I've Been Waiting YEARS for a Puzzle Like This.. (Captain's Quest by Jesse Born)

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foreign [Music] you of a recent discovery made by our team of archaeologists during government-funded excavation in a remote Lagoon on an island in Sri Lanka a parcel was found in further analysis including DNA testing has led us to believe it belonged to Prince Dakar a member of the infamous rajatan family of the great sepoy Revolt in the 1850s our records indicate a close DNA match to Dakar and we believe he may have had a son or nephew that has long since passed away as you have been identified as the nearest kin and closest DNA match we consider you to be the rightful heir of this parcel we are providing it to you without any legal obligations however we would be grateful if you would consider allowing our Museum of Natural History to examine the contents of the parcel at a later date this parcel May hold valuable historic and cultural insights we are eager to know more about the rajatan family and the long lost Prince Dakar we appreciate your attention on this matter sincerely United States Department of Foreign Affairs yo what's up and welcome back real quick before we get into the video I'm not gonna waste any time got some really great news for a lot of you out there and it's been a long time coming we are now shipping to the UK [Music] we finally got it to work so if you're in the UK at first.shop you can now purchase products from our shop which is great secondly on the same notes if you don't know yet I made an escape game this is an escape game that comes with a web app and a deck of cards printed by the United States playing card company and it's about a 40 minute to an hour gameplay of an escape room we have this for sale at first.shop but right now only for a few days it is 50 off so normally these sell for thirty dollars you're gonna get them for 14.99 over at her shop and we don't sell this deck of cards individually you can only get it within the escape room Within These rape rhyme well I'm having a stroke so if you want to support us directly go check it out we've got playing cards over there we've got puzzles we've got all sorts of cool merch that won't be available for at least like a month or so but yeah we gotta anyways I I don't want to take up any more of your time if you didn't skip I appreciate you well enjoy the video uh like yeah all right you know what to do see it I need a haircut this ladies and gentlemen it's beautiful heavy work of art is the work of none other than Jesse born along with Luke Marshall this is number four of 300 some of you may know Jesse has made I mean some of my favorite puzzles including the Jesse James lost it all to Jesse James also the Mayan Sundial puzzle which is really amazing so the bar is set pretty high for this thing here let's have a look around and see what we can uncover we've got this type of pipe seems like a drawer here on this side there seem to be some etchings of trees maybe some prehistoric fossils as well as whatever these are but these seem to be tiny little gems are all facing in different directions as you can see over here we've got this brass knob as well as potentially another drawer and on and on this side more of the same with these uh with these things whatever these are underneath we do have a compass pointing North Isle Lincoln which looks like an island so we do have some type of directional map to follow and over top once again some more Flora as well as this wheel an enzyme or Z probably Nan and these brass pipes that come out here so very intriguing and very interesting this by the way is the nice little certificate of authenticity that comes along with that letter here we go much like solving most puzzles we're gonna fiddle around with everything and see what moves and what doesn't this comes out here we go Oak oh wow there is like a vacuum that is pressurized as you can see whoa okay hold on a second I'm wondering if plugging the holes does something all right let's keep this extended to see if there's anything it seems to be as you can hear it seems to be a forcing against something so I don't want to do that too hard because I might break a mechanism but in the meantime this is the only thing we've really got to go on is this here so spin it into place rotate it once we've done that what a cool feature by the way it's pulling back pretty heavily okay what about this this doesn't seem like it moves but then again it might just be locked into place and that's probably the final drawer as my guess or that yeah I don't want anything to snap it sounds like it might all right let's absolutely nothing rattling around in there that's what I'd like to hear and pressing sides sliding things perhaps and more of these symbols all around again maybe these just are the bolts to use yeah okay I see they're not actually gems it's the reflection on the inside is painted blue so it kind of looks like that but they're just screws it seems I don't know it seems that way some of them I bet some of these come oh this one here have a look closer these all seem to have a tiny washer around them like a gold washer as you can see and this one doesn't so that is definitely a clue that oh it's a button oh very cool we've got some type of button here that's still locked any buttons over here see none of these have washers and they're all in and these ones did how clever now is this a tool or is it simply there to unlock something that is naturally we're gonna try and fit it in these happens okay I can also see it looks like maybe a magnet or something on the other side just holding this in lift it up which means unless there's another part locking it I feel like now something should slide because this almost acted as like a stopper or a small gate of some sort now should allow us to move something else hopefully [Music] it's like a periscope or something it's like a giant Vape if I push it nothing happens what would you guys do right now what's the next step how would you solve this problem comment below [Music] seems to perhaps move not sure unsure at this time it's got a good weight to it man this thing is heavy like how beautiful is that combination of brass metal and wood and so neat so so neat the discovery part is by far my favorite when you see something and you're like aha that's what that is and then it happens like that's the best feeling oh just this one's loose yeah this one definitely Wiggles around as you can see this one doesn't and this one doesn't so something's up with this not sure what yet but something is definitely I'm trying to unscrew it and it doesn't seem to work either so we've got this we've got this and we've got this as far as mechanisms go none of them seem to interact together this is really the only one that we can successfully play with [Music] I thought because this feels like a suction that blocking one of these holes might like unlock a pin at some point I remember a lock puzzle by Rainer pop uh there's a pop lock maybe seven and it had where you put your thumb and then you'd pull on something similar to this and it would pull back a magnet due to the suction inside and then you were able to open the uh the lock which is a really cool one of my favorite mechanisms in a lock puzzle really original but I really hope that this has something to do with like suction because that's such a cool component interesting so the screw actually actually screws into here so you can sorry I was adjusting my volume just saw that I was peaking the screw actually uh screws into these holes [Music] which is really interesting oh I can go okay look at this you hear that it sounds like something's resisting I don't know if I should be doing this but it stops there so let's do this oh [Music] what does that do that's so cool that is so cool this no longer gets sucked back in or pulled back in by the spring that is here I guess so this is linked to that the spring that's in here is linked to what's whatever's pulling this in what does that have to do with this [Music] [Music] maybe the end of this is like a unscrewable or something hmm okay let's just take this out for a second I want to see what happens if I let go it won't go in anymore what look at that [Music] should I leave that there we'll keep it out for now and then we'll try whatever we're doing we'll try to put it back see if it changes anything there's not much to go on man oh maybe now okay hold on let me do this here tie that into place oh oh my God that scared me what [Music] get the hell out of here [Music] what yo this guy makes the most insane puzzles I've ever done that is the coolest [Music] all right we've got a wheel here by the way and some type of Corkscrew uh up there oh and on the underside look at this we've got a cipher baby ABCD is six ten three seven and there are numbers on here also it looks like V one two three V one two three V and then obviously we have looks like a compass wow look at that so we have a compass I'm not sure okay I have a working Compass it looks like and I guess we have to figure out how to open the other side now using this Cipher hold on is this a key also this might be a key of some sort so cool so if I put that the way it's there right if I put that at the same like the the point here if I put it to there where North is True North what are we what are we looking at here the letters Isle Lincoln Maybe i l e should be five four eight I don't even know how this translates to opening a drawer wait what is that so just like magnetic a place for a magnet I guess this is I'm intrigued I'm in right now also this one moved I'm not going to deny that this one actually moved so there's something here I guarantee you this thing comes out there's no way that that just Wiggles for no reason how to get it out there I don't quite know yet but it does definitely come out and this Corkscrew thing clearly a corkscrew so what would what would you do the corkscrew this is so cool dude I am enamored this again doubt it this oh wait there was another so this was there but there's this other hole here can I pull something out of it aha I know what to do I just figured it out we got to take the longer screw that's why there's a picture of the corkscrew so cool because the longer screw is going to be able to sorry penetrate the layer of the base of this drawer and push out that little metallic object that we were just looking at here have a close look you see that for sure that's it I don't even know if that goes out no or or or or what if I screw in what if I screw it back in this one but over here and I close the drawer because a picture of a wheel as well on the other side get out of here dude okay we have this diagram underneath Jesse born 4 of 100 amazing and now we have a map this is so cool man yeah they're making puzzles dude take notes this is how you make a puzzle my crew called me Captain Nemo of the Nautilus I've made a series of puzzles that include my personal writings the plans for the Nautilus submarine and Lincoln Island where I escaped or I escape 2 and by the machine I will return to Lincoln Island every year and wait the only one who can solve these puzzles these puzzle and find the Nautilus is my son who I doubt survived the brutal world I escape from one beside my wife only and I God Rest her soul who know our patriarchal family name this something the key to solving my next puzzle God speed to you on this extraordinary Journey Nemo so Nemo says that this will help him solve the next puzzle so there's nothing else to be found here I don't know if I believe that all right we got to decipher this so this is going to give us I mean according to uh [Music] yeah I don't even there we go so this opens there so with those letters we're going to get numbers and what do those numbers mean maybe those numbers translate to different letters of the alphabet none of these numbers seem to exceed 17. let's try it out we gotta figure this mystery out look at these pens thank you foreign [Music] I don't know if we're necessarily done with this thing so let's have a look we had these diagrams here which had a propeller and what looks like propellers and Seahorses on either side so maybe that's a clue again maybe the other drawer actually comes out further oh there's a seahorse here right here ah a okay damn dude like it's so cool that one thing leads to another I am so stoked by this okay what is this having a hard time extracting this more code was this some it's a map what the heck am I looking at I'll Lincoln beware of all who pass through this underground tunnel the Nautilus has charted a course but the treacherous currents and Shifty Sands quickly lead the unawary astray I have to map this over the map that's there look at that map there it is what are we getting here what are we getting here here we go okay what are we looking for numbers so first one would be here and those are little V's they're little V's so is that like a five like 5 10 15 type thing or like it goes v Bar Bar Bar V Bar Bar Bar V and so they're not lined up with like quarters which is interesting not sure what these uh what these letters would translate into you know what I mean whoa weird okay notice the direction of the compass right now pointing pointing North okay so it's pointing around this way but now watch when I put it on here look at that look now it's pointing over there oh that is insane what okay hold on a second what does that mean so the first one's clearly pointing here but what does that mean what is uh how do I translate these because there are lines here on this thing so I'm going to stop here which clearly points here hmm I'm really not sure about what to do here with this Cipher what does this all mean okay let's I'm not sure which letter I'm supposed to take once I stop at one of these lines like if I line up the pin here with this line you know it gives me these letters these numbers and then the next one gives me those letters those numbers but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with all these letters and numbers that's the thing I'm trying to spell different things with using this to maybe it'll help me out so I'm trying to spell Dakar because it did mention he had a a hidden name he did mention here oh who know our patriarchal family name which is rajatan the key to solving the next puzzle this is the Keystone X puzzle one beside my wife only and I God rest her soul who know our patriarchal family name the only one who can solve this these puzzles and find the Nautilus is my son who I doubt survived the brutal world I escaped from who knows a patriarchal family name which is rajotten r j a h t o n so if we if we spell that so it's R and it lands on this line here that's right so it lands on this line here right a it lands on this line which is r a or RJ sorry RJ and J lands on that line so they all land on lines because you could be in the middle here Okay so RJ a on this line H the next line T that one again o and n and now we're on n or those I know those are on no lines am I supposed to take the numbers that they're at let's try that let's go r okay that looks like 280. I don't know where that'll get us J all right let's try this again r is pointing to this one oh wait a second okay I think I might be onto something if R is pointing there okay R here is 16. right follow me here R is 16. and that's point to that one if I go here and count [Music] 16 is a k hold on this is actually brilliant hold on uh our J J is that one and J is three that's an R r j a is down here A6 one two three four five six that's a y car rja h which is that one and H is 13 this is a crazy Cipher 13 on this one which is the first one two three four five six five six seven eight nine ten thirteen that's a p oh crypto hold on this is crazy uh RJ rja h t rjah now t T is five and it's pointed this one which is here one two three four five which is a t oh my God um oh oh is 14. 10 11 12 13 14 that's an o and finally uh what are we looking at and so same thing but n is 17 now 15 16 17 that's an s there's a secret word that says kryptos and as Jesse said this will be needed to solve his next puzzle in the sort of Nemo uh Saga however now that we have that can we decipher this I'm not I'm not exactly sure then I mean we did get the word kryptos so this should add up uif let's keep going yeah I don't know if this makes sense this site for here is kind of eluding me I don't think we can apply the same uh cryptex as we can with the other word for some reason I'm not exactly sure let me know in the comments if you guys think you figured this one out but I'm Gonna Keep at it uh but we're gonna I think we're gonna stop there and put this back together for now and uh this is something this is something I'll have a look at and try to decipher I think on my own instead of spending multiple hours on this one thing because it couldn't even like I couldn't even mix these words these letters around to make a word that wouldn't even form any other word so that's wrong ipsf team it is I mean it is a cipher because you have uif here uif here well here let's try this you know what before I give up what if you is t i is h and f is e right because we have like like the happens to be in a lot of sentences and um if that is a the and that is the right that would make u i s okay wait we can we can figure this out we can figure this out [Music] oh I see ah this is crazy because I figured out the seahorse pattern before I figured this out I figured that there was three seahorses before this even happened so I'm actually doing this backwards I've already solved this part or so this is either shall be three but might as well continue [Music] wardens of the Fisher wrote [Music] hidden in the navigation notes cool all right well let's put this back together we've discovered the hidden Cipher that'll help us on the next puzzle I'm so glad that we went back and figured this out but I really wish I would have taken the time to figure this out before moving on but I guess the uh you know when I saw this seahorse right away it was right beside the other two seahorses right here so I'm looking here and I see a seahorse I'm like oh there's a seahorse there try pushing it and it indeed pushes in this is one of the craziest coolest puzzles man I'll be like Frankie this is this you got to pick this up if you're a puzzle collector all right Let's Fold this folded so small very easy to put back together like most of his puzzles as well the reset is even though the solve can take you hours the reset takes you minutes and I think that's just really important thought out what'd you guys think of this one better than the Jesse James I mean this is right up there with the Jesse James he keeps like outdoing himself every single time it's crazy there we go back to the beginning other than this here wait why doesn't I have going now oh you just have to push it so cool we're back to the beginning this is so cool man I am so completely blown away by this puzzle if I could solve puzzles like this every week I would be a happy happy man um go check it out there aren't very many of these and if you want to definitely give Jesse born a follow uh to stay in you know to stay up to date with his projects because these puzzles will sell out fast uh definitely follow him and uh yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 486,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: cz_ac3foiBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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