Kanban EV + Speed Charger Expansion - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is moani and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time we are returning to our roots we have kanban ev yeah we did a vital assertive series uh if you're not familiar with it we basically chronicled all of the teleservice games and we had played the original kanban uh the automotive revolution uh and now we are playing the new kickstarter release uh kanban ev at least new to us um and so we're gonna show it to you guys today that's right this is the version that is published by eagle griffin games so it's very much along the same line as the other big box bichala sort of games and so first of all we would like to say thank you to all of our patreon supporters who voted for this game we had put on a poll on our patreon that was between kanban evie and rokoko deluxe which is the other new like eagle griffin big box game exactly and the for the entire week they were going head to head rococo was winning by by quite a bit a good margin yeah and then on the very last day they were fully tied and then kanban won by one vote one vote we had about we had a little i think we had maybe 50 votes and it edged it out by one vote so we had to uh to do with all switcheroo and he pulled this one out instead so thank you again and now because this is technically a rematch we played this game on our channel once before we are not going to start with a full rules teach we are going to describe the differences in the graphic design of the new board as well as the player boards and then go into the new rules changes as well as the two mini expansions that comes with the kickstarter edition of the game so we figured we played the base game once before we might as well play this game a little bit differently with the these new expansions and because we're not doing a rule speech if you are interested in seeing that other video that we're talking about we'll leave a link right over here you can always check that out and so before we get started we would like to kindly please ask that you turn on your klingon subtitles just in case you make any of those mistakes and if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and without further ado we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table well the entire table table we have here our large new and improved kanban board ev yes we also have our player boards that have these new like indentations for the different uh parts that were not in the original design yeah these are recessed boards that's right and so just to kind of give you a delay of the land here the different departments on the board are arranged a little bit differently if you can't already tell it's like the original board did like a a little bit of a clockwise shift so we used to have uh testing i believe it was called testing and innovations yeah that used to be here yes and so it is now here and this is now called research and development rnd the assembly line is now here the logistics department is now here this is where we're going to get all of our car parts we have the designs department over here obviously and then admin is now down here it's much smaller it is now not that like whole huge board meeting layout it's just this little strip right there and so this is where our performance goal cards now go in addition the work replacement spots that used to go in a horizontal strip across the board are now in a vertical strip down the center of the board and the different departments are now kind of laid out by this like bluish color so you can specifically see like this is for research and development and it goes into here um assembly goes into here etc the certification tracks per department are just above the blue section in these like greenish areas here and so that is where our uh our little chips are oops there are now also icons that that showcase the the different types of actions that you can take in the different departments for our player boards these are also newly designed where the car parts used to be over here we now have space for our speech bubbles because these are now the replacement tokens for the chairs that we used to have so no more chairs at all in this game we have our own specific player speech tokens as well as the generic speech tokens that were like the red chairs in the first game so the car parts that used to be here are now here along the left side of the board the other thing that's that's new to this is we have variable garage benefits so you can now kind of rotate these and the game comes with two sets of these they're the basic ones that were the ones that were on one side of the player board and when you flipped it over to the other opposite side you had the experts versions and these are the expert ones that we're playing with today and so we kind of just chose which garages to put them in there are also two new rules uh in this game or two rules that they change but before we go into that we do want to correct a wrong that we committed in our last game yes we talked one rule wrong and that was for the logistics department the rule that we taught was when you place a kanban order card here and you set it up what we were saying is that you only fill up one side of the factory with the parts that are on that side of the board that is wrong that makes the game harder so we made it harder for ourselves yes we did the real rule is once you do this you now fill up both sides depending on which colors are aligned a line so in this example you would fill up two green a blue and a gray and so that is that is that rule and so in this version of the game the two rules that were changed is now you can no longer replace cars in your garage you know once you have cars in your garage they're going to be there for the rest of the game and the second rule has to do with mean sandra which is a version of sandra we are going to be playing with in this game and also the default version now in the rulebook by the way and so in the original game you used to lose points only if you had less than a certain amount of bank shifts in this game you're going to lose at least one point no matter what if you are the lowest certified in that department whichever department she is visiting yeah because in the past we would just be able to bank enough ships beyond five and just not have to worry about me and sandra anymore yeah so mean chandra will always dock you at least one and last but not least we'd like to go over the two expansions that we're going to be playing with in this gameplay and so the first one is the new garage tiles and so these expansions are specifically a part of the kickstarter version and so if you get this game in retail i don't think necessarily they're going to be i don't know included they might be an add-on yeah but we figured because a lot of people who have this game right now probably have it from the kickstarter it would be a good idea to showcase these expansions plus we've already played kind of the base game so kind of spice it up and so with this expansion we have all these new uh garage tiles and so basically once we do the beginning setup where we choose our starting certifications whoever is last on this certifications track gets to choose their garage tile first and this is going to give you a one-time benefit once you've placed the car in that garage and so we're going to go over these before we start the game but basically when you choose one you're going to place it in this fifth garage slot that needs to be unlocked before you can even place a car here right exactly the other expansion is the new supercharger expansion which i'm excited to play with yes one sounds interesting and they have to do with these tiles these new boards each player gets one of these boards and so the way that these work is we have these supercharger tokens and the number of tokens that you use in a game are three per player plus two so eight so eight and two player game and so the way that this works is on your turn if you go to admin which is this department over here you know technically admin allows you to take actions in one other department and slash or certify in its own department right so now with this expansion you can go here spend one shift to take one of these tokens and then place it on one of these five areas of the supercharger board and so depending on which area you place it in you now get a an ongoing benefit for the rest of the game that makes something easier for you in whatever the corresponding department is that's the supercharger so if i were to choose the first slot here this has to do with rnd now from now on when i go to this department i can upgrade a design using a carport from the supply i don't have to have it in my possession yeah so even though if you go there and you have three actions you can only do that one time but all your other ones you would have to pay from your own supply it's just one design per turn the second benefit has to do with the assembly department and this allows you to put any uh car parts back here it doesn't regardless of whether or not the carport has been upgraded they still have to be different colors but they don't have to be upgraded car parts the third department has to do with logistics and this allows you to get two bank shifts instead of one when you place the kanban order card here to take that action that fills up the the factory the fourth one has to do with design and this allows you to get a a book when you whenever you take a design from the center stack and the fifth and final benefit has to do with admin and this just gets you one additional shift whenever you work there so these are nice these these make things easier for you and in addition you actually get points for these tokens at the end of the game the amount of points that you get per token is equal to however many number of cards you have in your garage so if you go like a car heavy you go car heavy these can be worth a lot of points yep so that is it those are the two expansions that we're playing with and i hope we make good use of it i don't know so let's see who goes first and we'll talk about the stuff that we're playing with in our game yeah that sounds good eddie uh evens and odds sure uh i'll be odds okay ready two three evens me all right so all that means is i get to choose my starting certification over here i'm going to start by taking a bank shift so the all bank shift move the old bank shift a and now you can choose any of those i will take a book aka knowledge all right so now that we have our true starting order starting with me i get to choose my garage tile first and this is going to go in my fifth spot so including this over here and so just to kind of briefly go over what they do this garage tile gets you a speech token to be used for one of the meetings and so the way that it works is once you unlock this by placing a car in that garage then you place one of these generic speech tokens on that spot and in any future meeting you can just decide to use this right in a meeting and then you flip the towel over it's like you have one yeah this one once activated lets you take a design from the design department on a future turn and you get the corresponding benefit if you take one of these four this one over here gets you points equal to whichever kind of car you place in that garage immediately this one here lets you ignore a sandra penalty once this tile lets you spend five up to five shifts on a turn instead of max four because as a reminder you can only spend up to four shifts per turn this one lets you one time upgrade a design using a car part from the supply nice and i don't think you have to be in the department to use this i don't think so yeah and last but not least this tile lets you go up on his on two different certification tracks yes exactly yes and so i get to choose which one wow all of these okay i think i'm going to take this one okay this is the one that lets me take a design i don't know if i'm ever going to unlock this but if i do what's the goal that's my benefit so which one would you like uh i think i'm going to go with the speech token it'd be nice to be able to speak my mind some future time all right that's it so because we are using this supercharger expansion we are using the end goal tile that has the supercharger expansion as a part of it so this tile is going to get us six points if you have at least seven bank shifts eight points if you have at least four of these supercharger tokens and seven points if you are fully certified in at least two different certification tracks factory goal tiles they are four or five certifications three or four upgraded designs and two or five uh cars in our garage a lot of cars and lastly our starting meeting cards this card is going to get you four points for each of those uh upgraded car parts this card gets you two points per uh parts voucher up to three times this card gives you two points for each of those two different types of car parts up to three times and this last one gets you four points for having a car in either your garage number four or garage number five yeah and so i believe that is everything you absolutely need to know for us to get started yes and so now to finish that up uh starting with you naveen you get to choose one design and one car part okay one design one car part well let's see i will probably take i'll take this one so i'm gonna take the white car put that over here into my little slot and then i'm going to take the corresponding part that it's asking for which is kind of this purplish one right over here uh these all have different names we're just going to call it by the color yeah make life a lot easier for everyone okay and i'm going to start with this one really this design yeah it did okay that design and this car part nice okay now this does not refill nope but those do not slide down slide on down okay and now we are truly ready to begin so kanban so where would you like to start your work day you know i think i'm going to go i think i'm going to go here really yes research and development r d okay well then i am going to go here to design design yeah picking up some stuff i am so we go from top to bottom so starting with you naveen you may take your action okay so for my first action point i am going to upgrade this design so i'm going to upgrade the white car that i had to very start and then i'm going gonna take this purple that it's asking for and that's the matching part uh that is gonna then go onto this white car over here i'm gonna take the bank shift uh benefit bonus put that right over there we're also gonna move this up so we don't forget so now that part is going to be worth a little bit more in the future and now this car is now upgraded so it's going to be that's right this design is upgraded so now it's going to flip over right there and it's going to get me two big key points nice very good so that was one shift i have two more i have nothing else to show for it so i'm gonna i'm just gonna go ahead and try to move up the certification track one two all right that's not looking good for me and now to end the turn we go night night okay so now it's to me and i am in the design uh department here and so i have three shifts i might as well take some designs some designs that's right so for my first point shift i'm going to take this one this this blue car right there so that is going to get me a book supply which i cannot use immediately so i'm going to put it off to the side here until the end of my turn i'm going to take another design for my second uh action i'm gonna take this one okay so that's gonna get me a bank shift which i'm just gonna take i'm not gonna spend it i know i can't spend it right now right so and then for my last one i'm just going to go up on the certification track so just like that so i am done so let's slide these down sure i'll fill in all right thank you and then uh sandra does nothing for the first day so it's gonna go back to naveen who is going to now choose your next uh department yeah let me uh so you must move to a different department here all right i'm gonna go to the logistics department over here all right so now it goes to me and i know that after i move sandra is going to move to one of these spots he's definitely going there so in order for me to not lose points i think i need to go there let me go to this spot right there and as a reminder in a two-player game we cannot go where sandra is but sandra can go where we are right in this department that we're in that's right and so now that we're entering the second day sandra now moves and she's going to move to this spot in the r d department so starting the second day with me i'm going to take my book now that i've earned it and i only get two shifts here so i'm actually going to spend both shifts certifying so i certify up twice and i'm going to spend my book for the third certification okay and it's going to get me to actually truly certify nice so i've certified in r d so that is going to unlock my double upgrade spot here on my player board so it's going to take that lock off and it's also going to allow me to move up on the certification track because i am now certified in one department very good so i can choose to either get three points a bank shift a book or a parts voucher oh what is useful right now i'm gonna get a bank shift i feel like bank shifts are really useful uh at the start of the game so that's it that is me so um now sandra takes her turn and sandra is in r d so she is going to evaluate the person who is uh less certified on the certification track which happens to be looking at you and for r rnd it's if you have less than three essentially two or fewer upgraded designs i don't have i only have one i only have one so naveen is going to lose one point plus uh five minus one five points so five points it begins sandra you at least gained some and now sandra ends her turn uh doing something in his department so specifically in r d the pace car moves forward and she goes to sleep so now is your turn to be okay so i have three uh shifts here so i'm gonna i'm gonna do this one right over here which is gonna um get me a bank shift and then i get to fill or repopulate this section here i have these two cards okay i'm gonna place this card over here just like if i do this no i'll do it like this let's go like that so it's gonna put two purples out and then uh one blue i believe and that's it right it's two purples a blue and a gray we have to we have to remember the real rule yes they're great and there we go okay okay good so you get a new one of these i do yes thank you and that was one that was one of my actions okay so i'm gonna take uh car parts so i'm gonna take all this purple right over here and i have one more i will take these to black over here all right yep so that was two actions that was two actions so take uh replenish get the bank shift take take okay yep perfect that's me going to bed all right so we begin anew uh i realized that i didn't really do anything on my turns all i did was put out fires but that only lasts so long i don't really have anything else going so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go straight to admin see you later i'm gonna let's get the supercharge expansion going let's see okay uh and now sandra will move and sandra moves to this spot right here so she is going to be uh analyzing that department and now nope you can't move to this spot because sandra's here all right well i'm gonna go here to design all right so starting with sandra sanders is going to look at who's least certified we are tied so we're both going to be penalized neither of us have any cars in our garage so we are both going to lose i'm going to lose one point plus five minus three so three points total okay one two three and then i'll be losing one extra to that so yeah so you lose four four points so 12 minus four is eight and uh typically if there were any car parts back here she would flush them all because there are none and that's it nothing should not go straight to you design design all right so i will for my first action i'm going to take this design over here put that there since i have matching parts and you get a book i do get a book yes which i can't use the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take another car i'm gonna take this white car right over here and that's gonna get me another book okay all right and now i have one more uh action i'm just gonna go up in certification or in education right all right research and research it's all part of the educational process so now you're done yeah that's three yep one two okay perfect knock over yeah these guys go into my board over here all right so now it goes to me and i'm here in admin i get two shifts all two i mean it's something to spend a couple more but i don't want to let go of those because i'm going to get docked by sandra so for my first shift i'm going to take one of these supercharged nice tokens and i think i'm going to place it up here yeah that's nice that is nice to be able to upgrade a design using a car part from the supply let's do that all day because you don't even have that many carports so that makes sense yes rub it in i'm just kidding you're gonna do great with that thing so that was one and for my second shift i'm going to go up the certification track in this department because this is where sandra's going to next so i do not want to face the wrath that evaluation i know and that's it i am going to bed so that is the end of the day uh we are going to now choose uh starting with sandra so sandra is going to go here to this department and now neither of us can go there but now where would you like to go any okay i'm actually gonna go back to the research and development realization yeah i'm gonna go to assembly okay let's switch it up a little bit i only have two car parts here but maybe we can move something yeah work okay let's see all right so starting with you in r d all right r d well i'm gonna do this i'm gonna upgrade this green design over here which is gonna require a grayish black i have one of those right there so that's going to go on to where is that green one over here oh i could take four victory points or move up a bank shift yeah that's a very there everything is a reward over there oh four victory points is kind of nice sandra is painful is that just being i could undo a sandra with this one move yeah all right i'm taking four victory points i don't know if this is smart one two three four at least now we're uh we're head to head again yeah and because it was the uh black part that's gonna move up into this spot over here uh this one is gonna now flip over and it gets me another two points so i'll take two more nice look at you go i'm moving all right so that's one action that's one action wow i'm just going to slide this down because i like it nice and neat okay so two more two more so we're gonna go one two interesting one so as a reminder if naveen gets here first he gets the speech bubble and he gets to go through the certification rewards and choose the one he wants but if i get there after him my chit goes on top but i'm considered ahead for that scoring at the end of the game one two three four with the book i'm going for it wow we're going all the way so let's do first things first because i crossed this line uh i am now certified so i get to unlock your advanced advanced certified advanced trained yes advanced trained and i get to unlock this one correct yes okay so now you have the ability to uh do a double upgrade yeah in the future but that's that's just having crossed this so now that you've reached the end here you get this yeah uh before i do that i want to move up this uh here so i could get three victory points that's kind of nice just get points that's true i mean if you don't care to go first during the meeting you know the meeting meeting meetings meeting um you know i like three points but i think three points will be more valuable later and right now i think a parts voucher could work for me so i'm gonna move along over here and take a parts voucher which can act as a wild part i don't really like going to logistics if i don't have to so um that is my turn now i get to thumb through this after i take this little speech token so when you take a generic speech token you actually replace it for one of your own your own color make it mine only if you don't have any more space on your player board do you keep the the generic one yes okay so that goes out and let's see what i get yeah leave me something good okay i'll leave you that okay and you want to see what it is yeah you get it immediately it's another uh parts voucher it's what you wanted that's what i wanted to get another one so i'll just hang out to that over there nice and i guess i get more parts vouchers all right i'll take it so is that it for you uh that i think that's everything yeah okay so thank you good night um okay so i'm here and i have one car part and one parts voucher so i might as well move some cars i do need some speech bubbles because we're going to have a meeting sooner than later so this isn't i'm going to use this parts voucher to let's see the only cars that have upgraded parts are the grayish white and the green green yeah so i'm going to use this to push a black car so it's going to push this car forward which is going to chain everything and pushes this blue car forward and it moves this black car here a black car there and we're going to place another black car right there to fill in that spot and then so that's one action and i get three so now i'm going to turn in this parts voucher to push out a blue car let's use one of the can you pass me a maroon one maroon maroon or pink uh the maroon specifically specifically maroon i wonder why so i'm going to push that over there and it's gonna push this blue car forward uh pushing that forward like that that one like that and just like that see what you did there so now that this blue car has left this whole uh area here i'm gonna get one point one point and this blue car is going to follow the track to the behind the pace car yep exactly uh in doing so i've met the demand tile which is for blue and so i get a speech bubble and i'm going to turn this in for one of my own so now i have that was solid and now i have a speech bubble i don't have more than one two actions right that's two actions i don't have any more parts so i really can only certify for the third so let's do that okay that's that's me all right sandra sandra mimi sandra's in logistics uh naveen is the one who is lesser certified i guess but i have three parts yeah three car parts and he needs just minimum three car parts at least three nothing alone sandra yeah nothing happens to you good job uh and so now sandra's gonna evaluate this department removing one uh it's meager one car so she technically removes uh all car parts except leaving one behind in each department if you see doubles triples anywhere they all become singles yep so that's it that's the end of the day beginning with you again naveen me again where are you gonna go all right i don't like it but i'm gonna go over here to this spot wow designs you're going to design yeah interesting not happy about it you really don't want to get docked no but i can do stuff there that's going to set me up for the future ideally so sure i'm going to get docked by santa for sure so i might as well go here to r d do it and then sandra is going to go where you are hey sandra ah i'm going to lose points for that oh sandra you're probably going to gain some points right now right uh we'll see okay so here i am in rnd and so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to upgrade a design and so i'm going to upgrade this design and the reason why i'm allowed to do that is because i have this supercharged benefit which uh once per turn when i'm in there i can use a car part from the supply so can you pass me a beige car park page and that's going to go into the blue section yes thank you so with this car part i'm going to choose what do i want thank you it's a bank shift she's going to dock me one last point for that shift yep and then this is so we're going to increase this this one as well just like that and i'm gonna flip this over and i get two points for upgrading this design it's gonna go over here to the side of my board so that is uh that's my first action for my second action i'm going to claim a car so i'm going to discard this uh blue design to take this blue car nice and so this is actually gonna go to the bottom of the center center stack just like that there you go so i get to take this and this is going to cost me one shift because it is directly behind the pace car and i get to decide where i want to put it which garage would you like to be in now there is that thing with a speech bubble in garage four and five you get points that's true but i could get a bank shift okay let's go here yeah we're going to towards voucher yeah do you want it now yep car parks batteries thank you i'm going to put off to the side so i can't use it and since i'm done claiming cars we're going to progress the pace car forward one step and my for my third shift i'm just gonna go up on the certification track because i don't have anything else to do yeah might as well so that's it for me and now i can claim the sports voucher nice so since i since i took this uh benefit i flipped this over yeah yeah oh and also since this is the same uh color car for this design it's technically a tested design so i could place this up here to show that i have one tested design okay so now it's due in uh in design speaking of design i'm back to design well i'm gonna take uh this green one right over here okay giving me a banked shift oh it's a book i'm sorry a book yep i'll put that off to the side so i can't use it and now i only have one more but i do have these two books that i could use let's see and what i'm going to do is since we're tied here i'm going to move up on this certification track over here um that way i don't have to deal with it and because i know sandra is going to go to admin next i am definitely going to be spending a book to go up one more time so i can certify here so i have two certifications total nice because that's what she's looking for right yeah you're gonna have no well you have to have more than two certifications it says be certified in two or fewer departments josh sanders really cramping your style right now well it gets me closer to another certification so that's that so now i get the benefits of being certified so i get to leapfrog a little bit here i can get another speech okay i'm gonna go here i'm gonna take the speech and move up a bank shift so bank shift i get a generic token which will be my own yeah you can just get your own exactly i remember very nice uh and that i believe is it it was nice yeah so you went up twice on the certification track twice and you took a design and i took a design yeah and you got your book for it it just goes to you now you didn't spend any books in that i found one book yeah because i i had only two that's how i got three actions but i replaced it with the book i got perfect so now sandra is also in design uh she is going to evaluate me because i am furthest behind i only have one design in my on my player board so i'm going to lose points i lose 1 plus five minus four is one two points total not bad one two horrible yeah once you start getting those bank shifts it becomes less punishing and so now she's gonna evaluate the department in a two-player game she ditches all eight wow see you guys yeah just all all eight go and they go underneath right underneath the central stack yeah and we're going to fill in with the we're gonna lose uh we're gonna run out of these stacks one two three and four wow i have to uh plan my entire strategy all over again yep yep all right so that's it for sandra okay all right so yeah so back to me and uh i am very fearful of the wrath of sandra how many certifications you have one one so that's hard to certify twice i'm going to admin okay okay i'm gonna go over here to the this car department okay what's that place called again uh that's called assembly assembly okay the sandra is going to go back to her desk in admin as well so starting with you navy in assembly what would you like to do okay so since i have three shifts here uh we're gonna be moving some cars since i have the white and the green i should probably be moving the white and green uh let's go ahead and spend this maroon and put it here i'm sorry here yeah because you have to start with maroon yes since it is an upgraded cardboard exactly so i'm going to move that one and we're going to move down this way so this car is going to bump this one here this one's going to fill in and then this one's going to come down filling in that okay okay so that's one action yeah second action facing the right way second action second action i'm actually gonna move the same exact car um or the same exact row so i'm gonna put this one here yeah actually for for this one over here i am gonna pretend like i use my car parts voucher to represent that maroon so that's gonna go out and i have to get my maroon back yeah and that's a good clarification because technically you cannot discard a car parts voucher to put a car part into your supply into your player board you have to use it to take an action exactly so so you're using that in place of the first one yeah i'd rather hang on to these over here okay so now you place the second one yep the gray so that's all gonna move down so we're gonna move this car down this way so it's gonna do the same kind of cascading event so this is gonna hang out here to there there now we got another white car coming out and so now uh because this green car has gone through this section it's gonna come out onto the track yeah and that's gonna get me two victory points because it's gonna be right over here one two it's not in demand however so that is two actions you get one uh one more one more plus i have a book you and your books how do you give me these books okay let's move some more cards i'm going to use the parts voucher to represent the needed black for moving this green over here because green was upgraded with the black part so that's going to move down this way so we're just going to put this one into here here and here can we get a new green yes and then because this is now going through the section two i get another two victory points did you move me up before for that first car i don't think we took the two points so let's go here if not just subtract two points from the end of the game the two-point difference then two points difference then we know where it's from we'll know exactly where it is yes okay so uh that was how many actions i believe that was three yeah one two three right there and you pushed out two cards it is very good so you got four points from that no none of them were in demand which is fine perfect so are you going to do anything else those three shifts you can technically spend a bank shift yeah i'm going to spend a book just to move up in that certification track oh a book okay so now you are oh ahead of me technically that's it yeah that's it all right so you go to bed and it goes to me i'm over here in admin and i know that sandra is going to evaluate admin so for my first shift of two i'm going to take another one of these speed charger tokens i'm going to place it in the very bottom spot here which is going to get me an additional shift when i go to admin thank goodness in the future in the future i cannot just like everything else that you acquire during a day you cannot you cannot reap the benefits of it exactly the same turn just like books and card parts so unfortunately okay so for the second shift i'm just going to go up in certification so that she doesn't look at me and that's you alone i am done and so now it is sandra's turn she's going to evaluate naveen over here so in um administration you have to have at least three certifications your short one yeah well you are so close i know so it's gonna be one point plus five minus three so three points total see you later three points all that hard work one two three well it's good thing that we made sure you got your two points done right we'll see maybe maybe i overdid it okay and so what she does it is in admin is we have an end of week scoring so this is going to be our first end of week scoring and the way that it works is we score for each car that we have in our garage so between the two of us it's only gonna be me yeah for now and so i'm gonna get one point for each upgraded car part for that car which is just one and then one point for each uh tested design which is another point so that was two points oop two points total for me and that's it so this moves forward up so to show that we've had one end of round scoring and as a reminder the game is going to end once we have any combination of three uh end of week scoring plus two meetings or vice versa vice versa right exactly so that's it that was the end of the week we are going to now continue into the next day all right we're gonna stand myself up in these new cars that i put out here i'm gonna go over there and try to get them oh why don't i go there and try to get there without a design yes it can't be done well then okay that means we're going to have a meeting next round i'm going to go here let's go to logistics yes and cedra will join you she's going to go there she's going to start the day off oh my gosh she's going to dock me points sandra sandra you're so bad all right sandra so sandra's looking at me um and i clearly don't have at least three upgraded designs yes so i'm going to lose one plus one two points two points one two and sandra is going to advance the pace card so if you didn't know we'll have a meeting now you know we're gonna have a meeting at the end of the day but we already knew that was gonna happen because naveen is over here and he's probably gonna take the cars so go ahead naveen do your dastardliest well i have uh three actions and i have these cars that i set up earlier i have the green car and the white car i'm gonna spend all three actions to take both these cars and put them into my garage okay garage is uh so the first one technically cost me one the next one cost me another two shifts so that's my three shifts uh it's gonna force me to turn in these over here so they're gonna go underneath i have a big stack over here monique what am i gonna do okay i know i don't know you looked at my cards i didn't i just laid them out face up okay so one two these cards are gonna come to me and i think i'm going to go with the bank shift why not i could really i'm going to take it now so i'm going to put that one there and bank it uh this is now a tested design correct goes here and then this white one i'll take a parts voucher why not let's go to four over there uh this is also a tested design that's gonna come over here wow uh and you go that is me so you get your parts voucher yeah sports voucher yes i'll take it uh which technically goes off the board uh-huh well actually i don't know for these ones for the garage ones i would imagine you get them right away right anything that you get anything no matter what you can't use it same turn okay well my turn is over so that was three right because it was one one one shift for this one and two shifts for the second one so because i took two cars this pace car is going to be pacing one two so we're that much closer to another meeting which is not good because i feel like i haven't done anything money good yeah all right that's it for you that's yeah that's it okay logistics uh we're going to have a meeting and i do see some possibilities here okay so um oh speaking of wow naveen you are on fire why would i do you get to claim that factory ball town you have two cars in your garage yes that can get you a fourth speech bubble we like to talk i can't win this game i'm going for it i totally forgot about that uh you have two upgraded designs wow what am i doing two upgraded designs you know what i'm focusing too much on sandra i thought i was focusing a lot on sandra scares me okay i am going to fill this for my first action okay so i'm going to use uh this kanban order card like this okay so two green so it's gonna be two green and a blue okay and a beige two green blue and beige there you go thank you so two green blue and beige because that's what's on yeah it looks good thank you i get a bank shift for doing it doing this i should have taken that uh that supercharged token now i have regrets that's the second time you did it i know so i'm gonna discard this and take the top one granted the first time you did it was really early in the game yeah so that's true uh okay so that was my one action for my second action i'm going to take some car parts so let's go with let's go with two green sure well hold on yeah you should probably look at what's out there let's go to blue so that's one action all right so you have one more action two actually i totally messed up on the colors i'm not gonna go with the blue i'm gonna go with green green okay gosh i might have some regrets about that so that's green and let's go with the two beige for the third shift all right so you set it up and you robbed it i did so now it is a little barren no hope for me okay but uh that's it that's it so because we cross this we're actually supposed to put this yeah to remind us here to remind us and so well there you go remember we had a meeting so now we're going to uh have a meeting yes so this is going to be starting with naveen because naveen is the furthest on the certification track here and let's just do a little bit of accounting let's make sure this is right we're both certified here once no one no one you're here twice yeah that's about right so twice for you and once for me and so we're going to take our three present and presentation goal cards into our hand one of them we are going to have to present as what the previous game called a pet project it's no longer in the rulebook for this one right but uh it is going to be your pet project but starting with you you get to use one of your four speech bubbles to present you can either present on one of these four presentation goal cards or you can present your own or you can pass but you have to pass after having presented one of your own yeah so well you know what i'm just gonna do it now i'm gonna present my own uh going to be this one and what it is is uh i can do it up to two times and it's per tested design and i have two tested designs uh you get four points each so let's put that out there okay and then that's gonna be my little speech token so it's gonna go on there that's gonna be eight points nice all right just so 17 is that 25 oh actually there we go very good all right so for me i only have two speech bubbles here so i have to be kind of picky with where i place them yeah okay so my first of two thought bubbles is going to go here okay i can score it up to three times but i clearly only have two uh to meet that criteria so it's two points per car part of either those two colors it's gonna be four points total so i'm going to go up to 17. okay so it goes back to you back to me so that you can now pass since you've presented that you know feel free to not use the rest of your thought bubbles they won't go to waste you'll use them for the next meeting well you haven't presented yours so no matter what i'm back in okay well i could pass to see what you got so i'm gonna do that actually i'm gonna pass oh you are yeah wow that was a total joke and now uh because i don't i don't see a fear of having to get out there you know so what navien is referring to is uh if he passes and i were to pass then that would signal the end of the meeting but because i have presented then i'm clearly not going to pass you must present i'm going to present this one so this is two points per car parts of green or gray so this is the one that confused for blue initially oh yeah yeah oh well so this is gonna go up here yeah i'm definitely gonna do it i'm only gonna be able to score it twice so because i only have two that's another four points so 17 21 oh i waited uh and i have none of that so now i must figure out what i want to do i have these speech i should definitely try to go get another one okay since i have a car in the garage number four i'll go there and get just four points you might help me out sure so 29 29 okay now it's back to you i am going to pass because i don't have any more speed troubles i will do it let's go ahead and do it i don't i don't know if i should hold these back for like the next meeting because we're getting so close to another meeting we are that's what makes me a little nervous like do i wanna just score four can i can i score more later you know i'm just gonna take the four points i this might be a mistake but we'll go there so it's gonna to be two points per parts voucher up to three times i have two of them that's four more one two three four and then i have one more speech token but uh i cannot score anything there so i'm just not gonna do it so you could technically score this for another four points uh yeah i could huh this is where it gets tough i mean in order for us to have another meeting either somebody will have to take a car which would require us to push out a car or sandra would have to return to that spot which is going to take an entire week so there's a little bit of time before the next meeting sold i will take four points sold you've convinced me one two three four i don't know this spread is pretty good yeah i think you're fine sandra's going to penalize me these points anyway so that's true so i'm passing your password now i officially passed we're both passing so then let's take our speed rolls back but they don't go on our board this time to go back into our supply because we have to re-earn them again these cards are all going to go away and so with the two cards that we have left in our hand we're going to choose one for next time and uh just put it face down whenever you're ready all right so i'm gonna put this one here you're ready huh yep all right i'll put this one here so let's flip them over okay we have here so we have four points for each upgraded design of that blue cardboard and you have four points for each upgrade design of this cardboard you already have leave it alone over there naveen what are you doing and then for the last two we have to fill these in because it's a two-player game we have two points per that looks like bank shifts yeah and then this is two points per book tokens oh dude you spent most of yours yeah i needed to okay so then we get two more cards come on something i could really just ease my way into something you already have uh that's what i'm perhaps oh maybe i don't even i don't even know what these mean yet we'll find out later so this goes back we have now officially had one meeting so we are one and one and we are one away from having another one i know gosh i don't like that sandra but alas we continue so we're speaking of shadow center goes first and sandra will go right there she's going to assembly which is terrible for us for the both of us let's go get some designs i'm gonna i'm gonna move myself all the way over here i know i keep going to this design space but i'll take it um i too will go to designs nice so actually i will go to admin now that i have that extra it gives you three that extra shift there i can uh it would be better yeah so sandra is over here in assembly and is evaluating the both of us neither of us have three cars in our garage oh you're so close so close yeah i know it's hard yeah it's hard to do that so painful we're getting talk doc points it's going to be one one point for me and i think three points for me three points for you so one two three and then sandra clears off all of these get it out so nice open fresh fresh fresh start okay so now it goes to you naveen okay i'm going to take for my first one this red token tile and design design blueprint blueprint okay so it's going to go there no i can't play our party in the future it will go there i'm sorry what's going on mush my brain is mush and i get a uh book which i can't use right now yeah i have two more actions i think i'm going to go one two wow go for the master so you get your thought bubble get my thought bubble which will be a orange thought bubble okay and then you get to choose your reward come on i hope you leave me something good all right all right that's pretty cool that was a fast decision real simple real easy what is it i need a bank shift so i'm gonna take this bank shift now nice it's gonna go there this goes out okay so you're not going to use any of your previous bank shifts i'm just all right no okay so then these fill in or that oh here we go that goes there so uh so you just take the one no just like the one uh-huh okay okay so uh so that's it for you yeah that's me i said it goes to me and now i have three shifts because of my supercharged expansion tile here i think i'm going to spend a shift uh over here my other shift i guess i'm going to split it between admin and design so for my first shift i'm going to take this design and that's going to get me a book please thank you i'm gonna pull this down also there you go thank you and then i have two more shifts oh i can just certify okay i'm gonna spend one shift to go here and another shift to go here to certify okay in that department so i unlock my fifth design i get to move this to the next spot over here i might as well take the two points you know i should have unlocked my fifth design here from earlier two points and a thud bubble so let's do that and then i'm going to spend a bank shift to to take one of these supercharged tokens so i'm going to take a supercharged token and i'm going to put it i don't care if it's upgraded or not this one gets me two bank shifts i'm gonna do the second one oh nice okay because i've already already went to logistics once yeah it's true so i'm kind of full up right now there's nothing in logistics too yeah yeah so anyway that is me that's me and edmund i'm done okay so back to sandra who is going to go to the next department over here in logistics speaking of i don't know uh actually because i took a design here that you should move down yeah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna move here to this two spot what you doing there naveen well i figured you're not i figured you're not going to the top spot all right so then i guess i'll go to three yeah that is the strangest decision i know black is there right now and i can use it so all right uh so i will go ahead and for one shift i'm gonna put black has not been upgraded so i'm just gonna use you know what i'm gonna use my i should be smart about this i'm gonna use this to represent something so i will i will put out uh let's put out green green green yeah uh behind the black car yeah okay and the black car is just gonna push um everything down along that edge so the black car gets pushed out this goes this way yeah okay so then the you're going to get one point i got one point yeah and a speech token sure do you mind helping me with that black is in demand and i'm going to yeah i moved over a point yeah this goes there and this now goes behind the pace car looks like that okay so that was one that was one yeah one shift last action uh let's go ahead and push forward here okay and then i'm going to spend a bank shift and i'm going to move up you have a book here uh yes no bank shift what are we talking about this book oh i have two books actually so this is the one from earlier that never got split in oh yeah i have a book also yeah we could remember to do that yeah i know i'm going to spend that and then put that over there so now i get to cross over this line ooh i can get two bank shifts so four points two bank shifts two books or two parts vouchers wow wow look at two uh let's go with two bank shifts let's go over there i'll take two nice yeah that's it that's me so now i'm gonna lay it down okay so um now i'm here at the end of the means turn actually this demand tile gets removed and we get it green come on green green interesting why are you in the green game no i just didn't want to be white oh really red would have been worst case scenario yeah so this gets three of the generic speech tokens yes three so those can get pushed out thank you sure so one i guess you could push blue it's not a problem for you three okay so now that i'm here i have uh three shifts to spend for my first action i'm going to push the green i'm just gonna push a bunch in this middle row here okay because it's gonna get me the most number of points sure so put that there and it's gonna push this forward and we're gonna put a green car okay behind that thank you it's gonna be two points for you i get two points one two no division it's not in demand that gray car is not in demand so that was action one of three yes so it's only green and blue so for shift number two i'm going to put a green part behind uh that area right there so it's gonna push this green car forward and we're just milking this yeah this middle row here because of the points and the demand tile okay so this pushes this behind two more gray i get two more points and i get one of these so i get a generic speech token so i'm going to convert it to mine and for my last action because i don't have a color a car part color that's different from those two i'm going to spend my car price voucher do you care which one it is it doesn't matter because it's going to completely fill this yeah so let's just do maroon or blue fine yeah just grab something so pushing that it's going to push green forward again yeah that's a solid move so we're depleting all the greens this is now the time to invest in green cars so this goes behind that green car i get two points one two and because green is still in demand i'm gonna get another one of my speech token i do not like what i just saw um that's it i have i can technically spend a bank shift but what would i would i really do that oh i could certify okay i'm going to spend a bank shift to go up on this track for my last that's now four shifts so i cannot take any more shifts but i can spend this book that i have to certify uh in this department so now that i'm certified in assembly i remove my lock on the fifth garage and now i can oh i can use a benefit from that from that expansion if i were to take another car and then i moved this i am now certified in three departments so i'm going to move this i don't move it here let's get to books books books are nice so every time you certify it reminds me that i totally forget to take off my locks so i'm also certified there in the last turn yes you gotta do that i know what am i doing it for anyway got my books going to bed sandra sandra hello sandra to what she must okay so santa's gonna look at naveen given naveen the side eye and do you so plus this this does not count as a part so yes so unfortunately you're going to lose just one point one point because you have a lot of bank shifts but i didn't like the fact that you got six points this one point so it's like a seven point swing and then santa's going to remove this one car part wow that department it is baron she's going to bed so now starting with you naveen where to next sandra's going to go here right some problems unless we both go there then santa would go to admin we'd have end of week scoring wow depends on what we do that is the beauty of this uh worker placement design you know i'm gonna go here yeah i'll take it let's go there okay all right where shall you go i'm going to iron i figured you're going to make a meeting happen huh sandra's going to where you are okay okay so i'm here in r d i have three actions to spend so for my first action i'm going to upgrade this design okay i'm going to use my supercharged expansion benefit and i'm going to use a car part from the supply the blue one it's a blue one okay thank you and so this is going to go into the blue oh i get one of these yeah so i can get a bank shift three points a book three points the three points you just lost from sandra let's do it this is three points that i'm going to lose from sandra oh yeah that's right it's gonna be nothing but one two three oh boy um and it's gonna bump up this blue car part because it's now been upgraded i flip this over and it's going to get me two points one two for upgrading the design and because it's a for a blue car it's technically tested so i'm just gonna put it here i'm gonna stack them you're supposed to technically kind of continue upwards like this so we don't have space so just yeah that makes sense so that was action number one one action number two is going to be claiming a car the only car that that i can claim right now is this black one behind the pace car you're gonna so as a meeting discarding this car yes i'm gonna cause a meeting i'm just cutting this design it's gonna go at the bottom of the stack and because it was the car directly behind the pace guard only cost me one shift um leaving you with one shift but i get to decide which garage to put it in i can either go here to activate my tile which i guess why wouldn't i write or i can get nothing or a bank shift or a book so let's go and activate this so as a reminder the tile that i had chosen for the expansion is now i can on a future turn i can take a design from the design department and get the benefit of any so i don't know i'm kind of regretting that that's all choice but it's fine it's i'm not scared oh um okay so since i'm done claiming cars we are going to progress the pace car just one spot because i took one car telling us that this is going to happen yep and everything falls if you can in line yeah sorry well you got it okay you did a great job there you go thank you and we're going to have a meeting at the end of the day so that was my two shifts i have one more shift and i'm just going to master certify it right there so then i get this what didn't mean leave me a parts voucher yeah that's exactly what i had there i had no choice thank you reports for both of us yeah i mean all the rewards are are all good they're all good so there's there's not going to be any disappointment there's no parts so yeah that's true nothing's happening there um anyway with me so it now goes to you in design i mean indesign huh well saying that i'm here i'm going to take this white car as one action that gets me a big shift all right and then i'm going to take a uh i'll take this green card right over here as my other one so that's going to get me a book nice comes over here i'm already master certified over there so that's that's that um that was two actions doesn't stay i'm just gonna stay and then she's gonna assess this i have three designs so i don't have to worry about the penalties from sandra so that's me all right so i'm gonna put this in your supply so that you don't forget to keep it thank you and uh you just kind of put yeah you always refill the top before the bottom right and we haven't touched this area but don't forget that there is a recycling yeah i can't you know i should have used that before i went to the meeting last round yeah i can't use it in the meeting but yeah but i could have done it before so you're gonna go to bed that's it yeah okay so sandra is gonna look at me i do not have three designs so i'm getting docked one plus two three points one two three so she undid the beauty of that last one and then we're going to flush all eight of these so these are going to go to the bottom that was in order there nope these are these are the stacks oh yeah that's right yep so top and these go to the bottom of the third stack so we fill the whole top side first correct one two three and then down here down here two three and we have one and one okay thank you santa that was uh that was riveting sandra riveting so now we're gonna have a meeting all right so then let's do it let's pick up our performance goal cards and so starting with me i have three speech bubbles there is there's four points for the upgraded design for blue all right so i'm gonna kick off this meeting by placing my speech bubble over here and i'm going to score this the full three times because i only have three bank shifts so it's going to be six points so 30 to 36. all right that's me so it now goes to you okay so i'm gonna i only have two speech bubbles i'm gonna i'm gonna put one out here i set it up last time when it doesn't have any black going so i'll just get four points right there okay this one one two three four return okay so i'm gonna present my my presentation goal card and it's going to be this one this is three points per department that i'm certified in up to three times so i'm gonna put my thought bubble on here freaking way and i have certified in three different departments so it's gonna be nine points oh what the heck so one two three four five six no no why oh that's so bad because that's a good spread right there it's just three points because you can now score it yeah i can score for six that's that's the best thing i see out there yeah another speech bubble hang it it's a kind of i think i feel like it kind of pushes your hand like you have to score that one yeah i have to well yeah it's the most amount of points that i can get uh okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna do that and i'll get six so it's basically two times three so at 44. yep wow it's tight okay so it goes back to me i have one more speech bubble do you have any more i still haven't presented are you still being presented i'm gonna pass you're gonna pass let's see what you present i present red cars in garage not then you've got nothing now it's you okay i will spend this i'm going to put it here and it's going to get me four points four points for having this upgraded design yep so it's just a one multiplier but it's still four one two three you had a couple different options you could have technically gone here yeah yeah uh i passed because i have nothing left and i passed because i also have uh no more speech tokens so let's take back our speed bubbles sure because that is the end of our meeting so go ahead and take these two oh yes we go out these cards are all going to go out and we are now going to choose a card from our hand for next next meeting that's meeting you all right i've chosen mine already yeah okay me too all right so reveal so yours is oh wow we chose the same type of card yours is four points to the one person who certified in this department and mine is for uh this department certifying in that department and then our two random cards is going to be two points i think that's two points per card yeah and this is two points per so this is two points for upgraded design and that is two points per car okay so then here is your cards and mine okay so that is the end of our second meeting so this is gonna move forward so now we are at two meetings and one and a week scoring sandra's about to come into the admin department we're gonna have another custom issues yeah we're gonna have another end of week uh scoring so we're gonna be at 2-2 very soon which means we're getting close to the end of the game all right so now that the meeting is out of the way we are uh going to set up for a new day so i'm going to start by moving i'm going to move here let's go to assembly okay so now to you car's going somewhere huh um perhaps all right it's time to go to admin my first time in admin interesting yeah sandra's joining me so here we go sandra goes to her desk she follows me yeah uh okay so then that means we are going to have end of week scoring at the end of this day so starting with me so first thing is i start my turn by clearing off this spot here because it's completely full yep so that goes away um blue and green are still in demand i'm gonna push the green car forward one more time to milk this one last time so one two three put a green card back here so that's going to give me two points and that's gonna go behind that car right there so one two and then i'm gonna take this final uh speech bubble for that demand yeah and so that is one action and for my last two actions i'm just gonna master i'm gonna go all the way to the end here to the advanced training so that i can take this speech bubble and now i get to look over there and see what's what's going on over here and i get to choose one so let's go with oh you know it's getting late in the game so i'm gonna go with the points yeah two points so two points not saying that that's not points one two and that goes out okay and then that's the end of my turn very good uh so then we need a new demand tile ah yes that's right so this is going to go to the bottom and the new dimensional is white so that's going to get two two of the speech tokens on it two speech opens yep yeah there you go oh my gosh one two all right so now it's your turn well i have two actions here uh i think the first one i'm going to do is i'm going to get one of these green things let's let's supercharge tokyo yeah let's do it there you go all right congratulations thank you and i'll go ahead and just put it right here on that admin that admin spot okay yeah i'll go two with my second one and then two books to go up three four like that okay okay so you unlock your final your chair or whatever it's not a chair it's a speech bubble speech level yeah so remove the lock and then you get to go up on here yeah so i think two points would be pretty nice oh you're gonna get uh two speed bubbles out of this yeah because it's the fourth certification yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i i don't know i feel like i should probably be out in front over here just so i have a first pick but i i take the points i'll go here so two points for me please i get uh a speech bubble and then this one right here for satisfying this yes so you're the first to four certifications yes so i'm going to get two of these very good to go here one and two okay and so that was that was two two i could bank two shifts right to just to go master certified you could spend two bank shifts yes let's do that let's go hard so one two master certified take another one of these look at you three speech bubbles in your first turn after a meeting yeah it's like a belch i'm belting oh okay i will take uh two points over here two points one two uh this is this is really uh tight and that's it right because you can't uh that was it yeah that's all that's everything yeah okay all of it so now sandra is going to look at me and ask me how many certifications i have and i have three so i don't face a penalty thank goodness finally yeah sandra oh and this actually goes back yep because we're done with that meeting but now we're going to have end of week scoring so you want to go first yeah you go first yeah okay so now we actually have cars in our garage so for my let's start with a black car first i'm going to look at the so there are no no upgraded designs i don't get any points for this black car no basically we want so for the blue car i'm going to get one point for each car part that's been upgraded so it's two points for my one two and then i'm gonna get uh one point per uh tested design so i have two more one two okay it's gonna look very similar here so uh for the green car over here uh i get one point okay and then because it's a tested design i get another one point okay and then same thing with this one the white car uh for one right here that's because it's a tested design another one so four and four each very good yep all right so that is it for end of week scoring we are now two and two two and two yeah the game is going to end as soon as we have one more end of week scoring or one more meeting whichever comes first yes so don't know which one's going to come first we shall see all right starting with me yeah i can go somewhere i'm gonna go to admin surprisingly the one spot one spot it's gonna be two two actually two for me but yeah i'm going to admin okay uh i'm gonna go all the way to r d there we go interesting and then sandra is going to follow me right you're going to go to r d first r d first i don't like it oh what do you think that either what you want have two or fewer upgraded designs well we're both hurt we're both getting docked well you're only getting one point ah i mean three okay so let's resolve let's resolve sander then yeah all right so we are tied here so she's looking at both of us we both only have two upgraded designs each so we're both losing points naveen only loses one point and i lose one plus two three points one two three and now she's going to progress the pace car she is and that's not good for all of us yeah because i'm here to end the game i should have gone to r d i should have blocked that spot yeah should i block that spot you're gonna end the game well i have a green and a white and oh my god seems to be the right thing to do it seems to be the right thing to do wow so i'm gonna do something for i have three actions so i'm going to do my first action is going to be to upgrade this design over here so i'm going to spend the purple from or the maroon from here i don't want to spend this because this is worth a point at the end of the year right so that's going to go out onto the red car and um what could i use here on the red car this is a red car yeah so bank shift uh book or a point okay okay i'm going to take a uh a bank shift just because it counts as a point anyway so that goes up so then this is going to be because i'm upgrading this i'm going to do my double upgrade over here so this is the double upgrade that we unlocked earlier so that is going to go face down and what that does is it goes one two and i immediately scored the amount of points that is that is shown there so i get four points for that plus you flip that over plus for this one flips over as two points six totals one two three four five six oh you did it i didn't get to double up so i think is that that's the procedure there for that one that's just one action okay the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna purchase both of these cars by spending a bank shift so it's going to cost me one two three uh i have three plus the one bank shift just makes it four okay so i'm gonna take this car it's gonna cost me this this goes out of the game my blueprint uh-huh and we're gonna place it uh i'm gonna put it here for the speech bubble so you get a you get a generic a generic which will convert yeah during the well it actually stays here okay and then during the meeting you can spend it right so you want to use that during the meeting yeah yeah yep okay so for your second car and the second car is going to be this green one going out and this one's going to come to me that cost me two and then i'll put this here which is going to give me a book because this one's useless wow you have four cars yeah four cars so that's it that's all that's all four possible shifts so let's take all four possible shifts exactly okay so now that the pace car moves up two spaces because navient took two cars so these are gonna so the base car goes yeah to the dash lines and they just fill in behind it exactly so we are definitely having a meeting this is gonna this is the end game triggers at the end of this day wow that was so fast this game always ends faster than i expected to i always like plan for the long game and then i realized that nope it's shorter than the long game yeah well it is what it is yeah so you're gonna go to bed you go to bed that's it okay so i'm here over at admin i took the one shift spot because it was the only one available but i technically have two two shifts because i have this from the supercharge so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take a design i'm going to tap into this expansion tile that we chose at the beginning of the game i'm going to flip it over and it's going to allow me to take a design from the design department and i get the benefit of whichever one i took so i'm taking this green one yeah i get a bank shift yeah sure thank you makes sense since this green card is there i'm assuming yeah so that didn't spend that didn't cost anything um i am now going to so you have two actions here one plus your inherent one over here before i start the actions i'm going to spend these two books to certify certify okay i'm certifying in this track so one two and that's going to unlock my fifth uh speech spot here which i'm probably not gonna end up needing uh and i get to go up on on this so i get i do get a speech bubble and i might as well oh do i want a bank shift or a point bank shift is a point so i might as well just take the bank shift just in case okay so i'm gonna take the bank shift um plus a speech bubble and i have another speech token right there and then i'm going to take my actions so i get two actions for my first one my first shift i'm going to take my fourth yeah supercharged token this is not good and at this point it doesn't matter where i put it so i guess i'll put it right there and then for my last shift i'm going to claim the green car from that department because i did not actually take any actions in this department the only reason why i took this design is because of my my garage time yeah so yeah it worked out that was pretty good it's going to cost just one shift because it's right behind the pace car and i have to spend this in order to take that sure and i guess i will since we're not going to be certifying anymore i'm going to take another bank shift oh my gosh did you get to the seven i did not get to the second yes i needed you not to get this what in the world wow i could spend two more shifts in math to master certify i might as well if i'm not gonna get to seven if i get to to that okay so i flip this over so um so you got me my shift right yeah so so i'm spending two more shifts to do a full four shifts in this department to uh get to the the advanced i can't believe you're gonna get the master certification difference on all three of them oh my gosh this is going to give me a bank shift that's the point though that's the point i know but i was like one off from the other one anyway that's it good night so we are going to have our final meeting and we're going to end the game yeah that's it yeah so starting with all right you yeah uh if i want to withhold two of these tokens to spend for the final goals tiles okay i'm going to spend my one presentation uh token on my pet project or my presentation uh goal card okay i'm gonna spend it on this one the one that i was observing earlier so three points per car that are different in your garage they're all different and so it's going to get me a multiplier of three so it's nine points best case scenario so 6363 and that's me so it goes to you hoping you didn't have a card that give you nine that's that's rough okay well i have this one uh it is four points per white car i have one two i have two of those so that's a truck uh yeah a truck yeah it looks like it yeah well it's that one uh that's gonna be mine so that's gonna be worth eight points okay so what am i at 57 plus eight 65. okay that's that it goes back to me and i'm passing so back to you yeah so i'm definitely gonna be able to get seven points here i am not at the seven on this track so this is nothing to me this is nothing to me well i'm gonna put this out here i believe for six points so it's three times two so this is basically per car you have uh the max i can score six times so i have four cars uh i have overkill oh then actually scored it three times three times yeah times two oh i see so six yeah because i have four cars but i can only score three of them yes there's gonna be six points so it's gonna go to 71. so i'm passing again i'm passing for the rest of the yeah so i i totally forgot i i just realized i have this one right here this is that one that i unlocked earlier so i'm definitely going to use this uh let's get rid of that put my orange and i'm going to put it on this one over here this is going to be uh three times two for every upgraded part two yeah two points for each upgraded design so one two three of them so it's another six points right 71 to 77. good meeting for you and this book actually comes in here very good okay so now we are done with the meeting and uh that is a our third meeting we've had three meetings and two and a week scoring so does the end of the game we technically don't even need to clean this up anymore because we're just gonna go straight into final scoring are you ready i i yeah but i don't i don't like what you got going on i mean you this is a this is not a bad spread going into the end game well you have this uh this multiplier here though we'll see we'll see we'll see let's see what happens okay so first things first we are going to score our final goal tiles so we have three criteria here and they're friendly yeah we just have to have the the speech bubbles for them the first one is uh seven at least seven bank shifts neither of us made the cut not gonna happen uh the next one is the four supercharged tokens so i went for it you got it i figured play with the expansion might as well play the expansion points that's really good so i'm putting my speech bubble on there and it's going to be worth eight points so that's what is that 63 to 71. okay and then the third and final one is two uh advanced training yep aka master certification from the last game i have two of them okay yeah totally so you get seven points seven okay 77 goes to 84. i'm gonna clear this off because it's just in the way here okay and i also have two of them and you're gonna go to 78. this one and this one you go from 71 to 78. so right now the score is 84 to 78. oh i don't know what this is gonna be okay all right let's just follow this sure uh next thing is one point for shifts banked which is funny because we both have the same five and five five points each one two three four five to my 89 okay uh any leftover parts vouchers uh book tokens as well as those speech bubbles is one point per i have two and i have one one so one for monique two for me we're get points now for all the cars that we have in our garages okay so i have one green car and the green is worth two points one blue which is worth three and a black which is worth six six seven eleven points so you're at 85 to 95 okay so then um i have two green and two white so that's twelve so that's going to be plus two and then plus ten so that's uh 103. okay um so points based on your position on each department i don't like this training track well let's get started so up here um i get five points because i'm in the lead whoever's on top is secondly in the lead so five points for purple and three points for orange okay so it's only gonna be a two point difference i think it happens everywhere though here it's five points for purple three points for orange here it's uh same thing five yeah five points oh i only got a what one okay here it's five points for orange yeah there we go i thought three points for purple so one two three four five and then three for you uh-huh okay and here it's five points for purple and oh my gosh one two three so you're at six oh my gosh you're at 116 i'm at 120. this is so close oh hey stress i am because you have this multiplier thing from the expansion and now we're going to get points for each of our tested designs so you look at the tested designs and you get points for the car parts so yeah i'll go first since i have oh i have two of them they were both for the blue car so they're both tested and so one is for the blue car part which is only two points and the other one for the beige another two points so that's four points total so oh my gosh one two three four and you naveen yeah okay so i have this uh tested design here for the maroon which is four points and then tested design for the black which is two points so six points oh my gosh so 26. i know what's going to happen here but not least we have these superchargers the expansion we need to address the elephant in the room oh my gosh oh my gosh which is the supercharged expansion okay so if we remember from the beginning of the video um each of these tokens is going to be worth points at the end of the game it's one point per car that you have in your garage i have i have three cars in my garage and four of these so it's gonna be 12 points okay so 12 so 232 and i have one times four cars so four points i am going to lose by two points oh no wow ah well played money oh my gosh here i was thinking i was gonna end it so close oh you know you master certified at the end there yeah well no i didn't know it was gonna end that quick that's that's a four point swing when you master certify that's what you get for rushing the advanced training track you know but i got the i got the speeches the first person to get there gets that speech bubble so well that was that's it that was one of our final scores uh 130 132 that is that was definitely our closest game two points i mean we might have messed up somewhere in there if we did let us know and then we'll know that there was that thing early on where i was like did i get my two points so maybe i lost my four points anyway that's well played monique that was kanban eevee that was a rematch by the way she called up mattel and ian's like hey put another game together design something add this expansion so we can play it right just so we can uh we can rematch so anyway that is it that was our second play of kanban on our on our channel hopefully we got the rules correctly all of them right this time and hopefully you're able to you know get a good feel for how the new design the new eno tool facelift looks like right yeah because it does it did take a second not gonna lie it took a second for us to re kind of get yourself oriented yeah yeah reorient you know the first one is really busy you know the colors are all like kind of all clashing and everything uh but i grew accustomed to that one after playing it for you know so many times yeah so when i saw this one i was like now i gotta get ready for this one like oh my gosh what is what what is everything yes um but once i got about you know ten percent into the game i was like okay okay it's all there i i get it yeah i mean okay so we're gonna discuss this now we're gonna kind of debrief and discuss uh this version of the game we're not doing a review of kanban itself because we've done that already so we're interested in hearing our thoughts on the uh base game then check out our review in the first video but spoiler we really love this game we do this is the first game this is the first vitality game i've ever played and this is actually my entry into heavy gaming and here we are and so when we pulled out this version of the game that that initial culture shock i'm not gonna lie we we experienced it yeah oh yeah for sure it was all like naveen looked at it and he was like oh gosh it's like learning a new game again yeah yeah for some reason it just was not sticking with me when i when i first looked at the the new uh art style and everything but yes but after you get going it definitely does feel more seamless it it feels like it makes more sense it does like things are where they where it feels like they need to be i do like the fact that they got rid of the chairs because putting the chairs back in the meeting that was always a nightmare yeah because they they're so cute in that the art kind of goes flush with the boardroom and so because they're cute you want to put them back so that it makes it continues to fill up that picture yeah yeah but like then you're you're playing every time yeah and so this is just so much cleaner the fact that it's just these uh these speech bubbles um i do we never use the recycling i don't know if the placement of it in that in that corner makes it so that it's not it's like out of sight out of mind yeah because the other one is like in the dead center bottom side so you're always looking at that yeah i mean it seemed like we had the resources that were in the recycling so you couldn't even i do like that each department has it lays out the actions that you can take there kind of really nicely yeah you know like the symbols all make sense to me the cards pertain to the specific departments and all you need to do is look down this middle line and you can see which symbols are are pertaining to which department right i really like that about this design i really like the way that they that uh you know tool illustrated the certification tracks because i remember in the first game there was always this like wait so do you certify when you get to the third spot or the you know now with this one it's no question you move from the second spot to the third and in doing so you bypass a little certification symbol and then anywhere you see that certification symbol you know that this is a benefit that you are allowed if you're certified in that department so i think that's really clean um i do like that the car parts are they're still colored but they all have symbols now so if anybody has difficulty with color like seeing specific the differences between color then uh you can go by the symbols exactly so that's nice in terms of accessibility for those who have played the old one if you haven't played it in a while and you come and just look at the iconography and like can i figure out what this means i don't know i struggled with that i will say that yeah naveen had to write that i was like completely i okay that department what do i do there that's a design uh you know so i kind of had that moment but uh once monique to me but in future plays it's like this is now it's good yeah now you're totally totally reoriented the player board design is is well done i like that these are variable now yes that is nice yeah the benefits for the garage benefits are are awesome and that you can you can figure out where to put them and the rule book comes with different variants that you can play that have to do with the garage some people use the basic some people use the advanced you can play it where you decide in kind of on the fly where you're going to put them or you can play where you have to decide all in the beginning and but you must place your cars from left to right yep yep but otherwise yeah this is just a you know an upgrade it's exactly what it is it is an upgraded version of kanban yeah things are bigger things are are just more modern looking yeah right i can't we can't speak on the differences between this and the driver's edition we've never played i don't even think we've ever seen the driver's edition in person i think it looks the same from what i understand i'm not sure exactly what the difference is yeah so the only comparisons that we're making are between this and the original automotive revolution uh so this is just prettier as to whether or not you need this version as opposed to the original this obviously these big box versions are deluxe versions of games they're much more expensive like much much more expensive but they are nicer so it's you know that part is all subjective it's all going to be up to your taste your tastes and if you are able to kind of invest in in a game like this but it does make it cleaner as for the kickstarter exclusives and the kickstarter expansions that we played with if you did not pick up this copy of the game via the kickstarter you can still get the kickstarter add-on pack if you are interested in that i think through eagle griffin yeah i think through eagle grip then it's it's just like an add-on that you can get that includes these uh expansions that we played with the fifth garage tile expansion i actually like this yeah it's nice yeah uh you know typically in the base game you would have the the fifth garage tile would be the one that has four yep four bonuses just choose one of those four you choose i think you could choose two of them or two the four bonuses and so i really really like the idea of having to choose in the beginning of the game which one you're going to go for and then thinking like oh man i chose the wrong one or using it to your advantage so i i chose a speech bubble because i was like okay speech bubbles can probably get you about six points and that's exactly what he got me yeah well my my final one got me that final car yeah right away no yeah yeah exactly it was really useful very useful um the supercharged expansion i thought it was fun to use there are a few of these final goal tiles i think there's three of them or something that it comes with go along with the expansion they're super lucrative if you if you can go for them at opportune times it really works out because it's it's it makes you more efficient it makes your other actions where you go other places way more efficient so right yeah and it makes you actually go to admin because i'm in the base game i don't really find myself going to admin unless i really have to like i'm going to pinch yeah exactly but like now it's like well i can get the supercharged token and that'll help me do things better in the future and that's kind of why i felt like in the first like quarter of the game i was i felt like i was doing nothing because i kept going to admin to get these tokens but it really just made the rest of the game open up it did yeah just so much more because now i didn't care about which uh which car parts i was getting to play to to push cars forward and then now i would go over there to r d and just upgrade a design using a carport from the supply yeah that's that's a big one that that one seems wow so i'm a little iffy on that one personally oh yeah yeah i don't know because i you know i think you should be getting parts to and be stuck with like i need this for this and i need this for this okay yeah that's that's fair but that's why it's a supercharge it kind of gets you going kind of gets it and it also it also encourages you to have more cars in your garage because they're going to be worth that many points at the end of the game yeah so i don't know it's it's interesting it it does make certain things easier but it also pushes you in a certain direction i i like it yeah i like that that expansion i thought it was interesting it added a new kind of wrench to the game sure yeah so anyway that was kanban evie there is a solo mode and i think they made changes to the solo mode for this uh version oh nice we don't play solo we haven't played this solo so we can't really speak on it but uh there's a lot in the box for the solo mode there's like a whole other rule book for it as well the one thing that i do remember reading about the solo mode is you have two assistants okay and they are mr lacerda and mr turksey so anyway that's kanban ev thank you all so much for watching if you like to see more videos like this please consider subscribing thank you [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 21,757
Rating: 4.9781818 out of 5
Keywords: kanban board game, kanban ev board game, how to play kanban, how to play kanban ev, board game kanban ev, kanban kickstarter, vital lacerda, eagle gryphon games, kanban ev playthrough, kanban ev rules, kanban ev tutorial, kanban ev review, kanban ev board game review, kanban ev overview, kanban ev runthrough, kanban ev thoughts, Ian O'toole, kanban board game review, kanban ev how to play, kanban how to play, before you play kanban, kanban ev kickstarter, kanban spiel
Id: 0V0diNJ3Zo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 8sec (5528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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