Let's Play WONDERLANDS WAR (Part 1) | Board Game Club

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hahaha [Music] hello I'm Adam from no rolls Bard and welcome to board game club where the first rule of ball game club is the best way to explain it is to do it every week we gather a group of our friends here at Draft Board Game Cafe and play a board game to show you how much fun board gaming can be this week we're playing Wonderland's War designed by Tim Eisner Ben Eisner and Ian moss and published by Sky bound games who sent us a copy thank you so much in the game we'll all be playing factions warring for control of Wonderland's many regions like the red keep the pool of Tears or that place where the caterpillar blazes it there are quite a few moving parts to this game so we're going to explain a lot of it as it happens but here's the overall gist the game takes place over three rounds and each round is broken up into two halves the first half is called the Tea Party phase we all take it in turn to take cards that are laid out around this tea party table now these cards will generally provide us with cool tokens to go in our individual bags you take a card you take the tokens on that card put them in the bag hoping that you'll be able to pull them out and do cool things you can also Place armies around the board all to prepare for the next half of the round which is whoa in that phase each of the five regions where there's more than one player's forces they must fight and they do so by putting their hand into their bag and pulling out a token and to illustrate how that works please welcome my lovely assistant Sullivan Brown who is not miked and therefore will not be talking so when we fight we simply reach into our bag and pull out a token which we reveal at the same time three two one that gives me plus three to my battle strength and you have pulled a Madness token because you're an idiot a little baby idiot little stupid little piss boy Idiot Boy what the am I doing see most of the stuff you will have in your bag will be good it will help you upgrade your battle strength I know it's got the most strength at the end of the battle we'll win the fight they'll get a bunch of points they might be able to put a castle in that region but there are some bad things in this bag like these Madness tokens every time you pull one of those out you will lose a force eat it eat it if you lose all of your forces then you are bust and you instantly lose the battle then when all the battles are sorted and we worked out who's got what point we go back to the Tea Party phase again then War then tea party then one final war and we'll see who's got the most points at the end of the game that's it there's a lot more to it but we'll work through it procedurally each and every step of the way do not you worry so who's gonna end up having a fabulous day and who will Feast with cabbages and Kings find out as we play Wonderland wall joining me for this episode of board game club I'm joined by Laurie hello I'm joined by Blair hello I'm joined by Sullivan hello and for the first time ever on a board game club bloody hell I'm joined by Holly hooray [Applause] she's not here to kill us this time she promised so we're playing Wonderland's war and as you can see this is the most decorated our table has ever been it's the most game there's so much there's a whole bunch of game happening here but really it's quite simple in the Tea Party you pick up stuff to go in your bags mostly chips these chips will give you fighting strength during the second phase of every turn which is whoa you're gonna be fighting for these spaces because each space is worth points based on what round it is whoever's got the most points at the end of the game wins you'll be completing quests you'll be fighting each other you'll be building castles you'll be poisoning people yes uh but yeah I'll I'll there's a few rules I will explain everything as and when we go not just to you but to these people around the table who sat glossy eyes and I talk through everything but don't worry there's a it's actually once you get the swing of it it is really quite simple but let's go around and say who we're all playing today starting with had the I was trying to think of a pun in Jabberwocky but I don't have it so who are you on the jabberwock there it is I poisoned things great I'm Alice and I'm gonna be playing this game slightly differently to everyone else and turning everything on his head I am the Cheshire Cat because I got the teeth I am the queen of hearts and I like fighting just once again perpetuating the Blair Brooks absolutely and I'm Mad Hatter because I like tea you do like I do like I love it this is your tea party yeah oh yeah hello everyone it's me the Mad Hatter you know I was once in a absolutely Dreadful uh production of Alice in Wonderland and I didn't play the Mad Hatter but there was a song that the Manhattan did sing in that which is ingrained in my mind and it goes a little bit like this oh yes it's time it's always time for tea no matter what the weather it's always time for tea oh yes it's time it's always time for tea it's always time for tea and I've lived that life ever since I've done the production uh we're gonna go into the Tea Party phase now we're all sat at the head of the table and look at all these cards which is sat on empty spaces on our turn we will simply move clockwise to any space with a card on it we set our character in that space we take the card we're trying to build up a hand of four cards and those cards will give us things give us chips give us special powers let us lose shards because these are negative points at the end of the game you don't want these there's all sorts of things on these wonderful cards I'll be explaining each one as the players pick them up do not worry um if you ever pass the head of the table which means you've done a full circuit you have to cross this bit you'll roll this dice that will give you shards boo hiss but it also means we will fill in all the empty spaces with more wonderful lovely cards um so Sullivan you are the first player hooray well done kalukalay brilliant in fact because we are starting the Tea Party phase everyone has a special power of their faction let's go through what they all do at the start of my turn if there are no poison chips in play I get to place a poison chip on one of the cards which means that when someone lands on the card to take the card They also take the poison chip and that goes in their little bag yes and that will hurt us later in the game I hate it just spreading just your little poison around the lovely dinner party yes don't like you my ability is strange reflection and it means that I get to move counterclockwise around the Tea Party oh that's right you guys will go that way black are the other one because why that's important is maybe you want this card if Laurie wants this card and takes it straight away it means the next turn he's gonna have to pick up some shards whereas you can take it and have the entire rest of the track to yourself uh Cheshire Cat for me during the Tea Party when you roll a two or a three on The Shard die you may give a Shard to him no no that's horrible oh that's awful coming up at me for spreading my poison you don't have to drink my poison we have to take your [Music] [Laughter] um my power is I I may Place supporters uh into multiple regions so I don't have to just place all of my sporters into one I can spread out fight everyone that's right be involved you'll see exactly what that means very shortly sure and my power once per tea party May refill all on occupied tea party spaces and take any card without moving that is deceptively yeah yeah it's really good massive oh yeah uh but Sully it is your turn and I can go anywhere yes you can do anything you want take anyone whoever you want to know uh other things to think about you might want to take uh some of these wonderful powerful uh wonderlandians they help you throughout the game because if you get them they're yours forever and you also have these allies who can who can help you out there's a there's a bunch of different stuff um it's a little overwhelming but as we pick through it uh you'll come to understand the strategy and how uh I'm gonna go and this might be I might be moving too fast too hard too quick but I'm gonna go uh to the other side to take one there over here magic all right so what this card means Sully is you will get that lovely three um chip that can straighten your bag and you go that goes right in your bag you've got a chip value of three in there that's huge well then you know you can get rid of one of your shards yeah lovely get yes that's you these shot that these are worth one these are worth five um getting rid of chant is important because whoever's got the most shards at the end of the Tea Party will gain extra Madness tokens and you gain three supporters so take three of your little little dudes and place them in any one region oh uh one thing we forgot to do uh so we need to work out where we're fighting for first we're fighting in apology wood first and we're gonna go round in the Warface oh oh okay right right so that's just first in the order yes um right and that's important because you will start this wall around with a full bag but once you spend tokens from your bag you ain't getting them back until you go full mad you know should I go to the pool of Tears is it tears yes it is so Sully it's fighting for the pool of Tears uh winning there will be worth six points so it is currently I believe the most valuable Place very that's it that's your turn that's better yeah magic and then yeah this is where you are currently at the Jabba to walk a little bit yeah so anyway the uh the poison thing's quite good because actually I can put it on cards to disincentivize people from taking them which I think is actually quite powerful because it means that either they're just not going to pick up something really useful and I get to pick it up on my turn or they're gonna pick it up and it acts like an extra Madness token so if they draw it they're going to lose supporters in the battles later in the game it's bloody brilliant I'd like to go here please right so that will give you two of these little card soldiers um black could you read out what a little card Soldier does I can uh when played return one exhausted chip to your bag or double this Chip's strength you can get your chips back it's a really good way of cycling through your bag very very good uh you also get two supporters where would you like to place them in the red keep please the red keep fighting fighting keep keep uh Alex what's this mean oh sorry oh that symbol means because it's a very good card you got to take uh You're Gonna Roll The Shard dice take my lumps two lumps oh that's some lumps for you thank you pumps for you so how many do you have I've got four lumps that's loads of lumps that's more lumps than you have ever had my lovely lady lumps check them out please do get them checked out [Laughter] foreign so I'm gonna move backwards to here oh yeah oh yeah of course you can do that yeah yep that's right you go through there so that goes in your bag it gives my bag straight away you're welcome but enjoy you will also take a Wonderland in which one do you want can I have the White Rabbit after placing your second active chip this is in battle uh gain the strength of all your active chips again huge and I get to keep this forever basically who's your friend forever or ever where would you like to put him because he goes in a region straight away oh um could I put him in the meadow of living flowers please you can he is not a um yeah he has to be present for you in order to use his power okay um so I can't use him in here no but I can use him in the meadow of living flowers yes excellent uh right um You also gain a uh a weak strength chip anyone you want oh lovely so you can get a rose you can get a red Rook you can get a creature you can get card soldiers you can get flamingos I can't get a forage uh I think you can can I get a forge yes I'd like a forge please it's permanently weak a forged token is a very good and please roll The Shard dice no now I object I withdraw one lump a mere lump but your mother's Pride good stuff here I think because I'm not afraid of shards I'm gonna upgrade oh I'm going to Vanishing Army is going to be my upgrade when you place the Cheshire Cat in a region remove one supporter from one of the players with the most units and place one of your supporters into that region so I replace one of your supporters with mine uh yep that's mine oh I get two supporters as well darling lovely um from the tears okay just realized I've not put one of my guys in here oh you had a supporter on your thing I think so the one you did you did I love it um is there any consequence to not finishing quests uh no you're not it's not penalized from you but yeah we got we've each got quests um they're like they're split into two hearts you can do a feat you can do an end game objective so like the first one is like something you just do once and that locks you points for the rest of it at the end of the game and then obviously you'll be also doing an end game objective which is trying to do a bunch of interesting things so my idea is if I get more quests I can get more points at the end of the game I think this is probably a fine idea I don't know if it will end up working out but that's what I'm going to try doing and we'll see I might just get another another Quest going yeah hell is just to start it off strong um so I'm gonna grab another Quest there for me and then I also get one of the card soldiers do my bag um and then I get one supporter to go anywhere that I like you know what yeah I'll I'll just I'll just start spreading that I imagine I'll get more supporters lovely um oh amazing can I go to the next one please you can so you gain a little Rose of two Valley that goes in your bag look at your bag it's done and you get rid of a Shard goodbye Chad and three supporters to put anywhere you like oh well well can I go to the lovely Meadow please just choosing to not give Holly Four Points yeah excellent um yes done and is there a thingy is there a little um no another symbol in your car for this dice no there isn't no no sorry uh you don't currently have a poison token on the board I'll put one down then shall I yeah that's that's a good place I like it there I'm gonna move two here that's nice no supporters for you but you get a bunch of stuff you get a forge token Forge tokens will allow you to kind of like upgrade on these tracks here very fancy uh you will also gain what else do you gain again a sword that's a leader strength Your Leader is now trying to work too nice and I get to get rid of a Shard bye love bye lump oh also there should be another wonderlandian out the tweedles you know Place tweedles into two regions if you lose a lone Tweedle move into the region of the other tweebles each Tweed lands once again lovely stuff um but there are currently no uh cards with a W so we can't grab those as yet until someone refreshes which probably will be me uh horrible Atlas horrible Alice would like to move to the roses please take these that makes sense um it's important to have good things in your bag very good things so I'm going to take two two roses a week or strong two two two there you go very nice um and I'm gonna put these straight in my bag yes they go straight in your bag I'm gonna put two supporters in the lovely Meadows where me and Sally are having a friendly picnic just a tea party here no no water yes um okay it's just a picnic single shot just the one just the one okay the dice hate me and why do they love everyone else Sam will I ever do to you why dice hate why hate Lorry you didn't even get why are you read my Google search history why do you hate me so much die and they're like everyone else you roll it once one Shard one lump for Holly two lumps for Lorry though two lumps I'm at the head of the table I will roll this Shard dice oh no oh I take one for me one for a friend sorry Blair but you don't have any no why why well well well oh and one there as well and under not under us uh under us isn't it no under EU is not filled it's not empty space what's the rainbow as well uh take any of these images what are you gonna do when they come for you bad boys bad boys okay I'm taking the duchess she seems great oh I'm going here by the way yeah um oh taking the duchess I'm gonna pop The Duchess here um at the start of battle choose another player what does that to me it means she's got two strengths oh two strength in that battle right now so the wonderlandians those three cards in the middle like if you can get one of those early they are in your they're with your party for the entirety of the game you can keep using them and even if you lose them they come back to you and you can just like place them in different places get a couple of really good on The Landings on side early and you can stake out parts of the game on my Duchess she is gonna live there now she's she's she's super powerful she Nets me at victory points like this could be this like this could be how you win this kind of game has been replaced by the crown of the Nave the next chip each opponent draws has zero strength and that strength cannot be increased by other effects Mason uh I am again three supporters I'm gonna pop you in there and that's it um oh yeah I think I might just go for the creature um get a couple more things out on the board I think so yeah those have become gonna work be worth five soon yeah so I get two creatures go into my bag and then I also get two supporters I will uh um and do I want to just start joining in some of these fights the more fights you're in the more chance you have maybe to like Forge forging is amazing because you can use tokens that you don't need anymore rubbish little tokens that you just wanted to throw away anyway and you can use them to build up incredible skills you can add like you can advance stuff you can like unlock new abilities forging is amazing and also there are some like little cards that need you to forge forging's the real deal foreign you're not getting anything strong this round uh lose another shot hey you shot bless everybody and uh three supporters where they're going statistic um well let's Shore up the meadow I don't know really how everything works and I I'm just putting them in random places with the supporters is Sully gaining more power there or just more chances at not losing more chance at not busting that's right okay supporters basically when you pull a Madness token from your bag like we our bag is mostly full of good stuff but there is one specific type of bad token in our bag it's called a Madness token and when you pull that you lose a supporter you lose all your supporters you bust which means you instantly lose and you don't get any kind of like bonuses you can't forge do like a little upgrade at the end of the turn you don't get like if you come second you get half those points so literally just by by backing away immediately you get two points yeah whereas if you bust you get nothing um but that's it that's um okay it's pretty bad but Sully it like Sully looks like he's that very big yeah he's not gonna bust down horrible Lorry yeah no poison tokens for you no poison tickets for me obviously if you land on that poison token you just goes back to your supply oh if I take it yeah you can take it it won't go in your bag it'll go back to your supply that's fine can't poison itself wonderful because it'll now I'm gonna use my own poison obviously I'm actually going to go here and I'm going to take I love that sound if that makes a good move yeah [Music] I'm gonna take another one of the uh card soldiers please yeah oh nice there you go thank you and then I'm also going to take a quest hot dog jumping frog Europe um what does Adam want to do not me it's still me I've got to roll it wouldn't even be your turn if Glory my role in the stupid days oh you are absolutely wrongly super Dutch you take a second quest uh yes I have taken a second question stupid dice that's a one just one lump for me please and I also get to place two supporters piss off Blair everyone not for you my red kid okay I'm gonna go to the two flamingos yeah just here great Pub I'm going to take I really I want to hit you I was a delayed hit but it got you really it does sound like a pub it does yeah it's really good it's really enjoyable could I have two of your finest flamingos please Sally yeah two of your weaknesses flamingos ones that could barely stand yeah let me do it for a couple of seconds at a time then what but then what you have two supporters to place and you must roll this shown down yes why am I going to place them I think I'd like to place them the very the one at the end there we go and I'm Gonna Roll this nasty nasty nasty dice where is it there it is lumps for Holly please [Laughter] always one lump for Holly head of the table again please I'm I just don't fear this dice two oh no all right I'll take one hey look someone doesn't have any doesn't have any lips I know you love sharing the lumps check them out check them out you should get them checked out checked out [Laughter] I know you will it's only fair I totally accept that I don't take if I got the most lumps Intel you currently have the most lumps oh five lumps yeah but with your lumps let's get rid of those lumps look I'm not in the lump game Laurie he's all about those lumps Sully all about those lumps I'm just not interested in the lump game I'm here for the long game uh right uh let's let's refresh so exciting oh that's great oh stop it look at that stop it now calm down no but I love it does it go well you don't love it not the ones who are on there they're not empty spaces I will fill my bag like this um I will upgrade again um if okay oh they're both good I'm not great here Wicked smile when you play a smile chip roll The Shard die and gain strength equal to The Shard value show and again chip of my choosing uh which means I think I will take this lovely rose gonna do because in my bag I get something in my bag for once good job Adam good job good job and I rolled a shot die one I'll just keep that one to myself all right there we go okay so there's some very tasty stuff in front of me now um I'm gonna go on to this to take that option away from people nice um because I think it's actually better for me to upgrade rather than that but this is going to take me a while so please uh entertain yourselves um how many lobsters Laurie got no one love one love how many lap says Adam got four lumps says Harley got no lumps is no lumps here she's got five lumps she's full of lumps I don't I'm going to yeah I'm going to do this upgrade so I'm doing uh twice as fast uh if you move past at least one leader during your tea party turn you may Place one additional supporter so I'm just trying to get more supporters going on I do get two supporters from this card as well [Music] I'm gonna put one there and then I do kind of want to get involved in another fight um why do I want to fight there because there's a lot of points that's why it's a good place to be I think it's the place to be [Music] great lovely yeah I think I'm gonna just grab that upgrade which is the next one along um yeah thank you cheers thank you very much and you're doing that without moving I mean no no oh well not so much yeah I may as well not refresh it and give people fewer options um and then I I don't have two supporters but I've got one let's pop them in the pool yeah unless you want to move um one from over there I would yeah I'd love to move on from over there actually because that makes a ton of sense great what upgrade are you taking uh that's a good question I think uh uh my upgrades are they're fine but they're um oh yeah okay so it's always tea time what's up because it is for me um at the end of a tea party instead of placing the Hat into a region you may take a tea party card without moving and gain one shot I'm gonna go here I'm going to lose a shard nice take a little card Soldier please there you go and then I get to place three soldiers but where are you blazing okay it's worth nothing not to me I am gonna do a thing that's yeah that's the end of that song that's how it goes it's unfinished I would like to creature I think a request it's okay so don't get a guy goes in there could I have a new Quest good I'm in search of a quest a quest a quest what is my quest it's a secret it's not a secret oh even for me [Music] very quiet here please don't get something in my bag at the end of the day uh so I will gain two of these castles which are both worth three of a creature did you grab a teacher I don't think so just go check yep and I am going to roll The Shard die again two two shots riots so I've got five which means I'm in the lead not anymore and I got two sports to add but where and how much oh you want these things back you can have them yeah go on yeah pull the tears okay what are you doing in there that's my pool that's my destruction we're swimming gonna be a lot more tears it's gonna need a lot more chlorine When The War happens in the pool I can get a card yeah I can I'm going to very exciting um I'm going to get this card I've moved in front of the leader which does give me an extra supporter now uh which is lovely and that will go somewhere I'm gonna put it in the pool of Tears as well um and then I also get a forge token and a token of my choice which I will go with um I'll go I'll keep up with these card soldiers um then I also get another supporter which so we are taking what you're doing seriously very important respect your time I don't know um [Applause] Madness and I think yeah I think that's it did I do everything sure why not sure hey Sully if you want you can activate your power so you basically get to just take another card what wait what oh yeah four cards that's his power but Powers we upgrade read your power again so at the end of the tea party uh instead of placing the Mad Hatter into a region I I may take a any tea party card without moving in game one chance so you will not get to put the Mad Hatter someone yeah I'm gonna I think I'm gonna grab that Flamingo and the quest nice yep um you can put supporters on there oh I've run out of the more do you want to migrate one from another place no I think I'm happy with this this absolutely mad Battlefield on there it's gonna be a show oh yeah big time Big Time but I get a little Flamingo hello get in there I just remember that you've got the white rabbit yeah you know I do the white rabbit is powerful because after you've got two cars in your active slot they go back and you get them again so for example if I get three strength points from the first two tokens that I've got together I get six strength points that's amazing this White Rabbit card is going to unlock the game for me is that still not an active chip place the Jabberwocky something he'd like to go to the red keep please he's going to do a fight in the house um Alice I like to go to the meadow no there we go just just as friends just to the meadow what about with 10 has been two friends in the meadow I'm going to place the Cheshire Cat here and my power dictates he goes away oh no and he comes instead oh banishing Army when you place the cheshirekana region remove one supporter from one of the players with the most units and place one of your supporters into that region I knew I knew as well when you were saying it earlier I was like I should be listening to them this will never come back Vanishing Army sounds great yeah 15 minutes later [Laughter] um I'm going to join you in the red keep oh lovely right that's it and you know what that means this means so it's the next phase uh Mad Hat is just like his teeth yeah yeah let's just drink a bunch of tea yeah everyone else goes to war yeah so give your bag a little shuffle oh no there's one more thing because um you have infected your tea with Madness everyone takes an additional matter what token except for the person with the most shards who takes two but can then uh give away half their shards oh okay that's okay that's a good track so I take two mamast opens and then I get rid of rounding up or rounding down rounding uh it's it's it's fine uh so everyone's taking an additional Madness oh God there's so many yeah yeah yeah there's loads there's loads in the bag and I'm poisoned as well yeah oh but I get rid of these three goodbye okay so we're going to be going it's War now whoa we're going to be going around these regions and we're going to be fighting in order starting with here and they're going boop boop boop Boop uh so we'll start here yeah uh first of all you have to work out battle strength which is any leaders or wonderlandians you have in there currently nothing so your battle strength both start at zero so Blair and Laurie each pull one chip from your bag hold it above the board now tell you when to reveal it and I'll tell you what they do oh goodness if I bust just straight away three two one okay so Blair gains one battle strength Lori gains one two three so that goes into your active chip slot there those are the chips which are currently in battle they'll be moved to the exhausted chips at the end remember you're going to be pulling again at any point you can remove yourself from the battle by pulling out an empty hand so you can keep going and going and going because some of your chips are really help when they're pulled out for example if you've got creatures you want to find them because you want to turn them into fives rather than one three two one okay so that's just simple for Blair plus one Lorry your card Soldier when played return one exhausted chip or double the strength of the card you have no exhausted chip I'll double the shrink I think yeah all right so that is one two if I can go to war with Blair in the woods I can exhaust some of her bag because she's got more fights coming up before she gets to the red keep the idea being that she's basically out of tokens by the time we get to war at the red keep and I'm gonna win three two one yeah ah she goes all right so Laurie wins this battle handily um Glad You Came second so Laurie is going to get two victory points Laurie is winning let's go for it because um uh Blair came second it didn't bust out one way for you um you also get to place a castle there which is going to give you currently plus two strength for all future battles there might come in handy in the third round folks and it will also gain victory points at the end castles are huge but let's get to forge uh he play against the forge so um exhaust your Chips please you can also move those down to the equation section you can't do anything with those but Blair you can if you want to because you ended your battle on this little Forge action yeah you get a forge action which means you can burn one of these and fill a slot and gain something that's great that will lose you a shot yeah that will gain leader strength that will gain you an extra supporter and that one will make your castles worth four at the end of the game those are your options currently very tasty um I think because of things coming up I'm going to make my queen a bit stronger so now she's at two smart do I always get to vote you do as well do you get to forge fabulous I will also make the jabberwocks hey don't don't do that geez oh all right that's the end of that battle huge let me just double check to see what happens to your supporters at the end of a battle I think they stay there what do they do what do they do all supporters and wonderlandians that were not lost in battles stay in the regions oh so you're gonna run out regions real quick all right so uh we're fighting here now here we go it's time for Holly versus Sully the battle of the tea bastards yes uh we'll start with with uh by doing starting strength uh hey look Alice is there Alice is there you start with one point um that's it that's it that's the whole business oh yes of course also the White Rabbit is there which means the white rabbits um powers are in effect over the board please definitely a different token three two one oh no Madness yet okay so one for Alice two the Mr Hat they're on the same level he wants it who wants it I want it only one for Alice that sucks to the map for the White Rabbit it really does oh yeah oh yeah I plan for this three two one so we'll deal with your Madness first he doesn't know any active chip Madness goes there on your Madness track yep when that track fills you get to refresh your bag which means all your exhausted chips go back in the bag but it does mean you lose a supporter from this land thankfully you came prepared yes yeah at home sorry they killed you sorry they murdered you um the you gain two two um one two and then you gain another three because of your White Rabbit one two three amazing oh boy oh cool it's a live one three two one oh so you lose another supporter but this is this is still big because you haven't bust you're far from busting oh he's out now yeah which means you can keep pulling until you beat her and you've pulled the worst out of the back yeah yeah well one two three this could happen Sully you could do this because I know I'm dude I've got another thing going on that was a red Rook by the way red Rooks are just worth three and can't be changed by other chips well I mean I mean the flamingo can like double strengths of chips and stuff like that no yeah let's go for it yeah that's one one whoa you could say if they tie do they just both get the points I'll tell you what happens in the case of a Time who knows what's gonna happen here not me [Laughter] it's my last game before death oh God but what a game two or more players are tied for first place they are each choose to gain either the victory award or place a castle there's no second place award in this case you can each grab a little castle there or of course for yourself yeah everyone do that yeah come on so the flamingo means um for your next next active chip that you pull you double its strength yeah double the strength of the next chip you place on your active track you don't play something fun these are your active track man's chips go here oh oh sorry [Applause] that's annoying in a sense yeah yeah yeah so Sullivan you have surpassed Holly yup you are the only player left and in the lead which means unfortunately you must stop there yeah uh so but you gain for doing that for the big boy tokens yeah which means now you're in the lead one two three four and you're going to Castle there lovely points delicious yummy scrumptious points and what do you wash it down with tea I gain half yes you gain two points and I've done a feet a feet oh my God I have ended a battle with exactly two or six got two active chips in the meadow of living flowers very nice I pop this here yes and I've got three victories that will happen at the end all right we are fighting in the pool of Tears um I am here which means uh I start with one and you two start with no strength but my bag is weaker than yours this could be very bad for me we'll see all right um so you won't want to bet on this oh yeah to be fair yeah but yeah uh one of the things we can do is wager we can bet on who's going to win the battles we forgot to do that would anyone like to bet on who's gonna win yeah uh do it face down so don't uh don't reveal what do you get if you get it right okay any allied ship of your choice it's weak if you get it wrong you gain a shot gain A Shard oh I should have bet on that yeah probably wouldn't have bet on Sally can we bet on our own battles nope well three two one [Applause] supporter that's bad Sally loses too me I'm absolutely not I've got the most supports are all bad so do all these go back in nope Oh I thought they they did no what goes back in fourth fourth Madness token mate oh that not count as two oh yeah that's one chip right no it's real bad okay the pool of Tears is not the place remind me what happens if I bust you go away oh that's it that's it and you don't get any like you don't get you wouldn't if you've landed on the forge you would lose any forward bonuses yeah yeah it's fine [Laughter] that's my problem for not building up my bag I suppose right out I go oh dear little boy two for you three for me please so I know you can do this I can do this one two three all right oh this is tense three two one no needed that get out of here Blair see you later one two three one two three stop it no I won't thank you kick his ass hey to myself is the villain of the piece three two one oh my God she's in Jesus nervous for me Madness for you you refresh your bag terrible huge yes in you come boys I need this win I need it I need a big time I wanted to go for one of my lovely little secret quests but uh unfortunately uh that's not gonna happen now so now I just need this win I need the big boy points lovely sweet points and if you don't risk then you don't win foreign when you get something for a smile token that's not a smile no it's not that's a smile there are a couple of them in the bag I really would like a smile all right [Music] three two one yes boy one two three go bust you are bust you're gone you are out no yes that's all right you bet on Adam I did yeah always bet on blomp yeah uh right all right maybe I am the villain and I have a Shard please always better yes I'm sorry one lump for me for being on the wrong what do I get for for better than to pull out so many Madness tokens Sullivan I don't want you've seen every single one of yours it's because in the first battle I barely I didn't pull out any yeah and then in that Second Battle though yeah also the fully refreshed bag uh yes for a successful wager on me the best horse uh you gain any weak Ally toe a chip up here too oh that's lovely [Music] could I please get a rose please yes thank you very much oh I've just realized something gain one VP at the end of battle if you played a rose oh that was in your last battle good shout uh please go to your exhausted yeah sorry my bad all right sorry my bad okay um so uh end of the battle for me I will gain six victory points please I will gain a castle in the pool of tears I will also because I ended here I get a chance to do a little do a little forging and I think I will oh what to do what to do they're all good I'm gonna do that one I think make my Castle's worth more okay final battle no here two more battles oh you're right so sorry um would anyone like to bet on me versus Holly yes yes uh I have the duchess so The Duchess starts with two um two Health also um The Duchess is power at the start of battle choose another player gain one VP every time they lose a unit in The Duchess region hey Holly I Choose You yeah and that checks out three two one oh so I get my castles back and they also get all my madness back and I lose a supporter and you lose a supporter too oh no I've only got the one supporter picture point please for you for me so all of you go back in my bag you're gonna get a picture point every time I lose someone I am got one be brave around for that one be brave Holly be brave fight on three two one yeah I busted [Applause] how did you do that I just believed in you I believed in you do you know what why did I put my faith in the player who is the worst at board games oh and absolutely gutted at that oh my God that's the only way I could have lost on that one pole so annoying that's so unlucky that is unbelievable uh I need to so I need to go in my bag and find my double Madness token oh my goodness oh that really hurts I can't believe that well I was happy with second I get the castle Yeah yeah and you get two victory points wait no I haven't I haven't gone bust my Duchess is still there oh [Music] sorry sorry you bet on the person who's better boy [Applause] yeah I love my duchess he's been with me since the beginning and she'll be with me until the end you Holly Musgrave I'm I'm there so you get two two more please um and yes my Duchess stays double Madness came out is there anything oh yes so anyone who bet on me can gain a thing and Sally gains a shot sorry what would you like what a roller coaster I would like to preacher please absolutely that's what I was gonna go for I was just about to pick up that creature there you go that's life that's betting that's the nature of games what happens you've got to know when to hold it know when to walk away don't count your money it's at the table let me type enough accounting when the deal is done oh this one I start with two uh Lorry starting do I want to change my way Joe how are you doing this is I think it's a pretty 50 50 choices yeah I honestly don't know yeah three two one what you can block a Madness pool with your Shield oh wait yes what you can block one Madness pull with that Shield which means you turn it over and you block Madness I did explain it at the beginning but we all forgot oh I think I might be blocking that man are you gonna block that Madness too Blair I can take one hit right now that's fine Sully yep you could have had a chance to do that I'm very sorry Ah that's all right you see you've got to know when to hunt we're working out together yeah it's a very really sorry that I remembered that on the point where it most benefited Lauren that's all right that's fine three two one [Music] I will not be uh doubling I will instead be putting one of my exhaustive chips back into the supply what's that on the card Soldier that's the choice oh yes of course you can either double the strength or you can put one chip back in your bag so I'm gonna put this three claw back in the bag okay three two one two one yes oh sorry but all your Madness go back in the bag but so did those yes I guess yeah oh my God oh is it worth one Matt yep oh three two one huge huge for Blair huge for Blair no he's a supporter and he still has a double and so do you yep oh my God this is this one's real tense yeah again still can't it could go either way three two one oh okay what are you doing with that card I'm gonna double him okay so that's two as that's one for Blair two for Laurie this is horrible war is not right by wall gracious [Applause] you're not Buster oh you have your leader yes uh I move one cut up all the one oh I mean I gotta keep going yeah why not oh I could get two points in a forge boring yeah [Laughter] I totally get that yeah psychology though I could do that that's probably the smarter play yeah oh to enjoy one two one two three [Music] it's not even in this fight I know it's not sweating it got two more rounds of it all to go three two one he's out one of your threes from the bag the red keep is yours you pull a Madness token that's lorries yep what are you going to do oh that's two one two they've tied oh that's good so you can if you want to stop now and you'll both get one of the option options of getting four points or a castle or you can be a legend if you have to I have to I have to you've been living your life oh there's so many Madness tokens in here there's so many did you yeah how about on you this would be a legendary anything but Amanda's token a Madness token yeah I know oh God damn it oh okay that's really unlucky that sucks and four points for Lori please absolutely horrible I'll also take three more well I'll take three more at the end of night but I've done this twitches and the battle at the red keep with your last active token being either your faction or your artifact sure absolutely foreign so after the battle all Madness and all exhaustive tokens stay so in between battles everything stays end of the war phase roll The Shard die and move the starting battle that many spaces three oh I don't know it's gonna start in wit's end this time important all right return all chips from your exhausted chip area 2 and Madness tokens let's do your back yeah it would make sense too yeah all right all supporters and wonderlandians that were not lost in battle stay in regions um Place Your Leader at the head at the table and Shuffle the three face up uh wonderlandian Cards into the deck and deal three new ones these are gone now and then prepare the next tea party Sullivan as a Mad Hatter would you like to prepare the next tea party welcome to my tea party we've got cakes and tea and of course sandwiches and tea and we've got a sausage rolls and then tea of course and then we have a little bit of ice cream but then we've got and we've got some more tea and then we have a full three-course meal uh but there we have it a little spot of tea and then uh and then and then we just eat tea bags for the rest of the night it's time for tea party number two so one important thing to notice your Shields don't refresh between uh your Shield only refresh when you bust out which means you did that there so you can get a refresh of your Shield we have three wonderlandian cards we've got one from the last round Humpty's glove after adding this chip strength so you pulled the gym at your bag uh you may permanently discard it to flip your Shield token to The Unbroken side it's huge um Hammer of the carpenter at the end of battle forged this chip then if both hammers have been forged gain a strong chip to your exhausted so it's two upgrades plus you gain a strong version of one of these Ally chips and of course crown of the maid which means if you pull up the next person's strength we have all new tea party cards and these are very strong um but the first player is the player who's currently got the lowest VP so it's black all right terrible for me yes very very nice for me um I God I'm just so fixated on the fact that I can get a castle just so easily yep um so I'm I'm gonna do that I don't know if it's necessarily the right thing to do but I'm just going to get a lovely lovely castle for myself in Wit's End get Shepherd um I also get two supporters which are going to yeah they'll join they'll join me party at the Newcastle um and then I think I also rolled a shot please just one just one for black one lump um and that's it yeah sorry great um okay I think I'm gonna go to this one gets rid of two shards this guy yes please which also gets you draw I think this is draw two quests and discard one great draw two cast cards keep one discard the other cool so uh I'll get rid of these two shards and draw two of these uh feel free to carry on while I do this yes oh there's no poison oh that's a pain in the ass isn't it oh I'm gonna put some poison yeah and I'm going to take this yep there you go so I get to move two supporters I'm going to take the two from the red keep and I'm going to put them in the pool of Tears please there we go uh yeah you know you have to have to place my place from your reserve okay very nice and I get a wonderlandian okay I'm gonna take the Hammer of the carpenter um uh no I also get to uh upgrade my leader strength so the job work is now four strength and I roll the sharp die yeah holy holy guacamole Lorry my God I'll take two lumps though yeah too long it's the least I deserve I'm gonna take this this bad boy over here so you upgrade what are you upgrading I think I'm gonna upgrade my befriend the populace which says when Alice is placed into a region from the Tea Party you gain a random wonderlandianstandy at the end of the war phase discard the Stan Lee I think that happens every time right the War Phase and I can just put it anywhere I can put it wherever right at the end of the war Fades you'll get rid of it but um but when the War Phase essentially begins yeah random wall of these wow that's what I'm gonna do right I can hate that and you gain the free um can I get a rose and I oh yeah and I'm not gonna get any supporters but I think that's what I want to do hell thank you very much uh can we refresh the Wonderland yeah yes kapow so this is Humpty Dumpty and if you end the battle with an even strength uh or you lose Humpty gain three shots oh oh thanks Humpty but he is worth five um I was like how is that good at all okay okay oh Humpty oh my intimidated [Laughter] look at that gentleman look at that egg face all right I'm gonna go there I'm gonna place a weak Allied chip from the supply onto your forged track uh let's be having you uh I will place you here which gives me an upgrade which is going to be um this is really hard they're both great I'll get both of them in time uh at the end of a battle if you have an active smile chip in your um move one of your supporters or wonderlandians from this region to another I can stagger my battles and also I get a weak chip which oh it's hard creature or Rose I'm gonna get a rose there are more creatures left in the bag you go all right there part of me does just want to get these beefy boys um boys how beefy all is boys that's six and a three oh yeah that's an insane amount of beef why did you make a castle out of beef she's mad she's gone nuts you get those baby boys uh that is E6 and the three straight into the bag just love the beefy beefy castles I mean who wouldn't want them on their team I think I think they're great I look forward to adding them to my bag of goodies beefy dudes maybe maybe yeah all right and then I also need to roll the horrible horrible die luckily it's just one little roll really tumble that died um I'm gonna go uh I'm gonna use my power oh so I want to put tea party I can I can Reef a little unoccupied tea spaces but don't really mind about too much but the most important thing is I can take something without moving so I'm gonna grab well first of all yes because after all I suppose I do get to have a look yes you get a big a big boy uh card card Ah that's that's very nice isn't too sweet it's lovely and I get three supporters um so I'm gonna pop the in Wit's End I am and then I also uh I get one leader strength I also uh get an extra two supporters and I roll the show and die okay tasty lumps Sally lumps um and I'm gonna pop them in the Meadows yes you can pop those absolutely in different places very nice a lot of um safety nets there for Sully all right I just want to move one space please and eat my own poison okay so I'm gonna drop two supporters in the woods I get to upgrade my leader strength oh my God and I get a any token from the supply I will take a it's a bit much in it yeah it's a lot very scared creature there you are thank you I'm gonna just go on to the next one and I'm going to take this upgrade or Wonderland and I'm gonna take Humpty you're taking I'm taking home Humpty taking the Eggman yeah the Eggman coming oh if you end the battle with an even strength or you lose Humpty oh Humpty my dude it's you and me we're gonna take Wonderland me and you Humpty the world is not ready for us Hunty oh Humpty and I take two supporters and I'm gonna stick them in the red keep very cool if that's okay um do I play something else yep okay I'd like to place Humpty in the red keep too please very cool that's a cool move that's actually really sad that was a very cool move uh can we replenish the oh yeah of course oh oh it's the march here uh at the start of battle each other player loses one strength for each Legion or wonderlandian they have in this reason at this region oh like that no I'm gonna take you place a weak Ally chip from the supply onto Forge track another little Flemings and I am going to I want to make my Castle's worth five I've drawn up you have my leader strength I think I need to upgrade my leader strength so someone could put a stop to Laurie's horrible Shenanigans uh and I do uh get rid of one of these yep see you later and I gain a supporter which I can put somewhere it's all happening down at wit's end uh it's got a bongoose over there yeah okay all right cool well I have to go to I have the table you do roll that die here we go two two lumps lovely lumps for me how many lumps you got yeah yum that is six what uh and now I get to replenish six lamps six lumps we've ever seen okay um yeah I think I'm going to yeah I think we're gonna do the upgrade um so that gets me two supporters which will go here and here just to maybe try to not die as quickly um and then I will upgrade nice what's your upgrade uh so my upgrade that I'm going with is Off With Their Heads uh when the Red Queen is placed into a region all opponents leaves one supporter from that region gross yep so there we go okay I'm gonna go straight for that uh wonderlandian thing oh sorry I also passed a leader I wish you did um so that gets me another supporter I'm so sorry very good stuff sorry no no good to catch it uh but yeah I'm gonna go for that Wonderland I'm gonna take the march here lovely thank you very much and you refresh your Shield but your Shield's already refreshed so next one is Amulet of The Duchess uh when played choose one opponent in the region they must return one Madness chip to their bag horrible horrible horrible all right um can I have my march here standy yes of course of course I'm hoping somewhere all right let's pop him oh well two are popping okay uh actually I don't don't mind about this one so much I'm gonna go over here and get rid of this two rabbits in that place yeah yeah well one's a hair one's a rabbits technically yeah yeah good good shot actually man thank you good to catch that gangster correct sometimes you need to be yeah I appreciate that yeah where's he supported uh oh I forgot about uh my supporter so I'm gonna pop it in the meadow thank you sorry I'd like to go to the head of the table please wow Zoom um so you rolly the dice yeah also out and place my poison yeah I won't place it on these two I'll place it before I roll that makes sense one Shard for me only the one all right and here is what you're looking at that's good got card guards that's it that's it I will take this one please entirely fit probably the best card on the tables did it so I get Forge token oh yes sorry thank you I get to upgrade my leader strength the jabberwock is at six and I get to place two supporters so I'm gonna Place one there and I'm gonna move one from the red key to there please oh yeah so welcome uh right right I can choose to go to the end and roll the dice is that true that's absolutely true I'm gonna do it holy moly die die for you die for you die yeah die for you oh my lumps I'm glad they're here okay and I would like we replenish this one yeah yeah yeah of course of course oh it's okay that might be the key to your happiness and actually though going to do weird things and I'm going to go for this one oh it makes sense you need to pause you need some boys on the board I'd lead some boys and I could do with the forged okay Palace goes here oh sorry yeah she's very far away thank you very much Forge token please Forge for me here we go and can I put three in in the Wit's End please oh yeah guys all right uh my go okay not gonna think this that's lovely actually know the oil I'm really really torn um [Music] okay I'm moving not overthinking it bang right there oh yeah roses roses roses but I love flamingos they're pretty kind yeah oh yeah kind for me all right pink animals well because uh just one that brings me back up leader it's bad what do you want um that's fine uh I have a chance to put down one supporter oh all right oh okay let okay oh it's me again um I'm gonna not overthink it I'm just gonna take some flamingos can take a lovely three and one we love flamingos they're pretty kind I get one follower I actually get two because I passed the later yeah very good so I will I'm gonna bolster this a bit more and I mean this is ridiculous what's happening over there now okay cool all right yep and did you roll the shot though I did I gotta do it uh where is it there it is thank you there's the uh one Indian I'm gonna get rid of two machines oh nice sure um thank you um lovely and I'm gonna pop this fella uh in The Meadows there we go and that's me great beans oh I I need to grab um I want a lady and die and I'll just go first very nice I think I'm gonna just move one space and take the creatures thank you I get one big creature and one little creature oh dear it's not what's what I wanted to happen sorry yeah it's a place poison probably place it here [Laughter] I get to place a supporter no but I'm not going to because I don't have any spare ones I don't want to move anyone that's true you don't have to do it if you don't want to uh so I'm quite happy um I'll just roll my Shard dice for the mother's Pride right very good I'm restarting the Tea Party do it again foreign that's fine um can we replenish I'd love to replenish for you all right so we've got a castle oh that's huge we've got eight six oh get rid of two shards and gain a strong chip of your choice something what you gain an upgrade or a wonderlandian okay or you gain a lovely big Rose okay okay okay okay okay um Wonderland upgrade or a castle yeah we're getting a castle can I get the castle please can I please get the castle oh I don't want that castle can I get that castle in the the Wit's End please oh very smart what are you fighting for yeah that's really smart um with big points well I have to go to the head of the table which is Fab for me to finish one thing two one for me oh I was already beating you I was already had more than me uh the more negative points you have at the end of the game I need to roll the dice if I haven't already oh you didn't roll it for the castle no there you go oh yeah here we go what have I got oh two excellent great oh maybe not cool all right so um I have rewrote I've robbed that dice that's gonna be me that's gonna be me it's gonna be me that's gonna be me okay uh so I can yes the next ship each opponent draws has zero strength yes I think so uh so crown of the knife can I have all the chips with a crown of a knave on it please yes those two thank you so much uh that'll be for me these go in my bag which is nice fills my bag up a little bit more on the landing is there don't need a lock of unicorn here uh when played this chip games plus one strength for each active ship you have with a different border color interesting uh and I gained two supporters you Humpty but I love you that's why so sad oh I hate him so toy special for you all right that's four isn't it that's it that's it that's your lot folks right I'm gonna do my little thing with that um oh no I'll do it on my turn I guess when it comes around to me rather than playing like you must place the Queen of Hearts somewhere Ready for War yes okay I would like to go uh so now it when she's placed all of the opponents at least one supporter from that region hmm yeah I'll go I'll go to the meadow so Sully loses one yep probably use this one yeah thank you no something uh so I'm not gonna place my leader I'm going to Nick a card I'm going to take that strong thing in the uh and the losing the two shots lovely which strong boy do you want I'm gonna go for this strong oh that's a big strong boy very strong boy so far it's going well I've won a couple of battles which is like instant victory points I've got a couple of castles which are end game victory points but now I'm sort of torn between do I do quests do I try and kind of maximize the castle game because other people don't seem to have as many as I do so maybe that's my path right now I've got a lot of good short-term victories haven't settled on my long-term game plan yet and I'm worried that's where I'm Gonna Come acroper the battle instantly yes because she gets the 25 points I never thought that would happen well done [Music] perfect that might be the entire game these cards are going to be my key to Victory oh no all right here we go big battle big battle oh that hurts [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 118,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board games 2020, board games review, board game, tabletop, tabletop games, top 10 board games, games, best board games, game, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top ten board games, find board games, game news, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, hottest board games, best board games 2020, hottest board games 2020, top board games 2020, popular board games, boardgames, no rolls barred, wonderland war, how to play, lets play, bgc, nrb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 11sec (5351 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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