Power of Looking - Prophet Kobus

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how many know we do go through some stuff so David write Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it means I shall have breakthrough power prosperity or the good things but to get there he says sometimes I go through valleys of shadows of death but you know I shall not fear because God is with me Paul says in persecutions tribulations in all these things we are more than conquerors Paul says I've been delivered over to the wild beasts in Ephesus I've been beaten with rods I've been thrown in the sea he says but out of this all God has delivered me now don't look holier than the person next to you how many know we do go through some stuff from time to time but who knows that the stuff is not supposed to conquer you you supposed to conquer the stuff I mean so tonight this is a word for every person Ephesians chapter 6 we all know it so well but just a little emphasis shift here and there to make us realize what God is saying to us finally my brethren verse 10 not initially finally yeah amplified was they in conclusion it means if you want to finish this thing this is how we're gonna do it if we want to really put some cherries on the cake if we really want to get to perfection if you really want to get to some breakthrough perfection and maturity this is it finally my brethren be strong in the way must you be strong how much you be strong in your own efforts in your own power in your own abilities no brother Zechariah 4 verse 6 says it's not by might neither by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts so be strong in the Lord in the power of his might verse 11 put on the whole armour of who's okay we add all these teachings about spiritual warfare and the thing that's in our mind is fight we have this battle and we have this great fight and we are wrestling and but shifting the emphasis a little on the right words in the Bible will bring us to a place of total victory so listen put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand what is this fight about do not fall now standing is not positionally standing it's a spiritual attitude of not falling falling backwards falling downwards falling outwards it's a it's a spiritual position of I know where I am in the Lord and the standing is not a pressure standing it's an at ease in the army they would say a danger they would say Eddie's attention heddes but that easy still like attention the only things your legs are apart attention is they say he and then they say stained Eddie's so you can now well shift your weight from the one leg to the other leg and they say thank you you know you Eddie's changin Eddie's tension Eddie's standardise that's more or less of the standing there put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand Eddie's coming I'm saying something that is gonna rock some boats here tonight well I tell you we've got the bevel this morning and we've beaten him up oh you haven't read Colossians 2 he's been beaten up already who are you now the great warrior that's gonna beat up the devil the wrestling is not how many demons I can beat up tonight it's how I cannot lose my place of standing in the presence of a Most High God I'm gonna prove don't switch off I haven't finished reading for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places coopersmith irides we fight these demons oh yeah why don't we read verse 32 way for King James therefore amplified take unto you the whole armour of other of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore so the whole battle is to not fall when everything is over and done are you still standing or did you fall in the battle it's not how you fight it's how you stand how do I stand clothed with God tonight I think we're gonna get into some victory here it's not how many demons have beaten up it's how I've been standing when the heat started being turned up in my house in my situation in my business in my ministry preacher man you there if the heat is turned up what do you do do you start fighting do you start beating up things do you start looking for the problem or do you try to see how you now can stand in the power and the might of the Almighty God and not grab to the left and grab to the right of the resource to see how it can come out of the trouble why don't you just stand at ease if you still don't know what I'm saying stay tuned because in a minute or two God's gonna speak to us so directly I said you know what Hebrews 3 and 4 says he says they could not enter the rest so the God says don't harden your hearts so that you can also hear what God wants to say to you he says for there is a rest for the children of God so let us labor to enter the rest so what do I work for I work to rest so all my labor is to see how can I find rest not how can I suffer and sweat how can I rest so all the fighting is not how to beat up something is how we can keep my place of standing in race bees in second Timothy chapter 1 verse 6 and 7 says for God has helped me please not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind now if you want to hurt you know that words sound mind you gotta go to the amplified bible and get a greater translation it's a place of tranquility a place of peace and quiet rest so God says the spirit that he's given us is a place of peace rest but I'm standing in the spirit I'm not falling in the face of adversary when trouble come I don't run to the left I don't run to the right I don't start craving for some weapons I don't start fighting I try to see how I can stain let's go to second Chronicles and get an example of it after this the Moabites the ammonites and with them the mere knights and all the other i'ts came against Jehoshaphat to battle it was told Jehoshaphat a great multitude has come against you from the Honda Dead Sea from Edom and the old I are in hasn't Tamar witches and Gideon then Jehoshaphat feared and set himself determined and Lee as his vital need I'm reading amplified because it really expresses itself he set himself determinant Lee as his vital need to seek the Lord he proclaimed the fast in all Judah and Judah verse 4 gathered together to ask help from the Lord even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord yearning for him with all their desire and Jehoshaphat stood in the Assembly of in Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court and said O Lord God of our fathers are you not God in heaven do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations in your hand are power and might so that none is able to withstand you I want you to see their emphasis did not you Oh al God drive out the inhabitants of the land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abram your friend they dwelt in it and I bought you a sanctuary in it for your name saying if evil comes Ephesians 6 so that you can stand in the evil day okay are you now with me so if evil comes do you see the connotation you must be able to stand in the evil day so if evil comes upon us the sort of judgment or pestilence of famine we will stand before this house and before you for your name and the symbol of your presence is in this house and pride to you in our affliction and you will hear and save us somebody I want you to see and now behold the man of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir whom you would not let Israel invade when they came from the land of Egypt and whom they turned from and did not destroy behold they reward us by coming to drive us out of your possession which you have given us to inherit you've got a place in God that is your inheritance it's called in Christ if any man is in Christ is a new creation now in the evil day that is what the principalities and the powers and the wickedness in high places want to do they want to drive you out of your inheritance that you can find yourself not in Christ but in trouble oh come on they want you to find yourself in stress in anxiety in sickness and disease they want to drive you out of your inheritance which is called in Christ thank you and now behold where are we 12 oh my goodness Oh al God well you not exercise judgment upon him for we have no mighty to stand against this great company that is coming against we do not know what to do but come read it out loud our eyes are upon you then the Spirit of the Lord came upon jahaziel son of Zechariah the son of benaiah the son of jr. the son of Netanya the son the Levite of the sons of A's of in the midst of the assembly and he said hoc and all Judea order eschews me and inhabitants of Jerusalem you King George fed the Lord says this to you be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude for their battle is not yours but the battle is gods I know that you don't if you knew it you wouldn't have been sitting you would have been standing if you knew that you would have been falling oh of course you know we are in such as position now we are such trouble we are in such trace we're in such anxiety Oh last night was so great oh I'm going through we just went through you know what we're going through and you know we can and we're getting and people are forever telling about what they're going through what they've been through and what they Enel accept of in Christ which is total victory total peace 417 you shall not need to fight in this battle take your positions stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord who is with you Oh Judah in Jerusalem fear not nor be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the Lord is with you what Hebrews 13 verse 6 says don't you don't have to go there I'll just I'll record it to you therefore we can boldly say the Lord is my helper I shall not fear what can man do to me come on come on come on go on Hebrews 13 verse 6 therefore we can boldly say the Lord is my helper I shall not fear what can men do to me come on so the Lord came upon jahaziel and said thus say the Lord fear not for the battle is not yours but gods you can go out against them tomorrow and see how the Lord will fight for you why would God bring such a word in the midst of the assembly because of the prayer of King Joseph it Oh God you alone oh God Oh God there is no one like you oh god you drove out these inhabitants before our Father God you gave us this place now these idiots want to drive us out of our place God will you not remember your promises that you said you will find you and if we look at ourselves oh god this thing is to be for us god this thing we re now is just too big for us God if we pray it's like we haven't even got the guts to pray God this thing is too big for us I'm talking to a preacher right now god this thing is too big for me God the sing in my churches I don't know how to solve this thing I talking to people in this house people watching body Oh God how do I get out of this mess that's good you're at a good place right now but don't stop just go on with your prayer but our eyes are upon you WOB Spirit on the Lord in the midst of the congregation hey let's say the Lord fear not now you had a place where I can help you you've turned your eyes from your problem to me you've just said that big trouble is too big but my eyes are upon you now I will make you see all you need to do now is stand with this confession you just made stand fear not for God is your helper what can a man now do it you and if you now stand you can go out because standing is not positionally it spiritually so as you stand just go out don't go out and fight go out and see what do you see how God's gonna fight for you oh come on you can go out but just remember go out standing standing we're standing all the promises of Christ my king glory in the ages to the king I'll see what here sandy Stan standing on the promises right now the old people used to preach instead of standing on the promises people are sitting on the premises you know but you're gonna stain now that's the old saying in the old Pentecostal circles the Lord will be with you it's God speaking to somebody it's just our where we started have you been going through some stuff are you maybe going through some stuff or are you maybe right in the middle of the mess though I go through the valley of the shadow I shall not fear for I can boldly say I'm just adding scriptures again our boldly say the Lord is my helper what can a man do unto me come on what's that giant rising up against you is his name Goliath or is he maybe a monster how big is that thing that's facing you right now say who are you the people of God are you the one that's confessing you're a Christian and you see oh and the whole army stands till little day will come from behind the Sheep says who's this uncircumcised Philistine Saul said oh you're a child gogogogogo watches at the Sheep this is what yeah that's a good one there you know you know that one if you don't know it david says he's so big I can't miss him [Laughter] did David get excited did David get stressed up did David get Fulda love worries now this Goliath what did David do you wind down to the brook to the little river you know now there's a giant ready to stab a spear through David David goes down the river in the face of the giant takes up five little stones in the face of the giant I mean he's an open target 100 in the face of the giant one in the slingshot in the face of the giant with a sword and a spear five times David sighs David puts the first toning why five because you know you read through Chronicles and Samuel and it says that Goliath had four brothers guys the end so in the face of the giant the giant says who are you I'm not hearing my name I come in the name of the Lord glasses I'm gonna feed your flesh to the birds this is standing on the promises of Christ Mike God cities with me so cute how BIG's your problem what are you facing what are you going through 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 therefore were sixteen now this is the third therefore therefore we do not become discouraged if you read quickly utterly speechless I mean spiritless so a lot of people sitting yes but let's deny but the right were they in the amplify disparities exhausted we read out through fear come on let's get back to the message are you becoming weary doubt because of the problem that's causing fear in your life God has not given us a spirit of fear therefore I shall boldly say I shall not fear the Lord is my helper come let's get all the scriptures that we quoted tonight though our outer man is progressively decaying wasting away in our inner self is being progressively renewed day by day for our lights momentary affliction the slightest trace of the past seeing our come and tell the person it's passing over it's passing by it's passing away but I'm gonna stand come on tell somebody this thing is passing away and I'm gonna stay something is passed away it's dead when you're a Christian your father didn't pass away he went on thank you for the great revelation for our light momentary affliction part is ever more and more abundantly preparing producing achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory beyond all measure excessively surpassing all comparisons all calculations a vast transcendent glory God says this thing that you think is missing your life on this thing that seems like a problem that's causing fear this thing that you're passing through or pass through or that you're riding God says you know what this thing is it's preparing something so great for you that you can't calculate it you can't measure it you can't work it out there's a great glory blessed thing coming your way I don't say problems produce blessings I did not say problems produce blessings but I do say it can produce a blessing because we haven't got the condition yet so is it this thing that is passing by is working for us and uncalculated blessing if if a while or since we do not look half please add the things that are seen but at the unseen which is God when we look at all these eyes remember Joseph it yet the Moabites and Joseph answered God when we look at this Ami's there is no strength in us we are falling but our eyes are on you Gazi you know what your effect now you don't have to fight anymore all you have to do now is stand and see how God is gonna fight for you you are just passing through something it's not supposed to overrule you you supposed to overrule it not by fighting it by standing in the presence of God and get your eyes again on Jesus Christ mark chapter 4 verse 25 or 35 through 40 remember you ready to go there jesus said let us pass over on to the other side and as they were passing over Jesus was now asleep on the boat and the waves were filling the boat and the disciple said we are going under but Jesus said we going over and they woke Jesus up and said Lord do you not care that we go under King James Lord carest thou not that we perish 'as Kira star not the truth Jesus stood up rebuked the storms and said peace look at the waves as a it be still and then said what manner of man is this that even the waves in the sea obey Him and Jesus said what you looking at what you looking at he did not in those exact words but it could have been if it wasn't 19 2005 Jesus could have said what you're looking at what you're looking at you know what Jesus said where's your faith are you looking at the storm or are you looking what I told you I said let's go over I didn't say let's go sink off wait what you looking at what you looking at what you looking at what you looking at Oh God in ourselves there's no strength against this multitude that's coming against us but our eyes are on you good now you can stand for the bed list now not yours so be strong in the Lord in the power of his might taken to you the whole armour of God that you can stand and when you've done all to stand just stand for our wrestling is not beating it up our wrestling is not falling but standing so how do I stand the eyes on Jesus so don't look at the circumstance comes but you know know what we're going through we're all going through but turn your head away and look to Jesus and see the victory that he's gonna give you tonight Jesus Jesus where's your faith he said if we look at the unseen we're gonna have blessings if we look at the scene we're gonna go down 2nd Corinthians 4:17 faith is the assurance the confirmation the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of the things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith Percy perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses come somebody must be with me there's stuff that your senses will not pick up there's unseen Victory's lying right ahead of you and it's faith that will bring it into the scene but if the scene is lurching up in front of you it's gonna sink you Lord cares thou not that we perish it what you're looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at are you going through some things okay we're gonna start you're at a point in everybody's tells us what you're going through I tell you when we come to the fifth one we'll be all in tears we will feel so sorry for one another that we've forgotten forget our own problems the devil is not dead he's just defeated and he's trying to drive you out of your inheritance which is in Christ but God has promised you victory and an inheritance of peace and joy and happiness so God these things are trying to drive me out of my inheritance but my eyes are on you God's is right standing on what Lord the statement that your eyes are on me for if you see me see how I fight god you are my god god you are my god earnestly I seek your face and truly this is now faith if the people had been mindful of that from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better that is in heavenly therefore God is not ashamed to be called a God by faith Moses forsook Egypt and fear not fearing the wrath of the King for he endured as seeing him who is invisible amplified motivated by faith Moses left Egypt behind him being unheard and understood by the wrath of the King for he never flinched but held staunchly to his purpose and endured steadfastly as one who gazed on him who is invisible come on who heard the word of the Lord what you looking at what you looking at what you looking at what you're looking at what you looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at what you looking at what you looking at cuz we just heard the news oh he's it I've got another book full of news that says I will boldly say the Lord is my helper I shall not fear what can man do unto me for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind so turn your eyes upon Jesus as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so the Son of Man must be lifted up and all who look to him shall get the victory so turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely done in the glory of his beauty and grace come on what you're looking at what you looking at what you're looking at what you're looking at can you see the Christ hanging there crying out father forgive them they know not what they do and then crying out it is finished you don't have to fear I've conquered at all the only thing you need to do now is get your attention on me and I will fight for you don't you think God can handle the situation better than you take your hands off take your hands off the situation give it to God what did we just read in Hebrews 11 by faith Moses left Egypt behind him an odd at the wrath of the King for he had his gaze fixed on the invisible God God in ourselves there's no strength but our eyes are upon you what you looking at what covers munde are they gonna come repossess our house say sir what you looking at what you looking in cuz they gonna lock our son up on Wednesday he's coming before the court says ooh now the documents oh so you're looking at the scene the stuff that the senses can pick up if we look at the unseen which the senses cannot pick up god says give it to me and I'm gonna fight for you what you're looking at what you looking at what you're looking at what you looking at it was you know we're in a situation sir we are you degrading our situation now I'm upgrading a great God the Jehoshaphat said God in ourselves there's no strength god this thing is too much for us Lord spared is too big I'm not saying it in weakness I'm saying it in trust my trust God fight for me I'm it I'm a bottle nobody heard that I'm gonna call my dad you're touching me again I called my dad yeah but touching my karma that is messy aphasia okay they message says Moses kept his eye on the eye no one can on the one who know I can see kept his eye on the one no eye can see he left Egypt behind and Pharaoh said to Moses get away from me see that you never enter my presence again for the day you see my face again you shall die Moses said you have spoken truly I will never see your face again now the scripture I've been preaching for about 11 years and I wonder how many people has really seen it Pharaoh didn't say Moses if I see you again I'm gonna kill you he said Moses if you see me you die Moses said I will never see you again because I'm gonna leave Egypt behind I'm gonna look at the one that he's unseen and I'm gonna by faith trust in God and I'm gonna go through the Red Sea I'm gonna go through the troubles I'm gonna go through the dry places and through the desert places I'm gonna go through the Serpent's I'm gonna go through no meat and no bread I know who my God is come on Moses if you see me again you'll die not if I see you you must you spoken truly I will not see you again chapter 14 they are now out of Egypt verse 5 it was told the king of Egypt now remember Hebrews 11 verse 15 Moses didn't fear that King it was told the king of Egypt that the people had fled and the heart of Pharaoh and his servants was changed towards the people and they said what is this we have done we have let Israel go from serving us and he made ready his chariots and took his army and it took 600 chosen chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers all over them the Lord made hard and strong the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he pursued the Israelites for they left proudly and defiantly the Egyptians pursued them and the horses and chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army overtook and over took them and came to the Red Sea by faith yeah hi er er er das das in front of l7 the current spoken in tongues for a while just look at me did you come out of something and I of you that thing is enforced against units coming with more power against I'm just talking to real people with real situations have you just come out of something and now you feel that thing has got more strength than ever before it's bigger than before and it's right behind you you just sort you out of it now it's right they buy you but it looks even bigger than it looked last year when you walked away from it I just honest people have you come out of something and now it seems like this thing is there again but now it's more ugly it's bigger it's about to beat you up real people with real situation there's a real God it's really gonna take you out if you're gonna listen to this word when Pharaoh drew near verse 10 the Israelites looked up come please I'm trying to touch on what you looking at what you're looking at you gotta get last night's message don't and they looked up and behold the Egyptians were marching off to them and the Israelites were exceedingly frightened okay what did they see trouble what did they see trouble what did they see trouble what do you see what do you see the business is going down children giving your heart race your parents worrying you your ministry falling apart your coat falls to walk away and start another church in town what do you see when you look up oh you're a year's what do you see what do you see Egyptians remember what Moses did he left Egypt behind and Pharaoh said Eva if you see me again you said no I will never see you again what did the children of Israel say they saw the Egyptians what at Moses see an unseen God look at that and they say to Moses verse 11 it is because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken as a way to die in the wilderness how come you have just heard your story they in your kitchen last night you have just overheard the story they in the workshop this morning haven't you I mean maybe doesn't sound exactly the same but it's more or less a saying there why have you treated us this way and brought us out of Egypt will you be a mahalos it verse 12 verse 12 verse 12 that we not tells you in Egypt let us alone let us serve the Egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness let us go over unto the other side lord carest thou not that we perish where's your faith Moses told the people come on now we back in Ephesians 6 we back in second chronicles 20 back in Hebrews 13 back in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 all the scriptures together fear not stand still confident and undismayed see the salvation of the Lord which he will work for you today for the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again because I've already decided a couple of days ago I will never see it again the Lord will fight for you you shall hold your peace and remain at rest the turn at ease stand at rest you shall remain at rest so shift the weight stand at rest thank you so God started opening the sea they started walking through God started closing the sea and the Egyptians started go vertically gobbling and they Israelites started rejoicing and Miriam took the tambourine they started dancing chapter 15 verse 1 through 11 then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord saying I will sing to the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider or his chariot as thrown into the sea the Lord is my strength and my song he has become my salvation this is my god and I will praise him my father is God and I will exalt him the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name Pharaoh's chariots in his host as he cast into the sea he's chosen skeptics also are sunk into the Red Sea I don't care what it's called the floods cover them they sank in the depths clad in mail like a stone your writing though Lord is glorious in power your right hand our Lord shatters the enemy in the greatness of your majesty you overthrow those rising against you you same forth your fury it consumes them like stubble with the blast of your nostrils the water piled up the flood stood fixed in a heap the deeps congealed in the heart of the sea the enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil my desires shall be satisfied upon them I will draw my sword my hand shall destroy them but you are Lord blue with your wind the sea covered them they sank as laid in a mighty waters who is like you O Lord among the gods who is like you glorious in holiness awesome in splendor doing wonders who is like you Oh what you going through what you looking at where are you what's happening to you what have you been going through it's time to leave it behind it's time to look to Jesus it's time to realize God's gonna take you through triumphantly God has gonna fight for you and you're gonna be more than a conqueror in all these things it's not how you fight it's how God's gonna do it for you tonight just shift your vision from the problem to the God who can solve the problem from the problem your God is gonna take you through the problem I don't care what you're going through I care about a god that's about to do great better for you his name is Jesus Christ and he's about to give you the greatest victory of your life just do what the word said today stand and see the salvation of the Lord you are about to break through the greatest thing that ever happened my god [Music] Curtis Lee I see your face god you are my god you are my god Ernest the I see your fan [Music] I will left you ha [Music] I will left your I will left you [Music] and how Isis for you every day I first for you [Music] and how I thirst for you every day I thirst for you I have seen you in your sensual and I ever satisfied the time [Music] god you are my god [Music] my [Music] misty I see your face [Music] got you up my god I'm gonna stay I see [Applause] to [Music] let's y'all let you [Music] I [Music] this is time for the breakthrough yes for you you and you the time is now not to look back for after this breakthrough you will realize there is no more leg you will truly find that you've left those things behind your eyes will open up and you will see that this breakthrough is coming from me you don't have to fear for your breakthrough is really near but tonight you must understand that it's coming from my hand but you must realize you gotta stand my promises are all true and they are breaking through for you so tonight you can realize don't worry about the problem and its size it will be brought to a zero an absolute nothing for my power unto you I will bring and the victory will be yours to sing and you will really come to know that it's by my power that each step you will go will be in the presence of the Most High and you don't have to wait for the by-and-by right here right now your time for the breakthrough it's not you it's me that'll do so open your eyes and see there is year and it's coming from me I won't do the fighting for you but you will realize the victory is for you the battle will be mine and the only thing you will find is that you have now breaking through it's for you for you and for you hallelujah also aware of God you were Osteen I can't even try to tell you I'm aware of God about to do a battle for you it'll lift you out of that situation and once again set your foot on that rock david says he lifted me out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay and he set my feet upon the rock who is like unto your Lord among the Lord you are beautiful in holiness you are fearfully praises you are the God that he's doing wandering stand still and see the salvation of the Lord for this battle is not yours hands off come on prophesying man if you got a year he you can say something but if you're a prophet you say something's and people gotta hear it differently than just another word hands off come on hands off it's time to leave Egypt behind and say to that thing you will never see me no I will never see you it's such a small difference that makes such a big difference that thing can watch you day and night it's if you see it that makes a difference how I tell you now I thought this thing was now over now it's here again I tell you three years ago we went through this thing and now can you believe it we're right in the middle of it again I tell you now it's a first preacher that's doing this to us is it I don't even know about one it's a second time that person is doing it to me oh it means you've seen it again and now it's trying to kill you Moses said Pharaoh I'm gonna tell you something that you say today I will never see you again I don't care if you follow me and watch me forty days and forty nights I don't care if you follow me for the next 52 years I don't care if you've got binoculars set on me I don't care you've got a microscope on my life I don't care if you know everything about being eggs know exactly how you gonna eat me hi I'm not gonna see you hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritwordministries, spiritworldministries, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, power of looking youtube, power of looking - prophet kobus, looking unto jesus sermon, looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith, prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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