The True Gospel vs False Gospels

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so last week i uh at the end of service it's like angelic bells are you done greg [Laughter] yeah i told whitney it's been three weeks since i've preached so uh you bring some snacks got three sermons built up now hang in all right uh so last week at the end of the service i said something that some of you guys might have been wondering what in the world you guys remember what i said i said we're asking the wrong question so i said you know when you go up to somebody and you just meet him you say how long you've been keeping torah and i said that's the wrong question the question we should be asking is how long you've been following yeshua and tonight i'm gonna i'm gonna touch on that a little bit more and go into some more detail on what i mean by that so let me just say up front that uh obeying god and following the commandments and instructions in the torah is very important okay but that's not what saves us okay and that's i want to stress that point it it is important to obey god but that is not what saves us and there are people in this movement who are teaching the other way around and so today i want to talk about what is the true gospel and we're going to look at what are some of the false gospels that are being presented in the world so the bible says um yeshua is the way the truth in the life right it says that there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved it says that he is the only means of salvation and so we need to keep that our our focus and our priority and so that's why i said we're asking the wrong question you think about paul paul was a pharisee right he was one of the leading pharisees of his day he was studied he trained under gamaliel gamaliel was the leading rabbi in the synagogue so paul was training under the leading rabbi which means that he was well educated and you can tell by reading his writings that he was well educated and he says that you know he kind of gives his pedigree and he says you know that i was a pharisee and born of the tribe of benjamin circumcised on the eighth day pharisee of pharisees righteousness according to the law flawless perfect he says he says i consider all that stuff rubbish all that is garbage compared to knowing yeshua as my lord and savior and so there are people in the messianic and hebrew roots and tour keeping type of movement that we're in that they are basically equating keeping torah with following yeshua they say well if you keep torah then you are following issue well no that's not true paul was keeping torah and he was persecuting yeshua that's why yeshua came to him on the road to damascus and said paul paul why are you persecuting me he said righteousness according to the law i was perfect and yeshua said why are you persecuting me they're not the same thing yes you could follow yeshua and follow torah but following torah doesn't mean you're following yeshua that makes sense but people are teaching that following torah is following yeshua and that is absolutely not true so when you make your torah keeping your means for salvation if you're trying to do righteousness in order to earn your salvation what you're doing is you're diminishing the work of yeshua you're stealing from him because you're saying i have to do something on my own i have to earn it i have to somehow be righteous enough or be good enough when you when you make your law keeping your means of salvation that means that you're not looking to yeshua for salvation does that make sense okay and here's the thing if you are trying to make your law keeping your torque keeping your means of salvation you have to be perfect because the bible says if you even break one commandment you have broken all of it and you're guilty of all of it james 2 8-10 says if you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture you shall love your neighbor as yourself you do well okay he says if you're if you're doing this you're doing good if you're keeping the torah you're doing good he says but if you show partiality you commit sin and are convicted by the law as a transgressor for whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point he is guilty of all so you keep the law perfectly but you mess up one time you're a law breaker you're guilty and no amount of keeping the law can atone for that one act of breaking the law so the question is how can your obedience save you from your disobedience right to the people who want to say i'm going to earn my salvation my law keeping is what saves me well how in the world does your obedience atone for even one act of disobedience it's impossible i can't and i've used this example before if you're speeding or if you run a red light or whatever you do something you break the law and a cop pulls you over writes your ticket and you say well wait a minute i will never ever speed again i will never run a red light again i'll never i'll use my blinker every time and always wear my seatbelt and never break any traffic law ever again he'll say it doesn't matter you still deserve this ticket right you still deserve this ticket because you broke the law and it doesn't matter how much how much from this point forward you keep the law does not change the fact that that's the way it is with god's law too you're no no amount of law keeping atones for your law breaking so you can't earn your salvation it's impossible it doesn't work that way that's not how the law works the bible says when we sin we come under the curse of the law what does that mean well let's look first off let's look in grace galatians chapter 3 it says for as many as the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that no one is justified by the law and the sight of god is evident for the just shall live by faith yet the law is not of faith but the man who does them shall live by them christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us that's a key verse there christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law it doesn't say he redeemed us from the law he redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come upon the gentiles in christ jesus that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith okay so in the old testament how did atonement work the priest would make a sacrifice right we see all kinds even this this week's torah portion we see this detailed information about the atonement sacrifice and so the priest made atonement for his own sins he made atonement for the temple or the tabernacle he made it and then he made atonement for all the people there were numerous atonements that were being made the bible says that it's because of the blood that we have atonement this is found in this week's torah portion leviticus 17 it says leviticus 17 11 says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul it is the blood that makes atonement it is not your acts of righteousness it's not what you can do it's the blood he says the life or the soul is in the blood and so we we see the sacrifices the pattern that's given is that you have committed a trespass and your life is required because you have broken god's law so what happens is you have someone or something stand in your place in the old testament we had animal sacrifices right they would take a bull or a goat or a sheep or some kind of an animal and they would offer it as a sacrifice and the blood of that animal the soul of that animal was spilled on your behalf and so something died because of your sin and the the imagery of that is very powerful it's like wow my sin is so great that something had to die and so the picture there is is a is it's one of those things that i'm sure stood in people's mind they would continue to think about that man every time i sin something dies maybe i should stop sinning you think that might be something that went through their mind and so but it also this is a picture of the salvation that yeshua brings every we see in the old testament yeshua said that all the law and the prophets were about him that moses wrote about him that the torah was about him so it's all about him everything you look from genesis to revelation it's all about yeshua and we see in hebrews chapter 9 it says in verse 22 and according to the law almost all things are purif are purified with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin well hebrews chapter 9 is talking about yeshua is our high priest he's talking about the atonement that he brings and he's he's the ultimate sacrifice that he shed his blood so that there's no more need for any other sacrifices and offerings that his blood is greater than all the sacrifices and offerings that have ever taken place and i i heard an example one time given i think it was i think it may have been paul washer and uh it was really good example he said you know how can how can one sacrifice atone for all the sins of the world how can yeshua's sacrifice atoned for all the sins of the world throughout history from the beginning of time until the end of time how can that one man how can his sacrifice atone for all it's because that one man is worth more than all humanity from creation until the end his life is worth more than everybody combined well how is that possible because he's deity because he's the son of god because he's god incarnate he's the one who created all things he is the first and last the beginning and the end right and he laid down his life for all of humanity to save us it says for god's to love the world he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but especially our lasting life it's because of his great love for us that he did that and i you know i heard a uh a false teacher one time say something and he said you know it's it's because you're so valuable that jesus died for you no none of us are that valuable we we're all worthless okay we're made out of the dirt we're born in sin we spend our life in sin our righteousness is described as a filthy rag and you think that we're worth sacrificing the son of god for no we're not worth it all of our lives combined is not worth it but he did it that's how much he loves isn't that great but here's the thing the blood is required for atonement this means that your righteousness is worthless to try to justify or atone for your own sin it won't happen it will never be able to atone even for one act of disobedience if you break the least commandment in the bible you still can't atone for it by doing all the rest of them perfectly you cannot save yourself is the point you cannot save yourself you're still with me i'm about to get started on the sermon it's only through your show that we can be saved okay well the bible says that sin is a violation of god's commandments and we are here's the thing we are expected to obey think about you know a parent if how many of you guys are parents okay you expect your children to obey you i i sure expect my children to obey me okay yeah obeying god is not you're not going above and beyond you're not doing something more than expected you're just doing what you've been asked to do you ever thought about it that way you're not great you obeyed that's exactly what you're supposed to do do you need a parade we're expected to obey god the bible tells us from beginning to end if you love me keep my commandments we are expected to obey him and when we break his law we are guilty as law breakers the bible tells us not to sin but it also tells us that if we do sin we have salvation we have hope we have an opportunity when you do we you're not supposed to sin we're told not to sin but if it does happen there's there's hope it's first john chapter 2 it says my little children these things i write to you so that you may not sin again sin is breaking god's commandments is disobeying god i write these things to you that you shall not sin but if anyone does sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous and he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not only for ours but also for the whole world and listen to what the bible says when someone asks what must i do to be saved okay this is a question that you know we see throughout the new testament a few times it's a question that people often ask could it be saved how can i get saved how do i get saved acts 16 starting verse 29 it says then he called for a light ran in and fell down trembling before paul and silas okay let me just set the stage real quick before we get to it this is when paul and silas from prison and they stayed up praying and singing and reciting scriptures right you guys remember the story singing songs praise and worship praising god and there's an earthquake and the doors to the jail fling open and all their chains fall off and the jailer runs in there and he's about to kill himself and they say hang on a second don't do that why was he about to kill himself because he was he was required to keep an eye on these people if they all escaped he was dead man anyway he was he wasn't just going to lose his job he was going to lose his head so he called for a light ran in fell down trembling before before paul and silas and he brought them out and said sirs what must i do to be saved he just witnessed something amazing he heard them singing praise to god and the jail flung open god miraculously saved these people from prison and the prison guard saw it happen and he said what must i do to be saved i need to know your god so they said believe on the lord jesus christ and you will be saved you and your household then they spoke the word of the lord to him and all who were in his house and he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and immediately he and his all his family were baptized now when he had brought them into his house he set foot before he set food before them and he rejoiced having believed in god with all his household you notice it didn't say start keeping sabbath you want to be safe keep the sabbath they didn't say that you want to be saved do the commandments you want to be saved what believe in the lord yeshua believe on him for salvation that's that's the formula and i've heard people argue actually recently i had a man argue with me about this and he said well well believing means you obey and so you have to obey all the torah to prove that you believe hang on a second you're contradicting scripture here buddy it's not what it says yes there is there is a connection between belief and obedience and there is a connection between disobedience and disbelief there is a connection between those because if you don't believe you're not going to obey and if you do believe you will obey there is connection you know paul talked about how abraham believed and it was counted to him as righteousness right but what does his his belief do his belief caused him to obey but it wasn't his obedience that was his righteousness it was his faith it was his righteousness his obedience followed his faith you know it's like one of those things if if you're in an airplane and you believe you can fly you'll just jump right out right i believe i can fly and no pair no parachute necessary but if you're not so certain that you're gonna fly you're gonna put that parachute on right makes sense i believe i'm going to fall i'm going to put on parachute okay it's the same it's the same kind of principle if you believe if you really believe what the word of god says then you're going to live according to it i mean you do it all the time with the police if you believe that that cop's going to pull you over for speeding you're going to slow down if you believe that you're going to get a ticket for for not wearing a seat belt you're going to put a seat belt on but if you believe hey i think i can get away with it then you may not see how that works you say ah i bet i can i bet i can speed and avoid getting caught so i'm i'm just gonna do that you're you're living according to your belief you're living according to your faith but if you say you know what i i believe that if there's a cop ahead he's going to pull me over if i'm speeding so maybe i better not speed you're going to live according to that belief that's the same way with the word of god if you believe the word of god is true you're going to live according to it if you're not living according to it then it means you're not really believing it are you so there is a connection but your obedience is not belief does not mean that you're automatically going to keep all the commandments we see in acts 15 what they say these gentiles who are coming to the faith these former pagans who are coming to know god coming to the knowledge of god what must we require them for salvation what must we require to them to do they said tell them to stop the idolatry right stop their sexual immorality and stop eating blood that's what they said just tell them to quit these things stop the idolatry stop sexual immorality and stop eating blood why because those things are associated with paganism they got to stop worshiping the pagan idols stop the sexual immorality is what was part of the pagan worship and stop drinking blood which is also part of pagan worship they can't do those things and worship god it's contradictory also you can't do those things and come into the temple you can't do those things and come into it and be part of fellowship those are required just to enter the door stop idolatry stop your sexual morality and stop drinking blood you can't you can't come in here without stopping those things basically is what they're saying so to come to the lord you have to to put away your idols okay but that's not what saves you that's called repentance that's what yeshua said right repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent means to stop stop doing that thing you were doing and turn around go the other direction repent your you're going into sin repent you turn from it you turn back to god you're going into idolatry you repent you turn turn turn turn it doesn't mean that you're gonna have perfect obedience in everything really what repent means is it's a change of your mind right what does that mean i change my mind it doesn't mean you're wishy-washy it means you changed your understanding your perspective on something and what i used to think was right i no longer think is right what i used to want to do i no longer want to do you have a change of mind a change of heart does that mean that you're perfectly gonna never again commit sin no but it means your desire now is not to sin your desire now is to pursue god and pursue him to pursue holiness to pursue righteousness your heart has changed and you're pursuing him now and not yourself you're pursuing him now not your sin that's what repentance is now most people think you know repentance is just oh lord please forgive me but then they just turn around and go back right to where they were before they don't have a true repentance they don't have a turning moment where they say i'm done with this i don't want to do this anymore i lay it at your feet i turn away from it i cast it off of me that's what repentance is if all you're doing is just saying lord forgive me and then you just go right back to what you were you that's not repentance okay you're just giving him lip service that's not the kind of repentance that transforms your life so the bible says to believe on the lord yeshua and you will be saved it never says obey the torah to be saved and the thing is that's not the purpose of the law the law was not created to save you so what is the purpose of the law it shows us our sin and our need for salvation you realize that that's what the law does it shows us our sin and our need for salvation galatians 3 19-25 it says what purpose then does the law serve it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator now mediator does not mediate for one only but god is one is the law then against the promises of god certainly not for if there had been a law given which could have given life truly righteousness would have been by the law okay that's it's important to note is the law against the promises of god no it does not go against the promises of god they they work together they don't contradict one another i've heard people preach that too well that there's the promises of god and there's a law of god like like like conflict with each other no that's not true paul is paul even says right here absolutely not certainly not but he says if there had been a law given which could have given life if there if it's possible that the law could have given life okay if this possible that a law could have been given to save you truly righteousness would have been by the law if it was possible for righteousness to come through the law it it would have but it's not possible he's saying but the scripture has confined all under sin that the promise by faith in jesus christ might be given to those who believe but before faith came we were kept under guard by the law kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to christ okay so what else is what does the law do it shows us our sin our need for salvation and it points us to christ it points us to where salvation comes that's the purpose of allah it shows you your sin and shows you where to go to fix the problem that's what the law does therefore the la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la okay when you go to school and you learn math and you graduate you say i'm never going to do math again no it just means you don't have to go to school anymore because you know how to do math you know the difference between right and wrong torah is your tutor to teach you right and wrong to teach you what sin is what righteousness is to teach you to discern between the clean and the unclean between the holy and the profane and when you learn that you don't have to go to school anymore because you know it the torah is a teacher and it teaches us righteousness and holiness it teaches us what what our life should look like what does it mean to love god and love your neighbor what does it mean to walk in holiness what does it mean to have just weights and measures what does it mean to help those in need different things in our life ultimately it wraps up yeshua said that all the law is about loving god loving your neighbor right paul said the same thing but it's the details in the torah that teaches us what love is love is not an ooey gooey feeling you have in your stomach love isn't even a feeling of of compassion or like towards you you know i love you but that doesn't mean i like you right have you heard that phrase okay and there's times when you know that's a true statement isn't it i love you but i don't like you right now okay love is how you treat somebody love is what you do to that person are you treating them with love or not and the the torah teaches us how to treat people with love and we see this john wrote about this in first john he says if you know if you love your brother you're fulfilling the law and he who hates his brother doesn't know god paul talked about it james talked about it yeshua talked about it all throughout the new testament saying the torah teaches how to love and so if you're not keeping the torah you don't know how to love if you don't know how to love you're not deep keeping the torah you may be going through the motions but if you're not sure if you're not actually loving people with it then you're not doing it right okay but the law is the standard for judgment the torah was given to give a standard of right and wrong and is given for standard of judgment and god will judge the world according to the righteous standard of his torah the bible says this he will judge the world and it's yeshua the bible says that's going to be the one doing the judging when he comes back he's going to judge he's going to have a sword and a hand and a scepter and a hand what does the sword do the sword slays his enemies what does the scepter do his reign his rule his authority to judge says that he's gonna sit on a great white throne he's gonna yeshua himself even said you know i'm gonna separate the sheep from the goats the sheep off to one side the goat's off to the other he said i'm going to separate the wheat from the tares wheat over here tears over there gonna separate the wheat from the chaff wait over here the chaff over there he said he's the one that's going to judge james says the same thing he says that there's one law giver who is able to judge that's yeshua so he came to save but he's also coming to judge and he judges according to his law that's righteous judgment so how can we sinners lawbreakers unrighteous people have any hope to stand in the day of judgment well the bible says that those who are who belong to yeshua those who come through him those who have faith in him and followed him put their trust in him those who have applied the blood of yeshua in their life those who belong to yeshua don't have to face that judgment because you've already been judged righteous because of him you see how significant this is it's not because of you it's because of him romans 3 19-20 it says we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before god whatever the law says it says to those under the law what does that mean they're under the curse of the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before god what the law does is it proves it shows that all of the world is guilty there's no one worthy not one not a single person that ever walked the earth is worthy except for yeshua right that all are guilty all of all are lawbreakers paul talks about how we were born of adam and that adam's sin was passed down to us even if we hadn't actually transgressed we still have inherited the sin of adam and so we're born in sin so even if you go your entire life and never actually commit a single sin you're still sinful just because you're born you're born of adam and his sinfulness is on you it's in you it's who you are we're sinful fallen corrupt human beings and that's what the bible says we all deserve death and what does the gospel teach us that yeshua provided a way so that we don't have to he came to save sinners like you and me he said i didn't come for the righteous i came for the sinners what does that mean those who think they're righteous they don't have salvation because they think they're getting it themself he came for sinners why because they recognized their sin and they know they need salvation a righteous person doesn't think he needs salvation he thinks he's got it made think about the parable that you should have told about the pharisee in the tax collector right pharisee standing there saying god thank you that i'm not like this sinner i pay my tithes i do all these righteous things and then we have the the tax collector bowing and beating his chest and saying god i am unworthy please forgive me yeshua said who is the one who was justified before god he's the one who was humbling himself who recognized his sin and his need for salvation you see what the gospel says so when someone comes along and they say well i'm saved because i keep the torah no you're not you're trusting in your own works you're trusting in your own righteousness and your righteousness falls way short romans 3 19-20 now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that excuse me that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before god all the world is guilty therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin again here he says it's the law that tells us what sin is it's the law that reveals sin in your life it's the law that reveals your need for salvation james 2 12 says so speak and so do as one who will be judged by the law of liberty live like someone who's going to be judged by the law he says what's that mean well it's like you said you're driving down the road i'm not going to speed because i know that if a cop catches me i'm going to have to write a ticket so i don't want to pay a ticket so i'm not going to speed i know i don't want to be judged by the law so i'm going to obey the law i want to be a law-abiding citizen i don't want to be a law breaker i don't want to be lawless okay live speak and do as those who will be judged by the law james says so the torah teaches us what sin is and it convicts us of sin and it serves to point us to yeshua galatians 3 24 therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to christ that we might be justified by faith yeshua tells us that all the scriptures testify about him john 5 39-40 says you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and these are they which testify of me but you're not willing to come to me that you may have life he's talking to the religious people talking to the pharisees he says you search the scriptures thinking you're going to have life in them but the scriptures are telling you they're pointing to me yeshua said the scriptures point to yeshua and he says you're not accepting me you search the scriptures thinking you're going to find life but you can't find it because you're not finding him he's saying you're not trusting in him you're not following him you will not come to me that you may have life he is the one who brings life again no man can say this i've said this before the claims that yeshua makes no man can make i i can't stay stand here and say you're not willing to come to me that you can have life i can't give you life only god can do that this is a claim of deity yeshua says come to me for life he says i'm the resurrection i'm the life no one comes to the father except for me i'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except for me life is found in no one else he's the light of the world he's the bread of life he's the living water the fountain of living water he's the giver of the holy spirit he's the creator you see what the bible is telling us about him he's god incarnate and he laid down his life because of sin so why do we obey the torah why do we obey the torah john 14 15 it says if you love me keep my commandments this is why we obey the torah i've heard people say well no we're not supposed to keep the commandments in the old testament just the ones that yeshua gave us i thought you said he was god that means he gave you the torah if you love me keep my commandments he says if yeshua is god then the torah is his commandments this is significant as well and so when people come along and say that yeshua is not deity you got problems because you don't even know who your god is what did yeshua say to his disciples same chapter john 14 right he says if you've seen me you've seen the father they said show us the father he says how long have i been with you if you've seen me you've seen the father and then he and right here he says if you love me keep my commandments he's saying i am the one who gave the torah if you love me obey me in another place he says why do you call me lord and do not do what i say matthew was it matthew 6 7 matthew 7 he says many will come to me and say lord lord we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do all kinds of miracles in your name they call him lord lord we do all these things in your name and he says i didn't know you you worker of lawlessness if we love him we'll obey him if he is truly lord of our life we will obey him if you call him lord and you don't obey then you're not he's not really your lord you're just giving him lip service to call him lord means that you give him your obedience but that's not what saves you your obedience is your act of worship your obedience is your response to his love first john says we love because he first loved us we are just responding to his love for us he loved us and laid down his life for us and so we love him by laying down our life to him we say i'm willing to give you my life i'm willing to serve you i'm willing to obey you this is my loving response to you saving me does that make sense john 14 21 it says he who has my commandments and keeps them and is he who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and i will love him and manifest myself to him john 14 23-24 says jesus answered and said if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him he who does not love me does not keep my words and the word which you hear is not mine but my father's who sent me so if we love god we keep his commandments it seems pretty simple his commandments teaches right from wrong the torah shows us our sin and our need for salvation and the torah points us to yeshua them the means of salvation paul uses an expression that christ is the end of the law the end of the law that the word in there in greek is tell that's where we get the word telescope the he's using an archery term is what he's using he's saying christ is the tell us of the law what what what is he talking about an archer cites in the target he finds his goal and he shoots the arrow you've heard people say that sin is missing the mark well that's where it comes from christ is the mark he is the goal he is the purpose of the law when you miss the mark it means you fall short of christ he is the goal he is the target he is the end the end is the thing you're aiming for doesn't mean he did away with it means he's the goal he's the purpose the law is given to drive you to him to point you to him to lead you to him so that you'd be like him to follow in his example that's the purpose of the law to bring you to yeshua so yes he is the end of the law he is the the target he's the thing at the end of the road that you're trying to get to he's the destination he's the prize but it doesn't mean he's done away with it matthew five what did he say do not think that i came to abolish the law or the prophets i did not come to abolish but to fill up to make full to fulfill heaven and earth will pass away before one dot is removed one jotter one tittle is removed from the law heaven earth will pass away first as heaven and earth passed away no no so that means not even one dot one jot one tittle one period one stroke of the pin has been removed not even one and that's yeshua's words and so when someone comes in and says oh he did away with the law no he himself said do not think that i came to abolish the law don't even think that he knew that that's what people were going to do and he said don't think that that's not why i came he came to save sinners he came to redeem us so the torah points us to yeshua the torah has a purpose and we should be walking obedience to god's commandments but that is not what saves you you still with me you remember when paul preached till midnight the guy fell out the window i promise it won't be that bad there's no windows that's right i like where your head is so let me summarize the gospel for you all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the god right the bible says our righteousness is like filthy rags and without atoning sacrifice we would all perish because of our sins without a sacrifice we all will perish but god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through christ jesus our lord you've seen how all this fits yeshua the son of god died for our sins nailing our sins to the cross and making a way for us to have atonement he died for our sin he didn't die to set us free from the law that's a false gospel he died to set us free from sin that's what the bible says he is the only means of salvation and we must come to him to be saved there are people teaching that there are many ways to god that all religions are kind of the same they all point us to god that is a lie that is a false gospel a false doctrine there's one way to be saved that's through yeshua he's the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through him if someone brings you some other doctrine tell me hit the road jack okay that is a lie there's only one way to be saved he demonstrated his power over sin and death by resurrecting from the dead yeshua himself resurrected how many of you can die and resurrect he said the bible says that he raised himself up it also says that the father raised him up so wait a minute is that a contradiction no because the father and the son are one he says i and my father are one it's not a contradiction he says the father gives life and he says that i give life that's not a contradiction they're one he demonstrates part of our sin by resurrecting from the dead and he sits at the right hand of the father interceding for us as our great high priest he is the one interceding on our behalf he is the one making intercession in the temple well the catholics come along and they say well mary is interceding for us that's a false gospel mary and the saints can't do anything to save you they're dead and buried in their grave and they have not resurrected yet yeshua said no one has ascended to heaven except the son of god who came down from heaven no one has ascended to heaven that means mary is not in heaven means the saints are not in heaven they're waiting for the resurrection just like everybody else only yeshua has ascended into heaven okay and so when the catholics come along and say well you know we pray to mary and she intercedes for us no that's false that is a lie that is a false gospel they're worshiping false god false religion they're trying to come to salvation through mary not through yeshua well we pray to the saints to help us well you don't pray to saints and you don't pray the dead you pray to god you pray yeshua you pray to the living god the one who is actually alive and reigning in heaven you don't pray to dead people who are in their graves that's called necromancy and the bible forbids it it's a false theology we're saved by grace through faith and the blood of the lamb it's the same pattern throughout history we look in exodus and what was it they were saved from bondage in egypt by grace through faith and blood of the lamb they did nothing to earn or deserve their salvation it was grace that saved them it was god who saved them god was their deliverer he was a redeemer and the only way they got out of egypt is because god saved them he sent plagues across egypt and he spared the israelites because of his grace they didn't deserve it and you know once they got in the desert what did they do they grumbled he gave him food got a man in quail and water from a rock and they grumbled i wish we could just go back to egypt and get the good stuff the good food they had back there you want to go back to bondage you ungrateful right but aren't we the same way it's only because of his grace we are saved by grace through faith in the blood of the lamb and is not because of anything we have done you cannot earn it you cannot merit it in any way you do not deserve it so don't even think you can try to earn it it's pointless we cannot earn salvation because it is a free gift from god to those who believe in his son yeshua our messiah ephesians 2 8 9 says for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest anyone should boast who of us could boast in god's presence anyway oh look what i did right what could you possibly do to be able to stand before god and brag i can't think of anything all right so now i'm going to get to the the false gospels and i'm going to try to hit on them pretty briefly and not spend too much time i know i could probably spend an entire sermon on each one of these but i just want to briefly touch on some of them just to point out some of the errors and the problems with them there are many people today who are preaching a false gospel and this is not new paul is writing about in galatians this was happening in the first century there have been false gospels since the inception of christianity since the beginning there have been false gospels numerous christians i mean the first 300 years of christian theology is a response to all of the heresies that were going on you read through justin martyr you read through uh iranius you read through all the way up to augustine i mean like all of these people writing in the you know first really probably five or six hundred years of christianity they're writing against heresies and you have you know you have the aryan controversy and you have all kinds of different things that they're writing about and arguing you have gnosticism you have all kinds of things and so it's nothing new to have a false gospel to have false teachers this isn't a new thing it's been going on since the beginning but we need to recognize those things so that we don't fall prey to them because the world is full of false teachers and they're leading people astray so galatians 1 3 through 9 it says grace to you and peace from god the father and our lord jesus christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil age according to the will of our god of father to whom be glory for ever and ever amen i marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in grace in the grace of christ to a different gospel okay i marvel that you're turning away from the grace of christ to a different gospel which is not another but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of christ some trouble you and try to pervert the gospel of christ this is a an important word they they try to pervert the gospel of christ they try to distort it that's how you identify a false gospel as if it's if it distorts the truth it doesn't have to be exact opposite if they just kind of get it off kilter a little bit they pervert it a little bit they distort it a little bit it's false but even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than what you have what we have preached to you let him be accursed this is how serious this is if someone comes preaching a false gospel let them be accursed he says this is a serious thing why because a false gospel leads you where to condemnation so let that false gospel teacher be condemned he says they deserve it even if we are an angel from heaven preach any of the gospel to you then that which we appreciate let him be accursed and this is one of those things that every every preacher of the word of god should take very seriously because if you're teaching a false gospel you deserve to be cursed it's what the bible says and you know i i think that there's a lot of teachers in this world who don't really understand the weight of that and and i know that because i've seen them you see them on tv you see them on youtube you see them all over the place they don't understand the weight of this if you teach a false gospel you deserve to be condemned let them be accursed this is a serious thing as we have said before now i say again if anyone preaches another gospel to you then that what you have received let him be accursed so a false gospel is one that perverts the gospel of christ it diminishes yeshua in some way a false gospel diminishes yeshua takes away from him it robs him of his glory it robs him of his victory it robs him of what he has accomplished and so when you say that i have done something to earn my salvation you're stealing from yeshua you're stealing credit from him no you don't deserve it he deserves it he's the only one worthy if you say that he is not deity you're stealing from his glory you're diminishing him he was just a man you know how many how many preachers on tv are teaching that yeshua was just a man and that he earned the status of being called god and that we can become gods too this is being taught on tbn okay what's kenneth copeland he says yeshua this is a quote from kenneth copeland yeshua says i am and i just smile and say i am too talk about blasphemy that is something that came out of the mouth of kenneth copeland and i saw i saw the clip i saw this video okay that is blasphemy that is a false teacher there are so many of these false teachers in the world teaching blasphemy diminishing who yeshua is diminishing the work on the cross diminishing the gospel and stealing glory for themself so let's touch on a few of these the mormons it's interesting that paul says even if an angel from heaven brings you another gospel what do the mormons say the angel moroni brought us this gospel this new revelation of god called the book of mormon well paul's just tells you even if an angel comes to you and brings you another gospel do not believe it and yet moroni brings them another gospel and i think i wonder if that's where we get the word more on they diminished yeshua by teaching that he became a god and we could become a god too this is in the mormon doctrine they say that he became god of this earth and we can become gods of other planets it sounds more like sci-fi than anything else i don't understand why people fall for the nonsense and you know if a mormon comes to your front door they know more about the book of mormon than they do the bible so if you can just open up the bible and talk to them about what the new testament says about yeshua they don't they don't they don't know how to talk to you okay they're taught a few things they don't know the gospel they know the book of mormon it's a false gospel that diminishes yeshua the catholics exalt mary and the saints they pray to mary they pray the saints they say they're interceding for us this is a false gospel like i said before no one is ascended to heaven by claiming that mary and the saints are in heaven they're diminishing christ because it says that only he has gone to heaven is diminishing christ by saying that somebody else is up there because he said no one is ascended to heaven except the son of god who came down from heaven you know he is the high priest he is the only one who is able to enter into the holy of holies so if you say that mary and the saints have entered the holy of holies what are you saying about them are you saying that they are the high priest this is a false gospel by praying to mary and the saints you're exalting humans to the level of deity well you are committing idolatry then this is a false gospel and you look around you see that they have statues of mary and the saints and all the the pope and all the different people throughout catholic history you go to the vatican what do you see you see zeus but they call it peter it's repackaged idolatry it's a false gospel not only is this idolatry but it diminishes yeshua unitarians many of you may not be familiar with unitarians they are descendants of the aryans the aryan controversy is one that was happening in early christianity they denied the deity of yeshua they denied the trinity they said that you know yeshua was just a man he was a created being he was not god this was a major heresy in early christianity unitarians follow suit with them they are basically the great grandchildren of aryan and your deterrents teach that yeshua is not god and so they diminish him by saying he's just a man what man can save you from your sins as i said earlier the only way that one man could die for the sins of the entire world throughout all of history is if that one man is worth more than all of the people throughout history the only way for that to be possible is that he is not a man the bible says that god is the one who saves us you read in isaiah it says my servant whom i will sin know that i am he bible john uh john said he quoted both isaiah and malachi says prepare the way of the lord make straight a highway for our god in reference to yeshua if if he's not god you have no salvation because what man can save you from your sin the bible says we must confess that yeshua is lord this is a fundamental primary element to your salvation this is fundamental to salvation it's understanding who yeshua is yeshua is lord the bible says right what does that mean this is a salvation issue by the way if you don't understand that he is lord you can't be saved because what paul says right here if you confess with your mouth that yeshua's lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved you confess that his lord believe with your heart you will be saved well then he quotes joel 3 32 and this is a really interesting thing that tells us what it means to call him lord for whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved okay call you sure lord and you'll be saved for whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved what does joel 32 say in the hebrew whoever calls on the name of yahweh will be saved it's not is not adonai is not elohim is jodhevav yahweh whoever calls on the name of the god of abraham isaac and jacob will be saved well paul is quoting this in reference to yeshua he says whoever calls on the name of the lord will be saved in reference to yeshua that we must call him lord to be saved it means we need to understand that he is deity he is god incarnate that is foundational to having a saving faith in him he's not just some man so unitarians and aryans are wrong this is a false gospel they're teaching something false the word lord is yahweh confess with your mouth that yeshua is yahweh yeshua made numerous claims to be one with the father he said i and the father one in john 10 30. he said if you would have known me you would have known the father also john 14 7 philip said to him lord show us the father he says and is sufficient for us and jesus said to him i have been with you so long and yet you have not known me show us the father have i been with you so long and you you don't know me that's his response to the question show us the father he says you don't know me this is a claim that he is the father he said i am the father one he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father john 17 5 now father glorify me together with yourself for the glory which i had with you before the world was who can say that god give me the glory that i had with you before the creation of the world only a crazy person or someone who is actually deity can make that claim the bible says that in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god and the word created all things and then the word became flesh and dwelt among us he is deity he is god incarnate and if you don't have that fundamental understanding of who he is you've got a false gospel colossians 1 15-19 he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn overall creation for by him all things were created by him all things were created he is the creator that means he is god by definition that's what god is is the creator by him all things were created that are in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him all things were created by yeshua and he is before all things and in him all things consists means he's holding it all together right now and he is the head of the body of the church who is the beginning and the firstborn from the dead that in him he may have preempt then then in all things he may have preeminence very pleased the father that in him all the fullness should dwell the fullness of god dwelt in yeshua in the body of the man of yeshua okay this is significant philippians 2 says that he was equal with god and he did not consider that equality with god something to be clung to and he made he humbled himself and made himself nothing coming as a servant and he offered his life as a sacrifice for us philippians 2. i don't have any of my notes but i'm giving you a loose quote unitarians deny the deity of yeshua this is a false gospel they're diminishing him no mere human can save you from your sins and you know they say well you know worshipping the jews will come and they say well if you're worshiping a man that's idolatry and that is the truth no man can save you worshiping man is idolatry we're worshiping god incarnate that's different yeshua is god incarnate we get to the prosperity gospel i probably don't need to spend very much time on this one i think you guys all probably know this one prosperity preachers teach that just jesus came to make us healthy and wealthy jesus died so you could be rich that's the prosperity gospel in a nutshell and this trivializes the work of redemption that yeshua accomplished on the cross that is an understatement okay it does not just trivialize it perverts distorts he died to make you rich that is that's just a bunch of nonsense these preachers typically give sermons about how to have a better life write books called the same thing right your best life now is a popular book written by one of these guys this is they're basically self-help teachers they're motivational speakers they're life coaches they they're not gospel preachers they don't know the bible and they're preaching a false gospel first corinthians 15 1-3 it says moreover brethren i declare to you the gospel which i preached to you which also you received in which you stand by which also you are saved if you hold fast to the word which i preached you unless you believed in vain for i delivered you first of all that which also i received that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures he didn't die to make you rich he died because of your sins he died for your sins he died to redeem you from your sins yeshua and his disciples were not rich so why do we expect that to be our destination in fact yeshua said it's difficult for rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven matthew 19 23 jesus said to his disciples assuredly i say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven well if it's hard for rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven why in the world would he want to make all of us rich does that make sense no these false teachers usually are easy to spot because they like to ask for money on a regular basis if somebody is constantly asking you to give and die then sow your seed give your love gift chances are they follow into this category because they're more focused on money than they are in yeshua they usually pressure you to give by either promising a blessing from god or by telling you it's a sin not to give if you sow your love gift of five thousand dollars you'll receive a blessing from the lord right have you ever heard something stupid like that that's a false gospel okay there's a false teacher run the prosperity gospel is a false gospel and it diminishes the work of salvation diminishes what yeshua came to do trivializes this says he came to make you rich you know there's a whole lot better ways to make you rich than to sacrifice the son of god that's nonsense it's this stupid it's got to be the stupidest gospel that people believe is absolutely just stupid antinomians antinomian means without law okay in today's culture they are often called seeker sensitive churches why because they don't talk about sin because they don't try to convict you of sin they don't show you what your sin is they just say you know what we just want to be open and accepting to all people and we want to make it comfortable they'll send out surveys into neighborhoods when they when they go into neighborhood to find out what was it about your last church that made you uncomfortable so that we don't do that is there certain types of music you like is there certain things that you want to see changed in the church to make it more acceptable to you so that you'll feel comfortable coming and bringing your friends that's that's the kind of church this is that not not this one that's the kind of church antinomians are let me make sure i'm clear that's not the kind of church this is antinomians secret sensitive churches they do that kind of nonsense let's let's dumb down the bible let's forget about sin you can you can sin all you want just come here and we'll just love you and just say you're okay and you're accepted right and it's you know it's all in the name of love and all in the name of tolerance and acceptance and we're not even going to ask you about what your lifestyle choices are or whatever right antinomian it means it means against law or without law and uh so they avoid topics that deal with sin and repentance and they allow welcome those who practice certain sins the bible calls an abomination i think you understand where i'm going with that one they say it's okay and not only that but they even ordain people okay all in the name of tolerance and love and they say it's not loving to tell someone that they are sinning how many of you heard people say that that's just not loving to point out someone's sin really because yeshua did it all the time i think that is a loving thing to do to somebody say brother you are in sin and you need to repent and come to salvation it's the most loving thing a person could do isn't it you're saving their soul the unloving thing is to say you're just fine the way you are you don't need to change a thing you don't need anything you don't need to repent you're good god loves you just the way you are man that's the most unloving thing you can do to somebody isn't it you're fine just the way you are let me just give you a pat on the back and a hug and say you're fine god loves you you're you're loving that person to hell okay that's not love they're opposed to the law of god and they teach that yeshua died to set us free from the law i've ever heard that one jesus died to set you free from the law not what the bible says it says he died to set you free from sin they say he abolished the law and we should not even try to obey it some even say not even the ten commandments okay i've heard these words come out of men like creflo dollar you can't obey the law of god not even the ten commandments what are you sure about that joseph prince is another one that teaches that he did he did away with the law it came to destroy the law i know i'm naming names it's okay to name false teachers paul did it all the time they're false teachers they're teaching a false gospel they're leading people away from god leading people away from truth you need to avoid those people that's why you name names so you avoid them the bible says that those who practice and teach such lawlessness do not know god first john 3 4-10 whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness and sin is lawlessness and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him there is no sin whoever abides in him does not sin whoever sins has neither seen him nor known him little children let no one deceive you he who practices righteousness is righteous just as he is righteous he who sins is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning for this is for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil whoever has been born of god does not sin for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he has been born of god in this the children of god and the children of the the children of god and the children of the devil are manifest whoever does not practice righteousness is not of god nor is he who does not love his brother okay so these people who come in teaching lawlessness and teaching you can sin and get away with it you don't have to stop sinning you don't have to repent you don't need to obey god they're teaching lawlessness they're teaching just keep right on doing what you've been doing you're fine it says they don't know god it's a serious accusation it's a very serious accusation people who teach that jesus came to abolish the law contradicting his own words as i said earlier in matthew 5. do not think that i came to abolish the law or the prophets and i did not come to destroy but to fill up make full fulfill the bible describes these people as turning the grace of god into lawlessness or i'm sorry into lewdness turning the grace of god into lewdness this is jude chapter jude verses three and four there's only one chapter jude verses three and four beloved while i was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation i found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints for certain men have crept in unnoticed notice that they crept in unnoticed these false teachers are deceptive they sneak in you don't notice them at first they're hard to recognize they the bible describes them as wolves in sheep's clothing they look like a sheep they don't come at you with their fangs they come at you gently they try to speak kind words they try to lure you in right what was the what was the what was the fairy tale that was uh the red riding hood where she went to grandma's house and oh what big teeth you have grandma right the wolf is dressed up as grandma and the little girl didn't recognize at first this is what these false teachers do they sneak in they look like one of the sheep they look like they belong it's the same with the the wheat in the in the the tears right the wheat and the tears grow up together they look they look alike when they're young when they're when they're in the early stages of growth they're both standing up straight and tall they look the same what happens when the harvest comes the wheat gets the fruit in the head the grain in the head and the wheat bows the head gets heavy and the wheat bows the tears still stand straight up they look the same though when they grow together it's hard to pick them apart that's why you should have said wait until the harvest why because then you can actually recognize them you can see who is who you can see the wheat from the tears because the wheat bows the wheat is humble the tares exalt himself certain men of crept in unnoticed who long ago were marked out for this condemnation ungodly men who turn the grace of our god into lewdness and deny the only lord god and our lord jesus christ they turn grace into a sin and get away with a card they turn grace of god into lewdness they turned the grace of god into lawlessness and we're told to stay away from such people second timothy 3 1-7 says but know this then in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power having a form of godliness but denying his parents these people are weighed down with sins he's describing he says they have a form of godliness they look like godly people they look like righteous people they look like christians they look like believers they look like they belong he says that they're full of all these sin and they have a not only do they have a form of godliness but they deny the power what does that mean they have a false gospel they don't have the power of godliness they don't have the power of a godly life they don't have the power of god in them they don't have the holy spirit in them this is away from such people from such people turn away for this this is the sort who creep into households and make captives of gullible women these people prey on gullible people these false teachers they find the gullible people and they pray on them the ones who are easy easy targets you think about a wolf what does he do a wolf doesn't attack the strongest they don't attack like the center of the herd they pick off the ones that are kind of straggling behind the ones who are a little bit weaker a little bit slower easy prey that's what predators do they prey on the weak they make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins led away by various lusts always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth this describes a lot of people always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth you look at religious people just in general the false teachers they may be extremely knowledgeable they may have lots and lots of head knowledge always learning always gaining more knowledge knowledge isn't what saves you though says they don't come to the knowledge of the truth they don't understand what actually does save them is why they don't have the power they have a form of guidelines but no power because they're always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth it puffed up with head knowledge is what gnosticism was by the way thinking that you can gain salvation through how much you know how much you understand your knowledge they talk about secret knowledge this is something that goes on in the world of christianity today too well i've got this special knowledge this special revelation the secret knowledge the lord showed me something that he hasn't showed other people really i'm going to stick with what the word of god says that's the revelation that i'm going to stick with so i'm teaching that yeshua came to do away with the law is teaching a false gospel and standing in opposition to christ now i'm getting to the ones that i think is the most important to address okay the one that causes the most problems and the ones that is the most confusing okay within christianity they they think that we are all this way and within at least my opinion there's a big difference okay judaizers how many of you guys have been accused of being a judaizer because you say we should keep the sabbath okay that's not what a judaizer is by the way this this group the real judaizers are a plague right now in this movement the messianic hebrews movement torah keeping movement judaizer is someone who says that we must obey some or all of the torah to be saved we must obey some of the law or all of the law to be saved they say it's part of your salvation this is who you who paul was addressing in galatians as judaizers he calls them the sect of the circumcision why because they say you must be circumcised to be saved it's required you got to get circumcised to be saved that was what they were teaching and paul said no that's a false gospel circumcision doesn't save you but did paul say you should never get circumcised no he said don't do it he said don't get circumcised to be saved don't do it for salvation he didn't say you don't ever do it he didn't forbid it he didn't command you not to do it ever he said don't do it to be saved don't think that that's what saves you today people in the hebrews movement say you must keep the torah to be saved or they say you got to keep the sabbath to be saved or you've got to do something in the torah some form of commandment keeping to be saved well that's judaizer the messianic movement the messianic judaism there's people who say well you got to keep the oral law the oral torah or some form of it or some section of it there's people pockets of people who say things like that not the whole movement but like you know you'll see handfuls and these are false teachers who have crept in unnoticed it says they're judaizers they say you've got to obey to be saved so i want to emphasize again the fact that obedience to god's commandments is important obeying god's commandments is very important but it's not what saves you it's how you show your love to god it's how you worship him and it's a loving response to him again we love him because he first loved us listen what paul said in galatians 2 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in jesus christ even we have believed in christ jesus that we might be justified by faith in christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of law no flesh shall be justified but if while we seek to be justified by christ we ourselves are also found sinners found to be sinners is christ therefore a minister of sin certainly not for if i build again those things which i destroyed i make myself a transgressor for i through the law died to the law that i might live to god i've been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me and the life i live the life which i now live in in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me i do not set aside the grace of god for if righteousness comes through the law then christ died in vain okay again a false gospel diminishes the work of christ the work of yeshua he says if righteousness comes through the law then yeshua died in vain christ died in vain because i mean he's saying if you're teaching that your righteousness comes through your obedience to the law then you're saying yeshua sacrifice is vanity there's vain it was worthless it's pointless okay he's opposing this false gospel if righteousness comes to the law then christ died in vain if you're coming in here and saying that you you have to obey the law to be saved you're saying christ's sacrifice is vain does that make sense and i'm harping on this tonight for a reason okay i've actually encountered someone personally recently talked to him he said you know christians they're not saved they're not our brothers they're not believers they don't have faith they don't have true faith they're not really they're all idolatrous pagans they don't know god they're worshiping some other god and if you say that that they're brothers or believers that you're a false teacher he said all these kinds of things to me and i said well hang on a second i was saved when i was five but i didn't come to understand that i should be obeying the torah until i was in my 30s are you saying that i wasn't saved until i started keeping the tour and he said yeah that's what i'm saying and so how you know were you a christian before you came to to start keeping the sabbath and the feasts and things like that and he said yeah and i said were you saved before that he said no so when did you get saved he said when i started keeping the torah so you have a false gospel you think that your righteousness saves you someone like that is not welcome here and i told him so he was going around trying to tell other people the same kind of nonsense i don't tolerate that i don't tolerate false teachers false gospels wolves sorry the shepherd is supposed to protect the sheep right leave the sheep feed the sheep and protect the sheep sometimes you have to get rid of a wolf and so i want to address this topic today because just in case that wolf was whispering in some of your ears so you understand the truth from the lie they make the blood of the covenant a worthless thing by claiming that their righteousness their torah keeping their obedience has anything to do with their salvation they're counting the blood of his sacrifice as worthless listen what hebrews says about this hebrews 10 28-31 anyone who has rejected moses law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses of how much worse punishment do you suppose he will be thought worthy who has trampled the son of god underfoot encountered the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace for we know that him who said vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord and again the lord will judge his people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god this is a terrifying verse how much worse the vengeance of god will be on those who have insulted the spirit of grace encountered the blood of yeshua as a common thing is it this should strike fear it's intended to strike fear we cannot count his blood as a common thing and we cannot insult the spirit of grace the bible warns us to be on guard against false gospels false teachers false apostles and false prophets and we're told that they come in like wolves and sheep's clothing they look good they appear to be good people they they often times they're kind they're friendly have a big smile on their face welcoming they just act like they're the nicest people in the world sometimes but what do they do they teach you false things they teach you lies heresies bible says even satan comes as an angel of light we we think that false teachers are going to be you know they look like the joker or something right we think that they look like some kind of a demon-possessed person that's not what the bible describes them as second corinthians 11 13-15 says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of christ and no wonder for satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if ministers also transform themselves if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works we think a false teacher a false prophet is someone who comes in and says oh stop worshiping the god of the bible and start worshiping harry krishna or something yeah that's obviously a false teacher but that's not that's not the one we have to fear the one we have to fear is the one that has their doctrine just slightly off the one who comes in and teaches a slightly different jesus the one who teaches a slightly different gospel those are the most dangerous ones because they're majority of what they say sounds good it sounds right they even quote scripture what does satan do he quoted scripture he quoted a scripture to yeshua you know if we don't know the scripture well enough it's easy to get led astray by someone like that because you're like oh he's quoting scripture he must be right really was satan right when he was quoting scripture false teachers don't usually appear to be evil people they wear a mask that's why they're called false teachers for a reason it's fake that's why they're called wolves and sheep's clothing because they put on the clothing of a sheep they they wear the mask they wear the costume they look like one of us yeshua described them as whitewashed tombs he said they look good on the outside but inside they're full of death they call them hypocrites so a false gospel is one that diminishes yeshua diminishes jesus in some way and the bible warns us not to have fellowship with people who do not abide in the doctrine of christ second john 9 through 11 says whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of christ does not have god whoever does not abide in the doctrine of christ does not have god this is a serious accusation again right he who abides in the doctrine of christ as both father and son if anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine do not receive him into your house nor greet him for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds have nothing to do with these people he says if they don't abide in the doctrine of christ have nothing to do with them they reject him have nothing to do with them you can't continue being friends with them you can't have fellowship what fellowship does light have with darkness he says the bible says you can't continue having fellowship with someone you know is a false teacher you can't have fellowship with someone who is teaching a twisted yeshua a twisted gospel a twisted faith that can't happen they're gonna twist and distort your faith so again last week i asked i i made the comment we need to stop asking people how long have you been keeping torah why why did i say that because it's putting your focus on the wrong thing when you go to somebody say oh how long you've been keeping torah oh i've been keeping tour ten years how about you i've been keeping torah five years oh great the united and it's all about torah torah torah torah torture your focus is on the wrong thing and and i said the question we should be asking is how long have you been following yeshua why because that's where our focus should be is on yeshua it's not bad to ask when you know when did you start keeping tour when did you start keeping the sabbath or the feast that's not a it's not bad to ask that that's not what i'm saying it's fine if you want to ask somebody how long you've been keeping the sabbath how long have you been keeping tour how long you've been doing the feast it's i mean it's just natural curiosity to see you know how long you've been doing this just don't make that your focus okay the focus needs to be how long you've been walking with yeshua how long you've been following yeshua how long you've been standing on the firm foundation the rock of salvation it's good to have a love for god that causes you to want to obey his commandments that's a good thing and that's what god desires listen to what deuteronomy 5 says verse 29 this is god speaking he says oh that they had such a heart in them that they would fear me and always keep my commandments that it might be well with them and with their children forever this is i mean this is a yearning from god's heart oh that they had such a heart in them that they would want to keep my commandments what does jeremiah say about the new covenant jeremiah 31 he says that i will write my covenant i will write my commandments i'll write my laws on their hearts and on their mind so that they will do them ezekiel 36 says i'm going to take out the heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh i'm going to put my spirit within them and cause them to walk in my statutes my commandments my judgments this the the holy spirit is given for that purpose to write god's law in our heart and to cause us to obey so it's not just commandments written on stone but it's commandments written inside of us that we want to obey that's not what saves you your obedience is not what saves you your righteousness is a filthy rag the bible says it's not what saves you you can't earn it and you have nothing to brag about we love god by keeping his commandments but we are saved by grace through faith in the blood of the lamb we are saved by grace through faith in yeshua our messiah okay and if anybody teaches some other gospel than that tell them to their face you are a liar that is a false gospel if you teach something other than this all right i told you it wouldn't be as bad as paul i didn't go till midnight i told whitney i had three sermons stored up and i was going to try to get them all done tonight i got close would you buy yours with me lord yeshua we love you so much we praise you lord we thank you for your salvation we thank you for loving us we thank you for saving us lord we we confess that we are sinners we need you we can do nothing apart from you lord we just ask that you would just continue the good work that you have begun in our life and bring us closer to you transform our life transform our heart transform our mind or take away the heart of stone and put in us a heart of flesh that will seek to obey you lord that we would love you with all our heart soul mind and strength lord i pray that we would be quick to repent when sin is in our life that we would be quick to turn to you and to seek your face but i pray that you would fill us with your holy spirit that you would go with us and let your light shine through us lord help us to discern right from wrong truth from error lord help us to walk with you and to not stray to stand firm on this on the solid rock of yeshua our foundation our our savior help us to stand firm and not be tossed to and fro by false teachers and false doctrines it would help us to recognize the errors and to avoid them help us to walk in your truth the truth of your word lord you are the way the truth and the life help us to walk in that way lord we praise you we love you in the name of yeshua amen
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,898
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: church online, sermon, Bible Teaching, Grafted Church, yeshua, messianic, hebrew roots, sabbath, torah, Lex Meyer, live sabbath service, sabbath church, Bible teaching, second coming, end times, prophecy, bible prophecy, Luke 17, days of Noah, days of Lot
Id: legD42Bdygw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 55sec (5935 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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