Preparing for Yom Kippur | The Grafted Church

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[Music] all right welcome [Music] so i'm doing announcements tonight so that means somebody else must be teaching huh have you guys figured out how that works all right uh so i have a few announcements to make um tonight let me start off with this during the worship service we're going to be doing baptisms and mikvahs you notice we have this open up back here so if anybody would like to get baptized or make bed hopefully you brought your swimsuit with you otherwise your clothes are going to get a little soggy um but you can change in the bathrooms there's the bathrooms in the hallway and then there's also some bathrooms over in the youth building and you can change any of those and then we'll come up this ramp and in that back door and then come through there and when you're done you'll just go out through the choir loft and you go back and change but we'll be doing that during the worship service so while the singing and phrase is going on uh go go get changed and come on back if you are interested in doing that tomorrow evening at 6 30 in this building we are going to have a yom kippur service and so we would love for you guys to join us it'll be just an hour from 6 30 to 7 30. uh tomorrow evening right in here tonight after the service if you are planning to go with us to the piece of tabernacles raise your hand all right clap and cheer [Applause] if you if you are going with us to the feast of tabernacles tonight after the service we're gonna have a brief meeting so just hang around in here after the service and if you're not part of that you can stick around too but it's not really applicable to you but uh if you are coming to scope please stick around for the meeting we're just going to share a little bit of information just to make sure you guys all are aware of what needs to happen when you are arriving um october 3rd and october 10th the next two saturdays we will be camping for the feast of tabernacles so we will not be meeting in this building if you're not gonna join us at the lake you're not gonna be able to join us here either so we're not gonna have services here so you guys will miss out if you're not coming with us to tabernacles all right now this is the the big announcement that i'm excited about that i want to share with you guys so uh last thursday a week ago thursday uh we were driving mana manual driving and we saw we drove past a building with a realtor sign in the yard and it was a church building that i had driven by dozens and dozens of times and i always thought man that'd be a cool place to be able to go to church or to be able to put our church and it was actually when we had our home church is when that would happen we had our home church and we'd drive past that building all the time i thought man this would be a great place for our church anyway i drove past it and it's for sale and i called the realtor and we talked to him and set up a meeting to have uh me and amanda and the elders and deacons and their wives all go out and look at it last sunday and last saturday after service mikhail gave a word is michael here tonight yep mikhail gave a word and he he made a reference to zechariah 4 and not to despise the day of small beginnings i thought that was interesting and then we went out sunday we looked at the building and uh while we were looking at the building i was standing up front and at the front of the building i said i made a comment just to the people standing there nope very few people even knew we were looking at this building last week we were just trying to keep it kind of quiet and so it was from what i understand i hope i didn't get around too much yet at that point i know it's gotten around now but just me and the elders and deacons are all that i was aware of that really even knew we were looking at that and um i was standing out front of the building and i made the comment out here in front of the building there's a place i said i would love to put two olive trees right here and i made that statement to the people standing there nobody else knew about it monday um somebody brought me a coat registration and he said i have something for you in my car i have a gift for you and he handed me two olive trees these two olive trees sitting here on the front pews and he had he had absolutely no idea that i made that comment and he had absolutely no idea that we were looking at that building he just gave me a gift he said i just brought you a couple olive trees hope you hope you like them it's basically but you know when he opened his trunk and i saw the olive trees i just about cried um and so i kind of feel like that is you know just some encouragement and confirmation that we're heading in the right direction um and so that being said they are asking they're asking prices like 319 it's five acres and a building which is actually a really good deal for for what it is uh compared to what other things i've seen um you know most church properties that i've seen have less land and they cost a whole lot more so i'm actually kind of excited about about that that it's actually somewhat affordable um but we need prayer for financing and so please be praying about the financing for us and we have in the back that red box is now since we're past uh fundraising for the feast days uh we're gonna make that a fundraiser for the building project so if you guys would like to help participate in that you can do so in the red box so anyway does that sound exciting [Applause] i'm really i'm really excited about the possibility of having our own space so that we don't have to ask permission to uh to use the space we don't have to pay extra any time we use the space uh because we pay by the hour here and so any you know depending on how much time we use here is to how much we're paying and so um it's it's really exciting to be to find out or to to think about the possibility of having our own space that we can use anytime we want however we want and not have to get permission and things like that so uh be praying about that and if you guys are able and want to help contribute to that please do so as well um but anyway uh we're are you you're doing it liturgy today right okay um anyway thank you guys would you go ahead and buy your heads lord we love you so much and lord we just thank you for this time we have to come and to worship you and to uh just to come into your presence and lord we just invite you to come and meet with us fill this place with your holy spirit lord fill up these people with your holy spirit and lord i pray that our worship would be exalting and pleasing to you lord we praise you we thank you in the name of yeshua amen all right you guys want to join me for the liturgy remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and howled it therefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children's prayer in the six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed blessed are you lord our god king eternal who distinguishes between the holy and the profane between light and darkness between israel and the nations between the seventh day and the six days of work blessed are you lord who distinguishes between the holy and the profane amen what is the great commandment hero israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind with all your strength this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments and all the law and the prophets for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome great peace to those who love your law and nothing causes them to stumble blessed are you lord our god king eternal who chose us from among the nations and gave us your tour of truth and set life everlasting in our midst blessed are you lord giver of the torah blessed are you o lord our god and the god of our fathers the god of abraham god of isaac and the god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god the most high lord who bestows lovingkindness of all who recalls the good deeds of the fathers and who brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake o king helper savior and shield blessed are you o lord the shield of abraham yeshua said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me nor is thou salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given by what must be saved blessed are you lord our god king eternal who has given us the way of salvation through messiah yeshua blessed be he amen shabbat shalom here in a few weeks we'll be here and shabbat will be ending our days will be getting shorter but for now we still have a little bit of daylight so shabbat shalom [Music] louder than the unbelief is [Music] better and louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] that is [Music] is a little louder a little louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] sing a little louder sing a little louder [Music] a little louder okay hold on just a minute have you ever gotten in your prayer closet because you were mad at god and you were yelling at him all right sing a little louder in the presence of your enemies yes let hasen hear you i'm gonna sing in the middle of the storm sing a little louder louder than the unbelief that he's not working in your life or speaking to you sing a little louder so we're gonna sing a little louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the middle of the storm [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i raise a hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never stopped [Music] [Applause] [Music] me yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] place [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you never [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] healing every heart [Music] you are here [Music] you are here [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] who you [Music] [Applause] do [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] set my feet up on i will not be [Music] my strengths [Music] [Applause] [Music] presents [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] my strengths [Music] my strengths [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] glory [Music] oh the lord [Music] is [Music] praise the lord our mighty warrior praise the [Music] by his name [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord shall reign forever the lord shall reign [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord our mighty warrior praise the lord the glorious [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] by his name by his name were [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is holy holy god [Music] you are my energy will adore you [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] with your creations [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are miami [Music] is [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you [Applause] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing [Music] sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] the crowd began to shake away [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are alive [Music] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] forever you forever you are glorified [Music] forever [Music] you are alive you are alive [Music] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] this is a perfect song before yom kippur [Music] here i am down on my knees [Music] [Music] surrendering [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] i surrendered [Music] me [Music] are you [Music] yes [Music] i surrender [Music] i surrendered [Music] i want to know [Music] guys i'm sorry but then we realized that until we surrender to the father because he can't have us and him occupied the same place he said he will not share his glory with anyone so when we surrender that means we give up everything [Music] we surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scurvy [Music] hey [Applause] i surrender i want to know you more i want to know you more die surrender [Music] i want to know you more i want to know you more i surrender you're the great i am you are the greatest am i surrender i surrender you [Music] i surrender i surrender you are the grace [Music] the mountains shake before you the demons run and bleed at the mention of your name king of majesty there is [Music] i am great i am [Music] again the mountains shake before you the demons of my justice [Applause] [Music] is the great i am the great i am [Music] god oh is the great i am great i am [Music] i surrender i surrender i want to know [Music] i surrendered i want to know you i want to [Music] know as we were singing i felt like the lord impressed on me that there's a person here who he has set you free from something but you keep hanging onto the chain so you're not connected to them anymore they've been broken but you keep picking them up and you need to stop picking them up and carrying them with you because you have been set free so you need to lay them down and surrender the chains to the father [Music] be all blessing and honor and glory and power forever honor and glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever glory and power foreign [Music] high exhaust raining on you are my [Music] eater [Music] [Applause] [Music] where i [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and glory and power [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] victory [Music] said victory it's victory my hands were my fingers [Music] glory and power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the scripture says he prepares our hand our fingers for battle in our hands for reward and it's always his victory cause he goes before us [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] victory we have to stop living defeated [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] and my shield for victory for victory [Music] my fingers [Music] [Music] of victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] for victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] victory [Music] honor and glory and power forever all blessing and honor and glory and power forever [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise your name raise your mind restore joy pour out an oil of gladness over these people father yes as we come into yom kippur as we surrender father break the chains pull the chains away from us that we keep picking up father destroy them pour out gladness and joy father as we even know the tribulation that's coming as we know that hard times are coming we're promised to be persecuted father let us find joy in your word and in your in your presence father let us find completion in who you are because i am insignificant my fulfillment comes from you lord we ask for joy to be poured out father depression be broken yes yes yes anxiety to be broken in the name of yeshua the past to fall away very merciful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you lord you are worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] you can sing a new song it's okay see what's in your heart okay [Music] the worship is personal yes yes [Music] you're worthy [Music] you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh are usually um [Applause] mm-hmm [Applause] [Music] this and i got a i got a hard task this week man thank you lord for being here tonight that was that was awesome huh [Applause] that was awesome [Applause] so i have to be the guy to kind of calm it down would you guys join me to pray over the families join a family if you guys are here by yourself then join in with somebody josh i see you back there by yourself you better join in with somebody all right well father i i thank you for your presence thank you um thank you for being here tonight i uh i i pray father that that our worship is pleasing to you and that that our prayers are heard whether i humble myself i pray that we humble ourselves so that you hear our prayers like like you did daniel father i pray father that you would restore us restore your kingdom i pray that you'd bring bring revival father not just here but all over the world to glorify your name i thank you father for all the families that are here with us in person tonight and online i pray father that you would stir our hearts you would bring us close to you father that we would again humble ourselves and seek after you seek to please you with every action every word just everything that we do i pray father you be with the man and i pray father that you would uh you would give us kazakh to lead our families that you would you would give us wisdom and understanding and help us to be um to strengthen our families as we go forth father and be a leader that you call us to be i pray father that you would be with the young men in the congregation and you would be with us and give us wisdom and how to how to grow them into being courageous and just strong men that fight for you every day i pray father you be with the whis with the women i pray that you would give them wisdom father to carry out um carry out the tasks that you you've blessed them with to carry father and you give them the abilities to carry them and that they would give those to you and that you would give them wisdom and how to just how to handle each task that you give them i pray that you be with the young women father i pray that you would you would help us to show them how to just how to be pure and to uh to to glorify you in all their actions and uh i just i thank you for just everybody in this congregation i praise your high and holy name and i i thank you for the people that we have that have stepped up that want to worship father and i just pray that it was a blessing to your ears and i just pray father that we wouldn't we wouldn't leave this here that we would take it with us as we go and that we would glorify you and praise you every day i just i thank you for all that you've done and all that you're doing and yeshua has now prayed i don't know i'm kind of fired up i'm kind of hot and sweaty from all that that's awesome [Applause] all right so this week's torah portion was the song of moses get my notes up here there's two scriptures that i want to read from this and the first is deuteronomy 32 verse 4 the rock blameless is his work indeed all his ways are just god of faithfulness without iniquity righteous and upright is he we can all agree to that and say amen right that's pretty easy scripture to get behind but then this next scripture deuteronomy 32 39 see now that i am he there are no other gods beside me i bring death and i give life i have wounded but i will heal and none can rescue from my hand he is wounded but he can heal he can bring the dead back to life i want to share with something that that god spoke to me this week as i was praying and i think that what amanda said up here is going to ring true to that there are some of us walking around with open wounds and they are festering and infected and nasty and they stink but we don't want to get healed from them because we get attention from other men for having these wounds they're our crutch there are there are excuse when we can underperform they're an excuse for immaturity but the glory of god is to heal you so i have been wounded in my life every one of us has and i have scars but those scars are a testimony to his greatness their their badges of honor that he saw me through something and he delivered me through that we can't keep walking around with these wounds you can't have it both ways you can't proclaim the greatness and the glory of god but then have these wounds do not go into the day of atonement don't go another day ask for healing have faith that it is going to come and then have a testimony of his greatness and his power and his love for you no more walking around as wounded warriors we are victorious warriors that's what this praise and worship was about it was about our victory with him if you are somebody that is hurting if you are that person that is wounded and walking around before you leave here tonight find somebody find me find lex or greg or anybody that's a mature believer and ask for prayer don't leave this building wounded this is your family and we want to pray with you we want to we'll fight with you until the healing comes and we'll believe with you until the healing comes but it will come but we've got to let go of those wounds let them become a testimony to the greatness of i have scars every one of us does but those scars are badges of honor for him now i hope that i remember when he comes and i see him face to face that i say thank you for everything that you survived me through i hope we all remember that if you guys pray with me please our father our king you are our healer and there's nothing there's no wound there's no there's nothing that you can't heal us from father you're that powerful you're that great you're that awesome and father i am so grateful for every trial for every test for everything that i've gone through in my life that led me to be standing up here tonight praying before a great and mighty king father if there's anyone in this room if there's anybody that's watching online that needs that healing father i pray that they would they would stand they would find somebody to pray with them and they would be set free from those wounds and that they would have a testimony that they can share with with all the future generations that they they come into contact with about your greatness and your love father father i love you i thank you for this night for this this time in the season in our lives you were a great and mighty king and you're also abba father father may your kingdom be forever and ever and i thank you for your anointed salvation yeshua hamashiach amen thank you and now greg shalom uh first of all i'd like to thank the worship team excellent choice of music we're going to talk about the mercy seat tonight we're going to talk about the lamb of god who shed his blood on that mercy seat to wash away our sins uh as we approach this day of atonement or yom kippur i thought it'd be appropriate to uh kind of review some of the things about the tabernacle and some of the events that go on during the uh yom kippur day and how they are types and shadows of yeshua i think as we get into this you will see just about every piece of furniture every article in the tabernacle points to yeshua so uh first thing let's talk about types what is the type a type uh is something a person a event or a ceremony that records or points to something in the future it's a pretty good direct link when we talk about a shadow a shadow's not quite as distinct you see the outline you see the form it kind of gives you the idea of of of something in the future and the tabernacle is full of types and shadows and we're gonna we're gonna cover some of those uh some certain uh some types are like like a person for example adam moses joseph uh a type can be an event a flood the plagues in egypt uh passover those are all things that point to things in the future um a type can be a ceremony offerings feasts day of atoma with yom kippur which is coming up um that's just to mention a few because the the old testament is chock full of types and shadows that point forward to yeshua that's just to mention a few of them for example god gave moses explicit instructions on the building of the tabernacle this is because the tabernacle is a type of things that are in heaven and he wanted them to be a representation of the things that were in heaven he didn't he did not want just a copy he wanted a perfect copy and he said in hebrews 8 5 who served the copy and shadow of heavenly things as moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for he said see that you make all things according to the patterns shown to you on the mountain and as we go through and you look at the instructions that the father gave moses for the development of the tabernacle they were immense i mean they were down down to the the most important things uh as i said that the tabernacle is full of types and shadows that point forward you know a shadow as i said is something a little bit less defined you know it points to an object but you can't really tell what that object is and we'll look at some of those as we go forward and what is the purpose of these types of shadows what is the purpose of all this prophecy all these shadows is to lead a person to yeshua yeshua said all the prophets and the law prophesized until john and that was in matthew 11 13. yeshua was veiled throughout the old testament in types and shadows but when john the baptist came on the scene and when he when yeshua arrived with him or went to him for baptism he was no longer veiled because john pointed to him and said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world yeshua was opened up to the world then we knew who he was and that's john 1 29. uh as we get ready to go into the tabernacle we're going to start with the tabernacle um you know the the father took seven chapters in exodus to explain the building of the tabernacle and the fabrication of the fixtures inside the tabernacle this task was so important you know that god did not depend upon the the the craftsman to do it by themselves he actually came into them through the holy spirit and we see that in exodus 31 2 3. see i have called by name bezalil the son of europe the son of her of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with a spirit of god in wisdom and understanding in knowledge and in all matter of workmanship the holy spirit directed these craftsmen these things were done exactly as they were done in heaven uh you know the tabernacle was considered the place where god's presence dwelled among the israelites it's where the divine and the earth and the earthly realms met you know it was in the center of the camp uh it was surrounded you know the levites surrounded it and then the twelve tribes were surrounded uh and if we look at the tabernacle from the from the front gate to the end it's designed as you go forward through the tabernacle the holiness increases every furniture every piece of article we see we'll see is more holy and holy as we as we walk through this tabernacle here uh you know all the way from the courtyard in the fence around it which was meant to be a barrier to keep the profane out you know this is holy ground god dwelled here and so so there was a fence around it so all the way from the gate all the way back to the holy of holies we'll get holier as we go through here um sorry hands working here you know the as i said this the tabernacle itself was surrounded by a fence with a gate in the eastern wall the fence was made from plain white linen curtains while the gate was an elaborate finely woven curtain with blue purple and scarlet thread and we see that in exodus 27 16. for the gate of the court there shall be a screen 20 cubits long woven of blue purple and scarlet thread a fine woven linen made by a weaver it shall have four pillars and four sockets it was made by a weaver this was a craftsman this was just not something that was put together this was an elaborate curtain that was hung as the gate another interesting thing is it was on the eastern entrance uh if you look at the tabernacle it always faced east whenever the uh they would stop and camp the tabernacle was always erected and the gate was always on the east and this is important uh throughout the uh throughout the bible things that are there's a distinction between east and west um and the opening was always to the east because going to the east if you went into the tabernacle from the east towards the holy holies you were going to the west so as you go west you are going to go towards god if you're going east you're going away from god and that's real symbolic throughout the bible as we see in the garden of eden okay the gate of the garden eden was on the east side in genesis 3 24 so he drove out the man and he placed cherubim on the east of the garden of eden and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life cain went east to the land of nod genesis 4 16 and cain went out from the presence of the lord and dwelt in the land of nod on the east of eden when lot split from abraham he went east this is genesis uh 1311. and lot chose for himself all the plain of jordan and lot journeyed eastward and they separated from each other he went east to the cities of sodom and gomorrah that's going away from god so if you're going east you were going away from god if you're going west you were going towards god so the tabernacle was always situated so you as you progress through it you'd be going towards god and that in the con in contrast the holy of holies the dwelling place of the father was always at the western end of the tabernacle let's look at the the colored threads for a minute in the gate because they represent and are important uh the blue strands stand for deity a place of god purple purple back in those days was an expansion expensive and rare dive so you didn't see it a lot uh it is a symbol of royalty and the red is a symbol of the blood tied to the sacrifice and then of course white means holiness uh the courtyard fence that surrounded the whole tabernacle uh was enclosed in white linen because it enclosed something that was holy outside was profane inside was holy uh and in the gate we see we see our first type the gate as as you probably know where you can probably guess because yeshua talked about the selfie in the gate the gate is the first type of yeshua and we see him describe himself as a gate or a door in john 10 9 i am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture the word used here is door but if you look it up in strong uh strong's number uh g2374 it means gate or door so there again yeshua was was representing himself as the gate and the gate was the court was the entrance into the main courtyard of the tabernacle and we see it again in john 14 6 jesus said to him i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me to get into the tabernacle you had to go through the gate if you're if you're going to the father you had to go through that gate and the the colors of the curtain itself of the gate are a foreshadow of yeshua blue for the son of god read the blood sacrifice for our sins purple for kings of kings and white for holiness you know the romans put a purple robe on yeshua and mocked him not knowing that he was really a king right joseph of arimathea wraps yeshua's body in white linen okay and then we have the red blood present you know from the scourging and the thrust of the spear and another thought came to me earlier this morning is also if you remember rahab hung a scarlet thread in her window and she was saved on that day her family was saved so there's salvation there as well uh you know as as another side note you know the gate was was never closed it was closed but never locked anybody can wander in and out through the gate but you had to do it in the prescribed manner you just couldn't go walking around the courtyard you know those that entered it they knew they knew what this tabernacle was about they knew the significance of it uh they were seeking salvations and they knew the purpose of all the articles that were inside of it you know yeshua revealed himself as the only way to god just as the fence and tabernacle every other way was barred every other way is barred us except through yeshua uh it's only through the gate through yeshua that we can come to the father you know as we go through the gate the first one thing we come into is the altar of sacrifice um and this was it was a bronze and altar some sometime they called the brazen altar and we we see about that in exodus 27 1-2 you shall make an altar of a case you would five cubits long and five cubits wide the altar should be square and its height shall be three cubits you should make its horns on its four corners his horns shall be one piece with it and you shall overlay it and bronze you know the hebrew root word for altar means to slay or to sacrifice the altar played a significant role in the daily life of the israelites at this time you know it was a place where they could go to sacrifice animals to get atonement for their sins uh the bronze altar uh reminded them that they were not worthy to approach god you know without first a blood a blood sacrifice or a blood offering you know bronze is an alloy of uh copper and tim and it's all and often symbolizes god's righteousness and judgment and we kind of see that reflected in numbers 21-9 if you remember the bronze serpent 21-9 so moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a pole and so it was if the serpent had bitten anyone when he looked up on the bronze serpent he lived there again that was you know a bronze serpent with bronze was entitled to the altar this is the altar which the sacrifices were made which are described as a sweet savor to the lord in leviticus 1 9 but he shall wash its entrails and its legs with water and the priest shall burn all on the altar as a burnt offering as a burnt sacrifice an offering made by fire a sweet aroma to the lord now this is where the blood was shed at the altar it was the blood was shed at the altar where the sinner was pardoned you know no matter how good of a person you are or how good of a person they were you know blood had to be shed for forgiveness you know we're told that in leviticus 17 11 for the lot for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul you know apart from the the bronze altar there was no way to approach god you know in the covenant of yahweh it was a blood covenant uh and therefore the innocent animal represented the center and took the his place on the altar that is why you know they usually had to lay their hands on the on the sacrifice's head you know and then of course their throat was slit and the sacrifice was made you know and that was that was a graphic image back there back in those days you know and it brought incredible awareness of the power of sin in your life you know and that and what what was the payment the payment was death you know only then could you be accepted and being clean the blood of the animal would cover us would cover their sins until yeshua came the lamb of god would come to take away the sin once and for all uh thus the altar is a foreshadow of the sacrifice yeshua made for us on the cross the the sin-free innocent lamb of god who spilled his blood for our salvation sin could not be atoned for by any other means than death the altar the cross was a place where the substitution the propitiation took place with yeshua being that substitute for the sin the altar meant nothing without a sacrifice and the sacrifice meant nothing without being moved by the faith of god and we see that uh paraphrased in psalms 51 16-17 for you do not desire sacrifice or else i would give it you do not delight and burn offering the sacrifices as god are broken spirit a broken and contrite heart these are god you will not despise you know as we approach this day of atonement or any time we go before the father and repentance you know that above statement ought to reside in our heart contrite heart uh you know yeshua's uh sacrifice it took away all of our sins you know we have those sins you know that we can confess regularly or you know any sin confessed as a sin forgiven and as we as we look at this you know he's wanting us to do something he wants he's wanting us to go deeper he wants wanting us to dig down into our soul on this day of atonement yom kippur we need to dig deeper uh we don't want to be repetitive we don't want to go into into that rope type of repentance you know that we just do over and over without a lot of meaning you know you know as some some churches do you know but but because of you know we're looking for that hidden sin you know we're looking for that sin that we would not confess to any other man you know sins that cause our heart to bleed we're looking for sins confessed in tears you know that killing sin that damning sin we have to dig deep you know that's what this day is about we have to dig deep to find this uh sins that cause the heart to bleed sins that can that are confessed in tears these are the sins that yeshua took on his shoulders all these heavy sins that we carry with us and you know as corey was saying we have to give these things up you know and this is the day to do it dig down there find those things dig down dig deep that's what that's what the father is looking for you know if we carry those things that's just another door for satan to attack us that's why we have to get rid of him and we have to dig deep and find those because he'll find him he knows where they are and we need to know where they are too um it's this kind of repentance and this kind of confession that breaks the chains of our worldly sin you know it's it's this contrite heart a humble spirit that the when the father hears our pleas and responds you know yeshua prayed in the anguish that in the garden that night you know we should be doing the same thing our prayers ought to be in anguish we need to dig deep and find that um you know david wilkerson he speaks on anguish and if you haven't ever heard his little blurb about that it's a very good one it's whatever happened to anguish in ministry it's a word you don't hear in these pampered age you don't hear it anguish means extreme pain and distress he met the emotions so stirred that it becomes painful acute deeply felt inner pain because of the conditions about you conditions about us conditions in us and conditions around us deep pain deep sorrow the agony of god's heart you know it's the confessions of this type of sins that builds a long life and enduring relationship with the father sin which which you don't you don't dare to confess to men but acknowledge only as you lay your hand on that head of that sacrifice those are the sins we're talking about such sin you know the father removes from us yeshua removed those kind of sins from us he did not pour out out his heart's blood to remove only one set of stains but leave others you know he's going for the whole thing and we need to realize that but every spot and trace of sin he takes away from the soul that puts trust in him we have to believe we have to have faith we have to have trust okay well let's let's continue our progression now into the tabernacle you know we've gone by the by the altar of sacrifice um also we need to remember too from this step forward nobody could pass the altar of sacrifice except the levites and the priests you know no man was allowed like i said to just wander around in the tabernacle you know it was a holy place you know and god reminded moses or in uh we're reminded of the power of the father and his his holy and his glory in exodus 40 35 and moses was not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting because the cloud rested upon it and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle if moses couldn't come in we surely couldn't get that close now moses came down from the mountain okay so the next thing we run into is the lava and this is another important step uh the lava was was placed so the priests could wash their hands and their feet before they went in service into the tabernacle you know they couldn't go in carrying the dirt and the blood from the sacrifice and all that stuff that goes along with it you know they they couldn't go into the holy place like that so they had to wash first they had to wash their hands and their feet there's also a spiritual side to this in that you know they had to be clean spiritually so this this was not only a physical cleaning but it was also a spiritual cleaning as those that approach the father must be spiritually clean as well as physically clean uh we see the the following uh instructions about the lover in exodus 30 17-21 and the lord spoke to moses saying you shall also make a lot a liver of bronze with his space also of bronze for washing you shall put it between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar and you shall put water on it for aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet in water from it when they go into the tabernacle of meeting for when they come near the altar to minister to burn an offering made by fires of the lord they shall wash with water least they die so they shall wash their hands and their feet at least they die and it shall be a statue forever to them to him and his descendants throughout their generations and we're told here twice for if you don't wash at least they die so this was an important step as well we see here you know this is a foreshadow of yeshua's wall as as well because the water represents cleansing uh this represents a new birth a renewal lie through yeshua in john 4 13-14 jesus answered and said to her and he's talking to the lady at the well whoever drinks the this water will thirst again whoever drinks the water that i shall give him will never thirst but the water that i shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life you know just as the blood represents a life taken the water represents a new life given uh the water of the labyrinth speaks of yeshua the living word of god we know that yeshua is the word and you know as that word enters us and lives within us we continually are cleansed and corrupted of this world by the word of god water brings life in the physical world world so the spiritual world or so the spiritual water the word of god brings spiritual life to us and we see this pointed out in ezekiel 36 25-28 then i will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean i will cleanse you from all your fulfillments or from all your filthiness and from all your idols i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you i will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them and you shall dwell in the land that i gave to your fathers you shall be my people and i will be your god also in titus 3 5-6 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy spirit whom he poured out on us abundantly through jesus christ our savior and if you remember on the mount on mount sinai what they were told to wash their selves wash their clothes three days before they had to be clean before the father came uh and also just as we had mikvahs back here this evening you know as you progressed up through the temple there were many mikvahs along the way you had to be clean to approach the father now let's let's approach the tabernacle itself uh you know the the uh outer room which is some kind sometimes called the sanctuary or or the uh holy place but hebrews 9 2 kind of has just a little description and it kind of names uh the sanctuary for tabernacle was prepared the first part in which was the lamp stand the table and the show bread which is called the sanctuary you know this was the outer room to the holy of holies as i said it's also known as the holy place and you entered it through a veil and it could contain the menorah the table of showbread and the altar of incense all these things were made of gold and recover covered in gold and let's take a minute and turn around and look behind us if you look behind you back to the east what did you see you saw a lava made of bronze you saw an altar made of bronze you know bronze will tarnish will corrode those are things of men as we enter this tabernacle we see gold you know gold does not decay the gold does not tarnish those are things of god so we see a real distinction as we walk further further west right we get holier as we go um you know bronze symbolizes sin while gold speaks of deity you know as we now as we enter the holy place on our left or to the south is the menorah on the right or to the north is the table of showbread and right in front of the veil of the holy holies is the altar of incense let's talk about the menorah first um as we we talked about this menorah we need to remember as you go into the tap there's no windows only light comes from the menorah or from the heavenly father when he sits on the sea this is specific instructions there are specific instructions how to arrange the menorah and if we look at numbers eight two through three speak to aaron and say to him when you arrange the lamps the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand and aaron did so he arranged the lamps to face toward the front of the lampstand as the lord had commanded moses what this menorah had it didn't use candles they had little pots of oil that had wicks in them so every day as the priest refilled the oil they would have to arrange the the wicks so the wicks were in front of the manure that threw the light that way instead of behind that threw it out in you know it was on the left-hand side so it threw it out into the holy place and with all the other gold places in there was fairly well illuminated uh and every day the the the high priest had to do this uh the menorahs is unique is and it's because it was made from one solid piece of gold you know they were not given any dimensions for it but we were told that it weighed one talent which was about 75 pounds of gold and here's our another foreshadow menorah is a foreshadow of yeshua you know how many times did yeshua talk about himself being the light okay casting the light on the world uh so we would not stumble if we look in john 8 12 and jesus spoke to them again saying i am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have light of life john 11 10 but if one walks in the night he stumbles because the light is not in him and again in john 12 35 then jesus said to them a little while longer the light is with you walk while you have the light please darkness overtake you he who walks in the darkness that's not where he is going so yeah and yeshua he is our light we talk about that all the time um okay let's turn to our right on our right hand side is the table of show bread now this was a wooden table again made out of acacia it was covered in gold and it held 12 loaves of show bread one loaf for each of the 12 tribes and these were changed every sabbath and and they were they never left the holy place the priests were to eat them in the holy place not a crumb could leave could leave there they were also known as the bread of presence uh literally that means the bread of the face because they were set before the presence of god and we see that in exodus 25 30 and you shall set the show bread on the table before me always you know the table of show bread represents god's provision for his people as they wandered in the wilderness it all also represents for his willingness to reside with us as he's always in our presence that's kind of the bread of presence where that comes from you know this is also a foreshadow of yeshua not only is yeshua the perfect bread but there is no end to the supply that he has to offer us to meet our needs and we see this in john 6 35 and jesus said to them i am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst and again in john 6 51 i am the living bread which came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever and the bread that i shall give is my flesh which i shall give for the life of the world you know the very nature of bread is to provide physical substance to us right as we eat the bread we digest it it becomes part of us the very nature of the word of god yeshua is to provide spiritual substance and it is received and becomes part of us you know becomes part of our very nature every time we dwell into that word uh okay let's look straight west next we see the altar of incense and it was placed before the veil of the holy of holies and there again it was made of acacia wood it was covered in gold and it also had four horns like the bronze altar on both altars this was one place where the priests used to put the blood of the sacrifice and they did the same on the altar incense altar of incense the incense was replenished every night and every morning so the holy place and the holy holies was always filled with the smoke and the and the smell of the incense and the rising smoke represents our rising prayers to the father and then also we need to remember the incense that was burned on the altar especially made for this purpose only let's look at that in exodus 37 aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning when he tends the lamps he shall burn incense on it and when aaron lights the lamps at twilight he shall burn incense on it a perpetual incense before the lord throughout your generations you shall not offer strange incense on it or a burnt offering or a grain offering no sure you nor shall you pour a drink offering on it so the only thing that could be burned on this was the incense and um you know this should bring us uh to mine the incident uh concerning uh nadab and abe bihu and in leviticus 10 one through two and naba and abihu the sons of aaron each took his sensor and put fire in it put incense on it and offered profane fire before the lord which he had not commanded them so fire went out from the lord and devoured them and they died before the lord you know if you don't follow god's rules there's a price to pay this obedience has a price to it uh that's that was death in this instance and we need to remember that you know another word comes to mind here uh and that's protocol you know a code of correct conduct a father has a code of conduct he has a protocol that he set out for he set out that protocol in here that was for us to follow you know and he had he he had his reasons for it he's an orderly god he has things in place the altar of incense is also again a foreshadow of yeshua as this altar sets before the veil of the holy holies so too now yeshua sets as our high priest beside the father as our intercessor just as the rising incense represents our prayers rising to the father it also represents yeshua yeshua's constant prayers on our behalf to the father and we see this reference in john 17 9. i pray for them i do not pray for the world but for those whom you have given me for they are yours and and all mine are yours and yours are mine and i am glorified in them uh we see this also in romans 8 who is he who condemns it is christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of god who also makes intercession for us you know it was through the great sacrifice of yeshua that we can come before the father you know with our prayers you know we pray to the father in his name he's there every day he's there all the time interceding for us sitting at the right hand of the father um you know if we were to and we we could not do this unless you were the high priest and it was yom kippur but if we were to step into the holy of holies um you would see uh you would see the ark of the covenant and you would see the mercy seat uh and here in leviticus 16 2 um we have instructions there again i talked about protocol here are the instructions from leviticus 16 2 on when we can enter and the lord said to moses tell aaron your brother not to come at just any time into the holy place inside the veil before the mercy seat which is on the ark least he die for i will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat and then hebrews 9 3-5 describes the things that are inside the holy of holies and behind the second veil the part of the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all which had the golden sensor and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold and which were the golden pot that had the manna aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat all these things we cannot now speak of in detail so we're going to look at the mercy seat first you know the mercy seat was a lid a cover a solid gold that sat on top of the ark now at each end of the mercy seat there were two cherubim facing each other they were facing down looking at the ark of the covenant they are the symbols of the presence and holiness of god and the judgment of god this was where god spoke to moses when he met with him in the tabernacle in exodus 25 22 and there i will meet with you and i will speak with you from above the mercy seat from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the testimony about everything which i will give you in commandment to the children of israel you know the word for mercy seat has the same uh root word used for atonement kippur it means to cover appease or cleanse this again is a foreshadow of yeshua the mercy seat protected man from the judgment of god represented by the the judgment angels the chairman because the blood that was sprinkled on the mercy seats man's sins and guilts were washed away yeshua is our mercy seat with his blood sprinkled on the seat he forever stands between a holy god and a sinful man just as the sins of the whole nation were atoned for by sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat so also yeshua by shedding his blood atone for the sins of the entire world and we see that in first john 2 2 and he himself is propitiation for our sins and not only ours only but also for the whole world and again in hebrews 9 11-12 but christ came as high priest of good things to come with a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once and for all having obtained eternal redemption you know propitiation is also used in paul in romans 8 3 25. whom god set forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith to demonstrate his righteousness because in his forbearance god had passed over the sins of her previously previously committed this is referring to yeshua and his work of redemption paul states that god put forward yeshua as propitiation yeshua is the acceptable wrath satisfying wrath satisfying sacrifice on our behalf another another example of yeshua being on the mercy seat is is in john 2012 and she saw two angels while sitting one at the head and another at the feet where the body of jesus had land just as the chairman were seated at each end of the mercy seat the two angels said at either end of where the body of yeshua had land and again a representation of the mercy seat you know god desires to meet with his people the blood of the spotless lamb is the only means by which that meeting is made possible the mercy seat in the old testament and the blood sprinkle around it by the high priest foreshadowed yeshua to come yeshua did come yeshua didn't make the sacrifice yeshua was raised from the dead you know make no mistake about it these are historical realities a tabernacle was real the ark of the covenant was real the mercy seat was real the cross was real the empty tomb was real and the and the real and a real woman stooped down to look at real angels yeshua is our mercy seat there in and through yeshua god meets with us let's look at the ark of the covenant uh the ark of the covenant or what i think more aptly called might be the ark of testimony uh it was there again made of acacia wood it was covered in gold uh i say arc of testimony because the items at the ark held uh and what they meant to us uh and i think my good friend carlos he gave us these descriptions a couple weeks weeks ago first we have the tablets with the commandments these show are obedience to god exodus exodus 19 5 now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant covenant and you shall be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine and we have the golden bowl of manna which was provided every day as they were traveling in the wilderness and we see this in deuteronomy 8 3 so he humbled you allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know that he might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone but manna lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the lord then we have aaron's budding rod and this is uh recounted in number 17-8 now it came to pass on the next day that moses went into the tabernacle of witness and behold the rod of aaron of the house of levi had sprouted and put forth buds have reduced blossoms and yield ripe almonds you know why are these things important to us and why do i think this should be called the arc of testimony these three things testify witnesses and witness to our sins before the father you know we have the commandments and the laws how many times did we say all you say we will do how many times have we broken that promise you know we're stiff-necked as early israelites we've rejected god's laws over and over again you know for these sins we need to ask for repentance ebola manna it represents god's provisions how many times do we reject god's provisions you know they don't meet our standards uh it's not what we want at this time you know how many times do we cry out give me meat give me meat you know for these sins we need to ask repentance you know aaron's rod represents god's authority how many times do we rebel against against god how many times do we want to do it our way because we think it's better than god how many times do we have direct guidance from god but we decide we're going to follow our own path you know how many times do we step to the left to the right out of his will you know for these sins we need to ask for repentance you know close your eyes and just picture with me for a moment you know god is sitting on the mercy seat he's looking down what does he see he sees the testimony of our sins he sees these things looking back up at him that's our sins looking up at him you know his wrath is building because of our sins he is a whole he is holy and cannot be in the in the presence of sin as it will be inconsistent with his nature to do so now then suddenly a high priest enters the holy of holies and sprinkles the blood of sacrifice uh seven times on the mercy seat you know god's anger is abated his loving kindness shows forth for another year this act of atonement was a shadow of good things to come since this was a shadow of things to come this had to be done every year uh if it was a true atonement that it would only have needed to be done once and yeshua was that once he came for us yeshua was the lamb of god without sin that was sacrificed and it is now his blood that washes away our sins it is his blood that is the atonement for our sins it is through him that all can now come to the father yeshua is now our high priest that sits not in a tabernacle made by hands uh sprinkles not blood of bulls and goats but with his own blood that is sprinkled on the mercy seat uh and we see this in hebrews 9 11 but but christ came as high priest of good things to come with a greater and more perfect tabernacle not banned by hands that is not of this creation not with the blood of ghosts and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption and there's some words in john 19 30 that that i think we kind of maybe misrepresent sometimes so when jesus had received the sorrow wine he said it is finished about his head and he gave up the spirit you know i think these words may kind of have a double meaning for one it means we don't have to do atonement every year it is finished he has covered our sins it is finished i think that's those are probably more significant than we probably give them credit for by yeshua's one offering of himself sin was put away once and for all effectually and finally so that so that believers are really clean before the father we know that the blood of the bulls and goats could never take away sin but very distinctly these point to the sufferings of yeshua if we look at isaiah 53 5 he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our inequities the the chastisement of of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed you know if you if you really want to know what what it means to take sin away think of the last days of of yeshua our messiah you know he had a life of grief and shame artist service think of the agony and bloody sweat in the garden that night think of the betrayal and the denial discouraging in the spitting think of the false accusations and the reproaches think of the jeers think of the cross the nailed hands and feet a bruised soul a broken spirit fierce were the fires which which consumed our sacrifice my god my god why hast thou forsaken me his words and angers and anguish is the essence of agony and this came from the heart which was crushed for our sins atonement was made for our sins yours and mine by the shedding of his blood that is saved by yeshua's suffering and especially by his laying down his life on our behalf the cleansing blood was ever the blood of sprinkling on that mercy seat our sins are removed from us as far as the east is from the west and that's in psalms 103 12. as far as the east is from the west so far he has removed our transgressions from us uh there's one more type i'd like to look at and this is the the young kippur the day of atonement um that went on the the things that went on that day the things that the priest did uh you know aaron was the high priest he there again he was a type to yeshua of a strong type uh you know we can make that connection uh and during that day you know there was a lot of there were sacrifices there was this scapegoat there were a lot of things that went on and and there was only three men that were there that day that did this there was the man that took the goat out into the wilderness uh there was the man that took the skin and and the offerings outside the camp to burn and there was the high priest we see in leviticus 16 17 there shall be no man in the tabernacle of medium when he goes in to make atonement in the holy place until he comes out and he may make atonement for himself for his household and for all assembly of israel you know as you as you read through leviticus 16 which tells us you know what went on on the day of atonement um you see aaron performed all these things he fixed the lamps if it was a sabbath he had to replace the showbread he slaughtered the bulls he had to catch their blood he slaughtered the ram he had to catch his blood he had to take the blood put it on the altar he had to take it into the holy of holies and sprinkle it on the altar of the incense he had to go before the father he did all this by himself and you know we hear the uh the thing about the rope tied around the leg uh well that that's not biblical we won't find that in the bible anywhere you know you know a lot of people say well if he had any sin and he died while he's in there they could pull him out i think it's more if he died in there from exhaustion and from all the work that he did they could pull him back out because that was a busy day for him the high priest was was busy you know it was and you know this is this is kind of a um kind of a link to our messiah during his last days you know there was none with our messiah during the time of his trials he trot his path alone that day he by himself bore our sins in his own body on the cross he alone went into into that thick darkness covered by the throne of god none stood by to comfort him all the disciples forsook him and fled you know it would have been very natural thing one would think that peter should have defended him or even died for him but no one died for uh yeshua except the thieves and nobody could uh suspect the thieves of aiding him and his sacrifice they showed the need for sacrifice but they could do no more you know as we go forward into this day of atonement you know we need to remember this great sacrifice that was made for us the great pain the anguish that yeshua went through for us you know for every man every woman every child on this earth you know and he tells us his yoke is not heavy what does he ask of us he asks he asks us to have faith to believe to repent follow his commandments that's all he asks you know you know as as we afflict our souls and repent on this day of atonement you know i would ask that that we approach this you know with reverence and seriousness you know that it's deserved of this holy day of the father uh you know so this is not a trivial matter and should be approached with the right mindset and the right attitude um you know that's one one thing i think is all kind of wrong with a lot of the churches and religions nowadays is they make too much light of this you know they they don't they don't take the father seriously a lot of times um [Music] they picture him as a you know as a forgiving grandfather you know oh you're a good boy you're a good girl here's a lollipop don't do that again you know you know this or they completely disregard his commands entirely um you know they outright accept things that he would never accept you know that's not my god i know that's not your god you know our god is a god of righteousness our god is a god of truth our god is a god of justice our god is a god of compassion our god is a god of love you know i i know him i call him father a lot of the time so it kind of puts him in a benevolent light but i know the consequences of my sins i know that yeshua took those consequences with him on the cross i know that yeshua now sits at the right hand of the father and intercedes for me on a daily basis i know the blood of yeshua who has sprinkled on that mercy seat to atone for my sins as only a blood sacrifice can atone for sins i know yeshua is now my high priest in heaven let's look at ezekiel 18. therefore o house of israel i will judge you each one according to his ways declares the sovereign lord repent turn away from all your offenses and sin will not be your downfall rid yourself of all your offenses you have committed and get a new heart a new spirit why will you die o house of israel for i take no pleasure in the death of anyone declares the sovereign lord repent and live you know i ask each one of us on this day of atonement realize our true sins now search deep within ourselves search for those unconfessed sins and i ask that we cry out to the father well cry out ask for forgiveness we need to approach this day humbly with a contrite heart we need to give this day the respect it deserves we need to give yeshua the respect he deserves we need to give our god praise and respect that he deserves uh you know it's an attitude of the heart you know it's up for us to do us you know yeshua opened the way but we've got to step out there and take that step we have to do that ourselves you know seek the father reach out in humility and repentance and he will respond i'd like to leave you uh with some words from psalms 139 oh lord you have searched me and known me you know my sitting down am i rising up you understand my thought of far off you comprehend my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways search me o god know my heart try me and know my anxieties for there is not a word on my tongue but behold the lord you know it all together and see if there are any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting so let's remember these as we go forward into the day of atonement now this is this is a solemn day a special day and let's treat it as such join me in prayer please dear heavenly father my lord our king we thank you so much for the salvation that you have given us for the mercies that you show us for that blood sprinkled on the mercy seat father that everlasting blood that washes away our sins father i ask that you open every one of our hearts i ask that you you you give us that that power and that will to search deep father to repent of those those unknown things of those unconfessed sins father uh i ask that that you rejoice with us you rejoice in our heart ask that that we praise and worship you with these with the thanksgiving and the praise that you deserve father i thank you so much for these types and shadows that are provided for us i thank you for this light father and i ask that we take that light forward you know let it be in us let it shine from our eyes let your glory shine forward father um on the on these days yeshua's name i ask this [Applause] yeah all right i'm gonna use this mic because i'm gonna have steve and chelsea come up here they have something they want to share and come on up guys this one's great because you don't have to stand right up next to it it's something they want to share oh [Applause] for 13 years i've been in pain physical pain in my lower back and both of my hips especially my my left side i've quit working i've been unable to take care of my children at times i've been suicidal at times because i didn't want to spend one more day in pain i didn't want to get out of bed and face another day of pain i come to church high on pain meds just so i could get through the day two shabbats ago i had a dream that the lord told me i would be healed and i came to church and i told patrice and she said she saw me healed and i told my husband and he said stand up and be healed tonight i didn't i didn't have any hope and i was going to quit the worship dance that we're doing at sukkot because i was in so much pain when we came here today i stopped worshiping and i sat down to rock back and forth because i was in pain and amber on stage said someone that's in pain stand up and worship and i and i felt like the lord was telling that to me and that i needed to be obedient so i stood up and i worshiped and i was hurting and i sat back down afterwards and i prayed a few minutes ago i started to feel strange and i looked down at my body and wondering why i felt so strange and realized that i was not in pain anymore [Applause] [Music] our father has healed me i i ran around the church i have not run in 13 years i kick my legs and i jump for joy and it feels surreal but he has healed me and he's told me to say that he's not done i'm not the last and there's more coming thank you guys for sharing i saw her running in the hall it's true let me say god is good [Applause] so does anybody else have anything they want to share yeah since we're at it um so during like the end of worship i was praying and god gave me a vision of heaven and there was angels dancing in a circle and they were rejoicing and there was trumpets like from the angels were blowing trumpets so they are very happy with her worship and i guess that's verification for that [Applause] all right that's cool got doing anything else in anybody's life tonight that exciting yeah come on all right so i uh have trouble with words so be patient with me i um then i'm gonna be kind of long-winded too so bear with me um i got you know i started dedicating my life to christ back in uh you know maybe maybe around this time in 2016. and since then you know i was on fire for the lord but there was a certain sin in my life that i was holding on to and over time i just let that sin start to control more of my life until um back in this may the lord started um calling me out for that and said david stop being so lukewarm start following me for real um you know and so since then i've been slowly you know i've been praying to god and trying to i've been trying to follow his ways i've been praying for him to show me what i need to do to clean up my life and to um you know follow him the way he wants me to follow him um but i still wouldn't give up that sin and so then about a month ago or so around august 22nd or somewhere in there that weekend god laid it on me that was like david you have to stop and so since that time uh i had i was gonna go um i'm from tulsa by the way so i was gonna go spend the weekend with my parents um in oklahoma city and that was planned about a week in advance and then um about a week before that was uh that i was going to come down here and visit my parents uh someone invited me to this uh you know to her church service and i was like when do you want me to to come and she's like this this saturday i was like well that's pretty crazy because i was already planning on being in that part of the state on on that day so um you know and that was the first time i came here was uh was about it was two two weeks ago um and then since then i had i had this desire to have fellowship with some of my friends at work who are christians and uh you know just be together and talk about the lord together um and i had a desire but i never acted on it and then just a couple weeks ago one of my friends reached out to me he said hey david we're going to start this little uh this little fellowship together i want you to be a part of it and so our first uh meeting together was uh just this last thursday and something that was super amazing was that when i um when i went there i realized that one of those what the the leader or you know the guy who who knew the most um that was that was gonna bring our group together he is also someone who's in this he's about this you know hebrew roots type you know um for keeping faith you know turning back to the hebrew roots and trying to follow god the way he wants us to follow him and that to me was just confirmation that this is where you know god wants us to go as you know how we're supposed to follow him as we're supposed to be you know keeping the sabbath keeping the feast and things like that um and i gotta say the the uh i've never experienced anything quite so powerful as the uh the the feast that we celebrated last week and then the uh the service tonight the worship was that was another just a whole nother level of you know i've never experienced the holy spirit like that i know he's he's with us he's very like like uh like the last person said i think he's very happy that we have come together and worshiped him and offered ourselves humbly to him and surrendered to him so thanks guys okay um so again tomorrow night we're having a yom kippur service here 6 30 to 7 30. um it's gonna be a time of prayer and so i would i'd love for all of you guys to be able to join us um but i kind of feel like i don't think i don't think we're done in here tonight does anybody else feel that way um i feel like i feel like god is wanting to do something else tonight and so can i just ask you guys just to pray and let's just see maybe what god else what else god is wanting to say or do tonight go ahead and just pray i kind of have the sense that there may be someone who is needing to be set free from something i feel like this is an opportunity for that to happen so i'd encourage you to be praying i really father we love you so much yeshua we thank you for your salvation thank you for loving us laying down your life for us lord you are the savior you are the healer you're the king you're also the judge or fill this place with your holy spirit fill our hearts and our lives with your holy spirit i pray that you speak to us we praise you lord for your reveal touch tonight in chelsea's life i praise you lord we thank you for healing her but we praise you and we thank you for what you're doing in the lives of everyone here all the different stories that i've heard about how people have been brought in various places in various circumstances have been drawn to you never give you praise for that lord i just ask that if there's anyone here tonight who is struggling with any kind of addiction there's sin in their life that they are having a hard time getting away from but we just ask that you would bring freedom tonight from that bring forgiveness restoration and healing or we ask that you break the chains of sin that you bring freedom in the name of yeshua to anyone here who's struggling is caught up in sin who is feels captive that they can't escape but we just ask that you would give them freedom tonight in the name of yeshua but as we are approaching dave atonement yom kippur we are reminded that we need to turn our hearts towards you in repentance we need to humble ourselves before you we ask that you would cleanse us wash us purify us that we would be your beautiful bride without spot or wrinkle washes the cleansing blood of yeshua washes in the water of your word sanctify our hearts and our minds lord fill us with your holy spirit let us hear your voice more clearly i would praise you [Music] the name of yeshua [Music] does anybody else have anything they want to share tonight hi um so during worship i just it felt so alive in here i multiple times i've wanted to burst out in tears of happiness because of all the kind people here everyone here i've met is so amazing and um i just i felt a really strong urge to come up here today to say that um everyone here is wonderful and god is doing amazing things here and i just i thank you guys for being so kind and nice and supportive and um just wanted to say thank you so yeah all right just stand join me in the ironic blessing [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] may lord bless you and keep you may lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and you're not dismissed because we're gonna have a sukkot meeting so hang on and go ahead and kill the the live stream though this is just a quick sukkot meeting if you're not sticking if you're not going to scout you don't have to stay but you're sure welcome to join us if you want go and have a seat back down and amanda and corey whitney and come up oh oh are you keeping the livestream going for the meeting i just told you to cut it didn't i he said to leave it on is it still on okay people who are on the live stream who are coming to sukkot i want to know the information in the meeting so do you want me to bring the microphone to you or you guys are going to come to the microphone so i didn't realize we were still praying we have in just a minute we'll have the meeting in just a minute hey thank you [Music] hey thank you foreign [Music] um we'll get started in just a couple minutes just want to give them a little bit of time to pray here because some people that are still wanting to pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um all right once you guys make your way praise the lord make your way back in here let's make a shofar why don't you guys make a joyful noise real quick [Applause] [Music] now [Music] thank you guys all right you ready to get started all right it's time for our sukkot meeting all right um so my little part of this is that i want to talk about our children um we are going to be in god's camp we're going to be right on a lake so i'm imploring i'm asking i am literally begging you to pay attention to your children at all times do not allow them to run freely among the camp keep eyes on them we are going to have guests and visitors and how our children behave will reflect not only upon us as a church but also upon our king we are to be joyful and celebrate and that's what i want to do but if a child gets hurt or lost or worse the sadness that that would bring upon our camp would prevent us from celebrating properly we will have a safety team that will be working and walking and monitoring if they see your children in places they're not supposed to be they're going to grab them up they're going to bring them to you and let you know about it i can't stress this enough that if an accident happens due to an unmonitored child or a kid gets into the water or gets away from the camp the the sadness that that will put on all of our celebrations please keep an eye on your children expect them to behave properly for the kingdom of god if you see somebody else's child that is doing something dangerous or disrespectful speak to them if they don't listen go find their parents if the parents won't listen then come find lex myself or greg and we'll speak to the parents i want everybody and especially i want the children to be able to celebrate [Music] but we also are going to keep our camp orderly and safe for everybody thank you um okay so i have a few things i'm the the administrative person so i get to take care of all the businessy businessy things um first of all i'll just tell you when you come on friday if you show up before 9 a.m you're going to be sitting at the gate until we're there so try not to come until at least 9 a.m on friday when you arrive you'll get a guest packet your guest packet will have a schedule it'll have your lanyards we do ask that you wear those lanyards throughout the week so that people can know your name if you have children that are younger than three they won't have a yet lanyard just for safety reasons but especially like the older kids so that we can easily identify who they are and who their parents are um you'll have your parking passes the parking passes have to stay in your car while you're at the state park they have given us the ability to do our own parking passes so that the park office doesn't have to issue those but those have to stay in your car at all times so if the park ranger comes through and we have extra cars parked in an auxiliary lot he needs to be able to see the parking passes you'll also have a schedule and there will be information on your volunteer areas and things like that one thing we want to kind of find point is our dress code we don't identify specifics in our dress code we expect everyone to use good judgment and be modest but we also understand that modesty is sometimes relative to where you are in a particular um where the lord is taking you so we would like to just specify uh we prefer that if you're wearing tank tops that you would have a shoulder cover and all shorts knee length all skirts knee length um gentlemen if you're getting in the water please wear a shirt we all you know in our own homes the guys probably swim without shirts but we will ask that while you're at camp if you're being baptized please wear a shirt with your with your swim trunks um and ladies if you're gonna be baptized or make bud please wear a top over your swimsuit just to be as modest as we can while we're in the camp of the father um if you have balances due that you got an email about come and see me let's work that out we actually have to pay for our campground before we camp in it so all of those payments need to be in in the bank so that we can write that nice check to the state park on wednesday when we arrive if you are bringing pets you have to be aware that there are wild animals there we will be deep in nature we're like a good 20 miles from any sizeable town they have bobcats they have raccoons they have all kinds of varieties of animals that would love to eat a pomeranian so if you have a little pomeranian or other tiny dog please do not let them out of your sight if they wander into the woods any number of things could take them away hawks eagles they do have eagles down there there's a lot to do around that area if on the free day we'll have a free day on tuesday we do not have any formal activities planned for that day so if you want to if you're local and you want to drive home for the day you know wash your laundry at home or whatnot tuesday would be the great day to do that if you're going to be at camp i encourage you to visit with new friends go sit at someone's campfire have a dinner together we won't have lunch scheduled that day we won't have dinner scheduled that day so tuesday will be a free day um if you have a sukkot need if you don't have a tent if you don't have a sleeping bag if you don't have an ice chest let me know tonight so that we can go ahead and fine tune because we can probably find that gear there there's no need to go and buy a whole bunch of gear and if you tried to find a tent right now it'd be very very hard anyways because everyone is sold out so if you're needing gear that you haven't um that you don't know that you absolutely have come and see me and just let me know what items you need so that we can get those for you and have them out there does anyone have any questions oh okay so the situation with firewood if anyone was at sukkot last year wesley oglebee will be at sukkot this year so the community campfire will be blazing hot it will melt the fire ring our fire ring was permanently changed after last year it started brand new as a perfect circle and it's now egg shaped because it melted it's olive shaped nice um for firewood we will be providing firewood for the community campfire if you are planning to have a campfire at your campsite you will need to get that wood on your own there is some hardware stores in fort cobb which i believe is just roughly 5-10 minutes away you can buy it there you can get kindling from around the park and burn it but we will not be able to supply firewood for all of the camps at sukkot um we have we'll have a trailer for the campfire if you want to cook on the community campfire there'll be a griddle that sits over the the fire ring you're welcome to use that if you need it um most of the campsites not all of them most of them have a barbecue pit or i don't think do you they're not barbecue pits here uh grill bro charcoal grill um so there's grills there you can burn charcoal and things like that and cook your meals on the grills too so um yes uh yes yeah right um most of you will probably pass it there's a bait and bait shop and tiny general store uh maybe a quarter mile from our campsite they have one four of those big large coolers with the 10 pound bag dice um we stopped in there and told her to expect us and to be prepared so hopefully she heeds the need for ice so it should be right around the corner uh aaron said it's two dollars a bag right um your sites do have electric i know a few people were talking about like a little apartment fridge i know everyone's got electric um so if you have a mini fridge and you want to bring that to keep things cool that's definitely a possibility if you want to be a space heater and be responsible with it that's a possibility um but yeah so instapots you for sure for sure yes and probably poison sumac as well so if you have a minute you might become familiar with oklahoma's indigenous plants to figure out what all three of those things look like we happened to trek through some the other day walk right through poison oak so yes be aware of that with your small children i do recommend that you get ant granules or bug granules or some kind of bug thing i know we're going to their space nature is their home however you want to set a perimeter around your home so that the bugs don't come in um we had a very bad problem with ants last year got into a ton of our food and we keep our food in totes and they still got into our totes so i just recommend like anywhere where you're storing food and your sleeping space to maybe set like a little granule perimeter or spray perimeter or something just for your own good anything else man okay that was easy hey bueller bueller oh caleb yeah okay a lot of them do um not all of them have them if you want to email me my email is amanda grafted dot that's where the registration stuff all should have been coming from um it may be in your stamp box if i told you that we sent out confirmation emails it may be in your spam box so check there um but i can look on the inventory that the campsite gave us to tell you for sure if there's a fire ring if not um you can get them pretty pretty reasonably priced for a little metal one i think it's a coughlin brand at walmart you do have to have one it is a state park so their regulations are a bit more strict than other campgrounds um yes we will have the community yeah cason yes okay there um depending on the weather there may be snakes scorpions spiders lizards squirrels mice i'm just listing random animals if it's dangerous and it lives in oklahoma and central oklahoma it's possible it could be there i really don't know like you never know you never know um but okay okay okay uh yes so be aware of those things um there is a swim beach by the playground our campground has a really really nice playground we ask that none of the children be there without adult supervision adult not being a 12 year old watching a four-year-old an adult being someone over the age of 18. watching the child i know that that gets really tough but there are plenty of there's some concrete picnic tables around the playground so there should be plenty of room for parents to sit and fellowship while kiddos play the swim beach is right in front of the playground we do ask that no one is swimming during the time that we're doing baptisms we would like to reserve that time to re be respectful for those that are being but in baptized so that's at one o'clock on each saturday so just be aware of that yes kids can bring bicycles and they can bring scooters um you cannot bring atvs or anything a golf cart is okay but no other utv atv type things there will be no bike zones and we'll have signs for those where we do not want wheeled things crossing um that'll probably be most likely around the perimeter of our meeting tent we do not want bicycles in that area at all it's for the safety of the kids for the safety of the people walking in there for the tent itself not to be torn up um i just i was no go ahead oh i didn't interrupt you but yeah i don't remember now sorry oh uh hold on uh the day that we get to camp the day that everyone's setting up on friday we are asking that no bicycles be on the roads on friday we will be having a lot of people coming in with cars to set up we'll have a lot of campers moving in and out of the campground we do not want any accidents because someone didn't see a three-year-old on a scooter so we're just gonna ask that until five o'clock on friday no bicycles in the camp so i just wanted to say something hang on a second so for those who for those who may not be familiar with oklahoma wildlife you may be hearing about wild animals that can eat you and that's not exactly what we're trying to say um the chances of you seeing dangerous animals are probably slim but we just want you to be aware that they're adults adults don't be too panicky children beware of your life yeah those those those rabid squirrels will go straight after the kids [Laughter] but for the people who are traveling here from other states um who are not familiar with wildlife at all they're probably panicking right now and i don't want them to think that you know they're going to get eaten while they're asleep in their tent we do have large buds we have large what bugs yeah the mosquitoes really chew but chances of you seeing a dangerous animal are probably pretty slim you might see something maybe see a skunk or a raccoon something like that that might be a little dangerous steer clear of him but don't panic thanks okay kade okay isaac no there's no black panthers okay isaac yeah yeah we'll have um some medical folks at the camp um we will have kind of an emergency procedure if something did happen we will have a nurse who works in the icu she's been a nurse for very very many years so she'll be available for any immediate treatments and then we have each person will have a list of what the nearest hospital is what the nearest doctor's offices are and things like that if there was another issue jordan that's already covered it's covered okay maddie birds very many birds yes they have bird watching [Music] dominate [Music] hammocks at your own risk there yeah they're we're expecting to have a cold front so we may have some pretty chilly nights kade okay we're not talking about panthers anymore buddy no no i'm not no i live with you you can ask at home anybody else not immediately related to me okay all right um whoops if if you do have a question you can talk to me afterwards like i said if you have a balance come see me if you have any needs whatsoever a cot a sleeping bag whatever it is just come and let me know so that we can get a list going and make sure that we get those things for you before the weekend the registration is soft closed okay it's been soft closed for a while it's basically a swinging door right now um we are sitting at 225 people who will be attending to coat with us this year [Applause] so we are fulfilled but i can we can make it work so if there is anyone who still wants to go to sukkot please do not let financial reasons stop you from keeping the feast i know we said this it's been on the bulletin it was on the screens for the announcements don't let pride of needing an assistance stop you from keeping a feast because that's just the enemy's way of stealing your joy and keeping you out of fellowship during a feast day so if you have any need and you want to come let us know that is we want you there so is that it aaron that's a good one no complaining period um we are commanded to be joyful during the feast of sukkot and we put that inside the registration information packet that we do not want contention coming into the camp so if you're rolling into there with a bad attitude there's a poo poo bucket right at the gate that you can take that poo poo attitude and put it in the bucket and leave it outside the camp so that when you come in you can celebrate with joy um that will actually be something that if there's a lot of complaining a lot of bellyaching um bickering things like that that the elders would get involved with because we do want to protect the joy of the camp so poo poo bucket at the gate leave the attitudes there anything else okay we will not have service here next week we are going to try to live stream depending on how well the hot spot works so if you have friends that are curious about sukkot and you want them to see what it's all about then just keep an eye out we'll try to announce whether or not it's live stream so you can share those things with friends or family it'll be recorded so it'll be uploaded at a later time and if you have any real camp problems you have to see whitney william yes uh we are packing up tonight tonight we will have service tomorrow but we won't be using any of our equipment and most of the stuff you see up here is our equipment plus some in the back it has to go in the trailer out here um i would just like to ask if any able body is able to wrap cords fold up stands things like that that you would just make neat stacks so that ian and greg and lex can coordinate get that arranged appropriately for unloading um when we get to camp so anyone who can you're welcome to join and lend a hand all right all right [Music] how many of you guys
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,572
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible
Id: iHLiW6HHllw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 44sec (12044 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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