Recreating My Guitar Rig From 20 Years Ago (Y2K Content)

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2020 is the anniversary of something that you absolutely didn't know about and probably don't care about but i'm gonna teach you about it is the anniversary of my y2k guitar rig i've found photographs i've collected some things i bought some things back we're gonna take a journey it's a journey that's not all smiles it's a little dark a little creepy but it is fun and you're gonna have to watch it you could turn this off but you don't ever do that you watch it so let's go [Music] after two decades of being a guitar pedal nut loving guitars loving history running a pedal company designing circuits and now even setting in this room with thousands of guitar pedals i come to realize that it's hard to remember what my first gear was like what was it like to purchase it why did i buy it all those different things so we're going to dive into my very first pedals an amp that i had early on and a guitar that i used early on and we're going to look at it we're going to listen to it i'm going to talk about those purchases why i made them and i'm going to observe them from now being much older much more wise i think and try to decide what my opinions are now let's do it some reoccurring characters that you need to know in today's episode are my original guitar from the year 2000 and the amp i was playing the guitar is a 1997 mexican telecaster deluxe that's been heavily modified into johnny greenwood's guitar there's a photo up there uh it has all kinds of battle scars from playing clubs and frat parties and all that stuff the original strap as seen in the photo this is my uncle's military badge from his jacket in vietnam it's an original strap i mean that's that's proof that i have a problem with collecting things uh yeah so that's cool i bought it off a guy in a bar for 300 pretty good purchase i think i bought it in 98. then there's the amp that i used in 2000 offender fm 100 h h stands for head because it's an obnoxiously big head i bought it on a musician's friend credit card my mom gave me access to thank you mom and uh showed up on the front porch with the 412 cab it scared her scared the dogs away and i had to cram it into a small ford ranger to go around town gigging but it is the amp i will play today you'll hear more about it later the very first pedals i ever owned as a guitar player were weird strange they were whatever i could find at the time so this is going to be a time period between 95 and 97. this is me getting a guitar learning how to tune the guitar learning nirvana riffs cake riffs things like that and finding petals in pawn shops one of the very first petals i ever bought was off some guy in a local paper listing like a what's it called coffee talk coffee things like that whatever they're called it's a chorus pedal by rocktec it actually was good but i didn't want chorus i did play as you are over and over through that uh somewhere i got a ts5 i think i got it at a pawn shop um yeah it's a tube screamer there's a photo somewhere i can't find that photo but it's me sitting on a porch with a friend and that pedal's there and then there's the 505. i i think this was possibly the first of these pedals i'm just not sure i don't i don't know what came first it's confusing this is a pedal that's important because it gave me access to tons of different sounds i was able to flip through the presets and hear flangers and choruses and delays and compressors and there was one guy that helped me i was trying to learn some slide and he said you got to have a compressor and i'm pretty sure that's why i got this because i saw that it said compression this is like the i don't know it's it's it's the mixed playlist of effects it's the compilation album of petal tones and i think that's what's good about multi-effects this was a big piece of uh my guitar pedal history so let's demo it i'm going to go through every single patch and annoy you let's do it right [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] now that you've heard that i've heard it and the world has heard every single stock preset of the zoom 505 i don't have anything to complain about i could gig with this pedal if i set down and moved through the tiny menus that hurt my fingers but there's other choices and easier options it's a really cool pedal it's the seafood sampler of petals and i love seafood and it really let me sample the tones that i would come to love so i have nothing but love for that petal and i just remembered yeah just i just remembered there was another pedal it was a rocks and delay i think it was white black foot switch and i don't have it i'm gonna be okay it's fine we're gonna move on my very first amps it's a lot to talk about i'm gonna do my best in 1995 i think is when i got a guitar i heard a pearl jam tape i begged my mom to get me a guitar she went to cost no we didn't have costco we had sam's club because we're from the south costco's weird northern midwestern she came home since sonic red stratocaster guitar which i have played on an episode there's a song called cheap strat it's it's that guitar i found it bought it again i don't have the ant but here's a picture of the amp it's uh it's not a good amp it's a ga 150 then i think around 96 i talked a friend into trading me his randall amp for some cds i think i traded a filter the short bus cd and probably like bush 16 stone and i got the rg15 by randall it's green it's cute it has that nice wheat front on it beautiful amp then in 97 i needed a real lamp because i was in a band we weren't really a band we were a group of people that played music in a basement is really bad but it was a band and we played like hotel california and then like a metal song after that but the amp was a dean markley dmc 40 two eight inch speakers stereo chorus and it broke constantly i think it broke the day i got it the second day i had it and it was broken when i sold it and then i needed another amp because then i was in a band like an actual band happened and that aunt wasn't going to cut it and i got a custom tuck-and-roll tube from the 90s which is confusing because custom was always solid state but this is a tube amp it was the uh trt50 and it broke all the time as well and that's how defender fm 100 comes into play these pictures of me playing at a new year's eve party 1999 with a band uh as the y2k party exciting stuff because you don't know if the world's gonna end you're playing music there's songs people are happy but you're like the world could possibly end the picture shows the ant being the custom so i know that i got the fender amp that i've been playing here and that i'll continue to play i got it in 2000 so now let's play just the fender ant that i had in the year of y2k uh we're gonna do clean and then we're gonna do like we're gonna just spice it up with that distortion channel solid state distortion it's going to be really good here we go buckle up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so that jam nick did what do you think i mean i thought it sounded pretty i thought i did it's just it's a sound here's where i'm at would i go gig with this amp right now having all these other amps and stuff i don't know i mean johnny greenwood back to him he he plays as one of the fender solid state twins and it's one of the main sounds on the bins and a lot of his distortion and then when you add in the lace sensors like those distortion sounds are kind of sick to the point where i set here right now kind of wanting to design a pedal that does that sound would you buy that let me know in the comments i might have to do this i i have no complaints here i felt like a kid again i felt like johnny greenwood would have liked this and that makes me feel like i'm somebody i have problems let's move on so the burning question is we know what guitar i played in 2000 we know what amp i was playing what were the pedals so here's a photo of me playing a songwriter showcase in muscle shoals alabama this would have been early 2000 right on the cusp of me ordering the fender amp you just heard but i'm still playing the custom but i know it's 2 000 and uh these are the pedals on the floor this is it this is a replication of the pedal board in the picture the pedal board in the picture my dad helped me make it was just some wood and it had carpet on it and then this is the exact pedal order so um there's a lot to talk about here first of all i didn't have a real pedal board until probably 2002 maybe later i just used a piece of wood i used one spots which i kind of now hate but this was it and i had no idea what proper pedal order was and that's interesting because i was happy i was happy as a spring lark in the summer time and i had no idea where to put my pedals i didn't care where i put them i didn't care where you put your pedals i didn't care if anyone had an opinion of where we should put our pedals i just put pedals on the board and had fun made music uh that's a soapbox just pedal order is a thing but it doesn't have to be a thing you can quote me on that so let's start off with the overdrive which was first we're gonna demo that and we're gonna continue through this pedal order which is really wacky and just talk about it later as we get through that overdrive let's talk about it being the professional gigging musician that i had become in 2000 just just a huge career at hand i was buying pedals trying to achieve different sounds obviously and the datio i bought it and i remember this specifically great moment there was a band that was playing at a mexican restaurant now it wasn't a normal mexican restaurant it was one that a lot of us played at it had a nice venue people came out they drank a little eat some tacos is a good time he was playing comfortably numb and he nailed the solo and i looked down at his feet this would have been early 2000 no this is 99 he's playing the daddy oh now here's the irony of this i bought it loved it and used it along with the distortion channel of the fm amp but i didn't know that it was a version of the marshall governor and how did i ever know that i would later design a pedal of my own after the governor called the angry charlie when it was kind of this so maybe in an alternate weird universe where dreams come true this is actually based on this i don't know let's demo it [Music] it's it's it's a hard thing being in 2020 trying to remember who i was in 2000 that's 20 years ago that's i'm good at math i'm sure of this this is two decades of life two decades of learning new guitar things riffs tones techniques having favorite players i'd never heard of listening to music that didn't even exist and so part of the problem here is i was trying to play something like i would have played on this but i don't know what i actually played i it was that song was like a weird mix of death cab john mayer appleseed cast pete yorn and just i don't know i don't know what we were doing but the jam sounded good that's all that matters and this pedal is still a classic i would put this on the board right now and i just love these pedals they're sentimental and they can really do no wrong this pedal could murder me and i'd still put on my board dang the dan echo so we went overdrive pedal we went guitar overdrive pedal dan echo now i got the den echo because i walked into counts brothers music and muscle shows uh just a big shout out there for all six of you watching from the shoals area um they had this they had a line six dl4 that was out of reach that was an expensive pedal so i was in there i was with my girlfriend at the time a lot of you have heard this story but i'm going to do it again that's what old people do they tell the same story over and over as if no one's heard it so she surprises me and buys this pedal we had a good relationship you know it was fine then i broke up with her and i still had the pedal so i got the pedal out of the relationship but here's what i didn't get she ripped up pearl jam tickets to the pyramid of memphis in front of me and i never got to see pearl jam and i still have not seen them to this day and here's what's crazy i've shared this story pearl jam a few members heard the story and one of the managers came up at nam and they were like come to the show hang out and all this stuff well that was january covet happens and it got cancelled i still have not seen pearl jam so i love this petal i'm gonna jam on it but i'm gonna jam on it in sadness deep longing hideous black sadness just darkness consuming me that even though pearl jam heard this story felt sympathy i was going to meet him and hang out 2020 happened let's jam [Music] [Music] all right so we jammed and i think the song reflects where i'm at now i picked up the guitar i plugged this in and i'm not looking back in anger that's exactly probably the sound i was going for i'd heard red house the tape delays don't look back in anger the solo that's why i wanted this that's why i have it i haven't seen pearl jam but i have delay and my heart is warm and thankful for the gift of life that has been given to me let's go into the next pedal all right so we're on the third pedal we've gone a guitar into overdrive into echo very strange because delay should be last but hey that's not what i thought and then we have the dod phaser the 490 two knob phaser uh i gotta be honest i don't know where i bought it i don't know why i bought it but i can tell you this i had no money it probably cost 15 bucks and i was in a band and i thought if i buy this pedal it might inspire a riff that makes me famous that was what was in my mind so in exchange for fame and i ended up with a phaser and yeah you know how that worked out so we're gonna do a jam i have no idea how i used a phaser in the year 2000. like i i would have a hard time using a phaser now maybe i was like super jazzed on phaser at that time i don't know let's try to jam and figure this out [Music] [Music] what you just heard is it's a little embarrassing because i'm not sure i don't have vision without vision bad songs happen it's me just playing a not a surf chord progression and nick i think is playing tame impala it's messy it's not ugly it could be beautiful because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you're the beholder so it's not up to me to criticize my own work i'm just here to make it let's move on the last effect pedal on the y2k board is the dod fx 25b envelope filter there is a story but let's review again guitar into overdrive overdrive into delay which is wacko into phaser so phasing a delayed overdrive and then an envelope filter which is an ottawa effect last should be first by the book the board makes no sense because i didn't make any sense and you know what that's how you should live your life so i bought this absolutely because i'm obsessed with johnny greenwood and i think what i'm realizing here i bought the solid state amp that had that sound i had modded the guitar to be his i just i secretly want to be you if you're watch johnny if you're watching i know i know i know other people from the band have probably seen the show ed has seen it i just wanted to be you and i'm guilty of that but here's the problem you actually played this one so i was a failure from the get-go i couldn't afford this too much later in life so i used this weird example of a pedal last in chain i don't know and my band i don't want to be a downer but radiohead scared my entire band so i never got to use it like you i'm still talking to you johnny um we're just going to jam on this i love the pedal though [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's not a lot i can say that you haven't already thought um there was a lot of trouble getting this to trigger properly because it had so many pedals in front of it when it should have been next to the guitar but we were able to play a little bit of a homage to radiohead and immediately just jump into hendrix which made no sense but i thought it made sense because it just makes sense you know sometimes things work and that worked um i don't have much to say here i'm trying to wrap this up here with a moral of the story and i i think it's this i have no idea what was in my mind 20 years ago regarding how i use this gear it was really fun to look back over you know how did i get that guitar what was that like when i only had one guitar i think i traded an epiphone les paul after that for something else and had cash to buy that guitar it's like that was interesting how did i end up with the amp one kept breaking it wasn't about someone on youtube influencing me it wasn't about instagram or twitter or facebook i wasn't even on a forum harmony central existed but i didn't know anything about it i was just downloading tabs on the internet and playing guitar with my friends and a band so that's the moral is i was having a lot of fun i didn't buy stuff the right way i didn't put my stuff in the right order my gear is weird and strange but it was like one of the best times of my life so all that said i have no idea how i used it but i know i loved it so that's the moral i i feel warm my heart is happy i need to relive this a little bit you know it's a big deal so let's go to record time one of the processes of me figuring out what my gear was and how i used it was that i went back and listened to records that i absolutely loved at the time and this is one of them it came out on october 26th of 1999 so i know i was rocking at my ford ranger i saw them live and mapquest gave me the wrong directions when i printed them off because i didn't have a smartphone i got lost to birmingham long story you don't need to hear about but i'm positive this was something i was into i'd been a fan since purple and tiny music was a huge record for me as a player and when this came out i remember we covered down if the crowd was right you know it's a little risky and sour girl is amazing mc5 glide is so cool brandon o'brien produced it this is a record and a band that gets crowded into other music that is not good uh they are brilliant the musicianship is incredible scott weiland was an amazing vocalist and writer the vocal melodies the guitar lines it's so good so check this out let me know what you think it's called four by the way it's their fourth album so number four thanks for watching this so much i hope you've enjoyed this exploration of embarrassment for me of the year 2000. it's been really fun i actually learned a little bit of things that i forgot you know sometimes you gotta get back to your roots and i'm there um so in the comments let's talk about your y2k guitar rig in the photos you noticed another guitar player i won't name him but he used this a metal zone and the cf7 i text him and confirmed he said absolutely that's what i used we're not ashamed and you shouldn't be either so in the comments just type out all the gear you use let's talk about it let's share each other's pain feelings emotions whatever hit like if you liked this subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes also there's the there's shirts and stuff like complex harmonics i definitely had those in 2000 you can go buy this shirt you probably don't want it it's fine and then there's the patreon there's a link uh you can go support that become a part of the show that's it i have to leave now but 2020 has been a good year it's an anniversary of something we will now forget
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 161,686
Rating: 4.9588094 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History
Id: P2ix0DpNoEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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