LIVE: Why Tube Pedals Exist (w/ Browne Amplification)

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[Music] [Music] such a good crowd thank you thank you [Music] yes yes such applause here we are it's wednesday three o'clock you know that it might be four where you're at it might even be two but we're all together it's good to be here how are you nick i'm doing good doing real good doing real good you know loving life loving life addison how are you feeling i'm good i'm i'm here let's go i'll say addison adds a little joy and yeah good hair i let's talk about good hair and stuff yeah enjoy um my hair's pretty messy and there's a band-aid on my face i think i should just approach the obvious before there's a bunch of questions uh you know i'm almost 40 i saw a spot on my face i went to the dermatologist they shaved it off my face so it's like a skin shave kind of scenario got your face scraped yeah i'm good though and it looks kind of awesome you know like maybe i was in a fight or something yeah that's the deal with that so now that we're there we can move on today's episode is a doozy it's gonna be fun uh take a peek down at the pedalboard cam just to see the chaos it's all about tube pedals i see stuff lighting up i see stuff flashing and we have a special guest um you're the resident pro of today's episode this is dave brown good friend how does it feel to be the resident pro expert on two pedals it feels amazing yeah it's an honor a lot of people seek it out okay crowd that's enough a lot of people seek it out but really uh i've been working on this episode for how long addison you just started working yeah yeah i mean almost a year yeah probably close to a year it's a little dramatic but i like to stay in a year we're rounding up rounding up uh it just got bigger and bigger to the point where i just had no motivation to finish it it was like eating me whole the story so i have a lot of notes this is an attempt to do what's really hard to do on a friday episode which is cover a ton of content history technical teaching aspects all this stuff and dave and i are just going to play all these we're going to talk about tubes it's going to be good so i think uh i think that's the plan we have a bunch of giveaways dave what are you giving away today uh protein and a t4 dang whoa so this protein this is his drive pedal it's fantastic it's a two in one blues breaker style circuit and like a noble style circuit yeah they're selling on reverb a little crazy uh saw one sell for seven or eight hundred bucks how do you feel about that you know it's it's been hard to keep stuff in stock and resale goes crazy are you like building some on the side and then funneling them under another i should uh so we're gonna give two of your pedals away that's a retail value of like 1700 bucks at least on the secondhand market we're going to give away a box of any ernie ball string that the winner wants when we do ernie ball trivia time and a strap we have a strap today we got a strap check this strap out y'all it's a very ball strap very sgt peppers that's right that's awesome all right that's where we're at a lot of giveaways a lot of information and so the questions we want to try to approach here i'm i'm psyching myself up and we're all going to psych each other up here why do some pedals have tubes in them what's the point do these pedals sound better on today's episode we're going to explore these questions and a few more so i want to ask questions now but i think we just jump into the history of this first we lay the foundation of why the heck are there tube pedals how did this happen and then i think we might have a whiteboard situation going down right did i hear that i think it's a good idea okay here we go let's do some pedal history in the early 1900s the vacuum tube changed the world and allowed the advancement of radio into everyone's homes resulting in the radio golden age of the 1930s i always just wanted to read it dramatically dry like that by the 1950s leo fender and other fathers i love how i wrote fathers of the electric guitar this is my purest writing here this is the this is how i do scripts for episodes you're getting it right to the heart here so he adapted tube radio designs tube radios so the first radio is operated with tubes like these things that was the way they amplified he adapted leo fender did tube radios into guitars guitar amps that would be weird so think about this you listen to the radio and you hear music so leo fender turns that inside out somewhat with some other people and instead of picking up a radio station and hearing music created by other people for the first time you plugged into a tube radio and made your own music with a guitar that's deep it is deep yeah he put the the creation of music through those circuits in our hands so that was in the 50s um and then by the 70s and 80s a lot of cocaine involved in this period we see the amplifiers going into like 19-inch rack units okay madness big huge rack you know rolling them in yeah nonsense craziness and then in 1977 we see uh brent butler evolve the tube driver format so if we go down to the pedalboard cam we have the big boxes we have an original uh lawsuit era where boogie sued him the first tube drivers this is on loan from my friend george santiago he's watching because he has nothing else to do we have another version here so we have this kind of starting point for how tubes ended up in a petal that's where it happened where do we go from here real quick i just want to let you know if you people think you look like nelly just wanted to point that out i i don't unders is who is nelly nellie's a rapper right yeah is this a thing the band-aid on his face is that like a thing that's a thing really anyways sorry to derail i like that we should jump into trying some of these things what i just i just how how it's like how does this light bulb thing with like is there like how does it even work how does it even work josh like a tube like a how did it's a fascinating question it seems like something from harry potter this is the first device ever the tube is the first device ever that lets you amplify a signal and it's old we're like dave do you know how many years we're up there old it's really it's so much older that like the electric guitar is 31. it was before that they were doing you know i think the triad was 1920 something yeah we're talking like military radio communications they needed anything needed amplifying it did it through this witchcraft device so before was there a way to i'm gonna try to think how to like phrase this because it it's such a like ingrained technology it's like when your child asks you like what a really simple word means and you've used it your whole life and you're like wait what does that mean like why is the sky blue and you're like i think i know but i think yeah we hear about these two petals and that's why like is this a gimmick like right right so how does this work i think we go over to our tube resident expert dave um you wanna you wanna do a little uh a little white boarding a little white board okay can we see this we have never done this on the live show so we're hoping it works we're not gonna do it for long okay here we go so a tube works through a principle called thermonic emission so basically we have a we have a tube we have a cathode we have a plate in the middle and we have an anode on one side we apply positive voltage to the anode a lot of it the cathode is attached to ground and we heat it up with a heater and then we apply signal to this plate in the center the screen in the center i'm sorry and the positive charge up here attracts electrons and we feed a small ac signal in here and it turns into a large ac signal here it's amplified and that's amplified simplified so i'm a pedal guy i don't delve into two i mean i can change tubes bias and amp so it has the same polarity uh sense that a diode does an anode in a cathode yes so is a we wouldn't say a diode is a replacement for a tube what is what became the replacement let's walk down the history lane of tubes are invented they're in radios they're in cool amps and then in the 60s we see transit we have them we do here that was a that was like a sneaky setup like a setup yeah so we have transistors we've at very first we have germanium these are impossible to get in focus that little three-legged these this is an ac-128 you'd see this in fuzz faces tone benders whatever so these come along and this replaces this so why is that good dave well they're much smaller yeah they don't what about heat they don't dissipate hardly any heat what really happened to me is i was messing around with some tubes and i burned my face oh that's what it was so could would you say that um tube is to transistor as light bulb is to led yeah and i know that's confusing because leds can be used in pedal circuitry so like but i mean in the in terms of technology where it's like yeah you know we could say tube is the candle oh light bulb is the trend now it makes metaphor was better i think the i think we get the idea then we have so these are germanium they're finicky so then we end up with silicon these little guys the band-aid makes it real nice yeah so this is the evolution here but we are now since so pedals the very first pedal 62. let's just start at 62. let's say 1960. guitar electronics at that point the fuzz pedals and things are amplifying with transistors so this is now what is that the math that's like 60 years ago right is that right 60 is 40 and 20. yeah why are we still seeing tubes and petals so this is this is where we're at we need to is this a gimmick is this useful does that make sense that question we obviously don't have to be using tubes but like right now vox i'm excited i haven't played these fox sent us these um like these just came out at nam right or something like that um pretty recently yeah i i don't quite remember shout out to our boy ian why do you think that is dave and then i think we jump in and start playing these well i think tubes uh you know we use them in our amplifiers that we like the most they they have a sound and the sound can be good there are specific parameters that ideally they're operated within but yeah i think a good question to hold on to if people can remember this and especially us here at the end of this we need to ask a question and be really honest we're going to play a bunch of stuff that's pure madness if you're here you're along for the ride thank you for that i think we need to ask at the if something has a tube in it is it good does it make it good right is it necessary everyone that makes something tube there is this underlying like there's an underlying thing in marketing that's like this has a tube in it they don't have the tube and it's like what did what are we getting at there so we need to demystify this and try to get to the bottom of by that standard all of these two pedals are gonna blow our minds right so like we should play these and be like i've never heard anything like this before yeah that should happen that should so let's see if that happens all right it could blow our minds or they could blow up that's good is it warm over there are you getting some heat off there's a lot there's a lot of heat dissipation uh all right let's jump right into it i can see the like steam waves that you see like on a highway when you're in the desert so if we jump down to the cam let's start this we're gonna start with the mini matrix so um there's a version of this let me just tell you the story right here uh brent butler is a keyboardist there's something about mike math uses a keyboard as brent butler you got drummers making pedals it's wild some of the greatest inventors and people don't play guitar very interesting he wanted a hammond b3 sound but he couldn't afford it so he shoves an old tube westinghouse home stereo into a radio shack box and used it live on a farfisa organ wow his friend plugs his guitar into it freaks out i picture something like from that 70s show like they're in the basement right his friend plugs in freaks out march 7th of 78 he lays out a circuit board for the first tube driver november of 79 he runs an ad in guitar player for that tube driver model 201 a single tube design that included an mxr dynacomp compressor inside of it wow i am not sure if he actually uncased i think he literally gutted them and put him in it or something crazy and this mini matrix uh this is like the product here and mesa boogie sues him and he has to take this branding off eric johnson starts praising these units early in his career in 82 and there's a guitar player quote that's pretty amazing i don't remember the quote but like eric johnson's like this is life you know and then everybody's freaking out because this is eric johnson in 82 is like yeah it's a big deal like biebs right now yeah nelly and then uh so audio matrix folds in 82 and he leaves and goes and works for dean markley okay so this guy he leaves and works for dean markle dean markley makes strings they're like uh they're like a ernie bald typeish thing that so this guy he leaves goes over there um and they partner markley 85 brett leaves markley and then partners with paul chandler to market a new and improved tube driver that's where we start seeing these things these familiar you see chandler on the bottom you see you know different logos and names david gilmour gets into this eric johnson again so i think i'm gonna play this mini matrix it's hot i could scramble my face which i did earlier this week i am looking rough but i feel like my hair is a little frizzy it's rock and roll though right yeah right it fits the aesthetic of today's gonna be rock and roll tons of it all right so if we go down to the cam we have pretty basic controls drive bass mid treble master treble boost and power on and off so i also want to say i am playing today through the milkman it's called the amp this has a 12ax7 tube preamp class d amplifier so this is a tube pedal but it is actually an amp i'm running out into my iso cab across the room so all my tones this is my amp today has a nice reverb in it that if you hit the switch right it turns on there you go does that drip ah no not quite maybe and then it has a trim so anyway that's the bypass and here we [Applause] go what are your thoughts on this i like it it's it's i have the trouble boost on let's take that off i mean it's gnarly kane is max this doesn't when i think of mesa boogie i don't think this so i don't know james santiago if you're watching maybe you can tell addison what your opinions of this are because you know everything i call james all the time he literally knows everything it sounds like a fuzz face yeah it's a very like bubbly breakup that's a good word then when you hit the treble boost so this is the first tube pedal y'all it's crazy how exciting is that nick i feel like are you thrilled i feel like if i saw the first two pedal come out that would be really exciting but right now you're like right now there's like 400 on the table i'm like what's up so what you're telling me is i gotta sell you on this today if you can sell me on this then two pedals win but i feel like it's i would it'd be surprising addison are you excited that this is the first tube pedal i actually am and i'm curious to know sorry nick no i i said i was excited that it was the first yeah i'm curious to know when does someone ask in the comments this is a great question when does a a tube pedal become an actual amp at what point is that this is layers of okay is that too big a question for today's livestream so they're preamp tubes in these and so a power amp to drive speakers is a much bigger tube doing much more amplification got it much more much more doing higher amplification so yeah it's amplifying but not at the power level to drive speakers with or not a lot of not a lot of power so technically they are amplifiers oh absolutely just a transistor okay yep there we go yeah so you would you would think of these as pre-amplifiers but you need a power amp to deal with speakers yeah so like when you look at the milkman it has a a tube preamp 112 x7 and then a class d solid stating up on the back end like pretty popular method lately okay so here it is mini matrix this is history happening let's do something in a and turn our mics off we're we don't know where we're going so nick like do we need a setup for yes can you dun can you master yes you know i was thinking because of just the time period and the setting i'm thinking we're in the middle of the desert our main character is working at a garage he's fixing cars when all of a sudden a stranger off the street runs through in a just broken into a sweat and there's something weird about this guy the way he moves and the way he looks is a little bit mysterious and before he can be stopped our main character whose name is johnny that's a good name he turns around and the guy is gone but on the workbench is a package and from the packages emanating a weird pulsing sound and when he goes over to open it all of a sudden he's flung through time and space to 77. no we don't know where he's going okay but he's caught in a tube of time time to yeah all right let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] yes man you could you could feel the vacuum of the tube yeah the time and space really just pulling you through it's tubular i like it whatever this thing's crazy this is like a fuzz pedal to me yeah so you were playing let's jump into the let's stay on the tube to everything because they're so famous we have the big box tube driver four knob with there's two versions of this i don't understand this the one you have here it's like a couple hundred bucks and then there's one over here that has the transformer it's like 2 000 crazy different thing is there a difference i don't hear i don't know i'll hook it up okay okay you walk us through this so so this is i didn't realize there was two different versions today classic big box tube driver that's my clean [Music] it's that's that's drive up all the way [Music] trying to kind of compare it to the original one i i could see the appeal you know it's got that that violiny thing going on [Music] can you play cliffs of dover like no for now no not anymore not ever accurately so before we jam let's shoot let's shoot these out yeah oh we've never done a shootout shootout okay here we go so where i've got the drive setting up all the way like you had on that that other one that you had i don't know you have a high low yeah okay and where you got your volume just just i was trying to get kind of okay let's see what i got here well this is i'm you're playing golf balls and playing whatever be gracious all right [Music] weird quite a bit different well there you go that might be more in the in the realm of things what is it just like [Music] interesting what is that [Music] yeah kill your delay let's see [Music] oh you have verb on too let's see we gotta if we're gonna shoot it out i just way different overtones and stuff happening in that one that's is that the expensive one josh yeah okay that's why it sounds better because it's expensive yeah that's interesting it sounds like shag carpet it does let's jam on these what do you where do we need to go oh wow we already need a second yeah we need okay we'll story this thing all right here we go johnny flying through the spa time tube he okay all of a sudden bright white lights are blinding him and when he comes to all of a sudden he looks around you know i actually did like that you mentioned 77 but it's gonna be 2077. he's looking around there's freaking hover cars there's hover cars people are wearing like tube outfits and like weird helmets because the air isn't breathable anymore but we got a really pop bubble gum pop aesthetic going on trying to keep things light in the world all right and he's uh walking through the street almost gets hit by a hover car and a mysterious figure pulls him out of the way and it's a girl she's wearing like a hood and she's like we've been waiting for you and she says we have a mission for you and whatever that feeling is sold for that feeling maybe something kind of sleuthy okay do that yeah let's do it do the e thing [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that wow that really captured the feeling you would get if you were immediately transported into 27 into like this crazy metropolis it was it was strange i think we transport now to 1982 the year of my birth okay let's do this these two pedals came out together the westberry you grab either one the gaia toner westberry it's the same pedal supposedly different labeling i can grab this one you do that so the one you have dave these are actually both andy timmons pedals i took them from his house in texas like six years ago if you're watching andy they're really safe and honestly it wasn't like i wasn't stealing them i just just ended up with them and you said to take them and look at them and then we lost touch and you know you ever have stuff like that happen yeah all the time it's not that i'm trying to steal pedals no it's just like life yeah so we have the westbury w20 tube powered overdrive what is that one that's tube is that a distortion this is the gaiatone td1 tube distortion okay so these are different okay uh gaiatone is the mother company here uh and then they would oem for people meaning put whatever you know we could have had a jhs w20. so there's a gaia tone tube overdrive and a tube distortion we have the distortion here and this would technically be the gaia tone overdrive so we're gonna see how this compares should be interesting there needs to be like more jacks on this one and weird angles for how to plug it in the ins and outs are backwards on mine just yeah people are commenting that some of these tube uh sounds are like neat fuzz tones you know they almost get in that you know fuzz territory which is it's all felt very um just buzzwords like wooly warm warm i also keep picturing like ground ground meat like seriously beef oh i have to picture that on our next jam just just haven't gotten there yet ground chuck lean yeah what percentage i don't know like a good person like a 93 7 yeah okay it's not real fatty is that real fatty i don't know i don't know no that's lean i don't know how it works so mine's working before uh i should have told dave this but so these have a 250 volt um rail inside and they don't have a ground on the bear on the main transformer and they have been called a small death trap awesome that is an actual thing about these see so there's a risk with live i i feel like that might be appealing to some people like they're like i'm gonna live i'm gonna live like i was dying my pedals could kill me you know what i mean i don't think that's very fun but let's compare these dry let's do full full gain so you have the distortion i have the overdrive all let's right [Music] this feels like very different yeah that's like chunky meaty fuzzy that's fuzzy it's it's less bubbly to me it's smoother there's another buzzword that that's fuzz that's fuzzy straight let's go half gain okay let's see are the people enjoy this is we got 1700 people with this if you're watching this you're here's what you're doing you're educating yourself you're trying to be a better person while everyone else who isn't watching it is seeping back into mediocrity if you're watching this you're becoming better while everyone else is staying the same they're dying you're living are you on neck pickup or bridge pickup speaking of dying or living i'm on the bridge people are asking about new tubes as well we'll get there you guys new tube tech oh yeah we got that oh yeah yeah what's odd here is like i know how gold foils sound and how the they're not actually that crazy different the jaguar pickups these guitars are relatively thin sounding guitar right yeah so i actually am not too worried about the comparison of guitar these pedals sound drastically different i think if we had the same guitar yeah that's like that's like i feel like you just like shoved a pillow on it's top there's a buzzword called throaty oh yeah is that what that is uh is it is throaty the mid-range like [Music] you know what it is just to keep using food terms that tone is very gravy sounding like it's it's smothery is it milkshake it's it's you know what it could be but i feel like milkshake would have a little bit more high-end crystalline qualities just because of the cold nature of a milkshake yeah but that's just me let's do another let's just jam while we can't wait they can be shorter jams yeah i know the viewers don't like the jam so we'll try to yeah they hate my hair before we jam look at josh's hair look at that oh my goodness do me a solid guitar players and and set gain structure because i'm losing i'm losing volume on you guys your cleans are louder than your we need a stinger that says like structure is important right i'm gonna call this jam uh we're gonna do something we're gonna do like a like a riffy thing but i i need some inspiration so this mysterious hit figure takes johnny into an alleyway says we have a mission for you the the future of the future depends on you helping us with with a very delicate mission but you can't know what the mission is or else that would disrupt the time flow of time and he says this is so crazy i'm so overwhelmed oh and she gives him a face mask to wear because again i said the air is unbreathable and i feel like continuity is really important people would roast me in the comments so he is wearing a face mask for breathing she takes him to an abandoned warehouse on the outside of town and there is set up a facility where four other people are there working on super computers with like screens and stuff and she says uh uh the fate of your time is in jeopardy and you have to um help us re rewrite the timeline or or else in the year 2078 um all humanity will be lost nick we're captivated right now sorry i'm just trying to move quick because i feel like we've got a lot to cover here so uh and then he says you know uh uh what what what who are you and she says we are we are the i okay um i'm gonna i'm gonna be in uh i'm gonna be in g for the eye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i missed that one that that felt good the chromatic thing to me was there's we need to get into this in the next part there's a conflict maybe he sees something he used to know are we going into the next part right now no we're not okay we're not oh these are cool we're good we're good these are cool they literally will kill you i want i want the pedalboard cam again let's look at this i'm touching death there have been people electrocuted i think that this is what here's what i'm trying to say a lot of you don't appreciate what we do here at the show but i'm putting my life on the line for this right yeah you guys are looking at this i'm not saying this isn't photoshop no i am touching a death device yeah as well right you are too apparently i am you have kids yeah you have a business a thriving business put in your life dave do you have dreams for like the next 10 years well all right do you have children let's move to the 90s 1994 95 and let's talk about this maxon ibanez stuff so this is just like just for a second i think we should just acknowledge that we've spanned a couple decades already and two pedals are still in existence yeah and there's a lot there there's so much stuff it's pretty wild so regardless of whether i walk away convinced that tube pedal should be a thing they are a thing no matter what i say that is they have always been wanted by somebody that they have yeah i'm gonna play so maxon and ibanez have this series if we look here look on the cam some say ibanez some say maxon so ibanez is not a company at this point they're just a brand maxon makes everything and ibanez is a brand just keep that in mind so there's a lot of the same pedals with different name companies on them i have the real compressor so a tube compressor and a pedal i've never plugged this up i didn't have time when i bought it and you have what are you going to do i have the real overdrive distortion this thing has a little bit of a cult following right i think that that particular model there's a later model that's red triangle thing and the general forum consensus is it's trash and this one's nice which we don't listen to forums but you got to state what what's known what's the power requirements we got this one's calling for 10 volts yeah i'm seeing that too here's the other thing while you're looking for some 10-volt taps pedals with tubes there's an issue when dave showed the white board about you know there's a plate there you have to put voltage to the plate um there's a problem because nine volts for petals really does nothing for a tube for proper voltage on a tube what are we talking here 240 100 to 300 100 to 300 i've seen some really high okay so if you're not at 130 volts right so your pedal power two ain't gonna put out right i was just gonna say does voodoo lab have anything you know that's like plugging straight into your wall right um so if you're not doing that if you're going below you're doing what's called a starved plate voltage now there's a lot of interesting words that you're using uh i just think it's ironic that starved and plate and you've been talking about meat all day so far so when a pedal i'm not this is not the definitive statement if a pedal takes nine doesn't mean it's not full voltage because there's actually devices that ramp voltage up we'll get into that later but a lot of pedals just take nine volts and they run nine volts to a tube and it's starving the plate and it has a sound it's a distortion but it's the tube is pointless you might as well just clip with diodes and there is a sound though now this gets interesting because i remember working managing a guitar store in alabama i feel like i bring this up every week i'm becoming like the old man that talks about the store uh and roland had released i think it was the phantom keyboard and it had a tube in it oh yeah i remember you telling me about it and then we find out basically there's just like an led under it lighting it up yeah and then you see some pedals that are like they just light a tube up with an led to make you think it's burning and they're just using it like a diode um i don't like that isn't there a popular pro audio piece of gear that does that that uh yeah there's probably a few of them wow all right actually i think i have the compressor here this will be nice to not have to listen to distortion um so this is a compressor and we're assuming these work that's the other problem we're just yeah oh the inputs are thanks thanks for putting the output where the input goes you go first sure [Music] okay that's a lot of knobs on that pedal yeah so a lot of nubs uh let's check it out overdrive distortion game master it's got a little threshold trim pop back okay i think it's like a gate i don't have that on my compressor [Music] that is so much more usable because of an eq absolutely wow so does it do an overdrive sound what we would think that is an overdrive mode okay so now i'm scared of distortion mode yeah it's still good it's very bright i prefer overdrive mode all right here's the compressor which has a boost in it i'm going to turn the sustain up sensitivity half attack [Music] that's very granular to me that's some compression right there this could be sick on base oh yeah like a nastier compressor maybe some pressure compressor words is hard great so what does the boost do it boosts but i wonder if it's pre yeah let's just max every knob out oh yeah so okay here's what's going on there's just the amp i love that it's actually called the amp so when i say that thanks tim i know you're watching i'm overdriving that which is nice so i'm overdriving this 12ax7 in the amp with some compressor compressor so if i want to turn attack sensitivity [Music] smushy i don't know how we're going to make music together with this because these sounds you know i think we do our best so in this ibanez line there's the tube king two versions of that tube but i think you know there's some demos of the tube king i think we play these two and move on because we have we have a lot of history to talk about it's 94.95 um this is a slight variation there's there's a hot hot fact about the drop y'all ready there is a slight variation here on the tube driver because butler himself designed these the plot is thick thick butler who did the original tube driver actually designed these later versions were manufactured by abennez in japan and featured a high quality noise suppression circuit but they were otherwise identical and the red reissue is nothing like these units and it is described as trash by most people wow which probably means i'd love it it's a lot of education it's a lot of education all right let's uh where are we going okay here we go be creative uh the mysterious woman in the red hood tells johnny we've found that the best way to track time anomalies are through actually through human beings dna not actually through uh through the time space continuum because in every person's genetic code you can actually detect breakages when there are time traveled anomalies and in johnny's family line there are seven breakages in his genetic code and he's the only person that actually without destroying the timeline is able to go back in time and save present time from an evil ruling dictator and when he looks over on the screen he sees a face of somebody that he once knew is it was the woman that he was in love with back in the 50s and she is not a freaking age line on her face she is completely young underneath says a headline um uh dictator alessandra strikes again and he goes wait what this is the woman i loved how is she a bad guy and he they go you have to go back and stop her from going on this path and so he's like okay now i have motivation as a character to do the thing that you're asking me to do that's really crazy and so they begin to strap him up to be put into the time machine to go back with um the device that he needs to be able to find um uh her and stop the bad stuff from happening all right i'm let's go let's go to g i think let's chill this out because that feels heavy to me yeah it feels like johnny i there's a lot of there's a lot of purpose now in his mission he knows what he's trying to do and yeah we'll see [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i felt good that wasn't a great display of the distortion capabilities but you know when you're johnny you got it that story's got to move you know it really does it does have to mean yeah all right let's go to uh we're gonna we're gonna go through some different things here a little quick we're gonna i feel like the pace is gonna pick up now um let's do a giveaway we wanna do a giveaway i wanna do it again [Music] ernie ball thank you guys for being awesome thanks for uh giving away strings on the jhs show we're also giving away this live this live this guitar strap from ernie ball um it's exciting so it's very sergeant peppers as nick pointed out um so today's trivia question here's how this is gonna work uh i'm gonna ask the question and if you're the first one in the comments to answer that we see on our side because there's a server that it hits and then we gotta see it uh first so if you're that person you win um you just send me an email so i'm gonna ask the question then we're gonna go on a short little break and when we come back we're gonna see who won and uh go from there all right so here's your question is everybody everyone ready here goes what gauge of ernie ball slinky strings did keith richards use on the 1969 album release let it bleed one more time what gauge of ernie ball slinky strings did keith richards use on the 1969 album release of let it bleed go skillshare is an online community with thousands of inspiring classes for curious people at every skill level explore new skills get better at the things you already love get lost in creativity and join the millions of other people that are already enjoying this platform there's tons of stuff you can learn on skillshare perhaps you're a really creative person there are classes for you struggling to find resources on how to start your small business well you guessed it there are classes for that as well i wish skillshare had existed when i started jhs i could have taken a web developing class and made my first website way better it was bad and maybe jhs would be as big as boss or electro harmonix by now probably not and that's okay it's fine but there are courses that teach you how to record better audio how to edit video you can take classes on graphic animation so if you ever wondered how nick does the fancy graphic stuff on our show you can learn to do it yourself nick if you're listening right now there is a course called learn how to mix music with young guru frankly i want all of our gems from here on out to sound like jay-z albums i don't think that's too much to ask so go take the class nick maybe i'll take it too there's even content on how to solder and classes on understanding electronics which is super cool if you have any interest in building pedals or gear the classes are put together really well they're broken down in bite size and easy to understand pieces in some classes they even go so far as to provide shopping links for the supplies you're going to need for that class it's awesome it's amazing it's like college but way cheaper and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning that was always my problem there's literally thousands of topics and the best part is that it's less than ten dollars a month with their annual subscription that's like 33 cents a day that's like a penny an hour i don't know i didn't really do the math because i'm bad at math but maybe skillshare has a math class i should take i'll look into it at the end of this stream we'll be posting a link in the description the first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of skillshare premium don't go right now go in like 20 30 minutes after the lab's over it'll be there and you might really like it i'm glad we had that moment because it just took us the entire time to find the ridiculous power supplies for the next pedal did you find it we did yes that's awesome all right we have a winner but before we announce the winner i'm gonna tell you the answer so the question was what gauge of ernie ball slinky strings keith richards use on the 1969 album release let it bleed and the answer is regular slinkies 10 through 46. so uh way to go zachary robertson you have won that's the best gauge string if you ask me good job zack uh or zachary uh shorten your name so email me vlog and we'll get you hooked up with uh your choice of ernie ball strings a whole box of them anything you want anything they make and a strap i'm gonna send you a strap we're gonna send you strap i like knowing that keith richards just plays tins that's awesome he's not complicated no way that's why he's still alive he chose to just say skimmingtons just give him an intention while a lot of you are out there doing this 10.5 9.3 wound g unloungy coded keith richards you know what he's saying what's he saying nick he's saying i just play tens baby just play tens baby honestly that's why that's that famous quote of his that's i just played tens baby applied sins all right we are now in 2001 we are in new york city the great mike matthews has proclaimed a marketing statement that should shock us stun us bring us to our knees and have us going yeah that sounds about like a liquor harmonics here it is held by its creators as the greatest product introduced by electro harmonix in over 20 years the electro harmonix tube zipper let's do that top down and look at the tube zipper dave you want to go over the controls just just walk us through what you're about to have to deal with here so we have resonance frequency sensitivity master volume drive input gain then we have envelope up down we have tron mode and trill mode wow i'm sorry what were those last two yeah well uh mode and trill mode here's a sample of the copy what i told you was enough but let me go a little further yeah just picture your guitar signal being massaged nope by the complex set just picture your guitar signal being when i smile the band-aid touches my just picture your guitar signal being massaged by a complex set of filters moving through vacuum tube mazes energized by two electro harmonix 12x7 tubes the tube zippers patented moving filter they patented a filter that's crazy i didn't even know that was powerful is that even possible i don't know tastefully adds controlled analog harmonics so dave i want you to massage your guitar tone and explain and just i don't know i want to wish you luck [Music] the anticipation's amazing [Music] sorry if that's hurting your ears everyone else in the world all 1700 of you whoa there's a hot tubes pedal in the zipper format someone says josh and you don't have it i don't have that hello i don't have it it's fine [Music] dave is there actually an envelope can thing in this battle does it do a i mean [Music] okay did we just release an episode with this are we about to it's on it's on an episode it's coming it's coming up okay i'm not sure that i feel like my guitar is being massaged it feels like it's being like flick like hit a big i moved it to trill mode [Music] so petals two petals can do lots of things apparently this massages your tone wow somebody on the comments said i turned cnn off for this and they put an exclamation point and i can't tell if it should be red i turned cnn off for this or i turned cnn off for this i don't know but either way yeah please you're here let me turn the knobs and you just keep hitting a chord [Music] there you go [Music] i don't know it just sounds like a haunted children's rhyme i think the edge has had to have used this on the track it's definitely zipping it's slipping it's zipping it's that just that sound that's a zipper do the zipper again yeah yeah in the comments if you own this pedal and feel that we're not doing it justice that's valid because we're in there's a lot of stuff going on and i don't have i don't have mental fortitude enough to focus on what's possible here but it but that copy is intense the greatest product introduced by electro hormones in 20 years that's 2001 they're literally saying this is greater than like this the soviet big mops and this like they're saying this is i can see why yeah i mean i think it's funny because it's like greater is it just because it's because it's got not more knobs it's got lots of knobs here's where we're headed now the knobs um the akai professional it's just wants to slide off the shred-o-matic i'm going to say this i'm going to say it once i want everybody to listen one of the greatest names ever shred-o-matic that is pretty brilliant stratimatic they're like it there's nothing better there's it makes me think of salad shooters it makes me think of weed eaters yeah shred it shred it yeah shred-o-matic you got a guitar shred it any better tone shred it yeah here we go i think it's 2002. honestly i can't figure out i have this whole line i don't want to brag but i have the whole line yeah and um sounds like you're bragging it's fine 2002 i believe uh here's the copy from this and i'm gonna demo this this has a knob control that is now is this the greatest pedal name ever i'm saying that there are some doozies but what i'm about to say i stand by this out of everything in this room everything i've ever seen everything i've thought of it has a knob name that is un you cannot equal this knot there will never be a better knob name and i'm going to keep us hanging until i read the copy here we go 2002 i think copy mind bending 12ax7a tube sounds plus diode distortion so this is a hybrid 12x7 tubes and diodes tube control let's go through the controls if you look down here it keeps sliding and i'm i'm okay it's not bothering me i'm not about to lose my mind there we go tube what is tube you ask that setting here you can't really see it you gotta trust me provides warm fat tube sound cool next diode provides harder edgy diode sound okay cool next mix what do you think mix is nick just like add some is it both modes is it it's you tell me both modes and it's determined by your dynamics not the pedals yours when playing softly what happens it's soft it's through the tube section oh resulting in a mellow low level low level distortion my god harder playing will mix the warm low level distortion output with the screaming output of the diode selector wow next knob smooth what do you think smooth is this like makes it smooth man gradual change between tube and diode and next up i wish you could see it because you're not you don't believe me i don't want to stand up and zoom this camera in the next control dave what's it called so that this is they know i'm telling the truth the last mode what's the that's it called it's called passion it's called passion dave thank you for your presentation it is a knob on a pedal called passion [Laughter] we live in a world where there is a pedal from japan that is called the shredomatic and has a knob called passion so the so there is a there is in history a time when a bunch of dudes were in a jam session and and brian looked over to chet and was like hey chet turn up the passion and chet was like oh my god my god right after i turn up the smooth tube diode mix smooth passion shredomatic d1 tube driven akai professional distortion unit wow i'm gonna play it it's insane i really i'm gonna this is honest to god truth when i started collecting the series i saw that knob and it made me want to do two pedals an episode and all of this is honestly because of how ridiculous that knob is the passion and then i started thinking you know as an educator i'm like i gotta like educate right i really just wanted to do what just happened yeah yeah yeah your dreams have come true honestly i don't have anything to live for that's it this is over you guys need to check on me tonight [Music] if you're out if you're asking which you are some of you it's a dd3 tap tempo on the floor it's not anything exciting dd3 i'm gonna turn the verb off here we go i'm gonna start with tube this has a foot straddle you wanna know what it does we're about to find out it's on um very very not dramatic are the inputs back yep yep purple is in or out purple's out pink is out it's okay people here we go rhett shoal says after 10 years in the industry my passion control doesn't go to 10 anymore i think rhett look me in the eyes look me in my wounded eyes you need the retro passion drive and i can make that happen let's go back down here absolutely all right tube [Music] so this this has a switch i can assign it to output level or i can just turn it off which is kind of humorous it's just there or drive level you can't set it to control the passion no that's a kai when you reissue this and you will because everybody's rebooting everything they've ever done you're the next disney and when you do the shredomatic d2 we want to see passion on the foot right foot passion we want to see that that's what we require here's tube diode [Music] so that's warmer i'm gonna go to neck pickup diode oh yeah it's edgier it's more harsh that's my favorite sounding one you've played so far it sounds great it's mostly just because i know that there's a knob called passion we're totally skewed by that let's mix so the hype on here's the hype machine here if i play soft what happens it's it's tube so it's warmer if i play hard it's actually really cool from where i'm sitting it is i it's good i don't i'm not you know the passion knob is unbelievable it actually sounds amazing let's go to smooth what was smooth smooth was gradual change [Music] passion ready everybody hold on holding everybody in the uh studio audience everybody here let's close our eyes and imagine what a passionate guitar sounds like here we go eyes closed man took me right there wow amazing let's add a little delay [Music] [Applause] wow incredible hey can you crank the passion yeah all passion [Music] [Applause] dave what you got over there i think uh i think we're headed to 2004. that's what it looks like is this what's supposed to be next yeah you're doing good by cheating on my notes that's what i meant to do 2004 we have gaia tone japan tokyo sound ltd they release the flip series f-l-i-p there's a lot of these we have three let's demo these three by themselves okay you go what do you got i got the funky box funky [Music] like we've gotten into this new territory where two pedals aren't just drives anymore they're doing all kinds of stuff they're going they're zipping and they're doing whatever that is [Music] yes wow it feels funky what's this one called again the funky box oh how could i forget doesn't have a passion knob but it's [Music] funky there's virtually zero information about this line i know it's 2004-ish because i could find some like dark web links from an old reviews um you know it's late at night i'm on the dark web i wake the kids up they come down they're like dad what are you doing i'm looking at gaiaton 2004 trying to figure it out wow funky box how funky is it that's pretty fun yeah keep it going i like you guys jam on that i feel good i don't need a gym what kiwi in it doesn't even matter e yeah it doesn't even matter man it's funky hey girl i got the funky box [Music] is [Music] that's that's funky i have from that series the flip tdx tube echo this is promising if you're a delay person they put a tube in here we'll get to more of these later this is essentially the little md micro guy tones with tubish things happening around it is what i found on the dark web wow here we go [Music] 12 volts huh it says 12 volt dc where am i at i'm on ac voltage is hard with tube pedals yeah i probably blew it up while you guys are trying to hopefully not blow stuff up just stick around through the end of the stream y'all we're going to give two pedals away a protein which is amazing amazing two and one overdrive and a t4 oh here we go we're gonna show them real quick oh and a new color oh my goodness look at this we're giving this away we're going to give this away what is this honestly i just like i don't know how to stop it it won't stop wow this is maybe the next channel maybe this is the part of the next jam it's getting louder make it stop go ahead go ahead no that's it we're gonna give away some pedals we're giving away thousands of dollars of stuff right all right here we go delay time let's do max delay time it has a tape simulation on it i feel like i just heard the gangnam style sound come out of whoop there you go there's some crispy stuff this is kind of amazing yeah that's some there's some crispy bits in there medium i was on long here's the longest time [Music] is that usable like why let's try to jam to this let's see ready just uh just like two seconds here we go [Music] okay [Music] here's the shortest time very crystally this is i've never i buy a lot of pedals and never play them because i'm working on stuff i've never plugged this up i don't have a problem this is amazing i'm experiencing this for the first time no i i just make sure they turn on when i have actual jobs to do [Music] okay this my friends is a home run if you see one of these you should go for it i do yeah and don't blame me for the prices i hate that you would have never known about it yeah you can't do that all right where are we at hell monster we have another flip series pedal called the hell monster that's another just super great name i would have liked to be on the meeting for the naming of that pedal what do you think happened i feel like they were sitting around the table they were stressed out they were like we've got this pedal finished man we we got to put it out but what's the name and then like jerry came in and he was like you know a little bit drunk from the christmas party the night before still and he was like you know do we have this like 15 volt a 16 volt sorry i don't know it's okay i'm just telling a story uh and then jerry's like ah that sounds like a hell monster i don't know and they're like that's the best idea you've had all year jerry you get a bonus let's uh the hell monster here i'm excited for this let's uh check it out i'm i still am not entirely sure what the shut knob does shut yeah there's distortion shut level low and high maybe it's the gates of hell oh are you shutting the gates of hell with that knob it is it's a gate is it a gate [Music] oh wait here's what we're dealing with i don't want to get spiritual on the show but when jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail that knob is what he was talking about [Music] nick you okay over there let's yeah that was a good job it was good it was it was it was it was it it was okay oh meanwhile addison's in the hall looking for literally left adapter y'all the power is insane on these so play this hell monster is that fully shut how shut is that tone well it's it's a gate so it it causes it to close so you don't get that so that's pretty intense do you think that it warrants the name hell monster can you get it to the most hellish tone that you can i mean i feel like it's it fits fairly well there right now yeah that's 18. [Music] does that want ac i don't know this is the part of the show where people wander around trying to find voltage adapters for things [Music] it's very exciting tv it's best when the gate cuts off in the middle of your cord that is really what skate is best used what's nice about it is it's like it it kind of is like you know hey stop shut yeah you know okay i wanted i wanted to play this because it's the first two pedal i ever saw it's the twin tube i interviewed i'm gonna do a bio on seymour duncan i personally think seymour duncan has some of the sickest pedals that no one seems to talk about and i want to help with that they're amazing the the original designer has been with them from day one he's a brilliant dude i was on a panel with him once but it needs 16 volts and we're going to give up right now and move on okay it's fine it's a great pedal this runs at actual tube voltage it has a really expansive nice feature set with the channel slick it's a really nice rack mount quality tube pre like the dude knows what he's doing anyway got to move on got to cut our losses you know what i'm saying yeah anybody yeah yeah yeah let's go to [Music] before strymon was strymon they were called damage control they were large they had handles on them and guess what nick what they had tubes they had tubes you don't say take it over to dave take it over to dave so what do you got in front of you what's the name of that pedal have you ever heard of the name of this so i've got the damage control timeline you mean like the strymon timeline i mean it's spelled the same is it the it's the same company too it is the same company they rebranded but this is the original timeline weird wow let's check it out mysteries [Music] so obviously we don't have presets here this is like a straight up delay right was was that the sound of you tapping in the tempo that felt like a really tough tap it's a very clicky tap tempo switch yeah it would probably be easier if it was my foot yeah probably [Music] i'm actually really impressed with this pedal yeah the reverse setting [Music] so what do the tubes even have to do with a circuit like this because i'm just gonna ask that question like i'm kind of like i feel like i get it with like drive stuff buzz stuff but why would you put a tube in a delay pedal or like an envelope filter or an envelope like why there's a tube reverb in the flip side yeah like why why tube's an amplifier you can use it in place of a transistor and it's known to be warm and you know we like the sound of tubes if it's if it's operated within the voltages that it should be it makes sense to me so hypothetically if you like something if you tube it up a little it's it's a more warm buzzwordy thing i guess yeah i think that's interesting yeah that does sound good maybe go through what we got here what are the controls uh we have time repeats depth speed which also have secondary controls filter and smear mixer and grit and then there's a whole lot of different modes reverse it also does looping a multi-head mode this reverse mode is really cool so a little more history strymon is a damn let's start with damage control 2004 comes from line six okay let's go back further alesis elise is in some way evolves into line six we have the pod the dl4s the mm4s october 99 d04 big huge amount for pedals that all keeps growing and evolving george trips shuts away huge down they do line six then some of the line six group starts damage control then damage control morphs into strymon and now some of that crew has morphed out and become marist this is an intertangled wow mad like it's a soap opera it's a web so when you're playing this you're playing a story yeah a lot of people what a joy was that the tagline of this battle yeah you're playing this tube timeline you're playing a story that's a great reverse sound i agree they had a pedal called the womanizer and the demonizer how would that go overly yeah i feel like it'd be a smashing success like that's really what people are looking for yeah um we're at about 4 25 just want to throw time out let's jump into a new segment here before i keep going a little we're never gonna make it through these we're gonna end up talking a little bit is everyone enjoying this let us know in the comments if you're not you wouldn't be here so i think i'm just looking for some like like i just need some confidence to keep going we have eighteen hundred people with this right now thank you for being here two years matter they do this is for you yes the people the people the people let's go to a brand new segment uh nick are you excited about this oh you know i'm excited next segment welcome to hot topics the newest segment that definitely is not sponsored by the gear page but definitely comes from the gear page and this is what it is this is it so on this segment we are going to take a couple topics does this have a different name last week when we were working through it no no it didn't it's no we didn't adjust anything at all uh we're going to look through a couple topics from the gear page and talk about them because the gear page is full of crazy stuff this week is actually some pretty like chill tame content but i think it's worth talking about one thing i want to hit really quick is one of the threads was feeling overwhelmed by trying to pick an overdrive guess what guy we have an episode all about that it's called how to find the overdrive you need you're right so go watch that yeah here is the proposed topic that i think that we should talk about simpler amps and vintage amps better read it again really slow simpler amps and vintage amps better what's the question the question is are simpler amps and vintage okay better okay so i'm gonna i think i understand this yeah i think it's a good question i let's let's if you guys agree with this i think it's all these new amps have tons of knobs yeah crap right are this the simple vintage amps better is that i think so i think the idea is like hey we've got solid state we've got yeah we've got emulators double wreck quadrant all this stuff raptor pv randall schmidt yeah but what about those simple vintage old amps that have tubes in them and just sound do they are they better what do you think addison oh i'm a simple guy so i'm gonna i'm gonna say yes but vintage not necessarily but simple yes i'm gonna divide it up into two questions are simple amps better are vintage amps better oh perhaps perhaps they were getting it vintage amps tended to be a little more simple yeah yeah and so ultimately is that the question are simple ants better to which i will answer yeah in my opinion yes simple amps my in fact my amp has three knobs on it so i tend to agree i think i think the more knobs the more probs is what i say is what keith richards said he said more knobs more problems and i play tens yeah and i play tents baby is what he said okay so all right dave what about you are simple vintage amps better i like simple especially if you're using lots of pedals vintage it needs to have been there's some quality qualifiers for me for sure there's a lot of vintage stuff in the shop dave spent how many weeks just going through stuff a lot of times just dance yeah he like worked here for weeks and like stuff's already broken it just breaks constantly yeah yeah yeah yep and just to round this segment out i just wanted to ask you guys have you found the older you get the less gain you're interested in um it's like a real question that people are really wondering like just with age is like when you're young you just yeah you're chasing gain you're chasing those gains gain justices yeah today's making me feel like chasing some gains yeah how do you guys feel i mean i feel like the older i get i might i just i might want more games i'm with you nick i the last enjoyment i had from guitar was putting my guitar in a step down open dag dad on an acoustic i've become a dad a you're a dad a dad dad oh wait where's the sound here it is hold on oh didn't work nope not working sorry anyway uh yeah so i i don't know i think that i want less i wanted a lot of gain in my younger days my foolishness chased the gain but my wisdom has found peace in less games wonderful wonderful dave why don't you round this out with your thoughts less gain more gain how you feeling i think there is a real thing uh where as players mature they tend to lose use less gain yeah there's nothing nothing wrong with game but yeah so high gain could be seen as a symbol of immaturity yeah that's not what i said don't follow brown amplification now this is good yeah this is great i want to wrap up you didn't ask me i didn't know it's about simple oh yeah i didn't there's yeah here we go right is that good yeah i think that yeah i think that's for sale right now in our bookstore i think that uh there's a reason i love milkman benson they totally the old thing like the loud is more good am just a few knobs they take the old thing and they make it work without falling apart and and fall and like if it rains on it it's fine is that right like it's not going to be cardboard and fall apart i love that well like simple this has been this has been hot topics and now all right that jingle sounds awfully familiar i don't it's i'm hungry you ever had a hot pocket it's definitely not derivative of something else or maybe a direct ripple not this i'm not going to play this honestly because it concerns me on many many levels tube soap tube soap has a 12 volt adapter there's no information online about it it's just called tube soap tube soap that's it yeah okay i don't care what you you wanna play it here he's gonna plug it up i'm gonna go on to the next one we haven't i'm just gonna throw this out there we haven't jammed in like 400 years let's set up a jam he's going to jam the tube soap i have here my favorite tube pedal ever made adam grim of satellite amphilocate satellite amplification i was doing the la amp show with him for a lot of people and i remember going to his room got one of his amps and then he had these pedals so he designed these he has this strange little part he found the guy that made this transformer charge pump of sorts and it takes not this takes standard 9 volts and it's like up to 200 volt plate voltage inside the metal safely i'm not even sure if i totally understand what that means you just have to trust when you don't know how something works trust someone who does that's freaking deep okay what i like about this is it actually has a beautiful overdrive ability so here's the here's here's the amp this is by bravo audio is that right the two tubes sorry so watch this it is a like it feels like a nice tube channel of a basement or something [Music] i wonder if there's a story behind the soap i don't know that's that one this is called eradicator not to confuse these two sorry that confused all of us oh yeah did we get confused so this is a great overdrive pedal with gobs of headroom let me just slam clean tube preamp into the milkman so this is a tube boost right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it'll get really heavy if you want it to so this is 2016. [Music] [Applause] it's a cool pedal what do you got over there i'm gonna hook up one more while you do that tube soap i have the bravo audio tube soap [Music] it is running a really high output [Music] [Laughter] [Music] adapter [Music] it's very it's very soapy you can wash your clean i feel like if i was gonna pick one today that we've played to take into the shower with me it'd be this one which one's that say the tube soap the tubes oh okay of course [Music] it's pretty wild okay that's the tube soap soap i have the i can't get it to turn on 12 volts dc is this positive center what do you need an adapter these are so wait what is this one of those yeah that should be it that's it power again this is tough you can't just there's there's so many variables power dynamics of this episode have just fluctuated from having it again if you're watching this you're a real trooper and you also know we're giving away some really yeah we're getting that is still happening we're paying you back for your commitment that's right our dave is really power in the blood all right here we go [Music] oh you got it's got to warm up that's another thing with two pedals don't get ahead of yourself folks folks it's like so this has so this is uh 2016 aspen pittman designs can you see it here groov tubes was founded by aspen pittman okay and he passed away and his daughter is carrying on his line of design so pretty cool story yeah yeah they're in colorado i believe tesla was there so this is probably nothing to do with that some of the uh i believe butler uh was there as well yeah that was a part of the butler story that could be an entire documentary so let's see here gain staging for addison are trying to here is uh that's the black section here it's really nice it's like a big old chunky tube screamer has a boost then it starts that kind of has the splatty fuzzy thing so what do we got over here tube two this has like okay hold on uh you're engaging the second stage this is madness treble bass tone [Music] it's really tight like it sounds like probably a marshally kind of [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think about that i love playing like heavy tones with a jaguar you know did you hear that bridge yeah this is cool y'all wanna jam yeah let's do a jam let's do it uh all right yeah i'm gonna live there let's just go to the key of d and not overthink please like let's do like one four six minor or something hot oh we need to continue our story because it's we can't leave it on cliffhanger oh yeah we gotta yeah yeah we gotta do this okay so here we go it's okay we had i guess we had a season break there for a second because if you guys remember the details of the story remind me because it's been a while uh okay so johnny gets oh okay yeah he's getting strapped up to get go go back in time all right so johnny's getting strapped up to go back in time uh she he asks the woman in the in the robe hey why did my girlfriend go so bad and how come she's still alive and she says because in your time an alien race called the spore invaded the planet and they injected her they chose her to be their leader and they injected her with mind control spores and that's they are control using her as a host and because her dad was like the mayor and then like whatever and then anyway so they're getting ready to send him back into time but just as that's about to happen the future cops show up and they start lasering down the place and they start running and she's like go get in the time machine and he's like okay and then they're like take this box with you it'll help you uh disinfect her and also here's this other thing and it'll help you get back to your time and then he's running away and as he's running away the time machine gets blasted by a laser but he just makes it through and he finds himself in his current time he sees his auto shop whoa he's running towards the auto shop he can feel his atoms coming apart he has not made the travel well because the machine was damaged he's running runs into his garage in the distance he sees his girlfriend's red corvette which is a car driving up the dirt road and as he's running he sees himself fixing a car and he runs through the garage and leaves the the the sport extractor onto the thing as well as the time dilation portal and he realizes oh i was the get it he was the guy from the beginning he wrapped around wrapped around it's full circle that's the twist okay let's jam [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] don't forget [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a cool pedal let's do like the quickest rapid fire through some of these ready let's see what we can do uh tube pilot tc made this um it is a tube driver derivative is that the word yeah it's like 30 bucks has a real tube in it you might not realize this series this has a real tube yeah just strum a few chords there the whole series is okay yeah that whole series is really great i'm gonna talk about this while he's doing this in 2018 ibanez releases a new take on the tube screamer that came out originally in 78 so the tube screamer actually came out at the same time that butler put a tube in a pedal wow but their tube screamer didn't have a tube in it irony so they do the new tube new tube technology i gotta be honest it confuses me it's a solid state tube which it's just like a tube alternative i gotta i got a little bit about new tube for you talk about it um so i got this email from ian ian works at korg so shout out to you man thank you um he said new tube's a new tube type designed by korg r d and did you just say new tube is a new tube type did i ever wow thanks for catching that so there are they using it in the vox they are indeed so it's used across korg and box products and it packs two 12ax7 style tubes into a much smaller component that's easier to incorporate on circuit boards dissipates less heat and it's actually rated for about 100 years of life 100 years of life pretty crazy so yeah the valve energy series which is the vox stuff that we have that josh is pulling up right now um has the it provides like the feel and harmonics of the tube amp using an all analog signal path and a new tube so that's for these these are brand new ish the vox series i have the silk drive here plugged up so instead of playing the new tube it's cool it has a sound you know play the box i'll play these newer ones let's hear this tube pilot again this is like a 30 pedal on reverb so if you're interested [Music] that's a cool sound so this this this line is essentially here's what's going on just to be honest like i'm not honest on the show there is a there is a behringer pedal um they have what's called a vintage series many of you so a million or more have obviously seen the behringer episode they have one called a vintage tube moss monster um they when behringer was bought by when tc was bought by behringer this smorgasbord series that the two pilot is in is a lot of behringer circuits stripped down into a small enclosure for the affordable market so this is a behringer tube take on the tube driver that's pretty cool stuff um here's this vox pedal i'm gonna play the silk drive because there's another one called what's that called copperhead copperhead um look at this it lights up wow and it has like a waveform look at this there's a digital waveform display that's cool that's the main madness you can't can you see that i give them cool points for the aesthetic [Music] [Applause] okay this is extremely different than anything we played it feels more like modern except like that's nice feels more normal like it doesn't a lot of these have just felt fairly extreme this is an actual overdrive like [Music] very cool that's awesome cleans up yeah we might have to do some more on those what is that guy selling the copperhead drive [Music] again like what you were saying a lot more [Music] overdrive a lot more usable now that there's not usable it just doesn't sound like a fuzz pedal yeah cool next we have the plasma high voltage distortion unit now the marketing on this says it's not a tube pedal that it's something even more special uh so it's basically it's a revolutionary approach within the realm of overdrive distortion as it is unexplored it's an unexplored method of clipping signal instead of using led diodes or vacuum tubes the plasma pedal transforms the live signal into a continuous high voltage discharges with an xenon filled tube exxon xena i can't pronounce that that was a disney movie in this in essence you're playing a bolt of electricity look down here i have to say this is my favorite favorite tube pedal i just don't know what's going on in the circuit and i you know i don't know what to think i don't know it's got that velcro fuzz thing going on it's super cool as a voltage yeah so check that out and then i'm going to close out on this and we're going to talk about a local builder um fender released mtg tube distortion they put these out at 2019 nam i was there unfortunately dave has the la uh these both have on and off and boost these are designed by a legendary guy in the two bank world bruce ignator so bruce is amazing designer super gifted talented dude um basically he found a massive stash of the 6205 uh what are they called they're like the little pinto yeah pinto tubes he found like a massive military stash of these and so inside of these are these little pinto'd high voltage tubes so i'll demo the tg and then you play the la now let's see what they sound like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] interesting this says that the one you're playing um has a bridge rectifier in the distortion circuit high voltage 6205 tube it's basically a more focused version of this which is which is like the original first design it has fet stages and tubes in it yeah these are wild so again it's these are tubes in the modern age where they actually have a nice eq and we can't do these justice for this amount of time i think you could find amazing sounds i played with these quite a bit and i talked to bruce on the phone about these [Applause] there's a lot of cool sounds in here so that's off if you can see on the pedal cam there i think this one especially if you have an amp and you wish you had another channel that's where this gets really interesting and these vox ones have that feel right i think that was the intention of these a lot of these are just crazy they just sound like fuzz but these fenders the new voxes they feel like a new channel on an ant yeah let's talk about the local builder so there's a really cool guy here and he's he's in a niche within a niche he's mainly doing base circuits right like base pedal circuits or that's how he started yeah yeah so it was based on a preamp that he discovered that he loved that's right yeah take it away edison you got these you've been playing through one i have yes today's tone for bass today's bass tone has been brought to you by um the frog pedals fx1 preamp so um frog pedals is local here in kent city um the owner's name is mark he's awesome we've all met him a handful of times we've seen him around i was taking my kids to the playground and i think he was there with his grandchildren or his kids or i don't remember way to go it's like a tone family yeah this is a tone family so uh he created uh this really cool pedal so his kind of flagship thing a little bit of background so he's in kansas city um he had a budding interest in electronics as a kid and then um you know spent a lot of years in offices and things working on computers and office equipment um and that was after he attended the electronics institute so that's pretty cool um and then fast forward i know right way to go mark you're beating out josh here so fast forward he started playing music in his 40s which is kind of unique uh and then he got turned onto this thing called the olympic f2b preamp and i just learned what alembic is they're pretty highly coveted instruments and um the reason that he fell in love with it was obviously for its tone but they were too expensive to buy and so he set out to kind of solve a problem and that was um create his own f2b style preamp which is what we have here so um yeah so cliff here he owns an alembic base nice it's like 10 grand it's like they're crazy they're insane money so this preamp is coveted apparently is there some jerry garcia connection into this yeah he used one yeah so this is cool yeah so he started building these in um sounds like 2017. and uh this is it i've been using it all day i'm running a clone in front for some of the stuff but um it's incredible like the saturation that you get from this thing um the eq section is super super powerful a bunch of different clipping options you've got a bright a normal and a mid boost option so i've been on the bright all day but uh yeah go check him out um i believe it's just and um there's tons of stuff on his site um does that have a tube in there yes it does yep it also has a tube so tube tone today all around for sure he also sells um other like pcbs for diy builders and things like that show the frog one oh yeah it has this was the original version this is like some of these are protozoa even yeah yeah so look at that look at that it has a metal frog tube protector so this is this is a the new one that you can buy now is called the ruggedized fx1 preamp so same thing just tubes on the inside now so it's you know hence the name ruggedized you want to take like a 30 second stab at showing the base stones yeah for sure absolutely what i've seen is several people online talking about these like amazing for bass and he has some other bass he has something he was telling me it might be like a an mpeg something it is it's a b20 yeah so we've got a proto of that in here um but yeah go check out his site he's got all kinds of stuff and and you know for people that are like oh i want some diy options or um you know resources and that'd be a great great place to look so all right so here's my clean tone i say clean it's still a little bit dirty but and then here's with the uh the fx1 preamp on ooh that's it's i hate to say 3d no it's like amazing turn it off again yes all right killer the low end too listen to that if you can hear it hopefully you're not on laptop speakers off and on [Music] that's thick yeah it's almost like an svt vibe you know if you're like driving something real yeah real mighty fine so that's it y'all it's great um there's like a four to six month wait on one of these that's how awesome they are so um go buy one from mark at frog pedals thanks for all the cool goodies mark we appreciate you man yeah he has a couple new guitar pedals um he has a blues breaker style thing coming out that's really cool he has i think he's been working on a couple other circuits as well so just keep an eye on him he's doing cool stuff unique and he goes to the park how can you not trust the person that goes to the park that's right yeah uh where are we at i think where we need to land here is we're gonna we're gonna give away two brown pedals but first off what look at the table just go down to the table what in the world has happened two hours of madness what do you think dave you're the resident expert do you have any wisdom on this well i think that gimmick tubes can do cool things i think sometimes we're just hearing starved plate clipping and that's a sound it is it's not a bad sound it's just a sound if it if you like it it's good yeah i think a lot of these are just starved plate clipping and yeah some you know when i look at this pile i think about these voxes sound very unique and very usable not that everything up here is usable when i think about flexibility the voxes these fenders have a lot of flexibility that eradicator for me this guy here i love it like if you can ever get i think he quit making them so sorry good luck and we saw a passion knob yeah i mean look at it over there in the corner uh that we learned that the timeline used to be a giant pedal with handles and tubes it sounds killer yeah nick i mean where are you at man you want to like tube drums maybe yeah just just technically a drum is a tube i mean yeah i mean a tube in shape alone probably but yeah i mean i think there's some cool sounds i think if the invention of two pedals was only so there was a pedal that had a passion knob on it that would have been a good enough reason for them to exist i don't really feel like tubes are like a cell like it doesn't get me like jazzed it doesn't crank your attractor no it doesn't um that's a phrase um and i uh i i guess i just feel like i don't really like the idea of like a giant glass bulb being in something like kick all the time that's just me i it's not something i'm gonna oh what it does have a kick guard that is dave davis is is showing me that but i will say that um i think i'm good i'm good i could take it or leave it some are good some are bad some are good some are bad addison yeah i feel the same way i have a few favorites that i heard i was like oh man that's a good tone then others that i heard that i was like nah so i could take it or leave it i guess in the comments just spill your guts everybody some of you lived through an age where this meant a lot and there are some cool sounds you saw the mini matrix you saw the tube drivers you watched eric johnson on austin city limits in the hendrix jacket and you freaked out and bought these and they sound amazing and then some of us missed that and we've seen all these different variations and i just stand exactly where i stood before and i don't feel any different they're an option yeah i have heard options yeah so i think we need to give stuff away i think we can do this humming buzz it sounds like like a haunting buzz that's fine let's give away these pedals i think that hummingbiz is coming from my microphone i've been muting it all day so sweet we're going to give these away all right so so good these petals are so good they're great here's the protein here's the t4 we've got a couple different trivia questions if you haven't heard of either of these petals or david brown go check out brown amplification um i just i think it's brown amplification on instagram what's on the end oh yeah b-r-o-w-n-e amplification so go to his instagram and you can see like he builds like you built me this literally i just told you what it need to look like and you built it's amazing you have these custom guitars as well you do a lot of stuff you have a lot of things going on yeah so you can do it yeah and definitely amazing amp builder as well so let's so we're going to give these away so our first trivia questions for the brown protein again first one in the comments to get this right this right side here well i mean if you're looking down at it it's the left side but this is a blues breaker ish style vibe overdrive one of my favorites um this is an amazing pedal uh so here's the trivia question here comes what year was the blues breaker pedal released the original the original marshall blues breaker pedal what year was it released okay so that's our first question i think we set here and we're not in a hurry we're no should we do that other segment while we're waiting for people we could could we could definitely save it i don't know what's the other segment oh yeah that one number 12. is that what we're talking about here yeah i think i think yes i didn't forget that at all i did not forget today in any way it's totally fine where is what is happening yeah hello world news take it away addison welcome to this evening's edition of puddle world news uh today we have some very very very exciting news to share with you uh if you have not heard universal audio has released three new guitar pedals under uh ua effects so uh very exciting very awesome there's three of them um we may or may not it's weird next week be spending our live stream talking it's like there's not a lot of videos online right like it would be interesting if somebody could do a live next wednesday wouldn't it be that would be i just wonder how i can possibly get a hold of the prototypes how do you think that you could wait what do you huh what do you have for it i don't have anything i do not i don't have like the actual prototypes here um that looks like one two three is that am i seeing three different i don't know i don't know didn't they release three pedals yeah there's three these boxes are really cool too they're super cool i like them a lot the boxes feel fuzzy it'd be really cool if we actually did a live and went through all the features and talked about these and stuff there's not a lot of info out there would it be cool if we did it next wednesday you could do it next wednesday maybe in the comments if people are interested i could see if i could uh plug up these prototypes that i've had for a few days i don't even know how i got them it's the weirdest thing it's the weirdest thing to have the prototypes here while there's really no content online oh but there will be maybe maybe not 3 p.m next week yeah 3 p.m here's uh the pedal world news ending just because it's a nice stinger pedal world news [Music] our giveaway winner uh we have an answer we have a winner the answer is 1991 that's the year that the blues breaker pedal by marshall was released my favorite overdrive circuit you got that right uh joshua times seven that's good hilarious all right that's a great pedal that is very very give that last one away here we go all right so um this next question is for this t4 the brown amplification t4 here is the question why is this called the t4 i've answered this on previous episodes so if you had been watching shows like you should be yep you know we'll do a little standby it'll say two minutes don't freak out we'll do like 20 seconds of it we just need some music ready wanna just jam i don't know i put my guitar down i'm exhausted i don't know jam you guys jam just play some smooth jazz here we go why is the t4 called the t4 here we go [Music] yeah thanks for coming out tonight all right we have a winner but first the answer because i always forget to say the answers but i won't from here on out um question was why is the uh this pedal why is the brown amplification t4 called the t4 and it's because it's got four transistors it's a four transistor fuzz yeah so our winner is polar paul good job polar paul uh joshua time seven and polar paul send me an email vlog at and we'll we'll get these shipped out to you tomorrow what's your 10 second description of each pedal your shameless plug moment uh the protein is a smooth overdrive that fits well in a lot of modern applications big pedal boards and gives you a lot of different options with a small footprint two pedals in one t4 is a uh a fuzz that was meant to be used meant to be able to be used in a lot of modern settings pop settings settings where you'd like something pretty but i wanted to be able to insert a nasty fuzz pedal okay we've done a lot today so if you like this episode hit like you don't have to you can subscribe as well and uh hit the bell icon join in the comments let us know again what was your favorite tube pedal that we played what are some memories you have with two pedals tell us more teach us more i'll go back and check these out uh friday is an episode that's pretty good i don't want to brag it's it's pretty funny and uh wednesday we will go through these brand new universal audio pedals that i don't have here i don't have prototypes and i'm not going to play them on wednesday but if you wanted to see me not go through them uh don't show up here next wednesday is that it we good simple that's all right bye bye everybody have a wonderful night enjoy your dinner enjoy your families have safe drive travels home you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 166,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: MIsAlqYPvUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 30sec (7590 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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