A True 100% Speedrun of Papers Please

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today we're 100 speed running papers please meaning we need to get all 20 endings and 7 tokens the speedrun starts as soon as we create a new game and if you haven't seen this game before the basic premise is we want to labor Lottery and got hired to work as the inspector at a border checkpoint for the country of arstatska with this position we decide who to let into the country based on the roles the government gives us and it starts out pretty simple only our stockskin citizens are allowed to enter but pretty much every day we'll get a new role to follow though to get our first ending I won't be listening to this world at all when we either admit someone into the country who shouldn't get in or turn away someone who should we get a citation every day we get two free citations that don't take away any of our credits and after that we lose five credits then 10 15 20 Etc now for the first ending we want to immediately run into debt so we'll be admitting all the citizens of Every Other Nation and denying our own then once the day is over the country immediately realizes that hiring us was a terrible mistake and they put us under arrest until our debts are paid pretty Grim right but don't worry these endings are only going to get darker so now we'll repeat day one this time admitting the aristotzkan citizens while refusing everyone else I will also mention by the way it might seem like there aren't many speed run strats for the game but don't worry because there's actually a lot more than you might think the first one being killing our family having a family is expensive which means we want to kill everyone except for our wife so we're gonna get rid of food and heat for the next few days and that ends day one next on day two foreigners are finally allowed to enter as long as they have a valid passport that has no inconsistent information we'll talk about that on day three though since for day two we're denying everyone this is because there will always be an attack on the 7th entrant so denying everyone is the fastest even if we get a few citations then again we got some more food heat and medicine to deny the whole family before going on to day three and day three is an important one since we want to correctly process as many people as possible the more people you process the more you get paid and we really want to start out with a large sum of credits early on because we'll be intensely getting citations later also for this day the new world that they announces that foreigners now need to bring an entry ticket because of the attack on day two so here's what we need to keep track of we need to make sure their passport hasn't expired their picture looks like them they're issued by city is correct and if they aren't in our stockskin citizen that their ticket is valid today if we aren't sure about one of these things we can use the inspect tool to check what the game thinks but we don't need to actually question them at all at this stage of the game and instead we can just reject them if there are any discrepancies normally the game would give you the option to do something like fingerprinting them to check but why even check if we won't lose points and this game mechanic will apply to a bunch of stuff going forward so it's a good way to get more people in during the day now after day three ends we've almost successfully murdered our family but we will give medicine to our wife to keep her barely hanging on I know I'm a great guy then on day four they bumped up the requirements again now foreigners need an entry permit the entry permit needs we need to check if their name passport number enter by date and purpose for their trip is consistent so it really starts to bump up the difficulty here but since I'm going for all seven tokens this run there are a few times where we want to let people through even if they have incorrect information one of those people on day four is this lady who wants to see her son if you point out that her entry permit is expired but still let her through she gives a token meaning that's number one then we can also get a second token today from the boy Georgie who yeah he is a great passport Georgie is also important for one of our endings later on so we're just gonna take the citation and let him do otherwise he'll keep returning and lose his time in the future now finally for the arstotzkin side of things they have to bring an ID card this means we need to make sure their name date of birth height and weight are consistent to let them through but yeah that's pretty much it for day four so we can go home and torture our family again now on day five there's no new rules to follow but the game gives us the option to detain really suspicious people I won't be using it that often but it's there I guess other than that though it's a pretty standard day besides for this guy and his wife he's happy to finally be free from integrity and tyranny and his paperwork checks out then as we let him through he tells us to watch out for his wife too she comes in directly after him and unfortunately doesn't have an entry permit but this this is another case where if we approve her we get our third token so I guess I'll let it slide overall pretty good day and now we get to go home to the site of everyone but our wife being dead this means we can finally give her food and heat every day since it'll be a lot cheaper this also makes an ending in the future easier but we'll get to that later for now we're moving on to day six and this is another attack day so we'll be accepting everyone to get to our seventh entrant as fast as possible this day also does introduce work passes which look like this but they're not too important for now so once we accept the seventh person they'll walk through and bomber guards so another quick day but because of that attack day Seven's rules change again and we now need to search all collections unfortunately for them though that seems like a lot of work so we can just Auto deny them instead since it won't lead to a citation next on day 8 They removed the searching collections rules and add in diplomats some people now have a diplomat pass which has their name passport number and countries they're allowed in we also finally get introduced to esic the organization trying to overthrow the government that we can either help or hurt and they tell us to give a note to a man named Corman Drax who comes later that day and then when he finally comes we get another note that basically says he wants our help in defeating the arstanskin government and lucky for him will help for now he then gives us his coded document which we'll use on later dates to decipher the names of Essex agents next on day 9 we get introduced to one of the guards colettes apparently he gets paid extra when we detain people and he even offers to share money with us if we detain more I don't really care though so honestly I'm lucky for him other than that this is the first day we can get random bombers after we process nine people if someone has a Wade discrepancy they have the potential to carry bombs and if we let them through our day gets ended early we didn't get it this day but there's a lot of days that can happen depending on RNG now on day 10 we start out with our new boss finally showing up and basically saying we're trash so yeah that kind of hurts but he shows up every 10 days and gives us a plaque to hang on the wall unfortunately putting it up can actually waste time since people will sometimes comment on it so I'll put it up for now but we'll be putting it down later after that on the fourth person of the day we get this lady who we want to interrogate in the let through anyways otherwise she'll refuse to leave the booth wasting a bit of time and this day is another day with the chance to get a bomber and for any of these days we want to get to the 9th entrant as fast as possible just in case we do get a bomber and end the day even faster day 11 though is when things really start getting interesting first for gameplay changes we now need to check the seals on Entry permits since counterfeits have started showing up it's kind of an annoying check though so I mess it up a lot next we have our first ezig operative who's always going to be the sixth person in line so we'll take the citation and let them through and once we reach the end of the day because we're helping Isaac they'll send us a thousand credits we do have the option to burn the money but want to keep it for another ending coming up soon but before that ending we have ending number three and yes these are kind of out of order by the way since this is number two for us but it's what the game refers to as ending three in this ending in official checks on us to see if we know anything regarding ezek then if we decide to be honest and give them the Asic name sheet we get arrested for associate so yeah I guess you shouldn't be honest but after that we go back into day 12 and tell the inspector nothing because he sucks there's no new mechanics to stay but there is a new token opportunity with this man who has awesome glasses for each engineer we give his business card to he'll give us five credits and if we get all four of them we get a token now after that we'll deny everyone except for our first engineer and the ninth person in line since it's time to have another day End early now of course this means on day 13 we got some new rules with foreign entrants needing an identity supplement this needs to be a recent sheet with their height weight and description so we basically need to do what we've already been doing for the aristotzkan citizens another mildly important thing is this dude who lost his ID card he gives us his team's pennant and tries to convince us to let him through but I also don't really care so I'm lucky for him we do get to keep his pennant though which is surprisingly important for another ending later on don't worry it'll make sense him we also want to be very careful on not getting too many citations this day since at the end of day 13 all of the money other than today's earnings get confiscated since we didn't burn the money from Azek so that's pretty sad next on day 14 we get wanted criminals introduced every day on the paper for now on we get three people who might show up and if we see them we need to deny or detain them I also forgot about this a lot because the paper automatically goes away when you call the first person but to be honest it won't really make a difference if we make a mistake or two with these guys another thing that happens today is we get our next ending as it shows up on day 14 and pretty much threatens us to let the next operative end this is always going to be entry number nine if we deny them the next day as it reports the money we didn't burn earlier and this dude comes up and arrests us which means that's three endings done so we need to go back to day 14 and let the annoying person through not gonna lie essig is getting really pushy now anyways it's time for day 15 which doesn't add more rolls we do get a bomb though which we need to disarm and this by far is the worst bomb I've ever seen in my life kind of embarrassing but that's about it for the day this does also Mark about halfway through the day counter though so that's pretty cool if you're wondering why we have only gotten three of the 20 Endings by the way most come either on day 31 or just better to do later so don't worry we'll be getting there soon for now on day 16 our department decides to move the outer guards so now we're in charge of defending the checkpoint because of this we get a new tranquilizer gun and we'll be using it on this exact same day but before that glasses guy comes back and gives us both our money and our fourth token for the game since I gave all his business cards away nice guy but other than that we will be insta dying everyone since on the processing of the eighth entrant we get another attack if we shoot the person with our tranquilizer we get both 20 extra credits and it'll end the day a bit faster so always worth it to try and react fast now on day 17 we see our new friend Serge you and I definitely won't be letting him die to save time don't worry about tomorrow buddy but other than that all we need to worry about is letting the ninth entrant through for Essick so it's a pretty quiet day by the way here's where we're also going to start letting our wife die we're going for our next ending where the entire family dies and its fastest to time or death for day 20. now on day 18 it's another accept everyone day then once we make it to the 8th entrant an attacker will throw a grenade at her guards and unfortunately for Sergio it's faster to let him die so he can disable his future events unlucky for the boy in this event makes it so that now we're denying all entry from impor on day 19 which isn't too bad but we also have to deal with the reason for denial stamp before getting this stamp if I saw anything wrong with a person's certificates I could just deny them and move on with my life now if it's something like missing an entry permit and they can give us a new one we have to accept them but if they aren't able to provide what they're missing we have to hit them with the reason for denial stamp for other inconsistencies like height or weight we can cheese the system with this lady her height is incorrect now the game wants us to fingerprint her but we can just deny her with that reason anyways and even if she was the right person we still don't get a citation so yeah overall not a big deal just a little bit extra I have to keep on my mind so we're finally on to day 20 which means our boss is showing up again he tells us about an old friend who will be coming through the checkpoint in a few days and we need to letter through no matter what which I'll bring up again when she gets here for now though it's time to poison an innocent person Isaac is back yet again and they want us to kill an assassin that's going after them but luckily we don't actually have to poison the right person to get all endings instead we poison the next person so we can end the day as fast as possible this is a pretty sad scene where they fall to the ground and so does one of the guards who tries to check on them but it's worth it since it's such a fast day and that's especially important since after we go to sleep our wife finally dies giving us our fourth ending this causes the government to fire us since they only want happy families to represent them so yeah pretty sad but we get to repeat day 20 and this is why we time their death for this day since it's such a fast one now this day will pretty much be the exact same thing except this time I'm gonna put up the pendant on my wall this makes our boss upset since we're only supposed to have official plaques there and we promise to not let it happen again which is going to be the setup for another ending which will pay off on day 30. but anyways other than that it's the exact same besides finally nursing our wife back to health and yeah I know husband of the year so we're on to day 21 which introduces people seeking Asylum and how they require a grant of Asylum but we won't be dealing with that today since it's another attack day the only other thing of note this day is watch guy who doesn't have his papers in order but promises to come back later with the cracked papers and gives us his watches collateral he'll be another token in a couple of days but for now we get a cool watch to look at then it's just another day where we're accepting everyone and finally during the 9th entrant we get our next early day home now on to day 22 it's a pretty basic day with no new rules but there is another random bomber chance after the 9th entrant and surprisingly I finally got one so thanks for the time save then on to day 23 it's gonna be yet another fast day again we want to accept everyone since there's going to be a planned attack on the 8th Asic has set it up so that someone will run through the barricades and in the commotion we can shoot this red guy they also give us an actual gun to do it and we'll have that for the rest of the game before that though we have watch guy come back and he gives us 10 credits for his watch but he claims that we scratched it and wants his money back if you actually give him the money he apologizes and tells you that scratch was already there before giving us our fifth token now finally on to the red man we aren't going to shoot him you can get two different endings involving him but we're gonna come back later so let's go on to day 24. and this is a pretty boring day the one change is that now we need to confiscate the passports of our task and citizens in the Altan District since the government is suspicious of them we don't do this today though since you get a bit of a long scene where people argue with you and this is another potential bomber day so if I see people from the Alton District I automatically let them go through since I'm getting a citation anyways next on day 25 we get a notice that the United Federation citizens are starting to present the risk of spreading an infectious disease so we aren't supposed to let them in but it's just another one of these one day bands that the game really loves this is also our next token day where we get a really nice note from a person who only has their passport of course we don't let them in but it says you're hot like fire object of Desire wrap my heart in wire approve my Visa I appreciate and then only two people later we get someone who's really sad because no one loves them so we're able to brighten their day with the note and get our sixth token meaning we only need one more and the last important thing for this day is we finally see our boss's friend who doesn't have the right clearance but we'll let her through anyways at least for now following that interesting day though it's time for another let everyone through right away day since there will be another attack on the 8th entrant as for the rule changes they also added a new requirement for everyone which is to have a polio vaccination since the diseases have gotten worse then day 27 is actually really nice because the government finally decided to consolidate the entry permit in ID supplement into a single access permit I like this change a lot because it was kind of annoying when there were like four pieces of paper on your screen this is also the day of the final Asic task Isaac knows there's a diplomat coming through today so they want us to take the diplomats passport and give it to them pretty simple stuff even if the Diplomat wasn't too happy and that's all we really have for this day now at this point we're coming really close to the end of the story but we're not even halfway through this Speed Run since there's a lot of stuff we need to go back and do at the very least though we get another attack on day 28 so that speeds us along it also now gives us the task of confiscating passports from every garstotskin citizen so yeah people are definitely getting a little Restless here in moving on to day 29 we can definitely see that first of all the official Dude shows up again and tells us we're gonna have an audit in three days going over everything we've done during the game and that we can't leave before it which isn't that good for us since we have been helping out ezek but our boy Georgie comes in clutch and tells us we should move to oberstan instead then when we see our passport was confiscated he tells us about a guy who could make counterfeit passports if we give him real ones and Georgie even gives us his current passport to start us out then after that we find out about one of the saddest parts of the game a man comes up to us and asks us to confiscate the passport from a criminal named Simon Wentz if we see him apparently Simon did awful things to this man's daughter and he wants revenge which will be our last token yeah we hate Simon here so you already know what we're doing and that opportunity will present itself on day 30. but before then we get our last meeting with our boss now the night before our wife gave us a family picture of all the people we let die which is pretty morbid so we hang it up on the wall and because this is the second time we've disobeyed our boss he gets us arrested and that's our fifth ending yeah let's just not do that again so we make it through the boss and on the third person of the day our Target Simon once showed up except I was kind of an autopilot and detained him rather than taking his passport and letting him go through oops thankfully though we need to complete this day two more times in the future so it doesn't affect the speedrun still pretty dumb of me this is especially sad when the dad comes by and we tell him our mistakes so yeah sorry man anyways after that very standard day we finally make it to day 31 where we're going to Rapid Fire five different endings on this day during the 8th entrant we get an attack and have a bunch of options to choose from the first of which is to shoot both the attackers before they blow up the wall so it's a last minute betrayal of Asic and ruins their plans then on my review then next day the officer finds out about everything I've done this playthrough and we get sent to execution second we have the option of letting the attackers blow up the wall but shooting them afterwards this means that Essex plans succeeded but they can no longer trust us and it's pretty ominous what actually happens to us but I guess that's up for you to decide third we shoot both the attackers ourselves and then use the passport that Georgia gave us to escape to overstand this section is great because we get a terrible looking passport and look like this but they still let us throw not sure what happened to our wife but hey at least we're safe next number four is pretty much the same thing what we're actually going to take our wife with us all we need to do is confiscate a random person's passport so now we have two and go to overstand with her this is also another reason why we killed off the rest of the family since it would be really expensive and a hassle to take that many people this is also the first ending that gives us credits so it's one of the three more official endings and finally for the fifth ending in this short sequence we don't shoot anything and just let the attackers do their thing this helps overthrow the government again and Isaac even asks us to become one of their agents so that's the second ending with credits now immediately after all these endings we go back to day 27. if you remember this is where esic wanted us to steal a diplomats passport but we'll choose not to do it this time after this the next few days preceded the exact same ways but I did remember to take Simon wentz's passport this time so that was good and resulted in our seven token from the dad so that's the token part of the speedrun dime also in the papers the next day they talk about how Simon was found bloody and dead on the streets deserved which means all we need to do is get to day 31 again and quickly finish two more endings the first one is again letting the agents blow up the wall and then betraying them this time though instead of Essex succeeding and leaving us behind the government remains in power so they arrest us for not defending the checkpoint and yeah it's another jail ending then the other ending we can do right now is shooting both the attackers before they blow up the wall again it's pretty much just the officer sends us to jail and we get executed not sure why it counts as a different ending but hey now that's 12 done but to get the last day we have to go all the way back in time to day 11. now obviously I'm not gonna repeat what happens on every day but instead I'll go over the key differences and endings we'll be getting along the way starting with day 11 we decide not to help the other agents and burn the money that Isaac sends us yep we're doing the government right now Isaac also tries to send us money on day 12 so we'll burn it again otherwise we get arrested for not helping them on day 14. and from now on it's pretty much just every time there's an Asic event we don't help it's also kind of funny because on day 20 when they give us poison we can still poison the next person to end the day early and suffer no consequences so that's pretty great anyways the next notable event happens on day 23 when esic wants us to shoot the Red Man and we actually do it this time because it results in an immediate ending the first time we'll shoot the red man with a real gun this ends up killing him and we get sentenced to death for murdering and innocent but this doesn't even help ezek the next inspector turns out not to be cooperative so they go into hibernation yeah that's pretty disappointing at least they take our wife to overstand I guess on the other side of the coin though if we shoot the Red Man with the tranquilizer the exact same thing happens but instead of being sentenced to death we need to do forced labor so yay yeah I kind of hate how useless as it is in these endings but whatever our next interesting point is on day 25 with our boss's friend Shay the game gives you the option to not only refuse to let her in but also detain her she warns us that our boss wouldn't be too happy but that's also life so we do it anyways then on the start of Day 26 our boss comes by and decides to lie and say we stole from the government yup going to jail again but that makes number 15 meaning only five endings left until the end of the speed run and four of those five are gonna come in on day 28. we chose this day because we have both the tranquilizer and ryogun and there's an attack during the seventh entrant so it's pretty early but all four of these endings are pretty much the same there's one where we shoot a civilian with a real gun one where we shoot a civilian with a tranquilizer one where we shoot a guard with a real gun and one where we shoot a guard with a tranquilizer then we either get sent to jail for forced labor or simply death based on if we use the tranquilizer or gun pretty simple stuff and finally after making it all the way back to day 31 it's time for a 20th ending in this playthrough we have completely been on the government's side so when the attack happens all we need to do is shoot both the attackers and sleep to the next day then when we're having our audit the official says that we're free of all suspicion and get to continue working our boring inspector job hooray finally we end off time as soon as we click next on the endless unlock code and that's a 100 Speed Run of papers please in 6 hours 41 minutes and 57 seconds now no one else has ever actually done this exact run so that's a world record but it's really similar to the Plano endings run which with my time I would get third in so imma take it alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 3,352,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, papers please, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, speedrunner, wr, speedruns, papers please speedrun, papers please speed run, papers please world record, all endings, 100%, papers please all endings, papers please all tokens, papers please 100%, papers please all achievements, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy papers please
Id: uZdgmYO2XkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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