Let's Speedrun The Closing Shift | 閉店事件

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today we're speedrunning the closing shift which is a really cool horror game our speedruns going to start after a little loading screen where we see we're late for work so we have to leave our apartment and unfortunately our apartment is on the top floor so we have to go down this entire staircase to make it over to our car and right when we make it to the bottom we also see that there's someone's phone on the ground so being a good citizen of course we're going to pick it up and see this one guy crouching on the ground not sure what he's doing but we give it to him he's pretty rude back to us but I got to go to work so whatever hopefully that's not going to backfire on us at all but no time to worry about that we're going to turn the corner here so we can spawn our Senpai talk to him really quick where he's mad at us for being late and now we'll put away our phone and get started at work and for our first two drinks we have to make a coffee and a latte a coffee is just going to be coffee while the latte is going to be coffee and steamed milk so we'll start preparing those we'll also start preparing our next drink for the day which is going to be making some Blended ice before we get these two coffees we'll put steamed milk in one of them and put both the lids on those drinks this is one we're going to see our customer and we already have both of his drinks ready so we can make those and start preparing our others which our next customer is going to want a chocolate chip chil paccino which is going to be coffee milk Blended ice chocolate sauce and cocoa powder it's definitely one of the bigger orders some of these orders are really easy like just a coffee or just a latte but for this one I have to focus on a lot of stuff and also while we're waiting we might as well focus on our third order which is going to be a matcha chili Pino salted caramel mocha and white mocha for the matcha chil baccino that's going to be Blended ice milk bcha powder and whipped cream for the salted caramel mocha that's going to be coffee steamed milk caramel syrup hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce and for the white mocha that's going to be coffee steamed milk and white chocolate sauce so we're going to start preparing some stuff and we see this whole group of students that is just sitting here waiting for their coffees they talk for a really long time it's really annoying and also really confusing what all they want we try to guess what their orders are we get those wrong because we don't really care and we get so many tickets but we already have a couple things done done so what we're going to do is just Place those down look for where they are and give them to the right person this takes a little bit of time but that is easy enough now we just have one more drink to make so we'll go ahead and get our cold cup where we can put the Blended ice and of course this one's going to be our matcha chil paccino a little bit of time to make that but pretty easy we can then send that out to the orders before now we have to get a couple pastries for this one we have to get the matcha cake pumpkin cake American waffle and American apple pie and we first have to grab all those from the counter before going over here where we can actually put them in now if you put these in the wrong order then it will say oh no you got the wrong thing it's really annoying instead of just letting you do everything at once you actually have to use the correct ticket so I did mess up a tiny bit right there but not the biggest deal and that's going to be all the students done now for this day our last thing is going to be a latte which is super easy you already know it's just a coffee and steamed milk so we'll get that done and while we're waiting we might as well start focusing on some other stuff like our first order of Tomorrow is just going to be a coffee and there's also going to be a vanilla chil paccino later in the day so we get that started as well as long as something is in a machine or if it's a completed drink it will stay to the next day because our Senpai is a liar he does not work at all but anyways we will take that we will deliver his drink go inside here where this guy tries to talk to us and tells us he's a private investigator but we're literally not even listening I didn't see him through there anyways that is going to be all the work we have to do I might as well prepare some steamed milk while I'm waiting here and we're going to stand by there until finally we can sweep the floors this is a pretty fun mini game where these people just tracked in so much dirt what's wrong with them and we just have to go through wait out these entire circles for that to get done finally after we get done with the last one we will see that the power goes out which is kind of scary like I said this is a horror game it's not just coffee simulator and we also see a bunch of milk bottles scattered on the floor no idea how those got there not really my problem I don't get paid enough to investigate those things so that's going to be that and we're on to the next day now we get some really ominous scenes in between the days like this not really sure what is trying to show us or at least I wouldn't be sure if I didn't already know what happened in this game obviously I'm speedrunning don't worry it will all make sense later and anyways it's time to leave our apartment and go to work for day two this time it's pretty much the exact same thing except we don't have to pick up someone's phone we just make it straight over to our car and go to work and it's going to be the exact same thing where we have to talk to our Senpai he's mad at us for being late he's kind of a jerk I'm not going to lie and as soon as we get here he just runs out he does not care he doesn't want to be here at all but we already have the coffee done so what we're going to get is an American scone caramel toffee an American apple pie and an American waffle before this guy walks in he gives us his order and we already have everything ready for you don't ask me why I already know your orders maybe that would be a little weird they just hop into the coffee shop and right away I say yeah I already have your order done don't worry about it I don't know if I would come back to this coffee shop if I was a customer that's kind of creepy but this guy's like oh yeah good job but then he tells us that there's something wrong there's a guy watching us through the window no idea who that can be but I'm trying to get my work done I don't have time to worry about mysterious people I got to make a living so anyways it is time to make our vanilla chil paccino which is going to be Blended ice milk vanilla syrup and vanilla powder so we'll put all that together put on the lid and we also want to make two servings of just milk so we will grab the milk put those on both of those and also put our caps on until we can see that we already have an order in I was a tiny bit slow but not the biggest deal and we can put away both our vanilla chil paccino and the mils this guy's also really creepy he didn't even talk to us to give us his order so I'm sure that that's not a problem and anyways time to work on the next few things which are going to be a Macha chil paccino coffee with fft cream and caramel macchiato but here's where we see some random guy just coming in trying to flirt with us and he gets really mad at us because we tell him hey just order your food I'm not trying to flirt he says we'll regret it I don't really care one less order that I have to make and that means instead of making an order we can just kind of chill here until it's time to clean up because that stuff I Was preparing was for tomorrow but finally after waiting a little bit for that guy to leave we can now go ahead and put all this trash away and also start busting the tables we can do this one from over the counter just to save a little time then we head over here these people are actual pigs why do you not clean up after yourself and finally there is going to be this last one over here where we also see that there's a picture on the table and it's a picture of us I know you couldn't really see that cuz I went through it too fast but yeah it was a picture of us someone is definitely stalking us anyways time for day three no point of worrying about that right now I got to get back to work in this time I will give you a little bit of a jump scare warning coming up at the end of the stairs because this lady comes up with her baby and tries to run into us and then she blames us I wasn't the one who almost ran into you lady H some people I just got to get to work man and also we get another one of these scenes where somebody is watching us as we drive our car away definitely not creepy at all anyways we're heading in here you know the drill we have to spawn Senpai then go talk to him put our phone away and it's time for work well we already have one of our drinks ready but now it's time to make our cold drink which is going to be the matcha chil paccino of course that's the one with matcha powder and whipped cream and then we see this group of girls that all want some food and some drinks they're insulting each other I don't really care what they have to say I'm just trying to get my 9 to5 done but there is going to be the matcha chill paccino next one is going to be the coffee with whipped cream that we finished and then we also have a caramel macchiato also I'm going to throw away that photo it just takes up space in my inventory I don't really care about it but for the caramel macchiato that is going to be coffee steamed milk caramel sauce and caramel syrup so we can put that together place it in there and finally we just have to get a strawberry cream roll and a strawberry chur I hate these big orders because they're just so much to remember but we are almost getting done there's only 5 days of this game so we'll be done soon anyways that's going to be another day I'm going to throw away the stuff in my inventory because it's taking up too much space then we can start preparing our two next drinks which are going to be really simple because it's just a latte and a vanilla latte latte of course is just coffee and steamed milk while the vanilla latte just adds some vanilla syrup so pretty easy stuff we make both of our drinks there where we see this this guy and one of these people can't pay for their drinks so the other person offers to pay for them what a nice guy and we send them on their way but of course time to start working on our next thing which we can't actually do too much work on yet we're just going to kind of construct the drinks but leave them on the table as we just kind of St here and the funny thing is this game is definitely not made for speedr running first these girls are just looking at me but finally they don't have time to actually leave they disintegrate from thin air that's how fast we're going we just killed those girls because they wouldn't get out of my show fast enough look you got to do what you got to do they were taking too much time but of course we're just going to bust all five tables before we hear something in our drive-thru so we're going to check our TV see there's a person over there and instead of just staying in calling the cops we actually go over there where we see a love letter yeah not creepy at all I don't know why we're still going into work I'm going to be honest I guess we got to get paid and our Senpai doesn't even care but time for another one of these ominous scenes where there's a guy with some pictures apples milk that looks very suspiciously like the stuff in our store that's kind of weird anyways we're on to the next day where we're going out leaving our apartment this time it's really evident that it's been snowing but I don't have time to worry about that I'm going to my car except your car is actually broke down this day now you can check it and see that it's broke down but we already know that we have to use the bus this day so I'm just going to head over to the bus instead of even checking my car the bus stop is kind of far away but we make it over there where we're just chilling with the bus driver we're the only one in the bus kind of like it that way not going to lie but I'm unfortunately the bus driver slows down and there has to be another person that joins in so there's this guy which first look at that what are you even doing what is wrong with you now we're seriously just minding our own business not even saying anything and then he looks back slowly and just stares at us finally he stops but I do not want to be by this person at all finally at least we made it over to the coffee shop I'm never taking the bus again but anyways we're going back to our store we'll spawn our Senpai go over to the toilet where he freaks out because he's like why did you see me in the toil and then he runs away at full speed and now I'm going to have to clean it up after the rest of this day but anyways it's work time first and our first thing is going to be two caramel macchiato of course that's going to be coffee steamed milk caramel sauce and caramel syrup so we make one of those first before we start focusing on the second one because we can't have two drinks in the same spot so we will make that one second caramel macchiato and we also have to get two caramel toffee American scones this guy really loves caramel and I know some people are getting so mad at me for saying caramel instead of caramel I kind of say both you know it just depends on the day anyways time to make our green tea latte which is just going to be steamed milk matcha powder and vanilla syrup no coffee in it which makes it super easy for me we'll go ahead make that drink and we're waiting for the next person oh I might as well also get her her American waffle I almost forgot about that but as we're taking her order this guy is just looking directly at us I'm sure we don't have to worry about that anyway here's your order and time for the next one which our final order for for today is going to be a salted caramel mocha which is coffee steamed milk caramel syrup hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce so pretty easy order and we have plenty of time to do it because this lady walks away really slowly she also gave us a bracelet to help keep us safe I don't care I don't know you so of course we're throwing that in the trash and finally we see one last Lady coming into the store walking very strangely hope she's okay but she tells us that we should be a model I really appreciate it but I'm trying to do my regular good work look this is my passion you can see by how good I am at making drinks before you get here now we will get the toilet stuff prepared but after that we're kind of just hanging out and that's cuz we have to wait a fairly long amount of time for a next guy to show up who doesn't have a shirt now this guy is uh he's a little weird he's just going to come in and start dancing so we tell him that that is illegal and he decides to leave you know pretty easy to deal with but that was definitely a strange encounter this game is so cool and so weird at the same time I don't even know what to say anyways we'll finish up day four and we're going to start with the trash which we'll just place all three bags in the dumpster and then we'll also come over here where there's going to be toilet paper because like I said my Senpai heated some terrible things to this toilet so we're going to have to clean it I see why you ran away so fast you jerk H that's so annoying but anyways time to come over here where the entire thing goes dark and now it's time for the nightmare sequence it gives us a timer of 150 and a bunch of shadowy figures start showing up and trying to order from us you can see them just walking through waiting for their orders but you don't actually have to do anything for this point I remember watching Cory kenin trying to do stuff and he just had no way to be able to do it all but you can just sit here it doesn't matter at all so really quick while we're waiting just want to remind you that you're loved there's people that care about you and you make their lives better but now we're going to finish out waiting our entire 2 minutes once it starts getting over to around 4 or 3 seconds I start going towards the door and once it reaches 0 seconds we can actually go through and we're going to try to check on the breaker box where we can't do anything to it then we go and run around until we see these eyes coming toward towards us trying to attack us but thankfully it was just a dream yeah you really feel bad for This Woman This is not a good thing at all and you can see she's absolutely terrified we get another view from the stalker and she is not enjoying her life at all which I can't blame her this guy is creepy but it's time for the final day and one thing you might have noticed is I didn't actually prepare any drinks and that's because we have a really cool trick for this final day but of course we have to make it back to our car thankfully it's actually going to be able to start up so we don't have to go on the bus and this time is really weird because our Senpai isn't even going to show up to work we have no idea what happened to him but what I'm going to do is press tab then escape and click on the TV where it says look closer that's going to distort our view make us in this really weird camera and then we can go through walls so what we're trying to do is get a certain prompt we'll see when our cursor goes yellow it's a little bit weird I got a kind of weird one this time but there we go that's exactly what we need we can see the go down prompt and that's basically taking us from the ceiling down to here where we're going to see that somebody has has been living in our store this entire time there's Milk Banana coffee we saw this scene earlier and yeah this guy has been living here so obviously we're pretty freaked out there's a bunch of pictures of us and stuff so we're going to close down the store get rid of that wood blocking that and also get the scanner first of all since we didn't actually take care of any customers we can't go to the front of the store there is a thing blocking us and it will tell us I have to get all my customers orders so we have to use these angles to be able to count our products then we're going to go pick all those up so we can Trash them get some money and start putting all these things in the trash one by one before finally counting the money and that's going to be all that dealt with and finally the last thing is to flip the sign to close but because we can't go through that barrier we're going to have to use this trick one more time to just barely make it over there where we'll see this guy coming to our door and being creepy looking in so what we're going to have to do is kill this guy cuz I don't like him at all we're going to climb back up and once we make it up here we see a brick and we're going to drop this right on this dude's head also the investigator you saw him dead on the floor but anyways this guy has a metal beam or something I don't know what he was trying to do but we dropped that right on his head and that's what you get you also notice this is the guy we gave the phone to at the beginning of the game you can't do anything nice for people nowadays and now we get kind of a little bit of text where it just says hey I killed a man she's really regretting doing it but when she gets the police and they come there the man is gone and the investigator is gone so yeah that's kind of crazy and we go back to our home to rest peacefully now we're kind of just chilling out walking ing some TV when our TV stops working so we have to call our building manager but we can't find our phone yeah you thought this game was done didn't you but no they're just can't be a happy ending and you'll see what I mean in a second so we leave our apartment and our person doesn't lock the door anyways we have to go find our phone so we're heading down the staircase one last time making it over in this direction where we'll find our car and we'll also find the phone just sitting there kind of weirdly so yeah that's fun time to head back up when finally we make it into our apartment move forward a little bit and as soon as this screen Fades to Black that's where we're going to call time giving us a 2632 and at the very end the stalker is in our closet and it leaves the story at that this is supposed to be the good ending by the way yeah let me know if I should speedrun more chill asart games but on speedrun.com that is going to be a sixth place so I'll take it all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 722,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, the closing shift, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, speedrunners, speedruns, the closing shift speedrun, the closing shift speed run, chilla's art, the closing shift world record, the closing shift ending, the, closing, shift, scary, horror, game, lets, play, jumpscare, chillasart, chillas, art, japanese, 閉店事件, full game, ending
Id: z-1bGveIQZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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