LIVE: The Best Pedals of 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what a great audience today yeah beautiful they're just there's a lot of excitement in the live studio audience yeah um how is everyone doing we haven't seen each other in weeks yeah it's been a solid two weeks yeah first live episode of 2021 nick was your holiday a real holiday did it feel like you got away you know what it really did i wore the same pair of sweatpants and same sweatshirt for almost a week straight and i play a lot of video games it's nice and hung out with my kids it was great okay addison's doing something he's not buying the camera but uh i'm assuming he had a pretty good holiday it was great it was great yeah well i think we're uh we're doing a live here i'm pretty excited the goal of today's show is to talk about every single pedal i liked in 2020. it's not gonna happen it's an impossible journey um i think we're having an overhead cam problem there we go nothing nothing well we have a camera that's being finicky but on the table in front of me we have tons of stuff oh there it is thank you addison everybody there we go a round of applause yeah thank you thank you okay there's more that you can't see it's a huge table full but uh yeah we're gonna we're gonna try this now that addison's back over there we need to we're just drawing attention to him how was your holiday it was great um we i think we gosh we're close to two weeks off almost in a row it was really cool uh i love the snow it snowed on new year's day so that was snow is one of my favorite things on the planet so i've got some snow well you were asking me how my holiday was [Laughter] i made your holiday about me i'm sorry it's fine no that's great it is good to be back so yes what do you guys think here the the best battles of this year we've done a lot of episodes you have both seen a lot of these come through was 2020 a good year for petals despite all the chaos i mean it seems like a lot you know what it seems like a lot of pedals came out in 2020 but in the before times oh yeah so like i think we all forget that there was a part of 2020 that was you know in the long long ago before before the the bad stuff right happened yeah i mean you know yeah so like yeah yeah i kind of feel like that there was tons of stuff that i'm sorry i'm interrupting it's okay i just forgot about it because we had a nam yes that's true yeah in january and everybody um dropped a bunch of new stuff yeah and then um yeah and then the darkness came right and we all had to hide in our homes we cried i think we forgot that stuff came out exactly so yeah it was a weird i'm actually so surprised at the a number of petals on your table yeah this is just a drop in the bucket honestly there were so many pedals that came out despite everything and i think it's important to know nam did happen january of 2020 and the world seemed fairly normal and so a lot of people were showing things nam usually in my book has always stood for not available maybe may and so what happens is people show stuff pretty good acronym and then covet happened and a lot of things were delayed and a lot of projects didn't happen but yeah anyway where do we start i guess the first thing i'll do if we go to the table top view here i'm not going to use the loud is more good amp as normal i'm using the two notes there it is torpedo captor this thing is amazing my friend jason sent this over and basically i am plugged into the loud is more good amp like a head over here and it's going into the captor like a load box and then there is an app i'll show you the app if it picks it up here i can go in and pick cabinets put mics in different places um it's really fun so yeah that's the amp today i'm a big fan of it i'm using a two rock cab and uh the switching person's hating me right now it's fine i can't ever mention the name of the switching person they're a ghost but let's do this yeah let's do it i think i have things in categories and and this is hard because there's so many pedals but let's start with delay there's a lot of delay i'm just gonna i'm gonna mention my favorite delays nice yeah let's do that real quick it yeah just before we start that should we say what the the should we count the votes from the last point to kind of get us up to date friday's actual episode was the greatest pedals of the last 20 years or the century so far and i challenged everybody in the comments to tell us with the categories used in the video what your votes are so if you haven't seen that video go see it um addison we have some type of gathering of votes here we do take it over yeah yeah so there was i think uh roughly 1800 people that commented and like cast their vote to some capacity so we'll go we'll just go like category by category here there's six of them that we asked you to cast your vote for so in the overdrive category you guys voted tumnus timmy king of tone morning glory and ocd those were like the best overdrives that were released does there seem to be a clear um i think timmy or king of tone probably they're like yeah are the top ones yeah yeah which was to be expected for sure do you know do you know the years off the top of your head of the timmy and the king of tone uh king of tone is 2003 timmy is did you say oh four no two or four yeah got a two or four thousand the other day yep um turn of the century okay on the fuzz um you all said eh ex hoof hawaiian pizza golden fleece sunflower quaker hoof uh yes i believe so yes yeah yeah um and then keeley fuzz bender which is an awesome pedal okay that one looks really cool too i love that i think the hoof yeah honestly that was on my as far as influential and earthquaker in their beginnings doing a big buff like that yep yeah which i kind of forgot about that yeah earth that was one of their first pedals yeah it was very early yeah okay the hoof is symbolic of a ram ram's head big buff makes sense okay uh time based effects uh we had all delays and honestly none of them are surprises to me el capistan was hands down top uh top vote which came out in win josh 2009 10. i think it was eight or nine yeah eight okay cool so my mind is a mushed skittle today i'll stop asking you dates i like it it's like a game show yeah you answer the trivia that you talk about all the time okay carbon copy was another one dd-20 which come on that was honestly i think my favorite delay pedal maybe my favorite pedal well king of tone is my favorite pedal but uh favorite pedal from 20 the last 20 years dd20 and then timeline and vellante so way to go strymon for making some really really cool stuff yeah yeah they changed the game with delays they also changed the game with the acceptance of digital surface mount components just just you can make a great pedal that doesn't have to be handmade by some person in their basement way to go streaming yeah modulation obvious winners here julia h9 deco mobius terraform so morse diamond stuff um the julia from the fine pokes at walrus yeah that wasn't a surprise that's a that's a great if i had the v2 it would be on the table today i think it's a cool release i just don't have it and really that's colt's fault at walrus oh he's watching this yeah colt way to go um compression also not surprising for any of these uh cali 76 was like the top top vote yeah yeah and the kela compressor diamond compressor ego compressor exotic sp like i feel like every compressor that anyone uses nowadays came out in the last 20 years like it yeah yeah people don't use that i guess with me i think about this casting a vote more as usual around the historical context and importance of an event keely is number one yeah agreed but everyone doesn't think like that so yeah the cali i remember when it came out yeah i got one it was the size of a pedal board yeah the slide rig was the first one nice i've never owned that the big one i've had a compact or cool the big one's sweet i could see i mean it was rev it is revolutionary it's a great compressor but yeah i still for me i'll have to argue keely yep what was the diamond in there diamonds and their ego compressors and they're exotic i'm not offended that the pulp and pill is not in there you're not i'm not it's fine you sure i'm totally fine i mean the three series compressor is very good it is i just don't i think it came it's like when the um the movies that are being nominated for the oscars come out way late in the year yeah like are they gonna make it dismiss it because good thought i think i think it could have landed down there whoa let's turn back time that's pretty good magnet no youtube's gonna shut us down dang just kidding just made five bucks before we get shut down last category it was our weird category um rainbow machine was the top yeah pick so yeah i mean obviously then we got the miku stomp uh synth nine the pog which i don't know how that wasn't top i mean it was in the top five so i think the problem is the category of octaves yeah i think would be true micro pog pog yeah i we didn't want to do a one-hour video right got it it was pushing it yeah i mean the original edit i think was somewhere around like 40 minutes holy moly really i can't remember it i just remember having it's 20 years of pedals with people chiming in i mean i wanted to do wah envelope filters yeah that's boosts yeah yeah and then we've got wayne me4 and zoya as well which is the empress is that how you say that yeah yeah i believe so yeah so yeah that's our list y'all thank you guys for voting and for for telling us what your favorites are that's cool it's a neat neat insight and i think it's like probably agreed upon in the room but in the last 20 years lots of innovation has happened yeah not that there wasn't before that but lots of really cool things it's you know a lot of people say like the golden age i think that term of thinking people are using that term to define like there's never been so many amazing things and i think we definitely are in an era where technology and creativity uh can meet up because of digital world um there's a lot of ideas like strymon is the best example chase bliss is the best example of people finally having a tech that's affordable to do things that feel like this should be in the jetsons or something right right yeah that's really cool uh yeah so now that we've covered that that's interesting we'll have to post that in the description of the former video if people want to nice go look at that here are my favorite delays this year the echoes by keely it's just really great very similar it's funny in in fashion you have the walrus mako d1 they're they're posting some blurred out photos today yesterday i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm a gambling man and i'm gonna say uh the next walrus release that's probably tomorrow the next day will be an m1 i think it'll be a modulation that's a good thought i think it will i hope it is i really like this um i like the format yeah high fidelity echo machine so these are fantastic delays um that share some similarities in the way they look and function and then on the board here if we look down this uh backtalk reissue by down electro it has that warm place in my heart you know it's gonna win is it the greatest delay no right does it is it the most beautiful no but it has my heart how's your heart it's like when you have the three-legged dog mutt and you love it right and it comes you come home and who's there waiting on you right the yeah tripod yeah trey well there is a kind of a fun story behind that too because we we did an episode with um yeah with steve from uh uh i'm we haven't done this in a while it's been we're warming up we have two hours by the way yeah so this is not for the faint of heart but we did we did an interview with him and you're like we got to bring the backtalk back and then yeah yeah and then they brought it back we actually helped with the circuit board layout of this really i didn't know yeah i mean yeah it's been fun it's been fun to i've learned a lot from him and been able to help on a couple small things to see the line kind of come back to life that's been fun so yeah that's my that's my picks on that uh do we want to jam or do i just go through another category or two and then what do we want to do here we got something we have nothing but time yeah i think we should start jamming let's jam on this i just want to go here all right so the first batch uh in the reverb category you see this big ear alby i love big ear grant is one of my favorite humans ever he's out of nashville hopefully we're going to do a nashville road trip with a live we have a van now it's going to get dangerous yeah we have a van but we'll do something with him i'm gonna use that for verbs this seymour duncan polarin phaser is the most underrated thing of the year possibly it's a four preset tap tempo phaser stinkin bomb i'm forcefully putting this on nick's board that we're going to build him i'm very grateful the tim guitarist pitt this this pedal is an amazing take on a classic rat i love what he's doing it's a signature pedal for the guitarist of a shoegaze band called sandpit that was from the 90s and then the icarus which we released on the show um which raised money for the family of the guy who passed away yeah um and so this is gonna be overdrive distortion phaser reverse and verb we have not uh been together in a while yeah kind of getting the band back together here yeah which means none of us have played music in the last have you guys i picked up a guitar up maybe once nice over break nice nick do you we need some direction okay you know what are we doing here with james we need a narrative i was thinking about this i think i think imagine a world much like our own but we have in a world the i think we're gonna write the soundtrack to a movie starring starring a man building a rocket ship he lives in the midwest and he's trying to escape planet earth smuggle himself to a colony on the moon it's a good time to do that yeah but he's doing it illegally so he's being chased down and he's building his rocket ship out of old tractor parts so in this world it's illegal to leave the world well only the elites can colonize okay the moon so he's just trying to create he's trying to get his family off of earth okay to make a mega good sci-fi movie they kind of made i'm sort of ripping off the movie a little bit sounds i mean no one's judging you but i like the idea of a farmer trying to build a rocket ship out of a bunch of like old farm parts and like the nasa cops are trying to like stop him so maybe like the first jam could be he's piling in his family into his uh rocket ship and nasa cops are on his tail okay people say just play already i like that and i want to say again this is a two-hour journey through all of 2020 we're going to give it the respect it needs that's right if you're the type person that wants to look in the description and jump ahead to time stamps you're probably going to hate this so quit rushing us we want to do it we're going to talk and i just i want to make one more statement the mcrib is back at mcdonald's they're how how much are they 30.99 something like that okay what's uh what's the emotion well i think we should do midwest midwest modern upbeat because this is sort of a chase scene mid mod yeah mid mod mid mod upbeat um we're gonna be breaking orbit at the end of this song ooh because nasa cops are coming okay what key with the top down while i set these pedals up and don't forget to turn your mics off [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] that felt good it didn't feel good this pedal is wild so you scroll through a rotary with eight different verbs that's the albie is that flurb oh wait he put flerb in the alvey he's in the chat y'all is he yeah he is he was just a minute ago yeah grant is this flurb tell the truth come on i'm gonna call him out right now if he's still here because if it is i'm so excited uh oh is it a better flavor it's a better flavor it feels more like anything it feels more like there's a chorusy effect because there's a very distinct stank on fleur that's a nice spring sound he says oh i spelled fleur wrong sorry guys uh oh maybe i didn't had is it f l e r b or u r b he replied grant said flurb with two exclamation points it's better it's better than fleur good job grant good job grant yeah so these are these are very fun pedals this phaser so watch this i'll do i'll demonstrate a couple things on a pedal every once in a while besides just jamming with it so you can move through presets i'm a sucker for slow phase it's probably a good band name for somebody yeah this kind of stuff it's almost like a doubler that's really nice yeah you can do all these stages two 4 6 up to 16 stages [Music] that's moody [Music] that might need to be introduced into a part of the like space travel part of the story that we're composing music for yeah all right i'm gonna switch into some other stuff here so let's talk through my verbs i'll remove the albie which i love go check out big ear again when you're buying from big ear you're buying from good people that's their new slogan it's not but it's like the most basic slogan ever uh switching stuff right now yeah i'm gonna go to the oceans 12. i use this in the base with roy video okay it's just full of surprises was that like the pad kind of thing it was everything it does so it's it's a bit overwhelming and that's how pedals should be sometimes um i'm afraid i'm going to hit my was ocean's 12 wait there that was so they made them they made a ocean's 12 movie right because they made yeah they have an 11 a 12 and a 13 13 i think yeah right they've got a few of them then for delay uh take the back talk off and go with the keely that'll be nice do the echoes yeah while i do this anyone wanna i got something can i talk about a world that that is not uh oh hold on kelsey kelsey's in the chat helping out today thank you kelsey she says there's technically five oceans movies so okay while joss is changing stuff out we're not going to use this today but my goodness this is this is hands down my favorite pedal of 2020. this is the new g3 adam or atom from uh the fine folks at the gig rig so this just showed up and addison got so excited he peed a little and almost passed out it would have been embarrassing that i passed out and whatever anyways i was so excited to see this um thank you dan for making uh incredible gear i'm a huge dan and mick fan so shout out to that pedal show yeah um yep i might even like it more than our show what yep i'm just i just want to give them some what they they are handsomer than we are right that's why i said that so they're really handsome gentlemen they are they're fine folks so anyways that's my uh favorite pedal of 2020 and i'm very thankful for it um so go check it out uh yeah nick you got a favorite uh i don't know if i have a favorite of 20 i would have to think about that a little bit more i feel like i didn't quite prepare oh okay i'm sorry i called you yeah okay did the keely caverns come out this year no again it's hard it is it feels like it did it did feel like because that would have been mine but no okay yeah we that's a pedal that's a great one that's a classic i really like that pedal let's see here i'm gonna do i'm gonna add i think i think that feels good i think it does here's where i'm at here's where i'm at y'all so i'm going through this as best i can in some non-chaotic fashion let me talk about the fuzzes i enjoyed this year and then i'll talk through this board i just want to make sure i mention everything that's important so the fuzz is that have been really great i think the best fuzz of the year with zero argument has to be this it's it's the fuzz factory one of the most amazing pedals ever it's part of why all of us love pedals and the industry and zac vex joined with joel chase bliss joel worked for zack um and kind of got his start he designed some some zvex pedals and then they collaborated for the pedal movie with reverb now why am i holding this piece of paper addison well because um there's a little there's just this small company that no one knows of called usps that lost another package that we had overnighted was it overnighted it doesn't matter it was supposed to be here like it was purchased two weeks ago okay it was in kansas city last night after having been in kansas city for two days okay now it's somewhere in virginia or boston it has changed oh you're for real right now i'm totally thrilled uh we had this happen i just want to say the united postal service is the enemy of this show as of right now we need it in our enemy yep and we have one there it is okay i don't know why they have such a personal vendetta against us having the gear we need for the show because they know we're changing the game yeah that's true the colors sound bat soup fuzz just go look it up these are limiteds he has a few of these left go to makari's search makari's buzz pedal on google they make these these are made by dam in england they're incredible hand built he has a few left right now go buy them out this is one of the coolest fuzzes of the year i'll play this next um then we have the cornell legacy fuzz so this is dennis cornell who was involved in the original arbiter factory he worked as a kid there he knew mr arbiter and he has this old stash of transistors that no one has and they're in here this thing's expensive it does not have a power jack because it doesn't have to do anything you want it to do it has those transistors so it's really cool check out this there's another model as well a black model i believe that's on the way here killer not not much to say other than that we interviewed dennis there'll be an episode about him at some point and i haven't done this in a while on the lives i'm gonna throw the supreme in you know good good timing many thanks to uh jhs for the legends of fuzz in the comments tons of people awesome yes thanks for releasing this this was quite a thing for tonally i love this fuzz it is a japanese octave thing that's been one of my favorite sounds ever and we did it in the shutdown from our homes so there's a sentimental thing there for me this is awesome but for right now on the tabletop top i'm gonna play the pedal pawn this is a good friend of mine that i've never met that happens over the internet we've known each other for years i have bought some crazy stuff um he's been my guy i'll do that my guy in england uh he found my 1.5 tone vendor he found a zonk machine for me crazy hard stuff to find but he makes these i like to imagine he wears like turtlenecks and like he has he's probably watching if you're watching uh tell us what you're wearing what's his name so we can look for him he knows his name oh okay i'm gonna let him decide if he wants to reveal himself got it because it can get a little weird um then down ocean's 12 verb echoes and another shameless plug because i i'm just i'm not ashamed uh the three series chorus was my favorite chorus a straight chorus pedal of the year i don't have the new julia because that's colt's fault yeah yeah chloe this could have been you if anybody out there knows colt or wants to tag or message walrus on instagram and tell him i've said various times that it's colt's fault you can do that yeah and then we have the red uh by spiral and shoe pedals so this is a collaborative uh tom kram was part of dod they shut him down and fired his whole crew he started spiral and this is their release so yeah i think uh let me get some basic sound going here let me find a reverb that i want to use pedal pawn is tuned in and talk about narrative pedal pump yeah well they're tuned in he says i've got nothing but a turtleneck on that's not your guy i know but he's here so yeah yeah one one of these days we're gonna do a live and we're all going to be wearing turtlenecks uh so i think since we have two hours in this narrative that we're developing we're scoring this film i think we've broken through the atmosphere we we are we are headed towards the moon and uh uh are we slingshotting around the earth do we need some like jedi enforcement i wouldn't worry about the the litter the sci-fi logistics i would just say it's gonna work band name uh this is our band sci-fi logistics with our hit single space cats or something i don't know uh i think they're we're approaching the moon but there is a a uh we're approaching the security checkpoint and we have to maneuver our way through the uh elite defenses to the moon uh the moon base so there's gonna be some lasers and some maneuvering space flight where does all this come from inside it's just a dark it's just never it just never ends just always going yeah so there's going to be some space some laser exchanges that's what this jam is called laser laser exchange all right uh set a tempo off the echoes [Music] what key you guys want to jump in on not d it needs to be the whatever the key of lasers is i i don't know what's the key of lasers key of lasers is probably g yep we got to moot it up a little bit because we're in danger here we might have to change to a minor [Music] yeah i'm feeling that addison can you give us some like some fuzziness on the base [Music] yeah yeah okay [Music] i like this [Music] [Music] so my uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] and just the storyline is working i feel it what's happening right now well they just they've they've they just barely escaped and their engines were shot out but they found safe passage through a canyon on the moon and they are going to have to regroup and figure out what to do next that's a tough situation i've been in a few times yeah when you're stuck in a moon canyon moon canyons are the worst for full suspension yeah and two wheel drive i i used to drive this cheap ford front-wheel drive with four-cylinder got stuck in the moon all the time what is this show i don't know how to respond i'm reading comments so i'm just like ah i got nothing that's the thing anybody watching this two hour 2020 review they want to be here they definitely want to be here yeah so i use this excellent this has so many sounds it sounds so good this is just a great tape saturation sound use this in the chorus mode really this is the red this is a really great drive they had worked together on a dod pedal that was released this is kind of part two of that once tom they let all the dod people go they kind of re-collaborated on a version two of that pedal it's awesome and which one is that again it's the red and then this is a really great sonically faithful silicon fuzz that's made in england [Music] cleans up nice as well all right i'm going to switch some stuff out i i'm interested what people are saying give us a briefing there yep um yeah go ahead no it's fine i'm just gonna let me see here i got it got kind of like lost in the weeds there for a second there's a lot of um comments about how much sci-fi we consume and about how i should probably stop taking mushrooms whoa which these are all mushroom-free stories y'all oh it's just who nick is guys there's so much creativity that comes out of him it's wild um okay how about this lots of people are asking what's on base today yeah yes lots of pedals released in 2020 and honestly we can throw anything over there but there's some killer stuff you're using really really is so um okay so we know ever since the klon episode we discovered how great klons are on base so this wasn't released in 2020 um this is a ghs clone from our history wall so that's on pretty much all the time uh nowadays but apart from that these three are what i'm gonna use so for the real fuzzy nastiness this was actually the october audio uh i think it's just the november drive um it's missing the o and the e and another e so if i'm saying it wrong i apologize but um so yeah it's giving a really really neat kind of um push to the to the clone so here's here's without that drive and then here's with it [Music] it sounds very good yeah it's very very sweet i love how that pedal looks and feels yeah they're chunky tall enclosure their branding's phenomenal way to go guys um yeah and i remember emailing with him too and um yeah your kindness is much appreciated so um yeah and then boss sy1 synthesizer uh such a cool pedal very cool didn't we dude oh i think i used it on drums did i use it on drums yeah i think i did use it on drums nice and yeah it was cool it was really cool it's such a cool pedal yeah so it's boss you can't go wrong yeah bosses medical boss and then this fuzz uh which we haven't gotten to yet but we will at some point this is from our good friend um david brown at brown amplification this is his t4 which is josh a muff right yeah t4 means transistor times four it's a four stage buzz which is a big muffin and it's incredible on bass here's a little taste for you it's very very very very good it's very very cool very fuzzy i did that on the first live stream we ever did i got the wild hair to put a live stream rig together and do it for my basement we did what's in josh's mailbox anybody remember that dark days yeah that was a long time katie was helping me with no audio working as usual um that went well that was before my time here but i remember watching it though from home oh we never got an eighth to eighth headphone oh no we have one i can go down i think we have one yeah i think it might be in one of those drawers over there because we used it yeah i'm gonna use this crazy thing this is really fun to sit in front of like the faves what i what i've really enjoyed seeing this year it's a lot of stuff it's a little overwhelming yeah it's fine yeah sweet yeah nice you keep chugging along on the bass stuff total backfire on that throw there um okay yep this is uh this is our our nash p bass that we use all the time and then run it into a color box and then in the box is um the uad the b15 plug-in the ampeg b15 which is dope and then um compressing the snot out of it today with an la2a because can you define what it means to compress the snot out of it so like because that's an actual question yeah yeah people people have been commenting on how good the bass tones are yeah uh well when i mix stuff i like a good solid low end foundation compressing this not help so you have dynamic range it's your waveform you got compression which is gonna take your peaks and it's going to lower them and then you end up turning it up to match the volume of everything so that means your low notes come up a little bit too and then you have a little bit more squash of a waveform that's compress the snot in a nutshell and so you're doing stuff you're doing stuff to it yeah you're leveling things out so i'm using an la2a which is i believe uh leveling amplifier is what la stands for so is that what it stands for i do believe all right if we look down here um it's about to get it's about to get crunk let's go um there's there's some doozies here i have the ranger effects minibar let's just acknowledge it's a pedal that you put liquid in it was released in january pre pre-2020 brilliant the last time we had liquid in here well that would have been come out 2020 because he was it was name yeah oh i can't get it off crap it had beer in it oh did it get you have any pliers yeah we got something yeah yeah this is this is our fault not his and what am i gonna put in here i've got some coffee i have lacroix some yeah there's some lacroix it's just been like cooking on top of that like steaming hot lacroix all right here we go this is not the right tool for this forgive me david oh there we go okay i just needed some help it's like when you can't get the pickle jar open and your wife does it easily and then you're like i got it ready you know um top down that we have a v all right i'm gonna pour hot lacroix yes you're gonna spill it perfect come on and then you set the empty can on top of yeah i set it up on the torpedo it's fine let's see if that worked hot lacroix tone chrome okay everyone just left this episode okay then i have the jupiter effects real saturator this this thing is like a tape saturation inspired overdrive oh that's cool yeah it just came over and i messed with it before the break and loved it somebody's angry you didn't put coconut water in your oh yeah probably rhett there's some we could do that later so i'll do a it's just a really cool different flavor of dirt because he's doing it has the whole roll-off feeling it feels very gray tape always feels very flat and like i don't know that's in my head and then we have the eq2 their tagline on this is the last eq pedal you'll ever need this is the ultimate eq pedal it's programmable midi all kinds of stuff and you can just go in set up your frequency ranges it's super easy to use so let's see somebody said your captor x light isn't supposed to be turning red but it is really what does that mean what does it mean i don't know it's it's because you put the lacroix on it might be well if i like how it sounds you like how it sounds i don't know i'm gonna do a mid push so you hold the button down and you kind of choose your frequency [Music] so i'm going to use that like a boost like i'm going to kind of do what a dallas range master would do eh how is it programmable it just has presets like a delay or something so you like set the knobs and then like save it or something or you set the sliders so if you had just like if you had this in front of your drives yeah i'm probably gonna toss this on one of the newer boards oh cool you just have some different preset like you could have a morning glory and slam it in four different ways easily that's cool i need that for my my drum pedal board oh that would be really sick that'd be done all right now we have the ana this thing's wild okay i hung out with him at nam this is his trim all right we're gonna do you tap a tempo right pretty normal stuff [Music] or you spin the mag that makes me so happy it's so nice so is it whoa so there's a con there's a there's a magnet hitting this metal arm and and it's breaking the circuit like wow it's so good so good so genius and it's like big enough yeah it's made to kick with your foot but i'm going to do like this lame finger thing here it's like it's like someone turned a fidget spinner into a pedal oh man oliver can't it's called the speed at the same time he said fidget spinners are back yeah all right and then we have one of the coolest effects i've ever seen the cooper affects arcades i've had so many great conversations with him uh over text and instagram great designer um he did a collab with chase post as well i believe and basically you have some different cards this says synth this says pitch grain reverb reverse i have the delay module in so it's a multi effect what's the picture on the front it's this long majestic haul of something i don't know that is like such a cool idea it makes me so happy [Music] honestly i'll play with this um but if you put in a card let's put in a pitch card it takes a second and then [Music] you're loading and whoa [Music] that is so fun [Music] it's awesome so i'm going to go back to that delay yeah let's do a gym that's awesome okay so we're we're in the moon we're having to now our family is is having to trek on foot through a moon canyon and they are taken captive by moon natives who are who are in rebellion against the elites who have begun to colonize the moon and they are going to help this clan to overthrow the the uh the elites in exchange for their their lives wow these elites you know punks freaking you know it's like the kardashians got their corner of the moon they have a whole corner they have a whole corner if if a round thing can have a corner they have it and they have it so this is a dark moment this is well this is this is a this is a moment where the heroes get to where they want but they find out what they want wasn't exactly what they thought it would be okay so now they're they're finding new purpose think of they're becoming the the rebel alliance now and they are going to team up with these uh moon dwellers yes and they're meeting the the shaman leader of the moon tribe okay who's whose name cannot be spoken in english tongue or by the tongues of humans this is the arcades kind of setting that mood yeah i like this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] really moody this trim it's pretty cool it's such a cool expressive i mean that's a pun almost but yeah it's just a very different way to approach tremolo it's a great pedal by itself this just adds you know you can have your setting and then just kick that if you want to go crazy [Music] it's really fun it's super super fun yo we've been at this for about an hour now and you know what that means it does the the show happens because you know look up there's some there's some help with that you know the cost we should probably run an ad i think we probably feel too bad about it you feel bad about it i don't i also have to go to the bathroom let's let's do an ad slash bathroom break for everybody someone said smoke break too so yeah if you want to smoke might be a hot dog break for somebody i don't know take your shoe off break government mandated hot dog breaks i'm into that all right we'll be right back here we go skillshare is an online community with thousands of inspiring classes for curious people at every skill level explore new skills get better at the things you already love get lost in creativity and join the millions of other people that are already enjoying this platform there's tons of stuff you can learn on skillshare perhaps you're a really creative person there are classes for you struggling to find resources on how to start your small business well you guessed it there are classes for that as well i wish skillshare had existed when i started jhs i could have taken a web developing class and made my first website way better it was bad and maybe jhs would be as big as boss or electro harmonix by now probably not and that's okay it's fine but there are courses that teach you how to record better audio how to edit video you can take classes on graphic animation so if you ever wondered how nick does the fancy graphic stuff on our show you could learn to do it yourself nick if you're listening right now there is a course called learn how to mix music with young guru frankly i want all of our gems from here on out to sound like jay-z albums i don't think that's too much to ask so go take the class nick maybe i'll take it too there's even content on how to solder and classes on understanding electronics which is super cool if you have any interest in building pedals or gear the classes are put together really well they're broken down in bite size and easy to understand pieces in some classes they even go so far as to provide shopping links for the supplies you're going to need for that class it's awesome it's amazing it's like college but way cheaper and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning that was always my problem there's literally thousands of topics and the best part is that it's less than ten dollars a month with their annual subscription that's like 33 cents a day that's like a penny an hour i don't know i didn't really do the math because i'm bad at math but maybe skillshare has a math class i should take i'll look into it at the end of the stream we'll be posting a link in the description the first 1 000 people to use the link will get a free trial of skillshare premium don't go right now go in like 20 30 minutes after the lab's over it'll be there and you might really like it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i think thank you yes um coming into this i want to say i did fix the captor issue what'd you do there's a i had it on the wrong input selector so in the middle of playing i think i mixed myself back in right i can just keep an eye on it nice yeah yeah for sure well we're back this is part two we just had the intermission i love intermissions um been to a few broadway plays i don't want to brag i've been to new york um and you go out you buy t-shirts you get a drink i hope that everyone bought a shirt got a drink got a hot dog everybody on the break just went and changed their shirt yeah i mean honestly we may need to implement on these two hours these are rare the two hours are rare they're crazy they're radical we know they're for the hardcore fans but maybe we do a clothing change next time i think so oh man i think we need to have another show we got to take the next level what's the viewer let's talk about it how many people are on how many crazy people we're all together a thousand crazy people watching right now sometimes youtube doesn't update but i want thousands of crazy people in a two-hour virtual living room experience of just madness i want to say something because i don't want anyone to miss this zachary mcguire thank you for this what did 50 cent do when he was hungry i don't know 58. oh my gosh okay i also want to say um i like to be transparent and humble i've had a little bit of a runny nose i have a bad allergies my eyes have been watering i forgot to take my allergy medicine so if i've offended anyone with a little bit of a runny nose i'm sorry all right moving on to they don't know what to say to that you're calling yourself yeah that's great it's hot in here and cold yeah right it's this room it's sort of fluid do we all have the flu no it's just the room it's all it's like it's been like this for four years okay let's look down here at uh we have enough time i'm gonna slow down not that i was going fast i changed my shirt you did you did let's look at this next line up i think we're at a place so i'm just going to keep doing lineups and we'll end up covering everything and then i think here's what we need addison like a like a 15 minute warning okay before the end of day yep yeah um so here's what we have the mako d1 by walrus fantastic i've used this on some lives it is uh it's a great delay the alexander super neomatic this is a recreation of a really hard i think it's like two grand on reverb if you find an original i don't care enough to get the original and that makes me sad i'll probably end up finding one but it's a crazy rare pedal and he recreated it you can go look into the copy and stuff it's a modulation flanger kind of strange stuff fun stuff weird like every alexander pedal it's a little too much for me but it makes me want to use it and it makes me want to be a better person it's like a challenge it's like when you see somebody doing something better then you're like i don't know if i can be as good of a bowler as roger but i sure as heck want to try i appreciate this i mean it's i can't look away from this that's why it's on the table it's amazing then for the budget crew uh we have the sundance special this is by k-line this is their new branding this is an overdrive that's really great it's more of a distortion distortion preamp kind of thing volume based trouble and gain and then you have a boost here if i had to put this into some type of category to understand the circuits it's like a high gain op amp kind of screamer thing with a bass and treble and apparently we're next to a street um and then the boost is going to be like a straight up kind of micro ampish good nice boost then the best i know boss put out this well that doesn't matter i was confusing two things because well because source put out a synth pedal as well i crossed it in my head the spectrum is definitely the filter of the year uh intelligent auto filter um then we have the claymore by wampler so alex clay worked with brian and he passed away like kind of shockingly and this was a tribute kind of thing to him a limited run of these that's a little a little graphic in him on there it's hard to see but go check these out uh he was a really cool guy i met him a few times a lot of industry industry people really loved the guy he was like such a positive attitude i remember he's the guy you go to nam and he's happy wow it's you know what i'm saying yeah it's like you yeah you just have to admire that yeah he was an amazing dude so there's that i think we uh we carry on the narrative here a little bit further okay we've gotten here quickly so yeah it's fine all right there's a lot there's so much to talk about yeah that you know what do you think addison what do we do here i i mean i just want to hear some of these things because to be honest with you i've seen most of them come in i haven't heard a lot of them yeah so i want to hear the narrative all right i want to know where we're going okay so our our team of outcasts have uh formed a plan to okay here i got it it just came in it just came into you get home yep the the elites have have a construction site where they are building a new superdome okay for their new moon city and it is under construction and the the uh the natives and the um farmers family have stumbled upon plans this is getting real star wars a new hope they have found the they have found underground uh tunnel system that leads them into this construction site that was there already that was there built for for like plumbing right moon plumbing and hold on with me here we're getting somewhere and they are going to sabotage the build of this new superdome and so um we could call this song superdome destruction and they are going to plant charges all around this place and blow it up and to to push back the um the the the forces that are taking over the moon yeah well i mean it's not really their space to build the superdome because the space oh space puns so i feel like this is more like we're taking back what has been stolen from us right and these farmers are have a very they they are um they identify with the plight of these people so they are going to take this land back got it all right just launch it all out just full-on we're going for it explosive assault so this is uh this is marching orders this is like this is it's yeah it's gonna get real robots the bad guy robots are all going to turn and it's going to be crazy so i think we're going to get crunchy and and hey this might be a good jam for that yeah okay let's see where tell them what you're doing and let's do it okay this is a lovely uh boss we're gonna lead out with a bass ref people oh wait listen oh yes this is perfect man this is something like trent rezner i'm going to start off with the claymore kind of as a light overdrive let me get the level right all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was great though mission accomplished so these sounds were really fun this pneumatic it's on the edge of can i use this can you play it by itself yeah what are the knob controls mix feedback rate depth and then you have uh alternate controls of range ramp rate and and yeah then there's some other stuff like there's so many features [Music] i love how it's on the edge of like and then the spectrum i started off with this sound which was really cool oh that's fine that's super fun yeah sorry this that's just the spectrum i'll add the clay more [Music] then i went over to like a q-tron mode [Music] that was cool very fun and this is a real for the price this is bonkers listen to how good this drive is i think this drives like 50 bucks what's the name of it again sundance special so this the creator of this his uh mom's favorite i love that i know this stuff his mom's favorite movie character was it's from a western sundance kid oh gotcha yeah so it's great if you like a good simple distortion and you want a boost that's it it's like so affordable what's price uh i actually can't find it uh yeah yeah it's somewhere in the world yeah they're all around 50 bucks all the yeah stuff so cool let me jump into another switch up here let's talk yeah let let's go straight into what it's the elephant in the room it's the chase bliss stuff the mark ii yes addison you're you're a lover of this i really am telling a little bit about it did you like spend time and learn how to use it i haven't no i haven't yet but here's the thing i've listened to a lot of people play it right it blows my mind but even more that than the the preamp the 1978 the cxm the the maris because we don't have one yet maris shipped one out yesterday i believe i was talking to them oh wow i hope they didn't use usps because it won't get here for the rest of the year anyways take that usps this is their reverb oh but we need to have our moment you done this is the reverb collab my goodness i don't know that i've heard a better sounding reverb in a pedal now granted i know they're they're 900 i'm fully aware that that's crazy oh really yes yeah yeah no they really are but it's relative it's like money is what was money's dispensable disposable whatever it really is and technically speaking i mean you can dispense of anything yeah exactly um so anyways it's a brilliant pedal it's very easy to use the interface and i know what you're asking yourself you haven't learned how to use it as and i thought you just said that that's true but i have watched people use it because i'm like i gotta know how this thing works and sounds so when i can when i sit down with it i'll know it but uh it has room plate haul and then it has the ability to add modulation to i uh to any of them it's super intuitive you've got this um this crossover point so you can uh i guess differentiate between the the reverb times of like low frequencies and mid-range frequencies what yeah it's really cool that sounds crazy yeah and then you have like a a treble controller so it's like a it's like a um like a multi-band yeah exactly reverb yeah so your low end might be a longer tail so to speak than your mid-range it's like wizardry yeah how can you i mean if you think about it you go into different rooms you're like well there's a lot of low end in this room that makes sense in the reverb right so i think that's probably kind of what they're getting at i would assume so you can change the the the reverb length and stuff of like each individual frequency range is that what i'm understanding it's like probably i would imagine it's like a fixed frequency okay that you're adjusting or maybe it's not fixed maybe it's some algorithmic i don't know whatever you know as you turn it up interesting yeah well it'll be cool to get one i'm so i'll play it myself yep so very very excited um yeah someone else mentioned they said did we spot a g3 atom on the table yes you did uh i mentioned it earlier but it's you know we're almost an hour and a half into this so this is my pick for uh best pedal of 2020 that was released um very cool loop switcher way to go greg um very cool that's it that's all i got to say about those things i could probably talk about them for a lot longer ooh hold on i got another one to talk about shout out to my boy j.o if you're watching j.o hopefully you are um he said do you guys have the the uh jack white pedal who was this copper sound josh yes yes copper sound um did a pedal with jack white this is another printout this is how we do this is just the new thing if we don't have it yet i'm sure you at usps lost it josh crumpled them up so we can't make fun of him again but um wild petal we don't have one yet when we do i'm sure it'll make it onto you know a crazy wild petals episode but um yeah talk about crazy sounds you can get with stuff that's this what is it what is it a fuzz i think it's like fuzz overdrive distortion kind of oh that's cool kind of vibe it's got like you lock and unlock i mean it these are like these are like you step on these they're uh almost like a piano sustain pedal oh okay yeah yeah you know what i mean yeah yeah anyways very cool crazy wild stuff so yep i just love like when people have fun with their designs yeah like i feel like it's so brave because it it could like turn some people off to the like funness of it like you know what i mean it's like some people like wouldn't get it but i just like that the commitment just be like i'm gonna make a tremolo and it's gonna be have a fidget spinner on it and you're gonna like it or not and it's just so or like you're gonna buy a pedal and the effects are all gonna be like tiny little cards that's just commitment this is how it is yeah this is an octave fuzz someone someone said that's what it is it's an octave fuzz yep yeah it's it's cool i think there's one on the way there's always something on the way here always um i wanna i think it's a good interjection here to talk about um something useful today and that is yeah i i was on the uh i was texting with jenna from uh from uh maris and you know i'm working on a maris um who is maris like showing the bio telling that story that would be an episode and we were just like hey how you doing kind of thing and they pulled that off during 2020. so honestly it's true he had been working on the drive here for a while but the collaboration with maris and joel was really hard um and so i just want to take a second and kind of i want to state something for my own sake um that kind of ties into it they just did what they wanted to do they had fun doing it and they brought something creative like into the market and yeah it's a thousand dollars but that doesn't give us the right to hate it it's true right yep i i found some interesting dynamics like when i built the 66 series i charge 400 bucks for these it's because it what it needed to do to just bring something like that into the market and make it worth it and profitable for the people selling them and for me and it was it was an it was something to do to do it um and i think i see a lot in the pedal market there's this like sprouting plant tree which is like they shouldn't be allowed to do that it's too much money that's stupid i could build it at home it's like i just want to see people embrace these amazing things even if they're more than we can afford to go buy like a typical player it's there like we're lucky enough to see this stuff happen right well and i think like on another hand too it's like let's look at like the history of pedals like there was a long time where a lot of this gear and technology was out of the price range of like a lot of consumers but it was like pushing the edge of what could be possible and so like what these guys are doing is not like the value of it is that they are like putting these like little like seeds out into the world being like this is what's possible with a pedal and who knows in like 10 years or something this might be like a thing people are adapting and we can like look back and be like yeah remember when like maris and chase bliss like freaking crushed it with that like pedal and they were you know what i mean because like it's like think about the first like uh like modulation effects were like amp top things that were like people couldn't afford yeah and they were like really cool and it's like oh well i mean i think we're looking at these pedals that are like this this could be setting the bar for like the future yeah the first computers like i know it sounds way too dramatic but that's what we're looking at here is when you look at this marist collab it's amazing there's never been anything like that they should charge whatever they need to charge to not lose money to make sure it was fun and to and to help trailblaze this era coming in the next 20 years and that's what they did and i'm stinking think they should raise the price right like i just as a pedal maker it's really hard sometimes to want to do things and push the boundaries and be expected to do it for 100 bucks yeah um because pedals everything's getting so expensive and in the year of covid everything was so expensive and so hard to do parts were hard to find labor like everything was wonky so i just that's my shout out if you had a congratulations yes that's to that's to chase bliss and maris big round of applause here in the studio man that just hit home you know it was kind of good it felt real kind of like a hallmark movie yeah you know driving a point home yeah get in there this is fun yep it's 427 yep let's talk about the lineup here we have that bat soup these are i pronounced it bats up like ketchup but it is bat sip it's bats what does that mean is it just a color sound it means whatever he wants it to mean there is a story there and i'll get it wrong if i try to mention it got it they basically okay here's the story they found they found a design that was never released lost and then uh david mayne of dam took the design and they rei they issued it out so it's a vintage design that lived on a shelf for decades and they put it out wow yeah that's incredible and we have the hype by daredevil this is my favorite boost of the year no knobs one foot switch and it has i have a sound for that just do it wait not that one oh there we go yeah it's just an amazing fat boost and it has spray painted on it hype and i like that that's awesome then we have we have the big boy here we've got the big boy let me just it also looks really good let me turn it on let me watch this okay hold on pause if you didn't just see flying faders on a guitar pedal and you're wondering why the things are so expensive there's your answer the freaking faders move that's not cheap that's brilliant it's it's amazing it's honestly amazing yeah then this pedal needs to be bought more people need to discover this pedal this company this is the ultimate ambient like shoegazee washi device it's amazing disintegrate knob in the middle cure reference i hope so i hope it is yeah it's called the black hole symmetry by collision collision devices they have another petal that we have it's actually covered in leather and you have to treat the leather it's the greatest thing i've ever rock solely said what is the collision devices it's it is black hole symmetry it is an an ambience machine [Music] that's my definition of an ambience machine this is called the ranch and that has like real leather on top you have to treat it yeah it's like this oh i just i love pedals y'all need to yeah it's fun it's fun let's go through a few sounds here before we jam oh that sounds great hold on hold on uh this fuzz is probably backwards hey we got october audio in the chat hey man shout out what's going on hey we're using your uh november drive right now if you didn't know it's on on bass guitar and it's lovely okay i'll start with the collision devices [Music] so wait yeah something's something's on [Music] oh it's it's the dry air the led the glare of the light was like perfectly off so there's a basically a drive here disintegrate and then event horizon is pitchy delay stuff so let me set this up um [Music] while you're setting that up yeah we had a question what were the patch cables that we're using uh in in the chat um yeah yeah they're the flat arnie ball they're lovely if you're gonna buy a pre-made these flats are awesome they really are so nice yep they changed my family your kids love you more now things happen you know i talked to my dad again for the first time [Music] was this before or after we saw him in mississippi a month ago two months ago okay guys it was alabama get it right man sorry bro we were 49th in education mississippi was 50th uh let's see yeah so big [Music] big old ambient sorry that's my bad and then you can distort it but i'm not going to use the distorter i'm just going to use it for ambience [Music] so that's cool that's there the hype fat boost [Music] i'll use that to slam into this even though this can do anything literally and then here's the fuzz [Music] i love this look yeah it's incredible just the contrast it's so nice yeah and then i'll just make one sound on here show everyone turn it on volume trouble mids basic gain let's do germanium let's gate it and let's do mids pre it's gonna be crazy i don't want to create fuzz though let's not do fuzz let's keep it drive but if you wanted to create fuzz you can do you can literally do anything you want so [Music] and this is with um yeah yeah this is benson yeah benson did this so fantastic here's your heaviest drive sound [Music] let me go through silicon i'll do the germanium like i said choose the frequency then you just save a preset and it remembers all that and it's wild and it's it's witchcraft stack it with a fuzz hit it with the hype add some all right narrative time okay so here we go i'm just stretched just hold on okay i got it so after the massive battle our lead character sustained a very fatal blaster wound to the chest and oh no the chief of the moon tribe is taking him to a moon pool which is a dimension into the afterlife where if our farmer can battle the specter in the astral plane he can return his soul to his body and heal himself but he has to but he has to survive the mazes and he has to battle um the the the specter on the other side to be able to regain his uh a second chance at life and uh the spectre takes the form of his uh worst fears wow so so so at some point so i i think we need to establish the ethereal plane here okay the astral plane and then there is going to be some mazes and some uh spiritual battles to to return to his family that's heavy so yeah i i i'm already on a journey that was next level on this journey if i'm being completely honest yeah i looked over and addison was like this he was like [Laughter] all right i'm gonna use the soundstone as well this came out this year it's it's honestly i'm going to say something here it's a better evo what yeah all right i i think josh you should establish the the crossing over into the astral plane so no pressure here we go [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i really was i was there can someone tab that out yeah someone tap that out and uh let us know that's great we're at the 15 minute warning we are i was supposed to tell you that but that's fine we're becoming i'm thinking i'm thinking i'd just go through the remainder here and we do one more jam close it out yep yeah any saucy comments any just lots of love for the people two hours i this is the length of a feature film like one that yeah yeah right yeah my wife and i were talking about great movies that should have ended earlier on the top of my list is the classic disney robin hood animation the fox should have ended when he won the tournament anybody would know that movie yeah nope should have ended no interesting just keeps going just like i've fallen asleep the last five times the kids have made me watch it because he wins the tournament you're like oh man and then a whole other storyline right all right i'm gonna go through this set up one more rig let me talk through it while i do it i guess um there are so many sounds here again this collision devices yeah i don't want to repeat myself but it's it's amazing some really good stuff we got some plans for a shoegaze board that'll be on it ooh we have plans for lots of boards but i have a board over by my feet that i should show how about you oh yeah because there was a release this year that this yeah yeah power supply that i have not seen enough people talk about and we need to fix that that's right okay so here's the board oh my gosh it's so heavy the board's a schmidt array board i think we've showed it a couple times my arms are shaking i need to like pump i need to work out i really do it's quite lovely here um yeah so ah my wonderful assistant nick has come over to help me here all right uh the board's less important but what's cool about it is oh i don't want to smack you in the face because this thing's spring-loaded this little uh modular power supply under here by a company called anasans it's velcroed on okay i don't want to make you stand there nick you can put it down we got the power supply thanks dude i should have just taken it off but we want to show the board because that'll be done at some point the automaton is going on there in that empty spot uh where you're like whoa what's going on what's that big old thing i'm watching the replay here nick coming in clutch yes all right modular modular power supply from ana sounds it's awesome i'm also powering um all my pedals today with this you can chain them together really easily uh they're super lightweight really well built so that's our pick this year for power category best of 2020. great job everything he's doing is incredible yeah they're just really great the entire the entire line the spring reverb unit is crazy it's so good have we shown that yet or is that in an edit one being edited the spring it's in an edit yeah you'll see it soon yeah let's just go check out the amazon site just gonna sing those phrases right now really good i'm gonna keep this pretty much two petals there's a lot of like okay mxr did a timmy a mass production to me yep cool i'm so happy for paul he's one of the founding fathers of american pedals and the boutique movement he got this is huge a collaborative timmy george tripps was a driving force in this kept asking him and they worked out a thing it's so so good and so cool to see it in a smaller um easier to get package um i think it's worth mentioning the amazon basics yeah for what it happened it happened it did it happened this year and it's good yeah all of them are pretty dang good um electro harmonix if there's a sleeper release award it goes to the control knob static expression incredible so this all this does is if a pedal has an expression out you go in and you can set two different positions imagine an expression pedal yeah you could set a toe down and to heal up so i think a dl4 or something whatever and then you just have them to switch between so you create two presets it's incredible any pedal with an expression pedal you can make a preset that's really you can put this on a panther cub an emperor anything with expression and they didn't even i never even saw this announced we were proud we were emailing with them and prowling through and i was like what is this the control knob static expression it's pretty cool if you have a pedal with an expression get one uh the pedal pond texas twang i showed the fuzz he did a take on the range master with a three position frequency check him out he's wearing a smoking jacket and nothing else apparently in the comments there was the limited release that i found through my japan connection i have a couple guys in japan i don't like to brag but i'm joking they they make fun of me because i have people all over the world looking for stuff and it it feels very mafia different guy than your london guy not the same oh i have three londons oh okay i have a north england ireland scotland japan korea there's a lot of petals in korea is it really yeah do they all wear turtlenecks so this is the kree nakuri way huge limited this is the fifth one there are only ten japan release only it's a dod 250. what's on the back that's way huge's head that's a huge head it's got a big head so cool what else what else what else all the three series i'm so pumped for those legends of fuzz ehx another sleeper release was the mainframe oh yeah eight bit deconstructionized yeah amazing i'm going to show this probably in an upcoming episode i'm showing everything on an episode i'm going to be saying that yeah i feel like that's been the phrase of this is just there's going to be an episode about that speaking of going to be an episode about that i wonder if we're ever gonna air like a petty john episode we've been asked a lot it would be so weird if we did that how weird would it be if this was like coming up it'd be mind-blowing wednesday yeah i don't know what are we doing friday soon i don't know it'd be super weird though if we did something about that wouldn't it yeah it'd be really weird land devices domino this is on my board i love it that much uh land devices don't know who they are never got to the bottom of that no we have we have no idea who they are are you sure it's not you nick i text my contact today i text the contact today there's a lot of stuff going on and they only had three minutes 45 seconds on the phone wow i don't understand why it's pretty crazy uh if we look down at the table i'm only gonna plug in two pedals i don't think i've left anything out i have but it's fine there's just cables everywhere okay you can't not have cables everywhere for a live stream with jhs fender is oh one more thing to talk about color sound did yeah a bender distortion that is not a tone bender at all it's actually it's like a rat don't tell anybody david mayne's building these so it's a damn constructed pedal it's really cool fender drops pedals like it's hot and they don't get a lot of love um this is a really cool you could throw this down and do a whole gig if you have like spring reverb and you're happy on your amp it has di out um tuner out when you mute it you can go straight to a tuner but it's kind of like a throw it in your gig bag pedal and compressor overdrive eq and a mute really fun really great and then there's mataverse the name of this gets best name 2020. air trash that's amazing that's very air trash let's listen to the air trash you saying the name makes me laugh yeah petals are a wonderful world they are all right something's not hooked up like it should be oh yeah hold on this should totally be working what did i break improve in debt output oh the mute it has a mute as i said four times that's like a wonderful demonstration of that feature yeah oh now i understand so the air trash has three unlabeled knobs let's explore them together i don't think that that's volume this is is that like a blend joey scar says the air trash sounds like a knockoff pair of jordans oh there you go i'm down with that sounds good here's the compressor someone wants you to demo the mute again they just didn't quite hear it the first time listen to how transparent the mute is wow all right ready here we go wow unbelievable the technology that we are i'm telling you looking at innovation it's just like on off so crazy eq it's an eq the overdrive these drives in the fender line are so good has a blend this would be great for bass because as a diol oh hello okay shout out to our bass player friends oh someone actually just said on the road that fender pedal is marketed for bass isn't it i think it is i think it is but i want to say you can play guitar through it and that's what i'm going to show like because there aren't enough of this style for guitarists but it yeah it's a great bass pedal i think it is because of the xlr but as a guitar player i feel like i should have all pedals made for me [Music] okay let's do a jam i'll add some vinson spring reverb sounds good what do we want to do here so i think this is this is the last scene to the first movie and setting up a sequel probably and our farmer has come back from the dead and now they are he won yeah he won he beat the spectre and now now him and his family are standing on a moon cliff looking at the sun set i don't can the sun set on the moon i don't know how space works this is your story it can if you want it in this story the sun is setting in the distance in the moon distance and they're talking about how they won this battle but there may be more to come and the true meaning is family and so this is kind of closing credits our emotional outro here so a lot of emotion would really this is going to be tomorrow yeah not a lot of effects here i'm going to keep it minimal and i have to use the air trash that's true you kind of you do well so there's a promise of tomorrow but okay here i got it promise of tomorrow starts off promise of tomorrow but then we zoom over the landscape into the capitol building and you see sitting on a throne type thing a hooded figure nope not hooded let's do star wars you see a man in a full button-up white tuxedo with white hair and he says we have them right where we want them and then it cuts to credits what's his last name what does his last name start with the k i like the spur okay so it's not kardashian no it's not no he's not a kardashian got it no no no i'm just double checking no no no no since they are all right you start a bead and i'll fall into it so so we begin looking at the sun set yeah sorry hold on my stool is all stuck we're going to wrap up on this thanks for watching uh check out the patreon check out the jhs show patreon patreon has all kinds of talks all kinds of stuff so if you like the deep dive if you're a nerd then the show has some things you might enjoy so yeah check that out uh we'll end on our favorite records of the year quickly we'll do that we'll do the jam and we'll come right back and we'll end on our favorite three records favorite three records okay ready here we go i wasn't feeling that [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign um [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna surrender to the air trash like i didn't play my cards right at the end you know what i'm saying oh i think this is where the end credit scene comes in this you see the evil guy yeah oh i know it'll make it better the chips and pit came out this year wow is there anything in that lookalike hand that's laying on its back all right apparently not [Music] remember mcrib's back 169 i believe you can't beat that for a for a real meat sandwich let's do our records uh each of us live in the midwest and you pick them mcrib for barbecue uh we all three have our records we'll quickly talk about them and get out of here we have uh we have homes to go home to that's yeah all right i'll start off nick you go you wrap it up and close it you close the deal close it all right my favorite record of 2020 is the killers imploding the mirage yeah it is i bought two copies of the vinyl i haven't it was an accident but i took one of them i haven't listened to it yet i listened to like some of it come on second hand i'm gonna i'm gonna say i have never enjoyed the killers but addison's probably losing it he's a big fan huge i have loved the brandon flowers solo records and then the last solo record was like a masterpiece and then the killer's record after that was like wow this is good and then this is just like this sounds like the best brandon flower solo record you could ever want that's how it feels different than the killers yep fire in bone it's so good it's my favorite killer song ever and they exemplify how they are i'm about to make a statement and i'm walking away ready i'm gonna burn it down right here the killers are the new peter gabriel what over to wow whoa okay how can i follow that i'm gonna need to listen to this album now because fire and bone fire and bone is everything i love about peter gabriel and and brandon flowers can do it he can do because that's there's a thing with people like the way he did music and the way it feels and i gotta move on fire and bone is one of the best songs i've ever heard i gotta follow it up okay so josh kind of kill the killers are my favorite band so he said well that's my favorite record this year so i was like great but this is what you have could have been my other that's true so we we're just going to share these this is phoebe bridger's uh punisher that came out this year my goodness okay i got hooked golly gee golly wowzers um there's not a song on here that i want to skip when i listen phoebe if you're listening thank you for your lyrics that make me feel sad and make me really enjoy music and please please please do me a favor out there if you're gonna go listen this record listen to it on like nice speakers or headphones or something the production on this record like the detail is incredible garden song there's this low man's voice on the chorus that you don't really get until you get if you know what i mean it's phenomenal so uh favorites like this it's crazy it's and i was like oh like that's cool i could hear that but then i like listened in my in-ears and i was like my goodness it's incredible so production tip top to bottom is incredible halloween maybe it's halloween i'm not gonna sing because i'm gonna let her do it you just did i did i know i see you is beautiful graceland two what my dvd intro i know and then they go out on i know the end she goes out on i know the end and just is ends the record scream laughing it's brilliant it is brilliant she's been my favorite artist to watch the last few years okay the alps record yes like blew my mind i have you to thank for phoebe because you're welcome you got me into the alps we listened to it uh on vinyl here and then you're like wait have you heard punisher yet and i said no and this is even better to me so i mean they're both amazing i'm just trying to bring basic value to your life you have succeeded okay hugely in 2020 thank you all right nick hey because we have a stinger going into yours yeah wait what oh this is the official record time uh my album pick for the year it was gonna be tame impala slow rush because duh but i already showed that on another episode and you all know this about me already no it's in my top no it's really it's the album i listened to the most that came out this year yeah but also really great is tom mitch's uh what uh what's it called what kind of music come on this is so good like the drums on this album i have like like a like a twitch reaction when they come in because they're just so good yusef days is my favorite drummer my new favorite drummer he is like he wears a sick he wears like the dopest track suits like stuff i'd never be able to pull off in my wildest dreams but like the way he plays is so expressive and like i don't know it's so much of each of these songs is carried by the guitar and the drums and the way that he he doesn't like play but when he's playing a lot it's like on purpose and with so much meaning i don't know if that makes any sense but his drumming is just so inspiring the the recording quality is amazing and like it's just so good like every track on this album there's a couple like just instrumental tracks i just as a even as an album whole there's not even like not every song has singing on it which i kind of dig and then there's like a random dude that comes on i don't remember his name but he comes on and like raps on one of the songs and it just it's so good it's just so good man so we got three like brilliant wrestlers what's like track three two what's the song called uh knight rider knight rider is so good yeah it's so good i love this album so much yeah it's tom's best work oh yeah yeah yeah it's understated guitar yeah everything's yeah he he won me over because i've heard some of his stuff other earlier stuff but this straight up won me over and yeah i just like so it's so good killers tom youssef phoebe if you're watching thank you you got us through 2020. this is so out of focus because i keep it's my fault well this is it this is it this was a good one this was a good comeback home two hours this year's pedals we'll put everything in the description at some point it'll take 10 years um i have nothing left to say except thank you for hanging out friday's episode friday's episode's gonna be good we're ready for a new year we got some good big plans great episodes so much stuff to share with you i guess that's it that's good signing off signing off all right bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 110,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, synth, synth guitar pedals, synth effects, Nick Loux, Nix Tapes, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, Josh Scott, Bass Guitar, Bass Pedals
Id: gAoO0vLrPg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 6sec (7626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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