Let's Speedrun Amanda The Adventurer (All Endings)

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today we're speedrunning every ending in Amanda the adventurer now a starter speedrun as soon as we start a new game and right away we get a letter from our Aunt Kate giving us possession of our house and telling us to go look in the Attic but she also warns us that something wrong might happen if we do come up here so instead of being smart and just selling the house we decide to come up here it's a terrible idea and right away we're going to be opening up this lock with the keyword guts so yeah you can already see our Aunt Kate was a little bit weird for using things like that but anyways we're going to start by taking these scissors and also straight flocking you'll always see me strafe walking because it's faster than just regularly walking and then we'll get those batteries from inside the doll's head and also start up that robot now that is for much later in the speedrun we're just setting up things right now and then we're also going to go inside this safe where we use the code 826 that opens that up and what we get from the safe is going to be this pause button so that's always going to be nice we can add that to the TV and we just have one more thing before we actually look at one of the vhs's we have to come right back over here to that place we opened up earlier and go into the TV now I want to open it from the side because it skips a small animation and finally we can start watching Amanda the adventure so yeah this is going to be a really fun TV show definitely nothing weird is going to happen I'm Amanda hey Amanda I'm woolly cause he is true that was a pretty good one now just like thank you wow yeah you sound just like me anyways then we're gonna get a severe thunderstorm warning and for this we want to head over here press that right there and then we have to pick up this tape drop it and then touch the TV otherwise we can't go to the TV since we're using this small exploit by going to the back there are lots of animals here to pet and play with it's fun to spend time with animals they are very different from people they are they look different and they don't talk like people that's true Amanda I'm an animal and animals don't talk silly [Music] are you ready yeah a goat says a chicken says jump scare warning oink that was a cute Peg they really do [Music] I do animals have families too sounds like a lie down we'll go straight there let's go see the silly chickens what a cute Fitbit yeah come on talk like the animal you are Willie mommy chicken chicken baby chickens and I see I see a daddy chicken look at the chickens do you know what the daddy is called yeah it's called no that's not what they're called try so now we want to pause again and we're going straight over here we're gonna press this one more time this is for another secret so we just gotta do it and like before we're gonna go right back to the back so we can skip a small animation yet again and this time we're gonna put in Sam which is her dad's name and that makes her a little upset but then we get away from that so we're all good next I think it's time to visit the sheep can you tell me where we can find the Sheep I want to go to the snakes I know Gary I want to go to the snakes and one more of these this is going to be a flood warning so just one more time we have to go press that and like usual we're gonna pick this up set it down and press the TV so yeah just a regular flood warning not too much to say about that okay let's go look at the nice sheep family oh right where they belong look how happy Wally is oh and for this blizzard warning it doesn't matter we don't have to do anything with this so yeah get out of here [Music] probably dead looks like this kitten is all by herself unlucky couldn't be me how do you think and we're gonna say alone yeah yeah will you help the lonely kitten and for this time we're gonna say yes and then you know Amanda's pretty happy about that so you'll see that she slowly starts to smile and yeah um please don't murder me so anyways that is going to be the end of the first tape so now we're gonna go right over here and we're gonna get our second tape from the back of the weather thing and again we're going to the back of the TV placing it in there and yeah we start another episode of The Amazing TV show Amanda the adventurer yeah nothing weird happening here smell no what do you let's smell it's probably the sandwich jump scare Dojo scary [Music] what the life is woolly in the future or dad dead is the opposite of alive good job thank you when an animal dies it rots too it looks like this kid is in big trouble it might die before anyone can help it couldn't be me should we help the kitten and yet again we're gonna say yes and then we have to click on the cat and then we're going over here to the light and as soon as we go here we see that our house has now turned into this so yeah we helped the kitten and I don't exactly know what this is but I mean now we have a nice meat shop so I guess that's cool so anyways that's going to be ending number one and we have four more to go now the thing about Amanda the adventurer is it actually remembers things you did in previous playthroughs so as we go through we don't have to redo the robot thing again but we do want to come in here and yet again we're gonna go and do guts so I do this in the fastest way possible while the things are turning I go and move the other ones and we can get that right there we'll Crouch down so we can make sure that we get the VHS and then we're gonna just start walking over there's nothing else we have to do for this one so I will just go to the back of the TV and the nice thing is if you've already watched one of the vhs's you can skip through it so now we can go straight to the chickens we can call this one Sam skip that go straight over to the Sheep skip that see the kitten we're gonna call it alone skip that but this time we're gonna say no and Amanda's a little upset I do not want to do this I'm not going to help the lonely kitchen get it in your brain no I'm not helping the kitten I'm not help she just doesn't understand I don't know why but anyways another jump scare warning coming up in a second I mean it's kind of one so yeah she does whatever that is and once she disappears there it is she's you know um I hope you're okay Amanda but now this is just a pre-rendered cut scene so we can't do anything for this and slowly we're gonna see that somebody decides to come inside of our attic and I don't even know if you can call that someone more like something and yeah this is kind of terrifying so I'm not sure if this is Amanda I think it is but a man is just gonna come by jump scare us well not really a jump scare but that is going to be ending number two so of course we're going straight back in here and for this one we're gonna have much more to do first of all what we want to do is go over to the left and we're gonna pick up this plant now we're gonna bring the plant with us over here just do some or straight walking and put it in this puddle so it can actually grow after that we're gonna pick up this tape and actually put it in the middle of the TV instead of going through the back because it's just a little bit faster for lighter today we're going to make an apple pie hooray my favorite is peach pie that one sucks what's your what's your kind of pie and we lie and say apple you already know my favorite kind of bias delicious today we're going to make an apple pie first we need to cut the apples hmm do you know what we can use to cut the apples and we can use a knife anyways after that we're just gonna pause her right there and we're gonna go over here and turn on this oven so we can murder them because you know you got to do what you gotta do follow yeah sorry guys but you know I gotta get everything I need to get all these endings after that we can see that this plant has now grown up we can put it on the doll who says thank you and we'll do some stuff for us later then after that we're gonna go and pick up this apple and then place it on this plate put it within the oven that's now on this table just kind of suspiciously we'll bake that and then we're gonna go pick up this plate kind of just place it right there pick up the cheese and now we have to make a meat pie so for this what we're gonna do is put the cheese on the mouse trap so we can actually kill the mouse then after that we're going to take over this plant put it within the rain puddle and while we wait for that to grow we will do everything else like taking over this plate going up to the rat and we'll put the rat on there because yeah that's our meat for the meat pie you know maybe not the best thing anyways we're gonna put that Mushroom on we're gonna put that plant on and then we can go straight over here we're gonna place that in there and for meat pies what you have to do is do it for 50 minutes and add a degrees of 525 after that we can place it in there and instead of making a pie it gives us another tape so that's not creepy at all anyways we're putting it back in and time for another wonderful episode of Amanda the adventurer hi there I'm Amanda and I'm Lily Amanda maybe some of our friends can come back to the neighborhood no they can't that's great I like that he just ignores him [Music] friends go to the store to buy them a card do you know where the store is we'll do the 24 7 Star good job and now we're gonna pause out of this and go over to here we're gonna go to the piano and the code that we're gonna put in is facade which sometimes I call ficade and everybody makes fun of me in my twitch chat but it is facade and we can get another one of these tapes we're not actually gonna use it but it is a secret that we have to do before we go back here something bad happened what kind of card should I send them oh yeah we're gonna pick the birthday card not the right card no it is the right card you do want it I think Amanda is confused yeah I know what you want she needs to listen here's a secret it's my birthday I don't care maybe we can help her out are you sure that's right I think it looks like it I bet your friend is really going to love this card okay my friend is yeah don't worry nothing wrong is happening [Music] can I buy a treat from my friend well I know let's get them some nice candy do you know where the candy store is it's right here Amanda that now I can't find this candy store it's a meat store meet go to the meat meat over there meet why is she not listening I said meat yes this isn't the candy store there is nothing here that I want maybe you can take us someplace else no I want to get my friend a special treat have some good meat no Amanda that's that's a nice birthday card it really is you want to give it to your friend now will you address the card who should I send this to and we're going to send it to woolly oh Lily it's your birthday hooray okay so yeah that's done you know Wooly's having a good time before he gets murdered later so at least he gets to enjoy right now and we're gonna go straight over here we have to do another one of these combinations and this one is going to be 2862 so we just have to get the six right there that's going to open up the lock and it's gonna give us a bucket now remember how we turned on the robot earlier well now what we're gonna do is We're Gonna Fill This bucket with water go over to the robot and splash it on him which I kind of feel bad about the robot is literally like screaming in pain he's like why are you doing this to me you could have been my friend and yeah I almost feel bad but you know what you got to do what you gotta do we are speed running after all and finally he explodes and exposes a key now I can use this key to put it in this chest and that's going to open up one last tape that we can go and bring over to the VHS so yeah you know it might have caused a little bit of murder but at least we got a tape out of it so I'd call it pretty worth it and now it is time for this tape which yeah you're just gonna have to wait to see this one the game doesn't want to show it to you right away and then we do see Amanda and Wally is a little a little bit missing if you notice [Music] Amanda hi Amanda when you're friends you can share all kinds of things with each other really I can share my crayons with you so you can have fun coloring too thank you look at silly Mr Fox he's so cute oh sharing shows you care about someone okay friends can share toys yeah they can they can share snacks they can also do that yeah I'll share some of my snacks with you which snack would you like yum that's my favorite oh yeah that looks like delicious cheese I wonder where it came from too they can share secrets okay yeah can I share a secret with you and we're gonna say yes the big big grit well now I'm kind of not wanting to because you're asking me over and over again but I'll say yes one more time I'm out there okay somewhere also jump scare warning in just a second and yeah um I do not like our Aunt Kate he is not the greatest person in the world but after this it's time for another cutscene where we pick up this brick and then we go and throw the brick at the TV and that's going to cause Amanda to die I guess I don't know we still have two more endings so there's plenty of more stuff to do but now you can see that we did ruin the curse or something so I mean the day is now day that's good at least and we see some credits so this is the first ending which actually gets credits now thankfully the game does allow us to kind of skip the credits we can speed it up by just holding our Mouse so that's what we're doing right now normally it's a lot slower I would have appreciated just the skip credits button but you know it is what it is and we are gonna have to see this one more time to actually complete our speedrun since both of the other endings are gonna have it so yeah we'll just go through it it's almost to the end we see the special thanks thank you to everyone buddy who made this game and yeah there we go we can continue on in the game and it is time for our fourth ending which is going to be an interesting one now what we want to do as soon as we spawn in is this time we're going straight over to this cabinet and we're going to go over to the lock and again we're going to use the same code as last time which is the 2862 so I can just do that go for the six since it has a little bit more stuff and that is going to reveal a bucket so just like normal we're going straight over to the water we're gonna wait oh that was actually a perfect water drip right there I really like that and I am sorry robot you know just listen to him screaming in pain and you have to hear this multiple times and it's like I feel so bad it would be better if it was a person but why does it have to be the poor robot he's so adorable anyways he's gonna explode like normal or I guess not really explode we're gonna take the key bring it over to the chest and just like last time it's going to give us the exact same tape but thankfully we can skip through the dialogue like we did last time so we're going to the back of the TV and we we do kind of have to wait a second but we can skip right there we're going straight to the goat cheese and now we're gonna say no which yeah I thought you were different I'm not so that's it yeah that is the entire ending she wants us to leave at this point because we don't want to help her and again we get to watch through this so you know I could skip it and cut it but throughout this entire video I haven't so far I've actually been doing some pretty good commentary if I do say so myself so what I will say right now is if you're enjoying the video make sure to subscribe to the channel and also go check out my twitch that is where I stream this live on so I would appreciate it but don't worry we're almost done with this and this is the last time we're actually gonna have to watch it because there is only one more ending that we have to do so one last time we're gonna go and do a continue and we're actually making really good time I'm proud of this run so far but we're gonna spawn in like normal after we go through the whole loading screen but this time we're not going straight to the cabinet we're going straight to this VHS and over to this TV again we can skip this though and just go do an apple pie skip that do a knife skip that and then we're going to this cabinet which is going to help us make a pie can you smell the apples and cinnamon no I'm watching this on TV okay it's time to bake a pie hooray first preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves shut up always ask a parent to help no I'm not I'm not they are right now we're on our own Willie yay first preheat the oven to 425 degrees okay makes sense no put it in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes okay that'll make sense yeah way too Willy and Wally wanted to wait for parents what an idiot anyways now we're gonna get this and this time it's actually going to be really simple all we have to do is put the Apple in here and then we're going over here and like she just said we're gonna put this at 40 minutes and then we're gonna put the burner to 425 which is nice and fast and just like before it's going to give us a VHS so Amanda's gonna be really proud of us we can place that right in there and this time it's actually going to be something different hi friends I'm Amanda and I'm woolly what do you like best about your neighborhood all the dead bodies on the sidewalk those are cool that's great I like that there are so many friends in my neighborhood today I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store to buy them a card okay you know where the store is yeah we've been there multiple times I guess we've only been there one time in this place though but you know what kind of card should I send them a decapitated hand time for the next era and to thank them I want to get my friend a special treat can I have a special treat I want to get my friend a special treat I love that where can I buy a treat from my friend unfortunately there's not a meat store but we'll go here let's what I mean it's not as cool of a place oh yeah by the way it pauses here kind of ominously but now we're just at a regular Store everything's everything smells so good yeah it does Wally I want to buy my friends by my friend some cookies that wasn't weird at all where the cookies are right here those look so tasty we just have one more stop in the neighborhood the package is ready for my friend they live pretty far from me so we need to mail it wow it's getting late shout out Wally doors are closed come on man we can't send that now I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post Office let's send this package to my friend their name is wait I don't remember kind of an idiot can you help me we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to and it's gonna be Aunt Kate who gave us the house now we can send this to my friend hooray she's dead by the way she likes the cookies she's already dead Amanda I I'm sorry to let you know this way but this time you know we actually get to watch one of these endings which takes a while and you know is a little bit weird and then we see the company that made it which is handled follow us for fun after that we're gonna come out of here and now we got a couple more things to do until we can finally complete this speed run we're gonna go over to the piano and we're gonna press CBF which is actually the uppercase letters that were on the store if you noticed that's going to give us another tape and we can put that in the back of the TV like normal and we see Wally oh it's you whatever you do oh Wally oh no no Lily had an accident oh an accident is when something bad happens but it's not anybody's fault that seems reasonable things can happen in your house at school at the playground you can get her almost everywhere that's really sad 45 this afternoon we were playing and Woolly tripped and fell what an idiot I didn't swear on Lily does it look like he got hurt looks like his Kenny right Lily hurt his knee who can help when you are hurting and of course the answer to that is nobody you're probably right let's take Lily to the hospital to see a doctor hooray which room should we go into to find the right doctor to help Willie the broken bones all right yeah you know we're gonna help him nobody asked Wally doctor let's see how we can help Willy equally's injury the heart monitor the X-ray machine or the scale and we're gonna use the X-ray [Music] let's go Wally seems a little offended about that but he's about to be offended by something a little bit worse in a second so yeah don't worry about that Wally anyways we get to see the end of the screen just like usual of course we get to see the beautiful company that made these amazing DVDs and yeah at this point we're really coming up to the end of the speed run and now it's just time to do one more thing and you already know what we got to do so we're going back to the cabinet we're going to use the same code as usual which is going to be 2862 so we can just slowly go get all of those before we go and grab a bucket and like usual we're gonna go place it within the water get a nice water droplet out of that before we go over to the robot and unfortunately we do it to him one more time thankfully this is the last time we have to hurt our poor robot friend I mean I feel bad every single time but that doesn't stop me every single time to be fair so who's really the bad person I guess it's probably me anyways I'm not gonna think about that because I'm going to take the key we're gonna take it right over to the chest open that up and of course we'll grab this DVD and we've already seen this one but this time it's going to be a little bit different so we place it in we're gonna skip ahead like usual we can grab the goat cheese it's my favorite too we're gonna say yes she's gonna ask are you sure it's a big secret and I actually forgot to press the I forgot to press the skip button but anyways I guess it doesn't matter it didn't lose too much time and jump scare warning again but there we go now we get this ending again and it seems like everything is the exact same but this is actually going to be a different ending so what we want to do is grab this brick and we're going to throw it at the TV just like last time that's going to cause the TV to explode so everything's looking pretty good on that and like last time the sun is also going to come up the day is going to end or I guess the night is going to end but this time instead of it just ending here what's going to happen is we're going to hear a knock we're going to turn around and see a person so yeah that's all endings and that speedrun is going to put a second place on the speedrun.com leaderboards because I'm the second person to do it but I'll take it subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,051,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, amanda the adventurer, amanda the adventurer all endings, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, speedrunner, speedruns, wr, amanda the adventurer speedrun, amanda the adventurer world record, amanda the adventerur full game, speedrun amanda the adventerur, 100% speedrun, amanda the adventurer 100%, speedrun world record, 100%, any%, games done quick, eazyspeezy speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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