Let's Play KING OF TOKYO | Board Game Club

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[Music] foreign [Music] hello i'm laurie from no rolls bars the problem is still going on and welcome to board game club where the first rule of board game club is he's a monster from the 90s he's been working out every week we gather together some of our friends here at drafts board game cafe in london to show you just how fun board gaming can be and this week we are playing king of tokyo designed by richard garfield and published by ilo yeah it's a bloody big kaiju fight as these titanic beasts biff each other on the nose to determine who gets to rule over the perennially trampled city of tokyo in the game the players are going to be taking on one of the gigantic kaiju starting with 10 health and zero victory points there are two ways to win this game you can either get all the way up to 20 victory points or you are the last monster left standing every single turn you're going to be rolling these lovely chunky dice look at these thick boys you roll them you choose to maybe set some aside and then you can re-roll some again then you get one final chance to reroll as many of the dice as you want but whatever you roll in the final roll is what you're stuck with and each symbol does something different the numbers give you that many victory points but you need three dice that match so if i roll three twos i get two victory points similarly if i roll three threes i get three victory points and then for every extra dice that matches you get one more victory point if you roll the claw that is attacking if you are in tokyo you're going to attack all of the monsters outside of tokyo and if you are outside of tokyo you are going to attack all the monsters inside of tokyo anytime a monster is being attacked while it's in tokyo it can choose to yield leaving the city and allowing the attacking monster to move in and gain one victory point if you move into tokyo and the round manages to get around all of the other players and you start your turn in the city you get an additional two victory points but the problem with that is it's incredibly dangerous because all of the other monsters are gonna wanna whack you and obviously if you lose all of your health you've guessed it you're out fortunately if you take a club ring monsters can heal themselves using these heart dice but only outside of the city the final thing is if you roll a lightning bolt you can use that to buy energy which can then be used to buy cards from this supply they're really silly and really powerful and they really change the game and that's it we all take turns rolling dice gaining points dealing damage and buying cards it's all very very silly but who is going to put the ko in tokyo find out as we play king of tokyo joining me for this week's episode of board game club i'm joined by tom i'm just gonna not i'm saving my own material for later great i'm joined by sully hello i'm joined by john i'm joined by laurie and i'm joined by rosie good start um thank you we are playing king of tokyo uh we will be smashing our way across the parentally played kaiju city and trying to either gain 20 victory points or be the last kaiju standing and we'll do it by rolling these lovely chunky dice but first let's meet our kaiju going around the table starting with laurie i am the handsome kind beautiful mocha drugger [Laughter] i don't want this all up this is so good mecha dragon slogan is be kind just be nice i've got a nice pink cyber bunny the disdain dripping in your voice yeah what do you mean he's really nice he's farting rockets he's flying rockets or possibly has a hemorrhoid rocket it's a rocket oh my god i need to see a doctor such a big hemorrhoid the propulsion is amazing but at what cost uh i am playing uh the franchise uh the godzilla rip-off i am gigasaw groink i am playing alienoid who's got three eyes and [Laughter] uh he's got three eyes and two dicks [Laughter] group of men in a room could talk about politics could talk about relationships talk about feelings no they want to talk about dicks i'm the king uh and tom suggested that i take this one because it looks like me and i i don't know how to take that he's got your oven he's got your bionic eye yeah that's very true that's very true and giant hands huge clumsy hands so i am playing the kraken who is half cthulhu half emperor horror of the deep for all you godzilla fans out there by which i mean luke hi luke oh luke should be here shouldn't he godzilla but more than's legal but he's as a present we'll get james to photoshop luke's head onto godzilla for you there you are luke it's merry christmas it's literally luke's birthday today as we film this happy birthday luke happy birthday luke your big dog right so we are going to start um that's simple as that we'll start with laurie why the don't mecca dragon the mecca dragon your dice laurie everyone has zero victory points to start 10 health and we'll explain basically what all the dice rolls do as they come up take this so you got some hearts there which you can use keeping those i'm gonna keep these uh that will give you energy cubes which you can use to buy cards that's the number of cubes you need to spend to get so as is the first turn if i attack do i have to go to tokyo first and then attack or you won't do any damage okay that's that's how you get into tokyo there isn't it rolling an attack no if if tokyo is empty you can move in if tokyo is already occupied then you have to attack to move in but currently tokyo is free so you'd just be swiping at the air i'm going roll four of these well that makes sense yes [Applause] [Music] and we will keep we'll keep the three when can he move into tokyo uh he'll move into tokyo after he's finished rolling this last die roll because each time you roll dice you can roll any number of dice re-roll them up to two times which is kind of like yahtzee rules you can re-roll all your dice or you can re-roll i'm gonna keep three of these and re-roll two and then you can mix and match up to two re-rolls and then you're basically left with a hand of dice if you have uh three sets of the same number you get that many victory points lori doesn't have that so he doesn't get the three but you do get two energon cubes or energy cubes delicious um and because tokyo city is free uh mecha dragon moves in and you get a victory um a victory point for that it's all the way as if it's empty at the beginning of the game you don't have to roll the smash to get into tokyo you just walk in uh so lori and rosie are going to start because we're playing a six-player game which means we also use tokyo bay if we ever get down to just four monsters alive then that burst into flames we can't use it any more but every time you move into tokyo you gain uh one victory point if you start your turn in tokyo you gain two victory points does that hit now count for the rest of us now that he's moving no you resolved the dice before he moved into tokyo okay any future attacks by laurie will hit everyone outside of tokyo but all our attacks will hit laurie and laurie alone for now fan tastic if uh just be kind if the attack goes outside of tokyo does that include people in tokyo so people in tokyo bay are considered to be in tokyo it's just that in a big player game two people are in tokyo if you are outside of tokyo and you roll one of these you damage people in tokyo if you are in tokyo and roll one of these in both those places both of those are tokyo got it got it if you roll one of these in tokyo you damage everyone else 10 health lost you are out of there and crucially you cannot heal in tokyo so if you want to heal up you got to get out of there just push your luck uh so rosie hello it's your turn okay here is your dice story thank you oh you're out of control that's the one place you didn't want it to go [Applause] all right that's what you got um keep that that's a good idea maybe you re-roll that one you're going to keep one of them do you re-roll that guy why just worry just because it would it would attack laurie and laurie alone oh i'm going to go why did your attention to it off oh delightful all right so keep all of them you've got two energy cubes thank you uh lori gets attacked for one damage ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what are you doing in tokyo and now you move in well laura has a chance to yield first that's true laura do you i yield goodbye oh really yeah tokyo all right so if you get damaged not the official start uh if you get damaged whilst in tokyo you can leave at which point you yield you vacate and the person who attacked you moves in because there is an empty space if there is any space you must move into tokyo come at me so now now rosie's in tokyo here are your energy cubes i've done it already thank you for moving into tokyo yes i did rosie you need to get one point for thank you yes you moved into tokyo and gained victory point and now it's time for gigasaw tastes like batteries [Music] well i don't know if i want to slap rosie around just yet excuse me you're all over the place what's my brand pixel doesn't even have a dick he's all healed over that's why he's so angry but kinky brood uh yes please tits all right i'm gonna take these three cubes goobs and i i do move into tokyo bay anyway boom and i gain a victory point hello i'm gigasaw i'm a giant lizard that is legally distinct from godzilla almost a good impression but it sounds more like a cat james could you replay that and add some sound effects to make it actually sound like a godzilla [Music] okay so that is two energon cubes for me yes and two big punches for you and you okay if you insist um do you yield nah yeah right do you yield no okay ride the lightning let's kill these fools yeah well actually no no lightning's safe right i've got a good feeling about this me too here we go a couple of likes sally that is one of the best rolls i've ever seen so smashy here oh boy to the least visible part of the table these are secrets [Laughter] you know i might keep all of these it's all in the shake great lovely so uh i will i will do my three victory points first oh look at sully bob's here we go lovely stuff that's unbelievably lucky and again for two little energy cubes okay and bang bang five it's good to drink yeah yeah [Applause] oh two three that's really nice two months all right threes tom yeah you don't have to you can oh you're crazy oh that's going to have to be re-rolled it didn't go in the dice straight so i've had one re-rolled so far right yeah one of the but in your first re-roll one of the things fell out the dice on its own yeah yeah yeah i'm with you know yeah you get your final rebound so yeah that was that was a cube and now you can do one more and i'm going to re-roll the two threes and these again oh smashy smashes two splashes so i'm gonna take my three cubes please and then i'm gonna hit three cubes for you for example before before we get into this sort of tell you what let's do it afterwards well i'm not leaving if you're not leaving is it is it two or is it two nice quick game we could play another a quick game's a good game exactly i think you should just go for help in this role [Laughter] as in one and two and three separately you can get two victory points once each turn you can score one two and three for two victory points you can also use these dice and other combinations okay that's great but we're gonna roll again you could roll [Applause] there's another one jesus christ so you could roll three three just roll the ball again five victory man why hell that's what i said at the beginning so it's just two smashes for you guys and you get some more houses didn't you lose some health i did lose the health so i can heal all right lovely here we go do you yield what healthy one rosie i'm on three those two victory points are going to be so worth it i had two victory points rosie thank you one two how about a pact yeah what what are you staying here don't smash me are you staying here let me have my two oh [Applause] oh there's another one yay and you've got health clearances [Music] can i retreat being belligerent yeah yeah hey john who do you think was the most belligerent player before we started i did thank you but hey two new champions for the crown two smashes for you guys keep on talking there's a little third smash for you and i'm just gonna go in for the smashes because i'm taking you all down with me ow bollocks right well i gained a little energon cube which i'm going to use to buy omnivole and good luck using that one you're dead that's it the new card is frenzy it costs seven cubes discard when you purchase this card take another turn immediately after this one it's a double dip there's also yes uh what we haven't discussed is you get one extra die if you do that which is for the rest of the game uh and also skyscraper you just discard it to gain four victory points uh three damage off you all please i've already taken one oh yeah that's kind of level the playing fields i have to say well we're still alive so it's not yeah why don't we all just heal up [Applause] now two victory points and a heel now this is a real dilemma on the one hand this is this is really good for me yeah bit of a heel some victory points on the other hand i would like to kill both of them but then you would be out of the game which would be a bit sad but yeah it would be very funny it's the just desserts morally they should die morally they have morally the crime of smugness and attacking us all means death is inevitable packed packed packed packed that dice flow that oh so we both take one and i am going to a coward you should have seen it through to the end absolutely we've had fun i hate these dudes this is the worst because they yielded i have to yeah yeah you get your victory are you yielding john i am yielding oh are you yeah how'd you come uh sully into tokyo oh yeah wow okay hello oh oh nothing here oh gosh oh hello victory points what you get when you get to tokyo oh yes i get another one you forgot he's got [Laughter] oh you're being too rude says rosie oh you're back straight gaming says laurie backstreet gaming all right i just want him to play that take those victory points what are they talking about don't backstreet game everybody loves everybody loves a backstreet gamer and as long as you love me this backstreet gamer loves you as long as you love me and everybody are both backstreet boys songs i mean i'm looking them up on my phone as we go but you know you get the point there's puns there you like puns right i love it oh we're gonna keep this firmware a couple of three you're gonna need to heal punch sully in his stupid face i like sonny's [Laughter] i'm not interested in hurting sullivan thank you yes that's actually not too bad so i'll take two cubes please tubes and i'm gonna heal up for a gentleman's four because tokyo is free thomas had to move in have you got your victory point for moving into tokyo oh yeah it's lovely you're hanging by the bay um check us out hang it up in tokyo yeah take your buds we'd have a great time in tokyo tokyo bay yeah you know what i can remember i think two oh we'll take those and we'll probably take that health oh very nice and you've got your energon cubes [Laughter] remember the good old days pretend you're not there rosie if you want to yield tokyo you have suffered a damage in tokyo and therefore can yield tokyo in which case lori would have to go in sorry we haven't even been ducky hubbard yet what's that we haven't what been to akihabara yet oh yeah oh i can't we can't miss that oh that's a reference it's only understandable isn't it just the best thing in the world what would you do what wouldn't they be that's because you do anything like that on holiday you can go into space and you'll be like where's the football is it famous for uh sports video games or food uh i'm gonna go for video games he got it in one thank you i think it's famous in video games all right uh tech in general um pop-up pop culture that's what i saw anyway there's a really good godzilla shop or at least the shop that sells a lot of really good godzilla figurines in not shopping for godzilla norwood godzilla huge slippers and one businessman who's like i just thought it would sell all i have to do is sell one thing that pays for itself they just keep destroying my shop i don't know why i expected it he's got no concept of currency stupid stupid stupid oh well [Laughter] blowing on dice is something that husbands and wives do when they love each other very much at least i'm pretty sure that's how i was born that is good you do not want to go into tokyo yeah i just want to go and see a j-league match come on can i buy that thing now i'm going to assume j-league is just short for justice it's the justice league football team yeah uh rosie would you like to buy skyscrapers then pay your goobs uh you can discard this at any point uh on your turn to gain four would you like to do it now uh four four people yeah no no no wait until you're dead you may as well do it now i don't know you may as well take it with you you know when you're given a choice but everyone just wants you to choose the right one thing it's not actually a choice is it that was a real backstreet game okay the new card is even bigger your maximum heart is increased by two playing too hard when you get this card that's only fine that's good that's really good held out for that one you need that you need that help yeah oh what a piece of you wanted to kill me didn't you oh yeah of course everyone did oh everyone was doing it all of the cool boys were doing this you're lucky you've got hearts there yeah all right two for me you can re-roll again right um yeah i think i think i only did one why did you get two of these uh smashies two smashies two scratches yeah you're absolutely right silly me um three health so i'm back up to five and uh two smashes each please download later yeah let's get the hell out of tokyo i'm gonna stay okay see you later man [Laughter] no what a sweet i'm actually gonna stay what are you doing i'll tell you just my person please oh yes thank you seems to be taking two damage oh yeah myself to someone lovable you could go alien jazz okay uh we got two health that's super useful i'll keep that energon cube as well and i'm not going to attack sally if sally actually rolls for him you wouldn't kill tom collaterally and kill me would you uh i might keep these ones and just hope that we can get a one yeah boy um so i get one energon cube a cube for you thank you and i will heal myself yes you needed that health yes yes okay energon cool so you can't heal the numbers are useless to me but i'm going to take two energon cubes please which brings my total up to seven i'm gonna buy myself an extra head god damn it very good that is your personal private extra diet you had a kraken and the card that replaces it is complete destruction this is for three energon cubes it is a keep card if you roll one two three heal smash energon basically if you roll one of each kind of die um you gain nine victory points in addition to the regular results guacamole that's great pretty good one [Applause] we'll keep one of those we'll keep those three lovely staff oh you had another energon that you just picked up yeah i only need four to buy that card so how many energons have you got you got two because i'm sorry i've got two sports oh yeah sorry i wasn't like didn't see how many yeah yeah you made it that way more like friends of tokyo am i right yeah okay are you going to club i'll keep the clubber yeah absolutely i appreciate that one clubber i'm gonna yield i'm gonna buy that for cost card thank you uh i'm also going to yield gain my two okay the new card is plot twist change one die to any result discard when used that's cost six and one more because i've gone to tokyo yes i've got three picture points [Applause] might keep those two as well as a little bit spit and that adds lubricant to the dice and it means they stick to the other dice and actually you end up getting exactly the result that you want every time so basically if you don't do it you're really screwing yourself so i was just about feeling sympathy oh rosie two victory points for getting your set of two dice one point for moving into tokyo and three health right you want eleven hit two points yeah rosie's doing well crawling to the finish line covered in blood [Music] maybe see how this one goes and then i'll recalibrate [Music] not happy with that keep the terry rolling on maybe maybe i don't know rosie i'll keep the two re-roll these two i'm not interested in smashing right rosie i saw her into the future i saw that exact outcome and told him to do the opposite yes the pact is overpacked right so i'm at my exact starting stats but with one victory point oh many rounds alienoid has got fewer victory points than dicks victory yeah i'll do a little clobby lobby are we clobs [Applause] that's fine isn't it yeah you know the one thing that makes me unravel faster than anything else is someone trying to stop me unraveling and sully being like oh don't worry john you got two energon cubes well that's not what i wanted was it sully i don't need your pity i don't need your pity attempts at unraveling my unravelling that just makes me unravel god i'm unraveling i'm gonna spend three okay i'm gonna go for complete destruction which means if i roll every single dice which is very unlikely i'll get nine victory points because that's my only chance of clawing back hail mary plate love to see it does that mean if you if every dice that you roll has got a number on it it's different if every dice is a different symbol so one punch one lightning one two three and uh the heart that happened yet in this game no no no it's very hard it was replaced with herbivore gain one extra um victory point when beginning the turn in tokyo and deal one extra damage when dealing any damage from tokyo hmm uh mecca and cyber could you take one damage please certainly and do you i'm gonna stay in tokyo for now i think it is but i love the way you're playing my my carefulness is done we survived last time so statistically yes i think i will stay it's another edition cube so three energon cubes please yeah you are so you're up to six would you like to buy a card oh that's a good question um oh what's oh let's have a look at this here before thing oh dear oh yeah go on then i love that i don't like this is the king kong voice okay you can't it is acid attack deal one extra damage each turn even when you don't otherwise attack holy that is bad oh it's teams with extra dice oh you're doing you for six damage conceptually okay so i'm gonna keep the heel definitely keeping these guys definitely taking the health i'm gonna re-roll these three oh interesting [Music] yep it's another health nice that's another engine cube so first thing i'm gonna do is heal another three back up to six nice oh i forgot i now have yeah three cubes which is a nice cube number it's the prime cube number three all right so lori gains two victory points for starting his turn invertebrates for life lorry gains two victory points for starting his turn in tokyo you know a lovely time of tokyo oh rosie's gonna be off 13 at the end of this oh he's not gonna yield now obviously so keep those smack smash them [Music] will you smash everyone else yes of course why wouldn't you do that at this stage i guess the game has to end at some point i guess it does have to end at some point we'll keep you smack that street i'll be back street boys as much as i want to be backstreet boys i shouldn't backstreet boys her backstreet boys exactly don't backstreet backstreet boys yeah that'll be backstreet's back hey oh no oh it perfect perfect can't heal here can't heal in tokyo no oh two smash oh rosie taking your two victory points [Music] there's a new tokyo bay in town she'll break your heart too [Music] all right i'm having an absolute shocker and i'm very close to dying i need help i need help i need help oh that's unlucky it's not good uh that's pretty lucky back up to four again energon curb there we go all right come to papa all the different numbers statistically not likely oh oh you got three three health one two three four very nice two and a three so two oh my god oh my god oh my god if you get a three blow on it oh no [Applause] back in the game baby that's up to 10. oh my lord wow 10 points and two dicks here we go 10 points to dickendore the odds were so low oh god this is why i love board gaming it felt so good rolling those big satisfying chunky dice and then it comes in amazing that is amazing i cannot stress enough how unlikely that is to happen i'm gonna make him do it again unbelievable wow thank you so much for slightly gobbling on the desk [Applause] okay i need the house uh i wouldn't mind the energon cubes but [Music] come on guys [Applause] all right okay i've got two health at least in two cubes two cubes would you like to buy a plot twist uh what does that do again uh change one times many results of someone else oh of someone else oh someone else it could be yours it could be someone else's it's just change one guy to any result brilliant yeah i'm gonna i should have bought that a one-time user one-time use and then it's gone and you can can you change it to anything or can you just yeah to anything to anything uh costs three discard and deal two damage to all other monsters all other regardless of in tokyo or no they're just uh some cards will require tokens and they're just there in case fine oop who need the health want diana john how much help do you want three need the health want the energy this thing is like if we're just patching ourselves up every round we're just giving these guys two attacks yeah every go and victory point need the health love to see that energon so that's going to be that is going to be a four health reheal up two and three really tricky because between the two of you three can do four you can do four damage pretty easily between the two of you so we're just gonna keep these plates spinning so i've got a question about acid attack says here deal one extra damage each turn even when you don't otherwise attack so is that on my turn only yeah yeah you know what i'm not gonna buy that but what i am gonna do is i'm gonna buy fire blast for three um instant discard to deal two damage to all other monsters right now oh god oh tom that really sucked not gonna lie that's boned me because i'm not in tokyo i was on for health now i'm down to two and laurie hates me so see you later everybody so fireblast is discarded the replacement card is apartment building it is five energon cost simple discard for three victory points okay thank you uh so i get my two for being in tokyo what are you under 14. what's everyone's health like uh i've got six two i've got two two tom what are you on seven seven damn time oh me and adam are going to die we're going to die we're going to die two times you never said let's go back sully just splashes you trying to communicate in this relationship you can't just i'm not mine there we go four smashes for everyone outside of tokyo please i'm a little dead boy i died yeah of course laurie murdered me how predictable play me another one because this record's broken you never got to use my little cards or like put your stanley under your board mate turn your board over it's probably easiest i'm still live yeah i'm gonna do better how was what health are you on two hours two you could kill me three you could kill one i don't know oh tokyo bay empties why because two players have just died yes correct so rosie actually moves outside so you can't attack the rest of the players great what are you on for help okay i'll kill him killing rosie can you hear me [Music] [Applause] the least capricious person in the world got a good feeling about her next husband [Applause] it went down exactly as i hoped laurie's dead i'm a free woman all right well you're back in tokyo so enjoy your smash from john lovely stuff you oh joy of choice from rosie just quality chaos what value okay so brilliant lori uh rosie did you get your extra point from moving into tokyo oh thank you you're on hell you're one health one house right i'm dragging myself along here kill rosie i think it's going to be between john and tom big this all happened really quickly oh dear it was a great run rosie uh may as well not keep that smash is not going to help you so i always know when john's going to be on board with me slides very nice okay so uh i will take two victory points putting me up to 12. you must move into tokyo competitive victory points dumber damage dumber health uh i'll move it to tokyo i'd love to move into tokyo thank you gain a point puts me up to 13. you're on four health oh good thing tom doesn't have an extra dice it's not looking great one smash man little jam sandwich getting cooked this is tom's quickest way to victory [Applause] and he's got something on his heelies two more two more do i keep this healy yeah so i have a bit more health if i don't roll two more sure you're only four dice i will be coming for you if you don't kill me i mean you have no other options so two smashes i heal for a gentleman's two are you yielding yeah if i leave i would have to kill you either way i kind of have to kill you i think i'm not gonna get enough victory points before you kill me any time he's kept it says keep on it he can do it any go okay i'm gonna i'm gonna yield anyway there's no there's no point in me being in tokyo you've gone you're way off on victory points so i yield to your attack how much is tonga he's got five five oh you can't do that's five gentlemen that's fine you could get uh yeah so one extra victory point oh here it goes oh he goes and i think if my dice are bad i can focus on healing um well let's see how the first roll does [Applause] now then now three victory points in but just re-rolled two dice and you've got and you will have your special cards i've got to go for it yeah it's not gonna happen but okay so oh my god you're just gonna need a two and a one yes you can do it oh my god okay okay okay but if i kept if i kept these three i'd be on 16 correct killed you would be on 17 i don't think there's any way i can get another three victory points this turn so that's not going to be much [Music] [Laughter] this is my first okay [Music] it was always gonna happen nuts you should never have done what a stupid little pig what an idiot what a fool what a loser what a chump what a bozo what a goof what a doofus poop on a nitwit why would you even go for that you fool you stupid idiot john you stupid idiot i will have two energon cubes which puts me up to five which does give me some purchasing power i'm such an idiot i could have bought that for plus three and then i would vote right now still buy it well i will but if i'd kept the threes i might not have got those if i'd kept threes but no then i would have had 16 move into tokyo 17 plus 320 so i'm gonna buy this four five which puts i discard it for plus three that puts me on to sixteen so this is tom i mean tom was always gonna like yeah if you didn't get that tom's gonna have one last big shotgun blast in the chamber so you smashed me for one so i've got i've healed for one and then my final dice is to hit you for one you take one damage would you like to yield tokyo no i'm not gonna yield i'm gonna eat your bones it's make or break for tom anyway so killing john is the thing that tom should be trying to do yeah did you heal there john i did uh but you were in tokyo right now he was there i'm getting very confused three claws is that what you mean three claws oh yes three rapid healing spend two energy on any time to heal one damage i mean that's bad he says desperately trying to distract him no i can't afford it one more claw necessary for tom to win the game and you're rolling how many dice tom five i don't like those arms they don't look good john to blow on your doors [Applause] if one of these is a claw i'm gonna eat your dicks myself that's the joke of the day oh my god oh my goodness take those dicks just dig back on i'm going to spend three cubes to buy rapid healing and then i'm gonna swim either two and then i'm gonna spend another two cubes to heal one damage using rapid heat but even in tokyo you can heal um yes you just can't do he'll die but you can use cars to heal correct so three cubes to buy rapid healing two cubes to use its power to heal one damage bring my health back to five the new card is for tanks uh this is a discard card right let me try that again very important it is a discard card his voice is cracking nice very good joke of the day everyone we can't have loads of jokes of the day so who hasn't had a joke of the day i haven't sullivan yeah it's not very funny not very funny not very funny guys very serious i'm a very good player with board games which is why i'm here well while you're here if there's one thing adam loves us when people talk during admin so please continue you got anything else to say mate any crackers to put out of your pocket any great bits of content to keep the fans happy huh should i do this they've had enough all right so full energy to spend um discard plus four victory points but take three damage i can't do that and did you also do two damage as well um yes you can you two close to the two yeah [Music] yeah welcoming board game channel you need four victory points to win right yeah so if you get full energon cubes you can buy the tanks and that's four victory i was hoping [Laughter] do i'm you know i can't you could go go for the king roll come on mate king rock king roll roll three minutes ago yeah yeah it was really good [Laughter] should i listen everyone okay all this peer pressure you're not even in tokyo bay hey joker debate hey well that's the joke of the day [Laughter] [Laughter] which would require i've got a one a heart and a three so i would require a two an energon and a hit easy shush not impossible nothing's impossible john except for dinosaurs [Laughter] okay so i need two more threes in order to get three which ones plus an extra don't know what happened i don't know what the odds are in terms of the king roll versus let's find shut up yeah okay okay i have to do the king rock it is it it's a slightly everything comes in threes okay one two three lightning fist so if i get a heart i will be the king roll of tokyo if not tommy's come on baby show me the land take it to the back baby [Applause] [Music] uh i'll do one damage to you tom good luck surviving that you did okay anyway you get two more victory points um john gracie your current health is you know what it is what are you making you say it two dicks one heart your charity [Laughter] the heart encompasses the dig this isn't necessarily over this is the beauty of dice games you tell yourself that john it's okay because when i had one health um nothing ever might happen with one here we go rather burns baby good luck six dice six nice three times seven dies three two one he's gone extra noise this extra head is coming tell you what you've got two dicks i got two heads [Applause] [Laughter] you are the ball game club champion you have anything to say as the kraken overlord can't talk mouthful that has been our playthrough of king of tokyo it did not go how i expected uh congratulations to tom join us next week when we're gonna be playing mom's draw city see you then [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 118,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board games review, board game, tabletop, tabletop games, top 10 board games, games, best board games, game, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top ten board games, find board games, game news, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, hottest board games, best board games 2020, popular board games, boardgames, no rolls barred, top board games 2022, boardgames 2022, king of tokyo, how to play king of tokyo, lets play
Id: IyX7PpzqojI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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