Disney Villainous | Game the Game

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The player actions seem very SCYTHE inspired

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Duccix šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

Looks super fun! Definitely needs an expansion in the future though with how many good Disney villains there are. Would love to see a version with Professor Ratigan where you try and execute his plan to murder the Mouse Queen and usurp her as ruler. Fate deck would have Basil and Dawson and their allies showing up to ruin his plan.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AlmightySpoonman šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

They missed removing the Green Fire curse from the land when Maleficent moved to it as that was it's condition as it locked down where Maleficent can go. I guess that is why the need for the Vanish card. It wasn't a game winning miss luckily.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/clanggedin šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

Hi everyone! I saw this playthrough posted on game the game and I had some questions for you all.

1) Has anyone seen reviews posts about this game yet? It doesn't come out till August 1st but I wasn't sure if there were any advanced reviews out there.

2) I enjoyed watching this but I'm also curious if there are any other games out there that play out similarly. There are some games that are fun to watch but play meh. I'm thinking of picking this game up but with a limited budget I want to be judicious with my boardgame purchases.

Happy gaming!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/magicalPatrick šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

Prince John should be Scar. Other than that Iā€™m optimistic about the game.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Astraterris šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

Man, they are really pushing this game. I haven't seen one game overload my youtube feed so much since Mechs vs. Minions was announced.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what's up and welcome to game the game I'm your host Becca Scott but today you can call me capping because we're playing Disney villainess now before I introduce you to my friends let me show you how to play we're a hypnotizing genies and sending curses across the land that's right it's villainous from Wonder Forge this strategy game puts 2 to 6 players against one another as powerful Disney villains all trying to advance their evil schemes each of the six available villains has a unique goal and deck of cards to help them achieve their machinations setup begins with each player selecting a villain and then placing the matching realm board in front of them everyone places their unique villain deck shuffled on the left faith deck shuffled on the right villain mover on the leftmost location of their round board and handy-dandy villain guide and reference card nearby additionally some of the villains have a lock symbol on their rightmost location if so they place a lock token on that space for now take the power tokens the currency of the game and place them in the cauldron within reach of everybody each player then draws a starting hand of 4 cards from their villain deck and players randomly determine who goes first that player starts with zero power tokens the second player gets one third and fourth get two and fifth and six get three gameplay occurs in turns during which each player takes the following actions in order first move your villain to a different location on the Realm board players can move to any unlocked location but cannot stay at the current spot second perform actions at the location of your villain mover each location has symbols for the type of actions a player may perform in any order each action is optional and can be performed one time per symbol that appears in the space the player can only use the symbols that appear in their present location but those symbols can target cards at any unlocked location let's look at the symbols shall we gain power gather power tokens equal to the number on the symbol power is needed to play cards and activate abilities play a card this symbol allows the player to play one card from their hand paying the cost on the top left by returning that many power tokens to the cauldron cards include allies or items which can be placed along the bottom realm in a location and effexor conditions which are one-time spells or abilities conditions can't be played with this action but can only be played on another player's turn if all the requirements are met for example Prince John has got greed during their turn if another player has 6 or more power he gains 3 power activate some cards including allies and items have an activated ability which can only be used with the activate symbol fate choose an opponent and reveal two cards from the top of their fate deck play 1 and discard the other the fake deck contains villain specific cards that act as a detriment to their goals some of these cards are heroes which can be placed in an unlocked location of the current player's choice their placement also blocks some of the symbols on the top of the location keeping the villain from activating them on their turn move an item or Ally this action allows a player to move one item or allied to an adjacent location move a hero this allows a villain to move a hero to an adjacent location this is super helpful for opening up symbols on your board vanquish the villain may eliminate a hero in their realm by using any allies in the same location using the strength attribute on the bottom left if the ally or allies combined strength equals or exceeds the heroes discard the combatants to their respective discard piles discard let the player discard as many cards as they wish into their discard pile allowing them to cycle through more options in their decks finally in the third step of the turn the player now draws back up to four cards in their hand if a player's villain deck is depleted they may shovel their discard pile to form a new deck the game ends what a villain has completed their individual objective whether it's defeating Peter Pan a fortune and power tokens or setting curses upon the realm each villain has their own unique goal and that's villainous I'm Becca Scott and now back to me in a castle thanks Becca alright guys welcome back today I have four wonderful guests with me starting on my far right we have the Matt Mercer plane friends John one of my favorite old school Disney villains yeah and we have Mika Burton hi there I love these glasses and I love this pen I'm feeling regal but I promise not to be head of media I should mention here the Queen of Hearts yeah yes I'm a little terrified of you already I don't know when you could snap and behead you but I promise [Music] spinning wheels people yeah you behead people I'm gonna jab people with safety pins the modern version is you steal their DNA right exactly cursing lands yeah and welcome back to be Dave Walters playing Jafar I'm Jeff fobb a gorilla and I do not promise not to behead anything that wasn't even his thing that you're just gonna be heading mood apparently it's an option that's all the tape can you stick with them with snakes and sand the game's not over okay no we all know each other we're all friends you guys know how to play we taught them at home to play so first things first draw four cards from your villain deck how about we go around real quick and each say our characters objective wants to go first in saying that my objective is to start my turn twenty power you just trying to get all that power if it's over that is really all the money all the power data points all right my objective is to have a wicked at each location and successfully take a shot like like a crook a so yeah and that's like a card person that you turned into a croquet mallet well you won't be handing me one no promises I've taken it back now I might be head people we got that on loop no no I took it back no no take-backsies will play my free right now so put this pin I'm feeling regal but I promise not to be had any of you promise not to behead any of you promise not to be had any of you darn yeah so you remember that I am captain Luke and I just have to defeat Peter Pan at the Jolly Roger which is my first location out of my for my individual board here uh I have to start my turn with a curse at each location Jafar must start my turn of the magic lamp at Sultan's palace and the accursed genie under Mike true yeah we gave you the hardest one yes he's like a five-step prospect so we'll get into more detail as to how we achieve these specific objectives as we go along but for now I took first player because I get no power second to go gets one power third and fourth each get to power and fifth gets three power I want to make sure Matt didn't start with the three powers all right so on my turn I first and foremost move somewhere on my map I'm gonna go to mermaid lagoon because that's where I get all my money now I can do the four actions that are there if they're all uncovered so I'm gonna take three power I can play a card so I'm going to play a boarding party on the Jolly Roger and that's going to cost me to power then it is no one left all right maleficents gonna take a stroll to the forest and then I'm gonna take three power because of that and I'm gonna immediately spend three more just switching it out and I'm gonna send a savage boon to briar roses cottage savage that's where my allies go right here yes allies on the bottom you play heroes against you on the top because heroes are the evil ones really you really think yeah pan needs to grow up and get some responsibilities does get a job pants come on we're villains are hard workers how are you gonna feed the last boys think you're gonna go I'm going to travel Jafar just fall right yes I'm going to take three power well with my incredibly powerful rings and I will immediately spend 300 just summon my men serving Rose oh yes of course you have a man sir of course because I have to play a card action symbols I will also armed Brazil with a scimitar and I could activate a card but I have nothing to activate Oh for now what you got Prince John alright I'm going to go to see how the jail is faring to get myself three power no and I was been to it immediately to put some wolf archers on the board I'm going to put them in Sherwood Forest because I think that makes sense the big arches that obfuscation in the bushes I can also discard a card if I like I'll go ahead and I'll discard an imprison and they believe that is my turn alright I think I'm gonna take a little stroll to the hedge maze collect my three power noise show off my nice little bracelet there oh it's so fancy bracelet ring combo right and I am going to place a card guard on the courtyard you know just take it over there Oh pay one power for that one and since I can play two cards good go will spear there oh it's not just right you have so much power I'm go play one power there now what is your spear do my spear it gives one more strength to my ally yeah yes you can kill yourself some heroes yeah kill people so if I activate my card guard he turns into a wicket and once I have all of my wicket lined up and I take the shot I win the game oh it happened yeah you guys are out here murdering okay now listen doing whatever she wants I'm just trying out the records show you're the only one who verifiably threaten to murder people in their story did I got away I'll kill you after my game of croquet place of croquet and then you die mm-hmm okay now it's back to me first things first okay so I'm on skull rock here I'm gonna take one power and I have my wonderful to me I'm gonna play him on the Jolly Roger just so happened to get what's plus two strength if he's there partying I am going to discard a card that I don't want it's a condition and then my final thing oh oh what's that on the table who do I want the wart mmm I feel like because matt has the most straightforward objective I know I just can't let him get power so I kind of want to go for him but you already have your card guard out which I am intimidated by would you please reveal the top two of your fake deck yes for me to choose the Mad Hatter Mad Hatter gets +2 strength if March Hare is in Queen of Hearts realm or mome Raths move an ally to any location move an ally that's a good thing that's one of them no no I'm putting the Mad Hatter on your courtyard well you can miss her yeah fine then I see how that is [Music] hmm she needs an ally everywhere so yeah right perfect and you put it in the discard pile just below your fate deck and I need the fate token do I not you do you can't be targeted again until somebody else is targeted next good call yeah they see my turn I did all my things I'm gonna draw back up okay let's see um yeah I was going to I'm going to I'm going to play a sinister goon she was scouting at the forest so she's gonna put a sinister goon there just cuz that seems like a make sense and I'm going on fate rain down somebody because kind of Becca kind of put that again in my head Little John Little John is played take for power from Prince John and put it on Little John Little John has defeated the powers returned to Prince John or steal from the rich take for power from Princeton and put on any one hero and that hero is defeated the power is to return to Prince John I'm afraid you do yeah so the deal with heroes if it cannot be played it goes to the discard automatically and the other one has to be played or if neither can be played they both car to go to discard and it is just that villains fate that they were lucky that day interesting fate was in Little John to go so when you when we defeat Little John you get his power is that the do you know I lose my power to go on him correct yes I have to defeat him to get the power but power back I see it's fun it's great thank you only half three that you only have to put three on it yeah I don't think we would wreck on that and I don't know and he's five strength so he's a Tuffy hmm I'll put him the jail turret force don't you sure what she's already gotten some defense there we'll do the the what's the second one yeah friar Tuck's yeah that's great that's awesome a little John's gonna do a little weekend giveaway friar Tuck's oh yeah it's great the road there broski's some camping trip first token just far will stroll the streets of Agrabah Oh take one power and I also will turn fate that gets the miserable I [Music] have a splitting headache or John the hero so either if you play splitting headache I discard an item from my realm I don't have it someone guess you're not gonna do that sweet little John here he gets a plus-one strength if he has an item attached room I bet there's an umbrella in there just gonna say it and you get to pick where he goes I got Jolly Roger skull rock mermaid lagoon but my hangman's tree is still locked mermaid lagoon right that protected absolutely ok moving away from the jail pass Little John we're going back to Sherwood Forest I gained one power so at least I have one you do simultaneously have the best and worst gold to go ahead and play game to power each time a hero is played to this location we won't play heroes I can discard a card so I'll discard like our discard guards when using a vanquish action to defeat guards at least two allies must be used oh and Merryweather curses cannot be played to merriweather's location means the top two abilities are no longer available from this location correct strengths afford to defeat and you've already got a goon with the strength of three there so you need to play another ally or move another Ally there so they work together to defeat her I believe that my turn I'm gonna take a little stroll over to Toby wood and I am going to use this card guard with his spear to kill the Mad Hatter i behead him I'm gonna be heading up three yeah plus one and now beheaded listen you step into my kingdom you interrupt my croquet you get beheaded that's how this conversation we've been over this so clearly so since you fought the Mad Hatter your spear and your card guard get discarded as well since the Fox yes and also with my turn I feel like I'm gonna torture this poor prince to my right over here and cast fate on you the amount of power that finished on gains from each card or action is reduced by one power or a clever disguise it has doubled it's nice to a hero that hero cannot be defeated as a time Prince John may pay to power to discard the clever disguise oh I would like to put clever disguise on Little John like you have the hardest character actually it was it's so straightforward we all know how to thwart you yes it's great then you're all ganging up on me over this beautiful okay I'm going to mermaid lagoon even though John is in my way because I want that power and I get three power for going there so that was a good place to play John and then I'm going to play a card that card is worthy opponent game jewel power yes reveal cards from your fate deck until you reveal a hero play that hero discard the rest that's Wendy all other heroes in Captain Hook's realm get +1 strength I did this to myself and I have completed my turn Maleficent is going to go to browse she's gonna say you imbeciles she's going to get to power and spend one to send a cackling goon over to the forest because the sinister goon can't handle a little fairy godmother himself and that should be he gets +1 strength for each hero at his location I'm going to you on my condition called cowardice which is during their turn if another player has three or more allies in the realm I may play this card to play an ally for my hand for free I'm gonna go ahead and put my right no guards there well then I'm gonna play my condition ah judgment during their turn if another player has three or more allies in their realm you may play judgment and gain three power so much judgment very um I guess I guess that's it for me right now the Oasis was so delightful I'll return their 4/3 power and believe it or not that's it yes I was once the most powerful man in the world and I will be again I'll go ahead and move over to the jail to get three power back since I have none on me alright I will also paint two of that to go ahead and put trigger also in the fire text Church he's a strength of four but all other allies that triggers location 2-1 strengthen my rhino guards no a3 don't enjoy that's so much you know it's not this yeah oh right I'm gonna take a little stroll to the courtyard paint some more roses or have everybody else paying for this morning I'm going to take rose to power and I'm going to immediately spend one you have so much power I know are you jealous you got yellow and then I'm going to place another card in the hedge maze just gotta spread I'm a card guards and the simulator because you played a card guard you're just carted a card I played a card guard to start card Hey so I'm moving to the Jolly Roger and I'm going to power I'm going to play a car that'll be my pirate brute against Wendy over in skull rock and then I have the ability to vanquish and I will pay three to have built my pirate brute and then vanquish windy she's three the pirate brute is for goodness guys guns yeah oh all right so my private route was no match for Wendy she's tied up but he also goes to the discard which is a shame he's super strong now I also could discard a card but what that don't sound fun ok let's see for Maleficent Stern she's going to hey how about while you think about things I play some cunning during their turn if another it doesn't affect anyone than me I just get to play an ally because you have a goon with the strength of four or more any more savage goon than I do yeah so I get to play an ally from my hand for free nice yellow boarding party I'm gonna party over here mermaid look good she's gonna go ahead and move to king stefan's castle I'm going to take my 1 power beep and I am going to vanquish Merryweather my imbecile goons yeah it's okay she's mink wished right he goes in your she goes my discard and then these guys go away bippity Boppity beat me Oh No Merryweather um and let's see I'm going to fate Oh fate is the one who has nothing take your feet open this edit in the last one yes we got what we got we have a wish attached wish to a hero that hero gets +2 strength I don't have any heroes and I've boo boo is played to choose an item at his location and attach it to him Jafar cannot use the item when a boo is defeated the item is returned to Jafar the same location okay so you have no hero yes can't be the genie has to be a boom yes take a steal that scimitar yes I'll have them run to the streets of teeth or is he running with it definitely well yeah and pointed upwards completely dangerous under position is that all that is my terms so Jafar will return to the Sultan's palace where I belong well it's gonna get worse so I'm going to use my sorceress power to move Rasool over to the streets of Agrabah I'm going to use the vanquish action languish Rasul defeat this bring this down here great DVD version a cautionary tale I will draw one card and that is it for Jafar going to play another fate card I'm gonna go ahead and throw it to the Queen of Hearts plus two strength if madhatters and the queen who is dead by the line and down the rabbit hole find Alice and play her if Alice is already in Queen of Hearts roam discard an ally from her location oh well let's go ahead and find she was in the very bottom perfect and you cannot move allies or items while she's in play always hide the money in the hedge maze yeah a power to put bow and arrows on my wolf archers is that two items now sir location in the rail deception during their turn if another player has two or more items in their realm you may play deception reveal and play one card from that fate I guess whatever the top one is steal from the rich take for power from Prince John and put it on anyone hero I'm gonna win this game I have to pay to power to even hurt him I can't keep power choose my turn oh I'm going to take a little stroll back to the hedge maze you know where I keep my money I'm going to draw three Power Man you seeing all this power that you don't have I'm going to play two cards and that means I'm going to be paying three power card guards go in here cars guys go in here I can't wait to play card mmm yeah yeah and you know what I can also activate a card can I not oh yeah you can activate one card okay walking with power turn this little dude into a wicket I wickets have begun getting close that is my turn yep and we cannot smite her further hmm I played two cards when it wasn't my turn so I'm down to two and I don't get to draw till the end of my turn so it's a bummer well here's here's the part where I plan out my turn I guess I need money I guess I could fake people hard that's fun I can take it leave her open from somebody else to fate her I know I should actually I kind of just want to fate someone because Mick is doing really well she has so much money to to turn her card guards into wickets fate me I have no way of winning at least I can take her down with me that's why we can't have nice things yeah so you've got you've got to activate two more times and play one more card guards so I think I'm just gonna do fate just so that someone else can fate you back because if you're holding the fate token it's impossible so I'm gonna take one power because I moved to skull rock and then I'm going to wait upon you lady Kluck gonna be played or moved to the jail and she's a power sister or steal from the rich again I have no power to take so where do what many clucks go you can't be played in the jail so that they're not in hammer sherwoodforest you see her face thinks everybody's a lady clock you know oh sorry all right I want her to be where there are the least allies so probably where that la the item I don't secure by is really sure it's cool party over there partying that sherwoodforest I'm just gonna draw backup that's my turn let's just sense is going to take us through forest who is that blonde girl singing all the damn time I get three power feeling feeling good about myself fill myself and I'm going to I'm actually gonna go ahead and discard this pin three I'm gonna put green fire here that is a curse on briar roses cottage and that's my turn Jafar will return to the Oasis I summer in winter Oh three then I will of you scrying so I can choose one item or a lie reveal cards from your deck until you reveal the card of that type put that card in your hand discard the rest I won't Knight them because I'm gunning for this gear [Music] that's an effect that's an effect I like where this is headed magic lamp item require it oh I spend the one by the way okay first a little bit a little bit I might have a problem it's true look thanks that was the real problem with the lamp is no room it's a living space that's that is it for me no we I took I took a hit to open the Queen of Hearts are nobody all right I'm gonna fader [Music] [Laughter] where I gain one power for each hero in my realm oh my you know makes sense for you guys to go for each other cuz you're both monarchs dormouse cannot be shrunk and we have I'm late I'm late search Queen of Hearts faith discard pile for a hero with a strength of three or less and play back Europe discard discard pile know there is a thirsty there's the March Hare in the math Oh [Music] now can your weight get still fights on your bass no the wickets cannot fight I have to turn the wickets back oh that they can fight because they're paying the power to activate a card goes either way still count as allies though as allies but they are not fighting right there they're indisposed is their wickets to put their axes down to make sense your token I one second before you do anything I'm going to cast manipulation when we still have three allies ah which allows me to take any card from my discard pile this is during her turn yep yep so please continue didn't want you to install a change in stores no worries I think I will take a stroll to the Courtyard back to the Courtyard back to paint more roses I would take to power yo so much funner so much power and I am going to play one card which is going to be the King I'll go put him next to my card guards and the cosplay card guards is reduced by one power so it's great some of them are free some of them will be won but [Music] they're different they're different you've got a spade at a time and I see yeah the different suits of card guards have different powers and different strengths makes sense yeah who is my turn to the drove I'm gonna take power I'm going to vanquish dumb old John with my boarding party so they both go home they go to sleep I'm going to give them a scare the top two cards of your fate deck either discard both cards or return them to the top in any order if they're not Peter Pan I don't want them that's some bad item that's Tinker Bell so I'm pretty far from my objective because I have to find the treasure map in my villain deck which hasn't happened it hasn't happened yet when I do a treasure map I can unlock the hangman's tree when the hangman's tree is unlocked when I find Peter MIT pan he goes to the hangman's tree and then I have to move him all the way that Jolly Roger and then kill him so so far I've done none of those things but you know I'm just trying to flip cards yeah just turn the Flipkart rate I hope life yeah but you scavenger hunt that it's like all yours is as bad as mine yeah I'm doing okay and by ok I mean I've got one curse up out of four twenty five percent of the way there five percent completion here I'm gonna use my discard ability now and with my one curse I'm gonna head back to my forbidden mountains cuz I need to plan and scheme some more I'm gonna take my power and I'm going to mmm she witness to turn King Stefan's castle into the forest of thorns she's got two curses two curses 50% now and speaking of fate Sky's part and I'm gonna fade you Captain Hook sure rough seas I actually yes let's do it okay well we got Taunton pixie dust so now not what I was hoping for they're both items either taunt attach this to a hero don't got none okay or Oh each of them required a hero to afix them to I guarantee you that fanfic exists I'm also going to move an alloy and with my savage go into the forest no and that's it that's my turn so again Jafar will return to the streets of Agrabah and get how are you doing Jafar how is it your long-term strategy I have to find the Scarab medallion I believe it's called have to find ye I have to find the scarab pendant to unlock the Cave of Wonders play the magic lamp summon the genie hypnotized the genie then get all the way back around and begin on my turn we have complicated plants I'm starting to figure out why we lost and you have a lot of jewelry that's kids that's that is what's most important to me surprise there's no scarab in there I am going to go ahead and fade alright let's see dodo card guards at DotA's location cannot be converted to wicked or makes you larger either in large a hero or turn a shrunken hero back to normal I think we know what I think you know where are you that one empty spot where that one hasn't been converted yet this one yes can be multiple here may be multiple here right yeah no yeah well spread it out spread it will diversify our investment portfolio exactly I'm going to discard a card because I do not have Cod gods and that is going to be it for me I'm gonna go back to the Junior I need to have 20 power Oh we're gonna get my turn I have cuz I went to the ER to the jail surprise we can squeeze that with enough intimidation I'm gonna go ahead and go pay one of them to add a warrant to Sherwood Forest what does that do if whenever a hero is placed in Sherwood Forest I came to power you're going to tell us about that no I told you already have enough oh you have two of them I have one another him as well and I can discard if I lose but I doubt so that's the end of my turn you may go read the like Machiavellian plot I have four or three card guards at a four one is a wicked one cannot be a wicked but soon soon that's gonna change and yeah I'm doing them doing pretty okay I still do need the take a shot card we don't really wanted to be like a sniper but I know it's a croquet well done in playing that dodo because in order to knock out the dodo she's got to sacrifice one of her card guards to fight him and they'll have to find another one I'm lacking car guard I am going to take a little trip back to the hedge maze where people my money keep getting without power and I'm going to place a spear on my diamond card guard giving him another strength it's not like I'm preparing for anything no no battle looking so no babbling loosen dodo buddybop the dodo you have three allies right definitely yes I'm going to play tyranny during their turn if another player has three or more allies in their realm you must play tyranny or you may play tyranny draw three cards into your hand then discard any three cards pay a little more attention to Olympus that I'm gonna move to mermaid lagoon I'm gonna take three power and I'm going to play an effect this effect is worthy opponent gain to power reveal cards are you jealous my side game is just to make him suffer at this point you know any player just agree feel what I'm about to do is find a worthy opponent I'm gonna flip my fake cards until I find a hero and I'm gonna discard everything that I flipped it wasn't a hero and then play that here when Peter Pan is revealed this is Peter Pan you must immediately play him to hangman's tree even if it is locked any other fate cards revealed during this action are discarded alright well just your one but it worked out well for me no kept hooked on the board well I still have to find the map to unlock hangman's tree to move Peter Pan one two three times and each time I move him I have to move away from my movie hero location and then and then and then he's a strength of eight that I have to defeat so my second action is to play to power to play hooks case because I had to play a card in this location and this says this location gains a power of grabbing one power so I'll do that and then I draw up because my turn is over maleficents gonna go back to the forest and I'm going to get my three power and then spend that three power to play my Raven mm-hmm at the start of your turn you may move move Raven and perform one available action at his new location Raven cannot perform fate actions so mr. mean I can't do that now he's got like summoning sickness most spend another and I'm gonna play cackling goon on will stack him with the Raven over here and I think that's my turn draw - thank you Jaffar it's been a very long week back to the Oasis we all have our favorite spots we keep jumping dance we do we do we do and we all have so much power to discard and that is it for me I I believe I'm going to move to Nottingham that way I gained one power I believe a new job from there I'm going to play one card I'm going to play it's very much on brain tell me what you got I'm just here to show me what you got what you got when using a vanquish action to defeat guards at least two allies must be used and flora when flora is played Maleficent must reveal her hand until Flora's defeated Maleficent must play with her hand reveals Wow neither of these helped me at all this is really unfortunate let's just put blue floor down for fun flora I just want more fairy from the people where do you want to little creature on the one you're on right now on the forest she's a powerful ally there they could know it then never mind put it on the one I can see better soon that's the human yes this one has no Ally on it that one heroes cannot be played to this location it's on fire that one there good oh wait wait nope heroes must have a strength of four or more to be played to this location oh so you can there are only strength of - what are their Raven and friend Oh Raven and Friends put on the only one and she's got to sacrifice them to defeat it so here is my hand right now you know you have a selfie in your hand [Laughter] turn to you I have malice during their turn if another player defeats a hero with the strength of four or more I can plea malice and a few to hero strength or four or less if a hero is defeated at this location getting power equal to the hero's strength - one with the spinning wheel you have to play with your hand revealed until she until then my turn well played them so much power you and more wanna take a stroll back to my courtyard where the flowers are okay you've got eight you're not doing to them this isn't something in me I want to have money just - yeah sorry I've had a card that fell in my lap I also have my dragon for oh just here I only have three cards I should have ended with four dragon formed defeat a hero with the strength of three or less I don't see an action targets you before the start of your next turn gain three power dragon also also I'm a dragon yeah the card you say that on your turn because it's an effect yes oh you play it you leave it out and then if it happens when it's out currently so while I'm a dragon yes all right so I moved back to the courtyard and collected two powerful and I'm going to conveniently play this off with your head card remember I said no text backsies on beheading and I can immediately defeat a hero with a strength of four or less oh yeah condition oh wait no run go ahead so I'm going to defeat the dodo and pay three power to be able to do that so dodo is gone my wicked is now free off with your head is gone and I am going to discard a card that's it that's all I'm gonna do okay really wanted that dodo to have a string therefore okay I just need more cards to go through my hands right now so I'm gonna move to skull rock I'm gonna take a power I'm gonna play a card and discard a card so let's see that's cool but not cool enough that's all right I just can't do the cackling gonna really just happen a great day they're dipping one savage was cackling that's racist [Laughter] what do you mean you cool okay hooks I played another card that I get one more power okay and then I'm gonna discard oh don't even care about those pirates now here's the time went under strikes now you've got eight power but you're not gonna get 12 in the next turn so I'm not worried about it you need to convert two of your cards into wickets and now you're able to lay one of ours you guys find that far yes and I can't play it on you and you've got a million steps over there are too far yeah I think I'm just gonna have to go back to you you can't limit it while you're winning yes sure yeah so makes you larger either in large a hero or return a shrunken hero back to normal or caterpillar all allies at caterpillars location get minus one strength neither of those either kill your allies or keep them from turning into wickets so that's a bummer any votes and large will turn the hero to cover three of these yes please yes yeah yeah I would like to make Alice larger all right so you choose if you either want to cover this one or this one but they're both the same so oh I see oh what a cool mechanic but alright so you're trying to play lots of cards but I can't cover both of the play cards oh I would cover activate no matter what yes I do want between two play cards pretty much so it doesn't matter no can I do this one this space makes her able to play two cards yes sure so if you cover on that side there we go like that so Alice is mostly covering the hedge maze but she's kind of falling on over and I told you told you would yes well it isn't at the top of my turn Raven hi it's gonna fly to the forest get three power oh and then we're going to have wait didn't you move not yet at the start of my turn I may move Raven and he performs one available action and then Maleficent is going to what are you gonna do yes yeah and then she is going to move an ally yeah to spend another power put spinning wheel another all right that's it that's my turn Molly the seat is done I shall return to the gosset streets of Agrabah I shall cast fate upon Maleficent it's why I did it before you could sense to me so much oh that's too now make it worse yeah who's gonna make it worse yeah I'd like the general life is right ha should have been a dragon in traffic King Hubert when King Hubert is played you may move one ally from each adjacent location to his location and then we have Prince Phillip when Prince Phillip is played discard all allies from his location killing the Raven [Applause] [Music] in to a delicious irony summon Yago my bird you will rise again as a parrot so he's so angry he's a reincarnate he just is so annoying and you can't get right that is it so easy I'm gonna go ahead and go back to jail game 3 power I'm going to play a car that's gonna be a Golden Arrow on my my wolf archers if you manage to win then I'll be so incredible I know discard a card and discard a rhino guards and that's my time it wasn't immediate vengeance but I can play makes you smaller which returns a hero card back to normal size mm-hmm-hmm to fit up Oh first I'm gonna move I'm going to move to this one to play card pay to back to normal my work I am going to discard a card I'm gonna take card [Laughter] okay I'm moving to Jolly Roger I'm taking a power I'm playing a card this look I'm gonna play it on the hangman's tree can't go there yet it's - I'm playing a cannon it allows me to have an additional action of vanquishing not really important but whatever might as well play it it's to power and then I'm just going to discard everything okay I'm going to go ahead and do vanquish and a vanquish flora already and then I'm going to who's gonna do something else I can't pick my hand up all the cards and then I am going to cards down if you don't mind faint Matt [Music] sorry Prince John yeah he's doing well right so we have Maid Marian Maid Marian has defeated find Robin Hood and play him to the same location she's awesome when she's defeated oh yeah that's one that's when there is Friar Tuck when Friar Tuck has played this card all warrants from his location Prince John does not gain any power from them well there's a warrant at a location but it also says I believe that location also has if a hero goes here he gets power yes but it says that if you play him he doesn't get power from that one Maid Marian if she's defeated robin hood goes to where she was so it's kind of like two heroes two long rows yeah do you have how many warrants do you have up to but where are they they're there oh right I was like don't play that card cuz the warrant card to Maid Marian I guess right sure all right why are you putting here don't put her anywhere with a warrant right the the first block well this one has a war and this one has a warrant this one doesn't oh so the Church of the jack but you can have more than one hero in a place right correct it's a combined power then if you want to fight one of them your allies team up against them but they're not each attacking you at once gotcha you attack them they just defend all right I can't discard anything okay another dip in the Oasis for three power and I am going to use crying to look for an item all right so that's that I'm looking for dude I'm looking for the Scarab so hard giant hourglass I have to take it it's the first item heroes at this location get negative to strength until the end of your I don't care about that at all but I do have a second card I can play so I will play that I guess it's been won and in IE that's it let's see here top of my turn I'm gonna go back to Nottingham gained the power I will then pay to power to get rid of this disguise on little John it's like seven rounds of it I am then going to use my vanquish action to attack him with my wolf archers which have a bow and arrow and a golden arrow so there are two strength +3 and they can attack heroes that are at the location or an adjacent location that is a strength of three against five and I'm gonna use trigger to attack as well but that it will eliminate all you'll kill him but that'll get rid of all of them right so triggers gone the golden arrow when it's used to defeat a hero I came to power and what was the oh oh oh and for the bow and arrows when that ally would be discarded I can discard the item instead yeah so they can stay and I getting all that power back stop it no I only have like eight more turns any other sixteen sixteen I'm going to I'm going to do nothing because he's keeping the fake token so he can't get by I see I see we can still do it we still could do it yeah I know I will be moving to the hedge maze I am going to be playing by order of the Queen which converts up to two card guards into wickets who's I'm gonna flip these guys here into little wicket oh oh oh go put you there she has to play what's our guard and flip it to a wicket and she wins and old and that's picture that's my okay I move to skull rock I play a pirate brooch on the Jolly Roger I take one power I discard the rest of my cards and I faked upon [Music] you know I think Prince John is our biggest competition right away Cinderella story so when the church convert up the two wickets to card guards when Cheshire cat is defeated Queen of Hearts may convert up to two card cards two wickets definitely that one for the search weight of Hearts fate discard proper here with strength of three or less don't care about the heroes we're doing Cheshire Cat wait is that at one time effect where you want to go so you're gonna have to kill it let's put it next to your weakest card guard which would be the hedge maze I think oh right of course yes let's convert those two card stuff do put it where there's a card yard because then she st still use the card guard and exhausted to fight the special okay which card guards would give me anything let the two that are wickets let's turn them back to card guard for please be a map please be a map please be a map [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right let's see what you play enough to never trust so we're gonna go there this power and I'm going to smite we probably should have paid attention to that when I put on a hero and I cannot defeat that hero and I pay to power to get rid of them Oh Marian yo okay all right actually no I live alone I'm at the start of my next turn I'm gonna play vanquish I do not have to move to a location problem aside I just started my next turn if I do not want to [Music] you have to anticipate that you do that I mean again I return to the streets of agra live and I'm the rightful ruler nobody's really coming after you cuz yeah there's not a lot to happen over here so you know and then I'm gonna give Yaga a scimitar for America and freedom [Laughter] and then I'm going to smite the Queen black fire upon you oh gosh yeah White Rabbit the cost should activate a card guard is increased by one power which just cancels out the king you can see decreases by one power for mome Raths move an ally to any location the increased power one yeah is this an empty spot here where the one's tapped wait but that's where the Cheshire Cat Oh anyway is it anywhere okay well what else then anywhere I mean it's just it's an ambient effect basically yeah but you could cover up this is the only one left to cover up and she likes that spot it's true I like the spot for his bottom - laughs I mean whatevs anywhere there's mine yeah there you go right yeah perfect choice sound logic yes and and then that is it should I reach up on my hero yes that's all when it's all empty yeah that's it I mean not noise I mean dumb should go to the jail stop it he's one way one way wait what is one away from winning I swear to god I'll be so proud of you right now that I found my map because all I got to do is play it to unlock that and then take four more turns to Seattle to not get a power in four times great all right no too no I'm not going to discard some cards scar to there until this alright so final turns people I was gonna be selfish but I want to be strategic cuz I don't want him to win yeah I'm going to move to the white rabbits house I'm going to pay one power to activate this card garden turning it into a little wicket there here goes oh and I'm also going to cast poo poos on to you all right here we have Toby wouldn't opiate if he did we shuffle him back into Prince John's fate that might be then we have King Richard Prince John cannot pee I'm gonna do Richard or was it I want King Richard all right where would you like and I want [Music] oh and you can't fake their Oh isn't the one under Maid Marian and you can't to kill people here oh no it's played specifically yeah so I'm going to put it to there Oh aren't you so good and we're there in my turn [Music] well I came to power because you put in when I was 21 I think all right you may have already won this when it comes to your turn I got a lot of my sleeve because oh let's move to mermaid lagoon don't you have to fade her Oh what I'm gonna play this item we got the neverland map when it's played unlock hangman's tree just cost me four measly power no big deal to hook heads now we unlock my hang this tree [Music] okay okay but I'm a solid three turns away from killing it just so you guys know I'm going to put judgment so I can gain free power cool I appreciate it yeah it's my pleasure listen that means that I get another card and maybe you can stop him yeah no it'll get better with if we don't I'm just trying to make myself feel better I'm really going to be very happy the power of the kanga it cannot be stopped deeds are you gonna do I cast vanish so I do not have to move so I'm gonna restart here and I am going to take my power and I'm gonna smite you oh I wanna smite you I can smite him we have find Alice and play her or we have all allies at caterpillars location get -1 strength but Alice is already in play so if Alice is already in Queens Hearts realm discard an ally from Alice's location you can do it that's great I'll just yeah I'll discard your card just because this might be the last turn I have I'm gonna spend 3 turn into a dragon I have no heroes to defeat I'm gonna do it fade action hits me before the server my next turn I gain 3 power what happen but I'm a dragon now all right so my turn Wow let's just get this out of the way this is our one shot fade on him allan-a-dale all other heroes in st. and Prince John's realm get +1 strength or Skippy wolf archers cannot be used to defeat Skippy I mean if we're gonna go go go the hamster dance stupid dude play the hamster we're doing yeah it's where Marion is alright to cover her no warrants I'm gonna play my well I used his song sped up for the hamster I'm gonna give y'all go another sword he's dual wielding like the record to show even though it's over in you one that's the scarab pendant I need [Applause] all right that's it you have one because your turn started yes we'll start with your fart just me talk through all you needed to do to win yeah now I would have needed to now play this scarab pendant which would have unlocked the Cave of Wonders I would have then needed to play the magic lamp which would have gotten me the genie then I would have need to hypnotize the genie then I would have needed to move the genie for steps all right like it's very draw dependent like if you get that early in the game cruise through but in that circumstance you can't do anything well there's ways to go through faster true yeah you had had a mulligan through it I mean like I had my two curses on two of the lands so I would have needed two more of course I made the mistake and I discarded one earlier because there was like sick there was like a few curses in there and none of them ever came back up again so there's one so look I was really close I just need five more turns because I only have one location that has a move a hero power and I'm the only one that has that action ability so I needed to move there and away and there and there in a way to in order to move from three times you have any plat cards you could draw that lets you move in here it's an enhance no I just have that that ability right there these little markers are off nikka you were so close to take the shots so I had to opportunity to be able to take them and then I had a car guard so I could have put the car guard back here I felt like you were teetering defeat a hero so I could have like gotten rid I had so many these next and there's the other card we never should have stopped them there's the other take the shot so we've had three take the shots and a card guard and I could have been weak to be fair I was very lucky am i in because a lot of the ones that best ruin this deck are like the steal from the rich there's the ones where I take for power for me and put on any other hero right and they all came out at the very beginning with no key rose on my boards they basically did nothing those would have ruined me late-game and would have tied me up but that's like things out of the way early I was very very fortunate in those drawers also that Jafar was on her side cuz he saw what I was doing and said nothing any points any like favorite part I love how well the movies are all integrated and the character art is beautiful to me then every villain has their own mechanics to make it feel more unique is so much fun right I love that part well thank you guys so much for coming out today it's such a pleasure to play with you there are gems of humans and just real quick time either what they're up to if they know you or where to find you and stuff like that you can find me on Twitter pretty much every social media thing also hosting overwatch contenders so that's fun also I cosplay so check out my Instagram for like cosplays and stuff and I'm Marcia ray that's at Marissa underscore ray and yeah you can also find me on all things and give deceptively strong hugs be Dave Walters ahead to like show the cool lace sleeves of this I'm at be Dave Walters everywhere and I'm here saying words on camera as often as possible I also dam a much smaller game pump Theogony of Pyro's you earned it know that that's the you pay the hand place for this victory thanks so much for joining us to you guys it's almost a nice time walking the game [Music] all right I'm still doing it [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 600,013
Rating: 4.8986311 out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, becca scott, maleficent, disney, descendants, wonder forge, matthew mercer, mica burton, marisha ray, b dave walters, jafar
Id: xazYotI7TQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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