Yeshua our Passover (home church)

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all right um well welcome welcome back to the uh saturday night live stream um we are just for update in case people don't know oklahoma has extended the quarantine until the end of april and so it looks like we're going to be doing this at least for the rest of april meeting online only unfortunately we are uh severely missing you guys we miss you guys so much and i wish we could meet in person um but unfortunately it is what it is and um you know so i encourage you guys to to be stay be safe try not to do anything uh that would you know risk you getting exposed and things like that um be praying for uh just various people through the congregation just keep you know just keep praying for each other uh there are some uh some people who are having job issues there are some people who are sick i don't know of anybody who has the coronavirus but there are several people who are sick and so just be praying for each other praying for us and we'll be praying for you guys as well uh that's really all the announcements and prayer requests that i have today to share with you let's go ahead and get started with the liturgy remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and he rested on the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it therefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed blessed are you lord our god king eternal who distinguishes between the holy and the profane between light and darkness between israel and the nations between the seventh day and the six days of work blessed are you lord who distinguishes between the holy and the profane amen what is the great commandment hero israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome great peace have those who love your law and nothing causes them to stumble blessed are you lord our god king eternal who chose us from among the nations and gave to us your torah of truth and set life everlasting in our midst blessed are you lord giver of the torah blessed are you o lord our god and god of our fathers the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god the most high god who bestows lovingkindness the creator of all who recalls the good deeds of the fathers and who brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake o king helper savior and shield blessed are you o lord the shield of abraham yeshua said i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved blessed are you lord our god king eternal who has given us the way of salvation through messiah yeshua blessed be he amen all right would you join us in worship uh just uh make yourself comfortable at home stand kneel raise your hands dance whatever gets you in the uh the mindset to to praise and worship our king [Music] [Music] all you weary come are you thirsty come to the well that never runs dry drink of the water come and there's no more come all you sinners come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy taste of his goodness find what you're looking for for god's sake gave us [Music] bring all your fans bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross [Music] jesus is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever praise god praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god [Applause] that he gave us [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus is waiting god so loved the world [Music] for the broken and waiting you are i am for the faithful and trusting you are i am when the storms surround and the waters rise that your praise has be lifted on high call on the name of the lord [Music] forever [Music] you are i am [Music] [Applause] all through the ages you are true to your promise that your praise has been lifted on high call on the name of the lord [Music] forever [Music] you're my hero [Music] morning of the and lord in his name when you call on the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] do [Music] there is none like you no one else can touch my heart like you do and i could search for all you turn it along and find there [Music] like you no not a woman healing comes in your name [Applause] [Music] there is none like you [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do and i could search for all eternity along and find there is none like you not [Music] like you [Music] there is none like you [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you knew and i could search for all eternity and find there is none you [Music] there is a call upon there is a name by which [Music] salvation is [Music] salvation [Music] is [Music] there is a lamb who bore our sins he bled and died [Music] is [Music] [Music] salvation is [Music] every knee shall bow [Applause] that he is salvation [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your name [Music] yes [Music] no sweet [Music] yes [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] it washes [Music] hold [Music] [Music] me [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] it washes [Music] all right um father we love you so much and lord we just asked that you would be with all the different families who are scattered all over the place and um but i just pray for your blessings over the homes over the families but i pray for your protection over the homes or keep them safe and healthy and lord i just pray that you would meet with us and that or the passover would be a significant time in our lives this year that we would meet with you that we would hear from you um lord we welcome you into our homes this year at passover and we pray that you would be with us and lord we love you so much we praise you in the name of yeshua amen oh there you go you can walk over there um so tonight is begins the 10th day of the first month and those of you who are familiar with the hebrew calendar um this is a significant day this is the day that the lambs were supposed to be brought into the homes and so the passover lamb was brought into the home on the 10th day of the first month and so like i said tonight at sunset begins that 10th day and so tomorrow is is the 10th day and this is it's interesting kind of things that are going on in the world this year that are seem to be surrounding and culminating around passover and i i think i just want to encourage you that make sure you bring yeshua into your home for passover welcome him to your home pray invite him to come and be with you that this would be a time when we would especially focus on him and meet with him and that he would be the center of all that we do in connection with passover um let me let me go ahead and get started tonight passover is uh you know for those who don't know what passover is passover is a uh probably the most significant event in in the old testament um it's probably the most significant event up until the point where yeshua came right passover is the it's a celebration of our deliverance and the word in hebrew is pesach and it means it's translated passover it means to pass by or to spare and so when you think about what happened in the events of of the exodus uh god said to to take the blood of the lamb and to paint it on the doorpost of your house and that he was going to pass through egypt and he was going to strike the firstborn in all the land of egypt and if he sees the blood on the doorposts of a of a house that he will pass over that house so he will spare that house and pass by and not destroy those in it um and so we get that in in exodus 12 13 it says and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when i smite the land of egypt and so what i want to do to tonight is i want to look at exodus chapter 12 and we're gonna go uh through quite a bit of what it says in exodus chapter 12. this is where uh the passover is being spoken about um introduces basically talks about what to do at pastor and why to do it and um kind of details a lot of stuff about passover and but i want to point out some interesting things in the gospels and i especially want to look at the parallels between what yeshua between what's said in exodus 12 and yeshua and connecting the passover and the way it's spoken about in exodus 12 with yeshua in his life and ministering what he came to do as the lamb of god and uh but before i do that i found something interesting in uh luke chapter nine this is the um the account of the transfer pairing hang on a second power off we we used a speaker tonight to try to get the sound to be better um hopefully it was a little better tonight than it was in the previous weeks but i found something interesting in luke chapter 9 in connection with the transfiguration and so in the transfiguration moses and elijah appeared and spoke with yeshua and a few of the disciples were able to see that and witness that and then there was a voice from heaven that said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased hear him and the phrase hear him is linked to the prophet like moses in in the old testament moses prophesied and said there would be a prophet like me to him you shall hear you hear him and so when god came along he said this is my beloved son hear him it's pointing us to that prophecy of the prophet like moses but what's interesting is luke 9 13 31 it says and behold two men talked with him who were moses and elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his in most translations it says departure or decease but in in greek it's the word exodus that's actually the greek word is exodus and so let me read it again behold two men talked with him who were moses and elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus which he was about to accomplish at jerusalem so the exodus that yeshua was about to accomplish at jerusalem and so i think that is very interesting especially the the wyatt used that word exodus um i think that's a a very significant thing and very interesting that that was there and you know i want to argue that what yeshua did in jerusalem as the lamb of god is a parallel to what happened in exodus when god led the people of israel out of egypt and i i want to look at some of those things tonight so let's start in exodus chapter 12. i want to start at verse 3. speak to all the congregation of israel saying on the 10th day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb according to the house of his father a lamb for a household and if the household is too small for a lamb let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of the persons according to each man's need you shall make your count for the lamb and so on the tenth day of the month they took a lamb and brought in into their homes and we're going to see in a minute that part of part of the reason for that is that they would they they had to make sure it was a uh a spotless land part of the selection of the land was they made it sure it was a spotless land that there was no blemish they inspected it but they brought it into their homes and they lived with it they dwelt with it in their homes and it kind of became a pet you know it was part of their family for for four or five days you know it was part of their family during that time when they were together for those four days i guess while they were together and um so i think that's really interesting because yeshua says uh you know behold i stand at the door knock whoever opens to me i will come in and dine with him in revelation and uh that he will come into our home and uh so i think that's interesting but yeshua's triumphal entry into jerusalem is also linked with this event because it was on the 10th day that he came into jerusalem riding on a donkey presenting himself to the people presenting himself to the priests and and to various people to inspect him and make sure that he was without blemish and so in john 12 1-2 it says then six days before the passover jesus came to bethany where lazarus was who had been dead whom he had raised from the dead there they made him a supper and martha served but lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him and we'd read on a little bit we're going to see this is when mary anointed his feet with oil and and various things like that right they skip down to verse 12. so john 12 12 it says then the next day so it says six days before he went to bethany and then it says on the next day so five days before passover the next day a great multitude that had come to the feast when they heard that jesus was coming to jerusalem they took branches of palms of palm trees and went to meet him and they cried out hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord the king of israel then jesus uh when he found when he had found a young donkey sat on it as it is written fear not daughter of ju daughter of zion beholder king is coming sitting on a donkey's cult and so we see this is his triumphal entry this is when he comes into jerusalem and all the people are celebrating rejoicing and and many of the people the reason they're celebrating rejoicing is because they believe he's the messiah and so this is really interesting because at this point they were they were looking for him they thought he was the messiah and they were welcoming him and i'm sure that they when they saw him right on the donkey they probably thought of this verse in jeremiah and thought wow this is the one who was prophesied uh exodus 12 5. let's keep on going in exodus it says your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you may take it from the sheep or from the goats so the priests who examined the limbs for passover were the same ones who examined yeshua and they found him to be without blemish we see this in matthew 6 matthew 26 verses 59 and 60 it says now the chief priest the elders and all the councils sought false testimony against jesus to put him to death but they found none even though many false witnesses came forward they found none so they were looking for reason to accuse him they were looking for a fault they were looking for something to convict him of and they couldn't find anything and they even sought false witnesses they saw people who would tell something false about him just to try to find something to convict him and they couldn't find anything um and you know in in luke 23 we see that even the governing authorities the governing leaders of that area uh inspected him as well and they found nothing wrong with him they haven't found no fault and so luke 23 4 says so pilate said to the chief priests in the crowd i find no fault in this man and then verse 13 through 15 it says then pilate when he had called together the chief priests the rulers and the people he said to them you brought this man to me as one who misleads the people and indeed having examined him in your presence i have found no fault in this man concerning those things which you accuse him of no neither did herod for i sent uh for i sent back since for i sent you back to him and indeed nothing deserving of death has been done by him so pilate and herod passed yeshua back and forth and they both examined him and questioned him and and tried to find some kind of reason to uh justify crucifying him as as the chief priests were requesting and they said we have we've found nothing no reason to accuse this man there's nothing wrong we found no fault in him excuse me uh john 19 6 says therefore when the chief priests and officers saw him they cried out saying crucify him crucified him pilate said to them you take him and crucify him for i find no fault in him this one's interesting because it actually the way it's worded it is it's almost like it's a prophetic thing saying because he has no fault in him you take him and crucify him so they said chris fame and palace says you take him and crucify him because i find no fault in him and so it's almost like pilate is speaking prophetically at this point um not even realizing it but john the baptist interestingly john the baptist if you're not familiar was from the lineage of levi his father was a priest he served in the temple we see that in the beginning of uh the gospel of luke it talks about how zacharias was in the temple serving in the order of abijah and he was it was during the time when he was supposed to be doing the priestly service in the temple and that's when he received a prophecy from from an angel and was told about john the baptist about his birth and so we see that john is the son of a priest and so john is in the priestly lineage and so this is interesting and important um some people have actually argued that john may have been uh possible a descendant of aaron and which would mean that he may have been in line for the priest for the high priesthood possibly um i don't i don't have enough evidence to to say for certain if that's true but i think it's very interesting a very interesting argument and we know that the high priest in that time uh during the first around the first century and prior to the first century there was a lot of deception going on and people were buying and bribing their way to become priests and they weren't doing it correctly they weren't doing it according to the lineage of aaron anymore they were people bribing their way into office and so if if john was the rightful high priest that would be really interesting and we also know that yeshua declared john to be the prophet like elijah and that john uh came in the spirit of elijah and so he was not only a priest but he was also a prophet and um so with that in mind listen to what john said about yeshua in john chapter one it says the next day john saw jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world and verse 36 and looking at jesus as he walked he said behold the lamb of god and so we see that john proclaimed yeshua to be the lamb of god and which is a significant prophetic statement and you know you should spoke about how john was the greatest prophet um which is an interesting statement because we don't have a whole lot of what john prophesied but we know that he is the one who ushered in yeshua he ushered in the messiah but the bible tells us that yeshua lived a sinless life and the reason for this is because he had to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins so he had to be sinless he had to be spotless he had to be perfect which ties in with the passover lamb being spotless and without blemish um and so he was well without blemish because he made atonement for our sins and so listen to what the bible says i've got a few different verses i want to read through second corinthians 5 21 for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god in him hebrews 4 15 for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin so he was tempted just like everybody else but he didn't sin and that's the the consistent thing we're going to see through the scriptures is that yeshua didn't sin at all in any way uh hebrews 9 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living god so he was without spot to god like even in god's sight he was spotless and clean um first peter 1 18-19 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptable things like silver silver or gold from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of christ as a lamb without blemish and without spot so right here peter calls him a lamb without spot or blemish which is again pointing right here to the passover first peter 2 22 who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth first john 3 5 and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him there is no sin so yeshua was the lamb of god without spot or blemish without sin without anything wrong with him without no fault no flaw he was perfect and so we get to exodus 12 again verse 6. it says now you shall keep you shall keep it the lamb you shall keep it until the 14th day of the same month then the whole assembly of the congregation of israel shall kill it at twilight and then verse 21 says something similar it says then moses called for all the elders of israel and said to them pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families and kill the kill the passover lamb so this is interesting because there's two slightly different things being said here and i'm going to talk about that more in just a little bit but i want to go ahead and mention it verse 6 it says you take a lamb keep it till the 14th day and the whole assembly kills it at twilight one lamb but in exodus 12 21 it says uh take lambs for yourselves according to your families and kill the passover lamb so each family is to take a lamb for themselves so it's kind of interesting how it phrases this and how there's two different kind of things going on here which i think has some significance in what we're going to see later on in the gospels but luke tells us that before passover the chief priest plotted to kill yeshua in luke 22 verses 1 and 2. it says now the feast of unleavened bread drew near which is called passover and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might kill him and so as pastor was drawing near the chief priests planned and plotted to kill yeshua well it says that uh the elders of israel are to pick a lamb and it's so the chief priests are the one who picked the lamb they picked yeshua and they planned to kill him at passover which i think is extremely interesting um luke 22 no i just read that one john gives us a little more detail about what happened though so in john 11 49 through 55 john 11 is this is right after uh yeshua raised lazarus from the dead so this is kind of a significant event but it says in one of them caiaphas being high priest that year said to them you know nothing at all nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people okay one man should die for the people and not that the whole nation should perish so what was the point of the passover lamb that a lamb would die to keep the nation from from death from perishing right now this he uh now this he did not say on his own authority but being high priest that year he prophesied that jesus would die for the nation now this is interesting so caiaphas was a crooked man he bribed his way into office he became high priest because of bribery he was not a legitimate priest but god still honored that office of high priest even so much that he he prophesied through caiaphas um i think that's extremely interesting we see there's a couple of the times that something similar happens uh with with uh someone who is part of the uh jewish council jewish leaders uh things like that that god speaks through them and uses them and prophesies through them and they don't even realize it um but being high priest that year he prophesied that jesus would die for the nation and not only for the nation but also that he would gather together in one the children of god who were scattered abroad then from that day on they plotted to put him to death therefore jesus no longer walked openly among the jews but went from there into the country near the wilderness to a city called ephraim and there remained with his disciples and pastor and the pastor of the jews was near and many went from the country up to jerusalem before passover to purify themselves okay so this um again it you know it's all of the centers around passover all these events are tied to passover when they started plotting to kill him it has to do with the passover lamb and you know first corinthians 5 7 i'm sure we're all familiar with this verse but this is where paul explicitly calls yeshua the passover lamb of god and so first corinthians 5 7 8 therefore purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump since you truly are unleavened for indeed christ our passover was sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast what feast is he talking about obviously he's talking about passover because he just said christ our passover was sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven north 11 of malice a wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity of truth and so keep the feast of passover and unleavened bread because yeshua is our lamb yeshua also prophesied that he would die at passover and so in matthew 26 2 it says you know that after two days is the passover and the son of man will be delivered up and be crucified luke 22 15 then he said to them with fervent desire of desire to eat this passover with you before i suffer so he's telling them he's about to suffer you know i i'm eating pastor with you tonight right before i suffer um so he knew he knew when he was gonna die he knew how he was gonna die and he knew it was it was coming up and he was telling his disciples about it uh and the bible tells us that yeshua was killed at passover in john 19 verses 14-18 now it was the preparation day of the passover and about the sixth hour and he said to the jews behold your king but they cried out away with him away with him crucify him pilate said to them shall i crucify your king the chief priest answered we have no king but caesar then he delivered him to the then he delivered them to be crucified so they took jesus and led him away and he being he bearing his cross went out to place called to a place called the place of a skull which is in hebrew golgotha where they crucified him and two others with him one on either side and jesus in the center so what's interesting is uh john 19 here says now it was the preparation day of the passover in about the sixth hour well in matthew mark and luke it says that yeshua on the day that the pastor was supposed to be killed that he told his disciples go and prepare the passover so that i can eat it with you and this causes a lot of confusion with people as to well what you know did he eat the passover or did he die on passover and i would argue that he did both he ate the passover with his disciples and he died on passover as the lamb of god and i i actually think it's kind of interesting because um there's been debate throughout history uh quite a ways back you know that there's been debate about is the lamb supposed to be eaten at the beginning of the 14th or the end of the 14th and so there's arguments between the pharisees and sadducees about this in the second century we have arguments uh between what is called the quarter decimals and the quintidecimans and these are christians who are keeping the passover and they're debating about when you should eat it should you eat it on the 14th or the 15th and quarter decimates believe you did on the 14th quintet estimates believed you don't eat it on the 15th well then we see later on that the court to decimates got into an argument with the the bishop of rome and it was actually polycarp who was the bishop of smyrna who was a disciple of john the apostle and polycarp says that john the apostle taught him to eat the passover on the 14th and uh so he says you know we're not going to keep your tradition because the the bishop in rome was saying no we're going to celebrate on sunday we're going to celebrate the the pasca the past the passover on sunday always on sunday and that's what eventually you know turned into easter but at that time it was the argument of well do you keep it on the 14th day of the first month or do you keep it on sunday and uh polycarp was saying you keep it on the 14th no matter what day of the week it is so whether it be a sunday or a tuesday or a thursday or whatever you keep it on the 14th and the bishop of rome was saying no we're going to do it on sunday in honor of the resurrection and like i said that's where easter came from originally and eventually rome won the argument and we see later on the council of nicaea around the 4th century that that became standardized and from then on out christianity kept so it was the celebration was on easter on sunday and uh so that's just kind of an interesting history connecting to this but back to the question he ate did he eat the passover was he sacrificed as the pastor and i would say yes to both of those he ate the passover with his disciples at the beginning of the 14th and then he died at the end of the 14th so the whole day of the 14th was the day of the passover but so i want to point out now back to exodus 12 21 it says then moses called for all the elders of israel and said to them pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families and kill the passover lamb so pick out lambs for your families for yourselves right well that's that's in your home that's a passover celebration in your home that you do together as a family celebrating with yeshua in your home just like the apostles did right uh but verse 21 i'm sorry verse 21 says take it into your home but verse 6 says uh there's a lamb for the whole congregation so exodus 12 6 says now you shall keep it to the 14th day of the same month then the whole assembly of the congregation shall kill it at twilight so singular a single lamb that the whole congregation kills at twilight on the 14th so i think that's interesting um how you know it it almost prophetically is speaking of these two connected events that each family has a passover lamb and the whole congregation of israel has a passover lamb and so yeshua with his family which he is what he referred to the disciples as he you know he was he said your mom and your your brothers are outside he said no who is my mother and my brother who is my mother my brothers is those who are with me those who do the will of god these here among me my disciples he's saying these are my brother my brothers and so he says this is my family so he celebrated passover with his family the night before he suffered he said with fervent desire of desire to eat this passover with you before i suffer he had passover with his family before he suffered but then the entire congregation of israel he was the lamb who was sacrificed on the afternoon of the 14th and uh so i think it's really interesting and so luke 22 verses 7-20 it says then came the day of unleavened bread when the passover must be killed and he sent peter and john saying go and prepare the passover for us that we may eat it so they said to him where he wants to prepare and he said to them behold when you have entered the city a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water follow him into the house which he enters then you shall say to the master of the house teacher the the teacher says to you where is the guest room where we may eat the passover where i may eat the passover with my disciples then he will show you a large furnished upper room there make it ready so they went and found it just as he had said to them they prepared the passover when they are he sat down with his twelve apostles with him then he said to them with fervent desire i have a desire to eat this pastor with you before i suffer for i say to you i will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of god. then he took the cup he gave thanks and said this uh take this and divide it among yourselves for i say to you i will not drink the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of god comes uh until the kingdom of god uh yeah until the kingdom of god comes and then he took bread gave thanks and broke it and he said he gave it to them and said this is my body which is given for you do this and remember to me likewise he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you and so uh matthew five times or no four times matthew says it's the passover five times in mark says it's the pastor six times in luke says it's the passover this last supper meal that he had with his disciples matthew mark and luke all three identify it as a passover and it was during this passover that he said this is my body this is my blood it is broken and shed for you do this in rumors of me and so this idea that we would do passover in remembrance of him is significant in exodus 12 46 it says in one house it shall be eaten and you shall not carry any of the flesh outside the house nor shall you break one of its bones and so this is interesting this prophecy is is understood prophetically about yeshua that none of the bones of the lamb should be broken and so the the lamb the passover lamb is not to have any of its bones broken we see that yeshua did not have any of his bones broken and what's interesting is uh that for crucifixion they pretty much always broke the legs of those who are being crucified and the reason for this is because you know while they're hanging on the cross you know they had their hands either up above their head like this or stretched out like this um but it would put a lot of pressure because it was pulling on them and it would make it hard to breathe and especially you know with uh you know fluids feeling their lungs and stuff it would be really hard to breathe and so they push up with their feet to try to catch a breath and to speed up the process of crucifixion the soldiers would break their legs so that they couldn't do that anymore because you know they wanted to hurry up the process and and get these guys to to go ahead and die because otherwise they would they would hang there for days and so instead of you know letting them hang there for days they would just break their legs and then it would go a lot quicker and they could get them you know get them down but what's interesting is uh you know they broke both of the other you know john says that there was two two uh criminals hung next and one on either side and john says that they broke both of those criminals legs but they didn't break yeshua's legs so in john 19 32-37 it says then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with him but when they came to to jesus and they saw that he was already dead they did not break his legs but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out and he had and he who has seen has testified and his testimony is true and he knows that he is telling the truth so that you may believe for these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled not one of his bones shall be broken and again another scripture says they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and so you know he's quoting from the psalms and uh from jeremiah but that none of his bones will be broken and they will look upon whom they are pierced and it's just really interesting that all these details you know just just little details about yeshua's death that point back to the passover lamb that none of his bones are broken exodus 12 7 and they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the house where they eat and exodus 12 22 and you shall take a bunch of hyssop dip it in the blood that is in the basin and strike the lentil into door posts with the blood that is in the basin and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning okay so this is um you know another interesting thing that took place they took the blood and they put it they strike the doorposts it didn't say to paint the door post it didn't say to pour it on or to brush it on or to to rub it on it said to strike the doorposts and then it the word strike is really interesting so they strike the doorpost they strike the lentil so it's just kind of like this splat to the splatter of blood on the two sides and above right and it's really interesting the picture that that would paint you know because you have the two sides and then the head and you think about how the the crucifixion was on the cross he had his two hands they struck his hands to nail them to the cross right so splattering blood on the cross as they struck his hands his his head had a crown of thorns thrust on it so there's blood that was coming out onto the the head of the cross and so a similar type of symbol uh symbolism of where the blood would be on the doorposts and on the cross which i think is really interesting and the door posts would have been wood you know they the the doorpost of the house would have been a wooden beam doorpost he was hung on wooden beam cross and so the blood of the lame was put on the wooden beams but the blood is the most important element in the passover because the blood is what saved the children of israel from the destroying angel that went through egypt right so the destroyer would go through egypt and slay all the firstborn except in the homes where the blood had been applied to the doorpost and so where the blood was the angel passed over and would not destroy that home and blood was required to be applied to each individual home which is another interesting thing that um it's not with passover it wasn't just that there was a single sacrifice for all the nation but that there was a sacrifice for each home and that sacrifice must be applied to each home and so some people have this idea that uh yeshua's salvation is somehow universal and uh you know that is because he died he died for the sins of the whole world so everybody's going to be saved that's that's not the case his blood has to be individually applied to your home individually applied to your doorpost and if the blood is not applied to your home then the destroyer will visit your home and you will receive the judgment and the wrath of god because you're not covered by the blood and so it's those who are covered by the blood who are not they don't face the wrath of god they don't face the judgment of god because they're covered by the blood and so we need to make sure that we are covered by the blood of yeshua that we have applied the blood of yeshua to our lives to our hearts to our minds so that um we are covered by his blood so that we are our sins our tone for us so that we are not uh gonna be face the judgment in the wrath of god uh when that day comes because the bible tells us that the coming of the day of the lord is a day of wrath and judgment and he's going to judge the whole earth and so everybody on the earth is going to be judged one day it's not just egypt everybody in the whole earth is going to be judged by god and unless you have the blood of yeshua to save you from that wrath you will be judged in that wrath and you will face you will face the judgment you will face god's fury and you'll be cast into the fire the bible says but so the blood of yeshua separate you know just as the blood of the lamb and passover separated israel from egypt just as the blood of the lamb separated those two the blood of yeshua separates us from the rest of the world it is it is a separation is a sanctification it sets us apart it changes us and covers us and protects us but it's a distinction it sets us apart from the rest of the world and the blood is a sign between god and his people so the blood of the lamb is a sign between israel and his people it's a sign between god and his people that you are under his protection um the blood of yeshua unless he already said that oh uh it's interesting to note also that the blood was dipped that they took a hyssop branch and dipped it in the blood right so it says to take hyssop and dip it in the blood and strike the doorpost and lentil and but his hyssop was specifically mentioned well in the gospels it says that they took a hissa branch and they they offered some wine and vinegar to yeshua while he was on the cross and so john 19 29 it says now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there and they filled the sponge with the sour wine put it on hyssop and put it into his mouth and so they took this hyssop and they dipped it in the sour wine and they put it up to his mouth right they put it in his mouth and so they dipped the hyssop into the blood because he would have had blood all over him he would you know crown of thorns gushing you know blood down his face they dip this hyssop branch into the blood of yeshua which i think is really interesting uh but the bible tells us the blood of the sacrifice is the source of the atonement the blood is the source of the atonement leviticus 17 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul but hebrews tells us that the blood of yeshua is more powerful than any other blood sacrifice and this is something we've got to remember is his blood is more powerful more efficacious more um more effective it can accomplish more than any other sacrifice ever could hebrews 9 11-15 but christ came as high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption with the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer's sprinkling of unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god and for this reason he is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance so it is by his blood his shed blood on the cross that we have atonement that we have uh forgiveness for our sins that we have atonement for our sins that we are covered from the wrath and protected from the wrath of god we are justified by his blood there's a number of different things the bible says about the blood and how important it is and so you know i think of that old hymn you know covered by the blood covered by the blood i am covered by the blood our my sins are all covered by the blood my iniquity is passed you know we we're covered by the blood and so uh this is something significant important and i think i mentioned this before i had a college professor who um he was a worship leader at his church and he had issues he didn't believe in the blood that the blood was necessary for salvation and you know he had some really flawed theology and he basically said that uh you know jesus didn't have to die on the cross that he could have been hit in the street with a with a horse-drawn carriage and it wouldn't have made any difference because salvation doesn't come through his death it doesn't come through his sacrifice doesn't come through his blood it was through his life and his teachings that is heresy that is false that is not what the bible says the bible says because of his death because of his blood and because of his resurrection that we have salvation those that all of those things his death blood and resurrection are all significant and prophetically tied to our salvation and are absolutely necessary for our salvation and he but he was a worship leader and he actually changed the words of that song and he told us about in class he said you know we changed the words from under the blood to under the love my sins are all covered by the love and that's the kind of stuff that you're seeing in the world today is you know they're they're just saying oh god is full of love and god just covers our sins with his love and he just you know god just loves everybody and that's you know god is love and love is god and and all we have to do is just um you know believe that god loves us and he's he's going to forgive us and there's no they're not teaching the gospel they're not teaching the death burial and resurrection of yeshua they're not teaching the importance of the blood of yeshua and um you know they're they're teaching a gospel that is worthless and they're not teaching holiness they're not teaching righteousness they're not teaching sanctification they're not teaching repentance they're just teaching god loves you and and he's gonna he's gonna save you he's gonna forgive you this universal type of salvation you know the idea like i said that that the lamb you know the lamb was slain that jesus died for for the world and that's all that's all we have to know is jesus died for you and because jesus died for you that's it you're saved well no you have to apply that blood you have to take the blood of the lamb and apply it to your life apply it to your home so that you can be saved and you apply that blood by receiving him into your life by believing in him by letting his word transform you by you know a number of things we're going to look at that here in just a little bit but back to exodus 12 verses 12 and 13 it says for i will pass through the land of egypt on that night and i will strike all the firstborn of the land of egypt both man and beast and against all of the gods of egypt i will execute judgment i am the lord now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when i strike the land of egypt and you know something that's probably been on most people's mind is you know we're we're in the midst of a plague um the whole world is under a plague right now and we are in the midst of it and it's happening right here around passover which i think is very interesting but he says that you apply the blood of the lamb to your home and the plague will not be upon you and so i want to encourage you apply the blood of yeshua to your home you know it's it's not obviously you can't physically apply yeshua's blood but it's uh spiritually you're applying his blood to your life by receiving him into your home by um you know believing in him and and uh accepting his salvation his his sacrifice you apply the blood into your home um but it says the blood will be a sign on your houses and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plagues will not be on you to destroy you uh verse 23 for the lord will pass through to strike the egyptians and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the jew doorpost the lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you so it's because the blood that the destroyer does not attack um you know at least not in that time in egypt but i think that there's prophetic connections again to applying the blood of yeshua to our life so that we are not destroyed when the judgment does come and i'm not saying that you know that this plague that we're in right now is the judgment of god i i want to make sure i'm clear on this i'm not saying that we're necessarily facing the wrath or judgment of god at this point but what i'm saying is this is a warning to us this plague that's going on right now is a warning to us and it's happening right before passover is saying get ready get the lamb of god in your life get the blood of the lamb apply it to your life because god's wrath will come one of these days and we need to be ready for that and have the lamb have the lamb of god in us so that we're not destroyed so this is significant um isaiah isaiah in isaiah 53 prophesied about yeshua and about his sacrifice and what his blood would do and uh verses five through eight is what i want to look at but he was wounded but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed all like sheep we have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was saying he was oppressed and he was afflicted he was yet he uh yet he opened not his mouth he was led like a lamb to the slaughter and this is this is one of those verses that's quoted about him uh when he was going before uh pilate and the uh the sanhedrin and various people it said that he opened not his mouth and he was led like a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before it sure is silent so he opened out his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and he who he who will declare his and who will declare his generation for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgressions of my people he was stricken and so for the transgressions of god's people he was stricken the lamb was stricken so uh again i want to point and i want to emphasize the importance of applying the blood of the lamb to your life to be saved it's the blood of yeshua that brings us near as well this is something that paul spoke about in ephesians 2 2 verse 13 it says but now christ jesus who but now in christ jesus you who are once a far off have been brought near by the blood of christ and you know he's talking about these gentiles who formerly were pagans and he said you have been brought near by the blood of yeshua the wall of separation has been taken down you were no longer a foreigner you're not no longer an alien you have become one of the common wealth of israel you have become an heir of of abraham you have become part of israel you have become a natural-born like a natural-born israelite because you have taken the blood of the lamb because the blood of yeshua has brought you near and we see that in in exodus it also talks about no foreigner can eat of the lamb they have to be circumcised they have to be become part of israel right but paul says that it's because of the lamb of god that you have become part of israel you have been brought near because of his sacrifice because of his blood and he talks about how these gentiles are circumcised in the heart and will their circumcision the heart is counted towards is kind of for righteousness paul says and so these are significant things that are being said that are often misunderstood but romans 3 paul explains that god passes over our sins because of yeshua's blood and this is a specific word that he uses here uh romans 3 23-26 for all of sin and falls short of the glory of god being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus whom god set forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith to demonstrate his righteousness because of in his forbearance god had passed over the sins that were previously committed to demonstrate at this at the present time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in jesus so he's saying if we have faith by the faith we have in jesus because we have faith in jesus because we have faith in yeshua we are justified and so it's be because we believe in him we are receiving that salvation this is something we see all throughout the gospels and the epistles but paul says that his blood covers us that god passes over our sins passes over the sins that were previously previously committed because of the blood of yeshua romans 5 8 9 says but god demonstrates his own love towards us that in uh and while we were still sinners christ died for us much more than having now been justified by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath through him so we are justified by his blood and saved from wrath because of it again this is passover language is by the blood that we're saved from the wrath uh but not only does his blood cover our sins this is something that i think needs to be pointed out uh a lot of people want you know they look at romans they say see his blood covers our sins but they they i've heard people say it doesn't take away our sins it doesn't um you know it just covers it the sin is still there but it just covers it's like god puts blinders on and doesn't see it that's not what the bible is portraying there are other verses you've got to keep in mind as well and so yes it covers our sins but it also wipes away our sins it takes away our sins it removes our sins and so you know something to point out is first john 1 7 but if we walk in light of season light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin he cleanses us from sin he takes that sin out of us washes it away you think about um you get dirty you know you go out and you work on your car and you get grease all over you or you're outside and you get mud all over you or any number of things you get dirty right well you go wash you take a bath take a shower and that stuff is washed off you no longer have the grease or the mud or the filth of whatever was on you it's washed away it's removed that sin is washed away and removed you don't have that sin anymore it's been taken away from you it's not just covered it's removed it's cleansed it's washed away and so if that's been washed away you're now clean you're no longer unclean you've become clean because of his blood his blood cleanses us and makes us clean and so we see all throughout the bible this idea of clean and unclean and how if you're unclean you're unable to come into the presence of god you have to be clean to come into the presence of god and the blood of yeshua cleanses us from all sin so that we can now come into the presence of god this is significant uh paul explains that those who perish think the message of the cross is foolishness and so you know i look back at that professor that i spoke of right this this college professor who uh said that he didn't think that this this death and blood of yeshua was what mattered that it was just his teachings and his morals he was he was a proponent of moral influence theory and uh but paul says those who those who perish think the message of the cross is foolishness but those who are being saved understand is the power of god for salvation now this is first corinthians 1 18 it says for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us are being saved it is the power of god the message of the cross is the power of god the blood of yeshua his death burial and resurrection is the power of god uh exodus 12 verse 8-11 then they shall eat the flesh on that night roasted in fire with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it do not eat it raw nor boiled at all with water but roasted in fire his head with its legs and entrails you shall none of it remain until morning and what remains until morning you shall burn with fire thus you shall eat it with the belt on your waist with your sandals on your feet and with your staff in your hand so you shall eat it in haste it is the lord's passover and so we see here that we are commanded to eat the passover lamb uh this is one of those things that um is interesting in connection to yeshua because yeshua tells us we must eat him eat his body and drink his blood well that's you know that most people say oh that's cannibalism that's disgusting we can't eat a person plus how would we eat him he's not even here anymore you know he's ascended to heaven but john 6 53-56 it says then jesus said to them you most assuredly i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up in the last day for my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and i in him and when he said this a lot of people got offended you read in john chapter 6 it says a lot of people are offended even people who were among his disciples got offended and left he had a large number of followers and many of them left and his disciples turned to him the 12 turned him and they said this is a hard saying and he said are you going to leave two and they said where would we go you're the one who has the words of life but what what i think is interesting think about it this way it says you must eat the lamb the lamb needs to be internalized excuse me it needs to be internalized you need to take it inside of you and so just as you would eat the lamb the physical lamb eat the flesh of the lamb and and bring it into your body and digest it make it part of you we're to do the same thing with yeshua to internalize him to make him a part of us to digest him to digest his word to to fill our hearts and our minds with yeshua uh to make him part of us and um so we internalize him first off by believing him the bible says that to believe in him because he is the bread of life so john 6 35 this is right before he says you know eat my flesh and drink my blood this is right before this he says this in 635 jesus said to them i am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst and in this section he also compares himself to the manna that came down from heaven he says that he is the true manna that comes from god the true bread from heaven but he says that he who believes in me shall never hunger and never thirst and so it's by believing in him he says you will no longer hunger or thirst why because you're being fed by the lamb you are feeding your feasting on the lamb of god if you were continuing to eat of him to feast on him to internalize him to believe in him to trust in him to meditate on his word to to to seek to know him to spend time with him to abide in him all these different things that the bible says right keep your focus on him if he is the center of everything you do you have no need for anything else you have no need to chase after other idols you have no need to chase after other gods you have no need to fulfill the lust of your flesh you have no need to go chasing after whatever else your heart desires why because he is your heart's desire he is everything to you if you are focusing on him and devoting all of your attention to him you are feasting on him so you have no need to pursue the lusts of the flesh right you have no need to pursue the hungers of your your own natural appetites the things that your your fleshly man desires to go after because you're feasting on the lamb of god who is the true true food true word true bread true true water right you'll never hunger and thirst again if you are feasting on him well if if you're hungry if you find yourself to be hungry for something else and you're chasing after some other idol some other thing to fulfill your soul or your spirit that is not him well then you're not feasting on him you're not you're not partaking of him but he also says that we're supposed to symbolically partake of him at passover matthew 26 26-28 it says as they were eating jesus took bread blessed and broke it and he gave it to his disciples and said take heed this is my body he took the bread at passover and he says eat this is my body then he took the cup and he gave thanks and he gave it to them saying drink from it all of you for this is the my blood of the new covenant which is shed for the many for the mission of sins so he says in john 6 you must eat my flesh and drink my blood or else you have no life in you and then at passover he says this bread this passover bread this unleavened bread is my body and this wine this cup this passover wine is my blood take it eat it and drink it do this in remembrance of me so he's saying celebrate passover and when you celebrate passover you are eating my flesh and drinking my blood you are doing this in remembrance of me so he's saying symbolically passover is us participating in him as the lamb of god we're internalizing him partaking of him and making him the lamb of god in our life applying the blood of the lamb to our life and so that's why i believe that every christian should be keeping passover it's important pastor was the most important thing a christian could be doing it's it's the most christian thing we could be doing because yeshua said do this in remembrance of me exodus 12 14 so this day shall be to you a memorial you shall keep it as a feast to the lord throughout your generations you shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance it it was commanded in exodus 12 that passover is a memorial feast it's a remembrance feast memorial remembrance are the same the same word same concept they're interchangeable passover has always been a memorial or a remembrance of the salvation of god it is to remember that god has saved us by the blood of the lamb we're saved by grace through faith in the blood of the lamb right it is it is by faith that we are safe through through the blood of the lamb and the grace of god and so passover is a memorial it is a remembrance of our salvation what yeshua has done for us what the lamb of god has done in our life exodus 12 24 and you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and your sons forever it doesn't say it's going to end at some point do it until something else happens you know i've heard i've heard preachers say well it was supposed to be done until yeshua fulfilled it and then yeshua fulfilled it jesus fulfilled it and never know how to do it anymore i don't see that in scriptures they they say it was it was um it was a memorial and a remembrance to point to yeshua and we should when yeshua came when jesus came as the lamb of god well now we don't need to do it anymore because he's the fulfillment of it with jesus himself yeshua himself said do this in remembrance of me he said you know it's no longer we do it in remembrance of the exodus from egypt we do it in remembrance of the exodus that he would prof that he would perform we do it in remembrance of the exodus that yeshua did in saving us from the bondage of sin so we do passover in remembrance of him and his sacrifice his blood his salvation and so um passover is is a memorial not only of the exodus from egypt but is a memorial of the exodus that yeshua performed in jerusalem and so that's why i wanted to read luke 9 13 31 earlier and i'm going to read it again because i want to bring you back to this behold two men talked with him who were moses and elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus which he was about to accomplish at jerusalem the exodus that yeshua would accomplish at jerusalem yeshua yeshua is the lamb of god yeshua is the lame of god his his blood needs to be applied to our lives he needs to be internalized into our life it's not just external it's not just head knowledge it needs to be applied to the doorposts of our hearts and um we need to be celebrating passover celebrating passover in remembrance of what he did and so you know again luke 22 19-20 he took bread gave thanks broke it and gave it to him saying this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me likewise he took cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you and so as we prepare for passover i want to remind you passover is not just a celebration of the jews leaving egypt okay it's not just celebration of israel leaving egypt it is a celebration of the salvation we have in yeshua and so as you celebrate passover i want you to be reminded to do passover in remembrance of yeshua do it in remembrance of him take his body and his blood with that passover bread and wine the unleavened bread and the wine partake of the lamb of god partake of yeshua the passover lamb of god and so that's that's the message i had tonight i want to briefly talk about passover for those of you who have never done passover before um i wanted to uh just point you to something i let me get this out real quick i have so i made a password guide this is something that you're not to have time to get a hold of if you haven't already gotten it there's not going to be time to get it before passover this year you may want to order it for for future reference if you don't have it but it's available on amazon if somebody wants if you want to purchase it you can but it's a guide for uh designed for those who are new to keeping the passover uh believers in yeshua who want to keep the passover it walks you through uh what is passover uh talks about the difference between passover communion and it gives a passover guide on how to perform a passover meal how to perform a passover seder and there's also an unleavened bread recipe in here so you can make your own unleavened bread but you know if you if you don't have this i would encourage you to pick it up it's a real small book there's what 30 38 pages it's a really small book uh you can get on amazon but i have a free a free resource for you as well on our website uh go to the events page and next to passover there's a link and it says download the free passover guide so that's this is what you're going to get on uh on the web and so this is a passover guide has different you know different information so it talks about the blood uh the lamb uh bitter herbs unleavened bread the wine talks about all the different elements and then it has a it also has a passover god on here as well so you can go through and you know it goes through the different uh steps of performing passover so what uh you know lighting candles drinking wine saying blessings eating bread eating bitter herbs washing with water breaking the matzah the different cups telling the instructions um and you know the the full passover meal and all the different things in incorporated into passover and so if you don't have if you've never done passover before and you want to do it this is available for free it's a pdf you just download it print it off and it'll help get you started and i i really want uh the reason i have this is because i want i want it available to anybody who wants to keep passover i'm you know it's free you don't have to go out and buy anything uh you know we're not getting anything off of this it's just because we want to help you get started with passover and so it's a simple simple little guide there's not a whole lot of pages here there's probably you know maybe 10 or 12 pages i'm guessing but it's a real small easy to print thing if you don't know how to do passover grab that and it'll it'll show you how to do passover so you can do passover this year for the first time so if you've never done passover before i really want to encourage you this year especially make it a priority to to to celebrate passover in your home and remember that yeshua is the lamb of god he is our passover who has been slain for us celebrate passover in remembrance of him and like paul said that christ our passover was sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast okay not with leavened bread but with unleavened bread okay not with leaven but with unleavened bread and do it with sincerity and with truth and so that is uh my encouragement to you tonight keep the feast and uh remember that christ is our passover lamb that he was sacrificed for us um and to apply the blood to your life to internalize him to believe in him and to celebrate do passover in his remembrance let me go ahead and close out in prayer and uh you know for those of you who are probably texting amanda or sending messages on the chat i can't see the chat right now but i'm sure somebody probably said make sure to remind him to do the aaronic blessing i will i will make sure to do that i've kind of learned by now that you guys are expecting that from me so um let me go ahead and close in prayer father we love you so much lord we lord we set aside this time you you set aside this time of passover you set this this feast apart you you said this is my appointed feast this is my set apart time in your word you say you set this time apart to meet with us and so lord we just ask that as we enter into this passover season and as we participate in passover that we would truly meet with you lord that we would apply your blood to our life that we would internalize and feast on you the lamb of god lord that we would have your salvation in our homes um that we would meet with you that we we would welcome you into our heart and into our homes and that we would meet with you lord that you would speak to us that you would dwell with us um lord that you would cleanse us from all sin all unrighteousness and that you would make us clean and holy and set apart and righteous lord that you would transform our hearts and our lives that we would become the people that you have called us to be father we but we ask these things in the name of yeshua and we ask that you would dwell with us that you would meet with us that you would save us by the blood of the lamb that we would be found secure and safe all the way to the time when you return when your judgment takes place when the wrath is poured out that we would be safe and secure in your hands covered by your blood or that we would have the the lamb of god dwelling in our hearts lord we love you so much help us to know you more help us to serve you more help us to love you more lord we praise you and we thank you in the name of yeshua amen [Music] let me let me go ahead and close with um with the aaronic blessing [Music] even is [Music] is [Music] may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace i hope you guys have a wonderful and blessed uh passover and feast of unleavened bread and um just so you know in case anybody's unclear um tuesday night begins the 14th of passover wednesday night ends the 14th of passover i know some people are going to be celebrating on tuesday night some will be celebrating on wednesday night whichever one you celebrate you know just i encourage you to be celebrating in honor of yeshua um but wednesday is the 14th and um so tuesday night begins the 14th wednesday night is the 14th so 15th is thursday is the high sabbath the holy convocation and begins the feast of unleavened bread make sure you have the leaven out of your house that you are celebrating participating in unleavened bread eating unleavened bread every day and not eating anything with leaven in it for seven days and uh next sunday is first fruits it's the celebration of the resurrection and uh so be be looking forward to that as well i'm not sure we need to discuss if there's going to be anything going on for any of those things high sabbath or first fruits i need to talk with the elders and deacons and see what the plan is because of lockdown because we're in quarantine are we going to be trying to assemble everybody together in one place are we going to encourage small groups of things in homes you know gather together in small numbers but i encourage you to do stuff for the high sabbaths for passover and for the feast of first fruits for the celebration of the resurrection i encourage you to at least have do something in small groups um even if we can't get together as a as a full congregation at least try to do something in small groups um interestingly there's for passover they say that uh according to josephus and a few other sources that a minimum of 10 people was required to eat a lamb and they said between 10 and 20 people in most houses when they had the lamb was eaten excuse me between 10 and 20 people per household to eat a lamb and uh so i think it's interesting that with the quarantine they're telling us to limit our numbers to about 10 people and uh so for pastor we have just the right amount to celebrate passover together um anyway i love you guys we love you we miss you we look forward to seeing you be praying for each other be praying for us and hope you have a wonderful passover and we will talk to you later
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,056
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible
Id: CeZv31Yqq-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 11sec (6491 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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