Paul Gilbert’s Pedalboard – What's on Your Pedalboard? 🎸

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I got this from a harmonica instructional DVD you watch harmonica instructional DVDs well is because there's important messages and the the harmonica teacher was talking about a lesson that he learned from watching another legendary blues harmonica by this it was on the internet you searched for it welcome to a brand spanking new episode what's on your pedalboard I'm your host for today just today not any other days and this is Paul Gilbert he has a pedal board and we're gonna dissect it we're gonna get down to the nitty-gritty of what's going on here mm-hmm you excited I'm I love building pedal boards I love using pedal boards and so I'm happy to talk to you about those two things do you want me to just start explaining do you have a question I'm gonna lead you on a journey of understanding yourself okay free therapy I'm excited because came to your house mm-hm and we filmed we filmed our little ditty right and you had a bunch of boards you had wood everywhere yeah you're like a-- you're like a DIY pedal guy why I mean what fun is it to like you know tell your taking you build it right I like that about you there's a certain why he'll let them have all the fun that's the fun part it's ridiculous whether you do that it becomes like lifting this for 12 cabinets then yeah go ahead but you know build a board I want I want to do that but when it comes to putting your toys on a board it's like Legos yeah okay first question guitar cables let's just cover the peripherals of sorry being better this is not pedal all right but first of all I just had to match the tie I've got a bunch of firemen and guitars with various pickups and I like them all but usually you know I get the tie first and I think which guitars are gonna go with it I thought this one was pretty good so the question about the guitar for me is do you have to change your settings with different pickups or do you let the pickups dictate a fresh sound to the current settings I would probably tweak the overdrive pedals it a little bit you know the humbucker is gonna be a little thicker sounding than a single coil or you know the mini hoppers and humbucker is kind of in the middle but most of my pickups are relatively you know low to medium output so with the exception of one guitar that has x2 and power plus DiMarzio just you know they get right there frightening it yeah you you have the free x-ray but anyway the that that one it is almost like having a separate clean boost pedal and your pedal point of that with that guitar but you know the fireman's which I typically use have yeah even though the pickup look different this is similar similar tone I think and you one of my favorite things about you the coyly cable I'm a big fan yeah why do you like the coyly cable I'm clumsy okay if there's a straight cable the chances of me tripping over it and falling down and embarrassing myself are pretty high and and wireless I don't know there's batteries and I'd rather not use batteries so the clean plus you know the Hendrix you look at the old photos and when I was a teenager I had one so I'm you know I'm Riaan Singh my my use as a Aquila cable user yeah I do have the muting jack I noticed that and that was about uh yeah and you know just look at anything you're ready to go so that that's kind of nice do you notice a darkness to the coil cable there might well I mean I only use that one so I really nothing to I don't I don't you know someday go well let's compare it to a straight one I've always used the coil at least I wouldn't know it's not crazy but I like it it little does a little dog in Syria there supposedly some acids it's yeah Sagan has some things to say about that yeah no actually before we move on but one thing I should mention is the slide magnet oh absolutely which is behind underneath see the pickguard is a neil dynam i think it is magnet that holds a chrome steel slide it's got to be a chrome steel if you just get a regular steel little magnetic but not enough glass so just break glass of you'd be trouble be on the floor you'd cut yourself so but that was real good and then you just have to develop you know you should have same show us your smoothest move yeah well you start the mice the first thing was to use a pick scratch during the transition yeah so when i first started with it i have you know playing along but now now you're getting faster with it you're like a wizard now I'm well that watch some video like people commented on our video yeah and it's seamless well it's one of these you got to lose the fear of banging the guitar yeah and that's sound you got it like so goodness okay for there to be a Swonk so if you're going it's nice to stain to it and like that thing I'm just I'm kind of amazed because I was always a really lousy slide player great but it just goes into here all the time I get to practice born you can practice it you get better yeah and for the 25 of you watching this video you're complaining that we're not to the board yet the slide is in effect okay hot dog is a sandwich and the slide is in effect I think it is and that's why we're allowing this time so now for you guys we're gonna move into what you really want I like talking to the comments that haven't happened yeah it's like it's like I'm in the bud it's like cutting them off at the pass because I you know there's like 5% of people that were like twitching you said Paul start us off with this pedal it's purple and white two knobs look suspiciously familiar to me it's this is a mysterious pedal it's it's a voodoo labs micro vibe yeah which it's a very nice distinctive whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] [Music] so I've never tried drugs but this to me does the trick of it that's the sound of drugs yeah that's a great pedal very underrated so it's a photocell univibe who's your these things you know about yeah it's just old schools the first modulation ever 1967 mmm and been in Japan yeah I could keep talking about we're moving on I did modify it occasionally yeah because I love Robin Trower and he's associated with that sound so I see your favorite you know vibe for a lot of things yeah and including the unified so I cut out where I printed out the bridge of sighs album come which is the most famous limiter our album yeah and I didn't Photoshop I made a purple and and then printed it out and then I taped it I took all the knobs off so you know I could do it relatively clean took some clear packing tape and and put the Bridger size album on the front of that on the front of that Mike robot you're crafty i'd i just so i just once if i want something i try to make it happen you can only do what you can do yeah and you did it so it i wish like this one more because a lot of times my the songs in my set or a little hard driving and this one you really need to have like the band kind of sitting back a little bit you know and you still goes long slow distortion on on the ban is like a slope oh don't down yeah and I don't have tunes like that and my said so but this this is like a pedal of hope yeah but someday I will have a song like that and I'll be able to use it more it's killer yeah and next to it next to his is van Halen won the script phase 90 those are as an effect they're similar like a phaser is not a univ IV univibe 'he's not a phaser like that's a confusing thing to a lot of people but a univibe is more phaser than a chorus technically you just listen to the records right you know listen the Bridge of Sighs and you're getting is very different yeah listen to Van Halen one so yeah and there's there's that thing it's awesome and you have it all the way down phase 90 just it's not quite all the way in and that was modified to with the knob because III take these little rubber o-rings that I order on on Amazon for like five dollars that come from China and it's a whole box of o-rings and I put them I take the knob off stuff the o-rings in there I just happen to have the screwdriver how about we show people OLC take it off yeah so take that off you don't screw that Wow well you know what that's that's an Eleanor that isn't it okay so you do do one of your pedals yeah yeah there's no ring now they're actually the what the knob you picked is one of the trickiest ones because that's like that their motor e1 so the whole board has those o-rings under it every knob and that makes it harder to turn yeah you can still turn it there's no accent you're less likely to bump it with your foot or your when the pedal board comes out you know after the opening band would you know it doesn't get bumped now the the phase 90 has a now it comes stock with it now that doesn't have a screw tightener right so on some of those that works like the the Catalan Britta stuff I'm able to just push it down somehow the knob is tight enough on the on the shaft where it will it'll still press down on the rubber o-ring but the the mxr I wanted it wouldn't it wouldn't tight enough so I stole that knob from a full tone Dasia vibe and you know press it down tighten it and that works great that's really cool that's a great idea it's actually really important because otherwise you go onstage and you press the thing and it's like it's wrong setting and what's the point if it's the wrong setting again you're very crafty I'm just trying to get it done all right next in the chain okay next is a JHS bonus i and this it's I said this is sort of like a little bit of distortion and it's for two purposes one is to have a little bit of distortion the is to boost the one that comes after it certain hit the front end of that harder and let's let's hear it so here's without it and here's with it and I'm happy already so that you know for that I made we always think of like my favorite like small amount of distortion song is stay with me by the small faces which was like the keyboard goes bad and that's just grooving and it feels right for that now with this I have a thing it's real friendly for being able to stop or even play clean like if I clean up my blow him a little bit so there's like a breakdown in a song or something where I need to bring the dynamics down I'll use that one on it on its own okay and it's still you know compared to having a notice torsion at all like that's almost too dynamic I don't want that much dynamics that's just scary so this is like softens it up a little bit but it's still dynamic let's look at this face I couldn't get that without yeah yeah if I hit it I get some grind well no and it's a really nice green you're using the MSL so the Ibanez metal screamer okay I don't know what that is yeah you just like that sounded so there's nine modes yeah I was looking for metal I was looking for low-end it's not really a metal there's just marketing yes they call it the metal so business I just went through this the settings and when I heard the low-end kind of go that's the one yeah it was big bTW and as you can see I've got the tone almost all the way down yeah which is wild and but that's still you know guitar trebly things and plus some you know mostly these days I don't even play chords so I'm mostly doing the real high screeches yeah yeah a little less screeching if you if you have that setting all right what's this next guy I've never seen it this is next one do you probably be very surprised by this one but it's a PG fourteen who makes that it's remember Jay TK yep oh that's that horrible company for the Kansas City anyway this is this one actually is as time goes on I'm ending up replacing these the four distortion pedals I used to have my board that's awesome and it seems like one is doing the job and I just keep finding cool settings this is this is this is what I ended up cranking up the push a little more today and I'm kind of liking it so again here without it [Music] and the thing they're surprised about is the feel of that is I've got a lot of distortion you already it feels like nice yes because I have sustained I've got you know this I don't have to hit super hard to get get things to happen but I can stop and you know as loud as I wouldn't be with a drum set yeah but I've tried it with with drum set volume a lot of times I can have that wide open and it's I don't know what magic you did in there but it's it's it's really nice to have that because that's one of the most fearsome things about playing electric guitar is like you stop and it goes and so I mean it'll do that a little more if I turn both on which I do sometimes yeah but I know that if I turn both on that you know the good part is then I with like the high picking stuff I can have a real light touch and get that attack and you know I just don't stop there it kind of self gates itself it doesn't want to go crazy yeah so that's cool so I play a lot of around a lot with with those two if I need if I'm in general if I pick fast or play fast I'll turn on both yeah and but again a lot of times this is just does the job if you're watching this it is the PG 14 budget just there's a bunch of other videos on this channel so we were kind of being silly we're sorry just to clarify yeah now I'm not gonna go to the next one yet because I want to just play a little bit that's one licking one like you're getting cold yeah hands giggles don't play b7 I don't want to play I don't mess it up it's gonna be okay a little too long but I got to say what I wanted to say before we move on so you you're a big fan of the TC mojo mojo right there's other drives to the su pro Drive I've seen you use a CD yeah you you're a fan of mixing it up which I love yeah I love that a lot yeah so you just kind of you feel settled here but what instance is the color yeah the color because it's huge yeah you if you put these put stuff together and it's like I really need something yellow you know then I would go for the ACS I'm glad you can admit that yeah I need something you know that's like dark blue then it'd be the super I need like a brown and all sort of a root beer you know then it would be the motive so it's you know I mean if it sounded really good that I just have to leave it but at the moment if you look at this I think it's a nice color cut super balanced you got all the major tones and we hear with our eyes yeah and you're hearing you have to be happy when you look down and you see it and I'm pretty happy there's nothing worse than just boring nasty pedalboard you know people can do so much more so what's after that after that is the Callisto course by Catalan bread that's up in your neck of the woods it is I didn't know and I like the way it sounded I got it and it it really is awesome it is I'm a big rush fan yeah so if I want to do yes just a nice nice course it I haven't this took me decades to finally figure out but I haven't post distortion yeah it makes it smoother a little more 80s so if I want the 70s or the sixties all you don't hit on the day drive on because that's no pre-distortion yeah it's kind of different character and it's it's a but then again I got to play one more rush rim yeah this is the camera is never too much rock it sounds so good with this pedal what's the other one I was covering police and the shoulder yeah that's era that's like a perfect Polly stone yeah yeah I love that poem that's that's one of my top 10 favorite chorus pedals ever I think Callisto it was as a girl that were is an employee there Oh being or dead I think that's the back story I thought it was jaw Cousteau's boat both Debbie Phillips Oh Calypso yeah Callisto Calypso it's a good petal then you go then we've got well actually the following following these signal paths yeah let's do signal path we're we're now gonna go well let me see which were intended I think it's going to the to the soup Road delay yeah and well let's let's turn that off so we can hear the difference it's just a subtle thing to make me feel better so don't get nervous because if it's just super dry that's a little off like oh this is so sudden yeah that it's a little you know nobody wants you to be nervous yeah I mean if you're in a big echoey room it might be alright yeah but if you know if you're gonna be like a dryer room that that's you you just don't feel good when that happens so I've you know used the soup row to give it a little little slap okay I my to repeat my goal is to is to get the very ending of a van Halen song called hang them high yeah good we can hear he's pretty got an Echoplex or something yeah yeah but it's just like that sounds like an echo yeah sounds like oh that and it's um it's just adds a little little room to it always on yeah always long okay I'm gonna turn that off even though it's always on so you can here just the next one okay it's a panga spring reverb oh the canyon yeah I play something better than that though maybe because I don't have a group I got to have a groove I'm gonna do this groove listen this is a groove a hit and I gotta get my key to groove three yeah in the key of G now I'm ready [Laughter] notice how I put a lot of stops in there you can hear the reverb nice now we're gonna put on both of them and now I I stole this actually I don't really know if you really did this not but I think I stole this from Eric Johnson because I was looking at a picture of Eric trounces pedal board and it looked like he had like delays running into other delays mm-hmm and I thought well maybe I would try like a delay into a reverb and one time he had a separate delay PA so like a memory man coming out of a separate Z yeah so I thought you know tried two together and I've sorted that's not he's become addicted to it and let me do that groove again in G want to [Music] [Music] I'll get it right [Applause] [Applause] so sounds great and those are just always on those are always going okay and then last all last is the emergency in case of emergency box which is rusty JHS prestige and you know we just were both experienced the damn show yeah yeah now this every pedal board that I build is for a gig yeah you know I got a tour coming up solder to figure out which songs I'm going to play now the damn show gig was to jam with other guitar players yeah I had a jam with Steve Morrison at a jam with Steve Vai and Joe Satriani yeah good cats play with pretty good players but at the same time I know that there can be like volume battles and also I want to when they're playing I want to get out of the way a little bit and you know not yeah not be too loud so I want to be both like not too loud but I also want to be way too loud when it's my turn yes and so that's if you have a amp rating totally clean which I do that way even if you have distortion as long as you put the clean boost at the end yeah it will take your distorted sound and give you a sound pressure level oh yeah you know the boost that you know no matter who your jam was it's like okay now it's my turn and people will hear what I'm about to do and so you know if just with the clean sound you can sit wherever you want yeah yeah but it's a big do the same thing with a distortion well it's even more yeah yeah so this might be too much let me dial it back a little bit that sounds good so yeah I had an idea all right which is to do so little way in the guitar key of E and every time I hit the most important note e with AB and I make it louder by pressing that button just only that note and only that Bend I want to see that the people listening really start to be instead to send them a message you know this is this this is the most important note I add this from a harmonica instructional DVD you watch harmonica instructional DVDs well is because there's important messages and the the the harmonica teacher was talking about a lesson that he learned from watching another legendary blues harmonica play by this it was on the internet you searched for it it was like one of my favorite blues guitar players plays with this harmonica player somehow you tube you end up with these rules yeah so he was talking about he called it the look and he said you know you before you you haven't you're not even playing yet and you just look at the audience and the message of that look is this is the most important you ever going to hear in your life right and then you have to yeah then you hit the button and and you've done that you've accomplished your mission we should rename that the look yeah or the most important you've ever heard in your life like the longest name ever and they there call but the look is good you could have like I got it what would what look we if you had to give give that message like you're what you're about to hear it be you know and be like maybe kind of like I don't know solemn serious inquisitive mmm-hmm because you want to hit him you want to we want to prepare them like you want to prepare that ready but you don't want them to know what's about to happen even though you're preparing them so it's more like it's more like turning the page without read you can't even take one but that's alright yeah yeah yeah you know it something's coming nobody knows what's coming into that yeah so that's you know now that the name shows over yeah you know it goes back in a draw and and I'm not gonna be the only guitar player in the band well you know I'll bring that to the can I'm doing a camp you ever get a crazy bass player with like 100 pedals yeah yeah what do you think about that if they if they're making it work they're making it work I like that yeah if they're making it work they're making it work leave them alone what if they're not making it work then you had to drop the hammer the first thing comes to my mind is I did a bass player audition when I did my first solo album where was this what year was like 1997 yeah 96 97 and I sensed but the message to mi the music school right and I said when you audition you this is what you have to prepare you have to build play the bass line so I saw her standing there and sing it oh wow you know what shame on John 17 you know what I mean alwasy look way beyond compare and you know I'm not the bass player but I can do that right and if they if they can put those two things together and and you move me or move anybody's and then and you know Paul McCartney of course he wanted to join I thought yeah you happy with that yeah yeah now there's one important element we still have to cover yeah that is when you travel internationally with your band there's this thing called carne carne the car the carne with it it's like maybe French Spelling's it eat lcar and ET looks like carnet okay the thing is pronounced carne and it's it's a you know for you to travel you need the passport yeah for you gear to travel if you a lot of gear like more than you know then you just take a regular luggage you need a car names just lists of the gear to show that you didn't you're not like smuggling here or what you know yeah transporting without paying the duty order so you know to have to write down the serial numbers and the names every pedal first of all there's no way I can do because like everything's covered with Velcro on the right that's why I attach it so so I decided the solution is to make the whole pedal board a give it a name singing the whole number in a serial number and so yeah so this is the it's a super board nine or nine and I give it a serial number and then just put that on the car name and they're like oh he has a super bored no no not yeah and then you know I don't have to worry about all the individual things then I can swap stuff out it's it's still the super board 909 it's crafty yeah and also the rubber feet with epoxy you got to do the epoxy or they're gonna come off talk about the board here so you made you make the board well what's your process it's a it's a piece of wood yeah that the hardware store any piece of wood it's it's got to be the one with a lot of knot holes because the knot holes mean it came from the high in the tree and it's the woods less dense was lighter because I'm Jenison you know I don't want to go over the weight limit for flying it's given there 50 pounds yep and I put this with my guitar in the same case so it gets heavy and so if I can save a couple pounds by using a light piece of wood that's that's a good idea so I get the one not this stylish or just this what is stylish I think it is but it also there the first one I made I wanted to fit in a double gig bag so the bottom knee would fit like the body and that's how I fit the neck so I made the top part skinny yeah and I just sort of stand with that and and because I don't really need this for anything and it fits I still put it in a double guitar case and this gives me a little more room in the case and yeah just cut that off with if the hardware store will do it that's nice but if not I'll just get a what do you call that little saws like a chainsaw it's not like a like a like a handsaw saw yeah well we're gloves just in case and and then cover it will spray actually the first step is sand the corners that's nice yeah well yeah no splinters just sand the corners any spray painted black and and then you've you know cover it with Velcro and then you know the fun begin and the other thing is I use a little velcro strips to secure the eye like this the cables you just just use velcro strips and leave don't take the back off so you could but it's gonna be sticky yeah but that's awesome yeah it's a great idea use these de marzi okay because they come with a variety of like you know some some of them have angled and some of have like there's there's a straight end yeah you know so like I get a nice combination so it'll work is that there the trick is some pedals have you know Jack's on the top insulin pills have jacks on the side mix it up and that you know that'll they'll change the kind of cable you need because these are kind of stiff which I like is they're strong but you know they're also you can't twist them yeah so you got to make sure you got a good good collection to work with what kind of power here let's talking about this is a same company as the micro vive is the Voodoo labs pedal power to hold power to plus okay and you know you go to the country with another voltage be careful and you're not not my guitar tech now because he's you know the best guitar tech in the world previous guitar techs have plugged it in to the 240 what was that light and poof poof you get about half a second that's the MattyB right before you something smells kind of funny and your and your nothing that's letting up anymore and so I try to make it kind of obvious I label the power supply I label the the well that's just so they know it's mine do you have it at 2:41 yeah okay but I always bring this because it just ends up being easier and then on the other like way downwards plugged in is the thing it says one to one twenty so just as they're plugging in they see like okay it says 120 think before I plug it into the 240 or the 100 in Japan which is 100 volts you get about 30 seconds before it before it melts so you get a little longer there but in Europe the 240 it's gone what is your worst nightmare situation that's happened to you involving a pedal board live on stage just what what's just it haunts you like well it's never one to happen again it's it's Pittsburgh which is where I the nearest big city where I grew up so I have this fear that everybody who I went to high school it's in the audience and they're all going like yeah we know you're not cool yeah that yeah dumb kid that we will school with and and I'm imagining that mm-hmm and so I want to be I want to be really just the best don't put on the best show everything right so I get all excited like okay I'm gonna rock out and I end up like kicking the pedalboard so hard that like I'll kick the power cable out and then there's no sound and then I'm not cool because I'm silent so that that happened the thing I like about your rig I've watched it closely over the this last year and people can you're always evolving so your Instagram is fun yeah you're always showing it what's your Instagram handle I believe it is Paul Gilbert underscore official it's on the screen right now right here so okay and that's fine but yeah it's always fun to watch how you piece together the board's clever it fits in this case you can go anywhere in the world you've not there's really there's a nice room between each pedal so my giant foot is not in Danner of lottery you could fit five more pedals but you don't want to you know need that well I get into this state you know I'm making faces and you know and I can't be thinking like okay I'm too much in the state to deal with something there's little things I only I can only have big things yeah doing that it's great it's awesome and this has been really fun well that is a wrap thanks for watching this edition of what's on your board go to subtle board what's on your pedalboard thanks for watching this I had fun start that over you need to pick scratch might pick scratch ending three two one better pick scratch we stick around that was a perfect ending perfect ending to this episode of what's on your pedal board go to Sweetwater comm for all kinds of amazing gear to build your own board to do some of the stuff he's done or the other episodes whatever like subscribe to the channel it's awesome I don't have anything else to say except this was really fun and you're fun and pebbles are fun and I need to quit talking I'm like I'm like a talking trap we're gonna slow fade you jamming and me just talking till I can't stop talking play us out okay [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Sweetwater
Views: 935,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sweetwater, paul gilbert, josh scott, jhs, itemid:pg14, cat:guitar, man:jhs, electric guitar, pedalboard, effects pedal, how to, paul gilbert pedalboard, pedal board, what's on your pedalboard, jhs paul gilbert, paul gilbert pedal, paul gilbert jhs, paul gilbert rig rundown, paul gilbert rig, paul gilbert gear, paul gilbert sweetwater, pedalboard 2020, sweetwater paul gilbert, #sweetwater, jhs pg-14, paul gilbert 2020, pedalboard setup
Id: TtffSwbDK8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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