Game Grumps: Stories from the Grumps Office!

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hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps here's something else you might not know uh everyone who works for us gradually becomes more gay in their interactions because we are always just getting weirdly gay with each other you know what i mean it's true it is it's totally true and like vernon we just uh i don't think you were here for this aaron but we were oh yeah you were right there god damn it uh vern vernon who uh has recently come on on board um helping us out with various projects uh from hot pepper gaming great dude known him for years um not gay and neither are we for that matter and yet he's lying on one of the beanbag things face down and just his butts right out there and i was like i'm gonna smack that butt i just [ __ ] reeled back and i [ __ ] really laced into him i was like ah like a [ __ ] full-on jump down smash on uh like open palm to butt and like i feel like when he first joined the show he would have been like dude what the [ __ ] um but now he was like oh no we don't have an hr manager i can't do anything that was [ __ ] hilarious and uh and now that i've said it on the show he'll certainly be hearing about that from people cool yeah looks like he made a poor life decision well in in being funny in a moment yeah well you've made a great life decision in smacking that ass yeah well i i like smacking my friends butts i mean that's the only reason i hired him honestly really just connected firm oh it looks broken i don't know i i didn't want to get my feet wet i got nice boots i got them from diesel this is my one pair of clothes i've really grown into them over the last seven years and they're stuck to my feet yes i tell the story about vernon and the postmates driver yeah okay embarrass vernon on the show yeah please gotta do it so uh just the other day um i was uh ordering food on uh my postmates account and uh i forgot that day that kevin asked if he could use my postmates account so i was like yeah cool yeah use it whatever um and then uh [ __ ] later that night like holly wanted food so i was like oh yeah we'll order food using postmates which is if you haven't heard of it it's a it's basically like a food delivery system for uh restaurants that don't have uh delivery so um i order it from this place and some time passes and i'm like man it's been a while what's going on and then i look at my order and i [ __ ] realize i never changed the address back from the uh the office so i was like [ __ ] and then i tried to contact the driver and they'd already delivered it oh [ __ ] nice let's grab uh and they've already delivered it so i'm just like [ __ ] so i i get my clothes on i go with holly to the office i was a little frustrated and i feel dumb so whatever we go to this thing go come into the office and then uh you sent me a text saying you should talk to vernon about what happened and i was like what happened so apparently because vernon didn't know anyone was off like delivering food uh this girl comes in the office to deliver food and she literally is just like she comes in and and vernon thinks it's someone we know i guess yeah so he just goes hey and tries to give a hug to the postmates driver and she's just like i am the postmates driver and poor vern is just like i'm an idiot and a dumbass oh poor vernon yeah for [ __ ] vernon he meant well he was being friendly to our guest oh i guess the postmates driver's delivering my [ __ ] i'm just a postmates driver oh [ __ ] embarrassing so sorry that skeleton tried to get me but i was too quick yeah yo god i can't stop thinking about that gross trail of drippy garbage that jack left that's true he did leave a trail of gross drippy garbage it's really funny i guess jack was taking out a a garbage bag full of grossness um from the grubs office and uh uh what god those [ __ ] moles are huge [ __ ] [ __ ] um i guess it had a leak in it and instead of just the dumpster is outside our building and instead of uh you know just putting another trash bag on on top of the one that was there on top of the one that was leaking he was just like oh no and he just like ran the leaky garbage bag like down several flights of stairs and out to the dumpster leaving a gross trail of drippy liquid the entire way that like has left stains and like a trail that clearly leads back to our office i didn't even think about that dude my favorite thing about it though is that like clearly there was some form of like alchemy going on because like the trail changes like quality that's exactly right so it's just like it's just like kind of clear that like it gets like really brown for a little while and then it gets like really like goopy for a second oh it does it does it's not it's not good it's really funny though i can just picture i could just picture jack like dealing with that you know like like oh no like what and i'll be like jack why didn't you just fix it and put another bag he was like oh i was scared that's not a conversation we've had but i imagine that's how it all goes i was i was scared dan i was oh oh that's scared i was terrified yeah any of these come on camera this is our buddy jack this is jack hey jack please hello guys into here yeah he looks like adam levine right i know brian guy oh wow we need some asmr can i tell a funny story about jack really quick hold on so we were doing our uh guns of icarus uh brand deal we did right yes and uh mark was uh around doing um uh it with jacksepticeye right who's irish yeah and then like well it's really sean yeah he goes but he goes by jacksepticeye so uh we're sitting in here and i didn't know what your name was i just knew we had a buddy coming in and [ __ ] they go oh yeah like jack's in the other room and jack was doing the guns of icarus thing with mark so i thought oh like jack's over from ireland that's super weird so i walked outside and i went oh jack nice to meet you and shook his hand thinking that was jacksepticeye but it wasn't it was another another jacket i didn't know stop yelling at me i'm sorry but he looks up at me like oh yeah nice to meet you and i'm like oh there's got to be him he's irish and then i walked back in i was like what so what's jacksepticeye doing here and they're like no no no no it got even more confusing because you said what is jack doing here and we're like he's he he's here because he's he like he's the new intern yeah like and you're like what he's our intern so we're like no you idiot i thought he was here recording i thought he must have been in like another room like hanging out with mark and he just came out i was like really confused i just got there yeah yeah that really happened sorry amazing yeah [ __ ] you killed your dad i'm in a whap jack it's [Laughter] [Applause] uh our intern jack uh we asked him if he would consider running around just punching people and yelling jack slap he was actually halfway into the idea oh here's the nice kid well he gets whapped just the same welcome welcome to tricky towers [ __ ] tricky towers welcome to aaron yells at our cleaning lady in the episode what the hi lady i i respond that way to my co-workers not to not to you that was funny you could put the you can put the audio in if it's fine oh that's right that's right but you know we're in here about to record and then somebody just walks in and i was like oh man it's probably like mad or somebody like trying to tell me something so i just as a joke i turn around go what the f and then i realize it's our cleaning sweet lettuce sweet lady that cracked me up hi welcome game grumps time yay we're playing froth here dan i'm so happy it's for you oh super male vitality a dietary supplement oh is this an infowars [ __ ] scam take one serving approximately two droppers in the morning and one serving in the afternoon or as suggested by your health care provider yeah i don't know if this is going to be suggested by my healthcare hey do you suggest this well absolutely the number one health product line suggested by alex jones oh wait are they are they saying it's the number one thing that he suggested yeah wow could you believe that he also has a hand in making it and makes money from it it's i can't believe it what a hero yeah jesus christ anyway [ __ ] guy just here because matt's obsessed with it matt matt loves it doesn't love alex jones but loves like the idea of the the craziness of him hey uh it's matt watson game drum senator here i just want to specify that what dan just said was not true i do not love or am obsessed with alex jones or his crazy antics a fan mailed me that that supplement uh so it was in the grumps recording room for a previous video i recorded for super mega so then i i would like to clear the record that i don't like alex jones nor am i obsessed with him or his antics well at least it has a tongue cat alley and ashwagandha we have [ __ ] 911 as an inside job t-shirts all over this office because matt can't stop buying that [ __ ] who's wrong with you matt i don't know hey me again i did not buy any of that stuff um nor do i support purchasing that it was sent in by uh viewers to the po box so dan i i don't support any of that thanks please stop spreading this information dude what was that what's that thing you just showed me yesterday that's apparently popular toy here that you take the picture and it takes a picture of the shadow oh the [ __ ] nickelodeon flash screen yeah so i was like really tempted to like okay so experience yeah screen to people first all right well i already did this on game grumps oh okay well go again this is why somebody sent it to somebody sent us a nickelodeon flash screen and i thank you to whoever did that um i didn't open the mail so i didn't i didn't hear the name but i'm sure we still have it written down um anyway somebody sent us the [ __ ] nickelodeon flash screen and basically what it is is it's a screen that is made of glow-in-the-dark material and you get this wand that will like flash like really high uv light interesting screen and like supercharge it to glow whoa um but so what you would do is you would like stand in front of it or like put something in front of it and then you flash it on the screen and then it would like save the shadow on the screen and then on the end there's like a little pen that you can draw a glow in the dark on the shadow um and that's it i mean yeah i was just gonna say that like [ __ ] toys it's in this it's in one it's in one of the recording rooms so i wanted to go in there like one night and just like take a picture you did yeah like get a really big heart on and then just like take just like flash my wiener on to it so the next person who walks in is like is that like a finger or well it only stays for like you know 15 seconds really yeah it's a glow in the dark it runs out well i could take like oh it's lame i thought it would like be there for a while so like someone come into the office like you know like someone important and then see this like shadow of like my like big erections i would love to make my own because that screen is kind of small because it's made for kids oh no pick like a huge one bummer like just glow-in-the-dark material and then and then use the flash screen on it that'd be so funny man that's going on the top ten for sure the top 10 gerard deaths in sonic top 10 number eight i just wanna i want them to be like seven number eight just to kind of like keep it in the top ten number eight number eight number eight point six and we pretty much all met kevin basically like almost a year ago now right has it been this year yeah i guess august first [ __ ] out of here yeah a year birthday yeah we put out a an ad looking for an editor we didn't say who we were yeah this answer is like a question that i've been getting oh yeah yeah you want to go for it yeah sure um so before game grumps i was working at buzzfeed and uh great place to work at by the way nothing but good things to say about them um and then like i said in a past q a i was freelancing a bunch and then i applied to like hundreds of places one of them was these guys and then uh i didn't even remember that i applied to them and wow i didn't know that yeah especially because like you guys put it up it was like let's play youtube channel in glendale california and i'm like well whatever that sounds stupid it's a video editor position and then i got contacted by aaron and then it's like a skype interview the skype interview was so funny because i just got off work and then i was like apologizing and i was trying to be a little professional at first but then i gauged like how this interview was about to go and he was like sup bro hey what's going on he's like you like video games i was like yeah and then he's like how often do you play like only all the time [Laughter] what a [ __ ] dream interview yeah oh my god i remember aaron was like in the living room like interviewing you and he had like no pants on he only had like a shirt on it yeah the magic was scary well and after after because i interviewed a couple people and after kevin's interview i was like yeah this is a guy i think we didn't even like do any we just like canceled the other interviews what's funny is like aaron asked me like so i hear you edit and i was like yeah and then he's like oh that's cool and he's like uh animation is more my thing he's like trying to be subtle about it and i didn't like i had seen uh poke awesome before it didn't hit me until afterwards that you made that and i was like oh [ __ ] he made that video that i've shared with like pretty much everyone on campus oh yeah it was cool and then uh when i met the rest of you guys it was like i was like i don't know when i first saw it i thought i thought there were child labor laws like you know i was about to say our little nice moment when we met is like when you and i met we like hit it off right away because you were wearing a ninja turtle shirt we talked about ninja turtles and then uh we talked about legend of korra and stuff oh yeah we were jamming about cora like making guesses that none of it came true yeah and then the first time i met dan he walked through he was like a little bit late for the meeting well no you weren't late for the meeting because it was at your house but i guess you're like using the bathroom or whatever and you come out and you're like oh you're kevin you're our new friend did i say that yeah what is it i did not [Music] [Laughter] we're gonna have to bleep that out i'm pretty sure we can't say that it's fine it's fine i met kevin at the meeting at dan's house the day before i got my first tattoo like guys guys i'm getting a tattoo tomorrow and kevin is probably like thought i was like it's crazy or something i love tattoos oh yeah i want to get one of my own i just don't know what to get yeah she gets butterfly yeah exactly yeah all right let's get across your chest oh all i ask out of a friendship is that like you break those walls really quickly where you don't have to like wonder is like this okay what i'm saying yeah it also gets us in trouble on the show all the time because i talk to you like i talk to you in real life but other people are like whoa that's not cool for me yeah that's not okay with my boundaries dan i thought you and me were friends it's really funny it's really funny yeah it was like that for kevin with a little bit when he first came in oh sure because like we didn't really know him so i was like can i say like yeah you know whatever is it okay that i i want to take your tiny filipino body and bend it over the table and just [ __ ] take you to frisco town for days is it okay that i'm talking about yeah sticking my erect wiener in dan's butthole i wonder how close to this new person that i would like to get to know a little bit better because it's like welcome to the staff kev yeah welcome by the way dan uh how large is your [ __ ] today i would love to take a look at it show it show it show it bigger than ever el presidente oh man i can only wonder what what uh what text kevin has been adding to this situation along the bottom of the screen or the top of the screen wherever you want dude i've only been to your house like one time how how is it living with dan oh it's awesome yeah it's totally great we hang out we touch each other it's a good time oh what kind of touching are we talking about so [ __ ] like handshakes uh chest bumps penises kissing penis kissing is a good one yeah that's like everything i've had dan used to penis kiss me right yeah how'd that go you're so lucky where the [ __ ] is the fly like he's only said he's wanted to bend me over like a table and then take me to frisco town but that he's never wanted to go frisco town yeah he's never won his brother where is frisco town he's gotta like take out the coffee first right oh dude i mean it's only courteous yeah oh welcome back welcome back we're playing the feud yeah we just ordered some feud ourselves that's right do you want to tell people about this yeah i was ordering from this place that sells [ __ ] kabobs whoops [ __ ] i was already from this place that sells [ __ ] kebabs and like the whole menu is just like totally normal standard fare it's like pork pork leg pork wrap chicken chicken thigh and i'm like all right well i'll get what i want and then like kevin what do you want [ __ ] and he's like he's like i'll get a rap and i'm like cool and i load up the wrap menu and then then it's like a choice of sauce and the first option is oh yeah sauce [Laughter] it was like gangsta style make it rain sauce what the [ __ ] yeah i was like ah god damn boy oh boy let's go make that jump first yeah so [ __ ] weird but uh he was like no sauce and i was like oh and then i was like do you want a side and he was like wait give me a side of gangster style i was like you got it buddy i'm uh i'm very excited about my yogurt soda that i ordered yolk soda yeah i was like that sounds disgusting and you were like do you want it i was like yeah i want it duh yeah let's try some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] wow that thing kills you yeah oh cause it's a fireball that's terrible yeah this is uh this is some hard [ __ ] mm-hmm oh god oh geez press circle to pet wait whoa whoa whoa please wait what is happening what are they waiting what did i do eat the poop or something to the playstation oh god damn it who is that brent is that brent no it's bad you kidding me what did we lose everything i don't want to be on chris's account i want to be in [ __ ] eat the poopoos account chris who the [ __ ] is who the [ __ ] i don't care if you're fighting the curse-rotted great wood god damn it oh this is embarrassing like for [ __ ] sake you got your goddamn it's not like we were doing a show or anything no he who who did it because who is guilty i'm gonna dominate i'm not naughty i'm gonna somebody off whoever is just playing on the ps4 i'm going to knock them off where they are are they playing at home i don't know oh i don't know could they be here in the office that's the only other ps4 i know of that's signed in to eat the poopoo you want me to go outside and tell them to stop [ __ ] heads together probably if they sign you if they sign you out again it's gonna be really funny so i can confirm okay yeah that it is every time we get logged out it is [ __ ] brent it is brent it's brent from his apartment it's our own manager [ __ ] up our show that he manages from a distance he's like and he's like arguing he's like why are you recording on a saturday night are you using my account like that's his [ __ ] excuse why are you recording on a saturday because we're filming a [ __ ] youtube red show five days a week you know that because you negotiated our contracts ass hair [Laughter] all right we're back we're [ __ ] back jesus christmas the what's her name jennifer no it's it's ellie assigned into playstation [ __ ] [ __ ] brent brent is playing battlefront in the other room are you [ __ ] kidding me this [ __ ] oh my god oh can we bring a microphone as we go chastise him this [ __ ] he's gonna get signed out and he's gonna be like uh oops wait like are you doing that now what no i'm not gonna fight we're doing an episode okay i'm not gonna chastise brent out of the [ __ ] kidding i think that's exactly what game gross is all about all right yeah let's do it [ __ ] okay hold on you can't bring a microphone out there hold on let's just bring it as far as we can hang on there everybody i'm just kidding [Music] wait wait hold on he did it again did he [ __ ] he did it again these mics actually have some good lengths what the [ __ ] is off our [ __ ] bloodborne playthrough right now i'm a [ __ ] believable brand you need to get your own ps4 account buddy because this [ __ ] is unacceptable you're a freaking disgrace love you b all right and we're back oh god all right so that's not going to happen again that was really funny wait i was just like what is what is happening here this has never happened to me this show is such a goddamn adventure dude you just never know very interesting one minute we're talking about will i am in the next minute we're [ __ ] yelling at our manager well because oh my god and i died because of that brent [ __ ] taking ten percent of our [ __ ] oh my god can you [ __ ] believe that brent came in and saw me playing this part of the game the other day oh brent is our friend by the way and uh just he was like wow they really uh saved a lot of money by not uh programming the whole screen at once brent first of all that's a that's such a dad thing to say secondly not even remotely close to how this works this part with the with the light yeah yeah oh brent so goofy that's not how it works buddy yeah but i love you anyway yeah you're the this is best huge oh totally [Music] wow smart guys huh yeah totally totally brent oh man we were all getting together this morning and then we were like talking about stuff then i was just like i got a [ __ ] like i didn't know yesterday you were having a business meeting you were like i got a [ __ ] you're just gone i looked over and there was no one sitting where you had been oh man because brent was like he was saying like a really long thing and i was like i was like uh yeah i'm sorry i had to [ __ ] what's the food one sdc the fda fda yes franklin delano asheville have you perhaps not slept in a couple of days i'd okay i want to tell you a little story please do susie barry and i stayed up late until 5am last night playing plants vs zombies i mean late like so late it was early 5 a.m like when you left when you left the space was it like was it dawn when we went to get dinner the sun was up that is the worst although we sadly ate in silence at home i ca because we were so burned out from hanging out all night right we were just kind of like eating i ca and the berry went home i could never like oh i have a trumpet now somebody's rooting tooting baby oh next time on gabriel hold on shut up listen to this yeah that's not a trumpet good thing i can only see this through one eye oh i'm so oh yeah injured your eye today yeah well i didn't it's not exactly injured uh we'll just tell the story in 10 seconds my our dear sweet personal assistant um who's so helpful and awesome and that is not sarcastic at all uh i had trouble putting in my contact lenses and i needed some solution and she was like here try this we've got some in the office and she handed me the type of solution that apparently you're only supposed to place your contacts in and then rinse them out and then put saline on them and then put them in your eyes you're supposed to let them soak for six hours yeah essentially it's pure hydrogen peroxide yeah and i put that [ __ ] right on my open eyeball and oh oh it burns i need a patch and a hook hand and a peg leg it had a big warning on it that said red cap means don't put directly on eyes yeah yeah i thought they just made it that color so you could find it more easily in the cabinet all right okay anyway hard it's like like it's gonna be hard to see let's play uh sonic forces baby so i'm wearing glasses now by the way oh hold on i just got a text from our assistant i wonder if this is an apology for destroying my left eye let's see knowing her probably is yup how was your eye oh she's great she's such a sweetheart i'm gonna go home tonight yeah and i'm gonna sleep the [ __ ] out of tonight yeah [Laughter] man yeah have you ever had a week where you just don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing yes like there's every week oh really yeah it's the first time in a long time because i you know i'm an assistant now and i have a calendar right i have the same assistant yeah so she's amazing oh my god she's the best god uh we'd be dead without her yeah pretty much like now that now that we're used to her helping us with our schedule and everything i guarantee if she was like guys i have to go on vacation for a week we'd be like hey no problem and then like cut to us like 20 minutes later covered in our own feces huddled in a corner just screaming but yeah that's exactly how it would go hey welcome back okay well you know um aaron and i were just laughing because i i put up a picture on instagram today uh just taken at the office it's just you know your [ __ ] basic run-of-the-mill selfie i thought i looked waxy and i was like this would be funny to just like take a picture and be like oh man i worked out pretty hard today and [ __ ] it gives me like a weird waxy complexion um uh so like to just took a normal picture of myself with the i don't know with with the subtitle like you know working out with aaron going pretty well all that not knowing that there was a giant [ __ ] big black dildo hanging from the [ __ ] ceiling like suction cupped upside down to the ceiling it's perfectly framed behind me it's perfect yeah but lot of planned a better shot but that's the thing like you said like it looks planned so i got away with it i think but yeah definitely not planned definitely just a dildo hanging behind my head well that's the thing too is it sets off our security system the dildo yeah because they they leave it hanging from the this is matt and ryan's dildo by the way of course it is it's huge and black it's got a suction cup on it so it's hanging from the girder and it's not like a perfect seal because the girder is kind of textured right so one night at like 4 00 a.m it set off the motion alarm because it fell please tell me bless you i was like is he continuing this story because his head's shaking around a lot well because when when [ __ ] uh when usually when the alarm goes off and it's like a like a false alarm it's like just the entrance because like somebody came in and like realized the alarm was going off or whatever whatever likes and then somebody was like oh and then they like set it or put in the code or whatever but like it was a sensor that we were like unfamiliar with it was like the middle of the office and we were like um should we call the police yeah and when we do call the police will we have to meet with the police chief and say sorry that was just our dildo well it was just oh oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] oh what yeah look at that they got you i know i didn't die i can only get captured maybe that explains my fetishes i just love dinosaurs yeah you were pretty impressed with our dragon dildo that we have in the office the one that fell over a ghost pushed over yeah yeah yo our dragon dildo with suction power that's been sitting on our desk for like a year jesse remarked on it and then it fell over out of nowhere like like when you sneeze and he's like somebody's talking about you oh it's like dragon dildo does it's so intense dude now i think this place is haunted by horny reptile ghosts oh i don't know i feel like uh dragons aren't reptiles dude that's we need to get dactyl no they're it's too late oh god they're amphiboleans bogus uh we used to have a dragon dildo in the uh office and it looked just used to it it's still here what the hell are you talking about that's like a [ __ ] staple in the office my dad came into the office once and it did yeah my dad came in and i i took the bad dragon dildo or whatever it is and i took it and i threw it into vernon tidy hole these names all sound really weird okay cool um it's still here at dan yeah it just needs it's just lost and it's it's looking for someone to find it it's a weird looking dick is what i'm saying it does not look appealing to anyone [Laughter] is this the new discourse that we're gonna go yeah yeah yeah it was a gift from a fan right it was a gift from god just going to keep going with the donations yeah do you like that one do you want to tell everybody about the the giant dick you were wearing earlier today what the giant dick i was wearing yeah i'm wearing it he's giving me a piggyback ride [Laughter] wow yeah i was uh so somebody uh in in the mail sent a large uh glittery penis oh that was about a real penis a severed human a real severed two-foot glittery penis so they we had it here at the office right there yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a game and i i slipped it on because it had little straps and i wore this this phallic it's really big it's a big penis it's a strap-on it's silver yeah can we talk about uh your ass what your astra to the gl to the glide are you talking about the astroglide that was on my desk oh god so i was cleaning up the the glump room the grump room uh because you know you work better in a clean environment i make dan do it one of the many power [ __ ] surges that uh that you just like to hold over me yeah sure no i was just doing it to kill time and like uh aaron has a bottle of master glide which as anyone who doesn't know is one of the finest lubes out there oh yeah yeah for for jackie's off and otherwise water-based yeah it's it's very it's not silicon based right it's very healthy for the girl if if uh that is necessary but um it is just if you can't please her yeah then you might as well squeeze her but that doesn't let's squeeze her out some asteroid so like um i just found it but it's like it clearly hasn't been used in a long time yeah so the top it's been like over the top's all crusted shut and there's like mochi and mimi hair like fused to the top of it and i was like i should throw this out but i should also alert aaron because you don't just go away you're just like you don't throw away another man's astrology i should throw this out but also i should get as far away as possible i should also alert an adult what the [ __ ] was that was that like a crazy it was a mole trapped in the the dirt pile oh okay but anyway go on with your looby story no i mean like that was pretty much the story other than when i told you about it you were like [ __ ] how about i squeeze some of that out and assault you with my big loopy hand and that's when uh [Laughter] dude i hate that stuff i would i [ __ ] i never want to use it again do you yeah lube it's gross it's a that's anything anything during the most wonderful situation of all in your life that makes a sound is unwelcome in my book and that includes uh genitalia and it's like it's like it's like oh baby oh baby let me touch you with my gross wet ice cold hand yeah do you like that does that turn you off do you enjoy it where do you put it after you're done i'm sorry what are we talking about your looby hand oh oh just just [ __ ] smear it not wherever where on your own butt and then when she grabs your butt and she's like oh where's your butt all gross and looby is that from you or is that from the lube tube [Laughter] looks like i didn't tell you about phase two of this evening's uh next time on game grumps that twinkie i ate is not agreeing with me i had my oh i don't know where a twinkie just showed up in the office i don't know where it came from who bought it it was just there and i ate it and i am oh just so remorseful i'm humbled by that twinkie at the horrible explosive craps i'm going to have as a result of the man yeah extremely humbling experience i i can't wait to hear about it honestly yeah neither can our three million subscribers uh stella our darling pa will occasionally make runs to the supermarket and buy healthy stuff for us because she wants us to live apparently more than we want ourselves to live so she got us organic peanut butter instead of like skippy and gif which is what we're always eating and uh man that stuff is uh pure liquid it's like actual liquid yeah it's like liquid peanuts and it pours out above your head chest neck and sole no it's i mean it and i don't want to because if somebody told me that i'd be like oh it's like softer than usual no it's actually liquid yeah yeah like it pours like like a like milk or something right like it's like kind of viscous but like mostly liquid correct and when you try to um eat it it immediately turns back into peanut butter once it's in your mouth and it's like to the side yes yeah it's it's so weird non-newtonian fluid magnetic fluid that's what we were talking about yes i do remember that it just gets solid and then it like wraps around your tongue it's [ __ ] weird dude it is weird i'll get solid hey man whatever floats my boat okay which that does neat play with my balls i'm epic i'm sorry i'm gonna go over here i i said um you look nice wow look at you the new thing in the office well i say the new thing it's really the thing from [ __ ] 1982 but it's making the rounds in the office thanks to matt is uh trying to get people to say something to repeat after them him and then uh and then him tricking them into saying something is nuts oh yeah yeah so he recently got stella he was like stella did bryn call about ligma she's like ligma he's like lick my nuts well done matt that could be considered sexual harassment but that's okay oh she laughed okay and she would gladly say the same joke if she well she's been trying to get him back yes but i'm like there's no way he's he's a seasoned professional he's a downright savant yeah you could make the argument that he's good at literally nothing else just kidding matt my new favorite right now is is uh [Music] hey hey dan i don't know you were sucking these uh no i'm israeli what's second d's second these nuts oh dip and i'm american according to my wikipedia okay well you were born in america yeah no no i am american i just whenever someone asks like where are you from and they know you're from america usually they're asking what your heritage is right nice face plant i'm about as american as it gets apple pie if you will i'm like first generation americans uh geez that's a little [ __ ] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] that's the funniest thing i've seen all day that's funnier than watching you drink that liquid pee oh god jesus all right first of all thank you to whoever sent us um what looks to be a urine sample of candy oh no that will how do i explain it i guess i can just tell this story please because we're uh one shirt is is like it's it's our shirt situation right um so we're like researching a bunch of different things that we can do to like you know make the shop a little bit more like unique and interesting like every other [ __ ] shirt store okay um and we're looking into candy and so we got a bunch of like demo candy one of them is just like a jar of piss yeah one is like it looks like it's got a little plastic container and it looks like a urine sample and it's just this gross liquid yellow um melted candy substance that's not quite a solid not quite a liquid and it's called oh it's called ninja sex candy golden shower well i mean it's just that's just kind of like that they were just like oh let's see what kind of stuff we can cook up for right sour lemonade and you drank some of it i drank most of it and we're like yeah this is disgusting but then just kept drinking and then [ __ ] barry and brent tried it and they were like oh it's hideous did mark try it no yeah he passed i passed as well and then you dropped some on the floor oh it's very passable yeah and then it's like it's a liquid but like when it hit the floor it like plopped and then didn't move at all that's exactly right and mark made the joke that it's like alien blood and it's just like through the floor goes all the way to china yeah god so disgusting um uh so yeah we may not be uh producing that prototype well we'll see whoa that's up to me to decide never say never and i've been sipping on it all day it is in the hands of the one human being who liked it i love sipping piss you got that uh sound bite kevin i wanted to give it a little space afterwards to make sure i wasn't talking over it and you could make a nice sweet uh wave file out of it i i had stopped uh using the term nut uh meaning to orgasm until ally came into our lives and she brought it back with uh with a fervor he's the nut boy god she's [ __ ] funny where did you not yeah i did did we ever talk about that i think maybe in the power hour yeah uh well we'll say it again anyway um the the game grumps office is now populated uh a lot um there's many people who work here but back in the olden days it was a little bit more like the wild wild west there were only about five or six people working here and you know some a lot of times the office was totally empty for you know an entire evening and so sometimes you'd sneak in with uh with with a lady um and uh and make sweet love in the grump space uh and what yeah we were telling that story and [ __ ] ali comes out of nowhere like i didn't even know she was in the building barrels would be a good word she explodes from around the corner it's just like where did you nut oh my god ally i'm sorry it was years ago she and she does her her [ __ ] like horse stance that she does to like gain the most uh intimidation points yes yeah the shoulders are all hunched and forward where did you not it was so funny it's funny because i wasn't there for that oh you weren't no but you can just imagine but when you tell the story i'm like i know exactly you can visualize this 100 oh yeah yeah because ali is such a specific personality it's it's a very typical exchange that occurs in our office she does this thing whenever i enter a room where she goes aaron hansen and yep and it's just it's just a subtle little thing but i'm always like wow well that is something that ali would say it's just like really nice to have someone like acknowledge your presence like that it's like uh it's it's almost like a like a a funny modern version of like when when you walk into like an old victorian party and they're like presenting aaron hansen the honorable yes and date yeah whatever it would be and woman on arm and other and provider of this evening's syphilis [Laughter] oh my god megan our intern knew like a vast amount of the uh because i was like what's the shrek uh mini game and she's like well there's the shrek mini game that shrek super party and then there's a shrek cart game that strikes super battle racing and then there's also the shrek game there's three shrek crate and i was like oh my god megan's [ __ ] amazing holy [ __ ] oh my god what happened welcome back to butt lumps dan what happened what do you mean what happened don't even act like you don't see what's going on what's happening what is this what are we talking about on the wall i'm unclear the [ __ ] on the wall what are you talking about there's poopy smeared on the wall [Laughter] what happened we literally ended the last episode you hit the button and then we started a new episode no no no no no don't pretend like there wasn't a whole [ __ ] 20 minute in between are you gonna try i left the room i came back you started the episode is this really happening there was poopy all over the wall you're really gonna try try to sell me out in front of hundreds of thousands of people that i [ __ ] myself and smear it on your wall excuse me i'm not the one who [ __ ] all over the world these are unbelievable you are there is no excuse for this [Laughter] god damn this level's hard it smells so bad in here there's no poo there's no there's nothing of the sort damn i swear to god what you're fired if you don't [ __ ] really if you don't man up to the [ __ ] on the wall this is unbelie this is outrageous this is an outrage i'm going to kill you you're gonna what i'm gonna kill you over what the poop on the wall no poop no poop happened that's a thing you made up guys i'm sorry i had to hear that we've been playing super mario 3 for what feels like thousands of hours we're gonna do this we're gonna finish this [ __ ] what are you [ __ ] doing i'm sorry i got greedy it's unbelievable i really wanted that much it's like it's like watching someone pick up a dollar in the street and get hit by a car and then being like immediately getting up and be like hey don't oh inexcusable oh sweet no oh this is the wait is this the level i think this is the level with the walking candles with the where we were talking about poopy on the wall oh yes my [ __ ] yeah yes like you [ __ ] all over the walls yeah well i didn't i didn't that didn't happen you just started talking about it okay well yeah well i mean it did you're gonna keep this running seven years later aaron please no it was there i'm still cleaning up after you we had to we did because we had to move offices and there was [ __ ] it was like encrusted that was on the we recorded this at your house aaron well we had to give a tour of the office to prospective office goers it was like a podcast company or something and they were like this is a good room for recording and we were like yeah all you got to do is just clean it a little bit yeah and then they were like is this human feces yeah and we were like we're we are legally obliged to disclose that yes we are legally uh yeah obligated to say yes however we will not however i will not personally confirm only legally confirm that it is feces couldn't agree more i say that there you go i also remember oh look at you little frog the other thing i remember is you continually going for that and dying and yelling at you like what the [ __ ] are you doing but also laughing at the same time yeah it sounds like us just a couple of cards over here yeah we've had some good times baby get some good laughs some good yucks what in the name of god is this it's nice shot the gun golfing game well i think um we like gun we like well we like golfing so much as a country we like guns but have you ever fired a gun yeah of course it's crazy right many many many times i love guns i'm like i hate golfing i'm like a gun nut look at me yeah i've opened carry i applied for an open carry here in l.a you can do that what really yeah you just saunter around with a gun in your in your waistband yeah if you can if you can justify carrying around a gun if you walked around the office with a loaded [ __ ] gun it'd be really funny single player please i'm just kidding i didn't no no it is true if i wanted one i could get one that's amazing i could be like i have a stalker and then and then they just give you a gun yeah it feels like they shouldn't do that this looks lovely mountain meadows i should have done the tutorial yeah do the tutorial i feel like it's not too hard [Music] [Laughter] falling asleep at your job is just a normal part of life okay so i fall asleep in the grumps office all the time one time i like didn't sleep at all and then i came to the office and i fell asleep and dan walked out and he said russ wake up stop sleeping and i just woke up and i said was it in here was just like it was here i was i was i fell asleep on a beanbag i was about to say those bean bags are super comfortable everyone knows the story but basically i i woke up for half a second i was like hey dad he's like what do you think if you were afraid of obama you'd be barachonophobic and then i fell back asleep top-notch comedy even at your uh yeah most exhausted that's impressive thank you uh yeah the audio's a little different because we're renovating the grump room right now yeah so we're in a temporary little space yeah it's it's actually a little it's like a little it's like a little soundproof foam tent we made it's a code i love it yeah whoa god i think she's really tiny oh yeah oh remember when we had me friends yeah i know those were the days that's such a bummer we gotta fix that i'm sorry i'm so i just i don't i don't know the [ __ ] the the new grump room is like made a [ __ ] lead it's like a goddamn world war two bunker it's true it's better you don't get any phone signal in here you don't get any [ __ ] anything it's crazy it's true but you know what it's sound proofed as [ __ ] so yeah yeah that's that's we got that going so if you were thinking like god you guys sound good as [ __ ] that's why that's why it's because the new it's the new the new grumpy tits room the new okay you know what since this is the last um this is the last couple of minutes of the last episode in the game grumps room as we know it before it gets remodeled yeah why don't you do a little freestyle rap about that okay um yo yo yo listen up to me every day i have to go pee and i eject myself from the grump room cause i got to go poo poo boom boom out my butt out my butt what what out of his butt y'all at his butt y'all [Laughter] yay you think you can do better no all right give us a wrap show us what you got then oh my god all right next time on game grumps everybody we will be coming from a brand new room and we'll we'll send you pictures of it kevin put this video in now okay hello this is danny hi i'm aaron and this is uh the grump room as we know it for the last time for the last time this is the grump room it's ugly and it sucks and it gets hot really easily in here and get in here it's nice we had some great times it's good for napping it is it's a great napping room yeah it's so quiet you ever bang anyone in this room uh no [Music] me neither that's a weird question all right so whoa we'll see you later from the grump room we'll see you soon from the new grump room bye no [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] i'm sorry i meant couch oh okay yeah you did it's fine went under the couch in your newly upholstered grump room oh man it's okay it's okay this place looks beautiful it's got so much spirit that's what ross said did he say that yeah he said it has spirit hmm tucker did you [ __ ] my wife uh will the new office be as decorated as the old one um no oh it was very expensive and not a good idea because it's not ours anymore see the new buildings it belongs to us but the the office we were in we were renting so in retrospect it seems kind of stupid yeah it was really stupid and expensive what did the person who was moving into it say oh they were like uh let's get rid of all this it was like japanese crap no it wasn't japanese though it was like let's get rid of all this like middle eastern crap or something like that it was like so not the region that i was going for right um and it was like it's got japanese everywhere i know and brent's office was like a noodle house yeah all right well whatever but i was like man f off like there's so many people that would have been like whoa heck yeah when i want to be here so i yeah whatever i mean they were nice to us otherwise but it was just they weren't nice to the design yeah well they don't like middle eastern crap no okay we were starting to get into froggy territory there sometimes it's tough to catch the fish [Music] oh i miss those days man those were nice days that must have been a long time ago because i remember the office was blue and the office hasn't been blue in a long time yeah the office hasn't been that office for quite some time yeah yeah we still haven't recorded a single episode there in the new office yeah yeah ain't that some shiz i finally got my office decorated and then was unable to attend oh yeah you haven't even seen it yet i haven't seen it i've seen a picture of it it's really nice that's wonderful in theory sometimes i go in there and i'm like a little jealous like my office is pretty dope but like your office is way dope yeah it's got a little seat it's that i mean in terms of like flavor it's a serious downgrade from the last office but like whatever hey welcome back everyone okay hello it's it's dit saw cgg you know it uh thank you so much for joining us today this is the last stage of as part of the the fan submitted marathon yes and it's coincidentally the last uh uh episode of game grumps that will be taking place in this office this one is great i'm really excited for this one it's called catching froggy ho ho let's do it oh yeah rip gg office 2014 to 2019 zero clears [Laughter] perfect this level requires a lot of patience yes it does [Music] oh that was in this room that was when this room was blue yeah wait was it really yeah it was a long time ago holy crap [Music] when did this room go from blue to red and gray uh when the redesign happened so two years ago yeah ish yeah man it was blue was not a good choice really yeah i was not really happy with it why is that it's just a bad vibe really yeah i'm just blue walls like that's so like cold interesting i like blue yeah i mean blue blue hold on just a second i love the blue [Music] it was a pleasure we appreciate your energy and and your life and the the the times you created and uh my god is my face like mutated or something what right now yeah my i i just can't unlock my phone with my face anymore wow maybe just lost so much weight that like you're looking extra good so frustrating because you've lost a ton of weight dude thanks man you look great good enough for poke anyway next time on game grumps we'll see you later we gotta go on tour goodbye bye [Music] i'm ashamed ashamed of me ashamed of myself i have made a huge mistake i'm ashamed of myself so ashamed myself so ashamed myself okay well i'm ashamed ashamed of me ashamed of myself bum pretend i have made a huge mistake [Music] i'm ashamed of myself so [Music]
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 29,680
Rating: 4.9307361 out of 5
Id: fnYc0ZwFOW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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