The Heavenly Temple | Legacy Stream | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg

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the first man adam was off the earth earthy most people not adam was off the earth okay and he calls him earthy how's that mr earthy okay adam earthy like you get mccarthy and mcearthy okay adam was off the earth earthy then it says that which was spiritual was not first but that which was natural so adam was a natural man okay he says and that which was spiritual came afterwards so the spiritual man came off to us okay afterwards then it says again the first man the first man adam was of the earth earthy then he says the second man is the lord from heaven lord from heaven he came from heaven above okay so that was the first man let's put it there first man the first man adam was of the earth earthy the second man was the lord from heaven then it goes on verse 48 49 it says as we have bore the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so all at the image of adam he says but so we shall also bear the image of the heavenly okay we know who this man from heaven is in the image of devaney that is christ jesus okay do you think before you you met jesus do you think you look like adam oh that's a picture of adam no i mean [Music] who would who would represent adam the most me or you if we then would look like christ who would look the most like christ me or you if jesus walked down the street would you recognize him if you were a jew here comes jesus no they didn't recognize him they actually crucified him okay but yet jesus said to the disciples in john chapter 14 if you've seen me you've seen the father i and the father are one ah the works that i do is not my works it's the works of the father that dwelleth in me so uh so as we are bore the image of the earthy we shall also be the image of the heavenly it's very easy to understand it because in romans 5 he explains it okay that was first corinthians 15 romans 5 says by one man sin came and through sin death entered unto all so by one man's obedience many shall be made righteous so in adam the the image of adam is very easy this image of adam is sin it's very hard to understand okay the image of the heavenly is righteousness hebrews 10 verse 5 to 10 says when he came into the world this is what he said sacrifice and offering you desired not but you have prepared a body for me okay this is one portion of our introduction the second portion when jesus came into the world when jesus came now we're talking about 2 000 years ago 2010 okay 2010 years ago he said sacrifice an offering you did not desire now we know god was never satisfied satisfied with the sacrifice of bulls and goats the blood that they the animals that they say it could never take away the son of the world so he said sacrifice an offering you did not desire but you have prepared maybe we'll come to this world but you have prepared a body for me then it says it is written of the volume of the book that you have prepared and he repeats it a second time then he says he came into the world to take away to take away the first okay for spelling wise okay to establish the second okay so we know the context there is the law and grace the old testament and the new testament what what about adding he came to take away the first so that he might establish the second okay he came to take away the adamic nature to give us the christ's nature okay there's many scriptures to back it up second corinthians 5 17 which was my scripture when i got the night i got saved old lady gave me a little card and he said if any man be in christ he is a new creation the old things have passed away behold everything has become new second peter chapter one tells us that we have received all these precious promises that by these we can be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust through lust it's actually through adam corruption came into the world but through jesus christ incorruption and immortality came into the world okay so ah jesus came to take away the adamic nature and to give me the christ nature so my nature is not to sin my nature is to do good okay your inner man don't want to do evil not even a murderer in the world not even a sin in the world if you talk to them they would say i don't know why i did it i don't know why on earth i did it because since jesus christ came the tendency of man is to rather do good than to do bad there's a hunger in every man to be good that's why even the world they study they go to motivational courses they do everything to become better in society because jesus christ came to give us another nature another scripture okay so that is a good part to put in there okay so maybe another scripture that will help us in our study tonight so remember he prepared a body for him so he taketh away the first so that he might establish the second so the indus establishing the second and coming year so the law is taken away adam is taken away and there is a new man what is this new man like so in hebrews chapter 12 from verse 18 right through verse 24 verse 18 says we have not come to a mountain that burns with fire that the hearers thereby would have screamed not to be added to another word for even if an animal touched the mountain they would have killed so bad it was that moses even cried and said lord you know don't let it happen but verse 22 i'm doing it in short verse 22 says but we have come not we're going to we have come to mount zion then he says to the city of the living god to the heavenly jerusalem i haven't swallowed the bible i study it okay to the heavenly jerusalem okay then he goes on to the to the innumerable company of angels to the spirits of the just men made perfect to jesus the mediator of a new testament or a better testament the mediator of the new testament and to the blood of sprinkling i don't know if we're gonna get to it all and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh of better things than that of abel okay so abel was part of the first man that cried for vengeance jesus is the second man that cries for grace and mercy the law came and was added because of transgression galatians chapter 3 but since faith has come or since christ has come we are no longer under the school master which is the law but now we are partakers of the promises that god gave unto abraham so we have come to mount zion remember oh mount we have come to the city of the living god we have come to the heavenly jerusalem galatians 4 tells us from verse 22 24 22 actually he says the jerusalem in the middle east is in bondage with the children but we are from the jerusalem which is from above which is the mother of us all we have come to the heavenly jerusalem to jesus the mediator of the new testament and to the blood of sprinkling okay ephesians 5 26 says as christ loved the church and gave himself up to sanctify it by cleansing it with the washing of the water by the word okay so christ gave himself for the church christ gave himself gave himself for the church to sanctify it with the washing of water by the word so that he could present it to itself without spot and blemish without spots without blemish and stuff like that then he says for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and these two will be one flesh then he says but i'm actually writing you a mystery i'm writing concerning jesus and the church okay shall leave his body he says therefore okay a man shall live our space must get bigger okay man must leave his father and mother and clean to his wife he says this is a mystery let's write mystery there oh this is going to be cool tonight mystery i'm writing concerning christ and the church so if he must present it without spot and blemish and he's talking about a marriage he must be talking about his bride some people some translations would put their bride okay i show you a mystery i'm talking about christ in the church he says therefore we are bone of his bone [Music] bone of his bone and we are flesh of his flesh does your bible say that anybody want to check me out okay if we are born of his bone and flesh of his flesh what are we we are his body if we are his bone in his flesh we are his body okay revelation 21 and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth passed away and there was no more sea okay for those who know the sea was the first portion of furniture that you faced when you entered into solomon's temple okay just for those who love the bible when solomon made a temple he made a sea with you remember and he had those buffalos under it and they were facing the outside and with their tails to the inside the 12 buffaloes there filled with water and he called it the sea and i want you to check out which thing was mentioned the most in solomon's temple the sea okay so if this whole thing is done away with so the first thing you had to face concerning sin was the sea so the sea was no more i saw a new heaven and a new earth the old heaven and the old earth has passed away could it be i'm saying could it be as we go on you make the decision could it be that he's talking about that is fast and that has come could it be that he maybe see that that had to wash you in the old is now gone now there's a new detergent that will wash you it's now not a sea made by hands it's now the blood of the christ okay don't take it before i've preached it okay just could it be verse 2 and i john now listen i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for a husband okay i quote from hebrews 12 that we have come to the mount zion to the city of the living god to the heavenly jerusalem to jesus the mediator of the new testament and to the blood is it so that jesus came and god prepared him a body he took away the first and he established the second was he given to the church to wash it with the water of the word is it a mystery concerning the bride of christ are we flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone is the first taken away and the second established as we bore the image of adam must we bear the image of the christ okay if that is true and john saw the holy city the new jerusalem coming out of heaven prepared as a bride for a husband who is he talking about did jesus say you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world matthew 5 14-16 then he goes on you are the lighter you are a city that is set on a hill so let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father with you so jesus says i am the light of the world but i'm going to go then you will be the light of the world the minute you become the light of the world you become the city this city is set on a hill it cannot be eaten that's why the world can do what they want nobody worries about it it's actually boasting to tell about the wicked stuff that hollywood does but let somebody in church does it and everybody talks about it why because the church is a city on a hill that cannot be hidden everybody sees it it's not that they're worse it's that they're actually better let's read on and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men did he say i will never leave you not forsake you did he say i will come and dwell with you and you with me did he say i'll send you the holy spirit the comforter and i will not leave you orphanless but i will be with you did he say stuff like that so then we must say where does it compare in scriptures and he will dwell with him and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god is god with you are we god's people that is what the bible says hebrews 1-3 okay and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away ok now he didn't say when we all get to heaven there will be no more pain he said the heaven came down to the earth if any man is in christ he's in here the old have passed away behold all things have become behold the former has passed away he taketh away the first to establish the second did jesus make the old to pass away or didn't he so why people on looking for something yet to come isn't the time to just start teaching it and walk right into it and realize my goodness there is more everybody is looking for something better listen he that says these things right because these words are true and faithful and he said to me if anybody is prepared to read that sentence he said to me can anybody have the guts to read it it is if you've got another translation it is finished okay so is it more or less what jesus said verse 7 he that overcometh shall inherit all things is italic so you can put all things in there i will be his god and he shall be my son you that overcome what on earth does that scripture do in the midst of all this stuff because the rest goes on to say come i will show you the bride the lamb's wife and he took me on a mountain he showed me a city prepared as a bride for a husband coming out of heaven and at large square you know there is he starts talking about the bride and the mountain and the city so what is this scripture doing in the midst of it all he that overcome shall inherit all things romans 4 13 i should have written it all down but romans 4 13 says when god spoke to abram that he should be heir of the world let's put abram there god spoke to abram abraham abraham put up in the japanese abram abraham right okay abraham when god spoke to abram he said you should be heir of the world now we know galatians chapter 3 verse 16 says when god made the promise to abram he made it unto abram and his seed he didn't say seeds as unto many but seed as one showing unto christ but verse 29 says you know of chapter 3 but if we are christ then are we abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise listen to another scripture hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 just one or two is good enough he says god with sunday times and diverse man has spoken to the father by the prophets as in these laws they spoken to us by the sun verse 2 whom he has appointed the son jesus whom he has appointed heir of all things okay then he goes on to say he's the brightest of the glory he is the very image of the invisible god as we bore the image of the earth image of the everything if you see me you see in the father okay i will go away and i'll sing to the comforter you will be one with me and i will be one with you in other words if i overcome all the doctrines all the ideas all the philosophies everything that man can put in if i can overcome and understand the revelation of jesus christ if i can overcome everything that's written before and after that verse otherwise there's no context in it why would he say you that overcome so he that overcome i he shall inherit all things galatians 4 says you know as long as the heir is a child he differs nothing from a slave but it's under ears and tutors until the time appointed to the father and it goes on when the fullness of time came god sent for his son jesus we appointed heir of all things you know born of a woman under the law to redeem those that we can receive the adoption of sons he says now that we are sons we are heirs of god he goes on to say we are joint ears with christ okay romans 8 says exactly the same thing so it comes in romans 8 he says again if the same spirit raised christ from the dead dwell in us he will quicken our mortal bodies and then he goes on to say those that are led by the spirit they are sons of god he says god has not given us again the spirit of bondage to fear and stuff like that and then he goes on to say therefore he is the firstborn of many brethren and therefore we are heirs of god joining us with jesus christ hebrews 2 says he wanted to take many sons into glory that's why he's not ashamed to call us brethren so let's go to colossians colossians 1 verse 12 will be good he says we must give thanks unto the father which has made us mean to be partakers of the inheritance of saints in light verse 21 and you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now has he reconciled in the body of his flesh now remember hebrews 10 sacrifice and offering you that's not desire but you've prepared a body for me and stuff like that he says in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy unblameable unreprovable in his sight jesus christ gave himself for the church ephesians 5 26 to sanctify it with the washing of the water by the word so that he could present us without spot and blemish as the pure bride bone of his bone flesh of his flesh okay colossians 1 we are partakers of the inheritance of saints in light we were sometimes alienated by our wicked works in our minds you know and then he goes on so but he has brought us with his precious blood to present us to god okay oh brother you must be holy if you don't cleanse yourself cleanse myself if your robe is moth eaten you will not be the bride okay so you must present now i can't present myself i'm unpresentable i can't cleanse myself i'm uncleansable he cleansed me he presents me he sanctified me he washed me he made me i couldn't do it i must just believe it it's not works of law it's by grace verse 26 the mystery which has been hit from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his saints to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory okay it says this whole thing when it comes to ephesian arctic colossians he talks about this inheritance again but then he calls it a mystery it was hidden for ages and generations this mystery is now revealed if you want to have a good word for revealed it means a revelation okay so that book is called the revelation of jesus christ okay now revealed christ in us the revelation of jesus christ is christ is in us it's so rich in glory but is the hope of glory so what is the mystery of which is revealed so if the book says this is the revelation of jesus christ then it means this is the mystery which is now open so what is the greatest thing about this mystery that christ is now in us the hope of glory if we would have read on in revelation 21 it would have said and in this i saw the city and i saw no temple there then it would say because god is the temple god is the temple of the city but we're the city and with the bride but there's no temple in the city no the city can't have a temple because first corinthians 3 16 says you are the temple right oh but god is the temple okay who dwells in us so god is the temple but i'm the temple so do you not know first corinthians 3 16 6 16 second corinthians 6 okay do you not know ephesians 2 22 also do you not know that you are the temple of god and that god dwells in you other translations and the holy spirit dwells in you so let's put that there in the sideline you are the temple and god dwells in you pray in that temple when i got saved 73 to 75 we used to sing no you're not no you're not you're a temple no you're not to know you're not you're a temple for those who were there those who were not born yet enjoyed no you're not no you're not you're a temple you are a temple of the whole league then we used to sing full of praise full of power full of glory full of praise full of power full of glory remember we used to sing it on the on the beach me and don we used to stand there with a guitar there in durban we used to sing you know and he had a bass guitar you know what his bass guitar looked like he had a drum with a broomstick with a with a string on it and he could play it could you still play that thing yes i know yes i know i'm a temple you can do a diet yes i know yes i know i'm a temple you can do a diet yes i know yes but it boils down to everybody got caught up with yes i know yes i know i'm a temple yes i know yes i know i'm a temple we used to sing it you know yes i know yes i know sadly sunshine okay okay no i'm a temple of the holy ghost we used to sing it we used to know it jesus comes in john chapter 2 and he goes into the temple and he finds the people selling doves and trading he goes out to bethany makes a whip all night long comes back the next day furious how would you why would you make a whip to come and play he spent a whole night imagine he walked into the temple and took out his fury who would have been dead the pharisees would have been scourged but he went out and made a whip first coming back he found a fig tree he cursed the thing imagine what mood jesus was in on the way to the temple i'm just asking curse the victory you can find it all take matthew 17 put it together there with uh you know 17-21 john 20 and so jesus comes back into the temple and he throws them all out imagine all the doves all the chickens crows everything screaming everything goats and everything going on everything running they come out of the temple disciples are freaking out they say master look at the stones they don't know what to say i mean it's just like when moses and you know elijah appeared on the mount and peter said let's make heart see didn't know i think that was the same i mean here jesus is still the whip in his hands pharisees are running money is flying there goes me sheep you know person quack quack quack quack everything running you know peter says look at the stones have you ever thought of it there's no connection i mean the guy i mean he should have said jesus i'm nervous but he said look at the stones i just thought of that jesus says not one stone will be left upon another then jesus says break this temple down and behold in three days i will restore or build it up again he said and they understood it not till after jesus was raised so they did not understand what he saw he said and when he was raised from the dead they understood ye was talking about his body oh i thought we are the temple but here he's talking about his body the temple they only understood it after the resurrection oh so did jesus become a temple after the resurrection ephesians 1 blessed be the god and father for our lord jesus christ with blessed all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places then he goes on to say he has chosen us in the beloved before the foundation of the world to accept it and he made us righteous stuff like that and then he goes on to verse 18 i pray god and father follow jesus christ spirit of understanding eyes open of your you know spirit of wisdom that you may know what is the power that he used to raise christ from the dead when he sit in his own right hand you know in the heavenlies for about principalities paris his presence and verse two chapter two verse six and he raised us up together seated us together in heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come okay he might show something okay back to chapter 1 verse 22 and has given him as head of the church which is his body okay so he talked about his body the temple now he calls it the church and he says this church is seated in heavenly places in the heavenly places and he says this church is blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places philippians 3 verse 20 says we are citizens of the heavenly places okay our conversation is in the heavenly king james version okay so now he comes and he calls this church heavenly heavenly heavenly heavenly people as we bow the image of the earthy we shall also be the image of the heavenly the first man was of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven okay jesus talked about his body when he said break down the temple he said i will raise it up now this temple is his body he calls the church his body he says this body is seated in heavenly places at the right hand of the father you are the temple you are the body okay now think of all this stuff without spotter without blemish the bright the mountain the city on a hill washing the blood the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem prepared body okay he's going to establish this thing think of this all right verse 4 of chapter 5 of the first epistle of john whatsoever he's born of god overcome of the world are you born of god okay so how are you going to overcome the world by dying or by getting some victory how do you come over sickness by dying or by getting healed how do you come overcome poverty by getting rich or by getting poorer okay so he that overcome he that's born of god okay listen to this it's really gonna bless you this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth jesus is the son of god of course but we all believe that we all believe jesus is the son do we believe the body the heavenly the temple do we believe we are one with him do we believe that the whole thing about the gospel is to present every man mature in christ ephesians 4 13 12 13 his intention was the full equipping of the saints till we all come to full mature manhood the stature of the fullness of christ himself is that the idea of christ to bring us to himself as the father sent me so sinned are you if they see me they see the father if they see you they see me okay okay i'm taking you there this is here that came by here it comes water and blood even jesus christ not by water only but by water and blood and it is the spirit that beareth witness because the spirit is truth for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost these three are one they are three that bear witness in earth the spirit the water and the blood these three agree in one if we receive the witness of men the witness of god is greater for this is the witness of god which he has testified in his son no stop just look at this one so when we get to heaven we're gonna find three witnesses father the word and the holy spirit when we get to earth we find the spirit the water and the blood this is how we have it throughout the ages okay as we boil the image of the earth we shall also bear the image of the heavenly we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly place in christ we have been raised and seated in heavenly places in christ jesus our conversations is in heaven from where we expect the lord jesus christ okay we are no longer earthy we are now heavenly okay so okay already there's three that bear witness in heaven three that bear witness in earth as we bore the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so for this adamic man i need the spirit to draw me the water to wash me the word the blood to cleanse me from all sin and unrighteousness then i say christ come into my life and i become heavenly and the fullness of the goddess dwells bodily in christ and i have this fullness in him so in heaven no cause that is the apostolic teaching false doctrine okay there are three that bear witness in heaven so in my deep spirit man the holy of holies of the temple which is the heavenly which is the manifestation of the christ life otherwise who looks more like christ me or dawn come be on be serious now okay who looks more like christ of jesus but i thought we all look we're all the same but brother you get angry we see who looks the most like christ you strip and split and start cursing who's looking like christ make gentle kind cursing swearing blessing who's like christ so we have the witness in earth spirit draws me the water of the world washes me the blood cleanses me jesus coming to my life cleans me with your blood i receive him as my personal savior now there's three witnesses in heaven oh when we get to heaven okay so now god must in heaven testify that he's god angels i'm god that's his father that's his son that's his holy spirit what must god i'm sarcastic but i'm going to get you how can god witness in heaven about god if the heaven is god's throne and earth his footstool so if heaven is the throne and god is seated there an earth is a footstool so earth is taking whatever he wants to just listen i'm closing with the next verse verse 9 if we receive the witness of men the witness of god is greater for this is the witness of god which he has testified of his son verse 10 he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself [Applause] he that believeth not god hath made him a liar because he not believeth the record that god gave his son and this record is that god has given us eternal life this life is in his son he that hath the son hath life he that hath not the son of god have not life i hope somebody got it the rest of the scriptures say and this is the confidence that we have in him that we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if we know that we hear of us then we have our petitions made and whatsoever we ask of him we have that is the rest of that scripture okay and then hebrews chapter 9 says jesus christ entered into heaven itself to now appear in the presence of god for us jesus entered into the heavenlies he is the temple we are the temple we are the life of christ he is our life i no longer live with christ just read first john 5 this all the witnesses are he says he that believeth this have this witness in himself okay who stays in you who's he he is the fullness of the goddess bodily if you see me you see the father he says if you see me you see in the spirit john 14. so what is god looking like jesus says god is spirit that's why jesus had to leave the physical realm to be able to dwell in you otherwise we would have a jesus a jewish jesus staying in jerusalem reigning from david's throne but now he entered back into the spirit realm to manifest himself in all of us are we earthy or are we heavenly if you are heavenly you have the witness are you born from above then you are that child of god how does i how can i witness it for myself by partaking of the bread and partaking of the cup so i say this is the body broken for me this is the bloodshed for me this is the new testament if i eat it and drink it i manifest that christ died so i died he was raised so i'm raised he's in heaven so i'm in heaven he is alive so i'm alive he can't die again so i can't die again he's not going to seek corruption so i'm not going to seek corruption he's not sick so i'm not going to be sick he's not poor so i'm not gonna be poor no brother jesus is poor that's right that's why when he appeared he had that golden girdle around you okay everybody let's stand in your house get yourself a piece of bread father we thank you tonight for the body of jesus physical broken for us so that we can tonight be the body of christ bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh thank you for the price he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chastisement of our peace was upon him with those his stripes were you jesus thank you for dying on that cross tonight as we eat this bread this body drink this cup the blood we confess the new testament with better promises sealed with the blood of jesus a better promise sacrifice and offering you desired not you
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 1,077
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: spiritwordministries
Id: BIKmqHM8uLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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