100% Speedrunning Choo Choo Charles Is Very Stressful

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today we're 100 speedrunning choo choo Charles we'll start our speedrun as soon as we make it through the first cutscene we get to see our boy Eugene looking perfect as always and while we're going through the intro scenes I'll explain what this speedrun is to get 100 we need to get all train upgrades all paint buckets all weapons and all missions completed and you're gonna be surprised on how fast we can do this but anyways we'll talk to Eugene see his eyeballs just like usual they're looking awesome and then we're gonna speed ahead of him because he's kind of slow there's not too much you can do to speed up this intro sequence so we just gotta head over to the shed and grab the key from it before heading back to our boy Eugene then we can go into this building and see our train which we're gonna enter go directly to the gun exit out of there talk to Eugene and start up the train and with that that's going to be the intro sequence done all that's left is to watch Eugene die because of course we're gonna see Charles for the first time and Eugene really wants us to shoot him but we're not gonna do that instead we're kind of just gonna let Eugene die and yeah hope you enjoy hanging out with Charles love you guys I'm sure they're having a great great time together but yeah it's just not my concern because right now we have to focus on these six missions which are going to be the first part of the run we're gonna get all six of them one after the other before getting our first egg but before all that we just kind of got to ride the train for a bit then once we make it to our first railroad switch we're gonna take the Loft path and we'll actually get off our train as soon as we see our first NPC who's gonna be Tony Tittle now Tony's mission is actually really easy and helpful for us because he doesn't actually have a mission instead he just wants us to go collect nine scrap from his barn so we can head right in here and yeah just go one by one picking him up which is really nice because to get all upgrades we need to get a ton of scrap and you're gonna see me focusing on collecting it a lot throughout this run other than that though we can head over to the Waypoint that we said earlier because a lot of the movement we're going to be doing is going to be on foot just because we can take the more direct paths now once we make it over here we'll see Candace and she pretty much has the exact same Mission which is going to be to go in her house and pick up her scrap but once we make it in here it's kind of a mess honestly she needs to clean her room a little bit more but hey that's still nine scrap and we can head on our way to go over to the swamp and see the witch which is going to conveniently be down this hill where we'll see the witch but we don't actually have to talk to her unless an NPC needs to give you something like a key to open their house you do not have to talk to them to start their mission we're instead gonna jump right inside this swamp and try to make it to the center Island now the annoying thing about this level is that there's a swamp monster after us we have to be careful to not be moving while it touches us otherwise it's going to automatically kill us so yeah this part of the run is pretty scary because I do not want to die here well we can make it to the center Island where it's going to be the ingredient we have to pick up for the witch along with some scrap that we'll take as well and then finally it's time to make it back to shore so we're gonna jump on in and do pretty much the same thing as last time I'll tell you when it's done all right there we go we're finally out and got one of the more stressful parts of the Run done I kind of drifted to the right a bit farther than I would have wanted to but that's fine we can just make our way over to the witch take her scrap as well and head off into this direction because over here is going to be another house with another mission in this this mission is nice because it's going to teach us how to lock pick since we see our boy Daryl and he's basically like hey I can't lock pick and there's a chest I need to get into so he tells us to do it for him Waits the lock picking minigame is pretty easy the first time I played this I had a lot of troubles with it but then you learn all you have to do is press the button a little bit later than you think you need to and it's pretty easy we can get another critical item and pick up some scrap while we're over here finally we'll talk to Daryl he'll give us some more scrap and we can be on our way to this next house which is directly over to the right here's where we're going to talk to Helen who gives us our main objective on how to fight Charles in order to damage him we need to collect his three eggs and she gives us the key to a cave that will let us get the first one but before we make our way over to that cave it's also time to get a flamethrower you can see that there's this guy who just has his entire building on fire and he's kind of not doing anything about it which is really dumb because there's a very simple way to fix that as we just did but he's gonna congratulate us and we can go inside the still burning building to grab some paint along with some more scraps and yeah up thank you Sergeant Flynn I will take the flamethrower so that's going to be our first additional weapon and now we can make our way to our first egg which is going to be straight over into this direction there's a very convenient path right up here and after walking it for a bit we can drop down and see some rails that are leading to a locked cave so we can use the key we got from Helen make our way in here and now it's time to get the egg but before we do that there is one chest that we have to open and we can use the lock picking skills that we got earlier to do this this chest is going to give us our second can of paint and it's the green paint which honestly I really like after that it's just some pretty normal cave movement this is by far the easiest cave in the game because it is the first one it tries to teach you how to be stealthy but that also takes way too much time so instead I'm just gonna run straight through here not really caring if they shoot me because for some reason our character is literally Superman they can shoot you right in the brain and you're barely gonna take any damage now after we grab the egg and get some more scrap we're gonna wanna make sure that this guy keeps following us and that's because once we make it out of the cave we want him to kill us we have to make it out out so the game saves we got the egg and then if we die we'll get spawned back at the train which is gonna be pretty nice so there we go we can make it out our game saves our objective and now we can say hi to our dude again who's going to shoot us a couple more times also he has a really nice jacket I've never noticed that before anyways once we make it back to the train we can start it up and increase our speed all the way to level nine all that scrap is very useful because now we're gonna be able to do the rest of the missions a lot faster after this I do want to Mark our next place we need to go to which is going to be getting some pickles for the pickle lady so I want to ride my train until it's about at this area right by the pickle lady's house and then we can jump our way over to our pickle jar once we make it over to our Waypoint there's going to be a lot of scrap we can take so might as well get that along with another paint can which is going to be our purple paint and a chest which is going to house the pickles not sure why these need a lock pick to be honest who's trying to keep these pickles so safe well maybe the pickle lady anyways we're gonna open that up and then take her pickles and be on our way back to her which is a pretty easy time we kind of just take a pretty straightforward path and we'll see her in no time but actually this might be bad because I think choo choo Charles is right by us and yeah he's gonna murder us but honestly this might be okay so I'm gonna want him to murder me right here because we're right by the pickle lady anyways once we're respawn to the train you'll see that her house is right there and yeah we barely lost any time for these 100 speed runs it's really unlikely that you won't see Charles at least once so all in all that was a pretty good death and we can complete the pigo ladies Mission which means that now it's time to go off to Slenderman so we'll go on our train increase our speed one more time and I'm gonna Mark right in this forest or I don't know if that's a forest whatever that's called because that's going to be where a Slenderman mission is and yes you did not hear that wrong there is actually a Slenderman mission in this game but we do want to set up for later so I will switch the rails over to the right and we'll ride our train until we make it to that next building before jumping off it and getting ready to have another spooky time you'll see that once we make it far enough into this area of the forest in the top right of the screen now we have zero out of eight pages found the in-game lore for this is an MPC gives us the mission to help her with a ghost problem and we need to burn all eight of these pages so the ghost will stop being a jerk and yeah it's honestly not too bad we can grab our second page right there because surprisingly you're not able to die in this section the only thing that will happen if the ghost catches you is it takes you out of the forest so we can grab our fourth page right there and there we go it does its thing which is a little bit annoying because I'm not exactly sure where we are now but yeah it's better than dying and we can keep going that's going to be page number five I'm pretty sure I have a fairly good idea of where we are that's going to be number six we only need two more and now I think we go over to this right direction I really hope I'm doing this right and that's going to be number seven okay that's really good and the ghost is going to take me one more time dude you are really annoying okay I'm not exactly sure where my last page is right now but I'm sure we'll find it let's try this direction where oh of course the ghost is gonna come right by in actually this might be a good thing so we're now at the house where the MPC who gave us the mission is and luckily because of that there's going to be the one last page right at the entrance so that's going to be eight out of eight but before we go report to her I do want to mark this spot on my map and we're gonna head over to that Waypoint also a nice thing is once you get 08 Pages the ghost isn't going to come after you again so we can kind of just walk through eventually we'll make it over to this wooden structure and we'll start climbing our way up it because of the top of the structure there's going to be another lock picking box and we can get another paint can so yeah pretty normal lock picking that's going to be the pink paint can we can grab some scraps and then we're going to jump down because we have more than enough Health We're Not Gonna Die and the one thing I do want to make sure I do is now Mark our next spot on the map which is going to be over here because in that building there's going to be a journal that we have to pick up for a different NPC and I forgot them to do it before so yeah that's not gonna happen this run anyways we'll head inside this building they have some weirdly red Furniture I don't know they just look so weird in this game but we're gonna take that journal get some scrap and make our way to this NPC which is going to be our next Waypoint we won't actually return this journal for a little bit but it'll come up eventually for now we want to go to the NBC that we did the ghost mission for so we can talk to Sasha right here she's going to give us some scraps and we can be back on our way I'm going to use my map to Mark right over here where our rocket launcher is going to be and yeah it's now just another running section oh yeah check out over there those like hanging dolls I'm not exactly sure what that is because we're not required to go in there and it's a little too creepy for me but someone tell me in the comments time to collect our next weapon we have to grab this dynamite along with the scrap and make our way over to this door so we can set off the dynamite while we're also waiting for it I might as well grab that scrap before heading out trying not to die to it and that's going to open up the door then we can come down here remove a rock so that Dynamite can start moving that's going to cause another explosion and once we make our way down here we'll get our rocket also don't worry about this red stuff like I said in my any percent run it's just paint don't demonetize me YouTube anyways we're going to be heading off to this right direction so we can finish off the rocket launcher Mission and just like normal picking up scraps along the way eventually we make it over to this building where we'll see our boy John Smith he gives us the Boomer and now right by there we can go up this structure where we're gonna see Greg and he's gonna give us our next key after that all we have to do is make our way over to this Lighthouse which is at the end of the island say up just picking up scrap along the way just like usual now for this part what we need to do is turn on the lighthouse's lights and to do that we have to go over to the shed and pick up all of these switches I'm not sure why they're not just on the lighthouse already but it doesn't matter we can grab those go straight over here place all the switches on the lighthouse and do them in the order of four two three one finally we can talk to Claire get our scraps and die by jumping off this Cliff a few times so that's gonna be number one and we can jump one more time over here and that's gonna be another derailed now as soon as we spawn We're not gonna start our train right away because instead it's time to go return the journal that we got earlier we will pick up some scraps on the way just like usual but we have to go over to the docks and yeah it's just a pretty easy run finally once we make it over here we can see our boy Santiago he's going to give us some more scraps and that's going to be another mission done then after this all we have to do is run back up to our train but we're also gonna pick up another paint can which is going to be the gray paint and just take our long windy path back up I will make sure I Loop the rest of this building though just gonna make sure I have the scraps and we can be on our way with the train and now it's time for a pretty long train ride so we're gonna set our Waypoint all the way over here at this stock and there's a reason for that later I'll explain it when we get there but we can also upgrade our train damage and our armor to level way and after this it's time to ride for a while and surprisingly we're already more than halfway done with the speed run we've been making really good time I do have to make sure that I do switch these rails though so I will make this one go over to the right and yeah back on the train I might as well also switch up our color which you know for this one let's go with a purple I've barely ever used this color and I really like purple I will switch up the train color some more though so if you're a fan of the colors let me know which one's your favorite one I guess oh and on our way I actually saw another box I will take this just in case we should be fine on scrap but you never know what's gonna happen inboxes are always a nice thing to get because they can give you anywhere from one to nine scrap but as you can see we're now crossing the bridge where we will eventually kill Charles but we still have some more train riding to do before we complete some more missions alright finally we make it over to this house which is where we're gonna get our next key and this is going to be the third key that we have so we can finish out the last two egg missions really quickly then we want to come over to this church building at least I think this is a church and within this building there's going to be our next paint can I will also grab that scrap but that's going to be the black paint and then we can head over to this next building where we're going to get our last weapon this lady explains that her husband died but we can have the weapon that he made she just wants us to name it after her husband Bob and finally we can now head over to this building where this is going to be our last story on PC this building is also really laggy a lot of the times but we can grab some of this scrap and once we see Paul he's gonna tell us his plan for taking out Charles and to do that we're gonna set off a bunch of explosives on this bridge over here so yeah this is a pretty simple part of the game we kind of just run forward and place eight explosives at different parts of this bridge that's gonna be four then we can jump over to the other side also get this scrap and then place four more there we go gonna get that scrap as well and that's going to be that mission done now we can go to Paul finish talking up everything and make our way to our next day which is gonna be straight over in this direction I usually use these trees to figure out where I'm going and once we make it over here there's going to be another one of these caves which of course is going to have a lock but we're not too worried about it because we already got the key and we can jump right in now this cave is is probably the most stressful cave in the game because we really don't want anyone to notice us otherwise we're probably gonna die so hopefully there's just nobody around here and it seems we've got some pretty lucky now we can come straight over to this chest where there's going to be another paint can just doing some good old lock picking like usual and that's going to be the color blue and then we want to head over to the left take a right right here and we have to open up the Strawbridge or wait that's not a drawbridge whatever this is called we have to open it up and there's gonna be our second egg now at this point all we have to do is make it out of the cave so yeah pretty easy stuff we can take this right path there's going to be a very convenient Bridge right here which is that a drawbridge I don't really know I'm probably sounding like a fool anyways we can just run our way out of here oh there is going to be one guy that's right at the entrance that's kind of awkward anyways see you later dude we're making our way over to the Waypoint that we set up earlier now you're finally seeing why we set up this Waypoint so we know exactly where to go and yeah it's just another long run but we have to come all the way over here just for a paint bucket but I do think that one person and might still be following me I guess we'll see in a second I'm gonna come over here and grab the teal paint bucket and yeah the dude is literally following me which is actually perfect because we want this guy to kill us usually we would have to go over to another guy and spend like an extra 30 seconds so that was a huge time save sometimes the cultists are really aggressive for no reason at all but I'll take it and now this is gonna open up a couple more missions and we want to set a waypoint over at this blue one now we can just ride the train for a while there's gonna be another rail switching section where we want to put this one over to the left and yeah I cannot believe how good this run is going right now but we still have some very hard Parts left so we'll just hope it doesn't go wrong now there's going to be another railroad switching section right here I didn't get the best momentum there but we're now at a cultist base and here we have to get our last weapon we got the setup earlier and now we just have to collect a key and then go assemble the weapon so we can head into this building hold the no call to see us grab that key and excuse me dude you're being really annoying and okay kind of unlucky but that's actually Bear really going to lose any time because we do spawn right by the building we need to get to so yeah we can now just make our way over here grab some scraps and we have to assemble the weapon right there we don't even have to stay by it while it's assembling but eventually it's gonna tell us that we got Bob and yep that's all weapons done which means now we can head over to our next Waypoint which is going to be the location of the third egg now this one is also kind of a stressful section I've never lost my life here but I've gotten very close before so yeah it's a pretty cool section we just get to walk down this huge stairwell then jump our way through here there's gonna be a lot of cultists just guarding the entire area and we don't really want to get shot by them again though we kind of are Superman so even if we do get shot it doesn't do too much damage we just kind of tank it now we can head over in this direction I will grab that scrap and head down this elevator before the guy can catch up finally now we have one last section to do in this cave it looks like no one is over here which means we got lucky RNG so we can run straight through and get our third egg this one I'm going to want to grab while I'm still running and then we can take this left path and finally before we exit this cave we want to come over to this chest and we're going to do some more lock picking because of course this is going to give us the red paint and we can head up this convenient elevator while we're waiting for it we also want to set our next Waypoint which is going to be at another NPC now as soon as we get up here there's going to be a bunch of guys trying to shoot us and they got kind of close to killing me I'm pretty happy they didn't but yeah we're just gonna run away from them and hope they don't now we're going to be making our way over to the huge wooden building and this part is going to be the parkour section so in this building there's a lot of these doors that are going to be locked and in order to get to the top and get some files that an MPC needs we have to do parkour like jumping across this place nice and easy we can also come down here where there's going to be our next bucket which is going to be the line paint can then we can head over to these boxes and do a bit of Faster platforming by coming on top of those like that just going straight through heading up a bit more grabbing some scrap right there and it's time for another big jump I do not know how my dude is so good at jumping literally he should be in the Olympics because my dude is insane but we're finally almost to the top all I have to do is make that jump and now we just have to climb up some stairs and then finally we'll make it to the top door where we can get this file cabinet and get the files that the MPC needs so at this point we just have to make it back down we can drop down right here hopefully not die and there's going to be our boy Ronnie who's going to give us some scraps so yeah that was pretty good time and it's time to die again we're gonna hope that one of the Colts has followed us and it looks like one did okay thank you very much dude I really appreciate that we're just gonna let you kill us right there unfortunately lose three scraps but that should be fine because we should still have enough to finish out we do have level 10 damage now and there's still one more mission to do to get the rest of our armor so I'm gonna set my Waypoint right there and yeah we're almost at the end of the speed run I will have to come right here and actually switch these really quick which I think I got off the train a little bit too late maybe not but I'm not gonna take chances we're just gonna go backwards for a second then go forwards nice and easy and you can see that our last NPC is going to be the yellow guy and from there we can go straight to the end of the game oh but there's Charles okay so I'm not gonna try to fight off Charles because it'll just be a waste of time instead I'm just gonna let him kill us kind of unlucky because we're almost done with the speed run but it's okay especially because we spawned right back where we were and now all we have to do is make our way over to the Waypoint so yeah another long running section and once we make it over here I will grab this scrap but there is going to be one cultist that is following us all we have to do though is pick up that critical item and follow this path out this cultist is really annoying though because sometimes he will follow you to the ends of the Earth so we're gonna kind of hope that doesn't happen but all right dude you're being really annoying it won't matter too much because we can just Juke him but I don't know why he's being like this anyways before we actually go return that item I will take this scrap over here and then we're gonna head up these stairs open this door get that scrap as well and talk to our last NPC so that's all the missions done from here we can also get the white paint can and that's also going to be all of the paint cans done so to complete 100 all that's left is to finish off our train upgrade which luckily we can do during the boss fight so we're just gonna run straight over there and it's pretty obvious where this boss fight is it's just the big building in the distance but this is gonna be a fun time because you can see just how overpowered we are so like usual we'll head through the big door and then we're gonna place all of our eggs and that's going to start the final boss fight then we can upgrade our armor that's going to be all the upgrades done and all we have to do to finish off our 100 Speed Run is kill Charles and you can see that we are doing a ton of damage to him especially the flamethrower it does so much damage and yeah this guy's gonna be really easy if you haven't seen it before I would definitely recommend checking out my any percent speedrun because it is much harder to kill Charles than that than it is here but yeah we just obliterate him at this moment he can't really do anything we just kind of go back and forth switching between the flamethrower and using the rocket launcher and another thing you might notice is I'm barely having to repair my train and that's because our speed is so fast so Charles has a very hard time catching up to us but okay that should be a second phase now he's gonna get into his third we're making pretty good time and this is actually about an amazing run I'm really proud of this one but I also don't want to lose it if I get too cocky we could lose the rest of our health and I don't really want that to happen so I will upgrade my train Health right there and that is also going to be the last of our scraps so yeah I just need to make no mistakes but we should be fine we have so much damage to be honest Charles probably doesn't have a chance and finally with just a little bit more of the flamethrower I think that should finish him off and that's time 42-38 so yeah that was actually an amazing run I'm really proud of it and this Run's also going to put us at third place on speedrun.com alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 3,188,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, choo choo charles, choo-choo charles, speedrun, speed run, world record, wr, speedruns, speedrunning, speedrunner, choo choo charles speedrun, choo choo charles world record, speedrun choo choo charles, 100% speedrun, choo choo charles 100%, speedrun world record, 100%, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy choo choo charles, memerun, meme speedrun, games done quick, memeruns, indie, horror, spider train, choo, charles
Id: aUNs7tzqQR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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