His Appearance, Our Inheritance | Legacy Stream | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg

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first corinthians 11. now just after corinthians you get galatians maybe you should open galatians one as well first corinthians 11 verse 23 for i have received of the lord now i like the way paul starts he says i have received of the lord in other words for those who know he didn't receive it from a man he didn't get it from peter he didn't get it from james he didn't get it from stephen or philip he got it from the lord and he proves it when he was in front of the king in acts chapter 26 verse 16 he says for this reason o king the lord jesus appeared unto me and kept on appearing to me in other words paul had a personal appearance of the lord jesus christ how do i know that in acts chapter 9 remember when he was knocked off his horse and he saw in a bright light and he heard the voice of jesus saying paul why do you persecute me or so why do you persecute me and say who are you lord he said i am jesus okay now go do just keep your finger there i think galatians one will help us in verse 12 for paul says i neither received it of a man do you see there neither was i taught it but by the revelation of jesus christ for you have heard of my conversation in time past in the jewish religion profiting the jewish religion above many my equals in my own nation being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers but when it pleased god who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me or to reveal his son and me or to reveal his son in me or to reveal his son in me or to reveal his son in me okay so change the emphasis every time and get the full revelation of god has a very very very very very great desire to manifest himself in a threesome paul says what i'm writing i didn't receive it of a man but i got it by a revelation of jesus christ so i received from the lord so suppose it was a revelation of jesus christ okay and he calls it for this reason he appeared unto me and he kept on appearing to me so he used the word appearance in acts chapter 26 so let's read on i have received of the lord that which i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed to bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me this is my body now remember in john chapter 2 when when they came to the temple and said behold the stones and how great this building is and jesus said break it down and in three days i will build it up okay and he says and these disciples did not know it until after his resurrection that he spoke of his body so here in 2 he says the body is the temple and he says it was not revealed until after the resurrection so the resurrection revealed that the temple is the body but here he says take this bread this is my body and he said this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come this is the new testament in my blood and then he says this do in remembrance of me and so you proclaim the lord's death till he come way for whoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for those who do not know the new testament the word sleep there is the word death many are dead so people are weak people are sick and people die for one reason not discerning the lord's body so till he come paul uses two words he uses the word revelation and he uses the word appear so i want to put there by come appear and i want to use the word revelation that'll morally speak of the same thing in many scriptures in the bible so he says if i do not discern the lord's body people are weak people are sick and people will die so if i really descend the lord's body i will be strengthened i will be healthy and i will live okay that's more or less the gospel message jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly for he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed so back to verse 26 you show the lord's death till he come colossians 3. let's do verse first first verse 4 when christ who is our life okay remember paul says for me to live is christ okay then paul says the life i now live i live to the glory of god then paul says it's no longer i that liveth but christ that's alive in me okay so different scriptures like that so here he comes he says when christ who is our life okay so what is my life what gives me life who gives me life christ jesus so when christ who is our life shall appear then shall you also appear with him in glory so mortify there for your members verse 1. if ye then be risen with christ seek those things the amplified bible and many other translational messiah set your mind on things above so if ye be risen with christ set your mind on the things which are above to a new life thus sharing his resurrection from the dead verse 2 set your mind keep your mindset on things which is above in other words the higher things verse 3 for you are dead that's the old man and your life is hid with christ in god so when christ who is our life shall appear then shall you also appear with him in glory if this is god and christ is in god and they are you you are hidden with christ in god so if christ shall appear if christ appears then you must also appear then you also shall appear in glory so let's look at that mind story quickly in first peter verse 11 he says the prophets were searching out what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow now remember when christ appears when christ shall appear we shall also or you shall also appear with him in glory so here comes peter and he says all the prophets of old prophesied they looked forward to a time talking about the spirit of christ in them looked forward and prophesied about a time when what shall happen when christ shall be crucified suffering then the glory should follow okay so here we comes something about the glory keep it in mind verse 12 and to whom it was revealed revealed sorry that not unto themselves but unto us they that minister the things which are now reported unto you by them who have preached the gospel unto you you know things which the angels desire to look into verse 13 amplified bible so brace up your minds remember we just said set your minds on that higher lives things so brace up your mind set your hope holy and unchangeably on the grace that is coming to you when jesus christ is revealed okay so paul uses the word come appear and revelation peter says the prophets prophesied about the glory first the cross by the body and the blood which refer directly to the death of jesus christ on the cross okay so so peter says the prophets prophesied all of them you should find christ crucified somewhere in the prophets then flowing out of the crucifixion needs to come the glory but this glory was not for their period of time it was not for that period of time but for us who's the us okay we're gonna find out who's this us was it 600 years ago for martin luther you know was it 500 years ago for the anabaptists was it 100 years ago for the pentecostals was that 40 years ago for the charismatics who who's this us you know who's this period of time that the prophet prophets prophesied about a certain glory now think of the word glory and then about the revelation of jesus christ when christ appears you shall also appear with him in glory but our lives are hidden with christ in god so when christ comes out of the god life type of thing and manifest himself who's gonna manifest him you because you are hidden in christ so everybody oh in christ come oh at the second coming when christ comes again so how's he gonna come how's he gonna appear how's he gonna reveal himself what is gonna happen at the appearance of christ is he gonna come again as a single person then he must come to a certain country to which country will go to this time because israel had that time and there is now no more jew or greek for which kingdom will he come to because the kingdom of god is all across the earth where will he reveal his glory because the glory of the lord shall cover all the earth [Music] okay have you ever asked those questions he can't come to an ethnical group he can't come to a designated country because then it will not be a worldwide kingdom it can't come for a specific group then it's not all nations and tongues and tribes and kindreds before the throne of god have you ever thought of it let's go to ephesians 2. now remember paul says to colossians chapter 3 if he then be risen with christ so you can't be risen if you didn't die did you die if you didn't die you stole your old ugly self but if you died you were risen into a new life romans chapter 6 and you proved it by being baptized so did you die in christ if you died in christ the old things have passed away and everything is new so if you live to yourself you're not living to christ but if you're living unto christ you're no longer living unto yourself you see god doesn't come and throw everything at the same time but he writes it in the word and everything in this book is a prophetic book because paul said paul an apostle and prophet so peter was a prophet and a teacher so was paul so all the new testament was writers were prophets as much as was the old testament prophets the one prophesied up to the resurrection of christ and the others prophesied about the glory that should follow thank you so now we must find out what is this prophecy of the new testament of the glory that should follow we now know the old testament prophesied about the cross so was he crucified so we're looking back to the cross of christ so what do we do when we break the bread and drink the cup we show forth the lord's death so what till he come what is the coming called the appearance so when christ appear what's going to happen we will appear with him in glory are you saying oh i'm saying let's read ephesians 2 verse 6 is a good one to start with he has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come [Music] paul is writing something but it's not for the people that's reading it 2000 years ago in ephesus he says i'm writing this to you that you may know that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness towards us through christ jesus he says it was not for their period of time so it was for the ages to come what is for ages to come show the riches of his glory oh he adds another word there grace what did peter say in 1 peter 1 verse 13 he says so brace up your mind at the grace that shall be given you at the appearance of the revelation of jesus christ so this grace is going to come to you in riches of glory at the revelation at the appearance of jesus christ verse 18. the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know say this is the time to know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints okay so now he adds another word he says this hope which is rich in glory which will come with grace at the appearance or revelation of christ is something that we call an inheritance and it's in the saints now how can an inheritance be in you an inheritance is something that you get when somebody died and they left you but he calls this thing in the saints he says and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us were to believe according to the working of his power so that you can know and understand what is the immeasurable unlimited surpassing of his great the greatness of his power in and for us who believe as demonstrated in the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his own right hand in the heavenly places now two scriptures that we did is if you then be risen with christ the other one is you died with him and you were raised together with him and you are seated with him in heaven in heaven now he says here you must know this is this is going to come to you with a shock this reach glory grace hope which is an inheritance in the saints is coming to you by knowing the power of the resurrection and he says the same power that he exerted in christ when he raised him from the dead now romans 8 11 says if the same spirit that raised christ from the dead dwell in you he's gonna quicken your mortal body so colossians three verse four we did that says you know about this christ appears you shall appear with him in glory that was verse 4 verse 5 says mortify therefore your members which are on the earth here it comes he says he will quicken your mortal body so in other words the mortal stuff will go away and if mortal go away what happens to mortal it becomes immortal [Applause] so if he's going to quicken your mortal body and the mortal must be taken out of the way according to colossians if we understand the resurrection if we understand the appearance of christ then okay let's read on it's getting worse which he raised in christ when he seated him at his own right hand in the heavenly did you see the places again is italics now you raised together and seated together with him in heavenly place far above principalities and stuff like that verse 22 has put all things under his feet which is the head of his on himself verse 23 he says and he's given christ as the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all okay here we had the body this is my body that was the breaking of the bread but jesus says this body is my temple and they'll only understand it after the resurrection now he says but when god raised christ from the dead that same power is in you and i want you to get knowledge of this it's it's gonna cost a spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand that this is an inheritance it's in the saints it's the power that he raised christ with from the dead that power that seated christ in the heaven that power is now in you making you the body which fills all in all the amplifier says everything everywhere with himself now colossians 2 verse 9 says the fullness of the god dwells bodily in christ and he says verse 10 but you are complete in him so the completeness is you have the fullness of the christ but kubus can we have it as mortal beings that's why we're waiting for the appearance with grace that shall be revealed to us so that we can get a revelation and step into something greater than mortal. [Applause] first peter chapter one verse three blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope so we are born the word begotten means born again we are born again unto a hope so i'm born again curves i got my ba that's good what are you born again for to go for a hope what is the hope this hope is rich in glory what is rich in glory the appearance of christ which is where you with him in glory that is the hope oh no my hope is to die and go to heaven no no no he's talking all the time about an appearance for those who are already in heaven no covers my mother is in heaven your your mother's spirit is in heaven your mother's not in heaven we buried her if your mother spirit come here now you will not recognize them because it's spirit but when your mother comes out of the tomb you quickly reckon mother remember the witch of ender when she called up samuel and she thought the spirit's going to appear and samuel came she says to saul you know why did you do this to me and here came stephen what are you doing here that's why the bible says the dead in christ will rise first unto a lively hope by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead are you ready to an inheritance incorruptible that's a good word undefiled faded not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of god okay what's the power of god that he used when he raised christ from the dead so something is kept by the resurrection power of jesus what is that in inheritance in the saints so he says i want you to know that you have an inheritance which is incorruptible so if the inheritance is in the saints but this is a hope that is kept in heaven who's in heaven you and i so where we are something is kept for us it's an inheritance [Applause] which is incorruptible incorruptible it's kept by the power of god through faith unto the salvation listen to this ready to be revealed in the last time okay so this whole thing taking it from different scriptures tonight this whole thing is kept that's why it's called hope [Music] [Applause] so it's not yet revealed it's kept it's called hope but it's ready [Music] to be revealed paul calls it ages to come peter calls it in the last time so something must be revealed where but how is it going to be a misfloating into the church or is it going to be this treasure is a hidden thing which is in us verse 6 wherein he greatly rejoiced though now for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations so that the trial of your faith remember fight the good fight of faith laying hold on eternal life so the trial of your faith being much more precious than that of gold that perishes there's the word paris where the word incorruptible though it be tried with fire might be found unto the praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ [Music] we've got an inheritance which is incorruptible which is kept in heaven ready to be revealed in ages to come for the last time he says but this thing will come at the appearance of christ but when christ appear you also appear so who's going to appear how's it going to happen isn't this what creation is waiting for isn't this the full manifestation of the sons of god according to romans 8 verse 11 again what manner of time the spirit of christ which in them signified when he testified before and the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow it was revealed that not unto them not for their period of time but to us they ministered this that's why the holy ghost was sent from heaven so good of the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ so second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 you don't have to go there we're going to go to ii peter now says as we all behold in a mirror the face of our lord jesus christ we are all being changed from glory to glory into the very image of the son of god keep that in mind as we go to second peter simon peter again to them that have obtained faith so i got faith now remember by our faith through our faith by the power of god something is kept for us in heaven we who are in heaven you that are dead and raised with christ you are in heaven christ raised christ was raised from the dead seated in heaven you were raised from the dead seated in heaven so if you then be risen with christ set your mind on the things above think on a different kind of life don't think oh when i die how am i gonna die how am i gonna look like in my coffin you know how i'm gonna look like when they throw flowers on my tomb what's gonna happen to me you know three months later how am i gonna a skeleton gonna look are they gonna dig me up for scientists you know no no verse two grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge now remember we must gain knowledge verse 3 according as his divine power has given unto us all all that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory oh somewhere in glory land oh where's glory land glory land sweet glory land where's glory where's the glory gonna be revealed in us it says in us through us say how can you go to glory if it must be revealed in and through you so when you go to it oh it was supposed it was kept there for you now you're running from it to get to it and you're leaving it actually behind because it's been kept through faith by the power of god through the resurrection of christ which is inheritance in the saints so where do you want to run to that's why the bible says when jesus christ comes he's bringing back the dead with him so when this all happens he's going to jump people out of the tombs whereby are given unto us great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature so you become godlike having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust he says that we might be partakers of the divine nature of course but you know our nature is now natural man hey the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god but we are not natural or carnal we are spiritual but forces to the corinthian church baptized spiritual believers you are yet carnal so this is for people who believe they are risen not just for those oh i died with christ what about risen with him [Applause] oh my old life is dead what about your new life rhythm you see we've got so much excuses yeah but that's just my old man you know you know today the traffic light my old man just jumped out of the grave man that guy pulled in front of me you know and he skipped the red light and you know and you know and you skip you know and you know my old man just jumped up no we buried my old man and we buried my old man okay we might we can be partakers of divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world world the corruption that is in the world through lust suppose this in first corinthians 15 verse 51-56 not directly quoted i'll just re abbreviate it it says the first man adam was the first man let's put it here i must explain this we have adam the first man the first man adam was off the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly he says we shall bear it he says i show you a mystery i'm just going on we shall not all die [Applause] it's a mystery i show you a mystery we shall not all die but we shall all be changed we shall not all die here he says people are weak sick and die because they do not discern the body so we shall not all die so somebody's going to discern what this body is all about somewhere in the history he says then this corruption must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality then the proverb shall come true o death where is your sting so death will be swallowed up by life for the power of death is in sin and the power of sin is in the law so the first man adam was off the earth the second man is the lord from heaven as we board the image of the earth we shall also bear the image of the heavenly i show you a mystery we shall not all die but we shall all be changed he says this corruption must put on incorruption so if i have escaped the corruption if i have a inheritance that is incorruptable but it's an inheritance that's in the saints [Music] [Applause] so it's still a treasure that is hidden that's still a mystery according to second corinthians chapter five paul says the life of jesus must be made manifest in my mortal body the life of jesus which which jesus said jesus before the cross or the jesus after the cross if it's the jesus before the cross i'm still in adam but if it's the jesus after the cross is the lord from heaven that's why he send his holy spirit from heaven how did the holy spirit come after jesus disappeared so where's jesus okay so we are in him and he's in us and our life is hidden with him in god oh this is confusing not when you read on okay let's go he says as by one man sin entered into the world and through sin death entered upon all so by one man one man one man so by one man's obedience righteousness came upon all so that we might reign in life in christ jesus because he says there we are justified to life justified to live but we got to first escape the corruption that is in the world through lust this corruption is in the world what is corruption where do we see corruption comes in after death that's why in death he saw no corruption because when you die corruption steps in but he says this corruption must put on incorruption oh but if corruption only comes after death how can i relate this to me and have an inheritance that's incorruptible i'll read it to you first john 2 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is in the world [Music] we must escape the corruption that is in the world through lust okay he calls it the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life by one man sin came and through sin death entered way into the world so death goes on to corruption i'm gonna try my best adam and eve is in the garden the devil satan the old serpent comes to he says look eat you be like god [Music] did you see it the lust of the flesh the last eye and the pride of life look eat it and you be like god this corruption death one man adamson death came is in the world through lust who what is this lust it's not your lust it's adam it's lust it's eve's lust it entered into the world through the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life it's not of god but it's in this world [Applause] let's close with hebrews 9 verse 8 the holy ghost the signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest whilst as the first tabernacle was still standing now revelation 21 verse 3 says the tabernacle of god is now with men john chapter 14 jesus went prepare his place came back and now he and the father dwells in and with us so when i invited christ into my life i invited god when i said jesus coming to my life i could have just said wash me in your blood i've cut his god be my all i could have said anything the thing is something spiritual must happen to me that make me know that i'm a new creation i must understand i'm in christ to get into him i had to die from the old man adam corruption through lust i had to enter into incorruption through the resurrection which is the divine life which is inheritance in the saints not foreign to the saints in the saints how do i get near it and somebody died for me who died for me christ to give me what life so what is my inheritance life is jesus dead but he did die to do what to leave me an inheritance okay let's just read on now remember the holiest of all is the deepest part of the temple if the temple is his body and i am now the body where is the holiest of all where is christ in me so what am i the temple so where's christ inside the temple in the holiest the holiest was not open while the first tabernacle is thin because this can't be okay ephesians two verse 22 says amplified by we are all built together to form a holy abode of god amplified would say the holiest of all and ever abiding presence of god in the spirit but christ become a high priest of good things to come to come okay ages to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building in other words not the temple of solomon neither the tabernacle of moses neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy having obtained eternal redemption for us okay jesus wash me in your blood jesus coming into my life so christ entered in by his blood to bring eternal redemption how am i redeemed what did it do to me cleanse me from sin where was sin in me how through the corruption that is in the world through lust the adamic nature [Applause] for all has sins and come short of the glory what's going to be revealed the glory so where did christ enter okay so let's try and go on let's try and go on for if the blood of bulls and a ghost and the ashes of heaven sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purine of the flesh how much more still the blood of christ no cleanses us verse 15 for this course he is the mediator of the new testament wonder why they didn't translate that covenant it's testament it's not a covenant a covenant is you've got to do a part god will do a part we haven't got a covenant all the viewers by television we haven't got a covenant with god we received a testament from god jesus said is grace so i can't do anything we can't take you know any dose or don'ts so it's a free gift that's why it's a testament and not a covenant he says he's mediator of the new testament let's go on that by means of death for the redemption here it comes of the transgression that were under the first testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance where's the inheritance in the saints what is it the glory what is it the appearance of the christ life what is it the divine night nature when will it come when we understand we can escape the corruption that is in the world through lust adam lost it death entered corruption stepped in now okay in short for where a testament is they must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while they stay delivered wherefore neither the first testament was dedicated without blood so moses took it all you know saying this is the blood verse 20 of the testament which god has enjoined to you moreover he sprinkled both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry and almost all things are by the law perched with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in heaven should be purified with these but the heavenly themselves with better sacrifices than these for christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands which are the figures of the truth but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us okay he says in the tabernacle everything was cleansed by sprinkling of blood that was just a figure of the heavenly now if the tabernacle of god is now with men if we are now the temple if we are the dwelling place then god jesus entered into a temple not made with hands were you made by hands okay so listen to this he sprinkled it with his own blood okay hebrews chapter 12 we have come to jesus the mediator of a new testament and to the sprinkling of blood so if we've come to the new testament and the sprinkling of blood who did the blood cleanse some furniture who was sprinkled with the blood you who received the testament hue where's the inheritance in us okay okay he says so okay he says so christ had to enter in jesus christ come into my life wash me in your blood so he came in washed me took adam out put christ in right so am i heavenly or am i earthy as i bore the image of the earthy i shall also bear the image of the heavenly okay so but it is for ages to come so previous generations could not understand this truth because it wasn't for their time but now it is revealed to us so if it's if it's coming through now that it means we are the generation [Music] are you ready now now listen to this this is the best part coming he says for christ is not entered into the holy made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us christ in me i am hidden with christ in god when he shall appear i shall also appear with him in glory so if christ if i go to the father who's going to the father so i have boldness now so who appears in the presence of god i can't i'll be killed i'll beat it so if i know the blood has now sprinkled me christ is now entered then to appear in the presence of god for me so father you know who's whose father is he the father of our lord jesus christ who is the only begotten son jesus okay so no man can come to the father but by me [Applause] so if i understand it how much more my prayer is going to be answered if i say father my goodness it makes life just so much easier by grace that's why if you take this bread this is my body which is broken for you the temple destroyed but i'm gonna raise it up so if i eat it and swallow it i believe if i eat it i eat his flesh and he says if i do eat it john 6 i shall never die [Applause] if i do drink the blood it does cleanse us from all sin and it is the new testament what is the testament inheritance where is it in me so every time i drink the blood every time i eat the flesh i confess christ in me blood cleanse me temple cleanse appear in the presence of god for me what happens prayers answer them [Music] [Applause] when did the father say no to jesus just just in the garden just in the garden when he was going where to die so who did he die for for me is he now alive so which life is now in me not adam adam is corrupted through lust christ saw no corruption is alive forevermore so if i now eat and drink the body and the blood i confess my goodness new testament new life temple cleansed no corruption inheritance in so i can appear and when christ really appear christ meaning you are christ comma the son of god so what is creation waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god so if christ does appear who's going to appear we with him where in glory you
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 695
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spiritwordministries
Id: FRkU9tYwk70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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