Mind Of The Spirit - Prophet Kobus

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okay right in the beginning God made men out of the dust of the earth so that man lying there the Bible says was made in the image of God in the image and in the likeness of God created God this man but it was just just dead body no life so this man lying there was totally complete and on the inside of his head he had a thing called a brain he must have have because if you are dead and your spirit is out I mean all your organs are still there they don't disappear when you die so god made man out of the dust of the earth and the Bible says in the image and the likeness of God created him now both those words in the Hebrew tongue image and likeness both refer to physical image and likeness and not to spiritual image and likeness so here comes God this is the brain part of the body man which is his thinking ability is that right that is where his thoughts are hovered in his body so God came and he blew the breath of life on that man which is called the spirit of Almighty God which is referred to as the conscience of man so when conscience combined with brain something jumped up and the man suddenly was alive and he became a living soul so the Bible says in James chapter 2 faith without works is dead so the body without the Spirit is dead no mentioning made of the soul if your spirit leaves your body we don't save your soul lift your body we say your spirit so the Bible says as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead so when God breathed spirit upon man and the man's conscience we call it subconscious there's not actually such a thing it's just the conscience and the man stood up and he became a living soul which is the mind of mankind so man is living in his soul realm which is in mind which is run by the five senses so theology psychology psychiatry agrees that the five senses works with the soul and the mind of man but isn't it funny that the five senses has to do with your flesh so how can they refer to it that as soul but if you bump your head very hot some of the brain cells are dead your spirit is as alive as it always was Christ is in you as much as it always was why is it that do you say you got loss of memory why is it that you forget some things and you can't remember some things why is it that people have a stroke and some functions of the body doesn't work because some brain cells have been damaged and then they can't remember certain things all right so there's entertainment of the Spirit the soul in the body which is called the brain the mind and the conscience that is my thinking part of my body my thinking part of my soul the thinking part of my spirit but God made that possible so that we can understand how to function but if I take anyone out on date a person is in an accident and they say he's brain dead they keep him alive with machines and they ask the family shall we take the machines off if we take the machines off you you'll be dead Jeremiah 29:11 just listened to it for I know the thoughts that I think oh the amplifiers I know the thoughts that I plan for you King James says I know the thoughts that I think for you so God says I've got thoughts that I'm thinking about you now we know Psalm 8 says what is man that God is mindful of him so God's mind is filled with plans for you so God is constantly thinking things about you thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil thoughts of welfare and peace and not of evil okay thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end to give you hope to give you hope in your final outcome okay now I want to ask you if God made you in the beginning before he made you to think before he breathed the spirit upon you but you had the brain that was able to think but before he made you to think it's because it's when the Spirit came in that the soul could start thinking now so before he made you to think he says I want to tell you what is the sort that I'm thinking about man the thoughts that I'm thinking about you is thoughts of peace thoughts of hope and it's not thoughts of evil now we want to take song eight that says what is man that thou art mindful of him that I was made him a little lower than God himself crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands to rule so God's mind is filled with facts that you got a rule and to rule you're gonna have peace and hope so if we want to come forth in the image of Christ if we want to comfort in perfection if we want to come forth as God has planned for us in the image of his dear son Galatians 4:19 second Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 8 verse 29 and 30 then how many times do we think evil and how many times do we think peace and hope so God says if those are not your thoughts then this must be the thoughts if this is the thoughts then this can't be the thoughts now listen to as I have 55 verse 7 through 11 let the wicked forsake his way let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts let the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts and let him return to the Lord and he will have love but he and mercy for him and to our God for he will multiply to him his abundant pardon so God says if your thoughts are not like God is thinking and you come back to him in repentance he will have abundant mercy he will pour out grace he will just bless you because God's whole desire is to make man in his own image to put his spirit in him so that he can have a living soul so that he can think thoughts of peace and hope but you got to repent of all the other thoughts if you want that listen to the rest for my thoughts on what you sow God says these two can't work together my thoughts are not your thoughts so God says you cannot think evil and peace and hope at the same time okay so where do we think these thoughts in our brain in our spirit our conscience or in our mind also where do we think it verses 1 3 3 wait and listen everyone who is thirsty come to the waters and he has no money come by and eat yes come by with priceless spiritual wine and milk without money and without price why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and your earnings for what does not satisfy mmm I think we did that last week didn't we okay how can diligently to me and eat what is good and look at the King James would say listen and let your soul the lightest okay let your soul delight itself so God says if you are thirsty and come to me and listen to what I have to say the thing that will be revived is your soul will experience a revival so he says if you listen to the words that I have to say I'm gonna bring a revival to your soul so God could have just as well said I want to bring a revival to your thinking's I wanted to bring a revival to your thought life I want to bring a revival to the way you meditate I want to bring a revival to what you are thinking and if you can think my thoughts okay read the rest and let your soul delight itself in fatness okay the soul will delight itself in fatness which is the anointing okay come to me here and your soul will revive come to me and what will happen your soul will does all the Bible say that so if we come to God if you come unto me the anointing the fatness what does the anointing do as I attend and 27 says because of the anointing the yoke shall be destroyed okay so there's a burden so God says if you will listen to me that pressing burden thing on your soul will be destroyed by the fatness of the anointing if you will only listen to my word if you will only listen to what I have to say and come unto me your soul will revive so let the unrighteous will sake his thoughts don't think evil thoughts think thoughts of peace and hope right verse 11 10 11 for as the rain and snow come down for as the rain verse 1 says if you are thirsty sir verse 10 says so as the rain in the snow which brings the water so as the rain in the snow comes down from heaven and return not again but what does it do it what does the earth so it started off with if you are thirsty now he says the rain and the snow comes down and in water coz doesn't go back to heaven so so shall my word be so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return to me void without producing any effect useless that word void is empty it's chaotic so God says the word going out of his mouth will not return to invoice but there is a prerogative there is a condition you got to listen to the word and if you listen to the word the anointing will take the burden that is pressing on your mind away when you come to him and you will experience a revival in your soul which means you will start thinking like God which will be thoughts of peace and hope that will bring you back to the image that God intended you to be in and you will be able to rule because Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the thoughts that I'm thinking about you thoughts of peace and of Hope and not of evil to prove to you what your outcome will be in the end but didn't Jesus say something in Matthew 11:28 come to me all he you are poor and heavy laden and I will give you learn of me in other words listen when I speak and what will happen you shall find risk for you so if you are burden where do you go to which pulls do you take do you go for a workout or now they got a chill out so Colossians verse number 1 of chapter number 3 of Colossians awesome book if then he have been raised with Christ to a new love the sharing his resurrection from the dead when God made you in the beginning in Adam you were dead so he had to raised him from the dead by breathing his spirits into him to give him back a living soul so that he could have a thinking ability to act like God so if he are then risen with Christ to newness of life I can prove that to you out of Romans if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead naturally now see were also quicken our mortal bodies okay so I can give you more Scripture this mortal body will be quickened if I receive the Spirit of Christ in me to a new life thus sharing his resurrection aim it and seek the rich eternal treasures that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God now listen to verse 2 set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on the earth for as far as this world is concerned you have died and your new real life is hidden with Christ in God set your minds and what keep them set or what is above and then he explains that a higher type of thinking for these sorts are not my thoughts is God I am not evil I don't think evil I think thoughts of peace and hope and a prosperous future I know the outcome that I have planned for you it's one way peace and hope will take control of your thinking life no more burdens no more pressing down in your mind no more trouble in your soul come unto me have a revival in your soul if you then are the risen with Christ set your minds that is your soul and keep them set on high of thoughts doesn't Hebrews chapter 12 verse wanted to say seeing that we are surrounded with such a great cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every sin and every weight and sin that so easily beset us then he says two things he says we must look away from all that will distract by looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith he says this waits that's going to start to press you down there's gonna be burdens that's gonna weight you down in your soul in your mind but if you come to me and listen to my word and learn of me and then set your minds on me by looking unto me and not of the distractions that want to wait you down and keep them sit on the higher things you will find something out that your life is hidden with Christ in God now who's gonna find you there if your life is hidden with Christ in God but it tells you exactly how to get there by setting your mind and key them sit on the things which are above even as a man thinketh so easy so man stood up a living soul that's exactly what you are what do you think Paul writes to Timothy and he says in second Timothy one verse six and seven God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit power love and a sound mind so God says I've actually given you a spirit so Holy Spirit coming to me oh I receive your spirit he says part of that spirit is a sound mind hope my mind is leaving me we can all see that why is your mind leaving you why don't you just go to Jesus and get a revival in your soul get peace in your heart get the weights off get the anointing to break the yoke get a revival in your soul and get a sound mind now let system two pages back to Philippians 4 verse 6 amplified bible do not fret or have any anxiety about anything in each translation don't worry but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition different requests with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God and God's peace shall be yours that tranquil state of soul assured of its salvation through Christ and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever so that is that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mound God of your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things if there is any virtue and excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think on and way and take account of these things fix your minds on them thank you practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me and model your way of living on it and the God of peace now listen to this of untroubled undisturbed well-being will be with you so it says if you want an untroubled mind the thing you need to do is think right now it's good to study verses five six and seven you know don't be anxious but go to God with your wants and tell him what you want you know and then God's peace will be your portion but he says I can give you a shortcut finally rather from the first moment think the things that are just pure holy and the God of peace shall be with you without you trying not to be anxious now Jesus said something in matthew seven he says I will show you if somebody listens to my word and do it I will show you that I will compare him to a wise man who bought his house on the rock and when the storms came it couldn't do anything to him because he decided to listen to my word so who gets burdened down who gets pressed down the people that do not listen to the word I can take your scripture upon scripture upon scripture listen and your soul shall live he has an ear to hear let him hear so if I listen to the word James chapter 121 if I received the word with the humble spirit like Matthew 11:28 he says my soul shall be saved or my soul shall be revived as I have 55 so I can have a continuous soul each revival that means a constant sound minds that means that tranquil state of peace and hope that God says this is the thoughts that I'm thinking if it's any other thought it's not my thought so why don't you just think the other thoughts if you want to let's go to mark chapter 4 verse 13 you say to them do you not discern and understand this parable how then is it possible for you to discern and understand all the parables the sower shows the word now Matthew says the sower is the son of God and the seed is the word of God verse 6 assists in the same way the ones on the stony ground hear the word and at once receive and accept and welcome it verse 17 and they have no real root in themselves so they endure for a little while then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the word they immediately are offended the word comes the sower the son of God he says listen to me learn of me and you will have raised for yourselves so he comes and he shows his word to bring what peace to your soul so he says and after the word has come to bring peace to your soul they will be troubles burdens storms according to Matthew say it won't come for the words sake otherwise why did he bring you the work if it can't be tested why do you want to have a stamp of approval on it and their troubles if you didn't learn how to handle them the word will be stolen verse 18 the one son among the phones are the others who hear the word listen to verse 19 this is Philippians 4 then the cares and the anxieties of the world and the distractions of the age what does it do it suffocates the word he choked the word and what happens to the word it becomes fruitless verse 20 says and those sown in the group good well adapted soil all the ones who hear the word and receive and accept and welcome it and bear fruit sunsets thirty times as much as what sown some sixty times as much and some are hundred times as much and he said to them if the lamp brought in to be put under a pic measure or under a bed and not on the lamp stand why is it that mark when he tells the story of the parable of the sower puts in with it he says if the seed is sown on fruitful ground and some comes with 30 60 100 fold would you take a lamp and put it under a bed or under a bushel or do you put it on a lamp stand why does he ask it so let's get the context in Luke 11 33 no one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or crypt or under a bushel measure but on a lampstand but in Luke it's got nothing to do with the sower their souls neither in Matthew so your eye is the lamp of your body when your eye now this one says in brackets your conscience but proverb says is the window of your soul is sound and fulfilling its office your whole body is full of light but when it is not sound and it is not fulfilling its office your body is full of darkness be careful therefore that the light that is in you is not darkness if then your entire body is illuminated having no port dock it will be wholly bright with light as when a lamp with its bright Ray's give you light so it says if you want to understand this why will you light the lamp and put it under a bushel it says okay you struggle to understand your eyes are the light of your body so if your body is light you are a whole main chapter 12 verse 22 and he said to his disciples therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat neither for the body what you shall put on for life is more than meat and the body is more than clothes and raiment verse 26 if you then be not able to do that thing which is least white X you thought for the rest so if your thinking doesn't get your body full of clothes and your stomach full of food why do you think of all the other things that must happen in your life verse 29 seek not what you shall eat or what ye shall drink referring to thinking is that right if you go to Colossians amplified says seek the things above King James says think on the things above so seek what you shall drink neither be ye of a doubtful minds for these things do the nations of the world see seek after or think after but your father knows that you have need of these things but rather seek or think the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you fear not little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom verse 35 so let your loins be girded about and your lights burning loins girded he says be ready and if you read first Peter chapter 1 verse 13 it says more or less the same thing so he says let your light speed burning Matthew 5 says in verse 14 15 and 16 you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden so let your light so shine before men that they can see your good works but it says first you must get your whole man illuminated talking about your body which is your flesh if I can get my flesh illuminated let's jump to Romans 8 and see if we can close therefore there is now no condemnation now a judge in guilty or wrong for those who are in Christ Jesus who live and walk not after the dictates of the flesh but after the dictates of the spirit he says we've discussed no-condemnation we've discussed what Jesus did on the cross we've discussed it all but there's a little portion that still stands there that preaches the preach through the years you must walk after the spirit and not after the flesh so we've tried our best with Galatians 5:16 if we walk in the spirit we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh we've tried to explain in every way how to not be fleshly but how to be spiritual how to not be carnal but how to be spiritual but there it stands after 2,000 years till the condemnation will fall away if I walk not after the flesh but after the spirit but I'm then a flesh person and my flesh is then run by my five senses which is controlled by my mind so how can I then live after the spirit and not be condemned let's go to verse 5 for those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh but those who are according to the spirit are controlled by the desires of the spirit set their minds and seek those things which gratify the holy spirit now the mind of the flesh is death but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God but it's all the same mind if you are living in the flesh it's because you've set your mind if you are living in the spirit it's because you have set your mind nothing spooky nothing I / spiritual nothing floating around in smoke all got to do with we had the same it's all in the head they were right it is as a man thinketh so easy so Colossians 3 says if he then be risen with Christ set your minds and keep your mind set on the higher thoughts nothing spiritual so if you walk after the spirit you will be a person with no condemnation your whole being will be illuminated and you will think thoughts of peace and hope and not of evil so to qualify this you got to put that weight in the balance that we discussed already here today so if I set my mind on earthly things on fleshly things I'm a fleshly person if I set my mind on spiritual things I'm a spiritual person let's go to verse 9 but you are not living the life of the flesh you are living the life of the Spirit if the Spirit of God dwells within you but if anyone does not possess the Spirit of Christ he is none of his but if Christ lives in you your body is dead by reason of sin and guilt the Spirit is alive because of righteousness and if the spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you then he raised up Christ from the dead will also restore all through life your mortal bodies if you are living in the spirit he says your body is dead now he didn't say your body is dead he said is dead to sin but if the spirit that raised up Christ from the dead is in you then that spirit will quicken this dust mortal flesh man and you will be an illuminated being so you're not a ghost you're not a spook God has given you a dust body and God wants this body to be totally illuminated we've got the treasure inside earthen vessels Christ will be manifested in our bodies Christ will be seen in our bodies Christ will be seen in our physical natures we will be able to touch the sick calm the storms walk on water Queens the fires we will be able to do the impossible in our mortal bodies but it's a ways your mind which I can just keep these thoughts of mine under control you can my children is gonna make me mad the cat's gonna make me mad the dogs gonna make me mad this work is gonna make me hum I'm gonna keep driving up the walls and you're all talking about you are telling people what you are thinking the Bible says in Proverbs a fool tells everything that's on his mind a wise man keeps it back to later 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 for what person perceives knows and understand what passes through a man's thoughts except the man's own spirit within him listen and let your soul live today just so no one discerned and come to know and comprehend the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God now we have not received the spirit that belongs to the world but the Holy Spirit who is from God that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the divine favor and blessing so freely bestowed on us by God what did I just read I just read God has put his spirit in us so that we can think his thoughts how do I know where my mind is by listening to what you're talking and who you're talking to and what you're saying to everybody Martha Martha your mind is troubled and over exhausted by many things we did it last night but why don't you come and sit at my feet and learn of me Matthew 11 but your mind is all red with this set and your mind is running all over the show except on the spiritual things that are higher so so simple to be spiritual that it's actually laughable but we will go to the every extend to just try and be spiritual why don't you just work on your mind why don't you just think the right stuff verse 14 but the natural the non spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and the teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God who can see what we're reading here he says you know what makes you choral natural and unspiritual you're not listening when the word is going out and you don't think and meditate on those things later on then Satan comes and steals the word but if you take that word listen and do it you will produce fruit 30 60 100 fold and that will make you to shine your light and not put it under a bushel and when your whole body is illuminated you will be a man that's not walking in the flesh because your whole body will be light so what do we want right our flesh man if I want to get my flesh right I've got to get my mind right if I want to get my spirit right I've got to get my mind right because God made me a living soul so the thing I can work with is my mind but am I not supposed to work with my spirit I know he says God has washed our conscience from dead works by the blood of Jesus so the blood of Jesus has cleared my conscience but how can I now live according to this clear conscience by thinking but how can I think so deeply by thinking how you're thinking about that trace you wanna buy tomorrow so to be spiritual is nothing deep to be fleshly is nothing deep it's the exact same thing that makes you fleshly is the exact same thing that makes you spiritual it's where do you set your mind because God made you a living soul now listen to verse 16 for who has known or understood the mind of the Lord as to guide and instruct him to give him knowledge but we have the mind of Christ and do hold the thoughts of his heart do we listen to job 4 verse 12 now a thing was secretly brought to me and my ear received it was profit in thoughts from the visions of the night when deep sleep falls on many so he's talking about dreaming fear came upon me and trembling which made all my bones shake there a spirit passed before my face and a the hair of my flesh stood up you have felt it too and then the spirit stood still but I could not discern the appearance of it a form was before my eyes and there was silence and then I heard a voice saying can mortal man be just before God or be more right than he is can a man be pure before his maker or be more cleansed than he is you haven't got the Spirit of God to instruct God you've got the Spirit of God so that he can instruct you so forsake your thoughts and get his thoughts and I know my thought says God that I'm thinking it's peace hope and a prosperous outcome of perfection in the future and not evil so if you will cut that out and not set your mind on the flesh but set your mind on the spirit and keep your mind set on higher things then the burdens will be lifted because the anointing Cal come on your soul you will have a soulish revival because you are a living soul which will make your soul to tell your spirit please rule so my soul either pulls up my spirit or pulls down my flesh and that's the ruling Factory in your life you see we think oh I'm a spirit I have a soul I live in a body it's right it's good teachings but all those circles has not helped anybody you've got a spirit soul and a body okay this one has got a conscience to think this one has got a mind to think this one has got a brain to think the three can converse with one another but the dominating one is your soul your senses so we walk by faith and not by sight how do we change it by setting my mind on the things that is of higher quality they will pull up my spirit man and then my body is dead to sin but alive unto God if your body is dead we will bury you we have a weird idea about spirituality you still got a body to walk around and it's this body that I'll carry around the glory of Almighty God and it's this flesh body that you must get in line with the Word of God how do I get it by thinking right oh but I'm supposed to walk in the spirit think right I'm supposed to not be in the flesh think right it's not two things it's the same thing I set my mind and I keep it set on the right things but if I set my mind on the anxiety's no worries I become a flesh person so you make a decision today God made you a flesh body first of all breathed on you so that you can stand up a living soul save the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is now in you your mortal body will again be revived refreshed and you will be that living soul that thing's right talked right walk right do right hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we uploading more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritwordministries, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, porphet kobus, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, mind of the spirit, have the mind of christ, we have the mind of christ
Id: Cq12pCYe3G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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