LIVE: Dangerous Humans & Facebook Trouble | Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson | News - 09.06.18

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good afternoon everyone welcome to another lesson here with me Anna English on English like a native today we are hot off the press we're doing a hot off the press episode which means we're looking at some excerpts from the BBC news articles of today so today's current news I'm going to choose two extracts we're going to read them through pick out some vocabulary which I deemed to be a little bit more advanced than what you're probably used to dealing with depending on your level of course and hopefully by doing this we'll improve our English take on some more advanced words into our vocabulary and then we'll read over the article again where I would like you to listen and repeat all the sentences that I say so that you can improve your British English pronunciation okay so if you are here then please do make yourself known by saying hello in the chat room I do also have my patreon room open so hello patrons I can only see one of you in at the moment but hopefully more of you will be joining along the way now to help me to spread the word because I haven't managed to get the word out to all social platforms this morning but to help me it would be great if you could click that share button and share with any social platforms that you may be a part of with any of your friends who may enjoy learning a little English this morning so without further ado we're going to jump straight in to the first article which is all about Facebook they have been in a lot of trouble recently haven't they so let's take a look over at that article and see what they have been up to what have they been doing so hopefully you can all still hear me all right I don't think there's going to be any problems with this today but let's read through this together Facebook privacy bug affects 14 million users oh dear a software bug meant millions of Facebook users may have unknowingly posted private information to the public the company has warned the glitch set a user's post to be shared to everyone even if a user had previously chosen a more restricted option such as friends of friends we'd like to apologize for this mistake said Aaron Egon Facebook's head of privacy the glitch was active between the 18th and the 22nd of May a spokeswoman added but it took the site until the 27th of May to switch to posts back to private or whatever the user had typically used before the bug became apparent Facebook said it estimates 14 million people were affected and so has started notifying users in the meantime it has reverted the audience for any affected posts to whatever setting the user heard previous elected previously more mishaps while relatively minor compared to recent issues facing the company the glitch is another embarrassing slip-up for a firm already under heavy fire over privacy concerns oh dear tut-tut Facebook what are you playing at goodness me it seems like they are always in the news at the moment doesn't it now I've got a few more patrons in so I'm going to say a quick hello to my patrons hello Peter hello Aldous hello Eva's lovely of you to join me thank you so much for being here I also know right now my baby is awake because he is kicking me so much right now so he is definitely interested in hearing about today's news and learning some advanced vocabulary because of course he doesn't speak English at all at the moment he doesn't speak any language but he does enjoy hearing my voice I think he tends to wake up when I do my lessons so it's lovely to have you all here so that was the article now let's look at some specific vocabulary from that article if there are any words that I don't mention then please do write it in the comments below ask what does this word mean if I see the comment I'll try and help you and if you see someone else commenting and you feel you can help them then please do as a community we can all help one another and that's the best way to learn so what words have I chosen out the first one you probably can work out but it's the word unknowingly I love this word it's it's a long word and it feels I feel more intelligent when I when I use it it's just to be unknowingly doing something it means you're doing something without knowledge you don't know you're doing it so for example I might be upsetting you without realizing I'm upsetting you maybe I'm doing something that you find quite offensive perhaps blue the color blue offends you and I'm wearing a blue dress right now and I don't realize that it's offensive to you I I love the color blue so what I'm doing is unknowingly offending you with my choice of dress for the day I'm unknowingly offending you so unknowingly to do something without awareness on knowingly unknowingly I'm gonna put it on the screen here so that you can see it so is this one unknowingly unknowingly so the next word here is glitch great word glitch and a glitch we normally talk about a glitch in machinery or a glitch within a computer I often have computer glitches or software glitches and a glitch is a small problem or fault you can use glitch in other circumstances as well so if I have arranged an event and I phone up someone who is a part of that event to say where is the food or where are the band where are the flowers that I ordered for this event they may return and say there's been a small glitch there's been a small problem okay so a glitch often commonly used when talking about faults with the computer or faults with machinery or software I sometimes say glitchy so I say my my computer's being glitchy recently so there you go glitch have you had a glitch recently have you had a small problem with your computer your phone even sometimes phones become glitchy don't they you can have a phone glitch the next word is the word apparent hmm now I think this is quite an obvious word but it is rated as a c1 level word and apparent if something is apparent it means it is something you can see so if someone is very knowledgeable and that when they talk you can tell that they're knowledgeable you can tell from their skills that they know what they're doing you can say it is very apparent that they know what they're doing it is very apparent that she knows what she's talking about so it's obvious so it's a good and interchangeable word with the word obvious obvious apparent it's quite apparent so it's quite obvious and but apparent can also mean to understand or sorry apparent can also mean two seemingly exist so you could say mm-hmm my apparent lack of knowledge or it's like when you say apparently apparently means you don't know if it's true apparently if lots of you said to me Ana you don't know what you're talking about but there's no proof behind that I would say oh my apparent lack of knowledge this is what people believe is true but it's not the truth necessarily my apparent lack of knowledge it's difference you have to work it out from the context is different - and it was quite apparent that she was knowledgeable oh it's actually a difficult word I didn't realize how difficult was until I started explaining it okay so hopefully that's clear I'll show you the word so you can see it written down mmm so here you go the word apparent to mean that you're able to see it or understand it or to seemingly be true or to seemingly exist okay and then we have the word reverted I nearly didn't include this but just in case you haven't heard of the word revert or - or reverted it means to go back - so if I make a plan my plan is to broadcast live at 12 o'clock and then I change my mind I changed the plan I start broadcasting at I once stopped broadcasting at one o'clock instead so I say to everyone change your plan I'm going to broadcast at one o'clock but then someone tells me that they can't do one o'clock so I have to go back I have to revert to the original plan hmm so I'll say to everyone I'm so sorry we're reverting to the original plan I'm going to revert to the original plan I'm going to go back to twelve o'clock so the lesson will be at 12 o'clock okay so that's to revert to go back to then we have the wonderful word mishap mishap I love this word it's a c2 level word and it means an unlucky event or an accident there's been a mishap so there's been a little bit of an accident I often hear this when someone has a problem a small problem with their wardrobe their clothing so if you are at an award ceremony and you're wearing a beautiful outfit perhaps at a ladies wearing a beautiful dress and she wins an award and she's asked to go up on the stage to collect her award and give a speech but as she stands up her dress at the back is tucked into her knickers what a disaster that is a mishap an embarrassing mishap a little accident an unlucky event because everyone has now just seen her knickers how are we Baris own okay so have you ever been victim of a mishap have you had any mishaps this week so far I hope not I hope not so I miss her an unlucky event or accident just gonna quickly show you that now so you can see it written down there you go a mishap then we also have the word slip-up which is kind of similar and it means to make a mistake you make a mistake I had a little slip-up I'm always having little slip-ups I'm always making mistakes because I'm human I'm not perfect not by a long way and so I always slip up I often hear this actually when when I think about this particular phrase I often hear it when I say something I shouldn't have said you know if perhaps you have someone over for dinner who's a vegetarian and you start talking about meat oh it's delicious steak oh I like my steak bleeding I like it rare and then you realize oh I just slipped up I shouldn't have said that in front of you you're a vegetarian I'm sorry if I offended you don't mean to upset you or make you feel ill or you could forget something if you were supposed to bring some important paperwork along to a meeting and you forget you turn up we got all I slipped up I forgot I made a little mistake I forgot the paperwork okay and the last phrase I just wanted to bring to your attention is under heavy fire if you are under heavy fire it depends on the context but if it's in a military setting if we're talking about war or fighting any kind of conflict if one side is under heavy fire then of course it means they're being attacked physically by guns and things but we often use this in a mess Oracle sense to mean that they're under attack with severe criticism so if someone is criticizing you then you may be under heavy fire for example I recently climbed a mountain while pregnant and although I took every precaution and I say time and time again it's perfectly safe and encouraged for pregnant women to keep exercising to stay fit and healthy and do the things they've always done I still came under heavy fire lots of people criticized me severely saying I was putting myself and my baby at risk so I was under heavy fire okay so have you ever come under heavy fire for any reason do write it in the comments box below by putting these phrases and words into sentences then you are helping them to go into your long-term memory so if you do understand it great but I would still encourage you to write a sentence now using one or two or as many of these words as you possibly can we have unknowingly glitch a parent revert or averted mishap slip-up and under heavy fire okay so quick jump over to my pictures hello patrons hello Peter you're saying hello everyone hope you are all well thank you lots of glitches old computer died all okay now goodness me yes we all have glitches with our computers at some point don't we so hello everyone and thank you for joining me wow I have 203 of you watching that's lovely hello where in the world are you right now if you don't know where I am I'm in London I'm sat here in my little office in my flat in London the weather is mild it's cloudy although it looks like the Sun may break through and it's just a generally ok day where are you and what's the weather like where you are you know we British love to talk about the weather so indulge me if you are here the first time then please do press that subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons and if you haven't already please do give this video a thumb up and it would be lovely if you were able to share this with your friends so we can get those viewers and those viewer numbers up and we can encourage more people to take part in this community so now what we're going to do is a little bit of speaking practice pronunciation it doesn't really matter if you're learning British English or American English if you don't get much speaking practice then I encourage you to get involved in this exercise because being understood is the most important thing so whether you're learning British or American just practicing with me now will help you to pronounce these words close to the correct pronunciation okay so it's really important to be understood so I'm gonna go back now and what I highlight I will read and then I want you to repeat okay alright let's do this here we go Facebook privacy bug affects 14 million users your turn a software bug meant millions of Facebook users may have unknowingly posted private information to the public the company has warned the glitch set a user's post to be shared to everyone even if a user had previously chosen a more restricted option such as friends of friends we'd like to apologize for this mistake said Aaron Egan Facebook's head of privacy the glitch was active between the 18th and the 22nd of May a spokeswoman added but it took the sight until the 27th of May to switch posts back to private or whatever the user had typically used before the bug became apparent Facebook said it estimates 14 million people were affected and so has started notifying users in the meantime it has reverted the audience for any affected posts to whatever setting the user had selected previously more mishaps while relatively minor compared to recent issues facing the company the glitch is another embarrassing slip-up for a firm already under heavy fire over privacy concerns fantastic I hope you found that helpful I realized that some of the text was off the screen but I hope that that didn't hinder you too much that was a little slip-up on my part so just to recap that vocabulary we had unknowingly glitch a parent reverted mishap slip-up and under heavy fire okay so let me get you guys back on hello hi nice to see you okay okay lots of you liking my accent thank you so much that's very kind I never used to speak like this I used to have a regional accent a regional northern accent called a Lancashire accent and I worked very hard to achieve the standard British English accent which is closer to an RP sound now if I can do it you certainly can - and just a quick note because I didn't mention it earlier these notes and the notes from the last two versions of this episode so three episodes of hot-off-the-press if you're interested the notes are available for a free download from my website so I've made them available for everyone to download for free and the link to get those is down in the description box below but don't go just yet because we've got more vocabulary to cover ok I'll bless you hello Tomic it's lovely to see you you said lovely it's a sunny day at my place thank you so much for that super chat that's very kind of you as always you're very generous ok let's have a quick look at my patrons and your examples and then we will head over to the next article which is all about the destructive human beings oh and baby is kicking yes he's excited about that one he wants to know what's going on alright so I've got all this says yesterday I had a slip-up I unknowingly upset someone close to me and then I was under heavy fire fantastic work all this you've used so much of that vocabulary there well done Vivian I seem to one knowingly offended my friend by criticizing his crush in front of her okay so I seem to have so remember if you didn't have this word and you'd say I have offended I have offended so I seem to have unknowingly offended my friend by criticizing his crush in front of her okay yeah that would work Vivian you should always be cautious and be prepared when you go out completely by yourself such as remembering bring your wallet umbrella to prevent mishaps from happening to you such as bad weather okay so there's a few things missing you should always be cautious and prepare so you don't need be there take that away you should always be cautious and prepare or or you or be prepared you can use be if you have a D on the end be prepared when you go out I don't I wouldn't use completely when you go out by yourself such as remembering to bring remembering to bring although I think we should use the word take instead of bring because you're taking it away remember to take your wallet and umbrella to prevent any mishaps so and and any mishaps from happening to you such as bad weather good Eva hello in Austria we have another hot summer day but I fear there could be heavy thunderstorms in the evening again oh dear well I hope that you're using Sun cream if you have a hot sunny day getting protection from the Sun and keeping nice and cool in the shade apparently she is currently in a funk and still trying to recover from the loss of her best friend you should be more considerate and sensitive you should be a more considerate and sensitive friend by not bringing up her loss and tried to make and trying and tried to make fun of her okay I'll have to correct that one at the end Vivian and that one's a little bit complicated but I'll do that after the lesson okay Peter this evening in Sydney it's raining heavily and apparently the holiday weekend will be wet and cold I meant to go to a fancy restaurant with my boyfriend however the weather went bad or I would say the weather was bad not went bad it it was raining cats and dogs pouring badly with thunder striking the ground okay none of these are using any of the vocabulary from today I can't see so I'm going to I'm going to jump over to the next article okay fantastic so let's have a read of this article please read along with me and let's just have a look at this oh and bless Justin thank you so much Justin has also just dropped a super chart let me read it you said there's a glitch in the matrix great film there's a glitch in the matrix a great quote that's become a great phrase to use in everyday conversation mm-hmm well done thank you John thank you so much for that donation that's very sweet of you just so you know all donations from my patrons and super chats and one-off donations that do come in as well they go towards helping this channel to grow so it helps me to buy new equipment to upgrade to keep things running to pay for the high-speed Internet so I can do these lessons that kind of thing so all of us are very thankful to those people who do donate on a regular basis because it really helps all of us so thank you okay so let's go on to that next article all about humans and their destructive nature so a manifesto to save planet Earth and ourselves the impacts of human actions on our home planet are now so large that many scientists are declaring a new phase in of Earth's history a scientists agree sorry as scientists we agree the society has entered a dangerous new time but what is to be done we argue that to avoid ever larger environmental changes causing a societal collapse we need to acknowledge the incredible power that modern society possesses and direct it towards a shift to a new type of society in the 21st century our influence is more profound than many of us realize globally human activity moves human activities move more solid and so sorry hmm I'll do that one again globally human activities move more soil rock and sediment each year than is transported by all other natural processes combined the total amount of concrete produced by humans is enough to cover the entire Earth's surface with a layer two millimeters thick microplastics are found in every ocean we have to cut down half of Earth's trees losing three trillion with extinctions becoming commonplace Wow okay so it's quite quite heavy quite heavy going but it is true and it's something that I'm certainly very aware of I try my best to not use the car when I don't have to I try my best to replace all the single-use plastics that I'm using so I'm trying to adjust my lifestyle to better aid the planet and be kind to nature but it's definitely a big talking point isn't it okay so we're gonna do now is look at some particular vocabulary within that article and the first one is manifesto a manifesto now a manifesto is a written statement of the beliefs aims and politics of an organization so if you work in an organization a big company that company will probably have a manifesto so a statement that says who we are what we even on what we're trying to do you will often hear about political manifestos so when you hear about a political party that are trying to run for office maybe they want to become the governing party they will push their manifesto they will tell everyone about their manifesto this is who we are this is what we believe and this is what we're trying to achieve but manifestos can be used in all sorts of different ways you might have a personal manifesto but normally we hear about political manifestos and a company's manifesto an organization's manifesto and just so you can see it written down here nunna Festo okay the next word you've probably heard before and it's the word to declare to declare is very easy it's like to announce something you declare it you announce something clearly firmly publicly or officially oh I haven't made that one bold there we go so when you declare you're just making something very clear so for example I might come on to face onto YouTube one day and say I declare that I am now in love with blue dresses so is it's a stating something officially I officially declare that I am pregnant okay so it's making an official statement its announcing something officially clearly okay so what have you declared recently do you have anything to declare right now is there something you want to share with us all all right so Sidra says my results will be declared tomorrow oh your exam results good luck okay so the next word I picked out with societal it's not one you hear often you probably just hear it in like reports in the newspapers societal is anything that relates to or involving society so societal is about society and society is the combination of people living together we are a society okay you live within a society that's quite simple we have the word acknowledge to acknowledge something is to admit or to accept or recognize something you recognize it to be true so some people hear something maybe they even know something in the back of their head but they won't acknowledge it they won't accept it let me think an example so for example if I broke up with my boyfriend and my boyfriend was very upset and he just wouldn't accept that I was not in love with him anymore and he just kept hoping that I would come back one day he wouldn't move on he wouldn't stop calling me he wouldn't stop texting me you could say he hasn't acknowledged that the relationship is over he needs to acknowledge that Ana has moved on and it doesn't love him anymore acknowledge it and get on with your life okay so acknowledging is about accepting it's about admitting and recognizing that something is true okay so do you acknowledge that hopefully you do I'll show you these words now just so that we don't get too far ahead before I've shared the notes here we go so - we have declare societal and acknowledge which is a c-1 word now we had the word possess this is quite simple but I thought I'd share it anyway because it is a sea were a sea one word to possess is to have or to own something so what do you possess what is your most prized possession this is something you might hear every now and again what's your most prized possession that means what do you prize the most that you own what do you love I can't ask that question off the top of my head actually what's my most prized possession I guess it'd have to be one of my cameras or something or perhaps my my YouTube silver play button is one of my most prized possessions it's something I own it's something I have so it's a thing a physical thing and I prize it I now possess it I own it so it's my prized possession what is yours what do you possess that you love then we have the word profound I love this word profound it's a c2 word and if something is profound it the explanation let me show you the explanation says it's felt or experienced very strongly or in a in an extreme way so for example if you if you make a really strong statement if you say something that's very bold and everyone goes oh that's so interesting ah that's a very strong statement that you've just made then you could say that was a profound statement a profound statement if you ask a question that makes someone go wow that's that's a very strong and extreme question you could say it was a profound question everyone was gobsmacked by the profound question okay so something that's profound it means it's it's strong its extreme you feel it you feel in here like oh wow yes that's a very profound thought I've had a profound thought it was a profound play I felt it I hear it I feel it I experience it strongly hope that make sense okay so then the last one on the list is the word commonplace commonplace and if something is commonplace it means it happens or it's seen so often that it's it's not special it's common this just means common really commonplace so you could say a cup of tea Nana's hand is commonplace it is very common and this one says drama queen because my English mugs are both in the sink they need washing I better get on with that after this lesson I guess alright so what's going to happen now is we are going to just recap on that vocabulary then we'll head back and do some pronunciation so we have the words commonplace we have the word profound profound possess so remember that's a Zed sound and this is an S sound possess possess acknowledge to acknowledge something societal to declare something and manifesto manifesto fabulous okay so I'll just bring you back here but I quickly alright so hopefully that's all clear remember if there are any ways that I haven't mentioned and explained then please do write them in the comments and I'll try and help you with those lots of you are talking about gobsmacked I mentioned gobsmacked if you're gobsmacked it literally means when you open your mouth in shock ah and it's like you smack yourself in the mouth because you're like well so it's to be shocked it's that reaction I'm shocked I'm surprised your gob smacked cuz gob is a kind of crude word for mouth so you might hear some people saying shut your gob it's not a very nice way to say be quiet but some people do the word gobsmacked is not is not a bad word at all it's perfectly fine to use that in polite conversation actually Justin just sent another super chat donation thank you so much and you said it's worth pointing out that you can acknowledge something without agreeing with it absolutely so you can accept something you could say okay I understand that I accept it but I don't agree with it I don't agree with it I disagree for example I acknowledge your point of view but I disagree yeah that's absolutely right and thank you for your input there just in that's very helpful okay so all right I'm just trying to look at some of your comments very quickly to see if there's anything else that I want to pick up on dude to do to do to do lots of you doing some examples you all doing it very very well Jah Quinn says my prized possession is my shoes mm my prized possession is my shoes you could say my shoe collection because using is otherwise you'd have to say my prized possessions are my shoes because shoes is is plural and so is my shoes feels a little weird but then saying are my shoes also feels a little unusual so I would say my prized possession is my shoe collection and that would work really nicely and feel very natural I declared to watch your live stream YouTube channel yes yes that kind of works but I would say something like I declared to the world or I declared my family that I am watching Ana's livestream rather than I declared to watch because you're saying I announced to watch that too doesn't work so you were declared to who who did you declare to oh that makes sense okay someone asking what is c1 and c2 these little numbers and letters that I put next to some of the words they are left so your language level is marked by a letter in a number when you start off in a language you starter a one so for example I'm learning Spanish and my level at the moment it's a one maybe a one point something but you move up - yeah a one I'm not quite sure how it works but then you end up see c1 c2 is quite high much more advanced level okay so and the ones that I have put little mark against it's because the dictionary has told me that that is a is that is marked at that grade that level so you know it's a more advanced word okay alright my darlings let's move on to the pronunciation part so are you ready to read with me here we go I'll try not to mess up this time and read it nice and clearly for you so remember I'll highlight it I'll read it then I'll pause and you read along after me a manifesto to save planet Earth and ourselves your turn the impacts of human actions on our home planet are now so large that many scientists are declaring a new phase of Earth's history as scientists we agree that society has entered a dangerous new time but what is to be done we argue that to avoid ever larger environmental changes causing a societal collapse we need to acknowledge the incredible power that modern society possesses and direct it towards a shift to a new type of society in the 21st century our influence is more profound than many of us realize globally human activities move more soil rock and sediment each year than is transported by all other natural processes combined the total amount of concrete produced by humans is enough to cover the entire Earth's surface with a layer two millimeters thick microplastics are found in every ocean we have we have cut down half of Earth's trees losing 3 trillion with extinctions becoming commonplace oh no I realized I didn't show you the writing oh dear oh I'm I'm very very sorry about that it's because my software shows me a different screen to what you guys are seeing was that terrible did you really really struggle to follow along should I just do this last bit again oh gosh I'm so sorry I've messed that all up okay let's just do this last bit again the total amount of concrete produced by humans is enough to cover the entire Earth's surface with a layer two millimeters thick microplastics are found in every ocean we have cut down half of Earth's trees losing three trillion with extinctions becoming commonplace ah I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I hope that um that you weren't just listening all that time without seeing what was on screen I hope that it was just for a short time it's very difficult to run everything that's going on and try to read some of you may or may not know and this is not an excuse but some of you may not know that I'm actually dyslexic which means that I struggle with text so I particularly have a problem with sight reading so when I'm reading out loud for me it's very difficult and when I'm doing it for an audience who are relying on me to be clear and to not make mistakes then it becomes quite scary and so what ends up happening is I look very carefully at the sentences I lose track of the screen that you guys can see and so although I can see it clearly on my screen I forget to look over at your screen to make sure you're with me so I do apologize about that I will try to be more aware in the future so that doesn't happen again okay yes I did really mess up I'm so sorry okay so um if you have any questions about anything that we've covered or you have another question I will stick with you now for another five minutes or so to answer any questions that I can and if you haven't already please do give this video a thumb up please don't thumb down because of that awful mistake I just made I also want to say that I released a test a two minute test for the phrasal verbs we did two weeks ago so if you want to check your knowledge and revision going back over things it's the best way to keep things in your head so if you want to revise your knowledge and you have two minutes to spare then do go and have a look at my recent videos I think it's the last one before this one I released test your knowledge check out that phrasal verb quiz it's just a quick one and and if you're not already subscribed then please do subscribe and yes that's all so now it's time for you to give me your question oh and after this don't forget that all these notes are available for this lesson and for the previous two lessons from these news type live lessons are available for free download from my website and the link is down in the description box below here so you can go and download those for free that's my little gift to you guys I've called
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English like a native, Anna English, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, english, british, english accent, british accent, listening, english listening, english vocabulary live, vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, hot off the press, report news, live lesson, live news, uk news, advanced vocabulary, advanced english, tefl, ielts, efl, esl, learn advanced english
Id: 2uTP0IbtU5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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