Do You Need A Kemper Profiler? (With Tone Junkie TV)

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody wednesday live it's been two weeks we're on a pattern here i think we do one every two weeks yeah nobody's responding we do fine yeah we're doing our best we do our best today's a good one and it's a topic that i think it's been a hot topic in the guitar world for years i remember doing an la amp show and i went into the kemper room and i saw this witchcraft looking space machine and these guys were telling me this sounds as good as him and today we're going to get to the bottom of why these kemper devices probably suck dislike unsub yeah just like right now unsub unsubscribe because we're going here under hit the bell icon yeah unhit it twice remove youtube from your mobile device so to do this uh i'm a newbie let's go to the kempercam we have a kemper cam here this is a kemper that's my mask that's the kemper and i love how it's on an electronic fundamentals book i don't know if that was planned um this is what i'm gonna play through the day against my will and then we have a floor controller over here at our guest sable and it's the tone junkie himself hw how are you today well hello there well hello there you're you're my professional i have brought you in to help my stupidity on the subject of kemper well uh i'll use the term loosely i i guess i am a kemper professional i think you are but uh no man i'm excited to uh to be here and uh so thanks for having me i'm excited to talk about the the kemper because everybody knows it sucks but we're just lying about it right yeah we're on this line we're gonna get to the bottom of this um it's like there's some obvious things here let's get them out of the way up front the obvious thing is this is some form of evolution for the guitar so when i i talk a lot about the history guitar writing stuff now this ongoing article we started in 5 500 bc 5 000 we started way back in the history and so guitar is an evolving instrument and one thing that i really like in the narrative of the guitar is that things aren't so much invented they just evolve like we have this kind of hollywood idea that these great people invent things and they do but technology causes doors to walk through and dsp has gotten a lot better and so here we are 2021 um and the kempers are in front of us they've been around for a while yeah there's all kinds of amazing we have quad cortexes come out we have you know for me i think the dsp stuff got good with line six there's the marcus rowell crew george tripps that's 99 2000. that's 21 years ago wow from the dl4 october 99 and i think this is a very notable evolution to cover that i'm ignorant of that's why i've drug you out here to kansas city um i found out about you because of addison so what's your kemper journey uh i owned a kemper for a little while i was telling hw earlier i had one and i was only playing his profile of the amp that i owned and so i ended up selling it to get an aux box so i could use my my you know actual amp for it so you own like a little spitfire yes right and yep you had a kemper and his profile exactly and you were like right so explain that like yeah i need to digest like it's the same to you like it it really it did the same thing for me absolutely i think that there was a part of me i'll i'll admit which i borrowed yours not too long ago my amp was in the shop which is i mean a reason why kempers are awesome because you don't blow up tubes and solder doesn't come loose inside to be super clear this is on loan i requested to dive into this to learn and so this is an actual camper on loan yep so then you loaned it to me while my amp was in the shop and guess what i sublet it you sublet exactly nice i used the matchless spitfire profile from hw here yeah but i think there was a part of me that thought well man my amp the real thing is gonna be even better than this kemper profile i've been using but the truth is if it's better it's maybe five percent better and in that environment in that in exactly and the big thing for me even week to week now the places that i'm playing i'm lugging the amp and my load box and my pedalboard in a guitar in and it's like all on me at one point you know one time and i'm carrying stuff and so i i miss having that absolutely that's my journey i think that's the good intro here yeah and then so just to say again i am completely new i have played through your uh princeton um and then i have a basement set up here 65 basements some other things i don't actually even know how to work the menus but i have been playing through it this this one is actually amplified so you can put it on a cab i've yet to do any of that and that feels like a hang up to me but here's the comical thing i don't play live anymore i haven't played live in like six years if i was playing live i love feeling the amp we play all the time i mean we're tracking in here constantly it's through an iso cab in the corner hooked it up the other day and i just swear it sounded no different it was shocking and it was actually easier to track with all the weird frequencies are out of it that is one of the things that i think people get wrong initially like you always come up with the wrong answer if you ask the wrong question right so that's deep if you i know let's go there um how uh my mother didn't hug me up now um if [Laughter] you know if you if you put an amp in a room and you turn it up real loud you know and you enjoy that thing you know and then you get a kemper and you put like you know uh in-ears in your ears or some like 19 behringer headphones exactly yeah yeah it's a much different sensation but if you want to compare apples to apples i think the question becomes like when i go play live and i and i'm putting in-ears in and i'm putting my amp in another room uh and maybe you're in the scenario where you've got to run back there set an amp down you've got a 57 you have to sort of hastily set it up you know the sound guy doesn't care he doesn't really know and you've got to run into another room play the guitar see how it sounds go back the other way the question for me like live became can i in a studio environment hook up a whole signal chain multiple mics take some time miking it up with pres my amp in my settings can i get that capture to sound better than dragging my amp and sort of doing the hasty setup on a sunday morning or a friday night and that was my experience i wasn't a kemper guy all the time i kind of got into the game cody late actually uh i moved to nashville and i had this experience where i went to go play with these guys and all of a sudden i heard this like sort of ambient verb starting and i thought the track was starting i thought they started tracks behind him and i looked over and he was playing a kemper but it just sounded so big and at the time i had a sir guitar and a sir bella amp a big sur guy and i had uh i had a pedal board you know with the whole stripfecta i had a king of tone you know i had all the stuff you're checking the boxes i had i had a booze list this is gear page approved your page approved you know yeah and uh put a 57 in front of it and my guitar sounded like a 57 his sounded like the track you know it sounded like a produced track mine sounded like a 57. what's that was my first thought when i literally strum the first chord i know a princeton really well i strum the chord and it was like oh it had the thing that's like it's the difference and you're tracking something and a weird mix and then it was like this feels like the guitar is mastered like the frequencies were right and then addison immediately across the room without knowing what i was thinking it was like i had to turn off like the eq thing for the isobox because it was just really interesting yeah so it's obvious that these are working for a lot of people the first big gigs uh i don't know the years this is years ago four or five years ago when did the kemper release what what's the tech let's talk about the timeline i think it's almost 10 years old right now or it is 10 years old like i kind of unveiled it i don't think a lot of people realize that no because to a lot of people me included like a person like me it might still seem really new it's actually a decade old yeah it's old but yeah it's kind of i mean yeah it's old meaning it's stable i'm saying that as a compliment yeah it hasn't it hasn't faded away so if you're if you're sort of waiting for it to become use uh you know worthless yeah we apparently have something melting down in the country they're like running around the room like nick has never left during the last he's gone addison's on the floor whatever we're gonna keep talking yeah so i went to uh i remember going to a katy perry sound check to say hey to the guys all kempers yeah i believe the taylor swift soundcheck was the same way yeah then i went to uh sound jimmy world soundcheck to hand some stuff off talking to him i was like where are your amps you're jimmy world yeah and then it's all kempers right and then i went to i just kept seeing this pattern major acts you know some people are already in the comments bashing me for bringing up katy perry but we're talking stadiums pro level players who have all the gear they want they're playing a camper why are they doing that that was my first question then we start seeing you know i hear about oh weezer's all d.i.n now and then we hear and so what is happening is consistency of tone there is a consistency aspect and yeah i have no experience with that so what's your personal experience with bringing an amp versus let's talk through that for just a second yeah we're going to jam because people sure nobody wants to hear this but let's talk about consistency of tone that is one of the hardest things for gigging ever yeah is i can't tell you how many times and speakers just don't sound the same and it's frustrating and then i give up and then it's super frustrating even and there's probably some truth to the fact that like two bamps can sound different day to day but probably it's their magic yeah they're magic right and here here's what i here's how i kind of break it down for people it's like for me as a guitar player whether i'm playing sunday or friday or whatever big place little place like we take a lot of care to like find the magic diodes and do all this stuff we take a lot of care for our tone right and to me if you like these things are tools to be used live i i you and me both have a ton of amps you know we were sort of bonding earlier about how we were bonding in my basement yeah about really about um what our wives think think of our amp addictions right i do want to say if any of you out there have a an amp collection that's a little much and you know it i think you should offer a service where you come and talk to spouses and really like you did the best job if my wife is watching this i got to undo what i'm saying but you really sold her on the value of investing in gear in in vintage amps they can be yeah so um what were we talking about um the the there is a sensation of uh having an amp in a room you know and um yeah and it's the sensation of putting an amp pointing it at your feet standing too close to the speaker to really have the highs properly get to your ears and you know you turn it up way too loud in like a 10 by 10 12 by 12 bedroom and uh you know you kick on your tube screamer it sounds huge reflections yeah i'm amazed that guitar players don't understand sheetrock yeah in a bedroom yeah reflection and then like that's why you get gear you go home with your pedal you saw andy demo and your home sound is this full bassy huge just massive sound and you go with it you get on stage with a band and he literally or he or she sound person cuts out forty percent of all the bonuses and then you sound good yeah i mean you're acoustic you're a space like like sound is a physical thing like we forget that but that's when you turn an amp up like you are playing the room yeah you know like the room especially if you're hearing all this reflection because that is amp in the room sound people say what is amp in the room sound it's the amp too loud for the space yeah the amp in the room is a reverb and a reverb is the identification of a room's reflection and you take like i would tell people just put your hand in front of your face and listen to the sound come back to you and take your hand away from your face that tells your brain things about where the sound is and the space and everything oh yeah and people are doing that right now right now thousands of people but but the thing is if you are serious about your tone right if you're siri enough it's serious enough that you are gonna like go read about diodes on the gear page right then you've gotta you know what i'm saying if like you're if you're worried that like you know four input output jack mod on the king of tone messes with the mid-range like if that's you i think i probably i just made that up i'm gonna confirm that now confirmed yeah hang on mike is messaging me it's a thing he it lets the mids out they escape because there's extra holes in the box so they don't bounce around there if you do if you do that right if you're to that level then it makes sense that you would want to take control of the whole signal chain and one things that the guitar players do is we stop control the signal chain at the speaker and then we go play live or we record and and we say our goal is to get the sound to the end listeners ears right and we can't control what they're listening through but we we do have control over those other variables mics preamp like even post eq is something which everything you mentioned most guitarists this is not this is just life yeah most normal guitarists don't even know those things exist it's not a part of the process and so what you're saying i think i don't want to speak for you guitarists need to be aware of the other half of the process of tone yeah and i think that's what we're getting at here so there's this factor of room sound microphones sound engineer that doesn't like you a compressor got left on from the gig last night like crazy stuff and so it's about the controlled environment yeah and the ability like me personally i have a live sound that i never change except when i'm playing with the band so what i did was i dialed in my sound at home and then i started playing live and making adjustments and i save it and it's done and it's there and i never play those sounds at home because i know i'll make adjustments that will be counter countering what i am trying to do live so i'm trying to make the guitar cut live but i'm trying to not be on the vocals you know i'm trying to not step on on on the vocalist because they'll just turn you down right if your guitar frequency wise is on the vocals you're dumped there's only so much space like yeah there's there is a room for the mix and if you're over another prime like you're out but amp in the room tone is about filling the room that's why you go deep in the base big in the highs you know it's like just turn that's good and i think um not to rabbit trail it's the same thing when you're a new guitar player and you hear back in black and you get your metal zone and you do you think that's back in black like there's a mental they were talking about there's a mental thing where i remember hearing back in black on some barefoot i was at vintage king la and they played it in a mastering suite and i was like this is just light overdrive yeah yeah and it's like mental yeah and then there's other things like that like uh we use something like that yeah we used to repair like a lot of stuff we would mod dl4s for instance and then you know people would want the foot switches change i can't tell you how many years of getting a line 604 delay and i got it in front of me or at the repair bench with the tech and it's like all wet with a million repeats yeah these just playing at home and thinking that's how delay sounds and then you go get with a band and they they mute you so there's these aspects of like what we think a guitar sounds like is is wrong if it's based on the bedroom yeah completely it's called i call it mind eq mind memory eq talk about it's like well yeah this is the longest intro to the show we've ever we just jumped right in yeah i like it you know if you're here you're here man yeah like i think there's this thing that we do in our brains where like our memories alter a little bit right and like like led zeppelin was a perfect example like i always think those drums sound heavier and bassier than they actually are like i remember a couple years ago i was trying to dial in for the show when the levee breaks drum tone and i was like oh yeah this is awesome this is huge this sounds great i was like let me pull up the song and see if i'm close and i was like these are thin delays but there but there's definitely this thing where our brain our memories like alter those sounds and i don't think it's a i think it's bad when you use that memory to replicate a sound it's actually an awesome tool if you're using it to make new sounds because you can make a really cool new sound from your memory and go oh that's awesome but it's not a it's not a faithful resource if you're trying the back and black thing the ac dc guitar is a perfect example where you're just like oh so heavy and it's so thick and it's so rich and you like listen to it and you're like this is awesome but this is not how i thought there's a memory of motion yeah it plays into gear i'm gonna pat we need a trademark memory emotion that's a thing like i i have this one really vivid session where i remember like i brought in to play guitar and it had this vibe the song felt to me like it wanted to be kind of like that new radical song the don't stop no you got the music in you it had that vibe yeah and i was like oh that i loved i loved the feel of that song and i had in my head this entire melody line part and i tracked it and we were and i was like i need to reference and there's like nothing in the song like that like there was none of what i heard it so in my head yeah and i was fully committed to the point of like i was remembering parts that never existed because there was like a memory feeling yeah well and there's also like when you're listening to a mix there's a lot of harmonic movement that's happening in a song and you could be hearing overtones and undertones from other instruments i swear i've heard my own recordings and i'm like what's that line that's going and i'm like that's not that's like three things kind of hitting each other weird but yeah this is good so i let's let's just throw it over to you we have a top down walk us through this show us the practicals of the kemper yeah like what yeah show us what it can do i am your i'm literally the person that needs to be sold on it you know i don't know much i know i like what i'm hearing in in-ears yeah i need to go play it on a cab at some point but yeah in the in-ear situation i'm fairly these clean tones are great i use clean platforms but yeah let's walk through just show us some stuff i think that's a good place to start the last thing i would say is like if you're the edge yeah you keep doing you you know you got a tech that's going to drag like eight amps up i do too you know yeah i get it i'm into it you know so um yeah so that you have a head unit over here yeah this is it head unit head board sometimes called the toaster because it kind of looks like a yeah it looks like it's like a toaster from a futuristic fallout yeah like fallout 79 like what they thought the future would look like yeah you know back in like old sci-fi future past and then uh and then this floorboard unit right here that's kind of newer it's called the kemper stage and there's a remote that works with the big one you know the but the functionality is all the same so you kind of get all this functionality in that thing but basically you've got browser mode you've got performance mode and uh you can hook this thing up to some mics you can uh capture profile uh you know there's there's this is a profiling technology you know there's there's other i find it necessary give us a 60-second definition of this because yeah line six is what i go to that is modeling right the line six tech is out of their own mouths through interviews hey here's an amp what about it it what are the what are the bold points what are the the broad strokes sure modeled that what is profiling because this is something important dsp what i hear myself wanting to say and i know the people watching that are skeptical yeah it's like yeah it's a digital they're like it's a digital circuit in there and they like they like made it digital yeah it's like that yeah so what does it mean to profile what are we doing here so i think you think like this like a model is um like like a a digital sort of amp version it's like a digital version of the amp like your digital ac30 and there's like a there's a there's a programmed in some people sat down and like programmed in ac 30. i believe the way line 6 does it's like mostly component for components they're modeling that that started yeah like the ox box things like that it went from the world of modeling replicating the broad strokes yeah to actually building like here's a schematic here's a digital resistor here's which is fascinating yeah so that's how good dsp has gotten so then you have this and then you have this profiler and i would tell people you can think of it uh as there's one model in this thing and it can sort of be dialed in to approximate anything or to cap to profile anything um or you could think of it as like this thing can build a little working model very quickly of whatever you put into it so it's so you give it a signal it sends in a bunch of beeps and boops and then a little while later it comes out and says there you go you've got so i bring you like let's say i bring you one of my sop tech make 50. yes you have it there you it's on a cab what does it look like real quickly yeah so we mic it up just like you would mic up something for recording in a studio so um you know we'd put the mics on it we'd run that through whatever signal chain we like you know maybe some some uh pres you could throw eq on it whatever you would do to record a guitar is what you would do there and then you kind of let this thing do the work and it reads and analyzes that yeah so that feels i don't know if anyone out there is familiar with like pa install we used to shoot the rooms with white noise and analyze it with the pen mic is it a similar like analyzation of i think that's part of this okay so there is a part of it that's like um uh that might be similar to an ir you know like i think um yeah kind of the this the profiles are broken up into into this amplifier and cabinet section so the cabinet section kind of it's you could i kind of think of it like it's creating an ir to go with the model that it kind of created and then ir i'm playing dummy yeah yeah impulsive pulse response is the simulation of a space pure witchcraft not reverb for the sense of like it's not an effect it's saying it's like okay if you want to mimic john mayer solo on something like olivia how do you get the sound in this system do you feel like the microphone's five feet away yeah you're you're capturing a response of the room's impulses yeah is that correct yeah and originally we those were used for reverb and then um it turns out that is very useful for for um for for sort of creating a guitar uh speaker and cab because those are so short that uh it's essentially just an eq it's like a very complicated eq an eq much more complicated than you or i could dial in with 2000 banks tons of notches tons of bands yeah and it's reducing i mean if you think about it's pretty cool if you say i'm i'm just reducing the royal 121 and the 57 and you know this like uh this neve preamp i'm just reducing it down to its sort of eq signature you're making like a tone broth yeah yeah tone bro tone broth you just let it trademark that we we need to start list yeah that's the second mark trait uh tone broth yeah yes uh it's like a um form yeah put that on a t-shirt it's juicy you can sell some of those yeah show it show us uh what's your guitar rig today man this is um my buddy john sent me this he was yeah what's this what's your cigarette choice i see um i'm a virginia slims guy you know yeah i'm not afraid to admit that they're delicious the filters add to the flavor is that your real answer you actually know that you're virginia yeah i don't think this is a virgin is that an american spirit that's got to be american it has to be yeah i think it's daniel's it's american spirit nice now this is a this is um one of those um one of those fender guitars yeah it's an s style and then and uh this is a um give us give us some music people are dying this is a profile of my 64 viber verb stevie's amp big 15 inch speaker in my opinion the best black face so a 64 fender black face vibe reverb with the 15 inch speakers all right sounds like sounds like this [Music] sorry it doesn't have built-in course eye that's how accurate it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah let's jam i guess we just we'll jam to that yeah keep it going nick okay [Applause] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] see spending guitars man am i out of tune i think it was man i don't know we were met [Applause] whoa damn i'm real dang no it's organic that's organic hit the lead tone again what you were doing there it was such a it was such a long intro the guitars actually fell out of tune my chorus was on as well there's like a thing [Music] i don't think i'm that's nice perfectly in there but yeah i mean that's that's like with its little built-in uh to be screamy thing you know so when you profile that you put a screamer in front of it and that's the profile you could i'm actually using the clean profile and then the tube screamer effect that's built in so the camper's got some effects built in um it's got all sorts of uh you know delays and verbs and everything and you know you can kind of you can kind of do okay you can you know you can see engine with the profiling yeah but you could profile so let's say a sound that like for instance for me a mig 50 second input jack all the eq at noon and a morning glory always on that's a profile you just move on with your life for sure okay that's interesting pretty much any signal chain you want to record is going to be there you know and if you want to put like if you want to put some eq in the profile you know to capture it you can to profile it you can um and then you know digital gives us all sorts of advantages too where um you have access to all these eqs like i'm gonna come over here and how do you work this unit um he says because it's on a table yeah yeah i'm used to this being at my feet yeah you know the ability to just come in here and put like a post amp eq is something that's like super useful not something that's very easily done in the analog world you know so i have um one of your packs this is a basement it's called the lowman [Music] [Applause] yeah so i'll turn my just yeah it's like super clean here's my clean tone if i want to crunch it there's a gain control how does this let's go to the kemper cam here yeah how does this play into the profile how am i crunching it yeah this is where it gets interesting a little bit this is where it gets a little interesting okay um i you you can control the gain there yeah and you may run into different degrees of accuracy in my opinion with the game knob so the way i shoot packs and the way most people download like kemper profiles is there'll be multiple this is if you're watching and you're just like enthralled all 12 of you this is my mom my grandmother they're all really my mom gets internet in a month or two true story go ahead um yeah people who have keppers yeah okay have run into me this is for people like me who don't know because i know people some people are just like oh let me look i don't believe it yeah look okay because i still don't believe it that's fine yeah it yeah it's a it's a thing it sounds really good though it does sound good it does so when you download like a pack or kind of how it works you will have multiple profiles and this is kind of how people do it you have multiple profiles that cover the gain range of an app and that gain knob works really well however in my opinion i love a good however in my opinion um the cl if you capture something super clean i like it i like to like this if it heard a sound that was really clean it doesn't know how those tubes were gonna break up so when you're increasing the gain it heard some gain and it's it's turning that up but it's hard to know maybe how the eq is going to respond everything so somehow the harmonic content in there they're seeing it and then magnifying that and breaking it up more and leaving the amp intact and so whereas like witchcraft it does that is crazy the manual of the camper actually describes if you put the amp in the sweet spot where you really like the breakup then you have the amp sounding how you really want it and then you have independent control over the amount of gain in the amp which is something you don't really get with a tube amp right it's like what if i want my amp to be in the sweet spot but i just want more gain and that's not really how amps usually kind of spit out they usually start to add a ton of bass they i don't know in my experience like most amps sound better at like eight or nine than on full 10 you know so let's so i'm on low men one tell us about walk through this while i strum here you can you turn the control like let's show the different basements that you have here sure sure sure so here's super clean yeah hit this guy we're just walking up the game a little bit one i tell people is like if you're running a pedal board you probably want something this clean i'm on a bridge pickup yeah two is where i'm usually starting ah so i threw an overdrive in here so plus is like you know some type of like mythical unicorn overdrive that i put [Music] you know it can just add some it's like two plus plus more three here's three so now the amp's starting to break up a bit you know yeah so if you can see me is it touch dynamic buzzwords [Music] it's like no lag infinitely fast response it works yeah that's neat yeah it works yeah it works okay you keep going and keep going and you know you just get your three plus is this a mystical thick thing you know a little more so okay it's numerically just morgan i'll add a little milkman verb here [Music] wow that's great it's really good it sounds like an amp i mean it can't sound good because it's it's digital and bull crap yeah you know so yeah i like the one i like the super clean and and how you're doing it i notice like pedal board guys yeah a lot of them that's kind of what they do they stick to one clean profile they're not asking much out of an amp and so i just want clean perfection i'm not asking much yeah i'm over here like with my board you know if i hit this two it's bringing up different delays and verbs and i'm going over here i've got a boost on you know you kind of have all the functionality in this unit that you would over like a full midi you know if you set everything up via midi you control you basically have like a complete bradshaw rig you really do that you can slip into a bag yeah so pretty much everything can is controlled by the uh you can set it up on a uh an expression pedal and then even here you can get like multiple states like more verb less verb and you have like i don't know if there's a limit on how many like parameters you can control but yeah you really do have like five of any type sound you want and you can have different effects turning on and off which is the the touch of a button so let's do a jam can i ask a question real quick sure yeah oh i forgot you were here that's fine um so the the chat yeah the chat it's by the chat it's extra spicy too i love that i am i am one of you guys except for i saw the light so [Laughter] so that's what is intriguing t to me about you i remember addison sent me a video and you're talking you own incredibly amazing vintage gear yet you're like a kim like i was so confused you are like both polar like it's crazy i didn't really discover the kemper till i got to nashville and i saw how many people were using it especially how many studio guys were using it there's a kemper in all the studios i go to yeah and i'm not just saying that like i just now now a lot of those guys are like i have kemper i use it sometimes you know it's not like like not like they're not i like that you're it's not either or with you which so many people get hung up on it's really cool you're like dr doom in that way how like you know dr doom is a master of both magic and technology wow that's wow you can you can use that we rudely cut off joshua i'm sorry it's fine i'm used to it um so number one i want to say there's like i said chat spicy we were fighting about cryptocurrency at one point i don't know why read some stuff let's what does spicy mean um this is gonna be a we're hanging out this is a living room today we're not going anywhere yeah well i mean one person swears that this sounded fake i'm not sure what we mean by the kemper sounding fake um what if i told you i was actually playing through a real basement so that was going to be my question it was like if you if you did a blind test josh scott you do a blind test right now i have maybe i am to everyone watching do you think you could tell which one was fake and which one was real and how would you define that so serious question serious answer i number one don't care number two and i mean that's serious yeah i am not going to die on a hill of is it real or fake because there is no real or fake when i strum this chord that sounds to me from 20 plus years of studio recording setting in mixes isolating tracks this is what my basements sound like at the end of the chain and when you say at the end of the chain you mean after this does not sound like i'm in front of my amp feeling it on my feet which doesn't matter in real life this yeah when i turn on a morning glory that you're saying that's what my guitar wants that's what i want it to sound that's what it sounds like that's fake then i'm artificial yeah hey but here's here's a big thing too that i always think about is like when you're miking up your amp live let's say yeah the guy's throwing a 57 in front of your and i'm not saying that that's going to create a bad profile i'm sure you've done profiles with a single 57 through what api into the kemper it's like done right but the ability to capture a sound with multiple microphones a little bit of eq some sauce maybe you're driving the preamp a little harder and all of a sudden you get this beautiful tone going that you've spent hours in a studio that you can take live with you yeah where otherwise you just have a 57 on your cabinet okay somebody with a tube amp try to dump everything below 120. yeah go you know absolutely try to try to shelf all the frequencies 4 800 and above try to shelve it by two decibels yeah i just come out of like this i i like genuinely love tube amps like i do too i know yeah i love them love them love them they i have surrounded like we you know went through covid and my collection just got huge and i think subconsciously i missed music stores so i just built one around me it just like slowly built around me and i even display them like a music store i have old fender signage that i bought yeah it just feels good i would rather look at that that's like my art you know it's it's i just i just look at i don't even play most of the amps but they never leave my house i don't want to carry anything upstairs but i just look like i got a 68 purple plex it's the most beautiful thing i've ever yeah it's better it's like my it's like my vintage music i think it's like for me back to that question i'm i don't see this replacing my two bands that's not the point and that's the polarizing yeah like just it feels like some of the ignorance that we see through like people not understanding like this isn't a fight right there's no fight here i guarantee the kemper dudes have two beams and they love them nobody's fighting there is no war the quality of my life i think got a little better when i got this thing and i and i put everything i wanted on to it and my my i go play sunday mornings right yeah and my sunday morning looks like this this thing never even comes out of my case in my house at my house i have two bamps i have another unit at my desk i this thing stays in the case i wake up on sunday morning i grab this thing it's got my ears i grab my guitar i walk out the door it comes out i set it up on stage i play i have my whole collection with me i have every sound i dialed in i go back home i put it in its case i get to enjoy my amps again no my back doesn't hurt therein lies the biggest beauty for this thing too that you're just like consistency you've talked about you've dialed something in live that you're never going to touch at home that yeah and you go again you play live and that's great it's not either or i think it's it's a tool so we cut you off a third time keep going why is it okay here we go um but just to kind of yeah to close my q a down um i wanted to say ben beard said he uses his tube amp at home and his camper live it seems backward but it's what works for him that's what he likes which is the reason i bring that up is because there were a good number of people swearing the opposite that you if you're going to sound good in a live setting you have to be using two bams so the one thing i will say is there's a lot of bands who need a lot of who who want stage volume and that's a real difference like a lot of places want zero stage volume and so then this is obviously a good solution there's a lot of other good solutions you can get an aux box you can get um you know something like that right if but sometimes you're you're playing like a pub gig and you don't want to be silent the other guitar player is loud the basis is loud and you want to bring an amp you can do that with the kemper but yeah in that case just bring your in yeah just bring your app again it's not no one's fighting here yeah and they're there so much gear this is the thing that's wild for me because i i truly collect this room the pedals i don't i've said that i don't nothing's better than anything else there's a reason i'm drawn to like these stories and the history and it doesn't have to be best overdrive i hate those comments and then i think you get into this polarization with this gear like i mean you pick a side pick aside or i'm out you know it's like dude why is it like which is why we were fighting about cryptocurrency for some reason yeah why do we have to pick like this is a really good tool i think in a lot of ways we just track so us three we have an imaginary band with no name and we we were like tracking a sound documenting for a soundtrack that'll a soundtrack you've got a documentary you got it uh yeah so we're doing that this was this i didn't use it looking back yeah this was the better tool yep because we i was in a hurry we needed a certain timeline i could have turned a knob yeah no engineering fee no person like it's a tool use it where you need it if i need to change the light bulb i don't go to my garage and get a hammer yeah it's true i've been doing it wrong [Laughter] it's true you you these things are tools you you want the right tool for the job and yeah um some i think musicians are i mean if you want to get really like technical so like i look at it like this like what do the the tube amp in its entire design like has a lot in common with the guitar and that it's a design for the time that was sort of maybe the amp was trying to accomplish something else right so like the the 59 basement you know it was made to be put next to a dr like a drum set that was heard acoustically in the room and it was trying to throw low end forward and if you look at early fender tweets you and i will know this because we own some of these amps a lot of people don't realize normal and bright came after microphone and instrument early tweeds are microphone and instrument channels why because these weren't just this this was also a pa solution so the front man was plugging in his microphone into the same amp that he plugged in his instrument yeah so these big 12-inch speakers 15-inch speakers four 10-inch speakers they are designed to be as loud as a drum set in a room if you don't need that maybe something else now i love them for what they do we love tubes for what they do like a 57 deluxe of 5e3 is magic you know you turn that thing up and it just sounds like a beautiful barking roaring unicorn thing you know and it just it sings and it's special and it's a musical instrument in unto itself but it's also very loud and um you know like i want to protect my hearing yeah yes you know and how do you have good quality sound coming in an audience when you have really loud stuff on stage maybe pointed one direction is horrible yeah it's just not good and that's that's a thing you know what else you got over there can i just you can do anything you want well okay one thing that's bugging me um people keep talking about cigarettes what oh there's a couple around here i don't know i don't know i don't really understand people were really mad about you know and your ashtray for some reason yeah i don't know um i haven't there's like a there's like a pick bowl yeah i have myself you're talking about oh yeah you're talking about the accessory bowl oh yeah oh well okay so we saw the cigarette we thought it was an ashtray that's the pick i used to play bass on me well yeah i guess it is yeah it's weird yeah i keep picks and it works pretty well can we i want to just offer a word of i don't normally interject in these shows because you know it's me but you need to think more can i offer some words of wisdom to the world yeah if you don't like it don't use it bro i dang it's kind of that simple and it's also frustrating and i've and i'm saying this to me it's like preaching to the choir so many things i don't give a chance either that's the other part i think it's like we talked about this the other day um it's not so much it's not so much like i don't know i think it's important to understand why you like something as much as it is important to understand why you don't like something yeah because i think that to say okay that this doesn't sound good i it sounds great sounds awesome so there's got to be something else is it that it doesn't feel aesthetically like being in led zeppelin and that's really valuable and that's that's what you're saying i think i think that there is an aspect of like guitar player cosplay where our gear is our costume for the band that we wanted to be in or the band that we're trying to replicate or that makes us feel a way that makes us play away those are things yeah and there's absolutely there's actually nothing wrong with that i actually think that there's something like incredibly valuable about that but i think understanding that like if it really is the sound which i don't think it is then maybe it's something else and just understanding that like is it because the it looks like a toaster from you know star trek or something like because that might be it and it feels too twinkly looking like it looks like it came out of a time machine and so maybe that doesn't feel like 1970s to you or whatever like i think about even bands where i'm like would it like i had this thought i was like if i found out that king gizzard used kempers would that change the way i thought about them and for a second i was like yeah i kind of feel like i would be like they're not as like they're not as cool or edgy but then at the same time i was like but why i still like their music yeah it's a thing so there's this weird psychology psychological aesthetic thing too that i think you can't ignore yeah you know let's let's jam oh so here's the basement tone i'll start a jam we'll do let's do like some ambient e minor thing so here's the bypass did you say ambien e minor we could name it that yeah i'll add real quick i'll add a dispatch master so some warbletron [Music] you guys keep going i just want to let you know josh that someone thinks you're the most masculine man in the room wow [Music] i'm not laughing because i don't agree or anything i just think that's a hilarious like observation this is almost like an ambient wonder wall oh yeah ambient wall don't forget to meet your mics [Music] so [Music] so so you [Music] i absolutely it just sounds really great it sounded really good there's not a moment of how it felt where i was like i'm missing out how was that like like the yeah like about the fourth time through there for a minute i was like am i missing out and then right when we came back around to the one i was like no yeah no no no now let's consider the environment we're in a room uh this is a workplace there's administration offices across the hall yeah it's perfect it's the tool we're getting to use an electronic drum set to match your your temperature oh yeah i forgot someone said that you have to leave because you're not using a keyboard because i'm using android i do have a i do have this guy over here let me just uh hold on let me just dial in a good uh uh drum sound here uh can you guys hear this [Music] did you guys like that because i didn't considering the environment again if we were uh you know down in westport and there's like a little bar and we were jamming and you could bring a name i'm gonna bring a name but even then how many local shows yeah well i'm just saying i know all the sound situations are like i don't know i want to trust a di signal yeah so it's like i'm gonna hear my amp at least there is another um so here's another advantage uh or another cool thing about the kemper um i doubt it hey man so here's the problem i got i can't when i get cooking i smell the tubes yeah you know what i'm saying man man when we were playing out at like ricky's steak ring motorcycle shake oh yeah man you got you were playing that solo man i could just smell it dude there's nothing like the good smell of a burning filler oh yeah man i just slapped something it's all the oxides and dioxides yeah i just love the way that sizzles the bacon yeah one time our power went out but i still cooked on my two minutes my tone was so hot all right sorry you can say the things we're after you probably didn't know this it's pretty it's hard for us to not act you gotta just submit to your craft you know i mean sometimes you just yes yeah again the character the um the cool thing let's say you wanna let's say you wanna play live and you wanna be loud on a stage with a cab and stuff right yes the kemper actually separates the sort of amp and cab of the profile that's good so what it lets you do is it's let's say you plug that powered kemper you've got into a cabinet it will it will power the cabinet and you'll hear the cab on stage but you still can use the direct sound with the full cabinet to the sound guy so he's really smart you never really need to mic it um like a cab you still can show up have your loud you know cabinet and go direct and then the other thing they have which is kind of newer to get the amp in the room tone they released a cabinet a kemper cab kab and that actually has its own speaker modeling which is kind of cool so what they did was they had celestion designed them a speaker and then they like measured a bunch of speakers against it and then they're not that that cabinet emulation is not the sound of a cab with mics on it it's supposed to emulate what a blue actually sounds like you know and then you have that in your space and so that's you know kind of a way that you can like i use that when i want to come home hear the amp in my room turn it too loud because i enjoy that i'm a guitar player but when i go out you know i don't i don't bring the cab what do you know about kemper where they from have you talked to them they it seems like they must be high level genius yeah they're from the future actually okay um we need to get back there yeah i know uh yeah elon's trying to get us there before his batteries run out um they are they're they're german dudes okay and um they are engineers i would say if you look at this unit you can tell it's designed by an engineer it has a feel to it you know yeah it's very well thought out it's it's because user interface is everything something can sound really good and then if you're like haggling with some ridiculous user interface i get i give up a meet i give up before i try there definitely is a learning curve to the kemper and that's one of the things i tried to do like when i got really involved in the kemper was i noticed there was a lot of misconceptions misconceptions a lot of confusion around about what what it does and how it does it and stuff so you know i tried to make a lot of content trying to teach people you know what these things do really i'm just reading the manual in video form that's been the last four years of my life reading a manual on youtube there's a need for that yeah let's give away uh you want to give away some strings let's do it yeah welcome to ernie ball trivia time where we give away a whole pack of strings well we don't ernie ball does like a box man it's a whole box hacks it's a whole box of packs someday i'll get it right but for today josh will make sure that you know it's a whole box of 10 packs of strings of your choice it's a lot of strings that's a lot of strength well that's like two years i don't know it's a lifetime that's a lifetime for nick it's about two months for me so uh so i'm gonna ask a question if you get it right joshua's gonna uh pick you from the comments if you're first in our in our chat and if you get it you're gonna get a whole box of strings all right so here's the question which jhs and ernie ball artist has been known to take a power drill to his guitar strings during his live solos go all right while we wait on that is it getting hot here hey everybody welcome to hot topics this is the part of the show that's definitely not sponsored by the gear not even any possible there's not any form of we are a supporting member we're supporting yeah well you guys are supporting members i'm a supporting member too yeah yeah we got three supporting members at the table you guys today's list of hot topics basically let me just explain a little bit of how the sausage is made here addison sends me an email because he's subscribed and i'm not and it is basically like the the top five or six hot topics of the gear page and i just can i just like read a few of them off today because they're just they're really good i'm excited you were excited earlier so i'm excited this is the only way nick gets excited about gear well it's just great i didn't it's also just like i love it when they are a part of this so i hate my digital modelers because of the topics uh uh that was me i'm sorry that was you uh and then um guitar slash amp match made in heaven hmm that one i think that we should hit that one and then shouldn't we always low slash high cut which i think is interesting because we've been talking about this so i'm gonna let's go oh and also ten albums that changed your life i think that's tough that's really tough but i think we just we just take this slow uh how about guitar slash amp match made in heaven well first off i don't think that's a theologically sound thing what is oh like amps and guitars in heaven and i feel like right i mean if we want to get in and really chop in nitty gritty my understanding is they are confiscated in purgatory it's hermeneutically unsound my god joshua do you want to weigh in over there on this um yeah kelly b you're the winner good job kelly hey uh congratulations if you would please email us at vlog um kelly like literally as soon as you ask the question kelly b won that's impressive that's the fastest i've ever seen what was the answer oh paul gilbert oh yeah yeah makes sense it is okay i get the question i i've never thought like this i i don't have that thought in my mind i never think about i just like something and i like another something and they always just do a thing and that's the thing they do and yeah i don't lie awake thinking about have i tried each combination of everything i'm not that person yeah but if but if but if okay uh this guitar and like a saabtech mig-50 why not awesome cool addison which is like i think of the edge i think of his explorer and his ac 30. is that what we're talking talking about referencing world records well well i i mean now i am okay well that that's you can say classic pairings i like that if this was a board game i would play that game okay the other game i'm like that's the game i'm playing okay yeah go ahead no that was it i would say i would say the edges explorer or even a les paul in his that's just it's a sound to me but totally yeah hw what's what's about you man uh yeah the the edge is is a good one you know what i like that the edge does he he has the ac 30s on and then when he wants more drive he hits on the the 57 deluxe the tweed deluxes and he uses them like an overdrive pedal it just crams that mid-range like a tube screamer only it's like an 8 000 tube screamer you know it's the world's most expensive wow tube screamer so he's he's not using kipper could he do that with a kemper could you do something like that no no okay no i mean that's no nobody's even doing that since he has used a lot of ant modeling and digital just for somali over the years yeah like to the point where line six had to make him the rack unit of the distortion modeler they had when they tracked atomic bomb he had used like 10 of the dm4s and they were labeled for songs and thrown in drawers and like it was cast so i mean that's again you're like the edge in the fact it's not either or that's the highest compliment you're ever going to receive that is it man that is i just got it i thought it was earlier that i was like doctor doom was that yeah yeah well i think you still just keep up in it here yeah my um mine would be um stevie stratton 64 viber verb i think that's an underrated amp and i think a lot of stevie's sound is the bigger speaker you know a lot he he has a sound that even when it's clean it always sounds really loud like it sounds like he's turned up really loud he always has that just it sounds like a 10-ton strat yeah and i think a lot of that's like the big speed i don't know i feel like when i play the viber verb and a strat i'm like oh i can kind of hear some of that you know i don't sound like him but i think that's a cool pair ten-ton strat is a really good band name yeah yeah i like that yeah nick what if you guys can use that for your unnamed oh ten ton straight you play strat all the time josh i like stretch what about ten ton built revelator it almost is 10 10 10 times the heaviest guitar i own what about you nick do you have a combo that comes to mind so the thing is guys i plug a jhs lot loudest more good amp into an aux box that's modeling something and i don't you don't even remember what i'm saying i set it up one time and then i forgot what it was even called and then does it sound good to you yeah well i just go line out of the thing i don't even make up my guitar i just go line out the aux box into my uad and um it's weird because you can make really good music yeah thanks how do you do that without knowing all the intricate details you see the thing is it's a lot about you don't even post about it on the gear page you'll never make them take photos of your gear it's just like i like to keep lots of secret oh yeah you're that guy yeah because you know if people find out what i use the prices will go up and i just can't have that happening so anyway um well hey this has been a great uh this has been a great episode of uh hot topics we already gave the strings away so let's do another sound you do a jam walk us through another sound oh gosh um and we're gonna give away some some of your packs yeah we yeah let's do that yeah let's do that what you got yeah you want to ask us a question so so we're going to give away three everything well we can jam why don't we why don't we ask the questions too and then we jam give away another winners giveaway and never we're going to give away three everything packed so if you've made it this far congratulations because you're about to get a big old awesome package what's in this pack everything if you bought the amps how much money would it cost you for the physical amps i've never done that calculation but i mean you're good at math thousand dollars it's over a quarter million dollars quarter million if you bought all the amps yeah that's what it matters oh you mean if you bought the profile packs no if you bought the physical amps over a quarter million for sure so we're giving away three we're giving away 75 percent of a million dollars yeah this is unbelievable this is a big excuse unbelievable really incredible all right let's let's jim what are you gonna play um uh sorry what profile are you gonna play from your quarter million dollar collection um here is let's start calling you quarter mil here it yeah please [Music] this is my 68 purple plexi that's a really rare amp this amp was owned by aspen pittman before i got it okay and i was told but i can't confirm this and i don't think it's true but i just like telling it anyway yeah um that's how the internet works i was it was one of the amps sent from aspen pitman's collection to the studio when they were recording appetite appetite for destruction don't know if it was used i was told it was sent over there with a bunch of amps is it the amp most likely not but hey hw will you ask us your your awesome trivia question right before we jam let's do it ask us and then joshua can find uh okay so i'm a big fender guy i'm a big fender fan and um so leo leo named the broadcaster guitar uh for broadcast you know radio broadcast media right he named the telecaster to sort of capitalize on the television yep trend what was the stratocaster named for beautiful question what key are you in okay um we're going to be we're going to be in that key right there it's b minor d i'm with you yeah let's go don't forget to meet your mics [Music] [Music] this is like really cool dentist music [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my clean tone [Music] jams like that just make me like i just feel ready to like drive to soccer practice yeah can i can i ask a question um what's a purple plexi oh man so i don't know what that is because i use these to make sounds yeah so a plexi is a plexiglas panel uh marshall amplifier from the late 60s um what does that mean so uh they on the the sort of gold plate that they have the i know what it means yeah the sort of the gold medal please sticks hit drums hard the gold plate where the knobs are was made of plexiglas okay and there were different models but that era became known as their plexis so there's like there's there's a super lead a super bass and like a 50 watt and there's other other amps j1045s use plexis too so it's sort of a loose term but marshall's always been really bad at naming their amps you know it's like there we had the deluxe we got the pro reverb the basement like fender really got it marshall was like in 1967 we'll create the 1959. yeah bro there's already a really famous amp called the 1950 like it's the 59 basement why would you assign nonsense numbers crazy yeah and then they're like this is the 2203 from the future and the 2204 has more wattage what are you doing what are you doing why is it why is it called purple oh so marshall for whatever reason in the late 60s uh was just kind of way ahead of the boutique trend by like 50 years and they just started making amps in like different colors so they made like some purple ones some red ones some orange some white and those are pretty rare cause most of them are black cool mine's purple that was really good it's a beautiful purple if you haven't seen it it's nice i dyed my hair purple when i bought it you did i remember that whoa who wins these quarter three-quarter million dollars right 75 a million oh yeah i mean we could just do four might as well give away a million bucks million dollars everybody yeah all right yeah we [Applause] i really hope this is a tax credit for you i'm gonna write off a full million thank you thank you thank you man i tell you what now uh around here you know what we do we give away a million dollars of amps and we use a clone for an ashtray that's just how it is today is that a clone oh i'm sorry wait a minute it's that's what that is i thought this was just an ashtray i oh no who wins who wins four winners oh no i gotta say i don't think in the history of guitar there's ever been such a kind gesture a million dollars i don't think so either didn't eric clapton auction his uh black strat off for charity was that a worthy start an entire charity oh he did okay he doesn't doesn't touch this doesn't he every single year put on a festival to then fund the charity who wins these we're making millions also doesn't neil young like fund an entire school for specialties my internet went down so i'm hoping it didn't oh no it didn't read to start the chat are we okay everywhere else i'm gonna keep going looks like we're still okay the broadcaster was named for broadcasting the telecaster for television why was the stratocaster named the strap have something to do with space am i answering the question no i am okay stratosphere the answer is stratosphere um that's not well okay well anyway uh patriot pizzamen quarter million dollars fax mister quarter million dollars how do people come up with these names um bedroom rocker quarter million dollars you need this pack and making one million dollars eric navarro one million i know him dollars really i don't know maybe there's probably a couple eric navarro dave navarro's brother yeah cousin chili peppers if you could please email us at vlog and if you're not if you're not patriot pizza men facts mr bedroom rocker eric navarro hey so you were we just gave away a million dollars of your everything packs yeah will you talk a little bit about your as much as you want to share or as little as you want to share just your process and why like what makes tone junkie tone junkie why do people want your profiles because you said it earlier like if you got a kemper you've probably heard of me that's not like well there's a reason i brought him here right exactly there is a world right how many people are on earth i call it the chemicals i mean everywhere i looked it was like just get him he's the guy yeah so why is that well michael brown was busy oh yeah here's what i did this weekend he did reach out to him i need you here's what i need from you i need this camera on on him here we go hello [Music] talk about yourself um wait uh what was the question no um i want to know about tun chunky i know about tonjinki yeah but for the people that don't yeah man i uh i just discovered the kemper and then uh decided i would profile the world yep so i thought man wouldn't it be cool if like every amp was like i could get the sound of every amp and so uh that's that's been my mission so um you can't be all things to all people yeah so when people come to me and say hw do you have a sound for my new deathcore metal band slaughtering babies that's the name of the band okay i go you know i don't know that i'm like making the best tones for that so i'm really into like you know just i dig old amps i dig like boutique stuff you know and so that's what i go for so i tend to i tend to just mic things up the way um that i learned that people do it and that's um you know a ribbon a dynamic it's very like uh nuts and bolts like this is kind of how you you know make guitar sound good you know so you close mic an amp and this is a lot of the common gear that people use i kind of make it for me and i try to make it work for other people but a lot of it gets made for me you know and i try to keep myself uh entertained yeah so i make a lot of content on facebook and youtube and uh it's an excuse um you know to write off the amps for the irs you know and that's something i see okay now we get down to the bottom you know because uh you can yeah you can you want to collect amps and you just need a way yeah yeah yeah this is just a hack too uh to collect my amps really now um yeah so i mean people can find it at a in terms of shameless plug people can find it you can search tone junkie on like all the socials except for tick tock okay that's my happy place where i just consume like fun content i don't make anything yeah good for you so here's a question why do you think so this is tough like i hate this question it's you don't want to feel like a used car salesman but yeah why do you think there's such a respect for your packs you know the other you're friends with the other profilers just so we're like a super group just so we're clear right now there's a million people in chat saying all my profiles suck i hate this guy i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure absolutely the point i love those people so much man i really do there's an industry respect for you that's apparent across the people that i've talked with about kemper and stuff so yeah why do you think that is what's your process why do you why is that like what's your best guess you know you better than we know you that's deep um i think you are the best at something when you genuinely love doing it and it's i don't know that it's possible to be really good at something without loving it you know well so uh i genuinely love what i'm here for tone but life hits you life lessons yeah it's true that is very true so you you just genuinely love this you're drowning in this stuff you're yeah i mean you are like surrounded by your passion right here you know what i mean yeah there's there's literally how many pedals are in this room we'll have them counted one day a good one we still don't know it's between three and four thousand yeah yeah like an avalanche could happen we would all be in real danger i would kill them i mean in this corner just look at nick oh for sure in this corner freaking there's got whatev this thing's got springs on it if it falls it would be like being stoned with tone it's tone stones trademark dude and you can be tone junkie and i can be tone stone yeah and then like i'll make but all of your profiles you just get wasted the thing is is it would literally be the exact opposite because i can't think of anything i would hate more than sitting in a room profiling amps like that does not sound fun to me at all i'm so glad you like to do it because i would not have fun doing that sounds like a blast i would sew all sorts of hate into my profiles all of my hate no man it's great i get to just you know i get to like get a hold of really cool amps i meet a ton of great people a ton of cool people and i get a hold of great amps and uh you know i get to learn about them i i get to uh mic them up make them sound great and then uh and then you know sometimes i make videos about them you know that's really cool how long plus when you play if you really you learn so much playing all these amps you know you learn so much that like a thousand gear page posts can't tell you you know what i mean you think you know what something sounds like and then you get the thing and you really play and you get it like one thing that's always fascinated me leo fender all his guitar designs are around efficiency and being able to produce his guitars cheaply but then he releases a line of amps like when he finally gets there with the blackface stuff you can see it's tr it's the tweed stuff and then the print the brown faces really can hear the transition he's trying to get cleaner he's trying to get less mids he's trying to get that beautiful sound that really comes out he still has like 12 amps in that lineup i can't you know what i mean like he thought they were essential or he wouldn't have done it right yeah and then you get them and right now i have them all i finally have them all at one time and i'm profiling them all and i'm profiling them all because how cool is it to get in the tone time machine close your eyes and like go this is like walking into a shop in 1965 and they have the whole lineup how's a princeton different than a viper verb how's it different it's like a living brochure it's the thing i go through with the pedals like i want to you know if i go over to the dod wall the 87 line that's an experience to recreate yeah that's cool that's why i love amps too because i think like if i'm if i'm playing like an i have like a custom shop strap but in my head i go like that bridge is stamped on the same machine that stamped the real 59 you know it's the same stamping machine they're still using right to do the just the plate and stuff okay but but yeah that thing you like close your eyes you play through that 59 tweet it's like man someone in like 1959 walked into me sorry they plugged this thing they heard this sound you're like in another time yeah time travel time tone travel yeah that's beautiful that sound it's like you're romantic about it it's like i'm romantic about it i think it like truly is a romantic thing you like we joke about time travel but i think there are just that's why museums exist that's why yeah if you love some topic if you can touch something that existed in the time period it's like super important it's i think i think in some ways i see people's uh you know distrust or whatever of profiles or or like hesitation i'll say and it's funny because like i think some of that hesitation comes from this place of feeling like the romance is lost that the magic is kind of lost from the idea of a profiled amp but what's interesting is hearing you talk about it in your process and you so deeply like care about the history and and the physical i mean you own so many of these amps like you care about these original pieces and i think it's really cool that you found a way to sort of like bridge that gap between something that people could maybe feel as like cold and not as welcoming as like looking at like this pristine like you know grill of an amp with all of the knobs and like the history that's attached to it but i think it's really cool that you're able to take that much like we talk about pedal history you're kind of sewing this pedal history or this amp history into the way that you profile these and i think that's really cool and that's why i'm not doing it does anyone have a kleenex we're just all going to start crying have you um have you done any profiling of like solid state um i'm sure i have i'm trying to think of uh yeah well yeah i did um i've done some of the the music man old music apps and those are like right there they have two preamps or two power rangers yeah there's some mix there yeah yeah it's cool that's cool can can uh the kemper what am i what did i i just lost the word can it profile um [Music] this is the worst day of my life can it profile single pedals um it probably can but you will get the sound of like a direct pedal um so you need to like run that into something so the the pedal usually when i use a pedal it's like through a clean amp so i gave away like two packs that were just like old pedals i had it's like old marshall stuff like a claw and a tube screamer and it was just going through like you know kind of a clean amp set up something very similar to the basement you know so what you could do is use your guitar and your kemper you could profile a clawn yeah and have the magic how's that how dare you and then hold on you run that into your two rock instant genre or ty that could work you know what i'm saying that could work okay yeah cool what is uh let's do a jam here but before we do a jam and then we have patreon question corner what's the downside be on it like you know let's talk about the negatives we're i i truly okay love what i'm hearing i'm gonna dive into this i'm the new you're bringing there's a lot of obvious reasons this is great tech what are some honest downsides you're very experienced with it this is i don't know i've ever said this in a piece of content before so this is the breaking news here the breaking news breaking news hold on well i don't have a stinger yeah that's fine so this is why the kemper is like my favorite of all the things that have come out so far because it does this one thing better than anything but maybe there's still something about a tube amp that can so there's a people will sometimes say there's some compression with the kemper and generally i hear people complain about digital stuff they say like it lacks oomph or it feels flat or they say compression and so they're like picking up on some difference in the dynamic right the dynamics that i've been i think i've heard this related to like there's something about the people throw on the term like the sensitivity of it or the input like some maybe there's something about the input that feels different i think some of it is that you have this real master volume that you don't have on a tube amp so a tube amp when you have the master you can actually push more signal in the front and where the master is on five the amp would get louder so you don't you don't really have a master volume it's a bit like how a car has a gas pedal not an accelerator pedal and then you get an electric car and you realize this is like a real accelerator there's no lag right yeah and so the thing i noticed tube amps do and i think the thing we really love is when you have like you take a like a a 5 e3 57 deluxe right you put it all all the knobs at noon there's only like two knobs um it's three knobs but you're only using like two at a time um unless you jump right here three times anyway uh let's say you have all the knobs at noon right and you play and you sort of dig in you hear that thing break up but as the note decays in volume it also cleans up it's a very like a live response kind of type of thing i think a lot of digital gear does a really poor job of that i think the kemper does the absolute best job of that and i think it's something that maybe that doesn't translate quite well into any i don't know how much of his in-ears you know but sometimes i plug into amps and it just fills a room and it's sort of this harmonic swirl around and i don't know if it's getting all of it you know is it getting 95 percent is there still something i don't know i don't know so to me there's still a magic that like yeah nothing quite gets there i get that i love it and that's what we were saying it's not either or this is not to me it would never be an amp replacement for life it's a it's a tool yeah but if my house were on fire i'd grab the 57 plexi and then when my house burned down i'd sell it and buy another kemper and keep the difference you know what i mean like that's what i would do so i could be happy with just a kemper i'm not you know what i mean right it's not like that doesn't work but yeah yeah okay one one last question how many profiles do you think you've made i should i should figure it out but the it's way more than fit on a kemper that's for sure how many fit that's a good question the kemper is software limited at 999. oh man i was like you know me i'm always like i gotta have a thousand i gotta have my solid thousands i can show you a workaround to get more on it but the boot up time gets really slow which is why they limited it yeah i don't know man i don't know if i'm sold on this kemper thing now 999 sounds is just like one less than what i need and you don't want to limit your creativity no and that's the thing right i'm i'm operating at a thousand percent creativity all the time and i need a thousand percent coming from my ant model you demand the most i demand perfection and anything less is absolutely like just you know can't can't handle it let's jam you know jam i'm on the princeton so i'm gonna i'm gonna go to a dirtier profile which is odd for me but in a studio situation you know crank amps and stuff pretty normal [Music] so that is sounds so fake bro three plus so that's a the three sound plus what are you what was the booster drive that was a uh for this era of tone junk it was a j rocket archer okay so another clown thing so imitation clawing well that's trash because you can't you know you can't replicate no any circuit can we just you just said something that made me think of something you were like man that sounds so fake can we just do an experiment really quickly everyone leave your microphones on all right i'm gonna play the drums this is what the drums sound like in the room now everybody mutual mics [Music] those are going through fake preamps that were made by a computer let's do that again let's do it again my song is my do you think that my point is coming across a little bit just a little bit this is closer to what if you are standing in the room with me right now everybody's mic's on this would be closer let's give it a few bars and then i'll count in them [Music] [Music] yeah so what's fake and what's real it's all tools i mean that that's what you just heard that's not how drums sound in the room it's true which one's better i think you made a really good point i just feel like you know that's what i'm here for hold on one second the camera on nick there can you make like a rock and roll face all right we're going to overuse that stinger that's fine all right i'm on a dirtier princeton sound let's see don't forget to mute your mics [Music] [Music] this isn't like weird tom petty at all [Music] [Applause] do [Music] it's a good sound yeah it sounds like it sounds in a mix yeah when you play it back that's what it sounds like sorry i was agreeing with you um inaudibly but do you think like i we were talking about earlier i think in general um some of the like if you buy something like this you buy any digital kind of unit in general what it can expose is like how familiar are you with the sound of a mic'd up record a guitar and how used to you are how are you used to playing you know with an ant mic'd up in another room if you're not used to that sensation it can be for the last we've done the show almost three years i've pretty much only played primary and even before that a lot of live gigs were in-ears it just was it just sounded exactly like what i had been doing and just more it just it was there quicker yeah yeah but what you're saying is true if you if you plug up to this and and you're used to just jamming at home you got carpet on the floor you rock on the walls you turn your amp up you get your you know your record player playing metallica you're probably not going to like this soft and it's not the tool you need for that yeah well and i'll say too that it it's it's like a thing that you have to get used to because i remember recording in my basement for a long time i didn't have the ox i just had a i had like a fender i don't remember what was called it was a one fenders and 95 blues deluxe that's what it was i don't remember what gear is called um plug you know miked it up with a 57 like you know everyone like a working man yeah like god intended it and it sounded great when it was recorded and and even with headphones on you you feel you feel the sound you you know you can still hear it bleed through your you know your headphones and then i remember getting the ox and initially i was like oh what like it all of a sudden it just goes and it's all in your ears or it's coming through or it's coming through your you know your your monitors and your in your studio and that is a different feeling but i feel like if you just give it a chance like it just took a little bit to get used to and when i think the thing that that sold me on that idea was like on playback when i was playing my guitars back and i was like oh i don't hear the sound of the amp bouncing off of the the ductwork in my basement you know what i found mastered yeah and i was like wow this sounds actually like dope the performing element changed but i feel like over just time i've gotten used to it and i don't i don't miss it but i also yeah there's a lot of people that and that's fine it's different tools for different trades for sure i mean i've tracked so many solos just standing in front of studio monitors so there's not a big it's like cool sounds great but yeah it's a shocker so i'm interested in the comments uh are they still saucy i'm gonna let you guess yeah so here's the deal in the comments let's be saucy but let's like be constructive and i like data so in these comments let's drop the hot sauce and let's just say tell us your experience with tools like this if you actually have some like what was it like for you when you played one versus your amp those of you who haven't tell us why you think you don't like it even though you haven't played it i think that's a valid i'm not saying that sarcastically if you haven't played this and you're saying this is dumb i hate this explain that like don't just say it explain it and then if you have played amps went to this you have studio experience and you still don't like it tell us about that so i actually would like to see some real world data data is the future it is i don't know if that even makes any sense but let's do some patreon questions yeah there's a fancy patreon [Music] that's your favorite word you know yeah it was a long time have people figured out that all of your stingers are just grocery store commercials i you guys okay i don't know if you've if you live in the midwest you know the uh price chopper jingle that is my uh that's the keystone to all of the jingles i've ever written that and there's another one that i won't name but yeah you gotta keep your you gotta keep i gotta keep some of my i gotta keep some of my jingle secrets all right patreon questions so we have a patreon where you guys and gals have helped fund tons of travel all over the world for months and months several years we filmed a lot of things so we're going around and interviewing inventors and people who made all the gear that we love and preserving those stories documentary forms short form episodes that you've seen working on books and so huge thanks to the patreons there will be a link in the description where you can go sign up and support that i guess the weird tagline that's developed is go over to patreon and help us support the preservation of pedal history it sounds classy it sounds that's right it's a classy saying yeah and so it really is so and if you want to go right now it's just the jhs has a link or you just go to patreon and type in ghs show so tommy kong's question these are supporters and we just choose the questions out of that if you could have only one pedal one guitar and one amp for the rest of your life what would it be so for me morning glory sob tech mig 50 and the built again i'm so boring what about you uh my black k line telly i didn't know you had a kaelin i do it's amazing um a deluxe memory man tap tempo with panasonic nos three mn3005 into uh probably my spitfire maybe a dc30 uh i haven't actually played a dc 30 before but i think there's a profile on here i know well okay i have played a dc30 then because all right yep i'll tell you i mean i think i gotta take uh a kemper for a pedal hey i i don't even know if i need i would take an expression pedal to go along with this camper you would just use the stage i would i would use it i'm using right now what guitar um my i am partial to uh the sur jm pro i got a blue one with uh with s90s i think that means what body style is that what is it it's a good like a jazz mask but it's a little jm it's yeah altered a little bit cool yeah next i'd pick i'd take a i'd i know exactly what guitar i would take that blue baby blue sky blue uh baritone that you have really yeah really think about it think about it you got you can still play just high and just you know it takes some if we're on a desert island you just grab some like bark and just wrap it around you got capo you can write some stuff in normal sharks sharks bars okay okay anyway and then for amp i would probably something that makes sound um it's just like an amp man how's it going speakers how about the jade that's what i use that is what i use so you have the first and the proto of that yeah i think and then if i had to have one pedal i'd probably take uh i'd probably take some messy germanium fuzz because if i was stuck on an island i could dial into some radio stations maybe and i could like actually that wouldn't help me at all that's thinking if i'm thinking about it i would need to project radio station never mind life's not about doing it's about having things yeah i'd probably take what was the line six multi-effect thing where they threw all the four series in the box together the oh the m9 i would take that yeah that's a solid choice yeah all right that's a great question tommy thanks for that and then peter hernandez why do many pedals support stereo is there any way to get good use out of it with only one amp so if we look down at the board cam here uh this is stereo [Music] that's the only thing i have stereo a lot of times i have you know it just depends um and obviously this thing has 7000 jacks there's definitely stereo since so i run mono all the time um i don't run stereo i find it completely pointless for me i make jokes about it all the time but like it you do you if you run stereo i have just never found any advantage to stereo especially studio work it's always mono like nobody's gonna we're not getting into that but yeah i just play mono all you do is you just plug through the pedal on the left jacks they'll usually have an m or it'll say mono and the pedal operates in full mono at that point so a stereo pedal is only a stereo if you're using its stereo if you're going through with one pass just use the left jacks yeah it's freaking deep yeah it's it's not so obvious to a lot of new people that's a really great question i remember the first experiences i would have been the dl4 i remember thinking like what because i mean what is stereo when i was the band that was like ridiculous you know i didn't know what that meant i would i'd never really seen anybody run stereo i knew the edge i had heard stuff about stereo but like how do you do that stereo pedals if you're using them like are really fun for like synthesizers especially things like that are really great i like trying to find stereo pedals they're really cool i think the only way i would run a stereo rig is if i had a kemper actually because i've been there i've tried it it's so hard and it's painful it's minimal reward for so much effort that's why i don't care i think if i played in a straight up you know we've done some stuff where like ambient rock you know things like hammock or explosions in the sky all the bright lights i would probably run the stereo rig on purpose a three-piece if i was in a three-piece ambient rock band i'd rather stereo honestly at that point i'd probably just run like kempers yeah it's easier to just have another guitar player absolutely i'd rather pay the money than hook up the game and once you have another guitar player like they're not gonna put you in stereo that's the other thing yeah yeah i i for about a month in my life i ran a left right center yeah stupidest thing i ever did your dad had my dad my dad had a wet dry wet mix so it was like i still did this that it sounded awesome in his bedroom but in the mix they used one ant well they were also yeah they were playing like a dive bar and then our one of the our employees was playing with him and he was using like a quilter and it sounded awesome and then my dad i think kind of gave up a little all right you want to jam us out are we we're going to wrap i feel like we've covered everything check out tone junkies website we gave away a million dollars of profiles and 10 packs of ernie ball strings historic stuff um again these tools down to the kemper camera we'll call it kempercam they're really useful like to me it is a tool treat it like a tool there is no best there is no better i right now would never replace that's kind of my takeaway i've never replaced my hands nobody's asking me to do that just know that you can do what you want to do i think i think the world forgets no one's asking for a fight here a lot of this digital gear these companies aren't coming out asking for a boxing match they're just saying we make a good tool i would watch though like a celebrity boxing match digital versus analog for real yeah all right you lead it out you know just do you okay let's uh what amp you're gonna play profile profile here's a here's a profile of an amp um that i really like that i don't hear people talk about much it is a 65 ac 50 and it's it's one of those mash-ups in history that i think went so right nobody famous played it and nobody talks about it but the people of vox i think realized uh oh we want hey the plexi people are into that four inputs it's a rare two volume yeah they had three versions of them and they said let's take an ac 30 and put like el34s in it did the beatles play the 50s ladder career i think they did at one point there was some yeah yeah again there's some of the situation they were it's that crossover like actually plugging mics into some of these earlier ramps too a lot of wattage they needed a lot of wattage yeah i'm gonna play ac 15. there you go a 66 yeah yeah cool cool don't freaking tell me by the way i should meet my mic now it's been a pleasure [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] thanks for watching have a wonderful wednesday you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 177,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: 5b56hrNBy78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 15sec (6795 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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