Let’s Speedrun Life: The Game

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today we're speedrunning Life the game where we're gonna get all fails and all successes so we'll start the speed run right there and get born where we're gonna fail our first time and we got stuck in our mother's womb for three days and when she finally succeeded our mother was tired of us so she put us up for adoption and we never saw her again so that's pretty sad after that we're gonna learn our words but of course we're gonna fail first and we never learned how to talk and are currently tied for the fewest words spoken world record with a bathtub but now that I have a little bit of time to actually explain what's going on obviously I'm putting the fails in the top left corner so you're still able to see them even though of course we can't read them for too long normally because this is a speed run so that's why I'm doing that and now we're on to math and speaking of math I'm pretty sure we can all agree I got the correct answers but unfortunately my teacher didn't think so and we hated math so much we dropped out of school at eight years old when we applied for a job flipping burgers our application was rejected because we were overqualified so that's the thing but now it's time for puberty where we're getting a bunch of pimples we one of them is gonna pop and after the pimple incident we became known as the nipple face guy a year later we agreed to a dirt cheap scar removal surgery performed by her cousin Alan and we died on the spot yeah Alan's kind of a jerk this is also like one of the most disgusting parts of this game just look at all the green stuff coming out but whatever after that we're going on finder to try to find a girlfriend but we noped on the cutest girls we've ever laid our eyes on and to this day we consider this one of our biggest regrets in life and cry ourselves to sleep every Tuesday and Friday we also failed beer pong but the game tells us that being bad at beer pong couldn't possibly ruin our life so it gives us a free pass to keep going so that's pretty cool and immediately after we mess up big time and not only poison our boss but we get fired from our dream job so we get charged with attempted murder and spend the next 20 years of our life in prison with a roommate named Papa Bear anyways now it's time to get married with the girlfriend that we found on finder and you'll also see that I'm really going in my most stylish stuff like I think this is the perfect outfit to get married in we just look really nice and obviously my wife loves me so she's not going to be mad at all except she is in our glamorous fashion sense caught our fiance completely off guard she freaked out and ran away with her cousin Alan this guy again I swear anyways now it's time to have babies and a lot of them well not yet obviously instead we're gonna mess it up and get the message that says nothing to say here just try again oh here's a funny for you what do you call a programmer in Finland a nerdic you get it because like a Nordic and then a nerd yeah yeah you get it now at this point we've had a pretty eventful life so far but now we need a midlife crisis the only problem is I didn't get the stuff I needed and on the way home I realized that I forgot to buy everything so I locked myself in a room forever and wondered what could have been so that's pretty sad but now we're gonna figure out what could have been because look at us we're ripped and have a new car after that we're gonna do some grandchildren stuff where we electrocute one on our first day as a babysitter for the oldest daughter we managed to electrocute the first poison II and set the the third kid on fire good job now it's time to move to a retirement home and live out your last remaining days filled with sadness and loneliness so yeah that's a that's a little too real now after we hang out with our grandchildren we get to play around with our pills and sort them also one of our pills just decide to be a ghost pill and it's literally just floating up there I tried hitting it with my different pills before finally just dragging it down but yeah that was a little weird anyways what we have to do for this mini game is sort our pills in the right containers obviously we're not trying to do it right the first time but this mini game is also really weird it just feels weird the ways you control it I don't know how to explain it you would just have to do it yourself but there we go we failed it and eh who needs pills anyways is what we said the day before we went into drug withdrawal and slipped into a coma that we never recovered from our life really just keeps getting better and better but anyways to do this actually correctly it's pretty simple we put the blue pills in the blue cup the pink pills and the pink cup and the green pills in the green cup like I was saying it is is still really weird to control this thing and I also do not want to knock these things down but those are my pills and now I can die and end off time with four minutes exactly at least we were loved by all now we're on to afterlife the game where we're gonna do the exact same type of speedrun as you'll see right there as we fail to fly and during our first few seconds of Freedom as a ghost we managed to get ourselves permanently stuck in a random obstacle we're now destined to spend eternity contemplating all of our poor life decisions that brought us here anyways after that we're actually gonna do the correct flying and we're just making sure we don't get hit by any of these things I'm not exactly sure what we're flying to but we made it to the light and now we see us flying across the sky I don't know but now we're back to protect our wife from all the bad things that could happen to her like getting hit by a piece of poop which we failed but at least that means we're not lonely anymore still she'd probably hold out against us in the afterlife so we're actually gonna protect her now and there's a bunch of things trying to kill her I don't really know what she did to all these people but I'm a little bit concerned earned but what I'm not concerned about is Alan as we see this guy's just being a Chad like he usually is hanging out in his office and even if I start flinging three things all around his office he doesn't even get scared it takes a fourth thing until he gets a little bit scared not really sure why he doesn't just leave but he stays and because of that he's actually going to take our revenge plot as a sign from God to buy a lottery ticket which he won can this man ever stop being so impressive but anyways we just have to mess around with a little bit more of his stuff and eventually he'll get scared enough we successfully got a Revenge now at this point I'm gonna give you a jump scare warning here because our boy is playing Five Nights at Freddy's so yeah we got jump scared but we want him to get jump scared instead so we can click this button a bunch of times and there we go he got destroyed then we go straight into the comedy club where I bet you were expecting to hear a joke about ghosts right that's the spirit this game is just so dumb it's amazing anyways we're gonna answer all of those correctly and we're gonna get an award because we we have the best comedy after that we're going straight over to a party which we fail right away but thankfully even though we failed to party hard that's okay because these underground shindigs go on for a lifetime after that it's time to do a rhythm game and this rhythm game is weird mostly because we have to use our Mouse to click all these buttons instead of using specific keys and that just makes it a little bit more difficult because I have to make sure that my mouse placement is always in the right spot and I'm not gonna lie I'm just used to something like Guitar Hero or something where it's just a bit easier but at least my ghost is having like the greatest night of his life and to be fair all these ghosts are having the greatest night of their lives they're all dancing together having a good time though unfortunately this rhythm game kind of overstays its welcome so while we're waiting if you enjoy the video make sure to subscribe I'd really appreciate it and that was the best night ever anyways now it's time for the championship of beer pong where we lose right away because we skipped it last time and we get the message that you thought betting against the devil was a good idea didn't you well not only did you lose all your respect due to your laugh beer pong skills now you have to spend all eternity with your former acquaintance papa bear I mean I do like Papa Bear so it's not that bad but after that we are able to win and now it's time to dress up for Halloween which I think my costume is great but the only thing we should fear more than the Ghostbusters is the fashion police I don't know why they had to go that hard on me I guess we'll just dress up in a boring Deadpool costume and now it's time to go trick-or-treating where you'll see all across the mouth is just a bunch of candy that appears randomly not really at people's houses which is kind of weird either way though I'm not trying to win all I'm trying to do is wait out this really long timer unfortunately there are going to be five pieces of candy that we have to get so they give you a lot of time which also means that we have a lot of time to fail and I mean I can spin around so that's pretty fun but we just kind of have to wait out the thing until finally we're able to fail and all the children laughed at us for being so incompetent and stumbling around the neighborhood like a drunken Russian teenager I'm starting to feel like like this game really doesn't like it when you fail but that doesn't matter this time because we're actually going to succeed first of all you can see that the controls are very slippery it reminds me of the pill minigame in the last game but this one's even a little bit harder because I mean we just have to go all around the map and we should have enough time to go ahead get that last piece of candy now we have to sort it though but of course we're failing for the first time and this means I'm just gonna put everything in its wrong place like we put broccoli in our candy bag and we're throwing away all the different pieces of candy either way again we have to wait because this game just really likes you doing that and even though we're dead we still can't let go of our OCD the unsorted mess triggered us so bad that we spent an entire year waiting for the next Halloween just so we could try again so that's gonna be how we're supposed to sort it I don't know why there's a razor did someone give us that for Halloween that was a little weird but now we have everything we need in our basket so it means we can finally bust out first of all we're just gonna die who are you gonna call hmm can you really call in this situation which fair enough but after this we just have to go past I don't know who set this up with all these blades and stuff which apparently have the power to kill a ghost but we're gonna make it straight through make it to the exit and now it's finally time to decide where we want to spend the rest of Eternity now first of all we're going downwards just to get beaten up by a duck and we didn't even believe it was possible to fail there but somehow we managed to do it after that we're going to take the stairway to heaven and pretty much we just climbed the stairs one by one it is possible to climb two stairs at once but it's really precise and more times than not we're gonna fail it causing us to go back down so we just gotta take it step by step until we finish off the Speed Run with a 5 27. so we're gonna end off with fourth place in Life the game and second place in afterlife the game alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 3,391,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, life: the game, afterlife: the game, life the game, afterlife the game, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, wr, speedruns, speedrunner, life the game speedrun, life speedrun, afterlife the game speedrun, afterlife speedrun, eazyspeezy life the game, all endings, all fails, life: the game all fails, life the game funny, life the game best ending, life the game ending, life the game speed run, eazyspeezy speedrun
Id: ljNwNljXBxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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