No Death - Prophet Kobus

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Oh bless God we just finished the servers it's the 14/15 one in the series on immortality and tonight I just spoke on we shall not die jesus said if you believe in me shall not die you shall not see this at all do you believe this and this message they're really gonna stir your heart and I want you to stay tuned and look through the whole of this message before you make any remarks and let this word fall in your heart I touch on you know we heard so much about faith but we're now so little about believing you know so it's right to have faith faith is the gift that God gives to our hearts but we're leaving his out give back to Almighty God believing in showing trust in God that he will do what we just had faith for God plants of faith we believe in Almighty God don't miss this message for anything in the world just stay tuned and we'll be back with an awesome word on if you believe in me you shall never die and Jesus then ask the question do you believe this and at the end of this message we're gonna ask you this question do you believe this and you're gonna shout and I tell you we're gonna change because God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever lieth in him should not perish but have everlasting life not just life after death but everlasting life right here and now god bless you as you listen you know in John chapter 14 there's so much theological differences when Jesus said you know you believe in God believe also me in my father's house are many mansions I go to prepare a place for you to prepare a place I'll come back and take you that you can be where I am remember the story and you know it depends on which church you belong to what you believe with that story but verse one stands out to me tonight like hasn't anybody seen verse one jesus said you believed in God now also believe in me and when I read that I realized my goodness there's something that the churches must believing in the Lord Jesus Christ you know we all have him as Savior and Lord of our lives we confess him as Lord we believe that he saved us from destruction we believe that we are born again but then something stood out by reading through the book of John realizing I wonder how many Christians really believed in Jesus right now I'm gonna describe it tonight in in John chapter 16 from verse 7 through verse 11 I think that'll be alright John 16:7 3:11 Jesus it's something he said it is expedient for you that I go away and if I go away I will sing to the holy spirit remember if I don't go the Holy Spirit can come and I said if the Holy Spirit come he will convict the world of sin so the Holy Spirit man this is great stuff the Holy Spirit will convict people or convince them convict or convince them of sin okay have you been convicted of your sin yeah now we put some in the category of smoking dancing jowling and you know yeah y'all gambling and you know we put some in the category of stuff that we do and that's not sin in itself that is called works of the flesh and that is called you know you know it's attributes of sin but the Sunday Jesus explained it he said the Holy Spirit when he comes he will convict of sin because they do not believe in me so I want to put equal they to sin is not believing in Jesus now this is not believing in Jesus Christ for saving your soul this is not believing in Jesus Christ to be born again this is a total different thing this is he says when the Holy Spirit come he will convict you of sin and this sin is you do not believe you mean so here stands Jesus in front of the disciples and he says the following he's gonna tell him a great and marvelous awesome revelation of how he and the father is gonna come dwell on the inside of us to start it off with his you believe in God did you know most people believe in God it's no problem believing God oh man do you believe oh yes I believe in God you believe who has the great creator of the universe you believe in God is the great source of life you know people have different views of but people believe in God now Jesus said you believe in God now believe in me okay now believe in me now you know in Hebrews chapter one he says in verse one God at Sunday trance and divers man has spoke to the father's by the prophets but in these last days God has spoken to us by the son whom he has appointed heir of all things so some way we've got to hear the voice of the son remember in John chapter 10 Jesus said I am The Good Shepherd my sheep hear my voice they do not recognize the voice of a stranger isn't it funny that most Christians can tell you what the devil told them this week but very few can tell them what Jesus told him this week and jesus said in John chapter 10 he says they do not recognize the voice of a stranger but they know my voice so if Jesus is our Shepherd that's the only voice you could recognize you know so God spoke to us by the prophets now Jesus came and every time Jesus did a great mighty miracle he was challenged by the Pharisees on what the law and the prophets said and every time jesus said I have come to fulfil the law and the prophets and he said the prophets were until John you know Old Testament prophets from then in the kingdom of God is preached you know and people want to take it by violence but we don't take it by violence we receive it by faith and the kingdom of God is within us okay so now Jesus says that that law and prophecies fulfilled but now you've got to listen to me when Jesus was an amount of Transfiguration with you James John and Peter remember Moses and Elijah appeared in a cloud of glory and a voice came from the cloud and said you know they were caught it with the law and the prophets Moses standing for the law Elisha standing for the prophets and Peter said Lord let us both three archer one for you one for Moses one for Elijah and all of a sudden a voice came from the cloud saying this is my son hear ye him easier translation listen to him so jesus says you believe in God most people believe in God most religions believe in God but now believe in me okay so you comes but I believe in Jesus well I want to challenge every believer in this house would you go for homework this week and just read the book of John the Gospel of st. John and underline the word believe every time you'll find it you'll get it from chapter one right through in the book of John and then realize do you really believe what this book says about believing in Jesus so Jesus said you believe in God now believe also in me so here he comes he says when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the first thing that the Holy Spirit wanted to convict the world about eason now if they're all brother the Holy spirt convicted me that what I'm doing isn't you've just been lying okay that's your conscience telling you that you are doing a wrong thing you know that is folk you know they are stuff that will be sin for you that will maybe not to be sin for somebody else okay the greatest example yeah yeah I learned my lesson so quickly so quickly when a poor young it sure was you know hot on the scene and everybody was freaking out because he had the greatest church in the world he still has the greatest church in the world you know and American preachers and South African preachers went to visit his church and they saw all the ladies in his church had short hair and they were dressed with very skimpy tiny clothings there ha have sinned is it brother in our city the prostitutes have long hair in long dresses so if they stand they with a long dress and long hair you know they prostitutes Oh in America they look different they let everything hang out and you know they have you know they short hair and they show what they got you know so what's in in one place could not be seen in another place but Jesus is coming in he said when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict your son but the city wants to convict you off is if you don't believe in me so we're gonna find out what Jesus said we gotta hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and if we hear his voice can we believe what he's saying now listen I want to help you tonight man this is the awesome thing Romans chapter 6 verse 23 says and following this is the wages in other words the pay that you get the wages of sin is have you got that the wages of sin is death so if you keep on disbelieving Jesus what'll happen to you you will die so the wages of sin is death but oh man but the gift of God is going to rock your boat right now but the gift of God is no eternal life not life eternal life but the gift of God is eternal life and this is where we're gonna hit the thing in tonight and everybody's gonna see a revelation of what God is trying to say so if I keep on sinning what is sinning disbelieving Jesus what will happen the wages that I will get from this believing Jesus is I will eventually die but the gift that God gives me if I believe in Jesus will be eternal life now I want to help you tonight the Word of God doesn't say I'm gonna give you life after death the world of us God God doesn't say I'm gonna give you an afterlife Jesus didn't say and the Word of God doesn't say I have come that you might have an afterlife I mean I was in radio what 702 the other nine they said do you believe it off to life I said I believe in life eternal you know so many people even oh if I die I'll go to heaven and I'll live forever Jesus didn't say if you die you will live forever jesus said I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly the Good Shepherd if we hear his voice the same chapter of being the Shepherd hearing the voice of the Shepherd says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly did he say you're gonna have life after death or did he just say plain straight life and life more abundantly come on let me give you the greatest Gospel message I preached this week here in the kuma Township and it just brought a fresh world into my life the Word of God comes in John chapter 316 now the context of John three is where Jesus and Nicodemus is is discussing what it means to be born again and Nicodemus struggled to believe in Jesus said if you struggle to believe earthly things what will happen if I tell you about heavenly things so he says you know what wicked he was let me tell you the believing things were John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave now there's a gift God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever do what believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life did he say it so that you might have life after death then you say that you might have an off to life did he say that you might live after you died or did he say if you believe you will have everlasting life now can anybody in this house to try and try to explain to me what everlasting means everlasting [Music] you know people goes that man this rubber is everlasting you can stretch it you can it's ever lost you know it will break somewhere everlasting means it got lost out it's forever and it's lasting it's very deep you know it's very very deep to understand if you believe you will have everlasting life but the wages of sin is death what is sin not believing in Jesus so what will I have I believe in Jesus if we're lost in life here it comes Hebrews 11:1 we we know so much about the faith message faith is the substance man you got to see the two things that is describing faith is substance you know what substances they say man you must eat this food is that substance so it's a solid thing you know no don't eat that rustling he's just wind so it means you know you blow it up with a lot of recipes and you wind it by the time you eat it there's no feeling in a teacher you know like you know like you know what's that stuff candy floss you know spoke awesome yeah it's a lot of sugar that the Zuzu Zuzu becomes there because why are you taking there's nothing in it yeah so when you build a building the bricks are the substance so you get the substance and you are ready to build money but faith is the substance of things and these things are hoped for okay hope is futuristic that faith is an evidence of things not seen are you with me so faith I said it a year or two ago faith is God's gift to you remember Ephesians 2 we are saved by grace through faith not of our self it's a gift of God so God gives you faith your gift back to God is belief so God gives you faith here on the inside your wall substance man Wow I'll take that but I don't see it so believing is getting that into reality can anybody help me so things not seen is believing so it's a relying it's a trusting maybe I should help you with the scripture we call Abraham the father of faith it all right but the Bible doesn't really really talk a lot about his faith he's the father of faith that's what we call him but the Bible doesn't really talk a lot about the faith of Abraham but the bible does say abraham believed god everybody in this room and watching tonight has faith if you didn't had faith you wouldn't be in this house and you wouldn't be tuning into the spirit were channel so people of god has faith but there's very few people that believe God or they believe God but very few people that believe Jesus they believe God so they come to church they believe God so they come to church but when it comes to the words of Jesus we struggle to believe and we're gonna go a little bit in depth into tonight so Abraham is the father of faith but Abram believed God okay it's not again you believe in God now start to believe in me if the Holy spirt comes you convict you of sin person because you're not believing me now the wages of that sin is death so why do people still die just believe what is they disbelieve in the things that Jesus said okay you got them if we just believe what Jesus said we're gonna die someday if we truly believe what Jesus said it means that eternal life everlasting life eternity is forever forever is eternity everlasting is forever eternally eternally is forever everlasting Mark chapter 9 and when it came to his disciples Jesus is now coming down from the Mount of Transfiguration when he came to his disciples he saw a great multitude about them describes questioning with him and straight away all the people when they beheld him were greatly amazed and running to him saluted me and he also describes what question you with him and one of the multitude also said master are brought unto thee my son which which has a dumb spirit the bad spirit and wherever he taketh him he terrors him and he foams and nash's you can ear the scheme changes with these Jesus and pinus away us and I spake to thy disciples that they should cost him out and they could as not to say okay verse 19 and he answered a man saith is way as they is okay yes right right any-any also demon saith o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him unto me and they brought him unto Him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tear him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming you would run and he asked his father how long has it the ghost since he came up this came up to him and he said up a child and off times it is caused him into the fire into the waters to destroy him but if if but if but if but Roger but he could told us in the sixties I don't believe it if but if no okay so but if but if but if man 'this is the host world but if thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believes all things are possible all things are possible all things are possible so somebody got the note on a song and they wrote a song they in Australia and we see it all things are possible oh jeez oh if you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth and straightway I like that straightway and straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe Oh Lord I believe all things are possible lord I believe you can't believe believe what just what he said come on come on come on you read the next verse the father said lord I believe help my unbelief so he believed that Jesus said if you can believe me I can do a miracle but he looked at his son come up this is one of my first revelations I got into ministry years ago and he said but if I look at my son I can't believe that he can be healed but if I listen to you I can't believe lord I believe help my unbelief causes don't worry about the miracle leave it to me if you believe in me huh I mean talk about faith oh man man how we love when we talk about faith to talk to things now mark 11:22 have faith in God now Jesus just cursed the fig tree man the next day yet comes Peter yeah Lord behold the fig tree that you cursed is withered away Jesus said huh Jesus said have faith in God for I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed in cost in the sea he shall have whatsoever he saith oh man and that's where our faith preachers stop boy and then we start preaching man let's talk to stuff we talk to cause we talk to money but the money just doesn't breed we talk to things and just nothing happens we talk out tongues get thick our mouths get dry and we talked to stuff we talk to stuff have you talked to stuff and they didn't listen come on come come don't be ugly have you talked to trees and they didn't move have you talked to mountains didn't jump up have you talked to situations he didn't change so they must be more to the teaching in just verse 22 if you say to this mountain eat shall be removed and caused in Jesus the old man and we stop and we teach the message on faith but why don't we just read on and get verse 24 in the depths of the heart listen to verse 24 therefore so therefore explains wherefore therefore I say and you what so ever what things soever you desire when when you pray what believe that you receive them [Music] Oh oh come on sorry oh dear father in heaven help us tonight okay you see we've missed the integral part of this whole message on the faith thing there in Mark 11 he says whatever things what ever things I mean God didn't didn't didn't didn't limit it to anything he put an unlimited whatever things you desire whatever thinks you desire that's a strong word when you pray see that huh believe who why don't we a messages on that believe what does it say believe that you believe that you receive and what is he we preach the half the story we didn't get the threes to move we need to get the mountains to jump in the sea because we only pre speak to the thing you know so faith is the substance so there's the substance now and then be removed faith is the substance yet comes the substance Mountain be removed because the words are powerful dancing lies in the power of the tongue but there's got to be something more than just speaking there's got to be this tenacity of believing power that says I spoke now I'm gonna imagine in my mind to believe that the things I desire unseen so a verse is I believe God can call things that are not as though they already were so God created things like they already were existing before he even spoke to them well so now we pray for a car or a house or a financial thing to break through do we struggle to get it from somewhere or do we believe that in God's mind it has already happened and how can do I trust God that I can have it that's believing power mark chapter 5 gyrus came to Jesus hit my little dough out there lieth at home sick come lay your hands on her that she may live and she shall not die okay come lay your hands on my door that you may live in our diet so Jesus let's go on the way we know the procedure will stop by the woman that said I touches Hamid a garment I will be made whole and then one of his servants came and said why bother the teacher any longer your little girl is dead Jesus said hey don't fear only believe X chapter 13 man Paul is preaching verse 29 he's talking about what happened to Jesus and said and when that finished and fulfilled everything that was written about him they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb but God raised him from the dead hallelujah and for many days he appeared to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem and they are all these witnesses to the people so now we are bringing you the good news that was as God had promised your forefathers this is completely fulfilled everyone say fulfilled for us they children by raising up say raised him up and Jesus as it is written in the second song you are my son today have I begotten you okay verse 34 and - as - he's having raised him from among the dead now no more to return undergo putrefaction and to salute this dissolution you know that easier in short just corruption okay return to corruption Lee jump King James it's easier he said on this wise I will give you the show Monsieur David if we say it also in another song you shall not suffer the Holy One to see corruption it more say corruption corruption okay for David after he had served his own generation by the will of God fell on sleep and was laid unto his father's and so corruption say Jesus doesn't see corruption but David saw corruption okay but he whom God raised the game saw no corruption for third time no corruption be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins now just jump over to the amplified Bob of the University so let it be clearly known and understood by you brethren that through this man forgiveness and removal forgiveness and removal for eveness and removal officers is now proclaimed to you if Marcin is forgiven and removed and the wages of sin is death what is then removed okay so Romans chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 there is therefore now no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not off to the prompt do you know promptings of the flame but all you know that the you know what does it say you know after the teachers of the place with the promptings of the Spirit for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death so if my sins are truly forgiven if I believe Watson not believe in Jesus how many times does he speak how many times does the Good Shepherd want to talk to you and you refuse his voice refusing the voice of Jesus he's singing because you don't believe in him what do i do then I still fall under the law of sin and death but if I forgive if my sins are forgiven I totally believe him I'm free from sin and is for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish [Music] in other words see corruption see corruption yeah dude y'all go for it man see corruption but have [Applause] blasting okay let's read on hatred on now listen what he says because of this removal of sense beat known unto you therefore that it Springs that you can be forgiven and by him all that belief or just if ID from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses okay so what does the law of Moses is if you send you die so you could never be justified by the law of Moses from death now he says everything that you could not be justified from from the law now that you receive forgiveness of sins are you so it means like you've never seen before so I'll be justified from death it's like I will never know covers this is too tough wait wait wait don't switch off the revelation is gonna hit you 10 tornadoes are nothing cyclones nothing's miners tsunamis this thing that's gonna eat you tonight it's gonna take you out of this realm of the natural into a spiritual orbit and it will never pull you out of that over the game man and you will get the signals from the light source and send signals to the right source okay beware therefore verse 14 we will therefore list that come upon you which is spoken of the prophets so the prophets is something that we're gonna look at now behold you despisers wonder and perish okay oh just stop here this is you that despise the word that's gonna be saved right now okay just take every word literally listen you despisers of what I'm reading now you perish is it in your bottle for I work a work in your days a work which you shall in no wise belief though a man declare it unto you listen to the amplified I am doing a deed in your day's deeds which you will never have confidence in or belief even if someone clearly describing it in detail declares it to you so I'm coming with a lot of detail denied to describe something to you that if you despise it you perish but if you believe it you shall have everlasting life this is the message here did you get a thing did you get a bit so okay so he says the prophets in it so let's go to the Prophet that spoke at Habakkuk chapter 1 it's in all our servants on immortality verse 5 behold among the heathen and regard and wonder marvelously for I will worker work in your days which you will not believe that we'd be told you is the context right while recording from the right prophet first 12 are you not from everlasting our Lord my God my Holy One we shall not die oh wait jump over to chapter 2 and the Lord answered me verse 2 right this vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run the dread of it for this vision is yet are we there yet this vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not live though he Terry wait for it because it was surely come it will not tarry behold he saw which is lifted up is not up writing him but the just shall live she'll live shall live by his right the vision it'll tell me but at the appointed time have you heard anything maybe on television or maybe a book saying end times what have you heard if you heard about in times Oh destruction Wars earthquakes you know stuff like that but this book says at the end there's gonna be a vision that are coming to fulfillment that even if people try to describe it you plainly people struggle to believe this vision so have a cook what is this vision oh god you are from everlasting and we that will understand the vision and know that it is a point of time shall not die write the vision down but in your day have a cook it's gonna tear you but the appointed time when people start calling it in times there will be a group that ha God has planned no destruction for us God has planned no perishing for us God has never planned any corruption for us God has planned for us life everlasting come on man everlasting life we shall not die so Quivers why is it that people don't really believe this why is it that we don't really hear this missus and yes the revelation I already yes the revelation this thing hit me this week why is it that people don't believe this why is that we don't here listen to this Romans 10 verse 8 through 10 says this word of faith now remember why we're coming from in the beginning of our message this word of faith that we preached it's not difficult you don't have to go up to heaven to bring it down you don't have to go in hell to bring Christ up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you in your heart and in your mouth that if we are you ready if we believe in our heart that God raised Christ from the dead and confess with our mouth so there is the speaking if you say to this tree but there's the believing that that which I desire will come come come so it's got to get it there's gotta be the - age of sword you know so and believe and say confess Jesus is Lord he shall be saved but are you ready the revelation I'm can I drop it how shall they then here if there is no preacher I've tried once more if I believe and confess but why is it that we don't hear this stuff hell shall they hear if there's no preacher hell shall they preach if they are not sinned as the father has sent me so send I you if you forgive the people their sins they shall be forgiven but if you retained us in the st. Joe period since I've entertained so we got a responsibility to preach forgiveness of sin which means no more death which means life everlasting why is it that people didn't hear it because nobody preached it the more we preach it the more we'll hear it come over here at the wall believing the more believing the less dying at the appointed time the vision is gonna saw a ticket bunk don't bunk yeah I know wahoo forgive my terminologies in my vocabulary but you go to John the book of John man John you gotta read John for her work Saint John another garden one Saint one st. John you can choose any chapter but for right now we're just gonna do just the six but you could start writing verse one those that believe on him for me called sons of God he came unto his own they believed him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to comes out those that believed on his name they are they Birds not two bloods need to the flesh with our born of God who say they believe man the book of John is the greatest believing book of the whole Bible who I want to read John before I go to bed tonight a whole John I did yesterday I'll do it another time John chapter 6 Man Man Man Man I hope we can do everything here tonight verse 28 now Jesus has multiplied the bread and signs and wonders are happening and then they said what are we to do okay listen to the question church what are we to do because what kind of idiot to have more miracles cuz what can I do to have the power of God in my ministry because what can I do so that my church can grow coz what can I do Lord what can we do are you ready Martin Izzy are you ready Lord what can we do that we may be working the works of God are you here what can we do that we might be working in the works of God jesus replied this is the work that God asked of you now stop there for a minute stop there you gotta get this tonight man you gotta get this to run we are saved by grace through faith none of our self is the gift of work a gift of God not of works lest anybody should boast but unto good works now what is the good works that we are saved unto now here they come to Jesus then what must we work to work the works of God Jesus said this is the work that you must work I really this is the work that you must work it have you got the coal on me nothing yeah yes got it yeah you got it that this is the work that you believe in the one whom he has sent oh my goodness Jesus Jesus here what on earth oh yeah hey know what works preacher Saint Christian everybody wants to know forever what can I work what can I do to have God's blessing on my life what can I do to have the anointing on my life what can I do to also have miracles in my life sitting here's the work that you must do believe me you believed in God now believe in me if you believe in me John 14 the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father can I quote one more mark 16 go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature to them that believed these signs shall follow in my name they shall caused our demon speaking of the tongues lay hands on the sick they shall recover drink poison take up serpents nothing shall harm them okay to them that believe come on Sophie what can I do to get the science they have quoted three scriptures in a row the only thing you must do to get the power is believe in Jesus because I believe in Jesus y'all you believe in him as Savior you save and the only thing you've got in mind is if I die go to heaven Jesus didn't come to save you from hell to get you to heaven Jesus came to give you life sorry we've got a character sing in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus did not come to save you from hell to get you to heaven the Bible says Jesus came that you might have life and life more abundantly God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should have everlasting life he never mentioned the word death and never mentioned the word hell he's talking about life Jesus came to give you life but how idea of saved is if you want to list hell and go to heaven put up your hand that is not the invitation the invitation if you want to live and not die put up your hand you should have jumped up now saying take me take me John chapter 6 this is the work that you must work believe do you believe do you believe Jesus said while all things are possible to him that believeth explain it walking up to all those HIV crippled people there every Saturday and Sunday night woke up they if you look at this situation the waves you start fearing and you start sinking and the cripples don't walk but you look at them and you don't really see you see the unseen you're looking unto Jesus you believe in him okay let's go on verse 35 Jesus now talking to them that he's the bread they talked about Moses that gave them Brady's hit now Moses didn't give you the bread my my father gives you the true bread that comes down from heaven jesus replied I am the bread of life you got to read the book of John Jesus said I am the bread of so if you believe in me you die but afterwards you live again no it's funny that we never heard it why because they want a preacher preaching it now shall they believe if they don't hear how shall they hear if there's no preacher hey I'm preaching Adler's throw my jesus replied I am the bread of thank you my son there are preach it my son operation Lord Jesus reply on the bread off he who comes to me will never be hungry any believes in me believe believe believe believe Cleaves to me relies on Me will never thirst any more but as I told you although you have seen me still you do not believe me this is terrible man this is this is huh can't be true huh 48 I am the bread of life that gives life I am the living bread you're for fun you gotta listen to these three chapters verses your forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness and yet they died but this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that you so that any one may eat of it and never die first 51 says on this living bread that came down from heaven if anyone eats this bread he will live forever and the bread that I sow gives all life of the world is my flesh verse 58 this is the bread that came down from heaven it is not like the manna what happened to the men are eaters they died which our forefathers I didn't get died he takes this bread for his food shall live for ever whoa [Applause] Wow whoa [Applause] [Applause] sorry this thing is excited me so much that's why my voice sound like it last night when I started preaching this man now you know there's no no judges preaching but when I've got us in God's pot it's freaking me out freaked out man I said Lord is there more he says you want to ask you this more that's what the book is about why don't you just go read through John and you get the shock of your life if you just take two words in the book of John now take three words believe this in life in the Gospel of John man you're gonna write an essay and off oh man how I love to write essays yeah ah God has blessed me you know ah I was very good in school with mathematics mathematics and space thank you pleasure and especially science you know and we we had mathematics in our school as well as applied mathematics for those who were in school in those days and we had science and we had physics you know all in that direction physics science mathematics and Applied mechanics and mathematics yeah I loved it I loved I was good at it but there was something that I would do anything for that's to write essays man in the English and Afrikaans cloth I couldn't wait for sa time you know and then children you're gonna write an essay on man man I would go to pit them to you know Hanson you know I can still see their face I said alright USA if you do my math I did I did then I would write for five different essays on the same jet then the teacher would know the difference I didn't and I think that's why God is helping with preaching today I loved essays man I can take words and I play around and I write stories man I like I wonder why I don't read books mothers really wake up every time you eat I wonder if somebody would just go every time you eat no I'm just playing around with words that brother Aaron wrote a lot of year ago he said would you take a plate of food waited the Thanksgiving pray coming ever wondered she said whenever you eat this bread remember my body that was broken for you so when Jesus appeared he broke the bread and gave thanks and then they ate it and we have lost the art of Thanksgiving prayers at our meals and now we have sick people dying people weak people what will happen if we drive this word to the extreme I mean it's a word that has gained a lot of favor in nowadays extreme extreme sports extreme this extreme that x-games what about if we drive the word to an extreme and every time we sit down to eat we do something father thank you the food we are about to eat thank you for the body of Christ that was broken for us Wow amen right mmm life no death but of course wait wait wait wait wait there's some foods that really does your arm yeah I know what you eat can be killing you but Paul write to Timothy and said everything that is received with Thanksgiving his self holy will we drive it to that extreme and God made Adam to live forever but the age of the wrong tree and he died but it took him nearly thousand years to die and that thing that was you know going backwards but now start advancing again towaway mortality will take on in more where death will be swallowed up in life and those that are alive and remain so so who who who how shall they hear Eve know what he preaches don't rip the livin Lazarus he's now dead verse 9 jesus answered are there not twelve hours in the day anyone who walks about in the daytime does not stumble because he sees the light of the world but if anyone walks about in the night he does stumble because there is no light in him he said these things and then added our friend Lazarus is at rest or IP and sleeping but I'm going there that I'm awaking him out of sleep then as are bosons the Lord if he is sleeping he will recover however Jesus spoken of his death but they thought he referred to falling in a refreshing sleep so then Jesus told them hey Lazarus is dead are you ready for verse 15 are you ready for verse 15 and for your sake I am glad that I was not there it will help you to believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm glad for your sake that I was not there because it'll help you to believe the in Thomas it must be Thomas say it let's go that we might die too ha ha ha that's Thomas I mean imagine every time Thomas came close to Peter Peter said Thomas you just use the texting James you know Jimmy who's James you know James had a lot of faith you know James wrote about faith you know see Peter you know Peter struggled he was walking and sinking at the same time you know but James said man you could can have faith man so no Thomas PC GZ let's go Lazarus is dead Thomas let's go die - I know Christians like it so Jesus came to the tomb and Martha met him over there then Martha then said to Jesus master if you had been here my brother would not have died very clever and even now I know whatsoever remember mark 11 whatever you desire when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have it whatever you ask from God he will grant you Jesus it you brush your eyes again multiplied I know will arise in the resurrection that's where the church is today they believe that people will live in the resurrection Oh die now live later ok well anybody who can get that fly now pay later die now live later that's what it's just believing if you wanna die and go to heaven put up your hand if you died tonight where you gonna spend eternity that's not the question the question is do you want to live forever let's go on Jesus say to her I am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me although he may die not will die may die yet shall he live listen but whoever continues to live and believes in Me shall never die [Applause] no no no no shouting on the wrong full-stop next sentence listen shall he that belief shall never die at all . do you believe this [Applause] [Music] starting off recap we started over John chapter 14 you believed in God now also believe in me Jesus if the only spur to come will convict you of sin because you don't believe in me the wages of that sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish should not perish but have everlasting life remember 1st Corinthians 15 says the time will come when death the last enemy will be conquered and death will be swallowed up in life and corruption will put on incorruption and mortality will put on immortality you haven't heard corruption will put on in corruption in other words those that died will live again mortal means that which can die will put on immortality which men that which cannot die come I've just put a revelation in your mouth tonight the time will come when death will be swallowed up in life we shall not all die but we should always changed what will happen when do I change covers now the changing is not the mortality the changing is 1 John 3 we do not know what we shall be Hereafter but this we know that when he come we shall already be like him so some way they must come a change like a brother asked me last week do you mean we're just gonna continue and step into the next age well well if you believe in the Ice Age you can maybe stay within you know you can look like a squirrel [Laughter] whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive believing is receiving and you shall have them I'm just trying to put the power of believing back into the church ok Jesus said to the man with a little boy he came to Jesus if you can do anything help us Jesus if if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes in said Lord I believe the next man came his little daughter died jesus said don't fear only believe so the book says I'm gonna bring you a word and I don't know what could work and even if somebody describes it in detail you will struggle to believe it what is this word this word says at the appointed time the vision will break through we shall not die hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more 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Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritwordministries, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, no death, sermons on no death, porphet kobus, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles
Id: 7pFEjqJeiCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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