Bendy and the Ink Machine: CHAPTER 4

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It's gonna take more than that to give me the spook..! but this hallway- (manly scream) *baEIIIGH!!!* (waves) Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to the eagerly awaited 'Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter 4'! uuuuuuugh (clicky clicky) drp! (grunt) four! Now if you are wondering-- "OH NO!!! MARK!!! WHERE'S CHAPTER 3?!?!?" I've already played it... on a Live Stream :) (creepy zoomy zoom) you'll never find it... shhh.. So! With that being said- Let's get into the colossal wonders of Chapter 4 of Bendy and the Ink Machine ALSO!!!! A BIG REMINDER!!! Everybody in Australia we are coming to you! In November, links in the description we'll tell you when our tour is going to arrive in a city near YOU!!! And Amsterdam, (whispers) we're coming back in July links in the description as well. Now let's see...-- (henry whispering): Alright Joey.. (henry whispering) I'm here. (henry whispering) Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see... (mark being nervous (???)) Okay--?! (awkward silence) Where we last left of... .. death befell all over our enemies- I mean- not to that level of extent, I mean- for the most part we seem to still be in a world of hurt and our elevator seems to have crashled. As hard as it could. And we're at the lowest level that we could possibly ever get to and I am still glugging down sOuP- like nobody's business. ugh shEEpsOngs!! (zoom) with bOrst (boris) the pLeuf (wolf) So just a recap! Everbody gather around and listen close! So- As a recap- Bendy and the Ink Machine is about a HORRIBLY MONSTROUS entertainment industry! -- kinda like the one we have right now, but where ink comes alive! (fingerpointy point) And everything is colored in Sepia! (deep voice) Everything is in an Instagram filter in this world. Horrible!! I know.. But! Hopefully! This one will be a little less errandy.. than the last one.. 'Cause that was always my problem with these games.. I love the story! 'Love the atmosphere! There's a reason it got so popular! It's because- of this really unique take on it-- And kind of turning Disney into this perverse- E-Empire (!!) of horribleness. (finger mouthy touchy touchy) Mm. (Henry whispering): "Definitely something missing here." (mark repeating) Definitely something missing here. My valve vision can tell me that there's something really some-- wheel-y bit missing. But! We've plumbed the depths of this! As the former employee ourselves- We have to go back into this destitute and decrepit-- thhhhFIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-- aaaaadge. Destitute and decrepit location with which we (!)-- .. will discover the true secret of the Ink Machine, that fuels this horrible-- (door creaking) (inhales) Oooh.. SHORT!!?!?!?!? Wait a minute! uh- da- babble babble toil and trouble! What's going on here? (quietly) Alright, fine then- (Audio): gibberish and sobbing) (glass breaking) (deep gaggling and choking) (crying and sobbing again) (THUMP) (crying stops) (deep rumbling) (mushy, wet step) (plop) Okay! Oo-kay! (nervous laughing) Time is money! Hooray, hey hey! Hoo boy, hoo hoo! Okay! We're gonna die! Somebody here- is gonna die.. Hey! I've found the missin' thing! I'm guessing that this was accountant's office and- I'm guessing the accountant has turnt into bubble of oily goo! - which is usually what happens, when accountant's retire.. Now the other thing that this game is known for, is (it's) incredible numbers of secrets! (inhales) So if you see something that I do not see, be sure to point it out in the comments below! (quiet and strained) I'll definitely-- probably go back and find it! (squeaky sqonk) .. Helloo? .. ooh-NOPE! Nope! Sorry! This is a Strip Club! I didn't want to go here! I wanted to find out where I'm going- oh! MMmHmh! OoohohoH! (music box plays) AAAh! "He will set us free!" Yeah, you look it! Yeah, you look really free! Oh, you look so free! I've never seen such freedom in my life! I was just getting a good look at these guys and tHEY do not look too happy- but they do seem to be.. uuhh.. I don't know. Worshiping uh-Bendy idol. I don't know, I just gotta find Boris. Or one of his many clones! 'Cause apparently there are many of those! Now, I wouldn't be a fool enough to think that every single one of those Boris' is going to be good to me! I know that some of them are probably going to be a rotten and stone-cold bastard.. (susie talking): "They told me I was perfect for the role. (mark smiling awkwardly) Yeah. Absolutely perfect. (dark and husky voice) Oh yeah. Now Joey's going around.. saying things behind closed doors. I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an "opportunity" for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away with it.. (susie laughs) Well, oh, he's got another thing coming. Alice, ooh, she doesn't like liars." Mmm. Seems like lil' ol' Susie is reading too much into her role as Alice and-, kinda blurring the lines in between what's real.. (deeper voice) and what's not real.. So what's in here that I need? These saves seem to be open this 'Private Area'.. oOOkay! It's a poozzle! Alright. (noddy nod) I know- (step-sound) (mark is shooketh) bdeee.. (oㅅo) (uhh.. Mark?) (Mark.) (sigh of relief) Okay--- (oh nevermind)- (awkward silence because mark doesn't know what's happening) W-We're not on a boat. So it's not like the whole place is rOcking back and forth! We're underground!! (scared Mark trying to be strong) I hear you. Oh.. If that's by design that's the creepiest thing ever. (scared mark) (scaredy mark continues) Thaat's not okay!! That's really good ambiance, because that- I-I-I the- what I'm hearing is someone creepin' around here.. - while I'm in here. Which-is a rEALLy creepy thing to think-- when you think about it! And if that's true!- then by goodness gravy, they're doin' a good job here- (whisper) ..on the ambiance.. hUGh I don't like- (sharp inhale) (scaredy mark is back) (quiet and out of breath) Y-you hear that shit? You hear that? (laughing out of fear) You hear that?! Y-yeah, I didn't think so! O-okay, alright.. Okay- So there's some kind of puzzle here, I've got to activate this door-- And I don't know.. if these.. (mark shaking his fear away) .. these seem to be not- there doesn't seem to be useable interactions here, there doesn't seem to be anything here.. But, then again these.. (inhales) puzzles in this game are awfully obscure sometimes, so.. (mumbles) ...let's just try to take a look around the full area before we jump to conclusions.. Okay there are five lights.. which means that there's.. five hidden doo-dads! Ho! Here we go! (Henry) So that's how it works. (proud mark smiles) I'M A REAL SMARTY HNYAH! (confidence boost) Okay alright, I got it! Doh (?)- So that is how it works! So I had to hit that one fiRST! Before I hit any other ones, that are very clearly and obviously here! 'Cause I tried to push that, but it just didn't take it, now it did-- Alright, I gotchu! I understand you! (scream) (.. followed by more manly screams) HA! OH- OH! Okay! Hi- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho (it's not christmas, mark) Ho- Hoo- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Hooo.. (silence w/ shooketh Mark) MY WORD! My goodness gravy! Why would you do that? (scared babyplier) I'm a sensitive lil' baby! :( I don't know, if there'd be any out here.. doesn't look like it.. oOOh! oH- (gibberish)- I don't know, I don't know why it took so long to register-- --- but, oOh hey! They're gone! (sad babyplier missing his good ol' friends) ...Oh, it's a big bend- oh, it's a big bendy face I didn't even.. notice that! Mmm. (Smacks his lips) Good. This is- uh- going well for me. Lets just find the last two.. I hear that--! And now I think it's a more tangible threat! (Whispers) Ah- Here it is.. Got it.. Okay! Easy as pie! :D Easy as (a) big ol'-- bubblebu-- m.. (obviously scared) Enter the darkness.. Enter- Enter the- OoooH! WooOh! Heeey. Wooh.. Okay, by-by the objective of 'Enter the darkNesS' then.. ..that's darkness! That's real dark.. (giggles) t-that's dark down there! It's dark down there! So, I'm thinking.. ehh... That you don't mean that but maybe you dOo-? Maybe I need to leap off... Oh- I can't- I can't it won't let me.. (mark your face-) Okay! That's probably for the best. This is... (inhale) Oohh, this is not good.. Is this where the reminiscent of the- oH hEy The reminiscent of the Ink Machine? Like it wonders off, because- in the very first chapter, there was an "Ink Machine", but I don't think that that was THE Ink Machine.. Maybe the ink- ewgh- machine is spread like a virus, throughout the entirety of this complex.. And there's no stopping its.. (evil mark) eternal.. spread.. (Henry) I can get across here if I could find a way to fix this Okay-alright, how that gonna go for ya? (unconvinced) (baby voice) How is that gonna go for ya, buddy-boo? Huh? Is that gonna go good for ya? I don't think it's gonna go good for you. I don't think its gonna go the way you think it's gonna go. I think that these guys are goin' to try to stop you. No matter what- No matter what you do- your never going to be able to- Oohhhkay OOOO! Don't like that!! (creeky noises) (mark with his spoopy face) Okay,- I don't wanna know why this looks like Darth Vader's meditation chamber--! I don't want to know at all actually. I just- uh - you know I'd rather not know.. WWWWHOA (small voice) Hi? (creature groaning) (wheeze) What do I do with you? Can I have that? (POP) WHAH I -uh- I -pmfp- -uh- -uh- ThAnK YoU??... I think??? (shrugs) I've gotta glob of a goo Where do I shove this goo? This magical repair goo is gonna fix... e'rything. Could you shove it in here? I've got a GOO! Come on, tell me where to shove my goo! (goopy noise) (crank sound) (rubling) (DING!) (Mark's thoughts): ('s a cup.) (OMG wait!) (My mind is being blown as I think.) (Ink = cup = object = everything in the universe.) (long exhale,) Ooooh- (a very long exhale indeed.) (several years later...) Ooh! (Out of breath) I get it! The goo... can be used to cr- Everything here-- (sharp inhale) -- was made from the goo..! They make th- Everything from the goo! That's why everything looks like it's drawn on paper- It's ink! Everything here is ink! the goOO! Everthing is made from the goo! Everything IS the goo! They use the goo for EvErYtHiNg! And that's why EVERYTHING is going WRONG! The imagination comes to reality through the magic of this goddamn GOO! Is it gonna make another cup? Or is it just gonna spit out random... (Swallow) Okay so, there's gotta be something with this goo Can make something more than a cup, right? And also, I don't know why!- this guy is just so chill about this I-I-I question this a little bit but you know I'm not gonna question it too much 'cause I don't want to.. BUT! There's gotta be some kind of macenational machine here that's gonna give me A cranky-yank. A *gear,* as it's called So it's not that one So it's gotta be something else.. But that's fascinating, that's why those things are alive! That's why everything here is alive! (quiet, almost rumbling) Now see, this is what I like about Bendy and the Ink Machine It's because it really does tap into some pretty weird stuff-- But, when you bring out things like this, It starts to make sense! It starts to make sense in that weird way that things make sense when you're not too right in the head! When you're thinking about things that shouldn't be thought about so much. You get in a m00d! And then when you get in that m00d you start to let insanity creep in on ya, and you start to be willing to use this stuff for things that AREN'T(!)-- (quieter) supposed to exist. And that's how people can blend together- That's how everything can start to take a life of it's own! They found this magical, magical Ink Machine. And so long as they kept it running, everything would be OK! (whisper) That's fascinating.. I wonder if I just slap it here, can it work? Nah, I need to make... a gear- Okay. I'll be right back, I'm gonna figure this out, but -uh- I'll be right back! Wait! OOHH Here we go! Cup! Gear! ...What ever that is.. Bone?? (smol voice) I like a bone.. Bone.. Oh, give me a bone, I'm gonna give it to Chica! C'mon! C'MON! Oo bone! (disappointed babyplier) That's too realistic.. (marks terrified and nauseated face) And THAT... Is how they made so many Boris'! And that probably means that there's more than one Bendy.. .. Unless it's all Bendy.. Unless that's the whole thing right? (Bubbling sound) And then! That means that SoUp- (sharp inhale in realization) That soup ain't soup! If they printed the soup from the goo then that's just g00 and we're all eating GOO! Ooh The ramifications of this are never-ending.. Let me find out what the -uh- this is? I wanna find out (rumbling) (DING!) Ooo? (jazzy music starts a playing) (and markimoo starts snapping) (whispering): But that's such an elegant concept..! Sorry, I'm geeking out about how cool that is. That!- is environmental story telling right there. Okay, let's not get distracted by how amazed I am at all of this. So we gotta put this in here. Boink! And we gotta turn over the cranky-yank We don't need a-- anything but this.. got the cranky-yank put it here, smash it out.. And then suddenly a whole world of possibility opens up right before our eyes (ker-chunk) Oh yea What happened to the-? (mark is confushion) What happened to the-? (what happened to what, mark?) The lever just kind of disappeared... Should I not be concerned about that? (no mark) Alright okay, we're going to pretend like that didn't just happen and we're gonna be able to come back at some point..? Alright, Hippity Hoppity onto the candy shop! (CREEK) Weeee! I did it! Sending me back, very slowly.. Almost too slowly.. Oh, very disturbingly slow! It's almost at a speed where.. (SUDDEN PANICKING MUSIC) SOMETHING COULD GO WRONG! (violin tremolo) I had a funny feeling.. (music becomes more suspenseful) (Mark's heart is beating faster) (the music hits a dramatic crescendo-) (before a sudden sforzando) (sorry I'm a musician) ;) (CRASH) (Mark looks into the camera, growling to hide the fact he was very scared) Aaah.. (not-so confident Mark) Oh, I see! Oh, I see! Oh, that's how you're going to be game, hUH? Ooh. You're going to fake me out! Well, I'm- I'm a veteran.. of hundreds and hundreds of horror games! It's going to take more than that to give me the spook..! But this hallway b- (Mark's manly veteran scream) I KNEW IT!!! (scared, no, veteran Mark): Okay! I regret! Du- Calm down! I- NO! It's a NO! "No" means no and I'm glad you respect that! Okay! It seems like I'm going a little loopy, probably from all the soup I ate.. Maybe it was like a choice! (inhales) Maybe that first soup can, if I hadn't eaten that, I would be a little bit better here.. (Alice): I see you there, my little errand boy. (terrified Mark): Please don't call me that- (Alice): Your angel is always watching. (Spooked Mark): Great! Uh, Th- that's not good. (Alice): What is it that keeps you going? (Alice): Is it the thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? (Slightly Shook Mark): Mmnh, I don't know, not really.. (Alice):... or perhaps, you're just looking for a little, friendly, wolf.... (spooped Mark): Maybe, yeah, I mean that's kinda like it...-(woman laughs) (Alice): Better hurry, errand boy. Boris is having trouble staying in one piece. (over analytical Mark): Okay, alrighty...saying that like he's- he's like cut in half or is he like, mentally degrading..? Or is he just like.. I don't know, he- He's not really into 'One Piece', the anime and he's just like.. He- he wanted to get into it, but he couldn't really like- start! You know? Or he got started and it was just like, it petered out after a few dozen seasons, you know.. I don't know.. (shyplier) Can I get some more information..? and PLEASE don't send me anymore errands! That was really uncool of you last time! Eugh, alright- SOUP! Whoop, too late now! Just shove that in my gob! (:D) Now that I know what that's all about I'ma gonna eat all this soup. I don't know why they're giving me soup anyway They're giving me soup here- but I don't need soup. So there's gotta be something to that. Maybe there's multiple endings in this one because there are choices in this game to be made! (lips smacking) There are choices to be made. And then maybe after all of this is released maybe there's actually gonna be some choices that carry over.. From each one to the next one I know not for I make sTupid choices. Oh, hi- (weird goopy guy walks on the balcony, crying) (GooGuy): "He always finds me!" "Oh no!" (sobs) "I-I just wanna go home." "When do we go home?" "WHEN DO WE GO HOME!!?" (whimpers and sobs) (Mark): okAY? I'm guessing never! I'm guessing never is the answer to that one. (Apathy is ugly, Mark. Go sit in the corner.) Can I hide? Ooh I can, I don't know why I would. Sorray! Poopin' Alright! Done Poopin'! Is that save? I think that-wasn't that the save mechanic last time? I don't know. Ooh- Soup. (gulp) I'll take that thank you. Is that a watermelon with a camera in it? (WATERMELON INSIDE A WATERMELON!) Okay, whatever (quietly) Maybe there is a thing to find all this soup, but I don't know. (note plays and door squeaks) Okay, ya'know what?- I'm just gonna back away slowly. I didn't mean to go in there- --urm mamama-- --o-okay! Okie dokie done! Okay I don't why-- --but for some reason looking in this general direction-- --makes my computer slow down-- --sooooooooooooo--- --I'm guessing it's 'cause of all of you guys are here-- --and you're very-- (le gasp) (dark Mark voice) Oooooo yep!-- --Yeah I feel like this is it-- --Well, I don't like this And we've got it in cinematic horror vision. Okay, I'm just gonna you know, don't mind me just wandering juwaba okay alright we're wa- Arhy, we're out of the woods whoo! Is that some soup? OKay I don't know what that is, but I'll take it Oh, du- ah- wa- dwa- ba- wa- wai- I- was justa gonna OO00oohh hAiii You know, I- I wanted to check if there was sUOp... there... but i guess... urghh... right. weLP! Only one way to go, I've made some errors I shouldntve rushed through the... Nwell, what can you do? he he hA he Carrying on as if (BENDYNESS) AHEEEEEEEeee (Breathe, Mark! Breathe!) oh, I don't like that..- Shesh shush- I wasn't being too loud when I was SCREAMing in TERRor was I? I think this game is remembering what it was. Which is a horror game. (dark Mark smiles) This (quiet and out of breath) rlly cool & i like it rl scary real scary.. uh really really scary uH Oh, dead end okay, oh scary. But that's good! I like it! (inhale) I need that! It should be that! This is a horrible environment and there's only one chapter after this! I think anyway, unless it's not a five chapter thing, but who knows? But this is cool stuff.. This is really cool stuff. oh boy (inhales) okay? oughh (slime dude banging his head) oh no! No No No! I remember a very similar scene from Dead Space.. 000H N000 Please don't do that! Please don't! Okay, thank you.. I'm guessing... What I'm guessing that's all about... is... the people who worked here. after ingesting the soup goo, they started to change! Like, their body was taken over in this goo form.. Because! Like! They say.. if your body is replaced, one atom at a time, very slowly imerrrdly (?) But if it's replaced one atom at a time with something that's functionally similar, but all together different.. When would you notice? When would you become something else? At what point... would you stop being... yourself, and become (zoom with sudden notes in the background) THE GOOOO? I don't know, if that's as elegantly as i could have put that, but when do you become.. (zoom again) GOOOOO! "Come up and see me"! OKaayyyy- Alright whatever you say, um.. definitely eager about that. Let me just poop this goo out. AUHH Okay, we're good Almost here- mmmmm, oh boy. hmmmmm well, great! What are you building up towards? Got any soup? I'm real hungry. hullo? (Bertrum Piedmont talking): "For forty years, I've built atttrctions that stagger the imagination! Colossal wonders such as the world has never seen! I have earned my legacy with sweat. But right in front of everyone.. high level investors, Wall Street tycoons, the ever tactless Joey Drew introduces me, the great Bertrum Piedmont, as BERTIE! (stelthiplier sneaks a sip of refreashing beverage) Like I was his CHILD! (Mark sips the delicious nectar of the metal can fruit) You may be PAYING me, Mister Drew! But you don't OWN me! I build you a park bigger than anything YOU could ever possibly conceive! But befor you go taking any bows, Mister Drew, know that this grand achievement will belong to me.. and to ME alone. Okay, Alright. Egotistical much? I mean I would know, given that I'm egotistical- (inhale) to a very humble degree. BUT! What does this lever do? Great, I opened storage number 9! So Bertrum there is the architect of all of this, but not necessarily the originator of the cartooooons. Good Ol' Bertie, there, is on a little bit of an ego trip, but maybe it's justified. Is that a foot locker I can open? C- can I crouch? How do I crouch? Can I? PLEEZ! I know you have soup in you! Ignoring that, let's just keep going back. And Storage number 9 is open! yeesh I don't like the monolist... (?) Bendy there.. Just seems a little too much like whorship. And why did I ditch my flashlight? That couuuuuu... seems like I might've needed- ooohhhhh (room wirls to still life) Bendy Hell!! Tremendous fun for everybody! Right! ohkay Tremendous fun you say. How tremendous are we talking about and how much will I- (Henry): "I better get over time for this." (mocking) Better get over time for this, you gonna get over time hrb-brb-brb-brb-brb OKay, funny joke. It was funny last time, now funny now. ooo Strength Tester? I -uh- I'm gonna be a man baby! (Henry) This haunted house seems like the way to go, but its going to need some power. By power do you mean...? (Henry) Hang in there Boris, I'm coming. Oh yeah, here we go! oh uh aw whaat, no! c'mon! hwehhhh HWRA UUGH Man Baby! C;mon!! N O C'mon, we're gonna get it! Am I hitting it? no- Dammit! C'mon! I'm better than a man baby! (hit)…(ding) HEY! (Alice) Tell me, are you having fun? I'm sure Boris doesn't mind waiting for his rescue party. Hey! Look! You don't judge how I do. If you're gonna watch me, then you're going to watch every moment of my life, including the bathroom and this Bing Bong Beller!! So Shut Up! Ass... hole ok, we gotta get power back on somehow hiya, ok that don't work Nevermind, none of those work. I guess I gotta do this the old fashioned way. phweh (tongue noises) phweh with, I don't know, a key or something. There was a tip that said search the warehouse but.. something tells me, that that's not gonna go good for me either. There's a Savey Doo Dad, if that is indeed a Savey Doo Dad.. I think this is a Savey Doo Dad? If it's not a Savey Doo Dad, then I'm taking a gratuitous amount of shhhits! and that means there's a lot of gooo-oookay? helloh, boy-- Oh those are trash cah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ahns (inhale) ah, I thought it was like some kind of a... Uh D-uh -uh- the green guy from the Mup- -uh- the from Sesame Street. I forget his name right now.. Grouchoh! Whatever his name was. But they're trash cans. Which is somehow wo-or-orse. (laughs) So somewhere in here there's gotta be something that can help me get the power back- on. OH! Wait a minute! How did I miss this? Oh hell yeah! o hell yeah (wally franks talking): "The guys down in the warehouse get to play all day while I'm stuck cleaning after 'em! They kept locking themselves out of their own back room. So I says to 'em, "look guys", I says, "you've smart, right? Here is an idea! Why not rig these games up to knock open the door if ya win? It'll be fun you guys, and it saves me the trip down here every day." They went for it like a dog to pot roast. I tell ya! If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm outta here!" (inhale) Wow! What a genius idea! Oh, that's so smart. uahh wohohhhh Alright, no one judge that. uh! Alright, nailed it! uhhh wrwrwaaat?? HOw diD -uh- hoW DId dah Di diii ok, der we go. It's at the bottom of the scoop. Bohh Okay, that's baloney! Oh, this is a bunch of balonkers! (nose boop noise from FNAF) How!? That was a win!? Hey, okay I'll take it! Whatever, alright, I got the BB gun. Imma show you what's business. oh no- uh BAM Got it. (over confidently) ah bam! You gotta hit the X that's how it goes Oh no, not the X? Knew that, but I was just saying you know. I like hitting the farty noise one It's a good thing, i'm so good at shooters (mark invested in the game) (FNAF nose boop noise) Okay, or don't click OH, wait How was that a-? That was not a win! Alrigh-I'mma assume thats not a- woah I guess that is mubalumaybe uhhhhh I don't know what the blastoff is but I'm curious Dahmit! What the frick! WHAT THA FRIICK!! (HONK) NO I can do- I can do it Hang on. Everybody shut up this is worth it. (ping ping) (HONK) HeUh? Did I win? (realizes it wasn't worth it) Well screw you guys! O- kwhatever! I just don't even care anymore whhhhhhhh I care- I care deeply- I care (inhales) OhH.... ahhhhh I care deep- ohhhh-nooo oh thats awful (Henry) That's one. (Nervous Markey-boi) Yeah, that's one... Yeah that's one all right that's- that is- that is one. You are right y- thats- dat was one One. Gottem! Brilly nailed it I- I spose SOUP GREAT SOUP Got the soup One of those must have opened something else But I don't know what I guess I got to keep checking the doors Maybe they open one at a time or maybe this one got open too. I don't know nope Ok so- mm- its got to go- MMNNN Now let's just see what this does Alright. Number One! (eerie silence) Did that- Did that do something? Sir! Do you know what that did? It's glowing here now but I don- I don- maybe it was always glowing lemme poop Think about this really poop poop think good old poop think OH! HEY! Oh, this is open now! I didn't know this wasn't open just a second ago. ok moar soup, please (Henry) Looks like I've got some company up ahead. Without some kind of weapon, I don't stand a chance (Henry) There's gotta be a way around them (Clanky Markiplier) Oh whoops I thought I was gonna eat that I was operating under the assumption that I was gonna monch munch on that that ohh kay ohh, yeah get the good soup Ohh, yeah (lip noises) that's good stuff Ok, so I gotta distract them Maybe if I throw it into the fire, they'll all just dive in head-first AhHh WeRe So StUpId Ok, or maybe I could do something else to it k, I cant crouch, so I can't exactly be stOOlthey about it but what I can do... is lure em into corners- WHAAAA is that a face? Ok that's a face! Alright that's a face! That's a big old face. What I can do is I can lure them into areas where I'm gonna need to go- THAT IS A BIG ARM!! Wai- Thas- waaaaaaaAAAIIIIIIIIT a minute! Thas a big arm Like thas- thas a big arm. That arm is proportionally too big for even those big faces Why do you need that that big? Why is that a nessissesy? I remember fighting those guys in the last one, it was a bit annoying but I guess they changed up combat for... (falsetto mark) runnaweee Ok what if I toss it down here (fails epicly) Sh1t (yay, you got it!) (Um, mark you already got it) Did that work? (whispers) kay it worked. I don't know how long they're gonna stay there I doubt they're gonna stay there very long Sew Maybe that'll be good? I UsEd three cans on it, that wasn't a good idea, but you know I'm never- Ok they're back already Cheesums Ok maybe I can just- Since they're not facing me, I guess- I could just- Ya know- Kinda like- Do OnE oF ThEsE MoVeS haw ohh shet (And now for a Markiplier Classic... "Oh shit") OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT HEY HEY HEY AAAAAUUUGHHHHHH oh-eh-ah-oh-eh-ih-ooh I don't know what-bo-beh do I-buh- -am I just gonna die? Ish shsh jush my death now? I guess I don't know- I don't know what's happening anymore?! I thought they were gonna hit me in one shot but doo apparently not Ok alright, Can I have the soup please? (Lost one cries because mark stole his soup) Ohh boi "The Creator lied to us," I'm about to be lied to Incredibly (Markiplier having FNAF flashbacks) AHH oh fuck Hai Ok, alright uhh I figured as much Oh oh. oh? OoH (frooked Mark) Ok is this the gi- gigantic inky butt hole of the afterlife? I don't know what I'm doing- do I- Oh, I can move O-Ohhhhh, I gotta walk towards the light I thought I was just chunneling through there It's some kind of weird birth thing Ewwwww Gross (The noise of mark being born) (mark reregistering what just happened) EWWwWW Ewww Just really.. eEuUgh I don't know where to toss em Cause they came back so quickly I can't exactly be over here than run all the way back So it's gotta be- it's gotta be some confirmation of- err, conFORmation of you know, tossing it over (whispers) I don't know how long I can toss Ugh! (falls to floor) How- v-vph how- Thz- that doesn't That doesn't make any sense! (Henry chokes to death) didn't make any sens- How's zhhz baby throw what's behind me I can't look behind me. wha-the- howzit baby. (trails off) How is it a little itty-bitty baby throw? ok ugh (Sneaky mark run) ok We made it easy as that, I don't know why the first one was a baby throw but whatever (in mocking baby voice) Hey whas going on crybaby? Ooh you cry big goo tears? (Still sassy baby mark) OHH NO, oh you lost your body, got replaced with goo. (normal screamy mark) Well, you can be what ever you want! Just form yourself into something different if you're so.. sad! Alright I'm sorry I feel bad I don't know why I'm berating it on you, I'm just upset Okay, let's see what this had to say... (Voice of Lacie Benton) The only thing that works around here is my ucler half these people don't know a wrench from a dang steamroller! Buncha morons is what they are Spend their days in the warehouse arguin' over who's supposed to be doin' what or playing them silly games Still, I'm not complainin'. I get most of my time to myself Suits me just fine The only thing that bothers me is that mechanical demon in the corner Bertrum's been working on it for a month now. Says it'll walk someday and maybe dance All it does now is give me the creeps I swear, when my back's turned... ...That thing's movin'. (Mark's having Five Nights at Freddy's flashbacks) Uh.. y-you talkin'... You talkin' 'bout that animatronic looking thing? You talk- you talkin' about Mister Animatro-mo here? That's opening up a new door! Why does it need to be mechanical!? You could make him life like anyway!!! You didn't need to make him a ROBOT!!!! What was the point of making him a ROBOT?!?! Apparently the electricity was already on so let's try this! No!!! No! No! Oh-no! No! NO! Come on guys! No! Alright, back into the butt-hole, I guess Apparently from my last death sprint There was already out there I kind of want to see what's in that little nook and cranny Over in the other corner before I leave because the power maybe on but I'm- -Not necessarily donezo here All we got to do is NOT do a ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᵗʰʳᵒʷ that's alllll we gotta do *whispers* k go go go go alright.. wOaH what's this? ᴡᴏᴀʜ maybe i needed to come over here, * 𝒷𝓊𝓉 * i donno what that was okay that d i d a thing! i don't know what that thing 𝕨𝕒𝕤 but it did a thing 𝒶𝓁𝓈𝑜 it says "I. O. U." written right there it's confusing, to say the least. okay... I don't know how to get them... then if i do over there too... *whispers* yeah yeah yeah, keep going ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵍᵒᶤᶰᵍ uH oH no we're fine..? we're fine..? whoOOOOOOO we're fINE okay we're FINE okay we're GOOD we're going out -there- they're not gonna get me aand we're all good. OKAy so i got what i needed and then i activated power to something that sounded like a train of some sort (toot toot), but i don't know why there'd be a tRaiN over here. either way, we got power and i don't think that would have been two different powers.. it's only one. maybe i needed both of them for -this- ᶤ ᵈᵒᶰᶰᵒ but it opened something one of these other doors must be open now, right? (yes?) that's how this ʷᵒʳᵏᶳ, it's an ᵉˣᶜʰᵃᶰᵍᵉ i think that doors open over there i don't know why i didn't just go over there and cHeCk, but then again im a DUMbass so, what do i really know anyway... yEs it's open, okay. so what do we have down this hall- (spooks).... wAyy Of dOoM *okay* we're gonna close me in here huh? we're gon- whatit? wher- what am i- waait- what is- where am i- wait a minute.. *chuckle* what am i looking at? OH! oh it's one of, the dUdEs ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴀ OH you're NOt fUn Oh you are horrible! Ugh! It's like a Parana attached to the butthole of a face! yeesh! Alright! More soup for me I guess! Not that I need it! Then why do I keep drinking it? sch-oooooohhhh!!! OOO-kay! alright! Uh-hu! (Voice of Bertrum Piedmont) The biggest park ever built, a centerfold of attractions. Each one more grand then the one before it. It makes my eyes come to tears at the thought. But then... Oh Mister Drew. For all your talk of dreams, you are the true architect behind so many nightmares I built this park. I was to be a masterpiece! MY masterpiece! And now you think you can just throw me out? Trample me to the dust and forget me?! (Bertrum): No! (Markimoo's face jumps to shock as he hears loud clicking) This is MY park! MY glory! You may think I've gone... But I'm still hEEEere! (What looks like a face pops out, forcing Mark to open his mouth in fear!) OOOOOHHHHH OH-OOOOHHHHHH Oh HAI OHHKAY THAT'S AWFUL THAT'S HORRIBLE OH OH OKAY... OH...HOW WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF? SIR! BERNY...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? OH MY WORD WOW...WOW OKAY UGH THAT'S HORRIFYIING I DON'T WANNA LOOK AT THAT AH AHHHHHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING OK, alright can you not do whatever you're about- oh..ok that guy... okay alright...just skidoodle...nope okay Don't understand what i'm supposed to be- ohh're back out there... oh god...I don't like the way he looks at me. Oh god that's is the worst thing I ever seen... and I still don't understand why! wow, that was close...okay well I guess i'm fine then If I just skirt around the outside... There's gotta' be--oooh hello that's... a thing that's glowing and weird... so I'm going to go towards that...I guess but I never thought of that I would say go towards this big glowing thing. Okay, it's nothing. There's just soup. I don't know why I did this. I don't know what I'm trying to do here. There's gotta' be like some way to turn him off... Right now he's very turned on. I know I'm very handsome so we just gotta' rouse by my luring figure. I just gotta' cover myself up so he gets less.... you know... "AROUSED" Hmm, what happens if i get too close... HEY BERNY oooh hey Berny... Ok, out of all the rides to turn yourself into in a horrible... Frankenstein-e-en incident... I don't know if I would gone with the octopus tilt-a-whirl thing... But ok. Those are glowing. Wait these are glowing hang on let me- let me... see if I could do something about these... NOPE! Okay, I need some kind of tool. Ooowww OoOoWwWw OH PPFH WhHAat HERE REALLY?!?!? IT WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME... OOoohh well, goodness gravy... I didn't know that was there. I didn't see the axe so you can't blame me for not picking it up... Cause who would of known. Alright come on this is going to be a trial of a trision... Imma slowly smash you up. Oh yeah that's good stuff give me- -give me a look of that. Oh yeah, that's gone. You don't deserve that or that. No, no not today, not today, not today. Not EVER actually... If you really think about it. Whamp Whampa-WOoAaH WELL OKAY THAT'S GONE...AHHHH OW OW OW I WAS TOO CLOSE. BERNY...BERNY? OOOHH BERNY(x3) Let's reason seem like a reasonable person. Only a reasonable person would put them into such a predicament as this. Alright Berny listen imma do this and then imma go run because I didn't know that I needed to run so quickly. Yeeshh Alright! This one is going down! Ho! RUN!!! RUUUNNNNA! Oh! Woah! WHOA!!! That is inches from my face, sir! Thank you, alright! ( j taking over ) So I just got gotta get these two, but I don't think I can do em in one fell swoop. If I do get in the angle, I probably could, but uh somethin tells me I'm not gonna get in the proper angle- uh oh, no I'm definitely not gonna get in the proper angle dangle now- well shIT I really goofed myself okay another one biting the dust presently I can't geT OUT OF THE WAY IN TIME gOOO- WHOO WOO! Bernie, listen, calm down man, it's not not worth it man. Bernie, look, don't look at me with those- okay, you're gonna really you're gonna move it all the way over there. You know it's your own fault. I could've been reasonable about this. But YOU bu-ohh hey- ooo ehh (Mark noises everyone) uh- kaboom? hEY uh oh stop? Is it saying sto- oh no you're saying, uh, you're dying okay well, that was definitely an interseting boss I've never fought, uh, an amusement park ride before. I've been ON an amusement park ride and terrible things have happened ala "The Park", but- not necessarily do it straight up like that. so thank you, that was uh oh yes it's just my normal blasé about all of this- ah what, uh, fighting an amusement ride? I've worked here for forty years! I know exactly what I'm doing and I'm killing you! So don't try to startle me with your bourgeois (middle class) ways. Only one more door to go and I'm pretty sure as soon as I flip this switch, it's gonna open it up I don't know what the angle has to do with all this by the way. Like, the angel is just a person, like that got a little too egotistical about everything and apparently they're the only one left, but Bernie- Bernard or Bertrum, whatever it is- choo choo choo? (disturbed and slightly disgusted Mark) (back to normal) he was actually an architect about all this Ride the Buddy Boris Railways- why can't I- I got jump? Oh I got jump! Okay, I didn't know I gotta actually move my tootsies a little bit okay, let me poop a little bit lots of goo goin through me- okay we're done alright- oh no no- ugh noo noo- I killed you (1x)! I killed you (2x)! I killed this asshole (3x?)- I killed you (4x)! I killed you dead (5x)! I killed you very, very de-ohhkay (almost 6x) I whomped you til you could not be whomped no more I don't wanna KNOW what I'm looking at- are these hearts? (disturbed mark again) (so very disturbed) uhhhoo Boris! Is that you? Man if that means, like, I just thought that's a Boris plushy what if all these plushies were made from the very same gOO and therefore, they're all technically alive. Everything in here is technically alive isn't it? ugh- maybe it's not a good idea to play this tape, but imma do it anyway (Mark's face in the next second though) Woah! Wh-How?! WOAH NO YOU DON'T! No! No! No, I was trying to run away from you because I was trying to get to the end of the message, but then I couldn't- okay I don't belie- AH OH- alright I don't know what I'm supposed to do here I guess I just run away until I die or do I flip this switch and then that's the end of it. Okay, whatever Lift Control- sure ohhhh Is it still behind me? AH- okay it is okay, alright, well farewell I think- I don't know why that was a necessity but okay, maybe it heard it anyway- glUG uh, it's still coming what do I do? You'll never find me! I'm a secret! Look, see! Haha Secret! You can't find me! You can't- you can't, nO, y-you can't find me, see I'm not- ahhHHH got ya! Uhhh uhh look at you- uh oh- HE FOUND A WAY! OHH OH OWIE OHH- okay, alright well I didn't work out too well- time to go down the- the big butthole of time (weird gesturing) and space- it's like Doctor Who if Doctor Who took place on the Magic School Bus and he went inside Arnold's AnOoSe- that's what we're lookin at woAH- hey buddy What-uh-I just- You can't do that (oh he did)! I just spERF Maybe it's supposed to be chasing me this whole time or maybe it's just a BUG! Alright, whatever, lets find whatever we're supposed to be doing here- oh, the power! oh, well that's easy enough- uh ohh oo oh, I don't like that (speaking for everybody here) (petrified Mark) (still petrified) (oh- back to normal) ohh (slightly petrified, but okay!) okay (smiling through the horror) okay (still smiling) alls well that ends well- don't need to be worried about a thing every little thing is gonna be alRIGHT okay, how did I know how did I know- can I hide in the pooper? I seem to recall being able to hide in the pooper before- uh oh oh hi- no, sorry, poopin you know the- you know the rules of poop- AH (yet again, petrified) (lovely, isn't it) Go! I dont' know which side I'm rooting for- ohkay- ohh okay Hey buddy, how you- how you doin? Okay, alright- see ya! See ya, farewe- Fare thee well- Farewell (how exciting) Farewell (sees the ink trail, pauses) Okay Oh- that doesn't make sense- that does- ah- doesn't make sense- that just doesn't make sense- how do you drag him through nothin? Why are you still spurting out goop? Can I take this? Is that valuable to me? Well I guess he's dead, but then again, I killed him in the last- ough chapter- so, really, who is the more badass? Me or Bendy? I'd say it's me (whatever makes you happy) Alright, but anyway that was the last one, so whatever I needed to do I've done it- alright Cool! Great! Rescue Boris- okay, alright, I'm down I'm down- I mean that's what I set out to do in the beginning anyway TURN BACK- umm Uh? Did you just trick me? Did you give me a goof? Uhhh I don't like to be goofed like this I'm not gonna turn back Not when I'm this close to rescuing Boris Lets do this You laughing or farting? I can't tell which Okay, cool! That's great! Alright! That sounds good- I'm okay with that, yeah I don't need to- I don't need to actually go through this- I can repress it Woah! AH! AH! (Prepare for many "scared" Mark noises) Are you saying where did it all go so wron- Oh-uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh, but you probably already were I don't know, man- I don't know AH! Hu-huoh (just those beautiful sounds) Uh-oh Okay, what's the- what's the- what's the, uh, surprise- what's uh- what is it is it drop? I like Drop Towers Uh-oh It's like-oh! It's like the haunted house from Disneyland! A haunted mansion woo~ oohh~ ohhh~ How did people get in here to ride this ride when it's underground- ohh but it's cool- I'm not gonna question it too much I like it- I like it's style Uhh, weird Where's it gonna pop out? soUP! SOUP! GIMME- AY! I GOT THE SOUP- AHH Maybe I'm close to getting all the soup! I- That's gotta be, like, an achievement or something or there's gotta be something to that like, right? Yeahhh Yeah- there's gotta be- I got that soup Cause otherwise Why would I be- Why would I be doing it? WOAH! WOAHH- hey Boris Boris! Uh-oh! Oh! Boris? Boris! No! Boris, no! But-but But-oh Okay Okay Uh How bout you don't? Okay, alright- woah Okay, so I get he's- he's a basic charging style monster Uh-oh- oh he don't look so good Maybe I need to whomp him Okay, so hes just gotta run into stuff- alright, can he run through th- uh, he can, he can, he can! WHOMP- okay, he got- he bonked his noodle- he don't like that- no, he Ohhh- I see, I see, I see Ho-kay I gotcha- okay so what I need to do run (burp) until- uh hes- hes gonna charge hes gonna charge- I saw somewhere I saw somewhere, there was a crafting machine- It's over there, okay, so we just can't- can't let him destroy the crafting machine even though I don't think he could You gonna- you gonna roar? You gonna roar big guy? Oh yeah, he's roaring, okay so, set- wOW Oh, he tracks, okay Ewww- gr- ughh- Gross- alright, wish I didn't drink that soup- It wasn't so much of an achievement to drink that soup it's- it just kind of stupid i guess ROARRR I'M BORIS- okay There we go, okay- So he's in there So, I don't think he can destroy this thing (Lots of mumbling) Gear, no, uh that looks good I wanna s-make one of those- CRONK hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey- BORIS NO! Okay, gimme this- imma whomp ya Sorry, Boris- Gotta put you down, you bad doggy Bad doggy, bad dogg- oww Oh, hey, wait a minute What da heck- ah, smash okay- a little weird, but alright hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey- back up! Hey back up! Hey back up! Boris! Booooris! Lets talk about this- talk about this woah- hee- Boris! Boris! WHOMP- OW! ohkay, alright- AH! Captioned by N. DS and KayRyNautical YT
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,605,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendy and the ink machine, chapter 4, markiplier, scary games, bendy and the ink machine markiplier, bendy and the ink machine chapter 4, disney, disneyland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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