LIVE: Five Questions With Brian Wampler (Wampler Pedals)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the jhs live show it's definitely a wednesday hump day but the live show makes everything better how's it going nick you're back i know it's been a while so you had a child i had a child what does it feel like to have a child it feels well it's wonderful i have two other children and this feels like having another one yeah it's great was it difficult like did you it was really hard for me i had a really hard time yeah yeah i have three kids and honestly i don't know how i did it yeah it was on my wife would kept being like oh labor is hard and i was like well you're waking me up at three in the morning yeah you're sleeping on the couch tonight aren't you yeah that's fine my wife did a lot of work addison yeah man great no kids out of breath because i just ran up the stairs you have a pattern you have a dog no dogs no pets i have a wife i generally judge people that don't have a kid or a pet really it feels like there's something going on there oh dad you get that vibe uh like there's actually a secret criminal spy right yeah because it means you have to travel suddenly or something like that right yeah i did have to do that at one point in my life yeah well it was a spy enough about us we have a special guest brian wampler you're here in kansas city how are you doing good are you i'm good all the way from indiana indiana which we learned earlier is just like here just north just a little north a little east a little north a little east so this is cool we're gonna hang out um and just off the top here if you're watching this it's gonna be a wild ride it's not for everybody we're gonna probably go two hours nerding out about your circuits you jamming and the other disclaimer is brian actually knows how to play guitar so there's going to be a real difference in guitar yeah right it's okay they're like awkwardly just laughing but they know we know yeah um i'm laughing because i'm not gonna be able to follow either so it's all right um we have ernie ball trivia time so a full box of ernie ball strings brought to you by ernie ball um if you look at the top down cam here we have loads of wampler pedals it's all about wampler right now yeah we have you know the weird creepy hands and stuff but really through all that brian has a board we got prototypes we got magical stuff it's going to be good brian what are you giving away today later they have to actually watch right because you have to be worthy yeah uh you know i think we should give away our newest stuff maybe something like the gearbox love it which you have on the board over there i do have it on the board yeah we can see it in your cam so we have that we're gonna do lots of jams and right now because we're giving people yup we're gonna give away some hercules stuff take it away let's go all right if you're in the chat first one to answer the question right yeah wait you know how it goes is this question going to be related to the hercules movie that came out it's not today it's not no no no wow joshua's here joshua hi joshua yeah are you aware of your growing fan base like you there's people that really enjoy you which is hard to believe i find myself quite enjoyable yeah hey man fresh haircut it looks good thank you yeah all right sorry back to brian's giveaway i forgot hercules giveaway oh that's right there's so many giveaways all right all right here goes you all ready yeah drop your answer in the chat don't look at my don't look at my cheat sheet here if you're the first one you're gonna get one of these cool hercules wall hangers all right here goes here's the question what is the narrator's last line in the opening of disney's hercules hey you sneaky man sneaky guy throw it in the chat what is the narrator's last line in the opening of disney's hercules all right while we wait on this so brian i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a big shameless plug for you um let's do camera on brian so i can properly do the stinger there we go shameless plugs all right so this is your you started back here kind of yeah for the most part that's probably the first production second production so if you look at this it says yeah it's the pinnacle indie guitarist so there's an era where indie guitarist custom effects is that indianapolis but a play on at the time yes because yeah i mean i didn't know how far this would go i thought it was just some random person modifying pedals sounds vaguely familiar i had i had a i think it was a plex it was one of the early drives and it had the sticker indie guitarist so yeah this is where it all starts so tell us the you start with this what year is this i'm holding in my hand if i had to guess that's probably 0.506 somewhere in that area um is this a new sensor case no that is probably a small bear i bet that was a small bear that has a there's a certain powder i've had to guess just the nerd stuff where i i remember i think that that was actually before i really knew who knew sensor was i mean this is you know i was yeah looking on diy stomp boxes asking rg king and mark hammer questions right so you go you you're you're what i like to call an og you're but well before me you started a friend of yours model stand for odd guy i did that a lot yeah you a friend of yours modded something i think you've told me this and then you paul willer and you realize this is interesting so this is early 2000s this is early early yeah so paul willer uh used to be on the gear page a long time ago and do i stomp boxes and he had a little company called fireman effects and uh he was just modifying some pedals like you know a lot of us were and i didn't know anything about electronics all i knew is that he had this ds1 that sounded great and um so i was asking like why does yours sound so much better he's like i just did some mods that were on this forum so i'm like all right well i want to do that that sounds like fun and so i think i just literally started pulling out parts which radio shack bought some capacitors i'm like what happens when i pull out this capacitor and put this one in and that's how that's how everything kind of started it's like a time it's like a tell us all this time yeah it really is it's so freakishly familiar i recently we went down to jackson mississippi where i started and like we found the radio shack really that's great i had no i had a blues driver i had robert keeley's and a normal one and i liked both but it drove me nuts like what did he do it can't what did he do right took it apart and like i didn't know what a capacitor was but i i noticed that it had like the panasonic's which i didn't know what they were the little red and i read the numbers and i was like yeah i'd go into radio shack and buy the greeny equivalent right anyway you're like do you have the red ones like what kind of red ones i literally had no idea what i was doing but i i basically took a note yeah same exact story so around 2007 it becomes wampler pedals right around then yeah i was kind of doing both i'm like today i am indie guitarist i may change my mind tomorrow though yeah how did this put so a lot of people may not realize you've self-published a uh pd i guess an e-book it was basically an easily yeah and then people asked for it to be in print so i'm like okay so you had kind of a indie guitarist were you thinking like diy helper guy i'm actually a swampler guy i actually thought my business model was going to be writing diy stuff i thought all right well this is going to be my side business you know because at the time i was like remodeling houses or something not guitar related and like okay this is fun you know i'll just put out this pdf and uh you know do some stuff that brings in a little bit of cash but still fun and stuff like i guess i'm just gonna write books you know and um but the thing people were asking like well can you build like a pedal like oh no i mean maybe because you did you did a mod book and then if i remember someone sent me this is really early i learned to wire something out of a book you had called it was like how to build an effect i don't know remember the exact time yeah i did a few of them i did like yeah this was this would have been i had some how to build was was not very good at all it was interesting though because it's like you had compiled all this useful information and it was like right there like it was basic parts knowledge was in that book and stuff it was really useful i've talked to oh my gosh there i mean this room if you look over basically everyone's had that book at some point it's funny you made a book that created and probably in some ways tons of competition for your later company in a weird way but i think it's cool i didn't really look at it that i mean even still today i think i still answer a lot of questions about it because i'm i want to pass on that as stupid as it sounds i mean i want to pass on that knowledge to in my mind to a younger person who may not have any idea what they want to do with the life like you know i like messing with guitar stuff i don't know like if you go to college to be an engineer they're not going to teach you how to modify pedals at all like that's just not there so my whole thing is really i just want to help other people do something fun yeah i think i've always i've always liked that about you the attitude of when i when i came into the industry was i accidentally started jhs when you went to wampler became wampler i guess 2007 see i thought we actually were about the same time no you you're you're like you got a several years on me but i remember coming in and there was this feeling of like being an outcast with some older old guard who are very like what are you doing here but you are always like yeah this is like you always shared what i have in me as well which is this is really fun this is guitar we're making toys chill out yeah and it's like the non-competitive spirit of it all and that's been you're honestly one of the only guys still in the stay who i think fully like embraces even with your channel and stuff so that that's some of my first memories so didn't you also this is wild people don't realize this you launched your first youtube video 09 around that which is bonkers somewhere around there yeah oh 809 if anyone's aware of guitar on youtube it would be the equivalent of guitar on tick tock last year yeah i mean it was it was before youtube was really what it is now yeah i was like i was clueless to i yeah youtube i had no grit of it until four years ago to me was just a hosting service for videos i'm just like i need somewhere to put this video this is an easy what was your first video um well my very first one was like my son playing drums but my first guitar everyone was i think i was going through like a boss overdrive schematic i'm like here's what c1 does changes the bass yeah yeah um you know it's like a really nerdy dive into schematics and it was probably for some sort of diy book i was doing or something um yeah i mean it wasn't until several years later i'm like maybe i should like play some pedals that i'm making so how how do you feel so now we're here 2021 there's a guitar on youtube's like peanut butter and jelly you know yeah you were there there had to be nothing there were probably peter stroud electro harmonix demos probably i mean that's it was somewhere around that time i think brett kingman was thinking was starting his training like he was just getting started when did pro guitar launch they were about that time back yeah somewhere you were literally one of the first ever to do what you were doing especially the tech and still to this day if you're not aware as i stare into the camera longingly if you're not aware of brian's channel it's like these what you're so good at what he's so good at talking to you in the camera is these walkthroughs of the circuits it's it's phenomenal like here's the op here's how this circuit works building and overdrive so you've been doing that so long how does that feel you know looking back well now you're making me feel old it's no it's uh no it's i mean honestly like i know it's like really niched i know there's a lot of people like don't care what the difference is between a 914 diode and a 4148 you know um but i think there's also a few people that do care and those are the people i'm talking to it's really you know and i mean to me it's again it's just education for those that want to know that can't learn anywhere else i wish i had the gift that you have which is history and explaining the story of it all i don't have that so absolutely obsessive compulsive disorder about things that nobody cares about that's great we have a stinger for that and now it's time for the meticulously obsessing details no one should care about yeah that sums it up it's it feels crippling it's yeah it's i i love what you do which is these the walkthroughs i love that i've become d i would say decently proficient at circuit design i can hear a pedal kind of know what it is breadboard it you know some schematics are in memory but i can watch your videos and always be like oh that was so well explained i couldn't do it that well thank you so i guess we share we share an interest of what each other's doing which is awesome i think people are saying in the chat that they care it's cool to you brian and people both care much appreciated yeah um so big artist roster you have obviously brad paisley which is one of the greatest guitar players of all time you're like bros you probably go golfing and fishing all the time usually i just call him i'm like hey brad what's up man how you doing brent mason one of the most underrated incred i mean chattahoochee um need we say more you know it's incredible tom quell i remember being at the john mayer rehearsals for the this was 2017 had like two or three year pedals in the racks just your pedals are everywhere and how does that feel you know you know because you started just thinking i want to do these pdfs right it's it's a weird feeling whenever i was telling someone the other day i'm like it seems like all of my guitar heroes at one point or another have played my stuff which is really odd to think about because you're like these are the people that actually inspired me to pick up this instrument yeah and now they're like texting me saying hey kit you know i'm looking for an overdrive what what should i get it's the craziest feeling yeah it is it's totally like i noticed i was i was creeping as like john fogarty was using fingers i'm like it's john fricking fogerty like he can okay he can like he can mow your lawn fix your car and steal your wife on the bayou yeah on the bayou green river you know what i mean he's a gentle man who could beat you up yeah he'll write you a love song and then you know drive a motorcycle he can do it all over a bridge oh yeah it's just wild there's a few people like i've i'm a huge 80s rock fan that's that's the arrow i let you down earlier by not having a record that's right i'll have to buy you something one later um like when george lynch called me that's when like goosebumps were like everything came full circle and i'm like i've made it george lych just called me it's incredible yeah yeah i mean i'm sure you've felt that before you know yeah it's it's always surreal so here we are five questions with brian wampler and the format today i'm gonna ask him a question we're going to jam mainly he's going to play because he's better and then the band's going to follow him mainly addison because all nick has to do is keep a beat i mean it's i'm not bad it sounds like you're bashing nick it's okay that's what i get for being gone for so long that's true that's true we also need to announce a hercules yeah let's do that now okay do that right now uh what are they winning uh stand yeah a wall hanging a wall these are knocking out these are classy wall hangers look at that hold it back up there right here right here oh yeah oh yeah oh wait next to my face so it stays in focus look at that look at how classy that is there's wood on it and it comes with mounts like for the wall uh drywall they're called they're called anchors drywall anchors you're gonna get those and uh and a wall hanging brian judged you so hard because you used to do constructions and you called it a wall thing wall thing yeah so disappointed sorry brian all right so here's a question yeah and winner winner winner the winner of what is the narrator's last line in the opening of disney's hercules is you go girls and the winner is phil ulrie ori ulry if you are phil phil phil philoctities alright uh please email us at vlog if you're not phil don't email me all right question number one for you this feels real generic i've struggled with asking you this because everybody asked this stuff but i want to know what pedal are you most proud of you've made a lot of pedals you've probably made so many like you don't even know what you made like there's a thing i've made a lot and they seem to be a lot of drives and people you're like mr overdrive when people ask me what am i most proud of like it is a hard question it actually is an annoying question for me but i really want to know what you say because i kind of want to see your face it's how you deal with this it's always like the newest thing i'm working on okay i know that's i think it's a lot like uh if you're writing music you know like if you're you know name your favorite guitar player the probably i mean i'm sure they like their popular stuff little wayne yeah a little little thing yeah i mean i'm sure they like their popular stuff but usually it's like their newest stuff they're most passionate about right now because they've been playing you know cocaine or whatever for 40 years yeah you know clapton's like cocaine that's that's my song best song ever that's the best i've ever done but i [Music] think [Laughter] is that our first gym yeah so yeah the newest thing you're working on what is it the newest thing i'm working on that you're most proud of if i had i mean if i had to say right now what's the most the best thing you've done i would say the gearbox um is that viewable on the top down really well the gearbox no it's okay it's totally fine it's totally fine it's a really pretty burnt orange though it's got a gate inside the gearbox yeah i mean that's okay you know it's a combination of two of my favorite circuits the tumnus and the pinnacle with a gate so you can get rid of uh you know that background noise and um now the rat spain if you like rat type circuits oh yeah let's okay let's jam on it let's do it you take it away brian i'm muting my mic nick yeah don't forget to meet your mics it makes my drums sound bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was almost like i knew what was going on so great i was playing the tennis deluxe which is real pla play uh just that drive tone you had going on [Music] that's chunky that's nice that was a really good riff it was like searing like a hot summer's day it was yeah and you know speaking of summer i feel like we have like a bunch of new summer merch coming out or something is i think so i i heard somebody talking about this we should go we should probably go test it out do you want to go test it outside like go outside is the merch outside the merch is outside how did it get out there i don't know yeah let's let's go do it brian as usual mine we're just gonna go do a thing and we'll be right back can you make sure nobody steals anything yeah yeah i'll figure out something okay cool yeah i'll just i'll be right back you hang out here oh man i love sun i love summer and i love merch and i love the summer merch that we're wearing it's limited though it's limited you know summer is limited too like the season of summer and how it only lasts for a couple months so too is this merch limited to the season of summer yeah you know what would be awesome what would that be is if that you could buy this shirt and then this ball was that a j this is a jhs beach ball oh look and also oh look a cousin hey cheers if you could buy it what do you got pompamous i've got pomplomous lemon oh that's interesting um if you could buy all this stuff for just just the low cost of sixty dollars you could have all of this yeah is that milk yeah i love milk in a koozie yeah cause when your milk gets cold when your milk gets warm no one likes that yeah well when it's hot i love warm milk really it's delicious and this koozie keeps it room temperature oh hey you want some ham i'm hungry i buy some ham for you yeah that's a bone in that's good yeah oh fricks quality meats bone in they say it's freaking good anyway man i want some cotton candy i want some cheese puffs they're so good you know what this cotton candy got drop that down with the with the cotton candy that's that's delicious oh here i got this remote yeah bank sometimes when you're enjoying your summer favorite summer snacks enjoy them with jhs merch like the merch that we're wearing now did i mention you can get all of these things for excluding the snacks for 60 on our website like a beach ball like a beach ball and also this shirt and also the koozie i think brian's still up there yeah we should probably go back and see him yeah i got my crocs wet all right yeah well i think this is a good merch plug it's i think it was solid there's it's limited limited right yeah brian summer i hear crying i think brian's up there alone brian's alone yeah yeah all right we should not leave him up i got you a ham it's a whole here's a gallon ham milk it's i drink out of it but it's fine it's good milk what do you know what percentage milk that is brian it's it's whole that's hot oh he got you whole milk because it's a whole price chopper he didn't get you two percent no do you know what a price dropper is do you have those we don't you don't what do you have we have kroger's okay i know what chrome and walmart price chopper is a fresher way to save though truly is yeah so anyway what were we i got a little sunburn yeah i got i think i got a little little tan while we were fair-skinned yeah a lot of people see us on the silver screen right we act and things and they don't realize that we are pale as the drifter pretty well because there's a lot of cgi stuff that goes on oh look at this yeah oh yeah hey beach balls sweet summer merch that's uh it makes me feel good isn't that a song summer makes [Music] yeah we have summer merch go check it out yeah i mean i guess we shut the show down after that that was really good wait wait you have more questions with brian i want to hear about brian how about instead of shutting the show down um to her dad had a good question i thought yeah let's throw it out um we said five questions we're gonna do like 11 or 12 probably brian if you could do you plan to make a deluxe deluxe version of the rat spain like you did with the tumnus um i don't know maybe i mean i love it a lot of times it's always drip well every time it's driven by what people ask so basically if a bunch of people ask for it then yep if no one asks for it then maybe not i think that's a good way to live yeah give people what they want i remember interviewing david and john johnson of dod we went out to salt lake and he tells this story about mxr coming up and complaining about people wanting soft touch switching he's like 81. we're not doing it and david says yeah just we're going to do that because that's what people want and mxr went bankrupt it was yeah so what you're saying is if i do that then i'm if you do what everyone wants you'll succeed that's not actually yeah it was it was like a tiny story moral yeah trying to lay out there all right that was a good question who was that from the tour dad thanks tour dad i want to read into that name but i'm not yeah we're just going to move on so here's my question the official question number two to you uh what is the most important pedal of all time ever remember the tuner okay elaborate that elaborate honestly that's a mic that is a mic drop don't get your microphone to draw um i mean i would say that because i think if you are a completely average player at best if you're in tune and you're in time then you're going to sound good you don't have to be fancy you don't have to be you don't have to be a tom quail like you said yeah you can just be really great with with rhythm chords and uh you're going to sound good well drop that mic okay you could actually i like that a tuner what do you think nick from your perspective as a person who doesn't even like gear uh what i i think the most important pedal i've ever made is i mean you could go like several directions you could say the maestro fuzz down because it was the first pillow ever invented where would you be without that one yeah it's too philosophy but that's too like that's too like basic i would say probably the most important pedal is uh uh the [Music] phaser or the modulation the invention of modulation for guitar i think what do you vote dang that's tough i was thinking just a tube screamer honestly yeah as being such i'm disappointed we're gonna go into a jam here no one said miku stomp somebody actually did on the chat who was it who was it who was it who is it it was clyde billingsworth hey clyde email us vlog at jhs i'm gonna give you something we're gonna give you something just email you've won something i don't know what it is it won't even be great we got some summer merch we'll send you some merch yeah yeah we can we choose our destinies here on the show all right jam let's jam are you gonna start this time josh i don't know you want me to start sure sure i'm gonna go this is one of my favorite pedals this this is one of the best amp in a box build you have all these variations this is a new version i'm gonna do this one i've never played this one a plexi is an amp and this is an amp in a box do you think you're kind of a forerunner front guy on the amp in the box world don't have to be humble you weren't you were early maybe so i mean to me like i was i don't know i was just trying to find a sound that sounded like a plexi like because i could afford one i mean what would have been before you let's try let's think was it minnetone any of that minitone did yeah yeah yeah i was trying to get cattle and bread do stuff before me we may have been somewhere around the same time i don't know you're early i'm gonna do an amp in a box episode this will definitely be on there this is the new mini one and uh honestly i didn't even set it i just turned the knobs somewhere let's do like a really bad bar band okay that would be probably down towards banister like at a barbecue place we're solid but there's some strife is our name like brass knuckles our name is brass knuckles okay and my girlfriend started dating you but i needed you to come play drums wait huh oh so there's attention there's a lot of tail okay and the barbecue's not good okay so but like at any moment we could have a fist fight and the manager comes up yeah she calls herself a manager and she says we're gonna pay you with pbr oh and we go no we're freaking brass knuckles you will pay us miller highlight miller high life all right we're ready yeah we're ready don't forget to meet your mics [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's really hard to imagine us as being a band called brass knuckles when we're all wearing these colors such a bright color you can't judge a book by its cover i mean you can but they say not to is pastel not rock and roll who decided that i'm not going to have that decided for me you know we live in a world where people go still is not that i think it is okay are you okay i'm fine i'm just tired of people putting labels on passed down all right you know just checking on you in the comments if if you got a problem with pastel tell joshua about it okay cool awesome brass knuckles you can feel the tension yeah you can feel it it got heated yeah it got heated it got really heated okay for a second there all right question three this is five questions with brian womp are you having fun this is great okay this this this is a setup because i really want to talk about something that's it's funny and incredibly sad and horrifying there's a wave of emotions here for me how hard is it to name a pedal and have you ever had trademark issues oh my gosh if you're in the pedal business there's been a time whenever you've thought this is a perfect name and then you've google you're like ah a time every time every time every time so you've you've had there's a clint black song if you remember the 90s you remember clinton black oh yeah you know it was called a good run of bad luck mm-hmm and you've had like three or four trademark things you just i've had a few he's getting i've had i've had a working lesson in trademark law yes so how hard is it to name a pedal in 2021 it's pretty hard at this point like you're just gonna have to say you know the 45 cb you know or whatever what's that stand for i have no idea the only thing that was a trademark we have 60 years of pedals and and it's like what are your names i mean it's the hardest thing ever what do you name a pedal i wish i was boss and i'd be like let's call it overdrive in 77. someone at boss was like genius level and they went just call it what it is and do an abbreviation number right and guess what they're still doing this is the same thing because it works so genius but here we are like pulp and pill and yeah euphoria and blah blah blah blah and boss is like chorus od 300 yeah we should just start doing like what walrus does and just start naming our pedals after like people's names just be like we have the jonathan you know they have the julia and the juliana we're just gonna like from now on brian you should just be like this is the this is the max this is yeah this is the bill this is the randall evanson i don't know who that is if you're watching this this is the trisha i colt if you're watching down at walrus if oklahoma has internet sick burn anybody okay if oklahoma actually has internet i'm coming for you and i'm naming every pedal from now on just an aunt just an aunt or uncle from my family cool it's gonna be good the jemima drive i got margaret i have a randall do you have a game no bills you don't have an uncle bill two classes everyone has an uncle that's too classy for my family it's fair uh all right oh wait how about an uncle bob no i have an aunt ortensia did anyone ask you uh i love the ear here you add a certain spice you know you're the sriracha of the show yes that's good yes we're gonna okay so what's the most crazy which one just kills you the trademark issue which what's the one where you're like i i just why why so the ace 30 actually was one that had me scratching my head because there's amps there are ac things and like there's all you got to have the ac booster and there's like tons ac 30 nope too close like amplifier yeah combo so i mean that was the one i'm like okay but that's a little weird so korg was like no no no no no yeah yeah yeah they were not happy about the age 30 so with that became the 30-something okay 30-something mm-hmm it's a good pedal which is fine because that pill didn't last long anyways so i yeah we've we have some doozies i have one i'm even scared to mention i'm shocked no one sent me a letter we had like the pink panther mgm you know we've had a few there is a pedal in our line that i'm just shocked that i have not gotten a letter i'm probably saying too much at this point it's fine it's a cartoon character no one said anything so don't say anything if you're watching um let's jam you want to start it off let's do a jam jam sounds good let's go okay i'm gonna try to follow you all right we'll play some play something along with you there what key ah i don't know what kid you like just rock the key of rock okay uh you just did one in g we've already done one in e so now we've got to go a yeah a g and d i love it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that would tour my mic was on the whole time was it yeah which added this nice like oasis first record vibe i just want to say well that's cool wait is it he's not happy about it did you guys i feel a breeze like blow through here all of a sudden yeah that's did you feel that are you okay i felt it i think it was i have shorts on i think it was maybe earning paul truly time it was [Music] hey guys welcome to ernie ball trivia time where we throw things good job nick hits an overhead camera and a microphone and ruins everything and you also get to potentially win a pack of strings if you answer this trivia question right in the chat is everyone ready for this trivia question fun fact this is also uh disney related this uh this question it's a great a great question hopefully you guys get this i think you will if not there's a thing called google so here goes the google the googles is your mother-in-law it's fine it's fine if she's watching no we did not talk about it earlier right all right got it cool all right so here's a question what disney imagineer designed the distinct ernie ball packaging for the first one i know this is a deep cut does anyone in the room know no i don't either you might have to google it one more time what disney imagineer designed the distinct ernie ball packaging can we call ourselves imagineers i guess brian you're an imagineer i've always wanted to because i i mean for me i'm definitely not an engineer but i can imagine right true wow nick you're the greatest imagineer i've ever met hey thanks i think you're a pretty good imagination you're not good at anything else but when it comes to imagination stuff you're sweating at it all right so while we wait on that uh answer yes we're gonna wait on the answer hey guys welcome to hot topics this is the part of the show where we discuss the hottest topics on your favorite page the gear page it is not at all sponsored by the gear page whatsoever and i just gotta say i'm sorry about the beach ball thing i was trying to hit addison in the head during his segment and i i forgot that katie told us to be responsible with the beach balls and i wasn't responsible and uh i deserve wow i deserve that i deserve that too yeah i'm sorry this is what i get for being away for so long anyway we're going to discuss the hottest topics here um hey guys josh do you like tootsie rolls rhyme i do but i have gum already terrible do it with gum it'll stay in the nose stop everyone i want to hear the hot topic here's the hottest topic hey guys what are some hidden secondary uses of your petals this is just like a i think this question is being asked to just guitar players in general but what are some secondary uses for your pedals wait wait is it talking about a secondary function in a pedal or something you can use the secondary uses of your petals i think it's saying hey i think here's the scenario the tube screamer is a good overdrive but couldn't you push an amp with it oh i got one i don't know that's like well no interpret it how you will right so let's go around but just answer the dang question you want to go first friends i'll do it so you know i like to go camping and uh whenever you have a camper yeah you have to level it it's got these little legs they just come out and it's got to sit on you've seen the auto leveling systems those are cool they're rich i build pedals for a living right so you don't have i've got this you know right right so but these things the legs have to sit on something pedals are pretty sturdy most of the time so i use those as leveling blocks pro tip wow cool whoa so hey that's amazing that's cool addison do you have an answer to this question it's not that good but yeah clown on bass if you're sleeping on that you better use you can use it on more than just guitar it's great but everything works on bass that's true that's true yep but it is a secondary use it's a secondary because you wouldn't you wouldn't pick it up i mean there's even a bass clone i would argue though that the regular con is just fine yeah yeah yeah josh josh josh tell us about secondary uses for your pedals there's a tootsie roll along on my bottom tooth oh my gosh you can use the switch of the morning glory to pick it out of your there you go perfect hold on um i would i would say any like second era sob tech like small tone small stones you can use them as door stops they weigh a solid 10 pounds that's very you know kind of a similar you know uh vein as the leveler right well the situation is simple you're at home you're at home the ac breaks okay here in the midwest it's hot very hot humid humid and you got to prop a door open nobody has door props they quit making those decades ago yep uh-huh except you're you're in your gear room two bam saron is boiling yeah your skin's melted you're getting sunburned yeah what do you have that big giant sob tech phaser just prop the door open that's a secondary use that is a secondary use joshua you want to jump in on this you want to jump in on secondary use for pedals um pedals uh my secondary use for pedals is under the couch decoration oh under the couch decoration for all of the gnomes and elves that live under your couch i've had some pedals under my couch for probably three years wow that's cool is that where your fuzz disappeared too that we lost a few months ago i think so probably so all right we have an ernie ball winner well can i answer the question hey nick oh i forget that you're here i know i've been away for so long it's like i'm a ghost i'm a ghost of a man um my secondary uses for all my pedals is for drums and for vocals okay nice because i think that vocals and drums should get pedals too that's true before i give the winner to this question i want to say that old blood noise pedals have never been under the couch and i'm saying that live right now because they're in the chat [Laughter] we all know who it's whoever's there joshua loves you he loves old blood noise to the point where he's told me to my face he would leave your heartbeat to come work for you yeah and then i told him oklahoma doesn't have internet and he's still here yeah so so anyway anyway uh what disney imagineer designed the distinct ernie ball packaging the answer is i don't know this this is amazing rolly crump is it raleigh or rolly rock well i don't know i'm just asking a question i think it's really because english i think it was hebrew if it was hebrew he wouldn't know right but he doesn't the winner to that question is pat leflam so if you're pat laflamme or leflame uh please email me at vlog and if you're not that guy don't don't even think about it don't even think about it no let's look at this top down cam here i was i was playing this i'm gonna go back we're gonna talk about the jam we did before this so the velvet fuzz is a really good fuzz pedal also the whole time i'm using the faux tape pekko now this is out of production right technically it's still in production but we'll see what happens after this fire we just went through you heard it here first go buy one if you like it it's really nice [Music] so also another thing i appreciate about you really your pedals have always been i say this about mine so i i like what i'm about to say don't take it wrong they're just like stupid simple i just i have a hard time with complicated things okay so i mean some of them like i mean the terraform you get into the territory yeah but like this you just hit this for ratio everything's here and it's great this is a very good tape echo so simula there's obviously not tape in it are you sure brian can you confirm well we taped the circuit board inside a little bit of scotch tape in it brian what are your favorite tape echo uh units you know i honestly i really have not played that many yeah actual tape echo units yeah not enough to have an opinion yeah cool you know i know that sounds really weird but i don't have any that's okay i love this though so you get the tap and then the velvet fuzz am i correct and like it's a four transistor actually that is oh okay deep nerd dive here so let's nerd dive on what is this because my assumption is it's like a big muff topology no but so it's actually so there's two circuits the tight is the 386 power amp you know really i see yeah 386 into kind of like the plexi drive circuit so into into cascaded jfets i'm so wrong on what i thought about this then the big is uh npn transistors looking into those same jfets you know it's a curveball he just threw a huge curveball at me i mean basically i'm just driving those jfets harder so i'm on the bridge here mini humbucker that's a huge fuzz sound i'm using the quilter by the way for my aunt let me turn the verb off so i'm on the tight that's a power amp hitting stages brightness [Music] it just feels like a better big muff in the sense of the tone control works and the game and and it's holding together i mean the big muff's great because it's horrible like it's sloppy right it does what it does really well and then so big [Music] little gate going on there it's it's skating a bit [Music] yeah it's really good that's been out for a while it has um and then what were you playing online i was the last thing was the rats bane yeah i was playing walk us through that we can't see it we just have to believe it's there imagine a pedal with three knobs so that you have the volume you have a tone control you have to get you have a gain and then you have three levels of gain on the switch so uh you know you can get regular more gain and stupid amounts again wow and then you have another control another switch this one actually goes from regular rat style compression clipping whatever you want to call it into you know what let's just make this a different pedal more like a totally different distortion pedal so that's what that switch does there um yeah so i like it don't mind me i'm just messing with this axis brian is the rat spain your goat like josh has the morning glory and it never leaves his board what of your petals one of your own petals never leaves your board well usually if i'm playing something it's going to be some sort of dad rocky thing whether it's like a modern country or a classic rock thing so modern country can be dad rock well okay when i say modern country i should actually back up i'm thinking early 2000s country because like who's an artist like uh early jason aldi okay okay you know yeah um so from that i usually have like a plexi drive and a pinnacle with me just because from what i do it just works yeah i usually use using a blackface style amp um this works speaking of amps you got a wampler amp i do yeah i brought the bravado with me is that an amp that is in production it is nice so you can go buy amps from wampler too you can amazing yep heads and combos we can see it's over there there it is the bravado is that what you called it bravado bravado brilliant name too so what's the topology of that i assume it is black face based yes but it's basically kind of like a a like a deluxe reverb with a lot more headroom so you got um doing some eq stuff so it's a little more flexible okay so that's that's i mean you can still get that deluxe reverb sound like when you really want to crank it and you know get like a that bro dirty you know fender type of sound things how many watts did you say this is about 22. nice okay so that's almost 223. totally awesome that's really cool how what what what it's like do you feel like for something like the rats being how do you get inspired to make some of these ideas like because obviously i'm assuming the rat spain has something to do with a rat type topology based on a rat thing but then you're like i want to add all this extra stuff or whatever like is there is there like do you wake up one morning in a cold sweat and you're like the rat but also it's got to be more than a rat you know what i mean like what where do you where do you get your ideas and stuff from the the silly thing is i'm kind of being selfish really i mean i'm kind of taking like a circuit i'm breadboarding a circuit and i'm like you know i love what the rat did but if i could change anything i would want to add some different parameters to give it a little more flexibility because that's what i want to use tonight when i play my jason aldine right right yeah i think that's really cool like i think a lot of um these pedals like i think between you and josh like some of the coolest ones i've seen josh make are just ones where it was like i want to get this one sound on an album but like every time faithfully or like i love this one thing but i want to make this thing for myself i think like from that passion of like i want to search out this tone you can kind of bring other people into maybe even something they didn't know that they wanted you know which is really cool so i think that's awesome well thank you thank you for being selfish and making pedals for yourself i mean this is a shameless plug for him yeah [Music] it's wonderful all right i think we're on question number four four four five we did the winner i black out sometimes we did the ernie ball winner right we did we did it did we we did we're riding a roller coaster and sometimes i don't know how to look back right okay wow yeah all right question question number four we met we were talking about this did we just it was nashville amp expo 2014 i think somewhere near there actually i i could have swore was earlier than that but maybe i'm wrong those years are fuzzy for me yeah they they were dark years for me um it was my first trade show ever i remember going to nashville loading up the van nick was a builder at the time he went with me and some other people we took way too much stuff but i met tons of my heroes you were a hero john cusack i met philippe who nobody knew caroline like who is this guy and there were just random people there that like i still remember them like where are they today i don't know a lot of people are gone here we are that was let's just say it was 10 years ago it's roughly a decade what's the biggest change in petals that you've seen in 10 years if we talked a little bit as we ate jimmy john's yeah that's a good question i i think for me the biggest thing i've well that we discussed really is that digital has become so much more acceptable and um now there was a time where if a pedal was digital it's like that sucks that's digital now it's like oh yeah what do you mean what do you mean it's analog like you got to have digital controls you can't just turn a knob with your hand you can have switches to control that yeah it it was so such a different climate i mean i remember how i thought about stuff and how wrong i think i was at the time we were saying this earlier like it's got to be through-hole it's got to be analog it's got to be completely hand populated all these rules right i don't know where the rules came with leaded solder with leaded solder i don't know where the rules come from either and it was really tough i remember coming in i mentioned earlier like who's this you know i said when i met you there was this openness but there was a feeling of this old guard in petals and gear and that is an interesting observation the digital thing because the timeline came out 2011 is that right 12 maybe 12 something around that time and i remember what you're saying suddenly i saw these like amazing prestigious players with a super computer on their board right i had never flown you'd see like a dd20 but something about a boss giggity still felt that's fine like something was okay there the timeline is a super computer yeah and then simon and chase bliss when joel really remember first of all joel i thought this guy's one super brilliant oh but also a super nice guy so how did it happen how did we get from you can't use digital everything has to be through-hole because service mount sucks brian it's the worst stuff and it sounds so bad it sounds horrible it's totally inferior yeah it's still you have to throw it away when it breaks all that stuff i'm throwing away my iphone if it's not hand hand wired yeah as i'm on the forum complaining about i only use hand built things on my samsung phone well i have a i have a steam powered iphone it takes oh those are nice it takes like 12 weeks for it to fully get a like a full charge but man i bought a new laptop it's powered by oxen wow one of those yeah yeah how did how what do you think happened how did we get here 10 years has been crazy for cuddles i don't know did players get bored of some of the things that were you know because obviously there's been overdrives and distortions and then more overdrives and distortions for years and years and years and years people say why why are people still making overdrives and distortions well you're still buying them yeah i mean stop buying them and we'll make something different in a way but i don't know what my best selling pedal is nine tube screamers although everyone says why do you want another two screamers and i said it's a perfect decision are you buying thousands of these that's a perfect example yeah yeah i have this theory about that time and i wonder if even genre of music popularity like at the time that plays into it because i'm thinking about like just even like the rising like people started knowing what the word hipster was and there was kind of like like a turn in music for like alternative country and like more natural kind of sounds and like i remember i i hardly heard i remember distinctly when chorus became back as a really popular sound and like heavy modulation but there was a long time where i didn't notice it like if i'm i'm even thinking about bands like spoon that had a lot of really dry crunchy yeah and like i wonder and some of those modulation sounds were analog um but like i wonder if if that even played into it where there's there's kind of this like general population kind of turning towards these more organic sounds in music yeah if i think back to that amp show if i could in my head the way it feels like if i had some kind of digital chorus on my board it'd be a laughing style right right but now it's like yeah there's a time when you have a boss ce2 right oh yeah and you use it yeah are you gross what do you play poison covers right well yeah and then it was like all of a sudden all of these bands i just started hearing on stuff and there was a big trend aesthetically like in pop culture back to the 80s stuff and it was like you started hearing chorus and music you started seeing 80s throwback themes and movies and fashion and stuff and we like left like we're gonna all have mustaches and wear suspenders like there was a time where it was like we're gonna pickle stuff and play banjo and like that's kind of that period of time where i feel like it was like analog is the only way to go like you know what i mean we're going to pickle stuff that's like it was like we're going to it's true we're going to take sourdough bread and we're suspenders if i think back to tooth style if i think back to then the hot records like you're mumford you're coming yeah you have like the four on the floor stormy stone stormy stormstrom a lot of like the words collective collective was so exhausting everything was a collective yeah lots your post suffian iron and wine the mix of like folk with rock arcade fire is changing yeah it's interesting because music influences what pedals right period and even in country like i started i remember hearing chorus again and stuff right well in like uh wilco and like i mean i don't know how often i've ever really heard a ton of modulation or reverb on their albums yes i don't like super wrong about that but from my memory i just feel like music at that specific time was like yeah it just should just be like if there's gonna be reverb it's gonna be like this natural sound and yes i wonder how that much that plays into that so here we are 10 15 years later brian i'm gonna back up just a little bit um something you were saying about like why do you keep making distortion pedals because you keep buying them uh there was a question here the same track i think someone asked what did they ask why don't you come up with a brand new overdrive type topology oh i have i know josh's answer to that but i would like to hear yours i mean i say i have so when you start looking like analog electronics there's only a handful of ways to redesign a fork you know what i mean something like you're going to make a transistor do what a transistor does it's going to make an op-amp create gain the way you make an op-amp create gain etc etc so like there's there's different topologies that i've done i mean actually here recently i've probably done more clones than i ever thought i was going to driven by what people were asking me to do how dare you i mean uh you know like let's take the catapult you got right there yeah um this is that's the original design this is my probably my favorite i mean it's tough because i love this but this is such a great pedal that i'm like why did this not do better yeah i mean like the catapult the plexi drive the velvet fuzz i mean i'm just looking at your pedals right here i mean those are all original designs um but you know i'm using fets the way you use fets to create gain so it's not like you know again i'm not reinventing a bowl you know right it it is such a funny because we talk about this all the time where it's like people ask that question and i think it's a perfectly fine question i get this email several times all the time like when are you guys gonna make something original and it's like dude uh we have but you guys just want the nine tube screamers that's the thing yeah i mean people buy the tumnus and i'm like that's cool but i really like it when you buy my thing that i created i kind of shared the re like i can go to a dark place with this and it's hard because and i did an episode called it was like whatever it's like if you look at the crayon there's nothing like it's so bizarre it's one of my favorite drive buzz things ever nobody buys it the edge has it nobody buys it right right and then like the twin 12 i took that 1484 apart like we made it very unique nobody cares right right you make a nine-way tube screamer people are gonna eat it that is ultimately really maddening to me like at like i'm fine it's flattering and maddening it's a little bit wild because you hear that question and you go well nobody really wants it right now but i'm gonna continue to do stuff i enjoy right now as we're talking about this very subject people are saying invent a new brand new overdrive even though we just said you both have [Laughter] yeah it's it's a really interesting like i mean i don't know i i think i understand some of the like the psychology behind it because it there is that like there's a risk factor play that plays into like looking at something that's like a new topology i think we all feel very comfortable with rats and with tube screamers because we know exactly what they're gonna do and when you see a three knob fuzz but then there's like a couple other switches on there and you're like i don't know man i don't know if this is gonna work out for me but right i think the i think there's kind of a thing that's like i mean even even some of our episodes that we make for the show that are weird the ones that are my favorite are lower views so what we're saying let's have a moment here take some risks take a chance guys under drive done it's been done it's been done over and over that's what finlay costello said yeah it's everything's been done i just accept what will make me are you super excited next year and we'll do it i mean it's like ultimately there's a quote i really like i think it's a cs lewis quote and he's like the man who constantly tries to be original never will be that's the summary of the quote and it's like yeah if you just said an obsessed about originality you'll never do anything original you ultimately just have to be led by what you're interested in and then i think both of us we probably share similar stories of like stumbling into originality right for me it's like a doug self book learning about a tilt tone control and then adding this piece of a thing from over and you make a mutt and you go wow that's really cool i've never seen that and nobody buys it right yeah but that's okay i like it i mean i mean again these circuits are pretty simple it's pretty simple electronics something like you could take a euphoria that which used to be the ecstasy and uh it looks like a timmy but sounds completely different it's i mean it's not anything like it timmy but if you just look at the base schematic it's going to look something similar it's just because we both arrived at the same thing like well i need it i guess i'll just put a very variable low pass filter here and i need some more bottom end i guess i'll just crease this feedback here it's just like that's how op-amps work that's how circuits work cooking with principles right and it's like you have if you're going to make chocolate chip cookies right you can do it different it's still chocolate chip cookies right the cooking thing has always kind of held water as an analogy for me like i can have a burger a hundred different ways it's still a cookie cooking a morning glory is just a burger it is cooking with principal sounds like a cookbook that mark cuban may have written or something and he's like on the front in like a suit with like a briefcase filled with cookies yes if you're watching the mark make a cookie let's do a jam here after this gym you're gonna give away you're gonna give away some some goods sure yeah i'm gonna play the terraform on the top down here speaking i mean this was my chorus pick of the year it came out when i did the my favorite pedals this was a feat i know how hard this was the world doesn't know this is difficult stuff this is full dsp heavy lifting real deal quality i'll just just go look at it i'm going to let's play let's like slow jam a little i'm just going to tinker around on an a minor with the univibe setting now what's cool is digital univibe is tough this feels right though it feels really good um [Music] it has to have like that lump in the waveform it's really nice so i'll mute my mic before he scolds me and we'll just get into a backbeat kind of group yeah cool [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's kind of pink floydy i like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] foreign so i have that's the on the top down univive mode and this is i mean every mode is really good and then i have the tape echo a little bit and i was running the time this kind of halfway what'd you have going over there i actually was just running a bell fell over drive straight no no fancy stuff sometimes you don't need fancy just sometimes you just need ham and cheese you know i love ham and cheese i also love milk in the heat like when it's hot outside i mean you've got a lot of ham over there um brian for later you know i do i just don't want you to forget all the giant ham i gave you earlier so just don't forget about that speaking of the game speaking of gabe i think brian needs to give some stuff forward then we'll do a record time while we pick that winner sounds good yeah go for it brian what you got um gearbox let's do it give away the gearbox yes wow that's great a whole gearbox to one winner is that what we're saying uh do you want to give multiple away we're putting you on the spot you can just do once you can do anything you want you don't want anything you want we should do we should do a couple let's do it okay so keep in mind our factory literally just burnt down like a month ago so yep it might be a few weeks before we get it to you he's not joking about it that's not a factory income literally literally i don't know yeah yeah so that's terrible we're still we like bought not bought but we ran into a new place we're moving everything there we're getting everything set up so you know within a month we'll be ready to ship this thing out so just be patient if you're a winner right so let's go with uh let's go with a gearbox and uh did you like the tumnus do you like the deluxe the deluxe is amazing i have the the the little guy is over there i've never used this deluxe that's amazing let's do a deluxe too a gearbox and a tennis deluxe awesome that's a lot of giving so much giving hello thanks brian that's that's still ham's worth of giving it is how do we do the giveaway here yep do you want to ask the question you want me to ask a question you know the question so you could ask it and joshua can find the first two people to get it right in the comments okay so yep we talked about trademark law earlier yeah and about my uh you know my learning the hard way what was the first company to contact no not what's what was the first pedal that we got in trouble with for trademark violations amazing i love this question it's a good one i love that you're just like yeah let's let's let that be our trivia question let's talk about it i look great it's a good history moment like people i think there's it's fun being pedal builders sitting here there's like all the stuff nobody thinks about right right when someone makes a comment i'm gonna go here yeah yeah why are your pedals 199 bucks the first thought is they should be 250. the second is like you have no clue what we go through right right yeah yeah exactly right it's interesting um yeah so great all right throw your throw your answers in the uh we'll go to record time yep in the comments boom that's that's what i'm thinking pearl jam 10. why this album you're probably asking me well this is a period of my life when i was just coming coming to grips that the 80s were over it was you know i i had flowing long locks of mullet blonde hair wow when i had hair like i actually had more hair on my head at the time did you and i had an amazing a joe dirt type mullet like it was i wish we had a picture of that oh yeah i wish i had one too um somewhere i should have asked my mom for one anyways so yeah i had like a joe dirt mullet and i'm like all right it looks like uh looks like no more rat you know this is over so someone introduced me to a live and this is like i heard like nirvana played like team spirit i'm like eh it's okay it's all right uh no good no i don't like the guitar seller though then i heard alive and like yeah that's why i play guitar that song yeah like this and the whole album wow like there is like it should just be one song and it's just the whole album you know so for you this is i love this um because you literally existed in a period of time that i wish i understood the feeling of more like i had a conversation with paul gilbert he told me he saw smells like teen spirit and he moved to japan he knew he had a few years left that was literally paul he said i saw that i knew it was over i was very thankful for what i had we had had some hits i moved to japan i knew i had a few years yeah so you're saying that feeling of hearing totally yeah because i was you know i was the kid that was listening to paul gilbert mr big you know daddy love you right brother little boy and like oh gilbert oh my god like you know yeah and then i heard what i heard smelled like a teen spirit and like but it's not paul gilbert you know yeah um and it's just times we're changing you know kind of like we have lil wayne now yeah you know he's a great guitar player by the way but it's different you know different on this record the more what's pearl jam's one of the best bands ever in my opinion this record is interesting as a gateway to that era there's so much classic rock in this record none of the other pearl gems have as much there's like this is like there's like it's it's hendrix it's hindered it's tons of hindrances yes no but it's like hidden yeah and i think that's interesting they hear you talk like i guess you were hearing the new thing but at the same time you're like dang that's like that's good it was it was the first rat in the universe the first grunge that they called at the time was like this is great like this is not grunge this is you know you throw in hendricks and some classic inspired stuff and i mean it's just a little neil young song type of songwriting and like it was it was just a different thing totally that um i had never heard anything like it and and it inspired me to be in a completely different type of band to learn com you know just learn songwriting more than widdly widdly with you know wheeze on the on the scales um so less of the wiggly wheeze and more literally wheeze on the scales no that's cool that's a perfect record time i think that yeah i'm i'm fascinated by those musical transitions in history like the the 64 with the beatles on ed sullivan grunge is the other big one where i just everybody watched an entire genre of music evaporate like overnight yep there's the stories where like i think dave grohl talks about they're traveling out in a van they can't fill a venue and then all of a sudden smells like teen spirits on mtv the girl puts it on there's that whole story and then suddenly they like here's some cats they can't go in a gas station they're like they're like what happened like overnight right it's amazing uh speaking of long hair i have some some amazing really rare wampler things here yes talk about this so we did an april fool's video uh years ago golly and uh you know i dressed up in tights yeah that's a good one had the fog machine going did a really bad version of uh white lion yeah like and like intentionally really bad and then you know it's got this it's actually got a little string on the back that you use it well how did i do this i think i just broke the string but anyways yeah there we go you pulled it up and it was you know with it it blows your hair back you're doing the tweedly doodlies i'm doing the wiggly yeah the wiggly wheeze i had a wig on yeah and basically this pedal does nothing but turn the fan on that's really what this pedal like there's no circuit really we got this this is an ecstasy prototype yeah wow it was um proto number five it says yeah so the the the very first pedal was kind of uh what was called the ecstasy and um ended up being the euphoria and this was one of the prototypes for it because naming paddles is hard because they mean pedals is hard yes uh you know and some people had the name ecstasy so we changed it this means business right here this is this is did you make this out of a toolbox so um actually not many people know this but i kind of actually suck at literally building pedals myself yeah and i figured this out pretty soon on so i i teamed up with it with a guy named justin simpson uh he had a small company called big lloyd pedals if you have any big lloyd pedals that's him um and he he was building these for me and he started out actually building a lot of our stuff uh he would build the so he started building the circuits i would then put them in enclosures and ship them out to customers and then eventually he just did the whole thing and shipped him out to customers so we we kind of teamed together and he does he doesn't like the uh the interfacing with the public sort of thing i mean he likes he just like to sit in his house and build pedals like he's just you know one of those i like that you say that and and i think you know we talked about the difference in ten years one of the things that's changing and i think it still needs to be understood more being a good pedal company doesn't mean that a person's great at building and selling and it's designing they're all different it's a weird thing like nobody does that to any other industry in that way right like you don't make a movie and not have a crew editors right right like there's this weird stigma and i think it's that's been a change yeah where someone like you i i agree i'm the same way like i don't want to build the pedals because belle is downstairs like she's killing she's way better than me um i think it's fun to be in an era where we can sit here and go like we're good at these things we're okay with that yeah and that doesn't make me any less you can be a great designer and not a great uh manufacturer with your own hands yeah right yeah that's interesting people still think that you literally do everything people what's even more confusing is joshua is customer support so it'll be like josh answers the email like you see this all the time right yeah all the time i mean you know it's flattering though everything wildly different than yours well scott and bocanegra good job it's the same really yeah like even the show i mean we're it's literally six people to do our show the way we do the show and everybody's like josh does it all look at him focusing that camera jig yeah it's crazy uh that is really cool that's cool i like showing weird stuff here's a totally buffed yep another april fool's day project that was supposed to be uh what 11 different versions of a buffer you know because that's your best pack everyone's like what kind of buffer is it though and i'm like it's the kind that turns it into low impedance it's fine it's a voltage follower so yeah eleven different types of buffers you know because sometimes you need a non-inverting board when you're playing vertical when you're playing hendrix say purple haze you need a different a buffer when you go to sweet home alabama you really these two you can't buff that signal the same you know what i'm saying i'm so glad that we're having this conversation because i feel the same way so strongly in my heart and especially with baseball right basically you get stickers bass look into my eyes i'm looking there's no bass players watching i'm watching but listen the difference between a good and great bass player is not talent it's not hard work it's not skill okay it's the buffer okay yes okay who won the warm floor stuff brian i got i have two make a choice i have two choices for you a1 or a2 yes a1 or a2 uh a2 okay uh perfect that answers my other question i only had one question for you um some weird mind name right i was just picking what's the first pedal wampler had trademark issues over do you want to do you want to answer that i can answer that so uh and oddly enough it's the company that we uh are partnered with now um that's fine so so boutique amps is who we're partnered with they basically they build everything in a factory in la they have their own sales team they get you know they talk to uh all the retailers and all that stuff that allows me to sit at home with a breadboard and go we need to make a different overdrive josh i can't believe you have the nerve to let someone do what you're not good at how dare you they are much they are much better you could tell my the circus that i built because there's all kinds of wires um anyway so back to the question so we had the ecstasy it was the first one and um boutique amps was work worked with uh still works with wagner and um so they sent me uh it was actually was a pretty good i mean it wasn't like we're shooting the pants off you anything like that it was just like hey that's our trademark and you know we're not going to go after you or anything but you got to change it you know so i'm like huh probably should have googled that one [Laughter] wasn't really aware of how trademark law worked i thought they didn't make any pedals named next to see so here i go yeah it doesn't quite work that way wow um naming again yeah the theme of the show really is naming pedals is hard do we have a stinger for that we have uh we don't we have one that's close do we that fits that feels good so it's one answer for two winners yep that's it first two people in the comments brian uh purple or moist mauve mauve i'm gonna have to go with purple because of uh you know paul gilbert okay um the answer to the question was the first petalwompler had trademark issues over was the wampler ecstasy uh zachary drummond you win the gearbox good job zachary and ashley r you won the tumnus deluxe so if you are ashley r or zachary drummond please email me at jhs nope don't not there vlog at you got it good job and if you're not those people don't even think about it here's question five we've done five i have a question for you do you really get people like hey i'm not that person but can i have free pedals i like freaking oh really time joshua and i were messaging about one today earlier it is kind of a i mean there's sometimes you have to have respect for the fact that they asked that's true you're like that's wow that's that's yeah yeah i'm gonna do that when i go buy in my next car and like i don't really like i didn't win anything but could i i just have that i'm gonna go to the grocery store tonight and be like can i just have this carter groceries just like walk up and just be like listen i'm a huge fan of sara lee bread and i just feel like i should have this can i have it how about this one hey grocery store if you give me these groceries i'll tell everyone that you gave them to me nice yeah even better because then everyone's gonna start to tweet about it you need me that's funny it's good exposure that's a good question we've made it to five this is if you're here you you're with us an hour and 33 minutes pretty crazy super fans these are people who really love guitar and we love you because you love guitar here's question number five is the final question we'll wrap up all right there's just no greater point of contention and discussion and controversy and just numbing amounts of forum posts and just honestly insane amounts of talk than the con what's the deal with the clone and i'm going to lead into the tennis so you make really good version of this circuit with tweaks what it just what happened how how did we get here with the club like silver not even rare cons like there's a lot of clowns people need to realize he made a lot of clowns it's not like there's petals in this room there's like five of or two or three of them right there's a lot of clones you can find a clown no horse clown which i it used to go for like 1100 bucks all day not even i remember getting one for like four hundred dollars yeah you see i have no people who bought three bucks actually selling i was in disbelief i've been watching them on reverb just out of sheer amazement they're selling for like five grand wow silver it's the new dumbbell it's the dumbbell of the pedal world what is going on um i guess people got tired of buying real estate you're like i need to buy some guitars amps and pedals great investment what i mean it's kind of a hot topic yeah this is like hot topic i just i got to know your take on it i love that you've made these two accessible versions done your thing i just it blows my mind how much they're selling for yeah i mean i respect the person that's going uh i mean i i guess i respect the idea behind spending five thousand dollars for a pedal because you think it's going to be you know worth ten thousand dollars in ten years whatever yeah i mean i get that but what about the people that's real that's an investment yeah that's very same it's like buying a double you know it's going to what about the people who actually believe you cannot have the sound without the real one because it's magical i think that's believing in magic i think that's when you're like you know what i don't like this math or physics stuff i'm just not buying it the earth is flat and that clone is better yeah earth is flat and i'm a wizard it's wild i mean they're the miseducation of that is like it's hard because it feels a little bit like beating a dead horse wait hold on beating a dead centaur but i remember we did the myths episode and i went on the little funnier and about like we live in a world where mcdonald's can be delivered to your door we've gone to the moon or at least faked it you can make an overdrive pedal but there's just there are still people who wholeheartedly believe that you cannot replicate that overdrive pedal wait wait wait wait wait wait we are fighting over the ability to recreate a pedal while simultaneously being asked to make something brand new [Applause] let's set in that and if you're watching just set there for it's okay right it's okay to sit here it's just crazy i just love having someone else who you know you could you know what's going on there the truth is out there it's an overdrive pedal it has op amps and capacitors and resistors a dual pot which is a big deal right and germanium diodes with a certain forward voltage and slope yep but you can't make it and some people will say well it's the the way the circuit's laid out okay well we know what current does and what signals do when there are certain distances so we can take that into account like this is it's just math at the end of the day this is just math it is not there there is no wizard hatchery involved there's more complication in the carburetor of like a 70s ford truck yeah yes yeah for sure just like so it's pretty crazy i think we need to close out with a with a tumnus jam maybe yeah you want to lead it out you got a tennis over there i suppose so this has been fun this has been fun brian you make good pedals well thank you i appreciate that and you're just a good guy you know i try that i try i try to be sometimes people aren't fun you're really fun there's a lot of there's a lot of sour faced people you know what i'm talking about yeah sour faces that's fine we're just having fun want to jam i want a gym all right so we've given everything away yes sir we're gonna do a jam and go check out you're on instagram you have a personal instagram as well i do facebook you're all over the place all the places yeah just literally google the name yeah check out just keep an eye on what he's doing um i'm a huge fan it's been a huge honor to have you on the show i think there's a short list of people who've impacted petals over the last decade you're in that short list you're a awesome designer much smarter than me no which i enjoy no i enjoy knowing people who are smarter you're on my list of smart people to contact when i get stumped all right let's do a thumbnail and i'm going to turn my mic off yeah don't forget what happens when i play a tennis and you play at tennis double goop we'll call this jam double goop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 86,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: MORfhyZv9oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 10sec (6130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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