Let's Play QUEST | Board Game Club

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hahaha [Music] hello I'm Sullivan from no rolls Bard and welcome to board game club with the first rule of board game club is it's only a model every week we gather a group of our friends here at drafts Board Game Cafe and playable game to show you how much fun board gaming can be this week we're playing Quest designed by Don Eskridge and published by Indie boards and cards the game started life as an expansion to Avalon a game that we've played before on the channel so you might recognize some of the rules but there are a couple of key differences to make Quest its own Beast players in quest will be divided into two teams the good guys the loyal Servants of King Arthur and the band the minions of Mordred the evil team will know who each other are and the good guys will have no idea who anyone is classic social deduction the players will go on up to five quests during the course of the game each Quest will have a leader and the leader will decide which players around the table will go on that Quest no vote if the leader says you're going on the quest you're going once the team is in place everyone going will choose one of their cards either success or fail and play it secretly good people will have to play a success evil people can choose to play a success or a fail then the cards are collected together shuffled and then the reveal and of all our successes the mission succeeds however if there is just one fail card in there the mission fails three successful missions the good team instantly win three fails and the bad guys might win so far so Avalon but here's the differences once someone's been a leader they can never be a leader again also at certain points in the game a player might receive one of these amulet token this allows them to secretly check the allegiance of another player around the table also there's this magic token when the leader is assembling their team for a game they can give this token to anyone this token forces the player who's got it to play a success whether they're evil or not the final big difference is how the game ends if there are three successes good wins outright but three fails and we move on to a brand new end game essentially Goods Last Chance despite three failed missions good will have a chance to win the game if they can successfully identify all the evil players we'll explain it more when we get there so those are the main rules the game comes with a whole bunch of fun roles people can play and will cycle through as many as we can will the good team eat ham and jam and Spamalot or will evil fart in their general direction find out as we play Quest joining me for this episode of board game club I'm joined by Laurie hello I'm joined by Holly hello I'm joined by Johnny Hello Johnny I'm joined by Sully hello and I'm joined by Tilly hi there and here comes the lord lord [Music] of the board of the boys [Applause] yeah Sonny's Jared's wedged very close to the collapse treasonously close yeah what are you plotting so close we're playing quest uh it's very similar to Avalon started life as an Avalon expansion um and yes if you've seen our video on Avalon here it is isn't it nice but we're gonna be playing this instead and there are seven of us there are lots and lots of lying uh we're gonna start the game straight off uh here are the roles we're playing for the first one Morgan Faye always in the game the head of the evil team one normal minion no extra Powers there and a changeling unknown to evil does not know evil all right uh we've got three normal villagers basically just loyal Servants of Arthur little milk toast uh but we do have Duke which will help us out in the Final End Game should we get there I'll explain that a little bit later Wow Let's just say if you need some tax you play The Jig am I right guys oh that's a cool little coup reference oh oh it's a board game that's another board game you've heard of it you've had all those board games they're doing great things tiny little T-Rex arms this guy that's great have a look at your role that will tell you who you are and popular roll card on a table all right everyone close your eyes oh you watching at home if you don't want to know who's who close your eyes as well Morgan Le Faye and Morgan lafaye's minion but not the changeling open your eyes and find each other Morgan lafaye and Minion close your eyes everyone open your eyes all right so uh we need to pick a leader for the first mission and that's going to be the lord of the board what a Lord oh my Lord I think it's very nice but anyway so we're gonna go on a quest um and I trust any so I'm gonna make sure that someone does my will unless you're a little Morgan Lafayette um so I'm gonna take myself can I get one of those little questy there dude let me just run through for the audience so um we're going on five quests uh the goodies have to pass through the baddies have to fail three uh we're doing quest number one you are the leader you are deciding unequivocally no voting it's your word who is going on this quest number here too which means you're picking two of us to go on this Quest and giving us a shield you want to pick Obviously good plays because we want to succeed this Quest don't we well I'm a goodie I'll tell you that um and you're also all right when you choose one of these people you will also hand out this token the magic token if you hand that out the person has to play a success card because anyone who's going on this Quest will put in one of their cards success and fail if all cards that go in secretly obviously face down are successes successful Mission if even one is a fail the mission will fail but if someone is Magic they cannot play their fail they have to play their success unless then Morgan the Faye always the only evil character who can still play a fail on a magic token otherwise the minion and the changeling would both have to play success they were given that and can you do that every excuse me can you do that every time every time the leader gives that one yeah was that a problem Watch Me Whip watch me face indeed so much intimate eye contact this early on in the game John that's still I do sometimes are you evil John no all right lord well I'm gonna take myself um I trust none of this business um Team Rocket Let's go Team Rocket is good team rocket however I will magic you so you better do what I want otherwise I trust you to a point I've forced you to be trustworthy and remember a leader can always magic themselves but why would you do that if you know I know I'm good I'm done all right so uh please take one of your success and failed cards all right maybe and now the grand reveal oh success hey boom success magic was on our side that is one successful mission three of those the goodies will win there you go there you go uh yeah very good uh now you choose who the next leader is it doesn't go clockwise it's Brooke's Choice um well let's see who shall I give the crown to um I think well not Sullivan because he didn't stand up I couldn't stand out there fundamental lack of respect for them yeah um because she's wearing blue and I'm wearing blue um so that's why um okay great I think it's because I showed ultimate Respect by both saluting and putting my hand over my heart which no one else did so Tilly you need to take three of us on my quest yes you can take yourself you don't have to because there are four goodies and three evils but if you know you're good why wouldn't you take yourself on the quest but you do need two other take me untrustable have [Laughter] um I mean you have a bunch of people had tested yeah if you'd like to take out I learned long ago never to trust Laura long long ago I trusted Laurie many times and and everyone well for me um we hadn't invented the trustables yet no well that was it if you want to take yourself you can just need two others or you can Farm out the three other people okay but here are your Shields hand them out as you will the power is in your hands this is so much responsibility have you ever heard you're being weird I'll give you a crown okay don't put me on [Applause] me yeah okay no now I've remembered how the game works like oh you wipe your ass with your own yeah yeah I'm Gonna Make You project coordinate yeah yeah I'll put you on food service tonight yeah um yeah do you know what I feel like you I feel that you are on the level I don't know why I always do this with you and then it's just things very suspicious um why if you're good you always want to be on a mission yeah you know what you don't want to be on a mission I actually am no I don't know the problem with you the problem with you Holly having having what's the problem several episodes have fun on the clock tower is um that even when you're good you seem evil do I see you right now though I don't because you always seem I think the problem is you're just impossible to read yeah but I don't get a single Iota either from you which means yeah yeah you don't you don't help matters by wearing snakes yeah oh yeah actually oh yeah yeah unbelievable I'm pretty sure Morgan oh snakes are neutral we don't have any data let's not matter this too much okay okay that's not okay let's not lambaste people by being always okay somebody learned a new word that's what it is one of Brooke's words I this one okay okay and you keep a one for yourself who is getting the magic token who do you trust the least out of this squad I'll take it yeah probably you if you are good pop your success card there of course if you're evil you could also play a failure yeah just for clarity's sake all right our discard in a pile yeah put your discards here because they'll all be shuffled together hand it back out because I've got a feeling this might fail so this is okay good so we've got Delta say yes what are you confused about very dumb ways yes yes single one of you you're not in the clear you're not in the clear you're settling oh evils I knew I didn't want to be on that movie [Applause] [Applause] that it's these two because Sully was magic so for not to be both of you Sully has to be Morgan Le Faye foreign this is now interesting because Tilly you not only have to choose the next leader okay but you also have to choose someone to be given this amulet giving someone this amulet grants the person who receives it not you the person who receives it the chance to look at someone's Allegiance and the person has to tell the truth uh if someone is chosen by the amulet they'll be given these cards evil good they have to pass the one that they are the team that they're on to the person with the amulet they have to tell the truth of course whether or not we believe that person so those are belonging to you you must choose the next leader you can't choose Brooke Brooke is a veteran Brooke's already been you also can't give Brooke The Amulet I'm afraid so who is going to be the leader who is getting the amulet and they cannot be the same person do you have to do them in a particular order uh no they just have to happen at this in the same phase so before the leader has to be chosen before the amulet person checks the next person for example um I think we should be checking someone in this three don't you okay I think I'm gonna give the amulette Adam I'll accept that and I'm gonna give the crown to we're both Shifty yeah it's Holly okay okay I'm I'm suddenly a lot less suspicious of Holly all right who to check do we check our Lord do we check Sully actually if we check Sully um that aren't that might answer multiple questions because we checked Sully and you're good bad and bad yeah with my check Tilly and I get bad the yeah Sally bobs if you want to check who you are please hand me a yeah the blue if you're good oh I know that stays in front of me just a reminder I can't be leaving uh that's you've been checked is that for me is it yes that's for you so you can't be the leader Morgan [Applause] Morgan then he couldn't have played fail he could have Morgan is Sullivan absolutely played it which means that one of these two is the changes I didn't know he was on a team with another evil player Adam I believe you I absolutely believe you no no no no no no no bad boys there is a way now that potentially I can see if Adam is trustworthy or not because I've picked three people including myself I can pick myself I will um so do I take these shields away from you oh yeah yeah [Laughter] um okay I'm gonna take John and I'm gonna take myself not me no because I want to see oh you might still if we get a fail then I kind of believe you okay over Sully I think there's every chance Adam could still be evil I think it's much less likely yeah but I think if all three of us but are success in at this point yeah I that involves not using this yeah you can still use it well yeah you don't prove anything with that if we're believing what Adam's saying about Sally B do I have to so it would have to be Morgan for this to for this to work out which means you have to do it without playing that then I'm gonna use it can I use it myself yeah yes that makes sense I have to put a success in so you're goading the evil team because with two successes good in a really strong position exactly works for me let's find out playing chicken with the evil team I like it so on this very important little mission a success a success success okay okay well that's really good I don't know if it tells you two three it doesn't tell us a huge amount I see right but uh we bought ourselves so that helps oh sorry I took your cards all right so you are a veteran I'm a veteran yes who's cartilage yours mine please leave them so these come back all right so now you are giving away this leader token and the second and final amulet wow so you can't give either of those to me you can give them to Sally because Sally has been that token just means he's been checked right but not not didn't do it man it's just splitting it between me and Lauren I was going to do exactly that uh because I on a reward your good behavior um one of you can check me if you like yeah I like that I'm gonna let let me just double check that that is possible you can check someone who's had the Amazon or checks one of these two but if Adam's not lying if Adam's good then we can believe him about Morgan oh they may check the Loyalty of any player who has both not received an amulet and not been checked okay yeah yeah that makes sense um okay does anybody feel more confident as the leader or the person with the amulet because I'm I'm willing to make this a bit democratically makes a difference to me right then I shall give you the crown thank you all and I should give you the ambulance I'm gonna check chili understood where are they so those are your cars you must pass um the card with the color of your alignment truthfully to Laurie truthfully yes right so and that is you have been checked okay there we go you're a bad eggs [Applause] oh it's gonna come for you I'm gonna come for you so so Laura you're claiming you saw a good card from Tilly yes he's a lion boy I'm a lying boy or a lion boy oh boy so that's a success oh you're going on a mission here here are the two worlds evil um evil evil evil evil mystery mystery and then evil so you know you have to put together a team of four this requires two fails so we're actually in really good okay okay oh we know that Sullivan's Morgan yeah yeah true we know we know that it's worth it for this mission go with that worldview that Sullivan's Morgan it's worth testing yes yes so we've got yes so we've got these three two of whom are evil and then along with one of those two of those three it's either one of you two and you have you're either telling the truth and they're evil John if you go with us fall only one of us can be evil this is what I'm thinking right if two of them are here if we do four I don't think we can lose right no I don't think we can lose one of us has to be at least well no one of us doesn't have to be could be all three but at most one of us is yeah I think you're right and just magic whoever it is you're least sure on in that case uh I'm handing out my shields uh to Laurie the Laurie the the brave Adam Adam the Stout Stout Stout it means like that's rude um Holly Holly the noble [Applause] no no no no you're like yeah as Laura said you're like a Little Teapot you're my little teeth you're my teapot night your sword is the spout it's been a pandemic no I meant I meant to stop it how could you you know to be clear I mean in a in a classical chavaric sense I mean you're staunch and loyal did you mean storage [Laughter] that's not mean Sally I don't know why I'm going to you on this one yeah talk to the medievalist Maybe you got a clue and me John it's the last one but Stout's really comedian only taking the auction out of the room so I don't want to give myself a name John the graceful there we go we're done who do you think the person's best of magic because I think you've got it you've got two amulet people here who might have lied yeah that's true so I suppose it should be one of well yeah that's true you know what the only I think it's most important to Magic you because you're the one most likely to have lied about Morgan if you were Morgan I would say yeah foreign [Applause] a good win yeah yeah a good win didn't even need to use my cool juice powers yeah you have my hair yeah yeah you have me because your heart rate lost so well that I thought I'd given you the wrong card and fox the whole game I was like oh my God it was so embarrassing I can't believe I've given him good and I'm gonna have to explain it no but I was desperately trying to get it back on track oh he did well to try to be like you did well that would have been a much harder game if there weren't that two failed cards two fails on that yeah I it I just didn't win it right you didn't know yeah you didn't know who the evil please yeah and they didn't know who you were yeah it was just really unlucky because it ultimately like two good successes on the board is so dangerous for the evil table so putting in a fail makes a lot of sense it's a big risk of putting success at that point yes oh Brooke just by the way [Music] oh no Adam I feel tired there's enough content come on guys that's it there's always enough Ashley why don't you just sit this one out we'll do a six-pack that's the Channel's catchphrase right there's enough content there's always enough content so game two uh we've got all new characters well the Duke is back but the Duke didn't get to feature in the last game so we'll see how that goes we featured silently in the background what's that it's too sweet this one too sweet is that a wrestling thing yeah I've got two swans there's two times two swords of course yeah you know this one famous one stick up like wolves in Holly the Queen's just died you can't be talking about songs you can't be getting it wrong absolutely so here are the roles we're playing with for game two Morgan the phase back please in every game this was pretty cool last time you've got the lunatic the lunatic is bad for the evil team because they have to fail every Quest they don't have a choice unless they actually get magic in which case they do then have a choice but otherwise they have to fail every Quest or out themselves probably quite quickly you have the blind Hunter who is not who the evil team knows who the blind Hunter is but the blind Hunter doesn't know who anyone is at the end of the game The Blind Hunter might be able to win the game for the evil team by identifying good players by their exact roles so be careful with what you Bluff you got the Troublemaker who must lie about loyalty they're emulated they have to lie and say they're evil throwing a huge spanner in the works the cleric will know the alignment of the first leader so we'll choose the leader before everyone close their eyes can I check that the Troublemaker doesn't affect the cleric power does it that's just for the amulet The Amulet uh that's only for amulated because yeah yeah yeah you can't yeah actually hang on a second I think I think that is right because they're not lying at the start right they're just you're just looking at their card uh the Troublemaker if they're investigated by any ability that checks loyalty oh my God such as the clerics oh no the ambulance they must lie and indicate incredible so much troubles yeah if the Troublemaker is the first leader and we'll do a thing being like everyone close your eyes Troublemaker stick out your thumb if you're evil the the Troublemaker will have to do it it's gonna be really bad uh cleric yet they know the identity they know the alignment of the first leader the Duke is again in the end game along with the blind Hunter they can help out uh and the youth must fail when given the magic token because you can't tell a kid what to do so annoying what an annoying kid I'm gonna fail this Mission because you told me not to I wouldn't be that little you I won't do what you tell me I will say let's have Morgan uh be the first leader where was Morgan last time I was rightfully untrustworthy I saw that you were evil yeah because you told me yeah in my world we've made no logical sense but it's very well argued ah thank you very entertaining good work thank you if you ever need a reminder of which characters are in play good choice uh they're here Morgan lunatic blind Hunter Duke cleric troublemaker and youth let's have a little look see delightful everyone close your eyes you're at home again if you don't want to know who to close your eyes blind Hunter stick out your thumb Morgan Le Faye and lunatic open your eyes see each other see who the blind Hunter is blind Hunter attracts your thumb evils close your eyes first leader Sullivan if you are evil stick out your thumb cleric open your eyes and see if Sullivan is good or bad you can see his thumb means he's bad if Sullivan can see his own thumb means he's the cleric my God oh my God Sullivan close uh retract your thumb cleric close your eyes everyone open your eyes oh Lord this is a lot more complicated than the last one yes yes who would like to go on a lovely mission go around having a nice whole time with me you want to go alone pick me no pick me you want to go alone I want to go pick Laurie [Laughter] well give me give me a small pitch as to what you can give I give snacks and riddles okay sounds annoying what can you guess watch wow no you're on the mission [Laughter] it was just the idea of having to do riddles for your snacks um can I take a little uh shield for myself uh I'm gonna magic kill Laurie just to make sure that we get through this yeah together the magic noise and uh yes lovely um oh yeah yeah a reminder there's someone it should be a couple of successes someone around the table knows he's a little Evil Boy unless troublemakers anytime that anytime their loyalty is checked they have to claim evil I think we've got a couple of successes coming up they don't lie verbally they lie like when it's officially checked can you imagine if this is two fails though it's so sweet amazing Indigo basically uh one success and two success lovely stuff uh a nice start for two good boys two of the best boys with the nicest watch shared between them we wear it on our big wrist it's got that huge strap constantly chained together um lovely um who would like to be leader next huh a little Brooke as a conservation prize oh yes there'll be snacks and riddles oh I'm quite busy okay if you make me a leader I promise snacks and no riddles me [Laughter] a little Brooke I'm gonna make her later she's already wearing a crown um okay so who wants to come with me on my lovely quotes so just have we before we do this have you just been I wasn't allowed to make a choice have we learned anything from absolutely nice we have learned one thing Laurie could be lunatic that got Fireballs yeah yeah we've learned one thing and I don't want to say it out loud okay um because Laurie was magic oh yeah yeah we've learned one thing oh yes right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes would everyone want to spell it out for the blind Hunter if they don't get it I I'm not the Black Panther and I don't get it cool I think most people will understand thanks most people with a brain get it yeah I need an idiot on this Mission I'll bring John okay um I'll take myself and is that for me yes because uh I didn't mean to call you dumb but yeah I did uh yeah good ideas I did okay and then I will take um take I'm very uneasy about this okay I have heard nothing from Holly so I'm gonna magic Holly you have had nothing from me as well to be fair I think we've got a foul incoming I think so I feel very bad about it I possibly I don't really want to be associated with no data I know it just stinks um all of these all of these bits are just obfuscation I don't like it you're preempting a failure though there John which makes me think you're putting in a fail can't a man just be dangerously paranoid in this day and age I want to clarify I put a success in in case three fails come out oh if that's a success that's really that's a really smart Play Pretty clever all right here we go a successful on our way to Victory and oh that does not this is good news we've got a stinker we have those things yeah it's used or a troublemaker a troublemaker Troublemaker yes yes either I'm Morgan or a youth yeah could have played yeah lunatic would have to play yeah [Music] yeah there's lots of different things it's more likely that John or Brooke about and no one's going to want to claim anything because they don't want to get like shots Medallion goes to you um I keep thinking you're the leader of you know I wear a crown Adam um I have a silent sense of authority uh you get to give out now the leader token for the next leader and the amulet can't go to the same person okay I'm very happy and you can't get either yeah to me yeah yeah yeah if you want if you want to give it someone to check me that's absolutely fine I think that'll be a good move can I give you the amulet oh yeah the voice of Destiny again oh no actually to change things up cool I'll give you the crown oh okay let me check John you checking me now you checking John checking me out no I actually want to check Holly yeah go for it I'm very suspicious of these two together TBH I'd rather you check them out too late uh you're suspicious of Holly and Laurie I know that I know that I'm well I know that I'm good so I'm suspicious of the rest of the group and the fact that Lori switched to Holly this is weird bad egg oh great what bad egg no no what'd you see Lori evil Bad Egg okay that's not true that's a lie is that a lie no I can't is no no no no no I'm good I miss magic so I'd have to be Morgan yeah there's only the only option if I yeah it could be Troublemaker if it's a Well I saw a red card you didn't trouble your Morgan you didn't see a red card well he couldn't I absolutely did right oh good stuff next mission three players okay who who do we know nothing about uh Tilly haven't checked out yeah I'm very happy to be checked okay maybe you Tilly and I mean definitely not Holly or Laurie no not Brooke definitely not Laurie I'll go uh I I feel well I'm going uh I feel good about you Sully thank you very much um got it we gotta check Tilly right take me yeah Tilly has not been checked at all not been on single day yeah Don't Go Near Laurie take me well Laurie Laurie did succumb to Magic last time unless he's Morgan and just played a success last time so I do actually feel fine about I don't trust Lori but I could take him in Magic him and I think it'll work you split the data this way if you have you take three people two like mild unknowns then you're not getting anything new but if you cat if you bring it down to the fact that you know I'm probably gonna have to play a success here so then then the information right um yeah we need to yes we need to learn about tools yeah okay oh tools that's a deep cut that is a reference no one will get no more I didn't get that I didn't yeah no relevance to The Wider World in terms of Pop Culture it's just the name of Earth it's similar to me at all going in this is the card from the plane okay cars cars are the thing yeah uh so to clarify me Tilly Sully on this Mission Sully here we go okay great oh okay here we go that's the magic noise laughs it's a little successful way all right I love it success what success it's you it's you it's not me it's not me it's literally not me I swear to God it's not me it is actually not me so YouTube hadn't done a mission before right you my friend have you passed two so uh yeah yeah so I put in success so either it's Morgan again or yeah he's tilling it isn't me if you're if you're good it isn't me it actually does I did what I could Sully so we would have to be Morgan you son of a I'm not I'm not a son of a what are you talking about I am going to give this man um this amulet away joyfully I get to give this animal why did you say so much I think Sullivan could be Morgan again and I would like someone to check out possibility if someone could check Sally that'd be great because I would at least clear up which of those times amazing I'm happy to check Sally if you want to give me a minute or it could be you it could be me it could be you it could be something I think Holly I'm happy to do it Holly's much more Dodge on something I don't truly that's why I'm giving you that okay I do think that's the better choice and you can check it back if you don't no no no I'm giving that to you with who I give this to because I'm running out of options it's Tilly or it's Holly I mean I don't I don't know who to choose I don't know bluffing-wise I think too is less us I'm gonna give it to Tilly on this mission if you are evil yeah you have to take two evil people I have two fails to succeed this Mission so if you if you're already when you said if you get good off Sally then who Tilly picks it's huge it's huge unless John lies about what yeah yeah it's possible why do you think I'm evil again well I'm the least likely out of this three to be evil I passed the first one and then I got magic I don't necessarily think you are evil it's just that you're putting that forward that worldview well I want you to be checked because Tilly's up next it's pretty funny if you're evil again I'm a little bit suspect to this the only person you can't check is Holly I'm getting checked right now yeah right sake what that's an evil card no I'm not hell Jesus okay all right okay right so I got an evil card from Sally so we've had an evil card from Sally again okay I'm I'm gonna take John you can magic him yeah feel free to magic man I I actually I trust you less less yes I've just watched too much problems that Sally was evil which is Assuming he's not a troublemaker he definitely is evil I just pitch one of you two chat if you trust me I would trust Adam personally okay no you went very hard on me yeah even though I was the least likely out of the three thank God you did which is very bad at least likely to meet you magic jump right I will say the reason why I went for you is that Tilly is next Tilly has actions left to do you can't do anything more to clear your name other than go on Mission whereas Tilly has multiple things she can do to influence how we think about Tilly which is including choosing the next lineup for this Mission so I wanted you checked so I least knew that right okay so in terms of who has dodgy a dodgy record you three went on a fail Mission with one failure and apparently an evil and of course Laurie is claiming Holly's bad and Holly is claiming the lorries back yeah and similarly I'm bad so I'm one of these numbers has been on fail mission one of these two yep and so have you been on a mission you have been on first mission did you get magic yeah I did take me imagine me take me imagine me no because if you're the lunatic then you would be able to yeah yeah I think that's a while she's Morgan or the lunatic I'm choosing Adam oh yeah definitely choose Adam so you've got you John me you need one more person so really if you believe me then it's got to be Laurie Brooke or Holly I would love to go you're not coming in no no why not yes don't make this any more Awkward you take the other person who's on the mission you fail and you're taking I'm the least likely to him chill out order yourself a double whiskey and just think about your life absolutely outrageous take anyone and Magic one of them two fails for this yeah that's true so it would it would if you're both good even if John is evil but he's a minion then we literally know that magic works just work just take me and Magic me I'm not taking you oh it's just not taking you I'm not taking you that is okay so it's between you two okay either way magic them so it's fine the thing is though there's also the other thing to consider is there's a use hiding here somewhere so if you magic the youth they have to play a fail which gives the Eagles another chance to win a fail so if you do it if you do it to me you're definitely going to get a success I really wish everyone here was less good at lying yeah it helps I'm not the you I've been on there's very little information on me yes there is not there's not a lot of information on me so regardless I think I'm useful to take either for information or like I know what I am I know that I can be helpful to this Mission um and I've only been on one Mission and no one's emulated me whereas you do have a failed Mission and an amulet on Holly so of the two of us yeah so someone I do agree with that Logistics I'm not a bad egg but I do agree with the why do you watch another book because I'm on a good team okay and I think it's the most logical thing I don't know why every single word I'm saying is suddenly suspicious it's very frustrating really that's very evil yeah unless Sully's the Troublemaker because it's 100 evil yeah I'm gonna go Brock and this could be the undoing of the good team and I'm sorry if so here you go to magic so seeing as we've got the least Intel on Brook and with a Magic Brooks that makes most sense okay all right here we go everyone play your card this is the card that you are playing okay playing card there this is the card the official this is the card I'm playing yes the disc discard pile discards yeah so evil need evil need two fails to win this yes okay yeah so come on silly please this would be really interesting will you please come on I'm good at games one success yes okay one more success and we've got this mission 's still around that's amazing that was huge that was something that the evil team could not afford no to fail okay which suggests team good question mark yes good good good which heavily puts doubt on you I'm afraid Solomon well no of course the logic makes me look bad yeah if John was evil you have to fail you have to fail that mission if you're evil yeah unless that John knows that he's the only evil player on the team yeah and he's like there's no point I may as well gain the trust and then this time I'll accept that that's absolutely none of you are necessarily in the clear it looks good in you all but none of you are in the clear wow yeah on a social level yeah yeah but not all right I've nailed it yes uh well yes yes although it's worth pointing out that the um The Mentalist the evil team would not oh the evil team would not know that they're the only person on their mission because the blind Hunter but then they would know the blind Hunter is on the mission I suppose so yes lunatic would have had to fail I think Sally's trying really hard to decide why am I having a fight with Holly about who's evil yeah good question or something like that I don't know yeah if I was a blind Hunter why would I out get the other here's a world view then this is just a worldview Evils are Sully Laurie and Brooke because that's the one that makes sense if if I'm on the level and you're on the level and Holly is on the level he's not on the level I am either way I trust us three and if we uh we just need one fail though don't we well you're the who's who's the last leader oh I swear it's Holly there's no other choice yeah well everyone else has like a solid amulet or a veteran yeah um Holly this faded amulet that Holly's got that only means that she's being reject right so you have to make Holly the leader now I'm afraid that's okay do is proud can I can I ask if if he will now win this do we get to do the thing with the finger yeah evil win this we get a good gets a chance to win okay uh but also the blind Hunter will get a chance to go I'm not sure they will because I wouldn't know who the goods yeah I think yeah pretty hidden yeah I'm not super worried about blind Hunter no I don't think we need to identify all three evils we've had a we know there's a cleric out there who knows Sully's Allegiance unless Sully is the cleric um we know that there's a lunatic or the Troublemaker I will say or the Troublemaker yeah that's true one concrete worldview that makes sense with all the information we've got so far I agree I think that's it that makes sense okay so based on based on Laurie lied about Holly yeah so it's it's just just good when we lose this yeah these guys right so Laurie has oscillated between who he's attacking quite a lot which makes me think he's panicking yeah I'm trying to work out which one who's backing up Holly the most here because I know Holly is evil so I'm working out this is gonna fail and I'm going to work out who I'm pointing at at the end of the game I'm just trying to work out literally what is the what are the other ones this is going to fail if it's not yeah if you aren't the three who are who is it yeah and based on what okay well so this world so if you think you would you would know the John right and you would know Holly yep in that world though it would still have to be Tilly Sully or Adam because one of you put in a uh a fail and mechanically you can't you mean the world best son is at the time together so it would be probably in that World U2 and either me or Tilly yeah okay I just think that world's fine last mission I've supported Adam the whole time so it would make sense that we're on the same team the other world view of these three makes more sense I agree based on that last mission if one of you three is able you've played a Blinder and I applaud you how this is the track yeah I don't I don't trust adventurous Brooke Miss Laurie I'm very good don't trust Sully I think it has to be a sport that's gonna go for it because we do have a way anyway because we don't know which Evils are about to fail this I'm going there oh and I have to Magic yeah who would you like to Magic who hasn't been magic yet who hasn't been magic um because I know if Sully's on the level then Tilly has to be evil I'm just worried there might be yeah oh youth out there yeah yeah oh bloody bollocks the pile that's going into the the yes Mission the mission pilot this is the card you're playing discard pile is here this is the card you're playing yeah wait so who's who's going okay and your magic oh so from this some people's worlds will clear up clear up yeah I don't want to do this okay do we just need three successes or is there any failure yeah success I'm literally shaking which would be great okay all right one of them was bad you would not at all or Tilly but I don't believe it well I was magic yeah so you could basically so what happens now because we didn't get this in the last game I will explain that we are as a strange would say in the end game now uh we are going on a basically a final quest uh a chance for both sides to hail Mary Hail Mary a win first of all there'll be an opportunity for the blind Hunter to go on the hunt very shortly I'm not doing it now very shortly I will say for the blind Hunter do you want to go on the hunt and either they will remain silent and therefore I never thought you'd know they don't out themselves or they will say yes out themselves as the blind Hunter and then we'll have to choose two good players and their roles if they can do that evil wins if the blind Hunter chooses not to go on the hunt then we go to something called Good's last chance everyone is going to point finger guns at two people they have to be separate people and you have to get all evil and only evil what's going to happen is let's say for example we all point and then the evil players will drop their hands and then they will reveal their cards and we will see if the remaining good players have their hands pointed to only evil players and all evil players are accounted for good wins instead all players have five minutes to discuss who uh the minions of Mordred may be and then we call for the hunt and then we go okay we don't have to use all five yeah but I will put five minutes on the clock well this seems really dangerous if there's a blind Hunter yeah we do well let's not talk about roles but there are people who are definitely in the firing line for being minions five minutes has started okay so people who've been suspected me and Sully expected each other uh uh Holly and Laurie those two and one of us four yeah yeah and I really believe the solution oh and one of us three I mean it looks bad for Holly Holly is involved three times I know I I'm not evil I don't unless I mean a youth can't come out right now but unless there's a youth I I trust you more than Holly and now I trust you more than Harley so I don't think you're Morgan no matter what I think Holly is our Holly is one of them I think well Tilly was magic so can't be Morgan yeah oh sorry no in my world well no yeah I really believe John over Sully I think Holly Brooke because Brooks was Magic on the one where everyone passed it but in I was magic too on the one that is so on the three-person one yeah Hollywood's magic yeah this world view I think that would then make Morgan lunatic blind Hunter I think I know that's not true yeah so yeah you did call Holly's lunatic very early on in my in my world I know that Laurie is so I've got one of my points sorted and then you'll have to drop your hands when they say oh put your hand down why do you feel so strongly that Laurie is here because Laurie okay and I know that my card's good I mean both these guys have one of their hands yeah but we have to make sure that everyone's at Holly's Holly triangulates is evil so many times yeah three times I think if I'm getting it right which makes me more inclined to trust Laurie do you yeah what does that mean so I was I was magic unless I'm Morgan yeah which I could be yeah I'm not mortgage okay she's not Morgan what are you I was working for a second then let's hear from this end of the table I don't know much Point me positing a theory because I don't think anyone believes me it is that's the point yeah we can learn from what you claim whether you're good or evil yeah I'm going I'm going off John's social read and he's checked you and that world's solid Morgan and you're saying that I'm Morgan why Sally Morgan it's very unlikely that yeah it's just it the world view that's been posited of both of us being magic and both of us putting in fails is very unlikely uh that's a very unlikely thing it's much more likely that the people that weren't magic for the ones that put in fails and that happened twice in one game and one of us has to be I think Holly is the lunatic because every time she's been on a mission not be magic she played a fail and the one time that you wanted you were you wanted to recheck redo your card and so you put in you knew you could put in a good point you knew you could put in a good card and you knew that one of these two was also evil and you knew that that only needed one fail to go so one of John I wouldn't have been able no in that in that world I wouldn't have been able to put in a fail at any point so why would I have had to recheck if I'd worked out that one of these guys was also evil with them in what world would I have to change my car because you would have been the lunatic you would have played a foul and you would have known that you could have played a pass and you knew there were three people on the mission don't play fails you're gonna do exactly what happened in the first game which is you out to and I think Sally I now think Sully okay my read is you you and you but I'm I know the the hunters in play and that's why I'm I'm like I don't want to say who I might think everyone is or could be I think because you could posit things about Sully yeah uh about why John might get a read on him yeah but that I mean people understand where the fail came from yeah unless it's you I didn't know I'm but I'm also suspicious I think Laura's right I'm ready I'm ready to go you can I think my my final thought is either these two in Sully or these two in Tilly but I I think surely better than Tim yeah I'm not sure it should be Tilly well one of us has to be yeah actually we'll point to well first things first hey blind Hunter would you like to go on the hunt oh yes I would oh yes all right youth Duke so they both need to be right let's turn over the cards so Youth and Duke we have the lunatic me you really are the blind Hunter good wins Laurie you were right blind Hunter lunatic Morgan yeah yes you were oh yes [Applause] I don't think I played well yeah it's happening five left into such a corner yes you were given a sandwich that was very disappointed I very carefully avoided being magic to the whole game I thought clerican youth but I couldn't say oh really wow considering that it's more likely to be Tilly at a weird tele was that you saying was that you saying to the room Adam you've really gone after me just hoping the blind Hunter would hear it yes to a certain extent and also being like why are you going after me because if it doesn't make any sense it was social reasons the fact that you were magic I knew I was good yeah and then so obviously I was just like check one of them so that is exactly what I did with the cards I put in a fail and realized I didn't check John I was checking you because I was like I was checking if you were the youth or not and I was like that's just you when once you said that argument I was like I was it was so tight Lori had the whole game from the very beginning well done Laurie did very well foreign we're gonna do a final game speed Quest that would be a really good name for a game anyway so here are the roles we've got our Troublemaker is back Duke we got cleric this time we got Arthur Arthur starts the game knowing who Morgan the Faye is Sally but yeah must be kept secret because if Arthur can be identified by the blind Hunter um then instantly the blind Hunter will win we have our blind Hunter again and we have Morgan of course this time we have trickster trickster May lie about loyalty um if they're emulated they may lie uh that's it that's it that's everything um yeah there'll be a chance for the blind Hunter to do the hunt at the end if they pick Arthur first doesn't matter if there's there's no second choice instantly okay first wow okay let's find them and find them quick stressed I'm gonna tape in the middle this time I'll go in this way all right magic okay first leader who is Morgan hello uh let's let's change it up um all right everyone close your eyes you at home if you don't want to know who everyone is keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them first of all blind Hunter stick out your thumb trickster and Morgan lafay open your eyes and find each other also see who the blind Hunter is lovely blind Hunter close your thumb um everyone else close your eyes Morgan Le Faye stick out your thumb Arthur open your eyes and see who is Morgan le Faye Morgan take back your thumb Arthur close your eyes finally Holly if you are evil stick out your thumb cleric open your eyes and see if Holly is good or evil Holly take back your thumb if you put it out everyone open your eyes how many do we need right speed so just just go for it don't matter who are you gonna imagine all right can I do that yeah yeah you're gonna magic all right who's me so Troublemaker what do they do again which ones which uh Troublemaker must lie about their loyalty cleric knows Duke of the end game Arthur knows Morgan Buffet uh blind Hunter does the hunt at the end can uh play a fail on a magic uh can choose to lie about the Loyalty if they want us but there's not there's no one apart from Morgan who would be messed up by Magic is that right by Magic at all everyone actually so only Morgan is affected by excellent more is actually unaffected by Magic is that yes yes all right all right okay there's your successes okay as we expect from the first one as we expect from the first missions we haven't really nearly enough yes but we have a success which is great it's great that's the main thing are you going to choose it's a safe unit I'm going to choose John okay fun so you two we've learned nothing about should I just pick a whole new team yeah yeah let's get as much data as you can uh Sally thank you Tilly me and who is suffering the brunt of magic uh Sally I'll be there again I will ship my pants you are Morgan again there'd already be everyone's house okay this is the one we're using this is the one we're using the one that you're discarding goes over here yeah this is the one that we're using this is going on the quest okay on the Quest blood on the quest just tell them if you're Morgan Lopez again hold on the questions I picked up another mortgage this is this is chili solid I can't tell you how released that's the only explanation [Laughter] [Applause] thank you very much okay the trickster can lie can anyone else lie it's good he's actually good the only thing that tells us is that he's not working with it no it tells us that one of those two is able yep because unless unless he's a trickster yeah just the trickster Trick's a good lie yeah or that I'm the trickster but you wouldn't have been able to play Fail there yeah yeah exactly so actually welcomes razor that you're good yes okay no that's good yeah I'm not led a question yeah sure thank you so the magic does the magic affect the the read as well thank you I'm gonna take I haven't been a tape I'm gonna take Holly all right interesting no I'm I'm not I'm not gonna well we haven't hate it um oh yeah uh I'm gonna Magic something again so we're pretty sure Sally is safe right or a million who can be magic I don't see a world all right so we haven't okay success success yeah lovely got two on the board two on the board and Away you're giving out your amulet as well as the lead so check me or Tilly yeah right yeah yeah pretty much you give it to me or Holly yeah [Music] give it to me I like I like Jewels do we transport there's nothing that's gonna lie information okay I've just worked out John's a goodie that sounds a little bit okay you're evil oh my God you're evil again it's privately good which means you're definitely able yeah oh fine I'm not I genuinely don't understand this how given that he got magic trickster and I've looked at it means here's what this means it means you're on the same team so it's essentially there's two possible World Views either in that thing Tilly was played the Evil card there and you were good and I was good and you were good right or uh you are evil and brought me on as an evil trickster right I got magic so I had to play a success and you played a fail and then my alignment I could lie about to Adam that's the those are the two okay you two are on the same team I will say one of them sounds a little bit more likely unbelievable it's absolutely a theory I was trying to figure out literally the way it was literally possible I'm going to give the lord of the board the crown because that's kind of last mission yes thank you very much you need to take a four and in good stead having two successes by this point is good because you need two fails to do it okay so in that case all right I need who I trust I've been on two missions and they were both successful they were both successful yes okay we know Solomon can be magic yes yes Sullivan can be magic okay I'm going to take Sullivan thank you um okay I have a little shieldy Shield okay I'm gonna take myself because I trust myself they need to get two fails this one should be quite easy yeah one of them is the first one is the first one you could be a very bad person I mean granted I mean I'm gonna take you because Occam's razor and then I'm gonna take oh it's tough I'm kind of happy in a sense with all of these because they all I I know this is British I'm pretty sure that not everyone on this mission is good but I think enough people are good that we won't get together who do you think one of us on this Mission I think more likely because we've just done the first mission so yeah I literally haven't met anything but who are you gonna magic I think I'm gonna magic oh I know it's one evil person on this Mission how well I'm good baby oh yeah yeah yeah right but there's me but there's oh Sully's not been married that's really interesting but you want to test this continually Imagining the same person is not necessarily a good idea wow we might get more information yeah the world in which I'm evil is the least likely out of this is played this is discovered this has the Troublemaker does the Troublemaker lie about their alignments we might have had a troublemaker the whole time yeah magic Troublemaker who's now not going to be magic well no uh no no trouble maker is fine you're good it's fine oh yeah yeah it's only use that we'd have to worry about that I thought he would have shown me an evil car yeah okay yeah it's fun yep I'm very suspicious of John I will just put that out there I wasn't on that mission because that's just my read of you two of the evils went on that mission which I think puts a better light on me which could put a better light on slowly but yeah Sully Sully is trickster is the only major flying assault yeah was it you that read Sully yep yeah yeah so those two could be on the same team that's also the other yeah were you on that mission nice right so yeah potentially how do you read John yes I read John and it was a good card now he could be the trickster that's the other option as well all right so would I with all other things but but it read good oh this is a lot harder Brooke is nailed on evil how am I know she's nailed on me I think so how much I think so what's your reasoning behind that or is it just a joke I've been on one oh you did okay right okay I would say no also because no I think also because she hasn't been on any missions that one had to pass she didn't magic you knowing it would work I didn't have any information the thing is is that or I think like not magic in me is not necessarily suspicious so in that world it's Adam as well because Adam got solid's cards I don't know it's Suddenly It's a trickster I pretty much had look unless I'm Morgan to say I pretty much had a successful right like who went on the mission Holly could be playing an incredibly long game as well I don't think they're playing the success on that third one that's okay I think it's your backing up because you know that you still have that spoken like a true evil Sully I'm just saying it doesn't clear I'm not saying you're evil I'm just saying that that is you don't trust Sally the one time I didn't Sullivan wasn't magic there was a fail so that makes me think there's someone included who hasn't gone who hasn't been leader right final mission Tilly you gotta take four of us you gotta take the evil team no what you got to take the goods here you've got to take them all the good team and literally missed anyone at this point oh yeah I'm good oh my God I don't trust anyone either Christmas I did go on two missions they were a success I knew that last one wasn't yeah two failures I know I know that there's two between the three of you if evil if evil when we still get a chance I wasn't on that mission okay okay I think Holly is probably good I'm definitely good I'm definitely I think Holly is good after lot Holly's most likely to be good Brooke is most likely to be evil and I feel like maybe she freed up Sullivan so he could actually play that okay lots of things had to fall into place yes I gotta say Brooke knowing Brooke wouldn't if Brooke was Morgan Brook would know Sully was evil too and would know therefore he was the trickster so that is not a lot of coincidences that's knowing that you can't be magic I agree with that but up until that point it was such a string I feel like it's an odd thing that like every other game we've had of this when people have not magic somebody or magically it's been like okay fine that's fair because on this situation for some reason I have to be magic every single time yeah and then as soon as I'm not it's like all that suspicious the reason he's not odd to me is because I know Brooke's evil I'm pretty confident how do you not then disagreeing with you but what's your there's no like I'm just reading it oh it's purely it's purely social really is most likely to have been evil there and then made a concerted effort to move the magic from you when we pretty much have had it proven that if you get magic you have to play a success right yes Polly's been on missions that have passed too I've been on a mission that's passed like unless you two are backing each other up you two are backing each other up Lori has been suspicious of Holly as well I honestly think your best for yourself May Holly and Laurie I do believe that you don't trust Brook I don't know anything about Brooke and I know that between the three of them there must be two evils so yeah three of them I'm I am suspicious of not magicing Sully because I would imagine I'm about 90 sure that Laurie is Evil based on this attack because it just seems like such a weak thing to go like he didn't it wasn't magic in me also constantly magic in one player doesn't it also Adam has backed up Sally sure it might be tricks to stuff but that was quite an early play So Adam and Sally are on the same team I I campaigned against Sally doesn't yeah that's true that's true now that now that Brook's choice to not magic Sully uh it's wise yeah that was Data I think the thing is right is that we have no use in this game there's no so it's not like a huge risk to Magic someone else I don't understand why this is such a I don't know yeah you should it's not really yeah like magicing someone else's intent is the argument I wanted to see if you were trickster and now I think knowing that you would have to be free to vote success okay as well Tilly you have to choose right now okay is that Holly on me holly okay I think it's a good show um I kind of get the other Shield please and the magic give me my magic give me my magic if you're not sure you can always Magic One of Us [Music] are you good I am good don't take Brooke did you just go on the first mission she I think she's the fight I I don't know were you just the first mission so far you've got another mission since no I'm just the first mission it's maybe magic Adam you've yeah magic Adam okay I want a magic Adam and then I've got one left I will say honestly give it to me um on the good team you are now suspicious of some of them I'm suspicious like you have to bring me if we want to succeed at the end of the day not for me I put together the middle team but why could be longer I literally went for the Bible I went for someone statistically likely to pass it and then I magic someone I knew would work and in the mission part final Choice Tilly I was kind of yeah those evil eyes do whatever you want to cover do whatever you want to do have we done that don't judge a book by its cover yeah no probably at some point statistically all right Tails What's it gonna be listen to your heart when it's College her name is Brooke she's a girl too you're both really good liars imagine if someone tell us that'd be amazing do I go for Sullivan what's happening what's everyone's feelings for Laurie and he me every time I hate it the only thing you have to do is decide quickly time is running short you're suspicious of Brock oh yeah you're special Sullivan only in terms of what Brokers you suspicious of John probably if if John is backing up Sullivan but um I will say one thing you can take Sullivan but you have to Magic him you can't magic meal I've magic I've chosen to Magic you which it's not locked in you can change I'm magic Lorry I mean if you've got this team this is somebody panicking Maybe and it's only been on the first mission fine by me give me magic okay all right all right here we go hell there's the card you're playing oh my God I'm sweating discounts over there discards discards okay this card I have definitely chosen an evil player oh gosh numerically it's it's like it's gonna be worry I don't know why I choose to trust him let's reveal success success success you guys I'm shocked by that I'm absolutely shocked good team Assemble wait I wouldn't I wouldn't do that right hands yeah good wins oh that's annoying I would have sorry I would have fought harder for that why were you going I thought you were I thought you were after that why were you going for me Brooke wait is that what happened she she took it off you because she knew she had to so as soon yeah in that last bit you were like I'm suspicious one of the best jobs we had Brooke [Applause] when you looked at my card I was like I'm so and he was like John's good I'm like what the did I keep selling the wrong card oh that was great yeah that's why I can't go like I'm evil too oh no no four left to do it oh four left that has been our three games of quest desperate times cool for desperate measures I suppose I'm not playing Monopoly uh we will see you next week we're going to be playing where words it's another quick game they're gonna do it oh God do it see you next week three two one laughs [Music]
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 116,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board games 2020, board games review, board game, tabletop, tabletop games, top 10 board games, games, best board games, game, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top ten board games, find board games, game news, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, hottest board games, best board games 2020, hottest board games 2020, top board games 2020, popular board games, boardgames, no rolls barred, how to play, avalon, bgc, nrb, lets play
Id: OTKfjv6YB1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 31sec (4951 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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