LIVE: New and Notable Pedals in Josh's Collection (March 2021)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry i had to crack open a cold one grapefruit how do you feel about the 365 it's fine i like it they're not gonna be hiring me to write any tagline soon but it's like 365. it's fine it's fine it's adequate well here we are it's wednesday at two we're trying an hour earlier yeah we are so we can have better family lives that's why we're here at two so we hope you enjoy this maybe there's like a a hundred thousand more people watching today just because we bumped it down at two yeah i don't know a lot of people yeah that'll never happen uh what are we doing today we're showing let's show the mono pedal cam these are all juicy new pedals that i'm really enjoying uh the starlight here we've gone over i just have it as a delay i have a nice uh memory man pink floydy thing going on but we're going to cover a bunch of new devices this is not new but it's so good new to me came in the other day so i'm going to use it as my overdrive it's the diamond cornerstone everything else is literally fairly new releases i actually don't know about the minim i think it's newish again new to me whatever so yeah we're doing that and we have a bunch of giveaways uh we're gonna do ernie ball trivia time so the winner of an ernie ball trivia question gets to pick any string that they like bernie ball and they get sent an entire box for a person like nick that box would last 12 years right that's true i'm actually almost i know you weren't asking me but i'm almost through my box that i got about two months ago so little like yeah so and also let's go to josh cam we have another josh cam this is uh moderator joshua it's also customer support so if you ever have any problems he's the guy helping you hold up those posters we're going to give away some pedals to musical posters a few of these left we've sold through everything and that's amazing wow so cool yeah we have some limited colors here that you can't really tell it's a little blown out that's fine and uh we're gonna give away a hercules guitar stand addison can hold that up yeah it's a three yeah one of the big boys trinity trinity trifecta it's a good one trey trey stand you know he uses one of these a lot who rickshaw rhett who's that he's that weird guy on youtube uh so the way we're gonna do it go back to the pedalboard cam we're going to jam on the pedals and then after each pedal um you can basically be asking questions about the pedal while we're jamming and then we'll go in and find some good comments there does that sound fun it sounds like a rip roaring good time it does it does uh let's give away this stand let's do that now right out of the gate right out of the gate um i have a question yeah i have a trivia question for you let's see if he wants yeah we're going to ask a question here is it hercules related again it is i'm gonna ask a question directly into the camera like this and then we're gonna roll skillshare ad because this episode is brought to you by the great folks folks folks that's skillshare go over there and check out learn stuff be a better person uh so we'll roll that out and after the ad we will announce the winner so addison uh am i looking into the camera and asking that question okay cause you said you were gonna do it whatever all right here's the question first one that we see on our end you guys ready here it goes in the disney movie hercules what's the name of hercules sidekick steed who he received as a gift from his parents as a child go i freaking love that character skillshare is an online community with thousands of inspiring classes for curious people at every skill level explore new skills get better at the things you already love get lost in creativity and join the millions of other people that are already enjoying this platform there's tons of stuff you can learn on skillshare perhaps you're a really creative person there are classes for you struggling to find resources on how to start your small business well you guessed it there are classes for that as well i wish skillshare had existed when i started jhs i could have taken a web developing class and made my first website way better it was bad and maybe jhs would be as big as boss or electro harmonix by now probably not that's okay it's fine but there are courses that teach you how to record better audio how to edit video you can take classes on graphic animation so if you ever wondered how nick does the fancy graphic stuff on our show you could learn to do it yourself nick if you're listening right now there is a course called learn how to mix music with young guru frankly i want all of our gems from here on out to sound like jay-z albums i don't think that's too much to ask so go take the class nick maybe i'll take it too there's even content on how to solder and classes on understanding electronics which is super cool if you have any interest in building pedals or gear the classes are put together really well they're broken down in bite size and easy to understand pieces in some classes they even go so far as to provide shopping links for the supplies you're going to need for that class it's awesome it's amazing it's like college but way cheaper and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning that was always my problem there's literally thousands of topics and the best part is that it's less than ten dollars a month with their annual subscription that's like 33 cents a day that's like a penny an hour i don't know i didn't really do the math because i'm bad at math but maybe skillshare has a math class i should take i'll look into it at the end of this stream we'll be posting a link in the description the first 1 000 people to use the link will get a free trial of skillshare premium don't go right now going like 20 30 minutes after the lab's over it'll be there and you might really like it that was that glitch was my fault take it away who's the winner of the trifecta stand the winner is fernando cardenas whoa and the answer is pegasus pegasus his name is the thing that he is oh there you go nice that's deep i don't want to get too deep here but whoa so we actually just tied this back into pedals i did that on purpose yeah just for the record it's amazing all right i think um i think where we're at in this episode is we have a couple options guys we can pack it up and go home we gave away a stand or we can jam oh i think we should jam yeah we should go through what this what pedal do you want to jam on first your shirt is so bright i just want to say i'm just trying to flame and hot i'm trying to channel summer vibes today i think i think it's the monitor that i adjusted settings for it's not actually is let's jam i'm playing um this guitar has a story yes i am that big it looks like a mandolin this is a normal strat uh it's it's like a rope rosewood everything wait even the bodies roast i don't think the body oh it's a maple body rosewood neck i bought all this stuff off flea bay and these are loller pickups and it sat in a case at the luthier for two and a half years because the the neck pocket wasn't level we're good to go now i got it i got it about two weeks ago yo do you like it it's great it's a great it's a great little strat right it's a strat you know a strat there's a question here in an episode that i've been contemplating doing let me know in the comments if you want to see this is a strat a strat oh i want to see that yeah because i have a lot of strats right and i there's so many types of strats anyway so i'm playing the two rock the mayor's signature that's the reverb from that i heard that makes you play exactly like john mayer it does when i pick it up it's strange like whoa it's like you didn't even have to practice no i don't even know what i'm doing it's just are you using his settings what what is his all right benson germanium fuzz let's go there yeah this this i just want to say even things i make aren't really impressive sometimes they're just good like not everything in life's impressive i hear that yeah i hear that like a hot dog isn't impressive it's good there are things that i love that you love that everyone watching loves they're not impressive right they're just life fuzz is life sometimes yeah this benson it impresses me wow it's a germanium fuzz you can place anywhere in now notice it says temperature controlled one of the problems with germanium devices is that they get hot and have more gain or get cold and have less gain you have to bias them and you have to put them at certain places in the chain he fixed both those problems how he sent me a video on his cell phone i'm gonna play it here's how this works then we're gonna jam on it so gather your questions because you can ask them after we jam oh hey i didn't see you there hey i'm chris benson and uh josh wanted me to explain this thing which is the temperature-controlled germanium fuzz uh so basically germanium transistors when they get too hot or too cold um they just start sounding acting funny uh so i had an idea because i love the sound of germanium um i had the idea to take the transistors like this this is a 2n404 and heat sink a resistor to it which is there you go basically stick it on there with uh some what do they call it thermal grease and then run current through this this warms up that'll warm up the transistor and when the transistor gets to where it wants to be this shuts off and it'll just kind of always be at the temperature every time you turn it on so the fuzz puddle always sounds the same even if you're playing it outside or inside an igloo there you go have a good one wow so he fixed the 60 year old problem literally like so the maestro 61 is designed released in 62 and ever since then even stories like the maserati fuzz right which a lot of people are aware of the first it's supposedly a hundred i don't know i don't believe that probably a thousand units had germanium and it was so bad they kept getting returns because when people laid it on concrete floors it wouldn't work yeah like it was cold yeah i heard about people putting stuff in like the freezer because yeah like they like the sound of the low gain better or whatever dwayne almond would put his fuzzy faces in the refrigerator dude what a like crazy it's like so smart and like it i know it's like probably not a simple idea but it's like he laid a thing on top of another thing and it fixed the problem what happens if it gets too hot i don't i mean knowing chris that's not a problem i mean he thought it through it's impressive that's crazy uh so let's play let's jam on it i i don't actually i've never seen the schematic i think that it's like a fuzz face ish that which i hate saying that because that means nothing because you change one part in the fest space and it's a totally different circuit you know there's hundreds of fuzzface style circuits so let's turn it on here we have a gain volume and impedance so that's impedance is gonna change how it reacts so if you have it later in your chain you can play with that and simulate your pickup [Applause] that's really useful like basically inside of this is a pickup simulator and he's using a transformer and loading the front of the circuit in the same way that the coil of a pickup does so it's great oh so that's how the other problem it gives it's giving it more like voltage on the front giving it a different resistance as if it's seeing your guitar and not the buffer of another pedal oh wow so not only did he fix the temperature thing yeah he used that's so smart yeah it's that pv hat he was wearing and it cleans up so let's do a little verb [Music] yeah let's do a dope let's do a start a beat and we're just gonna stumble into a jam okay anything you want man anything we're gonna do it in a and see what happens okay cool that's obviously not the slide there but that's fine [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] big [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah in a way that was petal world news right it's true yeah it's like it's a new whole episode is kind of pedal world news there's uh there's cues for the live they're right next to my mute switch and my big giant hand slapped like seven cues so all seven no it just felt that way just we're gonna move it over all right what's some questions on this benson germanium fuzz temperature controlled from portland oregon what do we got over there yeah uh we didn't have that many about the benson specifically except except adrian de martiels asked if the resistor on top of the transistor is the same as a bias control on other germanium fuzzes um i wouldn't again you can chris is on instagram he's amazing he'll probably answer everything i don't think it would be so the bias control on the fuzz is gonna come off of you know your emitter or you can do it from the collector so there's three legs on a transistor one is where your signal goes in and then you control voltage on the extremes of the transistor what he's doing is more about the actual temperature inside the fuzz so in a way he's built a strange little hvac air conditioning heating unit sort of it's like having heated cooled floors it's like he has like a miniature hot plate in there yeah they just turn it on yeah cooking cooking though he made a petal griddle petal griddle yeah tm petal griddle the benson petal griddle cooking up okay all right next next mike wants to know if this resistor heatsink method uh does it work in hotter environments though if you're outside and it's summer and it's 100 degrees does that negate the effect of the transistor i mean the resistor i would think it still works because it's heat sinking it's taking on the conductance of heat from the metal transistor and sinking it yeah i think it would still work again chris you know we'll have chris on the show one day we'll break this down and we'll do a class we'll do like a ted talk we'll you know we'll be on cbs nightly news with this because it's that good yeah i thought it sounded awesome i was getting overdrive sounds these are really weak pickups so it was really nice i liked it nice uh one more uh quick question there's a few people asking what makes a a rat not a fuzz or what makes a distortion a fuzz if a rock falls from a mountain okay here we go sorry i just need to i'm sorry buckle this is the sound of me putting my seatbelt on click all right continue if a rock falls from a mountain begins at the peak or the echelon of said mountain say a goat okay a goat hits a rock it's walking around and it goes oh and it hits it hits the rock and it rolls the goat looks away it doesn't care but the rock rolls for an hour down this that's a big mountain no one sees it did it happen okay cool awesome my answer to that is no one's ever answered the rat is a distortion in the same way that a big muff is a distortion it's like the einstein rosenberg bridge or the theory of relativity that caused time travel so no let me rephrase that the big muff is a fuzz that's a distortion the rat is a distortion that's also a fuzz whoa does that resonate at everything yeah where's the crossover point when does it start to feel like a fuzz is there a when it gets sloppy and gooey right okay and it gets so clipped that yeah there you go it's just a square if you're looking at it it's a square okay yeah you had to bring up pro tools didn't you i did i still use logic real men's doll that's the working man's doll they might say that okay uh next up this is fun i like this i'm having fun all right let's go to this electro harmonix pedal here go down to the cam the ripped speaker the electro harmonics ripped speaker addison what in the world could this simulate well my guess is um it's some sort of delay or no what do you think this simulates okay well i could be a goofus or i could answer the question straight up it sounds like maybe this is emulating it sounds like it's harkening back to the legends of people slashing their speakers legends true story up in the cubbies up here there's a speaker that i bought a year and a half ago for an episode on where i actually was going to remember this and we might should do that yeah it'd be super easy people got really mad at you when you sliced through that speaker yeah i had an episode where i did cut an old speaker and yeah i was like i killed animals live on tv or something um this simulates the sound of ripped speakers which there's a couple notable legends there's three legends the first is um it's gonna be ike turner rocket 88 the speaker gets dropped on the side of the highway and sam phillips at sun pre-sun memphis recording shoves a piece of paper in the back to hold the broken or ripped speaker together another is that link ray rumble poked holes in his speaker i don't think that's true whatever and then another one is the kinks you really got me um where supposedly they're two brothers they're kind of like liam and noel of oasis but way before oasis they hated each other and supposedly one of the brothers ray davies or the davies brothers he had a knitting needle why he had a knitting needle i don't know and he supposedly stabbed little holes in the speakers but then the other brother claims he stabbed the holes and they fought for like 50 years over who stabbed the holes and the speaker and there's a lot of reason to believe it never actually happened yeah so let's let's play this what does a ripped speaker sound like [Music] [Applause] [Music] it sounds like a misbiased fuzz pedal yeah so that's what sounds good yeah so this is your volume tone so i'm trying to i always like to figure out what might be the basics of a circuit there's like nobody reinvented the wheel here so there's some popular fuzz circuit it doesn't feel like a big muff [Music] then this knob is ripped so [Music] this is a bias knob probably to the second transistor so like on our three series fuzz that is you could do some of this so the three series could be a ripped speaker too this is tuned really nice though it has a cutoff point on the far end [Music] and another cut off on the this end oh that's kind of an interesting way to do that and then if you roll it up a little on the front there's not much of a rip this sounds like a good fuzz and then you have a fuzz knob so let's try to play you really got me okay that's too much what's the perfect knitting needle ripped tone nick that's that is interesting [Music] it's your mic [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nailed it just because the song starts on the note doesn't mean it's in the key of the note started oh right that's true cool that is cool yeah you know i think there could be someone out there let me talk to you you're skeptical you're saying they just do a bias nominal fuzz maybe they did but they did it really well and the sound it produces in all proximities is the sound of what i would say is a ripped speaker it seemed sorry it's not about how you get somewhere it's what you do when you're there wow okay okay so it's not about the journey where are we gonna stay out of school i was gonna say boldly cut you off no no i actually boldly cut you off uh it seemed like what it seemed like the tone knob is that what you're turning was quite interactive to the sort of bias of the circuit i could be crazy no it is okay the thing is i think that could be a big muff tone control it's very big enough tone control is very specific and it's in a lot of famous circuits like the arion chorus has a big muff tone control so my initial thing about it not being a fuzz could have been correct yeah yeah harkens back too it gets there's this i'm gonna say this is probably a fuzz similar to like the satisfaction which is like a jordan boss tone thing misbiased with a control knob and maybe a big mo that's if you know i'm not in the kitchen watching them cook but if i'm tasting the meal yeah i think that's what i'm tasting gotcha nice yeah all right love it any questions on the ripped speaker from electro harmonix yes um there is i'm trying to this sounds a little convoluted to me so let me see if i let me ask a different question a razor blade where does the razor blade come into the lore it you know uh link ray could have they're all unprovable stories every one of them even the one which i really believe is the ike turner you know rocket 88 the amp falls out sam phillips shoves paper in and i really believe that because you see him record howling wolf at the same time and it leads up to elvis and everything's evolving with him like allowing distortion as a producer i feel like there's a better prove ability to a method of someone's mind there like the method of sam phillips wanting that sound everything else is a little bit like it could be on the level of like some of the les paul stories where like the guy says he did it is that enough probably not it never is you know how many famous people said they did things they didn't do right i'll let that sit there i just had a thought i almost wonder if shoving paper in the back of the cone you know when you touch the speaker it buzzes that probably like in increased that sounds instead of ripped speaker they could do flapped speaker yeah exactly it's not a better name but it might be more accurate yeah i really think this is cool i will say if you're a fuzz aficionado grab one it's super cheap for one and then yeah it who cares what the topology is it's a really good product that says what it does and it does what it says that's amazing nailed it you're full you're just full of these sayings today you're really on fire you know i'm trying i'm trying all right any more questions one more is it misbiased if that was the sound you were going for from a technical perspective is there any chance of damaging the components like a misbiased tube amp oh such a good question and what davey's brother were you i don't remember the other guy's name so i'm the one guy i know it's ray okay um miss how did he he worded it really well the first read the first part there is it miss biased it is um biasing is a technical thing that has a truth so when you have a nine volt power supply you have a transistor rated at at least nine volts you need to cut the supply voltage in half to buy a said transistor when it's in a certain arrangement so 4.5 volts is what you would correctly bias a transistor to in a fuzz face or some other fuzzes so 4.5 volts half supply voltage is perfect bias and that will usually achieve big creamy perfect sustain the benson is probably biased at 4.5 or something like that to taste misbiasing it can't hurt it because you can't hurt something by underpowering it in the analog world a dying battery isn't going to hurt your pedal a dying battery will miss bias a fuzz but it'll send a little different if you over bias it it'll just won't work like if you're nine volts isn't going to hurt the part but if you go on a fuzz face up into around 7.5 or 8 volts you won't hear anything that's what's happening here so if i had to again i'm not in the kitchen but i'm eating the mill this is what i hear [Music] zero one volt probably turning the knob two volts it's probably a linear taper knob [Music] 4.5 that's probably biased and it sounds familiar and also it'll clean up really nice if it's biased what did we hear kick in as you did you catch that yeah it's it's going to be the part turning on oh nice cool okay biasing it is all about turning it on to spec got it if i go up further we're over biased six volt seven volts now we're just destroying it probably eight volts might even be nine for all i know this is this is a transistor saying please god turn off the heater yeah so you can you can double bias you can bias with your guitar as well that would be more of a input voltage okay change so there's supply voltage bias and then there's input voltage because your guitar pickups are an actual component or a coil and you're turning down the volts we don't we that it sounds like my guitar has volts well it's like it's not going to kill you or it's passive voltage so a strap pickup all the way up i don't actually remember the measurements five volts or something yeah cool that's why humbuckers have more voltage and they clip and amp quicker oh okay yeah man we just really went into some deep thought there all right solid gold effects let's look at this guy this is new very new very good sliders the imperial it is stinking beautiful solid gold is from canada so i know they're nice never talk to them but they're really nice i can attest they are really nice yeah um i'm looking forward to i want to do a bio on solid gold i've loved their stuff for a long time this pedal is based off of a circuit that's magical really rare i'm special it's the jumbo fuzz oh thus the sliders so go down to that pedalboard cam and back and forth real annoyingly staring to the top yeah stare at the wait go stare at the imperial back okay all right so let's play it for a second here this is their take on the jumbo and the jumbo is a form of a ram's head clone electro harmonics 73 through 77 or 8 77 i think they made a big mouth called the rams head because it had a little creepy looking ram head on the corner [Music] that sounds good sounds real good and you know there's some secret sauce in here um yeah this contour knob is cool [Music] it's a mid focus let's let's jam i'll do a riff i think [Music] cool [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] that almost fell apart but we saw it falling apart we saved it that's a good pedal i like how it's gating there let's talk about this memory man setting on the starlight thank you that sounds so good so there's a gate control on the jumbo fuzz right sustained tone and volume it's a straight up big muscle but it has i think the jumbo again this is stretching my brain i think that it has a gate circuit added to the lab's head and it's inside part of the there's not a control here that's part of why it's not like a clone i bet that sounds good on base oh i wouldn't be sick here's how bright it gets [Music] i might want one of those that's good imperial mk2 yo from canada would love any questions any questions on this no okay well no one no one likes no one cares about solid gold you know you know when something's good nobody asks questions that's true i think that fuzz looks as good as it sounds which is amazing it's really cool um here's a good fuzz just a general fuzz question any tricks to using any of these fuzz pedals and still cutting through the band mix in a live setting uh yeah so the imperial literally has a contour knob boost your mids totally brilliant so with any other fuzz like take the vinson you have the danger which is part of the charm you're just you don't have mids but this does it's chunky that light that indicates the gate turning on doesn't it you see that on the right [Music] [Applause] nice so wait there is a gate slider on there nope just oh it's just the added control is contour mids oh got it which is awesome for a big muffs so there's a gate inside of it but it's like just set gate circuit yeah okay cool it's like a preset kate do you at any point drive the pedal so hard that the gate quits functioning is that a thing that occurs with that pedal i don't know i don't know i'm just curious i have a less ball over here but i'm too lazy to try it hey man because i'm enjoying the strat because it took two years to get the neck pocket you do you so i answer a lot i get a lot of emails that say hey my fuzz is in the middle of my chain and it sounds really bad yeah put it first and i say put it first i have repaired fuzzes i have modded fuzzes and i have no idea why you can put a big muff in other places in your chain am i wrong about it yeah the big muff so the the big muff topology the imperial or any other big muff style circuit you can put it anywhere it's not as fragile as some of these others a lot of that has to do with the fact that most fuzzes take the benson fuzz face ish i'll even assume this ripped speaker i'm assuming a lot but maybe it's a boss tone kind of thing those are two transistor fuzzes one is basically an input stage and the second is where the fuzz is created so like a clipping stage that's not a very stable circuit but a big muff style circuit has four transistor stages it actually has buffers on the front and back so to speak so it's not affected so much what happens if you look at the board here um this has this pedal in front of it i believe so this is going to receive the input it's going to receive the output impedance of the pedal in front of it if this is a boss pedal it's going to be a buffer with a crazy different impedance than your guitar pickups and the front of this is going to receive it and it's going to screw with a simple fuzz it won't really hurt a complex fuzz like this but if you put a boss pedal before a classic germanium benson fixed the problem but you know if that was just a normal fuzz face you're gonna screw with what it needs to it's just such a simple circuit that it has to be babied it's not even i mean to say it bluntly like fuzz faces original tone benders and stuff it's not a good circuit from a technical like real life standpoint it's not very good but it sounds great yeah and there are people who i've said that too and they say hey i really like the way my chains my rig sounds with my fuzz somewhere else that's not at the beginning yeah and that's fine that's the other thing is just try stuff you might like it we need to make a stinger we do all right mr oh looking down here mojo hand effects mojo hand uh has a history we did we did an episode on mo johan we did yeah and uh you can go watch that but uh john cusack is now the owner of this brand and they've been putting out some really great stuff and they've been replicating some really classic sounds they replicated the memory man uh really cool pedal and this is the mr o phase shifter so it is this pedal here this is the first ever face circuit pedal it's not really but it had a remote with pedals but it actually has a mic stand mount and so you would put up on a mic stand keyboard players would use it and stuff tom oberheim designed this and basically invented what we know of as a phaser it has rocker switches it's beautiful it's bigger than my head what you're that come out do you know 70 something is that the date 74 i think 74 something like that it looks like the 70s yeah it's very cool um so this replicates that let's turn it on let's see here that's stinky let's turn the depth up and start to see what so i think every knob at noon if i'm correct is like the stockish sound of the maestro yeah so the big rocker switches on a maestro are speed so let's play with speed first so slow it way down turn on some reverb i can hear that on roads in my head let's go a little more speed three quarter speed fastest speed [Music] that's the fast rocker yeah so originally this really was a lot of people think the univibe was designed to sound like a leslie that wasn't what he was doing it just worked this really was oberheim was going after that [Music] sounds good man i want to say juicy again yeah say it a three-dimensional i need to pull my strap up and that's okay that's how i wear my guitar it's pretty high especially when i'm playing bass one thing one thing we're learning on these lives is if you're watching this you don't really care what we do so i just pulled my strap up i have nothing to prove all right let's let's play some like people get ready but not the bad rod stewart version i know jeff beck's on that recording and a lot of people just unsubscribed but it's fine [Music] don't forget to meet your mics i'm gonna turn on this diamond for some [Music] drive [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] it feels really good this diamond i'll talk about it for a second i think they've made this for a while i am wanting to do my favorite diamond pedals and i realized there's some that i've seen and never played so naturally i need to play them all to decide what's my favorite yeah so i have i had most of them and i i've seen this on a few boards it's really stinking impressive so it's two game controls and it's doing everything from light gain let me turn the phase i'll turn mr o back on but it has a mid control which we just talked about cutting through [Music] [Applause] [Music] so gain one is like a preamp and then you can cascade i believe with more of a power tube kind of thing [Music] [Applause] i just want to point out how freaking amazing this thing sounds [Music] so back to the phaser with it a little bit of verb [Music] i like it because it doesn't have a tone control oh really like sometimes just sometimes make it sound right take my options away did i miss did do you know what it is is it its own thing i don't i will call and interview them at some point i think the switch on there in the middle is a tone sort of a tone shaping thing yeah i think it's probably the mids yeah you're probably right it's probably like a low high mid thing let's see it's hard to hear with phaser on but i don't want to try the phaser that's a really nice pedal touchscreen both of these mr o um what i like about this and let's answer a question if there are any it's rare to find three knob phasers period it looks awesome and it's based on a super classic circuit that's what i like about it so if you're a phaser fan it's definitely a must pick up because you don't want to use this one because it's big and stupid and it'll break on you so just buy the other one yeah any questions on this uh number one patrick mcmanus says that that song should be called your body as a slumber land wood song the one you just played your last chance people get ready so yeah how do you [Music] i think maybe it's because it's also yeah we're slow dancing in a burning room yeah it's also that same chord is it every john mayer's song am i allowed to say that there's a couple you did they could also be waiting on the world to change too oh wait so it's a little different i don't know play it world to change oh yeah i think it's pretty obvious that he's going after this yeah not your body's a wonderland though yeah yeah i'm like that yeah uh really quick one does the mr o have an expression option it doesn't but if you're crafty and you want to ruin something you can always make an expression out there we've done a few of those um is there a difference in the john cusack if you're watching do a bigger just a double version with tap tempo because you're mr tap tempo that would be sick is there a difference in the general topology of a phase shifter and a phaser like the phase 90. uh no so when when keith bart designed the phase 90 he actually refused to look at this he said he knew about this he didn't want to look at it because he didn't want to rip it off and he you know yes and no they're all phasers they're knocking it in and out of phase so you do it with op-amps you do it with transistors you do it with different stages you do like diff more or less stages yes and no i don't think i helped anybody with that answer hey it's okay not really for those out there that are curious to know how much it costs it's a hundred and forty nine dollars i realize we should probably be telling people how much these costs so you can go buy one because i kind of want to hear about the internet that's true but they're watching us i don't want them to have true we need to provide all information exactly look at me that's what i mean my eyes i'm sorry i haven't told you the prices i need you to forgive me and click subscribe again okay anymore oh i have a question like the color knob um what exactly are you changing when you're rolling that color knob back and forth that's a great i was wondering that exactly i was curious it's probably it's a frequency pass i believe it's a tone i have seen color labeled on a couple japanese pedals where it was actually staging so it gets confusing in my head i don't know i'm gonna yeah it's a high pass or is it a lopez oh well because somehow they're the same thing like eventually yeah eventually wait no yeah so here's the color all the way up and yeah you hear the hits that were up top and then down i tell you what a good clean amp a strat in the middle position the the neck middle and a slow phase it's wonderful someone's going to roll that knob up and hear that oscillation and email cusack and say that it's wrong they are sometimes the knobs all the way up isn't what you're supposed to do sometimes but sometimes it is what you're supposed to do sometimes but honestly do what you want to do something yeah exactly sometimes listen you know what ernie will go ahead oh oh i was going to say i think i smell something what do you smell i think i smell ernie ball trivia time [Music] today's ernie ball trivia time is brought to you by ernie ball guys thank you for giving away strings to our viewers uh big shout out to them it's so cool and they make great strings i actually switched to ernie ball strings recently because i did get a box of them and i genuinely i'm being real i like the way they age don't oh you guys might be they might make fun of their market for aged streets dude oh my gosh hold on nick you're supposed to you're gonna be worth thousands of dollars bro we like but do do like that's a thing do like it's gotta be you gotta do like celebrity age strings where you get john mayer to place uh like a pack of ernie balls for like six months and then you get like sin six month like age but then you get like a a good 12 years it comes with a verification his dead skin yeah it's like you it comes with a dna test forget jhs pedals we're gonna do we're done we gotta think of a name for the string company what's the family tree thing where people what's that site me for like 23 family yeah it's the other one i don't know anyway it's like it's they do an ancestry profile on vintage streams yeah dude but like you get it and it's like it's got that it's got that you know john mayer crust on it i'm grossed out by the more descriptive question you get to pick any string you want that's it you get a full box of any ernie ball string that you want if you answer this question right and if it shows up in our chat first josh was the one that's we're gonna do a jam and then we'll come back come back yep cool all right so here's the question everybody ready what ernie ball band set the guinness world record for being the first musical act to perform on every continent whoa that's like a that's a fire question it is here's here it is again what ernie ball band set the guinness world record for being the first musical act to perform on every continent go okay sweet back to that monocam let's talk about the windmiller by a clam they make amps and stuff and they have the dr robert which i've shown on the show which is like this boxing they're doing clever stuff they have their own enclosure this is a system that mounts into their pedal boards i think the cases look sick no matter what board they're on they look hefty too like you can't tell from this angle but my lord it looks like you could it it's like weapons grade like shielding yeah so this is a crazy thing it simulates a grampian reverberation unit type 636 serial number 1138 which pete townsend used as a saturation tool to drive his ants now i'm interested yeah and just like the dr robert is this random vox amp that to be like they're doing a really cool thing with a historical narrative so you know i like it now here's what's interesting we're probably gonna need to turn we're gonna this doesn't have a master volume it's made to basically hit the front of an amp and kill you so i'm playing an amp that's a little it's too clean for this so we're gonna have to turn this joker way up and we're fine in the room because i'm in an iso cab but i'm turning your feed down go ahead i'm going to turn my verb off turn the pedal on and you have gain low cut high cut that's it and this lights up as i overload it cool i'm just gonna keep going give it give it some juice man [Music] so off so this is simulating this unit he used to drive his amps i'm gonna have to admit i'm not really familiar with a lot of who songs i'm not either and that's okay i haven't gotten there yeah we've had these discussions in the shop about uh listening to a band's discography and trying to like explore i just haven't gotten there with the yeah so i'm gonna make up something that i feel like you could play while doing the windmill thing with your hand right right that's people yeah are you going to do the one mil thing with your hand no because i'll hit the table and knock the streaming computer off this okay so let's do something uh aga and try not to sound like ac dc and try to make it sound like the who i'm gonna tell you right now it's gonna sound a lot like ac dc let's see let's see [Music] me [Music] this sounds like a cd [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay yeah it was basically really bad ac dc it was like busy ac dc yeah i tried what now i just want to go listen to the who and figure out what they yeah the attitude's right i think that didn't feel right yeah i don't feel like i have it in me i think we'll get there one day yeah in the comments ridicule what you just heard yeah tell us how on the who we were [Music] it sounds dope it's slamming yeah i would like to hear this through like a i like a normal amp that's not a hundred i literally have an amp over here that's a hundred clean watch what did he play do you remember was it an ace he played like high watts and other stuff and you know he used a super buzz for a while like there's a lot of combinations of things i really like this if you're a boost person boost for a lot of you you may not know it it's the overdrive you've always wanted so this may be really cool for some of you who play lower wattage amps you don't like overdrive pedals you feel like they mess with your frequencies try something like this this is really cool they had a kickstarter campaign and they surpassed it on this so this is a successful kickstarter pedal a very rare thing and yeah cool there we go any questions on it uh no yes yes uh just asked is it a preamp or just a drive and what's the difference uh it's a preamp it's a it's a gain stage made to slam into the front of an amp it's a pre-amp amplifier so it's an amplifier that you put into the front of an amp yeah great wow it's deep it is deep should we um figure out who yeah who won barney ball trivia time go for it yeah um who won for anybody what was the answer oh that was brilliant hey what's the price do you know the what the price the price of what the pedal there will be a windmill i don't know nope i'll look it up no one knows we'll say it it costs money nfts is bitcoins i think it's an nft uh so the answer to the question what ernie ball band set the guinness world record for being the first musical act to perform on every continent was wow metallica was metallica um not dolly parton i saw that name go through a few times um and scott mcdonald you are the winner of please email vlog if you're not scott mcdonald don't email us yeah because we'll be mean to you if you do yeah i played the rug [Music] hey while you're playing that it's good undertone music too how much this is it's 317 it's 269 euros yeah but hey it's made like a tank it's unique they're doing good stuff and uh yeah i like what they're doing i've said that i really love what they're doing the boards are cool too uh right let's do the minim minim oh blood noise brady this is a good-looking pedal let's look down at this pedal that's a good-looking pedal does it sound good we're about to be the judge in the jury i would leave you in a heartbeat to go work with old blood noise he's made this pretty clear oh i love whoever does it like i we're gonna do an old blood noise bio and play a ton of stuff um brady senten this is one that he sent in so it's new to me i'm looking at the wall there's like some kill or this flat light yeah oh my gosh it's so good i had a real battle on what to put on the board here for today so what we have is essentially um a reverb delay and reverse so reverb with harmonic trim on it modulated delay reverse section and an order switch to put the reverse first or last so i'm gonna stand up and just twiddle with the knobs here for a second because it's way out on the table it's 229 dollars for the record [Music] or you can buy one used on reverb right now for 180 dollars but if you're listening to this after we stream this thing it's probably sold all right reverb control [Music] time so [Music] did you turn the reverb all the way off okay cool it's a little radio head style in there three fingers addison wouldn't know i'm working on it feedback it has they say it has nearly infinite repeats let's test that how long can we stream um i don't know i think does youtube have an infinity meter so cool that is actually really that's dope and it doesn't like it's not like traditional delay feedback runaway that's cool [Music] [Laughter] decay that's going to be verb so blend let's turn on the verb everybody ready yeah yeah let's get a i'm so interested in this reverb [Music] let's get a very let's try with an like here's a normal kind of delay i would probably use it's still a light that modulation is very that's the mix yeah very nice okay so here's a normal verb sound i might use a delay so i'm sorry [Music] so good here we go everybody buckled i'm [Music] buckled [Music] so [Music] [Music] ooh is that the harmonic trim yeah that's cool let me reverse it are you it's reverse reverb or delay reverb [Music] it adds some sort of pitch thing too is that in the reverse setting or is there a knob for that or is that just kind of the [Music] it's like a ship it's in the reverse setting nice [Music] so let's do like e minor walk [Music] gf sharps like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] i feel so emotional do you have like a spoken word thing you want to do over this i mean i do or do i can you flip the order on the the reverse yeah i did mid midsole you did can you hear it can you do it by itself i was really curious what that was gonna sound like yeah let's check it out so oh that's cool [Music] that's rad it's a great pedal it's such a flavor box like it's like you're not i that's one of those petals that's in that category where it's like if you need to get out of a creative rut or something it's like pick this up that's my pitch for this pedal what did you call it flavor flavor box that's a good name it has a nice flavor profile yeah let's give away some potatoes remember how i was saying i would leave you yeah i just really love that petal oh it's so nice that whatever you guys just did there i went somewhere you went far away from your job i'm not sure where i went but um yeah let's give away some posters uh what we're gonna do we're gonna keep it simple on us because you know if we're gonna sustain the show it needs to be simple on us how many posters are there i think there's four the first four people that say they woke up it's that easy he wants a poster we'll sign them the show will at least yeah all of us today in the room will sign them not that you care what if they don't want us it's because they normally the cast would have signed them but we we were all involved yeah i know that's what i'm saying nice it wasn't a diss it was just saying yeah the whole like you don't have the whole gas line right uh yeah first four people i think we should do um you know we have one more jam to do it's this if we get under the cam here it's this uh joy sorrow pedal yeah it's pretty saucy um we're gonna do that at the in a moment but first let's let's do hot topics ready yeah i'm ready hello everybody welcome to the part of the show where we take some of the hottest topics from your favorite page the gear page and we discuss them for a hot second because that's it's called hot topics so i want to say yeah we're a supporting member of the gear page yeah i just want to say that the jhs show is and so am i yeah separately i just a lot of people take our joking a little too serious you know you need a vehicle for humor right sometimes the gear page is an easy vehicle but the gear page is a great place i just want to say that it's a place yeah i love the gear page you you would okay so there there are quite a few hot topics that came in this morning um and and boy oh boy am i torn over what to talk about today but i cannot resist this one um we got time for multiple okay well maybe we will hit multiple and just in case we can't though i'm gonna hit this one first so the question is which tribute band for you but the way i'm going to pose this and i'm not sure what the context is because i'm just looking at the headlines here i'm going to ask for each of us individually to if we had to start a tribute band what tribute band would we start so i'm gonna ask addison first because josh is doing something i i was uh before you stopped talking i wanted to interrupt you because i was so excited can you you have one guess for me would it be a killer whatever yeah every record man from beginning to end that would be a lot of fun it actually would be a blast yeah i think that's part of it too is it's like you're starting a tribute band yup which means you've got vegas shows yes you've got you've got so we're going big time we're you're going to be playing in branson come on you know get the hauler yeah dude come on if if you're going to have the tribute band it's going to be a tribute band that you're going to have let's just say forever so josh if you had to start a tribute band which band would you tribute it's it's easy it's a band in a particular era okay it's the no code era of pearl jam oh okay cool and it's it's not so much playing covers it's playing songs that they could have written that i wrote whoa it's like trying to like if that era never ended i would con i would be writing songs that i feel like they could have written right is that allowed in a cover band i think so because you're covering right that vibe the band okay wow interesting they're back joshua if you had to start a tribute band what what tribute band would you start why do you ask me questions like this because i want to know the answer um i wasn't prepared just pick a band uh i don't know okay well can we pick it for you how about i think it'd be how about kawan would it be cloven is almost a deity to me and like you would feel like it's blasphemed yeah start a tribute but i would do cow on okay i think if i start so to me the hallmarks of a tribute tribute band are that it needs to be far at least this is for me it would need to be far enough removed so that it would feel nostalgic and i think if i were to if i had to be in a tribute band and this is in a world where i can be i have the abilities to also be in this tribute band i think i would either do like a peter gabriel tribute band or like steely dan dang not and i say steely dan fully knowing that i do not have the music musical ability to do so but in this magical world where i get to have a tribute band it's your world again rusty l wants me to be a tribute band to selena oh i'm just gonna let you figure that out that would be really interesting to see you tribute that music um do we have time for one more yeah dude um okay good question by the way nick yeah i thought it was a great i thought it was a really great topic um it was a hot topic it was a hot topic um okay here we go does petal color matter to you or how important is petal color to you and they spelt color in the british the correct way so how important is petal color to you josh i think i think uh i think some people know uh we did an episode on this yeah the patreon talk on the history of petal color it matters a lot to me it matters more to me like is it a maker break to you like if you're gonna like you're building a pedal board yeah and there's like an overdrive pedal and one is green and one is purple and they sound exactly the same oh does it matter yes i would use the green overdrive yeah and i think if there's too many of a color i can't handle it i want a variety okay so if i had if i had like a favorite favorite pedal like for instance i'll never take a morning glory off the board and it's gold so any other gold pedal is subject to proximity and okay that pedal it's always going to lose to the morning going what about you addison that's quite literally the way i feel yeah and color is important to me we're perfect we're vain we are yeah i almost i had a choice between a gold ryra clone and a purple ryro clone and you can ask my wife i went back and forth for days which one do i want i was looking for a used one a gold one popped up i was like i want that one yeah why because i associate klon's color gold as well so that played a part into it interesting interesting a few things that play here yeah i like it i feel like petal i ideally just the color aesthetic would always be on point but i also i don't care enough i care about color aesthetic on some things for sure like i'm wearing this so yeah but also with petals not so much it's kind of like an added bonus if the petal is a cool color yeah but a lot of petals aren't cool colors so in the comments do you care about colors and how much i care about colors yeah oh i'm so sorry you just were so like you just subjected so much how do you how do you feel um i want if i were a guitar player you are i would want shimmering pink like the lucky cat black and gold and and you'd love you love the old blood noise aesthetic the illustration i would leave you yeah yeah so that's been hot topics for today thank you for watching hot topics the show in the comments hot topics tell us if you care about color what would what what band would you be in as a cover band those are the two that i think those are saucy can i ask a follow-up question of the color question yeah might as well we're here right do you guys ever get bothered by too many of one brand on your pedal board is that ever but there's one exception for me and it's boss pedals oh yeah it's cause they're made to go together like skittles come on yeah i don't i have felt that yeah ironically enough it was that i had too many jhs pedals it's not because they're not good it's because if it see it it seems like i'm being i'm like shilling jhs petals to the world i get it you know what i mean yep so it's like i legit like all these pedals but i feel like people are going to look at it and be like what a sell out yeah you know yep that's why now it's great i have a little variety i don't like all jhs pedals either it feels gross yeah i mean like i just sure i love everything variety it would be like if if you were like a photographer and all of your photography was self-portraits and you hung it up around your house yeah and you're like check out my photography and they may all be good in their own right as photographs but then it would feel weird if you're like here's my gallery of self-portraits you know what i mean it'd be like somebody that only cooks their meals and doesn't let anyone else eat out huh it's not the greatest parallel it's okay i mean i think i i think i get the sentiment i've talked a lot about cooking maybe i'm hungry uh who won these posters the winners of the posters are thorn with his with a zero yo that's a good name that's the third dude he's quick he's one couple in the street so he hates the server immediately uh yusuf kassim winkhole records and chelsea gumtum gumtam what a way to advertise for your record label or record store yeah win something it's amazing please email vlog at if you've won anything speaking of promoting speaking of promoting things did we do a musical or like is that what we did is that a rumor we did a musical um and it's up so go check it out you know i've heard a lot of grown men having problems with watching a musical but you know i think i think they need to not be afraid what do you think nick i think they need to not be afraid too yeah uh here's here's a little little commercial and then we're gonna do the last jam and uh yeah i might give something else away i don't even i just want to give stuff away it's finally here pedals the musical relive the drama sing along with your favorite [Music] got charm songs out of my nose and everybody loves this face embrace the heartache everything's crap and get swept away in the magic i'm astounding amazing pedals the musical now available on the jhs show youtube channel [Music] is anybody else experiencing low sales like extremely low sales is it just me wow i i think it's the greatest it's amazing ever yeah and when you're done with the musical there is also a behind-the-scenes mockumentary that we made hilarious it is so it's in this if you like the office but you if you've ever been saying hold on if you've ever been sitting down and you've been watching episode the office you're like this is good but i wish these were pedals we did it we did that yeah and it's called pedals behind the curtain it i can't remember i changed something else like three times on it i can't remember what it says now it's obvious but it's there you'll know what it is go watch it and send it to all your friends let's do these com uh questions about the minimum uh number one these can't be from you does it drip does it drip yes no no ah that's a plate um spring aiden ray has a question about money um and i always like these questions like like financial yeah he's just looking for some budgeting advice um are reverbs expensive because they're complicated to make the reason why i like this question is because again i answer a lot of emails and a good number of those are about money um that is a good question i think it's reasonable people should know why they're paying what they're paying for yeah a reverb is one of two things it is usually 98 of the time a digital pedal using a digital chipset that produces digital signal processing so a dsp chip a popular one might be the sharp chipset or something like that those are very expensive it's basically a computer processor that you put in a pedal so that's the typical case with any pedal with the minim i don't know what his processor is it could be one of several things it could be a v1 it could be shark it could be there's there's all kinds of things it could be arm processor that doesn't really matter it is just the fact that yeah they are more complex there are some high billet material costs like if you compare an overdrive pedal you have op amps resistors capacitors you have basically uh common analog electronics uh the bill and material it will be drastically different from an overdrive pedal to a reverb pedal it is more expensive um you generally have more knobs which literally means this pedal every knob costs something like every pot for the knob costs something um the other alternative for a reverb pedal is that it actually has a spring in it so it's like a big if you watch the does it drip with ryan from 60 cycle if you watch that god bless you um but that's a big piece of hardware it's bulky and it's expensive so reverbs are more expensive when it comes to most things on the market delays and reverbs share a commonality which is they use a dsp chipset that has to be pretty powerful octave pedals are in this camp so yeah as i look around the room they're just more expensive if you get into strymon for instance you know you some of these petals are like the big sky and timeline those are basically more they're more powerful than like laptops from the early 2000s yeah yeah yeah they just are well and i think i think people misconstrued like oh digital it's easy i just type in some numbers on a thing and it makes re it's like no not not really it's actually though it's actually the opposite i mean think about it like think about it in terms of that lawnmower that your granddad had that was just a bunch of blades on a spindle thing and like a sick you know crazy huge lawnmower right standard yeah one of those you know what that is is it the stand-up ones it is yeah and it's yellow i want to get one you got a big yard i really do yeah but other but think about it that way it's like it's like more parts more more functionality and it all costs something dsp is not cheaper yeah i think we covered that really well one more amen yeah um if you're josh i like having you it's really nice it's nice to see you that's right your hair is great today go ahead thank you um what parameters does the modulation knob actually modulate it's obvious on a delay but not always on a verb that it's going to depend on the design i'm trying to think of something that actually has a knob called mod mod um i guess a memory man some versions it's gonna usually be the depth of modulation the extreme of the effect that one does yeah like the starlight has a mod so when i turn the mod up it's turning up the strength of the modulation so it depends chorus vibrato is probably being the depth is being raised but i've seen mod controls that are actually the speed where the depth is preset and when you turn mod it's the speed i think is the memory man that way my brain's dead yeah mine has both depth and depth and there is a i think there's a memory man that or a copy of it so yeah point is uh panther cubs an example of like you have an internally set parameter and you know mod it's like speed mod is depth and speed is internal so it depends and uh yeah just read the owner's manual see let's play this last pedal it's a doozy uh down at the monocam here this this is a big boy that's a joystick yep that's a joystick this is uh the shock rock petals joy and sorrow now i have a letter here i've known brandon for a while brandon shock and he calls his pedal shock rock i mean which is pretty flaming pretty great that's okay uh he you know he sent me some stuff i love everything he's ever made go check out his instagram just you know maybe he's on the chat i don't know if you're on the chat say hey brandon uh the last line of this letter explaining the pedal says um oh yeah your slide tone is better than rachel's so let's talk about his pedals if you want your pedals shown on the show you just flatter my slide plane that's not at all how this happened but there is a universe where you know whatever here's some stuff he's made over the years so shock rock pedals that's s-c-h-o-c-k um portland keep it weird wizard made hand-wired effects this is the beast boost really cool pedal um i think he does these kind of when he wants to limited runs these are like hand painted really cool color of time this is another one look at that auto focus it's doing its job thanks sony your menus are horrible but your autofocus is on point this is called hell santa fuzz it's the wintergreen it's in a tuna can i think volume and gain come on that's pretty cool hell santa tiny little oh hail santa yeah hail sorry i was saying i was like i am why is it called the hell santa i mean i would like when i say set for sit right whatever do you say crick for creek i don't that's weird you say creek yeah go to the creek i have we always grew up saying crick really because we're from the north north okay whatever this is the can of whoop ass [Laughter] addison here plug it in on the base let's see here please okay i've i really want to hear a can of whoop ass on the base can you open it up i don't think you can it says do not open chuck norris hair within for magic if open will summon mr norris to retrieve his hair and magic from you and remember death once had a chuck norris experience in all seriousness do not open that's amazing all right here's a this is a world premiere of the rock shock whoop ass fuzz can a whoop ass fuzz on the bass guitar oh it has a mix knob so it's good for bass should we do a jam yeah i think so we have time for another gym after this [Music] let's go uh e e or d your call either one d d it is i'm gonna mute my mic and just go into tone land tone you want me to start this i mean why not okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sounds really good we just opened the candle with us on my base can just take a moment let's talk about how perfect this starlight does the memory man oh like that's why i looked at you my goodness sounds [Music] that's incredible [Music] stop i'm exhausted from how good it is come on somebody hey can i can i read this little reverb thing that i found it's about this pedal what is this called again the joy and sorrow that's it it's about the joint sorry yeah so it's this pedal we're now going to yeah we are going to do it now here's your here's your preface this pedal is like nothing you've ever plugged into before it's a mood pedal nothing is what it seems in space and time when you manipulate them together get lost in your mind let space take your brand to new places also each of these is hand painted make peace with your brain in outer space hey all right so what we have here if we look down we have three modes and a joystick and some control so let's talk about the sorrow there is basically a distortion kind of thing going on here [Music] let's see i have something on something's on weird the yellow guy there i see a light on yep okay i thought i was losing it so all that tone you just heard the windmiller was on there we go so yeah you have this control is a is a gain so think of this in a block here so of a preamp kind of vibe then you have when you turn on the sorrow you have this chorus phaser mode there's a mix and then you have the giant knob here which controls like the space the flange i believe and then the joystick is the different things there so the speed sorry i think up and down is space and side to side is time maybe yeah the lost control that's the big knob it's a delay octave mix so we'll get to that yeah nick you knew you knew about this yeah i wrote your notes for it [Music] so that's really cool that's cool [Music] what mode are we in because each mode is like a different mode one so it's chorus phaser mode two is chaos let's find your delay [Music] [Music] that's super cool [Music] then you have chorus modulated delay trim stars mode [Music] that's dope oh there it's a little crunchy [Music] i like this mode [Music] turn up the dirt that's cool yeah it's doing wacky stuff which is it's has an unpredictability that's cool [Music] i'm swelling it in with a volume pedal let's do some like drain a droney e minor space music cool i don't know if we know how to do that oh i think we know how to do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] can i just say during that song i could picture myself walking through the deserts of new mexico climbing to the top of a bluff staring into the night sky and seeing a goddess descend from heaven with a crown made out of stars and begin to tell me about the end of the world wow that's that's amazing that's usually what i mean experience with any pedal really yeah pretty much one foot on land one foot in the water yeah isn't that life i mean yeah pretty much we are i'm creeped out right that's my life addison i'm like i was the one in the room that like little last sound that you had was very uh i felt it i don't know how to describe it yeah here it is by itself it's so good that's not the right thing to hit the joystick but whatever that's that's one of the things about this pedal that's like cool is that i don't think you're ever gonna get the same sound twice it you know it reminds me of a country song yeah which one i was hoping you'd go there one foot on the water [Music] oh my god we're doing this one foot on the water [Music] there i was walking in desert roads of new mexico i climbed myself up to the top of a bluff looked into the night sky and said god are you there and all of a sudden upon my weary eyes descended the goddess of the stars she wore a crown of stars upon her head and her gown flowed like the wind she looked at me and she said joshua i have a secret to tell you she opened my third eye and i saw the heavens and the earth pass before me all of time and space and i knew there was a truth to this world but i could never tell it and that was the day i died but a new me was born and i will live the rest of my life to tell that story we had a hit i'm sorry so i just ruined it we can we do an album called the cowboy bible and it's just and it's just that where we're just like that all the time i'm really afraid of the extra dimension that is having josh with a mic yeah good that was powerful we're gonna need to do next time we do a live that's just a bunch of random stuff is we're going to have to do our dungeon master jams but also joshua and i at the same time yeah absolutely it's going to get nuts i i think it's i think we need to go out on the high note so that's it it's been a good episode it's been a great oh we're cutting this thing off no i'm just saying like it's 3 53 we've wrangled this you know we've wrangled the herd guess who's getting home for dinner on time yeah it's amazing dude thanks for watching yeah it's amazing people watch this it really is these pedals are cool go down to the cam one more time uh that's on my head that's the mono pedal board head cam there we go benson amazing amps my favorite reverb tank right now it's strapped to the side of the amp and it's what you hear in the episodes solid gold incredible company a lot of history there looking forward to doing a bio uh electro harmonix speaks for itself this is a really cool fuzz it is it's in the most positive wording it's gimmicky in all the right ways like and you should get it because it's super cool and it does one thing well cornerstone drive very underrated if i did underrated drives this will be in it it's really cool it reminds me of everything i like about the tech 21 double drive but a little more gooder the mr oh a really fantastic phase shifter the windmiller i really want to play this through like a 30 watt amp or like a jtm-45 cranked it would sound insane the minim it's good enough to make joshua want to leave jhs this guy the joy and sorrow i think it spoke for itself starlight you know i'm a big fan the memory man settings what i've been using yeah that's it if you like this hit like subscribe um we have shirts and diddles that you can go buy you can support the show what we're doing there is uh there's a website and there's all of our episodes on there this is the kind of thing you need in your life to scroll around if you're looking for new music record time has been going now for almost two years it's a lot of albums and this is some of my favorites nicks are scattered in there as well and it's a lot of good music or music you'll hate but it's new music merch again uh patreon i do long form talks on there we're about to reformat all this pretty exciting but there's a lot of cool stuff history and things that doesn't things that don't make it onto the show because the show's a very concise thing the lives obviously aren't but the friday episodes are very concise and pointed and we have to leave out a lot of things so there's a lot of complimentary episodes over there that you'll really enjoy if you've liked some of that stuff like how to collect pedals you've never seen that have they no probably not no how i started building cuddles alive that's where we're advertising for the next day so if you're on patreon you know the day before history of jhs look at nick smiling yeah you have a good smile nick that's this that's it we did it we did it we did a thing yeah go watch petals the musical and watch the bts uh behind the scenes documentary a very serious documentary it's amazing that's it for today i guess this is where we say goodbye bye i'm not ready to say goodbye today i'm sad it was a fun day yeah all right bye-bye you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 104,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: L6lbmwZQXGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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