Let Women Do The Choosing!

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be let women do the choosing well when it comes to dating and relationships I say especially when it comes to relationships commitments marriage becoming her boyfriend those kinds of things that's the woman's department and if you can follow my work for a while you realize that a lot of what I teach is probably counterintuitive and in a lot of cases the exact opposite of either what you've been taught or what you think you should do here's the thing that I've learned over the last decade and a half of studying this and interviewing thousands of women coaching thousands of people over the years and obviously all the relationships and interactions that I've had in my own life and that is it as far as a guy goes the best thing you can focus on is the courtship dating just simply making the next date either if you haven't heard from her you call her you set up a date and you say you're two three four weeks into the courtship by that point if you've done everything right she's going to be calling you and texting you maybe every day or maybe every other day at that point and when she is and you just simply make the next date because that's the whole reason why she is contacting you is basically to push things along because her interest love was going up and she feels good about things and she wants to be closer to you and plus you're letting her come to you at her own pace because like I talked about in my article when you chase her was it we chase women chasing women guarantees rejection is like we could understand it's like the dynamic of how little girls get love from their fathers and I wrote an article just about that where I talk about how little girls they go when they feel unsure in themselves or they stub their knee or maybe they feel sad or a boy was mean to them in school they come and they sit in daddy's lap and they sit and talk to him and daddy makes him feel all better he's the rock he's the mountain he's the source of emotional strength and love and he's always there he doesn't chase her or go run around you saying please show me affection please love me because I'm your father he's just who he is going about his life and when she needs love and reassurance she goes and sits at his lap and she says daddy and as she grows up and she gets older and obviously when she becomes an adult and starts interacting with men in a romantic sense it's the same thing she goes about her life and then she realized why I haven't heard from I miss him I wonder what he's doing and women plan this woman's scheme this it's it's really cool but it's like years ago when I was really unsuccessful it's like I thought like most guys things I have to do something I have to say something I got to call her I got to send her an email I got to try to make a laughing I do all these things try and facilitate it and that's the thing that boggles a lot of guys Minds especially guys that I coached it just like I can't believe how damn easy this stuff is because really once you learn the basics you don't have to do a whole hell of a lot as a guy you just simply set up the next date make sure she doesn't know what's going to happen because obviously you want to be a surprise and you want it to be mysterious but it's it's really cool to listen in on conversations with women or in you some of the women and I coach how they're like scheming to to capture guys I mean if you just just recently one of the one of the beauty queens I forgot she won I forget what state it was but she's just absolutely stunning and when she was was talking on stage I could star in the pageant or whatever she says Oh Aaron Rodgers give me a call and Aaron Rodgers obviously if you follow football is the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers is really good-looking dude you want a Super Bowl he's been into Super Bowls and he's a stud he's successful and she's a beautiful gorgeous woman who can pretty much have any guy that she wants and what does she do hey Aaron Rodgers give me a call well I just saw just the other day that she was singing the national anthem I think at a basketball game and he showed up at the game and obviously this is probably about a month or it's been at least I guess a month since she said that publicly you know Aaron Rodgers gave me a call but this is what they do this is how women are it's like they see a guy they like and I mean think about it they're the ones putting on the the war paint the finger and getting their fingernails done getting their hair done buying the dress is you know getting the perfume that smells like cotton candy so you notice I mean the whole idea is to pull you into her world so she gets what she wants and women are set up to physically get our attention and when you understand that you understand the dynamic of how they interact with their fathers when they're little girls they still do the same thing when they become adults with their fathers but the same way for men and relationships because again women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and so her she basically said hey Aaron Rodgers I like you and just left it up to Aaron Rodgers to make something happen and so he happened to be in the same city or whatever who knows maybe the reps arranged it but the bottom line is they finally got to meet because she got what she wanted obviously she's beautiful you know if I was him I was you know and I had the ability to move hell yeah I would have met her you know girl like that doing that you know I get these things happen to me over the Internet or like over the course of you know several years of dating and you're having experience being on television and stuff like that and seeing how women are it's like if women perceive you to be a catch if they perceive you to be a guy who's very successful with women and who can pretty much get any girl that he wants women are going to go out of their way they're going to do things like that when they're on national television say hey give me a call that's how they that's how they do it that's how they facilitate getting us to go wow it's girly pretty I better do something about this as it you know and then you start dating him you start courting them and like I said you set a date you have to have a great date and as long as you do everything right usually a day or two later they're going to text you tell you what a great time they had and obviously they're hoping that you're you had a good time too and that you'll call them and you'll take them out on the next date now a problem is we're you know us guys is because society and tradition is drilled into us that the men need to do everything in the courtship that women should ignore the phone calls and all that crap but it's counterintuitive it's against our natural nature I mean even look some of the old movies like that movie It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Rita that was made like 1939 1940 and while I love about the older movies is they actually present Ark types of men and women of how they actually act in the real world not just that they show us on TV and the movies all nowadays where men are feminized and touch with their feelings and act like a bunch of women and the women act like men and the problem with that kind of media is it conditions our children to think that that's the way to show up an act as opposed to the way men and women were portrayed in the movies back in the early days and in the movie It's a Wonderful Life Donna Reed go I mean she's she plans on how to get Jimmy Stewart over to her house so he can come and call on her she's obviously talking other women in neighborhood she's talking to his mother obviously and his mother and their housekeeper is also trying to arrange getting these two together and he's just going about his life not really I got time for there's some you know I'm gonna shake the you know the shitty dust off my heels from this crappy town I'm gonna go see the world he's like I don't want nothing to do with some pretty little girl trying to get me to settle down and get married and you know bottom eyes he goes over her house and she's looking really awesome she smells really good she even did this painting for him it's like her little it's like her little web that she's weaved and he shows up and what happens I mean he kisses her he makes out of there you can tell himself and they end up getting married and they live happily ever after that's how it's basically supposed to work and I got an email here from a guy who he's written me once before and I pointed out a lot of things that he was doing wrong but what's interesting about this email is because even still you guys learn what they should do it's it's a struggle because you're going to have that old programming and then old conditioning in your head always trying to overrule what you're doing and it's not until you master this stuff to where you become very successful at it just because you've had several great relationships or you've had one great relationship for an extended period of time then you lose your fear of women you you stop coming from a place where your negative thoughts and limitations are hindering your progress so he says thanks so much for your thorough analysis of my wussy like behavior I do know personally that I have been so needy and rushing things with all the girls I have known I've been trying my best to get rid of my neediness and now I could say I'm improving another girl I have is now the one doing all the pursuing I met her like a month and a half ago the first thing she asked me is if I have a girlfriend I teased her on that and say I still have room for one more that's a great comeback as a matter of fact I mentioned that comeback and an article I wrote the best comebacks ever you can google that you'll find it we'll also put a link on the the page here he says later she told me that she's not into any relationships I would say translation she's saying basically dude slow your roll we haven't even met yet and because that's one of this guy's problem he's always trying to find out where he stands with her does she like me am I gonna is she going to become my girlfriend she has been all over me both on the phone in the chatting room I like her so much because she is open outpouring and fun to be with which the other goal lacked with what I am getting from her I could say she's into me save for the fact that we haven't seen each other because of her tight schedule and the distance between the two of us here's I want to point out is it dude you're not paying attention to reality if this girl really liked you she would have set a date I mean the bottom line is you don't even know if you like this girl because you haven't been around or yet in person so ideally you just want to set a date to meet for a drink and hang out and if it goes well maybe you can turn into dinner but at some point you're going to have to meet her and just putting all your eggs in one basket with this particular girl who you haven't even met yet it's not a good idea you're just setting yourself up for more disappointment and heartache he said I would like to do something to know if she is really into me and to know if I am wasting my time with her or not again the best way set a date if she likes you she'll make a date with you and if she doesn't she'll come up with excuses that her schedules too busy or you're too far apart I mean if that's the case and it's like there's no point in talking doors like well hey give me a call when you know you're gonna be in this area or give me a call if you want to come and visit I love to meet you simple as that if she's unwilling to travel or make a date then you need to move on to somebody who is available preferably somebody lives in the same city or lives close to you so you can actually physically be around them he says I want to come straight out and tell her that I wasn't the best guy out there but if she's looking for a guy that would take good care of her and make her happy all the time and be there for her then I could be her man doing this to me would let me know if she's really into me or not I think and would make me avoid the pain of investing too much on her like the others that I want to do before I meet her just to avoid getting come getting hung up on her it's like you're basically telling me you you want to talk hey will you be my girlfriend and she'll say yes okay great well let's go out on our first date I mean here's the bottom line dude the courtship and going out on dates comes before the relationship it comes before the commitment it comes before marriage and that's what you're talking about relationships and commitment eyes again even on a day so you've been around this person physically you might not like her Oh sink recedes and the quarks of her personality and here you are talking about relationship well you try to get this girl to commit to be your girlfriend before you even meet her I mean that's asinine I mean you've tried this plan in the past I mean I mean it's never worked for you in the past so why on earth when this girl at least as you say she's calling you and blowing up your phone and that was never happening in the past and now that's happening so I was like why would you want to go back to an old strategy that never worked in the past the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result and he says girls from here are trained and brought up to look up to a man to talk them into exclusivity in relationships and they never reveal their true attend intentions or attractions upfront for a man I mean duh I mean this is your own culture you're telling me this that in your culture women chase men and it's up to them to get them into a relationship and yet you're trying to ask this girl to be your girlfriend when you have gone on a date with her it's like do what you're doing is you're acting like a woman that's why women are getting turned off and blowing you off it's because they want to a man who acts like a man not a man who acts like a woman is time trying to corral him into a relationship when you have you met in person it's crazy you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 267,793
Rating: 4.8502674 out of 5
Keywords: Let, Women, Do, The, Choosing
Id: DlVdXfm-6iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2012
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