LIVE: Building A Pedalboard Against The Clock

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[Music] [Music] [Music] this is a great way to start hold on just let me you know coconut water in its natural state is pink and they actually take the pink out of it i've heard is that true rhett shull told me about that he did i don't think red knows what he's talking about no that guy doesn't know he's talking about i just want to say first off this is the first episode of the new season hey we've done a couple things but this is the official kickoff yeah of the uh the new season it's pretty crazy it's exciting wonderful we're here we're here i hear a little echo on the live little echo you know whatever i just echoed you ooh i do hear that yeah it's interesting cool if you're on the chat tell us if you hear that echo oh the sync offset isn't set either that's fine it's a new season it's episode one of that season i'm gonna set this at a sink offset of 110 milliseconds check that's good enough for me you're ready to roll it's been a little bit of a we're going to say this if our voices don't align properly with the audio it's not really going to hurt you or us it'll drive me crazy the whole time but you'll notice so uh what are we doing today guys it's a little round table here i have addison hello hello on this side there's the camera it's normally in front of me that's fine it's a little different today yeah we have nick over here nick this show's all about you today yeah it is isn't it it's all about getting you a board together yeah um we want to do this for a while yeah how do you feel what's what do you you need to make a project you know yeah i have um fears i have concerns um i'm excited but i'm also like what's gonna happen um i've worked here for like 11 years probably like like more than that and i have not had a consistent pedal board for more than like a week at a time the majority of the time i've spent working here i have not had a pedalboard i don't i can only remember one time you you had a band you played you had shows and you had remember when you tried to do a stereo rig see and that might be where some of my trauma comes from is i my last pedal board i split my signal to go to two different amps because i thought it would be really cool to have the um low octave of my pog go to a different amp that's a pretty cool idea you've how do you feel about what he just said i mean i'm pretty surprised that you used two amps well so yeah it should just that should just go to show how uh gun shy i am of of pedal boards i like the thing is is i i do like playing guitar i i haven't had i've been going to a closet in my studio and pulling pedals and building small three piece like not boards just like laying them out on the ground okay and then i put them away because that's a mess and then i'm like oh i need to track guitar again and then i'm like oh but then i'm gonna have to go get petals out of my closet and so yeah so what you need something to improve your workflow first off i apologize that i laughed at you no you you told me you had trauma you had a good reason it's okay i feel like on this show it's okay to laugh at each other's trunks i was at that show you were it was was it good it wasn't it was not a good show for us at least i felt like it wasn't it was hot in there i was sweating my i i like lost signal on my board it's because i was in two amps yeah it was really bad and then like i finally plugged it in and it made like the la like it was so freaking loud and yeah it was awful so it was it was pretty bad so i'm coming in i'm coming to you the pedal pedal gurus pedal board builders and i'm coming and i'm putting my i'm putting my faith and your experience and i'm just let me get something really quick to show you kind of putting your hopes and dreams at the altar of our abilities is that it that's deep that's all i know oh no oh yo nick yo this is where i've been this is where i've been for the last yeah show us yeah it's so heavy let me see if i can fit it up on the table that'd be lovely so you're saying you've actually been pulling pedals out of this bin or your closet wowser okay this is like probably blocking every camera angle this is great but i'm behind the lid it's fine it's um this has been like my pedal board let's walk through it pull stuff out yeah let me get this off the table so that we can actually see each other's faces brilliant you got some good choices in there though the one thing that's funny is he has a pedalboard case and there's no pedal board it's just shut so you guitars going down where's the pedal board nick so you honestly just shove pedals in there and just go get them when you need them um i have i have been shoving them into i put them into a closet i took them out of the pedal train board because i couldn't that's really hard to get to them so i put them in a closet which was easier to get to but still not really accessible at all so um i actually do have some so i have several gems in there actually one of them is right here this is a um og panther um that i modded with with a freakout switch and it does also this is like stamped oh geez yeah this is like really old not not quite tim but this is old yeah the back's loose the back's loose because what's the gaff tape doing for us well okay so that's another thing i feel like this is like all of my uh skeletons are coming out like i feel like yeah it's like i've presented like i know what i'm talking about and this is truth that i don't know what i'm doing the screws the screws aren't the right size because the screws for this specific case uh are like really rare i guess and so i like i faked these screws but legitimately the reason why that gap tape was on is because for a really long time the back plate was just gaffed onto the pedal um so and i don't know if you can see uh there's actually a really tiny little hole drilled right there where where i there's an effects loop switch on here and for a while i had it running out of the bottom of this back plate you did not yeah just kind of free ball and like just like out there so yeah that was pretty rough i don't know if he can be helped i i know i'm pretty hopeless this is like the start of your gyms you said yeah let me grab a couple other other gems so the challenge if you're watching this which you are watching i love it if you're watching this you're watching right now we need to build nick an entire video we need to build keep it down so here's what you're witnessing we have till 5 pm because that's that's closing time here um we need to build an entire like gig worthy board yeah and counsel you you need some counseling yeah talk to us like what do you need out of today wait hold on define counseling do we need to like therapy because he has trauma or do we need to like we're going to end up there because i think what i mean is like he needs he needs specialized health there it is he needs advice because so here here's the thing i i i i married the first woman i i dated yeah i am still at the first job that i ever had dang whoa i've got you're like i've got two kids i've got another on the way i'm pretty good with me i've made some big commitments in my life the only thing the only thing i have never been able to commit to is pedal boards because i always have these crazy ideas like oh i'm gonna route it in this crazy way and it's gonna be wild and then i try it and i'm like i hate this and then i throw all of my pedals into my pedal case and and i never touch it again and i i i yeah i feel like i just i need someone to tell me what i need okay you know so you've you're i've known you now for a decade or actually more you're very committed but the pedal board is just it's just it's a third thought it's like not even it's just never been on the radar yeah it's like this thing that i know i need but i like refused to go there okay you know so i guess we need to what look at this go this way i do have so these are the gems i grabbed this is an original minifigure stamp so first 50. yeah i think i built that one it's wrapped in electrical state wrapped an electrical tape this is a v2 that's beat to death with no knobs i don't even this looks worse than the og i don't know what's this isn't excuse me i burped um this is a mr magic with the joker on it that's a cool pedal yeah it is i don't know if it works i actually don't know if any of these work uh so maybe i'll just stay away from those yeah we stay away from these and then this is a double barrel this is gonna be insane to pull this off yeah and we have how long we we have till five right my watch is dead so that's an hour and 45 minutes y'all so um yeah yeah and also i've been using these cables this one has this cable has fishnet stockings on it for some reason i guess this cable was like i'm gonna go out to the club tonight or something look look at this is this okay this is like let's do the top down i gotta do a close-up of this it has it literally has fishnet stockings on it i don't know why where did that come from i don't know i you know so i got this from you yeah yeah and i think that that like weird cheapo it's like the five below of guitar yeah i think they sent me a bunch of stuff yeah i don't know where they came from but i have them and they're really funny but yeah so my cables have always been super random so yeah i need i just need help i need help really bad well we're gonna do it uh so the plan i want to say a few things before we get cranking here if you were with us last season you noticed that we used skillshare as a partner they did an advertisement um and we did a program with them which was really great um we've had you know you did sha uh shadow legend what was it uh that was a rage shadow legends everyone was really thrilled about that so we've consolidated uh our approach to this because doing the show is extremely expensive and we're trying to figure out how to keep this documentary work going keep the show going like right now to do this there's um i can't count five people in the room yeah to make these happen a lot of money five cameras um we have two official partners of the show yeah so you'll see a couple more skill shares because we had locked in there um but now we have uh ernie ball and mono yeah so we have an official uh let's go to that top down you're gonna see the official mono pedal board cam look at that graphic uh we're gonna start uh using uh it's gonna be amazing really clean and then we have i'm not gonna show you yet because it's just too exciting um we have the ernie bald trivia of the day yeah and uh brian ball and his crew have put together a spreadsheet of amazing questions and the winner of that first come first served when we get it in our responses we're going to ask a trivia question at the middle of this episode probably end and you get a free box of any ernie ball string you like dang an entire box entire box um we're going to be tons of giveaways with these companies so today nick is going to be using we need to figure out what board you want yeah and we're going to give that board away we have tons of choices we're going to give the one nick chooses away on this episode as well so more giveaways less weird out of context commercials perfect cooler companies helping us yes more smiles more smiles more joy more just rock yeah and look at this ernie ball glass ernie ball glass ernie ball t-shirt um i like this t-shirt it's comfy i'm excited to give stuff away more yeah yeah all right uh i'm gonna i'm leaving the fate of my pedal future into your hands so okay you guys need to just lead me into i'm gonna put these in the floor and get them far away yeah okay i don't know if these i don't we don't have time for that yeah but we're in a room with thousands of pedals yeah and we're gonna talk through what you want on your rig let's talk about sounds listen yeah yeah okay so tell us how we can help you what are you wanting to do with your guitar the thing is is like i actually do go to therapy and this is starting to feel very similar um uh how does that make you feel josh a man of many talents yes uh pedal therapy oh i should have made a stinger um one day we'll get there um so okay i was thinking about this because you like prompted me or like think about the guitars sounds that you like and i was thinking about it i really like the guitar tones on tennis um okay i like their stuff but that stuff is like really like not all like almost not guitar sounding yeah lots of uh vibrato vibrato um tame impala like clean to fuzzy stuff like clean with phaser um i've always felt like getting like an interesting clean sound is really hard and like overdrive without it feeling like it's dominating if that makes sense what else are you playing at home i'm playing this oh you have the other milk man um and also so you have spring no it has no effect it doesn't have anything and then i also really like some of the fuzzy gnarly stuff on like um dear hoof that band is really cool and like anything on flaming lips a lot of it like ironically a lot of it is kind of like not trying to be guitar yeah in some circumstances um but yeah i think we both do you share the love for like fuzzy tremolo arm will coe crazy as well yeah i do i do and like the thing that's funny about that is it's like i you know you only like turn that on every now and then but like when i do i like want it to count you bring the heat right because like 90 of the time it's just like i need like a good foundational tone that's just gonna there you go just get those off the table uh we don't have time we don't have time for those wait save that fishnet one for later yeah you know what you can have that oh thanks um but yeah so those are some musical references um yeah let's start with the tennis reference okay um i think the way to do this there's usually we write it up we're just doing this in real time we need to move quickly though tennis the references we can't plan will get flagged but you need vibrato chorus you need something that can handle vibrato chorus so some options are obviously the emperor chorus vibrato uh the julia walrus is great i'm thinking it just stings that way yeah it's like no frills do you feel like you want any kind of dual presetable or do you want it simple like do you need like the burger of that thing the burger of that thing i think probably okay yeah i mean like you want the burger i think i want the burger that's what i guessed for you yeah yeah all right i'm gonna go find that burger right because i think that's how i'll do this cool should we grab the burger look at like pedal board options yeah while i go and start with the tennis clean vibrato modulation you guys you decide what board you want okay and i'll be right back um okay so we have a few different couples yeah um do you want to grab a couple and we can look at them together yep and you can counsel me i'll cancel and i'll just sit here by myself while you guys do that just real time this is happening now this is real life like it's a little bit weird all the fuss that we're putting into this but i really appreciate it and you know when you need help you need help i'm back bro dude i'm here right what's our what's the first one we got first option we have so this is mono's like graphic graphite carbon that's harvest it sounds right that'd be a terrible pedalboard material but i have a theater so this is these are my hands they're i don't know normal size hands [Music] and i have a theory that this is going to be too small simply because you told me earlier that you like dl4s and the dl4 takes up like a good half of this board that's right that's true so this is one option okay all right now the next one we have okay so mono has i think like three or four different sizes the next one we're just gonna go big daddy here okay and so this is just like we're swinging the opposite direction this is this is as big as that okay here which when you see this you can't help but go my goodness how am i gonna fill that space up yeah but i've known you for a year yeah you're creative okay i think you sweat creativity you sneeze creativity i'm sweaty now well it's cause the room's really hot it's really warm in here i i feel like this is a canvas and we need to it's a large canvas and we need to paint onto this kid's terrible well you're a painter and this is your canvas and what we're gonna do is put all of your paint brushes and colors yeah one board i i'm tracking with your analogy thank goodness so my thought is nick so you feel like this is it this is it for me i do okay i like it for a couple reasons it's got tons of space okay it's got space underneath for cable routing whereas this other mono flat board you got to do it all on top and here's the thing okay we got to be pretty quick today yeah and we don't got time to mess up my ocd's it was carbon is amazing it's so dope this we're going to use one of these for the show board right yeah awesome um maybe that'll be a good drum board that's good yes okay that's happening all right cool that's another day that's another day we could do it today too i i don't think we know okay we can't do it tonight i don't think we can okay and here's the other thing there's one other size that mana sent us i don't think we have it in here uh is it um it's in between these two though oh okay yeah yeah it's like from here exactly it's like this big which could work yeah i don't know what do you feel like what are you thinking i i think we go with your first initial gut feeling got it and the one that you spent you spent so much time on that painting analogy yes i really hate to just waste that analogy on a smaller canvas when you so eloquently describe this as just this world of possibility so was it eloquent it if you're being completely honest was it eloquent it was adequate okay adequate addison all right are we going with this i think we're going to excel right okay let's move quick okay here are my chorus options for you you're ready to plug up i'm ready to plug that try this first okay this is the way huge blue hippo analog chorus this they call this the smalls series and it's great because it's small this board is huge but i know it's gonna happen yeah it's gonna fill up fast yeah okay while you're doing that yeah i pre-picked a power supply for you oh thank you and the reason is and it's swanky it's amazing um we showed this uh i think last week's live was that what it was yeah this is a killer system it's modular and so it can grow with you as you grow or shrink as you want to shrink so what we have is they're they're kind of big guy and one of their little guys and if this isn't enough for today then um we'll get you another one but i think this should be enough for today so we're just going to go with this i'm just going to start putting this on your board okay perfect all right perfect perfect all right so so chorus vibrato switch ooh it does a good leslie which the vibrato is nice this is the simplest of the options i'm giving you for both sounds you need chorus and vibrato so if you're watching again you are watching chorus is vibrato with clean signal added that's over simplified but gotcha what we're doing is we're pitch modulating that's the sound of your pitch going uh like that and then chorus when he flips the switch down it's adding and clean and that's where you get the swishy core sound yeah that feels you need both of those sounds [Music] so like real estate tennis all that those sounds are in that box i want you to try this vibrato but it doesn't do enough it's the best vibrato you can get but it's not gonna do chorus that's my favorite pedal one of my favorites i just had to say it and show it okay but let's try the julia this is the v1 because colt again still not sending me updated models not my problem colt i talked to him just now he's actually sending stuff we're going to do a who is walrus hey cool all right get him here kidnap him who is they exactly all right so the julia you've used this on an episode i i think so yeah i think i use this on uh synth maybe did i use this on the synth episode i thought you used it on your basics episode like uh yes whatever pedals simple pedals when you've filmed hundreds of episodes it's really hard to remember the name so more sounds more knobs but [Music] i mean really that's my tone [Music] oh what's the what's the um tick tock video when that's oh yeah that's pretty cool yeah this is a lot of pressure on you i know i just like i i actually was you're now i'm like oh my god you're being forced to demo quickly yes and what i like about this is you don't have time to care so a big piece is looks i'm not lying yeah no it's out of these two where are you at um this is simple no bad sound this is more complicated yeah no bad sounds but there's definitely stuff you won't use but it's all there yeah i know there's there's an element where i i go like the like the immediate like i just plugged the blue hippo in there is the thing too where it's like i plugged in and the knobs were set all the way up on this immediately so my like i don't know if it's i don't know what happens in your brain but it went like um but i i like both of these a lot so yeah if we do the top down here blue hippo is simple classic kind of hard to mess up julia is fancier a little more hip a little bit more hip that's true it's kind of has a scary mermaid woman on it yeah and uh it's has some her name has some crazy sounds this is a sleeper that uh a lot of people do not understand how good it is it's a chorus which will do the vibrato when you max it and it has an eq you know what i like about you nick yeah you very well could pick that pedal and it's it's simply based on how things sound to you and functionality and things for me i'd probably go like i don't know if the vibe of that pedal is quite it's not you know trendy enough or something like that but i know so this is the mxr analog chorus we almost need a tweak cam but we don't have time for that you know you got to do the right all the way up yeah all the way up here um i will say the one thing about this that i'm already feeling like a turn off no offense mxr is that there these two knobs up here all right i immediately go unplug it and then last is the emperor so it's based around the arion sch1 and it has true vibrato tap which i don't know that you'd ever use i would never use tap on that which is funny because i designed it but people wanted tap so you got to give them what they want [Music] you get three waveforms get that on the julia as well though [Music] so this is more in the julia i guess the emperor and julia are both kind of the modern way more sounds i mean truly this is legit in between these two as far as feature sets go it's right in between oh we have a tweet cam that's helpful good job switching over there [Music] oh man i kind of like this one i do like this a lot yeah you don't have to just no i know i know my it's not like my job is like on the line if i don't there's like i would go between that my opinion is blue hippo i think but i do like the i like the the um sorry this is like okay there's a thing when people demo guitar where they never finish their sentences like they they're like it's got the you know it's because like when and then and then i was like it's like just tell the story um i do like the wave patterns because i think this is the winner the julia has waves as well that's right this has three yeah julia has three better than two yes i think that's the winner too i was over there here and i could hear it and it was we can slave that tap to your possible delay choice as well okay cool okay let's call it let's call it i don't want to over so it's tap tempo it feels like we staged that but we really didn't really didn't we didn't house hunters this okay but uh now are we going uh chorus pre-drive or post drive do you have thoughts oh my lord i wouldn't go that far yet this is just his tennis reference sorry sorry top down top down okay we know we have a pedal chosen hallelujah oh yeah how much time do we have we're fine we're fine i felt like all this pressure all of a sudden um okay what are some other i want to cover unique sounds first and then we're going to lay down the white bread of this quickly because it's easy yeah yeah drives are like just move on so tennis that's a very particular like thing um what's some other unique sounds effect sound let's go with affected sounds not drives okay what about well like glandular phaser like uh a lot of team impala stuff is like has that like phase yeah it's starting to become like in like i don't know if it's annoying to the people watching this how many times i reference demon power i don't no but kevin if you're out there all right look fazer's yeah i think he's like a small stunt small type thing small stone all right give me a second on phaser and then yeah um somebody in the comments wanted to know thanks to joshua by the way today yeah yeah he's uh he's right behind us here working on comments because we're unable to but um somebody wanted to know that the flat cable coming out of your tuner there nick the flat could you tell this is ernie ball flat cable it's the flattest i don't know if it's marketed as the flattest you can get if we go to my lord i love i actually just like they're so awesome they're sweet i have a bunch of rant as you saw i have a bunch of random patch cables that i just like have at my house and i'm always so sad because i only have a couple of these at home and i freaking love them yeah they're just so cool and they like always work and you can just smash a bunch of stuff together and it's so easy just smash it on the topic of cables um you're bored today your cables are brought to you by creation music company oh um i don't know if you knew this or not but john sent us some these are solder lists i said hey john your solder those cables are amazing uh we're gonna do a board build for nick and we need to do it in real time he's like i got you so he sent us um quite a few ends here these are his josh is making noise while he's looking for phasers these are his solderless cables so go check these out as well they're fantastic super easy to build you'll see we're going to build them in real time here and it'll be fantastic that's awesome yeah see that's a whole other level like like that's where i'm like y'all are crazy because not only do you like because i've seen you build a pedal board yeah and it's like it's like a work of art shucks it's legit like they're i like you and josh are the only people i would probably trust to put a board together because i know it's going to be immaculate come on like it's almost annoyingly immaculate and not annoying because you did a bad job or what it just makes you feel bad about yourself but it's really that's not the goal today here's uh all right here's where we are okay the phase i'm having a weird like rooster hair day i like see that it's looking good it's all right speaking of rooster [Music] oh my god that is the sound embodiment the sound embodiment of how i feel about putting a pedalboard together let's start with complicated okay and a beautifully complicated phaser it actually has vibrato in it you don't have to use it it's the earthquaker grand orbiter oh that's a really great are we on manual okay that's fine manual focus grand orbiter try it out i'm gonna try to do four options every time all right i'm really i'm really proud of us we're flying by the seat of our pants bridges [Music] i've grabbed this emperor off the history wall we have a current jhs where we keep all the current line i'm not even sure that it works let's just be honest it came off nobody ever tested it that sounds good [Music] [Applause] [Music] where can i get more so that's phase yeah stages [Music] it's pretty cool a lot of sounds [Music] yeah so the rate there's like three stages of rate yeah that's actually cool how fast does it do like laser gun space machine do the speedo yeah [Music] and and three it does that's kind of cool all right all right now let's do the keely i don't even know if he makes this anymore it's a really great phaser um it's called the phase 24. um yeah robert keeley design josh uh phase question yeah when they use numbers that mean the number of phases in a cycle of yeah so phases are made of out of phase stages so you have phase 90 phase 100 it's more stages higher than number usually and a little more sushi i like phase 45s i'm using mxr as like the standard number it's just less phasey like sometimes you hear david gilmour on pink floyd records it's like a phase 45 sometimes it almost feels like a universe god real subtle yeah got it that makes sense this is easier to use with a little a little setting to it [Music] so that's his depth yeah and this is rate yeah [Music] and then is this like a uh like a stage stage two and four yeah i believe [Music] it's pretty cool yeah phase 24 means two stage and four is 24 is like to play on the name there so it's a essentially a phase 45 right there and then a phase 90 the other way okay i didn't pull any mxrs i only have vintage ones that cost like all right then there is what team impala is using he probably has a vintage one at least i've shot him out people seen it this is the affordable economical version of that so the classic small stone nano oh anyone notice they kind of all do the same thing because they're a phaser okay so that what that just happened that was great yep do you want that is that we even want to go any further well the only thing is like am i going to miss having any like volume control on this no i'm not no way no okay that's not in the real world on a forum you would and on a forum yeah but in the real world no i like that there's like i love that qualification is i have so controversial ross phaser so this is going to kind of be the vibe of an mxr 100 or not 100 but it's its own thing sort of i need oh you need the power um there you go yeah that's that's really i love that on a forum you do there's no led on this that's a vintage commitment vintage commitment that's when you're banned does it even work i think it's broken all right that's out that's out that was easy i think it's between the small stone and the um earthquaker but so in the pedalboard cam here we have the complicated not complicated just feature rich there you go earthquaker device grand orbiter lovely color too that's a great phaser it's one of the best tweaker phasers i've ever seen yeah and then we have the tried and true small right you know yeah oh that's so hard because i feel like i could get what i got on there i think right like yeah what's your opinion madison i'm i'm going knowing you i'm gonna say uh go simple and also what came out of your mouth you're like oh see what that did right there the small stone yeah i was like oh that was it okay it's because that's what he uses so all right i'm gonna say that yeah yeah okay let's do it all right it's a phaser it sounds it's been made for like decades okay all right all right so we have that any other effects like affected sounds um i don't uh what about like delay count delay no not delay that's still that's the that's the s that's the sesame seed in the bread oh what about what about like uh you're not a univibe dude like pitch yeah pitch probably so i know yeah pitch pitch maybe i know like what do you want to do with pitch like so um i i like using pitch like how i used it on um the synth video where it's actually a part of the playing so it's actually like um i mean the pitchfork is what does that the best interactive yeah where it's like i can i can like i i like that you can use it as like another hand essentially you give yourself this third hand to like add layers and like so literally a whammy or a pitchfork kind of yeah and it makes like cynthia stuff like really cool we have a common ground let's put that on my new board let's do a pitchfork with an expression bottle okay let me go get it yo with an expression no less that was easy that was so easy what kind of an expression petal josh we'll just we'll use the uh what was the it's the m audio is it trs it's not trs it was ts do you remember we did it on mine it is oh i don't remember i'm using the normal one are you yeah okay yeah we'll just on this board we have space to just always leave it on yeah we should do it so let's uh yeah i'll use like an m audio expression the real if like i have several they're cheap yep they don't break cool someone's horn do you want a tuner on your board oh i don't have a tuner are you that person that doesn't care i like i don't really care you didn't have one on your board i have like a head i have an ernie ball headstock tuner at home it feels like we're plugging that so hard but we're that's just it just looks like legit i'll say this there's a reason we reached out we actually use a ton of this stuff yeah um but it sounds like a total staged moment like i know like do you know oh yeah uh i mean a tuna powder could peter patrol a tuna peta could be cool isn't there like like something small i don't know there's like the polytune mini which i think where did that go oh we just did a no we bought one for that board giveaway because it's a good um yeah turbo tuner makes a really good small one i don't think we have one of those in the room though um what else is small that we have korg has their mini pitch black um i mean i really should shoot them all out i mean what do you think tune is best like is is it color dependent like are the brighter ones better okay can i ask you guys a question well here's the thing like i have i've worked at this company for a very long time yeah i have kind of made it a goal to like have an outside perspective on the gear world because i'm like i there's a part of me that like super doesn't care yeah um and i've kind of pra prided myself on that and i'd respect what you know whatever yep um do people argue about tuners on yes a lot like a ton of the tone like like about what how accurate isn't there like a certain point where it's like your ear can't even hear it anymore yes but it's how accurate it is nick oh cause the moment you put your finger on a fret your guitar must equally be as accurate which is impossible the math of that is staggering intonation yeah how do we feel about the amazon basics tuner oh oh you know what honestly yeah kinda let's just do it yeah just do it let's go so we have this isn't is it a little funny that we're in a place make sure it tunes yeah okay yeah so let's see um maybe i won't like it watch me plug it in i'm like here's the pitchfork so on the pitchfork we have uh just so everyone's clear i am plugging a tuner into a tuner right now just so we all see this yeah pitchfork we're gonna have the expression which is just the good old m audio we're gonna leave it always on so that the pitch movement works like a whammy are you right-footed or left-footed you know what i mean well funny you ask because on my elementary school soccer team i could play forward left and right because i can kick with both feet pretty well you're ambidextrous yes i'm amphidextrous is that is that the word i think it's ambidextrous uh i i'm typically right footed all right that's two ehx pedals yeah pretty cool i mean dude ehx yeah there's a reason why they're still here it's true it's because they make so true can i honestly tell you guys something tell us honestly something i don't know if i like this dude it might not track well at all i don't know if it let's do let's do better than this it feels like it's like not committing i know the point is that i tune my guitar right but it i feel like i do we not have a poly tune i was looking for one i didn't see it up there people keep snagging tuners like bell came up and got one one time well they bought they're like hey can i buy this one i'll get one later and i never do you never get it what do we have yeah i mean trusty t you too it's yeah it's not warmer i mean it's like it's fine here's the thing there's something about it that i uh as ironic as our conversation was about like do people argue about tuners i'm not here we are arguing about tuners i don't know if i like it are people enjoying this yeah how are the comments how are the comments uh mostly people seem to be happy yeah how many how many folks are tuned in with us right now oh whoa the what you're taking a little long is that what people say yeah yeah i feel like i'm going really i'm making decisions like a hundred percent faster than that hurry up and make music they did say that hey we're gonna jam y'all [Laughter] yes there's a dabbing emoji i didn't know that man tuning is fun nick just for a moment just give our philosophy on like we're just we're just here yeah listen yeah we're not this isn't we're not like out to get a youtube oscar for best live performance on a live we're here because honestly we have nothing else to do today because and you and hopefully this helps somebody i know it's helping me i was gonna say if for no one else than it helping you then which is just gonna be worth it it's really sweet of all of you to be here i'm walking walking through this with me you are you are walking through this spiritual journey of really you know deciding my tone for the next period of time you've been in the dark in the valley i really have i've been swirling around a black hole you really have like just just fear yes commitment in the whole room for real you know what it's okay if we need to like we can push pause on the tuner no you're gonna take this and we're gonna make this the show tuner hey okay so you're gonna get the actual because to you two they're gonna be here when crap hits the fan and afterwards is it is are these like the toyota of tuners they're they're the toys they are the 2001 toyota camry of tuners run it in the ground i've had two memories that was my first pedal as a tutu so we're doing this cool to you too yeah i mean you can't go wrong no it's literally impossible all right uh other effects is there anything you've ever wanted like weird okay so we had this okay i don't know if this is making too complicated now that we're in this i don't know if this is a good idea it probably is but i i had this idea of like having like a patchable board with weird synth stuff on that i didn't have to commit to the pedal chain and we can do this we can do this uh so like weird cynthia stuff um where i can just get some like non guitar sounds but i could like patch it in in the chain we don't we don't necessarily have to build that board no we don't but we can build i'll tell you what we're going to do two amps and but i actually think this is i have an idea i have a really good idea okay is there do we have a switchback in this room uh i do there yeah which box of pedals is it in yeah there's like so many we're surrounded by pedals ah i don't see it uh didn't there definitely is one in that drawer over there second drawer down josh on over here on the by the next to the desk down this is entertainment welcome to the thing that we're doing right now that's a good jingle yeah thanks what we'll do let's put a switchback let's have his guitar go into the guitar input amp will go to the next pedal brilliant and then we will have a loop here that we can actually he can turn this on with a red remote and just turn that board like place that whole board into this board and at the front of your board so you could or you could just use it as a if you don't have a board in here you could go out to a second amp if you're feeling or direct into like pro tools okay and you could do like dry guitar or your pedal board effect see that could be really useful it's useful for my studio it's not flashy it's not flashy but it's a switchback let's do that that's perfect so i need a red remote as well so we've got two jhs on here we've got two eh we got a boss tuner sick yeah this red remote will do that we'll flip the switch and use the switch back a lot when we shoot pedals out we do not have time to build that board but what do you want to put on here like some synthesizers yeah yeah yeah i think so maybe a maris pedal or something crazy yeah that'd be cool let's do bread and butter need overdrive i need an overdrive i if you're if you're watching which you are i'm gonna say it again third time it's about to go fast it's about to buckle up buttercup so um i know i know i want the i know i want the 3 series compressor because i have been using that yeah i really like that do we have one of those i do have one it's in it's in my box of madness right there um for for drives um i feel like i kind of feeling like a clone type thing maybe it's a good choice um because i've liked the clone a lot and i feel like it it kind of gives you what you need but not too much so here's the chorus or the compressor yeah sick yeah i i really i'll plug this in and play it really quick i really like this compressor a lot because it's it's it's compressor for people who um don't want to deal with compressors nick this was in your board let's do top down oh gross uh wait is there something on that where did it go it had a big hairball there's still something on there looks like a freaking leaf this is the state of his pedals everyone yeah play the compressor yeah okay so i already knew i wanted this on here because you put the bright switch on and it sounds like magic [Music] can you imagine that with some chorus and a little bit of reverb that's like the only riff like that but it's a good that's the only one you need to know that's like that yeah but that's also good for like like uh yeah that funky vibe yeah i i just recorded a jingle for a friend's podcast yeah and i used this did you really get that oh yeah i wondered you sent me the mix to critique my mix yes i wondered the guitars were like paying hard and it was that was that now i want one of those oh i'm also i also have no right to be playing this but this is uh the john mayer prs you have every right what are you talking about [Music] yeah so that bright that bright toggle is just so great dang i don't have that i have the pulp and peel but now i think i might need that too just wandering around what are you doing josh well i i know that we gotta move this train yeah we gotta roll i'm about to move okay you're making decisions you're you're making moves in case you can't hear josh he says i've known nick long enough and i know what the bread and butter is yeah he knows nick he knows what he needs yeah this is like when we order lunch and josh is just like just order me what you get cause we basically like the same thing yep this is that but with petals is that cause you guys are related no that would be weird also this is the perfect chord shape to test this okay it's the bull crap i feel like i'm in steely dan but i actually know nothing is that like a [Music] and it doesn't matter where you really doesn't all right i have a bunch of things here cool i bought you something a few months ago we're at sweetwater i ran uh when i go into their use store i buy usually 10 pedals like i always buy everything they have used it's been a really cool used section i got you a giga delay okay and i need you to trust me when i say this is what you are getting okay you're just like deciding i know the do4 this is a better dl4 okay not that the dl4 is amazing this came out a couple years later yeah they need to just put this back out i honestly prefer this over the strymon timelines or anything and you're simple you're a simple man thanks he means that in a kind way i do so we're gonna go with this and an external tap okay and we're gonna basically on and off okay and then move through you have a manual and four so basically five presets okay it's easy to use these knobs whoever put these knobs on this pedal there's there's a chance you're watching i hate them i hate these knobs you ruin this pedal and i'm gonna go downstairs while they're doing something find better knobs and get this out of my life moving on okay all right should i twiddle around with this while you go do that so be sure to show them and you you you're you're a little familiar because i use it all the time holding down all that i have some other doozies here i think you should have a holy grail just i have a holy grail in that i got it out oh you did oh because you're using a milkman that doesn't have a verb on purpose this is just the classic simple i need a dash of i need i need to spice up my clean signal a spice of space okay so that's that's that's a given okay cool and we'll get into dirt in a minute i'm gonna go get knobs because i can not tolerate those knobs all right i'm going to play this giga delay i'm sorry i just cleared my throat i like literally leaned into the microphone when i cleared my throat that was such a why did you do that that was such a like dad thing to do well you are dead it's true all right let's see what we got here there we go yeah my favorite mode on the dl4 is uh is the modulation or the modulate delay mode [Music] modulate yeah bro yes oh it's like particley a little bit and what people don't know if you hold down the left foot switch do you see where it says rate and depth does it say it there you can change the oh you hold it down you can change it a lot of people don't know that it's amazing i might turn up really high [Music] i got real knobs that work they're not the og's they're real similar so you showed me this this is kind of i've been thinking about this sound forever [Music] i love that sound it's so useful live too well okay that is what i was trying to do with that mod i did that uh panther the runaway that doesn't work it literally when you hold it down it just sounds like someone's knocking on the door like it also this yeah it's a twist i love that so much yeah so we're gonna put i'll put these nicer knobs on there all right do you want to put them on there now yeah here's another this i'm going to leave this up to you this is my opinion and we're starting to be at the spot of space okay you have chosen the spot of space it's a band i was in um the emperor chorus vibrato i think you could use a second modulation flangers another chorus stacked creates cool effects and i know you love these yes let's just put it on there okay because it has ottawa yeah you may never use it but you might be like i'm freaking using some walkie-talkie i have used okay before is like one of my favorite sounds in this petal chorus trim yeah flanger you could stack this phaser with another phaser i think this is the ring mod on this is killer i think that this is super awesome to put on your board yeah i'll now go a step further i think you put this reverb with the holy grail because they go up next to each other and it's gonna look hot as fire yeah it's gonna look like like uh yeah yeah even if it's just for the look sometimes mess with those while you uh yeah i'm gonna put some knobs that aren't horrible whoever put these knobs on i'm gonna fix what you did wrong okay here we go back to nick all right i'm gonna plug this you know what the funny thing is i really haven't played with the reverberation station as much um which is like i don't love the i love the modulator the reverb the reverberation station almost it's a it's not bad it's a really good pedal but it's kind of so weird sometimes that it's that's what makes me like it like you're not gonna get a pure studio like quality verb that's like some lo-fi vibe it's a lo-fi device yeah [Music] that's a great sound [Music] i just know you need a lot of modulation you still like mac demarco i really i really like i haven't heard you talk about him since tim impala how do you think he feels yeah you mean like as part of my like your musical relationship photography yeah uh he'd probably be like a little sad but knowing mac demarco he could care less he's pretty cool he's eating like wine and cheese in a barn somewhere yeah he's probably like sitting on a old like oh that looks great that looks way way better yeah improvements so whoever put these on here you see these trash you see this work of art back to nick that gate is kind of cool it's a gated reverb i don't know this sounds like something that uh peter gabriel would put on yeah or the talking heads oh that's cool that's a lot of pedals wow okay we're at the limit i know we are so i'm chilling out um i have one cable made that's awesome i think we're gonna be good the thing is everyone addison really cares i do i care nick doesn't care addison really cares he really does it's gonna look beautiful but we're gonna go down to the wire this is gonna be like a nail biting yeah like tommy lee jones kind of movie let's go let's go this reminds me do you uh guys remember extreme home makeover yeah with uh that guy tie something yeah thai something and they like had to build a house in like um like four days i don't believe they did any of that i don't either but this is like that except we're actually doing it live so is this like the asmr like portion of how does it make you feel nick what that yeah it really makes me want to crawl out of my own skin hold on wait wait hold on how's this hold on wait i don't this is killing me okay just a little backstory on what just happened there uh when i was editing the jhs yule log video where josh sat and ate snacks for 10 straight hours or 10 straight hours i nearly crawled out of my skin i threw my headphones on the ground at one point out of actual actual real human anger because of the smacking and when he drank out of the full jug of milk i thought i was actually going to die so that's just how i feel about that i'm still burning off those calories bro i would have thrown up if okay though okay um uh let's do top down top down it's called the monopod yeah it is called the mono we gotta learn mono pedal board cam well there it is this is the first episode of the season gotta get in those rhythms and i do want to say again the crowd today they want to be here they want to be this is a two hour long journey of pain suffering joy harmonious relational discussion yeah through the dynamics my gosh this is a journey of friendship and gear yeah friendship and we're building a board here and you know what this board's gonna sound good it's gonna be amazing and we're racing against the clock and i'm just talking but let's let's lay it out here i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of hypothetically lay some things out while he keeps going how are you feeling that do you feel i feel good all right i'm kind of i'm going for uh yeah i feel good so let's do this pre-drive obviously of course you knew that i hope well yeah i was going to go next after the tuner just making sure you know what you're doing thanks dad so guitar here gotcha tuner and then probably right into that yeah you need a fuzz yes i do and i think we need a fuzz that isn't finicky and needs to go first because we want to do these fun things so i think you just need a like a big muff with some glitchy ability okay um there's a bin of we did the mods to these okay i found a whole bin they don't have the sticker yet i'll go get a just sticker but this has the modded development okay um it's gonna gate really well and do glitchy stuff but you can put it anywhere on the board because a big muff for transistor fuzz it doesn't have to be first like fuzz faces and all the gotcha finicky you don't need finicky you need it just needs to work functionally functionally so we're to put this now i do i do like glitchy fuzzes this will do that this will do that yeah because play it really quick yeah let's plug it in so here's what it is this is the jhs mod to this we don't do them anymore i found a bin full right junk and someone did there's bins there's a few over there um this toggle engages some different gates okay and then you have a knob here it's gonna mess with mids i think you're gonna like it okay try it on precise i don't think i've ever played it the good thing about a big muff is we can put it in your chain as a distortion pedal and why is that josh because it's four stage transistors it's silicon it doesn't care thank goodness i like that it's kind of it's a it's a better circuit than a fuzz face it's like from a technical design standpoint fighting words [Music] that's [Music] oh yeah okay you were right yeah i put a gate control in it it's just what does this the three-way do it's different uh clipping diodes in the fuzz circuit oh that's sick i probably will put out this pedal as a pedal you know like later i modding stuff is we're just incapable of it we've grown so much we don't make any money on mods like we go negative right so that is a circ i love that mod so we may do a big muff of that one yeah no that's really cool do you feel like you need a distortion as well are you okay with stacking overdrives when i say distortion i know you like the rat i do do we want to go there i i don't know if i've played the rat that much on guitar the funny thing is i've used the wrap more on drums than i have on the actual guitar i kind of feel like you just need kind of what i do i don't want you're not me but i feel like you need what i need okay because like i feel like we have similar maybe it's you've been around me so long that you've like absorbed my probably my your petal habits whatever it's called ethos ethos do you i don't know the the word is there but it's not too much you've absorbed my thoughts on drive pedals okay i don't know how to say that more eloquently so let's do big muff but i would i'm going to suggest a morning glory because you've played it for years and it's like yeah i mean it is what it is if you want your amp a little crispy yeah that'll do it you can do it and you close your eyes and set the knobs and then i think you probably from discussions earlier a clone circuit because we're low on space let's do this new x it's not nux apparently i got scolded by our camera switcher who she shall stay unnamed that is at her request by the way it's apparently not nux so you're gonna use the new x horseman okay so does that sound as good as a clown should i stack these what i want you to do here's here's what i need you to do now as your therapist all right i want you to put the morning glory in put the clone last set the morning glory up light game okay think about the morning glory being the amp is loud enough it's crispy okay but i can play that tone and not bother my sleeping baby and then the new x not nux nux if you're watching your name is actually new x set the new x up higher gain tone control dead moon and then you have light gain or higher gain or stack them and that's my that's what i use for distortion okay i don't want you to be me but i want to just show you what you might like that i do so yeah like basic overdrive [Music] yeah stack them [Music] there you go i like that there's your sound that's it it's a recipe for success yeah like that's that was fire yeah that's nice and if you're crazy you can turn the big muff on too but yeah if you want to completely go bonkers so at this point i think we have we have everything everything picked out hypothetically let's talk about order for some of these yeah yeah it's important yep let's go down to that top i'm gonna can i like uh theoretically set them oh yeah absolutely okay please theoretically setting theoretical theoretical sets all right guitar tuner pitch first because you don't want to put this is my opinion do what you want rules are made to be broken there's amazing sounds doing the opposite of what i'm about to tell you but pitch effects have to hear your guitar and duplicate notes so it's a computer trying to hear a note and it needs the clearest form of the note if you put distortion before that you're creating weird harmonics and overtones and it'll glitch out and go nuts which could be cool yeah but for the sake of normality and what you probably need that's the way i would use it too let's put pitch first okay that way your pure unadulterated signal is pitched okay this is simply an expression to pitch gotcha so oh so that's what it's going to do yeah let's go out of pitch into compressor dope this is all hyperbole that's not the right word what is hypothetical what's hyperbolic that's like kind of like when you exaggerate someone in the room rolled their eyes joshua joshua he's a writer he's very educated well actually if anyone's gonna say well actually in a room it's gonna be joshua and we love that i love it about him he's my friend we're only like we're only mean about it because we're jealous yeah we're gonna do reverbs last this is gonna get tricky guys can you can you just talk about reverbs last like because i've heard like oh if you put it after the delay then it will be it soggy or something like i've heard people argue both ways and i'm just like i just never i was just like whatever i'll just put it however i want but i put it at addison what do you do i go uh reverb after delay always that's what i always do i do that because i don't want to create a reverberated sound and then try to delay that yeah i want to create delays i use delays quarter note hole like so if there's a beat i'm usually have i usually have a repeat on the beat like real soft all the time and then i do use a lot of dotted eights so rhythmics i combine those quarter dotted eighths so there's a lot of like math math too yeah yeah and you just don't want it if you put a verb before it it gets all splashy it's cool yeah but also use a lot of spring tanks like i have you know during the show when you hear a reverb it's usually the benson that's strapped to the flight case right right so we're going to put the holy grail very last you don't want to run stereo no if you do you can come out of the giga delay do stereo delay you're never going to do it i know you no you don't have it in you i stopped running some of my sentence synthesizer stereo whoa why because you weren't because because it's pointless well because somebody uh a producer that i respect was like i always ended up taking those stereo tracks splitting them into mono and sending one side to it chris lord algae it wasn't click it wasn't click clark it wasn't chris lord algae uh uh david pensado said that he used to because he would get layers of this is not uh david pensado pensado consado's place yeah i know him as dave so i didn't i used to call it pinata's hottest playhouse i was listening to the pinatas playhouse uh uh podcasts anyway that's kind of off time okay the point is is that i'm never gonna use stereo verb last there is a dilemma okay we're gonna have two verbs the deadbeat and that and we want these deadbeats to sit next to each other but i i don't want to do you know what i'm saying oh i can get into that you've got a vision for that okay so you don't care you're going to route it how it needs to go it's going to make it happen you are on a clock you have 40 minutes this is gonna happen okay that he's putting down right now the boss tap tempo you can't quite see it that's this is like almost sports this is almost the sports version of uh of this channel are you are you okay with let's see are you okay with the tap tempo on the left you said you're multi-footed so your top tempo is going to be over here for the delay um i think so you don't care yeah i don't care but addison's like you don't care you will not um so here's what yeah we're gonna do the reverb last okay um we're gonna put the deadbeats right before that we're gonna put the dd before the deadbeats okay okay that place is a modulator after delays but i think that would be fun for him i think it would be too it's breaking a rule that needs to be broken i like that i like that let's let's look at addison right now as he tries to take the um velcro off the back of this is there anything we can do to help peeking a little bit um yeah you're kind of ready i'm getting there y'all i also want to say he's the one that was excited to do what he's doing it might look like nick and i are just hanging out while he this was his choice yeah i did choose this we could oh here i got an idea yeah here i'll put put this on on there yeah you could help i know it's just yeah here thanks yeah wow this is just opening up so many just possibilities your life's gonna change it really is and i'll tell you this there have been a couple jingles that we've done with guitar and i've had to make them in 35 seconds because that's how we roll on this show and uh i've had to go to my freaking closet and pull stuff out and that is not great so this is going to be extremely helpful talk about uh ability to work quickly now no for real right like work like for us and in the studio we're just throwing trash on the floor talk speaking of working quickly one of the best things you can do in your workflow is just throw stuff on the floor just throw it on the floor you should see my studio right now my kids there's like six unicorns on the floor and like seven like open containers of applesauce yep let's uh so uh the compressor is where i landed let's go back to the cam mono pedal board can compressor we're going to go straight into modulation at this point we're going to put the phaser and chorus there i don't think the order matters for what we're going to go modulation right now before uh no we're going to go let's go drives first drives first that's a debate that i don't really care to even drive before some people love modular oh performance no i would i think we go drives now i think we go compressor morning glory cool cool yep put put some velcro on that morning glory nah it's got to be that stuff addison like this this right here is not good enough for him also i don't have that other velcro see let me pull this i'm going to make a cable oh my lord how am i going to pull this off i don't even have fingernails you could use this okay yeah you want to do that yeah give that to me give me something to do fastest pedal board build we're doing this we are i it i'm gonna jump right into the ernieball trivia question yeah let's do it let's give away a pack of slinkies are we ready over there moderators we have the thumbs up from the moderators he just flexed his muscles we're ready and and the caveat is josh the caveat uh if we see it on rn first yeah people get mad because they say they were first you have to be first to our server in kansas city and it's unfortunately south kansas city we have horrible internet right so here we go uh everybody ready it's the first ever ernie ball trivia question of the week the winner gets a box of their choice of strings expensive cheap acoustic electric bass whatever you want they're gonna mail it straight to you [Music] did you did you capture an eagle and i did i captured an eagle and i just like poked it in the side all right here's the question what everybody ready i'm ready i'm just making sure people are ready people are already putting answers in probably what iconic and legendary ernie ball music man artist played the rhythm guitar parts on michael jackson's hit beat it whoa i know the answer but it's because i looked at the sheet earlier you should uh tell joshua the answer so he knows who the winner is oh yeah that's kind of important for him to know the answer this is episode one of the season we're building a crazy board up here you know we're doing building boards we're building bridges when we have a winner uh we'll know that's deep it's exciting yeah it is really an entire box an entire box you could have a lot of strings you will have a lot of stuff yeah no winners yet yeah we do you have a winner got a winner what's the name garrison boyd say it again garrison garrison boyd you have won any strings you want one box you need to email vlog at jhspetals that's volg at v l o g at and basically just tell us your mailing address and your name and we'll get that over to ernie ball and they're going to drop ship it to you you'll have it in a hinz tooth and a in a hens 2. no that's the wrong thing it's more rare than a hen's tooth uh and if you didn't win don't email the email because be cool unless you're garrison you're dead to us yes get away i'll know who you are okay what's okay morning glory is next right good morning glory okay let's look at that this is looking good look at this this is the best this is the best looking board you've ever had yeah i almost seem like i it's it's a little it's it's kind of emotional i might cry online you're gonna cry do you want to do you think that's enough no you want to go i think we need to go that okay yep here's more if you need more nick you could cut some i could cut that how about you do yeah yeah because i need the clown do the little one look at this tag team actually so what you do like put them together got it and then peel one side off got it i'm not go i don't want to boss you around addison since this is wider than this petal should i do yup like from it down yeah you can even do little ones like you could you know what i mean like bitty boys three boys how many viewers are watching [Laughter] that's incredible it's also funny it's you know it's almost like today was a historical day did anything happen i don't know uh not that i'm not sure did uh i'm not sure i felt like there was something big happening today i don't know didn't lady gaga prefer perform for the first garth brooks i thought was garth brooks retired no no way no beck if you're listening text me right now garth brooks retired that's perfect yes i just want it to be up to your standards for what's up to my stuff it needs to be up to your standards for my board [Laughter] that's why you have friends yeah we just need bigger pieces for this i don't want to catch these four i'm gonna do the big one guys we're gonna make it we are gonna i think we are these creation boards look i mean the creation patch tables on this board look amazing and it is about looks it is about looks way to go creation uh beck just said that he is not retired no way garth forever garth is becca the artist no my wife is back she's an artist everyone's an artist right i'm just wow i'm joking hi bec i i didn't mean anything by that i don't know we're just spilling the board you know sometimes you reach for content and sometimes it's the bottom of the box does it land sometimes you reach for content but it's like way far out on the branch and you fall out of the tree and you break your leg and you hurt someone's feelings on live tv all right let's play a game how many viewers again right now apparently yeah how many viewers what's a venue that holds that many people let's try what is what's this let's imagine these people how much does the chief stadium hold oh thirty thousand forty thousand so like the snack bar at the chief stadium okay um that's still a lot of people it's a lot of people it's a lot of pressure right now what's your approach for these babies just like four corners okay like you want to do four corners you can do that or is that i would just i would just do like like a strip strip strip okay leave the screws open in case you want to like i don't want to boss you around often modded or something because that's something so there there's enough people to feel to fill up a a good size you know to crowd a target on black friday right and they're just watching us build a board yeah we warned them it would be boring they're here or let's hear some comments uh you wanna josh you wanna mike you wanna read some comments you wanna have we wanna have some discussion while we do this any questions let's do questions q a we're gonna hand over a mic to a person you can't see he is the customer service specialist at jhs he's now in those comments let's uh let's do the q a stinger and do some q a while we do this [Music] hello hello there you go you're on am i on you're on am i on yep go ahead uh someone asked like seven times and i didn't know the answer what hold on i have it here what is a pedal that reverses signal instantly like reverse delay yes you can uh you can't reverse signal instantly because you have to record said signal yeah so that would be a time machine a time machine no but a reverse delay um and the giga delay does that lots of delays do that uh standalone units that are nice are like the um dan electro talk back reversely yeah that's a great question keep keep rolling man are there any pedals that make pure feedback um artificial feedback yes the boss super feedback or distortion there's two versions there's a lawsuit version called the feedback or distortion and there's the distortion feedback i'm gonna do an episode on pedal lawsuits soon so stand by for that in your mind and heart i won't get into it that you hold the button down and it sustains a falsified note of the pitch you were on and then there's also a pedal called the fender runaway it's lime green hideous one of the most wretched pedals i've ever seen but really cool questions are fun um quick answer metal zone yes or no yes yes quick answer what happened to hank where is he in here um hank is gone hank had a cyst on his lower rump well upper rung yeah uh nick why didn't you put a tube screamer on your board um because they didn't say to do it i hope like i hope there's at least one person watching this who's just like throwing stuff and just like watching this like a bad football game just like come on addison's passion level he's still smiling it's i would be losing my mind wanting the nap no look at look at this how nice he has this i sat down the other day to do uh oh it was uh i can't even remember what it was i blacked out is the point it was something like this and i was like i'm dead inside i'm gonna ask one more question because i'm interested yeah um josh if you actually i want to know your answer to addison if you could only pick one to use forever line six dl4 or boss dd gigs delay all right let's put the camera on me the giga delay is in my opinion the best delay pedal ever made so therefore i would use the giga delay that's all back to the pedal point i would also choose i would also choose the giga delay why uh i love the modulation delay setting and the analog settings incredible i love the bpm readout it's just it's so good top of your hair looks good so good i think addison addison has the best hair if joshua was on camera they josh's hair they would have pretty joshus uses like a product i mean i think madison does two i don't who did you get your product from addison from you joshua look at this look how good that looks that look how satisfying look at the power supplies he spaced them out these are good looking supplies axton is that a heart because these are the heart of your pedal board yeah they're french right yep and we're gonna we're actually working on um you're gonna do a phone interview with uh we're gonna do who is anna sounds and kind of show other products i'm a huge fan that spring reverb unit where you actually hook up to the tank oh yeah there may or may not be an episode where that is on it you're always working on material we're always working on new material i love whispering into an sm7 at a very low volume yes very nice all right where's the the spacing here got a little what you need more pedals because i got pedals what's going here well phaser the question yeah oh you do this nick has tiny feet oh over there yeah that that looks good i like i like how the brands are kind of i what the tap tempo feature is gonna be tough right there but here's the thing when am i going to use the tap tempo yeah that's true is this too tall are you we have mono risers as well let's commit you feel good i'm i'm feeling all right i'm gonna go through pedal order again in tuner pitch expression for pitch so no audio here this is going to connect into this and the thought is we have a extra board that you know nick's going to throw some crazy stuff like maris petals and the boss synth pedal maybe stuff like that and he can simply hit this switch and if this board is looped into the center turn it'll just like activate an entire other board into this point in the board you could put a spring reverb head here you could put you could just run like let's say you want to have another distortion pedal you pull it out of your box of madness with hair all over it you can just loop it in right here and that turns it on right right so you leave that pedal always on maybe here yeah so it's an active looper and you can do amp switching it's amazing compressor compressor compressor morning glory first stage light gain a little bit of crisp new x horse man stackable with this you'll probably never turn this off to be honest why not that's kind of creating distortion then there's a big muff fuzz it'll do nice big old shoe gazing distortion or like crazy glitchy stuff i think that's what you're into then we're gonna go straight into the emperor you're gonna set it up like some tennis like some nice vibrato chorusy whatever you want to do with it yes you'll never use the tap tempo because you're simple and i'm fine with that yeah then we're going to go into the deadbeat they closed i know closed down i know you actually offered for me to buy the company and i just like seriously he shut everything down i thought about taking it over and doing it have too much on my plate these are cool though um this is gonna be like an extra mod so like you can go through double phaser flanger rotary the ring mods my favorite sound on here then we'll go into a reverb because why not we'll put a reverb before a delay yes we'll go into this that's simply tap tempo for this actually the phaser needs to go after this yeah i think so at least put the phaser before the delay yeah that's easy and we're done wow and we just sit here and watch addison try to beat the clock he's currently this is like a this is this is 22 minutes i think we're gonna do it you guys or do we run some not pre-built patch cables run some power so we can hear this thing do we do that and tomorrow we post a picture of the completed thing or or i just keep racing the clock that's it let's race the clock and then if we have to call an audible all right i like it we can yeah what can i do with power is it power pre-made or no it's oh yeah yeah yeah hemi power and we're power's not going to look pretty it's going to bother addison we'll make it look pretty late yeah we're going to have to sacrifice pretty for get or done right here right just okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start with that is the winner uh happy with the strings he better be who's gonna win uh the identical pedal oh yeah we're giving away an identical well just the pedal board not the same built like with all the pedals on yeah you get the nice bag for this too oh yeah there's a really nice bag pretty expensive it's a nice bag everyone needs a nice bag garrison said he's psyched that he won well he should be it's freaking awesome um so these are all 9 volt 2 amp that'll handle anything over anything on the board honestly so i'm just gonna these are all isolated correct i believe so it's a lot of outputs it's very cool they're very like pretty looking they put that like kind of wood grain thing on there too which is awesome so you have your outputs to pedals and then on the back you can chain back out into the other one that's really cool it's fancy i almost feel like we need some lounge music or something that's fine this isn't lounge music you know nowadays it's hard for people just to sit inside i know really this is just an exercise and quiet and peace you know really um josh you got any more questions you just take it away we're not gonna get in a hurry is the chicken a true bypass or is it buffered i don't know let's check oh my god uh it's it's uh buffered bypass pedals with the guitar amp on distortion channel jacob wants to know yeah that's just more distortion if you want it for sure nothing wrong with that what kind of pedal stretch any pedals you want to do how about a tube screamer to tighten up the yeah an eq pedal a clone style pedal is real nice something with mids if i'm going into a distortion channel on an amp i like to have something mid heavy or just use a boss ge7 like an eq and just hit it real hard and make it more distorted with just clean signal that's louder draco rex uh nick draco rex wants to know what does the freakout mod do the freakout mod on my panther cub yeah or my panther i can show you um but first okay where did where'd that go it's over here in the floor i'll grab it yep y'all are busy we're busy making your dreams come true [Music] we got flags got flag [Music] sure the theme of this show is just try stuff i think a lot of times we're scared to just do something because we're worried it's not cool and i don't think that's cool i think you should just trust answers emails all day every day i have tried to figure out many ways to say just try stuff that are professional and kind i think i'm doing a good job yeah but it's typically just like just try it man like it's not gonna hurt you can't hurt these pedals and if you're going to be you you might have a sound that's very different than the normal there was no rock and roll rule book and that applies to pedals it's already running away which is kind of a thing with this pedal [Music] those were a nightmare to build you they really were this is this this is the freakout mod which i it's kind of it sounds like a bunch of galloping horses [Music] so it's kind of cool but it doesn't run away the way that like i want to [Music] i mean it is cool it does it has a thing but [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so yeah that's it that's the freakout mod it's a race against the clock blake wants to know um what we think about bran brown amplification protein pedals we love him he's awesome he's gonna be on an episode in a couple next in two weeks he's a good friend he lives down the road we all know each other like outside of music which is nice he's going to come on the show we're going to do a live episode about tube pedals we're gonna have a gillion tube pedals out here and uh it's gonna be really cool this is your work against the clock music working against the clunk it also reminds me of the home depot there's like it kind of has a home depot vibe the home depot song sounds like something that would play during a football game what are what are people thinking about this mono board what do you like about it what do you not like let's be honest anybody on the chat specifically let the comments pour in what do you think about this board what do you think about these flat titanium boards that we showed at the beginning go to mono's site and check out some of the pictures i'm curious what uh what you guys think about it the first comment i saw after you asked that was josh is a poopoo face what does that mean tell him i want to know what that means someone said it was a 10 year old yesterday yeah they did i mean that tracks you have you have the spirit of of of a you have a childlike spirit i love it all caps nick has a board yeah i do stereo would have been more good why i don't know the mono board is fire poo poo man in third grade i got mono from a water fountain i was in the hospital um is that when you played right right field same year my we actually couldn't afford for the hospital uh stuff so the doctor like let me stay at home and i had to go in every day and do blood samples i was so bad my liver almost shut down wow it was a very serious like you can laugh now but uh yeah so mono brings back a lot of good memories for me the name of the power supply is anna sounds is that right yeah anna sounds they're from france i hope they're from france yeah they are they're from somewhere not american some people really love the way it looks and some people really hate the way it looks i like a product just life everything's not for everyone and if everyone would realize that everything would be okay people are really upset that the power supply is on top of the board well i like how the power supply looks so that's why i put it on top all you gotta do is put pedals up here if you want but he doesn't need more pedals that's debatable it is a better one you always need more photos i give me that ottawa okay if nick's feeling saucy slap it slap that other wall right there man you could i'm gonna show those risers yeah those are kind of cool but i don't think we need them today nor do we have time [Music] so yeah they make a couple of uh these risers different sizes just don't need them on this board i think on the flat board though like we're gonna use flat boards definitely these are completely flat the risers make way more sense yeah they're really let me pull those out nick yeah hey do we want to pick our uh did we pick our oh yeah we should pick a winner for the for the other board let's do it all right the winner for the other board we ready for this all right i'm ready let's switch over to my cam uh what year did nick start working at jhs what year did nick start working at jhs and just let the questions pour in i need to mute our microphones maybe and then you can tell joshua over there while we do this go it's going good i love the stuff you've been doing yeah so you were uh you recently had a program i really enjoyed the program now tell us about it well um the good people from sweetwater sent me the um the moog stop the moog it don't get don't because i already questioned myself on it it's the moog vex dot 01. vex stuff because it's german it's a super cool episode yeah uh it was really fun it was out of my comfort zone it's like a little analog synthesizer it actually has like a little keyboard on it which is super cool so i made a jam with that and it was really great so i uh i brought a clip with me from home i brought it in a little suitcase and i gave it to you and this is a little clip of me um making some sounds is this is this episode more interesting than today's like on a on an attention level shorter yeah a lot shorter so go go after this go over to nick's tapes and subscribe let's roll the bean footage here the next sound i came up with was what i like to call space cat because it sounds like a cat meowing in space and i actually ran this into a holy grail pedal to give it some reverb and i really liked the quality of it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah go watch it our winner is joshua you win this exact mono board you get the killer gig bag which we didn't even get to show but it's basically like you could sleep in it uh we'll ship it out to you tomorrow probably the winner is tyler ostby tyler ostby you have won the mono yeah here it is awesome gig bag you get the full board and uh it's called the pro 2.0 accessory case and then this board um is amazing it's the bigger they have two sizes i believe yeah look at this plush lining m80 series board m80 snuggle up in there go over to mono look at the m80 series board that's what you have won we'll try to get that out to you tomorrow we're almost i'm i'm cheating we're almost in flavor town here right yeah i don't ever want to say that again i'll hold you to that uh this has been really fun yeah it's been fun it's been a scary i feel like i've learned a lot yeah it's been nice to just you know let your sometimes you just gotta let your friends help you you know what i like about this as an episode with this channel trying to educate have fun is our we do normal episodes we write we research we plan we film there's heavy editing yeah we're just we're just here you know this is as raw as it gets for us and it's really fun for us to do and we're very thankful that people have tuned in and it's interesting and hopefully it helps someone and yeah just to see a board being built if you're doing this at home some tips from me are i would use a cable tester at all times that's one of these devices and i'm a big fan of this one so if you take this ernie ball patch cable so it's on you can put your pre-made cables in or if you're if you're buy a cable that's new still do this because putting together a board with a bad cable is one of the most frustrating things on earth and if you're making solderless still do it you should put this in and get two lights so that see if i unplug it that means the cable will be bad but that's a good cable so that's a big piece of advice another piece of advice is just to don't do it against the clock a board this size you should pour some scotch turn on the seinfeld and take a few hours just just like plan it out uh one thing i've always done with this is i take painters tape and i basically lay the board i'm gonna do on the floor carpet whatever kitchen counter sometimes kitchen table if it's painters tape your wife will or whatever they'll even let you do it doesn't matter it comes right up so outline your board get all your petals and then kind of set them in that outline and that's really helpful and then take pictures on your phone and that way you've thought out your pre-spacing um addison did an immaculate job of this pre-spacing somehow i think it's probably witchcraft but it's amazing yeah how close are we here we're so close i just need to go get i know where the uh this has a special actual supply for this but once we get that oh we'll plug it up see if it works and if it doesn't then that's okay let's see here i just got a message that's really fun from sweetwater i love this it says hey the video you did on the entrees release completely blew this pedal way over anything anyone expected a really good problem to have can you please give us a warning when you're planning on doing that's awesome uh that's funny he said hashtag jhs sales bump i loved releasing that that was really fun and it was such a cool pedal like yeah really cool i love being able to do that as a pedal company that should never do that i really love helping out other companies and making the community stronger and it's cool to see it be successful that i think that was always like a pipe dream of mine we talked about early on it was always a little bit like can we do that is that a loud it's a little weird it's awesome we're close nick we are it's exciting and i'm excited all right i'm gonna go ahead and move this yeah here's those risers though oh yeah these are cool the idea is you lift your back tray up yeah yeah it's cool so we'll move that brad here we are this is a moment of truth i'm gonna go and turn the board towards nick i'm nervous so am i you got that are they chained yeah they should be oh my gosh we have lunch yes we have a lunch check all the power don't be disappointed oh man awesome no no pressure for anna sounds here all right yo big shout out to anna sounds all right come on crap you guys yes i'm gonna clear some space wow my god there's a lot going on here i got a big old board i got a big old board there we go i'm gonna plug that in that's the output right you sure i have the amp off so it doesn't okay i feel like i'm about to play bass you are because addison's a better drummer although i've drummed on two episodes i can lay down that one beat here we go all right i'm so i've i wasn't nervou this nervous the day i got married like this is yeah that's crazy i hear a noise which isn't expected we got we got hold on let's jam you wanna jam who wants jams in the comments we're gonna go back uh we're gonna go and uh switch around do some jams nick has no idea how things are set [Music] they do ah yeah let's just you know do something like uh like a goofy talking heads yeah rock and roll television yeah yeah all right we good you good over there switching we're good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think it's like that's that's a that's a funny thing that go into it it's like be creative and you've like never used the phones well it was funny because i like the ring modulator was on and i was like why does it sound like there's a ring modulator on and i don't know where it is but that was great that was awesome what do we think uh are the comments basically saying we should go on tour you know i mean yeah we do a show before every show we build a board and he has no idea what the pedals are yeah that sounds great that sounds perfect no this is the guys hey guys thanks thanks it's awesome we have i hear i know yeah we gotta we gotta do like a look over staging neaten it up a little yeah it's perfect though like it's a lot of gain yeah that's a lot of gain yeah we'll play with it we have like tons of unused outputs which there's probably we need to isolate something it sounds awesome it really it really does and that uh silver scott john mayer's signature yeah i mean those riffs it they they really all those talking heads really lends themselves to this yeah cool wow this is crazy we did it we did it thank you for hanging out you guys uh like the episode if you're here this long you probably liked it i mean i don't know if you didn't like it you don't have to like it and everything's falling subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes this friday's awesome we'll be back next wednesday right next wednesday yes we will next wednesday yep yeah oh should we talk about what we're doing this friday this friday's a little special special it is a little special we'll just say this nam used to happen uh it's not going on right now we would be in la right now we would first time in ten years i've been home it might have something to do with us not being at nam but talking about ma'am talk about now maybe friday at 11 central standard time noon 11 11 yep that's it this is unreal everybody's real all right bye-bye that was perfect my gosh yeah they still hear us and there's no outro music the streaming software has issues today but it's fine again
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 133,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, synth, synth guitar pedals, synth effects, Nick Loux, Nix Tapes, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, Josh Scott, Bass Guitar, Bass Pedals
Id: SXTxlP14iXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 42sec (7242 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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