Riddle School speedruns are incredibly clever

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today we're speed running through every riddle school game starting with the first one now the speedrun will start as soon as we click on start game and then right away we can see what this game is about basically we're stuck in class and we really want to get out so the entire purpose of this game is solving a bunch of puzzles so we can escape school so we go through a couple of different places like getting a feather duster a hall pass showing that guy the feather duster so he gives us a dollar and then showing the hall pass to richie so we're able to go by before giving this dollar to that kid so we can go into the principal's office and then all that's left is stealing the key to the school so we can sneak in here see our principal and grab the key he does notice but we made it out just in time and yeah we're pretty much home free i'm just gonna escape really quick and there we go that's riddle school one now of course that was the simplest riddle school game and they will get more complicated as we go on like for this one first we want to collect a dollar and then use that instrument to get through the class then after that we want to get some different things and basically the purpose of this entire game is to get 75 cents so we're gonna do a bunch of things to be able to do that like using this toilet paper and giving it to the person that needed it then he kind of just walks out and doesn't even say thank you to me kind of a jerk move but anyway because we got him out we can now get the mop and go through here so we can get another coin before giving the mop to the janitor and having our 75 cents now we can go plug in the cookie machine and put our 75 cents in there so we can get a cookie and then finally give it to this kid again which is going to cause him to move from the door so it's finally time to take our next key which we can see mr mister and he looks kind of intimidating but we kind of just take the key and then leave yes i really did just take the key and yeah pretty much after that all we have to do is escape and that is now riddle school 2 done so it's time for riddle school 3. and this time what we want to start out with doing is getting some chewing gum and combining it with our ruler that's going to allow us to go on this vent and get this rubber band so yeah basically the theme of riddle school 3 is combining two different items and using them to solve different puzzles so we got the rubber band which we can launch at mr soggy and that's going to cause him to lose his glasses and to make it even worse for him we're also going to steal his glasses because we're going to need them for this puzzle once we make it in the library the librarian tells us to shut up but we give him someone else's glasses and he can finally see so is going to give us a free bookmark which will come in useful later but as we go through here we're going to pick up a penny because in this game we want to get a total of a dollar but then we can go in the men's restroom and put this toilet paper in the toilet so the toilet clogs and then the janitor has to go and deal with it which is going to mean it's a perfect time to go into the supply closet and we can combine our ruler and our bookmark together so we can get this dime that's on top of the bookshelf we now have 12 cents now with that we're gonna pick up another penny before going to the right and going to this janitor's closet where we can take a quarter before checking out this locker and we see that richie is trapped in his locker unfortunately he doesn't remember his combination but tells us it's written down in mrs adverb's room so we go down to the teacher's lounge and tell mrs adverb about that and yeah they just kind of awkwardly leave yeah i don't know why they made this such an awkward scene yeah bye guys thank you for leaving me alone in the teacher's lounge and while i am alone in here i can look in the drawer and get another nickel now if this we're going all the way to the left to mrs counts room where we can get a keyboard key then we can take that keyboard key upstairs to mrs flassroom and we can use the keyboard key on this printer thing at least i think that's what it is and that's going to short-circuit it and then print out a button that says science rocks yeah i really do not know what's happening but we can collect the button and then go all the way to the right to get another penny go in miss adverbs room and get the combination before going in this yellow locker and getting another nickel now the combination says blobbles which of course is just backwards so we can just use that to figure out the combination richie is now finally out and he's gonna give us a quarter for helping him he also tells us that he's collecting buttons so we use the button that we got earlier and give it to richie which causes him to give us another quarter so we have a dollar which means we can finally beat the game now first we're going to the lunchroom and presenting the dollar to mrs munch where we're going to ask for pudding and this is like the greatest deal for pudding i've ever seen in my life that whole thing was only a dollar so now we can give the pudding to this kid which is going to cause him to roll over it and then almost run us over and then he also destroys the auditorium so i mean that's kind of sad but anyways we got all the puzzles done all we have to do is now tell the receptionist that we need to see the counselor and the counselor's office is actually really sweet the dude's also literally just playing video games which is kind of hilarious and that means he's not going to notice when we kind of just swipe his key thanks dude catch you later so there we go riddle school 3 is now done all we have to do is leave and we can move on to riddle school 4. now riddle school 4 is probably the most interesting game in the entire series because yeah it's already beaten riddle school 4 was basically just an april fool's joke but don't worry because it actually works with the overarching story because now we're learning that we've actually been captured by aliens and have been kept in a frozen state now because i died in riddle school 4 we finally woke up so yeah we're now on like an alien ship and we have to make it out now right at the beginning we're going under the bed so we can get an alien coin and then we can use that on this vent it's pretty easy to screw the screws off and there we go now we're out after this we're going to this tile device and basically i just have to use a specific combination to get all the patterns on the bottom of the screen to show up on this tile now once that's done it activates the statue which will turn us invisible then we can go check out our fellow classmates and go to a couple more missions like in smiley's room there's a hidden door where we can get some meat in this room we can get the key card and then we can go into this flower room where we're gonna get a tray some soil and a potted dirt flower now we can go all the way back out and we're going to be going into zach's room where we can find one more screw now with this we can combine the dirt and the meat and then put the flour on the other side before going to this panel and putting all the screws in and then taking the life force from the flour and giving it to the meat which kind of grows legs yeah this game's sometimes weird but there we go we now have that thing and we can take it all the way back to our room where we're gonna use the key card we can then place the meat on the vent use this to turn ourselves invisible and the monster that's on the other side of the room is going to run after it so we can close the door behind him and finally make it into this room at this point we learned that if a child does die in their dreams they're going to wake up so we're going to have to kill all of our friends now we get to go on this chair put in some numbers and go into the first dream now this will bring us to riddle school 4 which is fred's dream obviously this was the dream that i died in but instead of me dying this time we're gonna try to kill fred so first of all we're gonna go to fred ask if he wants our sweatshirt but he's gonna say it's too warm so we're gonna check this desk note see that they're going to try to kill me and then i can turn down the thermostat and this time i'll be able to give him my sweatshirt which then causes fred to die instead of me because the teacher thought fred was me yeah it's kind of a weird sequence of events but anyway now it's time to go back in and this time we're going into smiley's dream which of course is going to be riddle school 3. so we start this one out like normal we get the chewing gum and we're going to combine the ruler with the chewing gum to get the rubber band and then of course we'll hit the teacher with our rubber band so he'll lose his glasses but now we're going to tell smiley that he lost his glasses and since she's a great student she's gonna try to help him which is the perfect time to yeah so we kind of just trip her and um poor smiley we'll miss you but now all we have to do is go back into one more dream and this time we're going to rescue zach and of course this is going to be in riddle school 2. now this one also starts out like normal where we get the dollar and then use the instrument this freezes zach because by the way he's always freezing cold so we kind of just push him down and there we go another one down so that's going to be all of our friends and now all we have to do is wake them up we go one by one we talk to them and they take an escape pod back now once all three of them left we can also take an escape pod and there we go riddle school five should be over right well except when we're flying back we get captured and yeah now we're going on to a brand new ship and here's where we see that all of our friends also got captured and they're all going to be behind bars with zach also powering up a freeze ray and here's where we see the main villain of the riddle school series viz he also mentions a traitor to us and then kind of just steals our key and then leaves but we get to talk to the trader who is going to be diz now dis basically tells us that he was trying to protect us because viz wants to freeze our earth and see kind of the sad thing is the reason they're even trying to freeze the earth is because i skipped school in riddle school one so they decided that earth isn't worth saving yep kind of sad but you know it happens now the freeze ray is getting charged up and our planet is almost about to be destroyed viz also comes back he kicks this out and he decides that he's going to leave this ship and go on to his own which honestly is kind of stupid why am i the only one not behind bars when i'm the person that solves all the puzzles but hey i guess it has to happen for story progression so we're gonna go through and do a couple more puzzles for this one we just have to match the numbers pretty normal things we're gonna take some toothpaste use a coin to unscrew this faucet and then also do one of these tile device puzzles this one is actually a lot harder than the original one so a big thing i do for this one is i wrote down the order that i do the tiles it's just way too long to memorize and it really sucks when you mess it up now that's going to power on the statues so we can go to this light screen and just input the right code there which is going to shoot out a mug now we can go back teleport there and use the toothpaste that we got earlier to put the mug back together then we can combine the faucet with the mug and dip it in the lava so now we have some really hot liquid next we teleport back onto the ceiling and use the lava on this wooden panel and then also put our key right in there which is going to cause the lava to close down so yeah it was literally like one of the easiest things in the world to fix and there we go we have now beaten riddle school five which brings us on to riddle transfer where basically at the end of riddle school five we defeated viz but then we got captured by the cia and we're now in zone 51 which is basically area 51. so we have to unlock ourselves first of all we're going to input our own code which of course i just already know i don't even have to do puzzles for and we're going to get this creature communicator then we can go into this room where we have to unravel a bunch of papers and find an elevator key now we can go to any floor that we want and go over to this dude which is going to be messy now we're going to talk to messi and messi is kind of sad because they used to be in a much better lake we tell messi that we can help her and she gives us the key card for the power room after this we can talk to the snowman who basically tells us he wishes he had hair and then go into the power room where we just have to do a short puzzle so we can rearrange the drain system and get messy to go back to her like she's now so happy now because we did that we can take messi's top hat and use that for later after that we're going up to floor three and we're going into this room where we're going to use this hose to get some chlorophyll now if we place that chlorophyll into this tube it's going to get goat man to have a nice landscape and with that landscape we can now take a daisy now we'll go back to floor 3 and we'll see our friend zach who by the way now instead of being freezing cold he's always on fire and to save him what we're gonna do is give him the daisy which he's allergic to so he's gonna sneeze and then it'll be free we can now use his powers and we're gonna use them right away for the flying pig where we use his head to destroy the wooden plank and the pig can make it out pretty easily which we can then collect the feathers and go down to floor one now we'll combine the top hat with the feathers and give it to bigfoot which will make him happy so he gives us a keypad we're also gonna go talk to smiley and ask her for the hairspray that's in herself before going down to b1 and using this hairspray on the snowman so he's finally fluffy and he is very happy so he gives us a dice next we can go into this room where we're going to see fred and we can use the keypad on him it's pretty much just using his combination and now he is also free so all we have to do now is go and save smiley which we can use the game die that we got earlier and input her code to free her as well so now it's time to go to b2 one more time and see this door who is very confused on how we all got out so he's going to get very angry but we can go back to the power room and turn him off so we can now go through the door and skip a quick cutscene to see dizz here now we're gonna use the creature communicator and then we have to do a couple of puzzles to save him this first one is basically just match the pattern in the top left so yeah it's not too difficult at all doing it fast is a little bit hard but we get it done pretty quickly then we get this contraption which is the easiest puzzle of my life before doing this one where we have to solve a couple of math problems it's also pretty easy and then we finally have this one where all you have to do is not press the two buttons on both the left side and the right side and it easily gets done so that allows us to save dizz and we can move on everyone is back together and all we have to do is go back on the ship but the thing is there's a security alarm and dis escapes before us he literally just decides to leave us yeah it's actually really sad so we have to go back down to b2 and escape through there which is going to lead us on to the final riddle school game riddle transfer 2. now this game starts with some weird alien and i'm sure he's not going to be important at all but after that we get a cutscene of us being in the sewers we're getting shot at by the cia who we are legitimately like five years old i do not know why they're doing this bowie made it through a door and they can't get through so of course it's time to solve some more puzzles first of all i use this power key room to turn on the power and then we do this quick puzzle where basically we have to connect all of these wires and it's not too hard as long as you know how to do it finally we have to input a password and then make the portal target coordinates the same as riddle elementary which isn't too bad all we have to do is go through do a couple of things and now the portal is on so we can jump through now we can see the very first game and how different the characters looked but now we're going to a way updated art style and we're all back in elementary school now our teacher comes in and she's like where have you been the past few days which we say that we got taken by aliens but she doesn't believe us well until this guy the person who is at the beginning of the game quiz comes in and he basically tells us that he is now going to take over the school because he was the next in line after viz so yep looks like it's time for some more puzzles now first of all we look in the trash and then also ask fred for his backpack which we can make into something that kinda looks like me after that we can go into the hallway and go into richie's class where we're going to take some chewing gum and get a math book in a locker before going to the janitor's closet getting a bucket going to the men's restroom and getting some soap and also going into the women's restroom which yeah i guess that's what this looks like so we take a gumball from there now after this we're going to want to use the used chewing gum and have it go through the lasers so the gun is going to shoot at its own power box now we talked to our boy and asked him if he can move over but he says no and gives us a dollar but now we can give him a gumball and he's actually going to move over so we can go into the teacher's lounge now we give this alien the math book so he's distracted and we can take his eye drops and then we get some coffee grounds from the cafeteria then we go back to richie give him the dollar so we get a glue stick get a bucket full of water with the drinking fountain and use zack's head to heat up the water now we can combine the water with the coffee grounds and give that coffee to our teacher this is going to cause her to freak out so we can now open the eye drops bottle using whatever she's doing so we put some soap in the eye drops glue it back together and then bring it back to the teacher's lounge where we get our book back and ask the alien if his eye feels dry so he kind of just puts it in his eye and yeah he kind of feel bad for him but it's finally time to get to quiz so we stand on his desk and he finally notices us and we tell him that you know everything he's doing is kind of lame i mean instead of dominating the world he's literally just taking over a school some low ambitions honestly so we ask him to take a quiz and basically we just have to go through and answer all the different questions eventually we get him to realize that what he's doing is wrong and he was never a true leader for the aliens we go back show who is in command and he realizes that he was kind of weak oh yeah he was also the person that set up everything in zone 51 so yeah a pretty convoluted sorry but finally quiz decided that he's not a true leader and he shuts off all the security measures and there we go for some reason he's now a good guy but in the distance we see that there's a laser and yeah the guy that we literally just saved and left us for dead is is now trying to destroy the earth he's kind of a jerk so quiz and i decide to go up and we're going to confront him but before we go we tell smiley that we actually think her smile is beautiful which doesn't really mean too much to us because we're speed running and barely even talk to her but it's a pretty emotional moment usually anyway now we just have to do a couple more puzzles where first of all we just have to enter a code and then that is going to give us a key then we have this first puzzle where basically we want to make everything red that can get done pretty easily the second puzzle where we want to match up all the shapes so we just go one by one until everything is matched up and this third puzzle where we have to match up all of these things there's a very specific order we can do which completes it in only five moves so now that all that's done we put the key in here and gets shown a self-destruct button so yeah there we go that's the speed run and basically quiz decides to click the self-destruct button and tells us to use the escape pod so yeah he turned out to be a great guy but if we look on speedrun.com we'll see that that actually put me in third place and i'm pretty happy with it alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,339,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, riddle school, speedrun, speed run, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedruns, riddle school speedrun, riddle school world record, riddle transfer, riddle transfer speedrun, speedrun riddle school, riddle school flash, school flash game, speedrun world record, riddle school wr, riddle school all games, flash games, flash speedrun, flash game speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy riddle school, riddle school tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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