THIS MAN IS FOLLOWING ME - The Closing Shift 閉店事件

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case that's it why are you twisting like that what the freak what's good what you trying to get into come on all righty you know the thing about being a youtuber is um no no gamer on youtube plays games like we do if the camera is not on so when i turn the camera on and and you see me like i'm just making noise i'm like i'm waking up corey kenshin you know what i mean when corey plays games i don't be screaming it's for y'all it's the entertainment i need those clicks baby all right that sounds brutal it's it's it's half true though okay because it's like i don't have to play a character like corey kenshin is corey but cory is not corey kenton bars i got a new microphone and there's a mute button on it it's kind of on the side if i ever record a gameplay and i accidentally hit this mic and then i go to edit it and there's no audio i'm never using this mic again but for right now it sounds pretty good can you can you hear me one thing i don't like is you can hear like my breathing like look look this is me regular [Music] and then there's um if i make like mouth noises right i know asmr is pretty cringe but like hold on hold on it's what i'm editing sometimes i can hear like stuff like that like last thing before we get started this is like a dashy video right the intro is like 18 minutes i don't know if you guys notice um there's been a bump in production quality i'm rendering out at 4k now my microphone uh got a new one of those people thought my camera i got a new camera no it's the same camera i'm just rendering with a higher bit right now um a lot of people have said like the editing has improved i just been learning some new tricks i do not have an editor um i just been trying to tamper with new intros new there's a we're kind of in a transition phase right now um i'm just trying to up everything you know what i mean including the upload schedule but i don't speak on that because every time i do i do the opposite of what i say so let's play the game what's up what's going on cory kitchener and welcome to the closing shift uh this is another chillas art horror game and they've made some pretty darn good games that we've played on the channel nobody at the counter all i know about this game is we're closing a store well it's called the closing shift oh no i'll be late for work i should be on my car by now i think you meant in up down up down but um i'm pretty sure chillas art isn't it two i thought it was like two brothers like two japanese brothers i could be like wrong about this but um if there are any english like bad translations that's what that is uh let me turn the volume up as i turn my volume up you turn yours up if i go through this you're going through it you're not about to be with the lights on volume low turn turn it up if these jump scares gonna hit they're gonna hit anything here let's look at the uh clothing looks like i got the kanye collection in here a bunch of freaking ripped up garbs all right this is a small spot you know we in japan hundred percent wait don't leave yet anything else oh i can actually see my body look at these feet oh hold up what's going on with that foot [Music] all right i'm excited new chili's art horror game i'm pretty sure it's gonna have a lot of hey hey [Music] is that a cell phone it keeps starting over like it's a ringtone oh yeah what the heck how do i pick it up someone's phone uh can i answer it chilla's art one thing i love about their games the environment they always feel so real like did they have to do all of that back there no they didn't but it did but they did and it makes it feel like this is a real place just like that one game we play with um we have to deliver those packages okay this is my car [Music] oh what the freak [Music] what that's a person bro guys looking for something oh your phone why are you four feet too excuse me [Music] ugh excuse me oh there you go hey man [Music] hey uh are you looking for something well i found this gimme it all right chill no thank you oh why are you looking like that didn't i tell you that's how they be putting npcs in games the camera be way like this then they just be standing there evening traveler do you ever go to the cloud district all right i'm going to work it's my car go to work [Music] freaking weirdo dude this wind is blowing hard can i get inside damn [Music] chillas coffee hey chillis arts next game we got to get a corey kitchen easter egg up in there come on guys give me like a restaurant some sort of like japanese steakhouse samurai inn or something i don't know all right nice little spot everything's clean and shiny i like it i like it do i need to turn put away my stuff and talk to senpai what oh bro i don't like this are you my senpai put away my stuff got a house key or car key and my phone okay sorry i'm late oh yeah we play as a chick guys be careful next time i'm gonna tell the manager i'm very sorry i'll be careful being careful is not enough tell me you won't be late bro why am i reading it like this do you understand yes sir i will not be late again daddy you also messed up some orders don't you if you have any trouble with the order there are some tutorial videos for you so look through it okay i'll take a look oh and one more thing make sure to leave your phone in the locker you better not be texting anyone during work yes sir bro why did he like he left that quick whoa step by up all right uh i guess we're on our own here that kind of blows he couldn't give me like a freaking oh brother i got a customer i got a customer okay recipes cold oh my look at all these drinks all right we're just gonna have to freestyle this hello sir kira masay what would you like sir did you say chillas coffee i've never been to one of these fancy places before i feel uneasy there's something strange about this place it's like you didn't see the name of the place when you drove up my daughter seems to be a fan of this place and now i'm here however i'll leave the drinks to you oh and i'd like to get two of them would you want a latte and coffee who's talking oh me okay oh that'll be just fine it's really uncomfortable here bro no one's forcing you to stay however how can you charge such a price for something like this bro no one asks you to come in here who got the ox is look closely [Music] wait what we're about to have to do some five nights at freddy's camera watching stop it stop it all right what'd you ask for order steak all right um latte and coffee all right how do we make a latte latte coffee and steamed milk okay light work light work so let's get the coffee um coffee coffee freaking coffee i'm sorry guys i i really don't mess with starbucks or coffee places you know charging like six seven dollars for a drink i'm not with that coffee dispenser all right i need a cup right that's a hot drink uh-huh while that's doing that let's get some steamed milk they do that at oh milk pictures okay how do you steam the milk bro this dude is standing there like what the freak how do we steam the milk oh we could trash items okay do we put the milk in here oh let's go steam milk all right now pour that in there i think i did that did i do that oh i need a lid right yeah ready to serve cup here you go and then a coffee is that just coffee and then a coffee is that just coffee uh i'm struggling all right we're gonna get the hang of this we're gonna be barista experts that's what they call right oh i gave it to him that was so complicated but one customer down bro this song about to be playing all night oh somebody's coming in damn you thirsty huh did you hear on the news i hear stalker cases are on the rise it's scary a woman like me you see i have to be careful all the guys are always staring at me so you be careful too well you don't have to worry as much as i do but you should watch out either way oh she's saying you're not as hot as me a dark mocha chip chippy chippigano please i told you i don't get this drinks chalupiato chilla pacino see one one drink i do know about is the caramel macchiato now that that goes hard so this is the dark mocha chip oh my goodness we got iced coffee milk chocolate sauce cocoa powder chocolate vanilla swallow cookie crunch flavor the cold drink i got to get a cold cup throw it in the trash yeah we wasteful over here bought a scoop now where's the ice at okay we got whipped cream in there ice right here yes sir put that in there get some coffee and then we gotta get milk chocolate sauce and cocoa powder so the milk was in here yep chocolate sauce chocolate sauce okay nice and then cocoa powder uh cocoa powder boom put that there cold lid get the order sticker on there what oh blended ice what yo okay all right no we gotta start over oh now we're gonna put the top on this baby yes sir [Applause] okay i'm getting into a little groove dang why are these people pulling up like this bro you're on a yakuza why are y'all coming in here like this it takes me 15 minutes per cup of coffee so i hope y'all not in a rush a matcha cake please stop pushing me assaulted caramel maca mocha then i'll have a matcha capiado you always can't finish your drink so let's share man sure let's do that one pumpkin cake i think he'll have something to eat too you can order first i'll have um hot cocoa will y'all suck his makeup y'all mind hot cocoa are you serious i don't want to have any money right now you should have said that first come on i'll buy you one what do you want to drink yes but just say it he's got money no it's not like that but really anything is fine really i want a white mocha okay any food no uh just a drink oh come on let's order some food uh but uh okay american waffles that's the first thing that came to his mind waffles oh thanks both of you hey where are you looking at did you hear that noise noise what noise i didn't hear it either uh it's probably nothing it must be your imagination it happens from time to time sis i've made up my mind an apple pie would that be all yes that's all oh the ladies leaving man these people do not play around dang dang okay so they said um i gotta guess the right order uh the one with the american waffle matcha cake pumpkin cake i don't remember pumpkin cake and there's no drinks here it's gotta be this one wow can't believe you remembered all that well you know we'll be waiting y'all about to be waiting for two hours okay so i literally gotta make like are you serious right now let's start with the matcha capiado matcha cappuccino uh bro look how this drink probably cost like nine dollars bro i'm telling you that's how it'd be in there i hope i did that right yes okay american waffle should be pretty simple these suckers about to spend 49.99 in here american waffle i got you i got you order american apple pie yep light work that should have been everything i was about to say i know that wasn't for one the first dude hey y'all take care nah i gotta keep an eye on this anybody else come oh what's up dude damn you speed walking you good here's my order ain't no conversation nothing all right latte thanks for making it easy let me put that in the trash latte is just coffee and steam milk got it got it there how's traffic i said house traffic suckers be so rude nowadays man i'm just trying to see what's good you know i gotta drive home after this here take your freaking latte dude get out of my shop hey i'm a private investigator you spot anything suspicious around the area yeah you bozo there have been numerous reports of people getting harassed i was wondering if you seen anything in the store call me if something ever happens try closing the store early if you don't want to get in trouble ah no i'm gonna get fired if i close early i can't do that you enjoy your latte though that abrupt cutoff scared the freak out of me sweep the floor where's the broom at uh watch this back door open [Music] bro this is just like bro this is just like the puppy combo game what's this door bro somebody's back here why is that coming out like that no dude why did that why was the back door open cleaning equipment locker yeah yeah yeah christopher okay oh right here all right let's go do that five more times four more times am i closed can i close i can't change it we're still open technically let's just not get this dirt off the ground i hate that i gotta look at the ground because they're setting us up y'all know that right it's about to go down keep your back to the wall oh here we go here we go jump scary jump scare jump scare no power no power no power all right let's go to the back make sure nobody's out here hey i'm not that scared honestly let's go to the back just the power went off that's all nothing crazy all right we're good we're good what's this what the freak spilled milk spilled milk who did that put in trash put it back why would you put that back no no no no something's going on something's going on who's in here get my stuff i'm clocking out or i can't i can't grab it yet who's in here more milk [Music] more milk what the freak somebody's in here drinking all the milk somebody's in here drinking all the milk [Music] shaggy um what was i just looking at the ceiling from was that the shop i'm scared bro it's two o'clock in the morning i don't i don't need to be playing this right now all right uh are those my boots i don't remember those being here the first time anybody in my house i need to know about kanye collection still on fleek does she climb up here to go to sleep just like in an anime people to be living in like five by five apartments apartment no that's how you say apartment in japanese i've been trying to uh brush up on my japanese though this is my car let's go to work because i want to go back to japan um when i went to japan i was kind of nervous because y'all know when you have a second language you talk to like someone from that country or place and they're native so you don't want to look stupid so in japan like i was kind of nervous to like talk to japanese people in japanese because i mean look at me [ __ ] didn't think i knew japanese but i did and the context is i just hopped in this uber now in japan they have like toyota and and honda but they also got some other stuff that we do not have it was like this weird looking car so i was like sumimasen kurumawa donna descartes or something like that and he was like uh me no he didn't say mishi bishi he said um oh i forgot what he said but i was like ah hey seriously you're late again did you oversleep i'm so sorry no not i ain't so sorry i want you to not be light this is the second time coming aside puppy a little more enthusiasm would help don't you think why don't you ask your mama to wake you up yo chill oh my goodness man worst senpai ever and then the way that this dude clocks out and he's already in his like vehicle like bro can i clock in first geez i'm gonna jump away all right i'm ready let's get the day started oh this sucker about to rob the place bro who is that guy yo you see like weird guys standing out there you seeing this you seeing this i don't like that i'm kind of want to go outside and confront him but i got a customer here's my order i just feel like he sounded like that bro he ordered four things chase bro this dude's still out there watching all right so coffee that's easy right coffee's just coffee hot lid got the sticker american scone american scone yeah that's it all right and look they even got the lagreen on it it looks like starbucks bro american apple pie yes sir trap can't come back who knew no had he had a skeleton get out of my store dude look at a guy walking away ah just hit your knee hey girl thank you very much you look impressed no need to nihongo oh he's saying no need to say good japanese okay so we're all talking in japanese here we're just reading it in english i've been living here for more than 15 years hey girl [Music] not right about this place i didn't think that because i'm not around town something's about this store maybe because that guy over there yeah he walked away huh i guess it was just my imagination no he was there are you haunted by any chance well maybe i am either way i'm running late so i'm gonna have to go so long later dude that was weird all right look at him bro what do you want being stressed out he's coming in let's get a good look at him what the freak was that [Music] uh hey [Music] what the freak i'm trying to change my camera battery don't you do dynamic movement bro so you just gonna put your order and not even say anything got you vanilla cappuccino all right blended ice don't you freaking move dude uh one of those get some ice on that say do you want some milk just regular cold milk right not steamed gotcha got you vanilla powder and it should be good to go my good sir there you go sir don't stand outside of my shop again where you going where you eating at i can't see over there oh no hey man hey uh [Music] let's get that go hey now talk of this hello good sir you're cute can i have your number [Music] um would you like to order anything hmm your heart [Music] i think i'll go with your recommendation what's your name tell me your name our recommendation would be the limited time only double chocolate cappuccino i see what's your phone number i'm that good looking aren't i i lose words myself i'm quite popular around here nah you're a creep now is your chance you know he did the little wink right there i'm sure give him a fake number order double let's do the order what's with the attitude you'll regret this i'm going home uh what what are you doing did you put the order in what the freak [Music] bruh this is what women go through bro i know i mean [Music] what just happened why is there a van pulling up who is that who is that who's pulling up in that van oh no oh no oh no who's pulling up in that van look look look no bro they're about to flip the breaker switch they're still moving what the freak is going on somebody's oh do i have to go outside is that what a dumpster is [Music] hey what are you doing out there scram [Music] they're still there i can hear i can hear the car the only up there on the other side of the shop oh no there is bro [Music] lock the door why don't you all right let me bust these tables why can't i pick up any of this trash is it more trash in the back this door is a problem i'm telling you from the jump i knew it was a problem clean wrap okay here we go i don't know why i need that to pick the trash up yes sir yes sir [Music] a couple more spots how about we start with this dude left the freaking picture over here it's a picture from outside of the shop oh we know who left that [Music] we know who left that oh boy with the hoodie on but we gotta talk about the dude that wanted my number what the freak [Music] my neighbor's getting a little loud with it huh hey it could be worse i could have had the neighbor that the protagonist of welcome to the nhk had seen that anime you know what song i'm talking about still i hate having loud neighbors bro [Music] back when i used to live in apartments oh my goodness i had this one neighbor worst neighbor ever you know why because they had a little chihuahua dog that would bark every single time that they went to work [Music] 10 out of 10 jump scare 10 out of 10. watch where you're going geez young ones these days [Music] watch where i'm going where are you rolling this baby off to at 11 o'clock at night going 99 miles per hour baby mac probably broke from the whiplash you just caused oh you a ugly one too you know what y'all have a good night wait hold on and the baby naked oh he needs some milk i'm going to work i'm going to work bro y'all on some goofy stuff over here what's good [Music] did someone just leave when i arrived oh no we're from the stalker's eyes the stalker just watched us go to work [Music] the stalker just watched us go to work oh brother that ain't good don't tell me i'm late bro senpai about they eat me hey yo that's when you know somebody mad they just standing there looking at a wall or something today's your first closing shift what have i been doing this whole time i have a question do you get strange customers around at night well sometimes we do just brush it off if they come focus on your work there's plenty to do actually i'm afraid i might be being stalked you want me to believe someone is interested in the likes of you i guess i'll come flying to help you if anything ever happens bro she gonna come in here with a machine gun one day y'all keep playing bro just stuff away let's do this [ __ ] [Music] i've been checking the camera maybe not the most i could have oh we got the freaking school girls i already know y'all bullies at y'all school sorry i'm going to the bathroom can you order macchiato for me okay i'll have a cinnamon roll churros and a cup of coffee please and add whipped cream to it you're gonna eat that much no wonder you got so fat huh paying separately together is fine and i'll have a matcha chilla pacino what a chilla pacino you can't be serious do you know how cold it is right now i'll be fine oh and wouldn't marty won again uh didn't she say she wanted a macchiato you mean chillapuccino no she definitely wanted a macchiano she's gonna catch a cold no she won't you know i would be fine but naughty won't be you didn't hear what i said earlier right hear what a caramel macchiato hot please a hot caramel macchiato got it so we got a matcha chili pacino she did say she wanted that whipped cream i don't know about that sound effect though chief put that there and we should be good strawberry shortcake y'all remember that i remember that because my sister freaking had 99 of those all right coffee and whipped cream all right so that's gonna be a hot drink that should be good to go there bada boom with a bat see you later girls [Music] oh y'all actually eating inside nice thanks i'll pay you back now okay thanks what you doing over there that's display i don't know what's going on with them yo what's up yeah good thing we got off at a different place what's going on yakuza dude who knows he might have done something to harm us wait who are you all talking about yep but do you know what didn't he seem like a dangerous person too you know the guy outside who's outside who's outside ah i could hear him breathing from miles away the way he looked gave me the shivers is he still here what what if he abducts me scary don't worry no one wants to kidnap you bro why are there so many savages in this game what what's that supposed to mean but seriously though should we tell the police or something ksap said hmm well technically he didn't do anything and besides i don't want to get involved in anything creepy you're right ah maybe he's just another weirdo okay so the girls are talking i wanted to read that they put that dialogue in the game for a reason they let us know that somebody is outside of the shop and i think we know who it is mr hoodie bag from yesterday hoodie back la latte please a latte that'll be 370 yen 370 and let's see uh four five six seven and a hundred yen one two huh 200 yen for 270 yen can't afford it it's like i said 370. oh well i guess better luck next time i'll pay for the rest oh how kind is this that cycle from yesterday [Music] but be a good samaritan that's what my father always told me it's cold today so drink something warm yeah [Music] for someone like me don't mention it oh thank you oh and by the way have you seen any ghosts lately no i see you'll be fine then bro what was that what was that about i don't know it must be the stress of poverty [Music] oh my goodness this game is filled with savages bro poor guy get it [Music] oh what's up chillas are y'all killing this dialogue i'm sorry i'll have a vanilla latte all right well while y'all stand inside each other let me get these orders right [Music] so first we got a regular latte which is coffee and milk right all right cool coffee and steamed milk like i'm actually learning what a latte is i never knew at the latte here cut it out with all the poverty jokes all right poverty is not funny by the way see if you see anybody outside do it in a hoodie [Music] [Applause] that's so scary why does it just get so freaking quiet i'm gonna bust these tables down y'all remember blueface i know by the time we get to the fifth table jump scare is popping off so how about we do the one over here first now they could switch it up the jump scare could happen on the fourth one i'm ready okay okay y'all ready here we go oh oh that's a problem that's a problem what i know they don't want me to go out there what am i holding put the rag back bro he's standing over there on that side they're about to make me go out here bro he's right here there's nobody out here what the freak is this it's a freaking ghost that's what the dude was talking about he said as long as you don't see them you'll be fine so guess we're gonna die now it's gone oh what the day we first met yes at chillis she smiled at me like a flower just thinking about her makes my heart pound i have never felt this way before i wonder if she's putting a smile on everyone's face just like she does mine [Music] yeah i was written by a stalker so a lot of time is actually going by i forgot what the first date was the stalker look at him taking pictures he's got a screwdriver through the picture what is it is it time to strike now december 5th bro this game is scary no way did my doorbell just ring i can't grab a weapon i can't look through a peephole look to the peephole bro you don't just open the it's a letter i know her best maybe after your mother and father i'll really be number one in time she talked to me she picked up my phone and went out of her way to give it to me i knew she felt the same way i did we're in love today is our anniversary huh i i know you ain't talking about me i'm single and ready to mingle but not with you lo siento it was da da da somebody's out here [Music] okay jump scares dude it's so many corners just getting to my car is so many corners nah we gotta speak on this this is literally woman simulator bro you just living your life dudes is just out here trying to get you not respectfully i'm out here scared for my life trying to get to my car so i can go to work hello the car won't start i have to take the bus oh brother oh all right okay ladies i'm sorry you gotta go through this i mean even sometimes like i'd be scared to do stuff at night by myself but like i'm not an old lady you know somebody try something y'all better have three people cause two ain't enough bro where's the bus stop at is this the bus stop zamanshon is this place called the mansion where's the bus stop oh here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go satellite radio oh i'm on a bus bus gameplay chillas art man [Music] what the freak oh it's going to be the hoodie guy whoa all right y'all could have put a little bit more budget into the animations what's my heart beating what the freak what's good what you trying to get into exactly i'm literally just out here trying to exist bro oh that was my stop i ain't even see the coffee shop oreo i i'm i'm dying [Music] they're throwing sound grenades outside senpai bro senpai listen listen listen let's listen senpai i cannot work here anymore senpai in the bathroom second you in there blowing it up you looked at me for 20 seconds before i spoke to you goodness you scared the you just gonna slam the door in my face you scared the crap out of me leave me alone when i'm in the restroom sheesh get to work bro why are you running to your car all right what [Music] look how tall this dude is what the freak we got drive through now bro did you even put an order in bro he ordered 19 things all right caramel macchiato that's gonna be hot coffee right wait i'm trying to remember yeah hot coffee steamed milk i i gotta have a little bit more confidence caramel syrup and caramel sauce we should be good to go chief camera macchiato another one day there you go my good sir get out of here with your freaking loud vehicle oh another one he ordered two of each there you go oh my camera's not on he just zoomed zoomed hey sir yeah sorry about the wait did you want to order anything or you're just going to be chilling back there because there's no loitering you're going to have to order something if you want to be in the store sir after i deal with her i'mma deal with you hey look at you looking like beauty and the beast i like it [Music] i'd like a green tea latte and one of those waffles too one green tea latte and a waffle yes the green tea latte and waffle here are delicious i always go for these two glad you like them no thank you for serving them my son likes them too are you alone i'll give you this if you like this rosary bracelet is said to ward off evil you should keep it i bought it from an infomercial on tv they said some amazing things about it can you believe it for only 9 900 yen it's like 99 oh it's fine i own a lot of them anyways rich in this day and age it's so convenient to buy things through the cell phone they're only a few presses of buttons away i really didn't need all that chatter i appreciate the bracelet though i'm not gonna lie let's get to work um green tea latte have we made a latte before yeah we made vanilla syrup steamed milk i should be good to go on that one chief oh i need a cap my bad my bad and then the waffle all right there you go thanks for the rosary bracelet truly truly i appreciate it what's going on over here very good very good i don't like when things are going on over there that tall guy never ordered anything he came in i don't know where that lady was going the tall guy came in sat down stared at me and then left so i don't know man i'm stressed out well don't you look dapper sister aren't you a cute one are you by any chance a model or something no nothing in particular see compliments love to see it what a waste i'm sorry but you should definitely make use of the style you got i mean do you want me to introduce you to my office give me your number sorry i'm not sure about that kind of thing i see i don't care if you regret it i'll have a salted caramel mocha please okay caramel syrup hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce all right caramel syrup hazelnut syrup and chocolate sauce i hope i did that right i don't want to do that drink again [Music] yes if she if i was gonna have an option to give her my number i was gonna say no at this point we can't trust anybody they could all be working for the stalker trying to get my number so that they could give it to him what the freak bro no shoes no shirt no service oh what the [ __ ] bro what are you doing in my store i'm calling the cops case that's it [Music] hey hey it's so hot today i'll have a caramel chili pacino excuse me sir could you please put on some clothes and not make a scene ah come on i won't be here long this dude is up here breaking it down like why are you twisting like that wouldn't it be a disaster if a customer catches a cold what what are you worried about me oh thanks but it's hot today it's cold outside it's one degree celsius right now what it's in a single digit i'm surprised you couldn't notice i see i didn't realize how different people's senses are i might just go home why is this in straight japanese this is like nice day or something or at least that's the last thing that they say so i'm just gonna say that [Music] all right crisis averted [Music] i don't know what was supposed to go down but clean toilet and take out trash he didn't seem mad like the guy that uh we could have given the fake number to feel like there's gonna be different endings it's achilles art game it's definitely you know that's why they give us options and trash sheesh start with that i feel like maybe there's an ending for if like you don't make any customers mad or something like that you get like the best ending which are here and then i'm gonna get on our hands and knees and clean this nasty freaking toilet all right toilet paper i guess i should restock this right okay am i good what's that what is that what is that the sign fell down [Music] what the is this a heater bro i'm confused [Music] that was not right there was it i'm tripping no wait i was right there i would have noticed what the freak we come up who is that [Music] oh i gotta do it i gotta take the order latte latte is literally um coffee and milk right this is why we gotta pay attention clutch mode baby touch mo baby i got it i got it i got it i got it [Music] put that there milk top bro why is more people coming in oh there's another person there bro i'm not gonna make that latte oh dude come on that's not fair put this freaking thing in okay all right yep we're not making that yeah we're not making that ah put it down [Music] i'm sorry i didn't know there was going to be another person i would have just made two i'm sorry oh we're dead oh we're dead oh we're dead let me out i'm locked i'm locked i'm locked inside [Music] hmm the stalkers right there the stalker is literally getting bolder and bolder by the day [Music] well i'm pretty sure we we're not getting the best ending because we failed the dream sequence i feel like if i would have known there was another person there dude i could have i could have did that too i really could have what's that oh that's snow did i ever get my car fixed [Music] footsteps behind me [Music] somebody's following me [Music] somebody's following me [Music] please tell me her card work i want to be at the shop yes yes yes yes get inside get inside [Music] so [Music] close the door senpai senpai senpai where you at buddy where you at senpai don't play these games with me [Music] senpai why is there a letter [Music] what who did we relieve from the store we're we didn't we're not opening right now how you doing man so my suspicions were true i'm glad you contacted me calling the police won't help all they'll do is brush things off to lessen their workload which is why you have people like me i'll take a look around and see if i can find anything bro it's ghosts it's stalkers i hope you got a heater with you that shoots ectoplasm bullets or something i don't know hey what's going on um about the star in the kung fu movie oh y'all sisters huh salted caramel mocha here so delicious i think you'll love it senpai oh okay i guess i'll try that then one salted caramel mocha i'll have a dark mocha chip chip sumi you're not getting salted caramel mocha yeah i want to try something different today i already had one today i see but a chili pacino on a day like this you're so young because it's delicious how would you like to pay for your bill oh is today the day of the photo shoot or something is the store going to be featured in a newspaper uh no i don't think so why what but i saw someone outside taking pictures huh was he taking pictures of the store yeah the store and you most likely should have done my makeup what are you on about i'm sorry we'll pay together the drinks are on me what are you sure thanks so much senpai i'm in a good mood lately my son used to be a shut-in in his better mood now that he's going to school your son's in middle school right yeah i just hope he wasn't bullied at school oh in this town he definitely was i didn't have any good memories when i was his age [Music] literally just said the stalker is outside that detective's dead i'm so mad that i mess up the freaking lattes here you go ladies two super complicated drinks for no reason go home and drink nesquik i just heard somebody scream i know i heard [Music] i know i heard somebody say ah something's going on the lights are kind of like flickering or something oh it's you um there's no baby in that stroller um [Music] lady are you okay what's her order [Music] salted caramel mocha bro she's crying her baby died from that freaking whiplash i'm telling you it's not this okay yep see i know it her baby's dead her baby's dot her baby died [Music] and she just pushes the stroller [Music] so a little piece of her baby can always be with her where's the detective he did i heard somebody i heard it but the music so loud hmm that's strange ma'am oh i'm sorry give me the usual it's like a i don't know you freak is the usual bro they giving me the same hard drink over and over and over again there you go lady your usual hey are you repairing the store's antenna at this hour antenna no ma'am why i saw someone on the roof what there shouldn't be anyone on the roof it could be the investigator maybe i should check it out could have been by it could have been my imagination anyway the drink please [Music] i gave you your drink all right get the ladder i knew that ladder was about to be important oh no okay [Music] let's go see if it's the investigator anybody on no okay wait i can't leave can i go out the side door use the ladder and check the roof see i told you it appeared there it wasn't there in the from the beginning where should i set it up right here we climbing they even made a roof a hatch a hatch to the restaurant oh no [Music] well it was confirmed that somebody was on the roof so somebody's in this hatch are these oh he was sleeping at the shop no no photographs of me no that's why the milk was going missing i knew it i have to close the store fast close the store are you serious that's the other side of the door unlock dory i told you i told you the other side of that door was trouble didn't i where's the investigator what do they mean 0 out of 16. i need to throw everything away or something just grab it grab all of it grab all of it throw it all away no get money what do i do with this what i do with the money throw it away where am i going with this money oh literally we've never done that product scanner okay that's how we count this please please please flip the sign closed you are disgusting dude we gave him his phone right get to the car get together [Music] oh y'all ready for this jump scare again oh my goodness that is scary bro i love this game i love this game so much okay so don't run to your car i mean i thought i was about to beat him i could go to the roof though screwdriver was good my boy i knew he was living in the shop the whole time he's gone he's gone he's gone oh we could go through can we go through the top i got the ladder yeah i could go through the top okay you about to fight to the death up here grab a brick i i can oh what the freak [Music] oh what did i tell you i told you the investigator got bodied bro we about to drop a brick on his chum [Music] yup look at him he was hiding well just like alex from the first final destination you're out of here via dropped brick night night bro he's spazzing he's that he's dead you know when people be like spazzing and stuff they're dead dead i killed a man as i picked up the brick that man looked right at me if i didn't drop it i thought he would somehow get inside and kill me that man looked terrifying i don't even know him why did he i had no choice i didn't mean to kill him i was scared i ran to the police i told the police everything that had happened then the police took me back to the scene and that man was no longer there there was no one there the police took me back home and told me to leave the rest to us and went back to investigate the scene it's all over i'm tired after all that happened now i want to rest peacefully at home i don't understand something happened at 8 30. he didn't understand the cable is acting weird again the cable i should call the owner oh no no no no no no no no no no where's my phone oh this game is hard this is my favorite horror game this is literally like a scary movie no way is anybody down there y'all see anybody oh the phone there it is it's right there right right there first of all why is your phone ringing right when you thought to use it second and more importantly how did it get outside yep y'all ready to get this death real quick now i'm sure well i'm not sure but i think there's got to be multiple endings i already knew we was getting the trash ending we didn't do nothing right we're about to get snuffed right here and now even though i don't see anybody near unless there's someone in that car [Music] get back get back get back dude's about to run up on me dude that's the worst that's the worst it's the worst it's the worst there's always going up the stairs we probably get smacked where i live where i live i live over here right no go back inside no way nothing happened [Music] nobody [Music] damn he snuck inside the house when i left oh she was she gone ain't nobody saving you now [Music] oh [Music] that's the bad ending dang oh they got a patreon bro don't worry i'm about to back that we're gonna see our name in the next credits for sure that was in my opinion that was even better than the convenience store i just love the way that this game played out it was dialogue it was a bunch of characters comedy stuff bunch of jump scares this is the perfect youtube horror game bro like if this video doesn't get 300k likes what more could y'all ask for for a horror game let's play i'm about to eat on this patreon bro yeah say less chiller say less so that was the closing shift probably my favorite chillers art game that was crazy it was like that one movie where the killer was like living in the walls the whole time this sucker was literally inside the shop right he had to sleep in bags he had all the stuff like that was nuts but hopefully you guys enjoyed if they should assist in the samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] guess my name is curry [Music] kinchin you win
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 27,768,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the closing shift, the, closing, shift, scary, horror, game, lets, play, stalker, this, man, is, following, me, jumpscare, chillasart, chillas, art, japanese, 閉店事件, scream, funny, hilarious, moments, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, full game, ending
Id: 7KAcyc9aEvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 7sec (4147 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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