Hebrews says this is the main point that we have such a high priest it was seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty of heavens a minister of the sanctuary and the true Tabernacle which the Lord erected and not man do you see why I feel like this book is important if you ask me to pick three books out of the New Testament and say you can only have three books in the New Testament the book of Hebrews will be one of my choices I guarantee it is I feel one of the most important books in the New Testament and so when someone comes along and says hey we need to toss that book in the garbage I'm not happy about that he continues his argument chapter 10 he says in every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever he sat down at the right hand of God from that time waiting till his enemies are made his footstool you recognize the reference season he's referring to what was quoted earlier in Psalm 110 right the Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool he sat down at the right hand of God from that time waiting till his enemies are made his footstool for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified why did he sat down because his work is done he offered his sacrifice and it is finished he sat down at the right hand of God showing that his work is complete he doesn't need to do any more he doesn't need to sacrifice anymore he's done what needed to be done he's offered once the only sacrifice you ever need this is the argument of the book of Hebrews this finish verse three we've gone almost through the first three at this point having become so much better than the Angels he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they this is another powerful statement that brings glory to Yeshua and it also sounds slimmer similar to what Paul said in Philippians chapter 2 verses nine through eleven it says therefore God has also highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow of those in heaven the Angels and of those on earth and of those under the earth was that referring to those under the earth could be referenced to the demons that were trapped in Tartarus the the bottomless pit could be a reference to those who are dead their souls waiting a shield for the resurrection that every tongue should confess that Yeshua the Messiah is Lord to the glory of God the Father says that every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth every knee will bow this is worship everyone will worship yoshua why because he is God because he is worthy he's the only one worthy of our worship even the demons are gonna be forced to worship Him every new about that's where Hebrews 1:3 just told us even the angels will worship Him now let's put it all together one through four God who at various times in a various ways spoke in time past to the father's by the prophets as in these dust as in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom he also made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high having become so much better than the Angels as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they so these first four verses put forth everything that the book of Hebrews seeks to tell us this is like the opening statement and then the rest of the book of Hebrews is arguments to show us this is this is prophesied in the Old Testament this is fulfilled in Yeshua this is how this is how he obtained a better sacrifice this is how he became the high priest this is how he sat down at the right hand of God this is the book the entire argument the book of Hebrews is summed up in these first four verses this is the summary the summary statement the opening statement if you were going to you know you watch a courtroom and you know the person the attorney gets up and he makes his opening statement this what this is this is the opening statement and then the rest of the the rest of the book is his argument to support this opening statement everything from this point forward is said to support and expand on his introduction the book of Hebrews shows us numerous types and shadows of issue in the Old Testament the message of Hebrews from beginning to end is Yeshua is the whole point everything about this book is written to point us to Yeshua to exalt you sure to show us your shoe in the Old Testament we see him you sure exalted above the Angels we see the faithfulness of Yeshua we see him as the compassionate high priest who offers a better sacrifice we see the new covenant explained we hear about Yeshua serving as the great high priest in the heavenly tabernacle we encourage to hold on to our faith in Yeshua the book of Hebrews exalts Yeshua and encourages us to put our trusting faith in him I believe the book of Hebrews is one of the most important books we have in the New Testament and I believe that our Bible is incomplete without it and I want to close tonight with a benediction from the last chapter in the book of hebrews hebrews 13 verses 20 through 21 now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you complete in every good work to do his will working in you what is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever amen
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 7,389
Rating: 4.8510637 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible, book of hebrews, book of hebrews explained, authorship of the book of hebrews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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